Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Duelo—June 4—Still no Tonkey but Catfights galore; Max gets more screen time dead than Alive.

On the open—Dra. Loca walks in on Alfonsina visiting Don Loco in jail and saying she’ll do whatever to help him because she loves him. DL also secures her help in finding out about the secret of THE BOX from Hugo. Dra. Loca seethes with jealousy and accuses him of making women fall in love with him to do his bidding. Don Loco says that Alfonsina is just an employee at his canefield but Dra. Loca isn’t buying the explanation. She tells him she’ll see him in court shortly. DL shakes his head as she stalks out as if to say “Women!...”

In Mexico City, a nearly recovered Mariana is gathering up her things for her trip to Veracruz, supposedly to set her brother DL straight on basically the entire misunderstanding upon which this novela is based. She is completely able to communicate and now only needs a walker to get around. Malena and Ricardo are going with her.

In Puebla, the SA is getting Emilito from Thelma and begging her to let her know when the dinner with Rodrigo is coming off. She has a pretty boring life now and she’s soooo excited for this dinner party to happen. Thelma shooshes her away and as she leaves the maid comes in to announce that there is a visitor for the master of the house…It’s Coral. Thelma immediately flies in to a rage and starts screaming at Coral to leave—she got rid of Alina and now she’ll get rid of her too. [She calls her a “golfo.” I couldn’t find any slang term and I’m sure it doesn’t mean “gulf.”] Thelma slaps Coral and jumps on top of her. Emilio shows up and grabs Thelma off of her. He asks Coral why she came over, Angel already told him that she doesn’t want to see him. Coral says basically the same thing—that she doesn’t want Emilio to come over. Supposedly, because she’s still smarting over him dumping her but really because she doesn’t want him to discover that Alina’s not only alive and well but staying at her house. After Coral states her case, Emilio promises not to go to her house and quickly leaves the room. Coral sadly reminisces that he is one of her oldest friends. She leaves.

Over at the courthouse Elias is making his formal declaration. He affirms the charge that Alvaro imprisoned his wife plus he adds the charge that he tried to have him killed so that he wouldn’t testify. Dra. Loca is there, wearing her sexy librarian glasses and she looks surprised by this assertion. DL shakes his head as if to say, “Damn those incompetents! You outta be dead!”
Back in Sierra Escondida, at la Rinconada, a law enforcement official is trying to get a description of Luba from Jaime, Vera and ifigenio. “Dark skinned, Big, eyes, full of evil.” The official asks them how they knew (1) that the bottle was hers and (2) that it contained poison. They got nothing…mostly they say that they swear that is what happened. Despite the lame-o description the sketch artist comes up with a reasonable likeness. They’ll use it to try to find her, starting with the neighboring town of San Mateo.

At the courthouse, DL’s sleazy lawyer is now present for the questioning. DL starts shouting at Elias that he’s Soledad’s lover…yaddah yaddah yaddah. You know the bit. Elias gets ticked off and walks around the barrier to get up close and personal to DL’s cage and starts yelling back that he always respected their marriage and that this idea that he had an affair with Soledad is a figment of his sick imagination. The judge intervenes to get them both to knock it off. Elias calms down but repeats that he didn’t chase Soledad after she married Alvaro. At this point, the impartial and professional Dr. Aida Loca pipes up that she saw Elias and Soledad eating together at a restaurant. Elias says that they are friends, and only that. The sleazy lawyer says its true that he was a suitor of hers. Elias says that was before she was married. “So you don’t love her now?” he asks and nastily says to Elias to remember he’s under oath. Elias looks uncomfortable.
Over at the jail, Alina is talking to her Mom behind bars, trying to give her courage. She tells her that elias’ lawyer says that she has a good case for getting out on bail…if there are no complications…like if someone finds out that Max was going to testify on behalf of DL. They go on to have a metaphysical discussion about love and suffering. Soledad says that she once thought that in order to love, you had to suffer but now she knows better. Alina says that she learned the same thing and she hopes that both of them get the chance to put their experiences into practice when they are able to love again.

The sleazy lawyer is triumphant that Elias will not say that he does not love Soledad. He goes on to accuse him of showing up in SE just to steal Soledad and kill DL. Elias gets a baffled look on his face. Dra. Loca smirks at him too. Sleazy lawyer refers to Soledad already being a known adulteress since she had a kid with Jose, the foreman. Elias complains that that still hasn’t been proven and that Soledad never cheated on him that that whole story was created in DL’s own sick mind. DL starts shouting all over again. The judge tells him to stuff it. Elias goes on to accuse him of trying to kill him various times and also trying to kill Captain Emilio Valtierra a couple of times. Don loco bares his teeth at him, like a caged animal.
Meanwhile, Rodrigo is coordinating the bail with Elias’ attorney, for the release of Soledad. Alina walks up and he tells her the good news. Rodrigo wants to know if Max Valtierra was a relative of Emilio Valtierra. Alina shyly admits this. Rodrigo tells her that he has to inform Emilio, although he will try to keep her out of it.

Back at the hearing room—the charges are being read and they are a mess! Alvaro Montellano is being accused of the attempted murder of Elias and Emilio and the wrongful imprisonment of Soledad and alina, his non-daughter. Meanwhile, Alvaro Montellano is accusing Elias and Soledad of adultery. The prosecutor tells the judge that he is moving forward with the demand to have Alina’s DNA tested, to establish whether she was or wasn’t his daughter. DL’s sleazy lawyer starts protesting but DL pulls him aside and says he’s ready to have her DNA tested. He says it is because he thinks it looks bad to deny having the test done. He’s sure it will come up negative. Just then, the sleazy lawyer gets handed a note and tells DL not to agree to anything just yet—there is breaking news! Soledad just murdered one of DL’s key witnesses so that he couldn’t testify on behalf of DL. Elias is furious and says that he has mischaracterized the whole episode. DL is impactado at the news. Sleazy Lawyer continues with more innuendo about Soledad the murderess. He accuses Elias of having been in on it. Elias explains that it was self-defense, that Soledad killed max when, taking advantage of DL being in jail, he tried to rape her. DL shakes his head it’s not clear why--because he can’t believe that max would try to rape Soledad or because he’s ticked that he would.

Rodrigo and Alina are talking about her Mother’s case. She begs him to explain to Emilio how it came about that Max got killed. She doesn’t want Emilio to think badly of her mother. [I guess she doesn’t know about Emilio tossing Max out on his well padded butt.] Rodrigo tells her not to worry, there were witnesses to the whole incident. He stands up and says, in a voice that betrays his discomfort, that Alina obviously cares a lot about Emilio thinks. Alina looks uncomfortable herself.

At Emilio’ house, Angel and Emilio are having a discussion about Coral’s visit. Emilio is feeling bad about the way he left things with Coral, and how badly Thelma treated her and he doesn’t care about what Thelma thinks.
DL is shouting about the death of Max that his trying to rape Soledad must be a lie. Elias goes on the offensive again and tells him that Max was a big phony, pretending to be his friend. There were witnesses to the attempted rape, Coral and Adela saw it and Coral got beaten up. [Actually, I don’t think Adela saw anything, she showed up after Max was a kabob on the carpet.] Sleazy Lawyer complains that none of these circumstances matter. The judge says that regardless, he wants to clarify the facts in that case. They will resume the hearing tomorrow with the testimony of Captain Valtierra.
Captain Valtierra is also the subject under discussion between Alina and Rodrigo. Rodrigo wants to know why his opinion matters so much to her. Alina still doesn’t want to talk about it. She tells him to have patience until all these complications work themselves out. Rodrigo sighs and agrees to let it go, for now. She tells him to under no circumstances mention her. Rodrigo agrees to this and says before he speaks to Emilio, he’ll take her home.
Emilio and Angel are still wrangling over the Coral incident. Emilio wants to see Coral again to put things right but Angel talks him out of it. Out of respect for their old friendship he should do as she asks and leave her alone.
In a hotel room in Puebla, Hugo is counting money in a suitcase—his ill gotten gains from DL and Sleazy Lawyer in advance of his testimony. He’s gleeful over having squeezed DL for all this cash plus, having done it in such a way as to not have to have split the money with Alfonsina. After he counts the money, he locks the suitcase and puts it in a desk drawer.
Next, we see Alfonsina, who by the way looks clownish in her campesina outfit in the middle of a modern, urban city, accosting Sleazy Lawyer as he’s leaving the jail after the hearing. She asks him how DL is doing, if he will get out soon, etc. SL is in a big hurry and tries to give her the brush off. Finally she asks him if he knows where Hugo is staying. He gives her directions to his hotel.
Inside the jail, DL is with his babe psychologist, Dra. Loca. She gives him a sedative since he’s all upset with the morning’s revelations. He can’t believe that Soledad killed Max. He’s starting to remember all the times that Max ran Soledad down to him, winding him up, getting him angrier about her deceiving him. All the time, Max was just trying to get into Soledad’s pants. Dra. Loca unhelpfully suggests that maybe Max got the idea of trying to sleep with Soledad because he already knew she was an adulteress. Don Loco truthfully answers that Max had no firsthand knowledge of Soledad’s transgressions. “He only knew what I told him.” On top of that, Max had decided to manipulate him “by throwing wood into the fire.” Dopey Dra. Loca tells him that “just because Max was a liar, it doesn’t mean that Soledad didn’t cheat on you.” She confesses that at First, she thought that Soledad’s cheating had just been a figment of DL’s celotipia illness. BUT NOW she really believes Soledad is a cheatin’ hussy ‘cause she saw Soledad eating at a restaurant with Elias. “And when I confronted them, they didn’t want to answer me.” [Yeah, that about proves that they are lovers…like it proves you are an impartial professional.] DL seems startled by this news and starts walking around the room and mumbling to himself.

Meanwhile, back at Coral’s swanky pad, Alina has arrived and talks to Adela about all the circumstances surrounding Max’s death. Alina has faith in the law, that Solead will be released. Adela is a bit more worried. Alina relates her visit with her Mom in jail.
Back to Dra. Loca’s conversation with Don Loco. Loca actually accuses him of being in love with his wife, Soledad. DL answers that he no longer knows what he feels toward her. She was his wife for so many years. “The best years of my life” he adds. Suddenly she’s got tears running down her face. DL notices this and confronts her about her feelings for him. He gets all poetic about how life isn’t black and white, there are darknesses of the soul. He grabs her face and almost kisses her. Instead, he caresses her face. Blech!

In San Mateo, Gaspar is having his daily beating, I mean training, with the mighty morphin power rangers while Luba looks on frantically. When he’s done, she cries and tells him she has to go back to Sierra Escondida to protect the secret of the BOX.
At this exact moment, Vera, Jaime and Ifigenio and the official are in Luba’s cave looking for her. Ifigenio leans against a stone and it moves which freaks them all out and gets them thinking that the rocks might collapse and trap them inside. They leave. Ifigenio’s movement has slightly opened THE BOX’s hiding place and it glows like the embers in a fireplace with the witchy music playing.
Next, we move on to Veracruz where Mariana and her small entourage have arrived. They inquire as to the whereabouts of Alfonsina and Hugo but the little boy who has been left in charge, apparently says they are gone, to Puebla. He lets fly with the story about how Don Loco is in jail and Hugo has gone there at the request of DL’s lawyer to testify on his behalf. Mariana is impactada.
In Puebla, Soledad is still behind bars, talking to Elias. Elias explains to her what happened in court and how DL and his sleazy lawyer are trying to make hay out of Max’s death. Although Soledad should have been granted bail, it looks like the process has been slowed down and she will have to spend another night in jail. She is unhappy about that but she’s unhappier still about the prospect of having Emilio know that she killed Max. She recalls that accused him of raping Alina and she treated him very badly.
Meanwhile, the Valtierra family are eating dinner at home. Angel announces that his doctor says he is doing better. Just then, the doorbell rings. The SA jumps up to get it. It’s Rodrigo of course who tells everyone about Max’s death at the hands of Soledad. The SA clutches her heart. Everybody is impactado into the commercial, which features a transition with Max smoking a cigarillo and looking grim in a spooky lighting.

SA is weeping, the rest of them concentrate on calming her down. She cries that Soledad must pay for her crime.
Mariana is still impactada over the little boy’s [whose name is Tito] announcement that Alvaro is in jail. Malena for one is glad that he must pay for his crimes. Mariana knows that she has important information for this trial. She wants to go to Puebla.

SA is still blubbering. Rodrigo explains the whole self defense-rape thing. SA isn’t buying it. Emilio and Angel look pensive. Thelma drags the SA off.

Luba and Gaspar have a staring contest about whether she will go back to SE.
Angel and Emilio are still reeling from this news about Max. Angel says he’s sorry to say, but he knows that this isn’t the first time Max has done something like this. Even in the case of his illegitimate son. Emilio remarks that “the poor lady must be very upset.” In the background, Thelma slips in. Rodrigo mentions that Soledad is still in Jail. Angel says he’ll testify that his uncle was a bad guy who abused women. Emilio agrees that they will have to do what they can to help her. Rodrigo apologizes that the dinner party she is planning will have to be put off. Thelma agrees, no problem. Rodrigo starts to say that his friend is very excited about the prospect of the dinner party, but Thelma cuts him off so that he can’t mention that her name is Alina in front of Emilio. Rodrigo leaves. He’s quickly followed by Emilio who wants to go see Soledad. Thelma looks thoughtful. Max had a lot of her secrets. Now he’s dead. That’s not a bad thing in her world.

Back in the Jail, Don Loco is torturing himself with orange flashbacks of Max revving him up over Soledad’s supposed cheating. Why, he almost killed Soledad because of that jerk. Just then, Sleazy Lawyer walks up to his cell and brief him on Soledad’s case. She’s in the clear because there were witnesses present who saw him try to assault her. DL isn’t too sorry to see Max dead. He would have liked to kill him himself. The Sleazy Lawyer is bumming because Max was going to be a great witness. At least they still hold the Ace up their sleeve of Hugo, who apparently was quite happy with his “advance.” Don Loco rolls his eyes.

Speaking of Hugo, we are treated to a shot of him walking from his hotel room to the lobby where he requests the use of a safe to store his valuables. The manager takes him to the vault. Meanwhile, Alfonsina is stalking him, determined to get some of the money. She peers around the corner and thought bubbles that it will be hard to get her share but she’ll find a way.
Dra. Aida Loca and her creepy looking fiancé are sitting at a table in her apartment. She’s crying some more as she confesses that DL has detected that she’s sympathetic to him and she’s afraid he’s playing her. Mauricio helpfully points out that “that’s what happens when you lose your objectivity” and “you’ve gotten too involved.” Dra. Loca apologizes for not having listened to him before. He says it’s OK, he gets up and kisses her and tells her that he’ll always be there to support her.

Over at Rodrigo’s apartment, his daughter Gabby is doing some homework on her bed, with the Housekeeper sitting beside her. The housekeeper has a little chat with her about not being selfish and letting her Dad have a life. At first she resists the topic but the housekeeper explains that when she is older, she’ll be going out with friends, then getting married and having her own house and her dad will be aw awone. That wouldn’t be fair to him would it? He deserves to have a young hottie to keep him company.

Rodrigo is with Alina at the moment, relating to her that Emilio seemed to take the news of his Uncle’s death well and has actually volunteered to help Soledad. Alina seems buoyed by this news.

Emilio himself is walking down the corridor s of the Puebla jail to see Soledad. Soledad is contrite about Max’s death. Emilio said not to worry, his uncle was a dirty hypocrite. She then apologizes for misjudging his involvement with her daughter. Emilio says no worries there either. Soledad slips up and says that Alina explained it all to her anyway. Emilio is puzzled. How could Alina have explained it if she is dead?

Soledad will have to give a creative answer like, Alina came and told her in a dream or vision or something.


Destilando Amor, Mon 6/4: Christmas in June

I had thought all the good stuff was going to happen on Friday, and then I'd get a nice lightweight episode that'd be quick and easy to do. Instead I got this great big juicy thing. I'm not your usual person and this isn't my usual night or novela, so I hope I did it justice. Here goes nothin'.

Guess who's coming to dinner?

Dani says "Rodrigo, you can't leave yet - my boyfriend Elvis just showed up and I want to introduce him." Rodrigo agrees to stay a bit longer. Aaron says the name Elvis sounds artistic and some other word I don't get. Sofie is excited to meet her little sister's new boyfriend.

"Family, this is my novio, Elvis Perez." Dani opens the door for the big reveal.

Rodrigo sits down, still beaming, looking a little curious. Videgaray looks like he was taken by surprise, but recovers and smiles welcomingly. Bruno stares blankly. Aaron squints and stretches his neck for a better look. Sofie looks either disgusted or consumed by a secret lust - I can't tell which. Fedra manages a sarcastic smile, but is shaking her head. Minerva blinks slowly, clearly appalled but maybe grateful it's not Lluvia again.

Dani runs into Elvis's arms as he merrily greets the family.

After the servants pick the family members' jaws up off the floor, wipe them off and return them to their owners, Aaron finally takes Minnie's hand and approaches, trying to be cool. "Elvis Perez? Sounds cultured and refined." He and Minnie sit down on the sofa. Minnie looks like she is meeting the royal ambassador of the pod-people from planet Neptune.

Dani introduces her grandmother. "Grandma, man!" He kisses Pilar on the cheek and says he always wanted a grandmother. (Pilar looks surprised, but no more so than usual. She doesn't make eye contact.) He tells her his own grandmother died when he was born. He adds, "the poor thing had to die when she met me!" Rod, Dani, and Videgaray laugh at the joke. The rest of them are still freaked out by the fact that he's black and not wearing a necktie.

Bruno seems to warm up to him a bit when he asks about the tequila business. They offer him some tequila. Dani (why Dani? can't he speak for himself?) says Elvis doesn't drink alcohol, but he likes coffee. "I like it really black," he jokes. This seems to loosen them up some more. Roddy hugs Pilar, who still seems catatonic.

Dani asks if she didn't tell them he was great. Sofie still has that creepy look on her face like she's either having a hot sexual fantasy about him or throwing up in her mouth. "Oh, I see... you're bothered by his color," Dani says. Fedra cocks her head but keeps that cold tight little smile, like it's killing her that she doesn't have a snappy comeback.

"My color is the only serious thing about me!" Elvis laughs. Pilar is more stone-faced than ever. With forced casualness, Sofie asks Elvis where he's from. Dani answers that he's from Veracruz, but moved to New York when he was very little. (I don't get it - obviously Elvis can talk, so why doesn't she let him answer questions?) Aaron asks, "And who let you leave?" Elvis shoots back a friendly retort that I don't get. Something about being able to make good jokes. Minnie continues to look uncomfortable.

Rod gets up and wishes everyone a good Christmas Eve. Sofie asks him to give Isadora a kiss for her. Oh, I could laugh for several minutes about that one, but I need to finish this recap.

"I think I made a good impression on your family," Elvis tells Dani. Pilar watches them out of the corner of her eye. "Don't doubt it, hot stuff," Dani tells him.

Rod stands outside his car, debating whether to go home. He remembers where Gavi is.

You can dress her up, but you can't take her out

Gaviota, Clarita, and Eduardo are seated at the party, and Gavi orders tequilas Immediately, Eduardo gets a phone call and excuses himself, leaving the two women at a table full of strangers. Clarita confides that she hopes Eduardo's tequila is as good as the Montalvo stuff she had back at the house with Rod. Gavi asks her not to mention that name tonight. Gavi doesn't even want to be there. She says after midnight, they're out of there.

A band that I don't recognize plays. Mom tells Gavi that Eduardo's tequila isn't too bad. She reaches for another sip, and Gavi warns her to slow down. Suddenly Mom is grumpy. She say's they're going to have a toast. Know why? 'Cuz even surrounded by so many people, they're alone. Like always. Why? Because of love.

Clarita begins singing about lost love. She gets up and starts to wander around aimlessly, a la Admiral Stockdale at the 1992 vice-presidential debate. Except he wasn't drunk or singing. (Might have looked better if he had.) Gavi leds her back to the table and they laugh and hug. Eduardo asks Gavi to dance, but she turns him down. He wants to know why. "It's not my day," she answers. She says she doesn't want to be a party-pooper and doesn't feel like socializing with his friends. She's going to leave at 12.

Eduardo wants to know what's up. Gavi takes a big gulp of tequila and says she feels like killing herself. "Sure... in the arms of Rodrigo!" Clarita blurts.

"Mariana, are you in love with Rodrigo Montalvo?!" Gavi is speechless. She says she doesn't want to discuss her personal life. Clarita continues singing. Gavi tells her she needs a big cup of high-octane coffee. Clarita whines. Eduardo says it's Christmas Eve, and they're gonna drink. Clarita snatches a bottle from a passing waiter and beings pouring.

Later, Mom is grocery-shopping at the buffet table, staggering around with a plate heaped high with what looks like meat and dinner rolls. Gavi chides her and follows with a much emptier-looking plate. Eduardo asks if she's on a diet. Clarita asks the punch guy for a "punchecito." (If I didn't have to get up for work tomorrow, I'd take more time with this and keep a tally of her drinking because I think she's going to set a record by the end of the night.) Gavi tells her to slow down, but Clarita encourages her to try the yummy punch. Gavi tells her to be careful with the drinks - they're treacherous. Just like men. Clarita drinks and laughs. Gavi shakes her head at the punch guy and tells him no. She leads her mother back to their table. Eduardo gazes lustfully after her.

(To be honest, Clarita seems only slightly daffier than usual - we're just not used to seeing her out in public.)

Fireworks light up the sky. Clarita runs to the window, babbling happily. She wants to do another toast and tries again to get Gavi to try the punch. Eduardo brings them three glasses of champagne and reminds them it's almost midnight... guess what they're going to do... another toast. There is crying. Clarita wants to talk about Gavi being in love with Rodrigo. Gavi starts getting into it. Eduardo wants to dance again. She says no. Clarita sez if you don't, I will. Gavi leads her back to their table. "Sit down and behave yourself, please." "I'll hold your seat!" Clarita promises.

Gavi cautiously dances with Eduardo, keeping a discreet distance. I'm sure I'm supposed to recognize this band, sorry. Eduardo keeps trying to get closer. Roddy cuts in and basically drags her away. Ed looks on curiously.

Isadora's Christmas Surprise

Isadora's parents are visiting. She's wearing a dress the color of a bright yellow highlighter. I think we can cross this off the list of colors that she'd look good in. So far, it appears that taupe may be her best bet.

Izzy asks her dad to open the wine and let it rest. He looks at the label and praises it. She says it's her husband's favorite wine. She says he has good taste in beverages. "In women too," her father says. "He picked you!" Isa's mom gives a creepy smile. I can't tell if it's supposed to look creepy, or if that's just her face.

Isadora brings them to the dinner table. Mom suggests calling Rod. The doorbell rings, and Isa says that must be him. (Doubt it. I don't even ring the doorbell at my parents' house.) It's the creepy neighbor Francisco, bringing Christmas greetings and a bottle of champagne. She invites him to have dinner with them. He says c'est magnifique. Isadora feels sparks.

At the hacienda

Mr. James is dining with Roman, Ofelia, Hilario, and Sanreallywannarealbad. He says they're like his family. Roman says they're honored to have him there. Ofelia asks baby Jesus for great health and love, care for Rodrigo's family, and for Mr. James to feel better about Acacia. James thanks them.

Sanwanna says, "don't you have something to ask, Hilario?" Hilario's like, oh right. "I'll ask him to make me a better person, a better worker, a better son... and a good husband. If you'll marry me?" Sanwanna acts all suprised. "Did you say let's get married?" Yeah I want you to be the mother of my kids, he says, with forced sincerity. "As far as I'm concerned, we can get married tomorrow!" she answers. James jumps up for a toast. There is much rejoicing... but Ofelia is pensive.

After midnight

Minnie and Aaron are dancing. Minnie promises that this is the last Christmas they spend without a child. Next time, he'll be a dad.

Next, there are hugs and kisses from Bruno and Fedra. Bruno makes speech - Merry Christmas, so glad we got to spend this Christmas Eve together, because who knows, maybe this will be the last. Fedra - don't be silly, we've got plenty more to go. Aaron boasts that life goes on, and they Bruno hasn't seen anything yet.

Bruno wants to know more about Aaron's jet. Did he rent it? Aaron dodges this, says yes officially he rented it, but it's really his. Pilar butts in with her own burning issue: Elvis was giving her kisses and she didn't know how to get away from him. Elvis rushes up to her and wants more kisses. He says he's her precious black one. She turns to face him, and he kisses her on each cheek. He keeps calling her Grandma. She keeps looking over his shoulder, perhaps hoping for a rescue. No rescue occurs. Everyone is laughing now, even Sofie. I don't think I've ever seen her laugh before!

Back at the tequila party, Gavi and Roddy are arguing in a steamy way out in the garden. He complains that htis is the worst Christmas ever and the new year is going to be even worse. Plus, she's going to go to hell with all those lovers of hers. She slaps him. He says he can't stand the way they look at her, give her cards, smile and flirt with her. He can't stand that she would smile at anyone else. Only him. She's the only woman who was born for him, the only one he can love. Since she left his life it's been hell. All this time he's been staking out her apartment, snooping through her things, listening to her conversations, all he wants is for her to come back to him, he wants to give her his life and she denies him.

She reminds him that it's been no picnic for her either, all these nights thinking about him, imagining him with Isadora. She's living in a worse hell than he is. She hasn't looked at anyone else the way she looks at him. As much as she tries, she can't live without him.

R: What do I have to do for you to be with me? My life is controlled by yours. I'm forever condemned. I love you, Gaviota. I love you.
G: I love you too. I love you.

There is some serious kissing. No lazy Aldo kisses here.

(Back home, Isa's mad that Roddy isn't answering his phone. Dad is sure he'll be here when they least expect it. Francisco says he hopes Rod won't be upset that he had dinner with them. Isa tells them all to dig in and thought-bubbles where the #$@! is Rodrigo.)

Rodrigo is spinning Gavi around and saying he'll finally have a good Christmas. Gavi says too bad it's going to be so short - he needs to go home. He doesn't want to. (Clarita spies from afar, hiccuping. "Ah, el amor.") Gavi tells him his wife is waiting. It'd be rough on her not to have him at her side on a day like this. She thinks maybe the drinks have made them say things, and tomorrow everything will be different. He doesn't think they'll ever be able to relive the wonder of this moment.

The music comes up again. He wants them to dance. She says no, but then he asks if she'd rather he left. No? Then let's dance. It's Christmas. Let's give ourselves a gift. Kiss, hug, dance.

Back at the Montalvo party, Granny wonders if Dani really is in love with "that muchacho." Sofie isn't sure and wonders if Dani only brought him over to mess with them. Granny thinks they should talk to her soon - this relationship must not go forward!

Aaron gets call and excuses himself. Dani plays music that's too loud. Granny suggests calling Isadora to wish that party a Merry Christmas. Sofie says they'd better do it in a quieter room. Minnie goes along for the exercise, I guess.

Aaron is on the phone with Pamela. She's mad that he didn't call her at midnight. She's eager to be with him. He reminds her that they agreed to wait till after the holidays; be patient, and time will pass quickly. (Granny, Minnie, and Sofie walk in.) "I promise we won't be far apart. Go to bed, and I'll call you tomorrow." Minnie goes BSC. Aaron coolly tells Pam he'll call her tomorrow. Pamela says, "It's your nightmare wife, isn't it." "Yes, of course. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. See ya."

Aaron claims he was talking to his valued business associate Johnny Molina, who called to wish him a happy holiday because he's attentive about such things. She doesn't buy it and repeats his sweet words to Pamela - you'd only talk to a lover that way, dummy! Aaron shakes his crazy finger (it's a crazy finger, I tell you) at her and says that when someone is attentive with you, you be attentive back. (In other words, if they talk sweet to you, you talk sweet back.) He tells her, relax. It's Christmas. Santa is coming.

Granny Pilar offers her own wisdom to Minnie: With husbands you have to believe them unless you can find proof to the contrary.

Yeah, Granny, I bet you could tell us some stories.

Isa and her party are enjoying the champagne. Frankie says it was a four-star dinner and it reminds him of this place near Castillo where the specialty was pheasant stuffed with truffles. Isa's mother, who very clearly doesn't like this guy, points out that their dinner was turkey stuffed with chestnuts. He says he knows that, but it just reminded him. He says he's so glad they invited him; he thought he'd be alone; this was much better.

The phone rings. Isa: Don't answer it. Mom: Something could be happening with Rodrigo. Isa: Nothing ever happens with Rodrigo. Mom: If you don't answer, I will. (Frankie smirks behind his champagne flute.) Dad: Daughter, please, take the call.

It's Minnie, wishing them a feliz navidad. Isa declines to speak with Granny - she doesn't want to talk to anyone. She asks about Rodrigo. Minnie lets her know that Rod already left... quite a while ago. Isa dares Minnie to say what she's thinking. Minnie tells her to calm down and they'll talk tomorrow.

Minnie hangs up and tells the other women that Isa's mad because Rod hasn't shown up yet and he's surely in the arms of Mariana Franco. After Minnie leaves, Sofie tells her grandmother not to worry about Minerva because she's a troublemaker.

It's getting late. Isadora's Dad thinks they should call the police. Isadora says she just wants to be alone. Her mother tells her not to make any hasty decisions - give Rodrigo a chance to explain.

Isa's parents leave. Frankie says it was great to be by her side, but he would have preferred to see her happy, laughing. "I know what you are feeling, because I am very alone too," he tells her. He offers to be useful to her.

He kisses her - wow, he actually leads with the tongue. I think the next few seconds are supposed to be hot, but they look more like a mauling. I fear they will twist each others' lips off. Before things go too far, she hurriedly retreats into the apartment and closes the door. She smiles dreamily and caresses her mouth. He leans on the other side of the door with a faintly triumphant smirk.

I can't figure this guy out. At first I thought he was some random pervert. Then when he was a phoneless neighbor I thought maybe he was a grifter. His pretentious dinner conversation was grifteriffic too. Then just now I thought maybe he was an aspiring gigolo.

We'll see.

Back at the tequila party, Eduardo is asking Clarita if "they" are having a thing - in fact, Gavi and Rod are now on the dance floor where everyone can see them. Clarita's sobbing, incoherent, dabbing her eyes on Ed's gold silk tie. Eduardo watches Mariana and Rodrigo dance. I can't tell what he thinks of what he sees, but she's clearly a lot more enthusiastic to dance with Rodrigo than she was with Ed.

Gavi admits to being confused by Rod. Rod says they need to have this moment, to prove that they can't be apart any more. He wants them to forget the past and start over.

He lays a kiss on her mouth in front of everyone. She tells him he's misunderstanding things. She had too much to drink. Rodrigo tells her it will be okay because his family admires and respects Mariana. It's not like when she was Gavi and and they knew all about that. Besides, Isa is only faking their friendship to manipulate her. Isa hates Gaviota and now she's going to hate Mariana too.

Gavi reminds him that she's the one who followed through on their engagement. She showed up a little late, but she showed up. The worst of all, Isa is your wife before God and that's sacred. Rod says Gavi is still the first and only woman in his life, and his marriage to Isa came at a high price. He swears on his life that there has never been anything between them.

He continues to insist that he's never been with another woman. Gavi points out that he's still with Isadora. Rod admits that he married her out of spite and it became an obligation and now his family is pressuring him to live out this stupid farce. Then he says that the rules between him and Isadora are very clear and that he can break up with her at any time. (Put your money where your mouth is, you oaf!!) He asks, if I were in love with Isa, would I be here at the party with Gavi now? Let's go away from here.

Gavi says she's not gonna break up his marriage. What about his kid? Rod says they're won't be any kid - he only told her that out of jealousy. He begs her to let him show her how important she is in his life. She says again that she won't break up his marriage.

Eduardo interrupts to warn that Clarita drank drank some more and is now asleep. Gavi goes to check it out. "So the rumors are true," Ed says to Rod. Rod asks Ed to be discreet. Ed says he will, but only out of respect for Mariana. And he doesn't understand why she doesn't prefer him to a married man. Rod says it's more complicated than Ed can imagine.

Rod asks some people at Gavi's table where the two women went that were sitting there. Gavi and Clarita are on their way out to the car. Clarita is whining; she wants to stay. She's never been at a party with so many people. Gavi says she can have a really big party for her birthday. She struggles to keep Clarita upright. "I saw you really happy with Rodrigo." Gavi asks for a cab. They talk about a telenovela while they wait. Clarita is crying. Now she's whooping and cheering for tequila as Gavi and a driver stuff her into a cab. They're gone.

As usual, Rod shows up just a moment later. The doorman tells him where they went. He gets into his car. His phone is beeping with unplayed messages. "Isa's been calling." From the happy note in his voice I can see that what this means to him is that she has lived another day and therefore he can't be accused of her murder.

Ofelia and Roman are talking about the kids. Ofelia is skeptical. She says she doubts Sanwanna is the woman for Hilario except in that taimada es una loquilla. I don't know what either of those words means, but I bet she means something like "she's not the woman for him except maybe in the same way that anchovies are a topping for a sundae." Roman thinks it's better than him moaning over some married woman. Ofelia admits she dislikes just about everything about Sanwanna. (In the captions, Roman calls his wife Aurelia. Have I been calling her by the wrong name all this time?)

Outside, the anchovy topping is trying to cheer up the sundae. She says that Ofelia took the news like a mule's foot. She promises, "voy a echar a la bolsa." She's going to throw it in a bag? I don't know what that means. She wants to get married on Valentine's day. He wants to build them a house. It'll take a year if he hurries. The alternative is that they can live with his parents. She wants a nice house, so she agrees to wait. They kiss, and he seems not to mind. He hopes that she will help get Isadora out of his system.

Clarita is now singing and staggering in the hallway outside the apartment. Mr. Italian Guy greets them. Clarita says she doesn't recognize him. (I suppose he looks different when he's twins.) She shoves him and tries to hit him with a shoe. He holds her up while Gavi unlocks the door. They throw her on the couch and somehow she doesn't vomit. Gavi tells him she's got some things to tell him about. But first she drags Clarita into the bedroom and puts her on bed. (I think the baño would be a better choice.) He begins to prepares some tea or coffee or something.

Rod finally gets home. Isa waves a champagne glass at him and says "I suppose you came back just to wish me a merry Christmas." She tries to guilt him that her parents were there, wanted to eat with him, open presents, etc., but now they've probably figured out what kind of a relationship they have. That he won't even spend one Christmas Eve with her.

"Sorry," Rodrigo says.

She tells him the whole world was worried, thinking something bad had happened to him. Or more likely, pretending to be worried, to spare her feelings. They probably all know who he was with, too. His inseparable Mariana Franco. Has he prepared his cuartada (don't know what that is) yet? She doesn't care about his excuse. What she's angriest about is that he left her waiting like an idiot. She asks, what is his excuse, anyway?

He tells her he left Granny's and got to thinking that he would have to make some decisions. She coldly asks about these decisions about their future. "Tell me right now what you decided."


Rodrigo to Isadora: I am breaking up with YOU. Forever!
Minnie to Aaron: What happens to your girlfriend if I'm pregnant?


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Duelo June 1 - The end is coming, for us soon and a character today.

While Rodrigo is mashing on Alina, his daughter comes in and catches them in the act. She is pissed. She yells that Alina isn’t her mom and she needs to get out.

Luba checks Gaspar for injuries. She tells him that they can’t return. She explains how everyone is riled up to kill them.

Rodrigo tries to explain to his daughter, but she just yells for Alina to get out. Alina offers to try and talk to the girl. Rodrigo wants an answer to his declaration that he wants to be with Alina forever, she says they’ll talk later. She goes to the girl’s room and begs her to lighten up already. I think this girl was in Suenos y Caramelos, my wife and son watched that every day last year. I think it’s the same girl. Alina tries to be nice to the girl, the girl just yells at her to leave.

Tina comes home and Rodrigo tells her what happened with Alina. Tina thinks it’s good that the girl saw, she won’t harbor any illusions.

Luba explains further to Gaspar that the people at LR want to kill them because of Alina’s death, they don’t know she is still alive.

Alina comes back and tells Rodrigo that the girl wouldn’t talk to her. She acts very knowledgeable about children, who knows how she knows anything about that. Rodrigo wants an answer to his lovey dovey kissy kissy, Alina says it’s better to just leave it this way, there can’t be anything between the two of them. Great. Alina can have non-relationship relationships with TWO guys now. Three if you count Angel.

Ifgenio bursts into the kitchen to talk to Vera and Mexican Larry. He says there are people by Alina’s grave and they look like they are from the city. Vera says finally someone is investigating whether or not her death was natural. They run off to go tell those people what they think they know about all that.

Rodrigo rightly assumes that Alina is bailing out because of her ‘past love’. She won’t talk about it, Rodrigo says he knows about it from Elias. She says she doesn’t know if the old love is over or not. Rodrigo is a little pushy about them getting together, Alina whines and moans and tries to turn him down. Then she says she’s not good enough. Finally she says fine, we can be together. I didn’t realize that was how these decisions were made.

Emiliooo sits at an outdoor café with a cigar. He tries to look dramatic while he thinks about Alina. He really does that a lot, where he goes to super extra effort to strike some kind of pensive or dramatic pose. It might work if he didn’t take like 5 full seconds getting the look together first.

Elias and Soledad talk about how they are going to court tomorrow. Soledad looks at Elias funny, I can’t tell if she is happy or if she feels nervous being alone in a room with him.

Alina and Rodrigo walk arm in arm through some outdoor area, I expect that they will happen to run into Emiliooo. Nope, they decide to go inside, but there is Emilioooo with his back to the door, being dramatic. They sit and order coffee. Emiliooo outside gets up to leave. Rodrigo pushes Alina some more to spill her sad story. Cripes dude give it a rest. Alina gets up to go to the bathroom. After she leaves, Emiliooo walks by and sees Rodrigo. They greet each other happily. They sit down and start talking. What’s up, how’s it going, they catch up. Alina comes out of the bathroom and sees Emiliooo’s back and hides. Emiliooo leaves, then Alina comes back out, trying to look normal. Rodrigo can tell, but she says she’s ok. She says she knows Emiliooo and says he was someone important to her, but of course that’s all she’ll say. Rodrigo is no dummy, he has that look on his face that all guys get when some girl they like refers to some other guy as “we were good friends” or “we went out a couple times.” Rodrigo knows how to read between those lines, obviously. He didn’t look happy at all.

Wet dog Angel enters Coral’s place. What’s up with his horrible new look? He didn’t look pitiful enough before, now he has to look like he just almost drowned? Ugh it’s horrible. Angel says Emilioooo saw him here, what if he sees Alina, oh my god, what are they going to do, etc etc. Coral says whatever she’ll take care of it. Whiny Angel can move on to worrying about something else. Some pretty girl knocks on the door and say she’s here about the ad in the paper, Angel just stares at her, thankfully we don’t get the camera angle that shows his pants tenting out. Coral sees him drooling and tells him to take hike, but nicely. He gets the hint finally and leaves.

Gasca is visiting Don Loco, Gasca is upset that DL doesn’t have his money, or something like that I think. I never understand the DL/Gasca jail conversations. They argue, that’s all I can figure out, then DL says that Elias has to be handled and tells his lawyer to give Gasca some money.

Alina says again she doesn’t want to talk about Emiliooo. Whatever.

Don Max gets out of a taxi outside Coral’s house, he is impressed.

Rodrigo tells Alina that he was telling someone about her today, all good things, she wants to meet her, so tonight they should all get together for dinner. Alina agrees.

Soledad asks Max what he’s doing here. He says he didn’t expect to find her there, at Coral’s house.

Vera, ML, and Ifgenio watch the people digging up Alina’s grave, they finally muster up the guts to go confront them.

Soledad tells Max to leave. He’s looking for Coral but she isn’t home. He wants to have a drink and talk to Soledad, she again tells him to leave. He rambles on about nothing. He tries to butter her up, but she isn’t having it. He tries to put some moves on her, finally he grabs her and she screams to let her go. Max has it in him to be a rapist after all, I guess.

Vera, ML and Iffy apparently lost their nerve, they are closer, but still just watching. The workers pull out the casket. It’s extremely white for having been underground. They pop the top, of course it’s empty. Vera faints. She’s a wuss.

Coral finally arrives in time to help Soledad. Max ends up smacking Coral down on the floor, Soledad defends herself with a fireplace poker. She has it pointed at Max. Meanwhile, Coral on the floor, wraps her legs around Max’s ankles and tips him forward. He impales himself on the poker. We get a commercial break to let us think about if he’s really dead or not.

Oh he’s dead all right. The poker went clean through him, he has blood gushing out of his mouth, he finally keels over completely dead. Well, Santos and Hottie Mom should be pleased with this outcome. Coral verifies that he’s dead by checking his pulse. 4 pints of blood on the floor didn’t convince you?

Ifgenio tells one of the grave-digger-uppers all about the witch (Luba) that obviously has something to do with Alina’s body being missing. The guy wants to know where this witch is.

Coral cries and whines, “What are we going to do?” Um, how about call the cops and tell the truth? Nah that would never work. Soledad cries that she didn’t mean to do it. Just then Adela comes in with groceries, so that she could dramatically drop them in shock. Coral says they should just hide the body. Soledad finally says they should call the cops, she starts to dial the phone.

ML, Vera, and Iffy tell the dudes that they will agree to help accuse the witch.

Coral vows to back up Soledad’s story when the cops come. Adela just sits on the couch freaking out.

Back at the ranch, Thelma vows to her Singing Aunt that Alina, if she’s alive, will not stand in her way. She says something about dinner with Rodrigo. Emiliooo, who was walking in, overhears and wants to know what’s up.

Meanwhile Alina and Rodrigo are just now exiting the café. I was wondering how Emiliooo got back to SE so fast, but then I remember that they are all back in Puebla now. Ohhh it’s all coming together now – this friend that Rodrigo is referring to must be Thelma. Sorry, I haven’t been able to keep up with the story this week. I’m flying somewhat blind, I don’t know what happened since last Friday. I have to tell you that it is surprisingly easy to just pick back up a week later without knowing what happened. I mean AMAZINGLY easy. That’s not a good thing. Maybe they do that on purpose so people will still watch the show if they miss a day or two, but it makes for dull, repetitive episodes. As we all well know. Rodrigo tells Alina to invite her mother along to dinner too. Alina quickly spills all of her mother’s private business to this guy, about DL and his jealousy problem. Now Rodrigo has ANOTHER friend, who has a patient with the same jealosy problem. This is the crazy shrink chick, right? So everybody knows everybody else.

Thelma says she met Rodrigo at a club or something and he invited her and a friend out to dinner. Emiliooo says he just saw Rod and he never mentioned about having dinner with Thelma. She says she didn’t get a chance to tell him that she and Emiliooo are married, Emiliooo says then he’ll be surprised when we show up together! Thelma makes excuses, but Emiliooo says as the husband he has to go.

Rodrigo’s cell phone rings, he tells whoever is on the other end that he’ll be there right away. It was Coral. They leave to go to the house. Alina is fighting another great battle with yet another tight low cut shirt.

Don Loco lays on his bed and mumbles in his sleep. In his dream then, I’m assuming, some high heels walk to his cell and the door opens. Some woman with boobs all over the place is in a nightgown and enters his cell. Is this the crazy shrink chick? DL totally stares at her boobs before looking back up at her face. Well, he has been in prison after all. They start making out. Is it just me being a guy, or does every love scene involving Don Loco totally freak you out too? The lady’s face turns into Soledad’s face (of course) and she starts accusing him of cheating on her. He freaks out and wakes up. Yawn.

The cops ask Soledad what happened, there is a CSI guy there taking pictures. Hey, that would make this show way better – they could have a CSI style episode to solve the Don Max murder. Then they could look at all the evidence in Alina’s empty grave. With all the shooting that has gone on here (See Carmel’s Trying To Translate blog for details on that) there would be a lot for the forensics team to work on. Oh well we can dream. Soledad explains briefly what happened, the cop says they have to lock her up for now. Coral freaks out and says that’s crazy, if anyone should be locked up it would be her, for pushing Max onto the poker. Soledad stares at her, apparently ready to let her take the fall for it.

SA and Thelma try to figure out how to keep Emiliooo away from the dinner.

Soledad actually does try to argue with Coral, but Coral insists that SHE is the one who accidentally killed Max. Does she know that Don Loco is in jail and that maybe Soledad would run into him if she ends up there? Soledad finally says no, she has to tell the truth, SHE is the one who killed Max. As she’s saying this, Alina walks in and says “uh, what, Mom? You killed him? Why?” Soledad tells her what happened. She also rightly says that she has to tell the truth. One cop puts cuffs on Soledad, in spite of Rodrigo saying it isn’t necessary. Alina starts ugly crying. She is a fantastic ugly crier, nobody that hot should be able to cry that ugly.

Emiliooo tells a coughing Angel that this whole dinner thing is very strange. Nice work Sherlock.

Coral gives her statement at the police statement, Alina whines about not getting to see her mom. Coral comes out, Adela goes in to give her statement. Elias shows up and is immediately ready to go after Max when he hears about the attempted rape, but Alina tells him that Max is already dead. Alina frets some more. Rodrigo says he’ll make sure she is treated well. Elias wants to know why Max was in Puebla in the first place. He thinks it will be easy for Soledad to get out of jail, everyone knows that Max is a louse.

DL dreams that he is going to open the box, but Luba stops him. She says if he opens it he’ll go crazy. He wakes up screaming that he’s not crazy. Yelling to an empty room. Some guards enter, he starts yelling at them that he isn’t crazy. Sure dude, whatever you say.

Soledad sits in her cell with some crazy lady and worries about being locked up. The crazy lade wants her to drink with her. Crazy lady drinks from her bottle and belches. Nice. The crazy lady calls her ‘fresita’ but I don’t know what that means.

Coral and Adela try and get Alina to calm down. I think Alina is happy to have something useless to worry about again. It completes her. Coral tells Alina that Emiliooo is coming to her house the next day so Alina can’t be there.

Elias visits Soledad, she actually grabs his hands. Oh SURE now that you’re locked up and you need help, NOW you’re nice to this guy. So fake. Whatever Soledad, as soon as you’re out you’ll get all too good for him again. I know your type. She even says he is her only true friend. What a user.

Crazy shrink, with her boobs under wraps this time, asks DL about his dream. He admits that the doctor was in the vision he had. She wants details, he starts trying to run his hand up her skirt. She stands up but has to admit to him that she has had the same thoughts. They whisper to each other and start making out. Puke city. We get the impression that they lay down, thankfully the scene changes before we have to see that.

DL is suddenly sitting at a table with Alfonsina, who unfortunately has all of her talents under wraps as well. She is there trying to badmouth Hugo. DL says he needs Hugo, so that he’ll help DL. Alfonsina says she’ll help too. He says he doesn’t know who to trust, she insists that she’s on his side. She tells him she has always loved him. The crazy shrink chick hears this last part – what is it with people always walking in to hear the end of a conversation? Super duper cliché alert here. Cripes. Anyway, she overhears and DL tries to act all casual about it, meanwhile the crazy shrink chick and Alfonsina stare each other down. Maybe they need to have some sort of naked wrestling match or something? I’ll make sure to check out Monday’s episode if that’s what happens.

Monday – Rodrigo tells Emiliooo, Thelma, and SA that Max was killed. SA is muy impactada. Angel was there too apparently, he just looks confused. Oh! Looks like there will be a girl fight after all, but it is Coral and Thelma and they have clothes on. Oh well. OH OH OH OH OH! Did I really just see what I think I saw? ULTIMAS SEMANAS. I actually let out a loud whoop here at home. ULTIMAS SEMANAS!


Saturday, June 02, 2007

Zorro-Friday, June 1, 2007: Mangle visits Esme twice and Maria Pia confirms what we already knew

Show opens with Monty taunting an trapped Zorro. Monty is gloats that Zorro’s insistence in finding Esme lead him to fall into the trap. Zorro takes a seat cool as a cucumber and asks Monty what he plans on doing with him. Monty tells him whatever I want, I have keys to your life and dangles them for emphasis. Zorro calls him mediocre tells him that he couldn’t capture him and now Zorro had to come to personally for Monty to trap him. Zorro unfazed that his secret will be found out asks where Esme. Monty tells him dead as he soon will be. Monty calls for soldiers as usual and pulls out his sword. Zorro is surrounded with guns pointed at him.

Cut to Monty’s shack in the wild where Esme gets a visit from Mangle. Esme is all smiles happy to see her sister. Esme gets worried that if Monty seeks her things will go bad for both of them but Mangle interjects for you maybe. Esme gets close to Mangle but Mangle doesn’t want Esme to touch her, she reeks. Esme for some stupid reason thinks Mangle is there to free her. I’m sorry but I think captivity has deprived Esme of her common sense, c’mon Mangle got Diego drunk (which Esme knows) to get him into a compromising situation, Mangle has detested Esme since they were born so in what parallel universe Esme has been living that would make her think Mangle is there to free her?!

FS caught up with Maria Pia and asking her to get out of the wagon. MP tells FS he has no right to do this which starts the usual speech, your crazy; you can’t hide from me, yadda yadda. FS then lugs MP over his shoulder while MP screams to let her go. Prudencio tells the escort they go back to the mission quietly and nobody dies. As if they weren’t going to tell on FS, not that I am okay with evil behavior but it’s kinda stupid.

Back to the prison where, Monty has his sword pointed at Zorro’s face and seems happy that he will find out who hides behind it. Zorro cautions Monty to be careful lest he find face of death. Monty laughs and takes of the hat and the mask……..and *****drum roll*****it is another mask. Monty gets a spooked look and before your know it Zorro pulls out his conveniently lighted bomb. Everybody escapes en masse out of the cell and into the hallway. Monty convinced that Zorro has escaped calls for his guards to trap him.

Back to the not so sisterly visit of Esme and Mangle. Esme pleads for compassion for her and her son but Mangle doesn’t give a flying fart about Esme’s bastard as Diego’s only son is the one Mangle’s going to give him. Mangle proceeds to lie through her forked tongue that her and Diego are happily married. Diego sends his greetings but he can’t do anything. Esme doesn’t believe Mange and all I can yell is Esme find that common sense, I used to think you were soo cool. Esme is hurt and asks why Mangle hates her so. M-Because you exist, for stealing what was mine. Esme is totally clueless she never stole anything. Mangle brings up her ex-boyfriend Santiago Michelena (like the Michelin man?), the only man Mangle ever loved, the only one hecho a mi medida (literally made to my height, which just sounds funny all together but I think made to suit to me was what she was going for), the only man that left her because of Esme. Aha so it was boy, nothing like a boy to come between friends or sisters. Esme tells Mangle that’s she has it all wrong. Mangle slaps Esme and yells at Esme that her Santiago left because of her. C’mon Esme fight back, I remember you slapped Mangle a few times back in the day.

Meanwhile Olmos is going over the books trying to find the Michelin man’s name. I’m sorry but couldn’t the writers have come up with a better name that didn’t sound like the puffy white thing from the tire commercials. Olmos gives us useless information about a cancelled debt (is he looking at a birth registry or an accounting book because not for nothing why would the names of children have to do with a debt?) Olmos will use this information to his favor, Mangle will get a letter from Michelen man’s family which will make her cry. Olmos gets giddy at being able to get the ingredient that Selenia requested.

Back to Mangle and Esme. Mangle accuses Esme of throwing herself on Santiago. Emse tries to tell Mangle that she was a child, Santiago (apparently a pervert) tried to kiss Esme by force and Esme tried to pull him off her. Mangle accuses Esme of ruining her life with that image replaying over and over again in her head. Esme swears on her unborn child that she never had anything to do Santiago Michelena but Mangle calls her liar and starts strangling her but is interrupted by Auggie who sends her home. Now everything has changed, Diego and her are married and they hump like rabbits in every room of the house (not in those words but you get the drift) and she will give birth to a healthy baby which will make Diego forget about her little by little. Esme cries herself into a heap.

Cue Amor Gitano

Back to the prison where Zorro does some cool acrobatic somersaults amidst the smoke, punches out a few guards and grapples to the roof and of the course the scene wouldn’t be complete with Monty saying maldito.

Back to Esme trying to figure out why Mangle who is carrying a baby also would do such a thing to her. Esme incarceration as dumbed you down.

Zorro’s back at the Fox-cave (more appropriate being that Zorro=fox) who is filling Bernie in what happened. Zorro thanks Bernie for the mask and tells Bernie that he is loosing hope and that perhaps Esme is… He never finishes the sentence and leaves.

We go back to the cabin where Auggie fills in Piza on Mangle’s visit with a visitor’s pass from Monty himself. Piza asks why did Monty allow it but Auggie didn’t now. Auggie surprisingly enough picked on Mangle’s hate and is surprised because he thought she was there to help me. Piza says Mangle hates Esme more than Monty does (how Piza knows this is anybody guess). Auggie uses this time to tell Piza that Olmos knows Esme is alive and wants to free her. Piza is angry and accuses Auggie of betraying his loyalty which Auggie denies (um yes you did). Auggie thinks maybe Mangle told Olmos and if that’s true secret will be out in no time and things are getting dangerous. Piza tells Olmos nothing to discuss and if he wants to talk to Esme go to the grave where she is buried. Piza threatens to put Auggie in tomb the next time he comes with a message from Olmos.

At the de la Vega’s Diego is in his room having a grey flashback to a steamy moment with Esme. He thought bubbles that although he has hope that Esme is alive he has to recognize she is no longer there.

Its daytime? and PT has gone to the site where FS tracked MP. He gets the men to look for traces of where they went. The tracker has found steps headed north. PT tells the men to follow the prints he’s going to the de la Vegas.

We then see MP walking away from FS on horse and him trying to call her saying there in a desert she’s going to die of thirst. MP says she’d rather die than be with him. FS pshaws saying you don’t mean that. MP just gets angry at him; he’s not going to get what he wants. FS then goes to describe how he used to be, full of anger and thirst revenge for what happened to him. MP asks what happened and FS takes a seat and rehashes his parent’s death and the resulting takeover of the lands. Then MP came to his life and he thought she would save his soul. This is apparently the pain in his soul that Selenia was referring to. MP’s resolve crumbles and she gets teary eyed while FS begs her to save him.

We are back from commercial and Tobi is in bed. Cat walks in asks if he didn’t like his breakfast. Tobi says he’s not hungry. Cat asks Tobi what’s wrong; he’s many very strange with her lately. Tobi fake teasers Cat about being jealous and asks what would happen if Tobi told her had another woman. Cat gets angry and says she will kill Tobi if she cheated on him. Tobi turns it around and says then I could do the same thing if I were to find you with another man. Cat calls him her little bird (pichonsito) and starts kissing his face but Tobi turns away and tells her to get away. Tobi gets up from bed and calls her a sullied lustful woman and recommends she take a cold shower.

We cut to the de la Vega’s where PT rehashes the FS and MP problems. PT tells Alej that MP planned to leave LA but FS took MP toward the north.

MP asks FS why he didn’t say anything. He tells her it was because he had her and he wanted to forget the past and everything came crashing down when she found out he killed Regina. MP understands everything and cries for his hurt. FS doesn’t want her pity, she’s the only important thing in his life. MP tells him it’s too late, her heart made a decision. MP begs FS to forget her which FS refuses to do. MP asks for FS to take her back and they have much to talk about. FS touches her face and says they can talk right where they are. MP promises to help FS find the peace he needs. They are sharing cute moments with their song playing in the background. It looks like a date almost, MP on the horse with FS walking along side.

Back to the de la Vega’s where Dena asks Diego to take her to Esme’s tomb. Diego says Esme is right there, her spirit is in the house. Dena says that’s where here body rests, she wants to add flowers and talk to her. Mangle meanwhile is listening in.

Cut to the resident forger meeting up with Olmos. Olmos wants a letter in feminine script signed by Marianela Michelena and starts dictating.

Back from commercial, Olmos is happy with the forger’s services but keeps looking back fearing he’s being followed. Out of nowhere we see Piza’s gun pointed at him. Piza wants a word with him, they have a pending matter. Olmos tells Piza that a gun isn’t necessary to talk to him but Piza says I always have to take precautions when talking to people I don’t know. Olmos asks Piza if they are going to talk in the open with a gun pointed at him, ha. Good point.

Back to the de la Vega’s where Diego is telling Bernie (who is shining his shoes) that they are going to the cemetery. Diego doesn’t want to go but Dena wants to let go of some of her pain. Bernie signs some stuff which makes Diego reply of course we can’t tell her Esme isn’t there. Diego feels bad about everything and even though there is no proof he can’t resign himself that Esme’s dead. He can’t explain it but he’ll never accept she is dead.

MP and FS are walking and enter Alej in his military uniform where they rehash again FS tried to destroy mission and now kidnapping. It’s like somebody said they love going over things again and again. Alej challenges FS to a duel. FS tells Alej it doesn’t have to go that far and he recognizes he did bad for taking MP. Alej reminds FS that he killed Regina, was an accomplice in Esme’s death and now kidnapping MP. MP begs Alej to stop. He will not permit FS to hurt the people he loves. MP begs Alej to stop there is another way to deal with his. Alej tells Juan to take away MP. The men face off.

Back to Monty’s cabin where Auggie brought Esme food. Esme isn’t hungry, Mangle’s visit got her nervous. Auggie asks Esme if she’s going to believe Mangle, he even offers a little wine to help her sleep. Esme can’t sleep afraid that Monty will kill her at any moment. Auggie tells her Monty hasn’t been there and he doubts he will come by, being that he’s busy with the Marquesa (yeah planning her death, wait they don’t know that). Auggie tells Esme that he spoke to Olmos and soon him and Piza will free her. Esme asks Auggie to be careful because Monty uses people like pawns and pretty soon Auggie will wear out his usefulness and to be alert.

Cut to Dena and Diego walking to the cemetery but there is a visitor. Diego says excuse me and the visitor turns around, it’s a hooded Mangle. She acts like she was caught doing something and says she didn’t know they were coming and will leave. Dena says she doesn’t have to go. Mangle tells them that she wanted to pray for Esme and for herself. That the things that distanced them wasn’t their fault. Dena believes her and says they can pray together and they both kneel at the tomb. Diego looks on confused.

Back to the duel, where Alej reminds us that FS’s hands are stained with Regina’s blood and today is his end. Meanwhile I am reminded of the Princess Bride, hello my name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father prepare to die (of course in this case it would be Alejandro de la Vega and you killed my wife). Alej then gets FS on the ground with the sword to this throat. MP begs Alej not to.

Back to Olmos and Piza. Piza asks Olmos what he’s got to do with SK. Olmos tells Piza it was job to protect her, which Piza aptly points out he didn’t do. That’s why he’s interested Esme. He’s willing to do anything. Piza asks Olmos who told him Esme was alive. Olmos says he can’t reveal sources. Piza tells Olmos that if it was Auggie, he will deliver his head in a box. Olmos denies any association and tells Piza that him and Monty don’t know the game they are in. Above them there are very important people who know everything. Piza asks if it’s the Duke Jacobo. Olmos plays like he never met the dude and is keeping quiet about it. He says they are on the same side, protect Esme. Monty is on his way down and will take a few with him. Olmos asks Piza to help him and he will be crowned with glory, even calls him Captain Pizarro.

At the gypsy camp, there is a meeting where they are discussing their return and Jonas says that Monty will be looking for them. Renzo pipes in that they will attack, Monty has to pay for his crimes. Jonas counsels against vengeance. Suzi mentions they are low on funds and NAC offers to give them whatever they need. Laisha tells her to but out it’s a gypsy meeting and she isn’t one of them and even attacks Hermes who comes to her defense. NAC tells everybody she comes from a noble family, heir to a great fortune but she was never happy and that’s why she ended up in the nunnery fleeing from a past that she had to face in order to face her fears. Thanks to Renzo she found her life and wants to help them in their mission. Jonas tells her it is a very big mission and it could cost her life. NAC tells Jonas only God can decide when she leaves this word. She promises to share her resources and long as she lives. Laisha looks angry.

At the tavern, SAM tells Auggie that he looks like he stared death in the face. Auggie tells SAM that Monty has him guarding a secret worth more than his live. Auggie tells SAM to protect his wife and kids if something were to happen to him. SAM asks Auggie what’s the secret about. Auggie tells SAM it has to do with the daughter of the gypsy, Lady Esmeralda. SAM is impactado.

Back to the duel where Alej is about to run FS through. FS tells Alej if he’s going to constantly remind him about killing Regina to kill him now because he’s never going to let MP go. MP begs Alej to not kill FS. Alej tells MP that he’s not an assassin but it’s what FS deserves. MP asks Alej how she is going to live if Alej kills FS. Lots of tears and cries and finally MP confesses that she loves FS.

Back to the cemetery where Dena cries that she will never forget Esme. Will not live without her and faints. Mangle looks on impactada.



La Fea Más Bella #288 6/1/07 Aegle, Erythia, and Hesperethusa

That's #286 by Univision's count; 288 hours of ups and downs.

Aurora is the Roman goddess of the dawn. Aegle, Erythia, and Hesperethusa are the Roman goddess tag-team sisters of dusk. I'm not sure why sunset needs three times as many goddesses as the dawn. Maybe these three are lazy.

I've consolidated the Tomas/Alicia scenes into one big chunk of narration and put it in a different color. I HAD been interested in this couple, but they lost me tonight. If you want to skip it, you can conveniently scroll through it without reading a word. (You're welcome!)

I love the new credits. Old song, new scenes.

Fern uses his two phones to dial Lety's desk phone on one and Aurora's cell on the other. He is noisily jubilant when Lety answers both phones, yet somehow he can hear her but she can't hear him. A moment later, he is at the Padilla house, confronting Julieta with this new information. (Coincidentally, Lety wants to confront Julieta too, but she has to drive over there. Apparently, this takes longer than having Scotty beam Fern over.)

As previously described by Alma, Fern and Julieta talk about Lety=Aurora. Fern nearly accuses Julieta of not raising Lety right, but backpedals. He just wants to know why. They talk about how this has affected Omar, and what Aldo would think if he knew about it. Meanwhile, Lety is waiting outside, struggling to get her temper under control before confronting her mother.

Fern and Julieta bond some more. She thinks Lety should tell the world the truth about Aurora. Fern thinks not and explains that he thinks that it's better that Aurora remain buried, even though his TV show depends on her. He says he can't ask Lety to give up her happiness with Aldo in exchange for Fern's well-being. Julieta is moved by his sacrifice. He says he's not the person he used to be. He says he doesn't even want Lety to know that he's discovered her secret.

Fern suggests a pact not to tell anyone else about Lety being Aurora. They agree, and at that moment Lety walks through the door just in time to hear Julieta say that she'd be happy if Lety would marry Fern. They hug.

Lety angrily accuses them of forming an alliance to disrupt her relationship with Aldo. Fern and Julieta spring apart (without a sound effect) and deny this. (Commercial break: I see we have new bumps. Tomas says "¡Últimos días!" and the cuartel wails sadly. That's right, ladies; you'll soon be out of a job.) Fern tells her she's misinterpreting things and not to be upset with her mother. He even tells her she's paranoid (that's always an effective argument). This doesn't help. They both tell her to calm down. He straightens the many plaques and certificates on the wall (Lety's diplomas and other honors). Lety's eyelid twitches. Behind Lety's back, Julieta waves frantically at Fernando to leave. He excuses himself, bowing formally to Doña Lety, then hugging Julieta and kissing her on the cheek! Lety gapes as Fern timidly scurries away.

Meanwhile, Aldo informs his father that Lety's being cold and distant about their wedding preparations, and Lety's mom even told him to get out of Fernando's way.

Hey, I just remembered someone else in this novela who was cold and distant about wedding preparations. He ended up not getting married to that woman. I'm just sayin'.

Fausto asks, if Aldo spoke to Julieta this morning, why hasn't he spoken to Lety yet? Aldo says he's been confused all day and thinks Lety has something to do with her mother's attitude.

The very strange case of Mr. and Mrs. Mora

Alicia and Tomas are at home, preparing for their meeting with Papi. Well... she is preparing, in the shower. He's waiting on the sofa. She is yelling out of the shower, wondering what sacrifice Omar was referring to when he asked about the sacrifice Tomas made to win Alicia's heart. Tomas reminds her that he sold his car to pay for that apartment (the one they didn't move into). She says she'd forgotten about that place, it was horrible and filled with foul-smelling commoners of a lower social class than themselves.

Tomas mischievously asks what she would think if he were to spontaneously break down the bathroom door. (He positions himself to do so.) She casually asks him to please speak more loudly. This discourages him, but then he looks at the bedroom door and gets an idea. He begins working on the door's hinges, gloating that she won't be able to hide her nudity behind it any more.

Soon, the door is off. Clueless, she nags him to fetch her a towel. He's walking around with the door trying to figure out where to put it. He doesn't want her to notice it's gone right away. He finally settles for leaving it in the hallway outside their apartment.

She is already on the bed, putting on her makeup. Tomas feasts his eyes on the sight of her in a fluffy bathrobe, rubbing lotion on her legs. He stammers about wanting to talk to her Papi, especially about the expensive gifts and the cost of their wedding. She reminds him that she wants the car keys. He gloats that they're in a safe place. She says they're meeting with her dad as he asked; therefore he has to give them to her. He teases her with them - first they must speak with her father. He drops the keys down his shirt. She impatiently taps her fingers on her knee; Tomas has yet to learn the significance of this gesture.

A digression: Everyone has a super power. For example, Fern's super power is... okay, let's start with something more mundane. Erasmo's super power is the ability to see Lety's inner beauty, untarnished by her external flaws and occasional poor behavior. Julieta's super power is her ability to entertain and distract multiple nosy males at the same time with charm and food. Tomas's super power is his infinite capacity for naïveté. Alicia's super power is her ability to manipulate the one poor slob who can't see right through her.

Admittedly, by most standards, this is not much of a super power, and it typically backfires on her. But come on - this is Alicia we're talking about. The only other things she's good at are stomping on things and wearing a corset. Admittedly, she gets a lot of mileage out of these skills.

Alicia talks to herself in the mirror. She tells herself they can't really go to visit her father; she's going to have to do "something." Then she notices that the door is missing. She realizes that the only way to tempt Tomas away from meeting her father is to give him a different temptation. She doesn't want to, but she has to sacrifice herself for her car, her well-being, her bank account, her... her... she's run out of things. She gives herself a pep-talk about how difficult and sad her life is, and all the things she must do. It's the difficult life of a difficult woman, with principles, values, and education. Poor her. "You understand?" she asks her reflection. "I have to do something."

Tomas doesn't want to be late. He rattles his keys and says that's enough with the games. In a mischievous tone, Alicia calls him into the bedroom. He goes in, but doesn't see her. From behind a privacy screen, she tells him to wait - he'll be glad he did.

He worries that her father is waiting for them, but she says she has a better proposition. She says it's now or never. "It" being you-know-what. Clothes go flying over the privacy screen, landing on his head. He backs up a bit and watches and hyperventilates in disbelief as clothing and lingerie continue to rain down.

She finally emerges in pointy shoes, a silky red nightgown, and a silky red robe. She sits on the bed. "Are you coming, or not?" she teases him. Tomas takes a few steps back for the windup, then dives at her eagerly. She gets out of his way and he flies over the bed. He worries that he's broken his neck. Alicia's disappointed it was only his neck, but pretends to be concerned.

He blames it on accumulated energy. She says their game will have to wait till later. He disagrees. He says they can do it in a wheelchair if necessary. But he stands on the bed and says he's a wild animal when he's around her. (He cracks his neck loudly to prove it.) He lumbers over to her like a baboon and picks her up and throws her on the bed. "You are going to know who Tomas Mora is!" He jumps on top of her. "You are going to get to know my hidden side!" He pulls the comforter over them, so that all we can see are their legs kicking frantically. Alicia protests, but he says he loves it when she calls his name.

We are mercifully spared the next few minutes. Unfortunately, it appears that Tomas has raped his beloved wife. Since they are hardly a "Luke 'n' Laura" kind of couple to begin with, I just can't find a good way to spin it. The best I can come up with is that she's been abusing him all along; he's naïve and doesn't realize how she's been using him. She's manipulated him to this point and even hoped he'd broken his neck; now they're even.

The problem I have with this is that I didn't want them to be even. My expectations of Alicia have always been very low; nothing she does surprises me. But for some reason, I still expected more from Tomas. Now that they're both dirtbags, it's hard for me to care what happens to either of them after this. Good luck winning me back on this one.

It amazes me that every time people on TV have sex, the woman always ends up with the bedsheet wrapped all the way around her. Alicia's lipstick and hairspray did not survive the experience; her hair is all over the place and her lips are taupe.

Tomas says it's too bad they don't smoke, because this would be a good time to light up. She says she'd actually like a pill, because her head hurts. She asks, doesn't his head hurt? He says it doesn't, and asks if she wants to do it again. She says that was enough abuse. He says he's had to wait so long that he'd like to do it again soon. She asks curiously, how soon is soon? He says maybe once... per hour. She protests some more. He wants to go see her dad, then. He gives her the phone to tell him they'll be late; she refuses. It's not worth it; he'll already be mad and won't see them. Then she craftily asks, if she calls dad, can she have her car keys? He says of course - and he wants to talk to Papi.

Alicia places a call and does a lot of indignant squeaking and hand-waving. Apparently, Papi is really angry. She tries to argue, but he won't let her get a word in. Apparently, he doesn't want to talk to Tomas either. In fact, it sounds like he's saying that Tomy can just go to hell. Alicia is aghast at her father's rudeness. She agrees to tell Tomas that he's just lost his one chance to meet Papi. She hangs up.

"Look what you did," she accuses Tomas. "Look at what you provoked." He couldn't control himself, with his savage, low, dirty instincts. And now he's on Papi's bad side too.

She demands her car keys back. He meekly hands them over. "Next time, think before," she scolds him. She then demands quesadillas. NOW. She orders Tomas to go make them for her.

End of Mr. and Mrs. Mora story

Lety and mom are giving each other the silent treatment. It lasts about five seconds and ends in tearful hugs. "I can't stay mad at you!" "What matters is that we love each other." Lety reminds her mother that it's her own problem to solve, not Julieta's. Mom eagerly says they need to pick out Lety's (ajuar?? Some type of lingerie?) for her wedding night. Lety is reluctant to discuss this. Julieta says she's just trying to show that she doesn't have anything against Aldo. "Although, if you were to marry Fernando..." Lety is not amused.

Julieta suggests that they go to one of those stores where they sell babydoll nighties. She is much more excited about this than Lety is. Lety doesn't commit to anything, but sincerely thanks Julieta for her support. Julieta says of course - I put you above everyone else. (Lety asks, "Even Moty?") Julieta says she just wants Lety to be happy. "Ugly, but happy," Lety giggles. Julieta scolds her for saying she's ugly. Aurora is gorgeous; she's like from the 40's and stuff. Lety insists that Aurora is lovely, but Lety is ugly. (Dammit, Lety, don't you ever get tired of that?)

RoboPop interrupts and wants to know what the party's all about. Julieta tells him they're going to go shopping. He wants to know what they're going to buy. "Women's things, but men love them," Julieta giggles. Erasmo wants to know where his future SIL is. Lety says he went to Puerto Vallarta to look at a yacht. RoboPop wonders why Lety isn't with him. "Oh, y'know, I have lots of-"

"-excuses," RoboPop finishes disapprovingly. "Many excuses." He points out that Lety is letting him take care of everything himself, and letting him spend too much time alone. He warns her to be careful about that. If a man feels alone, he's capable of doing something stupid. Julieta agrees that Lety should be more attentive to Aldo.

Later, Lety is in bed, but isn't ready to sleep. She calls Aldo. (Gee, Lety, I didn't think you were the kind of girl to make dirty late-night phone calls!) Fausto urges Aldo to answer the phone, but Aldo is too busy sulking about the woman he loves who will make him happy for the rest of his life. Lety frets and worries. Finally he calls back and says he didn't pick up earlier because he's with his dad. (Such a teeny, tiny fib!) She apologizes for what her mother said. He asks who told her about that - she says it was Tomas. She tells him that the opinions of Julieta Solis de Padilla are Julieta's only, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Lety, Conceptos, or the staff and management of Univision or Televisa. (Maybe not in so many words.)

He says he didn't tell Lety himself because he didn't want her to have a problem with Julieta. (Disgusto means "misfortune," not "disgust" - just in case you were confused.) She insists that she really loves him, and promises that everything (like her apparent disinterest in their wedding plans) will change. "I love you and want to get married to you. You believe me, right?"

They talk sweet some more and say goodbye. Actually he says "beso." Yeah, that was some hot kissin' action. I want more of that hot beso-talk. (It's about as much as he's going to get out of Lety, I guess.)

Aldo tells his father it's okay now. Fausto says see, you just have to talk to people to understand them. That way nobody can get between Lety and Aldo. Aldo predicts that he and Lety will get married and be very happy. (In bed, Lety tells herself that she definitely wants to marry Aldo; it's the only thing that matters to her.)

Meanwhile, Fern is at home, kissing his ugly Lety photo and his defaced Aurora one. "With this kiss, I'm leaving the both of them forever. I'll never kiss them, but they'll both always be around in my heart." He continues talking as tears dribble neatly down his cheeks. (I think tidy crying might be Fern's super power. One of them, anyway.) "I understand much, Lety. I know what you're sacrificing to protect your love for Aldo, and I very well know the value of what he sacrificed. It was done for me, and I know what it was worth." (Sorry - I really mangled that.)

He wipes his face and leaves his freakishly large (for an "affordable" apartment) bedroom to find Omar moping alone in the living room. Marcia's not back yet. Omar's not sure where she is - he thinks she's probably with Caro. Fern says Omar was born stupid and is getting dumber every day. He tells Omar to go find Caro and tell her what's in his heart.

He says love is for the brave; cowards end up alone. "Look who's talking," Omar retorts. He accuses Fern of not doing any better with Lety. Fern says the big difference between them is that at least Lety knows how he feels. Omar says it's the same thing - neither of them are fighting (for love). Fern says no, no, no. You still have a chance with Caro; Fern doesn't have one with Lety. That's the difference between them.

He tells Omar to stop making that face. "It's the only face I have!" Omar protests. (Maybe he should get a wig and draw on a unibrow.) He reminds Fern of all the times Fern was the same way. Fern tells him not to be so dramatic. Omar reminds Fern of the night he spent at San Miguel Regla spying on Lety and Aldo when Fern was in NY. "Okay, fine, you're an angel," Fern says impatiently. He changes the subject to give Omar the good news about the DIF de Nuevo Leon project. Omar is to preoccupied to be interested in this. Fern stomps out.

Somewhere else in the DF, Caro is arranging some romantic lighting at home. She plugs a little lamp into an already fully-loaded circuit. It blows up dramatically in a plume of sparks. Caro pouts ("there weren't that many cords") and summons the building super. He inspects the damage and says she burned out all the wiring. An electrician won't be available till tomorrow.

Nightmare on Lety's Street 3: Dream Warriors

Julieta leads Lety into the kitchen. "I've arranged everything. I've found you a husband." She claps her hands, and Fern pops up from behind the kitchen counter. "Lety, your mother has given permission for you and me to get married." He claps his hands and smiles smugly.

There's a loud slam. Lety turns behind her, where Aldo has suddenly appeared. "Lety, I don't agree. You and I are engaged. You are going to marry me." Fern and Julieta murmur and beckon to Lety. Aldo tells her it's the song of the sirens. (Fern and Julieta are yodeling in a manner that we must assume Lety finds tempting.) "Don't sing, man," Aldo taunts. "It sounds like barking." Fern yodels even louder. Lety looks back and forth nervously.

Lety twitches her eyebrows happily in her sleep.

Meanwhile, Fern is having a nightmare of his own. Lety is at his door; he thanks her for coming. She thinks he's going to seduce her. He admits that yes, that was the plan. She tells him once and for all, she loves Aldo. He grabs her arm and says okay, but please let him have Aurora, because he doesn't want to be alone. "Aurora's never going to come, because I need to protect my relationship with Aldo. He's my life and I don't want to lose him for anything in the world."

Fern wakes up, spooked. He understands. He vows to help her with Aldo.

Next day

Aldo is at the marina in Puerto Vallarta, looking at yachts. "Ocean, my dear sea, how I've missed you." (He really says that.) "And you, Leticia, should be with me." He calls Carmina's dad, but he's not in. He meets Carmina on a boat called Reel. As luck would have it, Dad got called away at the last minute and couldn't join them. Huh, some coincidence, eh? She flirts; he doesn't react right away. He just smiles at her in that noncommittal way of his.

Back in the DF, Fern tells his irritable Doña Lety that he wants to prove to her that what she accused him of (scheming to get between her and Aldo) isn't true. He will be the number one defender of her wedding. Lety says she's confused. Sometimes he seems supportive of the wedding, other times he's getting in the way. He says that what he wants most in the world is for her to be happy... and her happiness is at Aldo's side.

Next week
Carmina makes her move.
Will Dawn rise again, or is she gone forever?
Where the heck is Marcia, if she's not with Caro?
Will Caro still be in the dark?
Find out next week!

It's "¡Últimos Días!" I'm not sure what this means, in terms of how much time we have left, though it's clear that we're supposed to be feeling increased excitement. :-)


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