Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A query from Canada

A fan from Waterloo Canada writes:
I have been following Caray! Caray! and the interminable saga of "Destilando Amor", or "The Misadventures of a Supremely Stupid Hero", and enjoying the recaps immensely. As you can guess, TLN, the latino network out of Toronto, Canada is away behind both the U.S and Mexico in its lineup of telenovela broadcasts. Destilando is going to end next week for us.

HOWEVER, the bums at TLN are NOT showing "Pasion" as the next novela in line!!!!!! It is something called "Palabras de Mujers". Do you know anything about the story line of this thing? Needless to say, I am really disappointed, and emailed them to say so.

The good thing is that my Spanish is improving to the point where I can follow the story, and some conversations I can grasp 70% of what is being said. However, it helps to have read the recaps before hand, which ups my comprehension quite a bit more. So.... keep up the great work. You do have your fans.

Anybody know about Palabras de Mujers?

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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Destilando Finale, Dec.3 "All's Well That Ends Well" (Unless Your Name is Aarón)

Finally the big night begins. Here are the segments provided by the five recappers. Melinama, Julie, Jardinera, Beckster and CherylNewMex. I also suggested that each person add parting words or a last shot (either of tequila or of pithy words.) An hour before the big event started my VCR had a fatal shudder and stopped forever. Hope everyone else had better luck [This evening's editor, CNM.]

Part I by Melinama

Rod fingers Gav's picture, scotchtaped to his cell wall (who gave him scotch tape?). "I hope she'll forgive me for saying I don't love her." Nitwit.

In the nice clean empty prison cafeteria (they couldn't afford extras for this scene) Patricio apologizes. Rod thanks him for coming through at the 11th hour, they agree they will stay in touch. Patricio gets 6 years, but he can get out in 3 if he's well behaved. His girlfriend Lluvia is exonerated completely.

I enjoyed seeing Aaron on his fancy plane, in his fancy linen vacation clothes, drinking his fancy booze, saying into a currently operational cellphone: "I have plans, Oñate, lots of plans." Well, he disembarks and the fancy good life comes to an abrupt end- a red car roars up and he is taken at gunpoint by big Interpol guys. Heh. They throw him in a dark cell with Oñate. "Traitor!"

Turns out homicide gets the death sentence in Tuvaloo, and Aaron is convicted of causing the death of hundreds of Tuvaluvians who drank his adulterated liquor.

Rod gets out of jail. He's gotten a shave. He embraces his sisters, and James, and says, "Let's go save the hacienda!"

He asks about Gaviota. She's on an important trip to Eastern Europe. "With Blandie?" "No, with Olavarria, she'll be back the end of next week." "OK, then, let's go see Granny!" He gets the bad news about Grannie's coma.

At the hospital, the grave doctor says he doubts Pilar will last the night. Pilar goes, yes, she goes, yes, she goes towards the white light. [My favorite aunt, in her last days, was visited by a hospice worker who kept telling her to go towards the light. My aunt summoned her last bits of strength to cuss that worker out and tell her to stuff it.] She imagines her own funeral! Everybody is crying. Elvis is wearing an inappropriate yellow t-shirt!

Then she sees Don Amador in a cloud of white. He says, nah, this isn't your time. (She had mascara on in this scene, who's doing her makeup when she's in a coma?)

Pilar wakes up. Everybody piles in. There's a teary love fest. James is so emotional he drips fluids into his awful moustache.

Fedra runs in sobbing - Aaron has been arrested on the "Island of Savages." Minerva runs in crying also - the penalty for his crimes is death.

Oh, the Doctor says, a miraculous recovery. All credit Elvis for his devoted attention and Pilar muses that it took this disaster for her to realize Elvis has a heart of gold.

Isa is teaching her class about Greek architecture (Corinthian columns etc.) and I am in agreement that her male students will have a lot of trouble taking in the information she provides.

Rod discovers there's bad news and good news. On the one hand, the agave is destroyed and the hacienda has been dismantled by the bankers, but on the other hand, Isa has signed the divorce papers and he will soon be free.

Out in the bush, Roman is bitten by a rattlesnake while hunting rabbits. He rips hisself a tourniquet from his pants and drags hisself home. Ofelia and SanJuana are horrified when he staggers in, shivering. SanJuana calls the doctor, who won't be back for a couple hours. (Ofelia, by the way, still doesn't believe the baby is Hilario's. Since Carmelo keeps giving SanJuana presents, Ofelia suggests suspiciously that Carmelo is perhaps the real dad. SanJuana says they'll all know when the baby is born.)

Ofelia calls Hilario, who is lifting weights, all male-model-looking, in an icy-blue gym: "Come home."

SanJuana says, "Roman, don't die without knowing your grandchild." This starts to convince Ofelia that maybe the baby IS Hilario's.

Fedra, Bruno, Minerva, and Rodrigo are all outside Aaron's cell, there on the Island of Savages. Only one can go in to see him - Aaron chooses Rodrigo!

Rod enters the dark cell where Aaron sits barefoot on the floor. Rod: "I appreciate your seeing me, the others have more of a right." "I don't want them to see me like this, you won't believe it but I still have my dignity." "I'm sorry about everything that happened. What a long journey! Remember our families together at the hacienda? I'd always be so excited to see you, to play with my only friend, my brother! We grew up together, then we shared an apartment in London, we helped each other ...[Here I think Rod is being carried away by the moment - I don't recall seeing any helping going on in that apartment -- Ed.] ... When did things change?" Aaron: "When grandfather condemned us to war with his will. Why does it matter?" "It's important to me - to forget would be to lose half our lives." "You are a good guy. Be an example to my son, take care of him."

Rod says they'll appeal, they'll get him out, but Aaron says it's too late, his destiny is decided, he can't live in asquerosos
mazmorras (revolting dungeons).

Pilar suspects something is wrong because Aaron's not at the hospital (or maybe she saw him in her dream, with red flames licking around him). I think Sofia shows poor judgment in telling granny the truth. She and Dani look at the time and realize this is when Aaron is getting his lethal injection. "He did so much damage, but this is a sad end."

Fedra announces to us that the death of a child is the cruelest punishment a mother can endure. She must be trying to ward off off a more drastic cosmic punishment, like falling off that angel statue in Mexico City.

Aaron passes the assembled family on his way to the execution room. "Don't forget my charge," he says to Minerva. She sobs and grabs him. They are just great together. "Calm yourself, my love," he says. I'm leaving loving you." "Don't go!" "Tell my son his father made a lot of mistakes but he was never a coward." She collapses screaming and hugs Rodrigo.

A dentist's chair, upholstered in black. Hypodermic needles. Aaron's gone. Less than two days from arrest to execution. Dang, that's fast.

Part II by Julie:

At the hospital, Dani and Sofia talk about how devastated Minerva and Fedra must be over Aaron's death. Sofia says they will need to look after their poor uncle Bruno. Dani says she's most worried about their grandmother, and how she will react when she finds out.

In sleep, Abuela is beautiful and almost lifelike. Her breathing becomes agitated, and she wakes up calling for Aaron. "I heard Aaron saying goodbye to me! He was very sad... where is he? You know! Tell me!" Dani tries to convince her it was just a dream, but Pilar demands an answer. Sofie gently informs her that Aaron got bit by a possum with rabies, so he had to be put to sleep. Now he's in a better place where he can romp in a field with lots of other puppies.

Actually, she tells her grandmother the stark truth that he sold poisoned tequila that killed lots of people, tried to flee, and was caught. Dani adds that he was executed for it. Call me crazy, but I'm not sure that this was what Pilar should have woken up to. On the other hand, she already half-knew anyway. Pilar cries through a half-paralyzed mouth, but her heart doesn't flip out or anything.

A bell tolls. It's nighttime.

Hilario is at the hacienda, reassuring Ofelia that the worst of Roman's ordeal is past, and the doctor said that in a few days, he'll be good as new.

Ofelia asks if he needs to leave soon. He says he'll stay until Roman's okay. He says he was surprised to find SJ there. Ofelia tells Hili how angry Roman's been with him for dumping SJ. She asks if he really spent any time with SJ in the city. He admits they had some drinks together, and you know... (He watches the rest in a flashback while Ofelia waits patiently.) Ofelia says she's had problems with Roman and with SJ because she thought it was just SJ's talk that the baby was his; but when Roman was doing so badly, SJ was very worried that he'd die without seeing his grandchild, and she was sincere. Ofelia tells Hilario that SJ has changed very much, and she's studying dressmaking, and James gave her a sewing machine, and she's been making clothes for the baby.

SJ is sewing happily at this very moment. Then she remembers when Hilario called her a liar said "I don't feel anything for you. Wait, I do feel one thing - disgust!" And he laughed and said she had to get him senseless drunk so he'd go to bed with her.
(Poor victim Hilario!) SJ cries.

Hilario tells Ofelia he's not in love with SJ. (DUH) Ofelia asks if he's still in love with Isadora. Hiliario says no, all that's left of that affair is heavy remorse for having betrayed his patrón, Rodrigo.

(Somewhere in the DF, Isadora is grading student papers. She yawns and rubs her stiff neck, but smiles at the baby in his crib.)

Ofelia says it doesn't seem real that Hilario is there. Roman stirs and asks for her. She tells him that Hilario's here to see him. Hili tells him to get better soon so they can go ride horses. Roman takes his hand and calls him a city person who's surely
forgotten how to ride. They'd hoped to have a country boy who'd enjoy simple farm life with the animals, but that wasn't enough for him. (It's hard to tell whether he's must making a statement, or being bitter.) Hili replies that the happiest moments of his life happened here at the hacienda, and he'd like to be a farmhand again.

Roman says the horses and agaves have been replaced by misfortune; the agaves were killed by plagues; the bank took the rest of the hacienda's output; Pilar went to the hospital; Rod just got out of jail. Ofelia says that Montelveña is in ruin.

"But what would you care of our problems?" Roman asks, now alert enough to be grumpy again. Hilario offers to help out financially with his savings, but Roman says they don't need his money; if he really wants to help, he should claim his child. To deny one's child is not what a good man does. Hilario answers that he doesn't doesn't love SJ. Roman interrupts and says they can't make him do something he doesn't want to, but Roman will do what he can for his grandchild, and Carmelo's willing to give the child his name.

One week later: Rod visits Bruno at the Corporativo. Rod tells him about the empty fields, dead agaves, and ransacked hacienda of Montalveña. Bruno wishes he could help, but he has his hands full with the corporativo.

More updates:
- With the loss of Aaron, Fedra lost her zest for life.
- Minnie went to Spain to be with her great-aunt. (Rod suggests that Fedra go with her so they can keep each other company. Bruno seems to like this idea.)
- Granny is recovering. Sofia, Dani, and Elvis are helping with her therapy.
- The CRT is going to let Montalvocorp start producing again.
- Rod's going to ask for some sort of agricultural grant so he can plant new agaves and other crops.
- Rod heard that Mariana is getting back (to London) from a tour of eastern Europe. Bruno says he hopes they work things out.
- Rod says he will have faith in what will be.

Rod leaves. Bruno hugs a photo of Aaron and cries.

James, Roman (recovered from his snakebite), Ofelia, SJ, Hilario, and Crispin are blowing hot air (no new information) around the breakfast table. Hili's parents talk about how happy they are to have him back. Hili teasingly asks SJ what she thinks. She
says she couldn't care less. Hili fumes silently. Crispin observes that Hilario has fallen in SJ's esteem. Hili fumes some more.

Carmelo shows up with a bassinet. SJ tells him he shouldn't have; from the look in Hilario's eyes, it's clear that Hilario REALLY thinks Carmelo shouldn't have. Carmelo kisses the bassinet and leaves. SJ throws Hil a shrewd glance and says that Carmelo is
winning her over with these gifts. Hil angrily gets up and announces that he's full and will go do his work. James and the others have a hearty laugh over Hil's obvious jealousy.

And now we must be in London because they're playing "Careless Whisper," which will be the official national anthem of England just as soon as George Michael becomes king. Gavi's boss is telling Dorothy the assistant that the tour of Eastern Europe was great. Then he reminds Gavi she's going on vacation tomorrow, so she'd better prepare her report for Av*.

Gavi gets her messages. There's one from Dr. Blandie, and one from Dani. Dorothy says she told Dani she was
out of town but coming back today; she had also asked for Gavi's home number, but Dorothy wouldn't give it to her. "Good job," Gavi says. Back in Mexico, Rod calls Gavi. Impactada, Gavi stands up angrily and says they have nothing to discuss. He protests, and she answers "Are you deaf or what? You're dead to me. Don't bother me."

Dorothy walks in innocently holding a folder and Gavi jumps down her throat, telling her not to give her another phone call from Rodrigo, even if he says he's having a heart attack. Dorothy politely replies that she just wanted to give her something to review. Gavi is slightly embarrassed.

Back in Mexico, Rod tells Dani, who places a call of her own. Gavi refuses it and tells Dot NO calls from ANY Montalvos.

Rod and Dani discuss their options. Dani suggests calling Av* and having him MAKE Gavi speak to them. Rod rejects this and says Gavi has had plenty of time to hate him and now he's lost her. Dani wishes they could call Clarita, etc. Rod doesn't want Gavi to know he went to jail for her if it will only guilt her into going back to him. He tells Dani to leave her alone. But she won't let him give up. She tells him to find her. That's what she (Dani) would do, anyway.

Gavi sits at her desk and marvels at the nerve he must have to dare to call her. (She doesn't wonder hard enough to ask herself what he wanted.)

Dr. Blandie shows up. Oh joy. He's been invited to an
annual coffee expo taking place in Thailand. He tells her all about it, and manages to make it sound much duller than anything could possibly be. It'll be eight days, during which (he claims) there will not be a single dull moment.

But wait - there's more! The invitation is for TWO! (Don't worry, it's in separate rooms.)

Gavi is so thrilled, she can barely meet his eyes or crack a smile. Just to make sure we're all clear on this, he says he'd like her to go with him. "No pressure," he says, but the flight leaves at 2 tomorrow, so he needs to know tonight.

Gavi's face clearly says "KILL ME NOW" and she's unable to speak coherently. I'm not exaggerating. This is how you tell a good actor from a bad one. I bet it would have taken most people ten days to shoot this scene because they would never stop laughing.

He says he'll understand if she doesn't want to go, but... "It's just that I have to prepare this report for Av*," she tells him. "It's okay," he murmurs glumly, slinking out with his tail between his legs...

He turns at the door for another attempt. "If you come with me, I guarantee it will be an unforgettable trip." She won't have a moment to think about the things that are bothering her. It'd be a true break for her, and it would make HIM very happy.

Still no reaction from Gavi.

You know what would make it unforgettable trip? Killing someone with a demitasse spoon to make the boredom stop.

In the vecindad, Isa (wearing a leopard print) tells Jose that she's going to call Videgaray and tell him Rodrigo can see the baby any time he wants to. Jose says that's great, because her grandson needs to be near HIS FATHER. Her subtlety is not lost on Isa, who says Rodrigo has earned that right.

At home, Gavi is telling Clarita she's sure that Dr. Blandie will be a total gentleman if she goes with him. She doesn't actually sound interested until she starts talking about Thailand itself, which she'd like to see; but she doesn't want to leave her mother alone again.

Clarita tells Gavi not to worry about that; she coyly admits that spending time with Mr. Thomas isn't half-bad. Gavi excitedly asks if they're an item. Clarita says no, no, they just went out a few times. He took her out for roast beef, but she didn't like
it because the meat was tough and bloody.

Getting back to the matter at hand, Clarita feels that if Gavi agrees to take the trip with Dr. Blandie, it'd be like agreeing to have a relationship with him, even if they slept in separate rooms. It'd be a lousy way to treat a man who adores her.

Part III by Jardinera

It's a week or so that's past. Elvis is helping feed Grammy P her soup and the poor thing is paralyzed on the left side of her face. (Not a bad punishment from the novela gods for her arrogance throughout.) He leaves with the tray of dishes and she tells Dani that it's taken her numerous family misfortunes to finally figure out that Elvis is not such a bad sort, really. (Note: he's clearing the table and the maid is nowhere to be found. What does that tell us? Let's just be kind and say hard times have befallen the household. As Dani smiles at these kind words from Pilar, Sofia comes in. (Thank gawd she has a tray in her hands, too. Close call here.) She tells them she's heard that Rod was supposed to get in that morning and head straight to the hacienda. Dani says she's got some great news for the two of them, but she'll wait till Elvis comes back. (We never get to hear what the news is, though!)
In Gavi's posh pad in London she and Alonso are on the phone together. Gavi tells him that she's not really ready to consider taking a trip with him and wonders just what he's expecting from it. "If you're hoping that...." "--Oh. I suppose you're still in love with Rod." "--No. It's just that I'm not sure I'm ready to fall in love again right now. I don't want to end up hurting you." "That will be my problem. Just let me have a vit of your time and I promise you that you will enjoy yourself and won't have a minute to think about the past." (Yeah, at a coffee conference in Thailand. Yawn. Good gawd, man. Stop begging already! Okokay. He's been 5 long years without. I suppose we should give him some slack.) Gavi gives in. "Great. I'll make the reservations right now and see you at noon tomorrow!" They hang up.
Clarita comes in then and asks if Gave is going with him or not. Gavi tells her yes. Rod's call disturbed her and brought back so many painful old memories she's just got to get away and try to forget it all. Alonso knows the rules and she's willing to take a chance with him and see.
The next day as the secretary leaves we see Rod get out of the elevator. He calls out to Gavi who turns around and tells him that they have nothing to say to each other. He wants her to listen to him. She gives him one minute. The big dope doesn't give her any explanation as to why he just appears out of nowhere. He simply tells her he's come to see what she feels for him now. She says she feels lots: contempt, disappointment, hate. (Rod, honey, like you expected she'd jump for joy after the humiliating send off you gave her?) Just then Alonso arrives with his suitcase and says, "Are we going?"
Rod sees his suitcase and then looks down and see Gavi's suitcase and pretty much knows the score. The phone rings and Alonso leaves to answer it in the adjoining office. "So, you're going to go with him?" "Yes." Rod looks away, accepts the situation for what it is and leaves.
Alonso is on the phone. It was Avellaneda trying to reach Gaviota with Dani's explanation. Alonso tries to find Gavi for him, but she's gone and says she must have left with Rod. Avellaneda tells him that if for some reason Rod hasn't been able to give Gaviota an explanation, then Alonso must make sure she hears the truth from him. "So now you'll be familiar with the Hell that Rodrigo Montalvo has lived through.
Gavi goes after Rod. "What were you expecting from me? That I'd wait for you my whole life?" "No. Of course not. Why don't you get back to Santoveña? You'll be leaving him alone." "--I have no intention of doing that. He's been there for me when I needed someone the most. He never played the knid of dirty trick you played on me. I've tired of your indecision and your immaturity. What were you hoping for? That I'd jump into your arms and give thanks that's you'd come after the way you told me to go to hell?" "--No." "--You're lying! I'm not the same stupid girl I always was.....I've made my decision now leave me in peace!"
Rod turns away and enters the elevator. As the elevator doors close Gavi wipes away her tears and reenters the office. Alonso asks her where Rod's gone and she figures to his old apartment there in London, but doesn't really know. "Let's go, Doctor. I'll get my bag." He struggles with telling her what Avellaneda has just asked him to, but he is such the Dudley Do-right, he cannot stop hmself and sits her down. "I have something to tell you."
"When you and Rod returned from your trip he got two very bad bits of news that day. The plague had destroyed the agave crop and the bankers confiscated everything else. Then a scandal blew up concerning at the corporation over illegal tequila shipments that occurred while you and Rod were heading the company. When Aaron was caled in by the authorities to explain he washed his hands of it all and blamed the two of you. Rod knew they wer going to call you both in but he didn't want you to have your career cut short so he avoided it and declared himseld the guilty party and sacrificed his freedom so that you could leave the countyr. He took the blame and ended up in jail for a crime he didn't commit."
Meanwhile Clarita and Thomas are chatting at each other instead of with each other . They end up doing the tango since dog-tired is not a concept she can convey, and since tango is the dance of luhhvv.... well, you get the picture.
Alonso continues that afte Rod was freed he found out Pilar had had a stroke, then needed to travel to some island where his cousin, Aaron, had been arrested for causing hundreds of deaths from the adulterated liqour he'd marketed there and was later executed there for it. Of course Gavi wonders why he didn't tell her. Alonso says that he probably figured it was no use when he saw the two of them getting ready to go off together. So, Gavi says she must get back to Mexico and find him now. She has Alonso and Thomas explain to her mother, the two of them promise to stay good friends and she flies off to Mexico after Rodrigo.
Rod is getting sauced on tequila again and on the phone with Dani. He explains it was a waste in London and that he came back empty handed since she was getting ready to go off with Dr. Santoveñia. She wonders why the heck he didn't explain the situation to her since that was the whole point of the trip. Rod says he figured what for considering what he saw and he only wanted to see if she still felt anything for him. Anyway, he didn't want her to come back to him just because he'd gone to jail in order to save her from having to also. (He's got a point there, convoluted, but valid.) He hangs up in frustration and Dani tells Sofia and Pilar that Gavi and he didn't get back together after all. Just then the doorbell rings. Dani opens it and it is Gavi. She's come to find Rod and to ask his forgiveness.
Back at Montalveña it's lunchtime. The whole gang is there. Hilario has made the decision to stick around. He even offers to help financially with getting the hacienda up and running again. Carmelo comes in with a crib for San Juana then. Hilario gets a bit jealous at this. James is wondering why Rod got back from London so quickly and they're all wondering why Rod and Gavi's love affair has taken another turn for the worse. Rod's now locked in his room in another blue funk and won't answer S.J's knock. Crispin has the answer to cheering up the "ex-millioinario, imbibing, hacienda-owner." ¡FIESTA!
At Pilar's, Dani doesn't want to listen to anything Gavi has to say after the rotten way she treated Rod. Gavi says she deserves to be listened to considering the hideous way he dumped her. So, they let her talk. Gavi says Pilar may want to draw and quarter her, but nobody knew the horrible way Rod treated her that last time and then when he came to London she humiliated him, but he didn't try to explain, never once opened his mouth about what had happened and how was she supposed to guess?
Dani says he came to see whether she still felt anything for him and if she had shown him that she did he would have explained, but it was obvious she had other plans when he got there. Gavi admits that she did, but only after receiving their two calls. "Understand, please! I had waited my whole life for him and suffered one disappointment after another. I was afraid to fall again and had to get far, far away!" She looks straight at Dani. "And you! If we were such good friends how come you never said a word about what was happening? You know I'd never have abandoned him, let alone allowed him to stay in jail!" Dani looks at the floor, ashamed.
Gavi turns to Pilar. She says she cannot go until she has forgiven Gavi and gives her blessing to go after her grandson. Pilar gives it to her. Sofia apologises then and they hug. Dani says she simply wants to be certain that Gavi isn't going after Rod out of a sense of duty for what he did for her. Gavi tells her that could never happen.
The boys have all gone into town. They're drinking what else but tequila. It's a tequila festival it seems. James cheers the group up telling them that the bankers have agreed to give them a loan to get the hacienda back on its feet again. Rod whines about having lost Gavi forever and again refuses to have them mention her name. He says without her he feels like the living dead.

Part IV - by Beckster

First a big fine shout out to all the people who read the recaps and commented. This tale of love, betrayal, lies, angst and thinking the world is a dark unforgiving place has a redeeming message that should never be forgotten. That is “Take your Tequila Straight-Up” and make mine a doble. That is the lesson I have learned from this tale.
Now I begin at the part where Rod is drinking himself into yet another Tequila stupor. He comes out to join the family (well family of Roman and so on so forth). He says Gavi is in London, never to return he has lost her forever. SanWanna, has a look of Plllleeeezzze, that is so yesterday, I’m pregnant and guess what I know who the father is. Well there is some kind of fiesta in Tequila and nothing gets the taste of spurned love out of your mouth than going to a fiesta and drinking even more Tequila.
Meanwhile back in DF, Sofie, Dani & Pilar are sitting around. There is a knock at the door. Dani answers it and she has a look of complete surprise on her face. For a moment I am hoping it is the ghost of Aaron Past. No, it is Gavi. Dani isn’t playing the cunada game. She is a bit cold to Gavi. Gavi comes right on in and talks extremely fast, but makes her case. Look your AssHat brother humiliated me, dumped me, and kicked my ass to the curb. How was I to know he was in jail etc..I gotta see him, I gotta make things right. Dani hangs back. She asks Pilar for her blessing. Pilar or at least the half that isn’t paralyzed gives her the blessing and tells her to go find Rod. Sofie, does the I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused you. Sofie has now found people like to blame someone and being that Sofie has always had a bit of a problem getting people to like her, well she now takes the blame for everything.

---Be aware viewers Sofie will appear on C-Span next week for congressional hearings, rumor has it she will cop to falsifying WMD evidence, yes thus leading to invasion of Iraq. Don’t miss it---

Gavi is gracious with Sofie far more than I would be. I don’t think I could ever address her other than, “Bitch”, but hey that’s just me. Dani finally says, go find him.

“Him” is at the big fiesta, James, Hil, Crispin, Roman & Rod are drinking…what? Yes you guessed it Tequila. Rod says someone else will have to pay as he is broke. It’s okay that brings a big round of laughter since everyone is drunk. They all tell Rod to cheer up and the banks will come through. Sounds like a sub-prime loan..eeeeekkkk. Rod further laments how he has lost the love of his life. Meanwhile there is a parade of girls dressed as Agave plants and indeed it looks like a couple of Frankies “Twofer” babes are riding in a truck. We see dancing Indians, babes on floats, bands and so on and so forth. Hil & James get up and dance in the street. Yes, I have been to the local regional drunk fests in Mexico and yes men do that. Thank Gawd my husband doesn’t dance, but he would be one of the drinkers egging the other idiots on, yes if you ever see a picture, that is me in the background with the Sofie snarl on my face. Now they are all in the streets and seriously drunk and stumbling. Miss Agave 2007 is passing by on her float, the ninos say Miss Agave is hawt. Rod disagrees no one is as hawt as his Gavi, so he kinda leaps, falls down on the float. He has his cassette of many tears. Of course there is a cassette player on the float, these third world countries don’t have fine technology like we do…alas no cd player.
Meanwhile, Houston we have a problem…The Gavi has landed. She has arrived in the same decrepit school bus she rode when departing Tequila those four plus years ago.

---Seriously folks I hate to lecture, but should you ever be on jeopardy and the category “Outmoded Forms of Transportation in Third World Countries” comes up, they actually have normal buses that run between DF & little out of the way places. Granted they stop at every little town along the way, but they have air conditioning. Tequila is not a small town. The place I was had maybe 500 total on a good day.---

Anyhow Gavi calls the ranch, Ofelia tells her Rod is in town. Gavi will find him. She stops off at a stand and buys a dress & some sandals. The dress is pretty form fitting and you can she she doesn’t wear a belly ring as you can see her navel through the dress. Gavi looks okay in a kinda getting back to my roots kinda of way.
Now back to Miss Agave, Rod is pulled off the ride and law enforcement gather. (by law enforcement, I mean a mall somewhere was missing the dayshift of rent-a-cops). Normally Federallis or the Mexican Federal Police patrol these big festivals, they carry large guns and maintain crowd control. The boys drag Rod off. By this time Rod has decided it would be a good idea to go to the rodeo. Hil see Carmelo and splits off from the group of ninos. Hil tells Carmelo, no mas presents for SanWanna & the baby. Hil says it is his baby. Carmelo says well I offered her a name for the kid as you didn’t step up. Hil wants him to back off, but Carmelo says we will let SanWanna decided. Oh Carmelo, you little dreamer.

Gavi runs into Hil on the street and he tells her Rod is at the Rodeo, off they go.
Now Rod and the rest of the gang are in the Rodeo, we see fast-forwarded bull riding. An announcement is made, “Who will ride the bull of the six lives?” Who? Who? Why BadBigHeadedRod, that is who. His friends try to stop him, but fueled by six galleons of Tequila, Rod knows no fear. He is in the shoot being tied to the bull or whatever. Gavi has arrived…no no no..

Rod can’t hear her.

Rod leaves the shoot, he holds on briefly, but is thrown, OH NO..Rod lies motionless on the dirt and other things commonly found in a bullring. Gavi runs into the ring and cradles his big head..Oh Rod, forgive me, forgive me, I love you…and so on. Rod has been playing possum “This is the best part he says” They kiss, at last they are united…

Part V by CherylNewMex

Oh, teehee, I get the wedding scene! Soooooo, someone shouts out, "The Bridegroom!" And here comes our handsome Rodrigo in the fanciest Mariachi suit ever on an enormous well decorated horse, I can't decide which of them was better looking. So much beauty, so little time. He greets the guests and gets lots of "finally it really is your wedding" comments. Clarita does the cross and kiss blessing to a child for him and Dani presents him with a surprise. Here comes José with bighead Ricky. Rod cuddles the chubby one and proclaims his joy. Isadora sent best wishes and thought his son should be with him on this important day. I spot Lluvia alone, everyone else seems to be with their main squeeze. Rodrigo disappears into the church to avoid jinxing the moment by seeing the bride too soon. Well, even he has had enough of these jinxes in his life.

The shouts start again, "Here comes the bride!" and Gaviota enters in a huge splendid carriage. Her white horse wears a huge white blanket and indeed Gaviota is totally in white. Every fallen (not really a virgin anymore) woman's dream... all that white to suggest purity of thought and deed. This time, Clarita meets her with a "como asi, m'hija" like what else would she say. She adds, "You shine like the saints" And, here comes Mr.Thomas from behind a wall who flew with her from London. Thomas assures Gaviota that he couldn't let Clarita come alone. Wow, lots of friends. Nancy hugs her. José and bighead Ricky come forth again to surprise her. Avellaneda, steps forward and says he is sorry she won't be with the CRT but surely she will carry on as a consultant for them. She agrees. The priest calls them in to start the ceremony. Avellaneda then takes her arm and is her escort down the aisle. I nice paternal touch for these two who have been through so much together. The sisters welcome her to the family [I'm between yelling, run Gavi run and being a teary eyed spectator] The Mariachi band softly plays the wedding march and down the aisle they come. Her dress is a bit fussy for my taste with lots of material including a long train, but lordy, this woman deserves to wear all the white lace in Sevilla if she wants to. She is pleased with it and that's all that counts. At the traditional hand off, Avellaneda says to Rod that Gaviota is like a daughter to him. Pilar speaks for Rodrigo and assures Gaviota she is getting the real descendent of Amador. The ceremony is pretty traditional with the addition of lots of thought bubbles from the pews. All good wishes of course. When Rodrigo and Gaviota first kneel at the altar, they have a common thought bubble murmuring of the first time they met, they were kneeling at that altar when Rod returned for Amador's funeral.

Cut to poolside in Thailand, a very pretty, bikini-clad woman sits down next to Alonso. And it's such a parallel universe, she is reading the exact same book and orders the exact same special coffee from the waiter. What a sunny smile we get from Alonso for the first time in ages. Could this be his soulmate come to life??

Back at the altar, the besotted couple kiss the rings before putting them on each other's hand and say sweet vows. The scene includes the tradition of groom pouring coins into the hands of bride and the sister's entwine the couple with the long boa of white roses. Hilario looks on with a wistful sigh, Pilar thought bubbles hope that they have finally overcome all their obstacles. [boy, you and me both, sister], Elvis thinks this has ended in a great triumph and James and Sofie pledge love to each other [now just stop it! all of you, no sneering or snarking out there, I am one of the few viewers who really likes old James of the good heart, and Sofia has cleaned up her act quite well] Rodrigo wants to consecrate his life to making Gavi happy. The beaming faces continue thoughts, and my what beautiful teeth they all have, grandmother! Gaviota kisses Rod early the priest teases her then they are declared married and kiss a bunch more.

8 years later we hear a child singing "Aye, Gaviota", and see a precious curly haired moppet in the dirt near the agave fields. Rodrigo approaches and startles her into giggles. He grabs her up on his shoulder and takes her off to meet an old friend of the family. As we enter the house, the long mantle displays pictures of all the dead and then all the married family members so we see proof of Sofie and James, then Dani and Elvis end up in wedding garb. Thank you thank you, I like weddings but not that many. A crowd of children scramble down the stairs to surround Alonso, his beautiful bride and Gaviota. They include Ricky whose head looks nicely proportioned to his body now, Pili who must be named Pilar with long flowing golden locks, smart naming by Minerva no doubt to get back on granny's good side. Hilario and SJ's awfully cute son. We learn that James and Sofie have twins and they are working at the school at the Mirasoles home, the little Gaviota is a precocious child, later at a wonderful outdoor meal and fiesta we are treated to music and all the family looking happy and hale. Elvis and Dani dangle a beautiful toddler between them. Clarita is living there with Thomas as her husband and the kids call him Grandpa. Fedra looks almost sweet (maybe it's just grateful) with Bruno, Grandma Pilar has gotten her smile back if not her groove. Lluvia is there with Patricio. We learn that the new agaves are now six years old and ready for making more tequila. It all seems happy and prosperous [unless you are Aarón, Acacia, Frankie or....]
A final scene later that evening we see Rodrigo and Gaviota in her sundress and barefoot gliding out to the agave field to the base of that dreamy tree for another reenactment of their original love scene. They repeat their te amos, adoros, idolatros, veneros, Ohhh that tree.... The sunset pales as we fade to FIN.


Melinama's Parting Shot: - What do I have to say in conclusion? I'm glad Gaviota stopped flipping her hair; I'm mad she never appeared as the Celery Queen, I've been waiting all these months; Rodrigo did not have very many brain cells for a person his size. Aaron and Minerva were the fire of this show. And finally, when will the producers realize that extending these novelas does not improve them?

Julie's Parting Shot - It has truly been a pleasure doing these recaps, and I'm sorry it's ended so soon, with so many loose
ends. But hey, that means we're free to make stuff up, right? I'll be taking a break from recapping for a while, but I'll see you in the comments for Pasion and/or whatever else is coming up that looks good. Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful support and fun I've had here at ¡Caray, Caray!

Jardinera's Parting Shot - My thoughts are: that we have been living with this group of characters as intimately as anyone for the last 8 months. That's long enough to have a baby, for heaven's sake! So, this is a bitter-sweet good-bye, but good-bye and good-riddence it is! A shame that Rod never knew Isa cheated on him with Hil. Nobody learned Frankie got french-fried. We have no idea what ever happened to Acacia that finally allowed Sofia and James to get married, or did we and I was too sozzled on reposado to notice? Lovely wedding however.........nice to see them end up under the tree where it all started, too. Nice touch.

Beckster's Parting Shot(s) - The twisted part of me kinda wishes…the bull would run out and trample them both. We could then have a commentary from the ghost of Aaron with a Ghost Babe on his arm, bourbon in his hand and a smoke in the other hand. Aaron could say they were given every chance, but they were simply to stupid to live and tempted the Gods one time too many. The moral could be make hay while the sun shines, for tomorrow the bull tramples you. Thanks again…I will miss these people, Tune into tomorrow as Pasion begins with “Yes more people acting badly” Signing off under the big tree.

Cheryl's Parting Shot - Kind of a gushy end but I cried anyway. Nice to see so much prettiness after the struggles, deaths, and generally ugly snarkiness in many parts of this passion play. This has been a great linguistic journey since last January when I saw the beginning in Mexico and I love Caray Caray and all my new cyberbuds. And ohhh that tree, I want to go find it so I can take my own pictures of it.
-Adios amigos.


Sunday, December 02, 2007

Destilando Finale reminders!!

I am so excited!!

Someone mentioned in comments that people who use "Season Pass" with their DVRs might not get any recording at all for the finale because the title is different. Yikes! Don't forget to double-check your machines!

I don't have that feature, but I was glad for the reminder because I set up my machine to record for one hour every weekday starting at 9... forgot all about it and didn't set it up for the finale... I would have been screwed too!

The show starts at 8 pm ET and goes to 10:30, followed by a half-hour Christina Destilando Amor special (I don't know anything else about this).

Also, read this for instructions and URLs if you want to watch and chat at the same time. To avoid spoiler conflicts, I created one chat room for the East & Central (and Mountain?) viewers (, and another for the West viewers (

(The recappers-only chat room, where we'll work out the details of who does what, is

Get your Kleenex, ice cream, and CRT-certified tequila ready! See you tomorrow!


Saturday, December 01, 2007

Destilando Amor, 11/30/07: A Woman Scorned X 2 -- The Playboy Gets Played

The two women Aaron has scorned are finally facing off and facing facts. Yes indeedy it's Aaron's two redheads in a righteous rough-and-tumble over the man they've fought for these past four years. Pammy, in a staring match with malevolent Minnie, is in her terri-er slippers and bathrobe. (What is it with costuming and these granny-fuzz slippers and terr-ier cloth robes they're always putting these sexy starlets in, anyway? I mean, some weirdo in that group, with a grandma fetish, is obviously getting his jollies seeing long legs scraping around in fuzzy flats with gawd-awful ugly-robes barely covering their tushes.) Minnie accuses Pam of planning the whole scenario out of revenge and Pammy asks her if things had been reversed and she'd been the one made a world-renowned laughing stock after such a world-class jilt, wouldn't she have done the same?

Minnie says perhaps, but then she would know that she deserved it for getting involved with a married man. ""If you were in my shoes you'd have reacted the same as I. You, though, not only got involved with a married man, but a man who doesn't love you, to boot. Or, how else do you explain him coming back to me?"

Pammy answers that Aaron said it was only because he felt compromised since Minnie could destroy him with the information she had about his illegal tequila shipments. Red-faced, Minnie says, "Yeah, well, he only came back to you to recover what you stole from him." Pam punts and says, "I have no intention of arguing this with you. He no longer interests me. "

Pammy tells Minnie that she no longer cares whether Aaron really loved her or not since he's no longer on top of that pedestal she'd always put him on. Yep, her dirty tricks are done with and she and that Ronald-McDonald red mane of hers never intend on seeing him again. She apologizes then because she didn't realize Minnie was expecting.

Minnie wants it straight. "I am not puttin' distance between me and you till I get the whole truth about you and him!" Pammy starts up the tape recorder hidden in her phone to let Minnie hear the conversation she had with Aaron. Minnie gets a real smack in the face hearing her beloved call her a sneaking, old ugly biddy, whining about the circumstances that forced him to return to her. Pammie then shows Minnie the two tickets to Tubaloo and says these are proof that he played both of them for fools.

Here it seems that Pam's need for vengeance and her will along with it are both as squishy as her silicone smile. They've oozed out of her just like someone popping a pin into that precious pillowy pout of hers. Pam gets the USB and the CD which contain the proof of Aaron's illegal shipments and hands them over to Minnie, along with the responsibility for two other innocent lives this bubble-lipped bimbo refuses to consider: people who are counting on Pammy to present it and prove their innocence, and to save them from wrongfully spending 20 years in purgatorious prisondom paying for a crime she darn well knows her lover actually committed.

Bulbous bubble-lips tells Minnie that she won't be responsible a second time for Minnie's losing a child. She says she has promised Aaron she wouldn't appear to testify against him and she plans to keep that promise. So, only Minnie knows what she will do with this evidence. (Sure as shootin' Pammy couldn't have had a clue, considering Minnerva's long history of greed and graft at the side of Aaron and the felonious Fedra.....) We are left to suppose Pam hopes Minnie will do the right thing but for all the wrong reasons, i.e., revenge.

Minnie gets home and finds Aaron waiting for her with his "heart dangling by a thread". She assures Aaron that Pammy managed to destroy their marriage, and he right along with her since he jumped into bed with her. He tries to explain it all away by saying because of the USB he was forced to fool around with her since it was their future at stake; but Minnie's had enough and won't listen to anymore of his excuses.

"--Don't you dare touch me! What excuses are you going to make this time? That it wasn't you I found half naked in her apartment, or that I was just hallucinating?" "--It was all just a ruse, a trick to get back at us because she knew I needed the USB. She took advantage of me." "--Sure, I suppose she forced you to get undressed and to make love with her?" "--Well, a little bit, yes.....There's an explanation if you'd just listen. We have got to get away from her. She's destroying us." He gets down on his knees to her and pats her pregnant belly. "You and little Aaron are the most important thing in my life. Give me this one last chance."

Minnie finally realizes that they invented the phrase "getting deep in here" to describe guys like Aaron and their cock-n-bull stories. "We'll talk after you give your testimony tomorrow," she says and stomps off, leaving Aaron sitting on his couch, tearfully sucking down whiskey.

In London, meanwhile, Avellaneda congratulates everyone for having gotten the majority in the vote during the Conference. He then assigns them all to a tour of various countries to follow up on that vote and to smooth things over by discussing what it will mean to the countries involved who were not initially in favor of it. Alonso is to head off to Argentina while Olavarrea and Gavi are headed to Eastern Europe for 10 days. Once they return all of them will be given time off for vacation. Alonso encourages Gavi afterward to take the time off she's being given.

The next day at the hearing Aaron makes his acknowledgment to the judge and says that because of delaying tactics in Rod's defense of his business dealings, Aaron's assets have been frozen so he is losing enormous amounts of money daily and wants to sue Rodrigo for it back. Videgaray gets to ask him first, though, for the record, just how he financed his Agave Enterprises in Miami. Aaron is surprised by the question and says he couldn't possibly give him an answer off the top of his head.

Nestor then asks Lluvia if she realizes that she will be held liable for other charges regarding her breach of trust and any damages done to the shipping division of the company. He advises her that her sentence will be much less if she confesses to the court that she was under somebody else's orders, or at least that she didn't act alone. Lluvia says she understands but still denies that anyone of the other Montalvo's gave her instructions to sign off on the illicit shipments.

Patricio knows Lluvia is down for the count and tells his aunt that life won't be worth living with Lluvia sent away. Fedra simply hisses at him not to be bothered. He and Lluvia exchange longing glances and Pat gets fidgety. The judge moves for another court date to set a sentence for her punishment. At that moment Pat is desperate to save her and stands up. "NO! No more hearings!" He turns around to Aaron. "I warned you that my life was meaningless without Lluvia. If she isn't free then I don't want to be either!"

Patricio then shocks the entire courtroom as he retracts his earlier statement. He admits that he ordered Lluvia to sign the shipping orders, that Aaron colluded with his attorney, Oñate, who organized everything in order to finance the launching of Turquoise Agave, and that he was aware of the entire scheme from the beginning. He explains then that neither Gavi nor Rod knew what they were signing and were unfamiliar with the company's shipping procedures, and Oñate was in charge of falsifying the CRT's stamps of certification.

Just then Minnie, the bitch-witch herself, who as we all know is never one to lose an opportunity to cause a real stir when making an entrance, appears at the trial and asks to give her testimony. Aaron is stammeringly impactado. "Wh-what are you doing here?" "--Can't you guess?" says Bitch-witch with a bellyful of baby. "---B-b-b-but you're putting little Aaron's future at risk!"

Poor Bruno, always the last to know, turns to Fedra confused, and asks what is going on. Fedra replies that someone obviously has put Minnie up to this, to hurt their Aaron.

Minnie hands over the USB memory and a CD to the judge saying that this is proof that demonstrates her husband is a crook. Aaron is now wide-eyed-my-goose-is-cooked impactado; Rod is jumping for joy impactado behind his jail bars. Realizing what's in store for them all, Bruno is devastated. Fedra is ready to bite her nails down to the quick as Minnie tells Aaron in front of the whole courtroom that she warned him when she found him in the hot-tub with Pamela Torreblanca that what he was doing to the family and to the business was criminal and she knew he was adulterating his tequila. Aaron scrambles to tell the judge that this is simply a reprisal of a jealous wife because of their marital problems. The judge and the M.P. have their doubts and has her sit down to answer Videgaray's questions.

On the record Minnie tells Nestor that on the CD (which Pammy had the investigative law firm make but didn't have the stomach to use against Aaron) is a detailed rundown of all the illegal shipments, dates and destinations Aaron made regarding Turquoise Agave. Aaron tells the judge that it is a skillful ploy by the defense to destroy him and that the judge shouldn't be fooled by two jealous and resentful women -- a bad move, considering the judge is a woman herself. Guess Aaron never heard of a thing called Karma.

Minnie takes out the mini-cassette for the judge and M.P. and puts it into the recorder she's brought along just for this purpose and plays it. On it is Aaron asking Pam for the USB back, definitely telling her how he'll be happy as a pig in mud to get hold of it. She testifies that Aaron and Oñate used Rod and Mariana Franco and that Lluvia was forced, along with Patricio, to participate in his schemes. In particular, Lluvia was pressured and didn't participate in the planning and never received anything in return. As for Mariana Franco, she says, with a definite pucker and a frown as she looks at her hands in her lap, she has no evidence of her involvement in anything.

Meanwhile, in London Gavi is trying to get some news about Montalvo Corp.'s situation from her contact, Lascuráin, who says all he knows is that the family is involved in some sort of irregular liquor exportation scandal. She discusses the situation with Alonso who asks if the Montalvo's could truly have been involved in something like that. Gavi tells him about the rumors when she worked for the Corporation and how when she and Rod went to the various ports to investigate they were unable to find anything out of order.

Back at the hearing Minnie accuses Fedra of being complicit. Fedra jumps up and tries to claim it's a conspiracy and to run out of the room, but she is stopped by Bruno, who throws her back in her chair and tells her she's not going anywhere till the hearing is over.

Gavi continues her conversation with Alonso and makes some nasty aside that Rod is probably in his hacienda right now, so who knows what's up with him.

The judge accepts the evidence and Vid makes a plea to the judge to accept the testimonies of all involved along with the USB and the CD and to exonerate his client from all charges. The judge decides in Rod's favor. (Cheers all around.) Bruno freezes Fedra out with one mean, icy stare before he walks off. Pat goes to Lluvia and assures her they'll soon be together again.

Through the cell bars Rod thanks Pat for his testimony and Pat apologizes for covering up for Aaron all this time and says he's ashamed of his actions then walks away. Rod confronts Aaron. "Come here, Aaron!" Rod is smiling through a triumphant sneer. Aaron walks over as Rod tells him soon he'll be taking his place behind these bars. Aaron tells him it's not over till its over and threatens that he is going to make certain Gavi is brought back from London and jailed. "I'm certain you'd rather see her behind bars than together with Alonso Santoveñia," he taunts, trying in a last ditch effort to make Rod believe that she's thrown him over for her ex-boss. "You've certainly seen the news footage on television." Rod swears to Aaron that he'll do everything in his power to stop Aaron from having the pleasure of seeing Gaviota behind bars.

Rod congratulates Aaron then in his successful attempt to destroy the business, the family, and his father's moral support, not to mention getting him thrown into jail, but says he won't be at peace until he's seen Aaron stripped of everything. He's going to be the one picking Aaron's cell and will make certain it is the most remote, dark and narrow little space there is since he's now going to be suing Aaron! In fact, he plans on coming to visit Aaron weekly just to make sure and to take comfort in his being there. Aaron sneers back and says forget it, it isn't gonna happen 'cuz the likes of Aaron Montalvo wasn't made for jail.

The judge then informs Vid that Gavi is exonerated from any charges also. Nestor, Dani and Sofia promise to call Gavi and to tell her all that's happened and what Rod did for her. They promise they'll have her there the next day, even. Rod says he's dying to get out but doesn't intend to look for Gavi now since he figures she's involved with Alonso over in Europe and she is over him. Dani scolds him for saying this and tells him it's only work related and that he knows better than anyone how much she loves him. He finally gives in and says they can call her for him. Then Nestor tells him that he should be out of jail in 48 hours. No one lets on about Pilar's stroke and being close to death.

Oñate is on the telephone and laughing at the fact that in Tubaloo there were several dead people because they had to add methanol to the distilling processing as the filler, and the dummies drank it. He's laughing his head off because of it when Interpol agents arrive and slap handcuffs on him.

Elvis is very emotional and he cries to Pilar that she's his only grandmother, that he'd give up being with Dani, the love of his life, if she asked him to, provided that she'd wake up from her coma. Pilar hears him it seems, at some level, and though she's still got her eyes closed, she reaches for him and squeezes his hand.

Back at what's left of Montalvo Corp. and Aaron's office, Bruno is yelling at Patricio that he saved nobody. In fact, he tells him, Pat cold bloodedly manipulated Rod into jail, ended his career, destroyed the company's reputation and the family's good name, right along with the shipping company he ran, all things that his father labored for years to sustain; and if that weren't all, he along with Aaron, brought his mother to the brink of death.

When Bruno opens the door to leave there are Aaron and Fedra listening to everything through the cracks. Bruno tells Aaron they'll get decent lawyers, ones with a sense of ethics to defend them and they'll face their consequences like men. Aaron ignores this and tries to persuade Patricio to flee to Tubaloo with him. He refuses and Bruno demands they both stay and face their consequences with dignity. God knows where they'll find it, but he won't stand to have his family, on top of everything else, become a horde of fugitives from the law.

Fedra screams at Bruno then for blaming it all on his son. He gives her a disgusted look and says Aaron's not the only one to blame; she's also to blame. He doesn't even know her anymore and he wonders how she could have covered for such vile, mean deeds.

As Bruno walks away he says to Aaron and Patricio, "Well, I guess you'll have to learn what it is to be decent men --like your grandfather, and like me-- from behind bars."

In another conference room Soto, Aaron and Patricio consider their fate and their options. Pat apologizes for turning on blood but says Aaron left him no alternative. Aaron again tries to convince him to go to Tubaloo with him where he is certain they'll be safe. Pat says no, he is not leaving Lluvia and walks out.

Soto then advises Aaron to change his destination as a month ago there was a mass fatality in Tubaloo due to the population ingesting the liquor concoction he sold through Oñate. Aaron dismisses this because it was all sold through a ghost company and the mishap cannot be traced to him. Soto leaves in frustration.

Aaron calls Minnie from the empty conference room to come join him. He knows all is lost and he has to flee the country. Otherwise he'll be sent to prison and he would rather die first. (We can only hope.) He has the nerve to tell her that she overdid it with the vengeance thing, because he did it all for the three of them, and that he forgives her and would really like one last chance. He doesn't want to lose her and the child. Minnie's eyes are swollen from a whole day of tears; she refuses to join him and says they're over. She hangs up and cries over losing him.

Totally ignoring the nurse's orders to leave Pilar's restricted room in the INTENSIVE CARE area, Dani and Sofia have rushed in determined to give Pilar the exciting news that Rod was let free and will be getting out of jail soon.

Fedra rushes to speak with Bruno. He has things to think over and doesn't want her around. She whines that he is being too hard on her for making a mistake. Bruno, totally disgusted with her, realizes who he's been married to all this time, and tries to forcibly throw her out, but she clings to him. "--A mistake?" he asks her in disbelief. "A mistake that finished off everything!!" "--How can you let your children be put in jail?" she screams. "If you won't help them then I will!"

The phone rings and Bruno answers. He says, "Well, Patricio, that was to be expected." Fedra asks what Patricio wanted. Bruno says, "That was the police coming to take Patricio to jail. Don't feel strange if the next one is from your son." He turns on his heel and leaves. Fedra is crying hysterically.

Pilar must have heard the girls' exciting news at some conscious level. She starts gasping for air and begins suffering cardiac failure. The sisters turn hysterical while Elvis races out to look for the people with the crash carts.

In his lonely jail cell Rod turns and fingers his taped up newspaper photo of Gavi (the one he must have ripped out when nobody was looking that day a while back). He thinks to himself that he hopes she will forgive him for having told her he didn't love her and that he trusts in her love being greater than her disappointment in him.

In the waiting room Dani, Sofia, Elvis and James are worried that Pilar will die. Sofia says it'll all be on Aaron's head if she does. (Well, not quite, you ditz! They told you not to bother the old lady. She was in intensive care, after all. They call it that for a reason! I-N-T-E-N-S-I-V-E- C-A-R-E, as in any unusual excitement or shock to the system can kill, duh!)

In his chartered jet Aaron is on his cell with Oñate telling him the plan is to relocate to Tubaloo for a little while and so he should fly out first thing the next morning and meet Aaron in Molucas Palas. Oñate asks about Minnie joining them. Aaron says he's certain when she gets over her tantrum she'll catch up to him. As the camera pulls back we see that this is all a ruse by Interpol to track Aaron down using Oñate as bait.

At the hospital Bruno arrives as the doctor tells the family that Pilar has suffered a respiratory problem and her blood pressure is very high. If they cannot control it she may not last the night.


Back in Gavi's posh pad in that very fashionable part of London overlooking the Thames, with an impressive view of Big Ben and Parliament, Alonso says good-bye to Clarita and Gavi. Before he leaves he suggests that he and Gavi spend their vacation together. She says that she'll think about it and they'll talk when they get back from their business trips. He smiles, gives her a peck on the cheek, then leaves.

Once Alonso is gone Clarita complains to Gavi that God will never forgive her if she's got Alonso going around with false hopes again. She asks Gavi to accept the fact that she might be starting to feel something for her ex-boss after all. At first Gavi objects, saying she's not in love with him, but then she smiles and says that he's respectful of her and treats her well, and that she feels happy and comfortable when she's with him. Clarita smiles and says, "Well then, you see. You are attracted to him." Gavi has to admit that she probably is.

Pat is now in jail with Rod and keeping him company at dinner. Pat apologizes again and Rod says he knows he was only being blackmailed and pressured by Aaron. The important thing is that he came clean and told the truth, so surely he won't be in jail very long. Rod promises then that Pat will have the full support of the family once Rod is released and out.

Back in her room Pilar's vital signs go flat. She suddenly opens her eyes to a bright white enveloping light.


Friday, November 30, 2007

Destilando Amor - Nov. 29, 2007 - Gavi and Alonso in Londres; Rod has his arraignment hearing; Aaron gets caught with his pants down

EPISODE - Nov. 29, 2007: (Ed. note: thank you for your patience, here's my complete recap from the episode.)

* at the hospital waiting area, Minnie arrives and Dani shoves her hostility and frustration in Minnie's face - comparing her granny's health to Minnie's baby news. Dani, Sofia and Elvis leave. Fedra and Bruno stay with Minnie. Minnie is upset by Dani's remarks. Bruno tries to explain. Minnie sits on the arm of a chair and takes out her cell phone - she wants to call Aaron. Fedra talks her out of calling him with the news; instead go to him and tell him in person. Minnie puts the phone away.

* Aaron is at Pammie' condo. He is frustrated in his futile search for his "maldito" car keys. Pammie smiles and continue to play hide and seek with them. Aaron is fed up with the game and vows to just take a taxi. Pammie calls "Bichie" here's your keys, as she waves them. Aaron stomps over to take them. He kisses her on the forehead and promises to call her soon. He leaves. Pammie thought bubbles, 'Oh, how I am enjoying my vengeance.'

* James sits in the hospital waiting area. Sofia walks in crying. James asks her what the doctor told them. She says Grammy is in a coma. He consoles her. She doesn't want her grammy to die.

* Elvis is in Pilar's hospital room - Pilar is hooked up to the oxygen machine and the heart monitor (ed. note: if she's in a coma, where's the breathing tube stuck down her throat and the catheters stuck into her - chehem - other body openings?) Elvis is wearing the lovely blue surgical cap and gown, he slips the face mask down off his face as he sits down and holds Pilar's hand. He starts to talk to her.

* Arraignment/Discover hearing for Rod and Lluvia begins - Judge "Leonarda/Consuelo" and District Attorney "Juan" are present, as are Dani and Patricio as audience, Lluvia from the women's cage window and Rod from the men's cage window. Judge reads the charges for Rod and asks Rod to make his declaration for the court. He says he is not guilty of the charges. Nestor listens from the desk to Rod's statement. Judge and District Attorney are stunned by the change in plea and ask follow-up questions about why Rod pleaded guilty with his first statement and now is pleading not guilty. Rod explains that he and Marianna are both victims in the fraud scheme. District Attorney explains to Rod that with his change in plea, they will have to subpeona Marianna to testify. Nestor nods to Rod and Rod nods in response to the question.

* At the London Tequila Conference, Gavi, Alonso, Don Roberto and London rep. stand at the Mexico delegation table. (Manuel Landeta) walks in like a French tequila superstar - the press immediately gravitate to him and start asking him questions. (Manuel) stops to greet Gavi in French. Gavi responds likewise. He moves on to greet several other members of the conference; the press pack continues to follow him around. Gavi vents her frustration and outrage at (Manuel)'s games and presence at the conference to Don Roberto and Alonso. Don Roberto tells her to ignore him, he's not worth the effort. Don Roberto tells them to sit down. Alonso starts to talk with Gavi.

* The arraignment/discovery hearing continues. Rod explains further how innocent he and Marianna are of the scheme. The real culprit is Aaron Montalvo. Nestor presents to Judge and District Attorney the blue three-ring binder with all the official financial documents for Ardiente Pasion tequila as well as for Montalveno hacienda as proof for Rod's defense. Judge orders a recess in the proceedings until tomorrow morning. She calls for subpeonas to be issued for Aaron Montalvo and Pamela. Dani stands with Patricio; she smiles to her brother who gives her the fingers crossed sign. She also calls for a subpeona to be prepared for Marianna Franco. Judge and District Attorney adjourn from the room. Nestor walks over to Rod - Rod pleads with Nestor to find another witness to testify, he doesn't want Marianna to be involved in any of this. As the guard tries to take Rod back to his cell, Rod struggles with the guard as he shouts to his sister Dani encouragement for Pilar, then he shouts his hostility towards Patricio for what Aaron and he did to the company and him. When Rod finally leaves, Lluvia calls out to Patricio - Patricio tells her not to worry, all will be fine. Lluvia is taken back to her cell in the women's section. Dani then gets the opportunity to give Patricio her two cents worth of lowered opinions about his and Aaron's plan against Rod and the family. "I hope your conscience lets you sleep at night." Then she proceeds to tell him about how his and Aaron's presence are not welcomed at the hospital for Grammy P. She tells him off, "If Granny died, then your (and Aaron's) plan with have been a success." Dani and Nestor leave. Patricio starts to grow a conscience.

* Attorney visits Aaron at his office. He tells Aaron that Rod has declared himself not guilty. Aaron isn't surprised, he half-expected it from his cousin. The attorney then informs Aaron that the judge has issued a subpeona for him to testify tomorrow. Aaron accepts it and advises the attorney to have all the i's dotted and t's crossed and everything in order by then. Attorney then shocked the heck of Aaron when he says the judge has also issued a subpeona for Pamela to testify. (Aaron about chokes and spits out a mouthful of whiskey.)

* Nestor and Dani arrive back at the hospital waiting room (faster than a speeding bullet; just how close is that jail house to the hospital anyway?). Sofia and James fill them in on the not good prognosis of Grammy. Nestor sees Bruno and sits with him on the sofa. Bruno asks about Rod's hearing; Nestor gives him the shocking news, Rod has declared his innocence and has accused Aaron of the crime. Bruno looks up to the ceiling in disbelief.

* Aaron, in his office, is on the phone with Pammie. He proposes taking a long trip with her to the Bahamas(?). Pammie is enchanted by the idea, then reminds him of the USB arrival. Aaron will be in touch. After he hangs up, he doesn't look too happy (in fact he looks rather uncomfortable and nervous).

* Minnie has breakfast in bed by herself. She is talking on the phone with Fedra about Aaron, Grammy's status at the hospital, and Rod and his sisters. Another call chimes in. Minnie hangs up with Fedra to take the call. The caller (Pammie with a high-pitched child's voice) tells Minnie that her husband is still seeing Pamela. Minnie doesn't believe it at first and asks for the caller's name. The caller (Pamela) continues to say if Minnie wants full fledged proof she is to come to the condo at Castillo and Winston Street #98 at 4 p.m. this afternoon. Pammie hangs up, then prays Minnie takes the bait. Minnie doesn't quite know what to do or think.

* Bruno talks with Nestor about how to complete his promise to his mom and protect the family name by keeping both Aaron and Rod out of prison. Nestor says he can't - not with the evidence piling up against Aaron in this scheme. Fedra walks in at the end of the conversation. Nestor looks at her, stands up and walk away. Fedra sits beside Bruno and asks what the conversation was about. Bruno tells her the truth - that Aaron was responsible for everything (the fraud shipments and framing Rod).

* Pammie goes shopping at Vicky Form (mexico's Victoria's Secret). She buys some special lingerie for her very special date with Aaron.

* In London, the conference continues. As Gavi sits and listens to the translator in her headphones, she daydreams about her skinny dip with Rod in the private cave pools and then the night time private luau and serenade. She thought bubbles wondering if it was all a lie, if and when she will ever stop thinking about him and move on with her life.

* Rod, at the prison cafe, sits alone playing with his food. He gives up on the meal and pushes it away just as the news report comes on television from Fabian Lavalle about the London Tequila Conference. Rod is very intrigued, and shocked, when he sees Gavi and Alonso together in the video.

* Aaron is on the phone talking with Fedra about Minnie. Fedra will watch for her and take care of it. She warns him about Nestor and Bruno's conversation about him and the case against Rod unravelling. He assures her he will handle it. She also tells him how Grammy is doing. They hang up. Then Patricio enters the office and confronts Aaron about the case against Rod turning against them. Aaron tells Patricio that he is going right now to get the USB files back from Pammie. Patricio asks what will happen if the judge actually has Marianna testify in the case. Aaron tells him don't worry and leaves.

* Alonso and Gavi leave Clara and Meester Thomas in the corner office near the stereo system. Clara asks to hear some mexican music. Meester Thomas says, no, no, no, I have something else I want you to listen to. He pops in his CD in the stereo and turns it on.

* Aaron goes to see Pammie at her condo. He shows her the plane tickets for their trip. Then he asks about the USB. She says it isn't here yet. He chokes and coughs. She assures him that it will come by messenger today. He hugs her and turns on his charm. She plays hard to get. They move to the living room. He sits on the sofa, she fixes him a whiskey on the rocks. They discuss the company and the problems due to the fraud scandal. Aaron brings up whether Pammie is still trying to get revenge against him. Pammie does her best acting to convince him she's given up on that plan. He buys it. They get lovey-dovey. They go to the bedroom.

* At the condo in London, Meester Thomas and Clara continue to listen to Frank Sinatra's Strangers in the Night. In the living room, Gavi and Alonso are trying to work on the laptop computer. Gavi is really getting annoyed with the music being so loud, she can't concentrate. She moves her head, Alonso is too close, She knocks her head into the side of his eye. He plays the pain up. She apologizes and wants to get something for it. He tells her don't bother, and then repeats to her something she always said in the past. They share a laugh. Gavi gets back to work on the laptop and warns Alonso to keep a safe distance she she doesn't knock his head again. Alonso, who has developed other ideas about her concern for him again, tells her, "I'll run the risk in order to be close to you." Gavi shoots him a look of strange shock. He gets her back to work; she returns to typing and he makes googly-eyes at her.

* Rod works at restacking the prison library shelves. He is still reeling from seeing Gavi and Alonso together on the news report. He grunts, drops a book and the guard comes over to see what's wrong. Rod just look at the guard and the book.

* Minnie arrives at the condo. building. She walks to the reception desk, looking for Pamela's condo. He tells her the number and then asks for her name. She tells him "a friend" and then, as he picks up the phone to announce her, she proceeds up the stairs herself.

* Doorman buzzes up to Pammie's condo to tell her that a friend is coming up to see her. Aaron calls out from the bedroom, who is it? Pammie covers and says it's the messenger with the USB, and to come out with her. Pammie opens the door a crack and then stands waiting at the corner of the living room, in her blue fuzzy bathrobe and matching fuzzy slippers. As Aaron walks out with pants still undone and shirt unbuttoned, Minnie appears at the doorway and is shocked and mortified by seeing Aaron and Pammie together like that. Pammie is equally shocked to see Minnie and her baby pillow belly.

* Bruno is in Pilar's room, telling her about Rod's hearing and that there is a good chance that he will get out and be coming to visit her. He begs her to wake up and survive this. (Don't abandon me, mami! Please!)

* Out on the front sidewalk, Minnie runs in her stiletto boots and baby pillow belly to her SUV parked on the street. Aaron runs down the stairs in his bare feet and tries to stop her from leaving. She drives off. Aaron yells up to the doorman, who the devil let her in? He says she went up before getting permission. Aaron is frustrated and runs back up the stairs.

* Aaron runs into the condo and blasts Pammie about Minnie's appearance there at the condo. Pammie blasts him back for using her again and not telling her that Minnie was pregnant. They argue. He still wants to be with Pammie; she doesn't believe him; they argue some more, then they argue and renegotiate a deal for the USB. Then the phone rings. It's Gaspar calling Pammie to find out why she hasn't turned over that USB yet to the police. He's getting furious and frustrated with his daughter's procrastination games and hangs up. Pammie is nervous and paces trying to think. Aaron wonders what the call was about.

* James, Sofia, Nestor, Dani and Elvis are together in the hospital waiting area. Nestor tells them about Gaspar's call and reaction to discovering that Pamela hasn't handed over the USB and disks yet.

* Pammie is getting confused. Aaron wants her to tell him what's wrong. She wants to be alone and begs him to leave. He sits down with her and tells her his deal - they will leave tomorrow if she agrees not to turn over that USB to the authorities. She is still confused. He tells her for her continued loyalty, they will leave tomorrow on their trip.

* (almost like superman) Aaron is back at his condo screaming at the maid. She leaves the room. He answers the phone, he thinks it's Minnie. It's his mommy Fedra, she can't find Minnie anyway at the hospital. Where is she? Aaron has to tell her everything that happened with Pam and Minnie at Pam's condo.

* Minnie is alone, distraught and crying in her SUV. Her cell phone rings in her purse. She refuses to answer it. Aaron is on the other end, praying and begging that she answer.

* The last day of the conference, as Fabian Lavalle reports. He stands at the doorway and stops the London rep and Don Roberto to ask him how he thinks the conference is proceeding. Don Roberto responds that it is going well, he is optimistic of the outcome. Don Roberto and London rep go into the hall. Fabian then stops Gavi and Alonso, and Gavi responds to Fabian's question about the conference. They enter. Fabian Lavalle ends his report. (Manuel) and the others all sit down around the circle conference tables. Alonso tells Gavi not to worry, when it is all over they will celebrate.

* Pammie gets a wake-up call from the doorman at 1 a.m. Minnie is there again. Pammie gives permission for her to come up. She wonders why Minnie returned.

* Aaron is in a panic, and is on his cell phone with someone. He hasn't been able to reach Minnie all day or night. He wants to call out a search party to find her.

* Pammie and Minnie are face to face at the condo door. Pammie lets Minnie inside. Minnie is there to talk about Aaron. Minnie asks Pammie why she planned the whole encounter tonight. Was it part of her revenge scheme? Pammie doesn't deny the revenge was part of it. Minnie asks for more details and information about Aaron and her. Pammie comes clean about Aaron and her relationship. She has no ties to him now that she knows Minnie is pregnant. She doesn't want to ruin Minnie or the new baby's lives again. She no longer wants anything more to do with Aaron, especially dealing with the USB. Minnie demands answers and the whole truth about her relationship lately with Aaron. Pammie plays the answering machine tape with Aaron's voice on it, talking about his need to see Pammie and his pessimism about his marriage to Minnie. Minnie isn't happy (or maybe she's shocked) as she listens. Pam shows Minnie the plane tickets Aaron dropped off. Minnie is angry and slaps them down to the coffee table. Pam is calm and continues to tell Minnie about the case and the subpeonas, she pulls out the USB and disk copy from the front entry desk and hands them to Minnie with an explanation that these are the incriminating evidence against Aaron. "It's your call," says Pammie, "You can decide what to do with them." Minnie is stunned.

* Gavi, Alonso, Don Roberto and London rep are in a private conference room - happy with the successful outcome of the conference.

* Minnie finally arrives at their condo. Aaron waits in the chair by the door with whiskey at hand. He is so happy to see Minnie. Minnie is angry and doesn't want Aaron to touch her. He tries to beg and plead with Minnie to give him a change to explain. She spews her hostility over all the lies and back-stabbing maneuvers and her finding him half-naked and sleeping with Pammie again. He tries to beg and plead for another chance. He tries to touch her. She slaps him and yells, "NO ME TOCAS!" (DON'T TOUCH ME!)

ADVANCE -- Monday is the 2 1/2 hour grand finale.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Destilando 11/28: in which Pamela dangles various things in front of Aaron.

  • In London: yes, Clarita looks great in her new wardrobe. She is still pressing Gaviota about the Doctorcito. Gav is still saying there's nothing but friendship between them. When ma nags about Blandie later Gaviota retorts, "Stop nagging me about Blandie, better you should just flirt with Mr. Thomas." "Me get into such things at my age, como asi?!" Still, ma is wearing a lot of makeup and looks thoughtful.

    At bald Mr. Rosenberg's office Gaviota waits for him hour after hour. Finally getting five minutes of his precious time, she appears to be asking him to keep non-Jalisco agave-booze producers from using the name "tequila." He's not interested in her pleas and neither am I.

    [Is this Victor, the hunky gay pal of the heroine in Barrera de Amor? If so, he should just stop trying to speak English and instead take off his suit immediately. He's being underutilized. --Ed.]

    Rumors have wafted their way to London: Montalvo Corp. is in trouble. Blandie says they'll have to ask Av* about it - he's arriving this very day. Gaviota pretends she doesn't care and they deserve it: "Sow the wind, reap the storm."

    Av* arrives and Gav pumps him for Montalvo gossip. He is uncomfortable (he had promised to say nothing). He tells her to just do her work; as soon as he gets back to Mexico City he'll let her know what's going on. "He's hiding something!" she thoughtbubbles.

  • In jail: Rod is trying to write poetry on his nice tidy cot. He gasps and sweats and throws crumpled paper around. He remembers better days and vows: I've lost what I love most, but I'll get it back. He gets a gold star for having a completely pristine prison cell.

    Later he dreams that Gaviota is cradling little BigHeadBaby in her arms and he's all happy that the three of them are together, except Isa arrives with gendarmes and accuses Gav of stealing her baby and the gendarmes take Gav and Isa takes li'l Rickie. He wakes up gasping. He's losing it.

    Still later, he reads that wonderful rag, The Tequila Times, and sees a picture of Mariana doing all her wonderful things, and reads aloud to himself there in the prison library about how she's defending the name of Tequila against usurpers. Ah, my love, you're doing great things while I pay for a crime I didn't commit. He kisses the newspaper.

  • At Pilar's house, which consists of only one room as far as I know, Videgaray tells Dani that Aaron has engineered Rod's downfall. Dani is furious and says she'll go shout in his face. Pilar listens from behind the door and comes out saying she herself will confront Aaron.

  • Lluvia is interrogated. She tearfully exonerates Aaron and Patricio, saying she did her dirty work only with Oñate. She is taken away in manacles. Patricio still has a hot potato in his mouth which is probably why he says and does nothing as she passes murmuring for all to hear, "I'm sorry I abused your confidence." Noble, noble Lluvia! Patricio is a flaco for sure.

    Aaron tells Patricio he doesn't care what happens to Lluvia as long as she didn't implicate them in her testimony.

    Pilar barges into his office. "What are you doing here, Granny? You should be home taking your medicines." "You're perverse, what you've done is unpardonable, repugnant. You and your dirty work, don't ever come back to my house, I never want to see you again. You don't deserve your name." He mutters "you d#*n ruca (old lady)" to her departing back.

    [And this seals Aaron's fate. He must die, he dissed his grandmother. --Ed.]

    Patricio tells Lluvia, in lady's jail, that he isn't willing to sacrifice his future with her for that louse Aaron.

    Aaron reminds his shady lawyer: tomorrow is the trial. They should (I think) make sure Lluvia's tongue doesn't wag. "And the USB?" "Lower your voice! I'm on it, it will be in my hands today."

  • Rod is very upset that Oñate is playing hard-to-find, Oñate being the one to rat out Aaron. "I have to stay here till you find him? That could take months!" They hope Pam's info will be enough to do the trick even if Oñate stays lost.

  • Elvis, hearing from Pilar of her adventure: "You should have waited for me, I'd have watched your back. Take care of yourself, you need to be around for the grandchildren." She looks appalled and asks Dani what he meant by that. "You know he's full of jokes."

    Pilar: very upset Rod is in jail and that it's Aaron's fault. And now, mocha colored grandbabies??

  • Patricio barges into Aaron's office and yells, "You said nothing would happen and now my sweetie-pie is in jail." "Don't shout. We didn't know the government had that information..."

    Fedra comes in: "Pilar called me, all hysterical. Is it true you sued Rodrigo?" Patricio interrupts saying Lluvia's in jail. "Did she finger you guys?" "If she had," Aaron points out, "we wouldn't be here." "We're in no danger," says Patricio with no discernible emotion. Aaron promises he'll get Lluvia out of jail and they'll make some money. This, for some reason, causes Patricio to raise his voice. He doesn't care about the money, he wants his honey, and he's not going to let her suffer for Aaron. He swallows the potato (ouch) and exits.

    Aaron reminds his ma that Pam's in town and has the USB which can sink his boat.

  • Aaron arrives at Pamela's place. She doesn't have that death-warmed-over liver-and-onions look we've seen lately, she's dolled up and flaunting her bazooms, he says she looks beautiful. "What did you expect, I'd be all depressed because you jilted me?" "I was afraid you'd still hate me." "I won't deny I wanted to strangle you, but later I felt a grand nostalgia for all the good times. Really, why are you here?" "To see you." "Just that, well, you've seen me and you've drunk my whiskey, so you can go now. Get home early, don't have problems with your wife."

    Kissie kissie. I am afraid if Aaron presses on those lips too hard, the collagen will come squirting out, wouldn't that be ikky? Scene fades.

    [Minerva is calling his cellphone, it's turned off, she curses.]

    After - Whatever - might have happened in the other room - we see Aaron re-tying his tie and muttering, "Blasted wife, you're gonna kill me." "Where you going?" asks sultry Rubberlips in a pink satin something which is hideous with her weird hair. "It's late, I have to go, I'll call tomorrow." "I love you and I want to get you back." She gets one last perfunctory kiss and sighs into the commercial as the door closes behind him.

    Back home Minerva observes to her late-arriving husband: "Things are getting more complicated." "Yes, Rod could retract his confession but he has no proof against me. Anyway (knocks her on the head, she whacks him back, it's just like Punch and Judy) I won't tolerate your bad humor and ironic glances, don't look at me that way!" Stomps upstairs.

  • In Londres we see Meester Thomas entertaining Clarita, she thinks he's telling jokes and laughs and laughs, actually he's telling her about a plane crash he survived but which killed many of his friends. She's sort of embarrassed when Gaviota comes back and translates. He says no matter, he likes being able to make her laugh and say yes yes yes.

    [And now I just have to ask, why couldn't the casting director of this show find any actors who can actually speak English? Meester James is just a joke when he speaks English and Meester Thomas is hardly better. Bald Mr. Rosenberg is the third supposedly English guy in this show who is clearly uncomfortable with the language. Are there no English speaking actors in Mexico City? --Ed.]

  • Videgaray tells Daniela and Pilar: the key information is in Pamela's hands. Rod plans to retract his confession at the trial tomorrow. "But that won't solve the problem, will it?"

    Pilar is wringing her hands and she doesn't look so good. Videgaray leaves and Pilar's hand and leg are paralyzed and she falls to the floor comatose. Elvis calls an ambulance. She gets an MRI. It's a cerebral hemorrhage.

    Sofia and James rush to the hospital to join Daniela and Elvis. Minerva, Bruno and Fedra arrive.

    [The Daniela-and-Sofia shirt combination is unspeakably ghastly. Same for Minerva's dreadful hairband. Ridiculous costuming is heightening the tension. --Ed.]

    Fedra asks how Pilar is doing. "Do you really care? She's in Intensive Care, they won't know much till tomorrow, maybe she'll get better or maybe she'll stay in a coma so as not to hear what happens tomorrow at the trial. That would suit you, wouldn't it!"

    Team Rodrigo stamps out. Minerva says, "I told you we shouldn't have come." She dials Aaron. Fedra (who always knows what her son is up to) gasps in horror. "Don't frighten him! Let us take you back to the apartment, you can wait for him there and give him the news." "I hope he doesn't come home late, like last night!"

  • Ignorant of that particular unfolding drama [have you noticed there is NOT ONE telenovela without a hospital sequence?] Videgaray visits Pamela. I hope he's getting paid very well for all this gadding about. He wants to review her info. She first says she won't be at the trial the next day - he gets very upset and protest that they need her, that she's Rodrigo's only hope. She then says there is information coming from New York this night or the next day and if it comes in time she'll help at the trial with great pleasure.

  • I guess a day has gone by, because Aaron is outside Pamela's door again, this time with flowers, pacing in his cokehead fashion. She offers more whisky. "I don't have much time - Oh! - I forgot! - by the way, you wouldn't happen to have that USB drive of mine, would you? You didn't forget?" "How could I forget? I took it the day your wife called and threatened to sic the police on me." "Well, give it back, I need it for tomorrow, you'll save me a lot of money and trouble."

    "What do I get in exchange?" "Name it." "You, I want you." "How about we take a trip next weekend, wherever you like." "OK, it's a deal." "And my USB?" "It's in my safe in Guadalajara." He rescinds the trip and makes to leave and she says, "Oh, but it might be back in time." "I'm in love with you again," he says. Kissie.

    Later - around the time Minerva was trying to call him from the hospital - after some more - Whatever - in the back room, I suppose - as a cute little game Pam has hidden his car keys. Aaron's shouting and tossing the joint. "Stay longer, bichi (my little insect)!" "No, I have to go, keep the keys, I'll take a taxi."

    She dangles the keys, taunting "I guess I won't see you again?" He says "Just don't do it again. I'll see you tomorrow." Perfunctory kiss, he leaves. "I'm so enjoying my vengeance," she tells us.

  • Pilar is lying in her hospital bed in a coma, wearing no makeup. Elvis holds her hand and whispers tenderly: "Here I am, your black torment. I'll be outside waiting for you, I won't leave till I can carry you in my arms." He cries. What has she ever done to deserve his tenderness? Bravo, Elvis, you're way nicer than I am!

  • Finally, the trial commences and Rodrigo retracts his confession to the astonishment of the assembled cast.

  • Dang, I hoped I'd get to see Minerva storm in and find Bichi and Rubberlips together!


Destilando Tuesday Nov 27 -- my tribute to THE tree

Episode starts where Gavi asks Mr Thomas to take care of Clarita while she's gone. Thank goodness there's subtitles cuz I cannot understand what she's saying at all. Clarita is worried he's going to "engatuzarla" (charm her) as he utters those words that she doesn't understand... I don't see the connection here....maybe Beckster is right by saying that the only thing we are missing is the tree of love. This miraculous tree seems to spare us many words. Anyway, Thomas has to leave and Clarita says "goodbye Don Mr Thomas yes yes yes!!!". Gavi reminds her that she just needs to look for him when she needs anything. C: how am I going to understand what he says?? Gavi:"well, ma, you just flirt with him and you'll understand each other! Clarita is upset at first, but ends up admitting that he's not that badlooking after all.

At the hacienda, Pillie is talking to Vide about helping pay for the lost Agave's with her saved money. Dani and Ave don't agree.

In London, Gavi is on the computer getting flashbacks of her getaway in San Luis Potosi with Rod. Back from lalaland, she tells herself that he must be saying the same thing to some other woman. Of course at that moment we get a glimpse of Rod not saying this to another woman; he's rather doing some push-ups in jail. Dani's words echo in his mind: Gavi is now free to meet someone else...someone else...someone else....

Dani is on the phone with someone, I couldn't quite understand who, trying to help find proof that Aron is the only one responsible for the Montalvo tequila crime.

At home, Aron and Minnie are talking about Lluvia. Minnie would rather Aron denounce Rod after he is sentenced so that all eyes are taken off Aron during the investigation; this way people don't end up suspecting him. At this point I'm not sure if Minnie knows about Aron's involvement in this. Is she trying to cover him up, or is she genuinely unaware of his crime? In any case, Aron is happy, pats her legs, and reminds her that she is him.

London: Gavi gets a call from Dr Blandie. He's happy that things are going well with her at work. He says Avellaneda wants the delegates of Madrid and Brussels to go meet her in London. She tries to hide her disgust by uttering "...yyyes, sure...". Dr Santovena realizes she's not quite happy to hear that, and lets her know. Gavi says she's not unhappy, on the contrary "I'll always be thankful for what you did for me".

In jail, Rod: a MONTH??!! A MONTH!! He starts banging his hands on the table...Vide tries to calm him down "Rod, its the minimum time required to investigate who did this!". Rod has hope that something will get solved somewhere. That's the only way he and Gavi will be free from all fault.

At home, Pammie tells dad that she was able to access Aron's docs and these will prove that Aron is a criminal.

Aron sits in his office. Bruno walks in furiously telling Aron he has to close the company: "we don't have a penny...not even to pay the salaries, we need to declare bankruptcy". A: no way! that would be like burying the company. Bruno says the company is already buried, but Aron feels that everything will change after Rod is declared guilty. This would make Aron appear to be innocent and he'll get the company back. Aron says " no worries pa, there's not much time left before we get our company back!"

At home, Pammie's dad is excited about showing proof against Aron. Pammie says no way, he's not going to show the proof ...yet. "Dad, wow it's going to be my way; I contacted a company that will investigate the movements of Aron's account; this will be the absolute proof, and will save us the time on the investigation process later on. Then Aron will not have any possibility to defend himself."

Jail: Unlike his cell mates, Rod's shirt is off. He's boxing. I guess he's really isolated from everyone else.

Dona Jose, Isa and Ricky are at Frankie's burial. Jose is crying hysterically. She begs God to have mercy on him. Isa thoughbubbles "Frankie, my wish was to have a home with you but you killed this wish; may God forgive you".

London: Gavi and boss are talking about some boring topic about liquor companies. Gavi is upset at some guy called Rosenberg, who's been promoting alcohol brands that are misleading consumers. Somehow her boss is impressed by that...Gavi is determined to stop Rosenberg.

Jail: Rod and Vide meet. Vide gives him some good news about some glitches in Aron's accounts that are under process of investigation. Rod asks about Onarte. Vide says Onarte has disappeared. Vide tries to persuade Rod to change his declaration from guilty to not guilty. Rod doesn't want to do this until a guilty person has been found to replace him.

At the corp, Lluvia walks into Patricio's office with a new subpoena. She realizes this means she's done...Pat has hope that they will not accuse her. At that moment he receives a subpoena as well. Lluvia asks him to talk to Aron so that he can get them out of the mess he put them through.

In his office, Bruno is taking some pills...Aron walks in and asks for a drink. Everything went well with his finances investigation; he managed to stay out of it. Bruno is upset that Aron has not helped Rod out of jail. Aron gets angry; he doesn't want to spend time on Rod. Bruno cannot believe that Aron won't help his own cousin. Apparently many weeks have gone bye and nothing has been done. Aron wants Rod to declare that Mariana did it.

*We get a preview of Pasion...Camila and Santiago are arguing about how he married her sister....PASION..NEXT WEEK....tum tum TUUUM!

London: At a very important meeting Mariana with a new hairdo (Thank you hair stylist!! I was getting bored with the same ol' style) is sayings something very important about expectations and proper tequila procedures...bleh.

In Jail, Rod and Vide are talking about Isa and Ricky. Vide says that Duarte sold his property in Bahamas. Rod wants to sue Isadora for kidnapping his son.

At home, Dona Jose is feeding Ricky. Isa arrives home to find her feeding him; Isa was out paying off her debts. Dona Jose (pouching her lips) says that she was fired from her work, but she will start looking for a job tomorrow. Isa says that she will look for a job too, since she doesn't think it's fair for Rod to pay money. Yes, she did say that. Even Dona Jose is shocked: "YOU?? But what are you going to do?". Isa says she studied art history, and hopes to find a job in teaching. She wants to change to provide a good education for her boy; Jose wanted the same thing for Panchito "but I wasn't able to". Isa: Done Jose, you have a grandchild right now and together we will make it work!

In jail, Rod is still upset thinking that Isa took Ricky away from the country. Vide tells him he cannot do anything while he's in jail. Rod: "How's the hacienda?". Vide: "Bad, James was not able to revive the Agave and the bank will soon take the house to pay off the debt. You are bankrupt."

Aron in his office is talking to his lawyer about Patricio and Lluvia; Lluvia will go to jail for sure and Patricio might be released if he sticks with Aron's story.

In Jail, Rod feels useless that he cannot help the Agave situation. Abuela lost all her liquid assets to help him out with Duarte's debt. Videgaray tells Rod that Elvis has been supporting the family secretly by selling his paintings.

Aron and lawyer discuss that Lluvia will be the only one affected by this. Aron only cares that nothing happens to Patricio. Lawyer reminds him that Rod will sue him at some point.

Behind the jail bars, Rod resembles a Gorilla looking out of his cage trying to get out.

* About 300 years back in time, another 'Pasion' commercial....DARN Fernando looks good with long hair. I like his long hair better than his short hair. Anyhoo, commercials talk about him going to San Fernando to find the woman who kept his money...Camila.

Back in London, there is a meeting where Gavi is talking about economy of "countries in development" (Third world countries?). So now we have people representing their countries speaking with their respective accents. They of course agree that Mariana will be the person to stop evil Mr. Rosenberg from corrupting the alcohol industry. I imagine Rosenberg in his lab rubbing his hands together in amusement of his evil plans. From now on I will call him Dr Evil.

At the hacienda, James and Sofia are talking about how they lost everything. Anyone notice how Sofia's clothing color changed? At the beginning of the novela, when she was a bitter woman only preoccupied with the herencia, she used to wear all blacks and browns. Now that she's softened up a bit she's wearing blues and creme's. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, the hacienda. James and Sofie are sitting on the stairs as Sofia listens to James complain desperately about the agave situation. Sofie reminds him that Rod will understand he did his best. Noone can help them at this point. S: "I was even thinking that in time we can ask for some agricultural credit!". James finds that really sweet, and they hug as Sofie tells him "we have an agreement, remember? Whatever happens, the most important thing is that we are together!" Now if they were sitting under THE tree when Sofie said that, I would dare say something else would have happened. Where is THE tree when you need it?? Hence, the conversation turns dull until Sofie remembers something important: "hey, they called you from Acacia's hospital...they said you owe them money". James freaks out...he remembers he hasn't paid several months' debt at the hospital. Poor Acacia has been forgotten in time. James complains he has no money. Sofie decides to lend him money. He rejects it; she insists. She leaves to get her wallet. He thoughtbubbles "Sofie, you are so good'

London: Clarita is getting Don Mr Thomas drunk. She talks about tequila, he talks about food, she says yes yes yes.

At the mental hospital, James and Sofie go to visit Acacia. Acacia gets really excited when she sees Mr. James. Acacia has turned into a 13 year old. She looks at Sofia, "who is she??". J: it's Soooofia. Acacia remembers the tequila festival where she once saw him dance with her. She screams "nooo don't dance with her!!!" Then looks at Sofie and yells "Mr james will stay with me!!". Sofie utters the typical "No Aciacia, I'm here to help you. Do you want to be my friend??". Acacia: "did you bring me candies??". S: "yes!". Acacia: "100 thousand million candies??!" Sofie: "yes!". Acacia then runs away gleefully. Sofie tells James that from now on she wants to help him in everything.

In London: Gavi's boss and Avellaneda chat on the phone and set up a meeting with Dr Evil. Blandie walks in; Gavi smiles coyly.

* Third commercial with Pasion: Ricardo and Camila are kissing "im falling in love with you".

Back in London: Blandie comments on Gavi's new hairdo...I never thought they did that in novelas. Somehow in novelas when people have a new hairdo after a long time, those around them seem to think "she must have had this new hairdo all this time and I didn't notice"...the same way, those with the new hairdo seem to think "wow, I must have had this new hairdo all the time and didn't noticed it before". Anyhoo, Blandie says she looks beautiful, and leaves.

At home, Pam takes out the cd with evidence against Aron. She smiles.

Somewhere else, Pammie's dad calls the CRT to let them know Pammie's evidence.

At the office, Patricio and Aron are arguing about Lluvia. Aron convinces him that nothing will happen to Lluvia or him if he sticks with the story they agreed upon. He tells Pat they will get Rod out of jail. Aron then gets a phonecall form Pam. He adjusts his voice..."ehm". Pammy, with her sexiest, raspiest voice ever..."Bichitooo....hehe...I'm baaaaack! Did you forget about me already??". A: "hehe...of course not!" P: "can we meet at my ...appartment 8 PM tomorrow?" Aron: "eh, hun, can we meet earlier?" Pam: "nah nah, I cannot make it earlier...oh well, too bad. Why, do you have a curfew? Cuz now you're....happily married again, right?" Aron: "no no no...married yes, but not happily!". They agree to meet tomorrow at 8. After they hang up, we see that Pammie has recorded the whole conversation. Meanwhile, we get the cheesiest commertial for Vicky Form (VF is like Victoria Secret Lingerie). Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, we see Pammie looking through a Vicky Form magazine saying "Vicky form has got what I need". For a while I was scared she was actually gonna look at the camera while saying this. But she didn't.

London: Gavi and Blandie come home to find Clarita and Thomas drunk and laughing. Blandie greets Clarita. hehe...Blandie and Thomas meet and greet. Gavi asks Clarita how many tequila's she gave Mr Thomas. Thomas brought Clarita a cake. They talk about how Clarita and Thomas are getting along. Thomas leaves.

Clarita, on the side, reminds Gavi that Blandie is here for her. They briefly talk about Rod and suspect someone told Blandie the gossip about her and Rod being apart. Gavi says that they are so alone that his company makes her feel better. (hmmm... I think this is supposed to scare us).

In jail, Rod remembers his agave fields and when he met Gavi for the first time. The good ol' times with Bruno, etc. Oh, and THE tree. That's the tree that saw and heard everything, the lovemaking, the anger, the drunkenness, and also all the yelling and cursing. He remembers San Luis potosi. "Gaviota, I've lost what I most want in this world. But I will get it back...I will get it back!!".

London: Gavi hangs up the phone. Seems like Dr Evil doesn't want to talk to them. Gavi is ready to go slap him at his office and force him to talk to her. Boss reminds her that things are not done this way at the CRT...and by the way, he lets her know that Montalvo corp suspended its tequila production. Gavi is shocked and asks why. Boss says "the Montalvo's have not explained why...".

This time we didn't get tomorrow's previews :(

* Just wanted to say thank you all for granting me this opportunity to recap every other Tuesday. Though I hopped on board halfway through the novela and didn't recap THAT often, it was my first time and it was fun! Have a wonderful day =)



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