Friday, January 11, 2008
I Love Juan, Thurs 1/10/08 - In Which Paula scowls and Nidia howls
Update: JudyB finished the recap in the first comment. Thank you JudyB!!
You'll remember from last night that Thelma agrees to help Nidia.
Pau tells Ana that her shrink told her if she doesn't deal with the Juan situation she'll be hanging by a thread. Ana agrees, but doesn't Pau know what she really feels for Juan? It's called LOVE dummy, she says, call it by its true name. She says Paula knows deep down who she loves and who she doesn't. Pau sarcastically asks Ana how much does she owe for the consultation.
Ana concludes by advising Pau to stop looking for excuses to run to Juan's arms. She should get a divorce and stop playing cat and mouse with her feelings. Paula scowls.
Monica tells Laura that when CL was sick he seemed so defenseless...sigh. (Blech, get a grip woman!)
Cut to CL on his bed, writhing in pain and popping Pepcid ACs.
Ivonne calls Fer to invite him for a glass of wine and maybe... He tells her to bug off and don't bother calling again because he won't answer. Ooh, big smack down for Ivonne, but remember our Ivonne is very goal oriented.
All are asleep at Casa Cachon, all except Nidia who is in the act of sneaking out with her suitcase. (This reminds me of Duelo de Estupidos when Soledad would always try to escape with her stupid rolling suitcase that clattered over the stones.) Kike gets up and stumbles downstairs to get some milk for the baby. Nidia poses like a statue and Kike walks right by her. Oops, he sees her on his way back. Luckily he is practically sleepwalking, "hola Doña Nidia" he mumbles without pausing. He goes upstairs and she makes her escape.
Next morning Mari goes to Nidia's room and tells her Ma to wake up, time to go to the Doctor. She discovers the cuckoo flew the coop.
Achichipico - Juan grooms Juanito and thought-bubbles about how he misses the Cachons. Juanito snaps that he's going to be late! Juan thinks it's unnatural for a kid to want to go to school so badly. Why is his son chomping at the bit?
Over at Farell industries Ivonne is at work early so she can be the first to get the 411 on CL's situation. When Moni shows up Ivonne fills her in on what happened to CL the night before. Moni goes straight to his office to lie in wait.
When CL arrives Moni announces she made an appointment for him with his doctor. CL resists but Moni literally drags him out the door. Ivonne watches with great interest; she's safe from CL for the time being plus she's the only one who knows what happened.
Ana's phone rings. It's Mari warning her of Nidia's escape. Ana barricades the door and chews her fingernails in terror.
Pau shows up at Farrel Industries looking for CL. Ivonne gleefully tells her that he's not there, he left with his, with Sra. Monica. They both cancelled all their appointments and left. Probably for all day. Paula scowls.
After the commercial Paula is all "oh yeah that's right, his appointments are all out of the office today". Ivonne looks at her calendar, "Nope, none listed here." They go back and forth as Ivonne twists the arrow, making Pau think that CL often leaves the office with Monica. Pau finally stomps off leaving Ivonne smiling in satisfaction:
The Dr. tells CL he needs a comlete physical ASAP. His pain was not normal. (Let me guess, this brain trust was at the head of his class, right?) Doc and Moni double team CL until he finally agrees to the physical.
Juanito happily arrives to class where Maestra Theresita looks lovelier than ever. He gives her an apple while his classmates hoot and jeer. La Maestra kisses him on the cheek and he swoons.
Herlinda's in a much better outfit today. It's a huge step up from the layer cake she wore yesterday. Tweedle Dumb (her bro) shows up and says at least nobody will mistake her for a piñata like before. (Heh heh, good one Tweedle.) Papi scolds bro's insensitivity and urges Herlinda to go to work and turn on the charm so she can trap Juan into marriage. He orders Tweedle to go with. Tweedle says sis doesn't need an escort. No dumbass, says Papi, you're going to work for Juan and you have to do everything he says. Herlinda does the "nyah nyah" at Tweedle behind Papi's back.
Ding Dong! Nidia follows her enormous balcony to the front door. When she sees Mari and Kike she turns to Thelma, "Traitor, Viper, Judas!" She continues to spew insults at her tearful friend while the kids drag her out.
Pau stomps through Ana's front door. (Hey, what happened to the barricade?) She whines to Mami that CL and Monica left for the whole day. Scowl.
Pau calls CL's cell phone and is confused when Moni answers. Did she call the wrong phone? No, Moni tells her, they are at the hospital where CL is having a physical due to his terrible pain from the night before. Did CL tell her???? Oh that man! She blathers on while Pau gets more and more ticked off. Moni tells Pau not to worry, they'll be there a LONG time and as soon as they find out anything she'll call Paula. Pau looks dumb...founded.
Molondron and Juan have begun the big cleanup of their office, formerly known as Don Aldemar's shack. Herlinda shows up and Juan goes on and on to Moli about how beautiful she is. She tells Juan that Moli's not interested. Moli gazes at her adoringly and disagrees; he tells her she shouldn't dirty herself by cleaning the shack.
Juan talks (and talks) about his plans for their main office, formerly known as Don A's shack; a big neon sign will say "Dominguez, Calvo and Moli - Exporters". Moli asks Herlinda wasn't Heriberto supposed to come with her? She says yes but he saw Tweedle Dee and split.
Over at the pool hall the Tweedles are busy at their day job, playing pool. Papi shows up and starts "whacking" sonny with his belt. He doesn't actually hit his son, more like weakly wags the belt in Tweedle's general direction. They run around the tables until Papi catches sonny and drags him out the door, tipping his hat to the other customers on his way out, "so sorry for the interruption".
Pau has a complete hissy fit that Moni has taken CL to the hospital. She angrily announces that she is going down there right now! Ana tells her to calm down or she'll make things worse. As usual Pau ignores Ana; she stomps out the door.
Don Aldemar shows up at the office, formerly known as his shack, leading his son by his ear. He says he found the idiot playing billiards and it's the last straw. Juan cheerfully announces no hard feelings, they're friends and can work together. Juan and Moli hand Tweedle the broom and serenade him with a sweeping song.
Ivonne tells Pastor that Moni cancelled all her appointments to take CL to the hospital. She hopes they'll be gone all day and she hopes CL is sick so he'll leave her in peace. Pastor asks her how things are going with Fernando. Not well, she answers, she couldn't sway Marely so then she tried the only tactic she knows, seduction, but it didn't work because Fer refused to see her. Pastor advises that it might be a lost cause. Speaking of the king of rome, he hasn't seen Fer all day. Ivonne tells him that Fer took a mysterious business trip.
Wowee, Juan and co. have managed to really clean out the office, formerly known as Don A's shack. I think we can just call it Juan's office now. Some guys shows up with a wheelbarrow full of cement, plaster, sand and gravel. Juan balks at the price and they bicker over the transport cost plus the mandatory 15% tip. Juan pays it but the guy says he has no change and he runs out. "He's a user," says Moli. "No, an abuser," corrrects Juan. "Look who's talking," pipes up Tweedle.
Their wisecracks are interrupted by a cheerful female voice. It's Susana just returned from the DF. She offers to help but Juan refuses, he's not about to let her dirty her beautiful hands. Herlinda's face falls, her feelings are hurt. Does she not remember that Molondron said practically the same thing to her earlier? Tweedle hungrily eyeballs Susana.
Mari and Kike drag Nidia kicking and screaming into the hospital. She wails in protest until the young doctor shows up. When she sees him the chomi-chomi music starts. He asks if she will accompany him to his office. Nutty Nidia sashays off, making faces at Mari and Kike while the cuckoo chimes in the background.
Tweedle paints the wall and acts like he knows what he's doing but he keeps gawking at Susana. She and Juan stroll outside where she updates him on her visit to Farell. Juan tells her they are ready to plan the Anthuriums. Herlinda spies on them from the doorway.
Gutis, Delirio and Marciano the greasy software pirate are in Delirio's office standing behind a big box that says SOFG GUER. Que the hell? Is this supposed to sound like Russian for Software or something like that? Whatever. Gutis says it's time to install the pirated software in the computer of the company president. Delirio disagrees with this idea. The truth is, the new software still hasn't been authorized. An irate Marciano has an Aaron (from Destilando) moment and throws his cell phone against the far wall.
Herlinda sadly asks Moli about Susana, is she Juan's new conquest? She tells Moli she's nothing compared to that other woman. Moli tells her no, Herlinda has nothing to be envious about. Herlinda becomes more morose and says she's lost the battle. What a drip.
Marciano is about to explode. Alirio says they have to make their presentation for approval of the S/W. They need documents, catalogues, etc. Marciano gives Delirio the true poop, "Yo we're software pirates Idiot!!" Gutis tries to calm Marciano down but he grabs his box of SOFG GUER and leaves in a fury.
Nidia is interested to hear the young doctor is divorced, and please don't call her Doña, Nidia will be fine. He looks at CAT scans of her brain and discusses damage to certain cranial zones. Meanwhile Nidia checks out his "zones". He says he'd like to put her in observation. She leans back and tells him to observe away. When he tells her he wants to check her into the clinic she explodes and accuses him of being in collusion with her daughters, her husband, his mistress. She yells until he runs out. "Too bad," she tells herself, "so cute but what a traitor."
Sorry, but the remainder of this episode was mostly unintelligible, so if anyone could add a conclusion in the comments I would be eternally grateful! And once again JudyB comes through...
Labels: Juan
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Pasión, 01/09/08: In which rats are smelled and brandished
Cami gives Ric some attitude. He hints around about wanting a relationship and reminds her that he's not really a pirate, and he's not really engaged; he just said that to wiggle out of Jorge's attempt to marry him off to Ursula. He says he doesn't think Jorge's the one who stole the letter; so far that seems to have been a stroke of luck. He hopes whoever stole it did so to help her, and not to blackmail her.
They talk some more as described in yesterday's recap. She vehemently insists that she's done with Saintly. Ric's going to check up on Claudio's cousin; he'd prefer it if the boy stays behind. He laughs when Cami asks if he'll kill the guy if their suspicions are confirmed. He says he intends to get proof.
He asks her to think about what he's suggested, and she tells him he's the second guy to have offered her something and told her to think about it. She tells him the other man was Jorge. He gives her a chaste hand-kiss and says at least what he's offering is decent. He leaves, and she looks a little dizzy as she brushes the kissed hand across her face, Lis-style.
Saintly asks Ines how how Cami took the news about his impending fatherhood. She says Cami was happy for him and Rita, but Saintly wonders if he should have told her himself. Ofelia thinks not! She says Rita must be tired of hanging out with Mullet Boy (Vasco Jr.). Ines is surprised to hear that Vasco hasn't come home yet. She hurries out to leave a note for him. Ofelia doesn't like the way Ines obsesses over him. Saintly thinks they should fix her up with Ascanio. Ofelia agrees, but shrewdly advises him to let her talk to Camila about it. Saintly takes offense, but Ofelia tells him he should wait longer before going to see Cami again.
Jimena is laughing her head off at the irony... Ric is the one person who can protect Cami from Jorge, so she should go for it. Poor, poor Cami asks, why me? (After all that's happened to her, she asks this NOW?) Marriage is for life, it's family, children, love. Jimena says Ric's in love. Cami doubts this and says she can't marry a guy like him. Even if he's not really a pirate, he lives like one. She'll always be wondering if he's going to come home alive or not. Jimena jokes that if he doesn't come back, that's even better - more money for Cami!
Cami's still not laughing. They're talking about the man who would be the father of her children! Jimena gets an bitter look and says she's laughing out of envy. Then she giggles some more.
Ric finds Mario at the fun-time saloon and complains that he's been looking for him everywhere. Mario tells Ric that this is his element. Ric tells Mario that he just proposed marriage to Camila. (Camila seems to think so too, but I've watched that scene several times and didn't hear anything more than hints. Maybe in those days, marriage was so taken for granted that the slightest hint of courtship was tantamount to a formal proposal?) Mario teases Ric about Cami being his aunt - Ric shuts him down!
Ric also says he really can't get married or have kids, what with the murder rap and the treason. The name he's going by isn't even his own.
Mario makes some suggestions to Ric, which I just can't make out, but whatever they are, Ric dismisses them. Mario points out that they're at a bordello; he picks out a woman and asks Ric if he's going too. Ric looks about as excited at the prospect as Saintly did when he found out Rita was pregnant.
Vasco is getting dressed. He wonders aloud who stole the doctor's letter. Ursula figures it was probably Ricardo, to get in good with Cami. He defends Camila and says he doesn't want to get in the way. Ursula says she's not going to mess with her; she just wants to know. Vasco asks why, what's it to her? Forget about that guy already!
"Whose side are you on?" Ursula asks - in fact, she asks this frequently. He says she's on her side, but not at his family's expense. He makes her promise not to mess with Cami, but she still just wants to find out what's going on with Ric and Cami. He says he'll try to find out. She gives him back the keys, which makes him very happy.
The next morning, a little kid runs up to Saintly; at first I think it's Mullet Boy with a haircut, but it's some other kid named Chalito. Hans und Franz congratulate Saintly on the good news. Hans says to let them know when he wants them to start building a cradle.
Saintly, again showing his great enthusiasm for fatherhood, changes the subject to Ricardo. They tell Saintly that Ric will surely pay what they ask, because he's in a hurry. Saintly isn't sure he even wants to work for that guy. Franz points out that it'll be a lot of work, and Saintly could use the money now that he's got a bun in the oven. Saintly reluctantly agrees. He tries to weasel out of going there on the first day, but the twins tell him he really can't skip it; he needs to arrange things with Ric.
Mullet Boy wants to show Vasco something - something that's a secret. (Hmm, could it be a scorched piece of paper?) Vasco doesn't have time; he has to go see Don Alberto. Ines shows up and asks Vasco where he was last night. He says he was out late partying with some friends. She tells him about Saintly's little miracle. He promises to go see Rita later and takes off.
Mullet Boy wants to hang out in the plaza with Ines; she says no, he has to be a good boy and go to his classes. He complains that it's boring.
Sofia asks Ursula to check out the pictures of her suitors again. Ursula says she remembers what they looked like; they're all ugly. Sofia tells her to think about something else; looks don't last, and marriage is for life. Ursula says fine, then they can pick one out for her, they're all the same to her; just don't pick one that's old. She leaves in a huff.
Fortunata reminds Sofia that Ursula's stuck on Ric. Sofia says that's just because Ric's handsome; they don't know much else about him, though at least he was honest enough to tell them about his existing engagement. (Ha!) Fortunata isn't so sure the engagement is for real; she thinks Ric has a thing for Camila. She sings Cami's praises to Sofia, then says Ursula's even better, plus she has a dowry.
Sofia says Ricardo probably likes other qualities in a woman. Anyway, she thinks this guy named Alvaro Fernandez de la Cueva is Ursula's best bet. (The music swells ominously; he's Claudio's presumably murderous cousin!) She'll invite him over, and she hopes Ursula doesn't squander the opportunity. But if she rejects him, she'll let Manuela have a crack at him! Fortunata doesn't think Manuela is such an appealing thing, but Sofia says she's got a good dowry. She adds that marriage is a business deal. Fortunata agrees; she says that's why she's not married. Sofia says the working class have no dowries and can marry just for love. Fortunata looks sad as Sofia begins writing a letter to Ursula's would-be future husband.
Vasco goes to see Lafont. Manuela runs into him on her way out. He tries to make small talk with her, saying he heard that she was teaching the kids' catechism class. Manuela is very bashful with him and says her father made her do it. Vasco tells her that Mullet Boy really likes her. She very bashfully excuses herself and flees in terror.
Vasco tries to explain his to LaFont why he ran into him outside Jorge's last night - he has a silly story about how he was supposed to bring them an ivory comb from the store, then it fell down the back of a drawer, or something, and that's why he was at Jorge's so late - but in any case LaFont doesn't believe him and doesn't care. LaFont insinuates that Vasco's continuing to see his woman (obviously Ursula) even though she sorta dumped him.
"You like money, right?" Vasco can't deny it. Lafont says especially now that his father is having money problems too. The earthquake, rebuilding their store, etc. LaFont has a job for him, along with a threat: if he screws up, he'll tell Jorge that Vasco's been screwing around with Ursula.
LaFont wants Vasco to scoop some poop on Ric. (Same deal he gave to his daughter to get to know Lis, except she wasn't offered any money.) Vasco says he and Ric don't really get along, LaFont says too bad, fix that up and find out what you can. He asks about Camila, too. Vasco says she's living with some friends; LaFont gets Vasco to tell him what he knows about them, which isn't much, but I guess is more than LaFont already knew. Vasco says that Ascanio wants to start his own business, but doesn't have any money; maybe he could borrow some from LaFont. LaFont warms to this idea immediately and tells Vasco to send Ascanio over.
Vasco goes to Ascanio right away to tell him to meet with LaFont in the afternoon. He asks for Camila; she's gone to visit her sister. Then he asks Ascanio, what kind of guy is Ric? "Normal, like everyone." Vasco knows this much is not true. He says he's asking because Ric has been nosing around his sister. Ascanio says Camila is a widow and can have all the suitors she likes. Vasco thinks it's reasonable for him to want to know if the guy's intentions are honorable and get to know him.
Cami visits Rita. Rita isn't rude, but she doesn't seem glad to see Cami. Ofelia hovers for a moment to make sure they won't kill each other, then excuses herself. Cami asks if she's feeling better. Rita says she has to stay in bed. Cami says she'll be a great mother. Rita admits she's thrilled to be having a baby; but then she has a guilty flashback to the day she intercepted Cami's letter, tore it up and buried it. "If you knew what I've done..." she says, but Cami interrupts and says neither Rita nor Saintly has anything to be guilty about. It was destiny, or the will of God. She just wants them to be happy with their child, with all the love in the world. Rita weeps gratefully and says it means everything to her that Cami isn't holding a grudge.
Rita asks if Cami's thinking of getting married again. Cami says yes, but claims that she's not interested in anyone in particular. (Good, now they're both liars.) Rita says she it would be great if Cami got married. "You don't know the joy of finding out that you're going to give a child to the man that you love." OUCH! Rita claims that Saintly was very enthusiastic when he found out, and practically went nuts. (That is NOT how I remember it!)
On her way out, Cami tells Ofelia that she and Rita made their peace. Ofelia wishes Cami the good luck that she deserves and says she needs to talk to her some more (probably about fixing up Ines with Ascanio), but not right now.
Saintly and the twins go to check out the pirates' new digs. Mario tells Saintly that Ric wants special locks. Fran and Lis show up. Fran is telling Lis that the place isn't very attractive, but at least it's big. Lis wants to know if there are flowers and trees. (Fran puts up her parasol, leaving Lis to poke around with the cane on her own.) Ric introduces them to Saintly. Lis gives Saintly a pretty speech, something about forges and fire. (Ric and Mario exchange suspicious looks.) Mario takes the women on a tour of the property.
Ric takes Saintly and the twins aside to talk about security. He wants the place to be much more secure. Saintly assures him that people don't steal around there. Ric says that's nice, but he's going to be traveling a lot and he doesn't to leave the women at risk.
Inside, Fran complains to Mario about how the place needs to be cleaned up, furnished, and decorated. Lis, poor disinherited Lis, says they have plenty of money and they can hire more servants. Fran wonders who they'll hire, since they don't know anyone and don't want to attract thieves. Saintly shuffles in and says his mother knows lots of people. Fran snottily says they'll just ask Sofia to recommend people. Lis says she'd prefer to accept Santiago's help! Ric looks confused again.
Lis asks Ric how long they're staying in the area; she'd like to make some friends. All those years cooped up with Tim, they didn't get to see anyone. Fran impatiently interrupts and says they'll talk about this later. Lis says "No, auntie, I already know what you're going to say, but I want to do it." Fran rolls her eyes. Lis asks Saintly about his family, and he gives her the whole roll call, including his bun in the oven. She congratulates him. Ric narrows his eyes; Mario strokes his beard ever more suspiciously.
Lis and Fran wander around the house. Fran asks why Lis would take an interest in the blacksmith and his family. Lis says she likes Saintly's voice; besides, she knows Ric likes the "common" people, and she wants him to see that she'd never be unkind to his friends. Fran is skeptical that Lis would enjoy spending her evenings with Mario around. Lis says sure, why not? She wants Ric to know that Lis is the only one who understands him. Fran makes disapproving noises, but Lis says dreams can come true.
Okay... so Lis is nuts, but I'll say this for her: at least she's willing to try something new. And this scene gives us a very sad glimpse into how lonely her life has been with Fran and Tim. If she'd been raised by someone a little nicer, who knows what kind of person she'd be now.
Fran encounters a dead rat. Lis can't see it, but the very idea has her screaming. Mario picks it up and brandishes it at them, I guess to show them that it's harmless; Fran is not amused. Ric assures them it's only because the house has been empty for so long; he promises to get the place cleaned up.
Mario confides to Saintly that women are very fussy. Saintly gallantly says they were just scared.
Outside, Mario wonders what to make of the weird niceness between Lis and Saintly. Ric tells Mario that Lis doesn't like to speak to people of a lower social class, so there must be some motive for her to be talking to Saintly. Something about knowing that he was engaged to Camila and now he's expecting a child with someone else. He mentions that he found Saintly groping Camila the other day.
Mario wants to hear more about the groping, but Fran and Lis join them, and now that they've seen the whole place, they want even more servants than ever. Lis asks Saintly when she can meet his mother. He says whenever.
Mullet Boy and Ines greet Claudio in the plaza. Mullet Boy asks Claudio why he lives with Cami. Claudio says it's a long story. Ines tells him about the baby and invites him to visit, claiming that Rita would enjoy it. Claudio says no and looks sad. He says he misses his mother. With a starry-eyed, mushy face, Ines points out Vasco to Claudio.
Ursula grumps at Manuela for not being around when she needs her. That is, Manuela was off teaching kids their catechism when Ursula desperately needed her to go fetch Vasco for her! Poor Ursula actually had do go and do the errand herself! And then when he showed up that night, LaFont saw him. Manuela tells Ursula that Vasco came to her house that morning. This worries Ursula very much. She scolds Manuela for not finding out why he was there, and swats her a couple of times with a napkin.
Sofia and Fortunata stroll in the plaza. Sofia scolds Fortunata for gossiping, especially about Ursula, and says if she does it again, she'll get kicked out. Fortunata denies ever having gossiped and then says, well, she's sorry if she let some little thing slip, but she's never done it out of malice. They go into the store, and Sofia talks to Justo about someone who would make a good husband for Camila. "We don't know him," Justo says guardedly. (Fortunata pretends to look busy in the background, but is taking in every word like it's candy.) Sofia says he (whoever he is) isn't bad. And there aren't a lot of other choices around here. She says the guy has guts; he rejected Ursula when Jorge suggested they get married. (Aha, so she's talking about Ric!) The guy claimed to be engaged, but she thinks it's a lie, and he's definitely interested in Camila. He's the best husband she could have. At least he's not afraid of Jorge.
From the look on Justo's face, it's clear he's nervous about any guy who wouldn't be afraid of Jorge. Fortunata scurries outside and buys some sweets; Justo comes out of the store a moment later, mopping his face. He bows to her, and she watches him make his way across the plaza.
Lis and Fran ride into the plaza. Ric is a little reluctant to take them to Ofelia's; he says she's probably busy. Fran latches onto this idea: she'd like to send for Ofelia to visit them instead (I'm thinking so Fran doesn't have to be seen mingling with poor people in public). Lis is saying loudly in front of Ric that she'd like to meet new people; she doesn't like being cooped up with Ursula all day. Ric relents and takes them to Ofelia's place.
Vasco welcomes them kindly. Lis holds her nose for a moment, but manages to speak to him without gagging. She's surprised when Claudio runs out to greet Ric happily. Lis and Fran mutter indistinctly.
Sofia is already home (honestly, the scene changes sometimes make me dizzy); Shakespeare shows up for a visit. Oh - no, he's a guy named Marcelino. He seems to be terrified of her. She tells him this meeting will be in confidence, and she doesn't want anyone to know about it, especially Jorge.
She says he knows the area's families' histories well. Did he know Ofelia? And her dead husband? She was preggers when they got married, right? Marcelino says sure, but it was no big deal, you know how it is with novios. Sofia hints that maybe the baby wasn't the husband's. Marcelino stammers that he doesn't know.
Sofia explains that they both know her husband has kids all over the place, but so far they've all been girls; there's not been an heir. "No..." Marcelino says thoughtfully. "And I know he went after Ofelia," Sofia elaborates to this willfully dense man. Marcelino drops his book and scrambles on the floor to pick it up. He reluctantly confirms Sofia's statement. "So... Santiago could be my husband's child? Could he or not?" Marcelino stutters some more. "Sure... he could."
Sofia asks if Ofelia has any other living relative. (I'm not sure what she's getting at - there's Ines - maybe she means older relatives?) Marcelino tugs at his beard now, looking interested in spite of himself.
Sofia comes back to the plaza for Fortunata. Fortunata complains that Sofia disappeared on her earlier. Sofia is annoyed that Fortunata wants to know where she was.
Ofelia feeds Lis and Fran and tells them she knows lots of honest people who need work. Lis continues with her campaign of politeness. Santiago arrives and they make some small talk. Ines tells him it's too bad he didn't get there sooner - Claudio and Ric were there.
Rita comes out to see if there's a party that needs pissing on. They suggest that she go back to bed, but she says she feels okay. Santiago introduces everyone. Lis looks uncomfortable. Seeing this, Rita starts looking nervous, too.
Justo visits Cami to ask about Ric. She explains why Ric lied to Jorge about being engaged. He tells her what Sofia said about Ric being a good husband and not being afraid of Jorge. Would she like Justo to speak to Ric? He's not a bad prospect, Justo says. She says she's afraid. They don't know him, and he lives far away. Justo suggests that it would be better if she went away, to forget about Saintly and have her own life.
Ric is telling Claudio that his investigation will be easier if Claudio stays behind. They run into Justo as he leaves Cami's. He greets them, pauses awkwardly, then excuses himself. Ric tells Claudio he's gotta go too. He takes off after Justo.
Claudio tells Cami and Jimena that Ric didn't want to come in and asks Cami if she's mad at him. Cami says that if anyone's upset, it's Ric. Claudio doesn't think so. He tells them Ric didn't want him to come along on the trip; Jimena agrees that this is best, because he's still hopping-mad, and that kind of courage is never good. Claudio tells them that Ascanio went to see a guy named Alberto. "Alberto LaFont?" the women ask in surprise.
At LaFont's, Manuela bashfully (but giddily) tells Ascanio that her father is on his way. Ascanio has to explain to LaFont where he came from, and how he came to be a slave. He wants a loan for a bakery. LaFont wants to know why he didn't stay at Mariana. Ascanio explains that Lis wasn't nice to him and he agreed to travel with Camila and Jimena for their safety. LaFont says he thinks a bakery would probably be a good deal, as long as Ascanio is absolutely loyal and discreet. Also, he wants to know how well Ascanio knows Ric. "Just a little," Ascanio replies. LaFont says he'll think about the loan, and tells Ascanio to come back tomorrow.
Mario intercepts a would-be assassin; Camila wears scarlet.
Labels: Pasion
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Amar Sin Limites #118, Wednesday 1-9: Only the last ten minutes were worth it
We begin with leftovers from last night: Ceci finally gets some…I mean, smooches Mario. And they get a cool song, Camila's "Abrazame." The world's most ridiculous newspaper headline gives the whole fake story about Silvana, Diego, and their alleged baby. Seriously, the guy missed the day in journalism school where they learned the difference between a headline and an opening paragraph. Silvana fakes stomach pains and gets Diego to feel sorry for her. Gloria makes Azul a morning sickness remedy and takes her out for a walk in Guadalajara. I bet Gloria knows a bunch of good hangover cures too.
Diego won't marry Silvana, despite her pressuring him. He says the kid won't have a mom and dad who live together. She tries to make a threat about finding another man to be with her.
LuisFe and Mario have a nice breakfast and talk about how to find Azulcena. Between what Diego and Ceci have said about Silvana, they suspect she knows where Azulcena is. Mario suggests getting Ceci's help and he tells LuisFe that he and Ceci are now an item. LuisFe says that's cool, since he could never love Ceci for wanting Azulcena.
Azulcena babbles to Gloria about not having seen her picture on the news or anything yet. She wants to buy a little TV for the house. Gloria tries to find out if what Silvana said was true; Azul says she both wants to find her family AND hopes she's single so she can be with LuisFe. Silvana calls Gloria and while they're talking on the phone (a bunch of lies, as usual), Azulcena finds the paper with the ridiculously long headline…or the article with the ridiculously large font, whichever. Azulcena feels bad about what's allegedly happening to Silvana with Diego and the alleged baby. Commercials. Gloria and Azulcena return to the house. Azulcena is highly offended at that Diego guy's behavior towards Silvana. She wants to call Silvana and offer her support, but Gloria asks her to wait until they both calm down. Gloria looks really upset.
Ceci and Caty are playing on a trampoline outside. Ceci announces to Caty that she and Mario are now together. Diego comes to collect Caty because Silvana wants to talk to her. After Caty leaves, Ceci says she found out about Silvana's hellspawn…I mean, the baby. She asks what Diego's going to do.
Silvana works on Caty by telling her she'll love her little brother or sister and can see he/she/it whenever she wants to. Caty says if Silvana moves back in, she promises to never get mad at her again. They hug, giving Silvana the opportunity to grin maliciously.
Azulcena and Gloria talk about LuisFe and how great he is. Gloria says you've got to grab onto the good ones and not let them go. Seeing as how there's a man shortage on this show, that's not bad advice…at least, a shortage of the non-stupid, non-tialoving-abuelokilling kind.
Emilia's restricted to sitting at the dining table except for trips to the bathroom. She's hired a maid to help out. Silvana shows up to mope and try to get sympathy. Again. GSD overhears and comes over to clarify that while he doesn't approve, he'd never forbid Emilia from hanging out with her, and he respects her personal life.
Diego and Caty go for a walk. Caty works on Diego, being sad about Silvana maybe going to live somewhere else, or marrying someone else.
Silvana tries to get more sympathy from Diego over the phone. She's playing the martyr. Manuel's in the hotel room. Silvana says she's getting everyone on her side with the pregnancy scam. Silvana thinks she'll get Diego when he realizes she and the baby won't necessarily be around. Manuel thinks that if he talks to Diego about what a bad dad he was, it'll get Diego to come around. And there's something about Silvana giving him more money, but that's par for the course.
Ceci greets Mario with smoochies. He greets her with a rose. Pink--my favorite color! He brought LuisFe with him and they ask to talk to her about Silvana. They explain that Azulcena disappeared and Silvana was the last person to see her and refuses to tell them where Azulcena is.
Gloria and Azulcena call Silvana. Azulcena offers her sympathies. The fact that Silvana fainted that time at the orphanage (as recalled by Azulcena) plays nicely into her whole pregnancy story. Azulcena mentions the story in the paper, but Silvana says it's a lie, they just had a little fight. The music gets a little freaked out as Azulcena says that's great, since the baby should grow up near its father.
Ceci goes over to Silvana's. She says she's not against Diegovana, now that there's a baby involved. She came over to ask about Azulcena as LuisFe and Mario think Silvana knows something. Silvana says it was Azulcena who wanted to leave. She tells her it's LuisFe's baby that Azulcena's having.
The lawyer comes to visit Diego at the boutique. He's got 3 weeks to gather info that Frijolito's not a bad kid. He tells Diego that the accuser is Hector Manuel Moran Aguilera, better known as Bad Daddy. Commercials. Diego recognizes not only the name, but the signature. He goes over to ask Manuel about what happened.
Ceci is shocked about the news of Azulcena's pregnancy. Silvana says it was a scandal because they were carrying on in the orphanage. Per Silvana, it got Azulcena kicked out and she wanted to get away from LuisFe for a while. Now Ceci feels sorry for Azulcena. Silvana feeds her the lie about dropping her off at the bus station. Ceci's a little confused now that Silvana would let her pregnant upset friend who's in such a complicated situation just get on a bus by herself without knowing where she was going. Silvana insists she's telling the truth and if they don't believe her they can find Azulcena themselves. And BTW, MS can back up the story about the sexin' in the nunnery, so there. *sigh* This is so annoying, that people keep thinking that if one thing Silvana says is true, the rest must be true too.
Manuel sticks to his story about being robbed. Diego thinks it must have been on the day Caty said that Frijolito came looking for him. The lawyer thinks this is good news, since Manuel can ask for leniency, seeing as how it's one of those poor orphan children. Ha! I bet Silvana didn't think about that when she planned the whole scam.
Ceci goes to have coffee with Mario and chew him out for not telling her the whole Azulcena story. Since she's upset and keeps cutting Mario off, he never gets to the part where he explains that it's not LuisFe's baby.
Silvana and Manuel are in the hotel room again. Silvana says she thinks she's convinced Ceci that she doesn't know where Azulcena is. Manuel fills Silvana in about Frijolito's case and tells her that Diego's asked him to pardon the kid so they can get him out. Silvana tells him to take his time doing it and not let them notice (as if!). She's not worried because she thinks she's got Frijolito in her pocket with her promise to hurt Azul if he tells.
In juvie, Frijolito asks a friend to ask his uncle to bring old copies of the paper when he visits. Frijolito wants to investigate on his own whether what Silvana said was true.
Lidia's doing well selling the insurance policies, though I can't tell out of where--it doesn't look like Anibal's office and when Mario and Ceci come to visit her, Mario's wearing his lab coat. Lidia says she thinks she's going to be able to get all the money Tavo needs within three weeks and she's not going to see him until then.
3 weeks pass
Tavo's still angry and bitter about Lidia. Lidia gets to the garage just in time to hide and overhear Efrain say that Tavo had it coming with his lies about being broke. Oh, the fur's gonna fly now!
Clemi comments that Diego's not looking so good lately. Diego's worried because Silvana's not around, she's doing her own thing and he hardly knows how she's doing, let alone how the baby's doing. He's concerned it's only going to get worse after the baby is born. Clemi points out that Silvana is young and hot (and completely nuts, she forgot that one) and has a right to have a life and maybe even to marry someone else. That's the part that really gets Diego because then "his" kid will consider someone else "Dad."
Righteous indignation theater! Lidia throws the money in Tavo's face and he still has the gall to ask such a stupid question as "Where'd that come from?" She tells him she earned it to prove her love by saving his garage and now she knows it's all a lie. He starts to pick up the money to give it back to her, but she says he can keep it--as proof that she was never interested in the money. She also throws his engagement ring back at him and leaves, even though most etiquette experts agree that an engagement ring is a gift, and therefore doesn't need to be returned in case of breakup. It's the gesture that counts. Efrain refrains from saying "I told you so."
Frijolito's friend's uncle brought some newspaper clippings, but he saves Frijolito the trouble of reading them and says that Mauricio seems to have been a rat bastard (ok, my words; translating "un infeliz" as "an unhappy person" or "an unfortunate person" just doesn't cut it). He also says it looks like Azul was a nice person and one of Mauricio's victims. Frijolito is happy now.
Ceci cooks (or, as I suspect, has Arnaldo cook and just serves) Mario a dinner to thank him for making her happy the past few weeks. She admits she's afraid to be happy because you never know when your boyfriend's going to turn out to be a tialoving abuelokiller. Mario says there's nothing to worry about, as he doesn't have a tía. Probably I made some of that stuff up. I love the big picture of the muffin in the kitchen. Was that always there?
Lidia cries in front of Clemi and Anibal, but before she can tell them what happened, Tavo comes in and does so. Clemi is now filled with righteous indignation: "Who are you to be testing my daughter that way?!" Tavo says he was insecure and tries to apologize, but Lidia won't take him back. Anibal grabs his arm and shoves him out of the office. That was pretty damn satisfying. The question now is, with so little time left to go before el Gran Final, will Lidia find someone else or take Tavo back? Or will they be progressive enough to just have Lidia sell insurance, get rich on her own, and enjoy the single life?
MS and the lawyer talk. According to the lawyer, Frijolito might just get out of juvie today.
Except that…Frijolito has decided to take matters into his own hands. His plan is to go to Diego, find Azul together, and save her from Silvana and the bad man. He gets his friend to pick a fight so while the guard is otherwise occupied he can sneak out and find Diego. This is obviously not a high-security place.
And in the end, Diego finally caves and asks Silvana to marry him. *gag*
Labels: amar
Juan Q 1-9-08 - The world is a handkerchief
Chavez is showing the three busniteers the property that they can use for running the business and growing the Anthuriums. He walks up to a boarded up dilapidated shack and proclaims that a littlle paint and it will be just like new. It can be as beautiful as the municipal palace. We go inside and see nothing but gigantic spiders and cobwebs which Chavez graciously stomps on for them. He says some fumigating, and cleaning and paint and all will be well.
Anga, Molo and Juan consult after this tour. Juan is optimistic, he knows the land will be a lot of work and a lot of money, and wonders about the office, but Molo thinks things have gone from terrible to worse. Anga says, we have to fix the owner of the house not the house and the land. Juan wonders what he means. Anga clarifys that he's dangerous for the project, Anga doesn't like him one bit and wants Aldemar to be out of the project. Juan says he has to be in so you are out if you don't like it. Anga says fine, then he'll be out.
Laura and Ana are working on kindergarten projects er, designs again, oh, and she is of course prying. Laura suggests a psychologist could help them decide whether to cut it off or stay together. Ana doesn't meddle in her affairs. Laura says she's just sayin'. Ana gets mad at her interference that she was not asked for her help and they are working. Lau gets mad and decides that they will never come to an understanding so she storms off.
Anga thinks they are in trouble and that it doesn't take genius to see his lands are dry as dry can be and a cactus won't even grow on that land. Molo counters that Aldemar's land has always produced enough to invite the whole town his whole life. Anga thinks that was too long ago. Juan says they just have to ask for some help from above. Anga says it will take more than faith it will take lots of money. Juan sayswell he has to be in, because he owns everything in these parts. Juan tries to sweet talk him. He proclaims that the problem with the Mexicans today is that each of us wants to eat the whole cake ourselves. Instead we need to cut it and share, and if we do that then we'll have a much better country.
Anga says that Juan should consider being a politcian, he has a way of convincing people. Juan contemplates that.
Herli is typing at home, but none too quick. She counts out the letters to represent a particular word. Her brother comes down and tells her M is also for mensa (stupid) and laughs once again at her silly girlie outfit, suggesting she's in her first communion dresses and they aren't going to get her anywhere. Sorry these guys are goofs, but they are at least right about that dress and the bows. Once again Pa threatens the son and breaks him away from making the nasty comments.
CL asks Ivonne to dinner, she declines becauase she has plans, he tells her well she has to cancel and just get over Fer and accept that she means nothing to him and get back to being the complacent and caring lover that she is. She protests, but he threatens that she will anger him if she keeps up. Oooooo I'm scared.....
Ana tells PAu what happened so she calls Laura. Pau wants to make it better, but Ana keeps insisting that she doesn't trust or like this lady and they don't really even know her.
Nid is in her Twiggy outfit and wondering what could have happened to Samuel because he doesn't even have his Mom or Grandma so where could he have gone? She picks up the phone to make a call.
Moni is still trying to figure out what went wrong with the business deal. She tells Cl that Fer agreed to travel. Just then CL doubles over as if to pass out. Moni rushes over and wonders what's wrong, if it's his stomach.
Two guys show up at Casa Cachon. Yadi answers and they give her a thorough checking over from head to toe, especially focusing on her legs. They are looking for Nid and responding to the report of kidnapping of Samuel Cachon. Yadi is impactada and Nid runs down telling them she was waiting for them.
Moni asks if CL is ok, he says fine. She wonders if he ate breakfast. He says yes his coffee and cigar. Moni yells that's not breakfast and he needs to take better care of himself. She ends up inviting him to go eat.
At lunch Ivonne tells Marely to leave Fer alone. Mar wonders what will happen if she doesn't. Ivy says Fer is very confused and could fall in love with you. Mar didn't think it was so easy to fall in love with her. Ivonne says it's better for you not to give him hopes (Alas - lit. wings) because you are still crying over Juan, and he doesn't deserve to suffer another disillusion. Mar supposes the first disillusion was caused by her. Ivy says he still cares for her and she is interested in him. Marely says well, what if I told you I too was very very interested in Fer and she looks smugly at Ivonne. Ivy makes fun of her intentions suggesting only because now he's an executive would she even consider him. Mar says maybe so, but so what.
Fer and Kike are eating at the market. They discuss Fer's up coming trip that he can't believe they are sending him to the same village where Juan is. They describe how the world is so small (literally a hankerchief-¡El mundo es un pañuelo!).
After a few snippy words between the two of them, and Marely informs Ivonne she is not moving out of the way for Ivonne to be with Fer, but thanks for the delicious lunch you wasted time inviting me to, and she takes her leave.
Nid tells the police that she suspects Ana Davila has a hand in the kidnapping. They say it's a classic R-15. Nid says no T- 8 Talle ocho (Figure 8 or hourglass figure). The police think this is a case of a passion kidnapping. She offers them a drink. While she is gone Yadi tells them the truth that she's nuts. They admonish that a false report is a serious offense but Yadi talks them into forgiving her ill Mom and they agree and leave.
Over lunch Moni tells CL he should get a check up, take a day off. He says he doesn't need one, and he'll be fine, he's got too much pending.
Ivonne complains to Pastor about Marely and asks for his help. He says she shouldn't have confronted Mar, that was against his advice, so he is reluctant to help her at all.
Pau has an intervention with Laura & Ana. She is mediating and listening to the bickering. L was trying to be cordial she says, but Ana sees it as disrespecting privacy. Pau says they shouldn't start again at it and proposes that they only keep their contact to work related discussions for the sake of the business.
Juan helps Juanito with math, his mero cocol ( I think his biggest dread). We see him counting his fingers but telling Jito he needs to figure this quickly. He also has homework re the planets. He recites some of them, but then says the sun is the most important. Juanito corrects him that the sun is not a planet, it's a star. Juan laughs and says no way. Jito says but the teacher says so. Juan continues to argue, then looks in the book and discovers his grave error. He tells himself he needs to keep on his toes with this kid.
Fer drops off Marely. He says he'll talk with her when he gets back from his trip. He hopes she'll miss him as much as he misses her. She says she doesn't know, she doesn't know how much he'll miss her. He says well a lot and she says hmmm ok, and he kisses her on the cheek. She leaves as he keeps begging her to state whether she'll miss him or not.
Yadi and Kike discuss Nid's exploits today and Marely comes upon them in the middle to hear about the supposed kidnapping. She decides they need to take drastic measures.
Mar is talking very seriously with her Mom. She's telling her that she's confusing things and not remembering things correctly. She says she knows it's probably because of the baby. Nid screams what baby? She accuses Mar of being pregnant. Mar says it's not her, so Nid says Yadi? Mar says no, I'm talking about yours. Your baby! Nid is impactada. She tells Nid she was the one who was pregnant. She discusses her graduation and that she threw a huge party and arranged a seranade with her friend Thelma. Nid can't believe she would have done such a thing and Mar tells her that's how you are though, you do these kinds of things. Mar tells her she needs to go to the doctor please, to see why she is losing her memory. Nid accuses her of being badly delirious and again believes none of it, thinking instead Mar is the loca one.
Cl wants to order in dinner with Ivonne - she says she's really hungry, he does too, but Idon't hink he means for food. They get into the elevator and he screeches in pain all over again. She tells him to stop joking until he falls on the floor and passes out. She starts screaming for help. It looks dark in the whole office to me though, so who the heck can hear her?
Ivonne gets out and calls for an ambulance while CL wakes up and calls for her. She gives the phone people only the street and then hangs up. As she runs to CL the elevator closes and he goes to another floor still on the floor.
Pau and Ana argue about Laura. Pau wants her, Ana doesn't -they justify their reasons to each other, Pau that she's a great artist, and you don't have to like someone to work with them blah blah blah, Ana that her opinion doesn't count, and why doesn't Pau trust her...
Some workers on the other floor rescue CL. Ivonne chases them off and continues fanning him. Cl cancels their tryst, that he's there in mind but physically he's not feeling well. You think? Ivonne is quite thrilled to reschedule. She has interesting cleavage today for sure.
Pau and Ana are at it again. Pau tells her she's right but only in part. Ana tells her not to torture her anymore with this conversation. Funny, but I was thinking exactly the same thing!!! Enough already!!!
Finally Pau tells her she wants to tell her something important and personal. For personal things Ana is all ears. Pau tells her about the solo trip to Dr. Galvez. Ana thought they were supposed to go together. Pau says yes, but this topic I needed to discuss alone. Ana wonders if the topic has a first and last name. Pau spills that yes, she has to find Juan Dominguez no matter where he is because her happiness depends on it.
In Achi Juan is talking to Delfi. She made Juanito's lunch, she asks if he seems odd to Juan and Juan agrees. They wonder if something happened at school, and Juan thinks no, he would have told me. Delfi says he's still too young, he might be ashamed to say if something happened. Juan sits her down and tells her that Jito is actually a genius and brillant and right now is probably laying in his little bed trying to solve all the problems of mankind.
We flash to Jito thinking about his teacher teaching him math. He is longingly paying attention to her, to the math, not so much.
Kike Yadi and Mari are again discussing the Mom and how they have to figure out someway to get her to the doctor. I think they discuss using Alirio to be the bad guy. Kike pronounces that he never thought they would end up missing ALirio.
Ali bought Guti dinner and some cleaning supplies. Guti ends up telling him he thinks Ali should pay rent. Of course Alirio is impactado. He can't believe that his friend since forever would even consider such a thing and not even appreciate all the work he's done around the house etc. He tells Guti to finish dinner then. Guti puts him back in his little apron and says ok, you can work for your supper, so go ahead and finish making it then. Alirio is steamed, but they look like a cute couple actually. :)
Nid makes a call to her friend Thelma. She begs her for help because she thinks her daughters are trying to lock her away as a crazy person. Nid suggests that maybe they are even doing drugs. Thelma thinks she could see it with Yadi maybe but no way Marely. She tells Thelma that they want her to go see a doctor so please help her. Thelma agrees to help.
Labels: Juan
Amar sin Limites Tuesday Jan.8
Diego and MS are discussing Julio and Arni's visit to the nunnery. MS is explaining her decision on turning them away, using the argument that children need both a mother and a father figure. This gets Diego thinking about the child that Silvana is carrying.
Julio and Arni arrive at Emilia and GSD's to cook for them. Emilia is thrilled, GSD too in his own way. They bring a baby outfit with them that they present to Emilia.
Lidia and Mario are at lunch at a restaurant when Tavo comes in. Lidia asks why he is there and Tavo jealously says he came to see who his substitute is. (When did he turn into Silvana's twin?)Lidia is shocked. He insults Lidia until Mario jumps up to defend her honor and Lidia slaps Tavo across the face. Tavo angrily tells Mario that he can have her but watch his checkbook. Lidia looks devastated. (Who would have thought at the beginning that we would be feeling sorry for Lidia by the end of the telenovela?)
Diego and LuisFe are chatting with the MS about Little Bean and getting him out of juvie and how he's a good kid. The topic turns to how much Azulcena helped him. Diego puts his foot in his mouth when he asks "Wasn't she sick in the head?" (which is what Silvana had told him). LuisFe is a bit offended and sets him straight that she had amnesia. Diego apologizes.
Gloria arrives at Azulcena's and asks her if she knows who she is. Azulcena replies "Should I know you?" and Gloria shakes her head and introduces herself as Silvana's mother. They hug and Gloria cries a little behind Azulcena's back. Azulcena is happy to have company.
Lidia and Mario are back in the restaurant. Lidia dumps all her problems with Tavo onto Mario, who tries to comfort and encourage her. This of course involves taking her hands into his over the table. And, of course, who should walk in at that moment but Ceci (and her date?).
Meanwhile Tavo is at Ephrain's moping. Ephrain politely says I told you so. I couldn't tell if Ephrain was saying Tavo should have just married her instead of playing games or is glad that it looks like Tavo won't be marrying her after all. Whichever, Ephrain tells Tavo it's his own fault!
Back at the nunnery, MS, Diego and LuisFe are discussing the importance of family. MS is called away, leaving the two men standing there uncomfortably.
Silvana goes to see the reporter Bruno. She tells him she's gone to see an attorney after Bruno threatened her with the photos of Little Bean's abduction. She brings some papers for him to sign and he does. She looks them over and then she tells him another lie for him to publish. She is pregnant with Diego's child. She even produces the lab results to prove it to him. She sees a public announcement as a way to manipulate Diego into a relationship with her.
Azulcena is serving Gloria lunch. They talk about Azulcena's pregnancy. Gloria wants to know if Azulcena was happy with her boyfriend and her new life. Azulcena says yes, but she had to distance herself from him to see if someone else who loved her might be looking for her.
Diego and LuisFe are chatting in the garden. They talk of how to help the orphans. LuisFe says he can't take any children in because he is not married and he lives with his mother two hours away. Diego says he is not married either. He tells LuisFe that Silvana is pregnant but he doesn't think he can marry her. LuisFe tells Diego that a child needs a stable home (Obviously he doesn't know Silvana). LuisFe mentions that he loves Azulcena and that she is pregnant too. Diego realizes that he insulted the woman LuisFe loved. LuisFe tells Diego that they are in love but Azulcena left and he doesn't know where she went. He mentions that it was Silvana who gave him Azulcena's Dear John letter. Diego has no clue. As they compare notes, LuisFe realizes that Silvana has to know where Azulcena is.
It seems that Ceci has spent her time looking over her shoulder at Mario while her date has been neglected. Another man has joined Lidia and Mario for some business talk. He takes his leave. Ceci's date - I'm not sure where he came from - is very astute and asks Ceci if she'd like to go say hi to her friends. She says oh no, she didn't want to interrupt. He says he can tell she is dying to be at that table and asks if she has an eye on that muchacho. Ceci denies it and swings her hair, just happening to swing it all the way around so that she can again see Mario and Lidia's table. Her date sighs and looks exasperated. Ceci watches Mario and Lidia clasp hands in very friendly thanks for a great business deal.
Julio, Arni, GSD and Emilia are finishing their home cooked gourmet dinner. GSD produces a dessert. Emilia is grateful to all of them for doing so many things to cheer her up.
Lidia and Mario go to leave the restaurant. Lidia stands up to leave and sees Ceci at the table and wants to stop at their table and say hi so as not to be rude. Mario doesn't want to and looks rather guilty to be there. Lidia leads the way with Mario dragging behind. Ceci is trying to hide but to no avail. Lidia greets Ceci happily and Ceci pastes on a smile and returns a cheery greeting. Ceci introduices her date, Jan, a photographer who emphasizes that he does bikini photos. Ceci, only half playfully, tells Mario to be careful, Lidia is a promised woman. Lidia says she was, but Tavo had a jealous breakdown and they are over. Ceci looks uncomfortable.
Diego is chatting with Katy. Katy feels sorry for the orphans. She says they had a good teacher Azulcena, but she left. Katy wants a real family with a mom and a dad and a little sister.
LuisFe confronts Silvana about Azulcena's whereabouts. She still denies knowing but this time LuisFe knows better and calls her a liar. He mentions that he was talking to Diego and Silvana is impactada and scared that he came with LuisFe. Silvana starts spinning lies but LuisFe doesn't believe her. She is shocked that he could not believe her, a pregnant woman! He falls for it.
Gloria is showing Azulcena a picture of her husband Chucho. Gloria mentions that he is a tailor for Diego Moran. She drops his name like she hopes Azulcena recognizes it and looks crestfallen when she doesn't. Azulcena changes the subject to children. Azulcena wonders if she has a mother that loves her and Gloria says no, you don't. (I know Silvana is crazy but did she really think her mother could keep this secret? Is she THAT crazy?) Now Gloria starts spinning to cover that slip. Azulcena tells Gloria that she must be a good mother because of how Silvana turned out. Gloria looks a little sick but likes the idea of acting as a mother figure for Azulcena.
Clemi shows up at Diego's to see if he's decided anything about Silvana. They agree that they both want the best for the baby. Diego dreads the thought of marrying Silvana.
Lidia and Mario are now seated with Ceci and Jan. Lidia is the only one who looks happy about that. She announces that Anibal has arrived for her and leaves the table. Jan then leaves too, leaving Ceci and Mario alone together. Ceci shows a bit of jealousy and Mario eggs her on. She denies that she is jealous and leaves him there. That makes him happy.
GSD and Emilia are admiring the baby clothes that Arni and Julio brought. A doorbell rings and who shows up but Silvana. She sits down with them and goes to tell them the good news. GSD cuts her off and then tells her off. He calls her "fresh as lettuce" to come to them so happy about this when it is not a matter of happiness to them. Silvana tells them that she and Diego are breaking up. She puts on a sad face and hopes they can forgive her and forget everything that has happened. This sets GSD off again. Emilia and Arni calm him but then Silvana opens her mouth again and says more stupid things.
Lidia is home being comforted by her mami while Diego and Anibal are there to support her and say comforting things too. Lidia says she is going to go look for him and she is going to get the money for him to save his shop. Everyone offers to give her the money but she wants to do it all herself.
Mario shows up at Ceci's door, looking contrite. Ceci answers the door, looking angry. But Mario fixes that by grabbing her and planting a big kiss on her. She doesn't seem to resist much. She still won't admit that she was jealous but then relents and admits that she was. Mario reassures her that he was just being nice to Lidia and the only one who interests him is Ceci. They smooch again.
Diego and Katy are having breakfast when Diego gets the morning paper. There is the longest headline ever seen in a newspaper announcing that Silvana is expecting Diego's child. Diego is furious and just then the phone rings. It's Silvana calling to cry that she is so ashamed about the paper, no one will ever hire her again, her career is over. She starts to fake terrible pain and Diego gets worried.
Gloria is bringing breakfast in bed to Azulcena. Azulcena says she's a bit nauseous and Gloria snatches the tray of food away. Gloria has the perfect solution and suggests going for a walk. Azulcena says that Silvana told her not to go out. Gloria talks her into it.
Diego arrives at Silvana's hotel room while Silvana continues to fake an illness. (Okay nothing really indicates that she is faking but who here believes it could be real?) She lays down on her bed, saying she has no strength but her gynocologist says that's normal. Diego gets mad at her, thinking she should be taking better care of herself for the sake of their baby. Diego tells her he thinks she's blackmailing him. Silvana gets angry then turns on the crocodile tears, crying that nobody likes her. Diego thinks she should stay with her mother, who has to love her. Silvana cries and lies, saying her mami left her again. Diego didn't know, looks sorry for her. All this crying has turned the idiot Diego into a bigger idiot and he says she can come back to the house so the baby can be born there. Silvana proudly and defiantly refuses, saying she will only return to his house as his wife... Diego rolls his eyes and looks sick.
Until the next episode...
Labels: amar
1/8/08, Tuesday -- Yo Amo Juan, "Friends Forever"
Don Angarito is lying in his bed, telling Juan how old he is getting. He's worked so hard and has no sons. He wants to change his will to give Juan a part of his estate. Juan will have none of that and they banter back and forth. Juan says Don A is going to live a long life. And Juan will take care of that little issue with Dona Delfina -- to make a long life for Don Anarito more possible. Don A is relieved!
CL fesses up to Ana that Paula made him apologize. They agree that they will not be great friends, and each looks away in disgust with the other.
Dona D is talking to Don A. Does she still want to marry him? Despite his infirmities? She says she wants to. She wants to!!
Juanito is finishing up his bedtime prayers and hears the folks shouting upstairs. Juanito says his teacher at school is old. He asks his dad if he was scared on his first day of school. Juan responds that his teacher was his first love! Juanito wants to know if Juan loves him more or less than his mom does. Big Juan is torn. Juanito says he loves Juan more! Juan hugs him and tucks him into bed.
CL tells Paula that things went really, really well with her mom. He felt just like a boyfriend, meeting with the mom. What a weight off of his shoulders! She says, what's important is that she can learn to trust him. Just then, his cell rings....
CL turns away to answer and pretends to shout to Gaitan as Monica tries to talk to him. Call him back later, he's in the middle of a very important discussion! Where was he again....?
By the way, Alirio has asked another guy to store the bag of chorizo.
CL tells Paula how important their relationship is. He eyes go glazed with longing and he leans in to kiss her. She turns her face from him and says a guarded goodnight. He saunters out.
Dona Ana tells Paula that CL apologized to her, but she just didn't believe that he really meant it from his heart.
Fernando calls Marely -- just to see how things are going with her mom. They are both nervous on the phone. OK... see you tomorrow!
It's the first day of school for Juanito. Juan is giving his son a pep talk outside. All these kids are your people, you've got to learn to get along with them! The encouraging words continue as Juanito fearfully walks toward the older teacher. She has to drag him by the arm into the classroom to his desk. All the other children are already seated. The older teacher introduces a young new teacher to the class. Juanito is in love with his new maestra! He gazes at her and she winks at him.
Outside Herlinda's place, Juan greets H's dad. The dad goes off to wake Herlinda. She jumps out of bed -- she has nothing to wear. In the meantime, Juan exchanges barbs with the PJ-clad younger man of the house about their respective prospects with the ladies.
At Farrell Industries, Monica leans over CL's desk and tells him he looks very, very attractive. Of course he does! She tugs on his tie as he gazes at her. She strides out of the office, slowly, as his eyes follow her out.
Herlinda makes her grand entrance in a white dress with ribbons in her hair. The younger man-of-the-house laughs at her. Is that her quinceanera outfit? Juan tells her she looks lovely. The dad tells H to thank Juan and scolds Jr. for not being a gentleman like Juan. She thanks Juan, who makes a comment, thank the clowns (?). The younger men laugh for a moment, then all goes quiet, the dad scowls, and a dark cloud passes over the scene. For a moment, we hear the crickets outside. Dad tells Jr. that H and Juan have some important business to discuss, so they should give them some privacy. Jr. scoffs, leave them alone??
Herlinda looks expectantly up at Juan. He tells her he has an important proposal. He wants to be buddies, friends. Yes, she says. Friends for life! Juan clarifies, he'd like her to be his secretary. She is crushed and each of them tries to get the other to listen. He explains what he has in mind, that they'll work together side by side. He thinks to himself that he can tell that she was expecting a marriage proposal... She says a reluctant yes to the job offer.
Susana is all citified and comes to pay a visit to Monica at Farrell Industries. She can't go along with their prior agreement as before, things have changed. The deal related to the Japanese businessman is off. Monica is aghast.
The guy who was supposed to keep Alirio's chorizo tells him that it's gone. All of it! He got hungry during the night.
Susana steps out of Monica's office. Marely tells her to have a good day, then quietly urges Fernando after Susana to find out the dirt on the visit to Monica.
In CL's office, Monica is fuming about the loss of the multimillion dollar deal. CL doesn't have to tell her how much Farrell is losing. She wants to know why there was such a sudden change in Susana. She's sure it wasn't a simple economic interest. There is something else, maybe a threat. Extortion. Someone needs to go to that town and find out what really happened. CL says, who? There's no way that Monica can go. She proposes that she send someone loyal, discreet.
Fern introduces himself to Susana in the elevator and politely inquires about the nature of her business visit. She is mostly reserved until he asks if the matter might just relate to Juan Dominquez.
Juan is saying his goodbyes to H's dad. The dad tells Juan he's always welcome. Juan manages to get away.
At a cafe, Susana and Fern have a little off-the-record conversation. She wants to know about Juan. Is he someone she can trust? She had heard he was a VP at Farrell. Fern is very discreet and vague about Juan's position. Susana wants to know why Juan left and Fern finally tells her that it was because of a personal matter. She is curious. A woman. She looks distressed. Fern tells her that when it comes down to it, Juan can be trusted in business. She asks Fern not to disclose their discussion for her sake and for Juan's.
Alirio and Gaitan are looking each other over with suspicion and bickering at the office. Gaitan's not going to go for Alirio's reorg scheme.
Juan comes to the school to pick up Juanito, but he does not want to go home. He has a dreamy grin on his face. He wants to stay at school! Juan is puzzled.
At Farrell, Yvonne is sneering at Marely and says they have some personal business to discuss. Just then, Fern comes back to the office and the conversation breaks off.
Back in the pueblo, Herlinda's dad is asking her if she's really sure that Juan offered her a secretarial position and not marriage? She is disappointed, but she resolves that this is an opportunity for them to work together and for her to win over Juan.
Monica has called Fern into her office and is telling him about the very sensitive job that she has for him. He is to go out to the town and find out what happened. She has her suspicions about why the business deal went bad, but she wants evidence. Fern will tell no one about the matter at hand and report his findings only to her.
Outside of the corporate world, Paula has an appointment with her therapist. She updates the therapist on the latest with CL and concedes that there is another man in her life. She can't believe she just said that! He's not a lover, he's actually in a town far away right now. He's an amazing person. But he's from the country and they're not from the same social classes. Definitely not. But he's romantic and exciting. And she did spend the night with him. That was one of the best experiences of her life! Of course CL knows about it and that it doesn't mean anything. She doesn't know how she feels about this other guy -- does she?
Note: Any similarity to real events or people is purely coincidental.
Labels: Juan
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Pasions 01-08-08 "“Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.”
Oh Saintly, you are the past.
We get a quick rehash of Don Jorge telling the Despair twins, Tia & Lis, that “Que the Hell, I’ll send to the Isla de Somewhere, “Clinica de Pene Flacidio”, & get a new letter of ED. Lis thinks this is a swell idea and agrees to leave cuzzin Ric in the dark. Tia doesn’t look so sure.
You know I find it a bit unnerving that folks sit around discussing the figurative ins and outs of ED, I mean three hundred years later, that topic usually is not brought up amongst casual acquaintances unless a commercial comes on.
Cami comes home upset and tells her little tale of exchanging saliva with her brother-in-law.
Saintly & Ric had a fight, Cami tells her tale of woe to Jimena.
Rita yells at Saintly, she doing her best Nancy Drew, figures out Saintly was making out with Cami, and Saint & Ric came to blows over it. Damn she is good.
Cami whines Saintly is the only man in her life.
Lis doing her best whinefest tells Ric that Ursula insulted her. Something about her father (I think) who knows? Maybe it was about her being 37 and still sleeping with dolls. Ric says Tio Timmy didn’t screw Lis out of the money to hurt her, it was just to keep Ric’s hands off the inheritance. Cami had nothing to do with it. Personally I figure the old man had a lot of time on his hands, sure he wanted a different hobby, but I guess that was medically out so what better way to pass the time than screw over all the folks who were circling his decrepit none functioning body? His last thought was probably “I bet you wish it was my writing hand and not my….”.
Anyway, over in gossip town central, Cami’s maid, Sra Gatemouth, is telling Fortuna & Ursula all about how Cami has Ascasio & Claudio living there, plus she entertains Ric in the Salon, the Salon I say, all by herself. Egads, it’s not like she is young Claudio’s teacher and they’ve been mapquesting direct routes to Mexico.
I know some people have thought that Jimena was mean to Sra Gatemouth, but geez there is no employee loyalty here.
Ric stops in to visit Don Jorge & La Font. La Font, Dude, please get that forelock waxed. Anyway after some discussion about (I think), the mysterious Rancho de Depraved that La Font owns, Ric wants to talk to Don Jorge about Ursula. La Font leaves. You know he is listening at the keyhole.
Ric says he is sorry if Ursula has gotten the wrong idea, but he has a sweetie, and he is in no position to marry. Okay whatever.
Don Jorge is giving Ursula the news that Ric is spoken for. Ursula is none too thrilled. Of course could it be Cami?
Now we got to the Saintly Abode of Saintly. Earlier Rita was having a meltdown over the latest fight & slumped over. Saintly’s Ma got her to bed and started asking questions. Using her ultra sound hands she pressed somewhere on Rita’s abdomen and diagnosed Rita pregnant right about three months. Rita smiles at the miraculous news.
Kids this PSA is for you, once is all it takes. Saintly is now figuratively neutered, Ric usurped Saintly’s chance to nail Cami earlier in the day and that door just closed (with a loud slam).
Ursula & Fortuna stop by and chat with Vasco who is hanging about the street with Claudio & Ascacio showing off his “ I was the high school quarterback five years ago body”. Ursula does a come up and see me sometime.
Saintly comes home and Ma gives him the good news. It truly is a miracle cause nothing mends a bad marriage like the introduction of a child. Saintly takes Rita a cup of something. She is still reclining on the bed. I’m sure she is going to remain in this position for the next six months. Saintly says he is happy and they kiss (rather chastely and make up). No more fighting for the sake of the kid.
Jorge tells La Font that La Font has to go to the Isle of Somewhere to get another flacid letter from the ED doctor and pick up some Rhino horn for the Don while he is there. (okay the last part was my suggestion).
La Font grills his daughter, he tells his daughter she has to find out if Ric really has a sweetie..then she has to get her sorry ass married. He doesn’t have anyone selected and doesn’t really seem that concerned about it. He just wants her out so he can move Lis in. I always wonder if La Font’s daughter wears depends cause she always looks like she is going to wet her pants when he talks to her.
Mario & Ric talk..I think it is about pirating business..anyway, Ric’s heart just isn’t in it. He is all torn up about his feeling for Cami, but in a manly sort of way.
Vasco’s kid, Ines & Pa come to visit Rita..she is reclining on the bed, this is just the best news ever. She tells Pa to tell Cami the good news. It is truly a Jan Brady moment.
Meanwhile Jorge is trying to find out if Cami has the 411 on Ric’s sweetie. You can see Cami is taken aback by the news that Ric is spoken for. She says Ric only discussed the Uncle Timmy dilemma. Jorge is getting a bit close and she keeps trying to move away. He says she doesn’t need to be alone, she does the I’m not alone, I have my friends and family. She beautiful and rich and Jorge tells her she must watch for young unscrupulous men who would be after her money. He however does not mention old horndawgs who would be after her other treasures. Jorge offers his protection anytime she needs it.
This really annoys me because today on the internet I saw pictures of guys holding up signs at a Clinton rally, that read “Iron My Shirt”, I mean I don’t care what your political leanings are, but I guess in three hundred years some people really haven’t evolved.
Crazy Lis has heard the news that Ric has a sweetie. Tia forced to listen to Lis rant how she is the only woman for Ric. Tia interjects that he thinks of Lis as a sister, granted a BSC sister, but a sister. Lis refuses to listen, how could he have a sweetie? What decent family would allow their daughter to get mixed up with a pirate. Tia rolls her eyes; that condo in Boca is looking farther and farther away.
Pa & Ines come to see Cami. Not one to mince words, Pa blurts out the news. Cami acts happy, but gets a bit tearful, nothing like the job Saintly does, but a few tears.
Ric wanders through the dark streets to music..kinda of music like in a Disney Princess Cartoon, Ric thinks about the ocean & we go to commercial.
Vasco comes to Ursula’s, La Font comes out and invites Vasco over to his house the next day. Vasco is allowed in and goes to Ursula’s room. She is wearing only her undergarments and it is pretty obvious a lot of foreplay is not needed. Vasco gives her a comb and in an Animal Planet act of grooming they comb each other’s lice laden locks. (Oh Please, like it wasn’t common). Ursula spills the news that Ric has a sweetie. She asks if it could be Cami. Vasco answers, my sister, never, she isn’t that kind of woman. Vasco, Que the Hell? She is that kind of woman, she is breathing isn’t she?
Cami is telling Jimena, chapter 45, in the continuing tale of star-crossed love. Sra. Gatemouth comes in and tells the two that Ric is at the door. All thoughts of Saintly go flying out the window. Once again Cami entertains Ric in the Salon…Alone.
At first she is all spiteful spunky and tells him, her life is none of his business. Soon Cami falls victim to the raised eyebrow above the liquid pools of hawtness. She asks Ric about his sweetie. Ric laughs at how fast gossip spreads. Ah that was just a joke to get rid of Ursula. Cami is all the sudden smiling and looking at him with lowered eyes and flirting. He tells her he is going to Claudio’s town to get the 411. He offers Cami his protection and kisses her hand. Cami says he was the second man to give her that offer. He asks who the other was and she laughs and tells him Jorge, as if. Ric takes his leave with another pointed can be taken two ways, Rhett Butler look. Cami touches her cheek with the hand of kissed hawtness. Personally I would never wash that hand again.
Saintly Who?
I probably missed a lot of the finer points, but just remember Saintly is screwed, Lis is nuts, Vasco is back in business & Ric will end up with Cami in the end. I just can’t force myself to watch it again.
Stay tuned…
I think Ric says something about marriage.
Labels: Pasion
Pasión, 01/07/08: When You Kiss and Don't Tell
Mario corners Jimena and tells her he is there to give her the truth about him and his boss. Whether she believes him or not it’s all the same to him. So she listens while he tells her Ric is a loyal subject of the King of Spain who is there spying for the Spanish Crown. Ric’s supposed mission was to join up with pirates and track their movements to try to help protect the Spanish fleet. Jimena doesn’t believe a word since they didn’t lift a finger to stop people from being sold into slavery. He solemnly tells her that at times in this line of work one is forced to do heartbreaking things.
Mario explains then how he and Ric arrived too late to help the two of them and how Lazaro was given the money to buy the two boys back but pocketed the money instead. “We’ve already sent for him and when he arrives, I swear I’ll skin him alive myself!” She’s still skeptical so he asks her if she hasn’t taken even a coin here or there to help stave off hunger. She admits once or twice, but insists she never stole or murdered and always tried to remain honest. Mario tells her he was a pirate till he met El Antillano who befriended him and made him his assistant.
Back in Cami’s dressing room the two women discuss Mario’s story. They decide that men tell lies because it’s in their nature to, so this is probably a whopper too. Outside Cami’s gate Mario tells Ric what he told Jimena. Ric figures the two women won’t believe a word of it so Mario suggests he show Cami his letter from his godfather, Don Gaspar.
Ric chats a bit with Cami about his trip and then gets down to it: he mentions that he knows she realized from the first he was El Antillano. She is frightened and admits it then asks if he’s intending to kill her. He smiles mysteriously. (Makes you wonder if Ric really sort of enjoys his role as a pirate despite what he tells Mario. It's a big rush, this fear factor thing.) Ric shows Cami the letter from his godfather, Don Gaspar.
Cami says it doesn’t say a word about him being a spy. He laughs since of course it wouldn’t. She tells him she’d always figured he was the real thing, particularly because of the shocking, cold-blooded way he killed that man who’d challenged him. Ric says that in that life nobody is allowed to be weak or hesitant. Otherwise, they don’t obey you and if they suspect fear or scruples of any sort they’ll kill you. Cami then reasons that he’s only there at the request of Lis’ really real pirate cousin. He says yes and because he’s a family friend. So, she’s still confused and doesn’t know what to believe.
They commiserate about the two boys and their mother’s fate. Ric, feeling guilty, explains again that he was trying to arrange their return to Mexico but that he mistakenly chose the wrong man for the task. Cami wants to know why he was so kind to them, even giving her his handkerchief. Ric answers her by explaining how cruel, barbaric and hopeless that kind of existence is to anyone who must survive it. It is kill or be killed and one must shield himself with indifference if he is to avoid going crazy.
Ric tells Cami that his boss, an English corsair, had ordered him for the first time to transport human cargo. When she and the others arrived at the bay that day, he felt sorrow and shame and tried to help them then but as it turned out he couldn’t. As regards her in particular he can tell her the truth or he can disguise it. She want’s the truth: she caught his attention ever since he first saw her there, not only because of her beauty, but because she had shown pride and spirit. He continued to stare at her till he had decided to speak to her. The handkerchief gave him an opportunity to approach her and he'd have appreciated some better response.
Cami laughs at that (right along with me) saying Ric might have saved her from being sold off, but he would have taken her to his cabin and done as he’d wanted with her till he tired of her. He answers that he might have fallen in love, too. She laughs again and asks if he’s flattering her just to make certain she doesn’t turn him in to the authorities. Ric laughs, reminding her of his letter from the prelate. Cami says it’s probably false. He says, well then, go ahead and tell Don Jorge and see what happens, if you don’t believe me. She backs down at that.
Meanwhile, Ascanio and Jimena have been trying to convince Claudio to go out with Ascanio to a whorehouse or for a drink or something to make sure he doesn’t see El Antillano speaking with Camila and go nuts about it. (This is obviously still a few years before the phrase "contributing to the delinquency of a minor" takes on meaning.)
Cami is still worried about the letter and Ric tells her it’s best in these matters to wait and see what develops then worry about how to handle it all. She wonders if he’s going to betray his cousin by helping her and he says he has enough to take care of Lis and the rest of them all and then some, but if Cami loses her inheritance then she’s has serious problems.
Cami wonders if that’s his only reason and he pulls her near and grabs her hand. It’s because he’s attracted to her, he says, and tells her that she knows it’s more than just a simple attraction. Then he bends in and kisses her gently. Cami, obviously, still uselessly holding the proverbial torch for Saintly, tries to resist kissing Ric –the absolute essence of early 18th century Alpha male--but only for a couple of seconds. Yes, she, like any self-respecting female, gives in to both pragmatic necessity and her female curiosity, begging the question: is this what Jimena would call “will-power”?
Ric tells her she may abhor him even more after all he’s said, and sure he’s trying to seduce her, but it’s because he is falling in love with her. So, he’s probably told her too much and now she holds his life in her hands. It’s up to her to decide if she’ll turn him in or not.
Unfortunately Claudio won’t budge and Jimena runs inside to tell them both. Ric says it’s time he goes out and faces him. Cami is worried Claudio may denounce Ric, but he says he’s dodged worse situations before now. They come outside and Claudo sees that it is El Antillano. She tells Claudio to listen to him.
Ric speaks with Claudio and explains Lazaro's betrayal and tells him that if his cousin is responsible he will pay for what he’s done. Claudio says it’s his job to kill him, but Ric tells him he’s too young to dirty his hands and they’re done discussing it. Claudio agrees. Ascanio walks Ric outside the gate and as Ric leaves he warns him not to tell them that he’s Ricardo de Salamanca. Ascanio says no problem and goes back inside the courtyard. Ric and Mario head off to spend the night in the hacienda they’re leasing.
Ascanio listens to Cami tell the others about Ric’s letter and his being a spy for the Spanish King and goes along with it. They decide El Antillano must be telling the truth and so there is no reason to turn him in to the authorities.
That night while getting ready for bed Jimena tells Cami that she seemed hot for Ric, but Cami says no, it was only a sense of relief and she’s willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Jime asks what Ric wants in exchange for his help and Cami says nothing at all. Jime tells her that nobody gives something for nothing. Cami just looks dreamily out into space.
At the hacienda later that night, Ric confesses to Mario about being uneasy. He is worried, since he is falling in love for the first time. He believes Cami feels something also. Mario warns him she probably hasn’t forgotten her blacksmith. Ric says true. Whatever it is that certain women have, she’s got it and he's going to make her his wife whatever it takes. (Now this is the side of Ric that we’ve all been waitin’ for! Though, for my money, he’s been a little too slow on the uptake.) Mario says she’s no different from all the other women who’ve fallen for his charms. Ric insists that Camila is not like any of the other women he’s been with and smiles to himself.
The next day Mario waits for Ascanio outside the gate and asks what the women decided. Ascanio assures him they decided not to turn Ric into the authorities. Mario asks Ascanio to explain why he hasn’t gone himself to the authorities since Ric is an accused murderer. Perhaps he saw something or found out something? Ascanio denies any of that and walks off in a huff.
Lis and Aunt Fran decide to look for Ric at the inn because he didn’t visit them once he returned to town. They run into Ascanio walking toward them. They find out he came up with Cami and think he’s still her servant. Lis asks him not to betray Ric. He tells her that he won’t and leaves.
Mario meets Ric with the good news from Ascanio. He says, though, that he still has a gut feeling that Ascanio’s hiding something and offers to lop off his ear to get at the truth. Ric tells him no savagery allowed this time.
Sofia hands over the doctor's letter to Justo to destroy it. She says it’s her way of trying to make up for all the misfortune Camila has had to endure because of her husband. They have a chat and she tells him that she cannot get it out of her head that Santi could be Jorge’s son. Justo looks reasonably impactado.
Around then both Chip 'n Dale enter Ric's new diggs to make the repairs Ric contracted with Santi for as Ric heads off the property.
Cami arrives at the mill with lunch for Justo, but she runs into Santiago there, who's doing a job for him. Cami offers him the lunch and they go out beside the main road for a picnic. Santi begins to speak about his continued love for her. She is impactada and guilty, no doubt because of her kissing Ric the night before. She says it might be better if she gets married but he objects and says she’s the only woman in his life and he would die if she married anyone else. (That’s it. She’s got to be miserable if he is, I suppose; and what’s he supposed to do with GRita? What is Cami supposed to do? She's supposed to remain alone and turn into a dried up old spinster, I guess.) He kisses her and says he couldn’t bear for anything to separate them again, but she gets up and insists they are separated.
Santi says not as long as she’s in his arms and he ends up by kissing and caressing her passionately. (I can’t believe they still haven’t gotten past kissy-face by now. How in the world could Saintly still save it like that and why in the world would Cami want to? Who in the world is she savin’ it for? Besides, she has nothing left to actually save, when you get right down to it, considering the rape. Maybe Ric made more of an impression on her than she wants to admit.) Ric just happens to be walking by at that moment. (After all, the picnic is on the main drag and Santi wasn’t exactly thinking "discreet" at this point.) Ric surprises the two of them.
Ric snidely yells at Cami that if a child was that important to her then she should have told him so; he could give her one and he isn't married to her sister. (This pirate is great at verbal cuts as well as physical ones, it seems.) The now, not-so-saintly-appearing-Santi, with the force of all that built up sexual tension of his, pounces on Ric, landing a punch to Ric's right jaw. Ric knocks him down and starts to go after him, but Cami stops the fight between the two of them. She tells him that he was acting mean and for nothing. Ric looks at her questioningly and says, “Nothing?” She answers, “What’s it to you?” “--Right, nothing,” he answers and turns and walks back the way he came --but you can tell the pirate in him would have slit Santi’s throat if he’d been on a boat.
Santiago wonders what was the matter with the guy, and who the heck he thought he was. Of course, Cami doesn’t explain that perhaps Ric thought that she and he were an item now, instead,since she’d kissed him the night before. She just says it’s best this happened since it probably prevented them from doing something they’d greatly regret. Santi promises not to lose control again but she says that’s what he said before. Besides, they could swear to all the saints, to God and the Virgin Mary, but sooner or later they’d do the deed and that would be that. It’s better they never see each other again. She runs off and he’s left with his heart in his mouth , confused and as sexually frustrated as ever.
Justo goes home and throws the infamous ED letter into the fireplace. He distracts the cook by walking off with her with some excuse. However, a boiling pot spills over and puts out the fire before the whole letter is burned up.
Sofia admits to Jorge having stolen the letter, tells him she’s already destroyed it and cannot hand it over to him. Then she explains to him that Cami isn't interested in the money, only her freedom and how if it is used to invalidate her marriage she would lose her fortune and become a slave again. The wheels start turning in Jorge’s head.
Jorge tells LaFont what Sofia did and why. Then he and LaFont tell Lis and Fran that the letter probably wouldn’t turn up. Jorge suggests that he’ll order the doctor to send another, he’ll even pay the man himself. They simply should be discreet and not tell anybody what they’ve decided to do, not even Ric. Lis is reluctant at first, but LaFont, who obviously speaks from extensive personal experience, persuades her by saying "There are things you do you wouldn’t tell even your own shadow."
Paco finds the doctor's letter with a portion still in tact containing a few sentences and the doctor's signature. He holds onto it and plays with it.
GRita comes in to speak with Santi and notices the bruise on his mouth and right away suspects he was fighting with de Carvajal over her sister. He tries to avoid the argument, but she keeps badgering him. Exasperated, he tells her that de Carvejal insulted her sister, that he told her he’d give her a child if she wanted one so badly. So they fought about that.
It doesn’t make sense to GRita who says the guy had to have seen something to make a remark like that, but Santi, angrily insists nothing happened, since he's still lusting in his heart and doesn’t dare admit to those stolen kisses. GRita tells him she knows he can’t stand to have Camila with another man. She insists de Carvejal had to have seen them together and accuses him of sleeping with her. He tells her about Cami finding him at her father’s mill while he was working on a project for him, then how the guy just showed up all of a sudden and said what he said, conveniently omitting the racy picnic lunch on the side of the main road into town that caused the ruckus. He tells her again that nothing happened and that he’s getting tired of her and this. He has murder in his eyes when he warns her off this time. She stands there and she asks what’s that supposed to mean? He just stares at her, menacingly.
Cami returns home and Jimena loads her with complaints about Cleotilde and gossip about how Claudio has turned Ric into his idol. Cami breaks down and tells Jimena about the kiss from Ric. She explains that she didn’t tell her friend before because she was ashamed of it. Jimena thinks it’s great and asks Cami if she liked it. Cami is in no mood and tells her not to ask questions like that. Besides it isn’t an easy one to answer. There has only been one man in her life and she knows who that is.
Cami feels she should have pushed Ric away and acted indignant, but she couldn’t. She acted like a fool. Jimena says she’d have acted like a fool too if a guy like him had kissed her. Cami says she let him because of everything that's happened in her life so far: her sister’s jealousy, Don Jorge’s actions, her problems with Santiago. (At this point it seems she may have left out the entire incident of the racy picnic in her story.) Cami says she has to set up a barrier, to put an ocean between her and Santi. That would mean a husband. Jimena suggests El Antillano, but Cami says it can be anyone other than El Antillano. It absolutely cannot not be him!
Labels: Pasion
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