Saturday, November 01, 2008

Querida Enemiga #93 – Friday October 31 – Happy Halloween, The Wicked Witch is Back (aka Sara) and Omar’s Still a Jerk

By my count, there are three more weeks plus a two-hour Gran Final. Let’s see how it plays out. The end is coming soooooooon…..any bets? A two-hour Gran Final on Sunday November 23? I’m just saying……. (And sorry for the typos and stuff).

Hortensia says her thanks and goodbyes to Joaquina, who tells Hortensia she’s going to visit the family and to contact her if Hortensia gets her apartment, and then takes the suitcase downstairs. Nurse Augie is left with Hortensia, who is wondering how she can stay strong with all this—she earned her own isolation. They both look pensive, and Hortensia says it’s time to go, so they do. Omar shows up at Hortensia’s just as she says her last farewell to the big house, and offers her the opportunity of a lifetime to live in the lesser house. Hortensia gives him a big hug and tells him she doesn’t deserve it. He reassures her. She worries that not everyone in the lesser house might buy it and he assures her they agree. Then she worries about Nurse Augie, who assures Hortensia if she needs Augie, Hortensia knows where to find her. Hortensia thinks she’ll lack nothing in the care of her family. She hugs Omar again. Aw.

While Bárbara plays with Saulito, Diana and Vasco muse over this turn of events—after all she’s done, Hortensia’s coming to live in the lesser house? But, what else could they do? Vasco is surprised at what she’s done. Diana has to admit she was the only one against it. But in the end, this is an old lady who needs help. Vasco is just a sourpuss about it all but Bárbara notes that life has some weird turns, that her mother in law ends up in the house with the son she rejected and in this neighborhood! Vasco doesn’t want her commentary. Okay, I said it ugly, but it’s the truth, Bárbara acknowledges. Diana points out that it’s just Vasco who hasn’t forgiven the old gal. He doesn’t think he can because of what Hortensia did to him. To them. He looks pointedly at Diana. Diana tells him he can’t go on living with that bitterness.

Omar’s voice calls Lorena and Diana while he helps Hortensia into the house. Santa Lorena greets her Granny with open arms and a big welcome. Granny thanks her—how can she look Lorena in the eye?—she knows it was Lorena who pulled it off for her. Hortensia did Lore wrong and Lorena has given her life back. Twice. The isolation would have killed her, too. Santa Lorena tells Granny they’ve been sad enough. She wants her Granny to feel good. [Ed. Note: Their hair is almost the same color.] Where else could she be but with her family? Hortensia hugs her and Lore calls her “Abuela.” She likes the sound of it and repeats it, Hortensia and Omar smiling indulgently at her.

Alonslow is back in the land of the living, his zombie phase over. He needs to get his class preps done [remember those, Susanlynn? What you’re supposed to be doing instead of reading this? ;-) ] Bettina teases him about coming over to make sure he had a distraction and he’s back to our serious-minded Alonslow, not needing distractions. He’s pleased with his classes and all’s well with the world. Bettina quizzes him about the students, and he tells how they were all nervous at first but little by little they’re getting on. Toribio is excited—that’s my boy! Paula smiles, pleased to see her brother with a good close shave. [Okay, I added that.] Alonslow takes their hands in a family solidarity gesture and thanks them for being there for him (their support). Paula reminds him they’re his family, and they’re all together in this. Toribio is easily distracted even if Slow isn’t—he’s back to the card game. Smiles all around.

Jaime, Maruja, Julián and Rossy have brought a party to the lesser house. After greetings, Jaime tells Hortensia how happy he is to see her there, she is clearly a different person, and by the way, wouldn’t she like to help with their little start-up company? Hortensia is honored, but she wants to be sure everyone agrees. She faces off with Rossy—it seems that Rossy isn’t pleased with this. Rossy, totally direct as always, tells Hortensia she remembers how it was in Hortensia’s company….and Hortensia affirms that what Jaime has observed is true. She’s not the same person. That woman doesn’t exist. Rossy gets a little smile. Hortensia says they might not all believe it, but if they give her a try, she’ll prove herself. Rossy says if Lorena vouches for Hortensia, she’ll go with the program (who am I to question?). Smiles all around, and the bell rings. Lorena, almost the farthest from the door, jumps up to grab it. It’s Diana, Barb, and Saulito. Diana greets Hortensia, Bárbara remarks on how nifty it is she’s found her family again (“I’m in awe!” Tengo ojo cuadrado), and everything is resolved. Well, not quite everything. Where’s my grandson? Son of a gun, the kid’s smiling and bringing her a bonsai plant, “¡aquí, Abuela!” Was there a break I missed when he had a total 180? Vasco’s SMILING, too! He’s brought the tree as a sign of affection and respect. He couldn’t stay Put Out (fighting) with her. Hugs, claps, smiles. Clearly, there’s a fiesta to come. Hortensia thanks everyone and Omar urges them all to toast.

Time passes? Lorena’s back for a visit with her Mami, and tells Zulema that her Granny lives with them now. [If that doesn’t bring Zulema back from the dead, nothing will.] Lorena tells her Mami that she forgave her Granny from the bottom of her heart, and it wasn’t just lip service, It took a weight off her (rested her soul) that in spite of everything, they could have such affection after all. Zulema keeps breathing with the O2 tube.

More time passes? Lorena tells Zulema everything that is happening in all their lives. We hear her voice, and see the scenes she describes, as if in the haze of a coma. “Cooking with Joy” has never had a better team, and Ern works well with Lorena. [That’s my take, not what Lore told Zulema.] Lorena tells her Mami about what’s happening on the program and we see it play out—she’s never had more work and she’s loving it. She tells Zulema about school—it’s going marvelously. She tells Zulema about her brother and Rossy. He’s overcome his sadness, and he and Rossy are getting better together all the time. We see Rossy and Julián laughing and walking together. The business is building/growing/improving little by little, due to everyone’s hard work.. We see Jaime and Maruja planning, Bárbara marketing by phone, Hortensia tasting with Maruja, Rossy, Patty and Lorena looking on for the verdict….which is a HUGE grin. Is it just me, or is Snorty’s nose smaller? Laughs and hugs in the kitchen. Lorena tells Zulema about her grandson, Saulito. He’s more lovely and looks more like Zulema all the time. He has his first tooth and she’ll teach him to say Zulema’s name. Lorena tells Zulema that her Papa is the only one who is more sad all the time. He must miss Zulema very much.

Times passes, and this time we are pretty sure of it because she’s wearing a different outfit than when she started the daily diary with Zulema. Lorena addresses her Mami directly after telling her the whole story of what’s happening, person by person. “Mama, you need to wake up already.” They all miss her and they are all waiting for her. Alonslow appears at the door of the room and Lorena lights up, whispering his name, while he looks like he wants to sink through the floor. He cheers a little when he sees her smile. They chitchat about their visits to Zulema—the nurses have told her he never stops coming. He affirms it and wonders that they’ve never crossed paths—she comes every day, right? Yep. Lorena explains that she comes to “keep her up to date with everything that’s happening.” She’s been like this for four months. [Ed. Note: apparently, time WAS passing.] Lorena still has high hopes for Zulema coming back. More chitchat. What’s up, how has he been? Slow tells her he’s giving classes at the university. Great! And he watches her on television, never misses it. He tries out her recipes. Really? Yep, he’s learning to cook, thanks to her. Lorena abruptly decides it’s time to run and excuses herself. Slow tells her how glad he was to see her. She tells her Mami goodbye and gives her a kiss, barely acknowledging Slow as she charges out. Slow stands, arms crossed, wooden as ever.

In the waiting area, Ern has come looking for Lorena. He’s come for her and she realizes it’s late—he’s waiting as if he was her chauffeur. That’s the least of it, he assures her. Alonslow comes out of Zulema’s room behind her. She sees Ern’s look at the door over her shoulder, turns, sees Slow, and uncomfortably says “let’s blow this pop stand.” (Okay, I elaborated). Ern sighs and heads away, saying NOTHING. [Ed. Note: Good boy!] Slow is stewing his own juices. That’s what he deserves, Slow tells himself. (That is, Ernesto deserves her. Agreed.)

Omar has looked Greta up again and they’re having coffee. He tells her the past months have been tough for him. He feels very lonely – he sees no benefit in fooling himself. Zulema’s not going to recover. He’s tried to be a good son, a good father, but still feels really empty, lonely. Greta really gets him built up/excited. He’s thought about her the entire time, more than she can imagine. He wants her to give him a try again. This time he won’t deceive her. Greta just sits and listens, looking a little wary but it could be part of her act. [Oh! Who said that? (looking behind my shoulder)].

At the lesser house, night has descended and Hortensia is talking to Samuel Armengol, the big guy who does her heavy lifting. [Ed. Note: nice to see that Snorty hasn’t done a full 180, but reserves the worst part of herself for Sara.] She notes that he hasn’t communicated in months. He wants to know why she’s so upset he hasn’t found anything set in stone? He’s been onto something, but doesn’t have all the news they need—he thinks he’s found something important, though. Sara took off for Sydney four months ago. She had a ticket on a private (redondo) trip, but never returned. Hortensia spits out that if her plane crashed, that would be some punishment. Samuel will try to determine Sara’s whereabouts (paradero) or whatever info he can find, then call Hortensia later. Lorena comes in the door. She’s brought Granny’s meds. Lore wants to know who she was talking with and Snortensia lies—Uncle Jaime. Is her Papi home? Yep. He hasn’t gone to say hi to his Mami. Hortensia thinks maybe he’s fed up with having her here. Santa Lorena, always in the middle, tells Hortensia it’s because he must have had a bad day at the office because he’s got that look. Doesn’t even want to eat. Hortensia takes that as a bad sign. Maybe it’s because she’s a burden. Lorena gives her a fond scold—how can you think that? She smiles gently. She’s got to go study—tomorrow is the test. They say goodnight. Snortensia muses to herself about Sara off traveling. How lucky for her, the b***h.

In the living room, Lorena greets Omar, who doesn’t want to eat when she asks, is super serious and wants to talk with her about something REALLY important. About what? The last few months you’ve shown that you’re the real head of this family. Santa Lorena humbly says she’s his daughter, nothing more. The real head of the family has been, and continues to be, Omar. He denies it—they don’t really need him. They’re adults, her and her siblings. Lorena frowns. Why is he saying all this? He stammers that he needs her understanding. [Is an anvil falling?} He’s gone back with Greta. Lorena frowns, long commercial impactidíssima.

Lorena confronts Omar—he PROMISED he had broken off with Greta. Yeah, he followed through. That was then, this is now. She even resigned from work. He defends himself…but Lorena is too akamai (astute, wise, NOT a Spanish word—Hawaiian, and the best one I know to describe her now). So, qué the h*** happened? Omar goes on his best version of pathetic offensive—he’d give his live if Zulema could get well, but it’s not happening, etc., and he feels so lonely, etc. Hablablablabla. It’s impossible. Lorena figures out he’s going after some other woman. That woman. Her look of reproach should do him in, but a higher force is calling him… can guess what that might be….. He again tries to convince Lore if there’s anyone who has loved her Mami it’s him, and she’s just not part of this world. Lorena insists her mother will come back, and the first one she’ll ask for is him. What will they say? That he’s gone off with a woman taking advantage? No, he’s not going to permit that. He tries to convince her it’s not taking advantage. He’s made a decision. What? He’s going to live with Greta. He’s going today. Lorena’s look of anguished reproach would kill any other man who didn’t have a lifetime supply of Viagra.

The viejas are back to their card games, and Greta is NOT the life of the party, for a change. Maruja and Paula wonder what’s up with that. Wake up, woman! Greta waxes philosophical. Every day, it’s more difficult for them to find happiness. Paula tells her to give it up (suéltalo-let it go, tell us). Maruja seconds it—no more beating around the bush. Who is her boyfriend? Huh? Greta finally makes eye contact. Omar. Your brother-in-law. Maruja’s grin fades. Paula yells at Greta—“you’re back with him?” Maruja is impactada—what do you mean, “back with him?” She glares at Paula, who is only the messenger, after all. Paula blurts out that this one (Greta) messed with Omar since before Zulema was laid low. “¿QUÉ?”

Lorena is appalled that Omar plans to move in with Greta. How CAN he do that? Diana hears the fussing and comes to find out what it’s about. Lorena, still incensed, tells her Papi to say it if he has the courage. Omar says he’s fallen in love with someone else and he’s going to live with her. Lorena clarifies it’s Greta, with all her outrage showing. Diana accuses him of not really loving her Mamá, so little is his love lasting, and he’s given her up for dead. Omar has a hard time making eye contact. He protests, trying to explain himself. Why don’t they want to understand? Diana says she’ll never understand and if he goes, she’ll forget he exists. Why are they being so drastic, he asks—even if he doesn’t live here, they are still his daughters. That will never change. What? That won’t change? Lorena is incensed. This is a BETRAYAL!!! He retorts they are only keeping her alive through artificial treatment. Oh, Sure. Lorena isn’t buying his arguments. He tells her not to say things she’ll regret and she tells him not to make her ashamed that he’s her father. Stalemate, two stubborn souls have faced off.

Maruja wonders if Greta has gone nuts. Maybe. Crazy with love. Paula thinks she’s become a….and Greta interrupts that Paula doesn’t need to insult her. What does she want, Maruja wonders, applause? Greta is doing a semi-convincing job of crying. Support, that’s what she expects from her friends. She looks back and forth desperately. Maruja points out that Zulema got that operation because she wanted her husband back. If Greta had any decency, she would have kept herself way apart from Omar, after this misfortune. [And no one has pointed out that Zulema BEGGED Greta to help her nail the other woman, whom Greta denied existed.] Greta asserts she did it, kept herself away from him. But Paula zaps her on being immoral, no matter what she says. Greta protests that she’s only taken what life offered. The two of them have experienced the loneliness, they should understand! Paula look indignant. Maruja is just angry and disgusted.

Omar tells the girls not to tell Julián; he wants to tell them personally. Hortensia accosts him—what about her? Didn’t he think about telling her, or is she just a piece of the furniture? Omar is impactado to see her in the room. Mama? Well, is he going to answer her or not? She asserts she doesn’t have the moral qualities to scold him, but she’s just saying—if he is convinced that this woman is good for him (suits him), then he wouldn’t be going in the middle of the night, fleeing with his head hung low. He retorts that he doesn’t want to be reproached. Diana and Lorena jump up in harmony—Diana spits out to “Let him GO! He’s obviously decided.” Lorena tells him he’s leaving them alone when they most need him. He protests that he has an opportunity to be happy again. Sorry if that makes you suffer, and that’s not my intent. Lorena nails him with “ask my mother’s pardon when she wakes up and you’re not at her side.” Hortensia is all disapproval. [Ed. Note: Me, too.] He looks back at his Mami. She shakes her head in disapproval and he turns to leave with his suitcase. The girls cry, sigh, and grieve while Hortensia is thoroughly annoyed at her son.

Maruja and Paula talk the new turn of events over in the car. Maruja wonders how Paula could have helped cover this all up with Greta and Omar. No, Paula asserts, she didn’t cover up anything. She nailed Greta, who said she’d end it with Omar, even to the point of quitting her job. She begs Maruja not to be mad with her. Maruja mutters that Greta is shameless. Look at how our friendship with her has ended! Paula tells her not to feel so bad—this isn’t worth the trouble, to have her as a friend or ANYthing. Maruja is pensive.

Speaking of the King and Queen of Rome, the bell rings at Greta’s house and she runs to greet Omar, suitcase in tow, and one hand humbly in his pocket. He’s ready to be henpecked. She wants him to be comfortable—this IS his house. A grinning Greta pushes a grinning Omar into the living room. Does he want a drink to relax him? She talks 90 miles a second—she understands it must have been hard to leave his family. Yup. No one bought what he’s doing here. She tells him the only ones who are important here are the two of them. Greta inundates him with kisses.

Maruja arrives home gloomy to find Jaime hard at work. Jaime was waiting for her to call to come and get her. Maruja sighs—Paula brought her. Why isn’t she giving him a kiss? Because she is FURIOUS! She just learned stuff about his brother and her poor former friend. Maruja crosses her arms in annoyance and Jaime is impactado.

Vasco has a new job, selling seedlings to kids on the street. A kid asks what the tree is and Vasco explains, it’s an “abeto” (fir) and it’s one that can become a great forest, if we plant a whole bunch. It could serve to improve the air in an entire city. Wow, the kid sighs. Patty appears to be helping and she’s already planted a bunch. Vasco comments that the campaign was a total success. She notes that the kids had a real feel for it, more than the adults. They want to really save the planet. Well, her, too. He’s delighted she feels that way. Totally involved with the ecology. And why not, she flirts gently, because he’s contaminated her with his enthusiasm for nature. [Loose translation. ;-) ] She smiles shyly and Vasco returns the smile. Maybe his achy breaky heart is healing.

Julián has been summoned by his sisters in a gang up. He’s curious and Lorena tells him the summit is about Papi. Okay, what’s wrong with him? Nothing’s WRONG, Diana tells him, it’s what he’s DONE. He’s left home, Lorena explains. Dad? How can that be? He’s left for another woman. Don’t be messing with me! (No me friegues, don’t be kidding me). Why are you hitting me with this? Okay, he told us not to tell you so he could tell you himself, but what could we do? Julián is incensed—it seems like he doesn’t give a rip about my mother! He understands, though, ‘cuz Mami isn’t coming back. In frustration Lorena scolds him for giving Zulema up for dead like his Dad has. She says Omar is a traitor. He’s been hanging out with Greta since before they operated on Mami. Julián and Diana look at each other, impactadissímos. Lorena admits that she kept quiet so as to not create a worse problem. Julián attacks Lorena—she shut up about something this serious? Diana thinks she shouldn’t have. Lore explains that she confronted Omar and he assured her it was over, but now it seems not. Diana spits out that this b***h was at Julián’s wedding, looking them all right in the eye. Julián wants to know who this woman actually is—Lorena enlightens him. It’s Greta, Maruja’s friend. Wretch! Where does that woman live? Julián jumps up – he’s going off to give Omar a piece of his mind (tell him everything he deserves). Diana tries to dissuade him. What’s that going to get us? Nothing! Julián yells again—how could he do this to our mother?? The bell rings and Diana jumps up for it. Rossy and Maruja rush in. Maruja has told Rossy everything. Maruja swears to Julián by everything sacred that she just heard this news from Greta last night. She told Greta to go to the devil. Julián wants Maruja to tell him where Greta lives. Maruja stays quiet and he yells his demand. Rossy tries to dissuade him, too, urging him to calm down and not do something foolish, with the same result as Diana got. Nope, it’s Omar doing the foolish stuff. Lorena just looks up and everyone is quiet. Are they going to tell him or not??? Maruja tells Julián if he wants to talk to Omar, he’s at home with Jaime for the moment. Rossy chides her mother as Julián dashes out the door. Maruja points out that Jaime is there and it’s better if they argue Jaime is present. He could be a mediator. [Ed. Note: apparently she hasn’t seen Julián in a fit of real anger.] Rossy sighs and dashes after him. Maruja sighs and hopes she hasn’t made a big mistake here.

Jaime gives Omar a shot of tequila, and Omar asks if Jaime’s also condemning him. Jaime says he’s not judging, but he was really surprised when Maruja told him that the relationship with Greta had been long-term. Omar swears he tried to forget her but the loneliness was stronger. He thought he had a right to live, thinking of the future. Jaime can’t deny that, but it’s the way he went about it. He should have waited. Julián bursts in the door, rabid with fury. “You and I have to talk man to man” he spits out to Omar, who is commercial impactado.

“What you did to my mother is a travesty (porquería – lousy, rubbish)!” Jaime tries to intervene. Julián is upset and this isn’t going to resolve anything. Julián looks at Omar and yells that this matter is between this gentleman and himself, then looks back at Jaime defiantly. Jaime tries to get Omar to go. Julián yells at Jaime not to help Omar evade this. Does Jaime know what this bas***d did to Julián’s mother? Jaime yells at Julián to calm down and not say stuff he’ll be sorry for later. Julián is sure the only one who will be sorry is Omar. He sputters it all defiantly at Omar. He tried to understand Omar, until he found out that Omar was betraying his mother when she was WELL. And Omar just kept looking them all in the eye, the bas***d! Omar yells at Julián not to diss me, son. Julián yells back that Omar shouldn’t be calling him that, Julián has NO father now. He died today! Omar asks for his understanding and Julián charges at him, to be stopped by Jaime pushing him back. Julián’s rage shows on his face and in his stance. He turns to leave. Jaime heaves a sigh and turns back to Omar, who is muttering that he knew he would lose them; he knew it.

As night falls in the D. F., a lovely and smiling Valeria has knocked on Alonslow’s door and is warmly greeted. Slow’s so surprised (and apparently pleased) to see her! Big hugs. [Ed. Note: for all of us who wanted Val back, hooray!!] She tells him she just arrived back today. Big smiles and gazes between the friends.

Julián has finally decided to return home. Rossy jumps up from the table where she, Jaime and Maruja are eating dinner to greet Julián. She asks nervously if he’s been drinking again. Nope. He was just walking to clear his head. He asks Jaime’s forgiveness for his yelling in the morning; Jaime was right, he might have been saying things he’ll be sorry for later. Jaime understands—it was clear his blood was boiling. Julián feels betrayed, but Omar is the only father he has known. He feels like he needs to forgive Omar, and he’s not sure he can. Maruja tells him not to think about it right now when it hurts so much, but take some time, distance himself, and think about it when things cool down. Rossy echoes the thought. So you can think about it when you’re calm…. Jaime joins the chorus. Julián knows they are there to give him a hand when he needs it. Julián smiles a little at them.

Slow wants to know all about Valeria’s return—what’s up with it, is it for real? Yep. Everything with the folks went marvelously and they were so good with the kiddies, but she wasn’t earning much and it finally caught up with them. What about their Papá? Val hasn’t heard a word from him since she left and when she went by the house to find him there wasn’t a soul there, not even his mother. Slow thinks that’s pretty strange. He explains what his father told him about Catalina disappearing from the face of the earth. Your father? Yeah, they were for a while. Oooh! Val can’t believe it. Slow asks if she’s looking for work. Yep, she called Dra. Serrano and the Dra. will see her tomorrow. Slow looks down. Did she tell you what happened? Yes. Valeria sympathizes-what a tragedy, and you had just gone back with Lorena, and it turned out that Zulema was her real mother. Slow tells her it’s a long story. He took it upon himself to find out that Lorena was the real granddaughter of Hortensia Armendáriz. Then also he took it upon himself to snatch her mother away so they could never be together again. Valeria frowns at him and gives him a lovely empathetic look.

Speaking of the Queen and Princess of Rome, they’re hanging out in the living/dining room of the lesser house, Lorena at the table with her head on her hands, elbows on the table, and Hortensia strolling in to join her. Diana and Saulito are there, too—and he’s babbling away! Hortensia doesn’t like to see them like this, but Diana points out there’s nothing much to smile about, sorry about that. Hortensia points out she can’t defend Omar, much less now with what has happened. Lorena murmurs that she feels betrayed—Hortensia knows that. She doesn’t agree with how he did those things. But no matter how you feel, you can’t forget that he is your father. Lorena mutters of course not, but the one who has forgotten is him. Hortensia points out that right now they might not want to see him, but he’s hasn’t committed a crime. Diana thinks Hortensia is pretty quick to defend him because she’s his mother. Hortensia denies defending him; she doesn’t agree with what he’s done and he’s taken the easy way out. But he’s always been a good father; don’t condemn him for having a weakness. Lorena stands and walks to face her Granny—“You’re right, but don’t ask me to look at him like nothing happened, because in my opinion it’s a betrayal.” She continues that her mother is still alive and will wake up some day. Hortensia affirms that God should hear her and that’s what she wants from the heart. Diana gets up with Saulito (who’s looking offstage, no doubt at something very interesting). For her, it’s all an illusion (espejismo). As more time passes, she believes less in miracles. Hortensia points out that Vasco came out of a coma and she herself came back. All of them even forgave her. Of course miracles exist! Lorena gives her a sweet, wistful, small smile.

Alonslow explains to Val that he’s been through some really difficult, critical times, where his self-esteem was zip and had to work hard to hold his head up. He lost Lorena’s love forever. Why? Did she reproach you for what happened to her mother? No, and it wasn’t the first time he had lived through an accident, but he just couldn’t keep looking Lorena in the eyes. Their relationship could never continue the same way. He couldn’t let go of the guilt. Valeria tells him not to be sad and remember that they can’t stay paralyzed by their problems. She gets ready to clean up their coffee cups and he touches her wrist ---leave them and I’ll get them later. [Ed. Note: Val touched his wrist that way earlier about something and I forgot to note it. Probably good for both of these rejected folks.] Her smile is brilliant and her face radiant. “You know what is best about my return? We can have our friendship back again.” He looks at her somberly, but with a slight smile that is fond. Val shakes her head. “Oh, Alonso, you don’t’ know how much I’ve missed you. And I’m not going to excuse you for not coming looking for me to tell me what happened; I would have been there to help you. That’s what friends are for, right?” He looks down again and responds that he was such a fool, but felt so ashamed he couldn’t look her in the eye. But he admits it would have been great to have her there all this time. She asks about Bruno and learns he quit. He’s working for a private hospital. She sighs, no doubt to earn more money—that’s all he wants. She’s surprised that anyone contracted with him, though, because he’s no great physician. For a good doc, it’s you. She grins at him coquettishly. She compliments his charisma and great looks. He grins, hangs his head a little, and tells her she’s biased (look at me with good eyes). She insists that next to Slow, Bruno is a burro in a lab coat as a doc. Slow chuckles and reaches out to take her hand. They gaze at each other, her hands in his.

Vasco has somehow ended up entertaining Patty at home (his or hers, who knows?) and she’s busy playing with finger paints. She asks his opinion on colors, and he thinks yellow, which he opens so clumsily that it spills all over her lap. He grabs a towel and tries to wipe her down in sensitive places but she thinks he might as well leave it there. She stands and looks down at the mess, then turns toward him. Vasco is embarrassed and frowns a little. Patty just grabs him and kisses him. He smiles and looks down—they’re a pair, both with yellow paint. They smile at each other and chuckle.
There’s a short silence; he touches his lip and asks what that kiss was. Oh, a kiss, nothing more, she tells him. It was spontaneous but sincere. She gazes at his face. Then she tells him she likes him a lot—he’s really special. Why special? You’re lovely, genuine, and very sincere. She is enchanted by his love for the environment, and thinks he’s is really passionate about it and will defend what he cares about. He really is pleased to hear that she values him so much. She fishes for what he thinks about her? Doesn’t he value her at least a little? Of course! She’s really lovely and solid. But? Patty looks anxious. There’s no but, however, I’m not really too emotionally secure right now—he shrugs—the thing with Diana left me bad off, and I don’t think I can return the feelings right now. Well, if you never try, you’ll never know. I don’t have doubts, Patty tells him sincerely. She cares about him. He smiles, says her name, takes her head in his hands, and kisses her. And again.

The winged victory keeps watch over the D. F. and we find ourselves on the set of “Cooking with Joy.” Lorena insists that the Crema Catalana can have either milk or cream in it, and Ern disagrees, strictly with milk. Lorena sighs in frustration. Who said? Ern wants to know. My mother, in her recipe book. And that’s how Madre Asunción made it. He gives in, because he can’t do a thing against her real teachers. They both smile as they have the standoff. Lorena’s a little embarrassed—you’re my teacher, too….where the captain orders, the sailor doesn’t rule. He just looks at her fondly and she wonders why he’s staring. Guess. No, tell me. Really, you don’t know? It’s her turn to stare as he comes in slowly for a biiiig kiss. And off to commercial we go.

Lorena tells Ern “no, no.” He’s taken aback. [Frankly, I am, too. Qué the heck “no??”] He tells her to calm down, no one’s here to see them. It’s not that. He tells her to think carefully before she speaks. She notes that he’s been so good with her these past months, has helped her, supported her, and she appreciates it. But? That and nothing more? You are grateful but don’t love me? He shakes his head a little at the thought. Come on, say it all. No, she hesitates, it’s that….her heart still isn’t too healthy. Yesterday she saw Alonslow a bit more recovered, for a moment she felt that… What? That now there’s no obstacle to going back with him? Then why don’t you go after him, then. Let’s see if he can get over the fear of loving you. He stalks off behind the counter where they cook and she follows, protesting. No, she’s not going after him and beg him to love her. Okay, do whatever you want, he tells Lorena, but don’t talk about him any more to me. She tries to tell Ernesto she cares about him, but…. But what? He tells her she might be fooling herself, he knew that she felt this kiss like he did, she’s his Lorena of before—HIS Lorena. She tells him she wishes she could be. She’d give anything to go back to those days before. Ern scolds himself for being an idiot to believe he could win her love back again. Lorena is just s.a.d. The camera guy comes to have them take the positions for the camera checks. She sadly walks to her place, and Ern is angry and hurt. They steal glances at each other. Doesn’t bode well for today’s chemistry.

Slow describes Val showing up at the door to Toribio. She’s back to stay. Good, you’ve got your friend back. Yep. I like that idea a lot! I’m realizing how much I’ve missed talking with her. Oh, Lorena’s program is on. He goes to turn on the tele. Since he’s been watching her program, he’s learned to cook well enough. Toribio can’t complain and thinks he’s really improved. Slow feels like he’s close to her every day this way, even if she is at Ern’s side. He takes up his paper and pencil to write down what they say. We hear Ernesto’s and Lorena’s voices on the program in the background. They appear to be getting along as they describe the Crema Catalana they’ll be preparing, then they go to commercials. In a clever move by the writers and directors, we don’t go back to Slow’s apartment, we stay on the set with Ern and Lorena. Ern’s smile fades and he sighs loudly. Lorena glances at him. Well, should she go for the cream? He petulantly tells her to do what she wants; she always does anyway. She tells him not to behave like a capricious child. What, is he supposed to have a happy smile after what she just told him? Lorena goes sadly off to get the cream—whatever you want. He repents and follows her—but don’t worry, I’ll get over it. “I understand perfectly what my place is in your life.” Lorena looks up at him somberly. There’s a lot of that going around. He doesn’t get a smile from her so he goes off to his corner, sighing again. She frowns and looks dejected.

Dra. Serrano has the perfect position for Val—she’ll be the chief of hematology. Great, Val tells her, and thanks for having such trust in me! Well, this interview seems to be going well, doesn’t it? Val remarks that she had been so doubtful of trying to come back. Dra. says she’s done the right thing. Her experience is very valuable to the clinic. We know they’re in the Dra.’s office in the hospital because the ambulance sirens are going in the background. Val thanks the Dra., and remarks it’s sad that Slow won’t be there. The Dra. feels the same, but she couldn’t do too much in the face of the authorities’ decision. Val wonders if they couldn’t look at the case again. The Dra. wanted to do that but not say much about it until she could count on a more favorable outcome. She asks Val to keep it their little secret. Val nods knowingly.

Patty and Vasco chat in an industrial-sized kitchen about a protest she’s gone to with him. He thanks her and admires her enthusiasm for the cause. Did he think she was going to miss it after she made so many posters? Plus, she liked being with him. He felt the same, he tells her. Lovely kisses, but the timing’s off. Diana’s here. She disappears out the swinging door after seeing them kissing. Vasco needs to run, too—they’ll see each other after a while, right? Yep. Call me, she tells him, grinning broadly as he goes. Diana comes in, and Patty tells her Vasco just left. Yep, I saw you two. Patty hopes that Diana’s not bent out of shape that she and Vasco have gotten together. No, there’s no reason for that and she hopes they’ll be happy together. Patty tells her if it’s up to her, he will be and not to worry; she cares a lot about him. Awkward silence. Patty says she’d better go change. Diana is pensive.

Valeria has run into Slow at the hospital and they greet each other. Has she seen Noemi? (Dra. Serrano). Yes….Val grins – how bad of him, he should have told her he was coming and they could have come together. He asks how it went. He can congratulate her, she’s the new chief of hematology. He is really pleased for her and gives her a hug and congrats. Of course, it’s not the same without him. He thinks it’s better if they don’t talk about that. He remarks when he may practice again, if he gets in the mood. She urges him to remember he’s a very good doctor, never forget it. Even Noemi just said so. He’s lost his nerve and every time he sees Zulema he is reminded of what he did to her. Val thinks it speaks well of him that he’s concerned for Zulema. [Ed. Note: for a woman who was so dejected all the time with Arturo, she sure is coquettish with Alonslow. Too bad he can’t pick up on it.] He asks if she’ll go see Zulema with her. Of course! She glances sideways at him as they walk down the hall. Sheesh, is he brain vapor-locked when it comes to women! He does smile, though. Val asks about no changes in four months, really? Yeah, they thought she might go into brain death, but she hasn’t, fortunately. The EEGs report basic activity. Val remarks that she’s dependent on the respirator—other reflexes? Minimal ones, Alonslow tells her. He adds some medical stuff about Zulema not showing any significant involuntary movements and such, she’s being fed by “a probe” (sonda) and Val picks up the chart. [Ed. Note: there’s no IV hooked up, so they must be feeding Zulema by what we call a g-tube.] Val asks rapid-fire doc questions. Any cerebral lesions? Nothing localized. They’ve done the tomagraphies. It also looks like the basic organic functions are steady. Val remarks that with all the medical advances, it’s difficult to understand why they can’t get a handle on this precisely. Alonslow thinks Zulema has crossed a threshold. That’s why it breaks his heart that Lorena still has high hopes

At the lesser house, evening’s coming and Diana has come home. Where’s she been, Lorena asks. With her group—Diana feels much better talking with all the women who have suffered like she has. Lorena is happy for her. Diana said she even thought she might be over it to the point that she had thought to tell Vasco how much she loves him. The tears come. So, why didn’t she do it? Because he’s going with Patty. No, they’re good friends, nothing more, Lorena tells her. Diana lets Lorena know she saw them kissing.

The graduation day has arrived and Patty gets her certificate/diploma for cooking school and a hug from Ernesto, with cheers and applause from the crowd and Vasco taking pictures. He gives her a thumbs up and grin, while Diana looks miserable next to him, then a little disgusted as Patty blows him a kiss. Lorena gives Patty a hug as Patty returns to her seat. Ern asks for their attention. Every year the institute honors one student with academic distinction. It’s the student whose GPA is the highest. The director steps forward to name the distinguished student—it’s Lorena de la Cruz! Ern gives her the certificate/diploma and a gentle kiss. The director lady gives her a rolled up paper and Lorena gets to say a few words. She thanks the teachers, the institute, her family, and everyone who has helped in her career. But this honor……I dedicate to my Mamá. She tears up a little. Wishing that some day she’ll be well, and can cook with me again. She gives her thanks again. Diana looks proud and wistful. Julián is proud and serious. They applaud with the crowd. Omar is noticeably absent. Lore holds the two papers up in triumph and the applause continues. Hortensia is there with a big smile for her granddaughter. Ern must have gotten over his pique—his smile is all love and huge. Sigh.

Lorena has to share her diploma with Zulema, who hasn’t opened her eyes in months. “I’m a chef!” Lorena tells Zulema how she dedicated her recognition to her, and begs her again to wake up. They have so much to do together—she misses Zulema!

In the living room of the lesser house, Julián wonders why Lorena is so late, and Diana reminds him she always goes to see Zulema. Julián is concerned whether he should really tell Lorena about some apparently important subject today. Diana tells him she thinks it’s better Lorena knows right away. Good timing, here’s Lorena. She’s surprised to see Julián—why is he here? He came so they could talk. About what? He tells her they want to disconnect their mother. No, don’t say such a stupid thing! Lorena is appalled. How could they think of taking their mother’s life? Julián points out that their mother lost her life long ago. How does he DARE to say that? Julián tells Lorena she’s seen what Zulema is like. Diana tries to defend the decision—to let her retain a little bit of dignity and so we’ll be at peace. Lorena cries while Julián continues that Zulema doesn’t really have a life. She’s depending on the machines, so don’t be selfish. Let her go. NEVER. Diana begs her to think about this (react). There hasn’t been a single sign in all this time. Lorena is defiant—they may have lost faith but she hasn’t. Only God can decide, not them. Julián says he’s decided already. Diana takes her by the shoulders but Lorena runs out shouting “let me go!” She slams the door, leaving Julián and Diana miserable and Lorena’s miserable, too. She stands in front of the house, talking to herself or God, who knows. They can’t do this to Mamá. Don’t they love you? Lorena’s phone rings. It’s the television program “Mid-day” and they’re reminding her of her interview. She pulls her act together briefly and affirms that she’ll be seeing them. Then she cries some more.

The Happy Wanderers are home again and Fluffy remarks on how good it always is to get home. They don’t seem to have any luggage; must be some lackey takes care of it. Not even Bruto has to schlep bags. He does have to close the door, though. [Ed. Note: Sara has grown long, curly hair in four months. Must not be too many hair stylists where they went to cut it.] Bruto appreciates that Fluffy and Sara will let him be their guest. Of course, Fluffy assures him, why should he be paying rent some place when Fluffy needs his doc 24/7? Bruto gives him a lovely fakey grin. What’s more, with this little woman he could have multiple heart attacks. [Ed. Note: yeah, but it would likely be from the stuff she puts in your OJ, not from the bedroom stuff.] He kisses her cheek and she plays it right up. Bruto’s fake smile slides away. Sara and Bruto stare off at each other while Fluffy looks around his shoulder at the guest room and points out where it is to Bruto, who thanks him and heads off in the general direction. Fluffy spins Sara to tell her in other times he would have carried her, but now he needs a massage only she can give. She thinks he needs a bath to relax and he negotiates for a backrub. Kissy-kissy. [Ugh.] He goes off to get his bath and Sara sighs in disgust.

The host of the Mid-day program hypes Lorena and tells his audience they wanted to interview her. She thanks him and the audience claps in the background of the set. They sit and begin. “You’ve entered our homes to stay. Did you ever imagine you’d be so well-received?” Lorena, always humble, says she didn’t. She appreciates it from the heart. He asks her to explain where she first learned to cook. [Okay, let’s see how she handles this orphanage story, then finding the real parents, and ending up forgiving the Granny who had her kidnapped.] The first dish she made was a soup. Who taught her? Her mother? No, a beloved nun, Madre Asunción. It was nothing complicated, a soup of chicken and potato. In his living room, Alonslow is glued to the tele, remote in hand, hearing her voice. She describes her panqués, which were her salvation once she arrived in Mexico City. They sold well on the street, and brought her really fine clients. Well, well, apparently the whole world watches this program, because Ernesto is glued to his tele at home, too. She continues….”what’s more, on the same street, something happened that was truly incredible.” Ernesto urges her to tell them! Tell them! Tell them that’s where we began to fall in love! Lorena says that’s where she got a contract to work in a restaurant. Ernesto deflates. The interviewer says that it’s been said she’s in the habit of overcoming challenges. She smiles—she tries not to let them conquer her. For herself and for the people she loves. He asks about her future plans. Lorena tells him she is trying not to have too many future plans because….she’s expecting a miracle. The interviewer is totally intrigued. She continues that her mother fell into a coma a little before she started on the program and the doctors don’t give her much hope, but Lorena has faith. The interviewer is a little impactado. Lorena tells him that she goes each day expecting her mother to open her eyes and look at her. She stops briefly and he has nothing to say. Lorena continues that her plans have to wait until her mother is well. Back in Alonslow’s apartment, he’s writing quickly as her voice tells all the things she will do with her mother—take photos with her mother, take a trip, far from all the problems. Toribio comes around the corner to this scene and goes back to his room. At Ernesto’s the voice continues, and he listens and watches with a huge smile at Lorena’s faith that she’ll be able to do all these thousand things with her mother. Also, she’d like to bring Madre Carmelita and Madre Trinidad to the D. F. to show them lots of things [of course, she hasn’t explained to the interviewer they raised her]. Ivan comes around the corner at Ernesto’s, sees this scene, and turns back to his room with a serious face. At Fluffy’s condo, Sara hears Lorena’s voice as she comes into the living room and watches the television intently while the interviewer asks Lorena if she considers herself a winner. On the big-screen television, there’s Lorena, telling the world that if being considered a winner means a person who is content with herself, and has nothing to regret, can move forward and think of the future, yes, she is a winner. Sara curses Lorena’s image on the television. She HATES Lorena!

Monday: Lorena runs out of Zulema’s room for help and finds Alonslow at the hospital—Zulema has opened her eyes!



El Cuerpo del Deseo, Friday, Oct. 31- Walter accuses Antonio of theft and PJ/S takes action

Only one thing really happened on Friday's episode. Walter and Rebeca decided that the only persons who could have gotten into the safe were Antonio and Simón. Walter tries to search their rooms but Abigail walks in on him. Then Rebeca has a brainstorm. She takes a valuable bracelet that PJ gave Isabel and tells her that it is missing. Walter and Rebeca accuse Abigail's children and go to search their rooms. They hope to find the missing jewels from the safe but they don't and they pretend to find the missing bracelet. Mayhem ensues. Andrés is for calling the police. Isabel is doubtful. Neither Simón or Antonio were home when this occurred and when Simón comes home, he nearly kills Walter.

Then Ángela and PJ/S come home and PJ/S takes charge of the situation. He gets the proof that Walter was a convicted thief from the study.

He hauls Walter off to the laundry room and says that he knows Antonio and Simón are innocent.

Antonio is listening outside the door.

Walter calls PJ/S's bluff and PJ/S produces the proof.

Walter is impactado.

Walter confesses that he planted the bracelet in Antonio's room. Isabel fires him but Andrés hires him as his personal employee just the way PJ/S works only for Ángela.

Antonion and Ángela have sex in the attic again. (Can't they go to her room?)

I won't be posting for the next two days. I am in a swing state getting out the vote for my candidate.


Fuego en la Sangre, 10/31/08: Revelations for Rosario and Tribulations of a Lovers’ Triangle

Capítulo # 130

[Thanks to Melinama for filling in for me last week.]

Armando is in Fernando’s office at the Bad Love Bar and celebrating. He has found the combination to Fernando’s personal safe at the Double E (Hacienda de las Elizondo y del Escandon), and is yucking it up with himself, planning to empty out all that stolen cash that Fer’s been stashing away and then heading for the hills when Rosario walks in on him and wants to know what’s up. Armando reveals his plans for revenge to Rosario. He plans to take advantage of the fact that Feo and Gabi will be spending the night away in Puebla City. Rosario decides to go with him. Since she has decided to leave town for good tonight herself, she wants to take a look-see for any evidence that might get Fernando put away in jail and the key thrown down a hole that hits bottom in China.

Meanwhile, Demien is paying a late visit to Augie’s and wants to talk with Sofia. Gramps leaves them alone and Demien tells Sofia he doesn’t want her angry with him for defending Juan. Now that she herself has forgiven the guy there’s no reason to still be angry with him. Sofia agrees but says she and Demien still should stop seeing each other. She knows his intentions but doesn’t feel the same way. He tells her he is a man that fights for what he loves and refuses to give up on her so easily. He loves her and is going to do even the impossible to succeed in getting her to love him. So Demien moves in for The Kiss-s-s-s. Just as Sofia’s about to succumb to Demian’s charms, Juan --no longer a Juan-ted man per say--walks in on them and the jingle-jangle of his spurs breaks the spell. (Poor Demien can’t buy a break.) They look at him; he looks at them.

Back at the Bad Love, Eva and Ofelia are in the dressing room waiting for Rosario. Ofelia tells Eva they plan to leave town and get as far away from the menace of Fernando Escandon as possible. Eva doesn’t want to believe it but Rosario arrives and confirms that they’re leaving that night.

At Aguie’s, Demien tells Juan he plans to convince Sofia to marry him. Juan says thanks for the heads up but he and Sofia’s love affair goes way back and it has managed to avoid all sorts of adversities and it isn’t over yet. They still love each other.

Back at the Bad Love Eva tells Rosario if it’s better that she leaves town then she’ll give her her blessing. The three of them share a tearful good-bye. Rosario tells them then that she has to go out for a bit and will explain later. When she comes back, though, their life will be completely changed and there will be no reason to be afraid any more.

A bit later Armando and Rosario, figuring they have all night, park the SUV in the front drive at Hacienda de Horrores. Upstairs, in the back, Sofia looks dreamily out her bedroom’s balcony doors at the moon but then goes in and closes them behind her. Juan, whose memory loss apparently didn't include the rope he left tied to her balcony, surprises her by suddenly forcing his way in through them just like old times. “What are you doing here?” “—I’m here to tell you I love you and I don’t intend to lose you. You’re mine and I am yours, Sofia. We belong to each other and we cannot be anyone else’s. Nobody else’s!” He grabs and kisses her passionately. She melts in his arms. (I melt in my armchair-–until I see that the camera angle makes it look like she’s chewing his chinstrap.)

Sofia breaks away and tells Juan it’s not right and he needs to leave. He asks why, since all he has to do is look in her eyes to realize she still loves him. “You’re heart isn’t deceiving you.” She says she never said she didn’t love him, but even so, too many things in the past now separate them. They cannot be together. His deception and all the things that took place while he was gone are just too difficult to be erased. With a signature frown he insists this is just one more test of their love to overcome, and all she has to think about is that he loves her and that she loves him. “That’s all that counts here, our love.” (Honestly, I want to stay melted, but I can’t get that silly chinstrap out of my head. That scruff of Juan’s used to hide it, I guess.)

Meanwhile, Rosario (in high-heeled CFM boots that have got to be a real pain to walk in let alone to run in when you’re caught wandering around other people’s houses stealing things) and Armando sneak into the hacienda and up the stairs.

Sofia and Juan are still otherwise occupied. Juan tells Sofia to look into his eyes and ask herself if, loving her the way he does, he could really do anything to hurt her so badly. (OMG. I really do miss the scruff! Must be 'cause I ran out of tequila.) She tells him about their argument before he disappeared and his threat not to be kept from his child. He says he understands then that if he did that, it’s no wonder she doesn’t want him near her. He swears to her that he’ll comb every mountain, village and ranch he passed through while in the jungle to find their daughter. She shows Juan a little baby sweater then and tells him her mother’s instinct tells her their daughter is alive, but he can’t leave to look for her because the sheriff would consider it an attempt to flee. Slowfia has an epiphany at that point and says if Juan really can’t remember anything and really didn’t take their child, then…somebody else must have! Juan has his own epiphany and asks how he is supposed to find the guilty person if he can’t leave town. They decide to talk to Grampa Augie --the only one around for miles, as we now know, with any intelligence other than Mr. Ed and Capricho--because he will surely have an answer for them. (I hope he does 'cause these two couldn't find their way out of a paper bag with holes at each end.)

Rosario starts for Sofia’s room to tell her why they’re there and what they’re planning to do, but Armando stops her. Get the cash and damning evidence first. They change direction and head across the hallway into Fernando’s room to look for the safe. Sofia and Juan come out a few seconds later and head down the stairs to head over to Augie’s cottage, sans Juan’s noisy spurs so as not to disturb her two sisters across the hall.

Once they’re at the cottage, Augie tells Juan and Sofia he’s always suspected somebody else took the child. Now they need to think about who might have had something to gain by getting rid of her little girl. Juan takes a wild guess that it’s somebody who hates them big time. (No duh.) Okiedok, but Slowfia, who hasn’t a suspicious bone in her body except where Juan is concerned despite all the hell she’s gone through with Mama and Feo Nando, says she hasn’t the slightest idea who that might be.

Meanwhile, said “who”, Fernando and Gabriela, have arrived in Puebla City and are entering their hotel room. Gabi is still in panic mode and freaking over the fact that Juan Reyes is alive and now out of jail. She carps at Fer about not coming through for her. She bitches that instead of taking care of her problems he just creates more of them for her! Feo warns her that if she doesn’t cool her jets he’s leaving. Crabi says fine, then git and not to let the hotel-room door hit him where the good lord split him. When she goes into the bathroom a minute later to wash up, Feo decides he’s had enough and leaves. As he goes out the door he tells himself he’ll make Gabi pay for this latest humiliation too.

Back at the cottage, Augie has apparently just suggested the guilty party could be Gabriela (definitely the B team doing the editing here while the A team hightailed it over to the break room for donuts). Sofia, again trying the patience of all of us in Viewerville, naively tells her granddad that even though she and Mama have had their differences, it’s impossible for her to believe her mother would be capable of something like that. Augie says they’ll wait till they are able to get to the bottom of things before considering it seriously. Juan then wants to know about Fernando Escandon since his brothers have told him that Fernando hates him. Augie says Fernando is angry at life and hates everyone around him. He even hates Gabi, but she just hasn’t realized it yet. Sofia says she agrees, he is a black-hearted fiend and sneaky. She wonders what he would have to gain, though, by her daughter’s disappearance. Augie answers perhaps just the pleasure of hurting her for having ridiculed him so much. Juan wonders if that would be a strong enough reason for him to engage in something like that. “It would have to be something powerful, more powerful than just that, wouldn’t it?” Augie thinks a bit and says well, it could be money. (Ding! Ding! Ding!) If it was Fernando then money has to be part of it and if money was involved then Fernando had something to do with it for sure!

In the hotel room, Gabi comes out of the bathroom and sees that Fer really did leave. She begins to whimper over him. Outside Fer is still mumbling to himself about making Gabriela pay for his humiliation and then he realizes he left his bag in the room. He figures he’ll have somebody pick it up tomorrow and in the meantime he’ll sleep at the cantina and wait for Gabi to come and beg him on her knees to come home. If she doesn’t then he figures he won’t go back to her again.

Afterwards, Fer drives back to the Bad Love and goes looking for Rosario. He sees her bags are packed and the dressing room is bare except for something that looks like a voodoo doll the camera pans in on. He realizes she was going to take advantage of his being in Puebla to run away and he starts yelling down the hall for Armando to get his boys together to “teach Rosario a lesson”. He enters his office and sees the mess. He notices the card with the combination is missing and finally puts two and two together. “They decided to rob me and run off together afterward, but they are not going to succeed. No, no, no they aren’t!”

After Juan has left, Augie says it’s obvious the guy still loves Sofia with all his heart. He asks Sofia if she still loves Juan but she doesn’t want to discuss it. Augie tells her to stop denying the obvious. She answers that they will never get back together. Augie asks her if she’s going to give Demien Ferrer a chance then. Sofia ponders the possibilities (note the stare off into space) but doesn’t give him an answer.

Speaking of Demien, he is at home remembering his confrontation with Juan at Don Augustin’s earlier that evening. He starts thinking back to his first encounter with Sofia in the woods, their various times spent together since then and all his failed attempts at romance with her. He says to himself that he refuses to resign himself to losing her (not that you ever had her to begin with, Demi) and will not give up until she tells him herself that she prefers Juan’s love to his. (That’ll be a while, Dem. Sofia likes the attention way too much.)

Sofia finally answers her granddad. She says she won’t ever love again and will refuse both Demien and Juan’s approaches. Until her daughter’s found love is not an option. She’s devoting herself to motherhood. (Hard without a kid to mother, I’d say.) Augie laughs sympathetically at her foolishness. (I feel more like a Gabi-style disgusted sigh myself.) He tells her that as soon as her daughter shows up all her dreams and hopes will return to her and she’ll want to love and to be loved. “Love is much more powerful than pain. Of course you’ll love again, although I don’t know if with Demien or Juan, but it will be one of them, I assure you.”

At the Double R (Hacienda de los Robles-Reyes), Oscar and Franco are getting the merchandise ready for the next day. Franco says both Jimena and Sarita are cheeky dames, but he knows they love him and Oscar the same as they love them. "It’s just they love making you beg." Oscar is frustrated because he can’t understand them. They don’t seem to know what they want, he says, er… but well, they do, but they’ve just turned into blockheads as far as he’s concerned. Juan walks into the kitchen and tells his brothers that he’s had a long talk with Sofia and Don Augustin and that Augie thinks Fernando Escandon kidnapped his daughter. Oscar says he thought the same thing right from the beginning. Franco says he felt the same way for a while, too. Juan gets angry and wonders why they never said anything to him about it. Oscar says it was because they had to go little by little with him because of his memory loss.

Juan tells Oscar he doesn’t understand why Fernando has it in for him, but Don Augustin tells him it was for money. Oscar says no, the guy did it because he hates Juan with a capital “H”. Juan doesn’t understand why he hates him so much and Oscar explains that it’s because Juan stole his wife from him. “Sofia was Fernando’s wife. She fell in love with you and she never loved Fernando." Juan is impactado as he mulls this little revelation over. (Note the frown and puzzled look in the eyes.)

Back in Fer’s bedroom, after a few failed attempts by Armando, Rosario manages to get the combination to work and opens the safe. Armando offers to share the money but Rosario only wants to find evidence that will finish off Fernando for good. So, Armando helps her take out the other things in the safe so she can start looking through them. Outside Fer drives up and sees Armando’s SUV parked in the driveway. Inside Rosario tells Armando she has found Don Bernardo’s letters accusing Fer of stealing from him. Next they find the gold religious medallion with Libia Reyes’ name engraved on the back. They both agree that Fer was not exactly what you’d call a religious devotee. Fernando, meanwhile, sneaks inside the darkened house and creeps up the stairs to spy on them. Rosario’s hunch-mobile has definitely been hitting on all cylinders tonight. Fer cracks the door open and hears Rosario tell Armando that if Fernando has Libia’s medallion then this means he must have killed her! He is a murderer and he murdered the Reyes’ sister!

In the kitchen of the Double R, Juan is back to baking his conchas again. He remembers what Demien told him earlier that evening about wanting to marry Sofia. He says to himself, “Like I’m going to let it happen (not)!” He takes off his apron and rushes out.

Over at the Double E again, Sofia has returned home and is going up to bed when she hears a noise in Fer’s bedroom. Fer sees her and hides. Sofia is about to check out the noise when Sarita and Jimena come out of one of the other bedrooms and talk Sofia into going into her room so they can chat. Jimena says the noise was probably just the wind blowing something so not to worry about it.

Back in Fer’s room, Armando tells Rosario he doesn’t doubt Fer killed the girl (Libia). He says he knows Fer really well and that he’s vicious by nature. They keep dumpster diving through the safe and find a bottle of ether and a handkerchief. Fernando sneaks back to the door, peeks in and hears her tell Armando the ether bottle and handkerchief have to mean that Fernando was the one who raped Sofia.

Demien answers a knock at his door and sees that it’s Juan. Juan tells him they have to talk. Demien says he was expecting him and invites Juan to come in, but Juan prefers to stay outside. Juan tells Demien that folks there say Demian’s a decent guy and so he’s only come to protect what’s his. He is there to repeat what he told Demien earlier; that he and Sofia go way back and that it’s still not over yet between the two of them. Demien says he won’t interfere, provided Sofia wants it that way, but she is going to have to tell him to his face. They agree to let her decide for herself. As Juan starts to walk off, Demien lets him know that he is still welcome there despite their rivalry.

Speaking of Sofia, she tells her sisters about Juan’s coming in through the balcony just like he used to. They want to know if she still loves him and she says she still doesn’t know for sure. Talk turns to what Grampa Augie said about it being Fernando who kidnapped her daughter. They wonder why and Slowfia, who has apparently forgotten Gramps telling her how Fer tricked him into signing over all his bank accounts, says he thought it was for money, but that it didn’t make sense to her since Fernando has all the money he needs now that Mama named him as her sole heir.

Across the hallway in Fer’s room, Armando confesses that he knew Fernando raped Sofia and that he tried to do it again but couldn’t manage it. Rosario says she is taking all of the things they found to prove he’s responsible and to get him thrown in jail right away. The only thing they don’t have proof of is his kidnapping Sofia’s daughter. They don’t even know where he left her. “Where could he have left her?” Rosario is impactada to find out that Armando knows exactly where she is. He then admits he helped Feo do it, but that was because he was forced to and he’s really sorry for it. He will tell her where the little girl is and they can tell Sofia and end her suffering. (This cannot bode well for either of them. The telenovela gods have got to be polishing up a couple pair of angel wings for these two.)

Sofia and her sisters share a group hug then leave. Outside her room Jimena says Sofia is confused but still must love Juan. Sarita says, though it pains her to admit it, she agrees.

Armando and Rosario collect the cash and the other things and get ready to leave. (I guess Armando figured to stuff his pockets ‘cause there’s no bag except Rosario’s and its stuffed with the documents and such.) Rosario tells Armando she’s taking all that she’s found over to the Reyes. Armando tells her she’s better off for the good of her son leaving with him and not getting involved. She says she won’t because it’s her duty to help out Sofia and because somebody has to stop Fernando. Fernando puts a silencer on his gun and sneaks out after them.

Ofelia is getting worried now because Rosario hasn’t returned and it’s getting late. As they start to drive off, Rosario tells Armando that after he lets her out back in town she’s picking up Ofelia and Luisito and then taking the evidence over to Juan’s at the Double R. Then she’s leaving for good and finally Fernando will get what he deserves. Just then another SUV T- bones them on the road. It’s Fernando. He gets out. “Funny finding you two out together. Mighty late for a drive. Where you going?” They both stutter out nonsense at him. Armando says he’s on his way back to the cantina, but Fernando wants to know where they’ve been and why they’re both so nervous. “Rosario, why is your purse so bloated? Let me guess. Could it be you’ve got something there like proof that incriminates me? Something you just finished getting out of my safe? Would that be it?” Armando and Rosario know they’ve been made.


Friday, October 31, 2008

El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Thurs., Oct. 30 - PJ/S messes with Walter's head; Andrés moves into the Donoso house

Andrés moves into the Donoso house sending Walter into a blizzard of activity and everyone else into deep gloom.

Andrés tries to get Isabel to share a bedroom with him and when she won't he takes her picture of PJ.

Father Jacobo sees the picture of PJ/S in the newspaper. He brings it to Cantalicia and only raises false hopes in her. The priest doesn't know where the picture was taken and tells Cantalicia that she just has to hope that PJ/S comes back. She can't accept that.

PJ/S confronts Antonio. Antonio says that he doesn't mistrust PJ/S; he just doesn't understand so many things about what he is doing at the Donoso house. PJ/S replies that he is here to fix the mistakes the PJ made with those he loved and the more Antonio interferes, the more he is hurting himself.

Vicky tells PJ/S that she has heard strange noises in the basement. PJ/S guesses that it is Walter and he goes to the secret room. He decides to mess with Walter and Rebeca's heads by leaving the safe standing open. While he is in the secret room, he overhears Valeria telling Simón how much she admired and revered PJ.

Isabel continues her schizophrenic relationship with Valeria. She doesn't want Valeria to get involved with Simón or to accept help from Ángela. She wants Valeria to depend on her exclusively and to support her.

Walter is impactado when he finds the safe standing open. He assumes that Rebeca betrayed him.

Later, Walter takes Rebeca up the secret room. PJ/S listens to their conversation from the study. After mutual recriminations, Walter and Rebeca finally conclude that someone else opened the safe and took the jewels.

Isabel comes into the study and is surprised to see PJ/S. She asks why he ignored her request that he go far away and agreed to work for Ángela. PJ/S replies that he wanted to keep his job. Isabel says that if earning money is important to him, she will give him a lot of money to go away. PJ/S says that he doesn't accept money he didn't earn and anyway, there is no way he will abandon Ángela even if the newlyweds in the house don't want him there.


Cuidado Thursday, October 30, 2008: Wanna marry, Mari?

JM is telling the judge that yes, he loves Mari and he’s going to marry her and not Stef.

The judge says but she’s vulgar, a street rat, and JM says Stef would be the same way if she’d been abandoned and left to grow up at an orphanage.

Viv is preparing her friend Lety’s medicine. One, two, three, four, five drops into water. She remembers Lety’s husband telling her 5 drops only, more will kill her. Viv studies the eyedropper and hovers it over the glass again. Did she put in another drop? I can’t tell.

Anyway, here comes Lety, who should do her own meds if the dosage is so critical. Bottoms up says Viv, and Lety gulps it down then tells Viv she’s still the same great friend as always. Girlfriend hug.

Rocio is hanging out in her room and Balbina tells her she has a phone call from Vicente. She razzes Rocio a little bit about him being her novio. Vicente calls Rocio his muse, his inspiration. She says but you’ve never painted me, and Vicente says I will and it will be a memory for us for years and years to come. They chat a bit and Vicente asks if he can come get her on his motorcycle. Rocio says I’ll be ready, and after he’s hung up, she kisses the phone.

Back to the judge and JM. The judge is saying that even if she had been brought up in an orphanage, Stef wouldn’t have turned out like Mari. He says they took Mari in and look how she repaid them, stealing stuff, causing trouble, and worst of all, getting between JM and Stef. He says she is jealous and wants everything Stef has. JM says don’t blame her, it’s my fault.

Bah, says the judge. You were just a toy in Mari’s hands. You’re worse than just responsible for this, you’re weak, corruptible and immoral. Where is that virtue you go on about? My daughter is going to have to suffer the shame of having been kicked to the curb just days before her wedding. But I’m glad she’s not marrying you - I want her to marry a decent man, and it’s obvious that is not what you are.

(Hey, don’t hold back, Judge! But the judge, being of a certain class, doesn’t take a swing at JM or sic burly henchmen on him, and fastidiously uses Usted while he’s trashing him. Later he will probably feel very smug about this confrontation.)

Anyway, JM tries to speak, but the judge interrupts, saying you’re free to do what you want, but one day you’ll realize what you lost and you’ll be sorry. Under that distinguished-man facade is a weak man, and you deserve the woman you have chosen.

The judge stomps out.

Damien is telling the padre about his confrontation with JM, how he slugged him, how Mari defended him but JM made no move to defend himself. He wonders why, it was almost like JM thought he deserved it. The padre says you don’t understand because you don’t know the whole truth. What truth? says Damien.

Out front of the castle, Rocio runs out to Vicente who is waiting with his motorcycle. She has on jeans and those impossibly high heels she wears. Vicente puts his helmet on her and off they go.

Mari is lying in bed thinking about the kiss with JM. She talks to Cuate, saying she wonders how she loves JM. Like a man? Like a friend? She likes kissing him, feeling him near.

OMG! Padre is telling Adrien the backstory on JM and Mari in the dark forest, and nobody’s told us yet! The padre says JM was drinking, and she ran away and nothing happened that neither should be ashamed of. He was chasing after her to ask her forgiveness, but he never got to. Mari never knew it was him.

Damien says then I should have hit him more than once. The padre says don’t judge, and though it wasn’t a secret of the confession, it’s not for blabbing around, so let’s have it be a secret between you and me.

Stef and Isa are up in their room and Stef is telling her that the judge didn’t get anywhere with JM. Isa thinks he should have forced JM, but Stef says it’s not that easy. She says Mari has no scruples and now she, Stef, is going to be the subject of gossip, how she was dumped just days before her wedding. Isa says don’t be so dramatic, the Velarde’s friends barely know you. You’re just bugged about losing the money JM has and if one day we lose the money we’re getting here…. Stef says hush.

It’s night now Rocio and Vicente are stopped on a mountain road looking out at the city lights. He wants to know how she feels being with him. She says she’s happy and he says he thinks it’s the first time he’s found true happiness. Aw. They kiss. Rocio says she has to thank Mari, because she introduced him. She tells Vicente he’s her first boyfriend. Vicente says and I hope the last. She says I bet you’ve had lots of girlfriends, huh? and he doesn’t answer. She says that’s okay, as long you don’t have them now that I’m here. They te quiero and kiss again. There is thunder in lightening off in the distance.

It’s daytime and Mayita is playing with Cuate in front of the castle. JM comes out of the house, probably on his way to work, and runs into the padre, who says he’s come to see Mari. He asks if JM has spoken to her. JM says he’s talked to her, but not about that night. He’s waiting for the right moment and the courage. The padre seems displeased and goes on in.

Viv’s friend Lety is in bed and her husband Gustavo comes in and kisses her and wonders why she’s not up talking to Viv. Lety says she gave me my medicine, took my blood pressure and went off to bed. Gustavo comments that she’s really enjoying having Viv there and she says a lot. She says they were friends when they were in college in Switzerland – they were the only two Spanish speakers, they were always together. (Wouldn’t she have gotten a death notice if she was in Viv’s address book?)

Gustavo kisses her tenderly and she says not tonight, I’ve been feeling a little tired. Gustavo, prince that he is, understands and says don’t worry, he’ll go to the other room and read.

Will you look at that! There’s JM in his nice suit in the barrio, next to a sign that says Free Counseling. A little family shows up, they all go into a doorway, they emerge again later, JM patting the parents and ruffling the hair of their little son. Whadda guy! He tucks his big sign under his arm and heads off down the street.

An older white car pulls up, three toughs get out, pull on ski masks, whip out guns, look around quickly and run into a bank.

Mari is very happy to see the padre. He asks her if JM talked to her and she says he asked me to marry him. Why? says the padre. Mari gets a little shy and says because he loves me. The padre is smiling, and says so what did you say? Mari says actually I didn’t say anything. The padre says do you love him? Mari says I don’t really know – sometimes I think yes and sometimes I think no. The padre says I have something to tell you. What? says Mari. What?

There’s JM - looks like he’s counseled another family, either that or he’s laying on hands and curing the poor. Anyway, off he goes smiling down the street and uh oh he’s right next to the bank. Right by the entrance we go to slo mo. This cannot be good. He’s parked right in front of the robbers’ white car and he’s got his keys out to put the sign in his trunk.

Here come the robbers streaming out of the bank, security on their heels. JM looks around and finally catches on and drops. The security and the robbers are shooting at one another, the robbers using their car for cover. Sure enough JM takes a bullet to the chest. He looks surprised, then starts to look faint and finally passes out.

The robbers are being put in handcuffs, but JM is being put in an ambulance. A crowd has gathered and the press is already there with their cameras.

The padre seems to be leaving – he and Mari are coming down the stairs. She says what did you come to tell me? He says it was minor and can wait, he wants to know why she’s so undecided about JM. She says she doesn’t know, she’s scared. She remembers her past and gets scared. (We hear the angry bee sound that usually comes with Amador – is that a clue?) Mari says It’s not like it’s JM fault, is it?

The phone rings and even though Balbina has come in, Mari answers it. It’s the news about JM.

Half a planet away, Gustavo is reading his book in his bathrobe. Viv comes in and covers his eyes playfully and say guess who? She sits across from him and notes that he looks worried. He says he’s worried about Lety. Gustavo says she looked pale, and sad. Viv says do you think she’s bored with you? Gustavo looks like he’s giving it some thought.

Mari tells Balbina and the padre that JM is at the Red Cross. We see him being wheeled down the corridor of the hospital. Balbina says nobody is home, Onelia, Rocio and Mayita are all out. Mari says tell them when they get back and she and the padre head off to the hospital. Mari hopes JM doesn’t die.

Gustavo seems to be on to Viv. She says that he must be exaggerating to pretend to play the role of the faithful husband. Gustavo says a husband who wants to be unfaithful is wise to have his affairs very far from home. Viv says I take your meaning, you are saying we should go somewhere far from here? She strokes his cheek and he looks annoyed.

JM is awake and asks a nurse how things are. Apparently he had some bleeding. The nurse wants to know if he would like to be transferred to a different hospital, but he says he’ll stay in their capable hands. Here come Mari and the padre hurrying along the corridor, looking for JM’s room. They find him and Mari is frantic, but then is relieved. JM tells them what happened and Mari says she was afraid he’d die. He says not this time, that he’ll be around for a long time.

Good news doesn’t travel fast, as we know, and back at Castle San Ramon, Balbina is weepily telling Onelia, who has just come home, that JM had been shot.

At the hospital, the padre goes off to see if he can arrange a private room and JM asks Mari if he gave her a fright. She says yes, but her prayers were answered. She doesn’t know what she’d do without him. JM says does that mean you love me? Mari says yes, I love you a lot.

Viv has Gustavo by the lapels but he pushes her off and tells her she’s being inappropriate. She says why do you think so? I’m young, attractive, sexy, sensual (and indeed her sundress is cut down to there). Gustavo says if I were ever to have an affair, it would have to be with some stranger. A wife might forgive such an infidelity, but never one with her supposed dear girlfriend. He stomps off.

Mari asks JM if she can stay with him all the time (I think she may mean in the hospital) and he says of course. He is so happy that she said she loves him. She says she’s been afraid to love since that thing that happened. JM says pretend it never happened. Mari says if only it were that easy. JM says let me help you forget. They stare in each other’s eyes and that lovely Perdon song starts up.

The padre is out in the busy hospital corridor and here comes Onelia who asks a nurse where Dr. San Ramon can be found. The padre overhears and, having never met her, says he’ll take her and he asks who she is.

In JMs hospital room, the Perdon song is still going and he is telling Mari that for every bad moment she remembers, he’ll give her a thousand happy ones. I’ll make you feel pure, respected, loved. Mari says what wonderful things you say! But what if you can’t do it? JM says let me try. I promise that I will never approach you, never touch you, unless it’s what you want. Not a kiss, not a caress, if you don’t want them. Mari says and if I never want those things? JM says then I’ll be happy just having you near me. I want to show you that real love is sweet.

Mari has laid her head on JM’s shoulder when the music turns threatening and in comes Onelia who says ah ha! and rolls her eyes.

Isa is talking to Stef in their room and Martirio is clearing up in the background, all ears. Isa says she has found out one interesting fact – JM adores Mayita and can’t bear to be separated from her, but Isa doesn’t know how to turn that information to good use Martirio is paying close attention. Stef seems to have a brainstorm and dials up Castle San Ramon, where Balbina informs her that Onelia isn’t there, she at the Red Cross where she’s seeing JM who has been shot. Stef’s eyebrows shoot up.

Onelia asks how JM how he is but then fake-smiles that he must be better due to the company (indicating Mari). JM says you’re right, having Mari here makes me feel much better. Onelia says I thought it would be rude of me not to come check on you. JM says you’re such a lady. Onelia says of course, one is born that way, and others who aren’t can’t ever achieve it. Thanks for checking in on me, says JM politely.

Onelia asks when he’s going to transfer to a private clinic, this sort of place isn’t for men of his social position. JM says he’s fine, they’re taking good care of him. Onelia says my, your tastes are changing, like Rocio’s are. She’s taken up with that young man Mari introduced her to. I hope this doesn’t spread to Mayita. Get well soon! she says snottily and leaves.

Isa is telling Stef that she has to be at JM’s side. Stef looks like what? Me?

Mari is looking serious and JM says forget about hate, remember that I was talking about love before she came in. Put hate out of your life. Mari says I feel even more hate for that guy because if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be afraid to love you. JM says we’ll get to that stage one day where you will feel love and forgiveness. Do you want to marry me? Mari, her face right next to his, looks happy but doesn’t say anything

Back in Spain, Gustavo is coming to bed and Lety says I thought I heard you and Viv, were you arguing? Gustavo looks a bit steamed.

Zip we’re in the hospital room and JM says please say yes. Mari says yes, and he kisses her but she turns her face away after a bit. He says I’m sorry, I was just so happy that you said yes.

Spain again: Gustavo says we weren’t arguing, we were talking about you. I was saying you seemed depressed the past few days. Lety says I’m not depressed, just tired. Gustavo says the doctor said if you follow his protocol to the letter, you should get better. Lety says and I will. I’m taking my medicine regularly thanks to Viv. Gustavo says you really like her, huh? Lety says why? Don’t you? Gustavo says I haven’t known her that long to know. Lety says she’s great with the kids and she’s going to be here a few weeks more.

Stef is coming down the hospital hall and gets to JM’s room where Mari is just closing the door. Mari says JM is asleep but Stef says he’s still my novio and she goes in and wakes him up, saying mi amor. He winces when he opens his eyes and sees her.

Martirio is telling the judge and Ceci that JM got shot and is at the Red Cross. Ceci wants to rush off and see him, but the judge says no, we’re not talking to him after what he did to Stef. Ceci says he’s been a friend for years, he’s a human being! The judge says I don’t agree, we’re not going to visit or even ask after him. He doesn’t deserve it. Martirio smiles.

JM tells Stef he’s fine. Stef says she had to see him and she says she’s sorry she got jealous and acted so stupid and told JM to throw Mari out of the house. She says she heard he wanted to break off their engagement, but she didn’t believe it. JM breaks it to Stef that he’s in love with Mari and that she just accepted his proposal and they’re going to get married very soon. Stef slaps him.

Rocio has arrived and gets the latest from Mari, who says JM must be awake now since Stef went in there and must’ve woken him. They ridicule Stef a bit and then Mari tells her that she and JM are going to get married. She and Rocio jump around and hug and the people in the hall stare.

Stef apologizes to JM, saying it was just the stress. JM says he understands, that he has acted badly with her and her family and he hopes one day she will forgive him. She says such irony – you offer me apologies and her marriage. Stef says what do I do? The invitations have been sent, the dress bought, and now, just days before our wedding, you’ve made me into an object of ridicule.

Marry me! says Stef. JM says Mari is the one and only, now and forever one for me. You’re going to regret this, says Stef. You’ll never be happy with her. She leaves.

Out in the hall, Rocio and Mari are still jumping up and down and Rocio is calling Mari sister-in-law. Stef sees this and says you’ll never be happy. You’ll have bad karma because of what you two did to me.

Onelia tells Mayita that it’s a secret, but Mari is the one who shot JM.

The padre comes to see JM, and is the only one so far to greet the other patients in his room. JM is sitting up on the side of the bed looking perky and says that Mari was there all night. He says that taking a bullet sure paid off – Mari got scared, realized she loved him and accepted his proposal. The padre looks very pleased. But then he says did you tell her the truth? JM suddenly turns serious.

Mayita is asking Onelia why Mari would do such a thing, she loves JM. Onelia says to force him to marry her so she can be the woman of this house and take the place of your mama. Mayita says but what about Stef? She’s his novia. Onelia says he dumped her to marry Mari. I don’t like Mari and you mustn’t either. Your mother is up in heaven and she would be very unhappy if you liked Mari.

Mayita says what do I do to make Mama happy? Onelia says be mean to Marichuy, ignore her, don’t answer if she talks to you. Tell your papa that you don’t like Mari and that you like Stefi. Mayita says does Mama like Stef? Onelia says yes.

The padre is telling JM that he can’t marry Mari without telling her the truth. JM says I will afterwards. Before, says the padre. JM says she hates that guy. He says he promised he wouldn’t kiss or touch Mari until she felt safe and loved, and that he would tell her when she felt more secure with him. The padre says you still have to tell her. If you don’t tell her, I will.

Onelia is briefing Mayita before she heads off to school. She reminds her to blow off Mari and tells her to tell her papa not to marry her.

JM says give me time, Padre! Like four to five days. The padre says okay five days, and I’m serious. I won’t permit Mari to get married in a dishonest atmosphere.

Mari runs into the padre in the hall. He says JM has something to tell her. She bounds in and asks JM what it is. JM says that we are going to get married day after tomorrow.

Avances: countdown to the wedding, shots of Onelia, Stef and others who may waylay the plans. Eduardo says something to JM that I can’t understand. JM prays in church.


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