Thursday, July 08, 2010

Corazón Salvaje WED 2010/07/07 "Here a murderer, there a murderer, everywhere a murderer..."

Episode 98

On the docks, Juan stares at Renato and shouts that he should have known Renato would be behind all of this! Renato coolly taunts that Juan didn't know, though, did he? And then lays it out that he rescinded the bail in order to rescue Regina -- and see Juan behind bars in Veracruz!

We'll see about that, Juan answers; and just as the coast guard captain orders him arrested, Juan springs into action and damages a few encroaching guards. We hear the clang of blades, and suddenly both Juan and Renato are circling with swords in hand.

At Dr. Pablo's, Jimena is horrified to hear he must leave Gabriel's bedside to tend to Aimee at the finca. Those people who have hurt so many, like Marlene and Rosenda! she declares. Pablo doesn't want to go; but he swore an oath to care for everyone who needed him. He won't be long, and he wants Jimena to take care of Gabriel while he's out.

He's sure her presence will give Gabriel strength to recover soon; but Jimena doubts whether Gabriel would even want to see her. Pablo relates how much Gabriel has said he loves her and how he worried about her disappearance; and after Pablo's exit, Jimena sits to weep and caress the beloved patient.

Back at the docks, Juan shows no sign of fever, giving Renato as good as he gets; but Renato draws first blood -- a shallow shoulder wound. Meanwhile at the finca, Noel rounds up Rodrigo and Leonarda to go and give their statements, because they are both suspects in Brigitte's slaying.

Delirious Gabriel calls out for "Estrella," while Jimena prays earnestly for help. She whispers that she's there for him and begs him to be strong and fight for life so they can enjoy their love for each other, as they so often dreamed. With a hundred kisses, she insists he must live -- or she'll perish with him.

At the sheriff's office, Rodrigo mouths a prepared speech claiming Leonarda visited him at home and afterward they went to the finca, where they talked late into the night. He never saw Brigitte, he says. Leonarda backs him up and adds the indignation of an upstanding lady forced to testify about a common whore.

When she wonders why the sheriff hasn't shut down the casino, he informs her that he indeed has shut it down. Noel objects that the action is baseless, since the casino is no murder scene. When Rodrigo baits Noel with objecting due to his "friendship" with Lulu, Noel simply throws Rodrigo's truck with Brigitte back in his face.

At the sword fight, Juan and Renato vow a battle to the death. I had to laugh as Juan slipped close enough to pack a nice punch to the jaw. When Juan draws next blood on Renato's leg, the captain shouts a halt; but the pair ignore him and bowl over into the drink. Peering down over the quay, the captain orders Juan taken into custody.

Before exiting the sheriff's office, Noel scandalizes Leonarda by insisting the sheriff investigate to confirm their statements; because he had no idea she and Rodrigo were at the finca together the day of the crime -- much less late into the night, he concludes pointedly.

Undeterred, after Noel's exit, Rodrigo drops a bag of coins onto the desk and smoothly declares his trust that the sheriff realizes they are "good people," which of course the sheriff does -- and pockets the cash. Nevertheless, he points out, it will work to their advantage to make some token investigation to placate the good notario.

At the gypsy camp, Servando delights Griselda with news that Gabriel is good and dead, when another gypsy woman runs up shouting about Branko. She's horrified that he's been jailed for murder; and when she exits again, the two bad ones turn and put their heads together in a plan to frame Branko for Gabriel's murder, too. With glee, they exclaim in unison they'll make him out to be "A MURDERER!"

In a filthy jail cell, Branko can hardly believe his ears; he did not murder that woman! The heartless sheriff is just explaining that Branko will stay right where he is until some other suspect comes to light, when a minion arrives and whispers "blah, blah, blah...murderer"* in the sheriff's ear, with a furtive glance at Branko for good measure.

Turns out, the sheriff informs Branko, that someone tried to kill Gabriel -- and with the same kind of knife Branko uses. Branko is beside himself; this cannot be! It has to be Servando's doing. The sheriff points out it's known that Branko and Gabriel were enemies over the love of Jimena; Branko tries to explain that was something different, but it's not getting him anywhere.

Jimena continues tending to unconscious Gabriel at Pablo's, and she recalls the many kisses they shared in their time together; sweet ones, tender ones, urgent ones, exciting ones. In truth, they were lovely to see. Gabriel looks so handsome and vibrant in her memories -- unlike his current self, laid low by a murderer's blade.

Concluding her reverie, Jimena is weeping again, as she reminds him he must get better. Gabriel's lips are so dark blue, he must be in acute cyanosis: "...Acute cyanosis can be a result of asphyxiation or choking, and is one of the surest signs that respiration is being blocked..." I had the impression that Servando got him in a lung.

Offshore somewhere, poor little Colibri frantically pulls aside the Luzbel in a rowboat, having dashed off to warn the crew the moment Juan was arrested. Below in her cabin, Regina smiles and recalls doffing Juan "de Dios" again and renewing her vow of marital devotion to him.

The coast guard captain orders Juan held on their ship. Colibri boards the Luzbel, inconsolable, attempting to report to the crew what he saw. He is just beside himself, wailing and pulling at his hair. They finally understand Juan has been arrested; but before they can grab him, Colibri zips out of Remigio's grasp and runs below to tell Regina.

He bursts into the cabin, crying and wailing, embracing Regina at once. She finally gets out of him what the matter is, but there's something else: the boy is crushed with guilt! Colibri blames himself for detaining Juan over a particular kind of candy he sought. I felt so sorry for the little guy. On deck, the Luzbel crew attempts a getaway; they can't help Juan unless they are free.

But it's too late: they've been boarded by the coast guard already. Regina -- a lioness in the face of the captain -- demands to know why her husband has been held without cause. When Regina asks whose orders they're under, she is astounded to see Renato appear. Unfortunately, before the crew are removed, Colibri spies Renato embracing a stunned Regina.

When Dr. Pablo visits Aimee at the finca, he's perplexed she won't let him examine her, even with Clemencia there insisting he has an excellent reputation. Aimee can't let any doctor examine her and latches onto a tale where she is too modest without her husband attending. She claims Leonarda's argument made her faint, and Pablo urges Clemencia to help Aimee and her baby avoid upsets. Clemencia gladly agrees.

Alone on Luzbel, Regina screams at and confronts Renato. What does he mean it's nothing! They impound the ship and detain the crew -- and worst of all, arrest Juan! Where is he?! she screams. Renato answers succinctly that he's where he should be. We see Juan locked up in the storage compartment of the coast guard cutter.

Presently with a rumble, the rest of the crew appear at the door and are shoved in. They're all confused; how did they know precisely the island they were on? Colibri may not know what he's saying, but he stuns Juan when he reports no one has to worry about Regina -- he saw Renato embracing her as they left.

At the doctor's, Gabriel is much worse, and Jimena is frantic. He's convulsing, as in death throws, and Jimena is crying, No, no! when Gabriel goes limp. She holds his face to kiss him, but suddenly a bright, white light appears, and Gabriel heaves a reviving breath. He even becomes conscious a moment, smiling and speaking Jimena's name.

He tells her he loves her, and she answers the same, joyful. She asks his forgiveness for lying to him, saying she was afraid to lose him; to which he smiles, touches her face, and says there's nothing to forgive. Jimena grasps his hand, and gazing into each others eyes, they vow their love together. As Jimena kisses him, Gabriel loses consciousness again, causing Jimena to cry, Please, don't go!

In a local hotel room, Renato says they're returning to Veracruz, but Regina won't hear of it. She'll stay there until she hears some word of Juan. When she demands an explanation, Renato assumes she is still playing the part of victim. He knows what a big heart she has and that she would continue to suffer so that no one else does. Regina attempts to correct him, but he continues.

Renato is tied up with guilt over forcing her into the arms of Juan. He'll even go against her in order to free her from this bastard. Renato kisses her hand as Regina looks on, confused. Meanwhile, Juan paces the storage compartment, worrying himself over being betrayed. You see! I told you! Regina is a Montes de Oca! That letter was not to Clemencia -- it was to Renato! Remigio isn't sure and insists Juan doesn't know that.

But Juan is shouting now while pacing. Of course I do! What more proof do you want!? She was just playing with us! He yells at all of them. You hear! With all of us! Playing with our feelings! I told you! he says in Remigio's face, gritting out, She was just waiting to tell Renato where we were! That's all she wanted to do. Remigio can't look Juan in the eyes. Everyone is downcast.

Back at the hotel, Regina grabs her hand away and shouts into Renato's face that Juan is not a bastard and that neither he nor anyone is going to insult him! Renato is taken aback; she can't be serious. When he asks if Juan threatened her to not speak ill of him, Regina exclaims, of course not!

She can be frank with him, Renato encourages. She doesn't have to play the worried-spouse role, he adds; to which Regina retorts, she's not playing any role! When Regina insists she hasn't a single complaint about Juan, Renato finally feels his conscience a little relieved.

She has no idea how anxious he's felt since he found out the whole truth, he says, which latter causes Regina some consternation. Turning to walk away, she asks guardedly, you mean? When he admits Aimee told him "everything," Regina whirls around and stares at Renato.

At the finca in her rooms, Aimee makes a big deal in front of the doctor out of being afraid of losing her baby. She pays attention to every word he tells Clemencia about taking care of herself in order to be safe. Almost as though she were taking notes for a plausible way to "lose" the baby.

At the hotel, Regina runs back to face Renato, amazed and breathless to think that Aimee told Renato the whole truth. She confessed? she asks, amazed. Tell me just what this truth is that she told you. Renato repeats the whole fake "truth" story, made up earlier by Aimee.

He's utterly embarrassed and sorry to have believed Regina would be carrying on like that with Juan and begs her forgiveness. Renato would just like her to understand why he turned in to such a puss bucket; he was so anxious thinking Aimee was unfaithful.

He wanted to force a confession, but was terrified of it at the same time. He suffered so much and was blind to others suffering. That's why he precipitated the wedding with Juan de Diablo. Regina looks up quickly and corrects him: his name is JUAN DE DIOS, she insists.

Whatever, he says; he doesn't want to talk about Juan, but rather the two of them. Regina looks askance at him. He continues, how unfair he was to her, who loved him since she was a little girl. Now he really has her attention. What are you saying? she asks, incredulous.

He knows everything, Renato says, pulling the infamous diary from beneath his waistcoat. Regina steps back with a gasp. My diary! she exclaims and grabs it out of his hands. Renato lets her have it, avowing it's the nicest thing he ever read in his life.

But don't worry, he won't utter a word about it if she doesn't want to hear it. Regina is gasping and speechless, but Renato steps closer and urges her not to be ashamed of the truth. Looking her in the eyes, he earnestly says that love never shamed anyone.

At the doctor's, Pablo returns to find a worried Jimena; she doesn't understand what happened. Gabriel woke up, but then he became unconscious again. Pablo takes Gabriel's pulse and feels his forehead and looks reassured; he tells Jimena not to worry.

He thinks Gabriel's been very lucky; despite how serious his condition was, he's alive. And that, he says, is a miracle. A miracle born of the love he feels for you -- in contrast to other places, where only hate and selfishness reign.

Jimena knows he's talking about Aimee; and he adds everybody there, except Noel and Regina. Especially Leonarda, who keeps harassing Aimee, despite her pregnancy, he says. Jimena is nonplussed to hear Aimee's pregnant, because she never saw that, reading her palm.

Looking her in the eyes, Renato is about to kiss Regina, when she shoves him away, reiterating that they are both married! Renato claims he doesn't love Aimee the same way any more. He lists her detriments, all true; but Regina defends her sister.

Renato says it's the truth and that Aimee should bow her head before Regina and himself, too. The illusions he had for Aimee are dead, Renato says. When Regina reminds him Aimee is his wife, he assents and adds, not only that, but she's going to give him a child, too. Regina is astounded to hear this news.

Servando and Griselda visit the sheriff to frame Branko for the attack on Gabriel. At Pablo's, he fills Jimena in on the news that Branko is being held for that, which she cannot believe. He would never do it, she says, and Pablo urges her to go make a statement in Branko's favor. Jimena thinks no one would believe her, and Pablo observes that Gabriel is the only one who could really clear Branko. Hopefully, Gabriel will wake up in time, he says.

Renato says that any other time, he would be thrilled to be having a child; but at this point, he shouts, he doesn't want any more ties to Aimee! In the finca in her rooms, Aimee makes a big fuss to Clemencia about fear of losing her baby. Clemencia promises to keep her healthy so that won't happen.

Regina objects to Renato's attitude about the baby; but he'd view it differently if Aimee weren't the mother, he says. Moving closer to Regina and taking her shoulders, Renato lowers his voice and says during this whole voyage he's only been able to think about her.

This makes Regina very uncomfortable. Taking her hand, he whispers he wants to speak of every shared forgotten memory, every smile he failed to notice, every precious morsel of her love...he's rubbing her cheek with the back of his hand when Regina has had enough.

Breaking away, she shouts That's it! and runs across the room. He turns to follow, declaring she has to know that he loves her. He's learned to love her from afar. This is why he can't forgive Aimee for involving Regina with another man! he shouts.

It's Aimee's fault that Regina now has a husband -- who is not him! He needs her by his side, he says, as he nears and begins to embrace Regina. He can't get her out of his head, he's saying, as Renato cups her neck and starts to lower his head for a kiss. Regina's keeping her neck stiff, but Renato makes their lips touch.

At the prison, the sheriff laughs when Branko relates that he and Gabriel are blood brothers -- someone he could never harm. Branko desperately begs the sheriff to bring Servando to accuse him face to face. When the sheriff threatens that if convicted, Branko will be in that cell the rest of his life and never see the light of day again, Branko grows hysterical and follows the sheriff to the cell door, grasping it and falling to the ground, screaming.

In her rooms, Aimee colludes with Celia about her pregnancy-that-isn't. What can be done? Pillows aren't going to work forever, and Aimee should be ashamed that Celia is the one that came up with the answer. She suggests to Aimee to find a man -- to make the pregnancy real. No one would have to know.

Back at the kiss, Regina hauls off and gives Renato a good smack. What does he think -- she's going to become his lover? Leave her alone! she shouts. But he can't leave her alone, he says. And what's more, he needs to know something. Something that can free her from Juan, he continues.

In order to annul the marriage, there can have been no consummation. Regina knows exactly what he means, and she doesn't want him freeing her from anybody! He needs to stay out of her life! Looking like he's a bad taste in her mouth, Regina tells him he belongs to her past.

She doesn't love him anymore, she states flatly. I...don' Renato looks horrified. Bring Juan back to me! she insists. Now Juan is the love of my life! I love him with all of my heart. Much more than I would have ever loved you. Renato is stunned and speechless, searching her face for what could be the truth.

*See "...Five Go Mad in Dorset"


Dinero # 149 7/7/10: And the plot slowly plods on

Have you ever been involved in one of those awkward moments? You are having a great conversation and all is good in the world and suddenly you are told something you can’t quite wrap your head around? Well that is where we start tonight. Ale is having one of those moments. “With his what?” she asks. Juliette simply explains “Well with his wife, or is soon to be wife.” Ale still hasn’t figured it out. “How, who?” Lenora adds, “well she isn’t his wife yet, but they will soon get married. Vicky, the one he has always had.”

It is finally sinking in, as Lenora asks “He hasn’t told you yet”. Ale trying hard to not show complete system failure at this time, smiles and tells Lenora he hasn’t told her, he has been so busy. Ale looks at her watch and tells them it is very late and she really has to leave, she has another appointment. Lenora tells her to at least wait for Rafa. Ale insists she can’t but does manage to say “Tell Rafa to have a happy marriage.” A clueless Lenora insists on escorting her to the door, and cheerfully tells her goodbye.

Ale has made it to her car and has called Susana. “He’s getting married” she weeps through the phone. A surprised Susana says “what? Did he tell you that himself?” Ale tells her no, but Lenora told her and he never showed up. “for certain he is at his fiancé house“. Susana tries to calm her down and says to talk with him tomorrow. Lenora probably just told her that to hurt her (herir/ injure, to hurt). Ale assures her that was not the case. She then says, do you know what this means? Rafa doesn’t love me. He has never loved me. Susana continues to try and calm her down. She tells her to go home and get some sleep. Tomorrow they will figure out what to do. Ale through tears and sarcasm tells Susana “yea go to sleep rest, that will be easy enough to do”.

She continues to tell Susan that Rafa never ended it with Vicky. On the contrary he is probably off planning his wedding. She tells her she came over to his house to clear things up. And he is getting married. She can’t believe this. Things are just getting worse and worse. Susana tries again to calm Ale down. She tells her not to think about it now. She needs to look at things more clearly and analyze it with a clear head. Ale crying harder tells Susan she doesn’t understand, she can’t think clearly and hangs ups.

Our clever little Juliette has figured out that it was pretty clear Ale wasn’t very happy about Rafa’s upcoming nuptials. An even smarter Lenora says “I thought Rafa might have had feelings for Ale but it never occurred to me that she might feel something for him.”

Rafa has escaped la casa de los Para’s with his jugular still intact. He asks “What’s up?” Juliette tells him a strange thing just happened. Ale was over. Rafa stunned says what? Lenora says she just left a little bit ago. Rafa wants to know what she wanted. Lenora says it wasn’t really clear, but she came to ask for forgiveness. Rafa wants to know why she didn’t wait. Lenora tells him she suddenly was in a hurry and said she had to leave. Rafa doesn’t understand this. She came over to talk and then just left? Juliette chimes in, well while we were waiting we were just talking with her. Rafa wants to know what they were talking about. Lenora casually says “well everything, and when we told her you were going to get married, who knows what happened, she just suddenly said she had to leave. “

Rafa has become quite concerned and Lenora questions “what did I do wrong? Was it a secret?” Rafa tells her it wasn’t a secret but he didn’t want Ale to know.

Jorge and Rosario are also discussing wedding plans. (However there are no knifes involved with this wedding discussion). Jorge tells Rosaura that it is the Brides family that arranges everything. It has to be a dignified wedding. Ale has shown up quite distraught and Jorge wants to know what is wrong. She tells them she doesn’t feel like talking. This has been the worse day. She is off to her room and things are about to get worse as Azucena hands her the envelope that arrived earlier that day. It is an order to embargo the house for not paying taxes. They have 24 hours to leave. “This can’t be, what a day!”

Lenora is telling Rafa that Ale told them what a wonderful salesman he was. Juliette still can’t believe that the “spitfire” Ale she was in their house. She had imagined her to be quite different. Lenora tells her she was very gentle and understanding (comprensible). They talked about the problem about the supposed sale of the house and that one day he would explain everything to her. Juliette wants to know what Ale was referring to. Rafa tells them it was nothing. Things that they wouldn’t understand and aren’t worth discussing at this time. He changes the subject and tells them that he is going to Monterey in the morning with Marion. Lenora wants to know who that is and Rafa tells her it is a client. He tells them he is tired and goes off to bed.

Rosaura and Jorge are still talking about the wedding. Rosario says it is probably best not to get Ale involved in the wedding discussions. She feels it probably frustrates her, especially since she was planning her wedding twice now. Jorge adds she is frustrated but she still continues to work at Siglo. He had hopes that Ale would rethink (recapacitar/ to think over or reflect) all this and value Marco again.

Guess who would be showing up about now? Marco. Jorge and Rosario are delighted to see him. Jorge tells him they have lots to talk about. “It has been a while since you have told me how things are going with the Hacienda“. Marco stutters out that they are going to have to find another lawyer to deal with the hacienda. They want to know why. He tells them he came to tell them good bye. He is leaving Mexico for good. We have all sorts of comos? and ques? from Jorge and Rosario. Ale rushes in and pulls Marco aside and tells him she needs to talk with him urgently. She needs to ask him if he didn’t tell them he had negotiated (tramitar) an extension (prorroga/ extension extra time) to pay the taxes they owe. He tells her “Yes, why?’ Ale informs him they have just received notice that they were getting evicted (desalojar) for not paying their taxes and they have to leave by morning. ( And we get another great Marco “oh crud” face).

Now Rosario summons Marco back and wants to know how he could talk about leaving Mexico. Jorge tells him not to bring them such news, as it could kill them. Jorge says “Tells us this is just a joke in bad taste.” (Un chiste de mal gusto). Ale interrupts and wants to know what they are talking about. Marco tells her he came to tell them he was leaving. Ale says he told her that things were taken care of. Marco tells her that a judge told him it was taken care of and maybe another judge took over and the extension was cancelled. Ale tells him he can’t go anywhere until he resolves this matter.

Now Jorge wants to know what’s going on. Marcos “oh crud face” has just taken a turn for the worse as Ale explains to Jorge what is going on. She tells them that they just got an eviction notice and they have to leave the house in 24 hours with everything or they will confiscate all of their belongings. Jorge has just started the dance of death and Rosario and Ale rush to his side. Marco looks very troubled. (he is far beyond “oh crud” right now.)

Rafa is in bed emoting over his luck (or lack of). He wonders why Ale was at his house. Did she come to talk with him or with Lenora? Why didn’t she wait for him? What could she be thinking? Lenora enters and wants to know how he is. He tells her fine but she isn’t buying this. She tells him she feels responsible. She feels like she did something wrong. Maybe it was because she is pressuring him to marry Vicky.

Rafa assures her she did nothing wrong. His marriage to Vicky is something else and he tells her he knows what he is doing. Lenora tells him he has never been very enthusiastic about the whole marriage thing. She doesn’t want him to get married just because he promised or out of obligation. She tells him that her and Julette have the feeling that there might be something between him and Ale. Than she ask “Is there something? Has something happened and you don’t want to tell us? Is there something you are hiding from us (ocultar/ to hide)”. Rafa tells her that something has happened between them, but he tells her not to worry about it he will deal with it. She tells him he doesn’t have to be alone in this he has her and Juliette.

There is a tender Rafa and Lenora moment. Then she asks him if Ale knows about his trip to Monterey with the other women. Rafa tells her she doesn’t know. Lenora says “I suppose it is a business trip but you know the old saying: never do anything good that appears bad.” ( nunca hagas cosas buenas que parezcan malas. ) Then she tells him that he should probably let her know so she doesn’t think he isn’t doing his job.

Ale and Rosario are fussing over Jorge and Ale is apologizing for having to tell him about the eviction but she has just had the worse day. Rosario tells her this kind of information could kill Jorge. You should have been a little more prudent. Jorge is now going on that all of this is his fault, he should have paid those taxes. Ale assures him it isn’t his fault. Marco also says he shouldn’t feel guilty because it is his fault for not taking care of the whole tax issue. Rosario wants to know what are they going to do? Where are they going to go? Ale doesn’t know what to do but the best thing is to look for an apartment in the morning. Even though this will be hard to do in such a rush. “This can’t be happening! What a day!!”

Marco to the rescue. He tells them this might not be the best option but they could always stay with him? Jorge tells him, but you are going on a trip how could we? Marco tells them they are like family. And it is a done deal. Rosario and Jorge and Ale will move in with Marco in the morning. And guess what there is even a small servants room for Azucena. And they all lived happily after. (Yea right. This should be a very entertaining plotline).

Juliette and Lenora are having a little chat. Juliette wants to know if she thinks there might be something going on between Rafa and Ale. Lenora tells her she doesn’t know what to think. This woman Ale was really affected by the information that Rafa was going to get married. Juliette adds and Rafa was affected too when he found out we told her. Just think, if you have two people that have caused so much damage to each other and the result is they care for each other. Lenora doesn’t like this idea one bit. What if Vicky finds out Rafa has another woman. (don’t even go there Lenora). Juliette says there would be two possibilities. Rafa would have to leave the country or he will have to stay in his room so they won’t kill him. Lenora tells her not even to joke about this. Juliette tells her she isn’t she is just being realistic.

Rafa finally gets down to what is important. He calls about the panther. The guy wants more money than Rafa wants to pay , but he is able to get him to lower the price. Now he has something to look forward too. If he can get back his car, he can become the old Rafa again. “Something has to go right for him”.

Rosario enters Ale’s room and smugly says “I suppose you are satisfied now.” Ale tells her she doesn’t know what she is talking about. Rosario says we are about to loose our house and you are in another world thinking of who knows what or of whom? Ale assures her the most important thing right now is what is happening to her and Jorge in this nightmare (pesadilla). She tells Rosario that this will just be temporary. She has a big deal in the works where she would make a lot of money and they can pay all their debts.

Rosario continues to chide her and says things don’t always turn out the way you want and lately you haven’t been making the best decisions. Ale wants to know why she would say that. Rosario tells her she knows very well what she is talking about. She tells her she doesn’t know how to appreciate life or to appreciate the people that love her. She tells her she only thinks about herself. She has never considered the possibility of going back to Marco. “No you had to go hang out with that delinquent. We have asked you to quit Siglo, and you don’t want too. It is because Mr. Medina is still there. Your about to leave the best man ever in your life, someone who cares for you and us. The man you were going to marry twice and didn’t, and he forgave you all of this including your infidelity. Then she asks how much longer are you going to drag us down (arrastrar) with this man. Until he pays his debt? That’s if he pays it.” Ale tells her that she has fixed this and to not worry about it. Then she asks if Medina is worth all the destruction happening around her. (And she just won’t shut up!!) She finally leaves smug in her own little world with Ale left to cry on her pillow.

Ale’s horrendous day has finally ended. Only to realize that today she has to leave the house that she has lived in her whole life. Rafa isn’t waking up much happier. He contemplates calling Ale but what would he tell her, that he is going to marry Vicky because they loaned him the money to pay off his debt to her. What kind of explanation is that Or that he is going to marry for 4.5 million pesos? “Or that I accepted the money but I wasn’t going to marry her because I was waiting for a loan from the bank.” What would she think of him than. That he was the worse thing she could ever imagine. And how can he ask her to become an accomplice to this whole wedding thing with Vicky. And how is he going to explain that he is about to take a trip with the women she hates most in her life. Marian. This is all too much for poor Rafa. He thinks it would just be best to call Susana and face the consequences later. Then he says each day I get further and further away from the love of my life.

Azucena and Ale are busy packing boxes. Jorge trudges down in his Pajamas. He doesn’t have any reason to get dressed. If he is going to be chased out of his house like rats he is going to go in his pajamas and that’s how he is going to live until he dies. Now he has to say goodbye to his house and to Ale’s mother. Ale tells him he doesn’t have to say goodbye to anything or anyone. It is only going to be for a little while. She tells him she has a very important deal in the works and she will be able to pay off all there debts. He tells her he believes she will pay off all the debts, what he doesn’t believe is that he will still be alive to see it happen.

There is a little Siglo scene. The women have shown up and Marino and Ramirez haven’t shown up yet. Could they have slept in. More Siglo antics ensue. Bottom line is it is Ramirez birthday and what a great opportunity to celebrate.

Ale has called Susana to see if Rafa is there. She tells Susan they have to leave their house today and she won’t be in and needs Rafa to run the daily meeting. Susana informs her that Rafa won’t be. She tells her about his trip with Marian. Ale gets snotty and says who gave him permission. Susan reminds her about the importance of the deal with Marian and that Beltran would have no problem with Rafa going with her. She tells Susana to tell everyone there will be no meeting today. Susana offers to help her with the move and Ale informs her Marco is there to help them. Susana says there is no doubt that this guy would be available the moment she has problems.

She tells Susana after finding out that Rafa is going to marry Vicky she doesn’t know what to think. Maybe she is committing a mistake that she is going to repent. Every day her life becomes more chaotic. Susana tells her not to worry. She is sure her planets are in great alignment and will help her solve all her problems. “Have faith” .

Ale gets a little rascally and asks Susan if Miss Vicky knows that her Fiancé is about to go to Monterey with another woman? “Do you think she would forgive him?” “or would she show up and cut him to pieces.?” Susana wants to know what she should tell Vicky if she calls. Ale says mischievously “well tell her the truth.”

Rafa and Marion are in the car on the way to the airport. Rafa tells Marian that the windows in the plane don’t open. He tells her not to worry though. Marian seems charmed by Rafa’s ramblings and asks him if he afraid of flying. He tells her no but we know this is not true.

There is more Siglo stuff. Everyone is giving the birthday boy birthday kisses. Except Rosaura who does a very strange hug. I don’t remember much else except they are going to celebrate.

There is a little scene with Jorge sitting on the sofa in his pajamas with his pillow doing that thing that three years olds do with their pillows when things aren‘t quite going the way they want them to. (He is pouting). Marco assures him things will get better. Jorge isn‘t buying this and tells him he will wait in the car. Ale is still worried about poor Jorge. Marco tells her not to worry he has the solution. (Hummm?) Ale asks Marco about his trip and Marco tells her not to worry about that. He will take care of it. We briefly see our little spy watching from a far as the movers are packing all their belongings.

Rafa and Marian have arrived at the airport and are now waiting in a lounge. Rafa is twitting about and spills his drink all over his pants. Not to worry just give Marian the measurements and she will have another pair all ready for him. The pilot arrives and informs them that the whether is not favorable to fly at this time. It will be at least another hour and a half. Well by the time they get there the meeting will be half over. She tells the pilot to cancel the trip. Rafa looks a little puzzled and asks if they are not going to Monterey. Marion tells him she has a better idea. “ We will have a fiesta and you will be the guest of honor.”

I don’t usually do previews for the next episode but guess who was in one of them? It starts with an R.


Wednesday, July 07, 2010

El Clon, Wed., July 7- Summary for Discussion

¿Qué fue lo qui dijiste? What did you say? Said asks Rania furiously.

'Lo que oíste, 'What you heard, replies Rania, I know you have a lover who is Lucas' wife. 'Lo mismo que Jade ha hecho contigo, tú lo estás haciendo conmigo,' You are doing the same thing to me that Jade did to you, continues Rania. Said dares her to tell the Sheikh. But we know that Rania isn't going to do that.

Nati accuses Marisa of getting Alej fired and of having an affair with Said. She denies it and reverts to describing the sad story of her non-marriage. She says that Nati doesn't understand all the sacrifices she made so that Nati would be happy. 'Entonces, ahora es culpa mía,' So now it's my fault, replies Nati. 'Para mí lo más importante es que tú seas feliz,' The most important thing for me is that you are happy,' says Marisa. Nati replies that she has a different defintion of happiness than Marisa. She only asks that Marisa recognize that she is a different person, not her mother's shadow and that Marisa leave Alej in peace. When Marisa asks that they not discuss Alej, Nati asks why she hates him so much. Marisa says that Alej brainwashed Nati (te lavó el cerebro). Marisa says that Nati changed completely when Alej came along and was no longer a sweet, smiling, studious girl. [Of course, this isn't what she told Lucia. To Lucia, she objected principally to Alej's social class.] Nati replies that she was quiet and obedient before because she felt completely abandoned.

Marisa then admits that she is having an affair with Said. She continues to deny that she got Alej fired though. Nati tells her to get Alej his job back or she will never speak to Marisa again. Marisa promises to speak to Said about Alej's job.

Is Marisa reconsidering her relationship with her daughter or planning more evil?

¿Por qué cuando pienso que voy a ser feliz, Latifa, algo pasa con me destino y viene y me cambia todo? Why is it that whenever I think that I am going to be happy, Latifa, something happens with my destiny and everything changes? asks Jade [because you're the heroine of a novela, that's why]. Latifa comforts Jade.

Lucas leaves the love nest.

Nati tells Alej that her mother is getting his job back. He is doubtful but she tells him to have faith in her. Fernando comes in and Alej tells him not to get drugs for Nati.

Marisa does call Said about Alej's job.

Said won't speak to Rania and she is afraid that he will send her back.

Vicki can't understand why she hasn't been able to see Daniel. Dora confesses that Albieri won't let Daniel see anyone. Vicki tells this to Cristina who leaps into action.

Marisa tells Nati that Alej has his job back. Nati thanks her with a hug.

With Abdul on the way, Latifa hides the TV. 'Y mi telenovela, ¿No la voy a poder ver?' And my telenovela, I won't be able to watch it? asks Zamira. Latifa resorts to the age-old bribery of mothers - she tells her kids that if they don't shock Tío Abdul, she'll see about getting them cell phones.

Abdul, Amina, Zoraida and Zumaya arrive in Miami. This has got to be the quickest trip from Morocco ever. It can't be much more than 12 hours from when Said told Ali that he wanted to cancel the divorce. It's an 8 hour flight just from Casablanca to NYC. Ah, telenovela travel is quick and easy.

Amina comes to see Rania. She does the 'I told you so' when Rania confesses that she confronted Said with his infidelities.

Nati tells Andrea that she is happy that things are turning out well for her and Alej.

Dora confronts Daniel about why he always does what Albieri asks, 'Si al Dr. Albieri se le ocurre que te tires de un puente, ¿tú lo haces?' If Dr. Albieri told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it? asks Dora. Daniel doesn't understand the problem. He trusts Albieri and will do what he asks. Dora is exasperated.

Hurricane Cristina is making landfall in Albieri's office. She demands to know why he won't let Daniel see her. Luisa comes in and together they become a Category 5 storm.

Luisa discovers that Albieri has seen Daniel and lied to her about it. Albieri takes his usual course of action - he runs away - this time with Luisa and Cristina in hot pursuit. 'Si ven a Daniel es el fin,' If they see Daniel, I'm finished,' says Albieri as he makes a run for it.

Roberto tells Lucas that Said wants to talk to him.

Rania apologizes to Said and he forgives her.

Jadiya tells Amina that Said should send Rania back because Said will never divorce Jade and she will never be first wife.

Malicia convinces the Chump that Clara is turning Fernando against him.

Enrique leaves his briefcase with Clara and Carolina. Carolina searches the briefcase telling Clara that she doesn't trust Enrique any more. She finds a flask. [I just had a brilliant idea for secret drinkers out there. What does everyone carry all the time? - a plastic bottle of water. Substitute vodka for the water and you've got your drink handy and no one would know. Put whiskey in a Snapple iced tea bottle for the same reason. A metal flask is so obvious and unnecessary.]

Enrique asks Leo about seeing Cristina at the club opening. Leo says that Cristina looked prettier and was more discreet, even talking to Amalia. Leo says that he didn't feel anything when he saw Cristina and wants to give himself an opportunity with Amalia.

Leo gives Amalia a bracelet and tells her that Cristina is his past. Amalia says that only time will tell if they are going to be together.

An agitated Albieri comes to Dora's apartment. Daniel says that he was going to the Keys (los Cayos) but Albi say that they are going to Morocco right now. Osvi is confused. A few minutes later Cristina and Luisa show up but Daniel and Albi are gone.

Albieri parks Daniel at Father Andrés' place. He promises to come that evening and explain what is going on. The padre is fixated on whether Daniel is Albi's son.

Cristina, Luisa, Dora and Estela are trying to find Albi and Daniel. Dora says that if he doesn't show up, she will go to the police.

Hilda tells the sKank about her visit to Roberto's house

complete with a fantasy of the three skanks enjoying the high life there with Roberto.

Jade begs Ali to make her divorce with Said final. Ali tells her that before she came to his house, he was an Islamic law abiding guy. After she came, he lied through his eyes and his ears only to protect her from a punishment that she deserved. He says Jade should have received the lashes (latigazos) that her conduct deserved. The Koran says that punishment is designed to make the offender think and not commit more crimes. He says that from the moment he didn't punish her first crime, he became an accomplice in her crimes. Jade replies that if she lies, it is because she has no other choice.


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, July 6: Ep 97--Several declarations of love, but no nookie.

Gabe lies on the beach, bleeding. I kind of hoped that maybe she was seeing something that hadn't happened yet, but apparently not. Gabe begs God to let him see Jimena one more time before he shuffles off his mortal coil. I'm not sure how he's going to get out of this one.

Maria del Rosario tells a white dove that their son isn't dead. He's in danger, but love will save him. She releases the dove outside as Jacinta looks on.

Reggie struggles on with Juan. She tells him he has to live! For their love! Remigio comes in, finally, and Reggie tells him about Juan's fever. Remi goes running off.

Remi tells Santos, who says they've got to go to a port to get medicine. Pedro says they've gotten word from Gabe that Juan now owns half the finca, but also that Renato is gunning for him. That's why they need to avoid ports, but at the same time, they don't want Juan to die.

Philippe, the doc, and Fifi go riding around looking for Brigitte. They're on the beach, in the dark of night. The doc thinks that if Brigitte was attacked, they probably dumped her body in the jungle. Fifi refuses to believe that Brigitte is dead and says they should look somewhere else. Instead of finding any sign of Brigitte, they find Gabe. Philippe and the doc drag him out of the water. He's not dead, but he's weak from blood loss.

Regina refuses to let Remigio take over for her. She won't leave her husband, damnit! She asks what they're going to do. Remi says they're going to go get some medicine. Reggie is thrilled. She whispers to Juan that he's going to get better.

Philippe and the Doc get Gabe loaded into the carriage.

The boyz say they'll have to draw straws to decide who's actually going to get the medicine. Santos suggests they make the pickup in drag. But this time it should be "Pedra" and "Eusebia".

The "gals" run into a patrol and can't agree on where they're from. They giggle girlishly that they're lost, that's why they can't remember which direction they came from. The soldier says if they don't put out, he'll detain them. And he means it. Pedra insists on being flirted with before she gives it up. She tells him to close his eyes and pucker up. In the meantime, they prepare to punch the soldiers out, but have to get them to close their eyes again. They hit and run for the boat.

Branko finds Brigitte's shoe during his endless search for Jimena. He goes to the nearby cliff edge and sees her body. He climbs down to check the body. I'm guessing he's guessing he'd get accused of murder if he reports it to the cops, just like last time he found a dead body. Hey, how come Branko has to find all the dead bodies?

The guys get back to the ship and recount their adventure. They also say they found out that the procession of the local Virgen won't be until tomorrow. Remigio has heard this Virgen is "milagrosa" and says they've got to go pray to her for Juan to recover. They all agree that they're doing this whether they get busted or not.

Renato continues reading Reggie's diary. The captain comes to see him and says they've gotten a cablegram telling them exactly where Luzbel is. They'll catch up by tomorrow. Ruh roh. The captain leaves and Renato spends some more quality time with his sword and his delusions.

Remigio comes into the cabin with the medicine. They get Juan out of his shirt. Reggie tries to get Juan to take the pills, but she's having trouble. He acts like he's choking on them.

Branko reports the body. Dumbass. He gets a predictable response from the sheriff. And this time there's no Gabe to get him out of jail. He gets dragged off, screaming that he didn't kill her.

Federico and Eloisa get off on their alleged brilliance and their murderous plans. The dressmaker listens at the door and hears them planning to kill Fully, in league with Grizzy. Well, I guess this is just too much for her. She wonders how much money she can get off Fully for ratting them out.

Fifi hopes the doc can save Gabe's life. There's a knock at the door and Philippe goes to answer. It's the sheriff. He tells the gals that they found Brigitte. Then he flippantly tells them she's dead. Philippe faints. The gals start crying. The sheriff says they've got a guy for it, but not enough evidence. So in the meantime, he'll have to shut down the casino until he gets some proof. He picks up some coins lying on a table and asks if he was clear that the place is "clausurado." He tosses the coins in his hand and laughs.

Colibri gets reassurance from the boyz that Juan is going to pull through. Reggie comes in to see what's up with them. They tell her they're going to pray. She won't leave Juan. Juan comes shambling in, insisting he wants to go with them. He's happy that Reggie is happy to see him up and around. The boyz brag that Reggie was watching over him all night. She doesn't want him to go, though. She tells him that he's being hunted and will be apprehended as soon as he sets foot on land. Oh, and also he owns half of the finca.

Noel delivers the news to Rod that Brigitte was killed. And also that Branko's being blamed for her death. Rod's like, "damn gypsies." Noel doesn't believe Branko did it, not for a minute! There was no reason for Branko to do it. He figures the sheriff is being unjust, yet again. Rod supposes Noel will be defending Branko, like he always defends the riff raff. Noel says he doesn't want to talk about it. He just came to inform Rod that he needs to go down and give his "declaración" because the casino staff all said Brigitte was coming to talk to him when she went missing. And Leonarda will also have to testify, because Rod told the casino staff that Leonarda was there with him. Haha. Good luck with that! Noel says both Rod and Leo are also looking like they might be guilty of murdering that poor girl!

The procession of the Virgen de la Cueva proceeds, including the crew of Luzbel, Juan, and Reggie. Juan is leaning on her pretty heavily. He insists he has to make it to the Virgen. Everyone is leaving her flowers. Juan and Reggie make it to the front of the group. Reggie grabs some water from among all the greenery and re-baptizes him Juan de Dios. Or maybe it's re-re-baptizes him.

Leo wanders into the dining room, looking a little on the pale side. She caresses Rod's usual chair, then sits in it. Clem serves her some breakfast. Leo cries in her big bags of money that she never thought she'd be there all alone. Clem reminds her that the first grandchild is on the way to start filling the house up. Aimee comes in to have breakfast and says she's so lonely without Renato. Leo won't eat breakfast with her and storms off. She tells Aimee she knows that Aimee is lying about missing Renato. Leo says Aimee had better pray that Renato comes back in one piece. Clem can't get Leo to leave Aimee alone.

Juan tells Reggie that if she'd let him die, she'd be a free woman right now. Reggie's like, "What the hell do I want to be free for if I don't have you, you dumbass!" She tells Juan she loves him more than he can imagine. Well, he doesn't imagine she loves him all that much, so that leaves a lot of room.

Rod rants and raves that Noel isn't trying to weasel Rod and Leo out of having to testify. Noel says they're implicated in her murder and if they refuse to go in to give statements, it only makes them look more guilty. Noel knows that Rod had Brigitte in the house several times. That's HAD her, in case he wasn't clear. And he'll spill the beans about that if Rod and Leo don't do as they're told. He has nothing to fear from them because he has nothing to hide. Rod arrogantly declares that he and Leo have nothing to hide either. Noel asks if he's sure about that. "Are you sure you and Leo have nothing to hide? Nothing you're ashamed of?" Noel accuses them of being lovers. Ew, Noel, gross!

Reggie is crying. She says when she heard Juan's story she was moved. She suffered for him. She tells him she has a story too. Her mother died before she could really get to know her; her father always rejected her; her godmother looked down on her…and Renato ignored her. Well, Reggie at least doesn't think about Renato anymore. They smile at each other.

The captain asserts his alpha male status once again as he and Renato set foot on shore.

Rod says that's a "calumnia." Then he throws Leo under the bus and says she kissed him, and he never responded to her her excessive displays of affection. He would never betray Noel. Noel's not buying it. He'd like to keep thinking Rod is still a gentleman. Rod denies there was ever any brotherhood between them. Especially since Noel always goes against him. Noel says he just disagreed with Rod and Rod refused to listen to him. Rod insists there's never been anything between him and Leo. He's incapable of betraying Noel. No response from Noel.

Clemencia reminds Leo that Aimee is Renato's wife and her goddaughter. Leo says she rejects her. She doesn't know how Renato chose such a poisonous animal as her. Leo says nothing Aimee says will rid her of the hate she has for her. Aimee says "wah, wah, you promised to defend me!" Leo says, only from Renato. Clemencia gets slapped for asking if there will ever be peace in this house. Leo says she's never done anything but care for everyone and in return she and Renato have been taken advantage of. Aimee's tears no longer move her. Aimee reminds her about the baby, which Leo says is the only thing that's saving her right now. But once the baby's born, she'll take it away from Aimee and raise it herself. Aimee faints. Clemencia yells at Leo that she's going to make Aimee lose the baby if she's not careful.

Juan tells Reggie he has to go report the cargo they brought into port. He insists on doing it alone, except for Colibri. Reggie agrees Colibri can stay. She lets Remigio take her back to the ship. Juan plants a big 'ol kiss on her before she leaves.

Clem and Leo get Aimee into bed. Clem says she's not defending Aimee, but the child. Leo tells Clem to call for the doctor. Aimee was faking it, predictably. Leo watches her from the foot of the bed.

Doc Miranda attends to Gabe. He tells him to be strong if he wants to see Jimena again. Doc thought bubbles there's too much bad juju going on in town. He wonders who would have attacked Gabe.

Servando sings to himself as he hides the knife he used on Gabe under his carriage. He thought bubbles that no one suspects him and keeps singing and brandishing his knives.

Jimena goes to Raul's house looking for Gabe. Salma comes in and sees her. She dismisses the maid. Jimena is shocked to see her there. They exchange "What are you doing here?"-s. Salma announces she's Mariela's daughter. She tells Jimena to shut it. Jimena starts shouting for Mariela and Salma throws her out. Mariela comes downstairs and Salma says it was just a girl who came begging. Mariela is happy that Salma is so charitable. She asks to hear about Salma's life. Salma says it was a hard life, with lots of hard times, misery, and hunger. But mostly she suffered because Jimena was always jealous of her. She mistreaded her and lied about her because Grizelda liked her better. Mariela has a hard time believing it. Salma blames Jimena about the worst times in her life. Mariela looks troubled by the vague accusations.

The casino staff are in mourning. Jimena is glad to see them and tells them about Grizzy selling her off. They tell her about Brigitte being dead. Jimena shares their anguish. Philippe says they're waiting for the body to be handed over to them. They tell Jimena that they suspect Rod. They also suspect him of making an attempt on Rosenda's life, which is why neither Rosenda nor Madame are there right now. Fifi says it's just too much--Rosenda, Brigitte, then last night…Gabe. Jimena freaks out. "I knew it, I knew it!" She goes running off.

Colibri whines about not being able to find the sweets he was looking for. Juan agrees to let him go look and says he'll wait for him at the boat. The coast guard captain asks if Juan is the guy he's looking for. He arrests Juan.

Jimena comes running into Doc Miranda's place and sees Gabe. She asks Gabe who did this to him. The doc says he's stable for the moment.

Juan tells the captain he's not a "prófugo" and was avoiding the coast of Veracruz as he was told to do via cablegram. He has been using the boat to haul cargo, that's all. Colibri watches the proceedings. The captain asks where the Luzbel I is. Juan informs him it's back at Peñon del Diablo and is his only property. He says he posted bail. The captain says the bail has been revoked. "Noel took it back?" Renato says he did it. We get flashes to the inevitable swordfight. And no idea what's on deck for tomorrow.

Milagrosa=miraculous, performs lots of miracles
Declaración=statement, testimony


Tuesday, July 06, 2010

El Clon Tuesday July 6: Summary for Discussion

Last night, everything sparkled with hope and glamor. In the light of day, hope turns to disappointment. And even Tío Ali lets us down.

In their hotel room the spiteful Marisa and Said continue their favorite kind of pillow talk:
¿Por quién sientes más rabia? Jade o Lucas?
Who inspires more rage in you, Jade or Lucas, Marisa wants to know.
Lucas, of course, answers Said. Jade was always thinking of him, even when we were making love. (Does anyone else find this remark as funny as I do? I mean come on, it’s like the definition of Chutzpah: the kid who kills his parents throwing himself on the mercy of the court because he’s an orphan!)

The new kid in town, Sein, is holding court at Salamandra and it looks like all the ladies are already smitten with him, especially Diana. Malicia announces Said’s arrival. Sein asks why Mohamed didn’t come to the opening last night:
Es muy pegado a las costumbres.
He adheres strictly to the customs (literally ‘pegado’ means ‘stuck’ or even ‘glued’), explains Said, and doesn’t like to go places where they sell alcohol. That may change for him when his children grow up, speculates Sein.

And one of those children, Samira, is indeed, preparing to broaden her father’s horizons. She has written, in a dreamy flowery adolescent script, “Te quiero Carlos” in her notebook. Latifa comes in to ask how the party was and whether she played the music her aunt Nazira had given her. No, she says, they would have laughed at me.

There is more than one drama playing out in Mohamed’s place today:
Latifa tells Jade that she is worried about Samira and is afraid she will grow up with the problems Jade has had. Jade smiles and says she wishes Jadiya were more like Samira.

When Lucas arrives, Ali tries to dissuade him from marrying Jade with arguments we’ve heard before about trying to recapture the past and challenging destiny, but Lucas stands firm, insisting that it is a question of future, not past, and he will be true to Jade always. Well then, says Ali:
A Said le diré cual ha sido la decisión que he tomado. Te voy a entregar a Jade.
I will tell Said the decision I have made. I’m going to give you Jade.

At the Casa Ferrer, Lucas tells Mama Rosa he is moving into the house he bought for him and Jade. Nati appears angry and refuses to listen to Lucas' reasons. After he leaves, Rosa remarks that lately Nati has become very aggressive.

Brief ugly street scene: Hilda tells the sKanK she is going to Roberto’s house.

Escobar is in the clinic, phoning Fernando, wanting to get together with him, but Fernando brushes him off. Anita overhears the conversation and when asked, tells Escobar he created the problem by his immature and irresponsible behavior.

At Empresa Ferrer, Clara tells Enrique that she’s pretty sure Fernando is smoking pot. Enrique offers to talk to him (perhaps he wants the name of Fer’s dealer).

Lucia’s maid introduces sKanK2, Consuelo, who will be helping out with the housework. Inexplicably, S2 has brought along the uberSkank, Hilda. Hilda tells Lucia she knows Roberto from the club – he hangs out at the pool, he’s so popular and well-known there. (Hilda speaks English here, sort of. Interestingly, in this and many TNs, English and or Spanglish are markers for low class or lack of education.). Lucia immediately calls Roberto to try to get at the truth (Good luck with that!)

Luisa would like to have a dinner for Padre Andres, Ali and Daniel but Albi, of course, has too much work.

Estela asks Daniel about the costume party he went to. She notices his fascination with fabric. He had a good time, he says, but didn’t meet the woman with the veil, the one he has dreamed of. (I will avoid all cross-dressing references and jokes)

In a scene that seems weirdly out of place because Jade has a head scarf and seems to be going out, Latifa reminds her cousin that she will be paying a high price for her freedom.

When Said arrives at Mohamed’s apartment, Ali tries to give him his decision about Jade. Listen to me first, interrupts Said:
Me retracto mi decisión; ya no quiero el divorcio.
I retract my decision; I no longer want a divorce.
Ali appears impactado. You know about the three strikes and you’re out rule, right, Said? You renounced Jade once in my presence, a second time in Zoraida’s presence; by law you can’t retract this third divorce. But Ali, pleads Said, isn’t there something you can do?
Well…we’d have to get the family council to meet, bring Abdul back…
(Oh noooooo! Et tu, Ali??? At this point Mr. Maven rushes in to soothe me, alarmed at the abuses I am shouting at the TV. I settle down.)
Apparently, Mohamed is as upset as I am – his eyes pop alarmingly when Said tells him what he has decided to do.

Jade, in blissful ignorance, is dreaming aloud of her happiness with Lucas. And surely with the Naz on my side, I’ll get custody of Jadiya…

But why?? Mohamed demands to know. Whether it’s love or obsession, I don’t know, answers Said. But I can’t live without her. But you have Rania, reasons Mohamed, a virtuous woman.
Puedo respirar sin Rania; no consigo hacerlo sin Jade.
I can breathe without Rania; I can’t manage to do so without Jade.

And in Fez, Tío Abdul is grumbling: ¡Otro consejo de familia! (Another family council). Road trip: Abdul, Amina, Zoraida – and little Zumaya gets to go too, since Abdul doesn’t have the heart to leave her alone.

Back at Mohamed’s place, the Naz breezes in and greets Ali. When Jade sees her, she tries to thank her for allowing her to see Jadiya but the Naz acts like she doesn’t know what she’s talking about and goes into one of her rants.

Lucas is at his new house happily preparing for Jade’s arrival.

Marisa arrives at Casa Ferrer to be told that Lucas se fue de la casa. (Lucas left the house.)
Nati complains that her parents can move out, but she can’t. Rosa says: Children leave their parents’ house, but who ever heard of parents leaving their children? You’re so right, says good-hearted Marisa. If Lucas has left, I’ll move back in. (As inconvenient as it will be to live in this mansion and have my every need attended to.)

A hopeful Lucas keeps his appointment with Ali only to hear the shocking news:
Las cosas han cambiado. Ya no te puedo entregar a Jade. Said se arrepintió.
Things have changed. I can’t turn over/entrust Jade to you. Said has changed his mind.

At Casa Ferrer, the Good Mother Marisa has come home! I’m here to stay with you, she tells Nati. You the one who took Alej’s job away, a less than delighted Nati spits out at her.

And a desolate Lucas returns to an empty house…

Jade confronts Ali. I’m just following the letter of the law, he claims. Oh no, says Jade, you could have kept this from happening. When Jade leaves the room, Latifa asks Ali if what Jade said was true: Could you have stopped Said’s challenge? Ali admits that he could have, but he wanted to avoid resentment in the family and he wanted Abdul to participate in the decision.

Two-faced Said returns to his double-wife double-winged house; he catches a glimpse of Rania on the phone. Amina has called to pass along the news that Jade is Coming Back! Said goes to Jadiya’s room, kisses his daughter, and then to Jade’s closet to sniff her clothes. Rania watches through narrowed eyes. Said catches her watching him. She can no longer contain herself: Why can’t you love me? Jade betrayed you, she never loved you. She told me this herself – not once but many times!
Cállate o te voy a castigar!
Shut up/be quiet or I’ll punish you.
The punishment: one month without her husband. That’s no punishment for you, Said, remarks Rania bitterly:
Tú tienes a Jade y tú tienes a tu amante occidental!
You have Jade and you have your western lover.

Credits roll.


Dinero #148 July 6: A Night of Faceoffs

Hello everyone. Recapping today? Me, Private 057. I guess a quick explanation is in order. I will be recapping every other week in place of Melinama as part of a deal that we made over the weekend. Don't worry, Melinama will still be recapping the Tuesdays that I don't. A special shout out to Melinama for giving me a chance at this recapping stuff.

So moving on to the recap...

We start off with the last scene from last night. Carmela is fuming away and Marcos calls Chavez to warn him of the impending prison threat.

Then we move to the bar where Jaime is just returning from the bathroom and Rafa tells him to close his fly. Jaime giggles while he closes his zip until... well until his smile turns into a grimace. Rafa tells him that he won't be able to have kids any more.

Now on to the Vicky situation. What is Rafa going to tell Vicky's family now that he doesn't have the money any more? Well, there is only one thing that Rafa can do: face them and let them decide what to do. Jaime asks whether Rafa thinks he can escape the marriage just like that. "Well if they kill me I can't marry Vicky anyway, right?" The only good thing is that Rafa has the deal with Marian Celeste and that will bring in money. Plus the bank loan is still out there. Jaime asks Rafa if he thinks that he can just leave Vicky's family on a tangent. Rafa leaves to see Vicky's family.

Outside the bar Jaime gives Rafa his last few pieces of advice, one in particular: do not cancel the wedding! If you do, well I loved you like a brother and you won't meet my kids. WHAT? What kids? Hmm... don't mind me - focus on Vicky's family. Jaime promises Rafa that he will always be there for Rafa's family. Just as Rafa leaves the bar, Ale arrives.

Ale enters "El Oasis" (the bar's name) and asks for Rafa. She is told that he just left with Jaime. Ale asks if he left to go home. Probably (more like he went to hell). She gets the address (again) and is told that if he's not there his mother and sister will be there. Ale has a flashback to the phone conversation she had with Leonor. Ale then orders a tequila.

Meanwhile El Dandy is questioning Susana: Why are Ale and Rafa not back yet? Susana tells Dandy that if he's so curious he should call Rafa. Maybe he's with one of those beautiful women that Dandy likes so much, like Marian Celeste. Dandy then tries to remind Susana that the Celeste incident was a misunderstanding. Susana then answers that Nelson sees very well... especially with a pair of legs in front of him... she leaves and tells Dandy they'll talk tomorrow.

Pepeto comes into the scene and finds out that Ale told the whole conversation to Susana.

Back at the bar Ale is finishing her tequila and gets a phone call from Susana. Susana asks where she is and whether she's with Rafa yet. Ale tells her that she's in a bar nearby Rafa's house having a tequila. Susana asks her why in the world would she do that. Ale says its to gather strength to face Rafa and her mom. Susana warns her to go to Rafa's house immediately. Ale tells her not to worry because around these parts Rafa is an idol - if she identifies herself as his friend nothing is going to happen to her. Susana is still not sure but Ale tells her not to worry, she's on her way to Rafa's house.

Back at Siglo Susana leaves and Ramirez is being questioned by the rest of the group. News has spread that he was kicked out of the house by his mother. Marino intervenes and asks them if they never got kicked out of their house.

Just then Trapito closes the doors because Marino's women have come to Siglo. Ramirez goes out to talk with them in the middle of his "pain". Marino reminds him that he is not paying. Ramirez opens the doors and all of Marino's women start to kiss him and picks up one of Marino's sons. Marino looks puzzled. Rosaura says that for them Ramirez is like the uncle. Bebe tells them that someone should offer Ramirez a place to live while the situation with his mom is resolved. The group pressures Marino to give Ramirez a place to stay, but Marino isn't caving... until Claudia asks Marino if he prefers that one of his women give him a place to stay.

Back at the de la Parra residence the future of Rafa is being discussed. The brothers want him to return the money and cancel the wedding. Of course Vicky doesn't agree. After some back and forth until Vicky comes up with the perfect solution: Beat him up but leave him alive so they can get married! Just then the Rafa arrives. So where is the money they ask. Rafa doesn't have it and Vicky's family wants it. Don Gaston interrupts and lets Rafa explain himself away.

Ale has finally arrived at Rafa's house. Leonor answers the door and starts to tell Ale off. Leonor doesn't let up and tells Ale that everything in the house is theirs because of hard work. Leonor then tells Ale "You are nothing like your father." Ale is surprised. Leonor keeps going: Ale's father is educated, prudent (guess she hasn't seen him preparing for the duel) and he also came here on good terms to talk with Rafa. He has nothing to do with Ale's temperament and aggressiveness.

Ale finally gets a word in. She tells Leonor she is here to apologize to Rafa for something that she did that was very bad. Plus Rafa has been Ale's life since the night that he crashed into her. But if Leonor isn't going to let her in then at least let Ale wait outside.

Ale also wants to clean up the image that Leonor has of her. It's true: Ale has been pretty rude to Leonor. Leonor then invites Ale in. Leonor asks Ale if she would like coffee or something. Ale asks if there's something a little stronger. Leonor says that the only thing that they have is tequila. Perfect because that's what Ale was going for anyway, Rafa taught her how to drink it. While Leonor goes to get the bottle, Ale takes the picture of Rafa that is on the table.

Back to Siglo. Ramirez gets back to Marino and tells him that he got rid of all his women. Marino gives Ramirez a place to stay but asks Ramirez why he's so friendly with his women. Ramirez has that guilty look (hmm what IS Ramirez up to with those women?).

Ale talks a little about the guarantee with Leonor. Julieta comes in. Another faceoff until Leonor calms her down. Ale explains the reason for her visit and Julieta sits down even though she is not completely sold on the idea.

Back to Rafa in Hell. Don Gaston reminds Rafa that he got 4.5 million pesos and he promised to marry Vicky. But Rafa was cheating (poniendole los cuernos) on Vicky at the restaurant. Rafa can't deny it because he got caught. Rafa tries to explain but the brothers don't give him a chance.

Don Gaston interrupts again and asks them what exactly they saw Rafa doing with Ale. They say, for starters, Rafa was at the restaurant without telling Vicky and his phone was off. Gaston wants them to be more specific. Were they kissing? Were they hugging? Rafa speaks up and explains the whole deal thing, that has nothing to do with what he is being accused of. Gaston wants to know if the brothers saw anything that can contradict what Rafa is saying. Mumble, mumble, mumble. Well then why the tempest in a teapot (tormenta en vaso de agua)?

Vicky cries to Papa Gaston that she was told that Rafa was having fun with a friend. Rafa tells them that it was a misunderstanding and as they saw there was nothing going on. Rafa tells them that he knows that he has a commitment with them but that's why he asked for a loan from the bank.

The brothers are mad. What about the wedding? Rafa tries to talk his way out of the wedding but the brothers apply blade pressure. Vicky jumps in and assures her family that Rafa is just here to make sure everything is fine. He wants to live a little longer. Gaston asks Rafa if that is true. Rafa tells them that Vicky is completely right. Gaston asks Rafa if he has paid Ale the money yet. Rafa says yes and Gaston tells him to guarantee the house asap. Gaston and the brothers leave Vicky and Rafa alone.

Chavez and Marco go to the bar. They are lamenting themselves over their imminent trip to jail. Marco tells Chavez the only way out is to pay Carmela the money she wants. Chavez has other plans... what if she simply had a little accident? or better yet what if they send her to Bangladesh or Iraq like Rubi? Marco tells Chavez that Carmela isn't the mindless piece of meat that Rubi was. Carmela wants money and a lot of it.

Marco proposes that both have to leave the country asap. They have to go to a country where they can't be extradited and where they are assured freedom. Chavez asks what country is that. Marco says that they have to find out. The worst thing for Marco is that he has to leave Ale in Rafa's arms.

Back at Rafa's house Julieta is asking Ale if the whole fraud thing is cleared up. Ale says that she is still waiting for an answer from Rafa but that she trusts Rafa to do so. The important thing Ale wants to leave very clear is that she isn't the person that they thought she was. Julieta tell Ale of Marco's many deeds. Ale tells her that everything will be fine because now she's the one in charge of that case plus Marco is no longer her boyfriend.

Ale confides that they are not the rich family that they imagine, she is responsible for the debts of her family. Hmm... just like Rafa. Yes Ale says. And she knows how much Rafa is concerned with the studies of Julieta and the upkeep of the house.

Ale tells them that she is proud of Rafa and that she admires him. Well Ale should get some recognition too. Julieta points out that Ale trained him and that she even realized his dream of seeing the ocean. In the end he owes a lot to her, Ale says that she owes him a lot more. She has learned a lot and has lived things she never imagined. She gulps down the tequila and says she will never repent of giving him a chance to pay the debt. In the end Rafa is a wonderful man. Leonor asks for a hug and Ale says yes.

Back at the bar Marco and Chavez discuss their options: North Korea, Laos in Asia or Congo, Rwanda in Africa. Marco doesn't like his options. He would rather go to Europe, Italy where he has some friends would be great. Chavez doesn't want to be separated from Marco (how sweet). Marco begins to tell Chavez that perfect Spanish is spoken in every African country. Then Marco can go to whereever Chavez is and they can go on safari. Chavez becomes excited with that idea.

Marco then tells him to get as much money as possible. They have to get tickets to Africa and Italy plus spending money. Looks like Marco is trying to give Chavez the slip. So tomorrow in the bar to leave. As Chavez leaves Marco burns the last few images into the mind of Chavez.

Vicky is planning the wedding and Rafa's mind is far off. Vicky finally realizes that and breaks him out of his thought. Vicky asks who the witnesses should be. Rafa isn't sure. Vicky asks when Ale leaves and Rafa tells her that it looks like Ale isn't leaving anymore. Rafa tries to defuse Vicky to no avail and proceeds to leave. Vicky uses some of her charm but Rafa doesn't stay.

At Rafa's house Ale is having coffee with Rafa's family and everything is fine until... bigmouths Julieta and Leonor mention that Rafa is getting married.

Preview: Ale tells Susana to tell Vicky the truth: Rafa is out in Monterrey with Marian.


Corazon Salvaje, #96, Fever All Through The Night

Review: Gabe and Joel are with the Villareal's and everyone is thrilled that "Angela" is back. Gabe hugs Salma and tells her he doesn't believe a word she is saying, he knows she is an imposter and he is going to unmask her. Juan is still talking to the ring, holding it up that it looks like a star, saying she will accept it. Regi is waiting in her room, hoping he will come and give it to her. We go back and forth a couple of times, Juan, Regi, Juan, Regi.

At the puerto Noel and Gabe are strolling along. Noel says it was so happy at the de Marin household, but he noticed that Gabe looked concerned and looked at Salma in a special way, that he doubts her. (ya think?) Gabe says, yes I do doubt her, I am certain she is lying. Noel says it is a delicate matter have to go carefully. I thought she wasn't tell the truth, too, but where did she get the dress, then? Gabe says he doesn't know, but he doesn't believe her. I know Griselda and she doesn't care about anything except for money. Noel looks like, Ohhhh, I see. If your suspicions are correct, what are you going to do? Investigate, of course. Noel says he will give Gabe his support and help to continue to investigate so they can find out if Salma is lying. They shake on it and walk off arm in arm.

At the de Marin house, Salma is continuing to be smothered in the motherly embrace of Mariella while she remembers Gabe telling her he knows she is lying. She asks Mariella if she can go to the gypsy camp to say goodbye to Griselda and thank you. Mariella says no way, you aren't going there tonight, I just found you. Salma tries again, whining, I will be seen as an ingrate! Mari says, no, we will go early in the morning, and you can say good byes give thanks, whatever, but right now, no, you can't leave me, as she clutches Salma to her bosom some more.

Beautiful red morning sky and we are at the casino. Phillipe and the girls decide they have to go right now and talk to Rod to find out what happened to Brigitte. (Everyone sure gets up and dressed early). They demand that Rod tell them where she is. Rod looks puzzled and pretends not to know who Brigitte is and tells them they are mistaken. They persist and say she said she was coming to see you and we don't believe you. He denies that she ever was there and gets the maids to back him up. They say the only visitor they saw was Leonarda. He says Leo left late and she will confirm it as well. So go look for your friend somewhere else, she is not here, get out of my house and have a nice day.

Leo is sobbing on her bed, "he has never loved me, never" boo hoo hoo. Clemencia enters and Leo sobs, don't bug me. But what is wrong Senora, why are you crying? Rodrigo has been abusing me, he has always abused the great love I have for him. Clem looks disgusted, so now you finally get it. I told you over and over that it was a bad, impossible love that was only going to bring you sadness and pain. (I could have told Clem that was not the thing to say.) Leo changes the subject and says that Clem is guilty, guilty! Because she knew about Aimee and Juan and Regina being in love with Renato and she kept silent. Clem says, yes I knew, but what could I have done? I may be guilty of this, but how come you didn't know about any of it? Leo looks taken aback, I'll tell you why, because of your own immoral love, you did everything for Rodrigo. Leo tries again to blame Clem. Clem asks Leo how she can criticize Aimee when Leo and Aimee are exactly the same. Both married without love and both cheated on their husbands. Leo is incensed, shut up, shut up!! And you know what, says Clem, I think you are both going to end up very much ALONE. Get out of here says Leo, get out of here right now! Clem leaves with her nose in the air. Ha ha Leo. Leo then starts to crumple up again - Alone, ALONE, SOLA!!!

We go to the other cheating beatch who is as usual admiring herself in her mirror. It has dawned on her that if she is going to convince people she is pregnant she'd better start looking like it. She takes some cloths out of the wardrobe and experiments with different ones to see how they look under her dress, choosing a fluffy round one that looks like a toilet seat cover, ah this one, this one. She tells herself all is not lost, as we hear the creepy non-existent baby laughing in the background and she has a crazed look in her eyes.

Eloisa, Fed and Fulgencio are hanging out, and she is asking if Griselda is going to be working with them. Weirdly, Fully says she's great with the cards and I could really use her to help me make business decisions. Que? Eloisa thinks to herself, that's not bad, maybe she can be my ally, especially if Servando doesn't want to be. Suddenly she is sickly sweet - gushing that's great, you always know best my dearest husband. Fully looks a little suspicious. Eloisa says she has an appointment with the dressmaker (rolls eyes) and kisses Fully as she smugly flounces out the door. After she leaves, Fulgencio tells Fed he does think Grizzy is good with the cards but she better not betray him. Fed says, really dude? (He believes it as much as I do.) He tells Federico that Grizzy told him what a great guy Fed is and because of that he is going to give Fed the key to a special cupboard which has important things in it as proof that he trusts him. This is just a small stash and he has another big one. Fed says I've earned your trust and I won't fail you, they shake on it and Fulgencio threatens him, if you ever betray me..... Fed does his best to look brave and sincere.

Back at the Finca, Clem is looking at the portrait of Rodrigo and shaking her head thinking about Leo sobbing over him not loving her. She says to herself, that b***tch is getting what she deserves. On the other hand, my girl MdR had real love until her death. She flashes on her collision in the marketplace with MdR, thinks Jacinta sure was acting strange. I don't know the woman with her but she reminds me of someone, hmmm.

At the fisherman hut, Jacinta is making the bed and Jimena comes waltzing in repeating MdR's refrain, the sea took him away and the sea will bring him back. She talks about how happy MdR is outside expecting her son to return. (I'm worried Arcadio is suddenly going to come out of nowhere). Jacinta says she doesn't know anything about Jimena, just that she is a gypsy and has suffered a lot. Jimena tells her about her life, her mother dying, Griselda being so mean to her and selling her to the tavern guy. Then she goes into Gabriel, how she misses him. Jacinta tells her love is the great consolation, it helps us to endure.

Griselda is spying on Gabe and Branco talking on the beach. Gabe tells Branco about Salma saying she is Mariellas daughter. Branco knows she must be lying and that it is a trick of Griselda's just to get money. Gabe tells him about the dress and the memories, but Branco still agrees that it is a lie. He tells Gabe he can count on him to help uncover the deception. The two musketeers shake on it.

At the police station Phillipe, Fifi and Lulu are trying to file a missing person's report. The chief is not going to waste his guards on a mujerzuela. Lulu is shocked, and Fifi stands up for the rights of the poor and dispossessed and tells him he's obligated to help them just as much as anyone else! Aguacil laughs and still won't go along until Phillipe threatens to go to his superiors and create a scandal. Aguacil sighs like, okay, okay and calls four of the goofy guards and tells them to go look for the Senorita. Ya'll happy now? Fifi tells him he's not going to get rid of them easily, they are going to make sure he does his job. He tells them to get the hell out and leave him in peace.

At the gypsy camp, Grizzy is telling Servi about working for don Fulgencio. Servi warns her not to cross him, he will kill her for real. Just then they turn around to see the happy Villareal family strolling up. Putting on their best faces, Grizzy asks Salma how life is with her new family? Servando is wondering what the heck is going on. Salma says she is so happy, she never thought she would find her real mother, and these are my dear grandparents. Abuelo says, I don't want to offend you, but here is a little something for taking care of her all these years. Grizzy pretends not to want it, that she just loved Angela so much. The look on Servando's face is priceless. She finally reluctantly accepts the money. Salma asks if she can be alone with Grizzy for a few minutes and Mariella says okay. They go into the nearby tent as the Villareals look happy and at the same time awkward being in the camp. Servando follows them into the tent and tells them he knows it is a lie and he knows who the real daughter of Mariella is. He threatens to tell them the truth unless Grizzy shares the money with him. She does, but tells him it's not because she is afraid it is because she always shares and he doesn't. Salma then tells them about Gabe being there and telling her he doesn't believe her. Grizzy says, not only that, I saw him talking to Branco and they are together in this. Servi says don't worry I'll take care of that pair of idiots. Salma, says no, no, don't do anything to Branco, I'm hoping he'll love me some day. Grizzy looks like, get a load of this! Servi tells Salma she's such an idiot, now that she is passing herself off as a blanca Branco won't have anything to do with her. Well, Duh, she didn't think of that. Oh no! Grizzy says, you shoulda thought about that before you did it, too late now.

The two musketeers are still hanging out on the beach when the tavern owner comes up looking for Jimena. He insults Branco by saying to Gabe what is he doing with that class of people! Gypsies are nothing but robbers. Branco lunges at him saying that no one insults his people and his blood! Gabe pulls him off, but Branco tells tavern guy that he'd better be ready to defend himself next time. He then says, there may be some honorable gypsies, but I'm looking for a ladrona. She was sold to me and then ran away. Gabe looks disturbed and asks for her name. Jimena, her name was Jimena. Gabe and Branco muy impactados.

On the Luzbel the pescadores are talking about going into town and Regi wants to go but Juan doesn't feel well, so she decides to stay. He tells them all to go have fun, and they walk happily off. As Juan and Regi are talking about how happy the fishermen are we suddenly hear Flipper in the background! They turn around to see two dolphins leaping out of the water. Juan stumbles over his words talking about dolphins and trying to tell Regi how he feels and finally kisses her instead, under her hat. Then they are coming down the stairs into the cabin and Juan is saying something about there being so much moonlight, and Regi says don't you mean it is sunny? Juan says he's been working too hard. I'm confused here too as whether it is day or night as Juan then starts closing the sheets off, looking unsteady on his feet, but says for her call him if she needs anything. He suddenly then peeks again around the sheets and says, excuse me but I must tell you something important. She says I'm listening. He sits down on the bed and tells her I want to tell you I love you. You love me? Juan, I love you, too, like I have never loved anyone. But isn't this how you feel about Renato? No, no Juan, that is just a memory now. And...what about Aimee? I asked you please don't talk about that, I am in love with you. He kisses her again, but she can feel how hot he is and says Juan, you have a fever! He says Juan del Diablo is never sick!! He is unsteady stumbling, trying to tell her he has something to give her, but he is collapsing in the process with fever.

Meanwhile, Lulu is telling Noel about how Brigitte is missing, that she went to visit Rodrigo, but when they asked him, he said only Leonarda had been there. Lulu felt badly having to say that to Noel. He looks thoughtful. Gabe and Branco are on the beach discussing what that bruja Griselda did to Jimena but if they confront her she will lie about it. They are going to find Jimena.

Back to the Luzbel and Regi is trying to cope with a very sick and feverish Juan who keeps trying to get up in spite of being unable to. She gets water and something Doc Miranda prescribed and gets a cloth on his head. He is still trying to tell her how he feels, he is starting to be so feverish he is incoherent. She keeps trying to tell him to relax, while he is afraid she will leave but she keeps telling him she won't she is there.
At the Notario office, Lulu is apologizing if she said anything to upset Noel. He says no, the worst thing is to love but not be loved in return. She says you can always talk to me when you feel alone, I am your friend. He says if he were capable of being unfaithful he would have looked for a woman like her, a good and noble woman. She says, but I am not a good woman. Yes, you are, you have more nobility in your heart than these decent women at the port. But, this is getting too painful, back to the subject of Brigitte. Noel promises to help, to get on Aguacil's case about finding her. Phillipe and Fifi try the Doc's place to see if she could be there. He asks them why here? They say because she could have been assaulted and could be hurt. I didn't catch what he said.

On the Luzbel, Juan is raving about his padre and padre don't leave me. Regina keeps reassuring him, telling him she is there. He says something about being betrayed by Renato or Renato betraying him. We go to Renato being frustrated with the ship's captain because they haven't found Juan yet. The Captain is insulted and tells Ren they know what they are doing and they will find him. Ren says if he doesn't find the woman he loves soon someone is going to get hurt. Back to Juan who is becoming more frenzied and raving, saying he can't love Regi because she is a Montes de Oca! He is crying, sobbing, you are an MDO, you will betray me!! She continues to try to calm him down. He raves about Aimee and her betrayal and how he is afraid, she can tell his fever is getting worse and worse, and she is alone trying to help him. He says it is getting very dark, calls her Santa Regina, says she is his protector, he needs her!! She says I'm here, I won't leave you, I love you. He says they are all going to pay for the death of his mother! Regina says Dios mio! I am all alone, if only my kisses could help him, could cure him of his hatred.

At the beach Gabe is thinking and running sand through his hands. While not too far away at the fishermen's huts Jimena and Jacinta are preparing food. We see Servando sneak up behind Gabe, grab him around the neck and stab him in the chest. At the same time Jimena feels the pain in her chest and feels that something terrible is happening to Gabe. She runs out of the hut saying I have to find Gabriel, he needs me! Servando lets Gabe fall and runs away, Gabriel's eyes are open, he appears to be dying or possibly dead.

Recap by IVY.


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