Saturday, July 10, 2010

Corazon Salvaje July 9, 2010 Renato needs to get kicked in the nuts

Jimena and Mdr speak of how love shouldn’t care about social status, money, age etc. Jimena is happy, telling her Gabriel still loves her but she sheds tears over Mdr’s story. “Even though we have been separated here in Earth, in death no one will be able to tear us appart.” Mdr thinks back when Juan de Dios told her he would fight for their love to the death. She gets adamant with Jimena, asking her not to let Gabriel let go.

Salma’s eyes brighten up with dollar signs (or pesos) after her “grandfather” let her know she is the heir of a great fortune. There goes “the truth” she was about to tell them. Never mind Branco. Oh wait, she is stupider than that, she thinks that money will lure Branco… poor, deluded child.

Gabriel, looking all pale and sickly wants to get up when he finds out Branco is jailed. Since they swapped blood now they are bffs and have a bromance going on. Dr Pablo screams at him that he cannot get up and that he won’t be responsible if he dies.

Griselda and Servando are walking along the port evilly cackling. Haha, Branco will never get out and Gabriel will probably die. We are awesome and we rock. The alguacil shows up and tells then that Noel Vidal wants to take Branco and Servando to debate (?) and the drags them over. Haha, not laughing so loud now, are ya?

Back at Salma’s heartbreaking lies, her grandma gets up and wants to say something important. “While you and Mariella were out we decided we help Branco and pay a layer for him.” Poor people, they are so happy to have their “daughter” back they will be so heartbroken when they find out the truth.

Servando and Griselda are screaming at Branco, you did it you did it! Branco screams back, no I didn’t, I didn’t. And that was the extent of the big debate or whatever it’s called in the alguacil’s office. This is all it took for the alguacil to lay all fault with Branco? Even my mom needed more proof than that when I would bother my little brother.

Gabriel is still insisting in going over, even though he can barely breath without whizzing. He and Pablo argue and I don’t think it’s good for Gabriel to get so agitated.

Braco is cruelly dragged over a wagon, where he is going to be taken to a maximum security prison. All the gypsies crawl in, including a determined looking Jimena. The guards raise their funny looking guns.

Fulgencio receives a letter claiming someone wants to kill him, then the scene flashes to the seamstress, that seems to have tired of having her bed used for bow chichi chichi bow bow. “It smells like sin in here.” I don’t think that’s sin you are smelling. She muses about her plan, sending him another letter and then asking him for money to tell him more.

Federico comes to talk to Fulgencio and he informs him of the letter he received. You can see him panicking already, and stammers he out, oh well, you can’t believe some letter. Fulgencio storms off to find out what’s going on and Fed is upset.

The rest of the gypsies are speaking against Servando and Grisdelda and they all swarm around. A couple of them are dressed as clowns, hard to take them seriously. Gabriel shows up limping and holding a cane and everyone erupts in cheers. He hugs Branco and he and Jimena look at each other tenderly. Gabriel got there very quickly, didn’t he?

Leo and Rod are in Aimee’s room, Aimee is crying in her bed, telling them that she might lose her child if she gets upset. Whaaa, whaa, whaa. Leo scoffs. Rod convinces her to treat her better only if for their grandchild and she grudgingly accepts this.

Noel barges in. “I have something important to say.” Renato sent him a telegram and Juan del Diablo is in the coast guard’s possession. Rod is very proud. Aimee shakes her head and Noel is upset and disappointed.

Regina and Renato, still arguing at the hotel. It’s time for Regina to slap him across the face and beat him up silly. She screams at him that she wants to see Juan, now! I think finally Renato is getting it. “Damn Juan, he is taking everything from me.” Yes, now go, divorce Aimee and find a nice girl so you can forget all about Regina and Juan.

Gabriel apparently didn’t see who tried to kill him, but he vouches for his bff Branco. The alguacil says fine, but what about Brigitte? In the nick of time, Noel comes in. He always does that, doesn’t he? He was probably listening behind the door and waiting for the best moment to come in because he erupts saying, “well, you searched the gypsy camp and didn’t find any guns, and Brigitte was killed with a gun, so haha.” Well, not including the haha.

Fed angrily gives Ser and Gris the warning letter to Fulgencio and demands of them to do something.

Back in the streets, the gypsies rejoice because Branco is free. That was kind of easy. Gabriel and Jimena kiss and Branco sees them as “Angela” runs to him. “Mi amor!” but he pushes her away and calls her a filthy liar. I hope he finds out Jimena is the real Angela soon so he can forget about “the blanca”.

Aimee meditates on Celia’s advice over finding a man. If she hasn’t gotten pregnant with Juan or Renato, and she did it a lot with both of them, what makes her think one night with one guy (or even a couple), will get her pregnant. Besides, it would take forever for her to start showing. In any case, she has a thought, a very very stupid one and asks Celia to bring Dr Miranda over because she is “sick”. Celia says “but you’re not sick.” Aimee pulls on her braids. She better cut them or gather them around her head or she’s going to lose them soon. She runs off to look for Pablo.

Fulgencio asks Gris’ to read him the cards. She tells him that there is nothing to fear and he looks at her strangely, asking him if she likes surprises. I want to reward you for your services. He kisses her hand. Meet me at the caves tonight. Do I smell another body to add to the count?

Salma is raging to her new “mom” about how Jimena talked smack about her to Branco and now he doesn’t like her no more. Mariella is shocked and sad for her daughter. “Jimena told me I’m just a whitey.” Salma is now ready to go to Puebla. “Those gypsies will never see you again,” Mariella reassures her. Salma thinks that if I’m not going to have Branco’s love, at least I will have money. I suppose money could buy her another man, but not love.

Jimena, Gabriel, Pablo and Gabriel at at Dr. Pablo’s clinic and Jimena declares to Branco that he is a great guy but that he loves Gabriel. Branco takes it extremely well. What a nice guy. He tells them he needs to go and most likely also leave Veracruz.

Jimena and Gabriel stay alone on the bed and start making out. Careful Gabriel, you might pop a stitch.

It’s night time and Aimee is waiting to be “attended by the doctor”. She stares at herself lovingly in the mirror and sprays her self… one… two… three… four, eight times. Oh jeez.

Back in the boat, the prisoners are planning an escape. How do you escape a boat? There is a horrible storm and the boat is swaying back and forth violently. They all scream we are going to die!

The captain was injured in the storm, something fell on his head, I guess. The other marineros are in a panic, no one else knows how to pilot the plane! I mean, the boat. Really, no second mate, and this is supposed to be a coastguard boat.

Slow Celia goes out to go fetch Dr. Miranda. She is not a very good actress. Pablo walks in and Aimee is swaying around the room, batting her eyelashes and her fan. I wonder which is going faster. Pablo might be chocking on the fumes from her perfume. Dr asks to examine her. “I will do anything you say.” She leans forward, showcasing her two apples. He sits on the bed with her to check her blood pressure and she just sooo subtly grabs him and starts kissing him. He seems to like it.

Back in the boat of morons that don’t know how to pilot, they let out the prisoners so Juan and the rest can steer. The wheel literally looks like it’s going to shatter in pieces. The captain woke up and went up to the deck, screaming the machinery isn’t working. I’m confused.

Dr Pablo pulls back. He has figured it out, you are not really pregnant. She shoos him away because she is extremely offended. She kicks him out, with no need because he was dying to get out. Worst person ever to have picked for her little plan.

Regina is begging and crying, please Renato, I want to see Juan. Renato tells her that its impossible because there is a big storm out. She starts crying. The coast guard might be in the storm, says Regina, yes well if that happened surely they will all drown and die. Thank you captain optimism.

Aimee was talking to herself and Leo comes in to find out what is wrong, why was Dr. Miranda. She claims she felt awful and called the doctor over. “Maybe I’m too excited because my husband is coming soon.” Leo doesn’t believe a word you are saying, I’m doing this just for your future son. Leo tells her that tomorrow they need to go to the Puerto. They need to stop Juan’s prosecution because otherwise everything might come out to light.

Remigio and Juan are tugging on the wheel, rain is pouring down savagely. Very dramatic scene. Everyone gritting their teeth.

Regina can’t believe why Renato would wish Juan would die. He explains how he was lied to over and over by Juan. He claims Juan always hated him. Regina says it’s not true. “Juan hates the whole world, because his father made him swear vengeance.” “You are blind, Juan is good and generous.” “No, you are the one who is blind, what did he do to you?” “He opened my eyes.” “And closed the eyes that used to loved me.”

He says the mistake he made with Aimee can’t erase their love. He hugs her from behind, claiming to love her and asking him to love him back again. Will you kick him in the nuts already?


Friday, July 09, 2010

Dinero #151, 7/9/10: Rafa gets kisses from every woman except the one he wants.

Rafa finishes his song and Daniel disdainfully compliments him. Back at the Siglo, the employees think Marino should host Ramirez’s birthday bash but Marino is having none of it. Ramriez is thrilled they want to have a party for him but he already has a date. Marino is upset Ramirez is still seeing the woman with a scary husband and begrudgingly agrees to pay for the party. Trapito suggests they hold off on the festivities until Rafa gets back, which pleases all except Marino.

Marco promises Ale he has everything under control. He will renegotiate the embargo on her house and avoid having it auctioned off. Ale has mixed emotions but she knows for sure she has to get back to work and make money as soon as possible. Marco says his offer is still on the table; he still feels for Ale and she would make him the happiest man in the world if she would have him. Ale is grateful but it isn’t the best time.

Quintana stops by and Rosario is all aflutter. He came to help in any way he can. Marco explains that the family was evicted because the property taxes weren’t paid. Quintana asks about the paperwork and Marco laments that the agreement was verbal and not written. Quintana offers to talk to his contacts to see if he can work something out. Marco accepts the help but Ale tells Quintana to make sure Carmela stays out of it; Ale doesn’t trust her one bit.

Marian flirts quietly with Rafa while her chauffer drives them home. She had a marvelous time and Rafa calls Marian a marvelous woman. She gives him a peck on the lips, which Rafa doesn’t exactly return. Marian snuggles up to Rafa while he sorts out his thoughts. “Good thing nothing happened. Marian is very beautiful but the love of my life is mi licenciada.” (Atta boy, Rafa!)

Marino warns Ramirez again not to count on his help if an angry husband is on the rampage again. Ramirez tells him not to worry and heads out for his hot birthday date.

Elvira chats with her mother about possibly changing her look to entice Jimenez. After all, he seemed interested the last time she made an effort with the lingerie. Her half deaf father stumbles into the room and she asks him for advice as well. He gives his daughter a few tips. He wants his little girl to look like a woman and not a monster like his wife does. (Yikes! This place is dysfunction junction.)

Julieta asks Jaime why he is so concerned about Rafa’s plans with Vicky. Jaime sputters about Rafa being like a brother to him. Vicky interrupts in search of Rafa. He isn’t home yet but that doesn’t stop Vicky from planting herself at the table to flaunt her plans for the wedding. Juileta says Rafa has too many debts to afford an extravagant wedding. VVV will not be denied a lavish celebration on the most important day of a woman’s life and forces Jaime and Julieta to shuffle through wedding magazines with her.

Ramirez delivers flowers to his very appreciative date. She gives him a smooch and he addresses her as “Señora Marino”. Uh-oh! Turns out Ramirez’s current flame is one of Marino’s ex-wives. She says marrying Marino was the biggest mistake of her life and never wants to think of Edgar Marino again. Marino’s ex pulls Ramirez into the room for a little celebration.

Marian’s car pulls up to Rafa’s house. Marian says their time together was very special for her; they both agree to avoid telling anyone about their trip lest someone get the wrong idea. Marian has one more proposition for Rafa before he leaves: she would love it if he came to work with her at Grupo Celeste.

Marco and Quintana have words alone about the financial state of the Alvarez del Castillo family. Marco criticizes Quintana’s handling of the house but Quintana throws it back in Marco’s face. He did what he did to fix the mess that Marco and Chavez made of the hacienda. After all, Quintana knows all about Marco’s underhanded deals and entanglements (enredos) to seize the hacienda. Marco says he loves Ale and would never do anything to hurt her. Quintana laughs in his face; Marco loves Ale the same way he loves Rosario. It’s only for personal interest. Quintana tells Marco to call Chavez and tell him they need much more money, now that they’re partnering with Quintana.

VVV bores Julieta and Jaime to tears with talk of dress color and other wedding plans. Jaime gets ready to leave and VVV is reluctantly convinced to leave too.

Rafa is flattered but has to turn Marian down. “Thank you for your generosity. But I just can’t accept right now. Especially after the deal we just closed with the used trucks.” Marian is understanding but still asks Rafa to keep it in mind. “One more question, Rafa. Who is keeping you from accepting my offer: Alejandra or your girlfriend?”

We know Rafa wishes "Alejandra" and "girlfriend" were one and the same but unfortunately Vicky interrupts Rafa’s response. She saunters outside just in time see Rafa standing near Marian’s car.

He narrowly escapes a disaster when Marian’s driver speeds away and Rafa pretends to shoo the car away before Vicky can be any the wiser.

Vicky is short with Rafa because he is too tired and busy to plan the wedding with her. She plants a bunch of kisses on him that he doesn’t return in any way. VVV finally leaves but drags Jaime away with her. Julieta is suspicious why Jaime has to accompany Vicky home.

Ale cries alone in the dark about Rafa. He left for Monterrey with Marian and he’s going to come home a loca fiancée. Ale feels like she was just a meaningless plaything for Rafa to toy around with emotionally. Rafa, also alone in the dark, prays not to lose Ale.

Ale and Susana have a very long chat about the state of things. Susana is not happy to hear Ale is living in Marco’s apartment but Ale claims Marco is the only man who worries about her. He is always there to help when she needs it and has never lied or betrayed her. (Uh-huh…) Susana still doesn’t buy it but tells Ale she needs to unwind a little. If she doesn’t stop to take a breath, Ale is going to start making snap decisions she will regret later.

Ale says that isn’t going to happen. She is tired of fighting for Rafa and doesn’t want to let herself believe a fantasy any longer. Ale can’t completely be rid of Rafa since she agreed to use the debt money on the business deal. She has to stay at the Siglo. Rafa’s debt still has to repaid, the Grupo Celeste trucks need to be sold, and Ale has to scrape together enough money to get her house back. The fact that Ale’s family barely talks to her is the icing on the cake (es miel sobre hojuelas). They think she’s selfish and ungrateful because she was too busy with her own problems to take care of the family. Now Marco is the big hero, according to them.

Susana wonders about the money Vicky’s family lent to Rafa. “Do you think it could have something to do with the wedding? Maybe they lent Rafa the money on the condition that he marry her!” Ale is not impressed. “Oh, great! He’s capable of marrying a woman just because she lent him money. Even if that’s the case, would it make him a better person? They lent him the money and he didn’t pay me back. He made another business deal with it. That is just like Medina: someone who uses everyone.”

Rafa replays the events of the past few days to Nelson, Jimenez, and Pepeto. The fight at the restaurant, Ale’s visit to Rafa’s family, and Rafa’s forced engagement to Vicky. Rafa’s hands are tied; he has to marry Icky Vicky at the end of the month.

Don Gaston and the hermanos get pulled over by our favorite time-wasting cops. They need special permission to transport the meat. Blah, blah, blah.

Ale has the weight of the world on her shoulders and takes a minute to recount why her life is so sucky. Her wedding was ruined twice, Rafa still hasn’t paid her back, her family is in ruins, and Marco is pressuring her to get back together. Now Rafa gets to marry Vicky and live happily ever after with money in his pocket and all his problems resolved. Ale doesn’t know when Rafa is supposed to get married but asks Susana to prod Nelson to find out.

Rafa,vin the middle of his chat with the guys, calls Jaime to ask about his sleuthing at Carmela’s. Jaime tells Rafa all the sordid details about his molestation at the hands of Carmela. He files into a rant about not being treated as sexual object and it takes Rafa a while to get him to settle down. Rafa tells his troops that Jaime offered up no new information. He needs another guy to infiltrate Camela’s, someone who knows how to control women. All three guys decline the offer.

Susana fulfills her duties as Ale’s best friend and pulls Nelson aside to chat. We won’t get to see the fallout until Monday.

Rafa treads lightly around Ale. He says the business deal with Grupo Celeste is still on and the trucks could arrive at any time. Rafa says his mother told him that she mentioned his wedding to Ale when she visited. Ale briskly cuts him off. “No! I don’t want your explanations. This time, I've had enough!”

Avances: An emotional argument between Ale and Rafa and Ale calls Marco to talk about getting married (!!)


El Clon, Fri., July 9-Summary for Discussion

Just when you thought that Islamic marriage law couldn't get any worse...

Said swears to Jadiya that he will bring Jade back with him that night. Amina is listening.

Amina advises Rania to give Said a hand massage (un masaje en las manos) with a scented lotion so that her will be reminded of her during the family council.

Amina wishes she had a husband to please.

Jadiya tells Rania that Jade is returning to the house and that her father will sleep with Jade now.

Jade is waiting with all the women and children until she is summoned to the men's council. Mohamed isn't an elder but he gets to stay at the council because he is a man.

Dora gets nowhere with the police in reporting that Daniel is missing.

Albieri wakes up with a headache. He gets out his cloning diary and looks at the airline tickets. Luisa brings him some coffee and asks what happened to him. He pretends not to remember what happened. He tells Luisa that Daniel went to the Keys. Luisa passes this information on to Dora and Estela.

Jade tells Said that there is no going back. She wants a divorce. Said says that he doesn't want one. 'No siento amor por ti, nunca lo he sentido,' I don't love you and I have never loved you, says Jade. Jade says that if she has to back to the 'infierno' of their marriage, 'yo termino haciendo cosas que no quiero ni debo,' I'll end up doing things that I don't want to or should do.

The fighters go to their corners. Mohamed urges Said to get rid of Jade. Ali tells Jade not to tell more than she needs to. He reminds her that the Koran says that, 'la voluntad del hombre habla mas alto,' the will of a man speaks more loudly,' [Big surprise there.] Jade appears to be surprised by this. She says that they are in a another country, another culture and another century. [So why are you choosing to abide by the process when you could just walk out the door?]

Ali tells Said that the only way he get Jade back is to give her a divorce, let her marry another man, divorce him and then Said can marry Jade again. Said can choose another man and marry Jade to him for one day and then marry her again. [Isn't that a great idea!] Said accepts this plan. Jade is destrozada. 'Voy a hacer sacrificado otra vez como un carnero,' I'm going to be sacrificed lika a lamb once again, says Jade. Ali claims that all he can do is follow the dictates of the Koran and then has the nerve to say, 'si no puedes evitar un mal, procura armonizarte con él,' more or less the equivalent of, 'if rape is inevitable, lie back and enjoy it.'

Amin reports on the result to the women. Predictably, the Naz is outraged, 'Las odaliscas llenas de maridos pero nadie se tome el trabajo de conseguir uno solo por Nazira, nadie,' The odalisques have plenty of husbands but no one goes to the trouble of getting even one for Nazira, nobody, she cries.

Albieri waits until Luisa is asleep, then gets dressed and sneaks out of the house.

Nati and Fer are drinking and doing cocaine at a club while Andrea protests.

Albieri goes to the priest's house. He tells himself that he will be safe in Morocco for a while. He will call a press conference and present Daniel. 'Pero, ¿cómo le voy a decir esto a Daniel?' But how am I going to tell Daniel about this? The priest rails against the idea of cloning a human.

Jade goes back to Said's house. Jade tells Said, 'No te vas a poder lamentar por nada de lo qu suceda de ahora en adelante,' You aren't going to be able to regret anything that happens from now on.

Jade and Jadiya have a happy reunion.

Rania is upset that Jade has returned. She tells Amina that she will never be first wife. Amina tells her to chill or she won't have a husband at all. Said tells Rania that each of them has a place and no one will take her's.

Jadiya has happy fantasies about things going back the way they were with her parents together and no Rania.

Said tells Rania that he has already found someone to marry Jade. This person is American and is someone Jade won't reject but he won't tell Rania who it is.

Lucas is worried that he hasn't heard from Jade. He tells Rosa that in Jade's religion old guys decide what happens to women. He says, with Marisa listening, that if Jade is free, he won't wait to marry her.

Nati wants more drugs. Fer is broke but Nati has cash. Fernando takes Nati to buy drugs and she sees what being addicted to drugs can reduce one to.

Alej is worried about what Nati will do when he keeps coming up with excuses about why they can't live together.

Sein admires Cristina. 'Eres un sol. Brillas en cualquier parte,' You are the sun, he tells her, you shine everywhere. He kisses her and Malicia sees.

Amalia tells Leo - not tonight.

Luisa calls Leo and tells him that Albieri has disappeared. Rosa tells Leo that Nati didn't come last night. He tells her to check with Alej. Alej says that he hasn't seen Nati. Nati and Fernando are high as kites and seem to have spent the night on some gravel.

Leo comes over to see Luisa. He remembers how strangely Albieri talked about Diego and about cloning.

Albieri shows Daniel the plane tickets.

Albieri comes home and tells Leo and Luisa that he was out taking a walk.

Nati comes home and is hallucinating. Rosa wonders what is the matter with Nati. The maid suggest drugs and Rosa gets angry and denies that Nati would ever do that.

Fer (who seems to be in better shape than Nati.) is at work. He won't speak to his father and the Chump tells Julio that he believes it is all Clara's fault.

Alej seeks Andrea out to find out what is going on with Nati. He asks if she taking drugs again. Andrea says that she doesn't want to get involved.

Luisa tells whatever her name is, the receptionist, that she might have to institutionalize Albieri.

Said asks Sein to marry Jade. Sein is impactado.

The credits roll.


Thursday, July 08, 2010

Corazon Salvaje 7-8-10 He's My One True Love

Renato is kissing Reggie and she slaps him. She says he doesn’t have any respect for her sister. She wants him to leave her in peace. But of course, he can’t. I want to ask you a question. A question that will free you from Juan del Diablo--she turns on him and says Juan de Dios. Okay, okay. Juan de Dios. He dances around it but what he really wants to know is if they consummated the marriage. Like we didn’t see that coming a mile away. She says she doesn’t want to be free of Juan. She doesn’t answer the question. She says what she felt for Renato is in the past. It’s Juan. I DON’T LOVE YOU! Loser. Should I spell it bigger? Juan is the love of my life. Renato looks stunned standing there with his mouth open like a bass. I love him with all my soul. He can’t believe she said that. Sometimes I think not all the lights are lit on his tree. He doesn’t want her to suffer more. He begs her not to see him as an enemy. He swears that he will take care of her. He wants things to be like they were in Veracruz. Right. She looks at him like he’s a dumbass, because, well, he is. Don’t you get it? Juan is not the man you imagine. He is my husband and I would like you to leave us in peace. He tells her that Aimee told him the truth about their whole running away with Juan thing. She says it doesn’t really matter. She loves him and wants to be left in peace. I sure can’t blame her there. Renato’s all sorts of crazy. Leave us alone forever.

The maid is in Leo’s office and Leo is telling her basically to lie if she is questioned by the cops. She’s not real comfortable with that. Rod says that’s fine but you might end up having an “accident” like poor Rosenda. Dun, dun, dun. Menacing music plays.

Noel is assuring the Casino folks that they shouldn’t worry. He is going to help them with the casino. They are all very grateful. Lulu thanks him and he gets all googley-eyed when he looks at her. He thinks this could be an opportunity to change their lives. Oh, and there’s one other thing. It’s about Gabriel. Noel’s ears perk up at that. Somebody stabbed him in the chest very close to his heart. His condition is very grave.

Mari and Fake Angela are strolling through the plaza. Jimena sees them and runs up to greet Mari. Mari tells her not to touch her. Wow! Heifer. Jimena is shocked that she would treat her like that. Get away from me. Apparently Fake Angela has been telling lies about her. Mari is sure that Jimena will go to hell for whatever she did. Jimena calls Fake Angela out and they start to scuffle in the street. My vote is on Jimena. Mari interrupts before any hair pulling can commence (bummer, I would have like to see that stupid hat yanked off of Fake Angela’s head) and tells Jimena to get lost. I see that coming around to bite somebody in the butt.

Renato is still trying to sweet-talk Reggie. She’s tells him to stop it already. He tries to take her hand but she pulls away. FF>>

Leo and Rod are talking. Rod assures her that he is very important to her. Yeah right. I don’t think she’s falling for it this time. There’s nobody but you (then who was that you were in bed with?) He wants her to give him her hand. She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. He promises her that he won’t fail her. Ha! If she believes that I’ve got some swamp land in Florida to sell you. He’s worried that people will think they are lovers. She doesn’t really care. He kisses her hand. She starts to melt. She tells him he has her heart always. He turns her around so he can kiss her. No matter how much we don’t like this guy you have to admit he’s got game. All the ladies fall for it. They are kissing when Clemencia barges in. Doesn’t she ever knock? Rod chastises her and she said it was better that she barges in than Don Noel. I like her spunk. Leo says she has misinterpreted their intentions. Oh no, I think your intentions were very clear. Poor Don Noel. He promises she will never enter a room they are in without knocking. She turns and flounces out.

Today is the funeral for poor Brigitte. The whole gang is there crying. Noel looks like something out of the Magic Mystery tour with those crazy sunglasses and his crazy hair. A bird could nest in that hair and you’d never find it. The girls and Felipe put flowers on her grave. Noel comforts poor Lulu. He tells her to be strong. She doesn’t think she can. She lays her head on his shoulder. Uh oh. He closes his eyes. Not sure what that look on his face is.

Renato is still trying to convince Reggie that he has her best interests in mind. She only wants to know one thing. Where is Juan? He takes her out of the restaurant probably so she won’t make a scene. See that ship? Juan is on the Coast Guard ship. They are taking him away. Why? What right do you have? It’s the law. They are the law of the sea. They are after people running contraband, etc. She says those are lies. Juan’s hands are not as clean as you think. What kind of man do you think Juan Del Diablo is?

On the boat the Boyz are trussed up like Christmas Geese. Even poor little Colibri. They start to move and Juan gets concerned. Colibri wants to know what’s up? Regina notices the boat leaving too and wants to know where they are taking Juan. Renato says they are taking his sorry ass back to Veracruz. She can’t believe it. She wants Renato to hotfoot it over there and put a stop to it. The Boyz are milling about. Renato says he doesn’t have the authority to stop it. Whatever. Regina watches the boat sail away. Juan and Regina are simultaneously pining for each other. More crying. The boyz stand around with their hands tied behind their backs and I’m wondering why they haven’t untied each other yet. Renato comes back and says too bad, so sad. There was nothing I could do. He remembers how he saw her when they were young. She was his friend, his confidant. Blah, blah, shut.up. Regina wants to leave for Veracruz right now. But Renato tells her that right now isn’t possible. Where are we going to find a ship that is ready? She tells him the Luzbel is ready to sail. He doesn’t think that’s possible but he says ok. She blasts him about Colibri being taken too. He says his only intention in this whole thing was to rescue her from Juan. She asks him how much he had to pay to have this all carried out.

At Raul’s house two maids are talking about Branco being arrested for the murder of Brigitte. Fake Angela overhears them and freaks out. She goes crazy and says it can’t be. The rest of the group are looking at her funny. They can’t figure out why she would be so upset about that. She insists that sheneeds to see him immediately. Mari says no way. The rest of the group agree with Mari. There could be a scandal. De Marin says that she isn’t a gypsy and she has no obligation to them. Abuelo agrees.

Noel is writing at his desk. He stops as he remembers Lulu at the funeral laying her head on his shoulder and we get to see that goofy look again in a flashback. OMG, he realizes he loves Lulu. It’s about time. He gets up all hot and bothered as we hear birds singing in the background.

Felipe and Fifi are leaving the casino. They stop and become upset at the thought of Brigitte not being there with them. Felipe says something but I have no idea what he is saying because of his weird accent but he does say something about Lulu and Don Noel. Fifi agrees that Noel has helped them a lot and he does seem to have a fondness for Lulu. Do you think he loves her? Felipe doesn’t get to answer as Lulu comes in, and catching the end of that discussion, says of course not. Don Noel is a great guy. He’s faithful to his wife. Yeah but she’s a hateful cow and he’d love to be rid of her as would we all. He’s a friend. And anyway I love Remegio. We are getting married.

The jailbirds are discussing their situation and don’t think that Regina is the one that ratted them out. They keep discussing as Juan finally gets his hands free. It took him long enough. FF>>

Jacinta and MdR are sitting on rocks next to the sea. Jacinta asks her why she is always sitting on the rocks by the sea. MdR explains that the sea will bring her son home. Jacinta says the sea will bring Santos home to her also. They will get married.

Fake Angela is still pleading her case. He’s like a brother to me. I need to be there for him. I’m sure he is innocent. Let me go! Mari can’t take any more of it. She says her name 3 times but the Candyman doesn’t come out of the mirror and stab anyone even though I wish he would. Mari says ok, you can go but someone is going with you. Abuelo says they really need to get back to Puebla. Fake Angela begs some more. De Marin says you can stay longer if you’d like.

The gypsies are gathered talking about Branco. They don’t believe it. They think they need to go to the authorities and tell the truth. They don’t believe he did it. They wander off.

Poor Branco’s in jail. He doesn’t even have a chair to sit on. The door opens and Fake Angela rushes to his side. He makes that “Oh please, not her” look and she kneels on the floor getting her pretty new dress all dirty. She’s pawing him and trying to kiss him. He just wants her to go away. He pushes her away and says that he doesn’t need her help. He doesn’t need anybody’s help. She rushes to him again and he grabs her and tells her she’s a liar. She tries to get him to listen to her and he says no. The guard has to come in and take her away.

Gabe is awake but he doesn’t look very good. The doctorcito has him all bandaged up. Pablo tells him he is young and strong and will be up and about in no time. Pablo tells him he kept repeating Jimena’s name while he was delirious. He tells Gabe about how Jimena was there with him the whole time. He says she continues to love him. Gabe is happy to hear that. Pablo tells him he knows that Gabe loves her too. He’s still sitting on the floor holding some straw. For what reason I don’t know. He has another visitor--Jimena. He’s glad to see her. He’s so happy she’s alive. She says they need to prove his innocence. He asks about Gabe and is she says he is very grave. Branco’s pretty sure that it was Servando who is responsible for this whole mess. She tells him about Mari not wanting to see her. Branco says don’t worry about it. She says she is going to get him out of there. He cries and tries to talk at the same time and it’s not working very well. More crying. FF>>

Fake Angela is getting to look at pictures of Pubela(?). Abuelo expounds on how fabulous Puebla is. There is some dude that Abuelo wants to set her up with. She thought bubbles to herself that she only loves Branco and nobody else. Mari wants to know why she’s being such a stick in the mud. She is just overwhelmed with having a family and all. More talk of Puebla and then there’s a group hug which Fake Angela tolerates. All she cares about is Branco. She thinks to herself that she needs to tell them the truth. Me too. I can’t wait to see how well that goes! Right now, right now, she’s got to tell them.

Noel is pondering his feels for Lulu. He reads a poem and has the flashback to the funeral again. There is a knock at the door. He receives a message. It must not be good because he looks worried. He says it can’t be. Renato has left to something--can someone fill that in?


El Clon Thursday July 8: Summary for Discussion

Tonight we learn that Marisa is still as rotten as ever; that someone who sweats as profusely as Albieri really can’t be playing with a full deck; and damn if Cristina and Leo don’t still make a fine-looking couple.

In a beautifully written and played scene, Jade at last gets Latifa to acknowledge that Samira’s situation is like Jade’s; and like Jade, she is going to have to reconcile her western upbringing with her Moslem roots. Don’t judge me. If you support me now, you will be making your daughter’s path in life easier. The world is changing…

Samira invites her cousin Zumaya to come to the beach club with her so she can meet her friends, especially Carlos. She gets Abdul’s very grudging permission by fibbing that they are going to visit Samira’s school. After the girls leave, Abdul tells Mohamed his children should be attending a Moslem school, no matter how far away it is. Mohamed confides that he is planning to arrange the children’s marriages the next time they are in Morocco; the marriages themselves will take place when they turn 18. Eighteen is too late, insists Abdul:
Cuando le baje la sangre, tienes que casarla.
When she (Samira) has her first period, you have to get her married.

Cristina, Luisa and Dora are gathered at Dora’s place trying to figure out how to find Daniel and Albieri. Luisa and Cristina decide to go to Luisa’s house.

Apparently Albieri is not a Frequent Flyer in AeroNovela; he’s not having a lot of success getting those magical instant Miami to Morocco tickets in his travel agency.

At the Clinic, Anita asks Julio what is going on with Albieri. Somewhat reluctantly Julio tries to explain: he has this strange obsession with his godson. You mean he’s gay? asks Anita. No, it’s not that…

And Escobar calls Clara at work, trying to reach Fernando. Although he is standing right there, she tells him he isn’t around; try his cell (which they both know Fer won’t answer). Then Enrique comes out of Leo’s office and once again offers to talk to Fernando about his addiction. He picks up his briefcase, notices his flask is missing and gets frantic but can’t tell them why or what he’s looking for. (Remember Caro appropriated said flask on yesterday’s show).

Natalia and Andrea drive up to Gloria’s. They have great news: Marisa has gotten Alej his job back! He can start tomorrow. Alej is hesitant, thinking it might be another trick on Marisa’s part. Pablo and Gloria agree, but Nati believes her mother and thinks things can return to the way they were before. Let’s give it a little time, says Alej.

Indeed, at Casa Ferrer, Marisa tells Rosa that she hasn’t changed her opinion about Alej, she has just changed her tactics. Maybe you were right to question the relationship, says Rosa, but you had no right to do what you did! Just then Leo walks in and they have a tender moment of suegro/nuera bonding.

When Nati has left, Pablo acknowledges that he doesn’t trust Marisa. He tries to reach Cristina to see if she can shed any light on the job situation but has the misfortune to get the odious Malicia in her stead.

Escobar picks up Malicia at Salamandra and whines about how Fer is rejecting him.

Fer is at a club where I think his band is going to play. In the club’s bathroom, Fernando happens to meet a musician he respects. This guy tells Fer to lay off the marijuana: La música es el mejor remedio. (Music is the best cure)

Enrique is on his psychiatrist’s couch talking about his early drug experiences. It sounds as if Enrique is a blamer. (It also sounds as if the writers don’t have a very high opinion of psychotherapy.)

At la Casa Ferrer, Lucas gets a phone call from Said. They agree on a lunch meeting. Rosa says: No vayas, te puede pasar algo malo. (Don’t go. Something bad might happen to you.)

Albieri arrives home to face the furious Cristina and Luisa. Where have you been? they want to know. And where is Daniel? Let me shower and change, he says, and then we’ll talk. Just don’t try to slip out the back door. Or out the window. (They know him too well.) Estoy perdido (I’m lost) he mutters, once in the sanctuary of his room. He contemplates his Ethics Award; he opens a drawer and takes out a gun…

Lucas finds an unpleasant surprise in his bedroom at the Casa Ferrer – broccoli-band girl, who claims to be there for her daughter’s sake. And you, she asks idly, have you changed your wedding plans? No, no I haven't, he assures her.
Hay gente insoportable en esta casa!
There are insufferable/unbearable people in this house! says Lucas to Rosa on his way out the door.

Albi loads the gun and aims it at his head. He imagines himself surrounded by all the important people in his world. The angry faces of Leo, Andres, Ali, Julio, Dora, Estela, Luisa... They have learned about the clone and they show no mercy in their judgment: ¿Qué hiciste Albieri? What did you do, Albieri?
Cristina and Luisa are downstairs trying to figure out what to do when a shot rings out! ¿Qué hiciste Albieri? they cry out as they rush upstairs. They find Albieri apparently unconscious but intact. There is a bullet hole in his prize. They are able to rouse him and he says ‘The shot was for me.’ Comí el fruto prohibido. I ate the forbidden fruit. Luisa stays with him while Cristina goes for help. She calls – who else? – Leo, telling him Albieri just tried to kill himself. Voy por allá, he says. I’m on my way!

Curiously, Padre Andres is reading to Daniel from Genesis, and explaining how Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise because they ate of the forbidden fruit.

Dora gets a phone call from Cris, telling her what has happened: Albieri enloqueció! Albieri has gone crazy! Leo arrives at Albieri’s house, Cris fills him in quickly and he runs up to see his old friend. Albieri begs for forgiveness, babbles that he made Diego, he could have given him to Leo but he didn’t, out of fear. Cristina comes in with some pills for Albieri. They must be pretty potent, because in a moment he is out cold.

Zumaya and Samira leave together. Abdul grumbles, and Mohamed tries to placate him. Hilda and Karla choose that moment to stop in front of the store and pose for Animal Crackers. They really make Abdul’s argument more eloquently than words ever could and the men flee inside the store. (I myself am ready to order a burqa after that spectacle)

Samira and the sweetly shy Zumaya - robed and veiled -- are at the beach club, and Samira introduces her to Carlos and his friend.

Alej decides he is not going to accept the job offer. He meets up with Nati (apparently at the same beach club where Samira is entertaining Zumaya) and tries to make her understand his decision, but she is offended and stalks off angrily.

Albieri is now sleeping fitfully. Luisa is at his side. She sees the gun lying out and – SHE PUTS THE DAMN THING BACK IN THE DRAWER!!!

Leo is talking to Enrique, trying to make sense of Albieri’s behavior. (With Enrique? gimme a break!) When Enrique hears that Albieri kept apologizing for not returning Diego to Leo, his ears perk right up.

In Mohamed’s house, Jade tells Zoraida that she is going to tell them absolutely everything in the Family Council – everything she has done, exactly how she has betrayed Said. When the story is out in the open, it will be shameful for Said NOT to divorce her. Jade is not concerned about this causing problems for Jadiya’s future marital prospects. Things will have changed by then, she tells Zoraida. Just look at how much has already changed in the last 10 years under the new king.

Latifa is upset because Amina has come back into her life to threaten her marriage. Why didn’t Zoraida warn her she was coming, she wants to know. And the Naz is upset because Mohamed won’t allow Said to bring Sein to the house. (So the Naz is among Sein’s many admirers!) It’s not to keep him from courting you, Nazira, explains Latifa. It’s because he is not faithful to his religion. Well all the more reason to bring him here, says the Naz. We can teach him by example. The Naz, finally, doesn’t need her brothers to bring Sein to her: She knows where to find him!

At Salamandra, Sein is looking for Cristina and finds, alas, Malicia. Her overly anxious to please manner doesn’t seem to impress him.

Everyone is talking about Albieri’s breakdown. Pablo and Vicki are discussing it, and he wonders how Cristina happens to know him. Vicki explains that Albi is a great friend of Leo Ferrer and Cris and Leo were an item years ago.

Malicia cruises by in ‘her’ car and smirks at Fernando, who as glancing at his watch as if he is waiting for the bus. When he gets to work, Fernando tells his mother that Malicia is actually laughing in his face. Clara is so angry, she calls Escobar’s cell. Anita, at the clinic, happens to answer it. Clara thinks it’s Malicia, rants her rant to poor Anita, and hangs up. Who called, asks Escobar. Oh, wrong number.

In Said’s house, Jadiya snuggles up to her father and asks him, ever so nicely, to return Rania. It just so happens, says her father, that your mother is coming back. I’m bringing her home today. Jadiya is delighted. Amina, skulking in the background and listening in on the conversation, is less so.


Dinero #150- 7/8/10: Marian and Carmela Get Chiqui with Rafa and Jaime

Marian and Rafa are at the airport. Rafa is very relieved to find out that he will not be subjected to another flight of terror when Marian announces the inclement weather will get them to Monterrey too late for the convention. Well, what else is there to do but have a party? In fact, Marian’s decided on the spur of the moment to throw her best friend Montserrat a birthday party at her house that evening, and Rafa will be Marian’s guest of honor. She won’t give Rafa an opportunity to say no. “Estas secuestrada. Desfrutalo!” (You’ve been kidnapped. Enjoy it!)

Chavez is also at the airport, waiting for his partner in crime Marco. When he doesn’t show and doesn’t answer his calls (he’s too busy pretending to be the caring ex boyfriend to Ale and her family), Chavez assumes Carmela already sent the law after them and Marco’s been caught. He decides he’s got to leave and save himself, although he’ll miss Mexico, the hacienda, and especially his lady friends.

Carmela is indeed on the warpath today, and letting her staff and visitors have it between the eyes with both barrels. When Jaime comes stumbling and bumbling into her office, I am certain he is a goner. He pretends that as part of one of his law class assignments, he needs to ask her questions about her work. Carmela sees some potential in our undercover lothario, and has Jaime back it up and turn it around (slowly) so that she can get an eyeful. He passes her visual inspection and is ordered into the back room, where they will begin that “homework” assignment (tarea).

In her chauffer driven car, Marian has snapped her fingers and is preparing a fancy party with comida típica (local food, also called Mexican food), a cake, a dj, and a mariachi band. An impressed Rafa listens in, and seems both nervous and flattered when Marian cuddles up close to him and says, “Hoy, tu me perteneces.” (Today, you belong to me/you’re all mine.) When this clearly makes Rafa nervous, Marian questions if she needs to ask someone’s permission for him to spend the day with her. Perhaps Beltran, or Ale? This gets a firm no from Rafa, and Marian begins to lay it on even thicker. She’s determined to trap our man today. She asks him if he likes to sing? Of course our Rafa loves to sing! Next she tries the old trick of, “I’m so cold (even though I’m wearing a fur jacket in Mexico City). Aren’t you? No? Well then, you won’t mind if I snuggle up real close and get some of that body heat from you.” You all know the trick ladies. And Rafa is falling for it hook, line and sinker. In fact, he starts to thought bubble that Ale is pretty much lost to him now. And hey, if the guapisima Marian wants to give it a shot, why not? (Bad Rafa!)

Our other man-eater, Carmela, also has her prey in her sights. First she strips Jaime of his shield (also known as his computer bag). Then she takes off his glasses, revealing slits where Jaime’s eyes should be (it might be better this way so that he doesn’t have to see the dirty, dirty things Carmela is doing to him). “No estas tan mal.” (You’re not too bad.) Jaime bounces from one side of the room to the other in a vain attempt to get away from Carmela’s roaming hands. He tells her he wants to get to work (on his homework), and she thinks he doesn’t want to waste time getting down to business (on cositas). She tells him that all she needs is a little bit of tenderness (cariño) and then they can get to work. Jaime misinterprets this as a brotherly hug, and happily obliges. Carmela shows him what she meant, and we hear a high pitched squeal from our reluctant Romeo as we fade to another scene.

At the birthday pool party, Marian is encouraging Rafa to try a mixed drink. Rafa doesn’t want to because apparently these drinks really affect him. This is no problem for our Marian. Rafa can stay at her place that evening. Plus, she has a confession to make. These drinks make her frisky. Wink, wink. Now drink up Rafa! They both take a drink, and Marian appears to be enjoying hers immensely. We know from all that sexy lip licking she’s doing. But she’s not just content with her drink, she wants to try Rafa’s. “Puedo probar de tu copa?” Mmmmm….. “Don’t you want to try mine, Rafa?” “Santa Claus!” She tastes. He tastes. And then she gives Rafa a taste directly from her lips to his! Yowza! (Hey Rafa. Remember you already have a confused love life, with a fiancé you can’t get rid of, and the love of your life who you can’t hold on to?)

Said love of his life has moved into her ex’s apartment with her dad and tia. Ale is urging Jorge to be strong (i.e. quit being a baby). He and Rosario begin to light into Ale about all the mistakes she’s made, and where they would be now without Marco’s help. Ale hears Leonor’s and Julieta’s words about Rafa’s upcoming marriage. She decides her father and tia are right, and apologizes to her family and to Marco. Marco, the angel of charity and mercy, “forgives” her and tells her he’ll always be by her side (a tu lado), and encircles her in a bone crushing hug. Ale’s face reveals the uncertainty she still feels, but Jorge and Rosario are happy (suckers).

When we come back to hapless Jaime, he is declaring to Carmela that he is not a sexual object and that she needs to respect him! “I came here for homework.” “Listen snot nosed brat (mocoso), I’m not going to spend all day doing homework with you.” Jaime insists that he is a man with a girlfriend and that he’s faithful...well, not always. (He remembers Vicky’s kisses.) “Well, most of the time, although we all have our moments.” (His mind starts to wander back to Vicky’s sexy black lingerie.) “Pero, pero…. I have a novia whom I respect!” His jitteriness is just as annoying to Carmela as it is to us, and she barks at him wondering if he’s crazy or on drugs. Jaime denies both. If he’s not going to give her what she needs, Carmela wants him out of there, pronto, or she’ll have him thrown in jail. Jaime doesn’t hesitate, and leaves a yet again sexually frustrated Carmela to lament “se me fué” (he got away from me).

At Siglo, Marino is bragging to Nelson and whoever else will listen that he’s only two cars away from meeting his sales goal for the month. He’s soon distracted and suspicious when he hears Ramirez on the phone with a lady friend. She wants to do something special for him for his birthday. And her son? Well, he’ll be with his daddy. When he hangs up, Marino scolds him for still being involved with that married woman who got him in trouble with her husband the last time. He won’t be there to save Ramirez’s skin the next time. Why doesn’t Ramirez focus on all the single ladies in the city instead of going after the married ones? (Looks like he’s starting to get suspicious of Ramirez’s relationship with all his women.) Ramirez insults all the good for nothing men that have abandoned these women and their children (ahem), and Marino wants to know what he’s getting at. He’s interrupted by all the lovely ladies on the sales team swarming in to give Ramirez a few more birthday kisses. He is very happy.

At our other birthday celebration, Marian and her friends want to play and push Rafa into the pool to join in the fun. There is some innocent fun like pool tennis and beach balls; and some not so innocent heavy duty flirting by Marian, including a few stolen kisses under the water. Both the censors and Rafa are trying hard not to look at Marian’s shapely derriere. (Why do they continue to blur her assets, but not those of the other girls?) Out of the pool, they enjoy the delicious food and feed each other, hand to mouth and mouth to mouth. Tequila shots are had, and the slow dancing begins.

Marian is telling Rafa why no man has trapped her yet (atraparme). The men she meets are serious and vain. The perfect man for her is funny and can make her laugh. Rafa thinks what she wants is a clown (payaso). She tells him what she wants is a fun, caring, nice, gentlemanly, intelligent, and romantic man. Rafa tells her what she’s looking for is the perfect man, who doesn’t exist. She tells him she’s not looking for perfection, because she’s not perfect. What she wants is the best. She tells him a saying, “En la vida, hay que preparar para lo peor, pero esperar lo mejor.” (In life you should prepare for the worst, but expect the best.) “Don’t you want the best Rafa?” Rafa agrees and says that what he really wants is to be able to do what he truly wants/loves. And what he really wants is to be a good son, brother and man. Marian tells him that he already is these things. “That’s what makes you so attractive and so special.” Rafa is taken aback and extremely flattered that Marian thinks he’s attractive. She leans in for the kiss, and it looks like Rafa is going to actively participate, when they are interrupted.

It’s Geronimo from Gancho! And he’s looking just as smug, and almost as stupid as he did in that novela. Ah, turns out his name is Daniel, and he’s Montserrat’s brother who has come for the party. Seems that he has the hots for Marian too, from all the kissing and nuzzling he’s doing on her neck and cheek. He immediately begins to insult Rafa (he’s the competition after all). He sneers at Rafa for being “just a salesman” (vendedor), and calls him one of Marian’s whims (capricho). He really hits home when he wonders aloud who pays when he and Marian travel together- Rafa or Marian? Rafa admits it’s Marian, and compares it in his mind as being the same as when he was first with Ale. It’s not a happy comparison. They all get distracted when the mariachi begin to play as they bring out the cake. Marian announces that she has a surprise for Montserrat. Rafa is going to sing! He chooses an upbeat dance number, “Chiqui, Chiqui.” Just the right kind of song for Marian and the other ladies to seductively swivel their hips and undulate in their bikinis and high heels. Rafa’s a hit with the ladies. Daniel is not pleased (but he dances along anyway). Rafa ends his song and Marian goes in for the hug (will it turn into something more?).

Our loveable villain Chavez has safely landed in Atlanta, GA, USA (Although the only people he runs into are some Russian beauties. Spies perhaps?). He finally reaches Marco, who tells him why he’s still in Mexico. He needs Chavez to help him with two things: 1) Give him another way to contact Quintana without Rosario knowing; and 2) Once he arrives in Paris, he needs to change his planned flight to Rwanda to Iraq instead. He has to find Rubi!

Tomorrow: Vicky harasses Julieta and Jaime to find out where Rafa is. She gets her answer as she exits Rafa’s house and finds him being dropped off by Marian.

Chiqui Chiqui Lyrics

Lo que sea de cada quien
de cada ku
lo que mas me gusta a mi
lo tienes tu

lo que sea de cada quien
de cada ku
mi corazon late por ti chiquibumbum

haste para aca
vamos para alla
sigue mi ritmo
baila y baila sin parar

haste para aca
vamos para alla
sigue bailando yo se que te va gustar

chiqui chiqui chiqui tita
dame un poco mas
dame dame tu boquita
dame un beso mas

chiqui chiqui chiqui tita
dame un poco mas
dame dame tu boquita
dame un beso mas

como me gustas tu
how much like you
como te quiero amor
how much love you

como me gustas tu
how much like you
como te quiero quiero quiero amor
how much love you I love you I love you

chiqui chiqui chiqui chiqui chiqui tata
chiqui chiqui chiqui bengache pa aca
chiqui chiqui chiqui chiqui chiqui tata
chiqui chiqui chiqui bengache pa aca


Corazón Salvaje WED 2010/07/07 "Here a murderer, there a murderer, everywhere a murderer..."

Episode 98

On the docks, Juan stares at Renato and shouts that he should have known Renato would be behind all of this! Renato coolly taunts that Juan didn't know, though, did he? And then lays it out that he rescinded the bail in order to rescue Regina -- and see Juan behind bars in Veracruz!

We'll see about that, Juan answers; and just as the coast guard captain orders him arrested, Juan springs into action and damages a few encroaching guards. We hear the clang of blades, and suddenly both Juan and Renato are circling with swords in hand.

At Dr. Pablo's, Jimena is horrified to hear he must leave Gabriel's bedside to tend to Aimee at the finca. Those people who have hurt so many, like Marlene and Rosenda! she declares. Pablo doesn't want to go; but he swore an oath to care for everyone who needed him. He won't be long, and he wants Jimena to take care of Gabriel while he's out.

He's sure her presence will give Gabriel strength to recover soon; but Jimena doubts whether Gabriel would even want to see her. Pablo relates how much Gabriel has said he loves her and how he worried about her disappearance; and after Pablo's exit, Jimena sits to weep and caress the beloved patient.

Back at the docks, Juan shows no sign of fever, giving Renato as good as he gets; but Renato draws first blood -- a shallow shoulder wound. Meanwhile at the finca, Noel rounds up Rodrigo and Leonarda to go and give their statements, because they are both suspects in Brigitte's slaying.

Delirious Gabriel calls out for "Estrella," while Jimena prays earnestly for help. She whispers that she's there for him and begs him to be strong and fight for life so they can enjoy their love for each other, as they so often dreamed. With a hundred kisses, she insists he must live -- or she'll perish with him.

At the sheriff's office, Rodrigo mouths a prepared speech claiming Leonarda visited him at home and afterward they went to the finca, where they talked late into the night. He never saw Brigitte, he says. Leonarda backs him up and adds the indignation of an upstanding lady forced to testify about a common whore.

When she wonders why the sheriff hasn't shut down the casino, he informs her that he indeed has shut it down. Noel objects that the action is baseless, since the casino is no murder scene. When Rodrigo baits Noel with objecting due to his "friendship" with Lulu, Noel simply throws Rodrigo's truck with Brigitte back in his face.

At the sword fight, Juan and Renato vow a battle to the death. I had to laugh as Juan slipped close enough to pack a nice punch to the jaw. When Juan draws next blood on Renato's leg, the captain shouts a halt; but the pair ignore him and bowl over into the drink. Peering down over the quay, the captain orders Juan taken into custody.

Before exiting the sheriff's office, Noel scandalizes Leonarda by insisting the sheriff investigate to confirm their statements; because he had no idea she and Rodrigo were at the finca together the day of the crime -- much less late into the night, he concludes pointedly.

Undeterred, after Noel's exit, Rodrigo drops a bag of coins onto the desk and smoothly declares his trust that the sheriff realizes they are "good people," which of course the sheriff does -- and pockets the cash. Nevertheless, he points out, it will work to their advantage to make some token investigation to placate the good notario.

At the gypsy camp, Servando delights Griselda with news that Gabriel is good and dead, when another gypsy woman runs up shouting about Branko. She's horrified that he's been jailed for murder; and when she exits again, the two bad ones turn and put their heads together in a plan to frame Branko for Gabriel's murder, too. With glee, they exclaim in unison they'll make him out to be "A MURDERER!"

In a filthy jail cell, Branko can hardly believe his ears; he did not murder that woman! The heartless sheriff is just explaining that Branko will stay right where he is until some other suspect comes to light, when a minion arrives and whispers "blah, blah, blah...murderer"* in the sheriff's ear, with a furtive glance at Branko for good measure.

Turns out, the sheriff informs Branko, that someone tried to kill Gabriel -- and with the same kind of knife Branko uses. Branko is beside himself; this cannot be! It has to be Servando's doing. The sheriff points out it's known that Branko and Gabriel were enemies over the love of Jimena; Branko tries to explain that was something different, but it's not getting him anywhere.

Jimena continues tending to unconscious Gabriel at Pablo's, and she recalls the many kisses they shared in their time together; sweet ones, tender ones, urgent ones, exciting ones. In truth, they were lovely to see. Gabriel looks so handsome and vibrant in her memories -- unlike his current self, laid low by a murderer's blade.

Concluding her reverie, Jimena is weeping again, as she reminds him he must get better. Gabriel's lips are so dark blue, he must be in acute cyanosis: "...Acute cyanosis can be a result of asphyxiation or choking, and is one of the surest signs that respiration is being blocked..." I had the impression that Servando got him in a lung.

Offshore somewhere, poor little Colibri frantically pulls aside the Luzbel in a rowboat, having dashed off to warn the crew the moment Juan was arrested. Below in her cabin, Regina smiles and recalls doffing Juan "de Dios" again and renewing her vow of marital devotion to him.

The coast guard captain orders Juan held on their ship. Colibri boards the Luzbel, inconsolable, attempting to report to the crew what he saw. He is just beside himself, wailing and pulling at his hair. They finally understand Juan has been arrested; but before they can grab him, Colibri zips out of Remigio's grasp and runs below to tell Regina.

He bursts into the cabin, crying and wailing, embracing Regina at once. She finally gets out of him what the matter is, but there's something else: the boy is crushed with guilt! Colibri blames himself for detaining Juan over a particular kind of candy he sought. I felt so sorry for the little guy. On deck, the Luzbel crew attempts a getaway; they can't help Juan unless they are free.

But it's too late: they've been boarded by the coast guard already. Regina -- a lioness in the face of the captain -- demands to know why her husband has been held without cause. When Regina asks whose orders they're under, she is astounded to see Renato appear. Unfortunately, before the crew are removed, Colibri spies Renato embracing a stunned Regina.

When Dr. Pablo visits Aimee at the finca, he's perplexed she won't let him examine her, even with Clemencia there insisting he has an excellent reputation. Aimee can't let any doctor examine her and latches onto a tale where she is too modest without her husband attending. She claims Leonarda's argument made her faint, and Pablo urges Clemencia to help Aimee and her baby avoid upsets. Clemencia gladly agrees.

Alone on Luzbel, Regina screams at and confronts Renato. What does he mean it's nothing! They impound the ship and detain the crew -- and worst of all, arrest Juan! Where is he?! she screams. Renato answers succinctly that he's where he should be. We see Juan locked up in the storage compartment of the coast guard cutter.

Presently with a rumble, the rest of the crew appear at the door and are shoved in. They're all confused; how did they know precisely the island they were on? Colibri may not know what he's saying, but he stuns Juan when he reports no one has to worry about Regina -- he saw Renato embracing her as they left.

At the doctor's, Gabriel is much worse, and Jimena is frantic. He's convulsing, as in death throws, and Jimena is crying, No, no! when Gabriel goes limp. She holds his face to kiss him, but suddenly a bright, white light appears, and Gabriel heaves a reviving breath. He even becomes conscious a moment, smiling and speaking Jimena's name.

He tells her he loves her, and she answers the same, joyful. She asks his forgiveness for lying to him, saying she was afraid to lose him; to which he smiles, touches her face, and says there's nothing to forgive. Jimena grasps his hand, and gazing into each others eyes, they vow their love together. As Jimena kisses him, Gabriel loses consciousness again, causing Jimena to cry, Please, don't go!

In a local hotel room, Renato says they're returning to Veracruz, but Regina won't hear of it. She'll stay there until she hears some word of Juan. When she demands an explanation, Renato assumes she is still playing the part of victim. He knows what a big heart she has and that she would continue to suffer so that no one else does. Regina attempts to correct him, but he continues.

Renato is tied up with guilt over forcing her into the arms of Juan. He'll even go against her in order to free her from this bastard. Renato kisses her hand as Regina looks on, confused. Meanwhile, Juan paces the storage compartment, worrying himself over being betrayed. You see! I told you! Regina is a Montes de Oca! That letter was not to Clemencia -- it was to Renato! Remigio isn't sure and insists Juan doesn't know that.

But Juan is shouting now while pacing. Of course I do! What more proof do you want!? She was just playing with us! He yells at all of them. You hear! With all of us! Playing with our feelings! I told you! he says in Remigio's face, gritting out, She was just waiting to tell Renato where we were! That's all she wanted to do. Remigio can't look Juan in the eyes. Everyone is downcast.

Back at the hotel, Regina grabs her hand away and shouts into Renato's face that Juan is not a bastard and that neither he nor anyone is going to insult him! Renato is taken aback; she can't be serious. When he asks if Juan threatened her to not speak ill of him, Regina exclaims, of course not!

She can be frank with him, Renato encourages. She doesn't have to play the worried-spouse role, he adds; to which Regina retorts, she's not playing any role! When Regina insists she hasn't a single complaint about Juan, Renato finally feels his conscience a little relieved.

She has no idea how anxious he's felt since he found out the whole truth, he says, which latter causes Regina some consternation. Turning to walk away, she asks guardedly, you mean? When he admits Aimee told him "everything," Regina whirls around and stares at Renato.

At the finca in her rooms, Aimee makes a big deal in front of the doctor out of being afraid of losing her baby. She pays attention to every word he tells Clemencia about taking care of herself in order to be safe. Almost as though she were taking notes for a plausible way to "lose" the baby.

At the hotel, Regina runs back to face Renato, amazed and breathless to think that Aimee told Renato the whole truth. She confessed? she asks, amazed. Tell me just what this truth is that she told you. Renato repeats the whole fake "truth" story, made up earlier by Aimee.

He's utterly embarrassed and sorry to have believed Regina would be carrying on like that with Juan and begs her forgiveness. Renato would just like her to understand why he turned in to such a puss bucket; he was so anxious thinking Aimee was unfaithful.

He wanted to force a confession, but was terrified of it at the same time. He suffered so much and was blind to others suffering. That's why he precipitated the wedding with Juan de Diablo. Regina looks up quickly and corrects him: his name is JUAN DE DIOS, she insists.

Whatever, he says; he doesn't want to talk about Juan, but rather the two of them. Regina looks askance at him. He continues, how unfair he was to her, who loved him since she was a little girl. Now he really has her attention. What are you saying? she asks, incredulous.

He knows everything, Renato says, pulling the infamous diary from beneath his waistcoat. Regina steps back with a gasp. My diary! she exclaims and grabs it out of his hands. Renato lets her have it, avowing it's the nicest thing he ever read in his life.

But don't worry, he won't utter a word about it if she doesn't want to hear it. Regina is gasping and speechless, but Renato steps closer and urges her not to be ashamed of the truth. Looking her in the eyes, he earnestly says that love never shamed anyone.

At the doctor's, Pablo returns to find a worried Jimena; she doesn't understand what happened. Gabriel woke up, but then he became unconscious again. Pablo takes Gabriel's pulse and feels his forehead and looks reassured; he tells Jimena not to worry.

He thinks Gabriel's been very lucky; despite how serious his condition was, he's alive. And that, he says, is a miracle. A miracle born of the love he feels for you -- in contrast to other places, where only hate and selfishness reign.

Jimena knows he's talking about Aimee; and he adds everybody there, except Noel and Regina. Especially Leonarda, who keeps harassing Aimee, despite her pregnancy, he says. Jimena is nonplussed to hear Aimee's pregnant, because she never saw that, reading her palm.

Looking her in the eyes, Renato is about to kiss Regina, when she shoves him away, reiterating that they are both married! Renato claims he doesn't love Aimee the same way any more. He lists her detriments, all true; but Regina defends her sister.

Renato says it's the truth and that Aimee should bow her head before Regina and himself, too. The illusions he had for Aimee are dead, Renato says. When Regina reminds him Aimee is his wife, he assents and adds, not only that, but she's going to give him a child, too. Regina is astounded to hear this news.

Servando and Griselda visit the sheriff to frame Branko for the attack on Gabriel. At Pablo's, he fills Jimena in on the news that Branko is being held for that, which she cannot believe. He would never do it, she says, and Pablo urges her to go make a statement in Branko's favor. Jimena thinks no one would believe her, and Pablo observes that Gabriel is the only one who could really clear Branko. Hopefully, Gabriel will wake up in time, he says.

Renato says that any other time, he would be thrilled to be having a child; but at this point, he shouts, he doesn't want any more ties to Aimee! In the finca in her rooms, Aimee makes a big fuss to Clemencia about fear of losing her baby. Clemencia promises to keep her healthy so that won't happen.

Regina objects to Renato's attitude about the baby; but he'd view it differently if Aimee weren't the mother, he says. Moving closer to Regina and taking her shoulders, Renato lowers his voice and says during this whole voyage he's only been able to think about her.

This makes Regina very uncomfortable. Taking her hand, he whispers he wants to speak of every shared forgotten memory, every smile he failed to notice, every precious morsel of her love...he's rubbing her cheek with the back of his hand when Regina has had enough.

Breaking away, she shouts That's it! and runs across the room. He turns to follow, declaring she has to know that he loves her. He's learned to love her from afar. This is why he can't forgive Aimee for involving Regina with another man! he shouts.

It's Aimee's fault that Regina now has a husband -- who is not him! He needs her by his side, he says, as he nears and begins to embrace Regina. He can't get her out of his head, he's saying, as Renato cups her neck and starts to lower his head for a kiss. Regina's keeping her neck stiff, but Renato makes their lips touch.

At the prison, the sheriff laughs when Branko relates that he and Gabriel are blood brothers -- someone he could never harm. Branko desperately begs the sheriff to bring Servando to accuse him face to face. When the sheriff threatens that if convicted, Branko will be in that cell the rest of his life and never see the light of day again, Branko grows hysterical and follows the sheriff to the cell door, grasping it and falling to the ground, screaming.

In her rooms, Aimee colludes with Celia about her pregnancy-that-isn't. What can be done? Pillows aren't going to work forever, and Aimee should be ashamed that Celia is the one that came up with the answer. She suggests to Aimee to find a man -- to make the pregnancy real. No one would have to know.

Back at the kiss, Regina hauls off and gives Renato a good smack. What does he think -- she's going to become his lover? Leave her alone! she shouts. But he can't leave her alone, he says. And what's more, he needs to know something. Something that can free her from Juan, he continues.

In order to annul the marriage, there can have been no consummation. Regina knows exactly what he means, and she doesn't want him freeing her from anybody! He needs to stay out of her life! Looking like he's a bad taste in her mouth, Regina tells him he belongs to her past.

She doesn't love him anymore, she states flatly. I...don' Renato looks horrified. Bring Juan back to me! she insists. Now Juan is the love of my life! I love him with all of my heart. Much more than I would have ever loved you. Renato is stunned and speechless, searching her face for what could be the truth.

*See "...Five Go Mad in Dorset"


Dinero # 149 7/7/10: And the plot slowly plods on

Have you ever been involved in one of those awkward moments? You are having a great conversation and all is good in the world and suddenly you are told something you can’t quite wrap your head around? Well that is where we start tonight. Ale is having one of those moments. “With his what?” she asks. Juliette simply explains “Well with his wife, or is soon to be wife.” Ale still hasn’t figured it out. “How, who?” Lenora adds, “well she isn’t his wife yet, but they will soon get married. Vicky, the one he has always had.”

It is finally sinking in, as Lenora asks “He hasn’t told you yet”. Ale trying hard to not show complete system failure at this time, smiles and tells Lenora he hasn’t told her, he has been so busy. Ale looks at her watch and tells them it is very late and she really has to leave, she has another appointment. Lenora tells her to at least wait for Rafa. Ale insists she can’t but does manage to say “Tell Rafa to have a happy marriage.” A clueless Lenora insists on escorting her to the door, and cheerfully tells her goodbye.

Ale has made it to her car and has called Susana. “He’s getting married” she weeps through the phone. A surprised Susana says “what? Did he tell you that himself?” Ale tells her no, but Lenora told her and he never showed up. “for certain he is at his fiancé house“. Susana tries to calm her down and says to talk with him tomorrow. Lenora probably just told her that to hurt her (herir/ injure, to hurt). Ale assures her that was not the case. She then says, do you know what this means? Rafa doesn’t love me. He has never loved me. Susana continues to try and calm her down. She tells her to go home and get some sleep. Tomorrow they will figure out what to do. Ale through tears and sarcasm tells Susana “yea go to sleep rest, that will be easy enough to do”.

She continues to tell Susan that Rafa never ended it with Vicky. On the contrary he is probably off planning his wedding. She tells her she came over to his house to clear things up. And he is getting married. She can’t believe this. Things are just getting worse and worse. Susana tries again to calm Ale down. She tells her not to think about it now. She needs to look at things more clearly and analyze it with a clear head. Ale crying harder tells Susan she doesn’t understand, she can’t think clearly and hangs ups.

Our clever little Juliette has figured out that it was pretty clear Ale wasn’t very happy about Rafa’s upcoming nuptials. An even smarter Lenora says “I thought Rafa might have had feelings for Ale but it never occurred to me that she might feel something for him.”

Rafa has escaped la casa de los Para’s with his jugular still intact. He asks “What’s up?” Juliette tells him a strange thing just happened. Ale was over. Rafa stunned says what? Lenora says she just left a little bit ago. Rafa wants to know what she wanted. Lenora says it wasn’t really clear, but she came to ask for forgiveness. Rafa wants to know why she didn’t wait. Lenora tells him she suddenly was in a hurry and said she had to leave. Rafa doesn’t understand this. She came over to talk and then just left? Juliette chimes in, well while we were waiting we were just talking with her. Rafa wants to know what they were talking about. Lenora casually says “well everything, and when we told her you were going to get married, who knows what happened, she just suddenly said she had to leave. “

Rafa has become quite concerned and Lenora questions “what did I do wrong? Was it a secret?” Rafa tells her it wasn’t a secret but he didn’t want Ale to know.

Jorge and Rosario are also discussing wedding plans. (However there are no knifes involved with this wedding discussion). Jorge tells Rosaura that it is the Brides family that arranges everything. It has to be a dignified wedding. Ale has shown up quite distraught and Jorge wants to know what is wrong. She tells them she doesn’t feel like talking. This has been the worse day. She is off to her room and things are about to get worse as Azucena hands her the envelope that arrived earlier that day. It is an order to embargo the house for not paying taxes. They have 24 hours to leave. “This can’t be, what a day!”

Lenora is telling Rafa that Ale told them what a wonderful salesman he was. Juliette still can’t believe that the “spitfire” Ale she was in their house. She had imagined her to be quite different. Lenora tells her she was very gentle and understanding (comprensible). They talked about the problem about the supposed sale of the house and that one day he would explain everything to her. Juliette wants to know what Ale was referring to. Rafa tells them it was nothing. Things that they wouldn’t understand and aren’t worth discussing at this time. He changes the subject and tells them that he is going to Monterey in the morning with Marion. Lenora wants to know who that is and Rafa tells her it is a client. He tells them he is tired and goes off to bed.

Rosaura and Jorge are still talking about the wedding. Rosario says it is probably best not to get Ale involved in the wedding discussions. She feels it probably frustrates her, especially since she was planning her wedding twice now. Jorge adds she is frustrated but she still continues to work at Siglo. He had hopes that Ale would rethink (recapacitar/ to think over or reflect) all this and value Marco again.

Guess who would be showing up about now? Marco. Jorge and Rosario are delighted to see him. Jorge tells him they have lots to talk about. “It has been a while since you have told me how things are going with the Hacienda“. Marco stutters out that they are going to have to find another lawyer to deal with the hacienda. They want to know why. He tells them he came to tell them good bye. He is leaving Mexico for good. We have all sorts of comos? and ques? from Jorge and Rosario. Ale rushes in and pulls Marco aside and tells him she needs to talk with him urgently. She needs to ask him if he didn’t tell them he had negotiated (tramitar) an extension (prorroga/ extension extra time) to pay the taxes they owe. He tells her “Yes, why?’ Ale informs him they have just received notice that they were getting evicted (desalojar) for not paying their taxes and they have to leave by morning. ( And we get another great Marco “oh crud” face).

Now Rosario summons Marco back and wants to know how he could talk about leaving Mexico. Jorge tells him not to bring them such news, as it could kill them. Jorge says “Tells us this is just a joke in bad taste.” (Un chiste de mal gusto). Ale interrupts and wants to know what they are talking about. Marco tells her he came to tell them he was leaving. Ale says he told her that things were taken care of. Marco tells her that a judge told him it was taken care of and maybe another judge took over and the extension was cancelled. Ale tells him he can’t go anywhere until he resolves this matter.

Now Jorge wants to know what’s going on. Marcos “oh crud face” has just taken a turn for the worse as Ale explains to Jorge what is going on. She tells them that they just got an eviction notice and they have to leave the house in 24 hours with everything or they will confiscate all of their belongings. Jorge has just started the dance of death and Rosario and Ale rush to his side. Marco looks very troubled. (he is far beyond “oh crud” right now.)

Rafa is in bed emoting over his luck (or lack of). He wonders why Ale was at his house. Did she come to talk with him or with Lenora? Why didn’t she wait for him? What could she be thinking? Lenora enters and wants to know how he is. He tells her fine but she isn’t buying this. She tells him she feels responsible. She feels like she did something wrong. Maybe it was because she is pressuring him to marry Vicky.

Rafa assures her she did nothing wrong. His marriage to Vicky is something else and he tells her he knows what he is doing. Lenora tells him he has never been very enthusiastic about the whole marriage thing. She doesn’t want him to get married just because he promised or out of obligation. She tells him that her and Julette have the feeling that there might be something between him and Ale. Than she ask “Is there something? Has something happened and you don’t want to tell us? Is there something you are hiding from us (ocultar/ to hide)”. Rafa tells her that something has happened between them, but he tells her not to worry about it he will deal with it. She tells him he doesn’t have to be alone in this he has her and Juliette.

There is a tender Rafa and Lenora moment. Then she asks him if Ale knows about his trip to Monterey with the other women. Rafa tells her she doesn’t know. Lenora says “I suppose it is a business trip but you know the old saying: never do anything good that appears bad.” ( nunca hagas cosas buenas que parezcan malas. ) Then she tells him that he should probably let her know so she doesn’t think he isn’t doing his job.

Ale and Rosario are fussing over Jorge and Ale is apologizing for having to tell him about the eviction but she has just had the worse day. Rosario tells her this kind of information could kill Jorge. You should have been a little more prudent. Jorge is now going on that all of this is his fault, he should have paid those taxes. Ale assures him it isn’t his fault. Marco also says he shouldn’t feel guilty because it is his fault for not taking care of the whole tax issue. Rosario wants to know what are they going to do? Where are they going to go? Ale doesn’t know what to do but the best thing is to look for an apartment in the morning. Even though this will be hard to do in such a rush. “This can’t be happening! What a day!!”

Marco to the rescue. He tells them this might not be the best option but they could always stay with him? Jorge tells him, but you are going on a trip how could we? Marco tells them they are like family. And it is a done deal. Rosario and Jorge and Ale will move in with Marco in the morning. And guess what there is even a small servants room for Azucena. And they all lived happily after. (Yea right. This should be a very entertaining plotline).

Juliette and Lenora are having a little chat. Juliette wants to know if she thinks there might be something going on between Rafa and Ale. Lenora tells her she doesn’t know what to think. This woman Ale was really affected by the information that Rafa was going to get married. Juliette adds and Rafa was affected too when he found out we told her. Just think, if you have two people that have caused so much damage to each other and the result is they care for each other. Lenora doesn’t like this idea one bit. What if Vicky finds out Rafa has another woman. (don’t even go there Lenora). Juliette says there would be two possibilities. Rafa would have to leave the country or he will have to stay in his room so they won’t kill him. Lenora tells her not even to joke about this. Juliette tells her she isn’t she is just being realistic.

Rafa finally gets down to what is important. He calls about the panther. The guy wants more money than Rafa wants to pay , but he is able to get him to lower the price. Now he has something to look forward too. If he can get back his car, he can become the old Rafa again. “Something has to go right for him”.

Rosario enters Ale’s room and smugly says “I suppose you are satisfied now.” Ale tells her she doesn’t know what she is talking about. Rosario says we are about to loose our house and you are in another world thinking of who knows what or of whom? Ale assures her the most important thing right now is what is happening to her and Jorge in this nightmare (pesadilla). She tells Rosario that this will just be temporary. She has a big deal in the works where she would make a lot of money and they can pay all their debts.

Rosario continues to chide her and says things don’t always turn out the way you want and lately you haven’t been making the best decisions. Ale wants to know why she would say that. Rosario tells her she knows very well what she is talking about. She tells her she doesn’t know how to appreciate life or to appreciate the people that love her. She tells her she only thinks about herself. She has never considered the possibility of going back to Marco. “No you had to go hang out with that delinquent. We have asked you to quit Siglo, and you don’t want too. It is because Mr. Medina is still there. Your about to leave the best man ever in your life, someone who cares for you and us. The man you were going to marry twice and didn’t, and he forgave you all of this including your infidelity. Then she asks how much longer are you going to drag us down (arrastrar) with this man. Until he pays his debt? That’s if he pays it.” Ale tells her that she has fixed this and to not worry about it. Then she asks if Medina is worth all the destruction happening around her. (And she just won’t shut up!!) She finally leaves smug in her own little world with Ale left to cry on her pillow.

Ale’s horrendous day has finally ended. Only to realize that today she has to leave the house that she has lived in her whole life. Rafa isn’t waking up much happier. He contemplates calling Ale but what would he tell her, that he is going to marry Vicky because they loaned him the money to pay off his debt to her. What kind of explanation is that Or that he is going to marry for 4.5 million pesos? “Or that I accepted the money but I wasn’t going to marry her because I was waiting for a loan from the bank.” What would she think of him than. That he was the worse thing she could ever imagine. And how can he ask her to become an accomplice to this whole wedding thing with Vicky. And how is he going to explain that he is about to take a trip with the women she hates most in her life. Marian. This is all too much for poor Rafa. He thinks it would just be best to call Susana and face the consequences later. Then he says each day I get further and further away from the love of my life.

Azucena and Ale are busy packing boxes. Jorge trudges down in his Pajamas. He doesn’t have any reason to get dressed. If he is going to be chased out of his house like rats he is going to go in his pajamas and that’s how he is going to live until he dies. Now he has to say goodbye to his house and to Ale’s mother. Ale tells him he doesn’t have to say goodbye to anything or anyone. It is only going to be for a little while. She tells him she has a very important deal in the works and she will be able to pay off all there debts. He tells her he believes she will pay off all the debts, what he doesn’t believe is that he will still be alive to see it happen.

There is a little Siglo scene. The women have shown up and Marino and Ramirez haven’t shown up yet. Could they have slept in. More Siglo antics ensue. Bottom line is it is Ramirez birthday and what a great opportunity to celebrate.

Ale has called Susana to see if Rafa is there. She tells Susan they have to leave their house today and she won’t be in and needs Rafa to run the daily meeting. Susana informs her that Rafa won’t be. She tells her about his trip with Marian. Ale gets snotty and says who gave him permission. Susan reminds her about the importance of the deal with Marian and that Beltran would have no problem with Rafa going with her. She tells Susana to tell everyone there will be no meeting today. Susana offers to help her with the move and Ale informs her Marco is there to help them. Susana says there is no doubt that this guy would be available the moment she has problems.

She tells Susana after finding out that Rafa is going to marry Vicky she doesn’t know what to think. Maybe she is committing a mistake that she is going to repent. Every day her life becomes more chaotic. Susana tells her not to worry. She is sure her planets are in great alignment and will help her solve all her problems. “Have faith” .

Ale gets a little rascally and asks Susan if Miss Vicky knows that her Fiancé is about to go to Monterey with another woman? “Do you think she would forgive him?” “or would she show up and cut him to pieces.?” Susana wants to know what she should tell Vicky if she calls. Ale says mischievously “well tell her the truth.”

Rafa and Marion are in the car on the way to the airport. Rafa tells Marian that the windows in the plane don’t open. He tells her not to worry though. Marian seems charmed by Rafa’s ramblings and asks him if he afraid of flying. He tells her no but we know this is not true.

There is more Siglo stuff. Everyone is giving the birthday boy birthday kisses. Except Rosaura who does a very strange hug. I don’t remember much else except they are going to celebrate.

There is a little scene with Jorge sitting on the sofa in his pajamas with his pillow doing that thing that three years olds do with their pillows when things aren‘t quite going the way they want them to. (He is pouting). Marco assures him things will get better. Jorge isn‘t buying this and tells him he will wait in the car. Ale is still worried about poor Jorge. Marco tells her not to worry he has the solution. (Hummm?) Ale asks Marco about his trip and Marco tells her not to worry about that. He will take care of it. We briefly see our little spy watching from a far as the movers are packing all their belongings.

Rafa and Marian have arrived at the airport and are now waiting in a lounge. Rafa is twitting about and spills his drink all over his pants. Not to worry just give Marian the measurements and she will have another pair all ready for him. The pilot arrives and informs them that the whether is not favorable to fly at this time. It will be at least another hour and a half. Well by the time they get there the meeting will be half over. She tells the pilot to cancel the trip. Rafa looks a little puzzled and asks if they are not going to Monterey. Marion tells him she has a better idea. “ We will have a fiesta and you will be the guest of honor.”

I don’t usually do previews for the next episode but guess who was in one of them? It starts with an R.


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