Monday, March 14, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #57-58 3/14/11 Family Ties – ties that bind, ties that strangle

Part One of Two: Of mothers who suffer, mothers who love, and mothers who destroy – sometimes all at once; of caring sisters and clueless fathers.
Herewith the abridged version:Osvaldo heads off for a retreat looking for inner peace. (No, really. I’m serious.)

In this story, Grandma really IS the wolf -- Bernarda tries to poison María D against Victoria; then Juan Pablo tries to tell MD his mother is a liar. Without actually saying his mother is a liar.

Just as Victoria is ready to start a new stage of life with her lost daughter at her side, Bernarda reveals that Magdalena is the wrong María.

Victoria shows what she’s made of: in spite of Bernarda’s dirty trick, she’ll stand by MM.

And MM shows what she’s made of: she’ll strike out on her own with gratitude for the new chance at life Vic and Toni have given her.

Oscar and Toni start to get to know each other.

The FerBeast softens toward María D, recognizing that she, not Ximena, is her brother’s happiness; but she hardens her heart towards her mother, blaming her for driving Osvaldo away.

Victoria, already devastated by the discovery that MM isn’t really her lost daughter, is further crushed to learn that Osvaldo has left home.
And now the unabridged version:

María Desamparada continues to pour her heart out to Bernarda: The strangest thing of all, she says, was meeting up with a girl I knew at the orphanage. Now she says she’s Vic’s daughter! Why didn’t she live with her mother when she was growing up?

Suddenly it occurs to María D to ask: It’s obvious you and la sra Victoria have known each other for a long time and you dislike each other – Just what is the link between you? Our only link, replies Bernarda, is that in the past Victoria worked as a servant in my house.

María Magdalena is at Toni’s apartment happily unwrapping her new clothes. She remembers thinking she’d never forgive her mother for abandoning her. But now that she has gotten to know her, she realizes she is such a good person. There’s no reason to turn down her invitation to go and live with her.

At the Casa de Modas, Fabián comes upon the usually cheerful Luci in tears. She admits she is crying over a romantic disappointment.

Vic announces joyfully to Toni: Even though I haven’t told my family yet, today I’m taking María Magdalena home with me. It’s time they knew her. I’m not hiding her any longer.
And what will you tell them? asks Toni. The truth, says Vic. Except for the identity of María’s father – that’s something I have to hide; I’ll only tell Osvaldo.

Valle de Bravo, Osvaldo’s Retreat:
It’s a place for physical and spiritual exercises to heal body and soul; a place to find peace. Just the ticket, says Osvaldo. Enlightenment Lite. Ah peace!

Vic and Toni continue their conversation. Says Victoria: Pip spilled the frijoles -- he told me you’re in love with Oscar. Yes, it’s true, says Toni. But why talk about it when Oscar is in love with you? Vic reminds her that Osvaldo is and always will be the only man in her life.

Bernarda is filling MD’s head with a bunch of whoppers about Victoria: that she was always immoral, always messing with other employees. Because of her, Bernie had to fire gardeners, chauffeurs – she was a slut! MD is dubious:
Me cuesta mucho trabajo creer lo que usted dice.(It’s hard to believe what you’re saying. Literally “It costs me a lot of work…)
When did she leave your house? asks Maria. She didn’t leave, says Bernarda:

I threw her out when I found out she was pregnant.
[Ay, María Desamparada, listen to what Evil Buns is saying! Do you think she will treat you any better?]

Poor, deluded Victoria continues telling Toni: Now I have what I always wanted: my daughter, my family, my husband. And you know what?

I’m going to leave this business in Max’s hands and yours so you can take charge of everything!

Toni is delighted but the Telenovela Imminent Tragedy Alarms (TITA) are flashing – Threat Level Orange! Orange Alert!
Alas, there’s no joy in Max’s office at the moment: He rages impotently against Ximena’s invasion of his privacy: What right do you have to go through my stuff? (¿Con qué derecho revisas mis cosas?) What right do you have to to torture María D with the letter she wrote me?

I'm your wife, explains Ximena matter-of-factly. Max retorts: I’ve told you a thousand times you have no rights over me or my life. As soon as the baby is born, we’re getting divorced.

This just rolls over Ximena. She’s there for money for her expenses and her mother’s. Max agrees to give her a check for herself – it’s his obligation as her husband – but her Mami can fend for herself (or Ximena can use her money to take care of Mami). If Rox is hard up, she’ll have to find a job. Maybe they can find something for her in the business, if they have to.
[Max, Max, what are you thinking? You might as well let loose ten thousand roaches in the office – the result would be just as nasty and equally hard to eradicate!]
Ximena flounces out angrily.

Fabián laughs when Max tells him Ximena expects him to support her mother too. En serio? Qué descaro! (Really? What a nerve!)

Bernie continues weaving her fabric of lies for María D. She tells her Victoria had several lovers before she met Osvaldo Sandoval. She married him for his money and his social position. MD is still skeptical:
Se me hace muy extraño. La señora Victoria siempre ha dicho que se enorgullece de sus origines humildes.
(That sounds odd to me. Sra Victoria has always said she’s proud of her humble beginnings.)

Oh that’s just an act, says Bernie dismissively. Osvaldo provided her with access to a new world. For that, she was willing to abandon her daughter in the street. Thank God the nuns found the child and took care of her.

But how do you know that? María asks. I found out by chance, says Bernie. She felt so sorry for Victoria’s poor daughter that she wanted to rescue her from her life of sin. Why, she even took her in to live with her. But Vic took her away. Who knows what plans she had in mind?

Then María D asks:
¿Y quién es el padre de María M?
(Who is MM’s father?)
Bernie throws up her hands? Maybe one of those lowlifes (pelados) she ran around with? There were so many!

Casa de Modas: Toni reproaches Pip for squealing to Vic about her feelings for Oscar. He is unrepentant. Someone had to break through her wall of reserve.

Victoria tells Oscar he has to find a woman who loves him – she’s not the one!

Meanwhile, María D can scarcely believe what she is hearing from St. Bernarda. How sad! In spite of everything, she admired Vic and wanted to be like her.
Pero después de lo que usted me ha contado, me siento tan desilusionada que jamás me hubiera gustado tener una madre como ella. Jamás.(But after what you told me, I feel so disappointed
that I would never have wanted to have a mother like her. Never.)
Bernie strokes MD’s hair, holds her face in her hands and locks eyes with her. [This is impressive. Bernarda is a sociopath who has learned to mimic human emotions to perfection.]

Ximena pays a visit to her mean Mami. Mama Rox turns up the nasty another notch when she hears that Max won’t fork over money for her upkeep. Then, out of idle curiosity, she asks her daughter: Do you love Max? Her answer:
Max es el hombre más aburrido y correcto que he conocido en toda mi vida!(Max is the most boring, the most proper man I’ve ever met in my life.)
The only thing interesting about him is his money. Well, agrees, Rox, that is the most important thing. And tomorrow she’ll show up to work at Casa Victoria – they don’t know what’s in store for them!

Vic is heading off to pick up María M and take her home to Casa Sandoval. She asks Luci to find Os and Fer. She wants them present for an important occasion:

This is going to be the happiest day of my life, she tells Toni.
[Ay! TITA! TITA! Now the Telenovela Imminent Tragedy Alarms are flashing red! Red Alert! Run, Toni, Run!]

Linda rides up a mall escalator and thought-bubbles: She sold JuanJo’s engagement ring and the bracelet and ring she got from Osvaldo. Now she’ll use the money for something worthwhile. (algo que vale mucho la pena.)
Osvaldo’s exercises at the retreat may not exorcise the conflicting images of Linda and Victoria from his mind. But they do give him a chance to show off his big arms and shoulders.

Linda pulls a stuffed toy – a teddy bear on a rocking horse -- out of a shopping bag and wonders if everything between her and Os is really over.

Toni is in Oscar’s office checking out the titles on his book shelf. She sees not just accounting texts, but also volumes of Latin American fiction -- Rulfo, Vargas Llosa, García Marcos. And now he’s into some of the newer authors, he says. What about you, Antonieta? asks the newly minted galán who has suddenly awakened to Antonieta’s many charms. What are you interested in? What are your hobbies?

I’m into bondage and self-abnegation… um.. I mean … music, she says. Shy smiles on both sides. They’ll have to go to a concert together some time.

Secretary Luci tells Max that Vic has already left for home but she wanted him, Fer and Osvaldo together at the house because she has a big surprise for them.

Waiting for the fall:Vic and María Magdalena are leaving Toni’s apartment and heading for Jaime and the Casa Victoria van. MM is so happy, she’s afraid it’s all a dream and when she wakes up it will be over. They are both startled by the sound of a horn honking; then a black SUV driven by Fausto pulls up to the curb. Bernarda gets out and approaches them.

Vic looks her in the eye and defiantly declares that she is taking her daughter to live with her. Forever. Bernie will never be able to come between them.
Bernanda replies dispassionately:
“Nunca” y “siempre” son dos palabras muy peligrosas, Victoria. Hay que tener mucho cuidado con ellas.(“Never” and “always” are two very dangerous words, Victoria. One has to be very careful with their use.)
Bernarda goes on:
Yo sólo vine a sacarte de tu confusión, de tu mala información.(I only came to clear up your confusion and correct the bad information you were given.)
She reaches into her purse, pulls out a paper and hands it to Vic. Read it, she tells her.

María D and Juan Pablo walk and talk. María wants to discuss what Bernie said about Vic.

Bernie looks on without apparent emotion while Vic seems to crumble as she reads: ¡Eso no es posible!, she cries. (That’s not possible!)
It’s a DNA result, a laboratory study, not something I made up, says Bernie.
¿Qué cosa Mamá? (What is it?) asks MM.
¡Mamá! repeats Bernie mockingly.
Que le guste o no, la señora Victoria es mi madre! says MM defiantly.
(Whether you like it or not, Señora Victoria is my mother!)
Tell her the truth, Victoria, says Bernie: María Magdalena is not your daughter.

Victoria calls the lab and verifies the test results. [Estudios Clínicos de México -- Their motto: Count on us to blab your most intimate secrets to any fool who calls!]

She turns to MM and says tearfully:
Efectivamente, tu no eres mi hija, no eres mi hija, no eres.(It’s true, you’re not my daughter...)
[Why say it three times? Maybe it’s a spell to fend off Evil Buns. Doesn’t work, though. Those of us who expected a house to fall on Bernie are left nursing our disappointment.]

I told you so, says Bernie, snatching the paper back. My mission is done. But you and I still have a lot to talk about.

Meanwhile, Juan Pablo says carefully to María Desamparada: That’s what my mother told you about Victoria? Yes, she says, that’s what she said.
JP: Daughter, let me clarify something. You don’t know everything Vic had to live through.
He continues trying to find a rational explanation for his mother’s lies:
It’s very common for human beings to make assumptions and later convince themselves they are absolute truths when the reality is very different.
So you know something about Señora Victoria’s life? asks MD.

After the fall:Victoria turns to the now devastated María Magdalena. Listen carefully, says Vic:

I don’t care what that woman said. I accepted you as my daughter and my decision to take you to live in my house hasn’t changed.
Tú eres mi hija y vas a seguir siéndola, pésele a quien le pese.(You’re my daughter and you’ll continue to be my daughter, whether others like it or not.)

And back at the Casa de Modas, Toni and Pip are imagining the excitement of the moment -- Vic must be taking MM home right now!

Let’s go, daughter, says Vic. But MM turns away and refuses: Yo no soy su hija. (I’m not your daughter.) They’ll go to Toni’s apartment where they can talk.

Valle de Bravo, Osvaldo’s Retreat:
The blindfolded Os puts his hand on his guide’s shoulder and follows him. The guide says:
Este es el laberinto de tu alma. Yo te voy a guiar a encontrar la salida. Y luego te vas a intentar tú solo guiado únicamente por un solo pensamiento: el salir del laberinto en que tú mismo te has metido.
(This is the labyrinth of your soul. I’ll guide you to the way out. And then you’re going to try it alone, guided only by one thought: the way out of the labyrinth in which you have trapped yourself.)

Os takes his hand off the guide’s shoulder, sinks to his knees, removes the blindfold and sobs. [Maybe he’s crying because he realizes that a little New Age mumbo-jumbo won’t make him any less weak and selfish. Or maybe not.]

When Vic and MM get back to Toni’s apartment, Vic tells the girl:
Yo no te di a luz pero he aprendido a quererte como una verdadera hija.(I didn’t give birth to you but I have learned to love you like a true daughter; dar a luz = to give birth)
Stay with me, begs, Vic. You can help me find my real daughter. But MM refuses. She knows that her presence will cause problems in Vic’s family, and knowing there’s no blood tie between them makes her sad. Even so, she won’t go back to her old life. She’ll make her way alone. Someplace far away where she can think about what to do with her life. And she’s grateful for what Vic has done. Vic is sad to see her leave but tells her she is proud of her.

Toni and Pip are at a sidewalk café anxiously awaiting Victoria’s call.
Oscar joins them and Toni’s cell rings – It’s Victoria!
Toni’s joy changes to shock and disbelief while she listens to her friend’s story. Vic will explain more later:
Por lo pronto quiero pedirte que la acompañes a María Magdalena al aeropuerto.(For now, I’d like you to take MM to the airport.)
Vic won’t come with them – MM prefers it that way, maybe to avoid the pain of saying goodbye.

Casa Sandoval:
Max paces and wonders where his father has gone. A cell phone rings – it’s Osvaldo’s. And Linda is calling. She hangs up when she hears Max’s voice. Max sees her name on the caller ID: Linda. Well at least he’s not with her, says Max. Where are you, Osvaldo? sobs Linda. Why don’t you answer me?

Jaime, the chauffeur, is driving while Victoria sits alone in the back and thinks:
Dios mio, mi calvario empieza de nuevo. Tengo que seguir buscando a mi hija hasta encontrarla.(My God, my torture begins again. I have to keep looking for my daughter until I find her.)

Juan Pablo and María Desamparada have made their way back to the church and continue their talk:
Argues Juan Pablo:
Si Victoria fuera de verdad esa mala mujer que algunos creen, Osvaldo no habría casado con ella.(If Victoria were really that bad woman that some people think she is, Osvaldo would never have married her.)
MD agrees:
Pues sí, en eso tienes razón Padre.(Well, yes, you’re right about that, Father.)
MD thanks him for talking to her. He hopes she’ll take his words to heart. His mother will always be his mother, but for reasons he can’t explain, she and Victoria have always hated each other. That has caused many conflicts that have affected all of them.

Juan Pablo breaks off when he catches sight of Victoria, tears streaming down her face. Sorrowfully, Victoria tells JP:
No era ella, Juan Pablo, no era ella.(It wasn’t her, Juan Pablo, it wasn’t her.)

Victoria tells him what happened. Juan Pablo can’t believe his mother has done such a thing:
Si mi madre no hubiera llegado con esos análisis, habrías sido feliz al lado de MM aunque no fuera tu hija.(If my mother hadn’t shown up with those analyses, you’d have been happy with MM even if she wasn’t your daughter.)

Vic is so confused, so hurt, she couldn’t bear another disappointment. All she wants right now is to be in Osvaldo’s arms so he can console her. Only he can give her back a sense of peace and hope. [Oh crap.]

JP wipes his brow and says meaningly:
Victoria, en esta vida, uno debe estar preparado para todo, hasta el peor de los golpes.(Victoria, in this life, one must be prepared for anything, even the harshest blow. Alternate translation: Oh crap.)

He continues: Osvaldo is only a human being and he can’t always offer you the peace you’re looking for.

Valle de Bravo, a group session:
Osvaldo, why are you here? the group leader asks him.
I’m here because I’m a coward, he says. [Any arguments to the contrary? No, I didn’t think so.]

Casa Sandoval:
Fer looks at her brother and pities him for his unhappiness; if only she could do something to help him.

In his mind Max relives his intimate moments with MD. All that joy will never come back into my life, he thinks.

MD prays to the Virgin for the strength to go on alone with her child. She’ll never fall in love again.

When she gets home, María D finds the FerBeast, little red car and all, waiting for her in front of her building. María tenses, expecting another round of insults and attacks, but she’s surprised by what Fer has to say: Max is very unhappy. Now Fer realizes that the woman he should have married is MD.
Well it’s a little late for those reflections, says María D. Besides, you never liked me. What made you come here to tell me that?
Fer says that however she feels about MD, her brother’s happiness comes first. She knows he plans to stand by Ximena only until the baby is born. So if María really loves Max, lucha por él! (Fight for him!)
María is unconvinced.
Think about it, says Fer. Maybe you lost a battle. But not the war!
[And for me this is the first time that Victoria’s two daughters actually look like sisters.]

Victoria comes home sobbing. Max greets her soberly: So you know?
Know what? asks Vic. [Way to meter la pata, Big Boy!]
And Max tells her:
Mi padre se fue de la casa.
(My father left the house.)
Fer has been listening in the background and now she springs forward and attacks Victoria, telling her it’s all her fault. She never had time for her father, for her, for Max. All she cared about was her business. I hate you, she spits out, as Max leads her away.

Dios mio, cries Vic, ¿por qué? ¿por qué?

Part Two of Two: Of Conspirators, Unfair Blame and a Shocking and Tragic Death.
The abridged version:
Ofelia and Guillermo – otherwise known as Thing 1 and Thing 2 -- celebrate Victoria’s misery and then add to it by sending her a compromising photo of Linda and Osvaldo.

Victoria thinks Osvaldo is innocent but blames Linda and María D – she must be Linda’s accomplice -- for trying to hurt her.

Millie worries because JuanJo has disappeared. Linda laughs off her concern.

The FerBeast softens toward Cruz.

Milagros, Napo and Cruz finally find JuanJo – sprawled out dead on the street..
And now the unabridged:
At the airport:
María Magdalena, despite Bernarda’s machinations, is grateful for the chance to make a new life. Toni tells her she will always be welcome in her home; she and Victoria would have been happy if she had turned out to be the daughter they were looking for. They say an emotional and affectionate goodbye.

Ho Ho Ho! Linda Sortini Claus comes home with shopping bags full of gifts for the baby and new clothes for herself – she needs to look good in her new job, right? Where did she get the money for her shopping spree? An advance on her salary, she fibs. María D’s baby will never lack for anything with three mothers to care for him!

Yes, says María, in an uncharacteristically bitter outburst, he’ll have three mothers and no father. Max will lose out on knowing his child, watching him grow, hearing his first words. And he’s probably waiting anxiously for the birth of his child with Ximena.
But he doesn’t need my child; and my child won’t need him:
Yo me basto para quererlo, para cuidarlo y para protegerlo.(I’m enough – I can raise him, care for him and protect him on my own.)

Pip and Toni discuss what happened with María Magdalena and its effects on Vic – for her, it’s like losing another daughter.
Fer tearfully phones Pip and asks him and Toni to come to the house at once. Something terrible has happened! (¡Ha ocurrido una tragedia!)

Milagros is disconcerted when she realizes JuanJo isn’t home. Napo tells her the last time he saw JJ, he looked depressed.

The evil adventures of Thing 1 and Thing 2:Ofelia tells Guillermo with malicious delight that the bomb is about to explode in Osvaldo’s house. Even Guillermo is impressed with how much pleasure Ofelia takes in Victoria’s suffering. Why do you hate her so much? he asks:
Resulta que Victoria me hizo a mí lo mismo que te hizo a ti Osvaldo con Leonela.(The fact is that Victoria did the same thing to me that Osvaldo did to you with Leonela.)
She stole away Osvaldo’s love.
[And here I confess I was hoping Guillermo would smack Ofelia silly for mentioning Leonela. And then she would pull a weapon on him and this pair of vipers would end up neutralizing each other. But not yet, I guess -- he’s too intent on torturing Victoria right now.]

Fue mi culpa! ¡Fue mi culpa!
(It was my fault!)
Osvaldo left because of me! sobs Vic to Pipino, who, along with Toni, has come running in answer to Fer’s cry for help. I was so distracted by my own problems, I wasn’t there for Osvaldo. Looking for your lost daughter wasn’t selfish, Toni reminds her. Yes, counters Vic, but I should have told him!

Guillermo and Ofelia continue to wallow in Victoria’s pain and the fact that in the end, for all her airs of superiority, she has been betrayed just like any woman. They need to keep their distance but they want to make sure Victoria finds out about Linda. Guillermo has been saving his cellphone photo of Os and Linda for just such an occasion. And like any crook, Ofelia just happens to have a cellphone registered under another name. Gui will send his photo to Ofelia’s phone…

Fer thinks her father is an innocent victim. Max tells Fer she shouldn’t be laying all the blame on her mother. As Max comforts his sister, he recalls Os’s last words to him about Victoria – how controlling she was, how little time she had for him -- that he loved Victoria but she never allowed herself to be loved.

Guillermo and Ofelia send the photo to Victoria.

Vic is inconsolable over losing Osvaldo and María Magdalena in one single day. Max joins her as Toni and Pipino look on. Her cellphone sounds and she rushes to answer it: ¡Tiene que ser Osvaldo! (It must be Osvaldo!)

But it’s the blurry photo of Osvaldo kissing Linda! ¡Osvaldo y Linda son amantes! wails Victoria. (Os and Linda are lovers!)

The three try to convince her that there must be an innocent explanation for the photo. It looks like she’s kissing him on the cheek, suggests Toni.

Back in the barrio, Linda isn’t sorry she sold everything Os gave her. After all, it cheered up María D a little. She still pines for Osvaldo.

Oscar arrives at Casa Sandoval. Max is on his way out and asks Oscar to look after his mother.

Milagros is dishing out the eats at her stand in the mercado and Napo is serving as waiter. She’s still worried about JuanJo’s whereabouts. Napo will call the fire station to see if he’s there.

Sorrow begins to chip away at the stone that was Fer’s heart:
At Casa Sandoval, Cruz notices Fer’s tearful face. He knows the best medicine for sadness. In his pueblo, people listen to the music of the wind, the trees, the birds, the water and a song sung very softly into one’s ear. And as Cruz begins to sing softly into Fer’s ear, her face breaks into a wistful smile.

Millie stands by anxiously while Napo phones the fire station. The guys haven’t seen JuanJo either.

For a moment, you made me forget my sadness, says Fer. Cruz, forgive me for all the times I was rude to you. She kisses him on the cheek and goes back inside. And he is left to reflect ruefully that he is well and truly in love but to her, he’ll never be more than a simple gardener.

Max once again shows up at María D’s apartment, but this time he’s looking for Linda. He knows his father very well, he says: And he would never have gone to bed with a woman as vulgar as you unless you kept after him until you got what you wanted. Do you realize the harm you’ve done to a married man, a family, a decent woman?
Linda laughs in his face: If your father had an affair with me, it must have been because he was bored with your mother.
She is sure Osvaldo will come back to her. Let Victoria resign herself to the role of victim.
Max leaves in disgust.

Napo has called everywhere and he and Millie still haven’t found JuanJo. Maybe he’s back home…

At Casa Sandoval, Pip, Toni and Oscar try to convince Vic that the photo means nothing. Says Toni:
Te estas ahogando en un vaso de agua.(You’re making a mountain out of a molehill, lit. You’re drowning in a glass of water.)

Victoria says she trusts Osvaldo completely but Linda is up to something. She wants her watched. And she undoubtedly has an accomplice who took the photo and sent it to her – María Desamparada!Esa es su venganza por haberla corrido y por no haberle permitido que se casara con mi hijo Max! Quiero que las tengas vigiladas a las dos!(That is her revenge for my firing her and not letting her marry my son Max. I want you to have them both watched!)
She won’t have pity on either of them. [Guau! Vic’s character hangs another u-ey, morphing from Mother Teresa to Ma Barker faster than you can say TELEVISA!]

Rox asks Ximena if she thinks Vic and Os are going to get divorced. Xi couldn’t care less. She just wants Max to cough up the money so she can live in the penthouse she has her eye on. She’s so sick of living in the hotel. But all he thinks about are his parents’ problems!

It’s dark now and there’s still no sign of JuanJo. Napo and Millie are back in the apartment and Millie is crying. She knows something bad must have happened to her son. Cruz comes home in good spirits. When he hears the story, he says JuanJo is probably with Linda. Millie dashes out to check and to give her a piece of her mind. When she’s out of earshot, Napo confesses to Cruz that he’s worried too. It’s not like JuanJo to just disappear – he’s either home or at the fire station.

Millie pounds on the girls’ door. When Linda opens it, Millie grabs her lapels (I’d have gone for the hair) and demands to know where JuanJo is. How do I know? she says, unconcerned. He’s probably out on a drunk. That’s not so, says Millie.

At the dining room table at Casa Sandoval, Ximena tells Max that her mother isn’t afraid of working. She’ll be at the company tomorrow morning.

Nathy, María D, Cruz and Napo stand by as Millie laces into Linda:
You’re nothing but a cheap whore! It’s your fault I can’t find JuanJo and I don’t know if my son is dead or alive. You did the worst harm a person can do to a mother – destroy her son! You better pray that he’s alive or I’ll tear your eyes out -- I’ll kill you with my own hands!

Cruz and Napo lead Millie away leaving Linda tearful and shaken.

At Casa Sandoval, Micaela tells Max and Ximena that Fer and Vic won’t be joining them at the table. Max and Xi snipe at one another some more.

Millie, Napo and Cruz bundle up for a night to be spent on the streets looking for JuanJo.

Guillermo calls Ximena. She hangs up on him, pretending it’s a wrong number. Xi and Max continue sniping. New Xi threat: If you leave me, she says, forget about your child. Forever. Max looks upward for an answer. He doesn’t seem to find one.

Victoria is tormented by dreams of Osvaldo and Linda together and of María D and Linda mocking her. She prays for guidance.

Napo, Cruz and Millie comb the streets searching for JuanJo.

Max goes to see JP in the church. JP asks Max how Victoria reacted to Osvaldo leaving the house. Badly, answers Max, especially after someone sent her a photo of Os and Linda together. Looking for the bright side, JP replies: That means that Victoria still cares about Os. Nothing is worse (más angustiante) for a marriage than indifference.

Cruz, Napo and Millie search on. Someone tells them he saw a guy resembling JuanJo.

Do you know where my father is? Max asks JP. No, he doesn’t. All he knows is that Osvaldo was planning to go someplace to meditate. He doesn’t want to lose your mother, adds Juan Pablo.
My mother is a great woman, says Max, but very rigid (demasiado dura); I don’t know what’s going to happen.

Linda has recovered nicely from Millie’s threats and now models one of her new dresses for Nathy and María D. The roomies are shocked that she is indifferent to JuanJo’s disappearance and Milagros’s anguish. And once more, Nathy wants to know where she got the money for her shopping spree. She doesn’t believe the story of the salary advance. Linda admits she sold JuanJo’s “horrible” engagement ring (although it wasn’t worth much) and the bracelet Osvaldo gave her:
Los bienes son para remediar los males.(Your possessions tide you over in bad times/ The goods are a remedy for the bad.)
María D hands back the baby gifts and tells Linda to return them. She can’t accept them knowing where the money came from.

A tragic discovery:
Milagros stands at a distance as Cruz and Napo approach a figure sprawled on the ground and surrounded by empty bottles. It looks like JuanJo. They grumble about how irresponsibly he is behaving and try to figure out how to get him home.
When they reach him and turn him over on his back, Napo pulls away in horror crying:
¡Tiene la cara destrozada!(His face is a destroyed!)

Cruz checks for a pulse and finds none. JuanJo is dead!

Milagros’s wails of anguish echo in the empty streets. ¡Noooooo! ¡Mi’jo!
No Max in a kayak. Just memories of love lost. Sigh.


La Fea Más Bella #251-252 3/14/11 A Day Which Will Live in Infamy

Capitulo 251.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Aldo tells the judge he wants to pay off Conceptos’ debt. He won’t keep the company, but he’ll require that the families pay to the last cent, with interest. The judge doesn’t believe Aldo’s doing it for moral responsibility, and Aldo admits it’s for love, to free Lety from her commitments.

2. Lety tells Mama that Fern proposed and she said yes. Mama warns her to be careful. Lety doesn’t want to lose Aldo. Mama counsels that if she’s going to marry Fernando, she has to. Some win, some lose.

3. Fernando is bursting with happiness when he tells his parents he’s marrying Lety, but FrostyPop puts a chill on it. Mama says at least it’ll be good for Conceptos. Pop softens – if marrying Lety will make him happy, Pop supports him. He says it’s all because Marcia talked to Lety.

4. Lety writes Aldo what sounds more like a love letter than a “I’ve got good news and bad news” letter.

5. Then a bunch of filler. Ali’s rude to Tom. The cuartel gossips about Lety and Fern. Aldo buys a flower. Marcia’s harsh to Lety. They can’t pay their loan. Fern dances with the cuartel and evicts Tom from Lety’s office.

6. Fernando has a gift for Lety, a new diary, but they’ll both write in it so they don’t have any more misunderstandings (How romantic!). He gives her a big kiss. And then.. let me summarize the remainder of the episode this way.

Capitulo 252.
Read Alma's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety gets her braces off but gets headgear. Aldo tells Tom he’s going back to Acapulco.

2. Fern asks Tom what’s up with the debt. Tom says Aldo is essentially the owner of Conceptos. Fern tells Tom to find out Aldo’s intentions. Ali hears that Tom might go to Acapulco so she angles for an invite.

3. Fern has no one to help him think, so he calls Omar, who hangs up on him. So Fern writes in the diary. His wonderful day turned into a disaster. He is surprised that he was capable of such a sacrifice, to give Lety the freedom to decide. “I’m betting on my luck because I hope that in the end, Lety decides for me.” He has second thoughts about his sacrifice, but in the end, he knows he did the right thing. “Lety has to be certain that she’s in love with only me.”

4. Aldo tells Aldad he bought the debt to free Lety, and now she’s with Fernando! Aldad suggests that Lety’s not the one for him, and he needs to move on. Aldo says he’s going back to Aca to the life he left.

5. Roman’s gang picks on Lety and she cowers and pouts until RoboPop comes out and rescues her. The restaurant’s new owner (I’ll call him Garza) asks Aldo to cook for tonight’s grand opening.

6. Caro calls Omar to see how he’s doing. He tries to take her out, but she has the Anaís event tonight. He decides to crash the event.

7. Fern begs Omar to come back, but Omar kicks him out. Fern moons over Lety’s picture and makes his Lety shrine on his mirror.

8. Caro asks Lety who she really loves. Lety was completely sure she loved Fernando, but when she lost Aldo she felt a horrible pain. She wishes her life were simple like before. Caro says she can’t go back because she’s made two guapisimos crazy for her.

9. Anaís checks wardrobe with her stylist, Manuel. He’s looking for someone to showcase the 40’s retro look to Mexico. Caro asks if Anaís’s team can fix up Lety. the press and public swarm around the new diva, Lety. She hasn’t seen herself and she only wants to escape.


Eva Luna #89 Fri 3/11/11

Eva is presenting her commercial idea to Buick. They like the idea and it’s approved.

Victoria tells herself that Pablito will be the one that shows everyone just how crazy she is. She takes him while Tia is in the kitchen making Pablito his meal.

Rosaura, Bruno’s lover/cousin is trying frantically to get in touch with him. Leo enters his office and tells her that he wants her to file away some documents. He asks her how she knew that Bruno was on vacation. She says she called him to sign some papers and that’s how she found out. Do you know where he went asks Leo. No, he didn’t say replies Rosaura.

Marcella is at Bruno’s looking through all his things.

Bruno finally calls Rosaura. He asks her if everyone knows what’s going on. Yes, everyone knows. Where are you? In Miami Beach enjoying a cocktail in my preferred hotel replies Bruno. I imagined says Rosaura. As soon as I have everything ready, I’ll be on my way. I already know who to ask for or will I be wrong? Each success (triunfo) has a new name says Bruno. It’s Bruno Arismendez.

Carlos sees Alicia waiting for him by herself.

Eva comes home and greets her aunt. Tia tells her she’s finished making Pablitos’s meal. Eva offers to get him from his crib, but Tia says he’s in the playpen. Eva says he’s not in there and they go back to see. Eva starts freaking out and Tia thinks that perhaps Renata must have picked him up.

Carlos is glad that Alicia came. He wants to talk to her about what happened to him in jail and his feelings. Did you come alone? Alicia is about to answer when she spots Tony.

Eva asks Renata if she has seen her son. Renata has not. My aunt left him in the playpen and now he’s not there says Eva. I did not take him out replies Renata. But there is no one else in the house says Tia. That happens when there is not appropriate supervision replies Renata. Whatever says Eva. She tells Tia to look in the rooms while she looks at the rest of the house and asks Renata to help.

Tony grabs Carlos and tells him that Alicia is not alone. She has him. I have told you not to get near her says Tony. Alicia is in the background telling Tony to stop. Tony tells Carlos that I also told you that if you got close to Alicia that I was going to send you to the cemetery. The boys start fighting and I am actually rooting for Carlos.

Eva and Tia come back from looking outside and yell out for Renata. She didn’t find Pablito. Renata thinks that perhaps Alicia took him out. Tia says she wouldn’t do that without telling her first. They go look again.

Marcella goes to see Gallo.

Eva is freaked out. Who could have taken him? Tia recalls a conversation she had with Daniel. He came over this morning and brought a gift for Pablito. He held him and we talked. And before he left he said that he had rights to spend time with his son. And if you fought him then he would do anything he could to spend more time with him. With that Eva runs out the house.

More fighting between the boys. More yelling from Alicia.

Marisol and her stripper friend talk about the situation with Damian. Aren’t you scared asks the stripper friend. Yes, but I told the police everything. So if anything happens to me, they will look at him first.

Marcella tells Gallo that she will pay him a fortunate for this favor. Didn’t you just say that he ruined you asks Gallo. Yes, but I have jewelry that are very expensive. Gallo tells her that he will personally take care of it himself.

The stripper friend tells Marisol that Damien is very angry with her. Please be careful. Let’s change the subject. Has the guy from the record labeled called? No yet replies Marisol. And if he doesn’t within a couple of days, I am going to look elsewhere. There’s a knock on the door and Marisol goes to answer it. It’s the record label guy, Geraldo.

Victoria comes into Daniels house with the baby in her arms. He’s shocked when he sees her holding his son.

Marisol is happy. He has given her a contract.

Daniel tells Victoria to give him the baby. Victoria says what are you talking about? I’m not Victoria. I’m Eva. This is our child. When Daniel again asks for the baby she tells him no again. All you want to do is give him to the servant. I won’t do that says Daniel. Victoria yells out No! and runs up the stairs with the baby.

Alicia and Tony fight. Alicia tells him she’s tired of him. Tony says he’s trying to protect her. No your not says Alicia. You are trying to keep everyone away from me. Carlos and Leo and I’m tired of it. Leave me alone!!!

Daniel is pleading with Victoria to give him the baby. Victoria cries that she wants all 3 of them to go on vacation. She looks out the woman and sees Eva coming up the drive way. She wants Daniel to get her bag so that she can prepare for there vacation. He gets the bag and pleads with her to give him the baby. She does so just as Eva comes storming into the room and yells at Daniel “You should never had done this Daniel!!

Marcella has given Gallo all the information she knows about Bruno. Gallo tells her it will not be an easy case, but one that he believes he can solve. Marcella asks for discretion and for her son not to find o out. Gallo tells her that she will have to leave quickly because he will be here any minute. As she turns to leave she runs into Leo. What are you doing here he asks. She makes a pack with him. She doesn’t ask what he’s doing here and neither will he.

Eva returns home with Pablito. She tells Tia and Renata that Daniel had him and was packing a bag to take him away. She has now forbidden for either Daniel or Victoria to enter this house.

Ricardo is teaching some guys boxing but his hearts on in it. He tells them they’ll resume again in a couple of days.

Justa talks to the cura and spills out all her secrets. She tells him that she’s married and has asked Julio to leave her alone, but he won’t. The cura thinks that she may still have feeling for Julio and to think more on it.

Eva tells Tia that things happen for a reason. Just like Leo once told her and recalls that conversation. Suddenly they hear Renata yelling at Daniel and he rushes into her home office. We need to talk. Eva tells Tia and Renata to leave.

Victoria thinks her plan worked. Eva left thinking Daniel stole her baby.

Eva says if don’t leave know I will call the police. She starts dialing and he yanks the phone away from her and tells her that Victoria took the boy. Don’t you see she’s crazy in the head? you told me last night that she was faking it. If I didn’t get there in time who knows where you would have taken him. No, that suitcase was made when I told Victoria to leave the house. You’re a liar yells Eva. I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! Leo comes in and yells at Daniel to let her go. Renata told me everything that you did you miserable swine. I didn’t do it says Daniel. It was your sister. Of course, you are blaming her sickness. You are a coward. Eva tells Daniel to leave. Daniel says I can’t believe your doing this. Where are you getting that I will take our child away from you? I will never do that. You were the only here this afternoon replies Eva. You even told my aunt that you would do anything crazy to be with my son. Now if you don’t leave I will call the police. So that they can lock you away for everything. Fine, do what you want says Daniel. Get married, but you cannot prevent me from seeing my son.

Marisol tells Francisco that the guy from the label came. They are excited and coming up with ideas on how to spend the money.

Leo thanks Victoria for her crazy stunt.

Damian still plans at getting back Marisol.

Leo and Eva are eating dinner. She tells him she’s ready to tell the police that Daniel killed her father.

Francisco and Marisol talk more of how they are going to spend their money.

Leo thinks that it’s better to turn him in to the police after they get married. Renata comes in telling Eva that Jackie wants to talk to her. Leo leaves, but only to eavesdrop. Jackie tells Eva that Daniel told her what happened today. And I came over to clarify some things. Daniel did not take your baby. It must have been Victoria. Eva says then Daniel was telling me the truth. She tells Jackie that she will come over tomorrow morning to talk to him and clear up everything.

Liliana pays Daniel a visit. She wants a favor.

Some detectives come looking for Eva. They are there to take a statement. Eva doesn’t know what they are talking about. Leo comes in and says that she will be accusing Daniel Villanueva in the death of her father. Eva is shocked. She asked Leo what is all this. Leo tells her that last night you told me that you wanted to report him to the police for the murder of your father did you not? Yes, but… says Eva. The police ask if it’s true. Leo says it’s time.

Liliana wants permission to take out Laurita. Daniel agrees.

Eva gets mad at Leo. Who told you I wanted to do this know? Eva tells the policemen to go. They tell her that if she has proof they have to investigate. Leo says she’s just nervous. Eva says I’m not. This is my business, not yours. You shouldn’t have done this. Leo apologizes and says it’s too late. Let’s get on with it. They start questioning Eva. And Leo butts in. Accuses Daniel of everything.

Victoria wonders why her mother hasn’t come over to see her.

Monday: Daniel is arrested, Laurita is upset with Eva


Llena de Amor #147 (Mex. 156-157) Fri 3/11/11 Absense makes the heart grow fonder

Or maybe forget....

Kinda what happened to me. My big project ended this weekend, so I'm relieved. So busy relieving myself (partying, staying out for the weekend), I completely forgot there was this other world out there, and that I was a part of it. Woke up at 4 something this am and while trying to fall back asleep starting thinking about that other world and whoops, yep it was my turn. Ah well. I haven't been home except for about 10 minutes this weekend and I just blanked out on this completely. Am I just getting old? I think it's more out of sight, out of my small little mind. Well, I should have a much easier week going forward, so when I get home to my tape, I'll run a brief recap for you. Hope the show was great, and of course feel free to comment. Sorry, I missed even giving you that opportunity earlier. Well, at least this chapter has concluded for now, so onward and upward.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #55-56 3/11/11 Trouble Ahead: Maria Finally Meets Her Doppleganger and Max Gets Clue’d In About Oz

Cap. #55 
First the redux: Max now stands in the pouring rain (as a means of self-flagellation?) after Maria Desamparada, suffering from a broken heart, has just closed the door in his face.  Maria, unable to fight the need to be near him, goes out to shoo him away and out of her life in hopes of putting an end to the pain seeing him brings.  Max refuses to leave or to stay out of her life.  It’s a matter of the heart commanding.  They kiss, pulled together from the attraction of some major-sized misery magnet with a force that is much stronger than either of them can resist.  Maria breaks it off finally and walks woefully back to her apartment as he tearfully watches. 

It’s back to the Honeymoon-of-Heartbreak Hotel for Max and waiting for the Octo-lush, aka Jimena, to return home. Octo-lush however, having been spurned by Max, is currently enjoying another night of debauchery with the beguiling Guillermo.

At the same time, Juanjo is up in his apartment with Mama Milagros, Napo the Naco and Cousin Cruz, downing a few tragos of tequila to drown away the pain of Linda’s betrayal with the rich and famous actor, Osvaldo Sandovaaaal.  Cruz tells JJ not to let it get him so down and then pulls out a couple of the “love letters” for Millie and Naco to read.  They competitively swoon over their romantic missives.  Eventually, Naco and Cruz decide to take JJ out for a bacchanalian beer fest at the corner bar to wash away the memory of the major dumping Linda just gave him.   FF>>

In a swankier part of town, Oscar and Antonieta continue to enjoy their dinner date together.  Oscar has taken her to his favorite restaurant, the place he goes when he feels lonely. (We gather he goes there often.  The staff seem to know him, anyway.)  He tells Toni he’s surprised they have their solitude in common, especially since he thought a woman as lovely as she would have her hands full of suitors.  Oscar’s eyes have a twinkle in them as he tells her he’s now realized she’s single and available.  Toni’s eyes subtly flirt back at him as she starts to read her menu.

A long while later, Octo-lush returns to the hotel room and stumbles onto Max now lying asleep on the couch.  Jimmie is literally falling down drunk and Max complains about her irresponsible behavior as an expectant mother.   He has to drag her into the bedroom and put her down.  She complains that he’s not the fun and irresponsible Max she used to know; she misses that Max.  He warns her that if she doesn’t get her act together and the baby suffers because of it, she’ll never ever see him again.  Jimmie responds by summarily passing out on the bed. 

Back at the restaurant, in between flattering comments, Oscar asks Toni why she’s never married before now.  Toni avers and says it’s a long story and not to be told over dinner.  He realizes, he says, that they’ve worked together all these many years but have never really gotten to know each other.  They agree to hang out and make up for lost time.  Toni is secretly thrilled.

Meanwhile, Cruz croons to the karaoki at the corner bar as Naco and JJ mumble drunken words of adulation; Max decides to go out for some much needed fresh air.

Oscar continues flirting with Toni; she continues to lap it up and mentally chalk up points.  Oscar says he always set his sights on the wrong person so that now he thinks it might be too late for him to find love.  (Not if Toni has anything to do with it!)

Max ends up at the same corner bar as Cruz ‘n Co., and obviously, TOCBIM.  (No need to take a count of hands of those who are actually surprised by this coinkydink de telenovela.)  He is roundly rejected by his former fireman friends for having dumped on Maria the way he did.  Cruz says all the men in his family have a way of screwing with women in particular and with others’ lives in general.  Max starts to explain, but nobody wants to hear his  lousy excuses.  JJ tells him to get lost and pushes him away from their table.  More pushing and shoving and falling into other patrons persists till a barroom brawl breaks out.  Sirens begin to wail and the four high-tail it out before being dragged away in a Mexican version of paddy-wagons.

The next morning, Ste. Bernarda stands in the office of the late Sor Clementina, telling her picture that she’s no doubt burning in the fires of Hell for being such a tattle-tale.  “--See where your good works got you”?  Burnie raises a finger to the persistently errant eyebrow and self-righteously thinks to herself that it was all because the busybody just had to run to tell My Son The Priest about his real daughter being Maria Desamparada and risk his staying in the priesthood!  The second nun in charge comes in to greet Burnie; the two jointly lament Sor Clem’s untimely demise.  “--She is undoubtedly sitting at the right hand of Dios now” adds our piously pompous Burnie.   

It seems that Maria is having a slow start this morning at work due to the increasing nausea attacks. 

Back at the orphanage, Burnie delights in giving 2nd Sister the news about Maria’s expecting a love-child without benefit of marriage.  2nd Sister is sorely dismayed.

Maria walks out of the dressing room and onto the platform to model.   She’s feeling off and it shows.  Unfortunately,  the offensive Ophelia is the customer.  She complains to the owner that the model didn’t have the flair necessary to show the dress to its best advantage and no, another dress wouldn’t do unless she changed the model also.  “--The model is totally unprofessional and has no business modeling!”  The Boutique's owner comes into the dressing room for a dressing down of Maria and warns her if she doesn’t start putting her all into the job, she’s history.

At Victoria Designs, Vick’s gotten angry at Oscar for not having sold off the entire lot of Oscar’s stock in the business and she asks him if he’s trying to spite Oz and/or to get her in another jam with the hubby.  Oscar defends himself saying he was only trying to save the business she’s worked so hard to build up.  She tells him she won’t stand for his insolence and to sell the whole shebang, pronto!  Oscar refuses because it goes against his better judgment.  She says she’s not asking his opinion; she’s demanding he do it.  Oscar tells her she’s committing a major financial faux pas by giving Oz a toy to play with in order to maintain her control over him.  That’s her business and not his is the angry reply.  Oscar argues that it’s a fool’s errand and involves the livelihood of her employees as well, all are at risk simply to satisfy Ozzie’s giant ego.  Vick tells him to shut-up.  He will resign his position then, he says, as his experience is no longer valued.

Across the hall, Jimena struts her way into Max’s office and slumps down at his desk.  She tells Fabian to go fetch him.  “--Rightñora!”   She sneers back just slightly, obviously liking the title and the newly acquired finger-snapping, employee-crushing potential the title confers.  While Fab goes looking for Max, she shuffles through his papers looking for something.  She finds a picture of Max and Maria kissing.  “Maria Desamparada, you’re going to pay for this!” 

Oscar starts packing his possessions and clearing off his desk.  Toni walks in and asks what’s up.  He says he’s just resigned. 

Across the way, Max asks Victoria why Oscar’s leaving.  She says it’s because he disobeyed an order.  Max tries reasoning with her by saying if Ozzie was able to buy the theatre without selling all the stock, then what difference does it make?  Vick says Max himself said they should sell the entire load of stock and find a new business partner.  So, she gave the order and that’s enough.  Well, says Max, we all know that nobody dares offer advice to the great Victoria, let alone could she ever be mistaken!  “--What are we all, anyway?  Puppets that you can maneuver however you like?”  Vick says she wants the stock sold and that’s that.  Since she can’t count on Oscar she wants Max to handle the sale.  Max says nope, he won’t go along with her crazy notion to sell stock unnecessarily.  If she insists, then he’s resigning from the company also. 

Later that morning, Pepino and Toni end up at the boutique to buy a new  youthful (and…er… more tasteful) wardrobe for Maria Magdalena.  The owner goes to find a few things and prepare her model.  Toni admonishes Pepi that they’re not there to copy designs from the competition, just to buy some things for Maria Desarreglada.

Back in Max and Fabian’s office, Fab informs Max that Jimmie was there looking for him but apparently had antsy pants and split.  Max says if it was only her impatience that was the problem, but life seems to be punishing him for taking love too lightly.  (Cue the violins.)  They agree that his life’s changed.  Max says he doesn’t know if they’ll end up hating each other or not; either way, he doesn’t know where he goes from here.

A bit later, Jimmie’s on the phone griping to Mama Rocks that she’s been married a week now and she’s fed up already.  Mama tells her not to despair; once that baby’s in Max’s arms, he’ll change.  While searching their hotel suite for her keys, Jimmie fills in Rocks on the daily nitty-gritty of her married life with Max.   She complains at the rotten way she’s been treated.  “--He even cancelled the honey-moon and told me that they were only for people who loved each other. But, since he doesn’t love me ….”  Mama reminds her of their destitute situation and that nobody’s to know it.  She asks her to get money out of Max because Rocks is feeling the pinch.  Jimmie asks if it’s because of all the gambling, dinner parties and trips she’s got on the agenda; she’s sure that Max won’t give her a centavo for Mama to use.  Roxy says she’s didn’t put all that effort into this marriage for nothing, and she’s not about to do without the life she’s been accustomed to!  Jimmie could have hooked up with anybody with a high-powered family name and money, but she wanted Max Sandoval! So now Jimmie better put up or shut up cuz Mama needs a new pair of Manolo’s!

Jimmie eventually rummages through the bedside bureau and finds the envelope with Maria’s love letter and her returned engagement ring.  She starts reading it and planning something else to get Maria’s goat.    

At the boutique, said competition gets ready to model for a group of clients and does a major double-take when she realizes those clients include Pepi and Toni.

At Casa Scandal-val, Fernanda answers her daddy’s phone.  “--It’s for you.” (No duh.)  Oz answers and hears the parasitically erotic Linda on the other end of the line needing an Oz-fix.   For Fer’s sake, Oz pretends it’s a business call and tries to beg off any “meeting”.   Linda tells him she’s not going to leave him for the likes of Juanjo and no way will Oz ever get her out of his life.   They make a date for a rendezvous at the love nest. 

At the Casa de Modas, Vicki goes in to apologize to Oscar; she acknowledges that the business will crumble if he’s not there to give her his sage advice.  He agrees to stay and then admits out of the blue that he’s in love with her! 

Oz drives off for his tryst with lovely, leggy, Linda unbeknownst to him that the awful Ophelia just happens to be driving up as he drives out.  She thinks it will be great fun to follow him apparently and does for a lark, all the way to the rendezvous site.

Meanwhile, Maria Desamparada models for Maria Desarreglada and the crew as the boutique owner looks on nervously.  Pepi and Toni are delighted with the show and the choices.  FF>>

Oscar thanks Max for supporting him in his decision to follow his better judgement and defying Vicki.  He admires her but there are limits when it deals with his professional decision-making.  Max agrees and says he’d do it again.  Vicki’s phone rings.  Ophelia fakes a voice and asks for Victoria; since Vicki’s not available; Max offers to take a message.  Ophi tells him she’s a friend, a good friend, that wants to warn her that Vicki’s hubby’s been cheating on her and thus avoid Vicki’s continuing to be everybody’s laughing stock.  If they go to the address she gives him now, they’ll find Oz with his lover in their love nest makin’ whoopi together.

Oz walks in to the love nest; the two forget about the open door.  Linda asks why he refuses to kiss her hello. (You’re kidding, right?  She can’t be that dense?)  Oz tries reasoning with The Unreasonable One --a fool’s errand (especially with the over-sexed and single-minded Linda, who Viewerville suspects really does know the meaning of the word “no”, but simply refuses to admit it). 

Oz begins lecturing again that neither one of them really wants to continue hurting others. (WRONG!  Linda never agreed to that!)  For that reason they’ve both agreed not to see each other again. (WRONG AGAIN!  Linda never agreed to that, either!)  Os keeps on yammering.  (Linda’s really got the “dumb and innocent” scam down pat.   If she ever tried out for a part in a Televisa telenovela there’d be a premio in her future for sure!)  She turns on the ever-ready waterworks and begins begging on bended knee for Oz not to leave her like this.  (Damn!  Stuff a sock in it!  I am so tired of the histrionics and Oz’s unending idiotic naiveté that sucks up this kind of ego-boost like a whole friggin’ roll of Bounty!)  She lays a major lip lock on Oz just as Max shows up.  He sees the two in a lovers’ embrace and braces himself against the pain of his father’s betrayal of his marriage vows. 

Max slams the door.  Oz and Linda pull apart and turn to see who’s at the door.  Max looks at Oz and Oz looks at Max.  Max is I-can’t-believe-what-I’m-seeing impactado.  Oz is I’ve-been-caught-red-handed-impactado. Linda is...well....Linda. 

Oz is shaken.  “--Max!  What are you doing here?”  Max says that’s what he’d like to ask him--and the holier than thou Linda.  “--You!  What are you doing here, Linda?  You, the one who gave me lectures and advice about Maria Desamparada!  No, don’t worry about coming back to work.  You’re fired!  I never want to see your face again!  I don’t want my mother to find out you’re my father’s lover, especially after I went to bat for you!!”  He looks over at Oz.  “--You and I have to talk right here and now!  What you’ve done is contemptible!”

At the same time, Ophelia’s having coffee with Gui and giggling about the trick she just played on Oz.  She gives Gui the details and says she was there at the right time and decided to follow him; as it turned out she ended up telling Max instead of Vicki since he happened to be the one who answered Vick’s phone at the time.  Max should be giving Oz an earful about now, she says, with a self-satisfied smirk.  Gui’s definitely happy that Oz finally got caught with his male appendage stuck outside his zipper.  Ophi says yep, the guy definitely got what was coming to him.  Gui says that’s not all that’s in store for Oz.  The theater deal will also be a big surprise for him.  Just wait and see!

Back at the “nidito-de-amor” [love nest], Linda slips out and leaves father and son to hash out the mess she’s caused.  Max tells Oz that now his lover’s left, he wants to listen to what Oz has to say for himself.

Maria continues modeling the endless number of outfits Boutique Boss-lady has chosen for Maria-Ho.  Toni buys the entire collection and of course, Boutique Boss-lady is thrilled.  Maria-Ho is elated and tells Toni she’s going to go talk to the model because she knows Maria from the orphanage.  FF>>

Linda is walking the streets (where Viewerville agrees she really belongs) and wonders what’s to become of her now that Oz and she have been caught.  It’s certain Max will demand Oz never sees her again.  She’s like the dog with two cakes she tells herself [a fable about a dog who got greedy and instead of having two cakes ended up with none].  Yep, she tells herself, she got too greedy and instead of having two guys on the string, now has neither one.   Suddenly there’s a call on her cell. “-- It’s me, Guillermo, your one and only friend, calling to check up on you.”  Oh, she tells him, he fell like manna from heaven.  He wouldn’t believe what she just went through!  (Oh, yes he would!)  Gui offers his shoulder for her to cry on.  She takes him up on it.  “--Taxi!” 

Gui takes a sip of his spirits as he waits for Linda and thinks to himself that Oz never imagined he’d be the one to console his lover.  Well, fine with Gui cuz Ozzie’s about to pay one by one for every little infraction, imagined or otherwise, that he’s committed against Gui lo these twenty plus years.

Back at the Casa de Modas, Oscar thanks Vicki for reconsidering.  Vicki gets a call from reception informing her that Padre Juan Pablo is there to speak with her.  She tells Oscar they’ll catch up later and goes immediately to deal with JP.   Oscar realizes what a stupid oaf he was to admit his feelings to Vicki the way he did.  FF>>

Vicki is curt with JP and asks what he needs with her.  JP tells her she was totally unfair in firing Maria Desamparada.  Vicki can’t believe his impudence in daring to question her actions.

Returning to the nadito-de-amor, Oz wonders what he can say that Max doesn’t already know? Max, he reasons, is the living example of the life Oz has lived, marrying a woman he didn’t love.  Max corrects him and says no, he was forced into marrying Jimena, and was trying to take responsibility like a man.  Oz, however, cheated on Victoria.  Call it what you will, says Oz, it’s the same thing.  He’s living a life with a woman who has to control everything.  It’s produced an immeasurable amount of sadness and emptiness in his soul that nothing can fill.  For as much as he loves Victoria, she gives him none of her time--not as a wife and much less as a lover.  One of these days the business will be Max’s and he’ll have to learn what his papa has had to suffer through to keep the family intact.  Max says well, maybe Vicki is overly demanding, but she’s given them so much and instead of thanking her for making their lives easy, they all complain and tend to judge her.    Max would love to meet a woman like her: strong, a winner who, although she cries at times because of a pain stuck deep in her soul, doesn’t give in to flings or to heartbreaks.  She doesn’t deserve what Oz did to her, no matter how he’s tried to justify it!  There’s no pardoning this.  Max, obviously describing his torture, tells Oz: “--I only pray to Dios that he might forgive you, but I doubt even he will ever forgive you.  You deserve to lose her, to lose her forever: thinking about having to spend a second, a minute, or an hour without her! That’s what you deserve!  With that, Max gives his father the once over and turns his back on him.  Oz takes a teary-eyed moment to process.

Linda gets to Gui’s bachelor digs and sizes up the situation: that is to say, the depth of Gui’s pockets.   Gui pours her a drink and tells her not to get her pretty panties in such a wad over Oz.  Linda says she doesn’t understand how he can say that considering the way his son now despises her.  She’s sure she’s lost Oz for good.  Gui says she should have considered that before getting involved with a lowly fireman who couldn’t give her the kind of life she desires, or with Oz: a man who wouldn’t give her the respect and position she merits in his life as long as he’s stuck on a woman, like Victoria, who continually spurns him.  Linda embraces Gui, nuzzling like a helpless babe (double entendre intended) and tells him she simply doesn’t know what she’s going to do; she’s at a crossroads in her life and Gui’s arrived just at the moment she needs him most!   Gui offers his shoulder and tells Linda he’d never have dared to approach her before --out of respect for Oz--but considering the way things are, she should begin to see an advantage here.....  Linda looks up into his eyes and bats her lashes at him.  “--What kind of advantage?”  “--Me for example.”   Guillermo goes in for The Kiss and Linda obliges with a major lip-licking lip-lock.  Suddenly she breaks away and acts like this is all wrong.  He smiles expectantly, calculatingly.  She pretends to give in, as if she’s unable to fight the urge, and begins kissing him passionately: another gold-digger down for him; another easy and willing mark for her.

Meanwhile, Vicki tells JP to stick his nose out of her business.  She wouldn’t dare to tell him how to run his mass.  He says she’ll have to listen to him.  She begs to disagree.  He tells her she seemed to think differently when she came to the church looking to him for some bit of consolation for her misery.  He tells her then that he didn’t come just to discuss Maria, but to talk about herself as well.  Her?  What about her?  “--I’m here to suggest you think back over your life.”  Vicki objects and says there’s nothing to think about, especially now that she’s found her daughter, Max has married according to his station in life, and Osvaldo continues to nip at her heels.  Yes, all’s right with the world.    JP tells her that fate has a way of taking us down roads and making us feel safe and secure when the truth is, it’s nothing of the sort.  Vick doesn’t understand.  He tells her he expects her to figure it out on her own. 

Back in the dressing room of the boutique, Maria-Ho walks in and introduces herself to Maria D.  She explains that they knew each other at the orphanage and were both found on the same day.  Maria says she does remember her.  Why is she there with Victoria Sandoval’s crew?  One thing leads to another and Maria-Ho tells her she’s just learned that she is Victoria Sandoval’s long-lost daughter, though, nobody is supposed to know.  Maria D. is saucer-eyed impactada. 

~~fin parte 1~~

Part 2: The Fallout and Oz’s Farewell to His Leading Ladies’ Arms

Cap. #56

Our Bridge: We get a double dose of Maria Desamparada as she has just learned that Maria Magdalena is Victoria Sandoval’s daughter that no one is supposed to know about. Duhn-duhn-duhn-dunnnnn! (I’m more inclined to think it may be just that Viewerville is now seeing double after being forced to sit through two hours nightly of Tears de Amores for an entire week)

Padre Juan Pablo drones on, lecturing Vicki about fooling one’s self into thinking you’ve done everything perfectly when really it’s been a major S.N.A.F.U. We need the love of others and their help to avoid going down the wrong path, he instructs, to ensure we are on the winning side with Dios. (If this is the real JP, it’s a wonder Vick didn’t start snoring that time she ended up in bed with the pontificating boor!) “--Nobody ever truly wins without love winning over first.” Vicki says she still has no idea what JP’s trying to tell her and she’s starting to become exasperated. (That’s ok, Vick, cuz nobody in Viewervile can follow the guy’s logic either. But, Lordy! JP sure is easier on the eyes since he shaved and stopped with the jeri-curls.) Vicki haughtily reminds JP that she despaired at first and then she eventually willed herself to succeed. She needed no one --and nobody helped her achieve her success!! (Viewerville thinks she might want to check with Antonieta about that--and maybe Oscar while she’s at it.) JP chides her arrogance and reminds her that pride is a sin; that we all need the love of others; and that the love we receive from others sustains us, propels us and strengthens us. “--That is the only truth; that is love’s triumph. We can only learn of our mistakes through that love and from that love we are able to correct those mistakes. It’s never ever too late to mend our ways as long as we permit love to triumph.”

Meanwhile, back at the Boutique de Normal, Maria D. comes out to chat with Pepino and Toni on her way out the door. Hugs and kisses for all. Maria explains that she’s there due to Toni’s welcome recommendations. It may not be the high-toned fashion house that Designs de Victoria was, but it’s decent work and nobody there mocks her or insults her. She’s happy for the job. Once Maria D. leaves, Toni asks Maria-Ho about the orphanage. Maria-Ho explains that they were both found the same day, both named Maria, and both brought to the orphanage at the same time. Ruh-roh! Two Maria’s were found and brought in on the same day? Could it be that she and Vicki jumped too soon to claim this Maria as their Maria? Will they have to eat double do-do pie for refusing to confirm it through a simple DNA test?  (If Burnie could sneak a test past the two Maria’s, I’m sure Vicki could have figured a way around Maria Re-arregalada’s delicate sensibilities.)

Maria stops at a nearby park to consider what she just learned from Maria Magdalena. “-- So Victoria Sandoval has another daughter that no one knows about. Why would she have abandoned her in the orphanage? I guess she’s not the woman she appears to be. To think I wanted to be her daughter once. That’s in the past now. I despise her the same way she despises me. Sra. Bernarda was right. Victoria Sandoval is an evil woman!”

At the same time, Vicki is thinking back to JP’s lecture and trying to make some sense of it while Oscar is in his office fretting over having been such a revoltingly doting dolt where Vicki’s concerned. He decides that he’s been wasting his time waiting on her to see him as the man of her dreams; he’s better off trying to find somebody else to set his sights on, somebody exacty like Toni. Yep, Toni could just very well be the woman in his life! (Ok. It took the old boy a while to get there, but we’ll give him his props. He’s seen the light and it’s now green.)

While Oscar is getting his emotional act together, Vicki is telling Pepi she had no idea about how Oscar felt about her; and she was embarrassed for the poor guy. Pepi says they all knew about it from the beginning. Oscar himself told them he had it bad for Vick. –And, yes, Toni knows. “--She suffers in silence waiting for him to notice her.” Vicki is embarrassed as well to learn that BFF Toni has been in love with Oscar all this time but that she knew nothing about it. She wonders where Toni is now. Pepi explains they went to a boutique to buy MM some clothes and then went to the apartment to drop them off. Max enters the office just as Pepi mentions that it turns out to be the same boutique that Maria D is now working for.

We cut briefly (tho’ not briefly enough) to Gui’s batch pad as he and busty Lusty Linda start rolling around on the floor gettin’ busy.

At Design de Victoria, Oscar’s staying so Max and Vicki make their peace as Pepi looks on approvingly. Come what may, Max will always be on Mama’s side and she can always count on him.

Back in the barrio, Juanjo continues to whine over the way Linda lied to and cheated on him. (Oy vey!) Naco and Cruz lend a sympathetic ear. Naw, it’s not easy being two-timed and chucked on the ash-heap of luhhhv by a smokin’ hot babe the likes of leggy, luscious-lipped, Linda. Naw, she wasn’t worth it, they commiserate. She’s a wicked slut. Ohh! The pain, Bro!! The pain! Naco asks JJ if he has thought about what he’ll do if she comes back to him, repentant and begging to be taken back. (JJ apparently hasn’t, ‘though, considering how our oversexed sinner is currently spending her time making time with guiley Gui, Viewerville doubts JJ’s got much to worry about from that end.)

Maria D arrives at work the next morning and Boutique Boss-lady tells her she’s expecting a gentleman who called wanting to purchase an entire trousseau for his new wife. Maria gets ready for it.

Back at JJ’s, Millie tells the gang she’s so distraught over the lousy way Linda treated her little boy that somebody’s got to defend him. She’s going to find Linda and let her know just who she’s dealing with.

Back at Boutique de Normal, Maria walks out to model the first outfit without noticing her surroundings. Boutique Boss-lady introduces her model to Sr. Sandoval. Maria turns around to see Max in all his glory, waiting to see her model Jimmie’s new trousseau. She manages to pull it off, despite the pain and the humiliation. Max tells Boss lady he’ll take the entire collection. She thanks him and adds fawningly that there’s nothing like love, especially between newly-weds [recien-casados]. Max agrees and says love and, definitely honesty. Those two must go together. He turns to Maria and asks if she wouldn’t agree. Maria sniffs at him and walks off to change.

Millie sees Linda sunning herself against the apartment building and signals for her to come down. Linda walks over and snidely asks what she wants now? Millie hauls off and smacks her a satisfyingly good one up-side the head. “--What were you thinking? That none of it was going to be discovered?” Linda gripes that now she’s become the villain in the story and adds that JJ was just as much to blame! He was the one who wanted a wedding and all that stupidity! Millie says well, so what did you want from him? To be taken into my house and treated like the whore you are? Linda hisses back that she tried telling him she didn’t want to get married and he, the empty-head fool, thought he could just wait for her instead.

Ok, reasons Millie, her boy never fell in love before. He was busy working and studying instead. Then suddenly a Little Red Riding Hood appears and the sun shines for him. “--You! What did you want? You took the wedding dress and the engagement ring fast enough!” Oh, wimpers Linda, changing strategies, I never dreamed somebody could fall so much in love. “--Really, I’m not such a wicked person. Really I’m not!” (Ok, her screwing Guillermo aside, I don’t see her exactly rushing to hand back that rock of a ring or the dress. I guess it all depends on what the definition of “wicked” is?) Millie tells her she could have told him there was somebody else, but she didn’t. So, she should pray that Dios forgives her because Millie won’t. Linda? She’ll pay for what she’s done. Here on terra firma.

Boutique Boss-lady tells Maria that the customer has asked to speak with her model privately since they apparently knew each other from before and she has agreed. Maria says fine. Once the shop-owner leaves, Max let’s Maria know that the trousseau purchase was just an excuse to get a chance to talk to her. “--Oh, yeah? And to humiliate me this way?” Max asks how else he should react after finding out the way she played him for a fool, not telling him what was going on between her friend and his father? She continued to protect Linda while putting his family’s emotional stability at risk! “--And don’t deny it because I found out your friend, Linda, is my father’s lover! You knew and you kept quiet. You didn’t even have the decency to tell me about it!” Maria says it’s clear to her that they are never going to have a relationship, “--especially when you come here to accuse me without asking me first for an explanation!”

Max asks her how he’s supposed handle things when he finds out her friend nearly forced his father? Maria interrupts to give him a major life lesson. “--Wait just a minute! Nobody but nobody ever forces a man to accept what a woman offers--and your parents are old enough to be responsible for their own actions! Besides, your mother only loves her business! And, no she doesn’t love it for the money it produces, but for the control it gives her over other peoples’ lives. It doesn’t make me happy, but she deserved it, the same way your father deserves a woman to love him, to care for him and to show a little affection. If he hadn’t gotten it from Linda, he would have found it with some other woman, because your mother has always denied that to him!” (Whoa! 100 bonus points to Maria Embarassada, the little engine that could, would and did whop his ass!) She picks up her bag and walks past him. On the way out, she throws one of the dresses he bought at Max and tells him not to forget that dress. “--It’s sure to please your wife!“ She struts out the door leaving Max’s manhood thoroughly trounced and lying in shreds on the dressing-room floor. He bangs his fists on the wall and grumbles to himself. “--My gawd! How I’d love to hate this woman!”

That same morning, JP comes to read his mother the riot act as well. How can she sit there and mention Dios after the things she told him in confession? Maria Desamparada is expecting a child and yet Mama refuses to tell Victoria that Maria M is not her real daughter, or that Maria Desamparada is? “--Maria Desamparada is expecting a child now and needs the support and love of her mother more than ever!” He begs her not to deny Maria that right. However, Burnie insists that if Dios wanted Vicki to know Maria D was her real daughter, he’d have found some holy means of getting the message to her. If he’s not done so yet, then who is she to usurp Dios’s heavenly will? Besides, from what she understands, something said in confession isn’t supposed to be discussed outside of the confessional. JP says she’s correct, but since she’s not truly repentent, she’s not truly absolved of her sins.

Mama arrogantly informs Her Son The Priest that she doesn’t need a priest’s absolution, not even JP’s. Dios has already absolved her and if He chooses to keep silent about Victoria’s secret, then it is because she doesn’t deserve to learn the truth! JP begs her to tell as his daughter and he are both suffering because she won’t. Mama yells at him to be quiet and never to speak such blasphemy in her presence again! She is fearful that Dios will punish him for it! JP replies that it terrifies him how Dios is punishing her with nightmares of Hellfire and damnation --to think of all those screams of hers in the middle of the night..... This strategy shuts Mama’s pious pie hole tight and tidy in two seconds flat.

Later that day Maria gets an unexpected visit from Mrs. Max. Her Xi-ness, sans the usual pleasantries, struts in and asks Maria just how far what she and her hubby have has gotten. Maria snaps back with a quick 1-2 punch: “--If you’re so interested why don’t you ask your husband?” Jimmie decides to stretch the truth a bit—in fact, to lie-- and tells Maria that from what little he’s cared to discuss with her, it was nothing more than a run of the mill affair to wile away the time while she was out of the country. “--It’s a man’s way to seek a means of letting off steam with women like you who are used to sharing themselves.” Nathy jumps in to defend Maria’s honor. “--Maria doesn’t have to put up with your insults! Get out!” Jimmie flicks her off like so much dirt on the tip of one of her expensive CFM heels. (I’d have gone for a good kick in the shin, myself, and a bit of good old-fashioned hair-pulling--but that’s just me.) “--Since when is telling the truth an insult?” Her Xi-ness warns Maria off Max in the future and to avoid any of those “little calls or letters.” That leads her to bring up the letter she found of Maria’s. She gets it out and laughs over the “juicier parts.” We really enjoyed laughing together at that last bit, says uber-Bitch: ‘I’ll miss your kisses and carresses as I know I’ll never get to share them with you again.’”

Maria has had enough and Jimena’s made her point. Nat escorts her to the door but then Jimena pulls out the engagement ring and waives it around. “--This is just to show you that you mean absolutely nothing to Max. You sure you don’t want it? Well, I’m sure you don’t. Bye-Bye!” Nathy finally shuts the door on the obnoxious slut and Maria breaks down in tears, obviously believing every word Mrs. Max has told her.

The next morning, Nathy runs into Juanjo outside the apartment building. She tries to apologize for not telling him the truth early on about Linda. He claims she’s just as bad as Linda for trying to cover for her. Nat tries to explain that she did it to prevent him from getting hurt. He doesn’t see it that way and wants to know why she would ever have tried to protect him of all people. Nat finally blurts out that it was because she loves him. Juanjo doesn’t know what to say. No need to since Nat runs away a second or two after she realizes what she’d just said. JJ is left speechless (Thanks, Nat! It’s a nice change from the whining he’s been doing 24/7 since he found out about Linda!)

At the Casa de Moda’s, Pepi and Toni are supposedly collaborating on some new designs, but Toni is lost in thought. She mentions that she was thinking about what Maria Magdalena said about the orphanage taking two Maria’s in that day, her and Maria Desamparada. Oh, so they’re both now Victoria’s daughters? No, says Toni. Pepi suggests that there are lots of Maria’s in orphanages and it doesn’t necessarily mean that they all would be Victoria’s daughters. Toni gives in and pretends she thinks it’s just a meaningless oddity since they’ve already found their Maria. FF>>

Back at Casa de los Scandalval, Max pulls up just as Ozzie is loading the trunk up with his bags. Oz tells Max he’s leaving. He’ll find some other place to live because he knows now that he doesn’t deserve to live there under the same roof as Vicki nor to enjoy being near his family. Cruz watches from the distance and thinks to himself that with the Sr. leaving with his bags packed, could it be that Max has finally found out about Linda? He’d sure love to know what the two of them were talking about just then.

At Televisa, Pedro and Ofelia chat with Gui about the end of the telenovela they’ve been working on. Gui massages Pete’s ego by saying how interesting it’s been to work with him; and he’s certainly learned a number of new and valuable tricks under Pete’s tutelage.....Ofi suggests they all go out to celebrate. Pete says great and he’ll get hold of Vick and Ozzie to invite them along.

Oz stops at JP’s church to let him know he’s decided to leave and to go on retreat with the hope of putting his life back in order. He’s tired of all the lies and deceit where his family is concerned. He needs a change and a long time at a retreat will fill the bill. JP agrees.

Maria starts to leave for work and there’s Max getting ready to knock on her door. What do you want? He wants her explanation about why she never told him about his father and Linda, why she kept it a secret and why she continued to lie to him. Maria tells him it wasn’t a secret and she tried staying out of it. Anyway, she tried to get his father to reconsider and she told Linda thousands of times to stop the little game she was playing, but they both refused to pay any attention to her. But Max is insistent about why she lied to him. Maria says she never lied to him about that. “--Keeping quiet is the same as lying, Maria! I told you about Jimena being pregnant from the start.” Maria puts her foot down at that. “--I won’t allow you to accuse me!” “--Circumstances accuse you, Maria!” “--Hey, I’m not involved in this. If you don’t believe me then there’s no reason to give you any explanations! You’ve got to know I never ever lied to you.”

Max changes the subject and tells her he received her letter. Yeah, she says, it was useful to give his wife a few good yuks. He asks what she’s talking about. She tells him he doesn’t have to pretend. Max says he’s not pretending and he still doesn’t understand what she’s talking about. His wife was by to tell her how she’d read it and really thought it was funny, she explains. “--I know enough so that what love we had has turned bitter! You don’t deserve my tears!” “--Where did you get that from?” Max suddenly turns tender. He starts to caress Maria’s hair but she yells at him not to touch her. “--Just get lost. Leave and don’t ever talk to me again because I’m considering doing just that!” She slams the door in his face and begins to weep. He slams his fist in the door and walks off in a lover’s huff.

Back at the Casa de Modas, Vicki walks in on Pepi, Oscar and Toni huddling together over something. Vicki looks at Toni and Oscar and tells them with a big smile on her face that they make a handsome couple. The two of them ought get to know each other and maybe date for a while.

In the meantime, Linda returns to the apartment and Maria has told her about Max’s visit. Linda claims she is ashamed at having caused her even more problems with Max. Maria angrily explains that it wasn’t just his visit there, but he came to her work to get even with her for not telling him about her and his father by humiliating her. Despite telling him that she’d told her continually she didn’t agree with what she was doing, he simply wouldn’t believe her. Linda apologizes, but is quick to add that Max isn’t exactly as pure as the wind-driven snow himself. Maria agrees he did a lot by cheating on her and disappointing her, but that still doesn’t free Linda from blame. And it’s not just that she kept two men on the hook at the same time, but she’s angry also because it made her and Nat look guilty when they weren’t really at all. They were made to feel guilty and ashamed when they didn’t need to have. “--We told you a thousand times not to go doing what you did but you wouldn’t listen!”

Linda mentions then how and why Max fired her. Maria says she deserved it and that if she does anything else improper [indebido] she will not overlook it the next time; she’ll kick her out of the apartment. Linda cannot continue to play loose and fast with people’s feelings and reputations. “--I’m telling you again: if you do anything improper, you’ll have to leave.” (Anybody want to take bets on how long before the word on her and Gui gets out?)

Max is standing at the window in his office and moping now. Fabian suggests they get a breath of air and then maybe Max can unload a bit [desahogarse]. Max takes him up on it. Big mistake.

Linda apologizes and tells Maria it won’t happen again. Besides, she has nowhere else to go, she says. Maria warns her not to always go looking for the easy way out of things. Just then Nat comes in and has a fit. She can’t believe what she just did with Juanjo! “Give!” say the other two. She tells them she admitted her feelings for JJ and told him she loved him. Linda congratulates her and says she hopes she gets married. It would take care of her problems with the guy. Maria looks at her and tells her that her problems will end when she begins to act properly. Linda agrees and tells them she’s leaving. The two think she’s threatening to leave them in the lurch like last time. She says no, she’s only going out to clear her mind [despejarse] and then she’s got to pick up a paper and look for a new job now that Max fired her.

Linda enters the hallway and hears Cruz and Naco coming towards her. She quickly hides around the corner, then overhears Cruz tell Naco that Oz has finally packed his bags and left his wife and family. Linda congratulates herself on a job well-done and considers her new options.

Back in Millie’s place, Naco says it’s better that JJ found out about Linda cuz it would have only been worse if he’d married her and then found out. Cruz agrees and says that’s why he feels so bad for not coming out with it sooner. He also worries now about what Max is feeling and the lousy way they treated him at the bar the other night. It’s not like he was a bad sort. Max was always decent towards them. He shouldn’t be blamed for what his father did. (No, but he hasn’t got a leg to stand on for what he did to Maria! How soon you forget, Cruz!)

Max learns that just about everybody but he knew his father was having an affair. Fab tells him no way was he going to tell his BFF, “--Oh, BTW, your dad is boinking your girlfriend’s roomie!” and that to be fair, he only knew because Naty told him how upset she was about it and about having to cover for Linda all the time. “--But then you knew that Maria knew and didn’t want to tell me anything about it! Good lord! Do you have any idea how distraught I was when I found out my father had a lover? He even set her up in an apartment!”

Speaking of said chippy, she goes back to the nadito de amor and asks the landlord why she can’t get in. He tells her that Sr. Sandoval had his attorney cancel the lease and so now it’s for rent again. He asks her to hand him over her key. She does and realizes things weren’t going her way after all.

Max tells Fabian that his father has left them and that the worst part of it all is that he hasn’t been able to tell his mother the news.

Maria has a touching heart to heart with Nat over her true feelings for JJ vs. Fab. Fab may have given her her first real kiss, Nat says, but she doesn’t love him. Besides, she adds, he’s in love with Fernanda. No, the attraction is all about Juanjo. Maria tells her then she’s got to fight for him. “--Go after him!”

Max and Fab return to the office. Fab asks when he plans to tell his mother. Max admits he hasn’t got the courage to tell her. Fab says, well, see! Now you know why the rest of us stayed mum about your father’s affair. How could you expect us to tell you when you can’t tell your own mother? And, you know what? Maria Desamparada didn’t deserve the way you humiliated her. ”--All right already! You’re right. You’ve made your point. Though I never expected that Maria would be so disloyal!” Fab insists she wasn’t. “--She simply kept quiet to protect you, like all the rest of us who love and care about you. Nat told me that she as well as Maria tried thousands of times to insist that Linda stop what she was doing, but she wouldn’t listen!” Max says well now it’s time he speaks to his mother and he can’t imagine what kind of damage telling her will cause. He starts to rush out the door, but Fab stops him. “--How about checking to see if she has time to see you first?” Max agrees, that makes more sense.

Fab goes in to speak to Lucy about setting up a time for Max to speak to Vicki. Lucy is caught crying at her desk. Fabian asks what the problem is. She tries denying that anything’s wrong. (Excuse me, but she’s got tears dripping uncontrollably from both cheeks, is sniffling to beat the band, and she sits there denying the obvious. That sort of thing just drives me BSC!) Anywho, Lucy eventually tells Fabian she set her sights on the wrong man is all. Fab lends her an ear and the two share a tender moment together. (Signs of a latent and budding new relationship for Fabulous Fabian?)

Maria D. pays an unexpected visit to Burnie and breaks down in tears. Burnie accepts her with open arms and tells her to let it all out. The scheming witch then tells Maria that Maria knows she loves her as if she were Maria’s own mother, and that she will do anything she can to help her. (OMG, with family like that who needs enemies?)

Back at Toni’s, Maria Re-arregalada is excited about her new wardrobe. “-- Isn’t that Victoria really a nice woman? I wasn’t going to forgive her for abandoning me, but now I really do love her so.” (I’m beginning to think that Maria-Ho is too dim-witted to survive at anything but hooking for a living. Maybe she’ll come out of this thing with a cut of the pie for unnecessary emotional pain and suffering or some such once the truth is known.

Back at the office, Vick informs Toni that she’s decided to take Maria-Ho home with her to introduce her to the rest of the family. “--It’s time they got to know her. I don’t want to have to continue to hide her away.”

~~Fin parte 2~~


El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of March 14: Discuss among yourselves

HEREDEROS: Viernes- A pretty boring episode. Aside from Guadalupe accepting Gaspar's proposal on Beatriz' advice and Jose agreeing to accept paternity for Simón, not much new happened. Julieta moved back home and Sofía had dinner at the Millán's.

REINA: Viernes - Teresa does not want to get involved with another drug trafficker. She tells Santiago that she doesn't want to be wondering all the time if he has been shot. When Santiago claims that he won't come to a bad end, Teresa responds that that is what El Güero said and he is 3 feet underground.

Suleiman tells Santiago that the big jefe of illegal activities in these parts is Colonel Chaib. It so happens that the Colonel is looking for good pilots to 'manejar las pateras'. A 'patera' is a small boat, typically one used for illegal immigration. Santiago doesn't want to run illegal immigrants. He says that if there's trouble running drugs, you can always dump the stuff overboard but throwing people overboard is a crime.

Santiago and Colonel Chaib meet at Yamila. Chaib offers El Gallego a lot of money to run illegal immigrants to Spain. Santiago replies that he would rather just run drugs. Chaib promises that after a year or so, he could graduate to that business. 'You don't start building a house with the roof,' he says. Santiago asks for time to think about it.

Meanwhile, we already knew that Fátima, the prostitute with the heart of gold, has a son who lives in Morocco where she comes from. We find out that Mohamed, her son, was conceived when she was raped at age 14 by secret police types who killed her brother. The kid was being cared for by an aunt. Fatíma gets a call that the aunt has died and the kid is all alone. Dris has promised to help after Fatíma works for him for a year. He declines to act any sooner. When Teresa finds out about all this, she promises to help Fátima. Her first object, Chaib, refuses to cross his associate, Dris. Teresa tells Fátima that Mexicans are experts at sneaking people across borders. She suggest that she and Fátima go to Morocco and get the kid. Fátima educates Teresa in the realities of a woman's place in Morocco. Two women could not travel there alone.

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