Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Eva Luna #91 Tue 3/15/11 More truth is revealed, Leo is still a lying snake

Eva Luna March 15, 2011, Episode 91

RECAP IS UP!!! Scroll down to the bottom of the recap to see screencaps. (No video clips this week. I'll try to be better next time!)

Episode 91

Lo siento everyone, I'm kind of running on empty here, so the recap is a bit later than usual. Also scenes will be consolidated to avoid trying to cover all crazy-making quick cuts.

We start with Daniel in jail, who is flashbacking to the day on the boat when Leo borrowed the car and came back all discombobulated about hitting something. Daniel connects the dots and realizes that Leo hit Eva's dad.

More of the tearful reunion between Eva and Deborah.

Lileach visits Daniel in jail. Lileach starts in with how devastated Laurita is that he's in jail, and it's all that evil Eva's fault. Then Daniel tells Lileach that he figured out that Leo is the one that hit Eva's dad. She doubts this but Daniel animatedly explains it all. Then his abogado comes in and says he's free, free, free! He tells abogado that Leo is the real killer.

Eva's talking with Deborah about the dad, how he made a mistake but was trying to make up for it. . . then she says that it was Daniel that killed her dad. Deborah doesn't look all convinced of this.

Don Julio calls up Marcy and is gaslighting her. She's freaking and he's laughing. Many "no puede sers!" are uttered.

Bruno's pretty cousin is getting out of Dodge (errr, L.A.). Packing up her stuff and leaving. Gallo comes to visit, looking for Bruno. He pretends to be a real estate guy and says he has clients wanting to buy Bruno's property. Leaves his business card with her.

Eva tells Leo that she is starting to think that Daniel is innocent. Of course Leo starts in with his slimy version of what happened. Daniel appears at this moment and interrupts this conversation by confronting Leo about who killed the dad. Leo has no shame and just keeps claiming that it's Daniel who did it, blah blah blah, while Daniel is dumbfounded that Leo can keep a straight face while spewing out all the lies.

Marcy's cell phone rings. She doesn't want to answer it. She sees the call is from Victoria. She doesn't want to talk to Victoria yet, and hasn't forgiven her for sleeping with Bruno. But Bruno is going to get his, Marcy vows, since she hired Gallo!

Don Julio visits Justa again. Don Ricardo of course thinks he is Vicente and invites him in. He says he's there to give Justa something that she should have gotten a while ago. Don Ricardo is interested to know what it is! It's a necklace! Wow, Don Ricardo exclaims. But Justa looks freaked out. Don Ricardo doesn't understand and Don Julio gives some weird explanation about her emotions.

Gallo is now trailing Bruno's cousin.

More accusations between Leo and Daniel. Leo is still insisting that it was Daniel all along. Daniel finally confronts Eva and says, It's his word against mine, who will you believe! Eva doesn't know what to do—Leo has been good to her! She runs off like a confused wimp. Then Daniel tells Leo that he WILL pay for killing Eva's dad! But Leo still thinks he's "won."

Eva sees Tia Tilde and tells all about what's going down and how her head is going to explode. She has reunited with Deborah. Tia is not happy to hear this. Eva explains how that when she saw Deborah's house, she remembered that the dad was going there the day he got hit, blah blah blah.

Happy reunion between Daniel and Laurita. Icky comes in and ruins the moment. She's still playing the crazy act and fake-faints. She revives and they bring over the crooked doctor to look at her.

Eva thinks that Tia knew about the dad's lie to the girls. Tia wants to deny it but at least Eva is showing some brain cell activity in this situation. She has connected the dots and realizes that Tia hasn't been truthful.

Justa is all impactada about the necklace, which was given to her by Julio the day he told her he loved her.

Marisol is visiting with young record exec who is going to discuss her image. She's going to be "every woman's friend" and the girl that a guy will want to be the mother of his children. Uh huh, Marisol says, looking dubious.

Damian is giving Marisol's pretty coworker a hard time. He wants to know where Marisol is. She says she doesn't know. She's tired of this and when Marisol is famous, she'll go work for her! Of course Damian wants to know why she's saying that Marisol will be famous. She tells him—a label has signed her up and she's going to be a big star!

Eva's telling Alicia what's going down with Deborah. Another tearful scene. Tia still doesn't want to accept Deborah, as she is that ho who cheated on her brother. She recalls a conversation she had with her brother, where he expressed regret for what he did, and but Tia is still worried that Deborah will take the girls' love away from her (Tia). Then she has an epiphany and realizes that this was all wrong.

Daniel is telling the crooked doctor that he's concerned that Icky is going to do more crazy stuff, but crooked doctor says that she won't, blah blah blah. She can't be moved yet.

At work, Daniel is lying in wait for Leo. They've got more to discuss. Daniel has a new bet—who will end up in jail now?

Marisol is having breakfast with cute label guy. He starts to express a personal interest in her, so she looks like she's about to tell him that she's married, when up comes creepy Damien. Marisol does not look happy. Cute label guy tries to get rid of creepy Damien by saying he's Marisol's husband. Marisol cuts him off and says that Damien is a former co-worker (something about working as a bartender). Then she tells cute label guy that she's married. Cute label guy doesn't seem to elated with this news.

Tearful reunion between Deborah and Alicia. Smiles and tears. Tia comes up and basically confesses all. She knew all along. She didn't tell before because (I think) the brother had been supporting her? Or she was being supportive of the brother? Then when he died she didn't want his memory tarnished.

Damien is hinting around about Marisol's past, while Marisol tries to gesture to him to not tell. Of course Damien is enjoying this. Label guy is completely clueless, obviously. Marisol fakes a sudden stomach ache and wants to leave. Damien hints that he'll be seeing her soon.

Leo smugly reminds Daniel that there is no proof of what really happened. Victoria can't testify because she's got a screw loose, and Claudia is dead. Daniel grabs him by the collar in a rage. Leo taunts Daniel by saying he'll marry Eva and be the father of Daniel's child. Daniel pushes Leo to the ground and vows that it'll never happen.

Justa and Adrian on a shopping spree. They see the Hollywood sign from a shopping mall. Pretty good view there, to be able to see the Hollywood sign all the way from Florida.

Gallo's in a car with Tony. He's saying that Tony broke the rule—he messed with his boss's woman. Tony animatedly explains that it was the other way around—Leo stole Tony's "woman."

Don Ricardo, Justa and Adrian are preparing the pension for a party.

Gallo advises Tony to forget about this woman if he wants to keep breathing. Tony says that without her, he won't have a reason to keep on breathing. (I think that's what was said.)

Justa gets the necklace out and has a weird flashback where she's remembering when Don Julio gave it to her and how he told her he loved her. They are supposed to look younger in the flashback but instead it all just looks odd. Justa wonders if maybe she still loves Julio.

Tia Tilde asks for forgiveness for keeping the truth from the girls. Forgiveness is given. More tears and smiles. Deborah embraces Tia. I think she's just glad all this B.S. is over and she's got her daughters back.

End of episode!

Remember, click on the pictures to see a much larger version!

Daniel's in jail and manages to connect the dots and realizes that it was LEO who ran over Eva's dad! Later Daniel gets out of jail.

There's more with Marisol and the cute (very young) record guy. She signs the contract and they talk about her career. I don't think he knows about her "past," right? I wonder how this is going to develop.

Don Julio is having a lot of fun gaslighting Marcela. He calls her up and she freaks, repeating "No puede ser" many, many times. (As you can see from the CCs in the above screenshot!)

Daniel confronts Leo about being the one who ran over Eva's dad. Of course Leo denies it.

Daniel appeals to Eva—it's Leo's word against mine. Whom does she believe? She seems to wimp out and runs off. 

Daniel gets physical.

Tia Tilde tells all and asks forgiveness from Deborah for not telling the girls sooner that Deborah was innocent and didn't abandon them. Deborah accepts her apology and hugs her. All is well and everyone is happy.

To answer the question about how I get the closed captions in these clips, this is a feature of HD. The satellite dish embeds the closed captions, not the TV. (There's a lot of technical mumbo-jumbo here which I won't bore you with now.) I use a capture device to get the episode and it records whatever it "sees" on the TV. So if I have the CCs on, it sees them. Which is kind of cool.

I have a few sample clips with more info on CCs here:

And, if you ever wanted to learn how to make video clips from a DVD recording, here's a tutorial on how to do that. It doesn't cover how to convert them to streaming Flash, but to an MP4 or MOV file. (I link to one of my other sites there. Yes, I am a flaming fangirl, in case you didn't know already! LOL.)


Triunfo del Amor #59-60 3/15/11

Hi, guys. I posted kinda late on Novela Maven's page yesterday, so idk how many of ya read my comment. March has been really intense for me; I have loads of schoolwork to do, and I don't think I'll be able to recap this month at all. I apologize for not being quicker to get this. Anyone want to replace me for this month and/or the remainder of the show?

Ya'll can comment on last night's epidose, which I still haven't seen, here.

As always, thanks for understanding!

[Here below is what Anon. 9:38AM has offered up to help Cielo out.  Thank you both! --Jardinera654]

Anonymous said... This is what I remember: 

  • Osvaldo begs Vicky for forgiveness; she refuses.

  • Fernanda begs Vicky to forgive Oz; she refuses.
  • Vicky goes down to Linda/Maria D's pad, goes oops upside Linda's head. Linda taunts Vicky and Vicky calls both Linda and Maria D tramps and vows to destroy them.
  • Napo, Cruz and Millie are sad b/c of Juanjo's death.
  • Ofelia and Gui can't wait to see Victoria's reaction to being betrayed.
  • Victoria leaves the apartment and 'round the corner comes Juan Pablo. She wants to know why he's there...he's there to console Millie & Co.
  • Nati comes running in to announce Juanjo's death. Linda breaks down crying (why?)
  • The apartment crew is sitting around crying over Juanjo with Linda crying the loudest. Millie tells Linda to leave; JP recites something out of Ephesians (?) and tells Millie to forgive Linda. Why is Linda there, anyway?
  • Roxy shows up for work and pisses off Pipino. Chipmunk scenes.
  • Ximeana mad b/c Max is more concerned about his family than her. Later she skips off to Gui's and complains that Max is boring.
  • Juanjo's funeral. Linda comes busting in dressed like a widow and cries all over the coffin. Cruz & Napo look like they have "bitch please" looks on their face.
  • Linda & Maria show up to work and are fired on orders of Victoria.
  • Later, Maria goes to Gramma's house and tells her what happened. Burnie thoughtbubbles that Maria is a terrible sinner just like Victoria, then runs Maria down to the lab for (DNA) "tests."
  • Vicky announces to the whole family (why is Ximeana there?) that she wants a divorce from Oz. Later in the show she agrees to give Oz another chance.
  • No kayak. :-(



    Llena de Amor #149 (Mex. 160-161) Tue 3/15/11 Emanuel has a crush on Vicky, Kristel takes Mau’s breath away, and the old Lirio crew mutinies.

    Full meal deal here, episodes 160 and 161. Looneyvision cut out most of Kristel’s scenes, which is tragic.
    At the pensión, MariVicky tells Chema that Fedra swindled Luis Felipe’s money out of Carlota and then offed the old biddy.
    Emanuel and Fidel hang at their now-open bar, La Buena Vida, where la vida doesn’t look all that buena, especially for Eman. He slugs back tequila and tells Fidel that Ilitia’s pregnant and he’s mad at himself for betraying his twoo wuv. Angela walks in…turns out she’s Fidel’s favorite guru and vidente. She tells Emanuel not to give up his real love; their destiny is still together. Fidel says she’s never wrong. Eman doesn’t believe in that stuff. Angela responds that his love for one is love for the other and all will be clear.
    Bernardo follows Fedra to Lowrenzo’s apartment. He’s mad that she lied and is going back to that slimeball.
    Kristel visits Mauricio in the hospital and insults him at great length. He says when he gets out, he will make her pay. Kristel suggests that he not insult the pretty angel of death who is holding his life in her hands and she crimps his oxygen tube.
    Fedra and Low toast to being abuelos and to making up. Low appreciates that she’s gotten over his little dalliance with her daughter. Fedra says at least Kristel is away from that cockroach Mau. She admits that she did send Mau to kill Low and get him away from Kristel, too, but fortunately Kristel came to her senses so his death wasn’t necessary after all. ¡Salud! But speaking of attempted murder, she wants all the gory details of how Low poisoned Mau. She relishes the thoughts of his pains and suffering. Low says she doesn’t have to imagine, she should start experiencing it herself any minute now! Yep, he spiked her drink. ¡Salud! Fedra doesn’t believe him at first, but then feels the stabbing in her belly and the suffocation. She staggers toward the door. Low advises her to take a sitio taxi to the hospital, for safety.
    Over at the hospital, Malicio gasps and flails while Kristel pinches his air supply and taunts and insults him and demands that he beg her to spare his life. Enter Brandon. Kristel pretends she’s super concerned for poor Mau; look how awful he looks! Brandon sends her to fetch a doctor and tells Mau he’s not dying until he’s paid for his crimes.
    Fedra lurches out onto the sidewalk where Bernie’s busy muttering and demands that he take her to the hospital.
    Chema asks why they all don’t make a legal accusation against Fedra. Netty tells him they have, but Fedra always buys off judges and gets out. She also mentions that Victoria is in love with Fedra’s son.
    Back at La Buena Vida, Eman can’t believe that things will make sense when he sees Marianela again. Fidel recommends he get a card reading, because Angela’s cards never lie. Emanuel mocks. Fidel reminds him that it was because of Angela’s sixth sense that she and Netty showed up and saved them from the little pearl situation with the police.
    In the hospital corridor, Brandon asks Kristel how she got to Mauricio past the police guards. She gives him a little demonstration of her method. He tells her the doctor said Mau’s oxygen was cut off—what does she know about that? Kristel plays innocent, and at the same time not-so-innocent, constantly touching him and letting her straps slide down her shoulders. Brandon says she’ll have to come down to the station to answer his questions. Kris readily agrees, but mentions that she’ll charge him with abuse of authority. Brandon tells her she’s just like her mother. She finds his genetics lecture SO BORING. But toodles; she has tons to do and so does he; it will take centuries to investigate Mau’s long list of enemies and find the guilty party.
    Emanuel is very drunk, and still drinking. The cards send their message: He needs to prepare. There is a child on the way. The thick woman he loves is closer than he thinks, but there are lots of obstacles between them. The abyss between them is death. Eman scoffs.
    Nereida sees Delicia and Axel lounging on a blanket on the dark lawn, smog-gazing and snogging. Delicia’s upset about Ilitia’s pregnancy. Yeah, poor Emanuel, says Axel. Now he’ll never be rid of her. And poor Vicky, says Delicia. Axel comments that Delicia and Vicky seem to be really good friends…as close as Delicia and Marianela were. Also, Gretel mentioned Vicky’d been in love with Eman since she was a child, but that’s impossible since they just met, right? Delicia suggests maybe Gretel is confused, “se le va el patin bien gacho.” Axel says Gretel is perfectly sane, and he is no fool. He knows they’re hiding something from him. What’s Victoria’s secret?
    Nereida sneaks into Delicia’s room and takes out the wedding dress and some scissors.
    Super-drunk Eman says the death card means Marianela is dead to him. See, he’s a vidente, too! He insists he loves his flaquita and wouldn’t care if Mari returned, because she abandoned him and broke his heart and married Jorrible. No one can imagine his pain! Benigno decides Eman’s had more than enough devil swill and he and Fidel haul him away. Eman calls Fidel his sucio rather than his socio and finds that HILARIOUS. He babbles away. Careful, Eman, with the drinking. Loose lips sink ships…ships like El Lirio de Plata.
    Bernardo and Fedra are at the hospital. Fedra’s behavior is giving me post-traumatic stress flashbacks of the time my recovering-heroin-addict neighbor broke her ankle and I drove her to the hospital and she gave everyone a migraine screaming for painkillers and shrieking abuse. I think if she hadn’t been pregnant, someone would have knocked her out just to shut her up. Fedra’s being a pain, in other words. She thinks this is karmic payback for poisoning Marianela’s chocolates. Fedra instructs Bernie that she wants her funeral to be the party of the century. The end is nearing…she’s seeing the white light (she reaches toward the ceiling fixture). With her last breath, she curses Vicky and laments that she will never see her seven star hotel. Adios, Bernardo. She’s out. Bernie wails and begs her not to leave. Suddenly she feels better and sits up. The doctor comes in and tells them it was just saxitoxina, a little temporary muscle paralyzer. Fedra’s phone rings and she sends Bernie to learn the info from the doctor so he can explain it to her in little words. On the phone, Low says Gotcha! Fedra says she hates him and wants him more and more. They flirt.
    Ilitia tells Jorge she’s not pregnant and she needs to get so ASAP. He offers to help. She takes him up on that…ordering him to move to a hotel so Eman will be alone in the bedroom and she can make a move. She thinks Eman will surely be trying hard to drink away the troublesome news, so easy target, advantage Ilitia.
    Nereida chops up Delicia’s wedding dress. Delicia walks in and is sad and furious.
    Oliver and Gretel say goodbye to Paula and leave with Gretel’s suitcase. They just miss Benigno and Emanuel. Eman’s verticality-challenged and slurrily singing at top volume. Benigno tries to shut him up. Ilitia gloats on the balcony.
    Fedra and Bernardo arrive at the driveway just in time to see Gretel and Oliver leave. They turn off the headlights and follow.
    In the house, Emanuel keeps singing, using a tall vase as a guitar. Benigno takes it away and drags Eman toward the stairs. Eman sweet-talks and makes eyes at the vase. MV comes down and asks what’s going on. Not that any explanation is needed, but Beni says Eman is an araña fumigada. Emanuel slurs that he looooooves Vicky. Axel comes along and helps push Eman up the stairs. E wants to sleep in Vicky’s room. She says no.
    Catfight in Delicia’s room. Paula stops them and yells at Nereida.
    MV tries to get Emanuel out of her room. He wants to kiss her first. She says no. She’s disgusted (but also seems to be amused) that he’s so drunk he can’t even walk. He says he doesn’t need to walk; with her love he’ll just fly!
    Ilitia gets some wine ready down in the kitchen.
    MV drags Emanuel to his room and wonders where Jorge is. Emanuel closes and locks the door (even plastered, he’s smarter than the pensión residents), staggers, and falls on the bed on top of MV. Her two years of intense workouts have not given her sufficient strength to push off a trim guy who’s not much bigger than she is. Eman passes out.
    Ilitia pounds on the door and threatens to go to Nereida for the keys. Inside the bedroom, Emanuel snuggles up tighter around MV.
    Oliver and Gretel arrive back at the pensión all in the mood. Oliver starts undressing Gretel right there in the courtyard, and Gretel’s all, Take me away! Fedra and Bernardo burst in. Bernie holds a gun on Oliver and Fedra grabs Gretel. She will not let her go off with this poor dude. Chema walks in and orders Fedra to let go. “What are you doing in this dive?” Fedra asks.
    Ilitia orders Benigno to open the bedroom door or else “me ponga muy crazy.” Open it by any means necessary…blow it up, burn it down, whatever. Benigno refuses and tells her to leave Emanuel alone.
    Netty yells at Fedra to get out, and your little dog, too! Chema orders Bernie to put down the gun and Fedra to leave Oliver and Gretel in peace. Bernardo can’t defy his capitán’s orders. Chema and Fedra fight for Bernardo’s loyalty until Chema orders him to take Fedra away, which fortunately suits Fedra. They leave. Netty is super impressed with Chema’s snake-charming skills.
    The next day:
    Fedra’s mad at Bernardo for dissing her in front of the capitán. How will she get any respect now? She will never ever forgive him. Bernardo wants to off Low. Fedra forbids it. Bernie mocks her for continuing to canoodle with that worm. He warns that Low will destroy her. Fedra’s not worried about that; she’s more concerned that Gretel will figure out who Chema is. They have to eliminate him. She tells Bernardo to arrange a private meeting with Chema. Low and Fedra argue about who to kill, Low or Chema. Hmmm, why don’t you rock, paper, scissors for it?
    Ilitia has recruited Nereida to open the door. Nereida tries lots and lots of keys. Ilitia takes the ring in frustration and gets it right on the first try and opens the door. Inside, Emanuel is draped all over MV.
    Bernardo wonders how Fedra can so coldly want to kill the love of her life, the father of her son, her long-ago rescuer. She thinks Low’s charms will help her get over it. Chema’s in the way now; the past has to die. Bernardo refuses to help her.
    Ilitia wonders how Emanuel can treat his house like a cheap motel. Eman doesn’t remember how he got there. He throws Ilitia out so he can speak privately with Vicky. Ilitia takes that with the expected good grace.
    Kristel’s at the modeling agency, all ready to leave for her big top model trip to New York and fame. Mayela says she’s not going. None of the agents thought she was anything special.
    Oliver and Gretel wake up all snuggly and nekkid. Oliver says Netty asked him to investigate Chema, and there’s no record of his existence. He noticed how Gretel reacted to the guy…does he have some connection to Fedra’s past? Gretel says she doesn’t know, but they’re going to find out.
    Emanuel accuses MV of taking advantage of him. She’s indignant. He amends that to just wishing she had taken advantage of him. She yells at him but he blithely says he enjoyed being stuck together like sanguijuelas (leeches), and he’d like to do some more of that. MV says no monkey business; Ilitia’s pregnant. Emanuel says of course he’ll take responsibility for the baby, but he and Ilitia are through. He only loves Vicky. Besides, he isn’t at all convinced she’s really knocked up (go, little hamster, go!). MV says to find out.
    Kristel begs and whines and tries to convince Mayela to take her on the trip. Mayela says she just doesn’t have what it takes. Her type of beauty is very common and vulgar. They need class. Kristel shrieks that she is super top class; she was born in silk sheets! Unlike Ilitia, who comes from some trashy low-class streetwalker! Mayela looks stricken.
    Jorge returns to the house and asks Ilitia if she got what she wanted. No, she did not, she says. That pushy Victoria cut in line.
    Mayela tells Kristel to stop badmouthing people. Kristel does not stop. She says Ilitia is a terrible model. All she wants is to be married and have mil ocho mil babies! In fact, she’s already knocked up! Mayela is surprised by that news. Kristel makes fun of how huge and gross Ilitia is going to be. But Kristel can’t have kids, so she’s a perfect model! Mayela calls security. Kristel keeps arguing that she’s just like Mayela: no kids, just modeling! The guards haul her out, kicking and screaming. Mayela rolls her eyes.
    Jorge is calmly irate at Ilitia’s incompetence. MV wanders along and she and Ilitia bicker as usual, FF. MariVicky slips up at one point and calls the place HER house. Once little raincloud MV has moved on, Jorge tells Ilitia to get with the baby making, NOW.
    Fedra ruins Emiliano’s breakfast on the lawn. Rant rant rant. Emiliano refuses to interfere in Emanuel’s life. Fedra tells him Gretel left with the poli. Emil’s glad to hear that, and no, he will not interfere in her life either. She’s happy. Ditto Axel. The only one he’s worried about is Kristel. They’ve got to keep her away from Lowrenzo. Fedra assures him that Kristel’s gone to New York, and Low has moved on. Emil glares at her suspiciously.
    Kristel swoops into the ad agency, screeching for Eman. The secretaries tell her he isn’t in yet. Low comes in and tries to settle her down. {How does he still work there after he embezzled all that money and sold shares to Mau?} Kristel cries that her life is OVER. Mayela threw all her dreams in the trash, and it must be Ilitia’s fault. She’s going to fight back and give Emanuel the ammunition he needs to get Ilitia out of his life.
    Over to the dollhouse. Muñeca sighs to Flora that in this case, she doesn’t think a baby is a blessing. Flora says no, especially since they aren’t sure who the father is. Muñeca doesn’t even want to think about that factor. Surely Ilitia wouldn’t be that crazy…would she? Muñeca confesses that she’s not convinced Ilitia is really pregnant; she thinks it’s just a trap. Brandon walks in and wants to talk to Muñeca.
    On the sidewalk outside the pensión, Bernardo tells Chema that Fedra wants to see him and gives him a time and address. Chema asks why he seems so nervous.
    Emanuel bounces into the house after his workout. Ilitia wants to have a serious talk. The only serious thing Emanuel wants to say or hear is that they’re getting a divorce. She pleads the baby case. Eman says they’re going to the doctor right now to find out whether she’s really pregnant.
    Brandon tells Muñeca he doesn’t believe Ilitia is really expecting Emanuel’s child. Muñeca wonders why he’s so interested. He says he just doesn’t want Ilitia to get hurt. “Is it at all possible that you, er, um, you and Ilitia, ummm, you know what I’m getting at,” Muñeca prods. “Did you ask Ilitia that?” “She swore that nothing happened between you in Acapulco.” “Oh, well, then, that must be true. Strictly business.” Muñeca doesn’t believe him but says nothing. Brandon thought-bubbles that he used protection, so if Ilitia’s pregnant, it’s surely not his child.
    Ilitia bites her nails and whines that Emanuel doesn’t trust her. She brings up her rape again, as emotional blackmail and distraction. It doesn’t work; Emanuel is glad she’s finally able to be intimate again and all, but he doesn’t want it to be with him. Pregnancy test. Ilitia insists she knows her biological clock. Eman says they’d better check, in case her clock is as cuckoo as she is. As soon as he’s showered and dressed, they’re going to the clinic. Ilitia frets.
    Chema knows Bernardo’s up to something fishy. He asks if Fedra is still part of his destiny. Bernie says she sure is.
    Fedra drinks and worries that Bernardo will chicken out. Gretel walks in and asks about the guy from Veracruz. She wonders if he is perhaps the infamous Capitán Sevilla, star of Fedra’s fire nightmares. Fedra tells her to shut up.
    In Low’s office at the agency, he tells Kristel to let him handle Mayela. He’ll make her let Kris model, and in Paris, not New York. Meanwhile, he’ll fire the model they’ve already got and let Kristel do the makeup campaign they’re working on.
    Fedra insists that Capitán Sevilla is dead. Gretel says that is false. She plans to get proof that it is the same man, and Emanuel is his son. “Fine, go ahead and hurt Emiliano!” Fedra says. Gretel says she won’t tell him, but she will tell Emanuel. However, she’s willing to negotiate—the secret is safe as long as Fedra leaves Oliver and Gretel alone. After Gretel leaves, Fedra smashes glassware and mutters that she’s going to get rid of that brat.
    Avances: From web…Mau escapes the hospital, Fedra meets Lowrenzo in the woods and aims a rifle at him. From Looneyvision…Ilitia’s pregnancy test is positive.
    Sanguijuela – leech.
    Me sacó bastante de onda – it seemed strange to me
    Se le va el patin bien gacho – she wasn’t skating smoothly, i.e. her mental state was in question
    Encatrarse con – to go to bed with
    Saxitoxina – neurotoxin found in marine life, causes paralysis (illness is known as paralytic shellfish poisoning).


    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    La Fea Más Bella #253-254 3/15/11 Omar's ilusión

    Capitulo 253.
    Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

    1. Fern tells MamaJ that he loves Lety like crazy, she’s changed, and he’s afraid he’s lost her. Mama is sure that Lety loves (querer) him and not Aldo. Fern saw Lety’s pain when Aldo left, and he knows it was his rotten behavior that drove Lety to Aldo.

    2. Tom tells Aldo that after he left, Lety realized she loved him. Aldo wants Lety to be happy, and he’d do it again, even if he knew she’d end up with Fernando.

    3. Lety tries different voices for Aurora, such as Mae West and a very good Marilyn. Lety accepted herself as she was before, and now she doesn’t know who she is.

    4. Fern admits it’s easier to talk to MamaJ than his mother. She tells him to calm down; nobody dies from love. He asks, “Then how can one live, seeing the one he loves with another?” He asks MamaJ for help ¿To convince Lety to pick him? NO! To learn to respect people’s decisions. MamaJ says he can start by accepting that Aldo [I think she says, “sea algo” – is something, means something] in Lety’s heart.

    5. Omar is overwhelmed by Aurora’s beauty. He says, “With you, beauty was invented. Anyone would fall in love with you at first sight.” He could write her the most beautiful love letters. Lety enjoys the irony. He gets on his knees to beg. She leaves but drops an earring. He says, “Finally I’ve found the love of my life.”

    6. Ali tells Tom that it’s always been her dream to sing for an audience. Tom cons Garza into letting her sing “Urge” (check this clip). The audience loves it and Ali is so moved, she kisses Tom.

    7. Lety dreams that Aurora stands between Fern and Aldo, but neither of them wants her. Fern says, “I liked the sweet and sensitive Lety who was my assistant.” Aldo says, “I prefer the Lety in Acapulco. Funny, sweet, nice, with gumption. I don’t like this one.” Fern stutters, “A mi, n-n-no me.. you take her.” Aldo says, “I’ll leave her to you. I’m going back to the beach.” Fern says, “I’m going back to my presidency.”

    8. Aldo says he’s going to stay away and let Lety sort out her thoughts.

    9. Manuel the stylist needs those earrings back ASAP. Caro worries because Omar has one of them. She sees Aurora’s picture on the front page of the paper.

    Capitulo 254.
    Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

    1. Lety can’t decide between old Lety and la bella. She decides to redraw her unibrow and mustache, and reattach her braces, and no one will ever see Aurora again.

    2. Ali tells Tom that if he wants any more kisses he has to earn them.

    3. Omar sees Aurora’s picture in the paper. He considers forgiving Fern because he’s happy and in love. He goes to work and shows off Aurora’s picture to the cuartel, telling them he found the woman he could marry. But he doesn’t show Fern, for fear Fern will steal Aurora from him. Fern assures him that he has no interest in any woman who’s not Lety.

    4. Tom reminds Fern that he should treat Aldo nice since he owns the debt. Cute scene between the two.

    5. The Padillas see the report on the woman of mystery. Pop is shocked by Aurora’s revealing dress. I guess he never watches Mexican TV. Origel announces a contest to locates her. The winner will have dinner with TBLMOE.

    6. Caro tells Omar she needs the earring back. Omar refuses unless Aurora goes out with him tonight. Fern hears Caro say, “Lety, you’re in the paper!” He wants to see it but they cover. He notices that something is different on Lety’s face, and they shoo him out. When he sees the Aurora picture, he’s not impressed; he prefers Lety.

    7. Ariel takes the president’s chair. He says the board approved him as president after Lety resigned (since when?). He tells her to get out. The cuartel tells Tom, and he runs to Fernando (go, Tom!). Ariel is pawing Lety when Fern and Omar walk in. Fern tells Lety to humor him for now, and they’ll get it straightened out. Lety thanks Fernando for defending her.

    8. The attorney tells Aldo that he has authority over Conceptos even though he’s not exactly the owner.

    9. Luigi returns from vacation and Fernando throttles him for going over budget so they couldn’t make the loan payment and they lost the company to Aldo.

    10. Ali assumes she’s Ariel’s assistant. Ariel gives her a list of tasks, while she makes her own list of perks.

    11. Marcia hears Lety tell Caro that she couldn’t get the earring so she’s going out with Omar tonight. She names the place, and says she’ll be a knockout just like last night.


    Eva Luna #90 Mon 3/14/11 It's The Clink for Dano; Eva Admits She Got It Wrong

    Giorgio is all for Marcela having Bruno found, tried and sentenced to at least twenty years in jail for the fraud and embezzlement of funds.  Marci assures him that Bruno will receive his "just desserts" (i.e., something quite a bit more permanent than any jail sentence).

    Marisol goes to Geraldo's offices to sign the recording contract.  They celebrate with a bottle of champagne and Gerry assures her this is only the beginning of things to come and invites her to a celebratory dinner.

    Matilde tells Alicia that Eva left early to catch Daniel at home before work.  Dan is already at work,though and asks Olga why she's not in her office yet this morning.  He has a batch of paperwork to go over with her which he leaves on Eva's desk instead to discuss later.

    Liliana surprises Laurita at school and they spend time at the beach together. They take pictures of seagulls with the new hot purple camera Lil gave her.  Francisco waits at the car.  Lil's plan to make Laurita like her is working like a charm.  (Who'd have thunk all it took was bribing the kid with a digital camera and a ride home for lunch?)

    Mari returns to the boarding house and tells Don Ricardo and Just a that she just signed a recording contract.

    Ali arrives at work and one of the make-up gals tells her about Bruno absconding with the company's funds and that no one knows whether they'll have a job since the modeling division might be forced to close.  Ali says she'll mention it to Eva and see what's what.  Tony shows up and she starts to go ballistic.  He says she told him clearly the day before what she felt about him butting in.  He says that today he's there to tell her what he feels and he looks like she better listen or else.  

    Lil takes Laurita home for lunch.  Laurita shows Jackie the new camera.  "--Liliana is nifty neato ya know!"  Dano arrives home for lunch.  The police ring the doorbell looking for Dan.  They explain they're there because Eva Gonzales has accused him of running down her father and killing him.  Dan is totally dumbfounded.  He gets dragged away to jail in handcuffs [esposado].  The others are in shock.  Laurita's in tears.

    Tony tells Ali she's acting crazy and selling herself to a jerk who treats her like dirt and beats her.  "--This is supposed to be open-minded, liberal thinking?  You're sleeping with your sister's boyfriend!  That makes you a whore!"  Ali tries slapping him but he grabs her arm and continues.  Somebody has to tell her and try to get her to see reason, he says.  He's doing it because he loves her more than anyone else.  "--The only thing that matters to Leonardo is Eva.  You're only a toy, a diversion for him but I really love you!"  He pleads his case telling her that he had no idea how to appreciate her when they were together before.  He didn't know how much he cared for her or how much he loved her until the moment he realized he'd lost her.  She begs him to leave but he won't.  He begs her not to tell him she's fed up with him again since he knows that deep down she really does love him as much as he loves her.  She'll always have him to be there for her to help her and to protect her --even to protect her from herself!  With that he lays a major lip-lock on Ali.  Ali doesn't exactly fight it, but then suddenly she catches herself and pushes him off her.  "--Let go of me!" She races away.  There's a smile on Tony's face because the wall she's put up around herself is beginning to crumble.

    Just a and Ric tell Adrian that they're having a birthday party for him with balloons and cakes.   He should invite his friends from school.  Adrian is overjoyed.  He's never had a party before!  FF>>

    From her bedroom window Victoria watches the cops take Dan away.  She thinks the police were there because Eva filed charges for kidnapping the baby.  At first she's angry but then thinks it's not such a bad idea because it would definitely separate Dan from Eva.  

    At the agency's coffee shop, Ali is thinking to herself that Tony was right about her.  The only thing she knows for certain is that she can't bear the thought of Leo leaving her.  Deb walks in looking for her there.  She stops for a quick chat to plead her case to Ali.  Ali asks her to stop giving her the same lie and admits she was too little at the time that Deb left for it to have effected her emotionally; so if she'd admitted she'd done wrong from the beginning, says Ali, she would have been inclined to forgive her.  Deb insists it is the truth.  Alicia excuses herself and says she wished it were because she could have used her mother to confide in about now and to help her to find herself.

    Leo's arrives at work and takes a worried call from Icky.  He tells her to calm down because Eva didn't accuse Dan of kidnapping.  Icky asks why?  Because his nosy maid came over to tell Eva that Dan came home alone a while after the baby was taken.  So, yes, Eva and the others suspect Icky's taking the baby was her idea alone.  "--Then why was Dan taken out in handcuffs?"  He tells her it's not important right now and she'd better just stay in her room after the baby incident.  Her crazy act will get her thrown into an asylum.  Ick-toria realizes she very well may now be between a rock and a hard place. 

    Back at Eva's, Eva tells Tilde how Leo forced the issue over the death of her father by calling the police himself to accuse Daniel.  Eva thought he jumped the gun a bit since she'd wanted to discuss it with Dan first.  Tilde thinks that it is just as well because now the police will do a proper investigation and they'll eventually know for sure whether he is guilty or not. Just then Laurita runs into Eva with Lil right behind.  Laurita wants to know if it's true she had her father sent to jail.  Eva finds it difficult to explain.  Lil comes down on her like a ton of bricks.  "--It's not easy for you to find the words to lie to a child, eh? Why don't you just come out and say it?"  Eva  hisses at her not to interfere.  Lil says she will interfere because of the way Eva had Dan dragged out in handcuffs, "-- like he was a common criminal [vulgar delinquento]!!"  Laurita assures Eva that her father wouldn't hurt a fly.  Eva agrees but says everything points to him.  Lil turns to Laurita and says Eva's lying.  She only accused her daddy because she wants to get even with him for marrying another woman.  Eva tells Lil she doesn't know what she's talking about and to just stay out of it!  Laurita begs her to get her father out of jail.  Eva tearfully says she can't do it.  Laurita turns on her and says she agrees with Liliana that Eva's wicked, and that she never wants to see Eva again.

    Downtown, Dan talks with his lawyer.  He doesn't know why Eva has charged him.  The lawyer's working on bail.

    Back at the Villanueva's, Lil and Jackie follow Laurita into her bedroom to pacify her.  Lil tells Laurita that Eva doesn't care what happens to her.  Jackie objects but Lil says that with her father in jail and Icky sick, Laurita will be left all alone; that the authorities will probably send her to some children's home.

    Eva is distraught over Dan's being in jail and what it's doing to his daughter, but she's determined to carry through with her promise to avenge her father's death.

    Deb prays in a nearby chapel for Dios to let her daughters see the light.

    Marisol has a fabulous business lunch with Geraldo. He gets around to asking her what she did for a living before this.  She stretches the truth a bit and says she was in "public relations".  When he wants more details she avoids answering and changes the subject to the marvelous way the food tastes.

    That evening Tony is with Leo in the office at the casino.  Leo fires him him for kissing Ali that morning and trying to turn her against him.  Leo says he saw it all and then attacks Tony, pushing him up against the wall.  Tony breaks away and says fine, let's have it out here and now, man to man: "--I did kiss Alicia and I told her you're a liar and a cheat.  You stole Alicia from me!"  Leo says she left Tony because he was more man than Tony in all ways possible.  "--You don't know how much I enjoyed her in bed!"  Tony goes for Leo's jugular.  He's got Leo in a death grip, choking him till El Gallo and a goon of his walk in on the fight and break it up.  El Gallo shoos Tony out and asks Leo what's got him so angry he's ready to kill him.

    Meanwhile, Dan paces his cell.  He can't stop wondering why Eva would do such a crazy thing as to accuse him of killing her father.  He asks himself just how long Eva and he will continue hurting each other like this.  The guard yells over that he's got a visitor.  It's Eva.  "--Why did you do such a thing, Eva?  What makes you think I killed your father?"  She tells him she was there and saw the red sports car, that it didn't stop.  He's the owner of that sports car.  Dan looks like he's awake in the middle of his own Kafka-esk nightmare.   He swears by their son that it wasn't him!!  He tells her it could have been any number of people with a red sports car like his!!  She says she thought that too and wanted to let it go, but there was a witness.  He swears that's impossible since he never ran over anyone!  Well, she insists, there is one and he's going to have to face him at the trial.  Dan says any witnesses are liars.  Exasperated, he makes his own accusations.  "--What's the idea?  To make me into a criminal to separate me from my son?"  Eva swears it isn't like that at all.  She knows he didn't kidnap Pablito and that it was Icky who took him.  She wanted to tell him that this morning, but then the business with her father happened.  It's the reason she didn't marry him that time, and the reason that they can't be together now.  He continues to swear he's innocent as the guards drag him off again.

    El Gallo has a big laugh after Leo tells him why he and Tony were fighting.  El Gallo can't understand him wanting to kill the kid just because he saw him kissing his lover!  He should thank the kid instead because he'd get the girl off his back finally.  Leo yells back that he'll get rid of Alicia when he wants to and not before.  No way he's going to let anybody take her from him, either!  El Gallo laughs at him for being a dog in a manger over Alicia.  Leo says no matter!  He want's Tony dead!  El Gallo pulls rank and says Tony is too important a part of his organization and he won't have him killed over a problem with some female!  Leo says ok.  "--Calm down.  Chill.  I take care of it myself.  I'll get rid of him."  El Gallo threatens Leo. "--If you want to continue breathing, don't do it."  Leo stalks off.  

    Eva gets home and finally gets a chance to tell Alicia that Daniel is the one who ran over and killed their father.  She explains that Leo is the one who says he's guilty.  That's why she was so upset the day before the wedding and why she ended up not marrying Daniel.  Neither one really believe Dan did it, though Ali says if he's guilty then let him pay for it!  Eva says she hopes he can prove his innocence.  Ali mentions Sra. Deborah keeps coming to see her at the agency swearing she's innocent also.  Eva gets ticked at the way the woman keeps showing up like a bad penny.   Eva will go have a talk with her in the morning about leaving them alone once and for all.  

    The next morning Dan's lawyer comes back for another meeting.  He mentions that things are complicated since he was the owner of a red sports car at the time of the accident and it doesn't look good that he sold it a little bit afterwards.  He adds that Leo is Eva's mystery witness and the only conclusive evidence they have against Dan is Leo's testimony, which was what the police used to have him arrested.  Dan swears it's a lie.  The lawyer will follow up on it.  First they deal with the bail hearing.

    As Eva drives up to the front entrance of Deborah's house, she remembers this as the house that she and her father were about to visit when he was run over.  She has numerous flashbacks to a number of hints her father began dropping just before and right after they arrived in L.A. 

    Laurita tells Jackie she'll never forgive Eva for what's she's done to her and her father.

    Lileach comes upstairs to see V-icky.  She sees right through the bimbutt's psycho act and the two have a good laugh over how ingenious it was.  Now Icky needs to find a way out of playing La Loca and to eliminate Eva.  She admits, though, that she can't think of anything right now.

    Deb graciously greets Eva despite knowing she's there to bite her head off again.  Deb tries once more to convince her that she spent years having detectives trying to locate the three of them.  Eva says she knows from personal experience what it is to lose a child.  She's acting rather subdued and eventually she apologizes to Deborah for doubting her and treating her so unfairly.  The kicker was this morning when she drove up and recognized the house as the one they were coming to visit the day he was killed.  Eva says she realizes now that her father was bringing them to L.A. to meet her.  If she refused early on to consider Deb might be telling them the truth, it was only because she didn't want to sully her father's memory; but seeing the house this morning she knew then and there that Deb had been telling the truth all along.

    Back at the agency, Giorgio shows a maudlin Marci the picture of the models they'd hired.  Marci has him throw them in the trash since Bruno had been the one to pick them.  She authorizes G. to hire all new ones.  After Giorgio leaves Marci answers her cell phone.  Julio's voices greets her: "--Hi there!  Remember me?  It's your husband."  Marci flips out from fright and drops the phone.

    Later that day, Leo gets back to Eva's and asks Renata where Eva has been since she didn't go to the office today.  Ren says she might have gone back to visit Dan at the jail again.  Leo asks when Eva saw him the first time.  Ren says she went the night before to speak to him.  He wonders why.  She don't know, but she thinks Eva still isn't convinced Dan did it.  Ren says she isn't exactly convinced he did it either.  Leo doesn't like the sound of that one bit and looks a bit worried.

    In his cell that evening, Dan begins to think back to the time he, Leo, Icky, and Claudia went for a sail on the yacht, the day that Leo had begged to take Dan's car for a spin.  He also remembers Leo coming back and apologizing for hitting some planters in the median or something with it, and Leo offering to pay for the repairs.  (That way it'd be off the record and there'd be no insurance or police reports needing to be filed.)  "--Of course!  How could I have been so blind?  Leo's the one who killed Eva's father!  He's …a murderer!" 


    Llena de Amor #148 (Mex. 158-159) Mon 3/14/11 The unexpurgated version

    Here are capitulos 158 & 159 (of 206) taken from the web, which of course has no captions. As a public service, and because I’m really chapped about Univision cutting out half of the scenes (cero cool!), I decided to recap the both in their entirety. Capitulo 158 I got from, but for 159 it told me “video not found or access denied,” so I found 159 elsewhere, and it may be from the showing in Mexico, as some of the scenes were in a different order that our show tonight. I was unable to get the last 8 or so minutes to load, so I didn’t get to write up any scenes that might have been cut there.

    Since I didn’t know which scenes were destined to be cut, I put in more detail than usual on the minor ones, and as this is two episodes, I hope you will forgive that I abandoned snark in favor of content so it wouldn’t run too long.

    Then I watched Univision’s version to check what I’d written against the captions, but in the second half the captions went out, and toward the end, the part I hadn’t been able to get off the web, the video and audio were scrambled. Not my day for technology!

    So with those caveats in mind, jump right in.

    Friday: Eman has slept with Ilitia, then decides to leave town for a few days to think.

    We see him coming down the stairs with his suitcase, saying goodbye to the family who have gathered – Fedra, Emil, Axel and Gretel – and also MariVicky who looks sadly on. Montage: MV is in her room, looking at herself in her mirror and crying. Jorge appears behind her, faking looking understanding. Emanuel is riding off into the woods on his motorcycle, MV is walking in the gardens, arms folded, thinking hard. Now it’s nighttime and Eman is having a weenie roast at his campsite. Ilitia and MV run into each other in the halls of the big house and are cranky at each other. Eman is jogging in the woods. Ain’t nobody happy.

    Two weeks later! MV and Delicia discuss Eman. MV thinks that he will never ever forgive her, but Delicia thinks that their love is TAN GRANDE that he will.

    Eman’s not back yet, but Fedra tells the gathered family that Ilitia has some news. Kristel wonders if it’s about their divorce and Ilitia looks daggers at her. Apparently Lorenzo is going to show up for the big announcement, because Emil rants that he doesn’t want him in his house. Miss Manners Fedra tells him that Lo is Ilitia’s father, and that everyone has to behave around him and Muñeca. Axel and Gretel think Kristel’s the one who can’t behave, but Kristel waves that off, and says all that’s over and she’s heading for New York, so there.

    Here comes Muñeca, but not with Lo! She is on the arm of Leon Garduño, who she happily presents to everyone has her “companion.” Ilitia is shocked, but Muñeca reminds her that she’s a divorced woman now and can go out with anyone she wants to. Lo arrives behind them and everyone throws looks while he looks grim.

    Meantime, MV is still finishing up her makeup. Jorge comes in and tells her that he’s bummed that she’s distant with him. He knows she’s feeling bad about what happened between them. (In looking at the last episode, I saw a cut scene in which he and MV have a talk when she awakens next to him, and he tells her that she got drunk and wanted it as much as he did.) He wants to keep her friendship, and she tells him not to worry, they were both at fault.

    Oh, and by the way, he says, he thinks it’s good that Bernardo is allowed to stay in the house. (I don’t remember how Bernardo got out of jail. Did we see that?) MV says if it helps his plan to get in with Fedra’s business deal, then yes, it’s better to have her nice and peaceful as possible.

    Downstairs, Emil spits epithets about Lo to Muñeca and Garduño. They assure him Lo will behave, Garduño’s assurance carrying more heft. But Lo is still Lo, and off to one side, he tells Fedra she’s looking better than ever. She snarls at him that she’s surprised he showed up given that nobody can stand the sight of him. He counters that nobody can stand her either, and yet she stays in this house which doesn’t even belong to her. They toss some more delicious insults, then he mentions that she set Mauricio on him to kill him and yet look! here he is whereas Mau has been lying in a hospital bed for two weeks now staring death in the eye. She lights up and wants to hear every detail. He says when they can break away here, they can head over to his apartment and work off all their anger at one another – in bed. Yum – she likes the idea. Bernardo, who is listening in the background, doesn’t.

    Gretel and Axel are walking with arms around one another and are laughing that their family pretty much sucks. In the background, Eman roars up on his motorcycle. Big hugs and he asks what’s new. They tell him the whole family is gathered in the living room waiting for an announcement from Ilitia. Eman thinks he’ll duck into the service entrance instead because he wants to talk to Victoria.

    He runs off and Axel and Gretel sigh about how in love Eman and Victoria are, but then Gretel slips and says MV’s been in love with him since they were kids. What? says Axel. She just known him since she arrived from Spain!

    Delicia is filling in MV on who all is downstairs, Garduño the gangster and even Lo! After stealing all the money, and having an affair with Kristel, says MV, what if he also found out… She catches herself and Delicia wants to know what she was about to say. MV quick changes the subject to the dress she’s going to put on. Delicia gossips a bit about crazy Kristel who needs that lady shrink more than Gretel does.

    MV wonders if Eman has arrived yet, and Delicia says no, but just then we hear him greeting them and the music swells and gets happy. Delicia leaves, telling them she’ll keep watch to make sure nobody bothers them.

    Fedra, smiling happily, steps away from Lorenzo and Emil takes the opportunity to bear down on him. He tells him that after Ilitia has made her announcement, he expects that Lorenzo will do the right thing and get the hell out of there. Lorenzo points out that it’s not Emil’s house any more. Emil warns him not to get him riled, and reminds him that he no longer is married to Muñeca.

    Now we’re with Axel and Gretel outside the house. They each want the other to be happy, she begs him to run away with Delicia, and he tells her to forgive Oliver who of course materializes right at that moment with Brandon. Oliver asks her to give him another opportunity, and Brandon decides that he’ll go look for MV, but Axel tells him she can’t be interrupted because she’s with Eman. Brandon says actually he doesn’t want to interrupt Oliver and Gretel.

    Muñeca asks Jorge, seeing that he’s so capable and he’s Marianela’s husband, if he would represent her shares at the company. Gladly.

    Nereida announces that Eman has arrived. Ilitia is thrilled and tells everyone to give him a round of applause. But it’s Brandon who walks in instead, and Ilitia demands to know what he’s doing there. He tells her MV wanted to miss the family thing, and said she wanted to go out with him instead. Jorge doesn’t like it, and says MV never mentioned it. Brandon tells them Eman’s already home and he’s in the house somewhere, probably with MV.

    Eman spends a long time trying to get MV to say how she feels, while she just looks tragic. Finally she caves and admits she loves him and they kiss.

    Oliver is trying to win Gretel back, and tells her that that with Kristel wasn’t real and Gretel cuts him off. Thank goodness for Axel, who tells her to let him explain. Axel gives him a friendly warning that if he cheats on his sister, he’ll have him to deal with. Off he goes and Gretel, who has on way too much eyeliner, tells Oliver he has one minute. He starts talking fast and within seconds it looks like she’s melting.

    Eman thanks MV for telling him she loves him. Finally! He’s overjoyed, does a little more past-forgiving and then says he wants their future to start now, with no lies. No lies, she repeats. He says they’ll tell each other everything right now and forgive each other. She accepts, but looks stressed.

    He goes first: After what happened with MV and Jorge, he slept with Ilitia.

    Delicia is listening from the top of the stairs when Ilitia announces that she’s had it and she’s going to go get Eman. Fedra tells her not to throw a scene. Then Jorge decides he’ll be the one to go get MV, after which Brandon says he will. Delicia is frantic, ready to warn them. Emil tells them nobody’s going - if they need to talk leave them alone.

    As everyone stands around, looking at a loss, Lo starts to work his way around the back of the room, maybe towards Kristel but this scene is cut off.

    We’re back with Eman and MV. He tells her he’s sorry and he had to get his head together. She asks him if it’s true that he and Ilitia had never been together before. He says it is. She doesn’t believe him and flashes back on Ilitia’s little acting job when she was drunk and pretended to be remembering some delicious love-making with Eman.

    He can’t figure out why she doesn’t believe him. Never mind, she says. Now it’s her turn and she says the time with Jorge was nothing, but she has something very important to tell him that she can’t keep hiding.

    It was Ilitia Lorenzo wanted to talk to. He thanks her for inviting him and hopes they can settle their differences. She’s furious and says that she wanted her family together, and here her mother shows up with Garduño. Lo clucks that that’s bad indeed, but Ilitia then tells him what he did was worse. Poor Emiliano! And Kristel was her best friend! How could he?

    He pleads that he fell in love. Ilitia says she’s had it with both her parents, and wants to just focus on Eman and making a family with him. I think that Lo makes some remark about her hanging out with the policeman, but I’m not sure.

    After a lot of insistence that she loves him, MV tells him Victoria de la Garza can’t marry anybody ever. He babbles that he’ll take good care of her. She says that she’s hurt him terribly. She can’t be with him unless he knows who she really is. Tell me! he says.

    And if you think she’s going to say it, you are a telenovela virgin. In bursts frantic Delicia, who tells him Ilitia’s outside.

    Ilitia of course wants him to explain why he came home and the first thing he did was run to talk to MV. He says he had to talk to MV and now he needs to have a serious talk with her. In fact, here are the divorce papers, they just need her signature. No way until we’ve talked, she says.

    Oliver and Gretel are inside now, maybe in the service area. He tells her Kristel set him up, and that it was a job to get money because he didn’t have enough for them. Gretel says she doesn’t care about money, and he shows her the check that he ripped up as soon as he got it. The most important thing in his life is her. She tells him he didn’t just rip up a check, he ripped up her heart. He says he can fix it, and does with a long slo-mo kiss.

    Ilitia tells Eman that the whole family, half of whom hate the other half, are down there waiting for the two of them. He’s to get all dressed up and go down, and then she’ll see to the papers. He agrees.

    More lovetalk, and Oliver tells Gretel he needed money because he’s not at her level, and what’s going to happen when he asks her father for her hand, him a policeman? Gretel swears she doesn’t care about money. Paula is eavesdropping in the background. Oliver, fighting back tears, says he family does care about money, and he so wants her to feel proud of him.

    Don’t leave! cries Gretel. I love you! That works and they hug and kiss and Paula walks in and rejoices. Group hug.

    MV tells Delicia that she was about to tell Eman the whole truth when she interrupted them. Delicia protests that surely she didn’t want Ilitia walking in on them. There’s a knock and MV calls out to Eman, asking if he got rid of her, but instead in barges Ilitia saying no, it’s me, his wife. She swats MV with the divorce papers and tells her she’s not going to steal her husband.

    Capitulo 159

    MV tells Ilitia that Eman didn’t marry her because he was in love, and it’s not her fault that he fell in love with her. Ilitia tells her she’s going to have to say “byeee” to her big plans with Eman. She swishes out and Delicia and MV imitate her “byeee” then MV wonders what Ilitia meant.

    Downstairs, Brandon is telling Muñeca that she shouldn’t take up with Garduño because he’s a criminal. Muñeca says she knows, but he’s such a gentleman, and she thinks she can change him into a good man. It’s the least she can do for him after all he’s done for her. Open your eyes, says Brandon. Men like that never change. He asks her how long she was married to Lorenzo, and was she able to change him?

    Lo, who was watching this conversation from a distance, sidles over to Garduño and advises him that Brandon is protective of Muñeca, and that he can’t date her without shaking Brandon loose. In fact, they might be setting a trap for him right now. Thank you for the kindess, says Garduño with ironic formality, but I’m capable of taking care of myself.

    I didn’t quite catch this part: Lorenzo warns him that the Lirio means a lot to Muñeca and that they are setting a trap, and might be doing the same for him, adding that he’s just trying to help, as he’s his right-hand man and is watching his back.

    Eman comes down the stairs, thrilling Fedra. He says thanks, but all this isn’t necessary. Of course it is, she says, Ilitia has an announcement. Ilitia jumps right in, gets her champagne toasts his return.

    Paula is very happy about Oliver and Gretel, and tells Gretel to fight to overcome every obstacle. Oliver wants her to leave the house with him right now to get away from Fedra, but Gretel says she can’t. She can’t leave her mother. Oliver scoffs about Fedra. No, Paula, says Gretel. She and Max are my real parents.

    MV, in a short form-fitting dress, makes a grand entrance down the stairs. Eman’s eyes pop. Delicia is behind her, arms bent out, her sleeves pulled so far past her hands that she looks like an egret about to take off. Va –va – voom! say Brandon and Jorge who are standing next to Eman. Kristel and Ilitia make catty remarks about her dress.

    MV thanks Brandon for coming, and says she’s changed her mind and has decided to stay, and asks if he’ll stay to eat with them. Fedra announces that he can’t possibly actually sit at a table with them, but Kristel tells her she’s rude and that he’ll be her special guest. She invites him to sit next to her. MV reminds Fedra that she and Bernardo are just in the house thanks to her (MV’s) generosity, and if she doesn’t like Brandon eating with them, she can always eat in the kitchen.

    Fedra is taken aback that MV would insult her in front of her family and asks them if they’re not going to defend her. Axel smiles that she does deserve it a bit, since she puts down people who aren’t of her… he holds his arms heavenwards.

    Muñeca and Lo encourage Ilitia to tell her news, so she does, saying it’s the happiest news of her life. She and Eman are going to have a baby! Caras impactadas, Eman’s most of all.

    Gretel, putting her arm protectively around Paula, tells Oliver about Fedra’s threat to kill Paula, and that Fedra is free now because she burned the evidence. Oliver tells her he’s found out that Fedra and Garduño are mixed up together in some dirty business.

    Paula, hugging and petting Gretel says she’s glad that her being Gretel’s mother is out in the open now. The two are very sweet together. She tells Oliver it’s his turn now to take care of her and protect her. He enthusiastically says he will, and admires how they look alike.

    Everyone except MV is thrilled by Ilitia’s news. Kristel even congratulates her, adding that it’s too bad about what the pregnancy will do in terms of stretch marks and cellulite. Fedra reminds Kristel that it’s her own fault she’s barren.

    Eman ask if she’s sure that she’s expecting HIS son? Fedra laughs that women just know these things. MV politely toasts the new member of the family and Ilitia smirks.

    Max is furious that Benigno has just now showed up to give him the news of what’s going on upstairs. Of course he could have found out himself if he’d joined the group, but never mind. Benigno informs him of the big news. Max asks how Marianela took it.

    Muñeca embraces Ilitia, and so does Lo, who jokes about her making him a grandfather – he’s too young. Oh, you and your delusions of youth, smiles Ilitia.

    Fedra takes Ilitia’s and Eman’s hands and says she knows that this baby means that from now on, nothing and nobody can separate them. Eman looks stunned and Emil asks if he’s okay. No, says Eman, I’m … surprised. Ilitia happily says they’re more together than ever.

    Kristel thinks they should toast to the two most “cool” families in the whole world, because every day they get closer. Muñeca asks Fedra to control her daughter, or maybe Lorenzo could. Lo pops off at her and Garduño steps up to tell him to watch how he talks to Muñeca – he wouldn’t like to wake up dead, now would he?

    Jorge suggests that it’s Eman’s turn to toast to his first child, but Eman avers, saying he’s confused and doesn’t feel like there’s reason to toast.

    Oliver and Gretel and Paula come to see Max. Paula tells Gretel to listen to her father, but Gretel says she doesn’t want to leave them alone. Max tells her it’s time for her to live her love and her life, luchar, etc. Paula tells her it’s her opportunity to be happy.

    Ilitia tells Eman that he has to accept that this changes everything, but he doesn’t, saying Ilitia can’t be pregnant. Lo thinks Eman is insulting Ilitia, but Emil tells him he can’t come to his house and play the offended father, and Eman must have a good reason to be doubtful. Fedra agrees with Lo, and Muñeca appeals to Eman not to be so hard on Ilitia.

    Eman, suddenly smiling, says he’s sure Ilitia made all this up in order not to have to sign the divorce papers. Lo is outraged, but Emil points out that Ilitia’s word may not be any more reliable than his is. Emil asks Eman to explain, so Eman announces to the whole wide world that the whole time they’ve been together they’ve never slept together. Ilitia points out that there was one time. He finds it hard to believe that she could get pregnant after just that once. She maintains it’s true.

    Eman tells MV that he wants to talk to her, but Ilitia puts a stop to that, saying she’s a husband-stealer and the reason their marriage is bad. Eman for his part announces that MV is the only woman he loves and he’s not giving her up.

    In another life, says Fedra, holding him to his responsibilities. He tries again to talk to MV, but she tears up the divorce papers and tells him to forget her. The party breaks up.

    Gretel tells Oliver this is not the time to talk to the whole family, better just to talk to her papa. She catches herself and apologizes to Max, who says he understands that she will always think of Emil as a father, and that’s fine with him, and if Emil doesn’t agree to Gretel and Oliver being together, Max’ll give him what for. Paula suggests they have a family dinner in Max’s place. Gretel is overjoyed to be with her real family.

    Gladiola brings a dinner tray to Doris, who is pining in her room. It’s been 2 weeks since Andre left the agency and she has no idea where he is and is worried something happened to him. Gladiola wonders why she cares, then gets very worried and asks if she slept with him. Doris just looks at her tearfully.

    Eman tells everyone it’s something between just Ilitia and him. Emil tells Lo to leave, that there’s no reason for him to stay any longer. Lo gives Ilitia a kiss and warns Emil not to hurt her - how could he say, right when she’d just announced her pregnancy, that he loves somebody else?

    Emil demands to know how Lo could threaten Eman after what he did to Kristel. Que? says Eman. You messed with my sister? He heads towards Lo, who tells him it’s over, and Kristel agrees. Axel holds him back. Kristel then says he was going to divorce Muñeca to marry her, right? That’s the exact same thing Eman wants to do! Fedra asks her to dial it down, and to remember that intelligence isn’t her forte.

    Eman asks Ilitia to come to his room so they can talk. Kristel meantime says “the party is over” and struts about how she’s going to New York tomorrow and has to get her beauty sleep and besides this is boring. Eman tells Lo there’s no reason for him to stick around. He leaves and Emil glares at Ilitia.

    Ilitia goes to see Eman in his room, scared about what he’s going to say. I saw your face when MV tore up those divorce papers, he says, it was a look of triumph. Tell me truth! She swears it’s true, they only lie like that in novelas. He finds it odd that he gets divorce papers and then wham! she’s pregnant. Plus he never told her he wanted to have a child with her. He tells her if it’s a lie, he’ll never forgive her, and he leaves.

    Brandon, Jorge and MV arrive back at Netty’s, and Brandon tells her Eman isn’t worth one tear. Jorge agrees, and says Eman deceived her with that divorce story while he was spending the nights with his wife. Brandon thinks the whole family is a bunch of users. MV tells them Eman told her the truth, that he slept with Ilitia after he found out what happened between her and Jorge. She knows that what happened between them was a mistake. Brandon wants to know what it was, and Netty comes in and wants to know too.

    Ilitia is sitting on the bed, sad, when Muñeca comes in to talk to her. She wants to know if she got pregnant in order to keep Eman. Ilitia sadly asks if she wouldn’t have done the same thing to keep Lo at her side. What use would that have been? says Muñeca. Ilitia implores her to talk to Eman so he won’t leave her. Muñeca says she will, so that Ilitia won’t suffer and so that the baby will have a father. Eman IS the father, isn’t he?

    MV says Jorge didn’t force himself on her, they just drank too much. Jorge asks Brandon if something like that hasn’t happened to him, but Brandon thinks he should have been a gentleman.

    Brandon’s phone rings; he finds out Mauricio has awakened from his coma. MV had no idea he was in the hospital, she thought he was in jail. Brandon explains that somebody tried to kill him. He leaves, and Netty asks Jorge to leave so she can talk alone with MV. He does. MV needs a hug from her aunt.

    Kristel doesn’t – she’s’ lying on her bed, gloating and dreaming of stepping out of a convertible and being mobbed by admirers. Que cool! Fedra runs in and asks to borrow one of Kristel’s dresses (never mind that she’s about 5 sizes bigger), she’s going to go make sure Mauricio dies in the hospital. What?? says Kristel.

    MV is telling Netty the whole story about Eman and Ilitia and the pregnancy. Netty thinks Ilitia is setting a trap, and that MV should tell Eman to insist on a pregnancy test. What’s more, she thinks Jorge is shifty, and that that whole thing about her drinking too much, and then having to tell Eman, it’s very fishy.

    MV disagrees. Why, did she know that Fedra took her fingerprints and Jorge got them back? And that he found where the money was that Fedra had stolen after she killed Carlota?

    Jose Maria walks in and asks what she’s saying.

    Kristel tells her mama that she understands why Lo is her weakness – he really knows how to treat a woman, doesn’t he? Fedra says she could say the same thing about Mauricio. Naw, says Kristel.

    Fedra tells Kristel that as long as she stays away from Lo, she can do whatever she wants with her life, and they shake and say they’re friends, and decide to go out together, and lie that they’re going to a movie. (I didn’t get what their plan is.)

    Netty introduces MV to Jose Maria. He politely asks her again what it was she was saying when he came in. The transmission breaks up a lot, but it looks like MV has told about Fedra killing Carlota and fixing it so she got her money. She a murderer!

    Avances: Lo tells Fedra that there was something in the wine he gave her. She arrives home doubled up, then we see Bernardo hovering over her collapsed form, anguished. Ilitia decides to try to seduce Eman, and knocks on his door, but he’s with MV.


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