Thursday, April 07, 2011

Eva Luna #107 Wed 4/6/11 leapin' Leos and lying Lillies, eyes are bugging out tonight!!

Dan is in Eva’s office asking about Alicia. She is ignoring him and putting away things in the office as she rudely answers “She is much better thanks. Now if you could just leave, I have a lot of things to do.”

Clueless Dan asks her “What’s the matter, why are you so short all of a sudden?” Eva turns to face him and says “Your seriously asking me this?” Eva walks over to him and angrily says “Every time I start trusting you I end up being hugely disappointed!!” Dan still clueless tells her he doesn’t know what she is talking about. Eva walks away from him and tells him not to act so innocent. He tells her he doesn’t know what she is talking about. Eva asks “Who did you sleep with last night?” Dan says “What are you saying?” Eva replies “Are you going to deny that you slept with Lilly?” Dan tells her he doesn’t know where she got that idea and yes there is something I want to explain to you.” Eva cuts him off and says “I know exactly what I saw.” Dan asks her what did she see.. Eva tells him “Your dear Lilly called me last night and asked me to come over to talk.” Dan says “Talk about what.” Eva “A topic very important, woman to woman. And when I got there Jacky sent me to her room and I saw you in her bed” Dan is bugged eyed.

Jacky is chewing Fran out for telling the gardener that she had a dark secret past and that the men who go out with her suddenly disappear and if he goes out with her he will also disappear. Fran tries to deny this and Jacky calls him a liar.

Oh I forgot about this part, Leo is choking the life out of Lilly. She manages to free herself and tells him to never put a hand on her again. Tempers are flaring as Leo says waving his finger angrily in her face “Do you think you are looking at the face of an idiot? Nobody betrays me Lilly!!!!” (This looks like an angry idiot’s face to me.)

Lilly pushing his hand aside tells him she had nothing to do with what crazy Vicky did. Leo walks away from her as Lilly continues to say that Vicky is out of her mind and is talking pure nonsense . He asks her where did Vicky come up with the story about the place Lilly had her hid out at. Lilly overacting denies this and tells Leo she is incapable of doing such a thing. Then she tells Leo that Vicky is worse off than she thought. Leo tells her he doesn’t believe her one bit.

Fran is apologizing to Jacky and tells her he didn’t think she really wanted to go out with that guy. Jacky tells him he is really dumb and she’s not upset because of that. She is upset because he will never mature. Then she says how could she ever forget that he was an expert in lying and starts to walk away. Fran tells her not to leave. She asks if he wants her to stay so he can keep lying to her? He tells her the only thing he wants to do is beg her forgiveness. He tells her she was right he told the guy all that stuff.

Renata tells Justa that she has something very serious to tell her. Justa doing the suffering women bit tells her she hopes she didn’t come over to talk about Julio again. She tells Renata that story is over with for good. She doesn’t want to even talk about the subject. Renata tells her she understands she doesn’t want to know anything about Julio but she is wrong. The story between her and Julio is not over. Justa shaking her head tells Renata the person who is wrong is her. Their story is in the past. She tells she is living happily in the present with Ricardo and Adrian. Then she tells Renata not to take it the wrong way but it would be best if she leaves. Poor Renata tells her it has already been 20 years in the making and it is now time for her to know the truth.

Dan must have told Eva what happened the night before to his understanding. He tells her he doesn’t know how he ended up in Lilly’s bed. Eva looks at him and asks if he thinks she is so stupid as to believe such an outrageous thing. Dan tells her it may sound crazy but it is the truth. He tells her he has been trying to figure it out and the only thing he can think of is the drink was stronger than he thought and since he was so tired he lost consciousness. Eva smarts back “ Oh and for certain she put you in her bed and took advantage of you? You poor thing.” Than she slams her hand down on the table and says “Look Dan you don’t even believe that!!” Dan tells her he’s not saying that is what happened but he doesn’t know what happened. Eva now standing and very ticked off says “I saw you two together and no one can tell me differently, and later Lilly told me that you two were in a relationship.” Dan tells her she was lying and he doesn’t know why she would say that and he is going to go ask her right now. He storms out looking for Lilly and we can almost see dragon fire flaming out of Eva’s nose.

Lilly now acting all hurt approaches Leo and sweetly asks him how he could think such awful things about her. She attempts to touch his face and Leo pulls away with anger and tells her he doesn’t trust anyone. She calls him unjust and from the start she has done nothing that would cause him to distrust her. He tells her he believed that but once he talked to Vicky, and Lilly interrupts him telling him Vicky is a liar and a manipulator. And that he is all confused because of her crazy antics. The only thing Vicky is doing is looking for justification for all the crazy stuff she has done so everyone will forgive her and continue to believe her. Leo pauses for a moment to think this over. He tells her he doesn’t know which one of the two of them is trying to justify their actions.

Lilly calls him obstinate (terco/ obstinate or stubborn) and says his sister is sick in the head and all she wants to do is hurt every one and nothing has been going right for her. For some reason (I might have missed something) Leo jumps up and grabs Lilly by the throat and tells her if she dare put a finger to Eva she will pay for it. Lilly pulls away again and tells him she would never do anything against Eva because she knows how significant Eva is for him. She tells him “And to prove it you need to know I achieved what I promised I would do.” Leo asks her what? She tells him she made Daniel think they made love. Leo seems impressed by this and asks her how she accomplished that. She tells him the same way he made Eva believe she slept with him in the cabin. “I learn fast.”

Jacky wants to know why Fran lied. What did he get out of lying and making sure the gardener took off. Fran shuffles a bit and says So that he would leave and not ask her out again. Jacky tells him she didn’t know it mattered so much to him that she was going to go out with some one else. He tells her it does matter to him. She asks him how come? Fran gets very close and touches her face and tells her “Even though you don’t believe this I worry about you and don’t want you to go out with just any old gardener type.” Jacky scoffs and sarcastically tells him “Thanks, but I can take care of myself.” Fran tells her the only thing that guy was looking for was “Well you know” and this sends Jacky off the edge as she tells him to stop interfering in her life and angrily storms off.

Fran is left scratching at his head saying “I sure put my foot in that one.” as Adrian and Laurita come out from hiding and Laurita says “Ya think?” Fran asks if they heard everything. They both stand their looking quite guilty as Fran calls them little gossips.

Fran turns from them and still scratching his head says “Now what do I do? How do I fix this?”

Leo is asking Lilly if Eva saw them. She tells him everything was perfect. Eva opened the door and saw her in bed with Dan and he should have seen her face. Leo looks very pleased. He now gets closer and has changed his tone as he sweetly asks her to tell him more. Lilly continues and tells him she acted really embarrassed and went after Eva and told her that her and Dan were in a relationship. Leo now kisses her sweetly and asks if Eva believed her. (I am gagging bile her) Lilly tells him of course. She swears that Eva left convinced that Daniel cared for her (Lily). Leo congratulates her and tells her that her plan went great even better than his plan at the cabin. He kisses her again and tells her that anyone that ever saw the pictures from the cabin would believe that they made love. He tells her it was a great plan but she is much braver than him She asks him now if he has any doubts in her. He tells her now that she has achieved her goal not to let any thing go wrong. They have to play their cards smartly now. She tells him that he can count on the fact that her and Dan will get married. Even if she has to ask him. He tells her the only thing that matters is that Dan marries her.

Renata and Justa are now sitting down as Renata turns to her and tells her she is responsible for her misfortune (desdicha .) She is responsible for all her pain and nightmares. Justa looks very confused and asks “My nightmares what are you trying to tell me?” Renata says “You were right. Your child wasn’t stillborn like I made you believe. Your child was born alive.” Justa’s eyes bug out as her jaw drops.

Lily goes to Dan’s office. She asks him if he has remembered the wonderful night that they had together yesterday. She slinks over to sit beside him and Dan quickly gets up and tells her no. She tells him she hopes it gets through his cloudy mind soon because for her it was a great night. Dan tells her he thinks she doesn’t have it very clear about what happened last night either. Lilly looks puzzled and asks why he would say that. He tells her he just talked to Eva and she told him that she (lily) called and asked her to come over to the house so she could see them together.

Renata tells Justa that she did hear her baby cry when she was born and that she lied to her telling her she was stillborn. Justa having a difficult time with this news asks her why she would do such a thing. Renata tells her so she could steal her baby. Justa quickly stands and moves away from Renata. She tells her she took her to that clinic to help Marcella with her plan. She tells her that neither one of them wanted her to have Julio’s baby. And they teamed up to take it away from her. Poor Justa is stumbling around in disbelief. She turns and asks her how she could do something like that to her, her sister. She tells her it was because she was jealous of her and hated her because she had Julio’s love and wanted to hurt her. Justa now in full out rage asks “Where is my daughter!”

Said daughter is visiting the family Mafioso. She is asking for his help. She needs a fake ID and a car so she can go visit her murderous mama in prison. He smiles and tells her to sit on down.

Lilly tells Dan it is true. Eva came to the house and saw them together in bed. Dan looks dumbified as he asks her why she never told him any of that. Lily tells him she forgot. Dan says “For gods sake Lily, you left the bed and went to talk to Eva, and even told her we were in a relationship.” Lily with a straight face tells him “Yes I told her that, and do you know why? Because we just finished making love. And that’s what I believed.” Dan now trying to sort this out says “ Did you plan all this out for her to see us together in bed.” Lilly acting all offended says “Of course not!!” Dan then says “How could you forget to tell me something that important?” She tells him it was because she was so upset that he didn’t remember anything that happened the night before and she was very disillusioned and hurt she goes to say “Excuse me for not thinking to tell you about Eva at that moment.” She says “If you really think I could do something like that than maybe it’s best if you kick me out of your house. You shouldn’t have any problems in doing that.” and she leaves acting all the injured party. Dan isn’t looking any smarter at this moment as he watches her leave.

Renata is continuing her sage with Justa. She tells her she gave her baby to Marcella. Justa just about has a stroke as she says “That woman? What did she do with my baby? If she hurt her I am capable of..” and Renata stops her and says “No she raised her as if she were hers.” She tells her Victoria is her daughter.
Justa says “Your telling me my daughter is Victoria Arismendi?” Renata confirms this as the melodrama gets very thick. Then she tells her she is the only one responsible for how things turned out. Because she took her from her and permitted Marcella to raise her in her likeness. (criara a su semejanza)

Back to Fran and his cohorts. Adrian asks if his face hurts from Jacky slapping him. Laurita says Jacky is mad at him. Adrian says she is really mad. Fran tells him he can’t give up now and the kids urge him on and their little plan continues. He has to let her know he cares for her and he hopes she doesn’t turn him down. (This was a cute little scene with the kids trying to build up his confidence to go after Jacky.)

Vicky gets in her new car and is off to see mama. In the meantime. Justa is justifiably going off on Renata. She says “You destroyed my life and that of my child and all for hate and for spite and hate that I don’t deserve.” Renata says “I know and I understood it the day they told us you died in the earthquake. The guilt I had to endure with all I had done but I didn’t have any other choice. And Julio loved Victoria as if she were his daughter so I decided to keep quiet for ever. Until the day I saw you alive than all my regrets returned and since than I haven’t been able to sleep in peace.” Justa turns to her and asks her pleadingly “Where is my daughter now? I want to see her. I want her to know that I am her mother.” Renata tells her she was at Julio’s place but she left.

Cue Victoria who is on her own road towards the truth.

(I know I am one of the few Tony fans out there, but I thought this was the best part of the night. “sweet” bad boy Tony versus “monster” bad boy Leo. You know who I am rooting for.) Tony enters Leo’s office.
He says he was told that Leo wanted to talk to him. He tells him to close the door. Tony asks him what he wanted. Leo tells him he wants to talk about his future. Tony says “My future?” Leo tells him he is going to tell him what he needs to do if he wants to keep on living. Tony gives him the look.

Vicky is escorted to the visitors room at the prison and timidly sits down at Marcella’s table. She doesn’t seem all that excited to see Vicky as she says “I knew it was you. It is about time you showed up.” She says “Even though I knew Claudia Jimenez was dead, only you could come up with taking that name to hide under.” Vicky tells her that El Gallo helped come up with the fake identity.” Marcella asks her why she came.

She tells her to clear up something. Leo told her she was adopted and she wants her to tell her that it isn’t true. Marcella looks at her with disdain as she says “ And here I thought you came to help me and to offer understanding.” Vicky is crying and says “tell me it isn’t true. Tell me I am your daughter” Marcella looks smug as she says to her “Leo was right . You are not my daughter.’

Vicky is still crying as she says she can’t be adopted. “I know I am your daughter and you are my mother.” Marcella stares at her with the eyes of a cold hearted murderer (Oh yea she is one)

She continues “I am not and I don’t care that you know.” Vicky is weeping and says “You are only saying this because you are mad at me. You can’t forgive me because I stepped out on Dan and now he wants a divorce. Right?” Marcela tells her she is right “I will never forgive you for that stupid act for two reasons. First, you messed up our plan to get all of Dan’s money and secondly because you had no right to mess around with Bruno.” Vicky looks truly shocked and a bit frightened as Marcella continues “Do you know why? Because he was my lover.’ Vicky’s eyes bug out at hearing this.

Marcella says “ He betrayed me with you!! And you have disappointed me over and over again.!!” Vicky is begging her not to say that to her. Marcella tells her if she were her true daughter she would have been able to carry out her plan. She would have been able to do exactly what she was told to do. What ever was necessary to finish off Eva the enemy. She would never had a trembling hand when it came time to pull the trigger. She would never have messed up so many times. Victoria is sobbing at hearing this.

Tony asks Leo what all the threats are about now. Leo tells him he knows what they are. He says “I know you went to talk to Eva. And asked her to forgive you for the stuff you did to her in the past and you told her you love Alicia.” We have a stare down as Tony says “ Yes I did. All of that is true. So what?”
Leo tells him he better not tell her about the little job he had him do for him because he will finish him off if he does. He bumps him insolently as he walks away. Tony says “Now that you called on me to talk about all this Leo I will take advantage of the little trip.” Leo says “talk” Tony starts talking about how Leo drugged Eva and put her in bed nude and took photos of her and does he think he is still afraid of him? Leo says and why aren’t you. Tony tells him it is because he is now the one making the threats. Leo looks at him and says You against me? Tony tells him “Yes, Me against you. And Now I will be very direct and clear!!”

Marcella tells Victoria she is nothing to her. She is nothing but a bastard product from one of her fathers little adventures with a common office assistant. Vicky asks her what is she talking about. Marcella tells her not to even think about asking who it is because she will never tell her. She continues “The name of this woman repulses me and now I hate you as much as I hate her.” Poor Vicky is now mumbling between sobs as she says “ Mama you are killing me.” Marcella tells her she is just as fragile and insignificant as her (Justa,) she says “I don’t love you. You are stupid” She gets up to leave rudely as poor Vick is left to suffer one more disastrous rejection. (I’m felling pretty sorry for her right now and think she’s almost more than paid up for the whole acid in the face incident.)

Leo is now wrestling with Tony and tells him not to dare threaten him. Tony tells him “For Alicia I am capable of doing that and much more!!” Leo says “All of this has to do with her?” Tony screams in his face “Yes because I love Alicia. I am warning you Leo don’t you dare get close to her and don’t you dare try to hurt her unborn child.” Leo screams back “You don’t scare me with your threats. You got that!!!” Tony says “If you do anything to hurt her or anything to hurt her baby, Daniel will find out that it was me who he was going to see that day for the auto part because you paid me to do it.” Leo backs down a bit at hearing this. Tony says “Do you know what will happen with Eva? She will receive those pictures that you took of her in bed when you drugged her and took all her clothes off. I swear that this time I am not playing around!!” Leo is really giving all this some deep thought. Now it is Tony’s turn to put the finger to the face as he tells Leo to watch out as he begs his leave.

The next scene is really cute but I am going to condense it. Adrian and Laurita are trying to convince Jacky to take them out to some cool new restaurant. We see Fran occasionally peaking around the corner in hopes that she will agree. She waivers back and forth.

Julio is talking to Dr. Garcia awaiting news about Vicky. In walks Renata with Justa right behind. Julio is quite startled to see Justa there.

So we were all on pins and needles to hear what Giorgio was going to reveal to Eva. What a let down. It was nothing more than how he has figured out that Marcella was more than likely responsible for the deaths of Bruno and what’s her name. FF>>>>

Justa is begging Julio to help her find Vicky. Julio tells her that he only just found out that Victoria was their daughter. Renata tells Julio that Justa knows everything. That she has kept this secret for many years and that she needs to tell them both something. She tells them that she is ready to pay for what she has done. She tells them to call the police and charge her with this crime. Julio says “You can’t pay for all the damage that you caused us with just that. And for me I think God should be in charge of your punishment” as he snarls at her. Justa turns to Renata and says acidly “Me too.” Julio now totally fed up with Renata asks Dr. Garcia to take her home.

Leo is having a flashback about the whole “Drug Eva, take off her clothes, get in bed and do some self portraits. He also is remembering giving Tony the memory card and asking him to get the pictures but don’t look at them. He also is remembering his prior little discussion with Tony threatening him about showing Eva the pictures. None of this is sitting very well with Leo as he takes a drink from his glass and hurls it across the room saying “I swear I will kill you Tony.”

Giorgio is still going on about his theory about Marcella . They even figure out how she could get back and forth from LA to Miami. FF>>

Adrian and Laurita are still trying to convince Jacky to take them out. I think she is about to bite. Fran is still hanging around the corner and is almost caught a couple of times. The kids have worn her out telling her if she goes she will be very happy. She finally gives in and agrees. We see a very elated Fran in the background as the kids are about to whisk her off.

We get a silly little happy dance from Fran once they have all left to get ready.

Julio and Justa alone at last. Julio says “ Who would have had thought that at the end of our story of love we would bear fruit.” Justa smiles and says “yes and it is the most precious. And you at least got to be close to her.” Julio tells her that he wouldn’t deny he was very fortunate to be so close to her. But truthfully he would rather have had it been with her beside him. Justa says well of course that would have been the best, but now what is important is that God is giving them the chance to rescue her. To help her. Face all her mistakes and start her life a new.

Deb is talking with Alicia and tells her she is happy to see her feeling better. We have some Mother daughter bonding. Deb is all excited that she is about to be a grandmother.

Julio is calling the police station to see if they have any news about Victoria. They have nothing to tell him.
Justa is about to leave and tells Julio she will go to Eva and Daniel and ask them to drop the charges against Victoria. Julio says he was thinking about that as well and that they should go together. Justa is now remembering when she first saw Vicky at the pension. She tells him she felt a great unexplainable emotion. But now she understands what it was. Julio says :It was “the voice of the blood.”

Justa says that is what it was. Julio tells her that from the first moment that Marcella brought her to the house and he had this tiny baby in his arms he felt a great love for her. And he soon forgot that she was adopted and always felt like she was his own daughter. At that moment we hear a sharp shrill “Papa”. Justa drops her purse as Victoria comes running to Julio.

She is crying and asking him to tell her who her real mother is. Dramatic music ensues as Victoria suddenly notices Justa standing behind her.

Deb is begging Alicia to tell her who the father of her child is. Alicia is crying and tells Deb if she tells her she can’t tell anyone. She is just about to spit it out when Eva comes waltzing in. Well that will have to wait till later.

Julio is asking Victoria how she found out. Who told her the truth. She tells him Leo told her she was adopted and later Marcella told her she was certainly not her daughter. Julio asks her if she went to see Marcella? Vicky tells him that Marcella told her she was his daughter with another woman. She wants to know if this is true. Julio tells her it is true but he didn’t know any thing about it until Renata told him what she had done. Victoria wants to know what Renata had to do with any of this. Julio tells her she will find out soon enough. He turns her to face Justa. Victoria stares for a few seconds and tells her she thinks she knows her. She has seen her before. Justa tells her “yes we met once at the pension when Eva introduced us. Victoria is trying to think this all through and has the little flashback of when she met Justa at the pension. Now Vicky freaks a bit and asks if Eva is there as well. Julio assures her she isn’t there. She asks him “Then why is this woman here?” Julio finally tells her that Justa is her real mother. We have exchanged looks. Victoria still very confused and Justa very hopeful.

And that’s where we end with my last Eva recap. It has been a great pleasure to be your Wednesday evening recapper.


Teresa Wed 4/6/11 #6 Teresa wants to see her sister...

Wow, this turned out way longer than I had anticipated. Hope you can suffer through it! I'll try to be shorter next time...

Let's dive right in:

We open where we left off, with Teresa meeting Ruben, Aida’s papa. Then everyone at the competition wondering where Teresa is, including her sister Rosita, who is disappointed that she hasn’t shown up yet. Then, on a dime, she is ecstatic to go get ready for the competition.
Back to the book party, where El Professor tries to give Teresa a signed book, and she charms him by saying to wait until she has read it and then they can talk about it together. Arturo is impressed.

New Stuff:
He agrees that this is a great idea; he wants her to read it. She lays on a little more charm and flattery, and then he gives her the book, saying he looks forward to what she has to say about it.

At the gym, in the locker room where Rosita and the others are preparing for the competition: El Johnny sneaks in to give her a good luck kiss. Quick beso, and she tries pushing him out. He first wants to ask how she feels. First she answers about the competition; when he clarifies, she says she feels fine health-wise. Better than ever. She talks about how she said she was going to dedicate the dance to her dad, but she wants to dedicate part of it to Johnny. They discover a secret way for her to dedicate the dance to him, by signaling with her eyes. They pinky-promise-peck on it.

Esperanza shows up—I think everyone in the vecindad will be coming to the competition—but she says she can’t stay and wants Rosita’s parents to tell her she wishes her good luck. Her mom begs her to stay un ratito, and she agrees to stay for ten minutes, she can’t be late on her first day to work. Whoopsie, she’s been lying about actually working at the hospital. Mom notices the slip up and she covers, by saying this will be her first day with this specific patient. An old lady who needs a home-care nurse. Momma doesn’t like that. She warns Esperanza to be muy careful, muy aware of what is going on, etc. Esperanza agrees. Mom is just worried about her kids, you can’t imagine how anxious she is to get the results from Esperanza’s friend-from-work doctor (she basically begged/bribed him to lie for her.)

Mariano is at the hospital talking to a former doctor that taught him before he left the medical program. He came to bring a little more money (The money Esperanza gave back to him bc Ruben, aka el hombre de bruto bigote, is crazy controlling and won’t let anyone else help her sick brother.) The doctor is delighted to hear that Mariano is back on the Med School track, and for good this time. Mariano has mucho talento! And I think the doctor even says that he doesn’t have to keep paying him, he is so happy to help. Mariano won’t have that. Something else? Yes, Mariano says. He asks about (I think!) Some doctor, who is the brother of his former doctor-professor, and then about the doc that came to help Esperanza’s hermanito the other day. They are all waiting on analyses from said doc, and Mariano thinks that what is making him sick could be something really bad.

Back at El Prof’s Pad. Teresa hears Malo Mustachio (I'm sorry but it is all I see when I look at his face!) talking to Arturo about her, the very beautiful girl that Arturo introduced to him. “No me digas que andas con ella.” The prof is pissed. “Que classe de pregunta es esa? Teresa es mi alumna mas brillante y punto.” Ruben spouts a whole bunch of crap amounting to this: I’m a sleazebag. When you’re married, you’ll understand. (Not a direct translation.) Arturo shows he’ll be one of the good guys, saying that marriage is a committment and a responsibility and dude, your daughter is like, totally the same age as Teresa. Gross! He knows this perfectly well. Of course he does. Blah blah, Teresa says something aloud to some flowers about Ruben and him making a big mistake.

Rosa is stretching, Johnny is fretting.

Teresa walks into a room, and once she sees Luisa, she fakes a headache—her excuse for leaving early and getting to the competition so she can see her sister, I assume. Luisa offers to get some pastillas (pills) to help her headache. I think she adds in something here about how she knows Luisa doesn’t like her very much, but hopefully when she knows her better that’ll change.

Aida walks in. Insults fly. Aida says Teresa always pops up in places where she doesn’t belong/doesn’t expect her to be. Teresa says, you want surprises, this is nada. There are muchas cosas about me you (all) don’t know. Aida says it’s an unpleasant (desagradable) surprise. Teresa says, you have no idea how unpleasant this little surprise I have for you will be. Aida wants to know what she is talking about. Teresa makes a Mock-what-could-it-be?/I-am-really-going-to-enjoy-this face.

Back to the crowd and the group part of the competition. With hula hoops. El Johnny and Armando are yelling but I can’t really hear with all the noise. Johnny is holding a sign “Vamos Rosa”, yelling excitedly, and I think sweating and scratching his face out of nervousness.

Aida vs. Teresa. A: Are you here looking for Paulo? Because if you are trying to get back with him— T: What fear of me you have! Sure, as you know Paulo continues to think of me. A: You don’t know how fast he came back to me once he left you. T: Stop worrying about Paulo. He’s [my gift to you], with a bow (moña) on top. (??) My surprise has nothing to do with him. For now. [Smirk.] Aida runs into her dad, and her dad talks about having met Teresa. They make it clear they are not friends. Aida calls Paulo, “You’ll never guess who I ran into at the Prof’s book signing.” (My apologies for the clumsy English translation. I just wanted to try and see if I could do a scene (almost) word for word.)

Aurora runs into Mariano in the hospital. He tells her he is studying again, and medicina at that!

Mariano goes and talks to the doctor who helped out Esperanza’s brother. The doc almost lets it slip about his little deal with her, by commenting that doctors are used to secrets—Secrets? “What are you talking about? Tell me. What happened with Esperanza?” Mariano is in concerned neighbor mode.

Paulo is at the book party. Teresa walks up to Paulo and Aida, usual stuff. I probably missed one or two of the famous Teresa lines, fill me in if I did. When she walks away, Aida says she is not okay just being there to make Teresa jealous.

Luisa and Teresa talk, meanwhile, Luisa accidentally hits a waiter’s tray and it makes a loud crash. Everyone looks, Teresa apologies, acting like it was her mistake. Luisa is grateful.

The doc and Mariano: He brushes off the secret talk, saying he thinks that the boy has a tumor in the riñon (kidney.) Mariano says he studies medicine and sort of understands all this, so please tell him the truth so he can help. He won’t know 'til the tests are done. Mariano explains he is the neighbor and friend of the fam, and the doctor realizes he is NOT Esp’s boyfriend. Mariano says she has no bf. The doctor hopes he really can help her. She needs help. Trust me dude, you’re telling the right guy. Mariano is ON IT.

More hula hoops.

Mariano visits his dad at work. Shop talk, then onto school. Mariano really is a future doctor. Papa is proud; it’s what mama would have wanted.

Aida talks to the prof, apologizing for being late. She totally lacks the magnetism of Teresa. Malo Mustachio comes around, tells her to ingratiate herself with the prof, he’s important. She’s annoyed, and lets it slip Teresa is poor. Sr. Mustache looks positively evil when he hears this. Another pobre chica he will try to control? Good luck with that. Teresa is no Esperanza. We’ll see.

Okay, now the whole neighborhood is officially at the competition. Minus Teresa and Esperanza. But everyone else is there. Seriously. Rosa is doing well. Refu realizes that Teresa is with the licenciado. Another person for Mariano to add to his list. This time it’s Refugio asking him to watch out for Teresa. He was so already on that one.

With his daughter gone, Ruben jumps on Teresa (not literally.... yet.) But Arturo sees and swoops in before much is said.

Cute scene with Aurora and her dad. He seems like a good guy. I bet he will be okay when she explains her teaching aspirations.

Later that day: The part we are all anticipating. Big dance. Johnny is over-excited from the other neighbors’ point of view. Teresa is still not there. All is going well, until Rosa's baton goes up, and she goes down. Mariano almost literally flies out of his seat, (maybe his instincts are part of the talento the doctor spoke of.) Wow, he even gets a tn character to call an ambulance within a few seconds. He should be able to graduate on that alone. CPR. Caras impactadas.

Teresa got a ride to the gym with icky Ruben. They talk outside. He is slimy. She realizes he may be useful to her with an eyebrow raise as she turns away.

The ambulance is there. Rosa’s not waking up. Teresa sees the ambulance and hopes nothing serious has happened. She takes Ruben’s card. He kisses her cheek. She runs into Mariano, who tells her that her little sister had a heart attack (infarto).

Luisa and Arturo talk after everyone has left. They thank each other. She says how much Teresa helped her. She asks if he has another motive for helping her. She mentions Paloma and he flips—he doesn’t want to hear that name and anyway, she’s dead to him. He seems like the dead one, Luisa says. Paloma left him before (or at?) their wedding. He is fuming but he walks away. She regrets saying anything.

Paulo is picking up his mother. Again. Is he also her chauffeur? I thought they were rich. She rips the photos of Teresa he was looking at. Momma is not thrilled to hear that Teresa will be at the same university as him. If he gets back with her, he can forget about his money and his credit cards. She also tells him to get over her by getting with otras. Good advice mom.

Teresa is crying and upset about her sister, insisting they all go to the hospital. She curses money (or lack thereof). Johnny is also very upset.

Aida talks with her mom and dad. I have no interest in this scene.

At the hospital: Teresa and Johnny are the most visibly upset. Teresa holds the card and says she would even go there—to Aida’s dad—to help her lil sis.

Esperanza’s day at work was difficult. There isn’t anything she can do for her paitent. She felt useless. She hears the news and (though worried about her lies) rushes to the hospital with Cutberto. They run into Aurora and she goes with them. She walks in and sees Teresa crying on Mariano. If there was any jealousy or surprise in that instant, it was barely visible and gone immediately. She says Teresa can count on her for anything.

The doctor comes out. I’ll use Mariano’s translation for my translation: Rosa’s condition is delicate. The doc says they are doing everything they can, but right now, her life is in God’s hands. Teresa begs to see her. She can’t right now. Everyone breaks down a little more. Then the girls from the competition show up. Rosa got first place. They bring a medal and give it to Rosa’s parents.

Luisa apologies. Arturo accepts. He says his books and work are his life now. Love, women, etc. are just not in his plans. (Not if Teresa has anything to say about it.) He clarifies that Teresa is just his alumna. I wonder how many times he’s said that/will say that before this tn is over.

More sadness, crying. Teresa flips on the people from the competition because the coach lets it slip that Rosa fainted earlier in the week (I think.) She flips more, a nurse shushes them, the coach and girls leave. Esperanza’s mom tells her to talk to the nurse, tell her she works there. Esp snaps, then apologies. Juana hands some money from her and the others to Rosa’s parents. Aurora overhears and calls her papa. He barely lets her explain before he offers his help and says he will call the hospital. See! Nice guy.

Aurora tells Teresa that she called her dad. Count of me, Aurora says. Teresa, almost like a knee-jerk reaction, says that she doesn’t want to depend on her. Aurora’s dad got the head of cardiology to help with anything he can. The parents beg to see her. Cut to them with scrubs over their clothes and masks on. Dad is first. He gives her the medal. He has to put it in her hand. Sad conversation between papa and hija.

Mom’s turn the next morning. She is talking excitedly, trying the positive attitude approach. She talks about her party, dress, etc. Rosa says she wants to see Johnny, admits they like each other, and that, with permission, they want to be novios. Mom agrees to help convince dad. Then she says "Do you think Teresa" (and this part was hard for me to make out because she was whispering) “tambien quiera… Mariano?...” Did anyone get that???? Refugio’s answer is that Teresa loves Rosa. Rosa starts a sentence, “Yo…” then, uh oh. Flat line. Panic. Doctors run into her room. Teresa flips again. Woah, seriously? Did he just say what I think he said? Yep. People are freaking out. Black clothes in the avances. Rosa has died.

Vocab is embedded. I am far from fluent in Spanish so please don't hesitate to correct me on any mistakes!!!



Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #86 4/6/11 Diseños de Doña Disturbide The Maternity Collection

Parte 1
Vic meets the new Jefe
Burnie introduces Vic to her new immediate superior. Vic asks who that would be. “Señor?” Burnie says. Vic turns, to see…..Rodolfo Padilla in all his garishly garbed glory (and he’s smoking a cigar!) Vic wants to know what the bastard is doing there. Padilla raises a hand to silence her. “Vicki, ex señora Sandoval,” says Padilla “from now on I will demand complete respect from you. I am your new boss.” Vic is understandably impactada. She turns to Burnie and asks what this is all about “¿De qué pretendes?” (Don’t be fooled by this false cognate. It really means “What are you trying to do”? Find more false friends in this Caray Caray post!) Burnie explains that it wasn’t enough to see her daughter paralyzed and bedridden for the rest of her life. Burnie says she set out to make Vic’s life impossible and she is going to do just that.

Max and María After the Bautizo
María asks Max to stop seeking her out. As he leaves Milagros tells him “you know how much I love you, but you are causing María Desamparada so much suffering!” She asks him to please stay away from her. Mark Tacher (aka Señor Dreamy) is in the crowd. Jealous Max gives him the stink eye. Milagros blesses Max and he takes his leave, but not before we are treated to a moving ballad (“Qué Sera De Ti” by Thalía. Quiero amanecer contigo amor/te necesito para estar feliiiiiiiz.) María looks back and cries. She is protectively surrounded by the people of the vecindad and led away.

Vic and Padilla Face Off
Vic tells Burnie- “If you think you are going to “obligarme” (force me/bind me…really sounds off in English), you are mistaken, madame.” She’ll do what Burnie asks, including taking orders from Padilla. Padilla thanks her and continues to call her Vicki. He’s looking forward to being her boss again and hopes things end better than the last time. He thinks they’ll end up very happy together. He leans in lasciviously. Vic whirls and slaps the stew out of him. She lets him know she’s not the same defenseless girl he took advantage of in the past. Padilla tells her she can say what she likes, but he is going to make her life a living hell for what happened to his son. Burnie is practically rubbing her hands together with malevolent glee in the background.

At Casa Sandoval
Os is talking to Fer. He says that he can’t keep it secret and in answer to Fer’s question, yes. He and her mother are no longer married. They just signed the divorce papers.

Burnie Makes Her Mark
Pip is showing Burnie the designs for the new collection. Burnie doesn’t like any of the designs. Pip is a little upset but remains calm. Burnie feels the world of fashion is very trivial and empty (banal y vacío.) Burnie says surely God thinks it’s an abomination that humans dedicate so much attention and energy to such mundane things (cosas mundanas.) Burnie begins marking Pip’s designs with the black X of spitefulness and saying “No, no, no.” She marks away and tells Vic they are missing an important market: Pregnant women. Vic and crew are a bit QTH? Pip protests, but Burnie simply says that if he won’t do it, she’ll find someone who will. Vic says that Pip is an amazing designer and that he doesn’t deserve the treatment Burnie is dishing out. Burnie reminds Vic that she owns the majority of the company…so nyah! She will treat employees any way she wants. He either designs clothes for pregnant women or “Pipino se va” (Pip goes.) Pip pipes up “Well then, Pip goes” (Pues, entonces, Pipino… se va) and attempts to leave in a snit. Vic stops him. She says they’ll present the new designs tomorrow morning. “I will personally take care of them” (Yo misma me encargaré de hacerlos.) Pip protests, but Vic again stops him. “This is more than a matter of designs. This is between Burnie and I. It’s best to leave you out of it, Pipino (es mejor dejarte fuera de esto Pipino).” Burnie gets sarcastic. “For the first time in my life I agree with you Victoria!” Vic will design the new line and will work on them until Burnie is satisfied with them. (Dear Lord, what are they going to look like? I pity the poor pregnant women of the D.F.)

Fer Rejects her Mother
“I knew it! I knew it! My mother is a self-centered person who doesn’t think I need you, Papá!” (¡Lo sabiá! ¡Lo sabía!) Fer says she never wants to see her again. She hates her! Os tries to calm her down. He tells her that just because he and Vic aren’t married doesn’t mean he’s going to grow apart from them (his children.) Fer asks if he’s sure. Of course he’s sure. He’s going to be around to take care of her. He makes a few jokes and she smiles and laughs. He promises to always be near her and to make sure she doesn’t lack anything.

And Now For Your Daily Requirement of Flahsback
Pip offers to help Vic with the designs, but Vic says she can do it. Pip apologizes for what he’s about to say, but he wonders if Vic doesn’t realize that this is just a trap Burnie is setting? Burnie isn’t going to like anything she does! (Ohhh, believe me, Pip…Vic gets it.) Vic appreciates his concern, but she has to face Burnie alone (dramatic music.) For years she was afraid of Burnie, but on this occasion, that’s not the case. Pip leaves and Vic remembers the early days. She designed, Toni sewed, the baby slept, the doll that trumps DNA watched over and protected them all. Vic stops her reverie and draws two lines on the paper. She looks very satisfied with herself (Um…Vic? Hon? I don’t think two lines is going to be enough for Burnie. Better work on that a little.)

And Now For Your Daily Requirement of Cruz
As we come upon the scene, Cruz is in the midst of the second verse of perhaps the best song of the TdA soundtrack: Mi riqueza.

Pa’ mirarte veo pa’l cielo (looking at you is like when I look to heaven)
como cuando busco a Dios(Like when I’m looking for God)
Tu existencia me da vida (Your existence gives me life)
Como el sol le da una flor. (Like the sun does for a flower)
Mi riqueza es este amor por ti (My treasure is my love for you)
Mi delirio es adorarte….. (My delirium is to adore you…definitely sounds better in Spanish)

The crowd swoons and sings along; however, I spy Nati and JuanJo together and I puke a little. We get a camera sweep of the cake and baby items. El Alacrán is pulling down the decorations. The crowd confronts him. He tells them he is in charge of the property and no one asked permission to hang decorations. The explains that they are celebrating little Isrealito’s baptism. El Alacrán explains that the owner doesn’t like parties on the property. Nati tries to intercede for the group and takes El Alacrán be the hand. The party will continue! ¡A fuego!

Burnie and Fausto
Burnie doesn’t care what he has to do, Fausto has to take someone to the Casa de Modas. All we know is she said “Es necesario que la lleves a la Casa de Moda.” Fausto protests (but I don’t catch it…despite rewinding multiple times.) Burnie assures him that this mystery person trusts him. Then she starts in with the threats. “Either you take her, or you will leave my house!”

Everybody is Dancin’ in the Street
JuanJo and Nati dance. A musical group sings. I’m sure they are well known in Mexico, but I have no idea who they are. It’s a pretty catchy tune, but it really interferes with my trying to understand what María Padre and Alonso are talking about, but I do believe they are trying to convince her that Max needs to take responsibility for the child she is carrying. The party continues. The Carpentry Crew is there (I suspect their convo is not integral to the plot at large, so I am choosing not to stress about understanding it.) Israel’s widow (Israelito’s mom) thanks JuanJo and Nati. She is sure they are great godparents (compadres.) Don Profesor makes the moves on Milagros. The ladies flirt with Napo….and someone mentions the name of the group and I still can’t make it out.

Vic Returns to her Roots
Luckily, Vic has added a bit more to the two lines she drew earlier. She has almost an entire line of maternity wear completed! She smiles at her work. She is pleased.

Party On!
More from the mystery band. Don Profesor macks on Milagros. He asks her to dance. Napo makes some wisecracks. Millie fires back. FF>>

Burnie Introduces the New Model
Hey! Doña Disturbide likes the designs! She really likes them! Now, they just need to plan a desfile to showcase the new designs. Rox volunteers Xi’s services as model, what with her being pregnant and being the star model of the empresa. (Be sure to check out Pip’s face…classic.) Burnie says they will still need another model. Toni says it’s hard to find pregnant models, but Burnie already has someone in mind. Max wonders who that would be. Burnie says she has sent for her and hopefully she won’t be long in arriving. Luci enters and whispers in Burnie’s ear. Burnie begins “I want to introduce you all to the model that will wear the new designs, but I’m pretty sure you all know her already.” The People’s Court theme begins to play and one by one the folks turn their heads to look …really, one by one. It’s like the wave…but with head turns. It’s María!! Shocked looks all around…except Pip. He waves.

Parte 2
The Aftermath After the Commercial Break
Vic has the gall to ask what María is doing there. (Vic, you aren’t in charge anymore. Better get over it.) Burnie says she’s there ‘cause she sent for her. María says she doesn’t belong here. The world of fashion doesn’t interest her (el mundo de la moda aún no me interesa.) Burnie takes María to her office so they can talk. María is a little confused. Qué the hell is Burnie doing in Vic’s office? It’s a short and sweet story and Burnie will tell her about it soon, but right now she needs María to listen to her.

Catfight in the Vecindad
The ladies are seeking out Napocito.” blah blah blah they try to sell Mille a girdle. She takes offense. FF>>

Maria Gets The Lowdown
Crazy McSchemey has arrived at the Casa de Moda (suddenly showing her pregnancy) and asks her mother what the urgency was all about. MamaRox drags her off to Max’s office. She has something major to tell her and X-factor isn’t going to believe what has just happened.

In the meantime, Max has grown weary waiting for Maria and Burnie to return. He gets up to go check on them, but Vic tells him it’s better if he just sits down and cools his Jets. Burnie just wants to stick it to Vic and she knows Maria is the way to do it… so it’s likely nothing bad is happening to Maria. Please note: Max has not noticed the baby bump.

Seems Vic is right. Burnie is just filling Maria in on the takeover. Everyone at the empresa is pretty much under he control…including Maria’s precious Maximilliano. He will take a little work to tame (me está costando mucho trabajo para domar), but Burnie knows she will manage it. No one is stronger than she is (shudder…Run Maria! Run!!)

Maria doesn’t understand “You made me come here to tell me all this? (¿Me hizo venir aquí para contarme todo esto?) No says Burnie, I brought you here because you are a fundamental part of my new project and I want to protect you and keep you near. Maria wants to know how she’s going to protect her. If Maria sticks around, (si yo me permanezco en este lugar) her pregnancy will be discovered (todos van a dar cuento de mi embarazo) and that’s exactly what she doesn’t want! (y eso es ¡precisamente lo que no quiero que suceda!) Ah but Burnie has a plan!! She has asked Vic to design a line of maternity clothes. BSCX will be one model and Maria the other. Burnie will have someone design some padding (I’m pretty sure she said “botarga” which after a quickie search is difficult to define…it’s a bit of costuming, so to speak) so everyone thinks she is not really preggers. Maria asks why Burnie is doing all this (My first question would have been “Really? You really think this is a solid plan?) Anyhoo, Burnie says first, she’s doing it all because she loves Maria so much. She wants Maria to have a good job close to her. Second, Vic doesn’t support her (Maria) and will have to deal with her (María’s) presence (real meaning: I want to stick it to Vic.) And third she’s doing it so her son can stop worrying so much about Maria and finally get back to his priestly duties. Please note: no one seems to know Maria is preggers....except Burnie.

JP and Nati
Oh dear lord the man is fine is that suit. Oh, the recap…ok, well he is just finding out that Fausto came to fetch María by order of Burnie. JP starts to leave and Nati says it seems to her that JP doesn’t like Burnie and Maria being together. She asks what that’s all about. I think he says something to the effect of one bad apple spoiling another.

Dreamy Photog works from his Arty Loft Apt
And his theme is reminiscent of 70’ quasi-romantic porn (bow chicka wow wow.) He drinks from a demitasse cup. He either likes espresso or wants to feel like a giant. Phone rings. He talks business…a cosmetic company. He’s got the perfect model!!

The Word of the Day is- Extraño
Padre Hottie is ringing a doorbell. I assume he’s at his mother’s house, but why in the world would you ring the doorbell to your own house? (Heaven knows my own Offspring just walks in!)

Fausto waits in the car on a city street. Eva walks up and asks what he’s doing there. Fausto asks the same of Eva. Eva says Burnie ordered her to show up early at Vic’s house. Fausto doesn’t understand what’s going on. It’s two days in a row, he’s had to take Burnie to the Casa de Moda . And the weirdest thing (lo más extraño) is that he had to bring Maria today. Eva wants to know what for. Fausto has no idea. Burnie doesn’t explain herself, especially not to the help. It’s all very strange (todo esto es muy extraño) and Eva wonders what Burnie is up to. Nothing good, that’s for sure.

JP has now resorted to banging on the door. How strange (qué extraño) he says. He can’t understand why no one is at home.

(If you’re keeping track-yesterday Vic used “extraño” to mean strangers. Tonight all three uses were to mean “strange.” 4 extraños/2 meanings…¡Qué extraño indeed!)

Burnie’s Baloney
Burnie tells María she needs a good job to earn decent money for when the baby is born. Burnie says she’s doing all this for Maria because she’s shown such character and dignity. Burnie reminds Maria how poorly she’s been treated by Vic just because Maria was having a relationship with Max. Vic should pay for her pride. Burnie butters up María. You’re strong, you’re independent, you’re going to make it own your own (you’re Mary Tyler Moore.) But for what? Are you going to spend the rest of your life living on charity? María bristles. She can take care of herself (Soy capaz de bastarme por mi misma.) Burnie says she’s giving Maria a chance to show prove to Vic how wrong she was. Maria wants to talk to JP first. Burnie says NO multiple times and tells Maria she doesn’t have time to talk to JP. It’s a decision that needs to be made… like yesterday. Maria accepts the offer. Burnie looks a bit like a cat well fed on canary.

Parte 3
For those in a time crunch: You could FF>> through this whole segment and really not miss a thing.
María’s Back!
And Toni and Pip are happy. Hugs all around. They all missed her (te echamos de menos…someone fill me in: that is more peninsular Spanish, isn’t it? Te extrañamos mucho would have been more Mexican wouldn’t it? ) Maria is keeping a big purse well slung to the front of her (Please note: no one has noticed she's preggers.) Toni and Pip have missed her. Maria remembers how kind they were to her. Pip shows Maria a dress. Toni tells her to try it on, but Maria refuses. She prefers to try it on alone. Toni and Pip will leave so she can try it on. Toni hands her the botarga needed to make Maria look pregnant. Ximena of course will not need one since she’s really pregnant…

...And popping pills in MamaRox’s office. MamaRox tells her to quit taking pills. Xi tells mom to chill. What are they going to do? With Maria working here, everyone is going to find out she’s pregnant…and with Max’s child! MamaRox agrees they need to do something and fast! Xi says she’s going to talk to Maria. Maria is an idiot who believes in honor and promises and moral values. Xi will take care of her.

Meanwhile Maria is ushering Toni and Pip out of the dressing room. She thought bubbles: what if they knew she didn’t need the botarga. That she really was preggers. (I don't know why she's worried. Apparently bricks have a significantly higher IQ than these people.)

A Second Helping of Cruz
de me vida.
Eres dueña de me amoooor.

(I'm glad Fer has recovered from David Zepeda eye.)

Te has sembrado aquí en mi pecho (you’ve planted yourself here in my chest)
dentro de mi corazón (inside my heart)

(see above for second verse)

Mi riqueza es este amor por ti….
Mi delirio es adorarte.
Como me hierve la sangre (My blood boils)
ver tu mundo tan distante (to see your world which is so far)
del que puedo darte yo. (from the one I can give you)

At the empresa we are privy to Vic’s fourth call to the Manse. She wants to know how Fer is doing. She knows Fer doesn’t want to see her, but it doesn’t matter. How is she doing? I think she tells Micaela to check on Fer every thirty minutes(?) Vic is going to call the doctor again.

Fer is crying and asking Cruz what he wants. She’s never going to be rid of him (Es que nunca me voy a poder librar de ti.) She whines about “before” when she could run away and escape. Cruz fusses about her self-pity and asks when she’s going to get over it. I’m pretty sure he gets deep and philosophical. I caught “grandmother”(abuelita) and hormiguita (little ant) and how it goes around everywhere working. Whatever he said, it got a smile out of Fer. She asks about his pueblo and what it’s like. Cruz paints a pastoral scene. I wouldn’t put it past Mejia to make a trip to Cruz’s village part of Fer’s therapy. “Throw some ranchero in, maybe it will help ratings. (side note: I just picked up a new vocab word last week when I got my haircut by my Spanish Speaking hair dresser—chino. It means curly and I just heard Cruz use it.)
Anyhoo, he continues with his pastoral reverie and I’m pretty sure Fer had to correct his grammar. (I have a little trouble understanding Cruz…I wish Julio Alemán would join the cast.)

Celos Thy Name is Millie
Millie is complaining about the Jarochas (ladies from Veracruz...but not our lovely Jarocha) JuanJo calls her on it. Just in case you FF>> be aware that a pretty flaca walks by toward the end of the scene. JuanJo takes notice. I think he’s over Linda.

And He Cooks, Too!
Meanwhile, Cruz continues to yammer on about the pueblo. He likes to sit in a tree and watch the sun come up (while he’s watching the cows.) It’s so lovely (chulo) the way the sun makes the countryside golden. Fer would love to see it. Cruz says whenever you say the word. He moves on to describe breakfast at his humble home. Hand-made (hechas a mano) tortillas…Yum! If you are on a diet FF>> I got hungry just listening to him. Fer says something and the next thing I know Cruz is running to the kitchen to fix her some vittles.

Vic and Padilla Face-Off: The Sequel
Vic needs to talk to Burnie. Padilla stops her just outside the door. Padilla says she and Burnie are not equals and she should address her as “Señora Bernarda” Vic tells him to shut it with his stupidities (estupideces) and tell Burnie she needs to talk to her and it’s important. Padilla says he’ll tell her, but Burnie has more important things to deal with. Vic is left standing in the hallway with her thoughtbubble. If it weren’t for her daughter, she wouldn’t be putting up with these humiliations.

Burnie is in her office and her cell phone rings. It’s Juan Pablo. She doesn’t want him to know yet what she’s done so she ignores the call. She asks about Vic wanting to talk to her. She says let’s let her in and see what she wants now. Padilla reminds Burnie that his son is dead and Vic’s own daughter is an invalid and it’s all Vic’s fault. He wants justice.

Burnie says it will happen (su deseo se cumplirá) and Vic will be begging on her knees for my forgiveness (me va a pedir de perdón a rodillas.) Let her in. Padilla makes a snippy remark to Vic as she enters. Vic and Burnie have a stink-eye contest.

Part 4

Pop Quiz! How do you say Photographer in español?
Toni is kvetching about Burnie. She needs a photog…like now. And none of their usual photographers can do it. Pip panics. “That witch is going to kill us.” (bruja=witch…with mix and match beginnings! B or W? Your choice!) Oscar arrives and the three of them say “photographer” numerous times. Luckily, Oscar has a photographer friend. Guess who…Alonso.

Breakfast in Bed
I miss a little of the beginning of the conversation (am I crazy…were they talking about worms?), but it quickly moves on to sweet stuff. Fer asks Cruz what he’s looking at. He says something about her being pretty. Her face falls. She doesn’t want him to talk to her like that (No me hables así.) She doesn’t want pity. Cruz disagrees. He doesn’t feel pity. She’s like a gift from heaven. She says you really see me that way? Cruz gets up and checks her back. He says there are no wings their but for me you are a true angel. Awwwwww! Seriously, Max could learn a lot from Cruz. (PS: I’m pretty sure Fab is gonna lose this fight.)

Burnie is Back in Black
Vic: Si usted piensa que con todo me ha hecho, me ha vencido…está muy equivocada. (If you think with everything you’ve done to me that you’ve defeated me, you’re wrong.)
Burnie: La equivocada eres tú. Porque yo lo único que estoy hacienda son negociosQue te hayas cruzado en mi camino, fue una mera casualidad (You're the mistaken one. I'm only doing business. That you got in the way—lit: that you crossed my path—was just a coincidence.)
Vic- No me creo. De otra manera, no había traído aquí a María Desamparada (I don't believe that. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have brought Maria Desamparada…chug, hic!
Burnie: ¿De verdad piensas que eso es una garble en tu contra? (You really think that was a decision against you? It’s driving me crazy, I’ve listened to it a squillion times so if anyone caught it, please tell me…did she say “resolución”? ) ¡Qué tonta eres! (How foolish you are!) He estado revisando los documentos de la empresa y he desubierto que cuando mas ventas tuvo fue que cuando María Desamparada era tu modela estrella. (I’ve been looking over the business reports and I discovered that you had the greatest sales when María Desamparada was your star model.) ¿Esto te lo olvidó?Have you forgotten that?
Vic: No, yo no olvido nada. Pero mis sentimientos están muy por encima de mi ambición. Por eso la despedí.  (No, I haven't forgotten. My feelings are much stronger than my ambition and that's why I fired her.)
Burine: Solo que yo no pienso como túSi compré el mayor parte de esta empresa, es para ganar. Yo no estoy acostumbrada a perrrderrrr. (I don't think like you do. If I bought the majority of this business, it was to win. I’m not accustomed to losing.)
Vic: Lo séAunque es por eso que sea capaz de cualquier vileza. (I know that. That's why you’re capable of any vile deed.)
Burnie: No sé de qué me hablas. (I don’t know what you’re talking about.)
Vic: Lo sabe. Lo sabe muy bien. Y lo sabe porque se lo he dicho muchas veces. Hablo de Gonzalo. (You know. You know very well. I’m talking about Gonzalo and the child you burned alive to avenge yourself. Sorry, echoes and the screaming child interfered with the rest of her line in Spanish. I couldn't catch the exact words.)
Burnie: Lo has repetido tantas veces que tú solita te la crees. (You've said that so much and you're the only one who believes it. Is it me, or is this the first time Vic has said this? Or did I completely misunderstand Burnie?)
Vic: No intente a minimizar la situación. Porque ahora...ahora tengo testigos. (Don't try to minimize the situation, because I have witnesses!)
Burnie takes it in stride until Vic leaves. Then she stabs the desk with a letter opener and curses. Damn! If she really has witnesses she can sink me!

Cue the kayak!


Llena de Amor #164 (Mex. 190-191) Wed 4/6/11 Love Is Blindness

  1. Capitulo 190

Love is blindness
I don't want to see
Won't you wrap the night around me
Take my heart
Love is blindness (Cassandra Wilson New Moon Daughter)

Okay, it's not Edna St. Vincent Millay, but that song started going through my head as soon as I typed the title. And Love sure is blind in this one, kinky lovemaking aside. We have a number of couples who just scream Doomed to Fail in Three Month's Time. But since this is a telenovela, we can trust everybody will stay Crazy in Love Forever. Now on to tonight's episodes.


Emanuel, out by the pool, chuckles at how stupid he was not to realize Mari and Vicky were one and the same. But now that he knows, boy is he ever going to torture her!


Our favorite villaness has stopped by the boarding house to threaten Netty. Give me every centavo Emiliano put in your name. If you don't, I'll never give him a divorce as long as I live. And I'm gonna live a long time. No way sez Netty. That dough belongs to his kids. Be content with the money you already swindled out of my niece Marianela, you trollop!


Well, mainly he wants Chema to get lost. When he arrives, our salty old sea captain is hovering very close to Netty and Emiliano asks what he's doing “so close to mi mujer”. Your “mujer”, Fedra just left a moment ago, sniffs Chema. This woman Netty is NOT yours. And takes his leave.


Because Delicia brushed him off with a swish when he tried to sit beside her. { You go girl!} Unfortunately big bro' Eman sits down and tells him not to give up. Gotta “luchar” for your one and only Love and all that. { Shut up Eman. We hate this guy.}


Well, at least that's the impression she gives a shocked Kristel, who thinks she's going to sabotage the reconciled couple Olly and Gretel by telling sis she saw Olly kissing Manolo. No problem, laughs Gretel. We're a “menage a trois”. Making crazy sandwich love every single night. Wahoo! Great physical comedy by all three. Gretel and Oliver goofy and camp as all getout. Kristel mega Top Model Horrified. Kudos to all. Worth a rewind.


He's ragging on fattie Marianela, who's anxious to get out of the fat suit and rendezvous for some nookie with el Lirio de Plata. No morning sickness for our gal. She's randy as a goat and ready for more shagging, pregnancy or no.


Yes, our Miss Manners takes a little time to berate Eman for hovering and fussing over Mari while totally ignoring his wife. He reminds her she was the one who told him Ilitia's bun in the oven was from another baker. She maintains now this was just a joke. Ilitia could NEVER be unfaithful. She'd cut off her hand before touching that naco policeman.


So Eman grills Oliver. Are Brandon and Ilitia lovers? Olly gets out of an outright lie by saying Brandon NEVER said a thing to him about it. Right. Brandon, at least, is a gentleman...naco or no. Still, when Oliver reports back to Gretel about the questions, she vows to make like a journalist and find out the truth. Are Brandon and Ilitia lovers indeed? Our little Brenda Starr intends to find out.


Yes, here we are again in Fertile Valley. Eman , convinced of Ilitia's fidelity, now ponders that he IS going to be a daddy. While Marianela simultaneously gushes to herself about her newly discovered pregnancy. Complications ahead. For sure.


While Doris gets in touch with her nagging side (maybe André isn't so lucky after all) and fusses at him to hurry up so they don't miss their flight, Brandon wanders into her room and finds the note on her pillow saying she's left for the weekend with her infected beau. {We also learn that the actor is well into his forties from the way he's holding the note about three feet away to read it! So sorry buddy. We know how you feel.} Then Jacqui arrives to fan the flames, claiming that André is a heartless wretch who infects women with HIV just for fun. And when they get it, he dumps 'em. Brandon immediately calls in and orders the police to intercept Doris and her criminal lover and also surround the airport. This ends badly. Outside André's apartment, Doris kicks the first officer and fells him. André adds another wallop, and they take off running. They're now guilty of assaulting a policeman. Not cool. But Doris has a backup plan for leaving the city unmolested. It involves her makeup skills naturally. Stay tuned.


Our scorned AlsoTop Model shadows Marianela out to the pool, accusing her of sneaking out every night to meet Emanuel. Mari denies it while fidgeting and fretting that she won't make it to her planned Love Shack fest with el Lirio. {And another song is going through my head.}


And while he's gone Emiliano arrives with Netty and Gladiola in tow. Ready for the family dinner where he'll announce his betrothal to Ernestina Pavon Romero. But Papa is Annoyed. Because Eman's not there (Tell him I had another engagement Emanuel tells Axel). And neither is Marianela. Kristel is outraged that those two “sooooocial climbers” (trepadoras) have barged in and just where the heck is Mommy!? Emiliano explains that they can no longer live under the same roof. And as soon as the divorce is final, he's marrying Netty. And with that he gives her a bodacious beso. Everybody toasts with champagne, including Max who's arrived from the basement in full regalia. Well everybody except Ilitia, who's had her glass snatched away by her protective suegrita Gladiola. { Love it that the prospective abuelita is meddling already. Ilitia will be no match for her. That's for sure. }Anyway, a good, albeit brief PSA to not drink when pregnant.


And living the high life. In Lorenzo's apartment. And in Lorenzo's smoking jacket (batin). Drinking Lorenzo's best cognac. Low is chapped. Fedra arrives and is equally upset. Netty's got her hub and her money. Low vows to get it back. They grapple, they fuss, they get aroused, they decide to dip into the jacuzzi, they do....or would have...except that Bernardo and Nereida got there first. While Fedra drops to the floor wailing “My eyes, my eyes!” Lorenzo fumes helplessly. Nice to see these two out-foxed and totally flummoxed by faithful lap dog Bernardo. Who has the “agallas “ to sneer --What does a person have to do to get a little privacy around here.--


Yes, our randy little vixen has managed to escape the mansion and hook up with el Lirio at the boardinghouse. Delicia and Gretel helped her make the change out of the fat suit. And el Lirio materialized out of nowhere as usual. On with the kinky blindfold and the incredibly boring love raptures. I need you...your skin, your kisses, your whatever. She's dreamily carping that she wants to see his face and know who he is so she can tell her best buds, Gretel, Delicia and Doris. He saucily wonders why Marianela isn't her best bud. She lies badly. He enjoys it. As well as the rest of her. { I am sooooo bored by these two.} During their interminable love-making, he wonders why she doesn't regognize his kisses. She wonders if she should tell him she's pregnant. { I say that's a great way to ruin the moment. But they didn't ask me.}

190 Vocabulary (just in case I poop out and don't feel like doing it later)

un batin= smoking jacket (used to be Lorenzo's now it's Bernardo's)
no comas ansias = don't worry (Emiliano to his family)u
hazme caso = André, worried that Doris doesn't understand the seriousness of assaulting an officer

Neta? Netissima! = Really? Yes, REALLY! (Olly assuring Eman Brandon told him nothing)
trepadora = social climber ( a word used at least 70 times in any telenovela ever made)
agallas = guts as in “having the guts to do something”

Dicho of the Day
Ser muy listo(a); ser muy vivo(a) To have a lot on the ball; to be very bright
Candidates anyone? Delicia maybe. Fedra in her own cunning way. Otherwise...a very short list.


On the back stretch now but this old nag is losing ground. The York Mint Pattie stash has been exhausted and I'm relying on Trident gum to get me through this last slog. And dreading my next Near Death Encounter with the dentist.


Actually they're out by the pool, still trying to make up for lost love time and Netty trips out to tease them about their smooching. And kvetch that Fedra will never let her and Emiliano be happy. Gretel happily announces that she has the proof Dad's marriage is a fraud and it will all work out.


Masked Marianela wants to know why el Lirio won't abandon everything for her. She's clearly in a nesting mode now. He maintains he must continue his noble work as long as the poor and needy require it.


Ilitia, redemption casting a soft glow on her already lovely face, is entranced with the plain little white socks from the market that Gladiola has brought. Chuck'em out! sneers Kristel. Cheap “naquerimada botitas” could you ever?.....oooooh, I get it. She gave you those 'cause she's your suegrita. That baby is naco-bred and built. Don't expect me to keep THIS secret Miss Best Friend Forever! Well, okay...maybe I'll keep the secret if you use your fashion world influence to make me the biggest brashest Top Model ever. Deal.


André and Doris are sneaking through the airport disguised as mega-old folks. Doris' mouth looks really bloody and unnatural. Plus if they were in such a hurry to make their flight, how did they have time to stage that elaborate make-up and dredge up old folks costumes? Whatever. The ruse fails when Doris sneezes and her nose falls off. Brandon hauls them both off to jail, while protesting to an enraged Doris that he loves her and wants the best for her. And André isn't it. She rails that he's acting like her dad. And he's not. Though he helped raise her from the age of 15 when her own dad took off. Stalemate. The cells are chock full of Llena de Amor actors again.


Marianela is still hectoring el Lirio (They're at the boardinghouse by the way. No need to escape to Love Shack since nobody's home.) She wants more of him. Not just these nightly lust encounters. And she has marvelous news for him. At least she hopes he thinks it's marvelous.

Okay. You know what's coming, right? She keep circling around the subject, never actually telling him she's preggers until Consuwaila , home for a quick change before heading back to hospital, knocks at the door. El Lirio disappears. And still doesn't know he's got his own little masked bun in the oven.


And re-appears down below as Eman. Vicky is cold and dismissive. She's moved on. You can't, you're my woman! protests Eman. I have a new novio, she sneers. And you don't measure up to him at all. (Okay Emanuel. You're getting a clear view of her character. Sleeps around with masked guys. And is hatefully dismissive with old lovers. Like what you see?)


Netty, Glad and Oliver are on their way home from the celebratory dinner at the mansion. Emiliano wanted to accompany them but why worry! Olly's along. Except he's no help when the trio is assaulted outside the boarding house by four black-clad thugs (Fedra, Lorenzo, Bernardo and Mauricio). Fedra, with a little salute to cleavage, has a keyhold bodice to her outfit. The guys have all covered their manly chests. Lots of banging and shrieking and inside, Emanuel stands there unmoving, a total doofus, saying -Uh duh, what's happening?

Netty has been kidnapped, that's what's happening!

Meanwhile, Vicky, showing more ugly traits of character, assails Emanuel for his skanky murderous mother and claims it's all HIS fault for descending from those loins. (Do women have loins? Well, whatever.) Eman's not sure this assault is mom's fault but if it is...he vows to set things straight. Still, he thinks José Maria might be responsible for this crime. CommisarioTejada, another lovable but useless doofus, is alerted and on his way. Meanwhile, Oliver nurses his bloody nose and Glad laments that just when Netty's life was about to change for the better, this happens.

Chema arrives {“hablando del rey de Roma” speak of the Devil} and swears he'd never do such a thing. But Fedra would. Anything for money.


Is this a PSA for better salaries? Anyway, Netty is tied to a chair in some dark dingy place wailing that she has no money for ransom. It's all Emiliano's money. Which he gave to her until he could divorce that witch he's married to. Meow! Fedra's having fun channeling Cat Woman, purring and scratching Netty while fantasising about blowing her away with bullets then and there. Faithful lap dog Bernardo has a Doggie mask, very apt. Lorenzo is a Pig (dead on) and Mauricio, once again inflamed with lust, this time for helpless Netty, appears as a Rat.

The gang is bickering. Fedra's in kill mode. Bernardo is arguing that they can negotiate better terms if Netty is alive. Like turning over not only all the cash but also the mansion and everything in it.


Yep, our eternal metiche walks in the wrong door again. This time when Gladiola is frantically trying to transform nasty Vicky into increasingly nasty Marianela by wrestling her back into the fat suit. Ungrateful Vick is complaining that Doris isn't there when she needs her. Glad leaves. Consuelo stays. Mari swears Cons to secrecy while observing that Consuela hated her as Vicky, but loved her as a dear friend when Marianela. Big hug.


While Consuela and Mari hug upstairs, Gretel arrives downstairs and announces excitedly that she thinks she knows where the kidnappers have taken Netty.


Our fattie, still in nasty Vicky mode, tromps downstairs to berate Emanuel for his origins. And how dare he pretend to be as upset over Netty's disappearance as she!? Netty is NOT his blood. But I love her dearly, whimpers Emanuel. Papa Emiliano steps in and reproves Mari for her shoddy treatment. He's trying to support you. And he's a good man. Don't treat him that way. He doesn't deserve it. Have you forgotten all the love that united you?


Yep, that's how Marianela has been treating him, observes Emanuel. { And given the average dog's treatment in Mexico, that's a serious complaint.} They were good friends long before they were lovers. Can't they at least go back to being friends again?

Marianela admits that in her thirst for vengeance (Forgiveness PSA) she's become a “hard woman” (ya' think?). And what's more she's in love with another man. But she can't tell him who it is. And there we end. Whew.

Internet Previews:
Emiliano wants Emanuel to run upstairs and get Victoria. Marianela panics....and says no no, I'll go.

tener buen puestos los pantalones = to be the man of the house, to be a straight-shooting upright guy (Oliver talking about Brandon)
embaucar = trick, con
de por medio = at stake, at issue Netty, talking about the stumbling block of money in Emiliano's divorce proceedings.
bendito(a) adj. = darned, danged, friggin' as in “esta bendita puerta!” a softer version of “maldito(a) which would be “damned”
eso que ni que = sure, of course
checar la cartelera = check the listings (for airline flights) Doris to André
hablando del rey de Roma = speak of the Devil....(and he appears)

Dicho of the Day

Todo por servir se acaba. All things wear out if you use them. And Lord! My patience is wearing out with these double recaps! How about yours?


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