Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Zorro Monday June 25, 2007: Where Yumi gets accused and Olmos has to wait.

SAM and Camba meet up with Esme and the Amazons (sounds like the name of some cheesy teeny bopper band, but I digress). Esme tells the men that the women want to help them because they are grateful for Esme’s help. They have offered them a place to stay. SAM is a little worried (ulcer 1, at the starting gate of the episode) because he’s heard stories about the Amazons and he’s not so sure it would be safe to seek shelter with them. Camba seems excited about the prospect.

Almudena demands to have an explanation from Yumali about the poison that was found in her medicine. Agapito, Alejandro, and Diego all try to get her to calm down (they must think it is the ranting of an irrational women, I’m sure). Alej urges her to go back to bed to rest. Dena resigns herself to that, but gets the last word by saying that she has been the victim of the worse betrayal.

Montero and the Duke are meeting. They rehash a bit about Sara Kali and how she came to be under Monty’s care in the prison (they blame Fernando). DJ tells Monty that Fernando had been blackmailing him. DJ let’s Monty know that in no uncertain terms is he willing to be the fall guy for this whole deal. If he goes down, he won’t go down first---Monty and Fernando will be thrown in the line of fire. DJ goes on to question Monty about being married to SK’s daughter. DJ says that Monty’s weakness for women could just bring about the end for him. The Duke also tells Monty that he needs to make sure that Zorro does not have another chance to talk to the Queen. Just before leaving, DJ notices the “Z” scar on Monty’s chest and asks about it. Monty gets irritated and vows to get Zorro.

SAM, Esme, and Camba bury Glock. SAM tells Esme he went into town and got some food and some news---the Queen is in Los Angeles. Esme is surprised to find out that what Pizarro had told her turned out to be true. She insists that they need to go to LA. SAM thinks it would be quite dangerous. Esme feels that God is on her side, He kept her alive so she could avenge those who took away what she loves most---her son and mother (just need to remind Esme that “vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord.”) SAM finds it a little strange that Esme didn’t mention Don Diego’s love and says so. Esme gives him a look that I’m not quite sure I can decipher.

Diego tries to get the skinny from Dena about what’s going on with Yumi. Diego tries to stick up for Yumi, asking Dena why Yumi would try to poison her. Pito comes in the middle and starts to administer Dena’s treatment. He says to go on talking, he can be discrete.

Alej asks Yumi if she was trying to kill Dena. Yumi is offended. Alej tells her that the medicine she was giving Dena was poisoned and Dena is dying from it as a result. Yumi is surprised and says she would never do anything to hurt Dena because she loves her. Alej still questions how the poison got into Dena’s meds.

Monty goes to the Sanchez home and waits for someone to show up. Mariangel and Olmos arrive and Monty demands to know where her father can be located. She says she has no idea. Monty says he heard that Fernando went loco and took off again, abandoning his post. Monty tells Mangle he want to speak with her in private. Mangle dismisses Olmos, who is nervous about leaving Mangle with her lover (ulcer 2), but Olmos follows orders and leaves. Monty asks about the baby and Mangle is put out because he didn’t ask after her well-being. She tells Monty that she almost died giving birth. Monty wants to know where his son is? Mangle meanly tells him the baby’s with its father. Monty says he doesn’t want the baby to come between them and he makes a move on Mangle. She isn’t receptive and this ticks off Monty. He tells her that he decides when and if they get together, she has no say (sounds reminiscent of Piza and Catalina). Mangle just laughs at Monty.

Esme and crew are led to a river by the Amazons. They are happy to find fresh water.

Diego asks Dolores if something is going on with his father and Yumi. Dolo spills the beans and they rehash about Dena finding out and Dolo warning Alej to keep it a secret. Dolo insists that Alej really loves Dena, he was just caught up in the resemblance between Yumi and his dead wife, Regina/Purina.

Alej tells Yumi that Dena suspects something is up between them and now finding out there is poison in the medicine doesn’t look good. Alej says he blames himself for all that his happening (why Alej, did you put poison in Dena’s meds?). Yumi insists that the meds came from her abuela and that it was made as a gift of life not death.

Padre Tomás tells Diego about his conversation with the Queen. PT says it would be good for Zorro to keep away from the Queen for awhile, the Duke is suspicious and they need to make sure that they keep the Queen from danger. The men rehash about Monty’s weapons delivery and then Diego tells PT that he’s going out of town for a couple of days. PT questions this and Diego says he thinks that Esme is alive.

SAM and Camba have a cute exchange. SAM calls Camba, Tole (because Camba says “cambatole” all the time). SAM warns Camba about the Amazons---he’s heard they eat men for dinner. SAM says that Camba really needs to learn some Spanish or at least say something other than “cambatole.” Camba is quite taken with the Amazons, and he gets his flirt on.

One of the Amazons speaks Spanish, which is great because we need to have an Esme rehash. She fills the Spanish speaking Amazon (SSA)in on all that has happened. SSA questions Esme’s thirst for vengeance. Esme says it is the only thing keeping her alive.

Diego sticks up for Yumi when he’s talking to Alej. Diego questions his father about being stuck in the middle. Alej admits it is his fault (because it is all about him). Diego comments about Yumi looking like his mother and Alej rehashes the whole sorted mess. He tells Diego that he can’t banish Yumi from the hacienda because she was made his wife. Diego questions if Dena knows about this, Alej says “no”, but he’s going to have to tell her.

Laisha tells Ana Camila that she’ll be making a mistake if she marries Renzo. NAC says she loves Renzo so it won’t be a mistake. Laisha is nasty and the other women who were around pick this as their time to leave. NAC asks her why she has such hate in her heart. NAC gives a nice little speech about not being a gypsy and not pretending that she is, but she loves Renzo and is in it for the long haul. Laisha fumes.

Sara Kali and the gitano leaders plan her meeting with the Queen. Hermes says he knows how to sew, so he’ll make a great outfit for her (important thing to think about in these times). Ever the stereotypical woman, Sara Kali is excited about getting a new outfit. Laisha stomps off nearby and Suzi and Jonas talk about how she needs to get used to the idea of Renzo and NAC getting married.

Laisha has a little conversation with herself about how they are all going to pay because they’ve chosen a stranger over her and she’s blood after all. She vows to avenge Miguel’s death.

Maria Pia goes to the Sanchez home to ask about Fernando. She finds out he’s not there and she seeks out Mangle to get some more info. Mangle is making kissy face with Olmos and MP knocks at the door. Mangle is perturbed. Olmos hides behind the door and Mangle meets with MP at the threshold. MP says she’s worried about FS (ulcer 3). Mangle says she isn’t. MP says something could have happened to him. Mangle doubts anything did and if so, it would be Maria Pia’s fault.

Fernando and Brother Aaron are out with the poor folk (we only see Fernando from behind, cloaked in the brown hooded-robe).

Pito treats Dena’s blood (seems pretty advanced for the times, but what do I know). He offers to give Dena a haircut when she is feeling better.

Diego talks to Yumi and tells her that he doesn’t believe she was trying to kill Dena. He tells her he’s going to figure out what’s up with the poison. He and his aunt hug.

Alej tells Dena that Yumi claims to be innocent. He adds that he believes her. Dena doesn’t like this and just then Yumi shows up a the door to talk to Dena.

Diego says to himself that he suspects that Mangle has something to do with the poison in Dena’s meds. He’s going to find out.

Mangle tells Olmos that right now isn’t the time for them to be together, she still needs to recoup from having the baby. Olmos feels like he’s going to explode from his passion, but he understands. He looks into the mirror and tells himself that she loves him.

Diego has a little jar (just like the one that Mangle had when she spiked Diego’s drink). He catches Pito as he’s leaving and gives it to him. Diego asks the doctor/apothecary/barber/dentist/undertaker to take a look and see what he can find in the jar. He also asks Pito to keep it on the down low. Pito is a professional, of course he’ll be discrete. Just then Alej walks up to the men and Pito pretends they were having a conversation of another sort. Pito leaves and Alej tells Diego that he’s worried about Dena and Yumi’s conversation (ulcer 3, and I wonder why, because didn’t he just say that he was going to tell Dena everything?).

Yumi confesses to Dena that she slept with Alej on their wedding night (and the knife goes in deeper). She tries to explain about her tribe and its customs (like sleeping with married men). Dena tells her that she feels betrayed and that she’ll never be able to forgive Yumi. Dena demands that Yumi leave and never come back.

Diego tells Dolores that he’s leaving for a few days and asks her to care for everyone. He also tells her that he suspects that someone was poisoning Dena, but it wasn’t Yumi. Dolo wants more chisme, but Diego says he’s got to wait until he has proof. Bernardo and Diego leave.

The Amazons are dancing around the fire and Camba is enjoying the show. Esme has flashbacks to some of her memories with Diego. She asks SSA to help teach her how to be a warrior.

The next day, the male viewers of this show are treated to the gratuitous scene of the Amazons stripping Esme of her Spanish attire and giving her a bath in the river. I was just waiting for the pillow fight to begin. Anyway, some of her clothes float down river. Amazingly her boot floats as well. That, I think, should have sunk.

Guess who just happens to find them (the clothing not the bathing women, I mean)a conviently washed up on the shore all together.....Diego. He’s sure the clothing is Esme’s. END OF EPISODE / ulcer count is 4


La Fea Más Bella 6/25/07 Cristina Special (Part 1)

OK I'm nearly done.

I thought I would maybe change the text color each time I edit this, that way if you keep checking back and the color is different than the last time you saw it you can easily tell if I've added. Again, I'm not rushing, because, well, this isn't like a novela where you need to know what happened before the next day, and I thought you would appreciate having more detail of the conversations, because the subtleties are what help you to get insight into the person's true character. So, I hope you don't mind terribly. Like I said... I figure it's kind of fun to have something to look forward to later. Besides, it's not really over 'til the last recap is written, right???? Sniff... *all photos courtesy of CristinaShow Online
Cristina opens by explaining all of the guests who are going to appear. She says they are going to start with an actress who despite being only 31 and having 29 years of experience it took 20 years for her to arrive at her moment, she’s an actress, dancer, singer, comedienne, imitator, writer and producer, tremendous daughter, and granddaughter and friend; and also we present an artist that is so versatile that he can be seen in a musical, lead actor in cinema, singer, actor in telenovelas, and one who recently revealed himself as the tremendous comedian Don Fernando in La Fea Mas Bella, and besides all that, he’s para chuparse sus dedos (for you to lick your fingers – I think that means like finger licking good or that he’s hot) Ladies and Gentleman your protagonists, the couple of the hour, Angelica Vale and Jaime Camil!!

C calls him her Heart of Melon, C admires Ange's cute shoes and how pink they are and points them out. {Those shoes were really pink and they didn’t exactly go with her natural colored dress, but what can I say she’s the star, and they were very high!!!! Ouch!!! But he’s 6’1, so I’d
wear them too, around him.}

Notice the Chapulin Colorado? Well, ok, just the t-shirt, but it was funny this guy was in line right in front of me by himself, and was given a seat in the front row at the end. But, I think they they knew he was by himself, so they used him as a seat filler and he moved around the whole show. Note that he is at this point in the seat that soon Isabela will occupy with Camila. When she came out he was moved back over on the end and may have even been sitting on the floor.

There were a number of people that came up for this show (DUH!) so they actually had to rearrange the studio, while we watched. The people behind Cristina were the last ones seated after they removed the dining room table that was there (you can see it here) and set up more chairs. In that way they were really cool to accomodate everyone who showed up, but getting there was where they put all the smoke screens up! Ah Caray!!!

C- tells them what has made her the most excited is that both of them have been here several times together and the last time Jaime even presented a birthday surprise to Ange, but still, she never saw the people so excited as tonight! She has goosebumps but I think it translates literally to all my hairs stand up in Spanish. She asks him how they feel. Jaime replies him too, that many things have stood up for him. Maricruz says he meant not only his hair has stood up, other parts of his body too...which crossed my mind, but I just couldn't imagine such a reference without freaking out, so I had to put it out of my mind. I guess we were outside of family hour... :)

Angelica says she feels incredible and not even in her dreams most...Jaime finishes her sentence (how cute) for her... "remote" and she says yes, not in my most strange and crazy dreams did we imagine it would all turn out like this.
A -It's all been a fabulous experience not only to be within the actual taping of the novela but also how well received it's been with the public. We never imagined it.

C - I think the people are very interested to know how you both got involved in this novela, first Angelica, then Jaime.

A- Her mom went first to the casting for the program and she suggested that I go also, if the producers agreed, which they did. I told her I would love to audition, but I have to ask permission from the executives (at "La Parodia") first, because at that time I was working on that. Cristina mentions that she imitated Betty La Fea on La Parodia. They gave me the permission to stick with the novela, and the producers said yes, you are in. Then another day they said no.

She goes on to explain that she was also being considered for the Privilegio de Mandar, a political show only shown in Mexico and I think they were bouncing her back and forth between having her going with that or making La Fea.

Apparently they left her hanging for two weeks and she was just sick the whole time, until they finally they told her, yes, you will be La Fea, but we need you to get braces. She said yes, and went running to get her braces at the dentist! And they were covered by the show, so she felt much better and figured they now wouldn't change their minds again, because they made her so sick for the two weeks that they went back and forth.

The worst part was that soon she wasn't getting calls from La Parodia and she was afraid she would be "como un perro de las dos tortas" (dog between two sandwiches or stuck in the middle) and that she would end up without any work, without the telenovela or La Parodia. She was crying and wondering what she would do. But fortunately everything turned out fine, and she went running to get the braces. She wore her braces for 6 months, as that's what the doctor authorized, and that's how long they said the novela would last. (Oh boy were you wrong there!)
She says after 6 months they were fake. C says she was very brave to do that and that it probably hurt that she really put on all the apparatus. A agrees. Jaime says to C she should ask who really suffered. Ange says of course, it was him.

C says Camil desbembado by Ange. A-It was actually more difficult to work with the fake ones than the real ones, wasn't it? J says yeah, because the fake ones kept falling out! She agrees. He jokes also he would tell her sometimes something fell out of them. She said she really couldn't give him a real kiss because the braces would keep falling out.

C turns to Jaime and says, and you were planning to do a work in New York, he says yes I was unemployed in New York. No, he continues, I was doing the Latinologues with Eugenio Derbez on Broadway and I had two weeks left on my contract. He continues that Ocampy called him directly to tell him that she was considering him as the lead actor in a telenovela but this is super private so don't tell anyone. He says he hung up and not two minutes later someone was calling saying they heard something today, he of course said he knew nothing.

He asked Rosy what is the novela and she says well it's at 4 in the afternoon, and he rolled his eyes and sighed. She said it was a remake of Betty La Fea, from Colombia, with Angelica Vale and he says that when he heard Angelica Vale he thought thank God. Really he didn't know if a novela at 4pm would do well or not, but he knew that with their affection and friendship for each other, that chemistry would certainly come across on the screen. C asked how long they have been friends, and they said over 15 years.

C says that people wrongly think that this is so easy. She said you both are hard workers and completely versatile to do anything, and Angelica says that they even sold Tamales! On Sundays.

J- Yes, we sold tamales on the corners and toasted corn kernels (esquites) and after the show if you are interested we'll be outside Blue Dolphin studios!

C asks what it feels like to understand that you don't have to sell tamales anymore, that now you are earning a dignified living?

J - He thinks this is when you have to respect and adore your work the most and least of all when you should rest on your laurels because you think you have such a great project and you made it. He says that her producer asked him what question he liked and (obviously he liked this one) he starts describing how some projects have such success and trancendence that people can easily get typecast, such that people think he could be Don Fer his whole life and she could be Lety.

Ange interjects that no, she's waxed already though. J looks close and says yes, you have no more mustache, and he wonders how she waxed that so quick when they just finished the show! She says wait a minute but I finished the show beautiful. He says of course, I already forgot that you were already waxed. She calls him bad and reminds him that the mustache didn't scratch him during the wedding, did it?

C says he could never look at you with "malos ojos" (not see you in a bad light).

J continues that he doesn't want to give names but there are many people that are stuck in one role and wherever they go they have to be in that role because they are afraid that they won't be recognized. He says that they hope that people see those personalities only while the novela is on the air but outside of that magic world of fantasy it doesn't exist. He says he doesn't go around dressed like Fer his whole life, nor give interviews as Fer.
A says but I do. He says but you do try to be careful. She says well yes, I tried but I might only take off my mustache and the eyebrows and I'd go to eat. Because everyone saw me on the tele with the mustache anyway, so big deal. C says so you went out with a moustache? A says well, yes, I just didn't have time always. Jaime says yes, and you don't know how ashamed I was. A agrees he was ashamed.

J- We'd cut for a break to eat and we'd go out to eat, and she said let's go over here and I'd ask her if she didn't want to go somewhere more private or closed off, and she said no, let's just go here. And we'd get to the restaurant with her glasses, well the glasses were real... A says yes they were real, but now I had an operation so I see without them. He said but Lety's rims were so sexy (sarcasm), so she would go out with those and sometimes she was lazy so she'd keep her make up on and go out with her unibrow and her moustache. She interrupts him and says no I took off the moustaches, and he says eeehhhhhhhhhh. She says ok, maybe only sometimes I took them off. He says ok you tell me if she really did when in the restaurant they'd say hello to Lety and ask how it is going for Lety and he rubs his moustache.

C calls her Angeliquita but apologizes saying well now she's grown. A-You can still call me Angeliquita, but there are people who can't. C thanks her.
And commercial break. I don't remember that anything much happened during this one. Jaime might have walked around a little. Actually, I remember that Jaime greeted the audience looking around and when he got to the little section on the floor, he pointed and said NEMO!! Well, he was pointing to that digital fishtank behind the audience (you see it in one of the clips) and there must have been a clownfish that swam past at that time. It was very cute.
And we are back....C announcing them again.

Now we are going to mix it up. Paty shouts as she walks on! Let me enter, let me enter! She wants to know what is going on. She says hello to Cristina and to her public. She says you see all my public here and asks Cristina how she could do a program about the Feas without inviting the point of comparison!! She continues that this should be her program, she doesn't understand.

Just then Niurka runs on screaming as well. She runs around kissing everyone, and double kissing Jaime on the lips! She tells Alicia this is not their program yet, that it's not until Monday. Paty calls her a Fea. Paty says what program, your program, this is my program. Paty tells her she is a bigotona (Moustached lady) and N says something like, but I have quite a waist underneath this or that she has a great bottom half. N tells her let's go now. Paty calls for security to take her off and Niurka grabs her and rushes her off stage. A calls them a pair of Crazy ladies.
C asks J & A if it was always like this working with these two crazies. He said no it's more like how was it working with everyone. Everyone was crazy! Everyone was so mentally infirm, in fact the program was such that Televisa held it's own sessions with psychologists for us.
NO really he says, we had a lot of fun. Novelas usually have 100 -120 personalities, but ours only had about 20-22 so we grew very close, a family very close. Also, this wasn't a drama, we were doing comedy, you know, like a sitcom, so we really had fun.
A says she thinks that the person mostly responsible for that was Sergio Jimenez. C says yes, we'll talk about him, may he rest in peace, the professor, A -says "El Profe." C asks her to tell us about what he explained to her about her ticks for the character and her personality.
Ange begins to explain that while they were trying to decide how to make up Lety, the producer was concerned because she didn't look so ugly, and she wanted her to look really ugly, and she thought to herself, please not too much more ugly. But they also didn't want her to look too much like a caricature either, with a huge nose and big teeth or something like a cartoon. They wanted to do something in the middle of how Betty looked, and a caricature, so El Profe thought they could do it with acting and she closed her eyelid a bit, like she did for a police character on La Parodia, that makes her look a little uglier but she said she couldn't stay the whole time with her eye like that, that would be nuts. So he said yes, but can you blink it really fast and she said yes, and he said can you make your mouth move up to one side and she said yes, and he said no on the other side and she said yes, and so that's how it ended up and she practiced it all weekend and every time Lety got nervous she started that.
And about the laugh, it was horrible. She remembers being with Luis Manuel who played Tomas and Sergio Mayer was there and El Profe was explaining to them how the personalities would be and then he asked her how she was going to laugh. She says she normally laughs Ja Ja Ja except when she's nervous she laughs Ji, Ji, Ji, and she got nervous when he asked this, because she hadn't thought about a laugh for Lety so she laughed Ji Ji Ji, and he said ok, perfect, keep that one.
She says so, yes, Lety is me. Lety is me. C asks her how much and she says 100 percent. Lety is one hundred percent me. She said at the beginning of the telenovela, and she says I told this to James (yes she called him James, again super cute) one time publicly, but that before the novela she didn't really value herself or love herself enough. She doesn't know, something happened that hadn't caused a reaction before, according to her, her self-esteem was perfect, but something happened. So little by little with Lety she thought to herself, they came to change Lety that ok, she too would change herself and make herself more beautiful and love herself more. She had always been trying to find external beauty and not internal beauty up until certain things happened in her life, including the taping of the novela because for a time she had no life other than the telenovela because she got up, taped all day and then went home to sleep and would come back and do it again, daily, everyday. So she was growing together with Lety, caring about myself together with Lety and learning to value myself together with Lety, and little by little I was discovering my inner beauty, and when you really connect with your inner beauty, and find that infinite love that we human beings all have because we are all beings of light and beings of love, and you can project that, soon you become one of the 50 most beautiful people!
Really when I was little I wanted to be like my Mom and soon everyone was growing up, but I was growing toward the sides, and I wondered what was happening. And besides the people keep putting that idea in your head, that you are fat. People kept saying that Angelica Vale is fat and you will always be fat. But she said I'm not fat, I'm just a normal person. Skinny girls I'm sorry, those anoxeric models that go around, I'm sorry, but I am normal. Everyone has a different body type and can work with what they have.
She continues that she did get a lot of pressure from the press and the industry to be skinnier. Fortunately she never got sick or got bulimia or anything, but the pressure was very strong to lose, and keep losing more weight. So her self esteem also kept falling, and she used to think that when she got to be as skinny as an asparagus that she would be happy, but now she understands that she can be happy with her curvy lines too.
So Cristina turns to Jaime and says so what's up with you. How come nobody wants to marry you, you aren't that ugly either. He says man, everyone wants to beat on me! C continues to ask if his biological clock isn't ticking, telling him he needs a child, after all, he's an uncle now, and mentions we'll meet his niece today and he does the now famous stamping on the floor from Marissa Tomei in that movie.
Ange leans over and says she knows why but she's not going to tell and she zips her lips. C says he's crafty.

Jaime says well, he's a bit difficult. C tells him that's a lie. He says well, he had a girlfriend and he was very happy, but you know, life hands you surprises, and in unison they all say and surprises give you life. Ange looks at the audience and says anyway, don't we all like him a little better single? (Yeah, there's always hope that way, see...)Cristina then says she's going to hold a show for the wedding of Jaime's dreams, and Ange can help her host it. jaime says please and Ange says there you are.

And commercial break. I think they got a makeup touch up during this break. I remember that Manuel?, the "famous" designer who made Aurora's persona in the show really is their image consultant, and he was there doing, well, some consulting, and I think the blond dude did give Ange some powder on her face.

When we come back Sergio Mayer joins them. He comes out wearing one of Cristina's signature ponchos. She says it's hers, and he says that Ponchos are out and Cristina curses him and she gets bleeped (I didn't hear what she said, sorry, but it was something about him in the poncho). He continues with this rant and then takes it off and he asks Ange if maybe she likes it and hands it to her and she says "excuse me" and then he puts his behind in their faces and says "exsqueeze me."
Sergio then begs her pardon and tells her really she looks wonderful in her ponchos. C congratulates him pointing to his new baby. Jaime thanks La Fea Mas Bella publicly because the project helped to out Sergio from the closet. He continues that you have to accept how you are. Serg says and besides they paid him to do it. Jaime says and in all the confusion, he's not sure what happened but he got his niece and that was just some confusion, and well now he's turned into my sister's best friend. Ser says that was a stroke of luck.
C points out his Senora as the sister of Jaime and the baby is Camila Antonia. Serg says how beautiful the baby is and Jaime says she's the best.

Serg goes on to describe that he couldn't have asked for everything to go as well as it did. He said God arranged it perfectly. If you could have asked me the day, the time, how she should be born, I couldn't have told you better. He was working in Cancun and he was on his way back in the airport when he got the call that she was going to the hospital so he asked her to wait for him just a little. He told her how to breath over the phone before he had to turn off his cell in the plane. He left Cancun and got there just in time and then he asked her to hurry up because he had another show in
Jalapa. Thankfully the doctor said it was time, he video taped everything and everything went perfectly, he gave them his blessing and then he was on his way again to work.
Jaime said the family showed up to see his niece, and of course properly Ser didn't want the press or magazines to take any pictures, so the nurse came out and he told her I'm Jaime and I'm here to see my niece. The nurse said, NO. He said but I swear it's me, Jaime Camil, and he took out his ID and said yes, you can even see me on the tele. Ange interjects as Don Fernando, and he says yes as Don Fernando, and the nurse said, sorry but Mr. Mayer gave orders not to show the baby to anyone. Jaime thought, darn because he had already sold the exclusive.
Serg says he told the staff even if they come and say they are my mom, don't show them, because an exclusive is an exclusive. So his mom, her mom, nobody could get in, how could they not show them. Eventually they came and told him someone was here to see the baby, and he asked who is it, and they said Jaime, and he said ok, fine, he can see.

Cristina tells him it's a lot of work for her to figure him out because on the one hand he is so hardworking and a good papa, when he was married to Barbara Mori, one time she was working on a telenovela here in Miami and his son was here, but Ser lived in Mexico, so he even asked Cristina to invite him to her show so he could see his son, so he's a good papa, but then on the other hand she also sees him dressed like
Felicia Mercado so she's not quite sure what to make of him.

Jaime says well, that's because he came out of the closet, I told you, nobody's listening to me. Cristina says well he came out much before that. Ser says well with all the gay personalities I have portrayed, it must be a testament to something I have.

He talks about when he was doing Bugambila in Aventurera, and they show the clips when he was on her show dressed as the drag character. Cristina says yes, and it took you hours to do all that make up and then you came out and asked "and?", and I thought, so, you look exactly like Felicia Mercado! Jaime says that he killed it, meaning Serg looked better than Felicia. Cristina says to the camera, listen Felicia what Camil is saying about you, and Ange leans over and tells him he's going to get in trouble and C says he's got quite a tounge.

Cristina asks if there is going to be a wedding. Ser says of course! Not yet..They all start chanting "BODA, BODA" (wedding)! Isabel is moving the baby up and down to the chants and everyone looks at her. Ser says yes, there will be a wedding between Don Fernando and....Ange and Jaime finished it and say Luigi!

Ser then says, actually, I was waiting for a special moment and I was going to do this on another program and I told this to my mujer, but I'm going to take advantage of this and do it on your program publicly. This woman has really changed my life literally in every aspect, she's made me the happiest man alive and and I want it to be like this forever, so I'm going to take advantage and ask her to marry me on your show.
They make him go down on his knees in front of her. You'll see he has a ring. This was given to him by the fea club (they gave one to almost all of the stars at some point I think) and you'll notice when he holds it up they scream louder. He didn't use this one though, he decided to use the pacifier instead, and put that on her finger. Cristina asks her if she accepts this man and he says don't answer that now, we can talk later, Isabela says I accept, with this diamond how could I not? Jaime screams no, there has to be a family consensus, and Ser says she already accepted. Cristina welcomes Isabela to their little family and Ange points to Sergio and says welcome to him! Cristina tells Ange in English that she's next! She says Ay no.Cristina then comments that who would have known how much the public has fallen in love with his homosexual character when so many programs are trying to get Latinos to speak about this subject. Today we understand what this issue is about much better thanks to you, you got it, (hit it on the nose) so thanks for what little part you contributed. Ange says yes how wonderful, and Sergio says thanks really to the writers.
C says they are going to a commercial and Mama and Jose Jose will be here and we'll peek at the show next week. She thanks Serg in English for that (the proposal) telling him how beautiful it was.
Really I think this was just a pr stunt, and Isabela knew about it ahead of time, this wasn't anything serious or monumental, just something fun to do for the show.
I think that during this break Jaime picked up Camila and wandered around with her a little.
When we come back from the break, Cristina says something about if they gave Angelica Vale anything in the world the best was sharing scenes with her mom, the tremendous personality of Julieta, with unibrow and everything, and having Jose Jose as her Papa.
Angelica Maria and Jose Jose come out with none other than MOTY!!!!! YEAH!!!!!

Cristina greets them says she loves AM in English and Jose Jose thanks her for inviting them and C points out that his wife and daughter are right over there. They are in the front row and both named Sara.

Cristina mentions that they had thought the dog was named Beethoven, but he's not, he's Mozart right. Angelica Maria says yes Mozart, and his stage name is Moty. Jaime jokes that he just fetches and then takes off. AM says, no they didn't even give him dog biscuits!!

Cristina asks AM how it was to work on this novela. C says she knows that it was you who... they called you first for this program and you said if your daughter does it, then so will you. She says yes, at the beginning the role was very small, much smaller than it ended up being. She said Julieta originally only had 14 or 15 scenes and only afterwards did they make the role bigger. She said that didn't matter, I'll do it if my daughter does, to be with her, because she knew this would be really important for her, and no one would make a better Lety than my daughter, isn't that so ladies and gentlemen? The crowd agrees, and Sergio says we support that.

Ange says that's my mom for you.

AM continues, that she knew this was going to be a great success and she wanted to be with her daughter. It didn't matter the small role, but then later the character started getting bigger and more involved, with more beautiful scenes where they were having tender conversations showing the trust between a mother and daughter. So she explains she really tried to make something of the personality, to give it character, make the lady nice, and good, and Ange says "moustached", and... Ange points out that on Julieta the moustache and eyebrows were her mom's idea. AM says of course, if the daughter is ugly then the mom must be too! Otherwise they'll wonder where she came from, did I pick her up on the street?

Serg comments this beautiful woman was asked to put a moustache on her face?C asks her if she went out like her daughter with the unibrow and moustache and she says no, she took it all off, even the stomach!Cr now turns to Jose Jose and asks him how he got involved.
He said he came for another program Cantando por un sueno, and C interjects that he was doing two reality shows. He says yes, and that's where Ocampy called me up and asked me if I would like to be the spouse of Angelica Maria...DONE! Whatever it is, he says. Imagine that, he says! AM says how divine. Someone interjects where do I sign.

He continues, that my whole life, deep down inside, I always told myself that one day I will have the opportunity to act with someone whom I profoundly admire, whom I have admired since 1969 when I first met her. I have worked with her in a few circumstances, and on tours, and such but I’ve never had the privilege to do anything like this with her. I’ve done a scene and maybe a little bit of acting. So they called me to do televsion with this lady and all of these kids, and this is what happened. I stood there like this (very stiff) and they said say this, now move over there (he does it very stiff)….AM interrupts to find out which camera is filming and she finds out it’s the one in front of her so she moves him in front of her and says this is what he did. I would talk and he’d put himself just like this (in front of her, blocking her from the camera).

So she told him your camera is the one with the light on and your light is over here, so don’t block me. She also said and turn around to show your face. He says yeah, and the working camera has the light so don’t put your back to the camera, go out over here. He continues everyday they had to say that. Everyday it was a series of instruction for me with Maestro Jimenez and this precious lady here.

Cristina asks her: You don’t want grand kids? AM says oh, since when haven’t I wanted them! Ange says to herself Oh God. AM continues but that is something you can’t rush, but I do want grandchildren already. A grandchild, a grandchild, and that they go to Europe so I can take care of them.

Jose Jose says he’s of the opinion that what is the most important to point out was the growth of values, that the little ones all the way up to the grandparents would sit themselves together in front of the tele for this family show, and the family was united for this. Jaime and Serg start chanting Don Erasmo for President!! And Serg, starts with a little dance.

Cristina wants to cut to a commercial because she says things are getting a little porno, but Ange wants to say something. She turns to the camera and says regarding the wedding and babies, that will come, I am working on that, give me a chance, I assure you it will come. Cristina asks with whom. She says well the problem is that I still haven’t found who yet, but it will come. AM pipes in that she sees that’s very far off, the furthest. C agrees.
This was really my favorite part. Cristina says that her dream is that Jamie and Ange would be in love, well she says, she thinks they really ARE in love…

They all laugh and C starts chanting BODA BODA, the audience is screaming BESO BESO!!! (kiss) Ange says no she can’t because the hoarseness that she has will hit him, he has a show, and Jaime chimes in yes, I have a show and she’ll give me her hoarsenss. Then he climbs over the chair and pretends that he’s going for it.

I swear they cut out a lot here, because if I remember correctly they starting talking about them marrying in real life, and C said something about how the stars on Betty La Fea fell in love and one of them said they didn’t think they married, but the Fea club told them that indeed the leading stars of Betty La Fea got married in real life too!! And Ange noted that to Cristina.

Cristina says well, Ange says she doesn’t want to kiss him because he might catch the hoarseness (it might hit him) and C says well as long as what doesn’t hit them is..Jaime interrupts the tounge to the larynx (or get it stuck to the larynx) and Cristina says well as long as she doesn’t catch what this man and this lovely lady (pointing to Serg and Isabela), this beautiful baby, have caught, then we are ok!

She continues to announce the rest of the stars who will be coming up and then she goes to commercial.

During this break Angelica Maria and Jose Jose wandered around to greet the audience. Moty was left on the chair, and started trying to make himself comfortable jumping from chair to chair, and then he tried to dig himself a comfortable place before settling down in one. With all of those wonderful people, go figure I was watching the dog!!! Jaime was actually taking a call on his cell phone.

After commercial, everyone who appears is now on stage. This was weird because they all came out only to view Angelica singing, but then they went back offstage and were announced one by one, as you’ll see on the second segment. Cristina tells them all that because of time limits she can’t do all the interviews tonight, but she's not moving from her seat until she's spoken with them all and she’ll continue next Monday. Jaime then says do we have to sit here until next Monday then? 7 Days? She tells him yes, a week, so tell that woman who’s trying like crazy to get you on your cell phone I'm sorry, but you are mine for the next 7 days!!! Sergio mentions that yesterday was his birthday (May 22) so they were going to celebrate and Cristina says well when we come back we'll sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you then. I think maybe we did, but I honestly don't remember it....huh.

We leave with Angelica singing her famous song Aqui Estare, that she wrote.


La Fea Más Bella #299-300 6/25/07 La Fea Mas Bella puts out it's light after over a year, but the star will always burn bright in our hearts (and one in particular-TAN DIVINO!)

And, another tag team recap awaits you, from our wonderful, wonderful, blogging team, who through 4 time zones bonded in a chat room together through all the various airings of the show until the bitter end in the West. Realize this lasted over 7 hours, from 7pm EST to 2am EST, from when Julie started watching the rerun hour to when I finished watching Cristina out here in Pacific. Please know how devoted and what true fans of this program they are. All this to enjoy the finale, and to bring you the best recap ever!! We really hope you enjoy, and we will miss you all profoundly!!!!!

Alma starts us off:

Another board meeting is called. Fernando apologizes to his family and everyone else for nearly running the company into the ground. Then he presents the last of the loan payments to Aldo, who’s looking dapper in an off-white suit. Fern gives his thanks to everyone, especially Lety, who also looks very cool in a nice off white jacket. He walks to Lety and gives her a hug, but it’s cut short by Aldo’s curt objection of “hey, hey, hey.”

We go to Monterrey, to some sort of outdoor venue, maybe a futbol field.. Luigi is directing a commercial for family adoption. He instructs a young man, a woman, and a little girl on how to behave like a family.

It seems that Sarah is onsite to assist Luigi. She’s on a cell phone, and there is a cute little ragamuffin, about 10 years old, who is tugging at her shirt [ok, he’s not really a ragamuffin, but he should be, for dramatic effect, ya know?].

Luigi continues to instruct the little familia about their commercial. He tells them they can’t have children naturally, and the reason doesn’t matter. Then they are made aware of the “Family Solidarity” program which will help them begin a family. Luigi is excited about this public service announcement he is helping to bring to the Mexican masses.

The ragamuffin continues to distract Sarah as she tries to talk on the phone. They make faces at each other.

Back at the meeting, Don Humbo thanks Lety for all her hard work and wishes her the best of luck. Lety then thanks them too… thanks for the opportunity, yadda yadda yadda, this is the best company ever, yadda yadda. Lastly she thanks her pop for believing in her. Robopop in turn tells her how proud he is of her. He tells Humbo, “You see, I told you my kid wouldn’t screw you over!” [except he uses professional accountant lingo].

Humbo tells Lety that Concepts will always leave its doors open for her. Lety says that won’t be necessary, since going forward she will enjoy life living by the sea, at the side of the man she loves. Fern adds that’s assuming Aldo doesn’t make her flip burgers.

Luigi finishes his commercial shoot and yells “cut!” He’s sure everyone will want to form a family now. Omar tells Luigi what a great job he did, then turns to give Caro a big hug and a very sweet kiss.

Sarah and the ragamuffin kid around. They get along so well that he asks her is she would you like to adopt him.

The meeting continues. Mama Bozo says Fern has proven himself, and he is ready to take control of the company again. Fern says thanks but no thanks. He concedes that he almost took the company to ruins, so he thinks that it should go to someone who truly loves it and can do a better job. Ariel agrees and starts to thank Fern for realizing this! Fern says “Not so fast” and clarifies that he’s not referring to Ariel, but rather to Marcia. Marcia is impactada but happy. She agrees to take the helms but says she’ll need Fern’s help. Fern is suddenly disheartened. He says he can’t stay because being at Conceptos will always remind him of what he lost. A close-up of Lety tells us this is worrisome for her.

Luigi films the ragamuffin in a commercial. Ohhhh, now we can see that the boy is here to be in a commercial for the big Monterrey project [though I’m not sure why they had to shoot it in a futbol field]. Anyway, Irma and Sarah watch him. He's a natural in front of the camera. Irma asks Sarah if she’s sure. Sarah responds that she is sure that she wants to adopt him. She reasons that he’s a great kid; he’s a little punk, but he’s great. Irma gives Sarah her blessing and claims dibs on being the abuela (grandma).

Lety calls Marcia into her office. Lety says she has something for the new company prez. She gives Marcia her company ID [not sure how this will be of use to Marcia, since it has Lety’s name and picture on it]. Marcia thanks Lety profusely and sincerely. Marcia thanks Lety for the lessons she taught her, which are to appreciate everyone; to be a strong woman; to always look forward; to enjoy life; and the most important lesson, that the inside is what’s most important. She asks Lety to forgive her for all the vicious, relentless, torturous crap she put Lety through. But Lety says there is nothing to forgive, she’s just happy that a woman will be in charge of Conceptos. Nice bonding moment.

In the Vortex of Stupidity & Idiotic Inanity, Lola calls for Juana, who is in the ladies’ room, or otherwise out of camera range. Lola explains to Martha that she and Juana have a waxing appointment at a place Lety recommended. Martha suddenly looks sad. She’s worried about Fern, because he seemed so dejected. She decides that she doesn’t care if Lola calls her a gossip for it, but she needs to go see how Fern is doing.

Martha goes to see Don Fern, who is packing is office equipment and desk accessories [a.k.a. his toys]. She says it’s not fair, and that he should stay here with the people who love him. Fern says he can’t stay because he’ll die of sadness here. He asks her to call the airline and reserve a flight to Rio de Jainero. She asks him to think about it some more first. Fern thanks Martha for everything, even for the juicy gossip. She cries and they hug. She says she can’t stand to see him leave. Fern tries to compliment her on her weight loss, but it’s too late, as she’s already run away crying. A signature single tear rolls down Fern’s cheek.

Tomas vents to Lobo about his Chiquita Alicia. He regrets not consoling her ad letting her leave. Lobo asks if Tom knows where she is. Tom says he doesn’t. Lobo says maybe he knows.

Fern leaves the building. Outside on the lawn, Lety catches up to him. She can’t believe he was going to leave without saying goodbye. Fern says he couldn’t bear to say goodbye to her. Furthermore, he’s not sure he can contain himself from saying, or yelling… She stops him from finishing his sentence. He says that there is something he’s been wanting to do since that first big fight he had with Aldo. He yells “I WANT THE WHOLE WORLD TO KNOW THAT I LOVE LETICIA PADILLA SOLIS!” This seems to grant bring him great relief. He closes his eyes and sighs. Lety stares intently, though slightly confused about how to respond.

Aldo goes to look for Lety in her office. Seeing that she is not there, he walks into Fern’s open cubby hole office and finds his journal still on the desk. He grabs the journal, thinks for a moment, then walks out with it.

Outside, Fern says he realizes that he’s lost her forever. His only consolation is that he knows she’ll be happy. He wants her to promise him that she will be happy. She tells him to stop talking about it. He falls silent and begins to walk away. She grabs his hand and pulls him back. Fern sadly bids Lety farewell with “hasta nunca” (until never). Lety, in a slight panic, says “No, don’t say that.” They hug tenderly. He breaks from her and walks away in slow motion, leaving Lety staring after him.

Aldo walks up to Lety. She tries to apologize for what he just saw. Aldo shows her the book and asks her if she knows what it is. She says it’s Fern’s journal. Aldo says that it’s Fern’s journal, in which he declares over and over how much he loves Lety. Lety is taken aback to think that Aldo has been reading the journal. Aldo says he didn’t read it, because he knows word-for-word what’s written, as if he’d written it himself. He explains that he and Fern both love Lety with the same intensity. He asks her to read it, because it’s very important. She opens it and reads “I feel so bad because Lety, my Lety, has announced that she is officially Aldo’s girlfriend. I must resign myself to having lost her forever.”

Lety stops reading. With a tear running down her face, she says the she was very angry when Fern read her diary, so it’s not right that she do the same to him. Aldo calmly says that is not important right now; the only important thing now is what she feels after what she just read. He asks her what she plans to do now. She says she will return the journal and pretend she never read it. He clarifies that what he meant is, he wants to know how she feels. She admits that she feels terrible knowing that Fern is suffering. Reading his words is like hearing him weep, and that is painful for her.

Aldo says that in this world, what we need to do is cure suffering. He says he saw their embrace when they were saying goodbye, and that that embrace meant more than she knows. He says deep down she knows that as well. Lety says that yes, she knows that Fern loves her. Aldo points out that they’ve known that for quite some time. What he wants to know is how she feels. Lety hesitates, then asks if they can stop talking about this, for the sake of peace. Aldo says that if it’s peace they are looking for, then they must dig for the truth. Still cool as a cucumber, he asks her if she is worried about being honest because of her commitment to him. She admits she is. He tells not to be afraid of her feelings. She asks his forgiveness and confesses that she is deeply in love with Fern. For some reason, this makes Aldo smile. Lety says she wants to cancel the engagement. He says of course, but with one caveat, she must promise to be immensely happy with Fern.

Lety smiles as she turns away in the direction that Fern left. She thanks Aldo over and over. She turns back to him to thank him again, but Aldo is gone. Lety looks around and calls for him, but he’s disappeared. She is confused for a moment, but then calls for Don Fern instead. He’s long gone, but she calls out “Fernando, I want all of Conceptos to know that I love you!”

And now 5ft:
Tomás gets out of a taxi and asks "A panteón? Why did Paco send me to a panteón?" (a mausoleum) He salutes a bust of "Don Pedro". Alicia is at a gravesite decorated with the brightest flowers…orange, red, yellow, pink, purple, white…it's covered in flowers. She says: "Dad, there are men who don't fit in death--that is to say, death is too small for them--and you're one of them. Even though you're not physically here, you keep teaching me. I only just now realized I've spent 10 years, let's say, talking to you via cell phone. I love you, Dad. You'll always be my dad, my teacher. Thanks, Dad; thanks, Teach. You left and I was so alone. I couldn't accept that I no longer had anyone, that no one was taking care of me. But look, what things, right? Now, after so long, I had an experience that helped me accept your death and my sad reality. Dad, someone fell in love with me. Imagine it! And I didn't know how to appreciate it. But now Tomás showed me that he really loves me, because I did something really bad, yes, and he took the blame to protect me. I love him so much, dad, so much…" As Alicia has been talking, we see that the picture of her dad is that of Sergio Jimenez, the original director of LFMB (gracias, Sergio). Tomás has heard almost her entire speech and now interrupts: "Alicia…" Alicia: "Tomás!" T: "You see, I was right when I called you Chiquita, you're like a little unprotected girl. The most important thing in life to me is to be with you. I want you to give me the chance to take care of you, to protect you, to love you…" A: "Does this mean…?" T: "Shhh, Chiquita, it's all forgotten. Love means never having to say you're sorry." A: "Thank you, Tomy. I love you." Awwww, that's a really sweet kiss. And a beautiful scene. (Oh, ok, except for the "never having to say you're sorry" thing, that was a little cliché, but just go with it.)

At the Bachelor Pad, aka The Bachelor/ette Pad, aka Casa Compañia de Tres, and now Casa Marcia: Marcia invites Lety in. Lety apologizes, but she's looking for Fernando. She wants to talk to him because she needs to tell him…"Doña Marcia, I'm very much in love with him!" Marcia is surprised. "Aren't you going to marry Aldo anymore," she asks. Lety replies, "He understood me and he himself got me to make the decision because, because I, the truth is I never would have cancelled that wedding, Marcia, I didn't dare." Lety has the grace to look a little ashamed of herself here (and well she should! Bad girl! Now go make it right). Marcia: "You have no idea how much I would love to see Fernando happy. I think he paid tears of blood with all the pain we caused him." Lety: "Why do you say 'would love to'?" Marcia: "You took too long to realize you love Fernando. He left, Lety. See how ironic life is? So much suffering, you and I, we fought so much over him that in the end he's neither for you or for me." Lety: "Do you think that he would reject me?" Marcia (impatient): "Fernando left, Lety!" Lety: "Okay, he left, but where to?" Marcia picks up a note from the coffee table: "Look, when I got home to pack my suitcase to go to Monterrey I found this note." She hands the note to Lety. Lety cries as she hears Don Fernando reading his note to Marcia: "Marcia, I would have liked to leave my pain and my frustrations here, but I can't find a way to rip them from my soul. At best I'll come back one day when I can smile again. And that will happen only if I can manage to forget Leticia. Good luck, Marcia, be really happy and enjoy life for both of us. I love you. Your brother, Fernando." Lety lowers the note, looks at Marcia, and starts to speak, but Marcia takes her hands to stop her: "No, Lety, I have no idea where Fernando is, and I don't think anyone knows." She gently, sadly brushes Lety's face with the back of her hand. Awwww, nice how the girls are getting along now, no?

The Moras stroll along a tree-lined lane, arm in arm. Alicia is carrying a bouquet of long-stemmed red roses. Tomás is carrying her beaded clutch. Tomás marvels that if anyone had told him that one day he would be so, so happy by her side, he wouldn't have believed them. "Alicia Ferreira de Mora, I love you!" "Tomás Mora de Ferreira, me too." (But she says it all serious and sincere.) Tomás laughs with happiness. ("Is she good now?" my husband asks. "As in, she's not going to go around randomly embezzling money? Yeah, I think so," I reply.) "What happiness!" Tomás says. "And there's still more," Alicia says as she grins coquettishly. "What?" Tomás asks. "Well, there could be two little surprises…." "Two little surprises," Tomás muses, as though he's trying to guess what they might be. Alicia leans close and whispers in his ear, "You're going to be a daddy!" It takes Tomás a minute for that to sink in and then he lets loose a grito (a yell, specifically of the type one hears during mariachi songs; catch me when I've had too much to drink some time and I'll do one for you).

Tomás and Alicia return triumphantly to the maternal home. The noble and long-suffering Tomasa is preparing the dough for that day's bread. "Mother," calls Tomás, "come here!" "What has happened, my little dog ear?" asks Doña Tomasa as Tomás hugs her and swings her around. Tomás, in his joy, takes her hands and dances as he asks, "What is your greatest hope in life?" "No!" says Tomasa, "Don't tell me!" "Yes!" Tomás proclaims as he hoists her in his arms, "You will be a grandmother! I will be a father! And my Chiquita will be a mother!" He puts her down and Doña Tomasa, in the grand tradition of the Moras, goes to Alicia and grants her the blessing of anointing her cheeks with the sacred flour as was done of old. Alicia, not understanding the significance of this ancient rite, brushes the flour from her cheeks as Doña Tomasa embraces her son. The three join in a group hug as Alicia tells her mother-in-law that she is also happy to be bearing her a grandchild. To complete the ritual, Tomás and Alicia make a Tomasa sandwich as Tomás sings "Grandmother Tomasa."

Lety returns to Conceptos and the Bat Cave. "Don Fernando, tan divino," Lety says sadly. Awwwww, my last DFTD. *sob* "So many things we lived through here, in this little office. And now, we'll never see each other again. Never." She cries softly, and my heart leaps as the door opens. It's Marta, come to tell her maniguis she saw her arrive and she needs to speak with her. "Lety," she says, "if you knew what Don Fernando is suffering, we would cry together like Mary Magdalene, I swear. Lety, Don Fernando loves you, I swear he loves you." Lety: "Yes, Marta." Marta: "But you're in love with…" she can't say it. "No, I'm not marrying Aldo, Marta." Marta: "That's great news, Lety!" (! Times about 1,000) Lety: "Well, no, it's not good news because Don Fernando already left and no one knows where he's gone." Nu-uh! "He's at the airport! He asked me to get him some tickets to Rio de Janeiro!" See, that's why you should always make friends with administrative staff…they know everything! "Some tickets or one ticket," Lety asks. "One!" Marta exclaims. Lety: "What time does the plane leave?" Marta looks at her watch and panics because the plane is leaving, like, now, and Lety's gotta move it. Lety's busting a move and Marta tells her she's got to move it on out the door, not in the Bat Cave! Marta offers San Jorge a torta, presumable for Lety to make it to the airport on time. I hope he likes tortas, but then, who doesn't?

Julieta is packing her suitcase and telling Erasmo that it's so great that they're getting to go to Monterrey. Erasmo agrees, but unenthusiastically. Julieta asks what's up with him. He says, "Nothing. Well, you know, our girl's getting married and as much as I try to get used to the idea…" He is interrupted by the ringing phone and Julieta laughs at him, saying, "ay, my love." She answers the phone as dramatic music plays. "Lety? What's wrong? I don't understand. You're not going to marry Aldo?" Erasmo's mouth drops open (oh, we got a shot of his fillings…that wasn't well thought out!). "But what do you mean you're going to the airport, hija?"

We see Fernando at the airport, holding his ticket. We hear that Flight 540 to Rio is boarding now at Gate 38. Fernando moves slowly toward his gate.

Lety arrives at the airport with both her parents following anxiously. Erasmo says Lety hasn't told him anything concrete and asks why she cancelled the wedding with Aldo. Julieta tells him not to bother Lety. "It's simple dad," Lety says, "I cancelled it because I'm in love with Don Fernando Mendiola." Erasmo: "What? What game is this? What's this 'I'm getting married/I'm not getting married/Aldo/Fernando'? What's going on?" Dude, haven't you been paying attention? The counter agent arrives and Lety asks if the flight for Rio has left yet. In the great tradition of dramatic airport scenes, the desperation with which one is looking for information is directly proportional to the slowness with which the person one is asking for information finds said information. "Rio de Janeiro?" Erasmo asks, but is silenced by Julieta and Lety. The agent says the flight is taking off as they speak. "He's gone," Lety says, "Fernando has left."

Back at Conceptos, Marta is pacing nervously and making Celso anxious. Looks like the two of them are the only ones who haven't left for Monterrey. Celso asks if she thinks Lety caught Don Fernando and Marta replies that if she hasn't, she isn't going to because the plane left 10 minutes ago. She declares that she can't take it anymore and reaches for the phone. See, this is how we know Marta's changed for good, she didn't reach for a snack instead. Celso wonders who she's calling. She tells "Maniguito" it's better to prevent than lament and she knows someone who can help, but he should pray it works.

Fernando is squished into a coach seat next to some woman looking at him pityingly. "Goodbye, Mexico. Goodbye forever," Fernando says. The captain comes over the comm: "Good afternoon, this is Captain Ortiz speaking from the cabin. We have reached our cruising altitude of 33,000 feet. We're flying southwest toward Chiapas and from there to…" he's interrupted by interference. "Did the pilot's microphone break," Fernando wonders aloud to the woman next to him. The captain comes back on: "Excuse me, I have a message for Mr. Fernando Mendiola, I repeat, Fernando Mendiola." Fernando, surprised, looks at the woman next to him and says, "It's for me!" "Is your name Fernando?" asks the woman. "Yes, nice to meet you…it's for me! What could it be?" says Fernando. Captain: "This message is sent by Mrs. Marta Hurtado de Muñoz, from the Cuartel de las Feas." This gets a laugh from the passengers. The captain continues: "She tells us that Leticia Padilla Solis is not going to marry Aldo Domensain." "What!" Fernando screams. Captain: "Leticia Padilla Solis loves you, Don Fernando. I repeat, she loves you." The woman sitting next to Fernando, standing in for much of the viewing audience, practically smothers him with her congratulatory hug. "Thanks," he says, "but I've gotta get off this plane!" They're sitting in an emergency exit row and he reaches for the handle, freaking out his fellow passengers. (I'm so glad stuff like this never happens to me on flights! But I digress.) He tries running for the back of the plane, but is blocked by several passengers. "Okay, okay, I won't try to get off, but don't touch me, you're making me nervous…I'm getting off this plane!" The woman who was sitting next to him gets him to sit down and asks him to calm down. He says he's calm, but he has one question of a technical nature…"How do you get the door open?" This sets the other passengers to screaming again as he says he's got to get off the plane. The flight attendant tells him to control himself, he can't open the door. "Miss, are you deaf? Didn't you hear the pilot? I have to get off the plane and go back to Mexico and tell Lety I love her too! Because she's not marrying Aldo, caray!" The flight attendant and the smotherer try to calm Fernando down again.

Erasmo tells Julieta he doesn't like to see her like this. Julieta says that it's not possible that their daughter has suffered so much for nothing. She's not marrying Aldo and now Don Fernando is on his way to Brazil. "Can you imagine what she's suffering, Erasmo?" "I understand, Julieta, but we have to think that sooner or later, Lety will find true love." J: "Lety's true love is Fernando, he always was, and now she's lost him forever."

Lety is at the hotel where she and Fernando first made love. She sits on the bed and calls herself stupid for letting him go. "Don Fernando left. Why did he leave? He was here with me." She puts her hand on the comforter and as Ricardo Montaner's "Besame" plays, she remembers that night with Don Fernando. Hot! We see another hand approach hers on the bed. Lety looks up, surprised, as Don Fernando says "Are you thinking I'm just a memory, Lety?" "Yes, just a memory," she says as she touches his face. He takes her hand and kisses it. "And this kiss too?" "Then, Don Fernando, love isn't a dream? You're here with me?" "I don't know why I felt you'd be here, where you and I first made love." They spring apart and then realize they're being silly. "Yes, I remember," Lety says, "It was my birthday that day. And today's your birthday, Don Fernando." "It is, isn't it? Lety, I want to be with you for the rest of my days and the rest of my life and…of course, if you want me." "Yes, Don Fernando, I accept!" Fernando and Lety kiss, not like the hot kiss with Aurora, but sweetly. They look into each others' eyes, smiling, crying, and kiss again. Night has fallen over el DF.

Adios, Fea fans. It's been a pleasure, and I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have!

And JULIE!!!

Julieta and Erasmo sit quietly at the table, waiting for news. Julieta gives one hand to Erasmo and wipes the tears from her face with the other. Lety comes home, with Fernando scrunched down behind her. Julieta asks for a report. "What happened?"

"Hardly anything," Lety replies in her Lety-voice. Fernando jumps up from behind Lety like the world's hottest Jack-in-the-box. Julieta is still gaping as he falls into her arms! Catching sight of Erasmo's disapproving face, Fern backs off quickly. Lety tries to break the news, but Fernando interrupts. I guess he wants to do it by the book! "Doña Julieta!" (in a quieter voice:) "Don Erasmo... if you will permit me, and even if you won't, eh? I'm going to marry your daughter!" He gives Lety a big squeeze. Julieta looks delighted, as expected. Erasmo looks pissed, as usual! He steps forward and moves Lety aside (a bit roughly) to confront Fernando.

Fernando picks up some random knickknack in self defense. "Leave my things in their places," Erasmo says. "Do you want to repeat what you just said?"

"Don Fernando!" mother and daughter cry in alarm.

"That I am going to marry your daughter," Fernando says.

Erasmo turns to Lety with his arms crossed. "Is that what you want?" "With all my heart, Papa." Fernando whimpers nervously as Erasmo turns back to him, his arms still crossed. "OK, Don Fernando. You can marry my daughter!" He sends what looks like it'll be a roundhouse punch towards Fernando, but it's actually just an open hand for shaking. Fernando shakes the hand quickly and then picks Erasmo up and whirls him around! "This is such a happy moment!" Julieta adds, needlessly.

"I promise, I promise Don Erasmo, that I am going to make your daughter very happy. I promise!" Fernando still has his arms around Erasmo and is kissing his shoulder. Erasmo is still stunned and can only grudgingly acknowledge Fern.

Julieta reminds them of the airplane. Didn't Fern take it? Erasmo wiggles loose of Fernando's grasp and repeats the question. Preparing them for a long story, Fern asks them to sit down.

They all take seats at the table. Fern sits in Lety's usual seat, and Lety tries to sit there too, out of habit. They spring apart with the last booooooing sound effect of the series. Fern jumps out of the chair and beings to explain what happened.

"The plane took off, Don Erasmo." Fernando is pantomiming some of the action. Lety, seated in front of him, can't see him but somehow goes through the same motions. "And when it did, I thought we were already over Chiapas."

Fern and Erasmo get sidetracked by some nonsense that I don't get. Julieta brings Fern back to the story. "So anyway, Martha made a call to the pilot." ("Can I talk to the pilot?" Lety asks her telephone-hand, mimicking Martha's voice.) "Then suddenly we hear the pilot's voice."

We flash back to Fernando on the plane. There's the pilot, saying "We've been told that Leticia Padilla Solis is not going to marry Aldo DomensaEEN." Fern gapes. "¿¿QUE??"

"And as you would guess, I went a little crazy," Fern tells his future in-laws. Back to the flashback: Fernando is grabbing at the emergency exit. Everyone is screaming and trying to pull him away from it. He tries to explain that they don't need to alter their course. He'll put on a parachute, open the door, he'll go and they can continue on to Rio.

The pilot comes out to see what is going on. (Does anyone recognize this guy? That is, is this a notable cameo of some sort?) Fern tells him that Leticia Padilla Solis is the love of his life, He thought she was going to marry that jer-, uh, that fry coo-, er, Aldo DomensaEEn, I thought she was going to marry him, but no!"

Everyone on the plane is listening raptly. The pilot takes off his big sunglasses and says, "But Leticia decided not to marry Aldo because..."

Fernando asks the woman next to him to help him out of his seatbelt. (It's okay, she's a flight attendant, she's specially qualified to do this!) He gets into the aisle to make his dramatic plea. "You know why she's not getting married to Aldo? Because she loves ME, in fact we love each other. We love each other like idiots, like maniacs. We love each other like no one else in the world."

"So, if you can't land on the ocean for Lety, you're ready to jump out of the plane, right?" He sits in Fernando's abandoned seat and seems to be performing some type of negotiation technique. "Wow, you're intuitive," Fernando replies sarcastically. "Are you a relative of Omar Carvajal?"

"I don't know if this was explained to you, Mr. Mendiola, but we're 33,000 feet high. We can't open the door now."

"I beg of you, please, ask me, what do you want me to do, I'll slash my wrists, I'll do whatever you say." One of the many smitten female passengers has a better suggestion: they can turn the plane around and go back to the DF! Everyone agrees and cheers their support!

Coming out of the flashback, Fern mentions that during this chat, no one was flying the plane, and they almost got killed. That wasn't so funny. They told the pilot and he ran back to the cabin and righted the plane. (Lety makes a helpful sound effect and accompanying gesture.)

"Incredible! And so romantic!" Julieta sighs. "Love can do everything." Fernando shuffles over to Lety's parents and the three of them grin cutely at Lety. "Your daughter is so pretty, huh?" He shuffles back to Lety and hugs and kisses her in front of her parents. (Already they have shown more affection than Lety & Aldo ever did.)

Meanwhile, Alicia is happily sprinkling lime juice over a big mound of fried food with one hand and stuffing her face with the other. (Don't worry, she's being very ladylike as always.) Tomas hurries to her with another plate and she thanks him profusely. He hugs her and she doesn't call him a pervert, or anything. They begin to watch the early news and Alicia suddenly cries out in pain, clutching her stomach. Tomy panics and offers to call a doctor.

Alicia explains that the baby wants churros! If he doesn't go get her some churros, little Pancracito or Alicita will be born with a churro-face! Tomy whines that his kids will be even uglier than himself, Alicia takes his hand and tells him he's not ugly. "No, not ugly. Horrible!" Tomy jokes. They laugh and snort together. Tomy agrees to go for the churros. She tells him he's the most marvelous man on the face of the earth. She tries to kiss him, and he backs away, saying he'll go get the churros, and later they'll have time for that other stuff.

After Tomy leaves, Alicia says "I can't live without him. My Tomy, he makes me so happy."

The senior Mendiolas are now at the Padilla home. (It might be one of the signs of the Apocalypse.) Bozo says they're very confused. Humberto says they thought Lety was going to marry Aldo. Bozo asks, so how is it that you called us and said that you're going to marry her? Lety and Fern exchange mischievous glances. Fern says it's a long story, but the important thing is that they're going to get married.

This seems to satisfy Bozo, who strikes me as someone who doesn't do well with long stories. She wants to organize a huge wedding. Humberto says they're going to need time to send invites to all their friends. Bozo figures about 400 of them. It'll have to be a place that's worthy of the Mendiolas. (The Padillas looks somewhat left in the dust by this conversation.) Humberto says he's going to have to order champagne and French wines, And how about lobster?

"One moment, please!" Erasmo interrupts. "As far as I know, it's the father of the bride who has to pay for the celebration. Isn't that so?" Humberto protests about his 400 friends. Erasmo says he can't pay for a party with 400 guests, much less all this champagne, etc. Julieta sits him down. Bozo says they just want to make the day special for the kids. But Julieta agrees with Erasmo that she doesn't want a big wingding. They don't need to invite 400 people and serve caviar

Fern says he's thinking of something. He has an idea, which he whispers into Lety's ear. She giggles her approval. "Everyone in the world is in Monterrey, right? And they lent the cathedral to YOU, right? Not to either one of your boyfriends? And they don't care who you show up with?" ("Why not?" Lety asks, frowning. Fern indicates that he's glad she's showing up with him.) Anyway, it'd decided that they'll marry in Monterrey. (I don't even know why they needed to discuss this, I thought it was a given.)

Lety's parents agree. Fernando's parents agree. As Julieta hugs Fern's parents, Lety and Fernando prepare to kiss. Erasmo sticks his face between them to congratulate his daughter. They kiss him instead. Fernando asks Erasmo to tell them a story about his uncle Lazaro.

Now we're at the wedding. Celso is wearing a fancy outfit and performing head usher duties.

Psychic Guy Jorge Flores is there, telling some kids (presumably orphans) that happiness exists and God made them to be happy.

Octavio the Tricky Guapo is asking Marcia if Lety is going to marry Aldo DomensaEEn, the famous chef. Marcia coyly says no, she's not marrying him.

Tomy is telling Alicia how pretty she is. (She's wearing maybe the lowest-cut thing I've ever seen her in, but it doesn't look so bad without the crazy corset.) She reminds him that beauty is on the inside, and that's why she loves him. They laugh and kiss, then share a synchronized snort.

Omar is remarking to Carolina what a pretty wedding it is; Caro says theirs will be even prettier because it will be in a forest.

The cuartel are all in pink. Lopez is telling Sara that he remembers his wedding, a long time ago. "Very long time," Sara mutters. "Do you remember, my love?" Paco asks Martha. PM, who looks great with normal-looking hair, says something about finally getting to have those "tortolitos" (finger sandwiches?). Irmita crosses herself and says how much she would have liked it if Fernando could have married their Lety. Martha tells them to have faith - maybe a miracle can happen. Lola says "No more surprises! It never ends, it never ends!" (I read that the actress who played Juana was in the hospital when they shot this, having some kind of procedure done. I couldn't understand what the article was saying. If anyone knows, please comment!)

A Rolls convertible comes around the corner, to much applause. Inside are Lety and her mother. (I thought I saw Moty too, but it was just a bouquet.) Everyone cheers for Lety as Erasmo helps her out of the car. Luigi comes up and congratulates her on her beauty and perfection. He asks about her contact lenses, for which we were probably spared a product placement ad. She says they feel great and she can see perfectly. With a deep bow, Erasmo thanks Luigi for designing Lety's beautiful dress, hair, makeup, etc. Luigi whips the crowd up in noisy applause for Lety.

People start wondering where the groom is. Just then, Fern speeds up in his car. He says he got lost because he doesn't know his way around Monterrey. He jokes that Aldo got sick, so Fern is going to take his place. (I take it it's not considered bad luck in Mexico for the groom to see the bride in her dress before the wedding.) Everyone seems to approve of their being together. Fern calls for Martha and asks her for a hug. More applause.

Fernando explains to Martha that if it hadn't been for her call and a crazy passenger named Nuria Vasquez (I guess she's the woman who suggested that the pilot turn the plane around), he would not have gotten there. "Fernando, you know that your happiness is my happiness!" Martha tells him.

Marcia comes up to congratulate the happy couple and wish them well. She tells them that their wedding gives her so much joy; she loves both of them so much. Fern and Lety thank and kiss her. Marcia leads the crowd in another cheer for the couple.

"Lety, let's get married, no?"
"Let's get married."

Tomasita, who's been pointing her camera everywhere all morning, sits on the ground in front of them for a shot.

The church bell tolls, and that's the end of my segment.

But wait, there's more...


Dramatic music plays while Aldo rises out of the sea like the Greek god that he is He emerges, his sexy white legs streaming out of his daisy dukes. In his arms Aldo clutches a small boy against his naked chest. How could Lety ever have let this guy go? Aldo gently sets the boy on the beach and prepares to do CPR.

The scene flashes back to earlier in the day. The boy yells out for his father. He heads toward the ocean and tells asks his father why he left. The boy says that he is going to look for his father in the ocean. The boy goes into the ocean and a wave swallows his small body. Hopefully, they used a stunt boy.

Lety’s ex begins to give the boy CPR. Despite Aldo’s best efforts, the boy does not revive. Aldo looks helplessly to the sky. His eyes plead for help from above.

The camera flashes to a shot of the Monterrey Cathedral. The future newlyweds cross themselves in preparation for the wedding mass. They kneel at the altar and the ceremony begins. Fernando, who I believe suffers from ADD, looks away from the priest and toward a painting to the left of the altar. He nudges Lety and gets her to look at the painting. In the most perfect novela twist ever, it’s a portrait of Aldo.*** The painting is a beautiful rendition of Aldo in robes smiling down at the couple. It makes sense. The word angel begins with an A and Aldo’s name begins with a name. It’s like destiny! I totally love it! This must be why Aldo and Fernando survived the motorcycle jump. The angel’s hand brought they safely down on fluffly clouds! Lety and Fernando look at the painting, impactados.

We return to the beach. Aldo has given up on CPR. He shakes the small boy, desperate for him to wake. This appears to work; the boy coughs. The boy asks for his father. Aldo the angel, frightened that the boy might turn and get a glance up the shorts, rescues the boy again by scooping him up into Aldo’s arms. He softly places the boy on the rocks. Aldo asks the boy if he has anyone. The boy again asks his angel about the boy’s parents. Aldo replies by asking the boy what happened to them. The boy responds that they went into the ocean and did not return. Aldo asks if the boy has anyone. The young one says that he’s having trouble breathing. Aldo pulls the boy to his chest, willing his own breath into the boy. Aldo wisely whispers to the boy that that the ocean will always be his friend.

The boy, inspired by Aldo’s words, plays in the surf with our angel. Dramatic music plays while Aldo swings the boy around. The pair share a few moments of pure joy. Aldo has found his new charge. Lety smiles and says that it’s Aldo; he’s an angel. Fernando spitefully says that in a way he’s like a pigeon. They both look at the photo and smile. Aldo happily peers down at them and silently gives his blessing.

The priest asks if there is anyone who wants to object to the wedding. Fernando and Lety nervously stand and look at everyone in the cathedral. No one objects, so they kneel back at the altar. The priest continues the ceremony. Fernando whispers to Lety that no one is opposing they’re wedding. Lety replies that nobody can oppose their happiness. The instrumental version of Besame plays while the ceremony continues.

The ceremony is over and we finally get to see that kiss we’ve so desperately waited for so many months. Ricardo Montaner’s version of Besame begins to play. Everyone applauds. Oh wait, Mr. Montaner is there, serenading the newlyweds. They proceed down the aisle, followed by the family. Everyone exits the church. The newlywed couple emerges and is showered with white rose pedals. Ricardo continues to sing to an empty church.

Lety and Fernando pause outside of the church and turn to each other. F (using the usted form) – “Lety I promise that I’m going to love you for all my life.” L (usted) – Don Fernando, I promise to make you happy for my entire life. I love you, Don Fernando.” F – “Don Fernando?” L (switching to tu) – “I love you, Fernando.” F (using tu) – “I love you, Lety.” They kiss again and everyone cheers. They kiss for a really, really long time.Besame continues and the parade starts. The entire cast drives around the streets of Monterrey in convertibles. What a nice gift for all the fans! Next, they play the “Club de las Feas” and continue with the parade footage.

The song finishes while the camera pans to the massive stage for the concert. An announcer greets all the friends to the grand finale of La Fea Mas Bella. The cast does a curtain call type greeting to the crowd. Jaime and Angelica, still in their wedding attire, perform “Tu Belleza es un Misterio” together. Next, Camila performs “Todo Cambio”At the concert, Alicia and Tomas sneak up on Luigi. Tomas asks for Fernando. Luigi wants to know why they want Fernando. Alicia says that she and Tomas bought him an expensive gift. Luigi asks what the gift is. Alicia says that it’s a hug. Tomas adds they got a key ring from Monterrey for the keys to their new house. I guess Teresita and Humberto took care of their son after all. Luigi sarcastically comments that the gift must have cost a lot. Tomas doesn’t care and again asks for Lety and Fernando. Luigi says that he doesn’t know. Someone was waiting for them and they…

Are totally getting it on! Lety removes the veil in one swoop. They dance around the room for a while and smile at each other like teenagers in love. They kiss and Fernando goes straight for the zipper. Within seconds, there’s nakedness and kisses. Camila continues to sing.

Here’s a list of the artists in order:

Jaime Camil & Angelica Vale – “Tu Belleza es un Misterio”
Camila – “Todo Cambio”
Kalimba – “Dejate Amar”
Jerry Rivera – “Mi Libertad”
Jose Feliciano and Jose-Jose – “Por Ella”
Reik – “Me Duele Amarte”
Jaime Camil & Angelica Vale – “La Fea Mas Bella”

During the Kalimba song, Omar and Caro approach Luigi. Omar asks for Fernando. Why do they all think Luigi would know where he is? Luigi once again says that he hasn’t seen Fernando and he wants to know why Omar wants Fernando. Omar says that he wants to give Fernando some tips. *wink, wink* Luigi replies that he doesn’t think Fernando needs them. Caro asks if they think that Lety and Fernando are… No one gets it so she just says that she thinks they need to be left alone. Luigi agrees because he thinks they’re already… Omar does one last snort to imply that they’re making love. Luigi thinks so; they’ve had crazy hormones for a while now. Everyone starts to leave, but Luigi asks them not to leave him alone. They leave anyway. Luigi mumbles to himself about men.

During the Reik song, we get to see some more Fernando & Lety lovin. Something about the part where he grips her face and you can see his wedding band gets me. It gets me right here. [Striking my chest] **sniffle, sniffle** Fernando got his girl. **sniffle, sniffle** In the last scene we see the lovers, Fernando laying on top of Lety while she kisses his neck. He smiles.

***Disclaimer: This is purely a rant of my own, please feel to agree with me: Seriously, the thing with Aldo as an angel sucked! That is the worst novela cop out ever! Remember the thing in Herdidas where the bad woman turned into a dove? That looks like pure genius compared to this!!! Who though of this crap? Angel’s do not wear Daisy Dukes, have Farrah Fawcett hair, improperly give CPR (duh, check for breath sounds first), and try to steal women from their true loves!! I hated it! The worst thing is, that poor boy is going to have to listen to months of months of Aldo’s voodoo new age wannabe crap! Ugghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we kiss Aldo’s ass a little more please? In 5ft’s words “That’s a four cheese blend right there!”

Well, this is good-bye. We love you all and have enjoyed re-capping for you! Now I must leave and cram my too white legs into some Daisy Dukes and exercise my first amendment right to free speech by protesting in front of Televisa studios.


Destilando Amor 06/25/07 "Nada Nada Nada"

This is for anyone who came out of their coma...sometime this evening..
The good news: you came out of your coma...
The bad news: No Destilando..it was pre-empted by Lety goes Wild...the Grand Finale..
of LaFea Mas Bella...

Oh Rod; you sitting on the steps crying over your "Death by Gull", is like a cold rain on my very soul...okay not really..but I was looking forward to commenting on Sofie's pink dress of shame...hee hee hee, it had an empire waist and tied in the back...oh Sofie, I think Debbie Reynolds just threw up alittle...

Seriously Rod I will be back next Monday, so for the love of Gawd, pull yourself together man...don't make me mock you...
As for the rest of you Destilando Characters...I am expecting stellar performances...yes, backstabbing, vile behavior & never backing down from a good staring contest..yes Pilar you are my heroine...so rest up in your coffins and don't let me down...as a life long juvenile diabetic...all the sweetness tonite just damn near did me in...


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