Sunday, July 01, 2007

Yo Amo a Juan: The cool-as-a-cucumber Silver Fox DOES sweat, and Nidia might have at least one parenting skill

Before we get to tonight’s featured program, we interrupt for commercial break: I need subs for July 6, 13 and 20. (The 13th may end up in Ferro’s hands, as Duelo may pre-empt everything else for its Gran Final). If no one’s available next week and the two weeks after that, I’ll post headers and it’s a free-for-all. [Ed. Note: that could work…..] Thanks!

We open to find the Silver Fox (thanks to whoever came up with it, he IS) lounging in bed, with his housekeeper informing him there’s someone at the door from his work. Who? She doesn’t know, but the woman says it’s urgent. He tells her to let the woman know he’s coming down. Soon, he descends the impressive staircase in his robe [Ed. note: one of my former bosses had a house this grand, though it wasn’t white. It was, however, mind-boggling, and I hoped he’d adopt me. No luck.] Paula is standing in the foyer, or it could be the auditorium, tapping the edge of folder against her other hand. CL realizes it’s Paula from the back, and doesn’t ogle at all. He panics. She apologizes for having to come and bother him at home with this urgent item. He forgot to sign these papers (registro? Payroll?) right away (before the next hour). They gave her a thousand warnings not to bother him at home, but she thinks it’s sufficiently important to do it. He is twitchy, he’s so nervous, looking repeatedly over his shoulder up the stairs [Ed. note: I guess it’s too early for him to get busted by his wife, if they’ve already signed up for added episodes and it could go for a year].

He stutters, oh, uh, sure, these papers are those…..She agrees, yes, they are. He panics again because he doesn’t have a pen. She calmly gets one out of her purse and he thanks her, signing the top one. She reminds him that he must sign the copies, too, his head bobbing up and down to look at her blankly with each exchange like he’s sleepwalking. She chuckles a little. She tells him his home is very pretty, a little far, but lovely. He agrees it’s far, finishes and shoves the papers and pen back to her. He asks if that is all. She says it is, and says she’ll go. He says, yes, that’s best. She looks up sharply at him and he realizes how rude that sounded and treads water, talking rapidly, about why it’s good for her to go, because it’s so far out, and she has less than an hour to get it back….she swiftly walks to the door, curtly apologizing for bothering him at home. He whirls around and tries to regain some ground; they’ll see each other before long at the office, don’t worry [Ed. note: if I were Paula, right now I’d be curious about why he’s in his robe in the middle of the day, and if that really is his wife home with him. I’m just sayin’.] He whirls around again as she exits, so his back is to the door, and boy, he looks like he’s just been busted big time. Well, not yet….

His wife, in her fluffy pink Turkish bathrobe, appears above by the lovely second floor railing, calling his name. He asks her what’s up. She reminds him that she asked first. She notes that he looks pale. [Ed note: Really? Couldn’t prove it by me. He looks red and sweaty to me]. He says no, she just scared him and gives some lame-a** excuse about thinking and being out in the clouds that makes her eyebrows go way up and she fusses at him about getting ready (getting closer to busted, CL). He’s relieved to have an excuse to quit this discussion, and runs off to shower.

Juan is waiting down on the drive with the limo, thought bubbling about how his little bit of heaven has such an expression (not happy), it’s an omen of a coming storm. Did they put that bad expression on her? He looks concerned. She looks around distractedly, tapping the folder against her hand again, and sighs deeply. Juan asks her if everything is all right. She says no, it seems that Sr. Farrell didn’t see this as important as she did, to get those papers in on time. He agrees it’s as she says (important) and opens the door for her, thought bubbling endearments [Ed. note: mi cinturita de hormiga? My little ant-waist? Hourglass? Is that supposed to mean she’s svelte?], lips of caramel.

Above, CL’s wife, Monica, is looking down at them. She wants to know who called. She looks concerned.

On Enrique’s microbus, Yadira is riding with him, not wearing her seatbelt in the from seat, right in front of the window, and she’s turned sideways to face him as they talk. [Ed Note: I didn’t follow exactly who they were talking about, but it seemed the subject was Alirio asking about Juan. Auxilio, anyone!]. She asked “what did he ask you?” Enrique, who is not watching the road and instead watching Yadira, explains it was a question about what he [Juan] was working at, how did Juan seem to him? Yadira asks why’d he want to know? Enrique replies, that’s just it. It seemed like it was pure curiosity. Yadira says, no way. It’s because Licenciado Perafán is JEALOUS! Why?! Because he thinks Mama and Juan have something going. Enrique is titillated. No! Perafán is confused (desubicado)! Yes, yes, she tells him, he’s very confused! She grins at the silliness of it all and turns around in her seat to put her crossed arms on the back of the seat [still not wearing her seatbelt, tsk.]

Monica calls CL, who is at the door. They’re ready to go, and he’s rolling her carry on out. He spins around at her abrupt call. In her fetching and very trendy teal outfit with little laces at the hips on both sides (and some skin under the laces), she walks toward him and asks him about who called. Was it an employee of the company she saw leaving? He stuffs his hands into his pockets [Ed. Note: does it keep the sweat controlled, Cesár?] Ah, yes, he recalls now…..Paula Dávila, the Commercial Vice President. After much looking around while he says this, he finally makes full eye contact, with very wide, earnest looking eyes for a split second. Why’d she come? I had to sign the registro. Very important business, and YOU wouldn’t let me answer the phone, and what’s more, I can’t find my cell phone anywhere (nice way of implying they tried to call), so they just came to take care of it, isn’t that a pain/shame? She asks what happened with Gomez? He was your right hand man, right? CL points a finger to make his point, like Garcia in Zorro, Gomez was a dark hand (not a right hand) and had to be let go. If you could just see all the things we found out! He was getting rich embezzling and raising the quoted prices. She’s impactada. Gomez? She shakes her head--he seemed so…..cynical, interjects CL. You can’t trust anyone anymore. He turns to leave. She pulls him back by asking, “This Paula, where’s she from?” He “thinks” for a moment, looking around thoughtfully—he doesn’t know. “You don’t know??” Well, she just came from the U. S., and had a very complete curriculum/major and very interesting. Monica notes that she didn’t see the woman well, but she seems very young. And very good-looking. “Young, yes. Good-looking, not so much.” “Or yes?” He rolls his eyes and affirms she’s good-looking, technically, but not the perfect, most good-looking woman in the world, Sra. Farrell….he touches her face and caresses. She smiles and he gives her a smoldering kiss. [Ed. Note: not bad, not bad, but the effect is diluted by his general sleaziness. The jury’s out.]

In Nidia’s room, lo and behold, she’s NOT there with Juan. She’s exercising (???) with one of those little stretchy rope things, pulling it with her hand while she stands on it, and talking with Marely. She’s wearing what must be her workout clothes. They actually cover most of her. (Tight, though). She complains about this torture. Marely begs her to pay attention. Nidia says she’s hearing her. [No eye contact, though. Nidia wouldn’t make it in Deaf Culture]. Nidia doesn’t understand why Marely wants to study at night. Yadira comes in and flops on the bed, complaining that she doesn’t want to study. She took one class and can’t stand the university. Marely says can look for a job during the day, and can’t leave off the studying. [Ed. Note: attagirl! Someone in this family has a sense of responsibility!] Her mother disagrees, but knows that it’s futile because when Marely gets an idea, there’s no getting it out of her head. She changes the subject back to her muscles [Ed. Note: gee, that was really a long conversation with Marely about HER goals, I guess we can give Nidia credit for parenting about a minute and a half today], saying that she’s getting buff day by day. She twirls and shows off her svelte self for the girls (delgada=thin, slim). Yadira tells her she shouldn’t just exercise, she needs some Vitamin T—Tacos, Tortas, Tamales, Tlayacoyitos (corncakes?). Nidia strokes herself and retorts about not getting the body like she wants it [whose did you mean, Nidia?] while Marely looks irritated and covers her face.

Marely tries to break in again, that they were talking about something important. Yadira says Mama’s health is more important than her whims. Marely is getting frustrated. She wonders if they don’t see that they have to support themselves somehow. She isn’t sure this guy’s offer (Juan’s) is for certain. They argue about it a bit, and Marely is concerned that they are letting someone they don’t know take care of them—aren’t they ashamed, whether or not he has the best of intentions? Yadira asks why (be ashamed)? Nidia says they’ve already talked this over. Well, whatever, Marely just wanted to let her know about the schedule change. She goes to leave, disgusted. Nidia calls her back, more gently. She’s worried about Marely having such a schedule (horario) at night; the city is dangerous to go out alone. She doesn’t want her daughter taking this kind of risk. Marely prefers taking the risk to standing around with crossed arms and doing nothing. [Attagirl!] Her mother tells her, okay, but don’t come crying to me because this is your decision. Do what you want. Marely stalks out.

Nidia tells Yadira she’s worried about Marely. [Whatever for? She’s the only self-actualized person around!] Yadira tells her they can’t do anything, just let her grow up. [Ed. Note: Sheesh.] Nidia talks about her exercise again, speaking of growing….

Juan and Paula are driving through the city, looking at it point by point, according to Juan. They talk about how far things are in the city. He’s willing to take care of these things. She responds with thanks, and this was an important matter; the chief has entrusted her with this important work, she needed to do it personally--he’s put all his confidence in her hands. Juan thought bubbles that he’ll put himself in her hands whenever she wants, little dove (palomita). [Ooh, his voice is so velvety when he’s talking to her in thought bubbles]. What a great thing--besides being so dedicated and responsible, he just is dying to tell her she looks so lovely when she’s absorbed in her paperwork. She looks up….[pobrecito, he probably can’t see the cleavage in the rear view mirror…..But he should be able to see she’s not wearing the seatbelt and he could stop the car, go and put it on her—just so he doesn’t get a ticket, of course. Juan’s wearing his.]….can he do her a favor? He tells her he’s there to serve her. She doesn’t really need to go back to the office, and because day after tomorrow is her mother’s birthday, she wants to put together a simple celebration. It’s been a long time since they had this time together, and she hasn’t had time to get this together because of work. He tells her not to worry, they’ll get it all together. What does she want? Breakfast, lunch, dinner, a clown (payaso), a magic show? She laughs. No, not that.

Juan thought bubbles that when she laughs, he dies. Her smile is enough to light up the entire street. Tell me you love me, and don’t torture me more, my love! Suddenly he and Paula are in a dream scene. She’s in the front seat, close to him while he drives with one hand (no seat belts, probably), her head on his shoulder. They’re talking lovingly. She tells him he says such pretty things to her. He’s only saying what he feels. Only the truth, my pearl. My Calvary of love (he went through hell to get her? His Labor of Love?). They almost kiss……….and the needle scrapes across the record as Paula shakes him out of his reverie. He tells her he was thinking about the little party for her mother. She tells him not to worry, just take her home for now because it’s a bit late to return to the office [Ed. Note: But you were there until REALLY late last night and it’s still light out now. What’s up with that?]

At Casa Cachón, he greets Yadira, who’s reading a magazine, and Marely, who is studying. Yadira returns the greeting while Marely ignores him. Yadira didn’t see the headlights. He gives a rushed explanation about where the car is. Yadira is a bit sad because she thought to go out (and apparently, Juan was her ride). She is so bored (aburrir). Well, they could go out in a taxi. He asks Marely what she thinks. She doesn’t look up and replies she wasn’t planning to go out. He says that’s best and rapidly babbles a cock-and-bull story about the bad air and how it affects the lungs. He leans toward Marely and says, “Right?” “Right?” She ignores him. He raises his eyebrows and gives up as we go to commercial.

Paula and Ana are at home. Paula asks why she’s up so early (madrugadora). Ana has to go out. Where? To the office. Why? She has to see about her separation payment from work. Paula wants to go with her, but Ana says, no, she’s too busy. Paula says she and Juan can go and wait for Ana. Ana doesn’t want that, and they go back and forth arguing gently, but Ana tells her to have a lovely day and leaves Paula smiling fondly at her.

CL is in his office, standing behind his chair and leaning both elbows on the back while he talks to Pastor. He firmly asks if Pastor understands clearly. Well, more or less. What more or less? Well, Pastor understands that CL’s wife might be asking about Paula. Well, all women are like that! They are always scoping out the territory. CL is worried that Paula is the worst case scenario. He raises his eyebrows meaningfully, and Pastor raises his questioningly. CL sees it—there’s no use trying to explain this to Pastor. He tells himself, “oh, yeah, sure. How are you going to know this?” Pastor purses his lips, annoyed. Okay, CL tells him, if Monica asks you about her, you have to say YOU brought her to this company. Gaitán, is that so difficult to understand? Pastor tells him not to worry, if she asks, I brought her to the company. CL says if he sees Paula, CL wants to talk to her. Pastor gets up from his chair.

At the Cachón Company, Ana is chatting with one of her former co-workers. The woman is pleased that Paula got a wonderful job despite the difficulties with looking for work (she won the lottery). Ana smiles proudly as she answers the phone. Then Ana tells her how well-prepared Paula is; the woman replies that she’s pretty, too. She begins to tell Ana the gossip about the Cachón Company. It seems that before he died, Samuel sold everything and no one who works there knows what will happen to them. Ana asks what Perafán says? Nothing. He doesn’t sit well with her (gives me a bad thorn). Between calls she’s answering, she tells Ana that the rumor is they’re all going to be put on the street. The friend asks why she wants to talk to Perafán. Ana says she’s taking care of her payout for her resignation, but Ana’s body language and hesitation suggest she’s telling a bit of a white lie. The friend wants to tell her one more item of gossip. What? That you’re fighting for your daughter’s rights, that Nidia is going to see to it that you’re left with nothing, and it’s war. You’re not going to just stand around with your arms crossed, though. That’s what the folks here are saying.

They see Perafán, who is trying to escape behind a fern. Ana says “don’t go yet,” and asks to talk to him. Sure, sure, they’ll meet in his office for a moment. He rushes around to usher her in as her friend says goodbye. Perafán gives the woman an eyebrow raise and shrug—he couldn’t get away, then follows Ana; the gal quickly dials her phone.

Paula is walking into the lobby at Farrell industries, with a crisp white mini-falda suit and a white purse. She is greeted at Ivonne’s desk by Pastor, who is standing behind Ivonne with his hand on her shoulder. He asks her how it went yesterday. She replies that CL didn’t bite her for going to his house [Ed. Note: not yet, but it’ll happen, honey]. Pastor tells her that’s good, and CL’s asking for her insistently, it seems he cannot live without the Licenciada Paula. She looks Pastor in the eye and tells him if he has something to say, do it more directly, don’t insinuate anything. He denies any such thing, it’s just that she is so efficient, she always finds a way to show up in the right place at exactly the right moment. She smiles sweetly and assures him it’s not hard, the one thing a person needs to do is focus on work and not stand around judging others, what they’re doing, or not doing. Pastor chuckles and notes that not everyone has that talent. Paula observes that that’s such bad luck for them. She’s giving him a lovely fake smile, clasping her hands in front of her.

Paula asks them if the boss isn’t waiting for her. Ivonne tells her there’s no need to announce herself, just go right on in, she’s in her HOUSE. She emphasizes the “Licenciada” so it’s questionable if it’s a term of respect. Paula thanks her with another veiled sarcastic comment about how sunny everyone is today, and goes in.

Ivonne clenches her fists, and expresses her irritation with this woman. Pastor tells her to be patient, because sooner or later the climber is going to bite the dust (Ivonne used unfamiliar idioms, but the intent was clear). He just knows she is.

CL stands to greet her, while we have a shot of Paula’s okole. Not a single panty line with that fitted white skirt. My guess is that if Ferro is watching, he’s drooling at the very least. (Mrs. Ferro, keep a leash on the boy during Yo Amo a Juan. On the other hand, you might be too busy yourself checking on Juan or Cesár). He asks her how everything is going on one item of business, and she says everything’s in order. He tells her to sit, and begins on a super apology for his behavior at his home yesterday—he might have seemed discourteous (descortés). He must have seemed anxious and nervous. She assures him that he doesn’t need to explain. They warned her of the consequences of bothering him at his home. He says that’s not it. It’s just that his wife was there, it was extremely tense, and they had this terrible discussion. Every day that passes the communication is more difficult. His facial expression is upset, desperate. It’s affecting his work. He’s so sorry! She reaches over and touches his hand, looking into his big, puppy dog eyes and sorrowful face. She reassures him it’s fine, nothing happened. He talks her into having lunch with him, to make up for his rudeness, and he won’t bore her with his personal tragedy. She asks about his wife---well, she left on another trip.

Paula says now she has a mountain of paperwork since she was consumed with the registry signature yesterday. He says if he had five workers like her, the business would be in great shape. She leaves and he smiles to himself.

Perafán is handing Ana a document, but it’s not the copy of the will she wants to see. He tries to get her onto another track. She asks him why she can’t see the actual will. He says this process happens slowly. It needs to pass through lots of people—secretary, judge—etc. She tells him it’s simple, she just wants to SEE the will of Samuel. A copy. Oh, no! A will must not be copied! Wills are strictly controlled. He gestures, emphasizes, jumps up and sits back down, and generally gives her a line. He says this is the case even more when it’s like this, where the will is being contested by the Cachón family. She says if it is so complicated, okay, she’ll contract with another lawyer for herself. He argues that she is like family and shouldn’t do that with a nobody lawyer. If she gives him a few more days, he’ll find a way for her to read it for herself and resolve her doubts. And he wont’ tell anyone anything so he’s not in a big mess.

Pastor comes down to the garage and greets Juan and Fernando, who are just sitting and waiting for their bosses to need them to go somewhere (not a bad job, if you ask me). Fernando ignores Pastor and Juan greets him with a smile and eye contact. [Ed. Note: not hard to do, since Juan’s sitting and Pastor’s standing, he’s at Juan’s eye level]. Juan thought bubbles about Pastor’s timely arrival. Pastor asks if they’re busy. (Does it look like it, Bubba?) Fernando says he is, but not sure about your FRIEND. He gets up and walks away. Pastor says he’s antisocial and Juan defends his colleague. Pastor doesn’t trust him. They chat a minute, and Pastor gets to the point. He has an indecorous proposal. [Glad YOU realize that’s indecorous, Pastor.] Juan thought bubbles; what’s up now? Let’s go to lunch. Pastor has reservations at a very elegant restaurant. Juan will loooove it. Then, they’ll go buy shoes so Pastor doesn’t have to see him wearing those boots any more. [Ed. Note: JUAN! It’s a set up, boy! Pay attention! What’s wrong with the boots, anyway. We love ‘em]. Juan is worried about his boss. No problem, Pastor knows she’s going to lunch with the big boss. Juan thought bubbles to himself. Pastor is turning out to be a big, fat problem for him. Juan hasn’t figured out how to show everyone he doesn’t lean that way. He hits the desk. Across the room, Fernando grins slyly at him. Juan looks like a thundercloud. This lunch invite is giving him more problems than he already had. As we cut to commercial, we see Pastor brushing on a little blush, right on the apples of his cheeks.

Here’s Nidia, in her bedroom with Yadira coming in. Yadira gestures toward downstairs. Nidia knows immediately: “oh, no. Not Alirio again?” “Yes, Mommy. He says it’s urgent.” “Oh, this man has his cap set {for me}.” How is she going to get rid of this burden? They fuss with each other about it. Tell him I have a headache. You’ve used that excuse. I’m asleep. Used it, hundreds of times. Finally Nidia gives up and goes down.

She chides Alirio for showing up without calling first. He says it’s urgent, and it was hard for him to come and bother her. She tells him no one said it was a bother. He says, yup, this time I’ve brought you a bother. He tells her about the serious problems with Ana who wants to see the will. Nidia wonders why such good people like herself have to have such problems. Well, Perafán knows there is just one explanation. There is someone behind this all. Who? Perafán barely dares to say the name: Juan Dominguez. Nidia is a bit impactada.

Juan is in the garage again, reading a mini-comic book. He’s gesturing to imitate the pictures and laughing to himself. Enrique comes up the stairs into the garage. Whereas Juan has on a tie and jacket, Enrique has a collared t-shirt, which is pinkish, with some sort of picture on the chest. It fits very tightly over his protruding tummy. He finds Juan, and is jubilant. Juan wonders what demons have him here. He just wanted to see Juan’s workplace, and he had some time. Juan fusses about him coming and Enrique, who is now a little hurt about Juan’s greeting, reminds him he financed what Juan’s wearing, etc. Juan tries to explain about the gossipy people here. Enrique is placated and they chat some more. Juan explains he has an appointment with a higher-up. Enrique says this is not strictly a social visit. He needs to tell Juan about Perafán. What??? Perafán was asking questions about you? About what? About EVERYTHING! Where you came from, etc. He interrogated me! Juan thinks that’s strange. Enrique agrees, he thought the same, that’s why he came to tell the gossip. Most of all, the crazy thing is the old boy is jealous. Enrique chuckles.

In Nidia’s study, she denies that she’s going to get Juan mixed up in this. Perafán tells her what a good person she is, but reminds her that Juan is the sole connection between her and the Dávila women. Nidia laughs. To her, there’s no connection. He wonders what this guy has that makes her so blind? She hoists her chest and takes a deep breath. She gets serious and tells him first he praises her, then he offends. No one is permitted to do that. They argue about it, and he says the evidence is great, he has a sixth sense about it. He argues about the connection between Juan and Ana. The info goes from this house to her ears. She tells him he’s making her afraid, and he retorts that he has motives of doing it, because of the immediate danger: Ana is getting another lawyer! Nidia has the good sense to be impactada.

Here’s Pastor, tripping lightly down the escalator. He waves at Juan, who grimaces and is at the bottom. Is Juan ready? At the end of the escalator, he gives a little skip. Enrique looks concerned, and rubs his arms like he’s brushing bugs away. He thought bubbles about Pastor, a fat old man. Juan smiles and thought bubbles that this was all he needed…… Pastor approaches them and greets them, wondering if Juan is going to introduce them. Enrique lowers his voice a couple of octaves and gives a very mean, masculine look while he returns the greeting. Juan and Enrique exchange looks that are muy impactados.

In Nidia’s study, she’s asking Perafán what advice he gives. For now, he says, they should be just alert. They need to be aware of every last cent her husband left. She doesn’t think so. Well, he tells her, it’s best they keep their eyes peeled, and resolve the problem with Ana. Nidia calls her a name and says she robs husbands and fortunes. What right does she have? She has the right of law, because her husband left Ana everything, Perafán says. But, he has a strategy. He’s going to create a second will, a forgery. She says, you’re creating a false will? She looks horrified. He tells her that it’s the only way they’ll win. It’s a risk, but they cannot win without it. She looks totally disgusted with the idea. She trusts his good judgment, and tells him to be careful. Finally, Nidia agrees it will be fine as long as she doesn’t get her hands dirty.

Juan introduces Pastor to Enrique. Pastor extends hand out for a….kiss???? Juan prompts him as Enrique looks totally weirded out, grabs it and pumps it up and down in a handshake that leaves Pastor rubbing his arm and adjusting his toupee. Pastor is dying of hunger, so he runs off to the car and Juan excuses himself with Enrique and trails after Pastor. Enrique peers around the corner at them, then talks to himself about what he just witnessed. He wonders if Juan leans that way?

At the Casa Cachón, Marely is sitting on the steps, waiting for Alirio (with lots of décolletage). As he leaves the study, she calls him and he responds. She needs to talk to him. He wonders if she’s waited long. A while, but she didn’t want to interrupt because it was something important. He stumbles around about the business he had with Nidia, but then asks her to tell him what she needs. She needs a favor. He’s ready to help. She wants him to help her find work, to use his contacts. She explains about her university schedule and how she changed it so she can help the family by working. He is a little impactado and proud (how noble, like father, like offspring). He’ll make a couple of calls and see what he can do, but she can’t tell Mama he’s helping. She promises.

At Farell Industries, Cesár comes to Ivonne’s desk; he’s on the way to lunch with Paula. She tells him not to be cynical, and he tells her not to be imprudent. What’s her problem? Well, she wonders if he isn’t worried about an office scandal. He thinks not, but she could suffer some difficult consequences. He wants her to know for certain she could be the one to lose the most. He always follows through with his enemies and that’s why the money always falls at his side. He wins. She tells him that some day he’ll pay for all he’s done. He tells her until that day arrives she better maintain her control. He leans over her desk in an intimidating manner and wishes her farewell.

CL goes into Paula’s office to see her, legs crossed at the ankles and resting up on a ledge, focused on paperwork—facing away from the door. She realizes he’s there and wonders how long he’s been there? He was pleased to see her so focused and didn’t want to interrupt. It’s admirable how a woman can be so beautiful and efficient at the same time. That’s a comment without any double meaning, he says. She smiles shyly and is pleased. She looks at her watch and ask forgiveness, she lost track of the time. They go.

At the lovely restaurant, Pastor wants Juan to have wine, but Juan wants another drink. He explains the drink to the waiter, cane alcohol, very dark. Pastor interrupts and finishes the order. He prevails; a good wine accompanies a good meal. Juan is impactado and a bit dismayed. The waiter brings red wine. Pastor explains to Juan how things are done in this world, and an aperitif is taken to relax a bit after work. Juan thought bubbles about relaxing. This isn’t exactly what he has in mind when he thinks of relaxing.

Pastor is worried about Juan’s very intense expression. He wonders what Juan is thinking. Nothing! He thought bubbles that first Pastor has criticized his beloved boots, and now made him drink wine instead of his own favorite. Next thing you know he’ll be having me cut my locks. He’s crazy. If anything characterizes me, Juan, it’s this hairstyle! (He flips his hair a bit, which pleases Pastor). They both smile widely.

Pastor keeps talking while Juan smiles, plays with the wine bottle, and thought bubbles until WHOA! What’s this? He sees Paula coming in with CL and thought bubbles that his love of loves is with the big boss. He tells himself he wants to hide under the table or throw himself out of the window. He begins to slide down in his chair, and tells himself he’s with this loco Gaitán. Paula and CL arrive at the table, she smiling widely and CL looking a bit impactado. Pastor is staring at Juan’s strange behavior. Juan gives a little point behind Pastor. They both stand to greet the bosses. Everyone smiles and stares uncomfortably as we go to commercial.

Juan invites the bosses to be seated and eat lunch with them. Pastor agrees. CL attempts to decline. They shouldn’t mix their meal with work. Paula agrees, that would be a shame. Pastor protests they would be honored to have the bosses with them. Juan makes welcoming gestures behind him. CL says, in no uncertain terms, but gently, NO. Some other time, gentlemen. He and Paula move to their table.

CL leans over to ask what she thinks is up with Gaitán. His face lights up with the gossip. She thinks it’s okay once in a while to have these kinds of interactions/activities with the employees. CL presses her that they really appear to be behaving like sweethearts. Poor, naïve Paula is impactada. She tells him, well, I’ve noted this about Gaitán, but Juan….????? Nah. He tells her to look. Hasn’t she noticed that her chauffeur and Pastor look like a couple? No. She had no such idea. She can’t buy it. CL pushes….look at them, they look like they’re enamored of each other. Juan looks over at her with a bit of a scowl and Pastor looks their way, too.

At the same moment, Pastor tells Juan to look at them. What do you think is up with Don CL? Juan isn’t sure it’s so bad for the boss to invite one of the execs to lunch. Pastor points out this isn’t a lunch with a boss and one of his execs. Nope, this is a typical strategy of CL with his women….he brings them subtly into his trap. ¿QUÉ?? What, don’t tell me you haven’t realized, he and Paula are into a romance? No, Juan had no idea. Pastor says, okay, explain to me then, how in less than a week, this woman has gone from a complete unknown to Commercial Vice President of Farell Industries in 60 seconds flat? Well, she has her own merits, (great credentials). Juan looks like he might be getting a little hot under the collar. He’s talking more slowly and softly than usual. Pastor, pay attention! This is not a Good Thing. Juan tells him Paula is very intelligent, well-studied/prepared, etc.

Pastor tells him, “let me laugh!” Juan thought bubbles angrily. This stupid old man’s talking stink [Ed. Note: apparently some Spanish phrases are exactly the same as Hawaiian Pidgin phrases!] about my caramel mouth. He thought bubbles to himself about this situation. He’s not so worried what Pastor is thinking, but what she is thinking of him. He says to himself, Ay, what a mess! Paula and CL are laughing and looking over at Juan and Pastor. Paula looks at Juan, who is looking at her.

CL leans in to tell her that according to his experience, this is one of Gaitán’s typical strategies, that he invites a guy to an elegant restaurant with a pretext of a working lunch and it’s the old mousetrap trick. You lure the mouse into the trap and when he gets to the cheese, it snaps. That’s not exactly how she sees Juan. What? Hadn’t she realized? No, she hadn’t, she swears! Well, how could you explain to me how this guy, with no real skills, has come to work for the VP of Farell Industries (paraphrase)? Well, maybe Juan has other qualities? No, but if you ever have any problem with him, CL tells her, just tell me and I’ll stop Pastor’s little game. CL is not pleased that Pastor uses his little bit of power this way. Paula protests that Juan is a very good boy, and I’m doing well with him. [Ed. Note: Good call, honey.]

CL tells her they need to stop wasting time talking about the romance of her chauffeur and his personnel director. Better they talk about each other. Juan is giving them the glare of all time, and he’s been glaring in their direction off and on for several minutes while Gaitán talked about them. They’ve been returning the favor, watching Juan and his lunch partner while talking about them, too.

Yadira is on Enrique’s micro again, and wants to know what has him so upset. He doesn’t want to say. What? It’s about Juan. She turns in her seat (no seatbelt yet again, and it’s raining!), eager for the gossip. Tell me, she demands. Nope, I promised to hold my tongue, he tells her. You don’t trust me, she accuses. He tells never could hold her tongue and would tell everyone. They argue about him trusting her with the gossip. Finally, he’s ready to spill it and warns her about telling anyone. He tries to tell her with approximately four euphemisms before she finally gets it: Juan might be batting left-handed. He likes guys. She is muy impactada. Her bright red fingernailed hands come up to cover her mouth while her eyes are wiiiide open. And we are informed, once again, that any appearance that this is real is pure coincidence. ;-)


delgada=thin, slim
palomita= dove
payaso= clown
aburrir= bored
madrugadora =up so early, early riser
descortés= discourteous



Zorro: Friday, June 29, 2007: Monty gets passed over, Mangle gets the boot and Esme wins the wrestling match

Okay my friends since this is my last recap until I get back I tried to make it a good one. Enjoy. Also, I figured out how to use my cell phone as a modem, so I’ll keep in touch when possible

Camba and SAM return and inform Esme of the Queen’s plans for Masquerade ball. She thinks it’s the perfect opportunity to return. SAM tells Esme the ball is by invitation only but Esme doesn’t see it as a big hurdle. Esme is grateful and SAM says it couldn’t be done without his friend ‘Tole. Camba is working on getting an ostrich neck looking at the Amazionans. Esme asks SAM to investigate into buying a noble title.

The Queen tells DJ that she has finished the invitations and they are ready for the stamping of the royal seal. The Queen still thinks the ball should be open to the public being that she probably isn’t coming back to LA but DJ disagrees for security reasons. Aparrently the only reason she came to LA was to throw a ball for the upper crust and to get dethroned. I wonder if this one a one or two luggage trip. DJ asks the Queen if she is sure about naming Alej Govr. She informs him that unless there is one good reason not to, she’ll consider anyone else ‘cept Monty. The Queen orders DJ to start paperwork naming Alej as Govr.

Leroy is on border patrol and questions some extras coming into LA as to who they are and where are they going. Leroy is satisifed with their answer and lets them go. His buddy asks him if he knows SK. Leroy says no but he’ll recognize her when he seers her (huh?). Has Leroy always been in LA for him to know every citizen?

Mangle tells Diego he can’t kick her out, she is his wife. Diego tells her he has no other choice, he doesn’t trust her. Diego tells her that the WB potion had poison in it. Mangle tries to pin the blame of Yumi and says its coincidence that there her love potion had the same poison. Diego tells Mangle that everybody trust Yumi and the evidence speaks for itself. Diego calls Mangle a danger to Dena and little Alej and orders her out of the house. Mangle is impactada but recovers and tells Diego she’ll leave with her son. Diego grabs her arm and sternly tells her she isn’t taking his son out of the house.

Esme repeats for the 10th time that she is going back and I say just go already. Reminds me of Duelo’s Alina escaping/not escaping a gazillion times. She is afraid because she doesn’t know how far she’ll go. She tells Vanya who looks like she’s wearing an Amazonian version of the miracle bra about everybody that hurt her and her impulse for vengeance. Vanya tells Esme she knows what she means (somehow I think that unless Vanya's dad locked her mom in a dungeon with an iron mask too, then she probably doesn't know) Vanya tells Esme that her thirst for revenge will lead to her destruction but Esme will not have any mercy.

Mangle is upset that Diego is treating her like that but Diego tells her that she’s crazy and and doesn’t want to her near his son. Mangle doesn’t think so. Diego reminds her he has proof that on at least two occasions she tried to harm someone. Mangle thinks he’s doing this out of revenge and believes it was a mistake to marry her. Diego says he loves his son and will do everything to protect him. Diego repeats to Mangle to leave tonight or suffer the consequences. Mangle tells Diego he’s making a mistake and he will pay for this humiliation.

Olmos looks and listens to the discussion through his giant hole in the wall. He tells the air that he will have Mangle all to himself (with toast?). He can barely contain himself while taking bites of the bread.

Cue Amor Gitano

Pito tells Tobi that SK must be the real queen else why would Piza want to kill him. Tobi asks what he can do but Pito tells him anything being that he’s Zorro. Tobi calls Piza names (invader of lives and beds). Pito tells Tobi that he must know Piza very well being that he’s been seen around his house frequently. Tobi gets angry and Pito just says he’s being shrewd keeping him close. Tobi likes that idea and goes with it. Tobi tells Pito that he’ll think about making Piza disappear and in the meantime Pito can hide out in his house.

Diego thanks Amelia (little Alej’s nanny) for taking care of the baby and orders her not to leave the room until Juan okays it. Diego then tells Juan that Mangle is leaving and to not let Mangle near the room with Amelia. Misael appears with the Queen’s invite to the ball. Diego tells Misael to tell the queen that they will be happy to attend. Diego says aloud (I imagine for the viewing audience benefit more than plot line) that the ball is the day after MP and Fonzie’s wedding. He gives the invite to Juan to give to MP for RSVP’ing.

Mangle is packing and enter Olmos and asks about what she’s doing. Mangle tells Olmos about her conversation with Diego. Olmos asks about their plans to take the de la Vega fortune. Mangle tells him that’s still going forward and its confirmed that Olmos put the poison in Dena’s medicine. Being that Diego’s days are numbered the only obstacles are Alej and MP. Mangle admits she doesn’t have any dirt on them but when Diego falls they too will live a nightmare.

MP tells Fonzie that the music was wonderful. Fonzie says he knew she would appreciate it because she has a sensitive soul. Fonzie tells MP that he knew he loved her from the minute she stepped into the inn. MP tells Fonzie that she has only known love through what she experienced with FS so hearing his flattery is weird for her. They share a kiss while FS looks on the background.

Diego pleads with Bernie to recover telling him that they’ve been through worse times. He calls him by name, Bernardo de Segovoa engineer, inventor, sailor, friend, brother faithful companion. Bernie passes out and Dol asks if he’s going to die. The Shaman who was taking a break starts up again.

SM runs into Mangle who says she’s having problems with her husband. Mangle introduces SM to Olmos. Olmos thinks its weird especially considering the letter and trails off his conversation to yell at Juan to help him with the luggage. Mangle and Olmos share one of those hot for you looks. SM and Mangle agree to meet so that he can view the letter. She tells him she has a proposition that he would enjoy (I guess while the potion was to make Mangle hot for Olmos it didn’t say anything about being faithful).

Diego wakes up in the tavern and Raquel (the owner, of course now that the novela is in its ultimos capitulos I catch her name) offers him coffee. Diego wants to go home to find out about Bernie but Raquel gives him the novela staple of no news is good news. Diego thanks her for the coffee and Raquel promises to light a candle and pray for Bernie.

Monty sees Diego coming out of the tavern and considers it shameful that he’s leaving the tavern so early in the morning. He warns Diego that drinking so early in the morning is dangerous to his health Diego asks him why he cares and Monty tells him that he would regret it if something to him being that he wants the pleasure of killing him if he does something illegal. Diego tells him maybe he will kill him first which Monty takes as a threat. Diego’s just giving advice but it’s more like reminding him about karma.

Juan finds SM in the stable and tells him that breakfast is ready. SM questions Juan about Zorro and Juan tells him all about Zorro and what he does for the people of LA. SM grey flashbacks to his conversations with Mangle and Diego and puts two and two together, Diego is Zorro.

Dol tells Diego that Bernie still has not gotten better. The Shaman has been dancing and praying all night. Diego says that Bernie is still fighting. Dol thinks that PT should arrive to bless Bernie just in case. Diego doesn’t think so, as long as the Shaman doesn’t put a forehead on Bernie’s head there is still hope.

Monty tells Piza that he once thought Zorro was on of their men. Piza denies this because the men don’t have Zorro’s abilities. Monty tells Piza that’s he’s close to trapping Zorro but Piza informs him SK is more important. They rehash some more about being sure Pito knowing where she is and Piza promises to kill him when he finds him. Monty connects the dots, Esme, SK, the gypsies, Diego and Zorro. Piza thinks there is no connection as Diego was in the hacienda but Monty says it’s a lie, Diego is Zorro. Piza raises his eyebrow a smidge and Monty tells Piza about Diego’s great ability with a sword. Monty tells Piza a conspiracy is brewing and they are going to end up looking like idiots (well duh that IS the plan). Diego’s every movement will watched because many will fall before Monty does.

Diego tells PT about Bernie and Pito’s disappearance, the mapdallion and finding Esme’s clothes. A kid interrupts to say the parishoners are waiting for mass to begin. PT asks Diego to stay so they can talk.

Back to wreslting match between Esme and one of the Amazonians, with Amor Gitano in the background. Esme gets her in a reverse chokehold and before you know it, Amazonian is face down on the mat (1, 2, 3, ding, ding, ding.) I half expected to see a referee come in and hold up Esme’s hands and possibly hand her championship belt. Esme pulls her up while everyone claps.

SAM and Camba are in town sporting new suits. Camba looks nice in his black suit but it looks like the shoes are bothering him and SAM tells him he has to get used to walking around with them. Their conversations are funny I laugh like crazy. It appears they are going to buy the title from a Count Juan Marcial de Bracamonte. SAM knocks on the door and asks to speak to the Count. Before going in, he asks Camba to keep a look out.

Diego rides off and Monty’s men dressed in ponchos and giant sombreros make a note that he was with PT for a long time.

DJ informs Monty that with FS’s absence the Queen has named a new Govr. Monty of course thinks that the job’s his but alas the Queen has seen Monty’s resume and she is going in another direction, Alej de la Vega. Piza asks what’s up and Monty gives him the news. Monty thinks there is a conspiracy against him, yeah sure like your criminal record had nothing to do with it.

The Shaman puts a black feather on Bernie’s head. Nooooo, Bernie can’t die. Dol is crying and Alej (when did he get there?) poses and asks Diego what that meant. Hey shouldn’t Alej know this being that he is soooo familiar with Indian customs. Diego tells him that Bernie is almost crossing the great river. Dol thinks that it’s best that Bernie return to the hacienda. Alej tells Diego that he’ll find somebody (why he couldn’t say Yumi is beyond me) that may save his life. Dol guesses Yumi and instead of just going to get her noooo, he has to pose walk to Dol who is standing behind him and in his serious voice tells her that he will go get Yumi.

Dena is looking at the medicine Pito left her. She thought bubbles that she will get better for Alej and downs a hefty dose of the medicine (what happened to one teaspoonful daily). She tells the air/Alej that she loves him and she will live to give him another child.

SM confirms that the letter from Marianela is a forgery. Mangle wonders who could have sent it and SM assumes somebody who wanted her to forget about him. (I would think considering her high powers of deduction and reasoning she would have figured it out but nope I guess it was a one shot deal). Mangle wants to know about Diego and the Military Academy. SM thinks that she should know this. Mangle tells SM that it would benefit him financially and that it would save her marriage that is being hurt by lies (more from her end but I guess that’s splitting hairs) if she were to surprise Diego while he’s working as Zorro.

AC and Renzo thank MP for getting them the invitation but MP considers it an obligation to Esme and gitanos. MP thinks that PT and Alej should know about their plan so they can help and lend their support. Renzo and AC think is a great idea, which means this whole story will get repeated again later.

Alej goes to find Yumi and tells her he wouldn’t be there unless it was necessary. Yumi doesn’t want to go back because Dena wouldn’t agree. Alej pleads with her to return and administer the WB potion. Yumi wonders why if that’s what almost killed Dena and Alej repeats he trusts her and doesn’t think she poisoned Dena, Bernie will die she doesn’t come back.

AC and Renzo pay the forger to prepare various copies of the invitation. The forger is hesitant being that he’ll get executed but Renzo gives him a bag of money and it’s a different story. He’ll make the copies, it’ll be a major challenge to do the work.

MP asks Diego what happenend and before he can come up with a good execuse, he’s saved by the bell. Alej and Yumi show up. Dol is happy that’s she’s there and begs her to save Bernie. MP asks Alej if Dena knows Yumi is at the house. Dol apparently heard that Dena’s been in the room all day and Alej tells everybody that he’ll go tell her.

Alej walks in to an unconscious Dena. He calls her name and asks her to wake up. He touches her and she’s cold. Alej picks up her head and begs her to wake up.



Saturday, June 30, 2007

Destilando Amor: UPDATED Program Time Change!! (Monday Still 2 hours)

Author: Anita [Foro PR] (---)Date: 06-30-07 20:44 PDT

The reason why the time changes do not appear yet on Tv Listings is b/c this was unexpected, Univision just announced all this stuff today during their programming. So Zap2it, Yahoo, DirecTv Listings, Dish Listings, TiVo will not have the current times that we already know b/c obviously Univision just threw on to us these new times.So here is the schedule to make it less confusing. *Note: go back 1 hr for CDT

Monday, July 2nd:
7 - 8 - Yo Amo a Juan Querendon (NEW TIME SLOT, WILL NOT BE SHOWN AT 8PM/7C ANYMORE)
8 - 10 - Destilando Amor (2 hours)

Tuesday, July 3rd:
7 - 8 - YAAJQ
8 - 9 - Duelo de Pasiones (Ends on July 16th, at this its new time)
9 - 10 - Destilando Amor

Wednesday, July 4th: Only YAAJQ will be shown, due to soccer.
9 - 10 (east & central coast time)
7 - 8 (west coast time)

On Thursday the 5th, the same schedule that you see for Tuesday will be the same for this day and Friday the 6th. It will also be the same for Monday, July 9th and Tuesday, July 10th.

Going more ahead --
Wednesday July 11th, YAAJQ will be the only one shown that day, due to soccer.
7 - 8 (east & central coast time)
8 - 11 (west coast time)

On Thursday, the 12th, the same programming that you see for the 3rd, the 5th, the 6th, the 9th and the 10th will be the same for this Thursday and Friday the 13th.

On Monday the 16th here is the schedule:
7 - 8 - YAAJQ
8 - 9 - Duelo de Pasiones (LAST EPISODE)
9 - 10 - Destilando Amor

Tuesday the 17th:
7 - 8 - YAAJQ
8 - 9 - Amar sin Limites (PREMIERE)
9 - 10 - Destilando Amor

So there it is --that whole big schedule. // **I would still set my recorder for 3 hr. stints till all this gets clarified**


Destilando Amor: Program Time Change!! Destilando this Monday for 2 hours

More NEWS Destilando this Monday for 2 hours. * Note: this is not listed on Yahoo, Titan, Uni, Couchville (my direct listings sources). All I've heard is Uni advertise a 1 day only 7 pm Central showing of Desti. I am trying to confirm sources with Anita over at TN-W. I'd simply suggest that for the next full week we just set the recorder for a 3 hour stint.

Author: Anita [Foro PR] (---)Date: 06-30-07 15:30 PDT Due to the poor numbers of Juan Querendon its moving to 7pm/6 pm CDT starting Monday and Destilando Amor will be shown from 8 to 10pm/7-9 pm.

On Tuesday, Duelo is back on, but at a new time which is the 8pm/7 CDT time slot and Amar sin Limites premieres Tuesday, July 17th at 8pm/ 7 pm CDT.


Destilando Amor, 6/29/07: "Licking Their Wounds..."

Rod comes looking for James at the local bar in Tequila. Unsuspecting, James greets him like his long lost brother, but Rod, impetuous as ever, plans to shoot first and ask questions later. Rod's response:"Traitor! How much did they pay you to let loose with it? Tell me! Only you knew about Gaviota and me!" James defends himself as his confidant and even his accomplice. He feels so hurt and insulted that he immediately resigns as instructor. He refuses to speak to Rod ever again, then walks off.

Back at their hotel, a frustrated and anxious Gavi grabs the pregnancy test results out of her mother's hand and reads they are negative. She's both relieved and saddened by the news. Clarita tells her it's just as well. They've been saved from the jaws of death. No time for a little one with all the problems facing them. "Think of it, though!" says Clarita. Just like in the telenovelas, if you'd had the child he'd have inherited the entire fortune, everything!" Gavi can't believe what she's hearing. "Ha! The Montalvo's would be the last to find out! --Like I would go looking for that! Don't kid yourself!"

Sofia got the airline tickets for the trip back to Tequila, but she and Grammy P will be forced to take the last flight out that night. Grammy is complaining about how disappointed she is to have to wait so long to twist her grandson's head back on straight. Suddenly, who should appear at the door of the manse but our fraudulent and faux frog, Frankie.

After getting on bended knee to kiss The Grandmother's ring, Frankie generously offers to drive them to the hacienda himself. "Nothing more relaxing than a drive," he says, showing off those sparkly whites of his. Our bodacious bad boy starts spreading it on thick. "You're in front of a master driver, I'll have you know. Why, two years ago I drove in the Grand Prix at Monte Carlo." The two biddies, aka, female fish --and are they ever-- accept Frankie's offer gleefully. (Hide the silver, Ramon!)

At breakfast Clarita tells Gavi that supposing she had been pregnant, Gavi would need to tell Rod the truth. Gavi tells Clarita that it is best she doesn't have to tell a little child how rotten a person his father was, nor to confront Rodrigo by telling him "This is the result of your
love affair with me". She wouldn't want to be continually reminded of the ingrate's betrayal this way, either.

Gavi does admit though, that despite having a little one around as a constant reminder, she would want to have that child. She would be both mother and father to the child just like Clarita was for her. Clarita reminds her that the little one will be full of questions. "I'd avoid answering, just like you did with me. You did a great job raising me by yourself. Anyway, it looks like you won't have the priviledge of having grandchildren, after all."

Meanwhile, during her massage at the vacation spa, Isa gets a frantic call from Mommie Dearest that Daddy has been thrown in jail for fraud and cuts her trip short.

That same morning Oñate tells Bruno that it was Rod and Mariana's idea to start up the corporate tasting school. He offers to cancel it, but Bruno likes the idea of the company having its own tasters and wants it to stay open. He's surprised to hear that James is the one heading it, however.

Fedra comes into Bruno's office just then. She's looking for Minnie so they can finish their calls to all the tequila association members to make sure Mariana is blackballed from ever getting another job in the industry. (Never any rest for the weary, huh, Fedra?) Mad Minnie, though, is having a bad morning down the street at the Mexico City equivalent of "Babies R Us" and is wishing for all she's worth that she was pregnant again.

Crispín finds James and lets him know that the doctor from the health center had to make a house call at Dry Gulch Acres on account of Acacia having headache problems. James frantically worries that she's ill again.

Melitón asks Dr. Casillas if Acacia's bad headaches mean she might recover her memory again. The good doctor explains that she could at any moment, or it could be years down the road. He then gives Melitón some pills to help with the pain and leaves. Melitón thinks to himself that before she remembers and can open her big mouth about him they're going to be long gone from there.

Clarita has brought back a stack of newspapers full of want-ads. Either Gavi gets a job or she will. Gavi refuses to look for work there and says she's decided they'll go back to being migrant workers, but Clarita isn't having any of it. She tells Gavi that it took her two years of dedicated hard work to become the professional woman she is and no way they're going back to the old life. Gavi feels she's a loser because it obviously was useless for her to aspire to a better life as Mariana Franco, general manager and hi-falutin' corporate executive.

In the meantime, our legal eagle, the valiently persistent old Videgaray, must have figured that Pilar's warning to him was to simply avoid discussing the Mariana Franco affair with Rod; discussing things with Mariana herself would be a horse of a different color, so he makes a call to Margarita to see if she's heard anything from Mariana. He asks her that in case Mariana calls, would she let her know it is urgent that he speak to her.

Pilar and Sofia eventually arrive at Montalveña with Frankie in tow. Elvis and Dani greet them. While Sofia shows Frankie around the grounds, Pilar gets down to bidnez. She wants to know where railing Rod's gone off to. Dani explains that he's gone to settle accounts with James because he is now accusing James of giving away Gaviota's true identity to the family. "James was the only other person besides Rod who knew her secret. A shame, huh, that something else bad might happen on account of all this. Right, Grammy?" Pilar looks at her hands and frowns (at least, I think that's a frown).

Meanwhile, Rod is out walking through the burned out remains of Clarita's hut. Looking through the ashes he sees the remains of the watch he gave Gavi and grabs for it. The hut is gone, but not her memory. He fights back the tears.

Worried for Acacia's health, James goes to see Dr. Casillas and questions him about Acacia, wondering if she's gotten her memory back yet. The doctor tells him not yet. James is desperate to have her recover her memory because that is the only way Melitón will be made to pay for all the abuse towards her.

Melitón asks Crispín to spread word around that he's looking to sell his ranch since he's going off with Acacia for parts unknown. He says he just doesn't feel comfortable around there any longer. Find him a good buyer and he'll pay him a commission.

Grammy P tells Dani she's anxious to do whatever is necessary to get Rod back to his old self ASAP. She doesn't want Daniel to make excuses for her brother, either. What he did was a fit of irresponsibility. Dani says, no, it was an exorcism of sorts, and suggests that it won't be possible to reason with Rod till he is told the truth. (You go, girl! Rub her nose in it.) Grammy suspiciously asks "What truth?" Dani emphasizes to Grammy that she wants to hear Mariana's side of the story; she reminds her that they only have Aaron's version and she doesn't trust a thing Aaron has told them.

As far as Dani is concerned it would only harm Aaron and his "esteemed wife's" financial interests to allow Gaviota and Rod to enjoy a loving relationship together. Grammy sniffs and scoffs at this assertion. "No, the only one's interest at risk here is Rodrigo's, or don't you remember what class of woman we're discussing? (Pilar can at least still do a mean sniff. Her sneers are pretty convincing too. It's just those smiles that are so difficult it makes your face hurt to watch her try.)

Just then Rod enters the living room. Dani gets him aside and asks how it went. "He denied everything. Even quit his position. Perhaps it was actually Videgaray who gave her up." Rod turns to his grandmother and greets her. "So, to what do I owe your visit? Have you come to convince me to return to the city, to run me off the ranch, or to fix my marriage?" Sofie comes running over right then to tell him that Isa has definitely decided to ask for a divorce and so will not be bothering him again. She's definitely done with him.

Frankie has gotten a look at the place and knows he is in high cotton, or, rather, mescal. He introduces himself to Rod as his neighbor from the apartment in the DF and as an acquaintance of his wife's. Rod of course, doesn't remember him, not that he would have taken note of his surroundings there anyway, what with his head in the clouds over Gavi this past year. He is slow to shake the guy's hand. Frankie remarks that the estate is impressive and reminds him of Scotland's Balmoral Castle. (Come on, Frankie. That is a stretch.)

A few hours later, Mommie Dearest meets Isa at the airport and tells her that Daddy was jailed for defrauding the creditors. The judge has even seized their factory and frozen all their bank accounts. She has just got to go visit him.

Back in their hotel room, Gavi sees an ad for a native crafts import/export operation. She and Clarita get excited thinking of the possibilities if she applies. Excitedly, and out of the blue, Clarita picks up the phone and suggests she get in touch with Margarita, if just to get caught up on the gossip at the corporate offices, and perhaps to see what they've been saying about her --and about Rod too. Gavi gets upset at this suggestion. "What? To hear all about how the ingrate is happy once again in the arms of his loving wife?" (Right move, wrong reason, Clarita. Try again.) Gavi stomps off to the bathroom.

Pilar now gets her chance to speak to Rod and give him another lesson in Life According to Grammy Montalvo. "All I want to know is who gave her up, Grandma." "--That's not important. You're better off having had God open your eyes to the type of woman she was before having committed the insanity of running off with her." "--No, what's important to me is to know who conspired to tell the family about me, who was playing dirty with me."

"The only one to play dirty in the family was you, Rodrigo!" Pilar scolds. She reminds him that he's no one to judge her or anyone else in the family right now. They all know that he didn't accept that position as Corporate Director to help out the family but to be with Mariana, while covering for her, and to eventually run away with her when the time was right.

Rod doesn't deny that and apologizes for the deception, but defends his work and accomplishments there. Pilar asks him to return to Mexico City and tries to convince him to head the corporation again to "continue the great work you've accomplished there." Rod refuses point blank. "Well," sniffing again, "if you refuse to thank us for removing the bandages from your eyes and for doing right by you, so be it. My conscience is clear. However, remember that you cannot go around drinking and burning down the workers' huts! You inherited this estate so that you could get ahead in life."

Rod apologizes for what he did the night before, but he also swears if he ever went back to the Corporation he'd burn it down, too. Too many bad memories of Gaviota there, and he certainly has no desire to speak with or to see any of the family ever again. At least there, at the hacienda, are his roots, where he can follow in his granddad's footsteps and preserve the land and the estate. The hacienda is his future, if he has one, he tells her.

Gavi goes nuts from being couped up in the little hotel room and runs out and over to the nearby park. Clarita runs after her.

Pilar (talk about single-minded!) continues trying to convince Rod that he must come to his senses and return to the loving, ever-patient and "great lady" that is his wife. (Gawd, is he going to fall for this guilt trip of hers again?) To the Rodster's credit he is adamant. "NEVER, EVER!" Rod tells her that he has decided to let Vidagary continue with his divorce. He will give the apartment to Isa as part of the settlement, and like any husband in the middle of a divorce, he will continue to provide for her. He says that he hasn't yet given Vidagaray further instructions simply because he'd lost confidence in him. Grammy P pricks up her ears (I think) and asks why.

Rod says he feels it might have been Vidagaray who betrayed his confidence and gave away Gavi's identity to the family. Pilar, remembering Fedra and Minnie's warning her not to cause a split between her two grandsons by telling Rod the truth about Aaron's deception, refuses to say one way or the other. Rod gives in for a bit. "Ok. You are obviously going to continue protecting the identity of the person, aren't you."

"Princesa" finally pays a visit to her daddy in the hoosegow. It seems Daddy was kiting bad checks. Ricardo explains how he simply was "floating" a number of bad checks because he felt certain she would get Rod to co-sign those papers so that he'd have the funds in the bank in time to cover them all for his creditors. So now it is up to Isa to do something to help him out of this jam: in plain [Spanish], dialing Rod for dollars.

Ricardo whines that Rod is the only one who can get him out of there and save them all. Isa warns Daddy that if it means humiliating herself again by going back to Rod to wheedle more cash out of him, then he can for-get-it. "But, Princesa!" She turns around and leaves him screaming for her in desperation through the cell bars. (Now, this certainly gives a whole new meaning to the nickname, Ice.)

After admitting the hate-love relationship she has going with Rodrigo, Gavi suggests that she and Clarita go back to La Malquerida and she'll sing a couple of songs. Clarita warns her off the tequila. Gavi hugs her mom and says she doesn't need anything to drink in order to sing and they walk off arm in arm.

Pilar is tireless (even reminds me of that regenerating robot in "Terminator 2") and suggests to Rod that love is not always pretty words and smiles, but also full of sacrifice and pain. Two people must learn over the years to put up with each other's personality quirks and to live with their betrayals. (I truly wish this nasty old woman would stop trying to correct her dead husband's past mistakes by trying to run Rodrigo's life in the present.)

Since nothing else has convinced her grandson, Pilar now agrees to confess to him her story of 50 years keeping her marriage and familiy together despite years of silent suffering and going through an experience very similar to Isadora's . (All right!) Rod's curious. "What suffering?" The suffering, she explains, that was caused by the rumored affair her husband, Amador, supposedly had with another jornalera years ago. Though his grandfather denied everything, the truth was he was seen with her. Anyway, Amador always gave her her place as his wife and the mother of his children. She never complained and she threw herself into being the best wife and mother she could be.

Every spring, though, at harvest time Amador and she would return back to the hacienda from the city. Every night he would leave to walk through the mescal fields and would return to the house very late. Eventually, they would return to the city and her suffering would be over for another year, but that was always the most bitter month of the year for her. "Did you ever meet her?" "--No. I wasn't going to lower myself just to settle accounts with the likes of a jornalera."

Pilar continues the story. "Somewhere, some year or other, the jornalera must have finally gone her own way, because I no longer heard her singing in the fields at harvest time." Rod is struck by this bit of news and the similarity. "She used to sing? Like Gaviota?" "--Yes, just like Gaviota." "--That's strange. Grandpa never did give up walking those fields at night, you know?" Pilar is a bit surprised, but she takes it in stride. "--What matters is that I knew how to forgive him and I hung on to my husband."

Rod is sorry for his grandmother's pain, but he tells her that his and Isadora's situation is totally different. "That was yours and Granddad's love story. I don't love Isa and I never did." He tries to explain to her that it wouldn't matter if Isa forgave him again or not. The two of them only got married to avoid a life of loneliness. It was a failed attempt at keeping each other company. (Wrong, Burly Bear. It was that way for you, but Isa actually did marry for love, or lust, or at least, something like it.) "Still, think about it, son. It's not too late, or you'll be losing a terrific woman." (Is this old hag deaf, senile, or simply suffering from a form of Alzheimers?)

Rod confesses to Pilar that he will never return to Isadora. Why continue to humiliate her for nothing? He's cursed to love Gaviota and despite whatever she has done to him, to take that love to the grave. (Well, whatdayaknow? Take heart gang, 'cuz after all the deceptive goings on that Pilar has advocated and conspired in, we now have another plate of cosmic justice ready to be served up by her own hand.) Unbeknownst to Pilar, the kind of enduring, mature love she's just been referring to and has stubbornly projected onto Isadora's situation, Rod has now recognized as the kind of love he actually feels for Gaviota. (Way to go, Oh Gray-Haired One, misguided and prissy old fuddy-duddy that you are!)

In town, Crispin tells James that Meliton is planning to sell his ranch and take Acacia away with him. James is upset at the news and worries about her regaining her memory before her uncle is able to sell out and leave town with her.

Isa argues with Mommie Dearest. She tells her the same thing she told her father: "NO WAY!" No more self-debasement and humiliation. (Is this a case of tough love or maybe a first step toward fighting her co-dependency in the face of a pair of greedy, manipulative parents? Isa has her faults, but this is admirable.) "The divorce lawyers can work something out for him."

Mommie Dearest doesn't want to wait, though, because Daddy will have to stay in prison till then. (Only the little people, right, Nuria?) "We are talking about your father here!" How could Isadora do this to the man who gave her everything she ever asked for? (Our Icedora has indeed become very cold and calculating; Nuria should be proud.) "Don't worry, Mom. There'll be plenty of money once the divorce is final and I take my half the Montalvo fortune. We'll use that to take care of Dad's problems."

A bit later, Dani comes to tell Rod that she and Elvis have got to get back to the city. "I didn't hear what Grammy told you, but I can almost imagine what she said." She goes through the litany. "Did I miss anything?" "--Nope." "--Did she convince you at all?" "--No. I'm staying right here." She confesses to him then that she doesn't believe what they've been told by the others about what actually happened with the discovery of Mariana's true identity and her suddenly leaving like that. Rod tells her Pilar has tried to make it seem Vidagaray was to blame. Dani says, well, only she and James knew the truth; Rod knows it wasn't her. She is certain that the family is hiding something from the two of them; she swears that she will try to find out exactly what that is.


Friday, June 29, 2007

Zorro - June 28, 2007 Monty is stunned; Aga gets death wish; Esmy trains for WWE

EPISODE 96 - June 28, 2007: (Finales Capitulos)
* Monty laughs at MA for saying D is Z -- she's serious, he thinks it's ridiculous. She tells him what Santiago Michelin said to her about D's swordsmanship and military training in Spain and his experience in Europe. Monty still can't believe it - she continues on with Santiago's description of D in Europe - sounds exactly like Zorro. Monty is muy impactado.

* Santiago stops D, still in his caked muddy duds at the gate. D is mortified by Santiago telling MA about his past schooling and experiences in Spain. Santiago is sorry and wonders why all the secrecy. D explains briefly that his life in Los Angeles is quite different than his life in Spain, he wants to keep a low profile and just work on the hacienda with his father. Santiago says he understands and will help however D wants. Then Santiago asks D for housing and food at the hacienda with the promise to keep quiet.

* MA continues with the D - Z comparison, according to the description by Santiago Michelin. Monty is so impactado by even the thought he tries to condone the image as lies by Santiago to confuse her. MA is frustrated and tells Monty if he doesn't want to believe that D is Z, that's his problem to deal with. MA then goes on to use the prison escape and torture by D as proof that D is Z, she also brings up their son. Monty tells her to keep vigilent watch over D and let him know D's movements. Monty wants to catch D/Z.

* D runs into room, B is shivering under his bedsheet. D wonders where Agapito went to and left B like this. B signals that he was taken by Piza's soldiers. D can't believe that; he tells B not to worry, he will go get Dolly and be back soon. D leaves.

* Soldiers take bound and gagged Agapito to the forest where Piza waits. Piza dismisses the men. Piza takes off gag from Agapito - Agapito starts crying and pleading for pity and his life. Piza whips out his small knife and holds it to Aga's throat. Aga is scared; Piza wants to know what he did with SK's body; he demands to know. Aga cries, wails, and finally tells Piza that she is indeed alive.

* Leo reports to Monty; Monty orders vigilent watch around governor's palace for Zorro. Leo asks if anything else - Monty tells him about SK - they will keep watch for her also. Monty tells Leo that no one is to tell Duke Jacomo anything about these developments. Leo promises to keep quiet. Monty has premonition that this ball could turn into a chaotic bloodbath quickly. Leo leaves. Monty thinks to himself about MA's discovery and if he can actually prove D is Z, he has a way to get rid of D and his whole darn family. (he chuckles)

(cue credits and theme song)

* MP sits for tea at a restaurant with Cami and Renzo. Cami fills MP in on her happy marriage and life with Renzo and the gypsies. MP tells Cami her good news of her upcoming wedding, not to Fernando. MP invites them to her wedding - Renzo happily accepts. Cami then asks MP for a huge favor.

* D finds Santiago outside and asks him to take care of his friend, he has a fever and the surgeon was arrested. Santiago makes a sarcastic wisecrack; D isn't amused. Santiago agrees to watch over D's sick friend; D starts to walk away; Santiago asks for some money for food for him and the friend. D reluctantly gives him some coins and leaves. Santiago mutters to himself - well it's a start, first the favor then maybe some food and shelter later. Santiago bounds upstairs to check on this sick friend of D's.

* MA is with nanny Dolly, caring for little Alejandro. Dolly is going on and over over Alejandrito's appetite and demeanor (just like his daddy's). MA asks where D is; Dolly says with B, on hacienda business. MA starts digging for information on D's childhood behavior. As Dolly mentions all the virtues D has had forever, MA laughs and hopes little Alejandrito will have the same virtues. MA bends close to the little baby, sniffs and tells Dolly to change the little boy's diapers. MA leaves. Dolly sits and plays with the baby.

* Cami and Renzo explain SK is with the gypsies, they are asking PT for his help with plan, they explain that SK is Esmy's mother - MP knows that much - as they talk, MP agrees to help them however they wish. Cami asks her for help in getting them an invitation to the masquerade ball.

* Olmos (handsome, no hump) walks MA into bedroom and gives her report. MA is upset over her inheritance dwindling down to only two lousy old mansions in Madrid and one in Barcelona. Olmos explains about the debt-load her father amassed that had to be paid off. She thinks he's a "pinchon" - he suavely mentions and vows his loyalty and devotion to her and will help her make investments to grow back her fortune. She laughs. They kiss. She mentions her plan to get the de la Vega fortune. He asks for more information; she shrugs the question off and starts to kiss him.

* D, after cleaning up and changing, finds Dolly and Dena with little Alejandro. D tells Dolly she needs to come with him immediately, B is sick and needs help. Dena panics and wants details. D makes up a story about how B and Agapito were caught in a barrage of arrows - B was struck with two - D says Dolly needs to come now. Dena takes the baby from Dolly so Dolly can leave. D asks about MA - Dolly says she was asking for him - he thinks about it and then says he will talk to her later. They leave quickly.

* As MA and Olmos are kissing on the bed, they hear D and Dolly outside. MA runs to the window and watches as D and Dolly climb into carriage cart. She wonders where they are going in a hurry. Olmos (with hump) comes up with explanation/opinion. She turns back around to Olmos (without hump again) and asks about the notion that D is really Z. Olmos laughs and says it's impossible. She won't say where she got that silly notion. Olmos leaves. MA stands wondering.

* Esmy and her Amazon pals play "keep away with the ball" at the river edge. They go for a run through the forest. Dania comes to Esmy to tell her they will help her to confront her enemies in Los Angeles.

* MA enters D's room, searching for proof that D is really Z. She looks around the room, in the closet, she starts looking at the books on the shelf and stops as she looks at the red-bound books. She mutters if it is true, Diego, that you are really Zorro, you will pay for your contempt.

* On route to B, Dolly gets D to tell her the truth over B's injuries. D also reveals that MA is responsible for poisoning Dena. Dolly is muy impactado.

* Cami thanks MP for the help. Renzo explains to MP this is a very dangerous assignment. MP realizes it and still wants to help get the invitation for them. Cami tells her the meeting place at the specific posada in town. MP excuses herself to continue doing wedding preparations. MP leaves. Cami and Renzo share a kiss.

* On street, MP walks up to a poor friar seated at a doorway. She offers him money and a prayer. He pulls back his hood and she's spooked with the sight of Don Fernando. She runs away. He just sits there and watches and ponders the moment in silence.

* Esmy has wrestling match in Amazons hut.

* Dolly and D return to B's place. Santiago gives D and Dolly report on B's condition - feverish and shaking - Santiago asks why B doesn't talk. D explains he's mute. Dolly on glance says she was going to put oranges on his ears to help relieve the fever. Santiago is the bearer of gloom and doom about a couple cases in Spain where feverish people died because their brains fried up. D was polite and told Santiago to shut up. D introduces Dolly to Santiago. Dolly tells D to get the faith-healer. D runs out, Santiago follows. Dolly stays to care for B.

* D is at the gate, Santiago catches up with him to talk. D doesn't want to talk, doesn't think Santiago really can help. Santiago continues to talk. D reluctantly asks Santiago to accompany him to the faith healer and later he will take Santiago to the hacienda.

* MP stops to catch breath and collect her thoughts after coming in direct contact with friar Fernando. Fer still sits on the door stop and stares at her. Alfonso finds her on the street and asks what's wrong; MP says it's nothing, don't worry; Alfonso says if she's worried, he will be interested too. She wants to go home - he asks her to accompany him to a concert event that night - she agrees - they walk away together. Fer watches them walk away.

* With knife to throat and threat of death, Agapito stammers to confess the whole true story to Piza about how he helped SK survive and where she is now. Piza is furious for being tricked by Agapito and now he says Agapito must die. Agapito cries. Piza gets his gun from the holster on the saddle. Agapito hits Piza on the back of the head and Piza falls down on the ground, unconscious. Agapito panics and decides to find "Zorro" to help him.

* Toby follows Cata to the kitchen. He annoys her and badgers her about her relationship with Piza. He's jealous - she tells him she broke it off with Piza. He doesn't believe her and tells her if she continues to be with Piza, he will never sleep or touch her again. Cata laughs and mentions tells Toby that it's been months since he has even touched her in anyway. She leaves offended. He mutters about Piza ruining his life and marriage under his breath.

* Piza regains consciousness and stands up. He grumbles that Agapito will die - he will kill him.

* At the river bank, Esmy tells Dania about her and her mother's suffrage stories. Dania gives her encouragement.

* Faith healer does the ancient prayer ritual around B, still laying on his bed shaking. Santiago is skeptical. D explains the ritual and what it is suppose to do. Santiago bugs D with commentary. D leaves, Santiago follows. Dolly stays to watch/observe.

* Out at gate, D calls out to soldier. He asks if the soldier has heard or seen Agapito. Soldier hasn't; Aga hasn't even been at the prison. Soldier leaves. Santiago remarks about the strangeness of the town - D comments - Santiago makes a remark about D's life and says good to see you again and leaves. D grins and shakes his head about seeing Santiago again - D also wonders where Agapito is.

* Toby is sleeping in the chair in the kitchen. Agapito knocks on the door and wakes Toby up. Toby puts on his glasses and lets Agapito inside. Aga needs help; Toby thinks he needs a loan and refuses to give him one. Aga says no it's about the true queen and Piza; Aga helped the queen escape. Toby is intrigued and curious; Aga explains that Piza is furious and Aga needs Zorro to help protect him.

* D and Santiago find MA by fireplace at hacienda. D tells MA that Santiago has a tendency to exaggerate stories so take what he said before about D in Spain with a 'grain of salt'. Santiago formally greets her. MA salutes him. D says Santiago will be a guest at the hacienda for awhile. MA is delighted to have a guest at the house. Juan enters and asks about B. D gives a brief note to him; then asks Juan to prepare a room for Santiago, their guest. Juan leaves. Alej enters and asks D about B. D gives a brief update to his dad, then introduces Santiago. D and MA leave to have a private conversation.

* Jacomo and ML discuss Fer's abandonment of his post as governor. As Queen, ML has the responsibility to name a replacement. ML wants Alej to fill the position; Jacomo suggests Monty, due to his military experience. ML says that Alej has more than enough military experience as well as his undying loyalty through the years to the crown. Jacomo mentions the problems that currently exist between Alej and Monty. ML says if Monty has problems, he has to get over them himself - Alej will be his boss and he has to deal with it. ML tells Jacomo to draw up the papers. Jacomo excuses himself and leaves. ML grins.

* D confronts MA about the poison that she once tried on him she used to kill her own aunt Dena. MA is offended by the accusation of attempting to murder her own aunt. She defends her skillfully. D doesn't believe her; he wants an immediately and permanent separation - he will keep their son with him at the hacienda however she is to pack up and leave immediately. She's muy impactado.

* Dania and others sharpen their weapons by the campfire. Warrior guard runs back saying someone's coming. They stand and aim their bows and arrows in the direction of the path. Garcia and Camba approach waving a white flag. Esmy tells them it's okay, she knows the men. Dania tells everyone to drop their weapons. Garcia tells Camba to stay put on the path - the ladies are Amazons. Camba stays on the path. Garcia approaches Esmy apologizes for returning but he had to return with some important news. Queen ML will be hosting a masquerade ball and he thinks it will be the perfect place for Esmy to reappear and seek her revenge. Esmy is intrigued by the news.


Destilando Amor 6/28/07 “I fell into a burning ring of FIRE”

At the hotel, Clarita tells Gavi that she better get well soon or they’ll have to call the doctor first thing in the morning. Clarita says it’s all Rod’s fault! Gavi says, don’t speak of that ingrate!

Rod is in his study at the hacienda, drinking, crying, and talking to Dani. All of Gaviota’s love, kisses, and caresses were all a lie. She broke his heart in pieces. Dani tries to reassure him. He wants to know what he’s going to do.

At Casa Pilar, Minerva and Fedra are making their case to Pilar. Videgarray was actually defending Mariana Franco! Pilar says yes, it can be hard to believe that Mariana is really such a vile person. Minnie and Fed don’t want Videgarray to talk to Rod, or all the work that Minnie and Aaron did to separate Rod and Gaviota will be for nothing. Pilar doesn’t want discord between Aaron and Rod, does she?

Aaron and Pam are sitting with Johnny Molina in Miami, talking about Aaron’s upcoming meetings. Pam suggests that he reschedule his appointments with the bankers. She could come with him to New York as his assistant. Aaron wants a wife, not an assistant! He tells Pam she can’t come to New York. It’s a business trip. Pam gives in. She doesn’t want to play the part of a jealous wife.

At the hacienda, Dani drags Rod into his bedroom. He is still clutching his bottle and doesn’t want to go to sleep. She tells him he’s had enough. He asks, how long are you going to stay? She says, until you get better. He laughs, never! You don’t know how to be my sister! She tells him to go to sleep. They’ll talk in the morning.

Clarita is applying cold compresses to Gavi’s forehead, but each time her fever seems to be worse. Gavi tells her to go to sleep. Clarita says, how can I sleep? Tomorrow we’ll find out if you’re carrying Rodrigo Montalvo’s child!

Dani and Elvis are looking at pictures of her family on the mantle at the hacienda. She shows him her grandfather Amador and her parents. She talks about how great they were. Rod is like her dad in so many ways. She’s worried about Rod. Roman comes in to offer them dinner. And by the way, James says hi. He’ll be returning to the hacienda tomorrow. Elvis says, who is Mr. James?

James is presenting industry info to his tequila quality group. They are very patient.

Rod is sleeping, thrashing. He dreams of Gavi and Aaron together at the office. Aaron has pulled off her jacket and is kissing her shoulders. She throws her head back. Just then, Rod bursts in on them in his ranchero getup and hat. They pull apart. Gavi tells Rod, it’s not what you think. You’re the only man in my life! Rod looks grim and pulls out a gun, aiming it at them with a shaky hand. He fires. Rod wakes up screaming from the dream. He turns on the light, gasping and retching.

Gavi is still very sick with fever. Clarita’s got more cold compresses.

Dani and Elvis are eating dinner with the staff in the kitchen at the hacienda. San Juana wants to know where Elvis is from. Dani goes to call Pilar to report on Rod. Elvis wants to speak to Pilar. He tells her that he and Dani are sleeping in separate rooms, very far away from each other. No worries! Pilar tells him to put Roman on the phone and verifies the sleeping arrangements. Dani and Elvis laugh.

Rod is looking out into the night from the window in his room. He is dazed. Looking at his suitcase, he picks it up and unzips it. First he takes out a suit, the one he wore in DF when Gavi said she had come back for him. He smiles, remembering them kiss, then sighs. Next he takes out the blue scarf she wore when he first discovered her at the office in DF. He remembers when he told her that his marriage to Isa was a horrible mistake. He tosses the scarf aside. Next he picks up the watch. He remembers giving it to Gavi in the cantina, how she said she couldn’t possibly take it. And he remembers later, in DF, when she gave him back the watch. She told him she didn’t believe him and felt nothing for him. He throws everything into the suitcase. No more, Gaviota!

Gaviota is still feverish. She cries, my Rodrigo! Clarita is praying.

At Casa Pilar, Sophie returns home, animated from her date. Francisco is very entertaining. Pilar wants to know if they’re planning to get married now. No, says Sophie, not right now. But Francisco did tell her that he is serious about her. Pilar wants to know if Sophie talked to Isa. Yes, and Isa wants nothing to do with Rod. She definitely wants a divorce.

Back at the hacienda, it is dark. Rod approaches the little cabin where Gavi and Clarita stayed when they worked at the hacienda. He has his suitcase and a gasoline container. He kicks down the door and says he’s going to burn the place down. He looks around in a daze, puts the suitcase on a bed, and lights a lantern.

Next, he takes the cassette Gavi gave his out of the suitcase. He clutches it to his chest, hangs his head, and cries. Over against the wall is an old bureau. He remembers Gavi running over to it to get the cassette for him, when she first gave it to him. How they kissed. She asked him if she was really his first. First and only he replied. And he’s coming back to marry her…He smiles and starts to laugh. The laughter turns into sobs.

Rod imagines Gavi as a prostitute, looking at him seductively and smoking as men dance around her. He clutches the tape. You promised me eternal love! Taking the watch, you told me you loved me! Traitor, burn in hell!

He grabs the container and splashes the gasoline on the bed and around the room. God has condemned him eternally! He lights a very small match and gently throws it on the bed. He cries out, God, please take me! I can’t live without her! The bed is in flames now. He screams. Wicked Gaviota!

Gavi is sleeping, sweating profusely. Clarita is praying to the Virgencita. Don’t take my Gaviota away from me!

In the cabin, Rod is spinning near the flames, screaming like a monster.

Inside the hacienda, all is quiet. Dani and Elvis are going to walk in the agave fields by the moonlight. But first she wants to check on Rod. He’s not in his room! Roman bursts in. The cabin is on fire! They all run out.

Gavi screams, no, no, no! She tells her mom she is dreaming about horrible things.

Inside the burning cabin, a heavy beam set in flames falls in front of Rod. Hilario is outside, throwing buckets of water on the burning structure. More water! Dani runs up and screams. Rod is inside! Elvis holds her back. Hilario and the family panic.

Inside the cabin, Rod is cursing Gavi amid the flames. Then he hears his grandfather’s voice: Son, the land is memory, the land is history! Rod turns around and lumbers out of the front door, screaming.

Roman shouts at the huddled family, don’t touch him! Stay back! Rod drops to the ground and takes some soil in his hands. The land is my memory, the land is my history! The dirt slips through his fingers. The family is terrified. Rod cries and drools. Dani runs over to comfort him. Bro, are you OK?

Gaviota died inside the fire and so did I! Dani says, but you’re both alive! Rod stares into space and wanders off. The cabin is completely engulfed in flames.

Ofelia thanks God that Rod is safe. San Juana cries, but he could have died, all because of Gaviota! Hilario tells her to shut up. Why did Rod do this? Roman thinks he knows why, Gaviota did not want to go back with Rod.

In the morning, back in DF, the doctor has come to see Gavi. Clarita keeps talking about the fever, as he tries to listen to the stethoscope. It’s all Rod’s fault! Gavi protests to her mom. Clarita says, doctors are like priests, you have to tell them everything! The doctor thinks that Gavi doesn’t have anything serious. Maybe she has a virus or infection, because her defenses were down. Just to address their concerns, he’ll order a pregnancy test, too.

Pilar calls the hacienda from her breakfast table to check on Rod. San Juana tells her that no one can come to the phone right now. They all had a rough day yesterday. Rod set a fire! You have to come out here right away! Pilar is impactada.

In DF, the doctor tells Clarita that Gavi’s illness could be somatic, the result of a depression or big loss. Clarita is shocked, she is sick because of love! Gavi curses her horrible luck.

Just then, at the hacienda, Rod curses his horrible luck. He is at the breakfast table with Dani and Elvis. Because of Gavi, he waited at the hacienda, took a job in DF that he hated, destroyed his marriage, and ruined Isa’s life. People in love are dangerous, he says. They should be locked up!

Dani and Elvis try to comfort Rod, but he won’t have it. He gets up from the table to go find James. It must be James’ fault! Dani asks if he has proof. It has to be James who told Aaron about Gavi! Rod leaves. Elvis is glad he’s not James right now. Dani is frustrated. Rod has to get this thing with Gavi sorted out.

James is out in the fields, talking to his students about agave and tequila.

At Rancho Arroyo Seco, Acacia is outside the front door. She screams and holds her head with both hands. Meliton tells her to go to bed. He’ll go to town to get a doctor. He tells himself, he doesn’t like the look of this at all. She could remember!

In DF, Pilar and Videgarray are discussing Rod and Mariana Franco. He tells Pilar that there are things about Rod that she doesn’t know. Pilar warns him that she does not want to find out that Videgarray is meddling in Rod’s personal life. If she does, Videgarray will be neither their lawyer nor her friend!

At Aaron’s place in Miami, the servant answers to phone to be interrogated by Minerva. Aaron gets on the phone. He’s just about to leave for New York. No, he has no idea where he’ll be staying, probably at a hotel. They’re remodeling the apartment. Minnie yells that she knows the servant is lying and Aaron is not alone in Miami!

After the call, Aaron and Pam commiserate. Then he invites her to New York. She is thrilled!

Back in DF, Minnie is crying. She is losing her husband!

Nuria is badgering Ricardo. Have breakfast! He tells her he had a horrible night, with so many things to worry about. He has to go. When he opens the front door, the police are there. They are arresting him for fraud!

Gavi is crying in bed. She tells Rod he must be happy with his wife. Why did you have to lie to me? Why did you tell me we had a future together?

In Tequila, Rod enters Carmelo’s cantina. He’s looking for James. Carmelo asks him what he’s drinking. Nothing. Just then, James comes in with the students. James sees Rod. Friend! Rod glares at James. Traitor!

Advances for Friday’s episode:
- Clarita has Gavi’s pregnancy test results.
- Isa visits Ricardo in the slammer and refuses to return to Rod.
- Pilar tells Rod what really happened with Amador after the jima so many years ago.


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