Saturday, June 30, 2007

Destilando Amor: UPDATED Program Time Change!! (Monday Still 2 hours)

Author: Anita [Foro PR] (---)Date: 06-30-07 20:44 PDT

The reason why the time changes do not appear yet on Tv Listings is b/c this was unexpected, Univision just announced all this stuff today during their programming. So Zap2it, Yahoo, DirecTv Listings, Dish Listings, TiVo will not have the current times that we already know b/c obviously Univision just threw on to us these new times.So here is the schedule to make it less confusing. *Note: go back 1 hr for CDT

Monday, July 2nd:
7 - 8 - Yo Amo a Juan Querendon (NEW TIME SLOT, WILL NOT BE SHOWN AT 8PM/7C ANYMORE)
8 - 10 - Destilando Amor (2 hours)

Tuesday, July 3rd:
7 - 8 - YAAJQ
8 - 9 - Duelo de Pasiones (Ends on July 16th, at this its new time)
9 - 10 - Destilando Amor

Wednesday, July 4th: Only YAAJQ will be shown, due to soccer.
9 - 10 (east & central coast time)
7 - 8 (west coast time)

On Thursday the 5th, the same schedule that you see for Tuesday will be the same for this day and Friday the 6th. It will also be the same for Monday, July 9th and Tuesday, July 10th.

Going more ahead --
Wednesday July 11th, YAAJQ will be the only one shown that day, due to soccer.
7 - 8 (east & central coast time)
8 - 11 (west coast time)

On Thursday, the 12th, the same programming that you see for the 3rd, the 5th, the 6th, the 9th and the 10th will be the same for this Thursday and Friday the 13th.

On Monday the 16th here is the schedule:
7 - 8 - YAAJQ
8 - 9 - Duelo de Pasiones (LAST EPISODE)
9 - 10 - Destilando Amor

Tuesday the 17th:
7 - 8 - YAAJQ
8 - 9 - Amar sin Limites (PREMIERE)
9 - 10 - Destilando Amor

So there it is --that whole big schedule. // **I would still set my recorder for 3 hr. stints till all this gets clarified**


Thanks jardinera for putting it here. :)

~ Anita

thanks for the information jardinera and anita.

so, basically, univision just switched querendon and duelo/amarsinlimites in the primetime line-up.

J.R. :)

Thanks. So... I wonder if this Wednesday soccer is going to be a regular thing for a while?

Julie, on Wendnesday, July 11th will be the last day of soccer.


OK, so as the Monday night duelo recapper, I am off this week (again) and now I am supposed to be recapping the finale?

I am going to be on vacation from the 11th to the 17th and thus unable to recap the finale in a timely fashion. I'd be willing to trade with someone for one of the remaining episodes.

Margaret, if you don't mind recapping two nights in a row I could do a trade with you, I usually recap Duelo on Tuesday nights. If you get a better offer let me know and you can cut me loose. (For example if Chris Ferro has a burning desire to do the finale I would so let him at it!) Also, since I'm on the west coast (and a slow recapper) I know mine don't get posted right away. Nevertheless, I'm an option.

Thanks Jardinera, Anita and Melinama for keeping all of this straight.

Sylvia, are you offering me the 3rd or the 10th? Either will work although I'm with you, if Chris offers to do the finale I am so there!!I may read his recap instead of actually watching it, myself.

Stupid Univision! This is really confusing. I could swear they said on the air that the last episode was the 13th. And the 8 PM time slot is very inconvenient for me. Oh well, only two more recaps to do. I'll find a way.

Margaret, the third or the tenth, doesn't matter to me. You choose, just let me know your preference.


I just heard for myself on a Uni commercial the new time for Duelo as 8/7 Central and the finale on July 16th.

I have not seen anything about the others, but this would seem to confirm the schedule change we've been given.

Oh dear, when I said "stupid Univision!" I sounded just like Thelma on Duelo, didn't I??

Thank you to all for providing this scheduling information. (I'm trying to figure out now if I'll be able to watch Amar Sin Limites at 8... probably not. I'll have to learn to love Juan Querendon, I guess.)

What's really making me crazy is that my cable provider hasn't caught the schedule changes and my DVR recordings are a MESS.


Thank you, Anita. Your schedule reports are saving all of us from a lot of DVR/VCR grief!!

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