Friday, January 04, 2008

Pasion—January 3, 2007 The Good Pirate

I’m subbing for Jody tonight and in two weeks, I’ll be relieving her entirely of her pasion recap duties so think of this as a trial run. I have been recapping Amar Mondays and will continue to do so for the duration. Since it’s my first night, I apologize in advance for mixing up the characters and any mistakes I make. One thing though, I can’t help myself because I took Spanish Medieval lit in college. I notice Santiago is being called “saintly.” Santiago is the Santo-Iago or St. James, the greater, the patron Saint of Spain. There is a whole medieval mythology about St. James the greater, the apostle, going to northern Spain after Christ died and dying there. That is why there is a city called Santiago de Compostela. (St. James Field of Stars). I have forgotten the part of the legend about the field of stars. The route to Santiago de Compostela is an ancient pilgrimage route, probably dating before Christianity. Anyhow, instead of calling him saintly, we should be calling him Jimmy but as a late entrant to the Pasion recap thing, I’ll go with the flow.

As for the timing of the show. I’d put it a little later than some people have, like the latter half of the 18th century but really, It could be anywhere from 1711-1811 because this is the Caribbean coast of Mexico right? While South America was full of revolutions as soon as Spain started to lose her grip, Mexico was pretty quiescent until later in the 19th century when it exploded. The Caribbean islands changed rulers constantly until well into the 19th century. And the styles don’t matter; they could be a mishmash of several decades because we are talking about the outer reaches of the Spanish empire here not the latest fashion. I think we’ve already agreed that the whole Droits de seignior (first night’s rights) thing was crock although I am pretty sure that in some smaller towns, the local chief did abuse his power and nobody could really do anything about it. We are talking about gangsters basically. This town seems too big and Don Jorge’s power too formal for this to be the case. But I’m willing to spend belief on that one.
Now on to the show.

Fortunata and Ursula meet Vasco, Mario & Ricardo on the road out to buy furniture. Ursula takes advantage of the meeting to invite Ric to her house AGAIN that night. Ric is all, “gee wouldn’t want to wear out my welcome” but Ursula is all like, UR Hawt, please please show up. Even Fortunata is beside herself when confronted with all this male pulchritude and suggestively offers the men strawberries from her basket. Mario takes one. After the women scurry off (Ursula gives Vasco a swat of her parasol just to diss him) Mario and Ric laugh and joke and Vasco sulks and stalks ahead.

Over at Casa Camila, Jimena announces to Camila that she has vistors. Camila is not enthused. She’s had a full day already and doesn’t want to see anybody else. Jimena tells her that the old lady and the blind chick are here. Camila asks her to to give her excuses and send them on their way.

Later, Lisabeta and Aunt Francisca are strolling about in the great room of Don Jorge’s house contemplating their options. Francisca suggests that maybe they should just present the letter from the doctor alleging Don Timoteo’s inabilities to Don Jorge and let him figure out how to annul Camila’s inheritance. Lisabeta is now a bit worried about the consequences of pushing things too fast for Ricardo’s sake and says no, they should wait. And besides, it’s her inheritance anyway. Francisca tells her she’s stupid and a dreamer if she thinks that Ric is ever going to pay HER any attention. This is not what Lisabeta wants to hear and she starts having a tantrum right on the spot, calling Camila a dead mosquito, etc. and that she wasn’t going to let her get Ricardo. Because the room has an outsized mirror hanging behind them, we see Fortunata and Ursula enter from on of the many doors and pause to hear this tirade from the blind woman. Francisca catches them but does not stop Lis in time. Ursula stalks off with Fortunata thinking that Lis was talking about HER and is furious. Here Lis is taking advantage of her dad’s hospitality and she has designs on Ricardo herself. Fortunata tries to intervene saying that really, they don’t anything about the relationships between these people. Ursula blows her off but wonders aloud about what letter from a doctor Lisabet could have been nattering on about. Fortunata helpfully suggests that it’s probably the letter about her dead Uncle not being able to have relations with Camila, hence no valid marriage. Ursula agrees.
Lisbeta is now in a tizzy worrying about what Ursula and Fortunata heard. She and Francisca scurry back to their rooms to figure out what to do. Francisca frets about what will happen if Ursula tells her daddy what she heard.

Meanwhile, Mario, Ric and the sulking Vasco are still out on their furniture buying expedition. Ric says he likes the Chinese and Florentine pieces and to tell his Dad the shopkeeper to get those for him and send them to his address. Vasco agrees. Suddenly Paquito runs up asking for his daddy. Vasco picks him up and cuddles him (first time I’ve seen him do that) next he’s introducing himself to the two other guys and proudly telling him that he’s 8. Ric and Mario tell him they are impressed. Vasco gives Paquito another kiss and sends him on his way. Mario inquires about a wife and Vasco explains that she died along time ago. Ric gingerly inquires about whether the “discussion” in the cantina the other night was about Ursula and Vasco sheepishly admits he was drunk. Clearly the little boy’s appearance has softened the feelings between the men a bit. Ric tells Vasco, just to be clear, there’s nothing between him and Ursula. Vasco looks confused and kind of skeptical. Mario slaps him on the back and he and Ric go on their way.

At Casa Don Jorge, Ursula tells her Dad that she invited Ric over for dinner. Don Jorge tells her she was wrong to do that—he’s got another engagement. Ursula says no biggie, the women of the house can entertain him. She adds that she just saw the blind girl and the old lady and what do you know, blindie is in love with Ricardo. Don Jorge looks up half interested, “She told you?” Ursula explains that she and Fortunata overheard her tantrum and her oath that nobody, including Ursula, was going to take Ricardo away from her. She’s not the helpless waif she pretends to be. Ursula adds that the old lady intends to give the letter from the doctor to Don Jorge to have him take care of their Camila problem. Don Jorge wants to know what letter and Ursula fills him in about Don Tim’s documented ED problem and Jorge is either distracted or a bit uncomfortable about the discussion (maybe recalling that his own night with Camila did not go as planned either) . In any event, he tells Ursula that she needs to uninvite Ric to the house tonight. She tells him that she doesn’t see anything wrong with him being accompanied by the ladies but Don Jorge disagrees and tells her flatly no. Ursula leaves in a huff. Don Jorge looks thoughtful.

At Casa Camila, Camila finds Ascanio about to leave for the blacksmith’s shop to get a knife sharpened. (Yes, really ladies). Camila has a look at it. She asks him if he’s going to Santiago’s shop and he says yes but he can go elsewhere if she would prefer it. Camila says no. After she asks, he reports that Claudio is in his room with Jimena.

Camilia goes to Claudio’s room and finds Jimena there talking quietly with the stricken teenager. Camila comes over to him and whispers that surely his Mama is now with his brother Angel. Claudio gets up and he isn’t willing to let this go. Thanks to his (Cousin?) Don Alvaro, he’s lost his entire family and his rights to his land. Justice won’t permit this outrage. Camilia tells him that he can’t do anything about it right now and that he doesn’t have any proof of what his cousin did. Claudio counters that you don’t need proof to fight injustice. He looks determined.

Ascanio arrives at Santiago’s shop and asks if he can have the express while-you-wait service to fix his knife. Santiago says sure. Santiago takes advantage of Ascanio being there to ask him how he ended up with Camila. Ascanio explains that he was in service to her dead husband and after he died she set him free and he decided of his own free will to stay with her. Santiago asks if he knows this Ricardo Lopez de Carvajal guy and Ascanio says no. Santiago tells Ascanio what he knows and adds that he doesn’t trust the guy. He asks Ascanio to keep an eye out for him because “women are too susceptible.” Ascanio says that he’s very grateful to Camila and he will do everything in his power to make sure she and Jimena don’t fall into danger. Santiago gives Ascanio a hard stare and decides he can trust him.

Ric and Mario are out walking again. They are laughing about Ric’s being a target for the females of the town but he’s now a bit worried that somehow the entire town is believing that he’s engaged to Ursula and that’s a problem. Mario says it’s only a problem if he’s really after Camila. Ric gets mad but Mario insists it’s true. Before they can finish this discussion, they see Ascanio back from the blacksmiths and they sneak up behind him and walk him off at knifepoint for a little talk. They arrive back at the hotel and Mario distracts the clerk while they sneak him up to their room. They sit him in a chair for an interrogation. They ask him what he’s doing there and what Claudio is doing there. Ascanio replies that he’s Camila’s servant and that Claudio’s freedom was bought by Camilia, although his brother died from the beatings and hunger. Ric gets upset at this news. Apparently this wasn’t supposed to go down this way. Ric had fixed it that they were supposed to be bought and set free but some other guy showed up with more money they were taken to the plantations as field hands. Ric is not pleased.
Don Jorge shows up at the hotel and asks the clerk if Ric is in and the clerk says yes. “But he’s got visitors.” “Women? “ asks Don Jorge. The clerk says no and Don Jorge smiles and marches on up. The clerk looks nervous.

Mario and Ric have a brief discussion about how Ascanio knows Ric’s true identity and whether that’s a problem. They present the situation to Ascanio with an implied threat. Ric adds that he wishes no harm to Camila. Ascanio asks if he has his word on that and Ric acts surprised that he would take the word of a pirate who is already living under an assumed name. Next Ric starts to ask why Ascanio came to warn him the night that he went to see Don Timoteo and the Don called the cops on him. Before Ascanio could answer, Don Jorge knocks on the door. Ric and Mario pretend to be laughing when they open the door. Don Jorge explains his visit that he has come to apologize that he won’t be able to entertain them this evening, as he has another engagement with Alberto and his other buddies. He invites him for another meal or for lunch the following day but Ric tells him he can’t make it, he has to leave town to buy furniture for the house and he wants to take a look at the lands that Alberto was telling him about. They leave it at when he gets back. Ric introduces Don Jorge to Mario and Ascanio although Don Jorge notes that he met Ascanio before, at this same hotel in Camila’s room while she was staying here. He leaves.

Mario is worried that now Don Jorge knows that Ascanio knows them. Ric is more worried now that Ascanio knows that he’s Ricardo de Salamanca the pirate and that Camilia knows as well. He wants to know if he will tell her that he’s admitted it. Ascanio says no, for now. Mario doesn’t like this answer and starts to draw his sword and rush him. Ric puts his hand up. He wants to know where he went with Claudio the other day and Ascanio relates that whole sad story about his cousin-stepfather possibly killing his mom. Mario shakes his head and says “and they call US the bad guys.”

Night falls and Don Jorge takes a ride to Camila’s house. Camila is still not wanting to see visitors. Jimena says she’ll see him. She goes out and offers Don Jorge a glass of wine which he accepts if she’ll have one too. Don Jorge starts asking her lots of questions, like how she met Camila and where she’s from. There’s a commercial break and when we come back, Camila’s made it to the drawing room. Don Jorge asks if her dead husband ever mentioned Lopez de Carvajal. She says no. “But he did mention the pirate cousin?” asks Don Jorge. Camila says yes he did. Don Jorge notices her reticence and complains that Camila still doesn’t seem to trust him. She feigns that that’s not true. It’s just that Don Tim didn’t really take her into his confidence all that much. Don Jorge puts a hand on her shoulder. He tells her he knows that her biggest problem is this letter from the doctor. He’s going to get it and keep it so that “nobody can make bad use of it.” Camila thanks him but looks nervous as does Jimena. He tells them that he wants them to take it as a sign that he’s on their side. Jimena chimes in that they have complete confidence in him. Don Jorge takes advantage of the opportunity to mention that he saw Ascanio at the hotel talking to Lopez de Carvajal and his bud. Camila tells him that surely they knew eachother since he was in service to her dead husband. Don Jorge takes his leave.

Meanwhile, Ric, Mario and Ascanio make their way back to Casa Camila. Ascanio asks what he should say if he runs into Lisabeta or Francisca but Ric says not to say anything, that he hasn’t seen him. Ascanio volunteers that he doesn’t think that what the two women are doing to Camila is right. Ric has a chance to ask Ascanio finally why he took the trouble to warn him that the cops were after him at his Mom’s house. Ascanio says simply that he had always thought that he was innocent and did not want to see him get caught, that’s all. Ric seems unsatisfied by this answer but lets it go. Mario makes sure Ascanio knows that he’ll be in trouble if he opens his mouth. After he leaves, Mario remarks that Ascanio knows more than he’s telling. Ric says that they have to have patience and that if he comes to trust them, he’ll talk. Mario thinks he’ll be talking, but it could be to the authorities about how Ric is a pirate. They have a laugh about Ric’s pirate reputation.

Just as they walk away, Don Jorge leaves Casa Camila. Jimena thinks it’s great that Don Jorge is going to have the letter and he didn’t even ask her for anything in return. And even if he did, Jimena says she’d gladly take Camila’s place to pay for the favor. Camila is worried about something else. She doesn’t like what she heard about Ascanio hanging out with Ricardo Lopez de Carvajal. She rushes off suddenly back into the house dragging Jimena with her.

Back at the hotel, Ric asks the hotel clerk something I couldn’ t quite catch. I think it was if Ascanio had been seen there by Don Jorge before. The clerk responds yes, he had been there with Camila and Jimena, before they got their new house. The clerk leaves.

Downstairs, Camila and Jimena are waiting to see Ricardo. Maybe that’s what the clerk had originally been there for, to announce them. The editing was very close here and I never actually heard him say that. Jimena is still prattling on about how sleeping with Don Jorge is not that bad an idea. The same clerk comes downstairs to tell them that Ric is on his way down and leaves. Camila turns back the discussion about Don Jorge and says that she knows that if Ric’s promises are false, she’s going to have to have to consider it. Jimena turns the discussion to Ric. She says given that Ric is travelling with Lisabeta and he’s their cousin, it’s possible that “Antillano, the pirate” is in fact the same person as this cousin, Lopez de Carvajal. Camila looks thoughtful.

Ric comes downstairs and offers them a drink at the hotel bar. They move over there for some coffee or chocolate. Ric then asks what Camila wanted to see him about. She hesitates but after some prodding from Jimena she tells him that she’s afraid that if Don Jorge has the letter, he’s going to make her sleep with him. Ric agrees that that is a possibility. Ric wants to know what she wants him to do about it. She tells him that since he promised to help her, if he makes sure that Lisbeta doesn’t give it to him, he won’t be able to do it. Ric nods, non-committally. Camila says that although they still won’t have resolved their differences, she’s desperate to avoid this fate. And she doesn’t care about the money, she only cares about not losing her freedom. Ric promises her with moist eyes that she will not be sold again as a servant and that “one way or another, this matter will be resolved.” Camila thanks him. Ric adds that she knows that she has her doubts about him but “Not every bad person is all bad, nor every good person, all good.” Camila looks thoughtful. Jimena looks like she wants to eat him. Quite the little horndog is our Jimena.

At Don Jorge’s mansion, Don Jorge and Francisca meet up by the stairs. After an exchange of how each slept last night (Francisca says fine although she adds that Lis did not) Don Jorge asks about the letter. Francisca agrees to bring it to him right away. At just that moment outside, Ric arrives at the palace and asks to be announced to Lisbeta. Back inside, Francisca is rummaging through the papers and CAN’T FIND THE LETTER! She freaks out screaming “IT’S STOLEN!” She wakes Lis, in her rag curls and clutching one of her multiple dollies. Lis wants to know what’s going on and Francisca tells her, and here she was just about to show it to Don Jorge. There’s a knock at the door and the maid announces that Ric is there to see them. Lis hastily gets her robe on and fixes her disheveled curls. Downstairs, Rick encounters Don Jorge who is surprised to see him since Ric had said he was going out of town that day. Ric said he was just stopping by to see Auntie and cousin before leaving. Don Jorge mentions that he was just talking to the women and Francisca was going to give him the letter so that he could show it to his lawyer to see if it was valid. Ric smiles and pretends that he was going to do the same thing—he doesn’t want to bother the Don. The Don interrupts and says it’s no problem. They are going back and forth a bit when Francisca appears on the stairs and starts shouting about the letter having gone missing. This looks like a surprise to Ric. They regroup in Don Jorge’s office to try to figure out who could have taken it. The servants can’t read, according to Don Jorge and how would they know it was important? A thief would take jewels and valuables. Lisabeta accuses Camila. Don Jorge doesn’t think so, although she has the most to benefit from the letter being gone. He promises to get to the bottom of it.

The ladies go out in the courtyard with Ric and Francisca suggests that Camila could have paid someone to steal it since there are people walking in and out of the Don’s palace all the time. Lisbeta asks Ric what they should do. If they don’t get it back, they are done for. Ric says it’s possible that somebody took it and turned it into the authorities. Ric says the best thing to do is wait until Don Jorge does his inquiries and see what he finds out. Ric suggests that the women stay at his new pad but Francisca objects, saying that she doesn’t know why he rented a house. They are doing fine at the Don’s palace and besides they aren’t going to be staying in this town very long. Ric disagrees. He says that contesting a will takes a lot of time and they are sure to be stuck there awhile. He doesn’t want them to abuse the Don’s hospitality. Francisca agrees to go but she’s not happy. She doesn’t think it’s time to sit around but time to do something. Ric tells her they need to wait for Don Jorge to look into it. He needs to have that letter back in his possession right away. (i.e. he doesn’t want Don Jorge to scrutinize it too much either) They ask why and he just tells them that it wouldn’t be “prudent.” Lisbeta picks now to ask him why he had to bring up the “pirate cousin” in the earlier discussion during the dinner party. Ric says that it’s always better to tell the truth, even if it’s only half of it. He bids them goodbye and tells them to trust him. He kisses Lisabeta and leaves. Lisabeta is enjoying the memory of the kiss and tells her Aunt that he’s probably right. Francisca is not convinced.

Over at Camila’s, Camila has asked for Ascanio, to come and see her. She tells him to close the door behind him and that she doesn’t want the others to hear them. When he sits down, she tells him that Don Jorge came over last night and told her that he (Ascanio) met with Ricardo Lopez de Carvajal at his hotel room last night. Ascanio admits that Ricardo met him in the Plaza and invited him over for a chat. About what? asks Camila. Ascanio says that he told them that he was there with his aunt and cousin, etc. etc. Camila asks him if he knew him from working at Don Timoteo’s house. Ascanio says yes, his family and Don Timoteo were on friendly terms. Camila points out that all the time she was in Mariana, she never heard of this guy. Ascanio suggests that it’s because he was travelling. Camila looks skeptical. She asks him what kind of person he is. Ascanio says he doesn’t know him well. Camila notes that he seems a bit short on words and Ascanio tries to explain it by saying he was just a servant back then and that people didn’t talk to him much. Camila asks him if he knew her husband’s nephew, the pirate. Ascanio says no. A little too quickly because Camila remembers him talking to him in front of the house the night he sneaked over to talk to Don Tim. Ascanio backs up and agrees that he did meet him. Once. Camila gives him a funny look and then goes directly to the main question. “Are Ricardo and the Pirate the same person?” Ascanio shakes his head and says no unconvincingly. She lets him go. She turns away and looks thoughtful.

We go to the street and in a scene without words, we see Ricardo give a letter to a street urchin and direct him to deliver it.

Jimena and Camila are talking in the courtyard of the house. Camila relates the conversation she had with Ascanio about Ricardo. Jimena asks if she thinks he lied to her . Camila doesn’t go that far but she is suspicious about the bad answer he gave when she asked him if he knew the pirate. Jimena says maybe he forgot but Camila doesn’t think so. The letter turns out to be for Camila as the maid gets it from the urchin at the door. She opens it and yes, it’s from Ricardo and he needs to see her urgently. Jimena wants to know why he didn’t just come over. Camila says that probably it’s because he knows Claudio is here and could recognize him. [I think we just crossed the threshold of the women being pretty darn sure that the two Ricardos are one and the same.] Jimena is hot to make the ID on the suspect by getting Claudio and Ricardo together and that she herself will go to denounce him as a pirate. Camila looks thoughtful some more. Jimena asks her if she is going to meet him. Camila says yes and she wants her to go with her. Just then Claudio and Ascanio show up together. Claudio is looking a little better. Claudio and Ascanio go for a walk. Camila and Jimena arrange to get ready to go out themselves.

Next we see them out strolling with their parasols. Camila tells Jimena that Ricardo is engaged to Dona Ursula. Jimena is surprised and asked who told her that. Santiago she says. Jimena brushes this off and says that the other day’s meeting with Ricardo seems to have “shaken the leaves off” and that she thinks that Camila likes him. “As much as you like Don Jorge?” Camila shoots back. Jimena says well, not in exactly the same way. Camila notes that funny turn of phrase of Ricardo’s about nobody being completely good or bad. She asks Jimena what she thinks he meant. Jimena says it’s the truth. Like Camila is such a goody two-shoes she wouldn’t know? Camila says that anything they’ve done couldn’t possibly compare with what he’s done. Just then, Ricardo rides up and dismounts to talk to them.

Ricardo, who has changed his clothes, in a dark, pirate ensemble, tells her he has news. She preempts him by asking about the letter but he tells her that somebody has stolen it. When Ric suggests it was Camia obliquely, she tells him she had no reason to do it, he was going to get it for her. Jimena suspects Don Jorge but Ric says no. Camila asks if Francisca could be lying. Ric says no to that too. Ric asks who she told about the letter. Turns out it’s a few people. Her Dad, Santiago, Dona Sofia. But even worse, she tells him that Lisabeta and Francisca gossiped all over town about it. Camila wants to know what to do next. Ric says he has to go out of town but that he told Lisabeta and Francisca to get the letter if Don Jorge finds it. Camila doesn’t think he will give it up if he gets it first. Ric says if it comes to that, he’ll send somebody to Mariana to get an affidavit that the letter is false. Jimena is now skeptical and wants to know how he’s going to do that. Ric tells her, the same way that Francisca got the letter in the first place. With money. Camila just wants to know why he would do all that for her. Ric hesitates and says it’s a good question but he can’t answer that right now. He hurries off on his horse. Jimena notes that pirates know how to ride horses. Camila says everybody knows how to ride horses. BUT IT’S HIM she adds. Jimena smiles grandly at being the first to suss this out.

Claudio and Ascanio go to town and meet up with Santiago and Inez. Inez is a bit standoffish. Claudio and Ascanio ask about the coast and about the rest of town. Inez doesn’t want him to go but Santiago says there’s no problem, these guys are friends of Camila’s.

Jimena and Camila talk over the meeting with Ricardo. Jimena says if they don’t have the letter, her inheritance is safe. The put together the story about how they got their pirate cousin to help them. Camila thinks that Ricardo has something else up his sleeve concerning her, the details of which were a little hard to hear.

Back to Santiago and Ascanio. Santiago reveals his worry about Ricardo and Camila. Ascanio says that he understands his feelings but when he has something to worry about, he’ll tell him. Santiago asks some more about Ricardo, if he’s married or what but Ascanio feigns not to know. Just then Camila and Jimena show up suddenly Inez is all smiles. They head over to Santiago’s house for a big traditional lunch. Mom Ofelia hugs Camila and there are tears and smiles.

Next we are at Don Jorge’s house again with Sofia, Ursula and the Salamanca women bitching about the loss of the letter and Francisca supposing that Camila paid somebody to send it. Ursula suddenly gets up with a smile and says she hopes the letter turns up real soon. Francisca says that Ursula doesn’t seem to like them but Sofia says to pay no attention, Ursula is only interested in herself.

Back at the big lunch over at Santiagos, they are telling funny stories about their childhoods and Ofelia says she’s so happy to have all of them there.

---Tivo cuts off--


Al Diablo con los Guapos-Index

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Thursday, January 03, 2008

1-2-2008 Juan Q - Juan's in the slammer, Anga is slammin', and Nid is slammed

In the psych office, CL says he doesn’t like this one bit. Pau is telling CL that it was his idea to see the psychologist, and she agreed, so she thinks the least he could do is follow through with it now.

Marely is on the phone to the doctor who is telling her that she needs to bring her mother in for tests. Yadi is bugging her, she’s afraid that they will lock her away. Marely tells the doc she understands it’s urgent. Yadi asks who is going to be brave enough to try and bring her Mom in. Marely says she doesn’t know but even if they will need to put on a strong shirt (straightjacket) “camisa de fuerza” she must go because they need to do some tests on her and they can’t tell us anything until then.

At the police stations Juan is talking to the officer who is reading from the death certificate that Akito died from natural causes. Juan says that proves that he had no help dying. The guy says we’ll see, they went for the doctor and the truth will come out. Juan yells using only the last name and wants to know why he’s there then. The guy says that's Commandante Godines to him and besides he's in the judicial agency. He maintains his innocence and that he meant no disrespect because they used to play together a long time ago bandits and policemen when they were little. They guy says yes, and it seems we are still doing this except that this is not a game. He says Juan is accused of a serious crime, besides, he claims that Juan is keeping a car that doesn't belong to him. Juan says he’s not, the lady will keep it. He also says that anyway, she’s going into business with me, and we get along well and I was in business with her father. The sheriff says he spoke with the ladies and neither of them agreed that was the case. He tells himself that even though he didn't give Akito the fried pigskin (dar chicarrones a - bump him off) he’s in a predicament (chahuistle) here with Godines as commandante because this guy has it out for him from days long ago.

At Delfina’s, Delfi, Ang and Molo are discussing how degrading this is for Juan to be paraded through the street like a goat. They think it’s extremely unfair that he was taken in. Molo defends the police a little by saying it’s logical that he would be a suspect because he was the last to see Akito alive, and he is a stranger, and it’s proper to investigate him this way. Delfi says it’s a shame because the man died the way any man would wish, happy and in the arms of his beloved. Ang makes a face. He complains that they can't hold him without evidence. Delfi says what if they make some up, one never knows with that Godines. They all agree that the Chavez may have something to do with this. Ang and Molo head to the police station to find out what's up.

Juanito overheard this whole conversation and runs down asking Delfi why the whole world is afraid of his Dad. Delfi assures him that's not true and not to even joke about that.

CL and Pau endure psycobabble from the shrink lady who proposes that marriages fall about apart when there is a breakdown of communication, and a failure of trust. She ends up saying that relationships don't fall apart because of a lack of love rather because of fear. Fear of routine, ugliness, etc. Good to know. The doc thinks they need to start by telling each other what they dislike about each other the most and get it all out. I think this chic is a famous personality in Mexico but I'm not remembering who. Pau wants to start talking first and proclaims that their relationship started with a lie that CL was separating and unhappy when really he was tight with his wife. and that she was his shoulder to cry on..she trails off...

Delfi tells Juan that his Dad did nothing and that justice will prevail despite the bad wishes of others. Juanito wonders why he is in jail then and Delfi says because of the past. Juan says oh because he got under the girlfriend (bajo a la novia)(I think it's a reference to him fooling around with his girlfrined) and Delfi scolds him that those are adult things that he shouldn't worry about at his age.

The Chavez bask in the glory that Juan was hauled in, except for Erlinda who is sure that he is innocent and that they will see eventually. The pa shuts up the boys and says he'll wait to see how it turns out.

Juan gets sent to jail and he yells that he shouldn't be there and that he has the right to a phone call and a lawyers and liberty etc. Juan suggests that maybe this is because of what happened with Justina and Godines gets super angry and tells him not to mention her name he still hurts because of her betrayal. Juan tells him he can't hold that against him after all of these years, etc.

Ang and Molo are down in the station beggin for Juan's release on the basis of him being held in violation of the constitution and against his rights for only suspicion. Godines makes it clear that this is a precaution and his justice is all that matters in that town.

Back in the shrink room Pau finishes ratting out CL to the doc who says it sounds like there is a lot of blame going around. She wonders if CL would like to say anything before they continue with this exercise and he says no. She tells them that they need to ask for forgiveness from the people around them, the people that aren't near them anymore. Pau thinks this sounds very logical. CL is of course cynical and suspicious of her motives. Pau thinks he needs to try or they won't get anywhere. He asks her to give him a little chance at understanding him and directing things. She barely lets him kiss her good bye. I think she forgot to put on her clothes today. I

As soon as she leaves he calls Pastor on the phone and yells at him as a huge animal, first class clown and imbecile and the Nobel winner for stupidity etc. Pastor asks if it's him? He says of course, who else the Senor de Chalma (a religious apparation and holy place in Mexico)? He says they will talk when he gets back. Pastor shakes in his designer shoes.

Juan thinks to himself in the jail cell reflecting on his predicament, and also thinking how awful it is for his son that he's just barely gotten to know him, and he's separated from him already and that he must think horrible things about him. He hears Delfi coming to see him. She asks him if Molo and Ang came he says yes but he's worried about Juanito. She tells him he's upset but she told him all this is lies and that Juan will get out soon. Juan tells her how worried he is about him and begs her to take good care of him. She says not to worry.

In the reception area Juanito is screaming that he wants to see his Papa, but they say that Juan has had enough visitors for today and that he needs to come back tomorrow. Juan thinks to himself as he hears Juanito fighting to see him, that there is no doubt he's got the family gusto and he was conflicted because while it was hard for him to hear him so upset, he was glad he was fighting for what he wanted. He couldn't wait for this to be over so he could be with him again. He prays to be able to prove his innocence and be with his son again.

CL shows up calling Pastor a disgusting rat chasing him around the office and wondering who recomended this therapist. Pastor reluctantly admits it was Monica. Cl is impactado. Pastor swears he only asked about needing a therapist and she suggested this one and he had no idea who she was. CL thinks she engineered this and that he is ridiuclously stupid for asking her. CL wants to yell at her about this but Pastor begs him to leave her out of it, that it was completely his fault. He says he'll see and takes off. Pastor immediatley calls Monica and tells her he was completely out of his mind and that he was forced to tell him that she recommended the therapist and that CL is on his way there. Moni too, calls him an idiot and that he's done it now. I knew this would weigh heavily on him trying to play both sides. He's not going to come out of this satisfying either side...I can just see it. Moni hangs up and warns Laura she ought go to her room because CL is on his way over and not to pay a social call.

Back in Achi, Juanito complains that he wants to see his Papa and Delfi says she does too, but they will have to wait. He worries about what might happen to his pa in there. Delfi has an idea. Next we see them both talking to Ms. Yamamoto and Susanna, trying to convince them that everyone here loved Akito and held him in high esteem and she make references to how he died happy, and Juan is honest, and he's suffering and had nothing to do with this and that even though Akito couldn't speak Spanish he was still cared for in a very special manner and Juan treated him very well, having taught him to dance and took really good care of him, entertaining him. The girls seem to watch blankly as she describes him as a little boy trapped in the body of a man and that he loves his town. She says something in what sort of sounds like Japanese and Delfi and Juanito give her thanks with a hands together bow.

At Casa Cachon Mar brings her Mom some breakfast and listens as Nidia cries about SAmuel running around with that fulana (whore/tart) Ana. Marely looks on frustrated.

While putting Juanito to bed Delfi assures him that his Pa is not a criminal and always lands on his feet and that he should pray to Santa Nino for his well being. She also tells him his feet smell like cheese.

Anga tells Molo that he thinks he'll send a great lawyer from the DF to help Juan out here. Molo thinks that's a great idea that Juan will appreciate.

Back in the DF, Kike is telling the Lic that he should stop complaining as he starts moving his things into Juan's room. Delirio says why, when his wife was never pregnant, she kicked him out of her room etc. Kike says well yes but try to see the positive side of things. Kike also warns him to respect Juan's things and his room. Delirio says as if he would put on that Naco's (Low class loser) socks or use his toothpaste. Alirio thinks that is what the young people disrespect. Kike goes to leave and tells him that if he doesn't come out of here then he won't get into problems.

CL shows up at Moni's demanding to know what the hell she is up to and whether she wants to destroy his marriage. Moni is impactada.

In jail Juan screams for a drink. Some guys show up bringing gifts from the women of the village for him, food and drinks. Juan thinks how generous and united the women of the village are and that if his little dove was there, she too would be helping him out.

Pau recalls the therapists words.

Moni says she's only trying to help and she's tired of watching him suffer. CL disbelieves. Cl says he has to try to work things out with Pau. Moni agrees that a marriage should be worked on hard and that everything possible should be done to make things better. He thinks this is absurd with a specialist in ending marriages. Moni thinks that's the best because it will really test their solidarity. She offers him a drink which he declines and leaves. She of course smiles.

Delfi hands Ang a beer and professes how upset she is about Juan's situation and what he must be thinking alone in his cell.


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Pasion 1-2-08 "Everybody loves Ric"

Greetings loyal viewers I am filling in tonite..
Before we begin..I must warn you, I am not enamored with these people. I can’t really make fun of them cause they are only doing what centuries of Church Teachings and society have taught them. Thinking outside the box was not really encouraged. Kinda of like you are either with us or against us. Kings ruled through “The Divine Right of Kings” or God appointed Kings who then appointed their cronies to positions trickling down to Don Jorge. Isn’t it great that things have changed? Don Jorge keeps getting these “Heck of a job, Brownie” missives from the crown.

There seems to be a lot of confusion about when these people may have lived. I decided that since England seems to be at war Spain and employing privateers, that it would kind of narrow it down. Here is a link to Wikipedia Seems like this must have been during the War of Spanish Succession 1701-1714. I may be wrong since I have not paid much attention, but isn’t Ric a privateer? So does that not mean that he has acted against God and Country and King? No matter the excuse wouldn’t he be likely to be executed if the Spanish Government could get their hands on him? So isn’t Ric at a bit of a risk traveling around with his blind cousin and Tia? I mean isn’t he known as the scourge of the Seas? So getting a haircut and swapping his doo-rag seems like flawed logic?

Oh well on to the tale at hand.
Okay Ric has come to visit sweet Camille. She explains to Ric that she can’t give back the loot, to the already rich and greedy Lis & Tia. The will states should she give any to the “Two Queens of Undeserving”, the money will go to the FreeMasons and Cami will lose her freedom. A two edged sword, while Cami would love nothing better than to insure further generations of Shriners with tiny circus cars, the whole slavery thing is a no go. See she tells him, I didn’t even know Timmy was going to leave me all the dinero, all I wanted was my freedom. Ric has that “Awwwww”, look on his face, like when you turn on the Animal Planet and see the killer hyena has pups and awwwww, they are so cute. He again brings up the pregnancy thing. It has been two months since Tio Timster died, so is she or isn’t she. With a demure smile, Cami says she isn’t certain. Ric gets his best “Rhett Butler” eyebrow thing going like, well maybe I could help you out. Cami is flustered. Ric leaves.

Meanwhile over in some other location in Hell, Claudio and Ascanio lament the death of Claudio’s Ma. Seems like the Ma’s Primo put the moves on her after Claudio and Angel were kidnapped. (I may have some of that wrong) Anyway the mother died and seems like the cause may be murder, by said Primo. I’m betting the so far unseen cuz gets whacked by Claudio, before this ends. Anyway young Claudio wants vengeance, but Ascanio says no they will return to San Where-ever to talk to Cami & Jimena before any whacking commences.

Saintly and Vasco (the neutured) have a brief, but painful talk about women. Vasco is all upset that Ursula dumped him for a rich guy, Saintly Saintly points out that he is stuck with Vasco’s lame ass sister, who is like two decades into full blown spinsterhood, while he really wants Vasco’s uber hawt sister. Besides Saintly continues, Vasco was just in it for the hawt fun, while Saintly was totally in love with Cami and hawt fun with Saintly would be a stretch in the best of circumstances. Aw women you can’t live with them and you can’t live without them.

Meanwhile Jimena yucks it up with Cami. Cami is flustered from the visit of Ric of the liquid brown eyes of hawtness. Jimena alludes to do the deed with Ric and pop out Timmy Junior.
I hate to be the voice of reason here folks, but Tio Timmy has been dead for like two months, even if Cami was as fertile as the Nile Valley and got impregnated then and there, well wouldn’t the kid be born like eleven months after Tio Timmy died? Yes, I know, everyone knows one of those stories, they are urban legends, babies are not carried for eleven months and I do believe even these rubes would know better. I say go for it, this time frame is actually on the right side of the bell curve of sin punishment, the age of reason is just around the bend, gather ye rosebuds while ye may. Languishing in remorse is so Inquisition, move on.

Okay now over at Whore-Hey estates, the de Carvajel clan has been invited for dinner. Ursula is wanting to really push the marriage deal. Dona Fortuna, is spreading the news that Saintly comes by to visit Cami, Ursula expresses the same look Paris Hilton would convey if forced to listen to a cashier talking about the big exmarital affair down at Trailer Acres. However, her ears perk up when Dona Fortuna tells that Ric came by to see Cami. She thinks Cami is way beneath Ric, but alas she does have the face of a saint and would actually look pretty good beneath Ric. Her ma, tells her maybe to back off Ric for a while. Cami’s Ma, Dona Sofie has a soft spot for Justo’s family & wants Cami to catch a break, what with seeing that whole night before the Wedding, near rape, spearing of Saintly, kidnapping of Cami basically was the work of misguided Don Jorge. Ah the Chaos theory at work.

Ursula is none too pleased with her mother. After Dona Sofie exits the room, Dona “Gatemouth” Fortuna, says your mother is all twisted up over Don Justo, but in a perfectly chaste way.

Over in the town square, Cami’s servant is filling in for the town crier and abruptly tells “The jealous and will never be good enough Rita”, that Saintly has been by for a visit, then she adds that Hawt Ric stopped by. Gee I wonder what Rita will do with the information? I’m sure she will not use it to bait her already hating her husband.

Oh my Gawd, wrong again, Rita makes a trip to the blacksmith shop. Saintly ever saintly innocently queries, “So whaddid you buy?” Rita answers, “oh some cheese, some sausage and a really really really hawt rich guy is hanging around my sister.” She further adds, “jealous much?” Saintly hobbles off.

Claudio and Ascanio have return whack free from their trip. Claudio tearfully tells his tale of woe. Saintly comes into the courtyard and the threesome disappears. Saintly asks what is wrong and Cami says more tragedy.

Ursula enters her father’s den or whatever and finds Ma there. Ma basically says there will be no discussion of marriage. After she leaves, Don Jorge says don’t worry, go make yourself real purty, Ric gonna come callin tonite. I think Ursula was skipping under those hoops.

Meanwhile Cami tells Saintly that Ric is trying to get to the bottom of her, no the bottom of the whole will and testament thing. Saintly does the when will I see you again, so we can have mucho chaste longing? Cami does not know, Saintly kisses her hand and leaves and once again Cami is flustered.
-----I forgot at some point Ric did confront Crazy Lis & Tia about the having to be a slave thing & the Shriners, but Crazy & Tia can’t be concerned with the slavery of someone, Lis is like I’m blind, she’ll be a slave, we all have our crosses to bear.

Now for dinner at the Jorge Palace of uncompleted Pleasure and pointless Seduction. The womenfolk are talking about Tio Timmy, yep he didn't let women leave the house, you had to sit around and paint and do other womenly things. Egads.
On to dinner. The subject of “Cuzzin Pirate Ric”, comes up. Ric says, yes it is true, when last heard of the handsome devil was in England or France. What were the charges against him. Well, murder…
Crazy Lis, butts in…he is innocent, innocent I say.

Later Alberto LaFont, Jorge and Ric are in the study. Creepy Alberto starts asking about Lis and stating that he owns a ranch with 500 head. Be still my heart. Ric plays it off and leaves. Jorge is laughing, he thinks that Alberto was yanking ye old chain, but no he is serious. Call me crazy, but I can see these two loco kids together.

Finally Finally Finally…it is the next day. Ric & Mario wander over to Justo’s store, they need a carpenter to help with the house, Justo says Saintly will be happy to do the job. Vasco does not seem so sure. Vasco walks down the street with the two well-disguised pirates. Ursula & Dona Fortuna happen upon our group, Oh Ric, please come over for dinner. Ursula is laying it on thick in front of Vasco and Dona Fortuna is giving Mario the serious eye, she is so wanting to braid more than that beard. Ric plays it off and the girls leave, Ursula runs her little riding crop down the chest of Vasco and Dona Fortuna gives universal thumb and little finger signal of “Call Me” to Mario.
----Now I could stand these people if Vasco, would have said, been there done that about Ursula----but no.

Cami is meeting with Sofie and confided in her the problem with the will & the non-completion of the sex act, the spirit was willing, but the old man’s flesh was weak. Sofie gives her this knowing look like, “Damn I hate when a guy dies during the Act.” Cami also tells her that Don Jorge has “offered to help her with her problem”.

We end can I put this delicately in a PC way? Well needless to say it gave me one of the few laugh out loud moments I have had during this TeleNovela.
Lis & Tia are talking in the hotel lobby, Tia says Ursula is hawt for Ric. Lis goes all-ballistic and says Ric is hers. Ursula & Dona Fortuna are standing right there. Tia looks horrified and you know this is going to lead to a shhhh moment and a lot of loud “Que? Que?” & cane clicking, I’m sure her poor Dolly will be punished for this.

This pretty much sums it up…
I’m sure more happened, but I spend too much time looking for huge black swelling on the necks of the townspeople. I know I am a few centuries off for the “Bubonic Plague”, but it would not be the only not historical fact. Maybe a plague, a volcano, an attack by Apache Warriors…anything. Just wipe out all these people, okay leave Jimena, Ascanio, Claudio & the doublemint twins and maybe a couple of wenches…but that is it.

Tomorrow looks like Ric promises Cami she will remain free.
Oh Ric Pleeeze Free all of Us.


Amar Sin Limites #113, Wednesday 1-2: New Year, same old plot

Leftovers: Tavo asks Lidia to pick out her own engagement ring in yet another of his little tests for her; Lidia is not as thrilled with this as he wanted her to be. Bruno (photographer guy) and Diego have words; who exactly will sue whom and for what remains to be seen. Diego confronts Silvana about news of their "engagement" showing up in the papers and asks her for an explanation. Silvana calls Bruno and he threatens her with giving Diego the pictures of her, Manuel, and Frijolito.

Silvana whines, "oh, poor me, why can't anything ever go right?"

Gloria tells Chucho that she's upset because Gaspar said that Silvana and Diego announced their relationship last night at the party. She's offended because she and Chucho weren't invited. Chucho tries to calm her down, but Gloria is upset that she and Silvana are growing farther apart. Chucho points out that Gloria has tried her best to keep contact.

Out in the boutique, Gaspar tries to get Julio to tell him what he knows about Silvana that he won't tell him or Ceci. Julio shows Gaspar the newspaper and tells him it's all lies, the engagement party was for Lidia and Tavo. Julio says he'll tell Diego everything IF he sees that Diego isn't happy with Silvana, but not before. Good point, I guess, since why would Diego believe him if he thinks Silvana is the greatest thing since Taco Day? I'm with Gaspar, though, I just want to know what the gossip is :)

Silvana tries to convince Diego to drop the lawsuit against Bruno. She tries to play the angle that it's embarrassing for him to sue saying that they're not engaged. Whatever. She tries to say that he just got confused because she was in a hurry and told him it was an engagement party and he must have gotten the details wrong. That doesn't go over well either. He's upset that somehow even Azul got dragged into it and Silvana tells him to let Azul rest in peace.

LuisFe and Mario are still talking about Azulcena's letter. LuisFe is sad he didn't get a chance to say goodbye. Mario thinks it was decent of her to give him the letter. Mario thinks it was all for the best. LuisFe, however is mopey and spouts a bunch of melodramatic nonsense about drowning without her, having no air, etc. Mario takes it better than I would have and doesn't even roll his eyes.

On the road with Manuel and Azulcena: For the millionth time, Todo Cambió plays as Manuel pulls into a convenience store and Azul sits in the car having non-orange flashbacks about macking on LuisFe in various locations. (I'm just going to sit here and chant "they will not ruin this song for me" until it's over.) Azul talks to herself about how she wishes LuisFe was here. She spies a bank of pay phones and uses a card to call him, but she holds her hand over the mouthpiece as she says "Sorry, I just wanted to hear your voice." Manuel catches her and twists her arm off trying to get her to say who she was calling. Azulcena wants to know what authority he has to do this and Manuel backs off. He accidentally calls her Azul, though, and has to correct himself. He tries to play it off as being too nervous because he knows Azulcena has no memory and he's responsible for her. The idiot leaves with him and gets back in the car.

Silvana sits in the garden and cries to Azul that she hates her. I'm sure the feeling will be mutual as soon as she gets her memory back. Or maybe before that, I don't know, if Azulcena grows a spine. Diego comes outside to apologize for hurting Silvana's feelings. Idiot. Diego says that he's sorry, but he didn't ask for Silvana's hand and if the guy just admits he was wrong about that, he'll drop the lawsuit. Silvana changes the subject to News from the Nunnery. Diego tells her that Frijolito is in jail and he's going to get a lawyer to see what he can do. At first, he won't let Silvana take it over, even though she tries to say she wanted to be in charge of all of Diego's "charitable works." But of course, he gives in eventually and says he'll give her the lawyer's number. *sigh*

Bruno's in a restaurant talking to some guy about how he can get in to see Frijolito, but according to the guy there's practically no way for Bruno to swing it. Even if he were to say he's doing an article, he's a fashion reporter, so that wouldn't work.

Silvana informs MS that she is now in charge of taking care of all their needs. She gets snippy when MS says that Diego didn't say anything to her about it. She says they shouldn't bother Diego with anything anymore. Not that she wasn't already going to get a big enough comeuppance, but using that tone of voice with a nun! The Karma stick keeps growing bigger and bigger for our Silvana.

Diego is at the boutique. You know, where he works. Designing all the latest fashions. For women. To wear. He's actually got scissors in his hands and is cutting actual fabric. Really, I'm not making this up. Try not to expire from shock. And also, behold the wrath of Don Chucho. He played it cool with Gloria, but when Diego tries to say it's normal for Silvana not to share everything with Mommy, Chucho gives him hell for not inviting Gloria to the announcement of Diego and Silvana as an official couple. Diego says that Silvana said she did invite them and they had other plans, which of course is a LIE. Chucho's really steamed because Gloria's feelings were hurt. Diego plans to talk to Silvana about this because he finds it really odd. Chucho says Silvana hasn't been the same since she went to Japan. As much as people keep saying that, what are the chances this will turn into some sci-fi thing where the real Silvana is still in Japan in some crazed inventor's basement and this is an Evil Silvanabot? It might explain the hair.

Evil!Silvana tries to talk GSD and Emilia into being OK with her relationship with Diego. GSD says "no way." Silvana tries to say that since Azul is dead it’s not like she's taking anything away from her. She actually crosses herself and says "may she rest in peace" when she says Azul's name, which just grates. There is nothing about this woman that is even remotely genuine anymore. GSD shuts her down and says "it's not you, it's the fact that Diego didn't wait a reasonable amount of time for all that he kept saying he looooooved her." GSD excuses himself from the room. Emilia gives Silvana a well-deserved "I told you so." Silvana tries to say that Diego and she are really enjoying their relationship and having a grand old time, but Emilia doesn't believe it. Silvana even tries to say that she and Diego are making wild monkey love every night. Emilia brings up Azul and Silvana flips her wig (not literally) and berates Emilia for "still being on Azul's side" even though Azul is dead. Are we going to be subjected to Silvana's crazed ranting from now until the end of the show? Emilia gets this look on her face like she just now realized how nuts her ex-sister-in-law is.

LuisFe comes to visit MS at the orphanage. He tells her that Azulcena is gone to who-knows-where, has gotten her memory back, and is back with her husband. MS is shocked. LuisFe has to tell her that the kid wasn't really his, he was just trying to protect Azulcena. MS looks disappointed in him.

Emilia tells Silvana that she's tried to soften GSD up and get him on her side, but even she thinks it's too soon. Silvana wants Emilia's help convincing everyone that her being with Diego is "for the best." Emilia questions that and asks if what Silvana said about their relationship was true or what she wants to be true, "Cause we both know you have a history of obsessive-compulsive behavior." Oh, no she didn't! Silvana's pissed and her yelling brings GSD and Mario running. Mario shoots Silvana a dirty look (for disturbing his patient, I would guess…all that exposure to Silvana can't be good for the baby) and says something like "we meet again." Silvana explains the connection with the orphanage and Azulcena. Mario tells them that Azulcena got her memory back and went back to her family. GSD wonders if that wasn't the same Azulcena who is LuisFe's girlfriend. For some reason this makes both Silvana and the sound guy nervous.

MS tells LuisFe that God fixed everything for the best. LuisFe doesn't want to keep talking about it. MS asks about Azulcena's real name, etc, but since it wasn't in the letter, LuisFe can't tell her. MS tells LuisFe to forget about her. He whines about how special she was. MS agrees that everyone loved her, especially Frijolito, who's now in juvie. MS thinks it wouldn't have happened, "if only I hadn't scolded him for telling me he know who Azulcena really was" (regañar=to scold). LuisFe is impactado.

Mario gives GSD and Emilia the short version of the story. I guess Silvana hasn't heard this part, where LuisFe and Azulcena were going to get married as soon as Azulcena figured out who she was. GSD asks if the plans for meeting Azulcena are still on. Silvana looks worried, but no one's paying attention to her.

For no apparent reason, we're now at Caty's school finding out that she tried to run off while one of the other kids was leaving school sick. Caty arrives and tells Diego that she was only trying to say goodbye to her friend, not go anywhere. Diego reminds her about the time she left the restaurant (when Azul was first playing Mommy) and got lost. He tells her the story of Frijolito as a cautionary tale. Caty feels bad for Frijolito because he only wanted to talk to Diego.

LuisFe wants to know what Frijolito said about Azulcena's identity, but there wasn't anything else. LuisFe wonders if maybe he told Azulcena and that's how she found out, but MS says they didn't see each other. LuisFe is anxious to talk to Frijolito, but MS says they can only get visits from their parents or guardians ("tutores"; not "teachers" as I kept thinking it meant and couldn't figure out why teachers would be allowed to visit). LuisFe begs for help to talk to Frijolito, but MS has some appointments she can't cancel. LuisFe goes off to do some doctoring for the kids.

Anibal and Clemencia are all cozy in the office, going over some paperwork. Hm, no, can't say paperwork is the kind of thing that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling, but hey, if that's their thing. Lidia comes in and reports that Tavo took her to buy her engagement ring and then out to eat. She shows off her ring, but I can't figure out if it's the bigger one or the smaller one of the ones she was looking at. Clemencia and Anibal ooh and aah, but Lidia's quiet. Anibal decides she's reached the critical period that all brides-to-be do when they're wondering if they've made the right decision. Okay, when did Anibal become Master Yoda? Lidia says he's right, she says there seems to be less feeling and romance than she wanted because Tavo didn't try to make giving her the engagement ring unforgettable. Well, he did, but not in the way she wanted--drinks, hiding the ring in a cake, whatever. Anibal thinks she should be up front with Tavo about wanting him to be "detallista" (and this does not mean "a perfectionist" as it says in the dictionary; this is about "detalles," those little romantic attentions like flowers, cards, sticky notes, whatever, even just saying sweet things; in other words, the opposite of being a total slacker and taking your partner for granted). Lidia says that she thinks money has changed Tavo since he wasn't this way before. Well, if Tavo were paying the slightest bit of attention, I think he'd have his answer already. Idiot.

Silvana calls the lawyer and asks about the possibility of Frijolito getting out. I think what the lawyer says is that Frijolito will have to stay in juvie if the value of what he allegedly stole is more than 50 times the minimum wage. So I guess it depends on how much Manuel was carrying in his wallet. They agree to meet at juvie later to try and get this resolved. Silvana then calls Manuel and tells him to do something. Azulcena wants to talk to Silvana, but Manuel says she was on the way into a photo shoot and the signal was bad. He asks if it was Silvana that Azulcena was trying to call, but she says no, it was LuisFe. Azulcena is feeling bad about Frijolito.

A designer, a sommelier, and a Mother Superior walk into a bar. No, actually, Julio and Arnaldo have come to a meeting with MS. She fills them in about their amnesiac, and Frijolito's stint in juvie. She assures them it's an unfair accusation--her kids have good values. She mentions Silvana's name and Julio just barely edges his tone into sarcasm as he says "oh, she's interested in helping kids too." He and Arni are there to see what they can do to help out the kids there since they can't have kids themselves. MS has to have it spelled out to her that they're, you know, a couple, not just a couple of guys who decided they couldn't have kids. This does not go over well with the sound guy. MS' face is neutral for now. Commercials. She says she's no one to judge, we're all God's children, but she can't let them hang out with the kids because the Church doesn't approve. Arni says they're just trying to help, but MS says this is just how it goes, please understand.

Anibal, because he loves Lidia like a daughter, and after consulting Clemencia (who isn't sure it's the right thing to do), decides to call Tavo and tell him he made Lidia feel bad. Meanwhile, out in the reception area, Efrain has come to ask Lidia if she really loves Tavo. She insists she does. Efrain says he just wants to make sure she won't leave Tavo at the altar. Lidia's like "where the hell are you getting that idea from?" She wonders who's looking down on her more, Efrain or Tavo. Efrain's like "oh, you noticed the attitude too?" Lidia says that Tavo's assumed that she loves him more with money. Efrain asks if that's not the way it is. Lidia says that's not the way it is and there's no point talking about it. She turns her back to him and Efrain smiles. Now if he can just get his idiot friend to quit being an idiot.

Azulcena thought bubbles to God to help her and her kid. She doesn't know how she's supposed to raise her kid if she doesn't know who she is, etc. Manuel pulls over into a scenic overlook. He asks Azulcena to get out of the car and says he wants to take some pictures of Azulcena and of both of them. He says Silvana needs the pictures. Azulcena smiles.

Mario is sitting at a table, looking half-asleep when a doorbell rings. He gets up, rubs his eyes, puts on an apron, and shuffles some stuff around on the table. It's Ceci at the door. He says he cooked for her and shows her to the table. She asks how she can help and he puts her to work setting the table. Heh. That will keep her from seeing the takeout containers in the kitchen. He brings out flowers and candles. Azucenas no less. Ceci mentions that they were her friend Azul's favorite flowers. He also has a red rose for Ceci. Ceci: "Hey, don't think you're going to seduce me with dinner, candelight, and a flower." Mario says that besides just wanting the pleasure of her company, he wanted to talk to her about something that happened today that he thinks she needs to know about. Dinner first, though, as a full stomach makes the heart content (panza llena, corazon contenta). He says they've got lots of time to talk, since Ceci had some things she wanted to talk to him about too. Ceci tells him about Lidia selling insurance and Mario says if she's a friend of Ceci's, sure he'll help.

At juvie: The lawyer says they've had a hard time getting access to Frijolito. Silvana asks to speak to him first since she knows him and he might confess to her. The lawyer goes off to talk to the social worker. Bruno shows up, saying to Silvana that if they'd actually made arrangements to meet, it couldn't have worked out this well.

Diego and Caty are out at a park. Diego asks if she'd be upset if they left so that he can see if he can talk to Frijolito. Caty asks if he can go tomorrow, since they don't go to the park much.

Silvana tells Bruno the deal: Diego won't sue if Bruno puts in a notice that he was wrong. Bruno won't do it since it wasn't his mistake, it was all Silvana's doing…just like getting the kid arrested. Silvana tries to front like this should tell Bruno not to mess with her, but he reminds her that he has the photos, so he's got the upper hand. He's no longer threatened by her. She backs off and says she's not asking him to print the note, since Diego's going to forget anyway, she just wants him not to publish anything about them for a while. Bruno won't buy that either. Silvana now tries to tempt him with "don't say anything about the kid and I'll give you the scoop of the year." He wants to know what she's got against the kid, but she says it's nothing. Silvana was trying to teach him a lesson about running away from the orphanage. "Diego doesn't know I use such drastic methods. He wouldn't understand. But you do, right?"

Arni and Julio sit in the boutique with their anger at being discriminated against. And seriously, if the orphanage is so hard up for money and help, does it really matter where it's coming from? Julio points out that at least MS was respectful about it. Arni is upset that he won't get to share his time and love with those kids. Julio reminds him that he's at least got a little brother or sister on the way.

When Frijolito sees Silvana coming he tries to walk away, but she grabs his arm and shoves him into a chair. She tells him she's going to get him out of jail, but if he says a word about how he got into jail or about who Azul is, Diego and Azul will suffer and it will be his fault. He doesn't believe she would hurt Diego since she's trying to take Diego away from Azul. Silvana shows him a picture of Manuel and Diego and tells him that Manuel will hurt Diego if Frijolito says anything. Frijolito says she's going to pay for all this one day. I see Frijolito's watched telenovelas before. Silvana, on the other hand, hasn't and gives a "we'll see." She reminds him again to keep his mouth shut lest Azulcena get hurt.

MS and LuisFe AND Diego have all shown up at Juvie. MS introduces LuisFe and Diego. Who, in classic telenovela fashion, will probably now become best friends and spend at least one night getting blind drunk and crying over the women they lost who, hey, wouldn't you just know it, turn out to be the same woman. Come on, the writers might as well, with everything else they've done. *sigh* No clear previews for tomorrow, since we're in (say it with me) ultimos capitulos! Yes, friends, this too shall pass.

But before it does, we could use some help with Friday nights. Can anyone sub, or do we have some potential new recruits? It's a lot of fun! Get in touch with melinama ( if you're interested in being a recapper.


Juan Q 1-1-08 Help?

Did anyone see this program? I did not record it and our regular recapper is no more. If anyone can provide us with some commentary about que paso, I, and I'm sure others, would greatly appreciate it. Thanks everyone!

Feliz Ano Nuevo - Happy New Year to All 2008!!!!!

From Judy B who came through for us...feel free to add if anyone would like....HUGE THANKS JUDYB!!!!!

Juan continues talking to Akito's daughter and interpreter. Finally he gets up his nerve to broach the subject of doing business with them, exporting anturios. They ask for a plan, Juan's confused, they explain they need a financial plan, budget, projected expenses etc. He rushes back to consult with Angarita who's the only one who could come up with that sort of projection. Angarita, by the way, does NOT want Molondron as a socio and makes that very clear.

In the meantime, Tweedledum and Tweedledee are plotting to get Juan in trouble by accusing him of murdering Akito. When they try this on the sheriff he scoffs at them. So they go to Akito's daughter and interpreter instead. They take it seriously since Juan has already tried to get them to go into business with him. So off they go to the police station and then Juan is hauled off to jail. Before that happened, he remembered that he needed to include Erlinda's papa in the business planning and sent word to him.

On the Paula/Cesar Luis front...Pastor tells Monica his plan to get them with a psychologist/counselor who will worsen their problems rather than help solve them. Monica calls her cousin and asks her, "Who helped you when you were terminating your marriage"..gets the name and Cesar Luis gets an appointment with this woman for that very afternoon. Paula whines about it all being so fast but agrees to meet him there. Cesar Luis is floored when the counselor asks how she can help them end the marriage. He protests that he wants to save it and mutters something about "talking to his people when he gets back to the office".

Paula wants to talk with him there, the counselor leaves the office, Paula thinks they should stick with her...maybe the marriage should end and she can help them see how. Naturally Cesar doesn't go for this. She argues that she agreed to go to a counselor for his sake, now he should reciprocate by agreeing to see THIS one as Paula is requesting.

On the Nidia situation...she continues with memory gaps, looking for Samuel, throwing Alirio out, fuming about Dona Ana and thinking her daughters are still in high school.

Gutierrez and the computer scam artist show up at the house with bouquets for Nidia and want to talk to Alirio about THEIR plan. He protests that now is not a good time, he's worried about his wife. Computer guy gets huffy and starts to storm out. Gutty points out that if Nidia needs hospitalization, that costs money...after all, Alirio wouldn't want her to end up in a "hospital mata perros" so he better cooperate. Alirio sees the wisdom of this.

Marely thinks her mother should be hospitalized and tries to calm down Yadi who is going crazy between her mother's memory loss and Alirio's pontificating.

That's all I remember...the fueranas aren't actually accusing Juan of murder, they just want their suspicions cleared up so he's in the hoosegow until that happens.


Monday, December 31, 2007

Juan Q 12/28 Where Nidia has lost her marbles and Delfina’s mustache is not bad.

Juan tells Morondon that he doesn’t love Herlinda and that he can’t marry her. Morondon is upset because Juan damaged Herlinda’s reputation and now doesn’t want to repair the irreparable damage he did to Herlinda, Juan asks him if he is in love with her, Morondon does’t want to admit it, but finally he accepts that he loves her. Juan tells him to talk to her and tell her how he feels. Morondon doesn’t want to do it because he is sure Herlinda only loves Juan. Juan explains to him that Herlinda was brought up under very strict rules, and the only reason she loves Juan is because he(Juan) showed her how was life outside the rules, since then she hasn’t have anybody that loved her, she did not have any other options. If Herlinda knows that somebody else loves her, she might accept him. Morondon doesn’t think her family will accept him. Juan has a plan (Oh no!) He says his middle name is cupid and he’ll make it happen.

Casimirio is yelling at Herlinda, because she went with Juan. He tells her that she has dishonored the family again. Herlinda is at her wits end, she doesn’t understand her father and brother. They told her to get Juan to marry her for any means possible and now when she did something to that end they yell at her. Casimiro tells her she is a “bruta” (dim wit). Mr. Chavez yells and tells him never to insult his sister again, and then he turns to Herlinda and tells her he doesn’t know what to do with her. She sadly replies that maybe she should be sent back to the convent.

Ana arrives to her house to find Paula waiting for her. She tells her that she has been to the hospital with Nidia. Paula wants to know what happened. Ana tells her that Nidia wasn’t pregnant. Impactada face from Paula.

Nidia is in the hospital, Yadi is brushing her hair. Delirio walks in and Nidia addresses him as Licenciado. Delirio is confused and doesn’t understand. He wants to know why she is calling him that. Is she mad at him? Nidia just laughs and asks him if he changed his title. Is he a Doctor or an Engineer? Why should she call him something else? She just tells him to give her a hug. he does and he tells her that he could do that all they long. Nidia looks confused.

Juan is with Juanito. He is teaching him how to say his prayers. Juanito wants to know if his uncle Morondon is not mad any more. Juan tells him that no, Morondon is not mad and pretty soon he will be very happy. Juanito smiles and asks Juan if he is getting a “novia” (girlfriend) for his uncle, because grown ups always get very happy when they get a girlfriend. Juan tells him to stop thinking about girlfriends and to go to sleep. He comes out of the room and finds Delfina. She looks very happy. Juan asks her if she has resigned to be by herself. She says that no, she was made to live with a man, and she has found the man of her life. She says he has the 3 Fs: Feo Fuerte y Formal. (He is ugly, strong and reliable :) Ed note I had to laugh at this. I don’t know if mothers still tell this to their daughters, but when I was growing up I remember been told that when I married I had to pick a man with this characteristics. This is the definition of a real man.) She describes him and says that he is a “fuereño” (foreigner) Juan thinks he knows the guy, and he tells her that he is his partner. Delfina says that this man is driving her crazy and she is going to marry him. Juan tells her that maybe she should slow down a bit. What if he doesn’t love her? Delfina tells him that she knows that at least he likes her. He even told her that she reminded him somebody else. Juan says that maybe so, but she should wait a little, she needs to be his girlfriend first. Delfina says that she is madly in love, have you not lost your senses for somebody? Juan remembers Paula and says he understands. Delfina says “No le busques ruido al chicharrón” (Do not make trouble where there is none. Lit. Don’t look for noise in the toasted pig skin, because you already know is crunchy.) Juan reminds her that she said the same thing of Mr. Akito. Delfina tells her that Mr. Akito belongs to the past. She starts to question Juan about Algarita. Juan decides not to mention Nidia.

At the cachon residence, Delirio enters Nidia’s room and takes his pillow while watching Nidia sleep. He looks like he is really worried about her.

Ana asks Paula how did it go with CL Paula tells her that they talked and decided they’ll see a therapist. Ana asks her if she loves her husband. Paula says that she is confused (So, what’s new) that up to this morning she was convinced she had to divorce CL, but after talking to him, well… he was so sincere (ha!) that she is not sure now. Ana says that the only foundation for a strong marriage is love, and she should be sure that she loves him otherwise no therapist or psychologist would be able to help.

Marely tells everybody not to tell Nidia about the baby. Nidia walks in and asks for Samuel. Every body is impactado.

CL is talking to Pastor. He wants to know what is happening with Yvonne, why is she not willing to continue the affair. Pastor tells him that Yvonne is in love with Fernando. CL can’t believe how unfair his life is, why is this happening to me? He cries. My woman is staring to go out with a scoundrel, my lover is interested in a low class and the woman I love is in love with a chauffer. (I hesitated a little when I was translating this part, because when a man introduces somebody as his woman usually is talking about his wife, however we know Monica is not CL’s wife anymore… Isn’t interesting how CL still considers Monica his woman? )

Nidia is still very confused it seems that she lost her memory from the time before Samuel died. The phone rings and Yadira answers is Juan, but he asked a girl to ask for him. Yadira is very upset. Kike answers and scolds Juan for getting him in trouble with Yadira. Juan apologizes. He says he called because he had had a bad feeling all day long and wants to make sure everything is ok. Kike tells him about Nidia and how she is acting weird.

At the office, Yvonne stops Fernando and tells him that she is sorry and wants him to know that she ended the affair. Fernando says that he doesn’t care and walks past her.

CL is still talking to Pastor. He wants Pastor to find him a therapist, but he wants somebody that would do whatever he (CL) tells him to do. He wants the therapist to tell Paula to go back to him. Pastor says he’ll do his best.

Fernando stops at Marely’s desk and invites her to lunch, she accepts. He thanks her and looks happy.

Yvonne walks into CL’s office. He tells her that he wants to talk to her. She says she is not in the mood. He stands up and walks to her, he embraces her and in his most seductive voice tells her that he is going to help her change her mood, right then Monica walks in and CL channeling Fernando Mendiola, tells Monica that Yvonne is helping him find something that he has in his eye. Monica thanks Yvonne and tells her she’ll help CL. Yvonne practically runs and leaves the office. Monica tells CL that she can’t see anything in his eye.

Yvonne goes to Pastor’s office. She tells him that Monica saved her. Pastor tells her to talk to him clearly, to put him in his place. Yvonne is afraid that CL will fire her. Pastor tells her that CL is driving him crazy and now he asked him to find a psychologist. Yvonne has an idea, what if he finds him a psychologist that would do the opposite of what CL wants. Pastor is not that sure, CL would get really mad. Yvonne says that he can always apologize for a mistake. Pastor thinks about it.

Juan finds Angarita in the local eatering place. Angarita says that the badger sopes (picture to the left) he is eating are delicious. Juan says that Delfina’s are better. Angarita wants to know if Delfina is the same Delfina he met yesterday. Juan says yes, it is, and maybe he should go one of these days to the house to eat breakfast. Angarita has Juan number and asks him point blank what Juan’s game is. Juan confesses that Delfina likes him, and was asking about him. Angarita tells Juan that “La Señora no tiene malos bigotes”(The lady is not ugly. He likes her. Lit. The lady doesn’t have a bad moustache), but is not sure, since she reminds her of Nidia. Juan tells him that Nidia and Delfina are counsins and first cousins at that. Juan remembers about his phone call to the Cachon residence and tells Angarita about what happened to Nidia. Impactado face froma Angarita.

Delirio brings something to eat to Nidia. Nidia thanks him and tells him that he should leave because if her husband arrives he is going to be mad. Delirio tells her that he is her husband and tries to hug her. Nidia starts yelling for help. Yadi walks in and kicks Delirio out. She yells at him, how can he be so impatient? Can’t he see that he is making her mother feel worse?

Later we see Kike leaving for work. Yadira is still upset, she doesn’t believe him that it was Juan who called, and wants to know who is that “friend” Kike just tells her to calm down and not to make things worse. He kisses his daughter goodbye and since Yadira is not talking to him, tells the baby to take care of her jealous mother.

In Achichipico, Juan, Morondon and Angarita are seating at a table in the Patio of Delfina’s house. They are having a business meeting and Morondon is acting as secretary, he is taking notes and Juan is presiding the meeting. Juan says that it is time to start acting, since the people of Achichipico is waiting for them to proceed with the business. Since the 3 partners of the company are togehter, they should decide what to do. Angarita (always to the point) tells Juan just to tell him what to do next and he’ll do it, but he has a question, what does he mean 3 partners? Why is Morondon included as a partner? Juan says that Morondon will be the secretary; Angarita says that he could do that as an employee. They are interrupted by Delfina. She tells Juan that 2 beautiful women are asking for him. Juan smiles and answers the door. Susana and So Jeugn are at the door. They tell him that they are looking for Mr. Akito San Yamamoto. Juan is muy impactado and tells them that yes, he knew Mr. Akito and explains to them how they met. When Sung-ju asks him where her dad is, he has to tell her that he is dead. He takes them to the cemetery and shows them the place where Akito is buried. He tells them that he died a happy man and his was the biggest and the most beautiful funeral that they ever had in the town. Sung-ju closes her eyes and prays (I think) a little. After a few minutes she says that she knows now that her father is in a better place and he is happy. Juan agrees.

At the Cachon residence Ana comes to visit Nidia, Yadira tells her that she is acting very strangely, and maybe Ana’s visit will make her feel better, Yadi takes her to Nidia’s room. As soon as Nidia sees Ana she starts yelling at her. How she dares come to her house? She is the worst whore ever! Get out! Get out. Impactad face from Yadira and Ana.

I know there was a little more at the end, but my recorded stopped before the last segment. Sorry.

This is it!! Since I have the honor on being the last recaper of the year I want to wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year!!!


Amar Sin Limites - Fri.12/28/07 -Where Everyone is Mad at Silvana, Cry Me a River!

This will be my last Friday night recap of Amar. Next Friday I will be in Mexico. Happy New Year to You All! I will be dropping by as an avid reader and commenter while I am at Spanish School.

Opening scene, with GSD and Emilia repeat of baby talk and the pact our well being, your health and the baby. lets pray to San Gabriel Achangel. (Can prayers be regifted too??)
ceci and Mario cal me when you wnat to talk to someone, don't be lonely. Caty set a trap with you your resources I'll look for others.

Diego and Silvana do not get it on. He looks pained kisses but pushes back. I can't do this .dont ask me. If someday i do want to it won't be from instinct. She puts on slinky red robe and slams the door. WHEN Diego. I can't wait. Azul is alive expecting your baby. Ahh, I have another evil idea, I can have an hijo when Azul gives birth. I can take that baby. What a grand idea.

She walks into Azuc's room in her hotel and reads Azul's little diary.

Caty and Clemi talk about plans to have fun, Caty starts to complain that Ceci has been banned by Silvana. Clemi assures her with affection.

Azul wakes Silvana walks in with a giant Hola. My modelling job took longer than I thought. Azul brings up the coincidence and meaning of the bracelets. Lets go look for the place to buy them. Silvana says no it only means it was the start of our friendship. but when Azul wants to find where they are sold Silvana first says hers was a gift. She tosses off that they are too common. She baits Azul about ther baby. We would have to go to place where hippies make these bracelets. Azul still persists that the bracelet is only link to her past.

Clemi and Caty talk on the bed about the todo about Ceci. Did Silvana say something or did you suppose this. Silvana says it is because Ceci wants Diego I don't think so , she's in love with Luis Felipe, Caty says with the clear memory only a child has. Clemi tries to make light of it, No Silvana wasn't serious. Caty then coos so can i continue to see tia Ceci?l Sure. I love Ceci. Were really good friends. Let's eat breakfast and go to school, where is Silvana? Chonita says Silvana went to the gym early.

LuisFe and Mario are discussing that Azuc has psychological reasons for losing her memories. LuisFe recounts that he was in shock with her clothes a mess and bruises from some accident.

Silvana assures Azuc that if the baby is not LF's it will lead to trouble. What's that best way to help you you will have to be apart from LuisFe forever. -BREAK-

Azul questions why would I have to remove myself from LuisFe? Silvana warms to the subject, if the baby is someone else's he could come forward at any time and then you would realize who you loved but if you love LF too.,, The words are real drivel meant to confuse this child like Azuc/Azul while boring the rest of us to tears.

Diego and MM on phone, I have a favor to ask big problem that is very delicate, it needs to be discussed in person. He will go right away.

Azul is speaking and rubbing her belly all loving toward the baby she is carrying who ever it is or who's his daddy. Silvana begins this double double talk trick of saying that baby will be looking for its real father all the time. Azul still childlike asks what to do. Silvana's solution this time is that she should accept nothing from LF and stay away from him to avoid a relationship she can't get out of. I'm here to help you find your way.(orientarte) I have a casita in Guadalajara . My uncle is going there today He can take you there. I will use all my influences, I know a journalist who can do a piece and some research to help you discover who you are.

Diego and and his Mom Clemencia, what are you doing here? It is a good excuse to see Caty in the morning. and fix the house after the party last night, Chonita will clean everything, He discovers Caty's backpack and asks why Silvana hasn't taken her to school yet, She's at the gym. Clemi and Caty will ride with Diego to school and Clemi's work, Clemi goes to check on Caty's teeth washing. Chonita appears with the morning paper and Diego discovers in it that the irresponsible journalist has printed that he and Silvana are engaged to be married. Caty appears at the doorway and looks like she swallowed a frog upon hearing this news.

LouisFe and Mario continue LF has agreed to wait for the baby to be born to formalize their relationship. So for the moment they cannot live together. But living in a hotel will be very expensive, but LF says no it's not my expense but her friend Silvana. Well what do you know about this woman and why are you leaving her to deal with Azul. Oh we met her in the orphanage. Besides she is a world famous model in New York and Japan, Ceci ought to know her.... Mario chimes in ahh yes, she's the one that is hanging out with the widower, Diego, Toscano's son-in-law.

Diego, Clemi and Caty meet at the table while Diego claims, no the paper is a lie, it's not ethical. I wouldn't marry anyone without consulting you. Caty says she hopes he is not going to marry Silvana because she doesn't love her like Mommy Azul did, she doesn't like spending time with her and didn't pay any attention to her at the party. Diego hugs the moppet.

Silvana is reading with sarcasm from Azul's diary about how she loves LF and feels good by his side but she can't be with him until the baby is born but he has promised to marry her if no one else shows up by them. Silvana smirks her "I've got a red wig on and I'm cooler than you" smirk. She's not sure about the due date but is sure she can completely disillusion Azul about LF by then.

LF and Mario Yea, that Silvana was at Diego's house yesterday at a dinner. This Silvana is unsympathetic (antipatica). This woman is a harpy, you should check her out. The divinely innocent trusting LuisFe retorts, perhaps are talking about two different Silvana's the one he knows has been such a good friend to Azuc. Mario launches off about Cecl and his second time being around her. He really, really likes her.

Azul, dressed in her country bumpkin best is looking very uncoordinated with her little bag, says, I don't feel good about disappearing without giving LuisFe a letter, You can write one on the way. Where is my diary? Silvana will get it to her later.

Ceci and Clemi says I am very worried and sorry about paining you. You warned me but I did not listen. It's about Silvana. What did she do? She told Caty something terrible about you.

Azul is handing Silvana her little letter to LF She begs Silvana to give it to him.

Clemi goes on to say that Caty doesn't love Silvana and is upset about what she is doing. Ceci says, rightly, Caty is more intelligent than many of the adults around her. Clemi goes on about the notice in the paper that Silvana must have told her journalist friend that the famous model Silvana Lombardi is giving up her fabulous international career to stay in Mexico for her engagement and wedding to Diego Moran. Ceci goes wild, wanting to prevent Silvana from what she is doing to Diego [if she only knew the half of it]. Clemi hates to condemn Silvana's actions in front of everyone, especially Diego since he is just coming out of his depression and taking back his career life. Right, but Ceci points out they will regret it later if they remain silent now. Since Azul died Silvana is a different person. Ceci realizes these personality traits were forshadowed when they learned she had been in an psychiatric institution after Nico's death only showed themselves again when she wanted to kill Mauricio but now she is using them to get close to Diego to replace Azul in his life.

Manuel shows up leaning into the car Azul and Silvana are in. Azul looks scared but seems to have no recall of who he is. He leans in intimately, in his special greasy way, and Azul says she has a very strange sensation but can't remember what she should. He even taunts her with perhaps she knows him from another life. The music is very menacing here. Silvana assures her it's just because she needs to recognize someone, anyone... But Silvana has been saying such lovely things about you, I feel like I have known you for years. Silvana breaks in with, he is going to take you to Guadalajara to stay until you find yourself..[right, in a place you have never been and where no one will possibly recognize you.] Manuel smiles that particularly diabolical smile he is best at. -BREAK-

Silvana looks at what Azul has written and tells Azul she isn't going to send this letter to LuisFe because it will only invite him to come looking for her. She needs to break with him and maintain a distance because they would only end up kissing like they did at the mission when Madre Maria found them. This trip will be for her own good and safety. You need to tell LuisFe to forget about you then you can be free to look for your family and not involve him in a shameful infidelity with your real husband (if we should find out that there is one or ever has been). Silvana ends up making Azul feel selfish for wanting to stay close to LuisFe even as friends.

At Anibal and Clemencia's office, Anibal and Lidia enter where Ceci and Clemi are still talking. Anibal and Clemi leave the two young women to talk about guy stuff and disappear. Lidia questions Ceci about how great Mario seemed last night. Ceci admits he is wonderful but she is still in love with his best friend who loves someone else. Ceci lists he is great, he is handsome, he has a prestigious career as a famous doctor, he has family and money and Lidia counters with what's not to love here, you should enjoy this. BUT, just in the shadows comes Tavo with his built in paranoid radar turned on high...

LuisFe and Mario show up at the desk at Azul's hotel asking for Silvana's room. The desk clerk tells him Silvana settled her account and checked out. Didn't she leave me a message?
Nope! How strange. Let's call her cell phone. I don't know the number, but we can get in touch with her at her boyfriend, Diego Moran's house.

Silvana and Manuel are plotting that while Azul rewrites her letter to LuisFe which Silvana insists will keep him from trying to find her. Manuel does his famous squeeze for more money, that little casita in Guadalajara cost more than I expected. Silvana's cell phone rings. She babbles about just getting out of the gym and not feeling well, but he wants to talk about the bomb in the newspaper. What news? Ah, Silvana you know. She says she is off to the pharmacy to get pills, she just doesn't know what is causing this, NAUSEA....He is with Madre Maria talking about something very important. Silvana looks alarmed and quickly offers to come straight to the orphanage, but he relents a bit that if she isn't well, they can meet at the house. Silvana panics that Diego will find out about the framing of little Frijolito. She demands that Manuel drive Azul to the casita in Guadalajara alone. He really is allergic to physical movement of any kind it seems. He thinks that is too much work to do. Azul is afraid. Even with no memory, Azul senses how slimy this guy is. Silvana says she can call her or anyone else from her cell phone. She gives her money for maternity clothes. Manuel grabs the money and counts it while he tells Silvana and Azul all the things she can buy with it. [Oh sure, she's going to see all of it later. - BREAK -

Diego listens to Madre Maria tell him that Frijolito has taken off and it is so unlike him. She has discovered he is in "juvie" detention (tutelar para menores). Diego exclaims, he's in jail? He had told them he lived in the street, I don't know why he lied. He is accused of stealing, it's unjust, something really bad must have happened to make him act like this. Diego promises to get him a good lawyer and get him out of this frightening (espantoso) place right away.

Lidia greets Tavo who comes around the corner, isn't she glad to see him? He came to see Anibal about some things about the wedding. Ceci excuses herself as a bad third and exits. Anibal and Clemi are working on papers, They talk about Lidia reconciling with her father and Clemi hopes that Manuel actually reconciles with both of his children and that he merits their return. Lidia doesn't want to harbor grudges says Clemi but she isn't who worries her. Who worries her is Diego and Caty. She has no confidence in Silvana who has changed so much. She then tells that she saw Silvana talking privately with Manuel and then giving him money. That seems really bad. But she said it was only to help him. Clemi has a bad feeling of foreboding about this, because Silvana is pitting Caty against Cecelia. She wants to tell Diego all about this but she is afraid he be deceived and fall into another crisis. Anibal says it is clear that Diego doesn't feel the seme way about Silvana as he did about Azul. She brings up again the anonymous call to Diego's house with someone saying they knew where Azul is. Anibal agrees that this will bring up all kinds of bad feelings and memories. Clemi says this is exactly why she hasn't told Diego about the call.

Silvana talks to herself about the growing animosity with Clemencia but that just means that she will have to further alienate her from her son Diego.

Arnaldo, Julio and Gaspar are talking at the boutique. Julio is sorry he missed the big engagement announcement for Diego and Silvana like the paper reported. Gaspar is incensed that the party wasn't for them at all. Diego only said she was living there. They too are on to Silvana's game.

Silvana shows up at the hotel where LuisFe and Mario are having tea and waiting for her. They stand up and say it is urgent that they talk with her. Where is Azul. Silvana insists that she left this morning and left this note.... LuisFe tries to get her to tell more but she has to go off for an important meeting with Diego. LuisFe doesn't think anything is as important as discovering why Azul disappeared. LuisFe is handed the letter from Azul.

Azul and Manuel chat in the car about about her feeling bad to leave LuisFe without talking to him and leaving without being able to talk to Frijolito who couldn't be found before she left the orphanage. Manuel makes up a story about hiding from his family when he was little. She asks if he has children. He answers two and one is about to be married but to a laborer who doesn't have much promise. Azul thinks love is the most important thing to have. Nothing else matters much.

Tavo and Lidia show up at a jewelry store he says snidely that the cost isn't important even if she wants the most expensive one. She should just pick the one she likes best. She looks guilty [run girl, run, stinginess only grows.]

LuisFe is reading the letter with Azul's voice reading it to him. She loved him when it started and she knew nothing of her life but now she knows she has to find her husband. But she loved him...He crumples the paper. Let's go Mario, Azucena doesn't want to be found. Silvana is snidely thinking that she has now put LuisFe and Mario off the track, Ceci is demoted as a threat and she proudly applauds herself that only she and Manuel know that Azucena is actually Azul Toscano. [What's that old saying, "Pride goeth before a fall?]

Lidia turns down the big pretty ring and picks the little one that the store clerk says is sooo econmical (not pretty). Lidia takes the high road for a change and says her love for him is the only thing that matters not money or a big ring, but she loves him with all her heart whether there is money or not. Tavo ends up looking sheepish at his trick.

Diego arrives home to find the journalist, Bruno, lurking by the garage. He gets out to confront him about his second lie in the paper and shouts about defamation. The journalist defends himself. Diego goes in the yard to find Silvana and begins to rant about the journalist and finds it a strange co-incidence that Silvana has been close by both times that these stories have been leaked into the paper. She acts all offended, he wants an explanation. She goes out to confront Bruno, he is offended that Diego threatened him. Bruno demands that Silvana confirm the information she gave him or Diego is correct that a retraction is in order. When she tries to blow him off that this is just a small matter. He counters with his story and the pictures he has prepared to use in the case of the robbery by Frijolito!
-Adios, Amigos...


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