Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sortilegio #28, 11/I3/09: "I Confess." Paula Takes Her Medicine

As we begin, Bruno has his mother tied in knots by once again denying he had anything to do with Maria Jose either before or since the sham wedding and Alex’s accident. He blames Mary Jo and again accuses her of lying about everything from day one and suggests that Victoria call the hotel to see who made the reservation for this Aguirre guy if she doesn’t believe him. Vicki, still hoping to prove to herself that #1 Son is pure as the wind-driven snow, decides to do just that. She calls Fernando behind Alex’s back to do a little side investigation into who actually made the reservation at the hotel. Fernando obliges.

Across the way, Erick tells Bruno that Alex has forbidden him to leave the grounds because he is extremely angry at him for letting Paula drive without a license. Bruno gets directions to Mechita’s place and figures he’ll have to be the one to convince them to go along with the plan.

In Papi Pedro’s bungalow, Paula is crying up a storm. She’s frightened at the thought of having to go to jail where “everybody says women are pawed at and raped.” Duhn-duhn-duhn! Pete’s sure that Alex, with his heart of gold, will do all in his power to prevent her having to set foot in a jail cell. Mary Jo figures Alex will manage to get her free on bail.

Meanwhile, Ulises and Roberto are walking along together in the plaza downtown. They’re discussing the latest knockdown drag-out between the loco Lombardo brothers. Bobo says this time was worse than last but Bruno really deserved getting his clock cleaned after making a date to meet Alex’s wife at a hotel. “He must really hate Alex to get involved with his wife.” Uli says they know Bruno is capable of anything, even killing Alex. Bobo says that was said in the heat of the moment. Uli mentions that with Alex dead, Bobo stands to inherit a lot o’ loot. Bobo says he hasn’t really thought about it much, but it would be the same if Alex killed Bruno. Uli doesn’t think Alex would dare. Bobo asks Uli what he thinks about this guy, Mario Aguirre. Uli confesses that the guy doesn’t exist and says that Meowra made him up to make Alex think that his wife has a lover.

At the same time, across the plaza, Raquel, Meowra (fresh from her “Hello Kitty” pink palacio) and little sis, Lis, are doing what they do best and love most: gossiping about MJ and Company. Raqui is hyping Paula’s predicament and says it serves her right for trying to drive without knowing what she’s doing. Raqui would love to see the little twit behind bars. The best part is now waiting to see if Alex divorces MJ because Bruno said there was a witness to the accident who wanted to be paid off for his silence. “Bruno was of course going to pay the guy but wanted to “collect” from Mary Jo first and made a date with her to meet him at some hotel.” She gleefully adds that of course Mary Jo agreed to meet him, but she didn’t figure on Alex finding out. Alex was furious, of course, and Raqui can’t believe he’d continue being married to a woman ready to hop in the sack with somebody else. Meowra is purring. “My, my! What do you know!” (Did my ears deceive me or could that have been a “meow, meow”?)
Bobo continues digging for dirt from Uli. He wonders if Bruno knows about the Guirre character. Uli says sure. He answered the phone once when Uli called pretending to be the guy.

Back at the manse, Zeke takes a call from the said fake, Aguirre, who is currently classily clipping his toenails. (Ugh! Puh--leeeeese! Couldn’t he have been drinking his morning O.J. or something—anything—else?) Zeke wants a phone number so Sra. Mary Jo can return the call, but “Aguirre” says no need. She knows it. (I’d say Zeke needs to dial *69 just to be sure he’d have something concrete for Alex in case his wife won’t "give it up"; but Zeke isn’t as phone savvy as those of us in Viewerville who are now forced to tighten the beanie a bit.) Zeke makes a note of the call and hangs up.

Bobo wonders what Meowra really hopes to get out of this. Uli hasn’t a clue but says she’s paying a pretty peso for him to help. Bobo has a Eureka moment and considers that he and Uli might be able to take financial advantage of the situation. Uli says, “No, Dear [Querido].” The financial advantage is to be all his. Bobo complains that he never thought Uli would be selfish, least of all with him. Uli smiles and says, “Especially after the night we spent together, eh?” (This is not a scene to watch on a full stomach. Next time these two are together I’ll make sure to have my barf bag close by.) Uli suggests that Bobo should get divorced. Bobo wonders if he’s suggesting they live together. Bobo says he’s not gay. (He apparently likes a little tuttie with his fruity from time to time, though.) Bobo clarifies by saying that he likes women and a divorce would be too inconvenient. He doesn’t want to give up all that money. He hopes one day to live like a sheik, though, enjoying himself with men and women, and whatever else tales his fancy, once Raquel gets her share of her father’s fortune. Uli changes the subject. (Good. Thank you.) He asks if MJ possibly has another sister. Bobo doesn’t think so because no one has ever mentioned it. “Why?” Uli smiles and says that he’s just curious.

Vicki and Felipa visit the local cathedral to pray to the Saint of Lost Causes for guidance concerning the problems the family is having with Bruno. FF>>

That afternoon, Mary Jo comes to Alex’s office to meet with him and their lawyer.

Fernando is out playing P.I. for Vicki. He goes to the hotel where Aguirre was staying. He gives the clerk –a woman, this time—Aguirre’s room number and says he’s planning on staying a couple more days. The woman asks if he’s Sr. Aguirre. Slow on the uptake or just being crafty (I prefer option #1), Nando says there must be some mistake. He asks if the reservation was made in person. (This is the first clue that could point to mischief but it goes over the head of our would-be sleuth.) The clerk says no, it was done by phone. Later a young man was sent to pay for the room. (Clue #2 falls like manna from Heaven.) “He paid cash?” The clerk says yes, and normally they ask for I.D. but the young man said Sr. Aguirre would come and give that to her later on, but he never did and he didn’t call. (Now Nando has clue #3. Viewerville eagerly waits for a bit of mental computation from the architect—all masters of physical math--and hopes he can add a simple 2+2 and get 4.) Nando thanks her and says he’s not taking the room after all.

Back at Alex’s office, he, his attorney and Mary Jo are discussing Pau’s legal problems. (It’s Jolt Cola time for me. ZZZZZ.) The lawyer states the obvious. It’s a serious crime to run somebody over and to leave the scene. Then, too, she hit him while she was driving without a license and without permission. Alex says they’ve checked all the local papers and nothing was mentioned about a dead man or about anyone who was injured by a hit and run in the area where the accident took place. The lawyer says then perhaps the man wasn’t hurt and got up and walked away on his own. He asks who “Erick” is. Alex says he’s the idiot chauffeur who let her behind the wheel. Well, the lawyer says, he’ll have some fault in this too, though not as much. The lawyer asks about the supposed witness. Alex says the witness saw the accident and asked for money in exchange for keeping quiet. Nobody got his name.

The lawyer asks if they intend to pay off the witness. Alex asks what the lawyer advises. The lawyer says, well, there are two options: pay the witness and say nothing, which will be risky, or have Paula go to the police voluntarily to give her statement. MJ wants to know if her sister will be put in jail. The attorney says they’ll put up bail immediately and she’ll be free until they find the dead/injured man. It’s Alex’s choice and MJ want to know what he thinks. (Dude, if you enjoy those sensual sunset swims with Mary Jo, you’d better take option #2 and fast.)

Meanwhile, Nando calls back Vicki with the results of his super sleuthdom. It wasn’t Bruno who made the reservation for Aguirre. Since he’s near the City Center they agree to meet in a few minutes at a little café nearby called “Peon.” Vicki tells Felipa on the way out of the cathedral that it wasn’t Bruno and Fernando tells her the truth. Felipa asks what then? Vicki says Mary Jo lied to them.

At the same time, in a crummy part of the city, Bruno finds his way to Mechita’s humble abode. He bangs on the door. Mechita (La Sra. Mercedes Brito) lets him in. Bruno doesn’t give them his name. He walks right on in and immediately says he’s there for Erick to take care of the little business they discussed with Erick last night. He walks over to Gabe lying ever so helplessly in his bed and takes out an envelope full of cash. Bruno showers Gabe’s bed with the bills and says rather than waste time trying to convince them he’s got this for them. “There’s 500,000 pesos [approximately $38,000 U.S. greenbacks]. It’s plenty for you to cure your brother with. Take it or leave it.” Gabe says nothing, but he looks ready to sh!t the sheets, though.

Meche is having a fight with her conscience. She tells Bruno that they’ve hit hard times, but she doesn’t like having to lie to get the money. Besides, it was a truck that ran over Gabe, not a car. Bruno is irritated. “I know. I know! That doesn’t matter. Hurry up and decide or I’ll just find some other unfortunate soul who does want it.” Bruno tries a persuasive flip-through with a wad of bills near Gabe’s bedside. “Are you going to do it or not?” Meche reluctantly and tearfully agrees, but first she’d like to know his name and if somebody else will end up hurt by this. Bruno brushes off Meche’s questions and says it’s not important. Tomorrow morning they’re to be at the police station to give their statement. He walks over and starts menacingly caressing Gabe’s curls. (It’s enough to give ya the creepy crawlies.) Bruno threatens them. If they don’t go through with the deal as agreed, they’ll both end up dead [amanacer muertos = literally, wake up dead] in a vacant lot somewhere. Bruno makes his exit and slams the door. (Where’s a good pie truck when you need one?) Gabe lies there sobbing. (Females in Viewerville open a second box of Kleenex as their hubbies simultaneously check the fridge for another beer.) Meche weeps because of the dreadfully desperate situation they face.

At the café, Vicki, refusing to discard those rose-colored glasses of hers, assures Felipa that no way Bruno would have done the atrocious [salvajada] things Mary Jo accused him of doing. Nando appears and takes a chair. He confirms that the room’s reservation was made by Aguirre. Vicki is excited to have the news and takes this to mean that MJ and her family all lied to them and has been lying to them about everything, even about the sham wedding. Nando says apparently, yes. Vicki doesn’t like the way that sounds. Vicki asks what's he mean “apparently?” He explains that the reservation was made by phone and that the room was paid for in cash. “So?” “—Well, it seems a bit strange.” Vicki doesn’t like the way that adds up. She prefers to do her addition with New Math. “Why so strange? It could just mean he preferred not to show his face…..--Or, would you prefer to believe that it was Bruno?” Nando backs off. (Guess he’d rather not upset the love of his life by disagreeing with her.) He says he wasn’t thinking about that, only in the trick played on Alex.

“Alex is truly in love with Mary Jo.” Vicki commiserates. “—The poor guy, yes. Have you told him yet?” Fernando says not yet. Vicki offers to but Nando says he’ll do it. Felipa thinks this Aguirre guy is like a ghost. “He says x and he does y, but he never appears.” Vicki asks what Felipa is getting at. “I’m just saying that nobody knows anything about him, whether he’s young or old, skinny or fat. He’s a ghost.” Vicki says not for everybody, he isn’t. “Obviously, Mary Jo and her family know him quite well [bastante bien]. It pains her to think about Alex, she says, but it’s best he finds out if for no other reason than to realize that Bruno isn’t as bad as he thinks, or rather, as bad as they [Mary Jo and family] have led him to think. “You’d have thought Mary Jo was such a nice girl; she seemed so sincere.” Felipa is skeptical but knows it’s a waste of good breath to say anything more.

About this time, Alex and MJ return to the manse. Alex tells her he understands her angst, but not to worry because Lic. Quiñones will have everything ready for Paula: the bail, the court’s protection [amparo], and whatever else is necessary. “She’ll be out by this evening.” He tells MJ to have Pau ready in thirty minutes because the attorney will be waiting for them at the station. “It may not be necessary, but best to pack a few things just in case.”

Across the way in Pedro’s bungalow, Chucho is laying the blame where it belongs while Pau sobs gobs. “Erick must have sawdust [aserrín] for brains to let her drive without having ever taken the wheel or having taught her right! What an idiot! [soquete] MJ comes in and explains that Paula has to go to the police department now to give her statement about what happened. Pau has a tantrum because she’s afraid that they will put her in jail once she goes in and tells the police. Even though MJ tells her she’ll be out that night, Paula doesn’t believe her because Alex has said to pack her clothes. (Ok. Ok. I can understand the girl is freaked. Still, you’re telling me that this kid is smart enough to get a computer degree, but she wasn’t smart enough to think about the consequences if she got behind the wheel of a car without a license and the proper training and something serious happened? Sheesh. Pau is simply walking proof that book sense and common sense aren’t necessarily joined at the hip. ¡ya, Basta! Enough already!) Chucho tries to console the Material Sis by telling her to trust in Alex’s pocket-book politicking. If Alex says he’ll have her out that night, then by the Saints he will.

Outside on the grounds, Zeke asks his cousin, Arturo, why he’s not off driving Sra. Raquel somewhere. He says that Meowra picked her up and they took off together. Zeke says then he’ll have to be the one who takes Erick to the police station. Arturo is mumble-headed impactado from the news that there was an accident. They head over to Erick’s room to give him the news.

Zeke informs Erick that he is going to have to go make his statement to the pólice about the accident with Pau. Erick wonders if the victim showed up or something. Zeke says he doesn’t know but Sr. Alex thought it would be best for the two of them to give their statements to avoid making things any worse than they are already. Erick asks if anyone’s told Bruno. “He’s my boss and the man should be told.” Zeke says he has no idea. He’s only following Sr. Alex’s orders. He tells him Arturo will wait on him while he gets cleaned up. “Make sure you take a bath and fix that messy hair of yours! Put on your belt and that shirt.” (At least his shirt and tie might match for once. The way that guy dresses causes major hemorrhage of the eyeball.) Zeke then tells Cousin Artie to make sure the rascal doesn’t escape on the way to the police station. When Art says the guy could escape from the car while he’s driving, Zeke says he’ll see that Chucho rides in back with him just in case. Problem solved.

Fernando gets back to the office.

Vick, Felipa, and Cuco (my favorite so far this episodio) return to the Casota Lombardo (and its gawd-awful interior that some aging ex-hippie decorator must have designed while having LSD flashbacks). Zeke greets the women as we in Viewerville adjust our eyes for brightness and do the necessary color-check with the screen. He informs Vicki that Alex and MJ are taking Pau to the police station to give her statement. Felipa is worried for Pau. Vicki ignores her and asks if Bruno’s around. (I’m more interested in Cuco. If Zeke kicks him I hope Cuco goes straight for the finicky old coot’s ankles. Talk about your Mexican jumping beans!) Zeke says no, so she tells him to let Bruno know the minute he gets back that she wants to talk to him immediately.

Lic. Quiñones is waiting for everyone as Pedro, Alex, Paula and MJ arrive at the police station. (Pau at least had the sense this time to put on something a bit more conservative, a nice emerald green dress. Good choice.) The lawyer says because of the family name he was able to have her give her statement in private. Alex and Pedro go along with Quiñones while MJ and Pau wait in the main lobby. A few minutes later he comes back out and tells Pau it’s time for her to speak to the man in charge.

Back at Casa de Locos, Vicki plays with the dog. Felipa mentions it seems that seeing Fernando has raised her spirits. Vicki tells her not to start in again. Felipa says she means the news he gave them about Bruno not being the one who made the hotel reservation. Vicki says it’s definitely taken a burden off her shoulders. [el peso que me quita de encima]. She could never believe Bruno capable of such an outrage [aberración]. Zeke calls to let Vicki know that Bruno’s back. Vicki leaves to speak with #1 Son. Felipa tells Cuco what we’ve all been screaming at the t.v. during this frustratingly repetitive scene: “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”

Vicki welcomes Bruno with smiles and open arms. She tells him she’s been such a fool letting Mary Jo deceive her the way she has. She asks him to forgive her for doubting him. He wants to know what’s made her change her mind about him. She tells him the results of Fernando’s little side trip to the hotel to find out who made the reservation. “I did what you asked me to do. It was Aguirre who made that reservation.” “—You see. I told you, Mom. I had nothing to do with that.” She is still all smiles and says that God has answered her prayers. They go into the study to talk further.

Erick, guarded by Chucho and Arturo, finally arrives at the police station. (Who’s kiddin’ who here? If Erick really took off neither of those two old farts could catch him.) MJ tells Erick they’ve been waiting for him and that they’ve managed to have the statements done in private. Erick says he thinks they’ve made a mistake coming in like this and should have waited until somebody actually showed up to complain. (That works for me.) MJ says their lawyer thought this would be best. Erick pulls out his cell to let Bruno know, but Chucho grabs it out of Erick’s hand and says nothin’ doin’ till Sr. Alex tells him he can. Chucho says he’s keeping his little toy for him while he goes in to give his statement. Erick is stuck.

Back at the manse, Vicki fills in Bruno on her side of the details concerning Pau’s supposed hit and run. Alex made Erick and Paula go to the police to give their statements in case somebody should come to complain about it. Bruno eats it up. The creep then takes the opportunity to run down MJ and her family, accusing them of being nothing more than a bunch of grifters [vagos mantenidos--as close as I can get for a translation]. Yeah, Bruno lays it on thick for his devoted mama. “How could Alex allow himself to be associated with this type of criminal? They should be in jail.” Vicki tells him to show a little mercy towards MJ and her family. (Why? She certainly hasn’t shown any lately.) He says they don’t deserve it after lying about him that way and causing him and his brother to fight like they have. They knew about the bad blood between him and Alex and they’ve taken advantage of it. Mama says she understands his anger and that he’s right.

Bruno asks if Alex knows yet that he didn’t make the reservation. She says no, she doesn’t think so. He takes out his cell to call Alex with the news, but she takes it away from him and says it’s not the right time. “Alex is in the middle of dealing with Pau’s problems and too exhausted.” Bruno should think of his brother and wait a bit. (Ri-i-i-ght. As if.) Vicki, Mother of the Year, caresses Bruno’s cheek and reminds him that, after all, none of what’s happening is Alex’s fault. (She's definitely right about that. Anyway, Viewerville must be having a run on barf bags.) She sighs. “I don’t want to even think what he might do when he finds out.”

Back at the police station, Pau gives her tearful (make that hysterically tearful) account of what happened that night. “I swear I wasn’t going very fast. Yes, I was only just learning, but this man came out of nowhere. I had scarcely driven it and I even tried not to hit him, but I couldn’t avoid it and I did hit him.” The cop asks if she got out to see what had happened. She says she didn’t have the guts to; that she was paralyzed from fright, but that Erick did and saw him. “He told me he was dead.” Alex adds that the body hasn’t shown up and that nobody has acknowledged it. The cop asks if it’s possible somebody moved the body out of the way and left it someplace else. Paula doubles down on the hysteria and swears that Erick only moved him off to the side.

Out in the waiting area, the aforementioned “idiot chauffeur” gets a call on his cell from Bruno. Chucho answers and hands Erick the phone. “Only because it’s your boss on the line.” Bruno lets Erick know that he saw the crippled guy that morning and paid him off. “He’s supposed to come in the next day to give his statement and make a complaint.” In a whisper Erick asks if they’re covering for him. Bruno tells him not to be such a coward and that he paid them well and he will be out on bail. “Just be careful about what you are going to say.” Erick hangs up. Chucho gives him grief about why his boss isn’t there to stand up for him [dar la cara] like Sr. Alex is doing for Paula. Erick hisses at him. “What’s it to you, you old busy-body!”

A moment later Alex comes out for Erick and advises him to tell the truth. “It will be best for everybody.” Erick crosses all his toes and lies that he will and heads in to speak with the cop. Just then Bruno reaches Alex on his cell. “Didn’t my mother tell you yet?” “—What?” “Ah, she’s ecstatically happy.” He tells his half-truths to Alex. “Mary Jo made up the story that I made a date with her at a hotel. But, if you don’t believe me, then ask your friend, Fernando. My mother sent him to investigate who made the reservation for the hotel room. Who do you think it was?” “—Who?” “It was Mario Aguirre and NOT me, you fool.” He hangs up. Alex looks mad and disgusted as hell. MJ asks what the call was about. “Nothing. It was nothing.” He walks away leaving Mary Jo worried that some other bit of feces is about to be splat against the wall—and her.

Alex goes outside to place a call to Fernando and confirms what Bruno just told him. “Are you sure that Mario Aguirre made the reservation?” “—That’s what the hotel employee told me. I didn't call because you were busy with Paula at the police station. We need to talk about this with a cool head, Alex.” Nando asks about Pau and Alex says the lawyer is handling it and that Erick’s in giving his statement. Alex wants to know, though, why Nando thinks they need to discuss the business about the hotel “calmly.” Fernando says just because and suggests they meet either at his place or at Alex’s afterwards.

Back inside, the cop is grilling Erick for the details. “But was he dead or not?” Erick said it seemed to him that he was dead. "Anyone would have hoped that he was still alive, especially after being hit so hard." He says he felt for a heartbeat but couldn’t find one. He was very nervous and couldn’t be sure, though. The cop asks for a description of the guy. Erick says he was young and adds that it seemed he was drunk. The cop asks if he is aware of the reckless thing he did. He says he is and then tries to help out Pau by saying the street is always dark and she’d just been driving for a few days but that he was paying close attention. “—This time you weren't paying very close attention, were you?” Erick insists that the guy just suddenly appeared in the road. The cop asks what the victim was wearing. Erick says he had on jeans and a shirt.

The cop sighs and gets out of his chair. He tells them that Paula says the guy was wearing an overcoat or a raincoat. Ruh-Roh! Quiñones doesn’t like the sound of that. It means conflicting statements and that could spell trouble. Erick hesitates for a second or so longer than he should and then says the poor girl was just scared and he thinks she just didn’t notice. As Uni stops for that much needed pause that refreshes, Erick looks like those tacos he had for lunch are playing tumble-drum in his stomach.

The cop takes a break and Paula asks Erick how things went and if he thinks they’ll be locked up. He runs a sweaty hand over his forehead and says he doesn’t know. Alex walks back into the waiting area and MJ asks him what’s happened and if there’s bad news. Alex insists nothing is going on but MJ says he looks angry. He cuts her off, saying this isn’t the time or the place to discuss anything. The cop asks Alex to step back into his office. The others all look ready to climb the walls.

Back at the Lombardo’s casa de locos y lobos, Raqui is taking a walk and screams with fright when she spies Cuco. Cuco, it seems, acts like the feeling is mutual and takes a few paces backward. (This dog is every bit as entertaining and as good a judge of character as those horses in FELS! Of course it doesn’t take much, considering.) Felipa explains the animal belongs to her and her mother is letting her keep it. Raqui says fine, but make sure the thing doesn’t do its business in front of her place or the two of them are going to have problems, big time. Raqui asks if Felipa knows what’s happened with Paula. Felipa says they’re still taking care of it. Raqui goes off to find her mother on the terrace.

Vicki is chatting with her editor about the delay of the book and wanting to make changes in it. She hangs up when Raqui comes by to talk. Raquel wants to chitty-chat about Paula. She asks Vicki if she thinks they’ll put Paula in jail. Vicki says nobody knows yet because they haven’t returned. “Anyway, those things take time.” Raquel, always the charitable one, says she hopes they throw the brat in a cell somewhere so she’ll learn her lesson and Alex will divorce her sister. As far as she’s concerned that woman [MJ] has done nothing but slime their family since she got there. Vicki says it looks that way. Raquel says she thought her mother was on MJ’s side. Vicki says she was at first, but things are starting to become clearer now. “Did you know that Bruno supposedly was trying to extort her for money over her sister’s accident?” Raquel suddenly snaps to attention.

We are teleported to the barrio before Raquel has a chance to answer. Julia is fingering the wad of bills Bruno left. “This is some chunk o’ change!” Erick’s cousin says that now they can pick up all the things they pawned. Meche says it is a lot of money, but she’s scared because she doesn’t like the idea of lying like that to get it. Gabe says especially since they don’t know if some unsuspecting person might get hurt because of it. Meche says they’re dealing with rich people and if it is one of them they tell lies about, then it’s going to come back to bite them eventually. Julia doesn’t agree. “Rich people solve all their problems with money.” They won’t even raise an eyebrow. “It’ll all get put right with pesos.” Julia’s husband tells Meche to enjoy what they’ve been given and not to go around all blown out of shape [tronarse los dedos = lit. cracking one's knuckles nervously] because of it. Instead they should all be celebrating her luck now that she’s had a little. It was what she was wishing for, after all.

It’s suppertime at Bobo and Raquel’s now. She’s giving Bobo the rundown about what she found out from her mother. “Mary Jo’s date was with Mario Aguirre and that room reservation at the hotel, as it turns out, was made by Aguirre and not by Bruno at all. Mother had Fernando check it out and that’s what he told her. That means that all those stories that “menial” told us were lies. My brother is innocent. (He is only in part, girlfriend, and a mighty small part at that.) Bobo asks if she is sure about that. Raqui says her mother just told her and says that everything that MJ has told us about her marriage and Bruno trying to kill Bruno was a lie, too. You see? All it took was a simple little incident like that for her to be found out.

Bobo asks if anybody has told Alex yet. Raqui says she doubts it because he’s still running around acting like Prince Charming for Mary Jo. She’s dead certain, though, that once he does find out, the gig is up and Mary Jo is going to be humiliated [“se caie los calzones = lit. the bloomers fall down” --another idiom difficult to find] . Raqui stops a minute to take a breath and check if Bobo believes what she’s telling him or not. Bobo is all ears. “Look, Roberto. I’m a good judge of these things. [tener ojo] I’ve always recognized that that gang of scoundrels and opportunists [runfla de sinverguenzas y aprovechados] were going to cause a lot of problems. They are accustomed to scamming people [hacer tranzas] and being extra clever. You know what? They all should be put in jail, and not just the sister—all of them!” Bobo stops imbibing to digest the gossip if not the food.

Speaking of jail, Pedro is pacing the floor. He complains to Chucho that it’s been hours now that they’ve been waiting. “What’s taking them so long?” Chucho is very practical about these things. “Well, they have to be haggling over the amount of the bribe. [hacer la mordita = bribing the cops, of whom it is said that this is a way of life for officers of the law south of the border.] Pedro says there’s no need for a bribe because the lawyer knows there’s no dead body and therefore there is no misdeed and thus no crime to chase. Chucho says, “Well, then, knowing the way those corrupt guys spend, they probably just want enough for a little mescal.” Arturo pipes up and tells Chucho to cut the crap before he makes things worse for everybody talking like that. Pedro agrees and tells Chucho he’s got to be more discreet. Chucho apologizes for always saying the wrong thing at the wrong times and then walks outside for a chat with Arturo.

Paula asks MJ if Alex will have to pay them a lot to keep her out of jail. Mary Jo says hopefully not. She tries to get Pau to cheer up and tells her she’s sure she will come out of this thing just fine. “You’ve confessed and told the truth. That has got to be a plus.”


Gancho Friday Nov. 13th – Connie’s New Look

Capítulo 103

Tonight’s episode centers around our beloved villainess, Constanza. Not quite as bad as the ladies on other novelas, but still evil to the core, she occasionally inspires admiration in the male audience, and her evil deeds often come back to bite her in the butt (to the benefit of Jerónimo). Tonight we see the good, the bad and the ugly of this complex character (but it’s all in fun). So Go, Connie, Go, Connie, Go Connie, Go!

When last we saw Aldo, he was heartbroken that Estrella had told him once again, their love is an impossible love. He leaves her apartment, both of them in tears.

Alicia’s giving Moni a pep talk. Don’t think La Momia has won, she hasn’t. Every morning she wakes up in Mauricio’s house, she’ll be reminded that he doesn’t love her. Moni just wants to yell at La Momia. Then yell, advises Alicia.

Connie’s yelling at the meek employees in her posh boutique, saying this is the last time they display lingerie like merchandise in La Lagunilla (a marketplace in Mexico City). She wants it to be like Fifth Avenue, which she figures they’ve never heard of. So it’s bye-bye for Agustina and Amanda.

Enter Lalo, there’s been a catastrophe. He had to hire a new assistant. Connie sits on his lap to calm him as he calls out “Come in, you clone of Rigo Tovar” (Mexican singer who combined cumbia and rock and was big in the 70’s, had trademark dark glasses and long black hair). In waltzes Beto, what’s happenin’ baby? Ain’t it a coinquidink life keeps tossing us together? (We recall that Connie last saw him ditching her, delivering the kids to Mau and Moni, so she’s a bit peeved at him, to say the least.) She slaps him once. How dare you show your face! Hit me again, says Beto, and she does. Lalo thinks maybe these two know each other. Ya think?

Aldo, crushed, just happens to be sitting next to that stoner friend of Ivan’s, El Chubi. Chubi thinks Aldo’s on a bum trip, wants to turn him on to some mellow vibes. He gives him what looks like a tube of glue! As Aldo stares at the tube, happy Chubi says next time, you buy.

As Beto dresses a mannequin in black lingerie in the background, Lalo explains that Grupo Sermeño made him hire Beto as his assistant to plan the wedding. Connie isn’t surprised, they’re always plotting against her. But she doesn’t want to make waves at this point. She warns Beto to stay away from her. Fine, says Lalo, but now it's time to choose the lingerie (lencería) for your wedding! Connie’s happy about this, and so am I! She proceeds to model one skimpy set of lingerie after another, and I’m thinking, is she REALLY THAT BAD?

Beto’s hormones are on overdrive, too, and Connie senses it. She sends Lalo for a cappuccino, as I rewind the scene a few times to make sure I got it right.

Lalo thinks the orangutan should get the cappuccino, but Connie says that naco doesn’t even know what it is. Lalo agrees, orders Beto to “stay”, and leaves. Two seconds later, Connie and Beto are making out, forgetting all about their mutual betrayals. Things get a little hot and heavy when who should happen to show up? La Monita! Well, this time, she sees everything, even looks on for several long seconds before yelling “Beettttoooo!” He pushes Connie away, acting as if she forced herself on him. This crazy woman was saying wild things to me, even wanted to use the Kamasutra on me! He tells Moni he has to leave, since that woman has made him feel so dirty. Good one, Beto. He leaves, calling Connie a pervert on the way out.

In the park, Ivan and Luisa are walking and talking. He’s going to school days, working at the pizzeria nights, and it’s all for her. He wants to make something of himself, and is willing to wait as long as necessary until they can be together. They kiss, and he knows something is wrong. She tells him how horrible it was in the boarding house, and now that La Momia’s going to marry Mauricio, it’s even worse. And she’s especially worried about how this has affected Aldo.

Speaking of which, Aldo’s not sure how to use the glue. El Chubi agrees to teach him.

Moni demands to know why Connie’s mixing it up with Beto. Oh, it was just an accident, says Con. Yeah right, says Moni. Isn’t it enough that you’ve ruined the life of Mauricio and his kids, and now you’re kissing Beto? Moni adds that she’s still mad about the stuff Connie sprayed in her face before the boxing match. From behind a mannequin, Connie insists that Beto was trying to take advantage of HER, not she of him. Moni doesn’t believe that for one minute. Connie comes out from her hiding place and tells Moni it’s time to put the cards on the table. Don’t you dare tell Mauricio, because I have the weapons to cause all the damage I want. So like it or not, I’m going to marry Mauricio.

Lalo has the coffee, wants to go back upstairs to the boutique, but Beto stops him, telling him there was an assault, they’re holding Constanzia hostage, if anyone enters, they’ll kill her! Lalo starts to yell for help, but Beto tells him to keep quiet, if those robbers (rateros) hear us, they’ll kill us. Lalo agrees he’d better not get too physical with the attackers, since he just got a fresh manicure. Right, just go home and relax, says Beto, and the macho that I am, I’ll fight those guys. Lalo is grateful they hired a gorilla like Beto, tentatively touching Beto’s proud chest. As Lalo skips away, Beto says adiós to his patrona (Lalo).

Apparently glue sniffing was just what Aldo needed, as he’s floating in a haze of nothingness, thanking stoner Chubi for turning his brain into mush. Chubi wonders why Aldo’s staring at him. Well, you’re cool, but gee, you’re quite ugly! They both break out in stoned laughter. Aldo’s thirsty now, so Chubi says lets go to the store and get some chescos (sodas) and some “refine”, which I’m guessing is some kind of polish or paint thinner. I really couldn’t understand the lingo at this point. What’s for sure, though, is that this may not be the best way for Aldo to get out of his funk.

Just after they leave, Estrella pokes out of her place, to be greeted by Alicia, who has a natural happy face. Seeing that Estre is crying, Alicia asks her to sit down and talk, she’s like a mother to Moni, so she can also be a like a mother to Moni’s best amiga.

Moni is spitting venom at Constanza. You’ll never be happy, because Mau doesn’t love you, and you don’t even really love Mau. You’re just obsessed with him. That’s not love. If you really loved him, you wouldn’t be flirting with Beto a few days before your wedding. Connie’s had enough, and SLAPS Moni. Big mistake. A punch to the stomach, two to the face, and it’s a nocaut. Moni walks out the door past a hidden Beto, who thinks she looks angry as a fire ant (and she IS wearing a red and white dress, a wide red belt and her usual red heels).

Beto rushes upstairs, sees our un-Connie-scious girl on the ground, and proceeds to revive her in the most sensible way – mouth to mouth respiration.

Alicia tells Estrella that a woman doesn’t have to have a man or kids to be happy. That’s a myth. Look at her – she’s never been married, no kids, but she feels very happy and satisfied with her life. Estrella doesn’t know, she’s a romantic, wants love. Alicia reminds her that love comes when you least expect it. But Estre had it, and now she’s closed the door. Alicia comforts her.

Connie’s awake now, but mad at Beto. However, neither he nor that stupid girl can ruin her plans. Just as she says the word “estúpida”, two of her TEETH fall onto the floor! Beto says look at the bright side, the tooth fairy (El Ratón Pérez for Mexican kids) will give you money! Somehow this doesn’t appease her, she jumps up, looks in the mirror, and is horrified. How can she get married in a week looking like this? Beto tells her it’s not so bad, but it actually looks pretty funny, as the producers have given her two big gag teeth to wear for the effect.

While Connie cries, Beto tries to keep a straight face.

On the way home, our fire ant has a moment of reflection. She recalls when Connie paid Nieves so Moni would go to Las Vegas with Beto. Next up, Connie in a towel at the gym, saying she was not with Costeño, she was with – Beto! Then, the time at parents’ day at the school, when Katia accused Connie of bringing her amante (Beto). Too many coincidences.

And here comes Nieves, so happy to tell Moni of Beto’s new job, working for El Sermeño Group. Moni isn’t happy to hear this at all, she stares at Nieves, jaw set, and asks Nieves to explain something. Where was Beto those six months when I was in the hospital?

Connie can’t find her address book (for the number of her dentist), is getting frantic, when who should walk in to cheer her up? Ximena, rolling a resigned Rolu. Ximena wants some lingerie, but Connie wants to avoid showing her face at all costs. Xime tells Connie the funny story how Rolu fell again, this time broke both his legs. But why aren’t you looking at me, amiguizosa? Don’t tell me you forgot your makeup today. Xime grabs Connie, who spins away, Rolu gets a full frontal view of the dental debacle, and he has the best laugh he’s had in years! Xime gets a look, and she just HAS to say her three things. With Rolu nearly Rolu-ing over in laughter, Xime covers his ears, and here they are: 1) the person who did this to you must have had very powerful reasons to take out so much rage on you, 2) if my cousin wouldn’t marry you when you were pretty, now he’s even less likely to, and 3) don’t think I’m going to hit myself to match you, my solidarity with you has its limits.

Over at Nieves’ place, she’s trying to dodge Moni’s question. Well, Beto was working up north. Yes, for six months. What a coincidence, says Moni. And you know what? Today I went to give La Momia a piece of my mind, and you know what I found? Beto was kissing her! She wants Nieves to look her in the eyes and tell her the truth. Has Beto been going out with La Momia, yes or no? Answer me. Nieves looks trapped, but is saved by a commercial.

Things are a little slow in the office. Mau’s not there, Sal’s not there, and Lorenza, Paula and Gabi don’t have anyone to bring coffee to (after all, that’s the primary job in this company). Jerry needs Sal to sign some papers. Lorenza hasn’t seen him, besides she’s divorcing him, why not ask Gabi, she’s the lover, after all. Gabi doesn’t know where he is, either. Ding, ding, elevator opens, and out comes James Dean’s father, Sal’s wearing a bright red shirt, sleeves rolled up, two buttons open, left side untucked, cool dark shades with orange frames and a big gold chain completing the look (has he been shopping with Don Cesar?). The slight paunch doesn’t help much, though,

and Gabi thinks he must have lost a bet. Sal assures one and all that this is the latest fashion, and no one’s gonna fade his shine (he says he won’t permitir que nadie merme mi auto estima – literally won’t permit anyone to reduce or fade his self esteem). Cagey Lorenza says she’s impressed, this takes 30 years off Sal’s age, and it’s a shame she lost him, just when he was turning into a real bonbon. Sal, shades on forehead, hands on hips, imparts his words of wisdom for the day “You don’t know what you got, til it’s gone”. Cool, man. He’d dig a cup of java. Lore’s only too glad to bring the man his fuel.

The commercial gave Nieves time to get her story straight. Beto loves you, Moni, he’d do anything for you, he even agreed to give you up to Mau, in order to make you happy. And that flauta, she’s just using you, using Beto, making you THINK there’s something between Beto and her. You know me, Monita. I sure do, replies Moni, and I know how far you’d go to cover up for your boy. And don’t tell me you never lie, how about your telling me my whole life you knew nothing about my Mamá, and what about that money La Momia gave you so I’d go to Las Vegas with Beto? Don’t try to trick me, because this time, if you’re not being honest, I’ll NEVER forgive you. Nieves looks worried, but says nothing.

And here comes Beto, slinking in to see his Mom, unaware that Moni’s in there. Moni wants to talk to Beto alone, which causes Beto to frantically gesture to his Mom no, no. But it’s time for Beto to man up, and Nieves, after urging Moni to stay calm, informs Beto he’s on his own.

At Mau’s house, the family is united again, sitting and talking, although Aldo is strangely stroking a little red and white speckled statuette,

grooving on its myriad reflections. Terry goes to prepare dinner, even though Connie’s not home yet. Mau tells Aldo he’s so glad Aldo’s less upset, but when Aldo says “Chill bro’, bein’ upset ain’t cool”, Mau gets a little concerned. Aldo tells him not to worry, everything’s “chido” (apparently one of the many ways to say cool).

And here’s Connie, dark glasses hiding her eyes, hand hiding her mouth, half-crying, walking fast into the room. Aldo sees the teeth first, bursts out laughing, followed by Dani and Luisa. Even Mau can’t resist. Connie stalks out, she needs to find a dentist.

Beto starts telling Moni, what can he say, he was hired by that lady with the mustache (Lalo), he was just working. And the broad (he says vieja) just threw herself on me (se me aventó, our word from when Lorenza was on the bridge). Moni remarks about the many coincidences, as Beto, facing away, gets guiltier and guiltier, scratching his chin, frowning, narrowing his eyes (wonderful acting by Raúl A.). Moni tries a new tack. Hey, Beto, we’re pals. I tell you all my stuff, and you forgive me. You tell me your stuff, I can handle it, too. We’re buddies, mates, cuates. No matter what you say, I promise I won’t get mad. She throws in a few órale’s and ándale’s and he’s sinkin’ fast. She reminds him that she even told him to get a girl to make him happy, all guys have hormones, she’s totally okay with that, so let’s have it. You goin’ out with the Momia? (Andas con La Momia?) The answer is yes. He adds “Le ando despeinando la cotorrita”, which literally is I’m messing up the parrot’s hair, but I think this is more like “We’re doing it.” Uuuuuuyyyyy!

Just outside Moni’s door, Beto is defending his revelation by telling Nieves that Moni tricked him. With Moni looking on in an angry boxing stance (in her cute red and white party dress), Nieves calls him a dummy.

Moni wants to hit him, and Nieves moves aside. Alicia has heard, too, and eggs Moni on. Enter Estrella, she finds out, and SHE tells Moni to hit him, too. And she does, knocking him toward Estrella, who knees him where it counts. Alicia grabs his hair, Beto sinks to his knees, forgive me, Moni grabs his neck, and is just about to deliver the knockout when she thinks better of it, and says let’s go girls, we’re leaving this big dope (zopenco). They leave in disgust, as Nieves picks up said dope by his ear. That’s what you get for sleeping around. She pushes him inside for more punishment.

At Mau’s, the kids are off eating as Mau asks Connie what her problem is. She reminds him she told him she was assaulted at the boutique (she doesn’t tell who did it), don’t you care? Actually no, he responds. But I could have been killed! But you’re okay now, did you make the appointment with the dentist? Yes, she answers, they’ll take me in as an emergency, but I’m scared and lonely, can’t you come with me? A slight smile on his face, Mau calmly tells her sorry, but the agreement in which you’re blackmailing me doesn’t include my being nice to you. I wouldn’t mind if you were toothless (chimuela) at the wedding – at least we’d have a little comedy. So, see you later, I’m going to eat (points at his perfect teeth) with my children. Bye!

Cut to the dinner table, and Aldo apparently has the munchies (maybe it was pot, not glue), wants more stew (guisado), it’s buenisimo. Terry’s happy he regained his appetite, they must have starved him in that boarding house. Mau asks, is it true Aldo and Luisa were in the vecindad this morning? Stoned Aldo comes right out and says sure, I was with Estrella, and Luisa was with Ivan. This is not what Mau wanted to hear, and he reminds Luisa she’s 14. So what? she says, and storms out. Aldo keeps stuffing his face, unflappable, says he’s GLAD Estrella sent him packing. (!)

Moni’s furiously punching the hanging bag, letting out all her anger. Estrella and Alicia try to say what could you expect of Beto, he was bound to take up with some broad. But Moni’s more upset with WHICH broad he picked. Why La Momia? What’s inside that head of his? Why nothing, of course, says helpful Alicia. Just like his mother. I know, says Moni, but they just bug me (me enchinchan). Of course, what she’s really upset about is La Momia. Helpful Alicia points out that if Connie made the kids disappear once, she could do it again. Moni agrees, and laments that there’s nothing she can do, she’ll just have to bear the pain. They comfort her (again).

Nieves is reading her boy the riot act. As Beto sits in his chair, Nieves stands over him, how many times did I tell you, you should have been honest from the beginning! But since you weren’t, why do it now? Didn’t you hear me denying everything? And you go ahead and spill the beans, making me look like a panderer (alcahueta) and a sneak (solapadota), which is even worse! Beto again complains that Moni tricked him, but Nieves is fed up. Get out! In comes Don Cesar, who agrees, Beto, get out. Of course Nieves goes into protective mode, how DARE he kick out her little darling. She ends up kicking them BOTH out.

Moni shows up at Mau’s house, wondering why Connie’s not there. Mau says she’s at the dentist, she was attacked at her store, and lost a few teeth. Ahhh, just a few teeth, she got off cheap, muses Moni, Mau not picking up on what she said, but he does notice her sad mood. Moni again voices her frustrations about the wedding and Connie, reminding Mau not to believe Connie if she says she loves him. Mau reassures her, he doesn’t care at all what Connie says, he cares only for Moni. He pulls her close, looks into her eyes, and tells her she is the one who completes his life. And she’ll fill his heart, always. The romantic strings accompany their tender kiss. But who’s silently observing just outside the door, having breezed through Crowns-R-Us in record time? You got it, their Constanta Tormentora. (How come MY dentist takes two hours - and that’s just in the waiting room)?

Esta Lunes: Does Moni reveal El Beto’s Secretos?


Lencería – lingerie
Rateros – petty thieves
Chescos – sodas
Nocaut – a knockout
Mermar – to fade, reduce or decrease
Le ando despeinando la cotorrita – I’m having sex with her (I'm not totally sure about this one), literally means I’m messing up the parrot’s hair
Zopenco – blockhead, dope
Chimuelo(a) – toothless
Guisado – stew, casserole
Alcahueta – a procurer or Madam, can also mean a gossip
Solapadota – a sneaky person (I think Nieves qualifies here)


Friday, November 13, 2009

Un Gancho Thurs 11/12 - Beware of Moors on the coast

Ahoy all, so sorry for the very late posting, plus it is kind of a half-a**ed recap due to much macroblocking on my TV plus it's been a hellacious week. However huge thanks to my guy who, though he cannot understand my telenovela addiction and snickers at me constantly, stayed up until 4:00 a.m. this morning curing my laptop of its virus. And away we go...

Happy days! Mau and Moni kiss at the hideout.

The next morning they are super happy until they realize Aldo has flown the coop. Mau calls Tere who hasn't seen a sign of him. However the girls holler their love her way. Darn, Coni shows up and snatches the phone from Tere. Mau wisely hangs up and Tere happily vows she doesn't know where they are.

Pau and Estre are folding clothes in their patio when Aldo shows up. He wants to apologize for acting like an idiot. Pau is very nervous that Chris will show up and arrest him, so they hide him in Estre's apartment.

Over in the park Xime is practicing her Wonder Woman technique by spinning wildly. Her old pal Lalo the wedding planner shows up and she says she's trying to turn herself into Wonder Woman. Lalo tells her she's already a wonder of a woman hug hug kiss kiss. She has three things to tell him because she's dying to say three things: One, where have you been all this time? Two, you have a great tan. Three, she sees in his eyes that he's in love!! He says three things: One, he was on a cruise in the greek islands. Two, he met the love of his life. Three, his love is coming day after tomorrow to Mexico!!! She lies and says Rolu treats her like a princess. He's always calling her O Diosa, O Diosa (oh goddess) (which sounds an awful lot like Odiosa, i.e. hateful). Lalo says get rid of the lime green clothing.

Chris shows up at the gym and arrests Beto for kidnapping. Beto thinks the luchadors will protect him but the cops lead him away. The luchadors kind of mill around grumbling.

Xime and Lalo run into Crabbykins (Rolu) who is limping, crablike, along the sidewalk. The happy pair want to eat at La Condesa, Crabby wants to disagree. Also he's ticked off that Xime walked without him, boo hoo. Lalo starts to figure things out and sticks his tongue out, effectively challenging Dani's position as master tongue sticker outer.

Sal wakes up wasted and sore and blames it on a bad meal. Gabi says she hopes he slept well because nothing happened. He wants her to listen to him and says if you want someone to listen get a buddy, a dog, a hamster, but don't depress her and try to ruin her good mood.

Xime, Rolu and Lalo are at the restaurant and Rolu is acting up as my mom used to say. He's disagreeable, is rude to the waiter, and excuses himself to the bathroom where I think he says he plans to "drop the unbearable lightness of being and bring a churro". Whatever. Lalo tells Xime he can't stand her husband and he wants to leave. Xime pleads for him to stay, she has plans for them to share an apartment in Paris, won't it be fun?

Estre and Aldo sneak out of her vecindad, she tells him there aren't any Moors on the coast (the coast is clear). No hay moros en la costa. They bill and coo a little and jump into a taxi. Unbeknownst to them there is one Moor on the coast. Coni gets into a car and follows them.

GOOD STUFF: Back at Dismal Diner Xime tries to make funnies, Rolu puts her down, Lalo sticks up for her, a bunch of stuff is censored out, Rolu stands up, Lalo stands up, Rolu calls Lalo a little queer and tries to punch him. Lalo ducks and Rolu flies off the balcony, prompting me to howl out loud in laughter.

Mau comes home and says he's looked everywhere for Aldo. He and the family are surprised when Aldo and Estre come in the door. They are all surprised when Coni busts in backed by Chris (apparently the only cop in the DF) and his backup. Mau and Moni are promptly arrested for kidnapping. Chris is sorry but he has to do his job. Coni tries to drag the kids out and threatens them to keep Mau locked up forever if they don't come with her. This is a very dismal state of affairs.

Coni agrees to take them to Mau's house as long as they don't inconvenience her.

Xime and Lalo are back at the hospital waiting to hear about Rolu. Lalo tells her the only thing wrong with her is that she's got the wrong man. Turns out he's the wrong man in a wheelchair and not a full body cast this time. He's grumpier than ever and asks her to take him home. She steers him home bonking his feet as she pushes him through the door. Another good laugh.

Tere and Ivan are at Mau's and surprised to see Coni come home with the kids. Tere is thrilled to see the kids and Luisa is thrilled to see Ivan. Luisa tells Tere they're there because The Mummy put Mau and Moni in jail. Coni tells them something but my TV started macroblocking and I couldn't understand a thing she said. Does anyone remember?

Huh? I thought Moni went to jail, but she's back in the barrio with her family. Oh, it sounds like Coni withdrew the charges. Chris and Pau are there and it looks like they don't blame him for doing his job. While Alicia and Nieves bicker about who's the better cook and who loves Monita more, Moni pulls Beto aside and tells him she'll never forget what he did for her.

Mau gets home and Coni wonders why he's not thanking him for getting him out of jail. He grabs his clothes and tells her thankfully the contract doesn't include him sleeping in her bed so he's going to sleep in the guest room. Nyahh!

Beto and Moni sit on the steps and Moni recalls lovely times with her Prince Charming. "He's going to get married, Beto" she cries. Beto recalls lusty times with his mummy. "Yes they are," he dolefully responds.

Mau goes to Aldo's room and pats his head while Aldo sleeps. "I don't deserve your love" whispers Aldo after Mau leaves. Then Mau goes to the girls' room and whispers to them that everything will be fine.

Next day Beto and Nieves arrive at Sermeño group where Nieves asks Mau for Beto's job back. Mau agrees, rolls his eyes, and asks after Monita.

Moni tries to talk Alicia into staying with here, there's plenty of room. They are interrupted by a loud bang on the door. Monita opens it and...AYYYYY! The Mummy Returns.

Al leaves them alone to talk. Coni advises Moni that Mau signed a prenup where Moni has to stay 10 metres away from Mau and the kids at all times. Moni advises the momia that every time Mau touches Coni, kisses her, he will be thinking of Moni. Every time they make love, although it's doubtful he'll touch her, he'll be pretending it's Moni because she is the woman of his life. Coni says she's got a wedding to plan and stomps out of the neighborhood past the commoners doing their wash. There is some weird guy behind her getting off on smelling the wash. Aldo steps in front of her and says if he messes with Moni she'll have him to deal with. Coni's not impressed.

Aldo and Luisa show up for Ivan. Weird guy smelling laundry turns out to be Ivan's friend. Luisa asks what's up with the goofball? Ivan says that's what happens when you smoke pot all day. Was that a PSA?

Luisa tells him she missed him and he answers with a kiss.

Turns out Lalo will be the planner for the wedding fiesta that Coni wants and Mau doesn't. Amid all the blah blah blah is Lalo's request to have an assistant. Xime's too busy so Gabi will find someone for him. Hmmm...

Estre's Puppy boy blames himself for all that has happened. She consoles him (even though this last bit was his stupid fault). Estre tells him that their love keeps getting him into trouble. That's why, and for other reasons, their love cannot be.

Beto shows up for work and asks Gabi for his work assignment. Lalos shows up and finds out who his assistant will be. That's right, Beto! Lalo makes Beto do a turn, then sniffs his manly aroma and pronounces him a caveman not appropriate for the job. Beto doesn't like the idea either until he finds out it's Coni and Mau's wedding, at which point he insists he's the perfect man for the job. Lalo minces away imagining all sorts of impending problems and Beto reassures Gabi that he will make the wedding a disaster. "Welcome back to Sermeño Group" she bubbles.

Aldo won't listen to what Estre says. He loves her, please don't leave him, he needs her more than anything. He can't face what Coni is doing to them and lose Estrella at the same time. She weeps that their love is making their lives a shambles, please leave and try to forget her, please. Now go. Poor Aldo stumbles out and poor Estrella falls to her knees sobbing.

P.S. There was a lot of clever conversation in this episode which I didn't include, but if anyone has any questions about specific conversations, words or phrases please ask and I will try to add it.

Mañana: Coni models her wedding night wardrobe for the wedding staff, i.e. Lalo and Beto. Moni finds Coni and Beto in a clinch.


En Nombre del Amor, November 12, 2009--Episode #90: We’re More Than Halfway to the End, Woo-Hoo!

Emiliano doesn’t believe Diana’s claim that she was beaten and robbed on the street. He asks her for the truth, so she replies that the only truth is that there’s no one more important to her than him and she’s capable of doing everything for him. Emiliano shows her the photo of her that Orlando had in his office and asks what is her connection with Orlando. She lies that Orlando beat her up.

Camila catches Romina on her way out; Romi claims she’s going to have coffee with a friend, but not Paloma, cuz she’s not Romi’s friend. Romi worries that she looks fat but Cami assures her that she looks pretty as always. Yes, I do, don’t I? She skips out and Cami tells her not to run, she’s pregnant.

Orlando and Angelica are walking down the street when Emiliano runs up and demands to know how Orlando could beat up his mom. Orlando tries to explain that he didn’t do it--Diana lied. Emil thinks his mom doesn’t lie. When Emil says he doesn’t want to have anything to do with Orlando ever again, Orlando says that’s not possible, because . . . “Luke, *I* am your father.” Oops, wrong show. Anyway, Orlando reveals that he’s Emil’s biological father, which Emil doesn’t believe. Orlando tries to explain that he searched for him for years. Ange interjects that it’s all true. Orlando calls Emil “hijo” but Emil tells him not to--he only has one papa, his name is Rafael. Emil takes off and Ange tells Orlando to give him time.

Rafael meets up with Joel to discuss Orlando allegedly assaulting Diana. If it was up to him Rafa would put him in jail, but the worry is that he could file charges against Diana for stealing his money.

Paloma explains to Carlota about dropping the charges against Aron. Carlota pretends to admire this and opines that one must forgive the actions of others, even if they have caused one a lot of harm. And you shouldn’t cause bitterness, like you might be doing by hiding your relationship with Emiliano from Romina. Pal wants to wait for the DNA test results before telling Romi; she trusts Emil. Carlota tells Pal that she’s naïve and it reminds her of Macarena, who defended Pal’s “father” the same way. But at least you haven’t slept with Emiliano . . . have you?? Pal tells her no.

Dr. Bermudez goes to see German and informs him that he can’t do what German requested, which is go to the lab and ask that another possible father be included in the paternity testing. Dr. B asks about his request for Ger to look into Paloma’s father’s will. German notes that it’s risky for him to do that, so how much is Dr. B willing to give him to run that risk?

Padre Juan Cris asks Padre Benito what Carlota said to him. PadB comments that she knows how to do things and is very capable. But he would rather not talk about her anymore. Cris says he’s made a decision--he's going to accept the bishop position.

Outside the house of horrors, Dr. B tells Rufi he can’t do anything about investigating the will, because even paying German off doesn’t guarantee that he’ll help them. Rufi has tried searching for the papers in the house, but hasn’t found anything. She insists they can’t give up, and besides, in less than a month Paloma will turn 18. Carlota comes out and wants to know why Dr. B is there; Rufi claims that she’s talking with him about some pain she has in her legs. Carlota orders Rufi to get back to her chores.

Back inside Carlota vows to keep an eye on Rufi; she doesn’t like her talking with Dr. B. Paloma is on the phone with Liliana so Carlota picks up the extension to eavesdrop. Lili says they have to have a big party for Pal’s 18th. Pal thinks she can’t because of Crazylota, so Lili reminds her that she will be of age then, and Carlota won’t be her guardian anymore. Carlota laughs to herself that Pal will never escape her grip and is not going to be able to survive without her.

Romina waits at a mall for Samuel and when he comes up behind her and calls her name, she says “papa” and they embrace. He has a smile on his face like he’s got dollar signs in his eyes.

Cris tells Padre Benito that he’s off to dinner with Natalia and Ivonne; the latter has info on Pal’s parents not being in debt like Carlota claims they were when they died. Cris thinks Carlota is lying like she always has. Before he leaves Real del Monte, he has to have this matter with Paloma taken care of. After Cris exits, PadB calls to talk to Obispo Calixto, but he’s in Rome.

Emiliano sits in his car and cries. He remembers the time Diana wanted him to talk to Rafa before agreeing to become Orlando’s partner, and the time Orlando came to his house and commented and asked about his mom upon seeing her photo. Emil calls Pal and asks her to come see him; she agrees.

Ivonne thinks Natalia is sad and lonely that Alonso hasn’t called and so is filling the void with the affection she has for Cris. Nat says he was the love of her life and it hurt when she learned he didn’t love her. Ivonne advises Nat not to seek refuge in Cris, because she’ll end up suffering a great deal.

Orlando brings Angelica to his house. She offers to cook dinner, with his help (to get his mind off his troubles). He wonders how Emil is doing and she counsels him to be very patient.

Paloma asks for Rufi’s help in leaving the house to go see Emiliano.

Diana asks Rafa to stay the night, and he agrees to camp out in the living room. He has tried calling Emil but no response. Di thinks Orlando spilled the beans and that’s why Emil hasn’t come to the house.

Pal fixes up her bed to make it look like she’s asleep under the covers. Rufi promises to wait at the bottom of the stairs til Pal returns, and she'll let her in (Pal/Rufi don't have their own house keys?).

Rafa tries calling Emil’s office, but no answer. He needs to know what Orlando told his son.

Pal tells Carlota she's not hungry and is very tired, so she’s going to bed. Carlota looks a little puzzled/suspicious.

Rafa calls Camila--she's really happy to hear from him and has been thinking about him a lot. He interrupts to ask for Orlando’s phone number.

Paloma comes to Emil’s rescue and he asks her to hug him, only she can console him.

Camila sadly wonders why Rafa is treating her like this.

Emiliano has told Pal all about Orlando. He wants to know what was the relationship between Di and Orlando, why did Rafa raise him as his own son? He doesn’t want to talk to the three of them, especially not Orlando. Pal gives Emil the same advice that he gave her when she found out that Tia Macarena was really her mother: listen to him. He agrees to talk to his mother and Rafa first, then he’ll see about Orly. He tells Pal she’s the only one who hasn’t failed him. He wonders if Orlando only made him his partner because he carries his blood. He says he wants to run away with Paloma and forget about everything; she does too.

Samuel tells Romina that Camila didn’t need him and he regrets going off with another woman. He claims that he didn’t forget Romi--he called the house many times but Cami told him that Romi didn’t want to see him. Romi says that her mom never told her that he had called. She asks if he’s still with the other woman (no) and why he wanted to find her now. He answers that he found out she was looking for him, so he figured she had forgiven him and wouldn’t reject him if he came back.

More smoochy mushiness with Emiliano and Paloma. Emil thanks her for coming into his life and showing him what love is.

Ines and Aaron arrive home. She tells him that she kicked Angelica to the curb, and he thinks she shouldn’t have done that. Aron worries that Ines will be alone now, because he’s leaving town. He feels very uncomfortable there since the news of what happened with Pal is all over town, and he feels ashamed of what he did. Ines asks him to think about it but he declares that tomorrow he’s outta there.

Carlota is about to go into Pal’s room but Rufi intercepts her and offers her a cup of tea that she was going to give to Pal but didn’t because she didn’t want to wake her.

Orlando and Angelica are finishing their dinner when Rafa calls looking for Emil--he asks Orly if he let the cat out of the bag. Yep, sure did. Rafa takes off in search of Emiliano. Di laments that her poor little baby must be suffering and thinks at least he’ll hate Orlando, and that’s how she’ll get revenge on him.

Orlando takes off to look for Emiliano--he's afraid E will do something crazy.

Samuel tells Romi that it was he who left Camila and makes it sound like he still loves her. If Cami would forgive and accept him, he’d be the happiest man in the world.

Ivonne, Nat and Cris talk about Carlota hiding the truth about Paloma’s parents’ financial situation. Nat mentions that Alonso thinks Carlota had something to do with Inaki’s death because it seemed strange for someone so healthy to just wake up with a heart attack, right after dining with Purplelota. Cris worries that if that’s true, Paloma is in more danger than he thought, and if that’s the case he won’t be able to leave in peace. He fills Nat in on his decision to accept the promotion to bishop.

Romina barges into Cami’s room and demands to know why she didn’t tell her that her father had been calling. Romi informs him that Samuel is in town and she’s never going to separate them, NUNCA!

Orlando, with Cris’s help, wanders the streets in search of Emiliano, as does Rafael. Mientras tanto, Rufi waits at the bottom of the stairs for Pal to come home.

More mush-laden anvil bait--Emil and Pal feel each other’s hearts, it seems as if they’re united as one.

Previews: It looks like Emil and Pal spent the night in his car, Rufi frets that Pal hasn’t come home, and Carlota beats up the furniture.


Sortilegio #27, November 12, 2009: Blame it on Bruno

Bobo convinces Paula to go to lunch with him. RaMaura and Oil Slick are having martinis in a restaurant. Oil Slick asks RaMaura to tell him about Alex's accident. She tells him about the truck that ran him off the road. Oily says do you think Bruno could have been behind it and she says no. Oily believes he could have and says so. He wants to know what is going to happen now with Mario. RaMaura says she will have to think about it. RaMaura wants to know what “Mario” looks like. He's a guy from the neighborhood. He's young, just a regular guy.

Pimp Daddy E and Paula are talking. Well Pimp Daddy E is talking and Paula is wailing. She wants to know what is going to happen? She thinks that since he is the right hand man of Bruno that he knows what is going on. Pau says Bruno has no shame and Pimp Daddy E says that he's sure his boss had nothing to do with it. R-i-g-h-t! He says not to worry they will figure something out. He holds her close and strokes her hair. Ewwww!

Chucho and Pedro are talking and Chucho wants to go do something but Pedro doesn't really feel like it. He's worried about his daughters. Chucho says in the evening they will go visit Mechita.
Alex and MJ on the beach. This looks promising. He comes out of the water and sits down beside MJ on the towel where she is making a heart out of seashells. She says he is totally wet (duh, he's been swimming) and he says it was refreshing. She tells him she loves him and he says she is a sickness he doesn't want to cure. Not too shabby Alex. She says what happens, happens. He tells her nothing is going to happen. Lots and lots of kissing. Somehow they manage to roll off the towel and move closer and closer to the water.

Bobo and Paula are at lunch. He makes the observation that she doesn't like Bruno very much. (no caes bien). She wants to know what makes him say that? He says something I can't hear and Pau says Bruno is horrible. He's responsible for everything that happens to Alex. She doesn't want to know anything about him. You don't have a friend named Mario Aguirre Bobo asks. That is just one more thing he's done to my sister. Bobo still fishing for answers asks her if she is sure he doesn't know him. She says nobody knows him. It's probably a lie. Bobo thinks maybe it is one of Bruno's friends.

Back to the beach (which I'm sure Viewerville finds much more interesting). They made it back to the towel and she says he doesn't believe her. He says of course he does. They have the same conversation about the witness and the wedding. He thinks someone paid them off. She says now he's married to a woman he doesn't want. He tells her that's not true. Yawn.....One last time he tells her don't hide things from him. He wants her to tell him everything. Ha, famous last words. FF --They run toward the ocean where there is a beautiful sunset to mark the passing of another day. It makes a perfect backdrop for our lovers as he s l o w l y unties her top. He presses her against him and they kiss, savoring every moment. Under the water they go (which looks suspiciously like swimming pool water) kissing and stroking. Big sigh...cold shower...rewind, rewind. Whew!

Rudely we are transported back to town where an annoying woman in a red shirt is shouting at Mechita. Mechita tells her that she will pay her back the money she owes her. FF

Back at the house EZ greets Alex and Fernando. Anything I need to know asks Alex. Ez says no and then stops and says oh yeah, he found a key. Hmmm, Alex asks him where he found it and he said in his room under his bed. Alex looks at it and says it is a hotel key. No, really? Fernando says it is a key to a small but discrete hotel. MJ walks in and Alex angrily asks her if she knows anything about this key. PAUSE Now didn't we just have this conversation about no more secrets, don't hide anything, tell me the truth ? PLAY She says she doesn't know anything about it (wrong answer) and where did he find it? He says he found it in their bedroom. Fer tells Alex to back off but Alex keeps on hammering at MJ. He says tell me the truth and gets even angrier. She says it is not what you thinks. He says then explain it to me. By now there is an audience. Bobo and Paula walk in. Paula gets in Alex's face and says it was her fault. Her voice speeds up and my ears shut down and it looks like we are about to have a wardrobe malfunction. She says something about Bruno and that she killed a man. Victoria walks in at that point and wants to know what she said. You killed a man?! Everyone looks impactada. Dun dun dun. When? Pau says a couple of days ago with the car. Paula says that Pimp Daddy E picked her up from school and he was teaching her to drive. Before Pau can say anything more Alex calls Pimp Daddy E stupid and he bolts out of the house with Fer and Bobo on his heels. Victoria asks why didn't you tell anyone? Pau says she was afraid. MJ says you defend your son no matter what. I don't have the right to defend my sister? Victoria says there is a difference. MJ is defending Pau for something that is true. Ok, it's true says MJ. Meanwhile, outside the boys are trying to calm Alex down. They run into one of the drivers and Alex asks him if he's seen Bruno or Erik. He says no. Alex says he wants to know the minute either one of them gets back.

Looking through the magic crystals we see MJ, Pau and Victoria in the puke green, eggplant-lamp-room sitting on the uncomfortable looking couch when Alex, Fer and Bobo return from hunting Pimp Daddy E and Bruto. They aren't in the house says Alejandro. Victoria says Pau was just telling us her story. They are cowards says Alex (cobarde). Fer trying to protect Victoria as always, says she doesn't need to hear all the details. To her credit Victoria says she wants to hear everything. Please continue Pau. Pau explains that the man crossed in front of her on the highway and she tried to stop. His face went into the windshield and he fell off the car (I couldn't understand her through her blubbering so please fill's ok, really go ahead) Bobo asks if Erik went to check and she says yes. And was he dead? He said he was. He was just lying on the highway. We headed home and didn't say anything. Alex wants to know if Bruno knew and MJ said my sister and I told him. Alex wants to know why she didn't tell him immediately. Hey, Viewerville wants to know too. Victoria tells Alex to calm down and let her talk. Bruno said there was a witness (testigo) and he was going to pay him for his silence. MJ says Bruno gave her the key to meet him but she didn't and she didn't want Alex to see it. Why didn't you tell me? He was going to accuse Pau and I was afraid. How else could I save her? It was never my intention to go with him. You showed up and I threw it under the bed. Don't you think it would have been better to tell me? Pau says yes, she knows that. He says then why didn't you tell me? He tells MJ that she knows perfectly well that he would defend her sister. MJ says that since they have arrived there have been too many problems. I don't want to be a disgrace. I want to leave. MJ cries and everyone looks at Alex like he's a rat bastard.

Back in town Pimp Daddy E is talking to his cousin. Apparently he is looking for someone to be the wounded guy from the accident. He is willing to pay. Ah, they just might know the right person. Obnoxious lady in red shirt shows up. Apparently she is married to Erik's cousin.
Mechita is mixing up some nasty green stuff to put on Gabriel's leg. He looks like it hurts. The woman in the red shirt shows up uninvited and says it is like she won the lottery. She explains the gig to Mechita and Gabriel. They need someone who is injured to say he was injured in a car accident a couple of days ago. They look pretty skeptical.

Chucho and Pedro are walking to town - FF- sorry I can't stand listening to them.
Erik shows up in an outfit that actually matches and is trying to convince Gabriel to do the job. He tells him to think about the money. Ring, ring, Pimp Daddy E's phone rings. It is, yep you guessed it, Bruno. He wants to know what Erik is doing and he says he's talking to some people doing what he asked. Bruno wants to know if they are going to do it and Erik says yes. ( Do the curtains in Mechita's house look similar to the ones that Margarita and Jacinto had in their house?)

MJ and Pau are talking and Paula is still crying and for once we get to see what really happens to mascara when you cry. MJ tries to convince MJ that Alex is mad but it will be ok. She tells Pau it is not her fault it is Bruno's fault. (From now on when something bad happens at work I'm just going to blame it on Bruno. Maybe I'll even get a t-shirt that says “Blame it on Bruno.” )
Bobo, Fer and Alex are talking in the library. Bobo says he doesn't think it is a good idea to call the police. He says nothing has been in the papers. No body—no crime. Fer agrees with him. Alex says that Bruno said there were witnesses. Alex doesn't understand why MJ believes Bruno. Frankly I don't think we do either.

Victoria and Felipa are having one of their conversations about Bruno. Victoria never really wants to believe what Felipa has to say so I don't know why she asks. Felipa wonders why all the bad things that happen are blamed on Bruno. Victoria basically says that Bruno isn't a saint but he's not a monster either. I beg to differ on that one.

Mechita is feeding Gabriel some soup. Hmmmm, his arms don't look broken to me. Chucho and Pedro show up at Mechitas. Chucho bring her some flowers. She introduces them to her brother. Pedro says I've heard a lot about you. Gabriel with his face all scrunched wants to know what he' s heard. Pedro says you are fine young man, young and strong. He says he was in an accident and now can't walk. He starts to cry. Big baby! Seriously, dude, man-up or something.
Bruno and Erik meet in a bar.. Erik is explaining that he's found the perfect person. They are friends of his cousin. Erik wants to know what happens now? Bruno wants to know if Alex will actually let his sister-in-law go to jail. Erik says no.

Alex is lying in bed thinking about MJ. He just can't believe she didn't say anything. He cries and thinks about how wrong he's been about her.

Ez is in the kitchen bitching about the dog. Ez tells Felipa that he has seen Bruno and MJ have secret meetings. What a gossip he is. I couldn't concentrate on the rest of the conversation because I was watching Cuko's head following Felipa's hand as he desperately tried to eat whatever she had in it. Go back and replay it. It's a hoot!

The phone rings. It is Tomas with info that Bruno has just arrived. Ez calls Alex and gives him the good news. Alex stops his sniveling and runs down stairs. Ez wants to know what he's going to do as he runs out. Felipa tells Ez to move it and go with him. Alex pulls Bruno out of the car by his vivid blue shirt and throws him on the ground. Bruno wants to know what he is talking about. Alex lays it out for him about the key to the hotel, Paula and the man she hit. Bruno says she lies. Alex says she's not lying as he shakes Bruno like a rag doll. They roll and punch POW! BOF! ZAP! (sure hope they have a lot of Oxyclean to get those grass stains and blood out.) Bruno gets up and throws a good punch, Alex gives him one right back. Ez runs up begging Alex to let him go because he's going to kill him (Uh, yeah, that was kind of the idea wasn't it?). Bruno gets him in a choke hold, Alex gives him an elbow and breaks loose. New driver comes up and tries to get Alex off of Bruno. Next thing you know Bobo and Raquel come running out. Bobo grabs Alex and Raquel grabs Bruno. Bruno slams Alex's family and Alex said you tried to kill me. Bruno says it was MJ that tried to kill you. Ez runs up with a shovel and tells them to knock it off. Not sure what he thought he was going to do with the shovel.

Felipa comes to see Bruno with some cold water to put on his face. He's as nasty to her as ever.
Meanwhile Ez is trying to clean up Alex. Ez thinks its a good thing that Bruno didn't break his nose. Felipa comes in to check on things and Alex asks her not to tell his mom. Like she isn't going to notice. Felipa says she has to go take care of Cuko. Alex asks Ez what he thinks of Bruno. They have a discussion about Victoria and her children. Ez gets a phone call and tells Alex that Erik is coming.

Over at Raquel's she is venting to Bobo saying that nothing good has happened since MJ and her family came here. (The hate and abuse that comes out of her mouth makes me sick.) She calls her a murderer and a ramera. Bobo looks bored and and says she doesn't want his opinion so he's not getting involved. She wants them in the jail and he reminds her about the scandal. She says she doesn't care. He tells her that she is completely crazy and he walks out.

Erik comes in looking a little nervous and is escorted by Felipa to Alex's room. Alex doesn't waste any time and says he knows that after he picked up Paula from school on the way home she hit a man. What do you have to say about that? Erik says he doesn't have anything to say. Do you want to end up in the jail. Erik says he swears the man was dead and there was nothing that he could do. Alex tells him he is responsible and stupid (sounds a lot like my second husband.) Erik points out that there was nothing in the papers. Alex wants to know where the accident happened. I couldn't understand how many kilometers he said. He said he went back and the man was gone. Alex tells him that according to Bruno there was a witness. Need some help here he was speaking way too fast. Erik leaves with his tail between his legs.

We know it is the next day because Alex is drinking orange juice sporting a nice shiner. MJ comes in and wants to know what happened. Alex says that he got in a fight with her lover. What a blockhead. Why can't he get it thorough his head that MJ hates him as much as he does? MJ says she's told him the truth but he just doesn't want to believe it. She says all we've done is talk. Alex sniffs and says talk, talk, how many times have you been with him? Never. What are we going to do about my sister? (Great timing MJ.) He says she could go to jail. He changes his mind and says why didn't you tell me? I need to know these things. She says she can't afford attorneys. They are nobodies. Do you know the shame I feel? He says something nasty and she starts to cry. She gets up and leaves. Pau is waiting for her outside. They go to visit their Dad. He's in a really good mood that is about to change. He wants to know what is wrong. MJ explains that the other night Paula hit a man on the highway and killed him. Pedro drops his coffee cup and starts asking questions. She swears it was an accident. He cries also.

Bruno comes down to breakfast in a pissy mood. His mom wants to know what happened. He tells her he got in a fight with Alex. She tries to talk to him but he gets up and stomps out saying that MJ makes up these absurd things about him. He's sick and tired of it. End.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Un Gancho al Guanajuato - a short travelogue

Ahoy all, I'm hella busy at the moment, the Thursday recap will be late, but here is a short travelogue of my trip to Guanajuato...

I had the fortunate opportunity to visit Guanajuato, Mexico a couple of weeks ago with a friend who has family there. For several years she has been trying to get me to go during the Festival Internacional Cervantino, a wonderful three-week gathering that celebrates all types of performing arts from all over the world. They run the gamut from well-known artists to street gypsies who show up hoping to earn a bit of money and join in on the fun.

My friends and I arrived on a Thursday afternoon and after enjoying the view from our hotel's rooftop patio...

...decided to stroll through the town. Guanajuato is a shopper's paradise and offers everthing from little closet-sized shops to simple outdoor stalls to full on warehouse markets.

After a day of shopping it's always a good idea to indulge in a simple snack to regain one's strength:

We were way too busy to watch much TV, but I did catch what I think might have been the first episode of Corazon Salvaje. The kid who plays Ivan in Un Gancho al Corazón plays the young Juan del Diablo. Unfortunately it was too early in the plot for Eduardo Yañez, but Felipe Sanchez did a great job of playing the poor, tortured youth:

One night we went to see a salsa concert, the Willy Chirino band. It was great fun but the highlight was when El Hijo del Santo showed up! The entire crowd yelled Santo! Santo! Santo! and he waved to the crowd. He was pretty buff.

One of our favorite pasttimes was just walking around town enjoying the narrow, steep streets and colorful houses.

Fueled by Pepsi:

But our very favorite pastime was eating. There was a traditional breakfast provided by our hotel, sometimes a second lighter breakfast at our friends' house, lunch, snack, dinner, then usually another meal after midnight.

You could eat on the street:

In the market:

It was all good.

Our friend's daughter attends university in Mexico City. She came home for the weekend, followed by her boyfriend and his adorable friends. One night they took us to a club, taught us to salsa, and we danced until 3:00 a.m!

Of course we got hungry and had to stop at the 24-hr. taco stand on the way home:

One day we toured some museums and lucked into a craft gallery grand opening that was serving free food (highlighting traditional dishes) and Mezcal generously poured by a local beauty:

Satan and his son were there:

In addition to outdoor concerts, chorales in cathedrals, street acrobats and troubadors, we enjoyed a Brahms symphony in the Teatro Juarez:

Our friend Jane moved to GTO 28 yrs ago. She married the Trombone player (a local guy) and they have 2 kids but he left her for a 19 yr old oboist who joined the air force and dragged him off to Colorado so they could be close to her parents who are pressing them to have kids. Recently Jane got married to the French Horn player who is originally from Detroit but who has been in GTO for 30 yrs. Jane and her husband know all the gossip about every musician in the symphony which made listening to the concert that much more interesting.

On our last day there people began setting up their Dia de los Muertos stalls to sell candy:

And we walked up the highest hill for one last look at Guanajuato:



Un Gancho - Wed 11-11-09 - ?

Your recapper has just returned from quite a surreal time away in Mexico and well she is quite behind the times. Having an event tonight and not seeing the show for over two weeks I'm in poor form to write anything tonight so I beg your pardon and ask you to comment among yourselves again while I catch up with my "real" life here. I'm hoping to watch all the downloads this weekend and then read the blog. I did get to see an episode of Los Exitosos Perez with Jaime Camil though while I was gone. Hope it comes here. Thanks much for hanging in there for me....


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