Friday, May 07, 2010

Dinero #87 & 88- 5/6/2010: The Love Nurse Will See You Now

We were last left at the impactado moment of Susana approaching an unsuspecting Dandy who is reluctantly hugging Lucia goodbye. “Nelson!” Dandy turns around and finds Susana, with tears already making their way down her cheeks. He says those classic telenovela words, “Susanita! Que haces aqui?” “You’re worse than I thought. How could you use me like a carnival prize? Were you just going to dump me after you won your bet?” Nelson looks horrified and stunned silent. Not only has Susana caught him with Lucia, she obviously knows all about the bet. Just then Lucia butts in, and draping herself all over Dandy, asks, “Who’s she?” Susana has had enough and starts to rush back to her (surprisingly un-environmentally-friendly) red SUV, with Dandy hot on her heels. Instead of just explaining, Dandy begs, “Let me explain.”

Frankly, it would take a lot of time to fully explain what happened, and Susana’s not sticking around long enough for that. She tells him she never wants to see him again, and then in a very un-Susana-like manner threatens, “You don’t know what I’m capable of!” She drives off, leaving Dandy speechless, but luckily not robbing him of his resolve to be gone with Lucia. He shoves her into the cab and sends her on her way to Miami, but the damage has already been done.

Susana calls Ale and tells her what she saw. Ale is horrified and says Susana found Dandy with his hand in the cookie jar (“en la masa”- in the dough). Just then Dandy enters Siglo looking panicky and searching for Susana. Like a fool he runs into Ale’s office inquiring where Susana is. The sales crew outside marvel at the fact that he just went right into the lion’s den (“boca del lobo”- mouth of the wolf). Ale is not pleased to see him. “Why? Do you need more money?!”, she yells at him. She then rips him a new one in classic sarcastic Ale form, and starts slapping him: the first slap for what he did to Susana; the second for what the whole sales team did; and the third for being like Medina. “Get out of here or I will kill you with my bare hands!” She chases him out of her office and he trips and falls over furniture on his way out.

Dandy returns to the sale crew and his desk in a daze. Ramirez is sure they’ll all be fired and gets the rest of the crew worried. Marino’s more concerned that Dandy allowed himself to be slapped by a woman and demonstrates his technique for blocking a slap (he’s had a LOT of practice). He also points out in the newspaper the way that crooked politicians and businessmen get out of trouble- deny, deny, deny. This is the tactic he suggest they all use. All of this is going over Dandy’s head. He’s destroyed. He’s crying and talking about suicide. Even his ever present pompadour has gone flat. Dandy is in a bad way. He tells the crew that he loves Susana. None of them can believe their ears and decide the best way to snap him out of this madness is to take him out for some drinking and dancing at Dona Dolores’ (Dodo’s) place. They drag the lifeless Dandy to Dodo’s where a broken chair collapsing under him; a bottle of the best tequila; Claudia giving him a private dance on the table top; and the entire restaurant dancing a conga line around him, are not enough to rouse him.

The crew is stumped. Rosaura asks Dandy what he expected to come of his relationship with the Vegetarian. He wistfully answers, “Everything.” And describes a beautiful vision of the progression of his relationship with Susana that ends with him asking for her hand in marriage. Claudia, the romantic (NOT!), discounts love and marriage. She points to the married crew members and pointedly asks them about their marriages. Ramiro, who seems to be drinking his and Dandy’s tequila shots, is boorishly talking about how much he used to love his wife and then they got married and she changed. Now he’s happy that he’s moved out! This bravado lasts just until his phone rings and “Dios mio!” It might be his wife. Claudia has made her point, but Dandy is not convinced. He is thinking about Susana’s kisses, her caresses. Susana’s not like other women, like Rosuara or Claudia. She’s special. Claudia is offended and calls Susana corny. Dandy sees all of her idiosyncrasies as good points- even her love of all things Indian. He starts an Indian meditation chant. He doesn’t want to drink alcohol; he’s craving one of Susana’s health drinks. Marino has heard and seen enough. He drags Dandy out and tells everyone he’s taking him to a place where he’ll remember how to be a man.

At Ale’s house, Jorge is still being a drama queen. Apparently he is depressed and everyone is concerned this will lead to a relapse and a major heart attack the next time. Manrique offers Tia Rosario help in finding a nurse for Jorge. Which is just the same offer Chavez has made to Marco, except I’m pretty sure Manrique’s nurse actually has a nursing degree and experience. Marco is, however, getting a chance to see what Chavez’s nurse CAN do. Marco and Chavez have a front row seat at the strip club when Ruby, the Love Nurse (La Enfermera de Amor), comes out to administer a little shock therapy on all the patrons. She is wearing a “Naughty Nurse” costume- nurse’s cap, white go-go boots, white stockings, red garter, and a white “uniform” that is so short that the censors had to work overtime to blur out her lower set of cheeks. Marco is impressed, but not with her nursing abilities. She is more used to pleasing clients than to caring for patients, and she has no idea how to even give injections. Chavez thinks Jorge’s problem is more one of emociones (emotions) than injeciones (injections), and Ruby is just the cure. When Tia Rosario calls to say Manrique has found them a nurse, Marco sees his opportunity to play the saving angel diminishing. Ruby’s in!

Ruby’s back on stage providing visual stimulation therapy to the club’s clients...uh, patients, when Marino drags Dandy in and plops him down in front of the stage. In case Ruby isn’t enough to snap Dandy out of his depression, Marino has brought over three additional working girls…uh, therapists from the club to help out. When this doesn’t work, Marino tries to shake some sense into Dandy. Dandy (channeling Xime from Gancho a bit) tells Marino three things: 1) Don’t mess up the suit; 2) I’m not the same man. I’m in love; and 3) I’m worthless without her. He leaves.

In the vecinidad, Rafa is still working hard on his master plan for revenge. Leonor is worried and so is Pepeto. Calling him by his full name (you know a mom is serious when she does that), Leonor orders Rafa to go out and have a drink with Pepeto. They head out to the local bar/restaurant and all Rafa can think about his revenge, Ale and Marco. He doesn’t know if Marco drives him crazy because of the horrid things he’s done, or because he’s Ale’s boyfriend (I vote both). He’s deep in melancholic thought when he hears a voice from his past. In fact it’s a voice and memory from way back in episode one. It’s the guy who took Rafa’s merchandise to sell in his store, but never paid Rafa, and then had his goons beat Rafa up when he came to take his merchandise back. This caused Rafa to need to pawn most of his family’s possessions in order to pay their bills and Julieta’s tuition, which he could not purchase back when he shortly after had the fateful accident with Ale. But later Julieta’s black market sale of whiskey was enough to buy back their things from the pawn shop, even though she got ripped off in the end (hope that helped you newbies).

Rafa, already ticked off from thinking about Marco, goes after the guy. He is not the same pushover Rafa Medina he used to be. “You will pay for what you did to me!” The guy gets ticked off and makes some threats of his own. But Rafa is not alone. He has friends that include the skinny drunk guy who’s always at the bar- he hangs his barely 100 pound frame on the bad guy and the bad guy hardly notices. But he does notice when our friendly Italian/opera singer waiter pulls out a shot gun and points it at his face, and he leaves pretty quickly. Free drinks on the house for everyone!

(Wow! There’s a lot going on in this one night.) Over at Ale’s house, a very sad looking Susana has just been let in by Rosario, who is shocked to see the usually bubbly Susanita so down. Ale lays Susana’s head on her lap and tries one of the head massage and meditation exercises Susana usually does on her to get her to calm down. In fact Ale’s coaching herself at the same time she’s coaching Susana: “Nelson no existe. Medina tampoco.” However, all they can both visualize is the Siglo crew in their true form (devils and witches), taunting them. For Ale this gives way to memories of Rafa on the beach. Which is exactly what Rafa is remembering as he tries to forget: “Dios mio! Get out of my head!” Feeling a bit better, Susana thanks Ale and starts to leave. They hug, kiss, and remind the other that they love them. (Aren’t girlfriends great?!) Marco enters as Susana is leaving to continue his angel of mercy act and to make Ale feel guilty. It works, but Ale still sends him home with no promises to get back together with him.

The next morning (finally!), Rafa is swearing revenge (again) over breakfast as he clutches his completed sales plan; Jorge is still depressed and refusing to eat, bathe or change his clothes; Marco is playing the victim to Tia Rosario that Ale is being unfair to him; Bebe’s giving us a Ford commercial; Beltran had breakfast with the shareholders and they’re not pleased with the sales; Marino’s many women and sons have come for their monthly payment and Marino’s reinstatement as Salesman of the Month has left him feeling generous. They’ll all see an increase in his payment this month; and Nelson is desperately seeking Susana and she is refusing to acknowledge his presence. “Don’t touch me! I only stayed because Ale asked me.” “Please don’t leave here Susanita. I would die if I couldn’t see you again.” (Awww)

Nurse Ruby arrives. She’s changed her tight, short low cut white dress, for a less tight, less short and less low cut white dress. No garters nor go-go boots though. Rosario is dubious, but as soon as Jorge meets the Love Nurse he is ready to hop out of bed to get bathed and gussied up. Ruby immediately offers to help him bathe, and Rosario just as quickly shuts that idea down. A newly energized, suited and perfumed Jorge hops over furniture to get close to his new friend with the name that is so easy to remember since she is such a shining jewel…Perla (pearl), right? (Both Marco and I are starting to think that Chavez is a pretty astute dude.) She can’t give him injections or provide any other real medical service, but she assures “Georgie” that she is here to please him. They can take walks together and she can bring him his meals. Gorgie would love to share her favorite meal with her, and wants to know what it is. Unfortunately, Ruby doesn’t eat much. She’s got to stay in shape ‘cause the pole (tubo) is hard work. Uh…the pole? Ever the quick thinker, Marco explains that Ruby really works that exercise pole/bar at the gym pretty hard. Right….

Back in the two sales team rooms, both Ale and Rafa are presenting their strategies for increasing sales. And it’s the same strategy- go after the institutional market. Both the CloAutos team and the Siglo team wonder isn’t that the market that Ale covers. Well, Rafa feels it’s a big enough market for them to go after, without stealing any of Siglo’s clients, and Ale feels it’s time for the rest of the Siglo team to step up and start handling institutional sales. They both fire up their respective teams. The Siglo crew all chant “money, money, money”, and at CloAutos it’s “vamos a vencer, vamos a vender!” (We’ll conquer, we’ll sell!/Let’s go conquer, let’s go sell!) As Rafa and Pepeto leave the meeting, they run into Monica. Remember, the Refri guy's niece who had the hots for Rafa at the beach? Well, she’s pleased to see Rafa, pleased to hear he’s no longer at Siglo, and tells him they've got unfinished business ("comer un pollito"). She parts with Rafa to go see Lic. Gomez, but not without sending a few more flirty looks his way.

Tia and Marco are talking about Jorge and his nurse. In the background we see him and Ruby giggling together like school kids at the dining room table. Earlier her boobs nearly fell into his soup as she tested its temperature for him. She also gave everyone a good view of what may or may not be under her dress when she bent over to pick up her napkin. Tia is sure Ale will have the same reaction to Ruby as she did, and tells Marco so. She thinks Ruby looks like an adult film star. Marco, who always focuses on the important things, wants to know if Tia has ever watched one of those types of films. Ale arrives home at the end of the day to the good news that Jorge is doing much better. She is knocked out of her shoes impactada when she is greeted enthusiastically (with a polite kiss and all) by the reason for Jorge’s miraculous recovery- The Love Nurse.

Next episode: Georgie and Ruby continue to play. Vicky continues to sexually harass Jaime, and Rafa wonders why Jaime is in a state of semi dishabille.


Thursday, May 06, 2010

Corazon Salvaje May 6, 2010 The Nine Lives of Orca

Ep. 55

Orca is begging for his life and his job--again. How many times has he been fired anyway? It’s not his fault. He was drunk. Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that one before. Let me guess, it’s Renato’s fault because he wasn’t there to stop you from drinking. Uh huh. He snivels and grovels like the dog he is. He talks about his “wife” and the loss of his son. Juan looks like he is softening. Renato tells him that he should have thought of that before. Amen brother! He wants him to get the hell out of Dodge. Juan asks him to wait. His actions are difficult to forget but it is not his wife’s fault and she should not be out on the street. It’s not fair to her. She is suffering the loss of her son. Leo is looking like “huh? Where is that story coming from.” But she rolls with it because she is good like that. Renato insists that he tried to kill him. Well yeah, but I repeat it is not his wife’s fault because Orca is a drunk, homicidal dumbass. Renato is not sure what to do. Leo says it is his decision. I don’t think she knows what to do either. Juan asks Renato if he knows this woman? (Good question Juan.) Stamp me stupid but wouldn’t you know if one of your long-time employees had a sick wife and lost a child? Renato says no. Juan says he knows her He tells how one night he came across her wandering with a mute woman. Leo doesn’t look happy. Juan tells how he brought her home and took care of her all through the night. When I came back I couldn’t find her. She had disappeared. Please Renato, her life is in your hands. Don’t have her thrown out on the streets. Renato says before he makes his decision he would like to see this woman. Juan would like to see her also. Arcadio and Leo look unhappy.

Rod and the sheriff are plotting to oppress the masses blah, blah, blah. FF>>

Arcadio tells the group that he needs to get his wife ready for their visit. He exits with his tail between his legs. Leo says she hopes he has some heart for Arcadio. Renato just doesn’t get the whole thing with Arcadio. He owes his life to Juan though. Leo thinks he will make the just decision. She holds his hands. How much I love you son.

Meanwhile, down in the dungeon, Orca is yanking Mirta around and screaming at her that she needs to get the place cleaned up right away. And they better keep their mouths shut or he’ll kill them both.

Renato and Juan are still discussing Orca and his wife. Renato has some stuff to do first. He wants to see his wife. She is like a little girl. No, she’s like a snot-nosed spoiled brat. It will only be a minute. Juan reflects on what Renato says and gets angry and breaks the vase of flowers. Regina enters and wants to know what the heck that is all about. She’s not happy that he just goes around breaking things. It’s all her sister’s fault. She wants to look at his hand. For a big guy he sure acts like a girlie-man sometimes. She grabs him by his arm and drags him behind her.

Renato is up in their room and Aimee is giving him a neck rub. She thinks he works too much. Whiner. It will be a long time before I see you so just go. Abandon me. Renato isn’t falling for it. What a terrible word. He promises that he will be back as soon as possible. He says when I get back maybe we can have a little action. Uh no. She’s furious and she is very bored. Just go. Are you going with the new administrator? Renato says no. He’s got other things to do. They get all smoochie face, FF>> All she can think about is Juan. He will come back to my arms.

Regina drags Juan into the tack room. He yells. He runs around straightening things up. Regina watches him thoughtfully. And who wouldn’t? She tells him to calm down. He rants and raves. She asks him why he always thinks of Aimee. She looks disgusted with him. She doesn’t understand why he hates the Montes de Oca. He doesn’t have to tell her his motives. She feels compassion for him. He says you don’t have to feel compassion. She says she doesn’t understand his motives for his vengence. He doesn’t need her compassion. She tries to get him to listen to her and good luck with that. She tells him he has more dignity and is more noble. Just forget it. Just forget the whole thing. See, you don’t understand. Your sister said she would be mine. Only mine. Renato had nothing to do with it. Renato, Renato, Renato. Juan makes his scrunchy face. She said she loved me. She tricked me. She grabs his hand and he winces--wuss. She’s trying to look at the cut.

Leo gives Orca a bottle of her special sleepy time tea potion. Only one drop for sleeping. That way she will be asleep when Juan and Renato come to see her. Be careful.

Regina wants to know what happened. Juan says nothing important. I was only working. Forget it. No. Let me look at it. She grabs his hand again. He makes a Ewwww face. You surely need a good woman. (Anyone particular in mind?) She says she is convinced that her sister is not worth the trouble (no vale la pena). Renato walks past the door and witnesses the scene. He stops to listen. Juan says that for sure there are lots of women in the world. Regina agrees. Juan smiles that smile of his. He wishes he could find one like Regina. Renato has a funny look on his face. Juan leaves.

MdR is sitting in her cell. Orca comes in with a basket of stuff. He wants Mirta to change and get MdR dressed. MdR remembers all the dresses she used to have. Now she has nothing. Everything is gone.

Leo is thinking to herself that they are running a big risk letting Renato see MdR. She is trying to figure out what to do. There is a knock on the door. It’s Rosenda Leo needs her for something. She has a very delicate situation and needs her help. Listen to what we are going to do. We don’t get to hear the Plan.

Arcadio walks into MdR room and there is a bed, food, water, everything. He doesn’t like it very much. In fact he’s kind of freaked out. He eats an apple.

MdR is spinning around the room with her dress. She is very happy. She thinks Rod is helping them. She remembers Juan dD and how much she loved him. She didn’t care whether he was a fisherman. She loves him and that is all that matters. He asks her to marry him. She is very happy. FF>> She cries. Where is my son?

Juan is thinking over his and Aimee’s last meeting. She wants him to kill her. He wants her to just go away already. He gets up and has a small tantrum.

Noel and Gabe are meeting. He hands Gabe some papers. Gabe thinks he has done a great job. Juan is now the administrator at Finca del Mar (duh you live there.) Gabe says yes. Noel says that he believes that Juan is doing a bang-up job at the Finca and has his admiration. Gabe is happy to hear that. My son Renato thinks he’s THE MAN and they are both doing a great job as administrators. Gabe thinks it is strange that Juan is having so much trouble with Don Rod. Noel thinks it is strange too. His son Renato really thinks he’s great and he’s sure they will become great friends. Noel thinks he and Gabe have a lot in common.

Rosenda encounters Renato as he is about to go see his mom. She tells him that Leo left strict orders that she was not to be disturbed. Renato is upset and wants to know what is the problem. Oh, she’s not supposed to say anything to anybody but she thinks Renato should know. She suffered an attack. Renato looks upset and hisses why didn’t she get the doc already? Leo didn’t want a doc. She’s upset about the new administrator.

Juan and Gabe are meeting. He’s still whining about his hand. He thinks Noel is a great notario. Juan says now “young man in love” what do you want to ask Juan del Diablo (?). Gabe starts to ask questions and Juan gives him THE LOOK. Which isn’t quite as effective as the MOM LOOK which can strike fear and submission into the hearts of children everywhere. You moms know what I’m talking about. Ok, ok, no more questions. He tells him that Noel thinks he’s doing a great job as the administrator. For real, dude? Yes. He thinks you and Renato make a good team. Without a doubt Renato and I will be good friends. Unfortunately we were separated when we were children. He looks sad.

Regina is confronting Celestina with the fact that she knows more about Juan than she’s telling. Duh! That’s one of the top 10 of the TN Rule Book. Why don’t you tell me? I can’t speak about it. You have to understand. I know a few things about this man. First, he thinks highly of my godfather Noel. The second, his name is not Juan del Diablo. It is Juan de Dios. Dramatic music. Nana looks uncomfortable. Who told you this? Curly told me this. He said that is Juan’s real name. Nana looks to the Virgincita for help. Good luck with that.

Aimee is in her room doing, what else, thinking about Juan. She convinces herself that Juan will come back to her--only her. She chews on a rose and remembers her times with Juan.

Juan tells Gabe that this afternoon he is going to see the sick woman who stayed with us. Remember? Gabe thinks about it and oh yes, I remember. How did you find her? She is the wife of Arcadio at Finca Del Mar. It’s a big mystery. Do you think she will talk to me? Gabe thinks you can’t really count on what she says. She has many problems. They talk some more about her and Gabe remembers to give him a cablegram that is very important. The wood industry sucks big time and Juan just finds it funny. We’ll lose a little money but you and I know that it won’t be a problem because of my fortune. It’s not important. All that is important is that Rodrigo MdO is in ruins. Juan can’t wait to see that damn bastard’s face when he has to work to pay his debt (?). Bwaaaah, bwaaaah!

Orca is back in the dungeon decorated by Martha Stewart fixing up some of Leo’s magical sleepy time tea. Instead of a drop he pours that puppy in there. This can’t be good. He orders MdR to lie on the bed. Mirta looks nervously on. Her rocking from side to side makes me dizzy and gives me a headache. He makes MdR drink the potion. Don’t do it, don’t do it! Too late. Mirta keeps rocking. He covers MdR’s face with the veil and she lies back down. He explains things to Mirta and threatens her like always that if she screws up they are toast.

Renato is visiting his Mami who is having a case of the vapors and is in bed. Faker! Renato is very worried. She plays it up pretty good and blames everything on Juan. She tries to make Renato feel guilty about it. He’s not really falling for it. He mentions Juan and she forgets to fake it as she rips him a new one. She goes back to being weak and helpless. She wants to rest. How about 6 ft under? Renato wants to go get doctorcito. Oh no, I don’t need a doctor. I just need to rest. Renato goes outside and Rosenda comes in. Leo motions her over to the bed. Go for the doctor. It sounds like she says she needs her support in what she tells the doctor. Then it sounds like Rosenda says got it--don’t worry. Renato goes downstairs where Juan is waiting and tells him he can’t go on the visit because his mom is sick and they need the doctor. Speaking of doctorcito, he must have gotten the tweet because he’s here jiffy quick. Renato tells Arcadio that Juan will go with him because he wants to stay and talk to the doctor. Orca is worried about Leo. Renato and the doctor leave and Orca and Juan head for the dungeon. Rosenda is tending Leo with cool rags when the doc and Renato come in. We almost have a wardrobe malfunction with Rosenda. How does she keep those things in those tops anyway? Leo acts so pitiful it makes me sick. She can’t get air. Rosenda plays it up.

Juan walks in to find MdR in bed with Mirta hovering nearby. He walks in slowly. Mirta--still rocking. Juan says good afternoon. She stirs. Do you know me? She reaches her hand to Juan. You have returned. You returned to me like you promised. I want to go with you. Please. Juan looks like he is going to cry. She says you are very far away.

Tomorrow: Juan and Aimee run into each other at the love cave, Clemencia is upset about Juan, Regina calls him by his real name.


Dinero #85 & 86 5/5/2010: Saved by the Butcher & his knife wielding sons / Dandy collects on his bet but looses the prize

Our bare-chested hero Julian lies injured in his hospital bed. Oops wrong story. That’s the end of Mi Picado. Thought I would try and throw in a little beefcake. Anyway here’s our story with our own version of beefcake.

Here is our first example: Marco with neck muscles bulging from being strangled by our two resident butcher hunks, armed with what else, butcher knifes. They really are not keen about Marco making off with their boom box. Don Gaston ( our elder silver fox) tells his sons the jerk isn’t worth being thrown in jail for.

Ale and Jorge are having a chat . Jorge feels bad for letting Ale down. He doesn’t know where he failed her. He tells her he has always loved her and tried to treat her the best he could. He can’t figure out what he did wrong to have Ale go down the wrong path. How she could ever have gotten involved with the likes of Rafa. She swears to Jorge that she will never see him again and doesn’t even know where he is. Then Jorge asks Ale where Marco is. She tells him he is out working.

We get a good look at Marcos’ “work” as Don Gaston is telling his sons to let go of the guy in the cheap suit. Marco is offended by Don Gastons’ insults. He throws a couple back calling him a peasant with three cents. Marco wants to know why he would defend these poor devils. Don Gaston warns that it will be him and his posse who will be the poor devils . Papa still screaming tells Rafa he will loan him the money to get this creep out of their house. At this Rafa demands that Marco leave immediately. Marco isn’t going anywhere until he has the money in his hands.

Now our two strapping muscle ripped men (Rafa and Marco) have words. Marco wonders how his girlfriend would react if she knew about his little romance with Ale. Rafa reminds him about his little tryst in the bar and we see the flashback where Rafa caught Marco and Chavez with a couple of hotties. (I think this was the night Marco got the infamous hickey). Marco has no memory of this. Rafa has a witness and drags Pepito over to confirm the story, and refresh Marcos’ memory.

Don Gaston writes the check out for Marco. Rafa quite wisely doesn’t trust Marco one bit and makes him sign a paper stating he got his money and makes sure his lawyers are aware there is no longer reason to seize the house. ( As part of Rafas’ payment to Marco he signed a note stating if he did not pay his debt monthly Marco could seize his mothers’ house as payment). Marcos’ posse decide it is a good time to get out of dodge since he paid the debt and there is no longer a need to seize the house and split; unbeknownst to Marco.

Rafa asks him if he satisfied. Marco calls him a degenerate and says your saved for this month anyway and continues his threats. He insults Don Gaston wanting to know if he will continue to pay off his debts for the next two and a half years. This does not sit well with The brothers Grimm. They are up fast in his face waving their knifes. Marco starts insulting them. (Marco they have knives and they are not very bright, just shut up!!!) Marco screams he will charge them with homicidal intent looking around for his posse. Sorry Marco they are long gone. Marco is now back against the wall with the Brothers Grimm, knifes to his face ready to do a little filleting.

The Brothers are still going at Marco. He manages to get away momentarily but is knocked to the ground by our now out of control idiot brothers. (No I didn’t feel sorry for Marco this time). They continue hitting him and Rafa and Jaimie manage to pull them off Marco. He screams at all of them calling them assassins as he flees for his life.

Poor Lenora is distraught at what has just taken place. Rafa comforts her. He also thanks Don Gaston for his help. Don Gaston says no problem lets go. Lenora insists they all stay and have cake. Why waste a good party just because of a few fist of cuffs.

We are at the hospital. Tio Hector is asking Karen for Jorges’ phone number. He remembers the last time he was here he tried to get a hold of him and wasn’t able to reach him. Karen dials for him and Azucena answers. She tells Karen he is not home and she can’t tell her where he is. Karen tells her to let him know that Hector called.

Karen tells Hector she could ask Marco about Jorge. Hector tells her she doesn’t need too. After all Marco has broken up with Ale. Maybe there could still be something between Karen and Marco. Karen could handle that, as she thought bubbles how it would be great in deed if he really broke up with Ale. Than he could be all hers. (We have been down this road before).

Our birthday party is finally winding down. Don Gaston is ready to leave but not without the boom box. You never know who might drop by to take it. Vicky gives Rafa a little kiss and almost appears normal for once. Until she turns to Juliette to wish her happy birthday and gives Jaimie a little tweak on the cheek. Jaimie has a look of sheer terror on his face, as she sweetly says we will talk Jaimie. Juliette does not seem pleased. Rafa sweetly apologizes to Juliette for the ruckus.

Marco enters Jorges’ hospital room and encounters Ale. He wants to know why she is still there. She has to get up early in the morning to work. Ale says she is going to stay the night. They argue a little about who should stay and Marco “sweetly” tells her he will stay with her. Ale does not seem very happy about this.

He turns over Rafas’ check to her. Ale is a little puzzled by this. After all Rafa usually pays by noon the day after it is due. She says he called and said it would be all ready for her. Marco is a little suspicious that she talked with Rafa. He wants to know if she talked to Rafa. Ale makes a quick recovery and says he talked to Susana.

They continue to chat and a sleepy Jorge tells them to turn off the TV he doesn’t want to listen to the telenovela. Ale notices Marcos’ beat up face and asks him what happened. He lies to her and tells her he was on his way to court and a couple of guys tried to steal his watch. She wants to know more and Marco says he defended himself and they took off running.

Marco continues to insist that he stay. Ale is uncomfortable with this idea. Marco tells her he knows they are no longer engaged, but they are still friends. Marco insists that he stay and help out after all that’s what friends do. Jorge awakens again and calls out for Marco. Ale tries to tell him Marco isn’t there. Now Jorge is telling Marco to go get him a duck (What?) Marco tells Ale see, you need me and tells her he will be in charge. (and our little slimy but ‘endearing ’ sleaze is whittling his way back into Ales’ good graces). He tells her that he is delighted to stay there for what ever she may need. He leaves to go get a coffee. (Latte Karen I believe).

Juliette is telling her final guests goodbye. Rafa is talking with Jaimie. He still can’t believe Ale would do something like this. He tells Jaimie that Ale knew he would pay tomorrow. He wants to know what he could have done to her to have her treat him like that. She isn’t the same Ale he use to know. Jaimie warns Rafa that Marco is very dangerous. Rafa confides that Marco threatened to tell Vicky about him and Ale. At least he was able to throw back in his face about the tryst in the bar. He says the worse thing his Ale would never believe him if he told her about this.

Jaime warns Rafa that there are more serious things to consider. There is something not right about how fast this guy shows up to his house with court officials and papers in hand. He tells Rafa that is not how it works; sometimes it takes days even months or years to set these things in place. And they were here at night. What court officials work at night . This gives Rafa food for thought. He suddenly stands and tells Jaimie there are men who find the woman of their life. He crashed into his. Jaimie agrees. Rafa says it is time to stop crashing.

Rafa tells Jaimie if it wasn’t for Don Gaston and his sons he doesn’t know what he would have done. Jaimie warns him that this is just a little pre-wedding incentive.

Jaimie wants to say goodnight to Juliette. Rafa is not to keen about this but agrees. As Juliette walks Jaimie to the door. Rafa informs Lenora that they have to start setting some hours and rules. Even though Jaimie is a friend he still is a guy. Jaimie gives Juliette a sweet goodnight kiss. Juliette tells him this could have been the worse birthday ever but it wasn’t because of him. They continue kissing. We see a worried look on Rafas’ face as he is looking on in hiding.

Marco shows up to Hectors’ room with his “Karen Latte”. Karen wants to know what’s up and we get Marcos’ patent little Udiaris story. She inquires after Chavez and Marco says he is making a fantastic recovery. Karen tells him not to disappear this time and Marco assures her he won’t. He finally gets his big smooch and leaves. Karen tells him to be good. (oh he is good!!!)

Rafa is still torn up about Ale. He can’t imagine why she would do this to him. He wants to know where the happy guy went. He decides that he needs to be himself if he is going to get Ale back. He goes to his closet and decides to start by going back to his white socks and his lucky tie. He still manages to say a sweet goodnight to Ales’ picture. Even though she makes his life impossible and doesn’t care for him, she is the best thing that has happened in his life.

Marco has pulled a chair up next to Jorge and falls asleep with his head on the edge of Jorges’ bed. Jorge is suddenly struggling for air and we see that Marco has managed to king off his oxygen tube. A frazzled Marco jumps up and straightens out the tubing. This wakes Ale and she is quickly by Jorges’ side wanting to know what’s up. Marco says he must be having a bad dream. Jorge says he dreamt he was drowning. (ahogaba it means to suffocate or drown.) Ale asks Marco if he even slept at all . Marco lies and says Jorge had a rough night and he wasn’t able to close his eyes all night. Ale thanks an undeserving Marco for watching over Jorge.

Rafa and Lenora are still discussing the ground rules for Juliette and Jaimie. Rafa thinks the best think to do is lock the doors.

The Dr. is telling Ale that Jorge is doing much better. Yea, he is flirting with the nurses. The Dr. is giving his okay for him to leave but he has to be in a calm and quiet environment without any fighting. His heart is recovering but it is still delicate. He could have a setback. Ale and Marco exchange looks. He says he can’t get depressed because that good kill him. More exchanged looks from Ale and Marco.

Marco assures Ale and Jorge that everything is going to be fine and goes off to pay the bill. He calls Chavez to tell him they are going to need a lot more money.

Marco runs into Karen. She wants to know if he was here all night. Well of course he was. He was watching over his dear friend Chavez. Karen inquires about Marcos’ paranoia. Marco shoots her his best crazy look.

Juliette is off to school with her very happy new boyfriend. Rafa Tells them both how things are going to be. Juliette tells him to chill. Lenora chimes in and tells him not to worry so much after all it is Jaimie. (Jaimie who chugged a bottle of champagne and woke up with no clothes on nor any memory of what happened. Trust that Jaimie?). Rafa continues and says all visits are in the living room. None of this in her bedroom stuff. Jaimie says what are you talking about. You know me Rafa. Rafa says yea it’s because I know you. Juliette finally blows them off telling them she cares for them and leaves. Lenora remarks it has been a long time since she has seen Juliette that happy. Rafa says well at least someone is happy. Lenora smiles and calls him jealous.

Marco and Ale are escorting Jorge out of the hospital. They are accompanied by a cute young nurse. Jorge is complaining that he won’t live long enough to pay Marco back. Marco tells him he has plenty years left. He reminds him how much fun they will have playing cards together again.

Our sweet nurse tells Jorge goodbye. As she walks away, Jorge asks Marco to turn his chair around. He has to get one final look at those fine legs. We also see Marco taking a long look as well.

Dandy is telling Susana how happy he is. Having such a beautiful women at his side. What more could he ask from life. Susana blushes and tells him those are such beautiful things to say. Her Phone rings and it the battery suddenly dies. She asks to borrow Dandys’ phone. When he gives it to her she tells him he has a missed call from his apartment. He makes up a story, saying it has to be the landlord who has the keys. They probably have his new furniture. He keeps the phone and tells Susana she should go in first so they don’t get caught coming in together. (And it all goes bad from here on. For poor Susana. )
Jorge has arrived home. He is all maudlin and talking about dying. He tells Tia Rosario he wants to be buried in the garden. He starts saying all his good-byes to the furniture and such. This really upsets Ale. Marco assures her he will be in charge of cheering him up. Ale gives him a sweet and tender hug. This seems to have our bad boy a little confused.

We are at Siglo now and the rumors are flying. Rosaura is going on about Jorges’ heart attack. Everyone adds their two cents. Bebe chews them out. Marino is all excited about being able to put his picture back where it belongs. Ale shows up and everyone is giving their fake little condolences. The only one is our dear Bebe who is sincere in his well wishes for Jorge.

We are now in the conference room and Marino is taking down Rafas’ picture and replacing it with his. Bow-tie guy takes the picture of Rafa from him and is about to set it on fire. Ale puts an abrupt halt to this snatching the picture away and tells them they archive the old photos. Claudia wants to know why, is Rafa coming back? Marino wants to know if she is going to put it in her house. Ale snaps back at him than suddenly looses it and throws the photo to the floor smashing it to bits.

Tia Rosario is worried that Jorge should have stayed longer at the hospital. Marco suggests they hire a nurse to come and help take care of him. Rosario is worried about money and Marco tells her he will take care of everything. (using their money of course). He tells her he has to leave. He needs to go and rest a bit. He has an appointment in the evening. Tia gives him a grateful hug for everything he has to do for them. Marco says for love everyone suffers, but all is forgiven and forgotten. He pauses and says with such sincerity like the love he has for Ale. Tia says god bless you son. And her worst nightmare disguised as an angel bids farewell.

Ale is still distraught over the picture debacle when Susana walks in with this months prize. It is a blender and Ale shoves it at Marino. Ramirez and Marino are acting like the jerks they are and start smashing even more the picture of Rafa still on the floor. He starts whining about the blender. Ramirez reminds her it is the fourth blender he has won. Couldn’t they get him something else? Ale says if he only had four women to give them too she would understand, but he needs four more for the other women. (I love her sarcasm).

Beltran enters and is quickly reminded by Ramirez that Marino has regained his first place standing. Beltran congratulates him. He wants to know how the rest of the sales went. Ale tells him to take a look at the board.

He takes a look at the sales on the white board and is not very happy. He says it is the worst sales record he has ever seen in his life and says nobody deserves anything and takes the blender away from Marino. He says there will be no more prizes until someone does better than Rafa did. He says it is over without Rafa and storms off. He doesn’t even stop to do his routine chat-up with Claudia.

Marco and Chavez are at the bar discussing what to do about Jorge. Marco tells him they got to the house and Jorge is all melancholy saying goodbye to everything in the house. He Tells Chavez he is a ridiculous old man. Chavez is all worried and tells Marco he has to keep him alive at least until he marries Chavez wants to know how things are going. He says his plan now is to have the family become totally dependent on him for everything especially Ale.

Marco asks Chavez if he knows any nurses. Chavez has to give this a little thought and smiles and says he has the perfect nurse for him. (okay Marco do you think that is a good idea to have Chavez look for nurse for you?)

We are back at Siglo with the crew in line for their paychecks. We have our usual cut in the line antics and every ones sad stories. Dandys’ phone rings and it is Lucia. She starts whining to him and she has been drinking non stop. She wants to know when he will be home. Dandy now feeling the pressure to get this crazy women out of his life reminds everyone that they owe him part of their commissions since he won their bet. He is not having much luck.

He tells them not to give him any of their crazy excuses because he knows all of them He says pay me now. Marino protests and says the only people that should pay are the ones that benefited, Rosaura and Ramiro. He reminds them that the bet wasn’t to get benefits but that he would win over Susana. And he has done that. Zetina wants to know what bet? They all chase him away. Rosaura wants to know why everyone has to yell at the poor guy. Ramirez chimes in because he was born to be yelled at.

Ramirez tells Dandy he thinks it is strange that they have to pay him for having a goodtime. He reminds them a pact is a pact. Now they have to comply. He chides Claudia since she was the one who organized everything.

Zetina is still wondering around looking very dejected and asks Bebe why they all treat him so badly. He says they all get nervous and aggressive especially when they have been up to no good. Bebe tells him he would be better off to stay away from them.

At Cloautos we see Rafa getting his advance. He thanks his new boss. He wants to discuss his plans with him about his new sales strategy. Life is so serene here.

We have our little random salon scene. It was rather cute. But since we are now doing two hours cute just isn’t going to cut it.

Rafa Shows up at Vickys‘ to pay back Don Gaston. He has the brothers check it out and make sure it is all there. He thanks Don Gaston for helping him out. Vicky is quite pleased Rafa was able to pay them back so quickly. Don Gaston tells says he hopes he will complete his other obligation just as quickly. Rafa looks confused and Vicky tells him he is talking about the wedding. Rafa gives a nervous little laugh. He thanks Don Gaston again and leaves.

Vicky reminds her papa how quickly Rafa paid the loan back and in cash no less. He is so responsible. He pays his debt every month. Then she slyly says just think how much easier it would be if you just loaned him all the money. Then they could get married. She hugs him ever so sweetly. Don Gaston looks a bit concerned. .

Beltran is back screaming at Ale. He says everyone is against him. She assures him they will increase their sales. He tells her she promised they wouldn’t miss Rafa this month. She reassures him they won’t be missing him. She will have a new strategy tomorrow that will insure sales. He leaves still hot under the collar. She tells Susana she has to come up with something since her head is on the line.

The Siglo crew are finally paying off Dandy. Zetina still moping on the outskirts wants to know what’s up. He spies Susana and asks her for some resource books. He is distracted and looks back at the Siglo crew. Now Susana is curious and asks Zetina if he knows what they are up to. He tells her he is not certain (and my stomach just hit the ground as he continues) but he thinks it is about some bet Dandy won about a conquest. Susana, tears welling up in her eyes, questions Dandy? Zetina goes on to give her more details. He says Bebe would be better to ask because he knows what is going on for sure.

Susan confronts Bebe. She wants to know what is going on. Bebe is really conflicted. He wants to tell her but he remembers Marinos’ threats about him loosing his job. She continues to plead with him to tell her what is going on. He wants to know why she wants to know. She tells him it is important for her to know. Then Bebe asks her if she loves Dandy. She says this has nothing to do with it and continues begging to know what is going on. He tells her he took a vow of silence. Susana continues pleading and wants to know if she knows the person.

Then she finally asks is the woman me? Bebe is broken apart. He tries to convince her he was against it. Susana continues on not quite being able to wrap her head around this sinister bet, she says the women at the center of this bet, that women was me? Bebe continues to assert his opposition of this. Susana distraught now wants to know why? Why would they do this to me?

Susana walks away from him on the brink of destruction and runs into Rosaura. Rosaura wants to know what is wrong. She says what do you think is wrong when someone finds out they were the center of a bet? When you find out a group of people were planning your conquest. To play with some ones feelings?

Rosaura has a look of panic on her face. She tells her she doesn’t know what she is talking about. Susana tells her not to try and deny it. Rosaura is now full out panic and tries to get Susana to calm down. She tells her it was not her idea. She never agreed with it. Susana is demanding to know whose idea it was. Susana continues demanding to know whose idea it was and Rosaura finally tells her it was Claudia.

Susana wants to know why Claudia? Rosaura tries to explain the sordid business. Susana wants to know why they did it. To break her into pieces?

Rafa enters his house and Lenora wants to know what he is doing home. She asks if he lost his job. He says no don’t worry. He tells her he got permission to leave work early so he could go pay Don Gaston what he owed him. Now he needs to have peace and quiet so he can concentrate and come up with a great sales strategy. Something that will prevent them from being humiliated again. He says he is going to let Ale know if she ever makes her or Juliette suffer again she will also suffer!!

Lenora is concerned and tells Rafa to tell her the truth, does he feel something for Ale? He says yes and says contempt (desprecio). Our happy love birds Jaimie and Juliette enter the house arm in arm. Juliette takes a look at our forlorn Rafa and wants to what he is doing home. She also asks him if he got fired. He reassures her he didn’t get fired. He just needed peace and quiet and a place to work on a new work strategy.

Juliette and Lenora go into the kitchen and Jaimie wants to know if it isn’t something else? He says no nothing more than his head is spinning and he continues to realize how disillusioned he was with Ale. He wonders how he could have ever arrived at having illusions of being with Ale. He is still torn up about the whole Marco drama from last night.

Jaimie warns Rafa that he made a great enemy last night. Rafa states Ale made a great enemy too. He is not going to sit around with his arms crossed. Jaimie is concerned and reminds them these people have a lot of power. Rafa says he will show them all. If they want war, that is what they will get. He says he knows the battle field well. It is the area of sales. He will show them that he Rafa Medina is the best.

Back at Siglo, where if you wear your heart on your sleeve it will certainly get ripped off, we see Dandy on the phone with Lucia. He is telling her he will soon be home and has her ticket and everything ready for her. He tells her to stop drinking so she doesn’t get sick on her flight and hangs up.

He catches Ramiro and asks him to cover for him. He has to go. Ramiro is all a twit and wants to know where he is going. He tells him he has to go to his apartment to get rid of crazy Lucia before someone finds out and makes his life miserable. Ramiro rushes him off and tells him not to worry. As Ramiro gives himself the sign of the cross, who should he spy but Susana. He turns quickly, but not quick enough as Susana inquires where Dandy is . He lies and tells her is went to see a client. He tells Susan not to worry then realizes she is crying. He excuses himself and nervously leaves. Susana, now in a million pieces of pain sees Claudia doing a “Claudia” with a young client.

We have a brief Ale and Tia phone call. Ale is checking in on Jorge. Rosario tells her he continues to be depressed. Ale tells her she can’t leave because she has a ton of work. Rosario tells her not to worry. Marco has everything under control. She says including finding them a nurse. She calls Marco an angel and says he always finds the answer for everything.

Susan confronts Claudia. She wants to know why she did this to her. Claudia wants to know what she is talking about. Susana says the plan with Dandy. Claudia gives a cheeky look doesn’t even try to deny it and says incredulously “ Just that?“ Then she asks if Susana found out about the plan. She tells Susana not to be such a drama queen it was just a game when all is said and done.

She goes to walk away and Susan grabs her arm demanding a better explanation. She wants to know what she ever did to her. Claudia flippantly tells her it was nothing personal. They needed someone on their side. They decided Dandy was the one best suited to win her over. She wants to know if that is all. Than she asks if that is why Dandy asked her for the favors for Rosaura and Ramiro. Claudia smiles smugly
and answers yes. Claudia tells her not to worry, tomorrow they will both make their sales.

Susana says, so Nelson was elected to make the conquest?. Claudia confirms this and adds she suggested they make it a bet and Dandy agreed. And he won too. Susana is repulsed at Claudias’ admission. She says how easy it was for you. Just a joke, and every one wins. She tells Claudia she tore her to pieces. Claudia remarks that she won too. After all she ended up with Dandy. Anyone here would give anything for a night with Dandy. Susana says and my feelings? Did it have occur to her that she might fall in love with him?

Claudia tells her to quit acting like a Telenovela star and get real. Talking about love and such. Susana stops her and tells her she does believe in love. Claudia remarks even after what just happened. Susana leaves and Claudia (heartless and clueless) is left shaking her head like she doesn’t understand all the drama.

Susan enters Ales’ office and exclaims they killed me. Ale wants to know what happened? She says she was so stupid for not listening to her when she tried to warn her. She said they used her like a cheap set of tools. (herramienta barata) .

Claudia warns everyone the jig is up. Marion wants to know who spilled the beans. He threatens Rosaura after all she is a big gossip. She says she didn’t open her mouth. By the time Susana came to her she already had a lot of information. Marino is going to get to the bottom of this.

We have a little “I told you so” session now with Ale and Susana. Susana is still in disbelief. He was so sweet and special with her. Ale says doesn’t that remind you of some one else? Rafa, they are made of the same garbage. After all he did the same thing to her. Ale wants to know how Susana couldn’t know something was up. Susan says he was so sweet. Then yesterday he started acting really strange. She tells Ale about the phone call from his apartment . Ale encourages Susana to call Dandy’s number. Susana doesn’t want too but Ale reminds her about “closing the circle”. If she doesn’t do this she will be left with doubt.

Susan finally succumbs and dials the number. Lucia answers. She is now drunk as a skunk running around in a pink sleazy negligee. Susana asks for Dandy and is told he is not here but will be here shortly. Susana hangs up. She tells Ale a women answered.

Ale then says he is living with someone? She asks Susana if he ever took her to his apartment. She tells her no. Last night she was going to go over and check out his new furniture and they ended up staying at her place. Then she tells her about Dandy coming over last night with a couple of suits telling her he didn’t want to have to rush off in the morning to change.

Ale says, yea what a sweet deal for dandy. He has two places to live now. Ale stands up and says she is going to go talk to everyone. Susana begs her not to do this. She then tells Ale about the favors she did for Dandy for Rosaura and Ramiro. Susana wants to quit. (I think Susana needs to go over to Cloautos. There is a lot less drama and nicer people.) Ale tells her if she quits she will have to quit too. Then she reminds her that what Rafa did to her was far worse then what Dandy did. (This is such torture to see Ale still believing Rafa is a jerk.) Ale tells Susana they can’t do anything right now because of the sorry state of affairs Siglo is in. She starts thinking up a plan and Susana begs her not to do anything yet.

Dandy is home and finds his apartment in a disarray. A drunken Lucia just wants to get randy with dandy. All Dandy wants to do is get rid of her.

We have a too brief little scene with Chavez and Marco on the phone. Chavez has found the perfect nurse for them. Marco might even know who she is. Chavez gives Marco the directions of where he can meet her and as he is writing the directions down we see a look of “I know that place” from Marco.

Dandy is rushing Lucia out to the taxi. She is indignant at the way he is treating her. At least he could give her a goodbye kiss. (Oh oh, anvils from the sky!!). She settles for a hug and who should show up at the exact time to see Dandy embracing Lucia? Susana gets out of the cab and says “Nelson”. He turns to see Susana staring at him in disbelief.


Corazón Salvaje #54, 5/5/2010: Aimee's Handy Tips on How to Recognize A Cheating Woman

Leonarda seeks out Juan in the stables to bribe him to leave. She
frankly tells him his presence there disgusts her, and Juan piles it
on by evincing the same in return. He doesn't think she has enough
money to make him leave, and Leonarda insists everyone has their price.

When Juan asks what hers would be, Leonarda blows her stack. He says
he can pay it, so maybe she thinks he means she's pretty cheap.
Leonarda tries to strike Juan; and he grabs her hand, repeating that
Renato hired him and Renato can fire him. She'd better get used to
the idea, because he's staying until Renato does.

Continuing with the cat fight at the casino, Marlene steps between
Rosenda and Brigitte, just barely convincing Brigitte to desist and
live to fight another day. Brigitte sure wanted to show Rosenda just
who she was dealing with.

Rosenda exits, but not before insulting her mother again; and Marlene
is despondent -- knowing now that Rosenda's mission there must be due
to Rosenda sleeping with Rodrigo. Marlene recognizes the signs of
jealousy in her actions. Marlene anguishes over how she can help her

In their rooms at the estate, Aimee reminds Renato she told him
Rodrigo would be furious, but Renato wouldn't listen. Renato's not
surprised, but is hurt by his reaction; and he repeats that Rodrigo's
problems with Juan are his own doing.

Aimee is nonplussed; how can Renato side with Juan against his own
family! And run such a risk -- of throwing Regina and Juan together.
After all, she feigns grudging admission, he's an attractive man; and
you said yourself he's fair and decent. Renato is still not
convinced; Regina's sweet and delicate -- and Juan's so wild.

However, he mulls again, there was that shadow Noel saw in the
garden... Aimee grasps onto this and rushes to conclude it's Regina
meeting Juan, but Renato can't stomach it. Regina wouldn't have a
secret affair; he knows her -- she's a person with character! If she
truly loved Juan, she'd stand up and admit it to everyone.

Aimee laughs, doesn't know what's good for her and proceeds to hand
Renato some tips on a platter about what a passionate woman would do:
basically anything, including lying and cheating. Renato looks a
little taken aback; I hope he was taking notes.

Regina and Federico take coffee in the port cafe and commiserate over
the big, ugly scene at Rodrigo's town house. Federico just wants to
be her friend, he says, and show that he truly cares for her. About
then Eloísa approaches their table and greets them.

Well, well, nice to see the two of you together; she lightly scolds
Federico for failing to "visit Fulgencio," insists he should do so and
reminds them of her birthday party coming up. I had to wonder if
Eloísa is going to be jealous of Federico.

At Fulgencios office, Servando dumps the bags of money from Federico's
house onto the desk in front of him, telling Fulgencio it was exactly
where the map said it would be. Turns out Federico had let it slip in
an inebriated moment where he kept his stash.

Having proven himself, Servando the Great is ready to do whatever
Fulgencio wishes -- for a modest sum, of course. Fulgencio tosses him
a generous bag of coins, and Servando is quite pleased. Fulgencio
knows how to repay those who loyally serve him, and don't forget it.

At the stables, Juan daydreams about his poor, broken father swearing
his love and devotion to young Juan and how it made Juan weep with
sadness and joy to be in his embrace. He remembers the eternal love
between Juan de Dios and María del Rosario and thinks aloud that
wherever they are, they are still loving each other. About then
Hummingbird enters, bringing Juan a loaf of bread.

They munch and ponder their melancholy states. Hummingbird says he's
sad sometimes, too; and that he even told his sad, little life story
to Regina, which surprises Juan. Hummingbird needs to know if all
parents are bad to their kids, and Juan assures him they aren't. In a
sort of bookend to how the scene starts, Juan swears his love and
devotion to Hummingbird; and in a warm embrace, Hummingbird weeps with
sadness and joy.

Down in the catacombs, Arcadio is tipping the bottle and working up a
really nasty mad. He's sick and tired of being treated like a damned
dog; who does that new guy think he is, ordering me around? ME! How
he hates them -- hates them all! Set to the music of the bottle
smashing against the wall.

In the patio, Regina braces Juan about the vandalism in her sister's
bedroom at the town house. She's sure it was him! Does she have
proof, he asks. Juan casually cocks his muddy foot up on the
furniture, and Regina scolds him. Juan looks abashed and tries to
brush the dirt off.

Getting back, Regina demands to know what he was trying to do --
destroy her sister's happiness? Juan grins and thinks of naughty
Aimee with her sister's nun's habit. Regina's very naive, Juan says.
Take a little advice: don't bend over backwards for your sister,
because she wouldn't do the same for you. Are you trying to make me
suspect my sister, Regina asks.

Nope -- just to open your eyes, Juan says, diving at her with his eyes
stretched wide open. Do you really believe your sister is true, Juan
asks -- dirty foot back on the furniture. (Ill-mannered, she
counters.) Her back to him, Regina insists her sister loves her and
wouldn't hurt her. Unconvinced, Juan just wants her to remember what
he said.

In the stable, Hummingbird has the great bad luck to be cornered by
drunken, furious Arcadio. Arcadio's going to show him that the farm
kids don't have the run of the place and intends to whip the boy --
with a whip, not figuratively. Hummingbird is yelling at the top of
his lungs, which brings Renato in the nick of time, just as Arcadio is
lifting the whip.

Renato manages to stop the whipping, but Arcadio is a beast. The two
of them fight, and Renato hits the dirt. Arcadio is just lifting a
dagger out of its haft to stab Renato when Juan appears; and once
again Arcadio is prevented. But not stopped; that man is a force.
Juan is barely able to subdue Arcadio, even drunken. But Juan does
manage it, and Arcadio is in serious trouble.

In a pointed remark which seems to go right over Renato's head, Juan
stresses how he and Renato are now even: each saved the other's
life. They're not indebted any more.

At the casino, Marlene apologizes to Brigitte for Rosenda's behavior,
and they both admit they know what passion or greed can do to a
person. Marlene regrets the fact that Rosenda behaved like that over
a rich, old widower like Rodrigo. They both promise not to let that
situation happen again; Marlene is so grateful she has the girls, who
are more like daughters than her own.

In Leonarda's finca office, Rosenda weaves Leonarda a good tale of
vanquishing Brigitte in her own lair, and Leonarda is effusive in her
praise. She knew she could count on Rosenda to back her against that
sort of gold digging trash who would offer themselves to a man like
Rodrigo. Right, right, Rosenda replies. Just out to see what they
can get, uh huh.

You don't have to worry -- Rosenda will watch out for Rodrigo! And
that's why Leonarda gives Rosenda her complete trust, Leonarda says.
Unless of course, Rosenda ever does anything to abuse it; and then
Leonarda could never forgive Rosenda, Leonarda warns. About then the
maid barges in to shout that Arcadio has to see Leonarda immediately!

At the sea shore, the fishermen all pile into the beach shack,
complaining they haven't earned a thing that day. I think we'll hear
more about this tomorrow, as I suspect it's related to Rodrigo's
little talk with the sheriff, where he was going to hurt Juan through
Juan's friends. Maybe he's already started.

Meanwhile, down the way, Hummingbird walks the beach with his
spyglass, yacking with his parrot on his shoulder about Regina and
school, when they cut to Griselda, who is watching the boy with a very
greedy look in her eye. Griselda rushes into Servando's tent to
exclaim there's a kid ripe for kidnapping, alone on the beach.
Servando is not impressed, still feeling full from his big bag of
coins Fulgencio gave him.

What does Servando need with the trouble of a kidnapping right now;
he's doing really well with his henchman job. Griselda insists he
share his take, because that's how it's done. And she keeps on with
the kidnap plan, trying to tempt him with a special twist: she's seen
Gabriel with the boy, and he'd probably pay a pretty ransom.

Back at the finca office, Leonarda slaps Arcadio around the best she
can, and he allows it. How dare he endanger her son! Renato is the
most important thing in her life! She'll kill Arcadio with her bare
hands! Right. Arcadio admits it was a mistake; but what's done is

What does she expect, the way she treats him like a damned dog!
That's no excuse! This time, Leonarda can't pull him out of it! And
if he tries to rat her out, she'll rat him out, too! He's in this up
to his neck for years, same as her. Renato enters, and I have to say,
he looks very fetching all mussed up from his fight in the barn.

Meanwhile, out on the patio, Aimee encounters Juan and wonders what
he's decided about their lives. Juan has no idea what she means,
since Aimee's already made hers. She belongs to Renato -- what more
does she want? What more? Aimee wants Juan, of course. Juan asks
how she intends to pay -- with her body? It can't be her soul, since
she has none.

Aimee admits that Juan has stolen her soul, and Juan chuckles
ruefully. When she tries to cozy up to him, he can't stand it. Juan
doesn't want her anywhere near him; he's only there because of Renato
-- and Aimee calls him a liar. Since she has no idea about the family
history, Aimee of course thinks Juan is there for her and no other

And she's going to make sure he stays. Juan jerks Aimee toward him
and warns her to keep her distance, because Renato could enter at any
moment. Which he does, and Juan quickly changes the topic. Renato
congratulates Juan for being a great friend and saving his life.

Renato explains the fight to Aimee. Juan repeats that now they are
even -- and don't owe each other anything anymore. The men exit, and
Aimee mulls smugly that now Juan doesn't owe Renato anything, she's
one step closer to having him.

At the gypsy camp, Griselda continues insisting that if Servando will
help her kidnap the boy, they can split a tidy sum. And Jimena might
be back on the table, she says. But Servando doesn't need Jimena any
more: he's going to have enough cash to buy companionship at the
casino! A quick segue to the casino bedroom, where poor Fifi
remembers Servando's knife at her throat and his ugly, awful kiss.

But Marlene enters and cheers her up with happier thoughts and the
idea of a delicious meal that Lulu has prepared. Downstairs, Lulu
explains to Philippe how she always liked to cook and wishes she had a
little inn or restaurant. He wonders if she is ashamed of what she
is. She admits she met a nice man and explains the encounter with
Remigio, how she lied about being the cook, and how he looked at her
so adoringly and helped her home.

She felt so different; like she'd never felt. Lulu's always wanted a
husband and children, she says; does Philippe think she'll get them
one day? To be honest, Philippe looked a little doubtful. Meanwhile,
far away in the cane field, Remigio is also thinking of their sweet
encounter earlier, when suddenly a worker arrives with the urgent
message that Arcadio got drunk and attacked Juan and Renato. Remigio
departs post haste.

In the finca office, they are all gathered: Juan, Renato, Leonarda and
Arcadio, to decide Arcadio's fate. Renato wants him fired right away,
but Arcadio plays his hole card. He pulls out the sad yarn about his
poor "wife" he must keep. How will he do that if they fire him.
Renato has had it with this line, but Juan is still moved by it.

Juan doesn't think the poor woman should suffer because Arcadio is a
drunken fool. Leonarda appears surprised to hear that Juan has met
the "wife," when Juan explains her sojourn at his home when the woman
somehow landed on the beach, very ill. Juan begs Renato to
reconsider; and Renato reluctantly relents, on condition of viewing
this "wife" of Arcadio, so apparently tomorrow they plan to do that.
Leonarda looks worried indeed.

Here are the previews I saw: in the first one, Juan smiles at Regina
and explains that the world is full of women, and he wishes he'd been
lucky enough to meet someone like her. In the background, Renato
looks to be overhearing this, concerned.

In the next one, Leonarda hands Arcadio a vial of one of her special
elixers. Just give a couple of drops of this to María del Rosario to
keep her asleep while the boys come take a look at her.

Next, Rosenda halts Renato outside his mother's door, saying Leonarda
has had some "attacks" and refused to have the doctor called.
Finally, Leonarda is shown lying in bed, pitifully begging Renato to
please, please get rid of that Juan guy.



Wednesday, May 05, 2010

El Clon 56, Wed., May 5 - All I want for a Christmas is a clone!

In our 'cuentos' group last night, we read, 'Es que somos pobres,' by Juan Rulfo.

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so I'm imitating the layout of your recap, Novelamaven!

The Ferrer clan come over to Mohamed's house.
Here's what you can say to greet you guests the next time you have company:
Bienvenidos, llenan de luz mi casa.
Welcome, you fill my house with light, or
Se llena del luz con la presencia de todos ustedes,
Your presence fills us all with light.

Ali asks Lucas if he is happy in his life.
Lucas says:
La palabra correcto es tranquilo.
The correct word would be tranquility.
Cuando hay tranquilidad, hay felicidad, Lucas.
Where there's tranquility, there's happiness, Lucas, replies Ali.
Si usted lo hice.
If you say so.

When Lucas says that he didn't get the life he dreamed about, Ali can conveniently say that it was his destiny.

Mohamed announces that the same dancer who was at Leo's house is performing for them. [She must be TOBDIM - the only belly dancer in Miami.] Lucas has obligatory flashbacks to Jade dancing for him.

This really must be The Only Dance Club in Miami. Natalia and Andrea show up and who do they find there? Fernando waiting for the belly dancer to finish her gig; Pablo and Alejandro and his ex, Diana. When Karla with a K shows up all hell breaks loose between her and Diana. Alej sees Nati and insists on escorting her home. She has a better idea - a mall. She is going to buy him some clothes.
Es que si vas a ser mi sombra todo el tiempo, prefiero que te parezcas a mí un poquito.
If you are going to be my shadow, I prefer that you look a little like me, says Nati.

At the party, Marisa touches Said accidentally on purpose.

Lucas slips Jade a note and asks her to meet him at an address at 11 the next morning.

Lucia sees that Said hasn't stopped looking at Marisa all evening. She hopes Marisa isn't going to do something stupid.

La mujer de ese hombre me ha robado a mi marido toda la vida. Ya llegó mi turno.
That man's wife has robbed me of my husband for my whole life. Now my turn has come, she replies.

For comic relief the Naz decides that Roberto has been eying her and she hops up and does her 'come hither' dance for him. Lucia jumps up and joins in with a 'this man is taken' dance.

Alej tells Nati that it will take months to pay her back for what she bought him. Nati says that he doesn't have to pay her back. They are work clothes.
¿Pero sabes qué? Si te vuelves a poner ese traje di pingüino, sí te cobro ... y con intereses.
But you know what? If you wear that penguin suit again, you will pay me back ... with interest, says Nati.

She asks him not to tell her grandfather that she snuck out and he tells her to let him know when she is going to sneak out and he'll keep an eye on her from a distance.
As he is leaving, Nati ask Alej for a favor.
¿Será que me puedes dejar de tratar de "usted" y me tratas de "tú"?
Will you stop using the formal 'usted' with me and use the informal 'tu'?
Como quieras, Natalia.
As you wish (using the tu form of the verb), Natalia.

Alej bids her good night.

Ramon, the gossip maven (el chismoso), tells Gloria: Lo escuché sin querer (I heard without intending to) that Karla and Victor the killer have broken up. Ramon pays Prince Amin, a chismoso in training, to find out the details. It appears that when Victor heard about the fight at the club, he sent Karla packing. Gloria walks in on Alej doing upside down pushups - Wow! When she tells Alej about Gloria and Victor, he is happy.

Hilda is furious that Karla ignored her warning and went out to the only dance club in Miami. Now Victor has sent her packing (Victor te mando a cantar rancheras, literally, sent her to sing rancheras) and she and Karla have to live in this pigsty (pocilga). We get an excellent view of Prince Amin getting an excellent view of Karla's boob job.

It's Christmas time in Miami.

Marisa suggests to Leo that they invite 'the Arabs' over to celebrate Xmas with them.

¿Sufras de amnesia?
Nati asks Alej, Are you suffering from amnesia?
Nati can't believe that Alej has shown up for work in his 'penguin suit' and is calling her 'senorita' again. Nati aks Leo to tell Alej to wear the clothes she bought for him. Confused, Leo says, "¿No tiene ropa?" "He doesn't have clothes?" Leo, who knows better than to interfere, endorses Nati's orders for Alej and he goes to change.

Jade's reaction when informed of the plan to have Xmas at the Ferrer's:
Por dios, qué mas pruebas tengo que pasar.
God, how many more tests do I have to endure?

Alej appears in his new working clothes. Now Nati is willing to be seen with him. Alej tries to explain to Leo and Lucas but as men used to dealing with powerful women, they indicate that no explanations are necessary.

Trouble's brewing over the DNA test result mixup. Luisa says that the lab doen't make mistakes with DNA testing. That's why she doesn't take vacations even though she needs them.

For the umpteenth time, Cristina barges in on Leo in his office. She gives him a pair of red shorts as an Xmas gift to match her underwear (the actors looked like they were having trouble keeping a straight face in this scene) and they end up in bed, as usual.

Lucas takes the pendant and goes to what we later find out is his love nest to meet Jade. Jade says that if she doesn't go, she'll die. She says that she will go just to tell Lucas what she thinks of him.

Jade arrives. While Lucas is getting her a glass of water, Said calls. He is stuck in NY because of a snowstorm. He wants her to go to the Ferrer's with Mohamed. He tells her that he has been thinking about it and he can't continue to live in the past. He says that he has nothing more to prove and he trusts her and loves her.

Now we have this verbal conversation between Lucas and Jade plus their thought bubbles.
Lucas says he can't stay long and Jade thinks that she has waited 18 years to be alone with him and now she is nothing more than one of his flings.

Lucas thinks how much he wants to hug and kiss her and wonders why there is such a distance between them.
It's been a long time, says Lucas. He says that when he sees her he remembers the girl who ran through the market to meet him at the ruins. The girl who said that he was written in her destiny.
You remember that? asks Jade
Every word replies Lucas. Where is the girl who used to dance for me?
Jade hears Marisa's lies and says that girl left with her adolescent dreams. She says that Lucas must laugh when he remembers that.
Me? says Lucas, surprised.
Jade asks Lucas if he remembers all the promises he made to her to leave his family, his job and his religion for her.
He says that he does. How could he forget them.
She says that he must almost die laughing when he remembers that.
No, says Lucas, he feels a lot of regret about that time and what pains him the most is knowing that he hurt her.
Jade tells him not to have regrets. She grew up like he did. They did crazy things but she says at least neither of them suffered over it. She echoes Marisa's lies again by saying that it was all like a crazy summer adventure. Lucas looks confused. Jade asks if he is happy.
Lucas half lies and says that he isn't the young man who dreamed of love. He has a stable marriage, manages his father's business - what more could you ask of life?
Jade lies and says that she is very happy with Said. She learned to love him.
Lucas is thinking that he wants to get on his knees and beg her to go away with him to some far away place. But he says that he is glad she is happy and mentions that her family is coming to his house for Xmas. Jade asks Allah to help her feign indifference. She replies that she isn't going. She wants to see the places where she grew up.

Lucas says to himself that he imagined that his meeting would be different. Lucas and Jade mention their children. Lucas' phone rings and he takes the call [unlike Leo in a similar circumstance.] When he hangs up, he says to himself,
Tengo que decirle que no he dejado de amarla, es ahora o nunca.
I have to tell her that I haven't stopped loving her, it's now or never.

Well, I guess it's never 'cause when Lucas turns around from taking his phone call, Jade is gone and he didn't give her back the pendant.

Outside, Jade says to herself,
Fui un idiota, pusa a mi familia y me vida en riesgo. Casi vuelvo a lanzar mi suerte al viento por nada.
I was an idiot. I put my family and my life at risk. I almost threw my luck to the winds for nothing again.

Jade and Lucas tell their confidants, Latifa and Enrique, about the meeting. Lucas says that he couldn't tell Jade what he wanted. She was cold and distant and when he finally decided to tell her what she meant to him, she was gone. Jade tells Latifa that the man she knew never existed. He was only her invention and she gave up so many years of happiness for nothing.

Rosa tells Lucas and Marisa that the Arabs have canceled the Xmas visit but she can't contact Leo.

When Leo can't be contacted, there is only one place he can be - with Cristina.

Now we get a sampling of our characters' Xmas celebrations:

Dora is staying home in case Daniel shows up;

Julio tells Albieri that two more labs redid the DNA test and did not duplicate his results. What's worse is that there is another test result that seems to be incorrect. He suggests that maybe two results got switched. Luisa looks stricken and Alicia is smirking. Albieri says they shouldn't talk business on Xmas. Tomorrow, he will find out what happened;

Fernando is headed out. Escobar tells him to stay home on Xmas and appeals to Clara. She sweetly points out that Fernando announced his plan a week ago and she asked Escobar to talk to him about it and he said that he would. Obviously, he wasn't paying any attention to what she said as usual. She says,
Entonces, ahora la mandarina te la chupas tú solo.
So now you deal with it, literally, so now you suck the mandarin orange by yourself.
Merry Christmas says Fernando and leaves; and

Alej buys Nati a bracelet for Xmas. He tells her that it brings good luck, especially in love. She gives him a kiss on the cheek.

Lucas unobtrusively leaves the party at his house.

Mohamed and his family watch the rowdy Xmas celebration at Gloria's. While Ali tells the children the story of Xmas from the point of view of Islam [it seems impossible that Zamira, at least, would never have heard the Xmas story before but whatever] Jade unobtrusively leaves the house. Lucas and Jade are walking in the street [Lucas lives in Key Biscayne so he must have driven to Jade's neighborhood or maybe it's magical novela teleportation.] They see each other. Wordlessly, Jade throws herself into Lucas' arms. They kiss.

The credits roll.


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, May 4: Ep 53--And we're still waiting for a relationship on this show that's not based on lies

Grizelda, that money-grubbing idiot, busts up a potential Gabe-Jimena kiss. Does it not occur to her that having her "niece" married to a guy with money could be very lucrative for her?

Noel loves, loves, loves Juan's ideas for reform. He also figures that Leo didn't like them. Renato says Mami Dearest thinks they'll go broke by treating the peasants decently. Noel thinks maybe, deep down, he still loves her, but he doesn't know anymore.

Rosenda tells Leo that Aimee has been very generous to her lately. Leo reminds her she has to be faithful to them. Rosenda says that Renato was as upset about the medal as Rod was about the ring. Leo says it's cause men want to own everything, and that goes for both of them. She's upset that Renato is contradicting her all the time, and hiring Juan, who drove Rod away. And Rod just moved to town and she's already finding out that he's seeing one of those little chippies from the casino. Rosenda flips out, but has to restrain herself and just says Rod can't possibly treat Leo like that after she's supported him in everything. Leo wants Rosenda to help her get that other woman away from Rod, at any cost.

Noel notices the time and says he's got to get to work. The guys hug. Aimee comes running in just then to suck up to Noel. He leaves. Aimee tries to get Renato to quit being angry. The proximity of her boobs does the job. He offers to take her to town to see her dad, and he's invited Regina along, too. Aimee flips her wig about Regina coming along. She tells him she wants him all to herself and numbs his brain with her lips.

Grizelda is offended at Jimena dressing "like a Christian" and going into a church. She claims that Jimena is hurting her mother and all other Gypsies. Grizzy rips up the veil and warns Jimena that if she goes into the church again, she'll take her away from Gabe. Oh, so she wasn't worried about the kissing, then. Jimena cries over her ripped up veil.

At the school, a teacher reviews the vowels with a group of kids and adults. Regina, in her Little Bo Peep outfit, looks on, beaming. She approaches Colibri after the lesson to praise him. He gets all excited and says she's frickin' awesome and gives her a hug. She invites him to check out the place where the artisans are working and he says he'll follow her to the ends of the earth. So much for being Juan's little man to the end. Boobs always trump. Regina loves the work the ladies are doing, and the ladies love Reggie.

Doc mixes up some drugs and sends a peasant off with them. Reggie and Colibri come in and the peasant and Doc get to call Reggie an angel and make her blush. Peasant guy leaves and Reggie introduces Colibri to the Doc. Doc wonders if he knows what his name means and says it's "messenger of love." Colibri says he's a friend of Juan del Diablo, and Juan walks in and says that's his name, all right. Another peasant comes in to tell Reggie that Renato is asking if she wants to go into town. She gets all excited. Colibri offers to walk her to her carriage…if Juan's ok with hit. Juan again declares that Colibri is free, to which he replies "See, I'm free, because Juan says so." Kind of defeats the purpose. Colibri and Reggie leave. Doc and Juan put the penises on the table. I mean, the cards. Doc now knows Juan's name and Juan now knows that Doc has a thing for Miss Santa Regina. They both grin at each other. Game on.

Reggie is all excited to go visit her dad. Federico wants to come along and be the fourth wheel. Neither Renato nor Regina seem very happy about it, but they don't tell him "no".

Rodrigo is unhappy with the sheriff's work. Most lately, that they have no idea who broke into his house. Rodrigo is convinced that Juan did it. The sheriff agrees that Juan is stirring things up, and stirring up the fishermen. Rodrigo thinks it's time to teach them a lesson, and he thinks he has a way to revenge himself on Juan.

The fisherman are just pulling their boat onto the shore. Santos' girlfriend comes up and they flirt. He wants to kiss her, but she doesn't want to do it in front of everyone. She wants to know where he was and Pedro explains they keep having to go out farther and farther to get a decent catch.

Juan and the Doc talk. Doc says that Rod told him to back off, because he wants Reggie to marry Fed. Unfortunately, Reggie also told him that she loves someone else, but he still has a thing for her. Juan understands passion that overtakes one's heart. Juan explains he took his name due to some circumstances that he doesn't really want to talk about. Doc congratulates him for the great work he's doing with the peasants. Juan explains he's just trying to be fair. The earth is our mother, and it shouldn't belong to only one person, but to everyone. Doc notices Juan's mark and thinks it might be lucky.

Mirta notices Maria del Rosario's birthmark. She says her grandmother and mother also had it, but not everyone in her family has it. "They said that those who had it would be lucky, happy, but that wasn't my fate." Mirta gets very agitated. MdR says she's just waiting for the sea to bring back Juan D.

Juan D Jr. is out in the fields, sweating with the peasants.

MdR now gets agitated, looking for her baby. Mirta hands her the rag baby and MdR pushes open the secret door. She tells Mirta to come with her and they'll go see the room where her baby was born.

A peasant falls over and everybody rushes over. This is one of the older guys, who Juan didn't want working anymore, but someone else tells him that Arcadio said if they wanted to eat, they have to work. Juan is pissed and reminds them that his orders were no women, children, or old people working. He orders them to take the guy to the clinic. Remigio is pissed that Juan is getting himself in trouble for nothing. Aimee is married to Renato…"But she's still in love with me!" Juan says things aren't as they seem. He goes back to loading up sacks.

Rodrigo is not happy to see Renato in his house and demands to know who gave him permission to enter. Renato meekly says he brought the girls to see him. Rodrigo tells him the girls are welcome, but he isn't, and not to fake an affection for Rod that he doesn't feel. Regina tries to get him to back off. Renato tries to stand up for himself, but Rod won't hear it while Juan is working for him. Renato leaves and says he'll wait outside. Regina tries to plead his case again, but now she gets yelled at. She just won't give up, though. Neither will Rod. Ren begs her to respect her father's decision because he doesn't want her or Aimee fighting with Rod over him. Yeah, and shouldn't it be Aimee defending him? Bad wife! Fed feels bad and offers to keep Renato company outside. "I hope this has served as a lesson to you when you marry Regina. Never go against me. Ever!" Fed says Rod doesn't need to worry about that. He leaves. Rod warns Reggie that if she keeps at it, he'll dismiss her as well, so she'd better quit sticking up for Renato and Juan.

Juan pokes around the basement and runs into Arcadio. He remembers Noel being brought home on a horse, Renato crying, and Leo running Juan off. He remembers Arcadio ordering them to bring in Noel. He remembers Renato showing him the coins and Arcadio and Leo yelling for Renato. He remembers Renato tripping and telling him to take the money and run. Juan tells Arcadio he's not going to allow him to keep treating the workers like animals. They argue over who's the administrator of the finca, and who's giving the orders. Juan tells Arcadio he actually hadn't considered having him fired, since he knows Arcadio has a sick wife. Arcadio is surprised to hear it and offers to explain it. Juan asks to see her and Arcadio fakes that he doesn't want his wife gawked at. Juan offers to explain how he knows about her, but he wants to see her first. Arcadio refuses. Juan tells him that he's the one giving orders and if Arcadio doesn't like it, he can take it up with Renato.

MdR and Mirta are in MdR's old room. She talks about waiting for her child to be born, but Leonarda took him away. She cries over the bed, that was the last place she slept with Juan D. Sr. She remembers asking Leo for news and Leo telling her that Juan fell into the sea and never came out. She cries over him and says he has to come back, because he always kept his promises.

Aimee sucks up to Rod, but Rod refuses to come back to the finca. Regina asks him to please reconsider. Aimee snaps at her to quit defending Renato. "He's MY husband. And I'm on dad's side." Is there anything more to her than being a spoiled bitch? Didn't think so. Aimee sucks up to dad some more. She says she wants to spend more time with him, but Renato won't let her. Rod laps it up and sees it as a demonstration of what a wonderful daughter Aimee is…Regina, on the other hand…. "You and Renato, always talking about 'justice' but you're so unfair to your own family!" This from Aimee. Rod tells Aimee he's got them working on cleaning up her room. This is the first Regina has heard of it, and it seems like she might have an idea. Aimee assures Rod that she's going to invest her entire inheritance in wood, and Rod is gratified to hear it. Aimee simpers. When Rod says she'll double her fortune, Aimee thinks that she'll be able to run off with Juan. Ugh. She's so tacky.

Remi is out shopping. He sees Lulu, who's having some trouble carrying her groceries. He offers to help carry stuff for her.

Rod pressures Reggie to marry Fed. He tells her she'll get her inheritance when she marries Fed, and if she does it soon, she might be in time to double her inheritance as well. Reggie promises to think about it. Aimee starts in on her, asking if she's still pining for her impossible love, which makes no sense to Reggie, given that Aimee knows who that would be. Aimee is glad that Tia Leo talked to her about wood. Rod says Leo's a smart woman, which in his book means, "someone who agrees with me, no matter what a bonehead I'm being."

Remi seems smitten with Lulu. He wants to know when she shops…presumably so he can carry her groceries every time. He's alarmed to see that she works at the casino, but she lies and says she works in the kitchen. And only in the kitchen. Which is code for, "I swear, I'm not a whore!" She starts to tell him her name is "Lulu" but breaks of and says it's "Malu." He introduces himself as Remigio Sanchez, to serve God…and her! She offers a hand to shake, but they have to put down most of their shopping to do it. They just can't keep their hands off their, uh, hands. He keeps repeating "Malu" and by some miracle doesn't knock her over with his giant tools. He walks off. Rosenda comes up just then with her own set of giant tools (or is she herself a giant tool?), looking for Brigitte. She demands that Lulu go inside and get her while she waits outside.

Clemi sees Juan riding up to the finca. She runs out to greet him, calling him "my child" and he's worried someone will hear. Clemi reminds him that she promised his mom she'd take care of him when she found him. Juan thinks she's trying to guilt him into leaving without getting vengeance. Clemi just wants him to know that his dad would be proud of him for his work reforms. And of course, mami would be proud too. Juan muses that he's got a lot of good and bad memories of the place. Clemi says his life will always be linked to the finca. She proposes they sneak in so he can see his mom's room.

Mom is upstairs in her room, crying. Mirta drags her out and across the hall.

Leo and Arcadio ponder what to do about Juan wanting to get a look at MdR. Arcadio figures he met her when she got out. He's getting tired of this game. He thinks it's time to tell everyone the truth, but Leo refuses. They have to continue telling everyone the crazy woman is Arcadio's wife. No one can find out that Leo has had MdR locked up all this time. Arcadio tells her that Remi has also seen him with his "wife" and that Remi gets along well with Juan. Leo looks alarmed. Well, that's what you get when you give away your nephew and drive your sister crazy. Deal with it.

Juan is overwhelmed with emotion to see his Mom's room. This smoothes out all the wrinkles on his face. Clemi tells him his story started in that very bed. His parents spent their last night together there. Juan has a chest pain. He says he has a feeling that his mother is still alive, but he figures it's just because he's in her room. My guess is it’s a heart attack. Or gas. He hugs Clemencia.

Tomorrow: people smack each other around and Aimee is still trying to worm her way back into Juan's pants.


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