Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eva Luna #72 Tue 2/15/11 Eva the Magnificent Businesswoman

Eva Luna, Feb 15, 2011. Episode 71. Eva the Magnificent Businesswoman.

We start with a rewind scene between Tia Tilda and Deborah. The actress playing Tilda is doing a good performance, being really fired up and full of angry self-righteousness at what she considers to be the unfaithful wife of her brother. Deborah vehemently denies this, says that she told her husband everything and thought she had been forgiven but he took off with the kids anyway and she couldn't find them. Tilda ain't buying it and with slitted eyes, says that she ain't buying it.

Eva is at Daniel's house, talking to Daniel and the bruja comes in and is insulting Eva. Eva says that she can run this business because she's been trained and she's got talent. Icky keeps on going on about this is a farce, but Daniel interrupts and says like it or not Eva owns the company, so let her do what she's going to do. Eva then says that she's sick of trying to explain what she'll be able to do, so she'll just prove it to them, and see ya, I'm bored now. Off she goes.

Back to Deborah trying to appeal to a still-pissed Tilda about what really went down between Ismael (Eva & Alicia's dead dad, husband, and tia's brother) but Tilda is still unyielding. Deborah wants help with approaching the girls but Tilda says no way, and if you ever tell the girls who you are, I'll turn them against you for being such a bad and sucky mother. But after Deborah leaves, Tia tilde remembers how her brother said something to her that alluded that not all was clear on his end (like maybe he took the kids like Deborah said). Tilda says to herself that she's not going to tell the girls, though. Doesn't want his memory soiled.

Back to a screechy Icky harping on a weary Daniel about Eva. Basically it boils down to Icky saying she'll do "anything" to get rid of Eva, while Daniel is saying that whatever, we have to suck it up because Eva's the owner of the company. He questions what Icky means by "anything," wondering if she'll invent a theft to accuse Eva of. At this the bruja acts all offended, as if WHY ON EARTH would he think she'd do something like that? (cough cough) Daniel says that they have to attend Eva's presentation at the office, since they are shareholders. Icky doesn't want to but they gotta. Daniel looks miserable throughout this whole exchange, which gives Viewerville another opportunity to say, WE TOLD YOU SO, IDIOT. No one forced you to marry the bruja, IdiotMan.

I'll start condensing scenes because otherwise we'll be here all day. Throughout the first part of the episode Marcela, (who is a sloppy drunk, by the way), is lamenting all her bad luck and playing the victim. (Cry me a river!) She wants to kill Eva and seems rather fixed on the idea. Leo comes in to console and reason with her and comes up with the idea for him to marry Eva, and then they can bump her off and get all her dough. (I wonder about this. Does he really want to have her murdered or is he just saying that? We know he's a slimy skunk, but so far hasn't seemed to be the premeditated murderer type. But then again the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.) Marcela likes this idea and says that she's really good at weddings and funerals.

We have a whole distressing series of scenes between the useless dad of Adrian and poor Don Ricardo, Justa, and Adrian. Don Ricardo wants to call the police. Adrian is crying and doesn't want to be hit again because it hurts. Ricardo and Justa are arguing with the dad Tomas, who says don't waste your love and affection on a kid that doesn't deserve any. (This is awful! Can we all hope for a painful and miserable end for this waste of space?) Tomas pulls out a gun on them and takes the kid to who knows where. Ricardo wants to chase after them but Justa stops him, reminding him that because Tomas has a gun, the tragedy could be worse.

It looks like Stud Bruno and his cousin are kissin' cousins because all through their scenes together they are all over each other. They are talking about the money they've swiped from Marcela. The cousin is saying that now that Eva is owner, she'll probably get involved in the sister company (the modeling company) and then she'll uncover all of Bruno's tricks. Maybe they better quit while they're ahead. They've got enough money already. But Bruno is curious to what will happen next and is ambitious. The cousins end up with a un-cousinly kiss.

It's the big day and Eva, wearing killer heels, is arriving at the company. All the staff is waiting to greet her. Nice greetings all around. Eva says she's going to take Marcela's old office. Icky and Daniel have come up behind Eva and Icky protests and says that's her mom's office. Eva turns and looks with steely determination and days that now it's HER office.

After the break, we return to the scene. Eva is saying she's going to change a lot of things around here because she's the new owner, and that Icky better watch her words or she'll be out. Eva walks off with the assistant. Icky is in full whine mode about being "humiliated" in front of everyone and wants Danny to do something. He says that they've already talked about it and they've just got to suck it up. Icky wants to leave but Danny says he's got to attend, and Icky says, "have to or want to" (attend)? He says both. Off he goes.

Leo walks up to Icky and tells her they've got to be patient. Icky says petulantly that she wants Eva dead right away.

Renata is serving Queen Marcela at the mansion and they're talking about Eva's mysterious child. Nobody knows who the baby daddy is. (As if there's any doubt! LOL.)

Daniel's assistant is talking to Daniel about Eva. Amazing that she's now the president, the assistant says. Daniel says that at this meeting, she's got to impress all of us

Meanwhile, said president of company is giving herself a pep talk about how she can do it, and is looking up on the laptop all the stuff she needs to do. I have the best advisors (Don Julio) and I have a good memory, she reminds herself.

On the drive home, Icky is kvetching about Eva and has a sympathetic ear in scumbag Tony, who is the chofer. Tony's and Icky's scene continues throughout the episode with them agreeing to work together to destroy Eva. She has him take her to a restaurant for drinks so they can talk and conspire.

Tony explains that he doesn't like Eva either, and even brags about how he bamboozled a poor befuddled Daniel by telling him that Eva and Alicia were scam artists who got jobs at rich houses in order to seduce and then rob the men, which of course Daniel totally bought. Icky is quite impressed at Tony for doing this. Ewww. He talks about the "grand potential" their "partnership" has as Icky smiles.

Eva's getting ready for the big meeting and has her assistant take in some papers to the meeting room. Leo comes in to congratulate her and slime all over her.

Now is the big moment and Eva walks into the boardroom as Daniel wanders stiffly around, casting furtive glances at Eva as everyone gets to their seats in preparation for the meeting. Eva is not unaware of Daniel's presence there either, as they both steal glances at each other.

It looks like the meeting with Eva is going well. Even Daniel looks impressed, though Giorgio is fiddling with his phone or Blackberry throughout. Afterwards, she is congratulated by various parts of the staff for her awesome presentation.

Giorgio and Bruno have a conversation about her as she is talking with the other staff. Bruno is really impressed but Giorgio is being a bit pissy, saying that words are one thing but actions are another. Both agree, however, that Eva has had great advisors.

An impactado Daniel goes back to his office and thought-bubbles to himself—how is he going to work with her? "How did you become like this?" he thinks and then thinks, "She is spectacular."

Francisco is trying to shine up to Jacky, offering her a bouquet of flowers. Her first thought is what does he want?

Marisol's coworker (can't remember her name) is visiting Marisol at the pension and they are talking about what's going on with the whole Marisol/Francisco mess. She tells how Francisco wanted to give their relationship a go, but she didn't want to because she's so unworthy after the life she's led. The friend accuses Marisol of being in love with Francisco. (There is probably more to this that I missed.)

Francisco is trying to convince Jacky that he can direct his affections towards her, it appears. Jacky seems disconcerted by this.

Leo praises Eva for her awesome presentation. He wants to take her to eat but at first she says she's too busy, but finally agrees to a quick lunch. Leo says that he'll be looking out for her interests.

Tia Tilda is looking after Eva's baby and thought-bubbling to herself that Eva and Alicia can never know what her brother (Ismael) REALLY did.

Eva asks Leo, how can he not hate her? Doesn't he hate her after she inherited everything instead of Don Julio's kids? He explains that he doesn't want to talk about what went on between him and his dad, but that she should not doubt his loyalty. (There was more there but I missed it.) They are deep in conversation as Daniel barges in, sees how close they are to each other, and Daniel looks a tad . . . jealous!

The CCs were a bit funky here, but Daniel makes some snarky sarcastic comment about sorry to . . . interrupt them. Eva says that he did interrupt, and to have Olga announce him first next time? (?) She assumes he had a problem with her presentation, but instead, Daniel tells her how awesome she was, how surprised he was, and what a great job she did. Eva looks quite touched and shocked by this, it was not what she expected you can tell, and you can see some of the "old" Eva here, because she seems quite affected and moved by Daniel's approval.

We cut to Deborah and the friend/employee that exists only to be able to ask Deborah questions about how things are going in the search for Eva and Alicia. Deborah tells the friend that things are rough because she can't prove that she didn't abandon her daughters.

Eva now gets back to her new self, all haughty, and says that she assumes then that Daniel won't have any problem taking "orders" from her? Daniel now gets a bit ruffled and says that they're associates, and as such he doesn't take "orders" and further, he asks her, is this going to be her attitude all the time?

She says yes, and ESPECIALLY with him! Daniel then says, what is this, as far as I know, I'm the one who should be the offended party here! At this point Leo interrupts and says that they need to calm down and not have this personal discussion right now. Daniel says yeah, you're right, it's a PERSONAL discussion, so why don't you just trot on off and leave Eva and I to have our PERSONAL conversation. Daniel starts to move in closer to Eva as he says this. But Eva stops him and says she's off to have a meal with Leo and they'll continue this discussion when she's ready. They leave Daniel looking thwarted and jealous.

More with Deborah telling the friend/employee who only exists to ask about Deborah's daughters. Deborah says that Ismael also deceived Tilda and convinced her that Deborah abandoned the kids.

Alicia is hanging out with some models or whatever and they're trilling on about the new owner Eva, as Alicia listens in.

Don Ricardo was just out looking for Tomas and Adrian, but came up with nothing. He says that they need to go to the police now. If they do nothing and something bad happens to Adrian, how will they feel?

Icky visits her toxic mom and explains that she didn't attend the meeting because she couldn't bear to be there with Eva. Marcela says that Giorgio called her and gave her a rundown of all that happened at the meeting. Then Icky asks how come Marcela dropped the charges against Eva.

A little scene between Tia Tilda and Eva, as they fuss over little Pablito in his crib. Something about Tia wanting to fix the food, even though that's Renata's job. Tia says that the less she has to deal with Renata, the better because she doesn't like her. (Gee, I wonder why? And I ask the obvious—why on earth would they trust ANYONE on the existing staff with the preparation of their food? Seriously. Let's think about this.)

Marcela explains that she was basically blackmailed into dropping the charges against Eva because if she didn't do it, she wouldn't get any of her money from the bank after Julio's death. Icky wonders how come Julio would do that. Marcela manages to keep a straight face as she says she has "no idea."

Eva's at the mansion and Leo slimes up and starts in with more of his claims of undying "support." She thanks him again. Then he starts in with the big romance campaign, telling her he's glad that the "woman he loves is back in his life." Eva's face falls a little bit and you can tell she's thinking, "oh no."

Francisco is having a little chat over drinks with Danny the Idiot Man. Danny dejectedly says, "You should have seen her. She was beautiful." Francisco says (with too much cheer) that Eva was always beautiful. Then he presumes to ask Daniel—are you still in love with her?

Eva gives Leo the "let's just be friends" speech. He asks that she maybe give him a chance but she says she hasn't time in her life for that.

Back to Danny and Francisco and Danny the Idiot Man is basically admitting that yeah, he still loves her. He says he realized it after he burned with jealousy seeing her with Leo at the office. "The more I try to hate her, the more I realize I'm in love" he says, defeated.

Justa and Don Ricardo go to the police station to report the abuse of a child. Meanwhile we see Tomas and Adrian staying at what looks like some sort of flop house. Tomas is making Adrian stand in the corner with his arms raised, as some sort of punishment. Tomas mocks Adrian for his love for Justa and Ricardo, while Adrian dejectedly explains that they just look after him and love him. "Shut up or I'll break your mouth!" Tomas threatens.

Don Ricardo and Justa explain to the police detective (the same guy who took the complaint against Eva and her supposed "thieving") what's going on with poor Adrian and the useless dad.

Leo is still trying to put the moves on Eva, telling her that he wants her for his wife and then reminding her that her kid needs a father figure. Eva says that yes, eventually she'll need to give the child a father influence, but not right now. Then Leo asks her—who is the father of the child? Eva admits (stupidly, I think!) that who else could it be but Daniel? All the while, the Bruja Icky is listening in.


(Edit: I can't remember if it was this episode or the previous episode, but doesn't Marcela thoughtbubble to herself at some point that she's going to poison Eva the same way she did with Julio? Another reason for Eva's family to do all their own food preparation.)

Lo siento, no video clips this time, but here are the screencaps!

Daniel, the Idiot Man: The Epitomy of Misery as he has to endure the bruja that he chose for a wife. (Click on image to see larger version.)

This screencap pretty much sums up Daniel's and Icky's marriage. She shrieks at him and he tolerates it, looking miserable. But, might I remind you, Danny aka Idiot Man, you brought this upon yourself and therefore richly deserve it.

Daniel is affected by Eva's beauty and general awesomeness after the big meeting. (Click on image to see larger version.)

FROM THE AVANCES: Eva taunts Daniel and asks if he's jealous (of Leo courting her). Do you think he is? LOL

FROM THE AVANCES: It looks like Daniel is a bit overwrought. (Click on this image to see a much larger version.)


Triunfo del Amor #32 2/15/11 Major Family Problems at Casa Sandoval

Well, first of all, I’d like to thank Novela Maven for last night’s recap! I enjoyed it mucho. Especially about Max’s “naked neck.” Hilarious. ☺

Anyways, I’m gonna be kind of brief today. Forgive me. I know I’ve been neglecting Caray; I promise I’ll try harder to be a better recapper. That being said, lemme begin. Ahem….

• Bernarda insults Maria Magdalena, calls her trash. JP tells Bernarda that he wants to reunite Victoria with her daughter. He’s determined.

• I may have missed a few episodes. Some old woman is looking for evidence against Bernarda. [Plz help.]

• Bernarda tells Juan Pablo not to defy her. He tells her to butt out; this is between Maria Magdalena and him. The pimp (?) walks into the room, laughing about seeing a priest and some old woman with MM. Bernie leaves and tells JP never to speak to her again. [That’s a punishment?]

• Linda wonders why Maria feels guilty about makin love to Max. Maria says she loves him, but she always thought she’d do it after marriage. Linda tells her she’s too old school. She mentions something about Osvaldo getting her an apartment. Maria is impactada.

• At Televisa, Os whines to Guillermo that Victoria doesn’t pay attention to him. Guillermo warns him that Vicki is a jealous type. When she finds out…

• Linda says she accepted an apartment and cash from Osvaldo. Maria tries to talk some decency into her, but Linda’s not interested.

• Guillermo says the last people to know about affairs are wives.

• The old woman [a maid—Oh, replacement of Tomasa I think] is looking for evidence still.

• Ximena walks the ramp. Pepino tells her that she doesn’t look relaxed. Ximena is complaining about Maria Desamparada taking her spot. Pepino tells her how nice, professional, and lovely MD is. She’s going to have to share the spotlight for a change. [How did this girl become a model? She doesn’t look cute to me at all.]

• Padilla gives a watch to Bernarda. She asks from where he got it.

• Maria Magdalena is smokin’ something weird. She tells the pimp that if she’s Victoria’s daughter, she’s gonna take the fortune and live with Vicki. Pimp gets physical and angry.

• Bernie is giving some money to Padilla for the watch. He wants more, but she doesn’t agree. He’s obliged to accept her offer, but she wants to know where it came from…

• Maria is going somewhere and bids Nati goodbye. Nati compliments Milagros’ ring. They briefly mention Juan Jo.

• Shower scene with Juan Jo is not sexy at all. He walks out of the shower because the water’s cut. Nati’s in his room and wipes his back with a towel. I find this awkward, but maybe it’s just me. She runs out when he jokes about taking his towel off…(?) He screams after her to tell Linda that he’s acomin for her. Loser.

• Linda is sitting on the counter with a duster while Nati’s cleaning. Nati tells her to help her with the chores so she can later go to Juan Jo’s fireman party. Linda says she’s not born to clean, and she wonders why Maria never helps them with housework. Nati says Maria always helps her with everything. Phone rings. It’s Osvaldo. He’s going to visit Linda soon. He kisses her over the phone and hangs up.

• Max steps into Os’s office to talk to him about Victoria.

• Victoria tells Antonieta that she can’t change even though she promised Osvaldo. Os doesn’t know anything about her; he thinks she’s obsessed with her work. She just wants to know if Maria Magdalena is her daughter. Luci calls Vicki’s office. PADILLA IS HERE TO SEE VICTORIA! Antonieta tries to get rid of him, but he storms in.

• Maria confesses to padre that she did it with Max again [did I miss that?!] Padre asks if it were against her will. Nope. She was more than willing. He asks if Max made any false promises and whatnot [Wake up and smell the peppermint white mocha, JP. She did it by choice!] She said she did it because she wanted to be his. JP asks what she plans on doing. Maria’s just there because she doesn’t want to be a hypocrite. She loves Max; it doesn’t have to do with lust [Yeah, rightttt. I say that every time I look at WL too…It’s not about lust at all…]

• Victoria tells Antonieta to scram. She’s going to talk to Padilla. He says he’s there to remind her about their night together [what a freakin’ monster]. He wants money from her.

• Max asks Osvaldo what’s up with him and Victoria. Osvaldo doesn’t want to talk about it. He starts to leave, but Max says he loves them both and doesn’t want them to break up. Osvaldo promises that they’ll soon go on vacation, hold hands, run around rainbows, and everything will be fine. [Yeh, I added the rainbow crap, but he might have well said it.] Max thinks it’ll be too late.

• Maria thanks JP for everything. She asks why he looks so down. He tells her to be careful; he understands what young people like to do, but she needs to maintain moral and all. She lets him know how much she loves him and is there for him if he needs her. He thanks her.

• Padilla threatens to tell Osvaldo about Victoria’s past. Vicki tells him to beat it; she asks how much money he wants. [DON’T GIVE IN!]

• Max is a marriage counselor all of a sudden. He’s givin’ daddy suggestions on how to save his marriage. Osvaldo tells him that Victoria doesn’t have time for him, and he’s tired of waiting.

• Nati asks why Linda isn’t going to Juan Jo’s party. Linda says she’ll gift Nat with Juan Jo. Noble skank. She leaves. Nati worries about what to tell Juan Jo.

• Max is telling his dad that it’s best for everyone that Osvaldo and Victoria patch up. Os tells Max the truth—Max is talking about his mother, not Osvaldo’s wife. They’re two different perspectives. Osvaldo tells him that he needs a woman at his side, and unfortunately, it ain’t Victoria anymore. Max has the cute face of a child let down.

• Cruz tells Napo that he’s in love. Napo pokes fun and asks who the victim is. He tells him that it’s the boss’s daughter.

• Gaby tells Fer that the gardener is hot. Fer complains that he kissed her by force.

• Napo thinks it’s great since Max is going to be with Maria Desamparada.

• Fer tells Gaby that they hired him because they felt bad for him. Gaby tells Fer that she must’ve liked the kiss. Fer denies.

• Cruz and Napo talk about the kiss…ok, sorry, I’m in a hurry! I’m going to rush a little more…

• Milagros is getting interviewed?! She tells about the letters. She stands up and says hello on TV to Juan Jo, Cruz, and Napo. She’s a sweetheart.

• Napo, Juan Jo, and Cruz are in uniform…they talk about sacrificing life for others and all…the danger of fires…blah blah…They enter Maria’s apartment. Nati lies to Juan Jo he looks guapo. He asks for Linda, but Nati again lies that Linda had work. Cruz and Napo are like sureeee. They all leave. Juan Jo comes back and asks Nati if she wants to come. She’s happy as heck.

• The Old Padre comes to talk to JP. JP feels sad. Maria Magdalena is his daughter…he understands people who want to help their children with drug addictions and such now.

• Antonieta thinks Victoria made a huge mistake. Victoria doesn’t want Padilla to threaten her anymore. She says she’s going to tell Osvaldo the truth.

• JP…more depressing talk…He now realizes that it’s their job to protect people…

• Milagros asks JJ why Linda’s not here. She had work, so he brought Nati. Milagros tells Nati that she’s going to fix her hair. Napo asks JJ if he doesn’t think that Linda should have took time off to be with him. Juan Jo’s an idiot.

• Ximena comes to see Guillermo. Ofelia and Pedro are there. Ximena gives a gift to Guill, and they invite her to stay. They tell her that Osvaldo’s having an affair. Ximena is excited. Pedro gets mad at Ofelia for telling. In another room, Guill and Ximena make out and do it…[gross].

• Nati has a ponytail. How cute. Some guy shows off his girl friend. Blah blah.

• Osvaldo and Linda are in bed. Os says that Victoria only thinks of him when she needs him. Linda takes advantage of that thought; she always wants to be with him. Os tells Linda never to change [BIG MISTAKE]. She says she’ll never come between him and his family…

• Victoria comes into the house. She needs to talk to Osvaldo asap. Max tells her that Os isn’t there. He worries that she looks nervous. She needs to talk to Osvaldo about her past. She doesn’t know where to start. How about from the beginning, Max suggests. Fer comes to show Victoria a drawing, but Victoria is really distressed and doesn’t want to see. [For the first time, I feel bad for Fer. I’ve seen kids get sad like that.] She tells Fer that she needs to talk to Max about something really important. Max feels bad for Fer and tells his mom that it was mean to blow off his sister. She apologizes for being nervous, and Max tells her to listen to others. Phone rings. Bernarda and asks for Osvaldo. She says she has important things to tell Os about his wife. Max has a WTF face on. My mom, he asks. Bernarda says, forgive me, but you’re not Victoria’s son; you’re her stepson. Max is PO. Who’s calling? Bernarda says she wants to enlighten Osvaldo and tell the truth about Vicki, who betrayed Osvaldo all these years.

Gorgeous William Levy in a kayak.

Feel free to add/correct; I didn't even proof read. Eeee.


Llena de Amor #130 (Mex. 135) Tue 2/15/11 A little more conversation, a little less action.

The short version: Nothing happens.
The long version:
Skipping the repeats, we’re in the conference room at the agency, where Victoria has just informed the shareholders that Lorenzo has embezzled a considerable sum over the years. Low is offended at the accusation. Of course no one buys his feeble defense. Emiliano is furious and yelly. Muñeca is more calmly irate. “First you sell my shares out from under me, and then it turns out you’re stealing from everyone?” she says, not exactly asking. “I am an honorable man and you know it!” Lowrenzo actually dares to say to the wife he’s cheated on and stolen from throughout their entire relationship. He tells everyone he’s never stolen a centavo in his entire life. Fedra, never one to consider evidence when indignant yelling is an option, shrieks that Vicky is just out to get them all as Marianela’s puppet. Mauricio says he’s not at all surprised that Low’s stealing… he’s always been a tranza (crooked scammer), and everyone knows it. “Shut your mouth; you’re no pink rose either,” Low retorts. Vicky tells Low to return all the money immediately, or she’ll report him to the police.
Netty asks San Antonio to help Eugenio with proving Fedra falsified Eva’s signature on the documents. Lest she seem avaricious, she’s careful to clarify to Tony that this is important not primarily to get the house and money for Mari, but to restore Eva’s reputation.
New character? Otto Sirgo with a mustache is in a wood-paneled office and a curly-haired woman who, according to the captions, is calling him “mi lick” (I’ll have to figure that out later) has brought him some papers which took forever to get from the property registry. He graduated from the same speed-reading business course Vicky took. After barely glancing at them he says Fedra Curiel is even lower than he thought! She’s investing her dirty money in a resort. “What are you going to do?” asks the woman. “Time to pay a visit to my dear friend La Reina.”
Back in the conference room, everyone’s reading the papers and agreeing that Lowrenzo did, in fact, steal the money. Low insists he spent it on equipment and stuff for the agency. Emanuel asks for the receipts, then. Agent Orange, glowing a particularly radiant shade of tangerine today, is disgusted at Low’s good-for-nothingness and snits out. Fedra rants in her usual manner, saying nothing of note. Whatevs, says Vicky. 72 hours, money back or Low’s charged with fraud.
Jorge watches the video in his office and pauses where MV and Emanuel start to kiss. He creepily marvels at their genuine love and passion and nutters that even so, whatever he has to do and whatever lines he has to cross, “I’ll get you, my pretty.” Malicio comes in and tells him to keep his paws off Victoria. They have a staring contest.
In Low’s office, Muñeca finally loses her cool. She can’t believe this! Except for how she can, because he’s been deceiving her for years. Lowrenzo tries to sweet-talk her, reminding her that he gave all the money he got from selling her shares to her hospital benefit. She’s not falling for that and knows he’s been hunting high and low to steal the money back. So what’s he been doing with all this cash, she asks. She instantly realizes that’s a stupid question and answers it herself: maintaining an amante. Muñeca offers a deal, as Fedra slinks up to the door and overhears: she’ll give back the stolen money AND keep him out of jail, if he’ll just tell her who “La Reina” is. “It’s Fedra, right?” she asks. Low and Fedra both look stricken.
“You have no idea who I am and what I’m capable of,” Agent O tells Jorge. Jorge, being a wise and perceptive judge of character, can instantly see that Mau is a giant traffic cone, capable of marking giant construction zones. Also, he knows very well that Mauron is a vile jerk who played mean jokes on Marianela and tried to have his way with her. “Sure, I wanted a bite of that tasty blubber,” chuckles Mau. Jorge grabs him and tells him not to disrespect Marianela. “Maybe YOU shouldn’t disrespect your wife! You married that whale, but now you’re smooching on her friend?” “Stay out of my life,” Jorge says, calm and cool and, if I may say so, looking MIGHTY fine even though there’s apparently only one razor in Mexico City and it isn’t his week to use it. Malicio warns him that he’ll get rid of anything in his way. “Me, too,” Jorge replies, slapping Mau’s face in a way that surely should have required white gloves. Mau slugs him in the back as he walks past. Then Mau is left alone for some personal time with the video.
Low denies ever having had any relationship with Fedra, as Fedra nods approvingly behind Muñeca’s back. Fedra comes in and says of course it’s a ridiculous accusation, but then, Muñeca is ridiculous! She’s been going to a witch and having her cards read! Who knows what insane ideas she’ll get! Low laughs at that. Muñeca chuckles along and tells Fedra she’s so glad her fears are unfounded, because she’d hate to have to have a discussion with Emiliano about Fedra and Low being amantes. “Don’t threaten me. I forbid you to bother him with your suposiciones (she struggles over that big word).” “YOU forbid ME? Ha. I’m wondering, why were you the only one to defend Lorenzo? He’s been stealing from you, too. The papers were very clear!” Fedra says obviously the gachupina is just making stuff up, and they should be loyal to Lowrenzo. No way, says Muñeca. If Low doesn’t return the money, she’ll go to the police herself.
Emiliano and Emanuel confab privately. Emiliano wants to find out the exact status of the agency’s finances. Eman says his flaquita’s report was pretty contundente (straightforward). “Your flaquita?” Emil asks. Eman mumbles that he meant, er, Vicky. Anyway, if Emil doesn’t trust Lowrenzo, he should talk to him directly. Emiliano says he’s never trusted Low, and he can rot in jail. Ilitia swoops in with Manzanita to invite Emanuel to lunch.
“How dare you steal money?!” Fedra asks Low once they’re alone. “Oh, you’re one to talk. I know very well you stole Marianela’s entire inheritance,” Low retorts. “Besides, I spent all the money I stole from the business on you.” “So you’re blaming me for your sticky fingers?!” “I’m not blaming you, I’m just saying… Anyway, I was going to give the money back, but El Lirio de Plata stole it. And everything I had left, I invested in your vacation complex,” he snivels. “I do not have a complex!” “In your HOTEL!” Oh. Anyway, Fedra isn’t mad that he stole the money, she’s mad that he got caught. If he was going to embezzle (desfalcar), why wasn’t he smarter about it? Low is breathing hard and looking very hot around the collar all through the scene. I think he might be on the verge of an aneurism or something. Paging Dr. Carlos…not to save him, just for a diagnosis. An explanation as we watch him drop dead would be educational. But Low’s still got his wits about him enough to grasp at a lifesaver. He slimes all over Fedra and swoons over her womanly charms and tells her she’s just what a guy needs. She agrees and breathily assures him she’ll fix this. He is not going down. Not in the legal system, anyway. She starts administering mouth-to-mouth resuscitation for his breathing troubles, but they manage to jump apart before Carmen opens the door, because she actually knocks first. Carmen says Señor Pantoja is here to see Fedra. Carmen goes off to escort him to the conference room and Fedra sweats to Low that Pantoja is the judge she bought off to secure Mari’s inheritance. What’s he doing here?!
Oliver and GretelMan are on their spy mission. Oliver’s freaking out about the danger. He begs Gretel to sound the alarm at the slightest sense of danger, just come back safe and sound. GretelMan, whose danger nerves were fried years ago, tells him everything will be fine and heads off with the camera.
Emanuel tries to finish his work while Ilitia and Manzanita sit in his office. Ilitia tries to get his attention…Manzanita was begging to come see him! Can’t he spend some time with her? “Not true, YOU were the one who...” “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Ilitia cuts her off. She pouts to Emanuel that Manzanita will be so sad if they don’t take her for ice cream, and after all the poor little girl has suffered, shouldn’t they spoil her a little? Emanuel says he’s got to meet with Jorge in the editing room, but Manzanita should go for ice cream with Ilitia, then he’ll take her to a movie when he’s done working. Ice cream AND a movie! Win! “No! Yo con la sangre de chinche? No,” Manzanita begs. “Fine, let’s take la sangre de chinche for ice cream,” Eman gives in.
Aha. Otto-Sirgo-with-a-mustache, the guy looking into Fedra’s properties, is the crooked judge Pantoja she bought off long ago. He gets to the point: he’s heard Fedra is building a super-luxury resort in Cancún, and he wants a piece of the action. As if, she says. He reminds her that he knows where her money comes from, and its state of sanitation, ahem. She’s getting annoyed that all la escoria (the slagheap) wants to be her partner. No way.
Oliver has his binoculars glued to his face and a microphone clenched in his hand, rambling frantically to GretelMan. He eventually realizes this is probably not helping, so he starts chattering at himself to calm down, still into the microphone. Brandon gets in the car, a bit calmer and bearing drinks. Fortunately Oliver’s has a lid and a straw.
Manolo is in Mau’s house, trying to convince Dandy to get him an interview with up-and-coming fine businessman Mauricio Fonseca. Dandy doesn’t like this idea. He thinks Manolo’s in cahoots with the police, particularly since he saw him with the police in the bodega when it was raided. Manolo says he was just covering the story. He’s just a reporter, no alliances. Dandy says Mauricio isn’t here now, but he’ll check with him and let Manolo know. Manolo flatters Dandy into agreeing to give an interview himself. He invites Dandy to have coffee. When Dandy goes to powder his nose, Manolo plants a bug in the phone.
Malicio jealously watches the healthy living video. {If you do it right, jogging five meters can get a LOT of heart rates up!} MV comes in and asks what he thinks of it. He says it’s great. She says it was a huge sacrifice. Our least favorite Oompa Loompa grabs her and says he’s got to have her. She reminds him that their deal was only for after he ditches Kristel in the church. He gets sweatier and growls about pasión ew ugh gross.
Fedra asks Pantoja what sum of dinerito he’s thinking of investing in her business. Ha ha, very funny, he says. She gets the drift. How much does he seem to think she’s going to give him? All her shares, he says. If she doesn’t, a tribunal will reopen Eva’s estate case, and the papers he saved will be Fedra’s undoing. He gives her a copy to keep, in a red folder, warning her that the originals are nice and safe. Fedra’s got one more ace up her…sleeve. She crawls catlike across the conference table, saying she likes a bold man, maybe they could reignite their little adventure from before. Pantoja dismissively says her cuerpecito won’t suffice for payment this time. She has a little tantrum and reminds him that if he accuses her, he’ll implicate himself, too. Not at all, he says. He’s a respectable judge, totally on the up-and-up, everyone will trust his word. Whereas Fedra…well, there’s been a lot of talk. Shady talk. She reluctantly agrees she’d LOVE to have such a capable partner. She’ll call him when the paperwork is ready, and once it’s signed, she wants all the incriminating evidence destroyed, understand? Pantoja smirks. Sure, sure, and it’s a pleasure doing business with you.
MariVicky shoves Mauron off and yells at him. He calls her a tramp, sleeping with her best friend’s husband, kissing Emanuel. He points to the continuing video footage, wherein things go horizontal while Jorge repeatedly hollers “¡Corte!” from offscreen. MV says that was just acting. “After he kept yelling ‘Cut!’? And you kissed him again in the office, with no cameras rolling. You are IN LOVE with Emanuel, verdad?”
Lowrenzo praises Kristel’s clever handling of her mother. Kristel says everything’s all calm and settled, then, and Low and Fedra can go back to…whatever. “What about you? Can you just happily marry Mauricio now?” Kristel confesses that she’s now a little curious as to Low’s benefits. There’s got to be something compelling about him if her mom has been seeing him for so long, risking so much. What’s he got? Low growls that he can’t tell her in words, he’d have to let her know in a more tactile way. He strokes her arm with his cane (sexy!). She is not too sure about this. “Just give me one full night, and you can discover for yourself.” “Ew! What part of nunca en la vida didn’t you understand, what part of never ever, I’m not going to, y punto, sí, no, bye!” Is she really that dedicated to Mauricio?, he asks. Kristel admits that really she’s just afraid she’d like it too much, and she’d want to repeat that one night “over, and over, and over” (she says in English). Low grins. “I promise if I give you just one more kiss, you’ll be an addict!” Kristel, flushed and breathing hard, says they’d better leave things as they are right now then, okay? She leaves and Lowrenzo pants that he’s got to get her out of his head.
MariVicky indignantly tells Agent O she’d never get involved with a married man. He refutes: A., Emanuel. B., Jorge. Both married. And C., she won’t have anything to do with him until after his wedding. Maybe he’ll have to actually marry Kristel to get any action with Vicky, huh? MV denies, denies, denies. She doesn’t like claimed men. She only likes men who will do extraordinary things for her. Like humiliate Kristel in front of a crowd. Mau swears he’ll be the man of her dreams. He leaves and she wipes off the cooties.
MV sits down again at the eternal footage of groping lipsmackery in the grass, and Jorge comes in and offers to defend her from Mau. No need, she says. She wants to finish the editing, but Jorge talks her into going out for ice cream and then to visit Netty.
Dandy is giving Manolo an interview in which he claims they were all jailed unjustly (and he wants that in the article in all caps). Garduño walks in and has a fit when he sees what’s going on. Manolo tells him he’s just here because there have been so many stories about Fonseca, and he wants to air Mauricio’s side of the story, to be fair. Manolo gets all nervous and tries to leave. Garduño stops him and offers to pay well for a story that clears Fonseca’s name and shows what a fine upstanding honest businessman he is. Manolo says he’ll think about it and flees.
Back at the station, Oliver is having a little nervous breakdown from the stress of it all, and GretelMan is saying everything was fine. Brandon laughs hysterically and says it seems their roles have reversed: Gretel’s wearing the pants now, and Oliver is the stressed-out worrywart novia. Gretel thinks that’s funny, too. {It’s all fun and games until someone spends another two years in the cellar, Gretel.} She smooches Oliver and says it’s over now, and the bug is planted, so now they just have to listen in and find out what’s going on.
Doris is in the middle of another of André’s and Jacky’s fights. Literally, they are wrapped around her and fighting. André swears he has never cheated on Jacky. He demands that Doris verify that he behaved on their trip, but Doris tells him to leave her out of it. She just wants to touch up Jacky’s makeup. {I’m not sure what she can do, even with her skills. Jacky appears to have slept all night in Agent O’s weapons-grade high-power oranging bed.} Jacky storms out and André yells at Doris for not backing him up. She rages that he’s the one who spent the night with some tramp, and he’s just lucky she kept her mouth shut. It’s more than someone as hypocritical, dishonest, and hateful as him deserves.
Fedra’s back home with her two crutches, Bernardo and booze, whining about Pantoja’s extortion. Bernie begs to be allowed to make the judge disappear. Fedra says it’s too dangerous. He could have an accomplice, and then she’d just be in more trouble. There’s no option but to give the judge the shares of the resort. Bernie says she’s worked so hard on this project, though! She even killed Carlota to get the money! “Never mind the details!” Fedra whispers. They’ve got money from Lowrenzo and Garduño, too, and they’ll just have to figure out how to swindle the money back from the judge later.
Eugenio gives flowers to Clara Bella, Pantoja’s secretary, and they both flirt and flutter about the lovely days they’ve spent together. She calls him “mi lick” (according to the captions), too, and it finally occurs to me that she’s probably saying “mi lic” as in short for “licenciado.” He reminds her of the little favor she promised him, and Clara boasts of her knowledge of the safe combination and how much her boss trusts her. She goes to the safe, hidden behind a diploma, and opens it while reciting the combination out loud. 17500, for any of you who want to break in later. She hands over the papers and has a plan to make it look like the office was robbed, which she sets right to. Surely the boss won’t ask how his office was robbed under her watch. Now she wants her little favor, and she apparently wants it right there on the boss’s desk. Eugenio nervously says he didn’t come, ah, prepared. Nonsense, she says, pulling him over.
Ilitia’s all super-ingratiating to Manzanita at the ice cream parlor, and Manza asks why, when she’s usually so nasty to her. Oh, ha ha, nonsense, chuckles Ilitia, trying to make a good impression on Emanuel, who seems to be trying to take a nap on the table. “Isn’t she precious, Baby?” “Yes, preciosisima.” Ilitia says Manzanita seems like she could be their very own little girl. “You, my mother?! Better to be an orphan!” Manza objects. Emanuel cracks up. Then he tries to get Manzanita to hurry and eat her ice cream so he can get back to work. Ilitia teases him that Victoria and Jorge can surely work on the campaign without his help and would prefer to, heh heh. Eman ignores that and says there are other big problems to deal with. There’s been a huge embezzlement and guess who’s guilty? Lorenzo. “Mi papá? No puede ser!” Just then Jorge and MV walk into the same ice cream shop.
Fedra’s getting really sloshed now, and slurring to Bernie about Angela’s predictions. Her past will come back and destroy her! She’s going to die! She’s surrounded by enemies! Bernardo says paying off the judge will fix things, but Fedra reminds him that Gretel is still out and about somewhere, Marianela is gunning for her, Emiliano’s fed up, even Emanuel hates her. “You only love Emanuel because he’s the spitting image of his father!” Bernie says. “Oh, he does look just like Jose Maria Sevilla,” Fedra sighs. Nereida overhears and her eyes bug out.
Mañana: Jorge smooches MV in the malt shop and Emanuel says he’ll kill him. Netty slaps Jorge for cheating on Marianela. Jorge tells her that Marianela and Victoria are the same woman.
Tranza – twisted con-artist crook lowlife
Contundente – blunt
Desfalcar – to embezzle
Soy con la sangre de chinche? – Me, with that pain in the patoot?
Escoria – dregs
Osado – audacious. Fedra’s a fan of an osado man. MariVicky, not so much, especially when it’s Malicio.


La Verdad Oculta EP106 02/15/2011 –Too much verdad oculta, aka the world starts to collapse

* After the uncomfortable interlude Abelardo, who knows there are a few photos in Mario’s locker, saves the day. He and David storm into the study where Abe shows Blondie Slutty Gaby’s, I mean, Marta’s photo. David is shocked, unbelieveable, she looks like his wife! Did Abelardo know her? No, he started to work for Mario many years later. FaustiMario and Gaby go into the study and look at the beautiful photos of Marta: Fausto with pain and grief, Gaby with amazement and sadness. Did Mario’s wife know about their affair? No, she was very sick and he never dare say her anything. And what about Carlos, did Mario know about him? Err… Yes, he learned about Marta’s son lately.

* In the dining room Abelardo and David talk about his future in the Genovés villa: he could live in Alejandra’s room and Caramelo could occupy Bertha’s. Humble Abe is afraid of neglecting his obligations but Dave convinces him that he’s part of the family. All right, tomorrow he’ll move in! Valentín calls Édgar to tell him about the “professional” Dante sent after him and the important objects he owns.

* Abelardo shyly approaches to the Victoria household where he, Alejandra and Juan José tell Asunción at last about the newest adoption plan. Asunción gets very nervous and worried but they calm him down: it will be temporary, and Caramelo will live in the Genovés villa. By the way, why doesn’t he move into the house with Caramelo?

*At Yolanda’s she and her muñeco talk about Carlos’s newest best friends and the famous trefoil ring. Yolanda never told him the importance of it. She feigns ignorance and tries to change the subject. What does he plan to do now that he gets along with David and Juan José? He’s going to… wait for it… destroy his father! In the meantime Carmelo arrives at the warehouse where armed Édgar and Valentín are waiting for him. Eddie has has an offer that he could never refuse.

*In the design studio Mina and Alejandra talk about Carlos. Poor boy, he doesn’t know his father killed his mother, and Bertha left him for Adolfo! It turns out Mina would happily console him. He’s so cute, he’s even more handsome than Ale’s bombón! Oh, no, no, no, laughs Ale. Nobody is more handsome than her bombón. The (fan)girls giggle and a great idea comes into Ale’s mind: she, Mina, JJ and Carlos could have a dinner together.

* In the garden Gaby and David also talk about Carlos and their mother. Since he’s very impulsive, they should never tell him how Marta died. He may do something stupid and they don’t want him to get harmed. Actually, she has forgiven him, everyone commits mistakes and he repented for them. Yolanda calls David to ask him never to tell Carlos the real importance of the trefoil ring, she only told him it was proof of smuggling, and of course, he must never learn what happened to Marta! *Viewerville: wait, is Carlos the new Gabriela?*

* In the warehouse the three goons get along very well. Édgar take picture of Carmelo and the shoes and shows him the shiny stones he has. A new triumvirate is about to rise.

* In a restaurant Gaby tells Yolanda Mario gave her a picture of her mother. She was very pretty. Yes, she was, and she was very talented, but to be honest, the people didn’t go to the theatre to watch Marta or Yolanda, they wanted to see Gabriela’s father. Does Yolanda mean Santiago Guzmán? Come on girl, he’s her real father, he raised her! Gaby mentions Carlos’s visit. How on Earth didn’t her father know that Marta had another child? Because she abandoned him when he was born and gave him to Yolanda. Gabriela is about to say her mother was a whore when Yolanda begs her not to judge Marta. She already paid for her mistakes. Everyone committed mistakes! And Gabriela, please don’t tell Carlos that Adolfo killed Marta. *Viewerville: yes, definitely the new Gabriela*

* Sleepless Sugar Daddy is fuming in his bed when Yolanda, the only person who’s worried about his well being, shows up in the condo. She’s afraid their world will collapse soon. She confesses him she told Carlos who his mother was, but she didn’t tell him about the circumstances of her death. And there’s one more thing: Gabriela is Mario’s daughter. Unfortunately Adolfo puts two and two together and realizes that the waitresses’ father is Santiago Guzmán. Yolanda tries to deny it but Adolfo explodes and manhandles her. Stupid woman! Slap! Why didn’t she tell him?! Because he has the biggest ego on Earth! And how long does Mario know about Santiago’s true identity? For months. Adolfo says if he had known the girls were Santiago’s daughters he would’ve never sent them to Los Angeles. Yes, Yolanda tried to stop him but she should’ve told him the truth. She admits she lied about them because she was afraid Adolfo would send Santiago to jail. But no, Adolfo wouldn’t have done that; he would’ve taken advantage of that information. He grabs Yolanda’s hair and asks her if Gaby knows who’s her real father is. Yolanda doesn’t know… Bertha, who heard the shouts, enters the room and asks if something happened. Yolanda leaves, Sugar Daddy and Handmaiden have another dangerous conversation about Mario. She tells Adolfo about Fausto’s strange visits a few months ago, her uncle’s gruff behaviour after the accident, the close relationship between Fausto and Mario… And it’s strange that Fausto never showed up in the Genovés villa since the wedding.

* Dinner time. In the Genovés villa Gaby and David agree they shouldn’t tell Carlos about Marta’s death. *Viewerville: yawn, seriously* In a restaurant Alejandra, Juan José, Mina and Carlos have great time together. The girls tell the boys they didn’t like each other when they met at the university, actually, Mina found Ale arrogant *Viewerville: why are we not surprised*, but later they became great friends. Carlos and Mina realize they live near to each other and decide to go to cinema one day.

*In the Ávila condo Adolfo spills some beans to Bertha about the women Mario “killed”. She gave birth to Mario’s child and she married to an actor. Bertha remembers back the day when she saw Mario visiting Marta’s tomb. And Gaby’s father also visited that tomb! *Viewerville: come on Bertha, try to put two and two together* And did Mario really kill that woman? Yes. Why? He did it because of jealousy.

* In the ladies’ restroom Mina keeps fangirling about Carlos. Next morning Carmelo, who’s dressed up like a creepy insurance agent, shows up at the Casa Genovés and wants to talk with Mario. Since Sr. Genovés left early, he sends him a message: licenciado (lawyer) Silverio Rodriguez came to talk about Gabriela’s shoes and gives shocked Abelardo a business card.

* At AFI Ramón tells Leo the police found the cadaver of a woman, no, it isn’t Zaida’s, who’s disappeared, but Susana Gómez’s. The dental records prove the poor girl is dead. But the report doesn’t mention the shoes and the jewels, she surely was killed for them. In the meantime Limón and Little Miss Sunshine arrive at the Palace Genovés which they like much.

* In the prison Leonardo visits Marcos, who looks dashingly handsome despite the circumstances, and tells him Susana was murdered... quite brutally. Was it Roberto Zárate? No, he’s already dead. Then who did it? And why? And why her?!

*In the tunnel house a very anxious Abelardo tells Fausto, who’s just about to remove his mask, that Adolfo is calling him, he has to answer him! Adolfo is going to his house because they have to talk about Santiago Guzmán, the father of his daughter-of-law… or her daughter. Uh-oh. Abelardo runs back to the Genovés villa and twenty minutes later he manages to keep Adolfo from entering the study. Triumphant Adolfo tells David that either the Genovéses forget the breaking of the association, or he’ll give Santiago Guzmán up to the police and he’ll tell Gabriela the truth! But David isn’t in the mood to tolerate Dolphie’s threats and he kicks the Grinch out of the house. After getting rid of one threat, Abelardo tells David about the another: a man came to talk about Sra. Gabriela’s shoes. What?



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Eva Luna #71 Mon 2/14/11 Eva's Assent; Marcela's Meltdown; and Debora's Discovery

In this episodio Eva takes the reins of the business, begins her reign at the manse, and then rains on the Villanueva-Arismendi parade.  It’s a chock full episodio, so kick off your shoes and grab a cup o’ joe.

We are in awe (Viewerville is not worthy, not worthy) as we take up right where we left off: Eva has just told Leonardo that since he was so kind to her she knows how to reward kindness and thus he can stay at the manse; Daniel has told her he can’t believe that she betrayed him like she did after he offered her all his love; with that outburst Eva has called him a fraud and a liar; Victoria has asked how Eva managed to get the charges dropped and doesn’t believe it when Eva tells her Marcela apparently dropped the charges; Tia Matilde and Alicia are there now with Pablito and Eva has given orders for Renata to get rooms ready for them as they’ll be living there from now on.  Bimbutt recognizes Alicia from the modeling business and wonders if now she’s Eva’s personal make-up artist and gets a shock at learning Ali’s really her sister; Leo has asked what about the baby and Dan is saucer-eyed and suck-it-in impactado when she looks him in the eye and says only he’s hers.

At Justa’s, Ricardo has brought the morning paper to let Justa read about Eva’s surprise from the big gala the night before.  Justa can’t fathom how Eva wound up becoming the new owner of Arismendi Publicity, Inc.  Ric is happy for Eva, but he’s just as curious as she why Julio’s children didn’t inherit the business.

Back at the former Arismendi mansion, Dan demands to know if the baby is his.  Eva tells him it’s none of his business.  The child is hers. Icky doesn’t miss a chance to sling mud at her newly returned rival and tells the others she’s sure even Eva doesn’t know who the father is.  Dan tells Icky to nix the insults, but Eva commandingly interjects that she doesn’t need him to defend her.  She kicks Vicki out and tells Dan to leave with her.  He insists he needs to know if that child is his. Eva avoids an explanation and simply says he’s got her last name.  He’s hers and that’s that.  They leave.

After Dim Dan and Icky storm out, Eva asks Renata if her relatives’ rooms are ready.  Ren is insolent and refuses to address her respectfully.  Eva chides her and instructs her to add “Sra.” whenever she addresses her from now on.  Ren understands the underlying threat and adds it reluctantly--even defiantly.   She takes Ali and Tilde to their new rooms to get settled in.  Ali holds back to go with Eva though and listens as Leo tells Eva he’s glad she’s back and that he wants to talk to her later.

Back at Justa’s, Marisol runs to answer the bang at the door.  She’s surprised to see it’s Francisco. They’re both upset that neither one bothered to come see the other this entire time.  He’s still interested in discussing “them”, but Mari says there is no “them” and they said all that needed to be said the night before at the gala so he should leave.   He refuses, but she says a bit sarcastically that now that he knows where she lives, to send his lawyers with the divorce papers so he will be free then to marry his new “special person.”    He has to know if that’s what she really wants.   Mari says she thinks it’s what he needs to do. Franc wooed her with lies and she went after him purely for the money; so the proper thing would be for them to separate from each other.

Franc admits to Mari that none of the lying really mattered to him, and he has missed her.  He hasn’t been able to forget her.  She asks if he really feels that way after seeing her dance that night at the club.  He assures her that none of that matters to him.  She tells him he’s sick in the head then and it’s best he forget her and find somebody that really deserves his love.  Besides she is getting married to somebody else, so thanks but no thanks, and Bye!  She finally manages to slam the door in his face and then takes a deep breath.  Justa has just witnessed this and can’t believe she would turn Franc down like that. “--Are you really going to get married soon?”  Mari tells her of course not, she just doesn’t think after the life she’s lived she deserves to have any man, and Franc deserves someone much better than her.

At the same time, Dr. Garcia and Don Julio discuss the morning papers so he can read the reviews of the gala and Eva’s triumph.  He tells D.J. that he’s been wondering if Julio doesn’t realize that his plan for vengeance will end up hurting his two children as well.  Julio says that’s why he gave them each a part of his fortune.  Neither of them then will do without.  Dr. G. though thinks giving the rest of his fortune to a stranger would have upset them and made them feel betrayed; seeing their mother suffer like she is makes it worse. That’s always been in the back of his mind, says Julio, but the bitter part of his story is that he never mattered much to either of them.  Leo stole cash from his company and Victoria since she was a child only came to him to show off some one or other of her indulgences [gracia] or to show off a fashion, but he never received a true demonstration of real affection from her.  Marcela controlled them from childhood, raised them however the heck she felt like it [regalada gana] and turned them against him.  So, now part of Marcela’s punishment is to be seen totally humiliated in front of them.

At Dano’s now, Vicky is on a tear.  She angrily tells Dan she can’t believe her mother would have dropped the charges against Eva.   Dan says she sure didn’t let him in on it either. (Any more than when she put his name on the complaint?)  So then the bimbutt bruja asks why he never mentioned anything about the make-up artist being Eva’s sister. He explains that he tried to get Leo to fire her but he couldn’t manage to convince him.  Well, Leo’s an idiot, says Icky.  (That’s touching, isn’t it?)  First he brings Eva into their house and then he hires her little sister at the firm!  Jackie manages to insert herself by bringing in coffee and then listens to the conversation for whatever juicy gossip she can grab onto--and she does get an earful!!

Icky tells Dan he should have insisted Leo fire her.  He insists he tried, but after all he couldn’t exactly force him to!  Anyway, he adds, he realized afterwards that it wouldn’t have been fair; he would have been taking out his anger towards Eva on her sister.  Well, says V-icky, she would have, but now they’re both living in her home and feeling like they own it all!!  Jackie listens from the kitchen, secretly grinning from ear to ear.

Next door, Leo slithers in to speak with Eva.  He tells her she’s really impressed him.  Eva -- in 5” spikes and towering over him--says that’s the idea.  He tells a bit of a white lie about looking for her: that he was so worried about her that he hired a detective but the guy never found her. “--You really knew how to hide yourself.” Eva replies she was very lucky.  Leo asks about the man the detective said she left the little town with.  Eva says he is a family friend who helped her pull through it all.  Leo says he could have done the same for her.  Eva says she felt he was too compromised and that it just wasn’t right.  So, she decided it was time she left.  She dismisses him and the interview is over.  As she walks out he asks for the truth about her child.  She stops him in mid-sentence.  “--That little boy is mine! Period.  There’s nothing more to say.”  She turns around and leaves him standing there, essentially like the employee he’s become.

Jackie makes a quick visit, meanwhile, to Laurita to tell her the great news: Eva is back and living next door--and as the millionaire owner of the mansion!  They are both excited over the news.

At the boarding house, Adrian joins Justa and Ricardo on the couch and they talk about Eva’s fantastic successes and revelations from the night before.  Justa, we note, is secretly sensitive whenever the Arismendi name is mentioned.   Tomas returns and starts giving Adrian grief for going with the others without his permission, tho’ he left Adrian with them.  He drags Adrian up to their room and gripes at the kid for no real reason.  When Adrian wonders why he’s acting so mad, the brute whips his belt off and beats Adrian with it.  

Back at the Villanueva’s, Laurita joins Dan on the couch with Chico.  Icky starts in with more of the Eva’s a Crook tirade.  She gripes to Dan that it seems he’s ready to forgive Eva and forget all about her “stealing” the $25,000.  He says to drop it.  If the police say Marci dropped the charges then it’s true.  Besides, he’d always had his doubts about whether it was the truth.  And, he adds, Icky knows full well he was never a party to signing that complaint against her.  “--It was your mother’s idea to put my name on that complaint, and without my consent!” (Viewerville is elated that Laurita is there on the couch hearing how things really went down!)   Icktoria yammers on that with all the proof against Eva how could he still have doubts? (Give. It. Up. Bimbutt!) Dan says her mother must have had the same doubts to withdraw the complaint and that seems to shut Icky up for a moment or two of blessed silence.  Laurita smiles pointedly at La Bruja de Bimbutt; Bruja de Bimbutt is definitely upset at losing control of this situation.  (Ask us if we care!)

Back at Eva’s, she’s now sitting at the dining room table and eating lunch.  In the background Marcela is yelling for Renata and screaming at the top of her lungs about why Renata didn’t bother to wake her up this morning.  Eva continues to eat calmly.  Suddenly Marci spies Eva eating in Marci’s former chair at the table.  Eva calmly invites her to eat with her.  Marci screams at her.  She calls her an upstart, a trashy social climber!  Eva’s sitting in her place, at her table in her house and eating her food!   Calmly Eva tells her that she’s starting out very badly and if she keeps it up she won’t be able to give Marci “refuge” in her house.  “My house” Eva repeats for emphasis.  Marci tells her not to play the Grande Dame in her house; they both know where she comes from!  Eva gets up and talks down to her as if to a misbehaving child. “--You don’t know how pitifully I feel about your lack of humility, because you know what you’re doing?  You’re pushing me to throw you out.”  Marci is flummoxed –well, that’s the tactful way of putting it.  Mad Marci yells back that she’s not throwing her out of anywhere, especially of her own house!  Eva chuckles arrogantly and asks if she wants to speak to Eva’s lawyers; she’ll call them but she’s sure that Marci knows by heart what the will stated.

Marci sneers back that Eva’s just a common whore, a maid, and she always will be! Eva sighs and ignores the insults,   as if Marci were a bad little child.  She returns to her place at the table and asks again if she wouldn’t like to eat something. “--It’s very good!”  Mental-case Marci sneaks behind Eva and grabs a heavy silver pitcher to brain Eva with.  Suddenly Leo grabs her arm and stops her. Marci fights him for it and starts another torrent of insults.  “Let me go!  I’m not going to allow this miserable wretch make off with my house and my things!”  Eva reminds her that none of this is hers now and she pointedly uses the informal “Tú” that one uses with staff and servants.   Marci "tutears" Eva right back.  She calls her an idiot and warns her not to challenge her.  “--Go on!  Put a servant’s uniform on and start screwing all the men in my household like you’re used to doing, you idiot!”  Leo fights to keep hold of his mother as Eva hisses back a warning: “Everything you say gets you closer to ending up on the street!”  Marci yells back that the one who’s going to be leaving this house is Eva, even if she has to kill her to do it!  With that, Eva says no, Marci’s leaving.  “--Out!  Get out of my house!!  Out.  Of. My. House!”

Renata finally appears and stands next to Leo.  Marci heads back to her bedroom (off camera).  Ali and Tilde come out because of all the commotion.  Ali is frightened by the woman’s furious attitude.  Eva says Marci’s got to learn that this is her house now and that there is only ONE owner.  Apparently, Leo has gotten Eva to reconsider. He thanks her for showing his mother compassion and letting her stay.  Eva tells him she did it this time as a favor to him, but she will not continue to permit his mother to continue to act out like this.  So, next time, she really is gone.  End of discussion. 

After Leo leaves, Eva orders Ren to set two places at the table for her family.  Ren hesitates and Eva asks if there’s a problem.  Ren looks shocked that her trashy relatives would be allowed to join her at the table, but she answers in the negative.  Then, before she sets off to the kitchen, Eva asks why Aurelia isn’t working there any longer.  Ren says Doña Marcela fired her a few months back.  Why?  “--Because she was no good any more!”  Eva says she doubts that was the real reason.  Ren gives Tilde and Ali a snide look and goes to back to the kitchen.

At Debora’s, she and Vanessa are discussing the article in the paper about Eva too. Deb points out that that’s the same Eva that V-icky and Marci were telling her about.  It’s funny, she says, but Eva has the same look as her little girl had.  They both wonder if it really could be her Eva.  Deb says something tells her it’s pretty likely, and she won’t stop till she finds out for sure.

After lunch, Ali and Tilde discuss what a fantastic place it is and how it’s hard to believe that they’re there to enjoy it all. Tilde then urges Ali to be loyal to Eva at all costs because she can see how Eva is surrounded by enemies.  Ali agrees and says Marci terrifies everyone. Eva comes in with the news that Pablito’s crib has finally come. 

Bimbutt is still talking to herself about how Eva could have wrangled all of this and gotten the charges dropped.  She is going to see if there’s some way she can still put Eva behind bars.

Ali guesses right that Julio was the one who took care of her all this time.  Eva reminds her that absolutely nobody can know he’s alive.  Ren comes in at that point and Eva reprimands her for not knocking.  Ren tells her that there’s a visitor, but refuses to say who.  Her rudeness is not lost on Eva.

Eva goes out and sees that it’s Laurita.  They share a big hug and Eva apologizes for not staying in touch.  Laurita says she understands it was because the police were after her.  Eva assures her that nothing they said about her was true.  Laurita says she never believed it for a moment, and she knows that her father never really believed it either.  Eva corrects her and says he did because he put his name on the complaint as well.  Laurita tells her that’s not true, but before she can explain it all to Eva, Bimbutt races in to fetch her.

Next door, Franc tells Jackie that Mari still wants a divorce and that it leaves him free to fall in love again.  Jackie says it’s a good idea and he has to.  He moves in close and it’s obvious he’s got her in mind.  (I say Jackie better be prepared since this guy’s got wandering eye syndrome.)

Back at Eva’s, Ick-toria storms in and demands to know what Laurita’s doing there without permission.  Eva says   speaking of permission, who let you in without it?  Doesn’t she remember she threw her out of her house a little bit earlier?  Icky says she came to see her mother, unless she’s going to prohibit her from that also.  Eva says she has the right to, but won’t.  Icky says, well, her mother can wait but for now the girl goes with her!  Laurita objects till Icky threaten that her father will not be happy about her disobeying her.  Laurita gives in and goes with Icky.  “--Her father will be very upset to learn that his daughter’s been speaking to a criminal!”   Laurita objects to calling Eva a criminal.  Icky shuts her up with a threat about her father and drags her off.

Meanwhile, Marci sulks in her bedroom and, with the bottle of poison drops in her gloved hand, swears she’ll kill Eva the same way she killed Julio.

In another part of the house, Renata brings in Deb and presents her to Eva. Eva gives her the once-over.

Back at Justa’s, Justa suggests to Ric that the real reason Tomas gets mad is that he’s jealous of them and of Adrian’s preference for them. Then, after Tomas leaves to deliver his “merchandise”, Adrian races down to the kitchen to the willing arms of Justa and Ric. Ric wants the truth, no more “it’s nothing”.  Adrian cries bitterly as he finally admits to them his father beat him really hard and says that he’s tired of getting hit any more.  Justa and Ricardo are incensed.

Debora explains to Eva that although she’s there to visit Marci, she wanted to comment on the wonderful way she looked and then won over the crowd the night before.  She also wanted to welcome her into Arismendi Publicity.  Eva warms to her and invites her to sit and chat.  Deb explains she’s been a client of the agency for years and is also a friend of Marci’s, though she realizes that Eva and Marci are anything but.  Eva then remembers the account and says she’s was anxious to have a meeting to discuss some new ideas with Deb.   Deb says she’s anxious to hear them and then excuses herself to speak to Marci.  In the hallways Deb wonders if Eva could possibly be her daughter.

Outside by the pool, meanwhile, Ali catches up with Leo.  She swears she had no idea about any of this and only found out about it the moment Eva asked her to do her make up for the gala.  She wants to know if he’s staying or leaving.  Leo says he’s staying for now.  Ali says great, it means they’ll be there together and it will be easier to get together with him.  He says not any longer.  They’ll have to be much more discreet because if either his mother or Eva found out about them all Hell would break loose and he’d be thrown out.  Ali can’t believe that would bother him.  She wants the truth about his feelings for Eva, but he puts her off.  She gets upset and asks if that’s why he was constantly asking so many questions about her sister all the time.  He warns her that if she keeps it up then he will definitely leave.  He walks off.

Deb can’t get Marci to let her come into the room and talk.  Marci yells through the door that she doesn’t want to see or talk to anybody!  Tilde hears the commotion as she walks through the hallway and she and Deb exchange glances.  Ruh-roh! They recognize each other immediately and Tilde races off to hide in her room.  Deb realizes then that Eva is her daughter.  She races after Tilde for some answers. 

Dano is sitting alone in his office thinking to himself that Eva always was full of surprises, in happy times or in sad.  He has his back to the door when there’s a knock.  He sighs.  “--What now, Victoria??”  “--It’s me, Daniel.”  At the sound of Eva’s voice he turns around and his jaw drops to the floor.  “--Did I surprise you?”  “--Of course you surprised me!  I wasn’t expecting you in my house, either, and I wasn’t expecting this attitude of yours.”  She says she didn’t mean to bother him, she just meant to drop off her instructions.  He says she could have left any instructions of hers at the office for him.  She says that since it had to do with work she wanted to discuss them with him directly.   She wanted him to have them before Monday to determine how he would speak with the employees and tell them about her coming to the agency.   He shakes his head in disbelief.  “--Your arrogance is really something!  What do you want?”  She wants to take her proper place at the agency, she says with a smile. He snickers.  “--You’re thinking of taking possession, sitting in front of a desk and taking phone calls?”  She shakes her head.  “--That’s what you’re thinking, eh Daniel?   Well, circumstances are otherwise, and I’m going to show you.”

Tilde, meanwhile, opens her bedroom door and Deb is standing there with tears in her eyes.  Deb explains she’s a friend of Marci’s. Tilde thinks what a coincidence and tells her to leave; she’s got no business there any longer.  Deb says she’s mistaken, because now that she’s seen Tilde there she‘s got no doubts that Eva is her daughter and that the two of them should talk long and hard about Eva and Alicia.     

Back at Dano’s, Eva continues that in the notebook she’s got plenty of ideas for both the ad agency and the modeling agency.  She didn’t want to take him by surprise Monday and so he should read them over.  Also there’s a certified copy of the certificate stating she is the owner as she now holds 51%of the stock.  “--That makes me your new boss now.”  Dan is taking some bitter medicine here and he scoffs at the observation and then throws the notebook onto the desk.  “--So you think a mountain of paperwork gets you this?  What’s happened to you?  Where’s the Eva I knew?”   “--You mean the Eva that you destroyed, Daniel?  She’s in the past.  Thanks to you, this is the “new” Eva.”  He stands there trying to assimilate it all.

Tilde, meanwhile, tells Deb to stop asking questions; Deb now wonders where Ismael is.  Tilde tells her he died nearly two years ago, and blames her.  She orders her to get out before Eva returns.

Eva may be a while.  She’s explaining to Dan that she has already gotten in touch with Olga, Marci’s assistant, who is   getting things ready for her arrival on Monday at the office. Eva’s hoping to have a small meeting with all the employees and management and would like him to introduce her. He asks what he’s supposed to tell them: that she inherited the thing; and that it’s a posthumous gift from Don Julio?  Eva gets tough now and says listen, she’s taking over and she’s going to see the place grow, period.  Dan shakes his head at her in amazement.  “--You are so changed!”  She admits it’s a problem that they’ll unfortunately have to be working together.  He’ll have to learn to deal.  He asks her if she really thinks that will be possible, especially after what she did to him?  She looks at him --what she did to him???  She warns him not to start spouting off because he’ll come out on the losing end.  He asks her what did he do?  All he did was to love her.  Eva angrily says whatever she is accused of can’t compare with all that he dragged her through!  Again he is surprised at her attitude.  She angrily tells him not to be such a cynic; to leave that to his mother-in-law and little wife!  He changes the subject.  “--Tell me just one thing.  The boy.  Is that child mine?”  For just a moment there’s a guilty-as-charged look in her eyes, but before they can discuss it any further, Ick-toria walks in on them.  “-Am I interrupting?”

Back to Tilde and Deb.  Tilde assures Deb that Eva was falsely accused and that she hasn’t a bad bone in her body.  Deb says she believes her and is relieved to hear her say it. She asks Tilde where she can find Ali.

Next door at Dan’s again, Icky swears she’ll fire Jackie the next time she lets Eva in without her permission!  Eva takes charge of the situation once more and chuckles.  She says mockingly, “--Ah, you see how bothersome it is entering a house without permission?  Icky reacts just like Eva knew she would and then demands to know what she’s doing there with her husband.  Eva replies disarmingly. “--Oh, it’s just about business, right Daniel? That’s the only thing we’ve got in common now.”  Eva (who is at least a foot taller than Bimbutt in those 5” CMF boots) then turns to Dan and let’s Icky have it right between the eyes!   She says, with honey dripping from every pore, “--I see that your little wife supervises all your visitors.” Icky goes ballistic!  “--You are such a fool!  Get out of my house!!”  Dan moves in to block her. “—Enough, Victoria!”  Eva smiles openly at Icky’s loss of self control.

Tilde now warns Deb off both Eva and Ali.   They hate her, she says, because Deb abandoned them.  Deb swears that’s a lie.  She tells Tilde how Ismael lied to her that he had forgiven her affair with another man, and then absconded with them and took them out of Mexico while she was away on a business trip.  Tilde angrily disagrees.  She believes her brother’s side of the story, she screams back and refuses to believe a word of what Deb has just told her.


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