Saturday, July 09, 2011

La Pola... mai tai's guide: information and characters

mai tai sent the text for this to me last week and I'm embarrassed that I haven't posted it until now. She has done a great deal of work to put this information together and I've taken the time to add pictures of some of the main characters. This is not complete and I will continue to add pictures. I think that it is mai tai's intent that everyone here contribute to this effort so I soliciting your help in making this as accurate and complete as possible. Please offer up corrections, additions, and suggestions in the comments or Email me at

and I will update this on a regular basis and plan to add yet mre photos of characters. Perhaps Pasofina could link to it in her weekly recaps.


Designations of race & class play a huge part in the story. It is easy to forget that even two people who look and dress alike still might treat each other as having completely different rights.
Mestizo/a; mixed race consisting of white and Indian. Eg La Pola (is she only ¼ white?)
Criollo/a: (Creole), person (black or white) born in Latin America (or Indian?) eg. Carbonel.
Indian; they were there first! Too slow to call dibs! Eg. Late freedom fighter Galan?
Negro/a; (Black) slaves, freed slaves, and who knows, maybe some French blacks walking around? Bad example since French are enemies, but they wrote the Rights of Man.
Esclavo; (slave) I think we’ve only seen black slaves, not Indian or indentured servants. What about Mag’s servinggirl—could be a slave but Nariño wouldn’t have one surely?
(Noble), I assume anyone who was a member of Spanish aristocracy, but maybe upon emigrating, those with enough land, contacts, resources are also noble.
Español Español, Spaniards from Spain as opposed to the Spaniards born in Latin America. Eg Samano
Espanol Americano/a; eg Baraya, passed over for promotion.
Mescla; (mix), any mixed race, broader than, but including Mestizo
Mala raza
Manchar de tierra
Chapeton; (Newbie?) more of an insult than a proper designation.
What else?
Which race is able to purchase a writ of pure blood? Mestiza? Any other? Hypotheically, could a Mestiza buy pure blood, and then be of higher rank (on paper anyway) than someone like Baraya?


La Pola’s side of things

Carolina Ramírez "Policarpa Salavarrieta"

Ana María Estupiñan " Young Pola"

Zharick León "Catarina Salavarrieta"

Laura Torres young Catarina

Diego Trujillo "Domingo García"

Luis Felipe Cortés "Juliano"

Eduardo Martínez young Juliano

Ana Mosquera "Nicolasa" descended from African royalty

Ana María Arango "Gertrudis"

Julián Arango "Joaquín Salavarrieta"

Coraima Torres "Mariana Ríos" Pola's mom

Pola’s brothers: José, Josecito and Vivianito

"Vivianito" Pola's youngest brother

Pola's brother Juan

Pola's less religious brother... Juanito

Bernarda Juliano's mom

Dona Matea Española Her husband is in Spain and both of them are sympathetic to Nariño.

Petra, Dona Matea’s housekeeper, could betray Pola at any time.

"Rebelde" a Pola's mare

Alejo’s family

Emmanuel Esparza "Alejo Sabaraín"

Pablo Espinosa young Alejo

Andoni Ferreño "Francisco Sabaraín" Alejo's dad

Marcela Agudelo "María Teresa de Sabaraín"

José Sospedra "Leandro Sabaraín" Alejo's brother

Joel Bosquet young Leandro

Juliana Galvis "María Ignacia Valencia"

Matilde Lemaitre young María Ignacia

Héctor de Malba "Gaspar Valencia"

María Elena Doering "Eusebia de Valencia"

Revolutionary players

Luis Fernando Hoyos "Antonio Nariño"

Valentina Rendón "Magdalena Ortega de Nariño"

Toñito Nariño Eldest son. I bet his 2 younger brothers hate this brownnoser!

what is his name?

Nariño's daughter Mercedes

Sebastián Martínez " Jorge Tadeo Lozano" viceduke? His brother is a Marques.

Gustavo Angarita: "Antonio Baraya" Could have been Comandante of Santa Fe Guard, Instead kept rank of capitan and serves under Samano in Santa Fe. BFF with Nariño, but has to work behind the scenes. Expects France to invade and would prefer juntas form. Stupidly stated this to his troops which are under the command of Samano, a royalist. Not the brains of the operation, to say the least, but a gentle loyal giant.

"Alejandro Martinez: Camilo Torres initially refused to be Nariño’s lawyer to get him out the first time. Now a member of the “botanical expedition” that was on the Virreina’s list.

Kike Mendoza: "Jose Maria Carbonel"
willing to be appointed leader of a Santa Fe junta. Really, twist his arm. Creole.

Carlos Camacho: Francisco Jose de Caldas. Looks like Gopher from the Love Boat.

Baltasar Miñano. Imprisoned in Cartagena for revolutionary leanings? Believes the military is working with locals in Cartagena for a junta there. Chubby, bearded and balding, but with an easy smile.

Don Jose Atevedo Gomez Don’t know his story, but he tattled on the Virena! Yay!
Botanical Expeditioner?At the Vireina’s downfall. Is the the right guy?

Facundo & Raymond Santa Fé greengrocers who gave Pola a break when she most needed it. Have machetes, will probably travel.

Government players

Kepa Amuchastegui "Miguel Tacón" Governor of Popayan. Would like to take advantage of Quito while they’re down, punishments (ie taxes!) landgrabbing, confiscation of mines, land, goods? Perhaps he is more opportunistic than powerhungry?

Mariano Venancio "Virrey Antonio Amar y Borbón"

Ana Fernández "Francisca Villanova" Vireina.

Marques de san Jorge (Lozano?) Could have negotiated as nobleman with the junta of Quito, but Gov Tacon wouldn’t let him, 500 deaths ensued? Massacre nearby was at Funes with Alejo as witness. JT’s older brother (and btw, father-in-law, don’t you love incest?)

Godoy “Alejo is reminded that the Don Godoy he just mentioned as the man who let France into Spain is married to the governor’s sister.” Is he only off camera?

"Andres X" Guaduas’ Mayor Wig Wearing Rat-face! He’s just as smitten as Alejo and unlike him has never hurt her. He treats her with respect.

Juan Jurado?

Govenor of Cartagena? (prolly not too impt, but if he comes up later?)

Don Antonio X Comissioner in Cartagena. Tallish and has sort of a Frankenstein-meets-turtle look. Sympathetic to Nariño. Highest ranked person to know that Spain wants juntas for sure (he was in Cadiz) rather than to blindly believe that the viceroy is acting on behalf of Spain.

Jose Maria X, Junta Gobierno Americano of Cartagena spokesperson. Has white sideburns and a salt & Pepper pompador! Tonito gets an audience with him.

Military Players

Manuel Navarro "Juan Sámano" Comandante of Santa Fe Guard. Also Colonel? Blue Blood, and proud of it. Seems to like Alejo’s patriotism, enough to defend him from Tacon’s claims of desertion, but downhearted to find Alejo is American-born.
Gabriel Ochoa "José María Arcos"

Gabriel Ochoa José María Arcos Soldier. The first time we see a soldier ask for a transfer (he asked in Popoyan to go to Santa Fe instead of south to fight, I think)—this may be the start of soldiers defecting, which I think plays a big role in La Pola’s eventual charges. He reminds me of Ben Affleck, only cuter! Pic is from first episode.

Capt Llorente (Alejo’s captain in Popayan). Is this like the front line being between Santa Fe and Quito? Responsible for the massacre at Funes? (women, children and dead rebel Quitoians?

Colonel Santa Cruz Lead troops to Quito to suppress the rebellion. AKA Colonel Sandy Hair.

Capitan Angulo? Or is this Llorente? At Quito second to Col. Santa Cruz. Angel? An officer that had custody of Nariño before he escaped in Guaduas.

Colonel Jose Dupre (sits in Quito to maintain order of troops)

Alferez Perez Delgado. Tells Baraya that troops may be sympathetic to Nariño!

Carlso Hurtado "Sargento Anselma Iglesias" is spying for Samano, making Baraya a target.
Officer with taped on mustache ? Who spies and sneers in barracks in SF. He was also the guy keeping Pola prisoner in episode 1. Officer who answers door to Petra.

Other category

Susana Torres: Ana Ortega don’t know who this is

Ambrosio de Almeida don’t know who this is, future character?

Joaquín Gonzalez Llorente chapetón merchant and usurious moneylender ... the match that revolutionaries used to light the fuse

Don Enrique Somogar, nobleman of Cartagena? Will help Nariño.

Jose Antonio Portocarrera, nobleman. the Vireina’s lover.

Acacia, Maria Ignacia’s slave

Ciro, head of Domingo’s slaves

Inez(?), Magdalena’s sister

Imagine from north to south, more or less along the river, which runs south to north!

Santa Fé (de Bogotá)

A brief history of the Revolution : you will recognize some of the names and events described.

Complete Episodes online

mai tai & Carlos


El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of July 11, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

¡Hóla a todos! I had a great time in Iceland. Thanks to Novela Maven for taking my turn to do our weekly post.

Here are some pics from my trip.

A seaside town in western Iceland.

Everybody's favorite: a Puffin! You can't tell in this picture that the Puffin is on the edge of a cliff where the wind was blowing 50 miles/hour.

Typical Iceland scenery.

A Red-throated Loon and her chick. Red-throated Loons are common breeding birds in Iceland. I've seen them in States in their winter or non-breeding plumage.

This is me facing the camera with some of our group looking for a Snowy Owl on a typical summer day in Iceland. We couldn't get to where the owl was because the road was closed by snow. (This was a relatively high elevation in the north of Iceland - sometimes it gets to 60 degrees in Reykjavik.)

These are female Common Eiders and their chicks. Eiderdown is made from the downy feathers they line their nests with.

Typical Iceland scene.
This is the geysir Strókker erupting. You only see one little string that keeps people from going right up to where boiling hot water shoots out. This would never happen in the US.

There was a guy from Venezuela on the tour and he would not speak Spanish to me. He was the only Spanish speaking person I have met who wasn't interested that I spoke Spanish. It was disappointing.

OK on to Telemundo:

HEREDEROS - viernes
One week to go on this one and Friday was an episode of revelations.

Juan, Paula and Sofía returned to La Arboleda. Juan and Paula had a private interview with Emilio while the other brothers waited impatiently downstairs. Jose tried to convince the others that J & P were cutting some special inheritance deal with Emilio but nobody was buying.

Emilio told Paula that he had always known that she wasn't his biological daughter. He fathered Juan and then had an illness that left him sterile. Big relief for Juan and Paula (but I would still get a DNA test.) Emilio said that he liked Sofía and wanted a daughter so he accepted her as his child.

Then Paula leaves and Emilio tells Juan about his mother. She was a peasant (campesina). He took her baby from her and then she committed suicide. Juan is really bummed that the father he respects so much could have done such an evil thing. Later Modesto tells Juan that his mother was unstable mentally and might have hurt Emilio or him.

Paula is with Adela and Sofía when Jose comes up and accuses her of pretending to be Emilio's daughter to get an inheritance. Adela scornfully replies that Emilio has always known that Paula was not his biological child. Both Jose and Sofía are impactados at this.

Lupe is still in domestic abuse victim denial mode and Berta is still trying to talk her into accusing Gaspar.

Johnny tries to figure out what is going on with Consuelo. He concludes that she doesn't love him. She denies this and finally admits that she's pregnant but not that she was raped. He is not that excited about the news because he believes (but of course has not told Consuelo) that he is sterile.

Finally, Miguel overhears Rosario and Consuelo talking about the fact that they were both raped. He goes ballistic.

Over to you for Corazon and La Casa.

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Friday, July 08, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #58-59 Friday 7/8/11 A Tale of Veneno and Vino

Univison surprised me with double episodes today! Here I was thinking I had it all done ahead of time. Oh, well. Así es la vida! I'm also trying out a new way to screencap, so hopefully it works out. Grab some popcorn and get cozy because the next two hours are going to be stuffed with surprises, stalkers, steamy showers, and (attempted) slayings! Vámonos!

Renata is the belle of the grape-stomping ball and Jero is el principe.

Everyone cheers for them to kiss and they get oh so close before Nata pulls away and runs off into the crowd. Jero and Agustin take the time to glare at each other before Jero goes after Nata.

Adriana is on Nata's heels as she tries to make a quick getaway. "What happened between you and Jero? Are you sure he doesn't love you?" Adri asks. There was a lot of passion and desire in that grape dance. Nata begins to cry and wonders what to do. She couldn't stand to be rejected by Jero again. Adri calls Jero and Nata locos for not realizing how much they love each other.

Honorio swears another businessman to secrecy about the documents he is about to read. The top-secret file says that Blanca's father is alive. Hon wants the other guy to go through Blanca's paperwork with a fine-tooth comb to look for discrepancies - without Blanca finding out.

Berta toys with Diego when he turns up at her favorite lounging spot. She pulls out his cellphone and warns Diego to never mess with her. For good measure, Berta tosses his phone in the pool. Diego swears revenge but, for even better measure, Berta giggles and pushes him into the pool.

Regi's detective tells Antonio that the following day Regi will have a new security team. Tony wants all information about Regi's case to be given to him before anyone else. He especially goes not want Gonzo to be involved. Tony wants to be the one to recover Regi's daughter so she will be forever grateful to him and agree to stay by his side. Tony, I kinda liked you at one point but this passive-aggressive controlling thing is where I jump ship. Maybe a bull will get loose from the zoo and trample you for good. (I talk back to fictional characters. It's more fun that way :)

Fina seethes over the fact that she can't get near Regi because of the guards. Suddenly a lightbulb goes off over her head. Something vile on her mind, for sure.

Honorio happily greets Constanza when she gets home. He wants to take her out for a movie date. Coni mentions that Blanca has signed on to work at the center on weekends. Coni is full of compliments about Blanca and hopes they can be amigas. Flashing red stalker alarms go off in Honorio's head. He doesn't want Blanca anywhere near them; they shouldn't have relationships with any employees. Coni looks confused.

Nighttime and the festival is still in full swing. Jero is proud of the harvest his brother planted and hopes to do some serious business with it. Augie mean-mugs Jero. "Too bad all of your harvests belong to me for the next three years." Rafa had set up a prior contract with Augie but Jero could not care less. He is going to produce the best wine imaginable - named San Rafael - in honor of his brother. The fellas drink to Rafa.

Ominous music plays as a woman in a volunteer outfit sneaks into the hospital. She stands outside the door, listening to Tony and Regi. Regina is upset that Tony doesn't trust her. It's Gonzo that Tony does not trust, blah blah.

Honorio took most of Blanca's battiness in stride but now the claws are coming out. He tells her to quit meddling in his life, especially when it comes to Coni. Blanca wants to get to know Coni better so she (batty) can give Hon what Coni can't. After their special night, Blanca wants to "make Hon happy". Honorio swears that night only happened because he wasn't in his right mind; he's sure that Blanca drugged his drink. She is nothing to him! Blanca threatens to tell Coni about their affair. Hon asks what it is that Blanca wants from him - is it money?

Nope, she doesn't want money. Blanca *lurvs* him and wants Hon to *lurv* her back. (I am so creeped out by this, you guys. She's like the female Dr. DrunkRapist.) Honorio will never have feelings for her (beyond disgust, I imagine). Daniel weasels his way into the office after the confrontation. Blanca cries to Daniel about how badly Honorio has wronged her.

Matias remarks to Jero how the tables have turned for them. Jero started out with Berta and Mat with Nata; now they're both going to be married to the other guy's ex-girlfriend. Matias vows that everything he is doing is for Nata; he only cares for her happiness.

Meanwhile, Nata has become a little too happy after enjoying one too many glasses of wine. Adri, being a good amgia, couldn't let Nata drink alone. Both buzzed ladies discuss the topics they would rather not talk about sober. Nata understands that Adri is in love with Matias and his marrying Berta is a big bummer for her. Adri doesn't deny it.

Nata worries about having to move back into La Bonita for the night but Adri assures her that Carlos has already had her stuff sent over. Gonzo and Mat will be none the wiser. Speaking of, Adri takes off with Carlos once Jero strolls over. Nata makes Jero drink with her.

Before Jero has a chance to react, Nata freaks out because one of her earrings is missing. Jero is upset that Augie gave her earrings but Nata explains she only accepted them for the night. She plans to return them the next morning. Jero remembers seeing those same earrings at the shop but didn't buy them for Nata.

Nata teases Jero for asking to see her other earring. She hands it over and gives Gonzo a bear hug when he walks over. Gonzo tells Nata she has clearly had enough to drink and helps her into the casa. Mat has nothing to offer except a *significant glare* to Jero.

Jero catches Agustin and launches into an attack. How dare Augie give jewelry to Nata. Augie calls Jero's marriage a farce; they're only married on paper. Jero shoves the earring in Augie's face and stomps off.

Mystery Woman *coughFinacough* sneaks into Tony's hospital room while both he and Regi are asleep. She stands over Regi and pulls two syringes out of her pocket. Heh, guess Tony is going to end up collateral damage.

Luckily, Regi stirs which sends Fina scuttling over to the other side of the room. She kneels, pretending to pray for the ailing Tony. Doña Cata brings Regi a cup of coffee and wishes Nurse Ratchet a good day. Regi leaves to see Cata out. Fina checks to see if the coast is clear and shuts the door.

Fina empties her syringes of death into Regi's coffee cup while Tony snoozes. This seems like a less-than-foolproof plan.

Back at La Bonita, Nata is three sheets to the wind and compliments Gonzo on his ability to half-carry her into the house. Jero takes up Gonzo's post as everyone else leaves for bed. Jero scoops Nata off her feet and she giggles because it reminds her of their wedding night.

Jero, a little tipsy himself, tosses Nata onto the bed and helps her undress. He undoes her dress and Nata gives him her best seductress look as she heads into the bathroom. Too bad she topples over a second later. Jero and Nata dissolve into giggles and Jero pulls her up.

Nata asks Jero to stay with her. She starts to pull off her dress as she kisses Jero's neck. Jero gives in, pulls off his shirt, and hops into the shower with Nata. Their silhouettes kiss and caress. (Their hands on the shower door remind me of the love scene in Titanic.)

Fina must have made a quick getaway since Regi is already back in the hospital room. Regina stirs the drugged and/or poisoned coffee and takes a fateful sip that would make Hamlet's mother proud. (As an English major, I couldn't help but make a reference.)

Regi pulls a face at the drink but continues to chug it down.

Seconds later, Regi grabs her throat and collapses to the floor in pain. Tony is still dead to the world. He's turned out to be quite useful, huh?

Adriana and Carlos discuss Nata and Jero. Carlos almost lets slip that Jero's jerkiness has something to do with Rafa. Carlos does tell Adri that Jero wants Nata to fess up to her past and prove that she regrets it. Adri has no idea what Carlos is talking about.

Cata returns to the hospital room to find Regina unconscious on the floor. Her cries wake Tony, who yells for help.

Ines and Isidro talk to Andrescito about his upcoming surgery. Andres wants his padre to be with him in the sterile room after the operation. Ines gets a call from Cata about Regi's condition.

Arely pilfers through a dresser and lays into Augie for keeping Nata's things. She's going to leave and never come back. Arely is tired of playing second fiddle to Nata. "It's her or me!" Augie is annoyed and doesn't go after Arely when she storms out of the room. He does sniff Nata's nighty like a perv, though.

Matias can't get the sight of Nata and Jero out of his head. Similarly, Adri can't stop thinking about Mat and Berta together with "their" baby. She finally understands how her madre felt all those years about her padre. These folks are just rife with grief. Gonzo dreams about Regi and wakes in a panic. He had a dream that Regi disappeared into a dark place where he could never see her again. Mat calms him down.

Cata, Tony, and Ines anguish over the lack of news. The Doc finally arrives to give them the diagnosis: Regi is in grave condition. A few minutes more and she would have been poisoned to death. Depending on the next few hours, Regi may or may not survive.

The next morning, Nata wakes up in bed with Jero. She sneaks out with the comforter just as Jero stumbles out of bed. He smiles about the night before.

Nata gushes to Adri about her noche de amor. I love that she didn't even stop to put on clothes first.

Adri is happy for Nata but warns Nata not to lose her head. She explains what Carlos told her: Jero both hates and loves Nata because of a huge sin from the past that she has kept a secret. Jero wants Nata to admit to the past and to being the cause of all his troubles. Now Nata is angry. The only one who has been suffering injustices is her!

The businessman stops by Honorio's house to hand over the results of his investigation. None of the information about Blanca matches what Hon was given. She never worked in China, she lied to the company about that and lots of other things. The investigator asks Hon how they should proceed.

Everyone enjoys breakfast together at La Bonita. Adri teases Nata for losing all control once she got tipsy. Nata says the wine relaxed her and helped her see Jero's true feelings. "Drunks and children always speak the truth." Matias says. Carlos offers to take everyone out to the fields to show how the wine is made.

Lazaro interrupts breakfast, leading the group outside. Nata's horse Gitana has arrived! Nata is overjoyed to see her. Gonzo says Nata deserves to have her two loves in the same place. Nata asks Jero if he really wants her to stay with him, despite everything. Jero nods.

Capitulo 59

Coni runs into Chema at the center. She's sorry about having to distance herself from him; she misses his friendship. Chema still hasn't given up and thinks they deserve a chance together. Coni is conflicted.

Fina grabs the newspaper from Berta. "Hey, read any good obituaries today?" (Well, Fina *kind of* said that.) Berta asks Fina where she disappeared to the night before. Fina flashes back to filling up the syringes with antifreeze. She lies to Berta about having been out with friends. (What friends?!) Berta is annoyed with Sele and Fina warns her not to trust anyone.

Cata and Ines are allowed a few minutes with Regi. Cata cries at her hija's bedside and prays that she survives. Regi stirs and mumbles. Right before Regi passed out, she caught a glimpse of PepaFina's face. "You will never interfere in my life again." Fina said.

Regi whimpers the name "Pepa" before falling unconscious again. The ladies tell the doctor that Regi told them who tried to kill her. He alerts the authorities.

Nata claims the problems between her and Jero are just typical couple stuff. Gonzo buys it. Nata runs off to take a ride with Gitana but promises to be back in time for the fiesta at Augie's. Gonzo tells Jero that Regi sends her best.

Arely, luggage in hand, tells Augie she's leaving for good. She feels sad and left out of his life. He flashes a shiny, family-heirloom bracelet in front of face and she forgives him. Arely takes it as a sign that she is important in his life. Kissy, kissy.

Adri, Carlos, and Matias watch Nata ride her horse. Mat's got a grump on as usual. If Nata knew that Jero was Berta's baby-daddy, then she would hate Jero as much as Mat does. Adri wonders Que the Hell Jero thinks Nata has a dark secret. Carlos hopes Nata confesses soon so the misery will stop.

Matilde b!tches about Nata's horse. I'm so tired of listening to her snot-nosed whining, all I hear is an annoying buzz when she talks. Anyway, she tells Lazaro that Nata is La Bonita. "You have to hate her as much as I do." Mati says. Oh, go fall in a hole.

Tony is furious that Pepa could have gotten to Regi right under his nose. It was a dumb idea to have the guards let go. Duh, Tony. Your arrogance almost got your novia killed. The Doc tells the gang that Regi is going to pull through. She was poisoned with a large dose of antifreeze. The group is horrified. Cata remembers bringing Regi coffee and greeting another woman in the room. "That woman! It was Pepa! She poisoned Regina's coffee!"

Fina is one of the dumbest criminals ever. She's retuned to the scene of the crime wearing the same outfit. She's upset Regi was not in the obituary but is glad that poor widowed Tony is still in the hospital.

Alfonsina walks in the fields with Padre. Doctor Rapeysnake threatened her son. Alfi will have Doc thrown in jail for life if he lays a finger on her Ponchito. She tells Padre that she will go to the police and tell them that Doc was drunk when he operated on Rafa. Padre says Alfi *has* to report the Doc.

Karina and Doc are at the adoption agency. Poor Karina is so, so deluded. They're given paperwork and must go through a routine inspection. They both look nervous about it.

Gonzo asks to talk to Renata about the Mat/Berta situation. She agrees but has to get ready for the party first. Carlos tells Jero about his discussion with Adri.

Detective Cantu says that both Tony and Regina's rooms will have round the clock guards. The feds are going to check if the hospital has cameras that might have caught Pepa on tape. Tony thinks this might be the proof they need to assume that Pepa was definitely the baby kidnapper and the culprit for all the grief in Regi's life.

Ines steps out to take a call from Jero. Fina and her silly wig lurk behind Ines to eavesdrop.

Ines explains the whole Regi situation and that everyone is sure that Pepa did it. Fina looks worried that the cops are on to her. She backs out the door and curses Regi for surviving.

Nata puts on her product placement makeup and talks to Adri more about the pinnacle secret. Adri agrees to try to pry more information out of the others about it.

Matilde and Matias chat. Mati wastes no time in bad mouthing Nata. "She's been terrible to Jero! They slept in separate rooms. They're not happy. She doesn't even live here anymore. After Nata's accident, she's been living at Agustin's." Matias's poor brain almost fries from information overload.

Jero gives Gonzo the news about Regina's poisoning. Gonzo is fairly calm about it since Jero assures him that Regi is out of danger. "Who could Pepa be? Why does she want to kill Regi?" Gonzo wonders. He still wants to protect Regi even though it bugs Tony. Jero asks Gonzo to be discrete about it. Jero offers to let Regi stay at the hacienda for a while. Gonzo thinks it's a great idea.

Matias gives Matilde the third degree. She swears what she said is the truth. Carlos interrupts and warns her that she had better not be spreading gossip.

Augie tells Zeke to make sure everything is in order for the fiesta. Doc and Karina arrive. Augie is surprised that Kari still gives Doc the time of day. Augie mentions that the Monterrubios are coming to the party and Doc remembers that Rafa worked for the Monterrubio company. No matter, Augie vows to make Renata his woman.

Gonzo chats with Coni on the phone. She agrees to keep an eye on Regi's recovery for him.

Renata asks Gonzo why he has such a long face. He claims it's about Berta and Matias getting married. Nata is sure that Berta slept with Mat to get back at Nata. Gonzo believes that Berta loves Matias but Mat doesn't love her back. Nata says a marriage of unrequited love is hell. Gonzo notices that Nata seems to be speaking from experience but she denies it.

Honorio gives Blanca a call. He has to see her immediately. Blanca is all too happy to oblige. They agree to meet at a café.

Fina has a panic attack while Berta frets over her. Berta calls a doctor. Looks like Fina has reason to panic since Detective Cantu caught PepaFina on the hospital security camera.

Ines gives Andrescito a hug before his operation. Cata tells Ines to be strong. Tony gives Andrescito a little encouragement before the tyke goes under the knife. Detective Cantu tells Tony they have a huge clue as to Pepa's identity.

Regi is awake, though incredibly pale. She's going to pull through. I wish I had whatever super survival gene Regina must have to still be alive after two murder attempts. Cata tells Regi she knows that Pepa did this to her.

A doctor different than the one that Fina's been paying off tells Fina she had a panic attack. She plays dumb about having anything panic-worthy happening recently. He prescribes sedatives and Berta says that her calls to Papi and Matias haven't gone through.

Honorio waits at a café for Blanca. He refuses to meet her at a "more private" location when she calls. Uh oh, Constanza just happens to be walking down the sidewalk near the café. Blanca arrives and plants a kiss on Honorio...

...just in time for Constanza to see.

Ay, dios mio, we knew something like this was going to happen!

Avances: Matias asks Renata to run away from Jero. Matias gets carried away during a fencing match with Jero.

angustiante - distressing (Gonzo to Mat)
ingerido - ingested
envenenar - to poison
veneno - poison, venom
anticongelante - antifreeze
de vapor para ganar - literally steam to win. I think it means "in order to win" or "the willpower to win". (Adri to Nata)
Pierde todo el estilo - She loses all style. (Adri about Nata)
Los niños y los borrachos, siempre dicen la verdad - Drunks and children always speak the truth. (Matias)
desvanecerse - to vanish, to fade away (Ines about Regi)
esquela - obituary (Fina about Regi)
cabalgar - to (horseback) ride (Carlos)
vitivinícultor - winemaker (say that three times fast)


Alborada, 7/8/2011. Cap. 28.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #8 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 28 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's screenshot.

Red, the color of desire. Black, the color of despair.
Red, the blood of angry men. Black, the dark of ages past.


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