Thursday, February 02, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #26-27.5 Wednesday 2/1/12 The delusional bridegroom

LQNPA Cap 26 and part of 27 (Univision's being Looney again with scheduling), Feb 1, 2012

NOTE: Feb 1st's El Talisman recap is here. Feb 1st's Familia recap here.

The Delusional Bridegroom

Hola everyone. Here is the Extra Deluxe Boda Edition Recap. I plan on pulling out all the stops (okay, maybe just a few extras) and will supply ample screencaps, plus some Jorge Salinas fangirlishness. I make no apologies for this.

Let's get started!

We resume with Rohellio's and Cupcake's (Ana Paula's) conversation about the semi-ugly necklace she doesn't want to wear. (Well, I think it's semi-ugly!) She doesn't believe his motives and wonders what he's really up to. "Not important." he replies. "What matters is that you comply with the contract and that includes wearing my ugly necklace!" She equates the wearing of the ugly necklace to wearing a dog collar, to show that she belongs to a man. Rohell, ever the douchebag, goes with that. "In essence that's what you are! You are my property for a year!" He holds up the ugly necklace for her to take, but she looks away, finally taking it and immediately placing it down. Oh no no, that's not good enough. Rohell picks it up again, offers it to her again. This time she holds it in her hand just long enough for him to leave. Then throws it on her bed in exasperation.

"Take the dog collar!" She's enchanted by his approach.

Then, for the 1,954th time, gets Gus's shell necklace from the drawer where it's stashed, fondles it, and laments his loss.

Meanwhile, Gus is jogging at the beach and gets a call from Mercedes. She sings the happy birthday song to him. But he's bummed out because he can't stop thinking of Cupcake.

Back to Cupcake, still mooning over Gus. Flashback to her and Gus, and remembering what it feels like to be around a guy who's not a douchebag.

Dani comes in, gives Cupcake a hug and starts chattering about the big day. Cupcake is apprehensive, however. She's feeling more doom and gloom over the impending ceremony which will tie her to the resident douchebag Rohell. Dani advises her, for her own good, to try to put memories of Gus behind her. "If he had lived, this would have been his birthday." Cupcake says, and Dani gives her a comforting hug.

Efriam decides it's time to pull out all the stops in the romance department, and boldly holds out a single, semi-droopy flower to Sin-thia. They're out on the lawn somewhere, where ANYONE could see them, but they just carry on anyway. My beanie needs more tightening. A lather-rinse-repeat conversation happens between them about their dysfunctional relationship. Basically Efraim wants her to go with him as his date to the wedding. Let's be a real couple. Fat chance, says Sinthia. And by the way, you stink of manure, Efraim. (She really does say that.) FF>>>

Another man offering another woman and unwanted and unappreciated gift.

Boca del Cielo, David and Gus talking about something or another. Blah blah business construction, comply with the law, blah blah, you win, please don't shut us down. He mentions maybe going to that Montero wedding and schmoozing with people. Montero is getting married? Gus asks with astonishment. David thinks that Gus could make some good connections there.

During Dani's and Cupcake's discussion about her great sacrifice marrying the Douchebag, Dipsh*t Miguel comes in, overhears, and starts banging his head against a door, crying, "It's all my fault! It's all my fault!" He then runs off. Dany chases after him and tries to placate him.

More encouragement from David for Gus to schmooze with that rich dude, Montero. Gus isn't sure; he wasn't invited to the wedding. David says this is different. Montero actually recommended Gus to work on the construction. Gus perks up at this. David adds that since Montero is loaded, he (David) could negotiate a good salary. But Gus declines, and warns David that he can still shut down construction.

Rohell, obviously a bundle of nerves about his pending nuptuals, is drinking in solitude. Tia MeniRosa decides this is a good time to schmooze him and gush about how she's looking forward to him being her nephew. Rohellio is in no mood for her syrupy, insincere familiarity. He grumpily tells her to stop calling him "Rogelio," It's SEÑOR MONTERO to you, b*tch! Okay he didn't say that last part.

He's not in any mood for her shenanigans. Not that he ever is in any mood when Tia is involved.

More of Miguel's increasingly annoying guilt and insecurity. Dany tries for the umpteenth time to get him off his pity pot. It's all his fault, poor AP having to sacrifice, Dany can do better without him. Blah blah blah. FF>>>

Tia comes along and interrupts and tells them both to make themselves useful, and suck up to Rogelio if possible. They rush off.

Vainessa has rushed in by helicopter, all-fired sure that her supreme hotness will be sufficient incentive for Rohellio to call of the wedding to Ana Paula. Sin-thia meets her somewhere on the hacienda grounds.

A still-drinking, increasingly nervous (but in denial!) Rohellio is now approached by Maria. Is he nervous? She asks. Of course not, he replies, half-laughing, while looking like a complete wreck. "It's just a formality!"

HE SAYS HE'S NOT NERVOUS. Are we buying that?

Maria goes on to say she's very excited, and that she'll be praying for both him and AP. He looks skeptical and then after she leaves, mutters, "It's been a long time."

The ever hopeful Maria and Rohell have a nice moment.

Rohell sits alone, still a wreck, still brooding, as AP slowly comes in the room, with a much more flattering wedding dress on, and her hair pulled back. (I think she looks very pretty.) It takes him a moment to sense she is there. He turns around slowly and is gobsmacked by her beauty. She looks down (a bit haughtily) at him, seemingly oblivious to his besotted jaw-drop and puppydog eyes.

He senses someone is there . . .
His jaw drops—gobsmacked!
Even more gobsmacked.

"Well, here I am, jerk."
The camera zooms closer . . .
. . . and Jorge Salinas is awesome. That is all.

After the commercial break, we cut to angry Vainessa and Sinthia kvetching about how Rohell done them wrong. "Are you here to get revenge on my brother, or do you still love him?" Sinthia asks. "In truth, a bit of both!" Vainessa replies.

Back to Cupcake and Rohell. She says that if he wants her to wear the damn ugly necklace, he's going to have to put it on her himself. (She says it nicer than that.)  He recovers enough from his besotted puppydog mode to respond. He's glad to do it, because they both know what it signifies. (What? What does it signify? That you bought her company for a year? Whatever.) "I'm glad you finally understand how things work around here" he continues. (HOW, HOW do they work? She looks skeptical at this.) "I know I have a crappy personality" he says (only he says it nicer) "But I care for you." (He says "te quiero" which I assume in this case means "I care" instead of "I love," even though the English CCs say "I love.") She's like, "Yeah, sure." The expression on her face says it all.

"If you want me to wear the ugly thing, put it on yourself."
The donning of the dog collar.
"I know my personality stinks, but I care for you." "YEAH WHATEVER."

She stands in front of him and says, "I understand that for a year you'll own my time, my space, and my life. But you won't own my affection (cariño), or my respect." Rohell listens silently and looks a bit abashed.

"This contract only buys you so much."

"You can't buy my affection or respect."
He looks a bit abashed.

 Federico is in San Gabriel and the place is like a ghost town. He's on the phone with Elsa la Vaca and she's complaining that Rohell must have invited everyone to his boda. Fed says he'll keep looking for Vainessa and La Vaca urges him to not let Vainessa do anything stupid. (That family's track record in stopping Vainessa from doing stupid things isn't very good. I'm just saying.)

Tia Mentirosa gushes over Cupcake's ugly necklace as Dany. Elena, and Rohell look on. Miguel enters the room, looking very spiffy in a new suit. Tia gushes over that and Miguel thanks Rohell for getting him the suit. Rohell is reminded that he's missing the flower in his buttonhole? (Not sure what this is called. The English CCs say he's missing his whip. I do not kid. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.) Rohell goes off to get said flower-thingie and asks Miguel to accompany him. Tia gushes some more over how lovely Cupcake looks. Cupcake doesn't seem to give a darn.

After everyone else leaves, Cupcake complains to Dany that she's so nervous she can't breathe. Dany says it's one thing to bear something, but it's another to be at the point of not being able to breathe!

Sin-thia and the increasingly delusional Vainessa are approaching the entrance to the hacienda. Vainessa is convinced that Rohell still loves her and is just doing this for revenge. She believes she can convince him to not "ruin his life" by marrying this other woman. Sinthia agrees that Rohell still loves the Vain one and asks her—what will you do if Rohell agrees to not marry the Cupcake? With a twisted smile, Vainessa replies that she'll marry him right there, replacing the spot that has been recently vacated by Cupcake. And, she adds, that even though she loves Rohell, that she'll have to make him "suffer" a bit after their marriage, just so he values her properly.

Delusional bruja.

Esteban, the model son-in-law, is visiting Elsa la Vaca as she fawns all over him. He has heard about the messy broken boda of Vainessa's. Yeah, well Elsa la Vaca is not unhappy that Vainessa isn't marrying that jerk Rohell. Esteban is the perfect guy for Vainessa. Esteban is delighted to hear it. Where is Vainessa? On a trip, La Vaca replies. Up North, on a business trip with her dad. Uh huh.

Dany and Cupcake are talking about Miguel when in rushes La Bruja Vainessa, all outrage. "I won't let you marry Rogelio!" she yells. She immediately tries to slap Cupcake across the face. Cupcake won't let her frosting get mussed, so she blocks the slap. "Don't you try to raise your hand to me, or it'll end up very bad for you!" Cupcake warns.

Blocking the bruja's slap.

Then Cupcake wastes no time. She SLAPS the bruja right across the face! Let's pause for a moment to savor this.

(I love Dany's expression here!) SLAP! RIGHT ACROSS THE KISSER!! You deserve that richly, Vainessa.

"Don't you ever raise your hand against me again, got it?" Cupcake warns. Vainessa immediately assumes that Cupcake says this because of her impending elevated status as Señora Montero. Not so, says Cupcake. I demand respect as Ana Paula Carmona! Vainessa then yells that Rohell is just using Cupcake. At this Miguel walks in and tries to intervene. Vainessa then starts in with insulting Miguel, the "murderer." More screaming and drama.

In the middle of this, Rohell rolls in, his look thunderous. "What the hell is going on here, Vainessa?"

Just what he needs to calm his jangled nerves on his wedding day. A crazed, delusional ex-novia.

Efraim messing with poor, deceived Consuelo. He's changing his shirt for the boda. All the male employees are wearing these rather nice gray shirts with lavender trim on them. In comes the other stable guy and says that there's a mare being delivered for Sinthia, that he must attend to.

More drama and crap from Vainessa. She does that creepy thing where she stoops down and slithers her hands all over Rohell and whines at him. He is certainly in no mood for that. Basically she says that she loves him so much that she's willing to come to him anyway, beseeching him to forget about this wedding that OBVIOUSLY must be only meant as revenge. (Because OBVIOUSLY he couldn't have any feelings for AP, OBVIOUSLY.) Vainessa claims that he couldn't love AP because OF COURSE he loves her still! He's just doing this so she'll feel bad, the way he did when she dumped him years ago. He couldn't possibly get anything from this opportunistic gold digger or her family. "Basta!" Rohell yells and tells her not to insult AP or her family.

Cupcake has had enough and starts to blurt out the truth. Rohell stops her in time and says that she married him for LOVE! Yeah, that's right, LOVE! He clasps her hands and gives her a pleading look. She doesn't contradict him.

Delusional Vainessa.
"Please play along and say you love me and maybe she'll go away!"
"Okay, whatever."
Not accepting rejection well.

At the stables, Sinthia is schmoozing a bit with Efriam and up runs an enthusiastic David. "What are you doing here?" she asks, astonished. "What are you talking about? You invited me!"

Efriam doesn't know who this dude is and immediately wants to "protect" Sinthia from him. "Is he bothering you?" he asks. David says contemptuously that the señorita is is GIRLFRIEND. But that's not a "peon's" business to know! Impactado look from Efriam. To add insult to injury, David hugs and kisses Sinthia, then as he is leaving, throws Efriam a coin and tells him to take extra special care of the mare (Bonita) that he got for her. 

Efriam has forgotten his place for a moment as a mere peon.

Back to the Rohell-Cupcake-Vainessa fiasco. As Vainessa rants, Rohell proceeds to hold Cupcake's hands and kiss them periodically as he tells Vainessa to forget it, he's marrying the woman he loves. Vainessa freaks out. NO ONE could fall in love this fast. Blah blah blah. Screech screech. She reminds him that they are business partners. Rohell had assumed that Fed would bail out, but no, she corrects him. And as business partners, they can help or they can hurt. Rohell seems unconcerned about this. "It works both ways." He again asks her to get out and FINALLY she does, but not before warning them both that they'll pay for this, suffer for it, regret it, blah blah blah. WHAT. EVER.

When the bruja finally leaves, Rohell asks Dany and Miguel to leave him alone to talk to Paula. She says to him that lies come so easy for him, because it's clear that he doesn't know how to love. He says he won't argue with her on that, and adds that he wanted to defend AP's "place" (as the woman he loves). AP replies that she was doing just fine doing that herself.

Sinthia is complaining to David about her poor, vulnerable, crippled brother who obviously is so helpless and gullible that he has fallen victim to a scheming gold digger like Paula. (Okay, she doesn't say the part about him being gullible and helpless, but she must think him incapable of seeing through a gold digger or choosing his own wife.)  David, who knows all about the extreme, hyper-determined douchebaggery Rohell had to pull in order to coerce AP to marry him, tries to suggest that maybe there's more to this than just revenge—maybe Rohell is just really, really interested in that girl. "NO WAY!" Sinthia is emphatic. It. Does. Not. Compute. David is unable to elaborate more on why he knows what he knows, obviously.

They are interrupted by a whining Vainessa, simpering in the hallway, who complains about how rude Rohell was to her, whine whine whine. More whining. She says that Rohell claims to LOVE that gata! NO WAY! Impactada and outrage that Rohell dare cast his eyes favorably on a lower life form like Paula.

Back in the other room with Cupcake and Rohell, Maria comes in and admonishes Rohell for seeing his bride before the wedding. It's bad luck. Rohell laughs that since they're living in the same house, it's kind of inevitable, besides, he is enjoying being able to admire her beauty. (And he does seem to be doing that.)

David comes in with his suitcase. Rohell greets him, but Cupcake immediately brings up that David was the guy that falsely accused Miguel of stealing a truck. Nobody really wants to pursue this subject, so Rohell says that David may end up marrying Sinthia. Cupcake gives David the stinkeye as David smirks smarmily.

A smirk from David.

(I'm starting to lose the will to live, so I will rush through a few of the less interesting spots in this episode.)

More ranting and vows of revenge from Vainessa as Sinthia listens, shocked. "You're either with me or with your brother!" Vainessa proclaims. Maria comes in and suggests, not subtly, that Vainessa take the hint that she's not wanted and that Rohell doesn't love her. Vainessa snaps that of course Maria would be happy that Rohell's marrying another servant ("gata") like herself. When Sinthia tries to stand up a little for Vainessa, Maria warns her to be loyal to her brother. Blah blah blah. Bruja, go away.

Bruja, go away.

Efriam, on the orders of Rohell, follows Vainessa out and offers to take her wherever she needs to go. We'll see how that works out.

In San Gabriel, Ulisis (the shop owner) and his pretty, gossipy wife and preparing boxes to take to the wedding. In comes Federico. Looking for Vainessa, if you see her, please tell her to wait for me here. They recognize him as the dad of the woman who dumped Rohell, and Rohell's business associate. FF>>>

A hilarious sequence of scenes (which I will condense to preserve my sanity). Tia MentRosa and her friend Elena are tackily admiring all the goodies and riches at the hacienda. Tia, who is apparently a cougar, also admires a fine specimen of male beauty: Efriam! She assumes, since he's wearing nice clothes for the wedding, that he is someone of more elevated position. Efriam doesn't contradict her throughout their interactions.

Cougar bait.

Give me strength to go on. More self-pity and whining from Miguel over Cupcake having to marry. Dany tries to tell him to stop being such a sad sack whiner about it. Miguel uses this conversation as an opportunity to tell Dany that she can do much better than a loser like him. Blah blah blah FF>>>

David has a little chat with Rohell about his marriage. Is he sure? Oh yes, Rohell is adamantly sure. David says that he's got nothing against the girl, she's very pretty, but not in our same "condition"? (Not sure if this is the right translation.) Rohell says, well, he's not exactly dream groom material either, being in the wheelchair. Rohell discerns that Sinthia sent David. Also he figures that this concern has something to do with worrying about Paula getting her paws somehow on Sinthia's inheritance. Surely he got her to sign a prenup? Rohell doesn't answer anything but just says, not to worry. Just share my happiness!

Rohell then turns to the judge waiting to perform the ceremony, apologizes for not standing up, and asks if it's okay for both him and his bride to be seated during the ceremony. Of course it's okay.

Gossipy store lady is all excited about the wedding and squeees about it with her daughter, Maripaz. Finally they'll get to see who the bride is!

More chit-chat. Efriam upset about Sinthia and David. She'll talk with him later about it; Dave's an associate of Rohell. More with Tia and Elena drooling over Ephriam. "He must be someone important, he's talking with Rohell's sister!" Sinthia says she only cares for Ephriam. I think she means he's better in the sack. I'm just saying. Blah blah. Whatever. FF>>>

David says to Bruno that this is a joke. Bruno says no way. Rohell lost his sense of humor years ago! "I hope he married for love!" Bruno adds.

Rohell gestures to cougar bait, aka Ephriam. Did he do that thing that was asked of him? Oh yeah. "I took care of Vainessa!"

He "took care" of Vainessa. AWESOME.

We cut to some sort of barn or farm building. Vainessa is locked inside, yelling at a screened window to be let out. Our pity for her is rated at approximately zero.

No pity for the bruja.

We see Rohell waiting, somewhat nervously, in front of the judge. He is literally twiddling his thumbs. Meanwhile, Cupcake and Miguel are making their way to the ceremony when Miguel has a last minute epiphany. "I can't do it! Let's blow this joint!"

"Let's go!" Miguel urges.

 At the ceremony, Rohell is looking increasingly nervous. He turns and looks at Tia MentiRosa. She gives him a reassuring smile. He then turns to his other side, to Maria. Same thing. A comforting, assuring smile. Like, "Don't worry, my child." But he still looks worried.

Sweating bullets.

Cupcake hesitates for a moment, then rushes off with Miguel to make their escape. He urges to not think! Just go! She runs after him down the hall.

But after the break, we cut back to Miguel and Cupcake and see that Cupcake can't do it. She gave her word. Miguel is out of prison due to Rohell. Besides, they see how he got vengeance on Vainessa after many years. Imagine what he'd do to them if she jilted him! That seems to sink in. Back to the ceremony they go.

 Rohell can't take it anymore. He unlocks his wheelchair as if to go look for Cupcake. Tia stops him and starts to go off herself. Fortunately they're both saved by the wedding march as Cupcake and Miguel appear. Ah, the sweet relief is all over Rohell's face.

Tia prevents him from searching after Cupcake.
Here they come!
Visibly relieved.

Gossipy store lady is astonished to see that Rohell's groom is the nurse! Her daughter Maripaz takes an opportunity to squee that the guy giving the bride away is that dreamy Miguel!

Miguel and Cupcake approach Rohell. Miguel says that he hopes that Rohell will make his sister happy for THIS YEAR. Rohell looks vexed and immediately corrects him. "Todos!" (All of them!) Then he kisses Cupcake's hand and leads her to her chair.

"Hope you make her happy this year."
Showing a decided lack of enthusiasm!
Kissing her hand. Rohellio is really into hand-kissing.

They start to listen to the judge do his thing. Both bride and groom sneak looks at the other.

Admiring his bride-to-be.

Meanwhile, at Boca del Cielo, Gus is moping at the beach when Fermin, Carmen, and her little girl approach him and present him with a birthday cake! More fishermen come around and the little girl asks Gus what he'll wish for when he blows out the candles of his birthday cake. He replies that he'll wish to be able to talk to Cupcake.

Now we're getting to the part where bride and groom have to say their vows. Rohell doesn't hesitate to say "Sí, acepto" at the right time, but Cupcake draaaaags out her "aceptos" to an unacceptable length. Rohell's face shows his insecurity and nervousness. There are tears in Cupcake's eyes. But finally she squeezes out (after a prompting from the judge) an "acepto." The deed is done and they sign the papers that need to be signed.

There are tears in her eyes and little Margarito notices and asks Tia about them. "It's the emotion!" Tia says, and adds that this is the biggest day of a woman's life.

Rohell also has them exchange rings and his enthusiasm is clearly much higher than Cupcake's. She goes through the motions.

She takes her sweet time answering in the affirmative.
Which causes Rohell to become nervous again.
She reminds him, "JUST ONE YEAR!"
Don't remind him! He obviously doesn't like it.
The tearful bride.
Time to exchange the rings.
More hand-kissing.
At least Rohell is happy.

Back at Gus's birthday party, a party-pooper, Juan, is stirring up trouble. He's insinuating that Gus hasn't been good on his word to look after their interests and stop the construction of the hotel if it doesn't comply with the law. Gus thinks this guy has a personal axe to grind. Fermin doesn't get what's with Juan either. For the sake of my sanity I will condense the Boca del Cielo scenes. But here's a nice screenshot of Gus:

Oh he with the beautiful eyelashes.

Back at the happy wedding, it's time for the beso. Tia MentiRosa is chanting "Beso, beso, beso!" the loudest. Rohell looks slightly amused by this. Cupcake looks slightly sedated. Finally she turns to him and gives him a brief peck on the lips. You can see that this is not going to satisfy him. He gently guides her face back to his and gets a more appropriate wedding kiss.

The wedding kiss is of insufficient duration.
Let's try that again, he decides.
THAT'S more like it!

Vainessa is still locked up in the barn-whatever-it-is and is upset because she can't get a signal to call out to her father.

More fighting and conflict between Juan and Gus at the birthday party. Gus doesn't like what Juan is insinuating—that he is in cahoots with David and is corrupt. Fermin tries to speak reason. FF>>>

Back at the wedding, a delusional Rohell says something heartfelt to Cupcake. I had to use my listening skills to discern this, but I think he's saying, "My love, the impossible can be possible and we can be happy." Or something like that. It sounds like something uncharacteristically optimistic and romantic, especially coming from douchebag Rohell who supposedly doesn't know anything about love. Cupcake looks at him like she's wondering if he's been smoking something.

"We can be happy!" (Or something.)
"Are you smoking dope?" Well, she's thinking it.

Then shortly after, Rohell urges Cupcake to smile! She musters a less-than-enthusiastic smile in response.

"Here's your darn smile, now get off my back."

 There's a funny scene where Cupcake is taken by Miguel for congratulations (read: consoling) and Tia takes a photo op with Rohell. This screenshot captures so much: Miguel comforting an obviously upset Cupcake. Dany with her arms crossed like she is just not into all of this. Tia's overly effusive smile and Rohell's plastered-on smile.

Just take in the whole picture here. Pretty funny. The bride is being consoled by her brother. The bride's best friend is not elated. The groom is barely able to smile at all. The only one really happy at the moment is gold-digging Tia!

I've just about run out of steam. The rest of this recap will be in bulleted style with a few choice screencaps.

Maria congratulates Rohell. He seems very happy and hopeful. Then she turns to Cupcake and repeats her hopes for their happiness.

Sin-thia pretends to congratulate Paula but instead warns her about trying to hurt Rohell and basically calls her a gold-digger.

Rohell introduces his bride to some of the local big shots. She shakes their hands. Rohell seems to be enjoying all of this.

Bruno tells Sinthia that it looks like Rohell is in love. They turn to look at Rohell and Cupcake and it does look like Rohell is gazing adoringly at his bride. Sinthia just thinks he's using Cupcake. Bruno says nobody knows what will happen.

Tia urges Miguel to dance with Cupcake, because after all, Rohell can't. As they dance, Tia sits down next to Rohell and reminds him of what a good girl Cupcake is. "I know that." Rohell replies.

Bruno asks to dance with Tia. They go off and start whispering about their various nefarious douchebaggery. Bruno doesn't believe that Tia isn't absolutely elated that Cupcake married Rohell, even though she tries to convince him that she'd rather Cupcake marry him (Bruno). Rohell looks on at them with puzzlement and curiosity.

David tries to convince Sinthia that Rohell really is into Cupcake. She won't believe it.

Gossip lady (can never remember her name) is smirking about Rohell's marriage. Obviously Cupcake married him for his money! But what does Rohell get out of it? Ulisis (the husband) wonders. Gossip lady speculates that Rohell, being a cripple, is lonely and he decided to buy someone to alleviate his loneliness. It's scenes like these that make me feel more sympathy for Rohell. He must know that he gets a lot of that kind of talk behind his back. (But it doesn't excuse his douchebaggery!)

Bruno cuts in on Miguel and dances with Cupcake. He gives her his fakey cow eyes and says how he wishes it were him married to her, blah blah. Cupcake looks uncomfortable. Sinthia goes to where Rohell is seated and taunts him with the idea that Cupcake is with another man. Rohell's temper immediately flares and you see him looking for his absent whip. Sinthia laughs and asks him if he's already regretting getting married?

Rohell rolls up to Cupcake and Bruno. He wants to talk to his bride. He also reminds Bruno to respect his esposa. "I got that real clear" replies Bruno. Back at their table, Rohell is still fuming. Cupcake reminds him that she's SUPPOSED to dance with the guests! "But not Bruno!" he snaps. She reminds him that she's here to "fingir" (pretend) to be happy. He sheepishly asks if she's not at least a little bit happy? No, not really, since she's being used by him to get back at Vainessa. He tries to assure her that it's not the case. She's not buying it.

Back the Boca del Cielo, Fermin advises Gus to move on with his life. Gus says that he met AP at the beach, he'll forget her there.

Tia and Elena are looking for the bathroom. Elena comments that Cupcake isn't happy. Tia is just happy that the marriage has been done.

Little Margarito asks to dance with Cupcake. Rohell makes a point of saying that Margarito has to make sure it's okay with Cupcake first. Okay, sure it is. They dance as Rohell, much calmer now, looks on at them with that old besotted look on his face.

Dancing with little Margarito.

Sinthia and Ephraim dance. David wants to object but Sinthia convinces him it's okay because he's an employee of her brother. She urges David to dance with Tia. He does. After a while he cuts in on Sinthia and Ephriam. This allows Ephriam to dance with Tia. She flirts with him. He seems to go along with it while giving confused faces behind her back. FF>>>

More with Dany and Miguel in the kitchen. Forget about me, we're breaking up, blah blah. Maripaz listens in.

Bruno sneaks into the kitchen with Miguel. They drink alcohol and Bruno says something about how drink will cure their ills. Or something. Whatever. Bruno has a sneaky look on his face as if he's hoping to get some info out of Miguel.

Sinthia makes some crass remark about Cupcake's parents not being there. Cupcake overhears (as Sinthia intended) and says that they're dead, but if they were alive she'd love them to attend. She reminds Sinthia that she's in the same boat, as both her parents are dead too. This shuts Sinthia up.

Don Federico tries to crash the party. An angry Rohell won't allow it. Federico calls him the same old bad names. They exchange words. How dare Rohell dump Vainessa, just to marry someone else? "That's my business!" Rohell answers. "Besides, it would have been rude to not cancel that wedding before having this one!" (Or something like that.) In anger, Federico grasps at Rohell's lapels. Since this is on Rohell's turf, Rohell is not inclined to take it and resists Federico, and Hugo interferes as well. 

Fed is not welcomed.
Excitement at the wedding!
Hugo intervenes as well.
The neighborhood gossip hears all.

Rohell asks to speak to Fed alone for a moment, before he is escorted off the premises. Rohell says that Fed has no business there, and he doesn't know how he even found out about the wedding. Fed vows to make Rohell regret ever becoming a business partner. Rohell warns him to not make threats. Fed is escorted away as Rohell's mood still remains dark.

Inside the hacienda, Maria advises Cupcake. She wants her to be patient with Rohell—try to understand him. "In reality, he is a good man." Cupcake explains about Rohell's revenge plot and how she was used by him. Maria doesn't accept this. She believes Rohell married her because he cares for her. "You can change him" Maria says, optimistically. Maria explains how devastated Rohell was after Vainessa dumped him. He wouldn't eat. He didn't want to live. For a vital, strong man like that, it was a big deal. This registers on Cupcake's pity meter. Her look softens.

Maria appeals to Cupcake to be more understanding of Rohell.

Sandwiched in between the drama at the wedding, we have Esteban visiting Mercedes and telling her about how Vainessa was dumped, and how he might have another chance with her. Mercedes looks ambivalent.

Viewerville's advice to Esteban on taking Vainessa back: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN!

 As Federico is being escorted out, Dany (foolishly, it turns out) follows after him. She wants to talk. She asks the servants to delay kicking him out for a moment. He is surprised to see her there and she explains that her best friend is the bride. Federico begs Dany to bring Cupcake to talk to him, as he has something VERY important to tell her. Dany drags Cupcake out. Fed tells the obvious. Rohell is a douchebag. Well, no sh*t, Sherlock.

They both explain to Fed that they didn't know of Rohell's douchebaggy plans for Vainessa when Cupcake agreed to marry him. However, it comes out that Cupcake did know before she said "I do" of what Rohell did. Fed will hear nothing more.  He can't believe that Cupcake still went ahead with the wedding, knowing what she did about Rohell. "I get it now. I thought you were a good girl, but now I see that you and Rohell are two peas in a pod." He then goes on to fire Dany.

Dany joins the ranks of the unemployed.

END OF EPISODE!!! I thought I would never get through it all! I think I deserve a special jewel-encrusted beanie for doing this! LOL.


* More kissing at the wedding.
* Cupcake defies Rohell over something. (I am past caring what they said after 65 screenshots. I hope you understand why.)
* Rohell expects Cupcake to share the same bedroom and bed with him. Cupcake looks impactada.

He expects her to share the same bedroom, and the same bed. Let's see how that works.


El Talismán #3 Wed 2/1/12 Heere kitty kitty!! ... follow the scent of the deck of cards...


Pedro enters Mariana’s room and realizes… oh oh, she’s coo-coo!! … he tries to get her to calm down… she can only cry for her baby…
(sorry, have to say never seen hospital sheets that were that nasty dirty avocado color).
Antonio arrives at ELT, runs right into Camila… My name is Bond… James Bond.. (jk, he did introduce himself as Antonio Negrete…) with the oldest pick up line in the book.. thank you for making my day…
OSG kisses her hand… she tells him she just moved in with her family. He offers his hospitality (and then some!)… as she leaves he mumbles to himself… ‘chula, I like her, I like her more than Mariana… I know what you will be good for me, Camila Najera’…
Back to the hospital and the poor pitiful Pedro with poor pitiful Mariana… Pedro asks Dr how she is, Dr says he is most worried about her mental state (NO KIDDIN!!)
Camila arrives at some kind of coffee shop that is very colorfully decorated (colorful balloons painted on the wllas… kind of a coffee shop from the 50s but more modern decorating pallette…
Pedro arrives at the Negrete’s ranch house not really intending to have a tea party…
Pedro yells for Gregorio, but OSG comes to meet him… ‘DON Greg Negrete is not here. But I am. What do you want? ‘ Pedro keeps referring to his dad as Gregorio.. tell the wretch of your father that he is the murderer of his own grandchild’… OSG’s reaction? ‘c’est la vie.. Mariana deserved it’  . Pedro boiling inside with rage… It is your fault that Mariana  is practically going nuts, and you all will pay for all the harm you have done…!
Meanwhile at hospital Mariana is remembering in dreams the beating by Gregorio… wakes up screaming, does not recognize doctor right away, then gets upset saying she does not want to remember that…
Doctor yells at Margarito, where is he?? He should be here! Said friend tells him Pedro went to Don Gregorio’s to confront them. Doctor says Mariana needs him here more!! Pedro is too impulsive and could kill Gregorio. If you end up in jail what will happen with Mariana??
Back to Negrete’s… Antonio insists if she lost her baby and is going nuts, that is her fault. Pedro insists yelling that Gregorio killed his own grandson, Antonio’s own son!!
Apparently Camila is losing patience, seems this is where and when Pedro was going to meet her. But Pedro is too busy with OSG.
Said OSG is busy kicking Pedro out shouting… But when Pedro leaves, we can tell OSG is not happy at all with what he just found out (about dad killing baby?).
On his way out of Negrete’s, Pedro runs into Margarito and Doctor. Doctor tells Pedro that Mariana will gradually continue losing her memory with time… that this ties him to Mariana for good and he will have to be with her and care for her until ‘the end’… 
Doctor just goes away, Pedro tells Margarito that now his relationship with Camila is definitely an impossibility.
Pedro arrives at the coffee shop, huge picture of a fruit cup with soft ice cream outside… Pedro arrives to meet up with Camila. HE is reluctant to go in… as if walking into his own execution… slowly makes it in… she has a huge half gallon size tub of ice cream she is too sad and is not really making progress eating out of…
C: I thought you would not make it. Everything ok?
P: Camila… I came to say goodbye. I can’t see you again.
C: (even sadder than she was before) It is a joke, right?
P: It is serious.
C: But why? I… explain it, please.
P: I want something to be clear to you. You Always were very important for me but… but we have to call it quits here.
C: Did I do something wrong?
P: I don’t want to hurt you. That is why it is best we separate. Look, there are s  many explanations, but… none is good enough… really, I hope someday you can forgive me.
(he leaves but stares at her from outside glass while she cries out… he gets in his truck, also crying… and angry at same time)
She remembers when she came to him to ask him how he felt the day before, the kiss…
A while later he is back in Mariana’s room… thinking ‘I will never leave you alone in this… no.  (walks to her, kisses her head) …
Weeks later…
Camila and tracy are arguing, tracy just told her people say her mother has a lover…
Camila is in disbelief, she might be ambitious, selfish,  but from there to deceiving my dad .. no way! Tracy tells herself, if you knew that the gossip is true.
Gregorio and his henchman talking, HM asks Greg if he is using Elvira to get El Talisman… Greg says no, that is not the idea… HM asks then what good is she? Greg says she satisfies him, but that’s it. ElT he will get by her husband… that poor man has no clue what is coming to him… ‘I know my story’ (yo se mi cuento)
At ElT Camila meets up with her dad Esteban.. .he is sad to realize Elvira does not care about him anymore… Camila does not like him talking like that… After Camila leaves him alone, he tells himself that he won’t know what to do if Elvira ever leaves him.
Elvira and Greg are now lovers, in bed… *PLEASE SPARE ME!!** .. she asks if he will take her to NYC to buy her new clothes…  he tells her to come up with any story for her husband. When she walks away he is happy thinking of the plan he has for her husband
Camila and tracy are outside, Camila is sad, Tracy is urging her to get Pedro out of her mind.. move on!! Camila knows she is right, then they spot Camila’s mom’s car, then they see Elvira and Greg kissing and Camila is devastated.  Camila does not waste time, this girl has guts!!!, she confronts Elvira right then and there!! Elvira tries to deny it all…
… Elvira says she loved Esteban, but he let her down. Esteban killed the love she had for him, lost all their patrimony in his gambling vice so it was his fault…
… you did not have to betray him!! Even less with THAT man!! (amen to that!) Elvira argues Greg made her feel safe, something she did not have with Esteban. Elvira is pulling out all the dirty rags off the closet, reminds Camila all the times they lived at Elvira’s parents and lived off them, food, housing, even the clothes they wore belonged to her parents… she won’t go through that again, never again!
Elvira begs Camila not to tell her dad anything… Wait until I come back  from my trip and I will divorce him and he can rebuild his life. Camila is upset, divorcing him would be like killing him… Elvira tells Camila she has made up her mind, all Camila would do by telling him is advancing the inevitable.
Greg and his HM are celebrating Elvira fell in the trap, she will be out of the way and they will convince her husband to go back to his game/gambling vice. It will be eEven easier once Esteban finds out his wife is cheating on him. 
Pedro and Margarito are talking about what he did, friend tells him maybe you should have told Camila, she would have understood…
P: Margarito, tell me something, how would you explain to the woman you love with all your heart that you are married to another woman, that you see this other girl as a sister, but you can’t end the marriage because she is ill. Pretty complicated, right? Understand now? … all I know is that Camila is not in my path or in my destiny! That’s all!
Margarito asks Pedro if he thinks Mariana will ever get better. Pedro says you heard the doctor, never, she will only get worse. Margarito asks if Pedro is willing to sacrifice his lfe for her, what about putting her in a home (caring facility)? Pedro completely writes that off… Did Don Bernardo or Mariana turn him to the police when they found them as illegals? Don B and Mariana helped him when he needed it most. So he has to help Mariana even if that means he loses Camila.
M: Complicated, isn’t it?
P: It would not be so complicated if there weren’t people like Greg or OSG. But you can be sure they will pay for all the harm they have caused.
Back at the house, Tracy tells Camila she is proud of the way Camila has handled the issues with Pedro and Elvira.  Camila says she has not quite forgotten Pedro. Still trying to figure out if she did something wrong.. still trying to get him out of her head… Tracy found out Don Greg is not going anywhere, even if he is paying for Elvira’s trip.
At Negrete’s Greg is trying to get confirmation that Elvira left on her trip.
Here is OSG’s wife back (Marcela mar), she is just congratulating Greg on his plan and the trap for Esteban.. other than that she might as well be a fly on the wall.
Greg is still confident that he can slowly drive Esteban to get him to gamble ElT.
Elvira is still at the house, she has the excuse of a trip to meet clients about a business deal. Esteban tells her he knows her trip is not about business, she will meet her lover. Elvira is impactada. Then she acts offended, he has to grab her, don’t deny it. But I love you so much that… I forgive you… leave that man, lets start over, I still love you… Elvira wants him to stop hallucinating… there is no other man (nose growing, Elvira?)
Elv: Forget it Esteban. The problem between us is that I don’t love you anymore…And its not my fault, its yours! With your darn vice you destroyed the love I had for you! (nose growing even more?)
Outside Camila meets Elvira,
Cam: Did you tell him the truth?
Elv: I told your dad the most important part, that I don’t love him anymore or will ever love him again.
Cam: Did you tell him who you love now?
Elv: if you mean Greg, no. Did not tell him who.
Cam: You don’t love anyone. Only money. That is your only love in life.
Inside Esteban is already drinking ,tells Camila that he has no chance of getting Elvira back.
Est: What does that man have that I don’t?
(right at that moment we switch to the Negretes house)
Greg: Money! The only way he can get Elvira back is with LOTS of money, and since ELT is not doing well in revenues, the only way he can get the money is to bet ELT.
Doris (Marcela Mar): Aaaahh! I get it. you want to induce your neighgboor to gambling again. You will convince him that the only way he can get his wife back is with money, which he can only get by betting.
OSG grunts disgusted at his wife, seems they don’t even talk, they argue if anything. And Greg is the one that jumps in yelling to stop the arguments. He does not want anyone to commit an indiscretion and make Esteban suspect anything.
It seems Greg already set up a huge casino room in his house (for the party), with a poker table and possibly a blackjack table… with several chairs each…
The HM came in to confirm that Elvira left…
Greg is planning to have Esteban first sit at the cards game table, then he will tweeze him (OUCH!!) wherever he wants…
Greg pays a visit to Esteban, Esteban is telling him his marriage blues… Greg plays the confident neighboor games… saying he does not believe Elvira has a lover. Esteban insists Elvira is planning to leave him, even if he would like to keep her forever. ElT is just beginning to make money, can’t give her the luxury life she wants ..yet.
Greg lures him to say himself that a poker game with a bit of luck would do the trick. Greg has achieved luring Esteban into finding the solution for recovering Elvira.
Tracy comes to Camila’s room to let her know Greg is there… they are talking about poker or something like that… Camila learns Greg put up a casino room in his house, Camila is very worried her dad will go back to the vice.
Esteban keeps thinking of the poker game… he is afraid he will go back to the vice. Greg continues to play the dumb mute friend… for a woman like Elvira, it is worth a gamble of poker…  Greg tells Esteban his children are planning a casino night birthday party for him. Esteban is tempted but is fighting it a bit… he gave his word to his children he would not gamble. Greg continues luring him with indirect statements… bad luck does not last forever. (heeere kitty kitty!! .. no pun intended…. Geez!! As if Esteban was 8 years old and you were showing him an electrical scooter! Or a pony!)
Back at Mariana’s… she is losing her memory more and more… getting flustered… she tells Pedro she is panicking about going to sleep and waking up having lost all her memory.
At his house, Greg is impatiently waiting for everyone playing with cards at the table… The door bell rings… it is Camila, another one not here exactly for the tea party… she was not invited…. She wants to know what he plans to do with her father…
Margarito arrives to tell Pedro about Greg planning to have a party with a casino… even invited Camila’s dad… Pedro immediately guesses right what Greg is planning…
Camila arrives to confront Greg about what he plans to do… Greg says he does not need her permission to celebrate his birthday in any way… what is the problem??
Back at his house somewhere, Esteban is playing with his own deck of cards… if I win I can get Elvira’s love back… he is excited, his eyes shine with ‘gambling fever’…
Camila tells Greg she is sure he is planning something with her dad’s weakness, gambling.  She is sure Greg always wanted the ranch… Greg yells there is no sin in that, right? … Camila swears he won’t  get it. 
Pedro is telling Margarito the same thing, he is sure Greg wants Esteban to gamble ElT and lose it..
Camila begs Greg to help her keep her dad from falling back in the vice…
Pedro is telling Margarito he is sitting on the fence…
P: on one side Camila, can’t get her to forget about ‘us’. Neither can I give her any hopes. Because she does not deserve all this. But there is also Mariana, I can’t leave her alone… there is a promise in there too… I really don’t’ know what to do. I am getting tired of this.
M: You are right about Don Greg. Inviting Camila’s dad to play cards. that guy is not to be trusted.
P: And he will make her dad bet the shirt, then ElT. And if her dad loses ElT, I can’t allow that she and her family will end up on the street. I can’t.
(Mariana comes out of her room)
Mna: Camila?  .. I know who Camila is!
Greg is kicking Camila out of the house, but she won’t leave until he promises he won’t invite her dad to the party… Greg keeps washing his hands, that would not be my fault, or is it my fault that your dad has the vice?... Camila yells at him that her dad would be fine if he was not her mom’s lover!!
Previews: of course there is a casino party! Of course Esteban arrives, begins to win, gets confident!  Camila is on phone with Elvira, who urges her to not let her dad play…  then Greg raises the bet, El Alcatraz against ElT! … Anyone else want to enter the bet?
P: I will!! I’ll gamble El Alcatraz against my money!(guess he is betting Mariana’s money)


Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #105-106 Wed 2/1/12 aghast again

Once again my son failed to finish his recap, so I'll put it up for you! - Melinama

Enzo and Vins are grumbling via cellphone about communist Pancho, who for some reason cares that many people will lose their livelihood if his plan to expand the business falls apart (evidently they've run out of money mid-project). Panch himself drives up to Avon and Vins hops out of the car to follow him and dive into the same elevator at the last second.

In the Elevator Vins taunts Pancho like a kid. They bicker like boys in front of the sign that says "the company for women." They take off their jackets and throw some of those Univision patently fake punches. Pancho bleeds from the mouth but gives Vins a quick knee to the crotch and a fist to the face.

Haha, their little fake fight cheered them both up. They immediately straighten each other's suit jackets (so cute!) and look like normal for the people standing outside the elevator (except for the blood dripping out of their noses).

Beto is back in apocalipsis mode. Everyone is in the meeting. At the meeting, everyone's fretting over the injuries, but the two children play it off. Pancho's solution for the liquidity problem is to borrow money from a bank. The rest of the participants are stunned! Beto declares him a genius! Only Rebe has the idea that that's what businesses do.

Vins: CARAY. He and Pancho almost come to blows again, but sandra shows up just in time with a plate of cookies for each. More chocolate, less war!

Temo has a scene, with his hair in full something-about-mary mode... que bonita es el amors. but the kiss. BAAARF

Now Lupita is looking ill, and even worse, she is starting to accept the idea that Freddy might be ok. Melinama is delighted with Freddy shows up at Casa Los Lopez with a uniformed big Banda Los Recoditos, swaying in unison in brightly colored uniforms, and two singers! The maids are both swooning! Freddy really scores some points, especially with music-lover Ana.

The band is really cute after the song; the singer asks for maybe a sandwich or a game of soccer. Freddy to Ana: the only important thing is that you smile.

Pina has something in the works... she's trying to set up a dinner with Vins. Vins tries to get out of it with the normal excuses.

Candy is ready to set her own apocalypse into acting, waiting anxiously at the corner for Vince to drive up. Just as he turns up she pretends to be happily chatting with somebody and then grabs him and kisses him wildly as Vince looks on aghast.

This is her "first love" who's now just a really good-looking friend helping her make Vince mad so he'll reject her (this is the promise she made to Preggers Pina).

Vins tells her to go to hell. She falls to pieces, then calls Pina to say the deed is done. Pina whispers to herself: everything's falling into place.

Candy goes home and runs to Lupita for consolation, and the girl steps up to the plate (literally), coming down to dinner for the first time since she was widowed.

The doorbell rings, Pancho answers it (expecting an apoogetic Vins), but instead gets "Menso," ie Rinaldi. Enzzo is a) is peeved about the constant mispronunciations and b) wants to see Chela. Pancho: aghast again.

Whoah! Menso is coming to throw some dogs at Chela and admits as much to Pancho. They yell at each other. Pancho doesn't think he has good intentions. Chela shows up and she yells at Pancho. He came for me, so don't you think I should choose whether he can come in?

Aww, Pina gets shot down again. She greets Vins with a rose in her mouth, and he tells her it's a bunch of silliness. I hope she just tears him up! She's bullied him into a dinner, but he's finnicky... he keeps wishing she'd stop smiling (he kinda knows something's up) and she's enjoying it.

Pina, very excited about her powerful piece of news, doesn't let herself be discouraged by Vince's rejections. When he says he's going upstairs to be alone, she insists he eat or he won't get the news that will change his life. When he refuses, she threatens cheerfully to take away your stocks. She keeps reminding him not to call her Josefina. Instead he calls her Pinis.

Finally she gets him in his chair, gets Ado to pour the wine (which pregnant women shouldn't drink) for a toast. By this time Vince can't take it any more and gets up to leave. He's almost gone when she says "You're going to be a papa." We watch his slow-mo dizzy twirling faint.

Desperate to get the ecstatic reaction she'd hoped for, Pina begs: Image a mini-Pini with long blond hair, with my face, imagine her telling you you're the handsomest pop. Instead of ecstatic, he looks a bit constipated and demands furiously: who gave you permission to get pregnant? lol. He firmly tells her he hasn't wanted (loved/cherished) her for a long time, that their marriage is in a hole and he's going to sleep in the guest room. She's crushed and, sobbing, blames this all on his being Candy's lover.

Back at los Lopez, Chela rushes away from the dining table to save Enzzo from Pancho's harangue. She tells Pancho to stuff it. She sweetly tells Enzo: she can't hang with him right this moment, it's dinner time, but she'll see him at the gym. I bet she will, ;)

Chela and Pancho yell at each other. She admits she likes Enzo. Pancho's the picture of spitting indignation remembering all the awful stunts Enzzo the Pesketeer has pulled. She's utterly furious at Pancho's childish and self-centered idea that she's doing this just to make him jealous (of course, to be fair, last time she invented a suitor for exactly that reason).

He stupidly tells Rebe (who calls mid-scene) about all this trouble, and she's very displeased to hear him sounding jealous, and reminds him she never wants to hear this blah-blah-blah about Chela, and hangs up. Great, now he's in trouble with both of them.

Chela goes to the dining room and announces to everybody that she likes Transeti. There's a lot of yelling but the best of them say she can live her life as she pleases. She's in empowered mode, it must be the new clothes and schooling. All the kids swiftly turn to Chela's side. Even Temo points the finger at Pancho: "You made my aunt cry. That's not what you taught me."


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