Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Amorcito Corazón Discussion #89-93 Aug. 20-24

Hola Amigas/os,
Let me if I've missed something and enjoy your Tuesday!


Willie and Lucia break up seemingly for good.  The other mother superior, we’ll call her MSB because she’s bad, encourages Lucia w/her decision to the convent (I think).  Later in the episode, creepy music plays when MSB continues to push Lucia toward the nunnery.  Willie is crushed by her decision and follows the galan ritual of getting drunk as a skunk in order to forget her.

Sabrina meets EWM while the latter is upset b/c she’s stupid and surprisingly can’t run a company.  Unfortunately it appears Sabrina journey to the dark side is almost complete.  How don’t you know you are becoming the cheerleader for Satan’s handmaiden?  By the end of the episode she leaves the apt and gets Fer to help with her bags.

Fer wants to get his co-padres to get Isa to come back based on her contract but Cecilio can’t initially find a loophole.  Fer tells Isa she can’t go because she owes him the money from her father’s surgery.  Thankfully Suzie and Zoe realize he’s doing it to get her back but because TN writers often delight in making protagonists as dumb as possible Isa continues to act so stupid I want to FF.  The rest of the episode involves Fer and Isa playing childish games. 

Doris feeling guilty about the break-up and gets Fer to give her extra money which she will use to house Mayela


Karen, You are so good at this!!

Cheerleader for Satan's handmaiden?? Awesome line!

Oh, and the line about TN writers making protagonistas as dumb as possible! Also golden.

I'm glad you think the Mother Superior is bad because I was mad at her too. Even padre is not so sure Lucia is doing the right thing!

Karen: I am not watching this but am thrilled you are recapping!

I laughed out loud at "the galan ritual of getting drunk as a skunk" (how true!!) and ITA with Sara that "Satan's handmaiden" was marvelous.

Your wonderful humor and insight are apparant. What a wonderful addition to the recapping team!


Thanks, Karen! Lovely prose. My favorite was, "EWM...is upset b/c she’s stupid and surprisingly can’t run a company." It has been my experience that people who are really bad at their jobs have no idea they're bad at their jobs, so I probably shouldn't find that as funny as I do...

I laughed a lot last night, though. My three favorite moments:

- Fernando doing the butter-churn dance of victory after he got Isa to stay.

- Doris giving Manny the snapping-turtle look while M was pretending to be shocked that Fer & Isa broke up.

- Willy's love/hate relationship with his tequila bottle. The way he was looking at it was just priceless.


A couple more plot points:

- Ceci agreed to be Zoe's divorce lawyer, and F5 is furious.

- Willy decided that reforming hadn't gotten him anywhere, so he might as well go back to being "el peor de los hombres." He drunk-dialed some chiqui and told her he was back in action.

- Barb tried to pin the blame on Moncho for upsetting Willy, and Moncho was willing to cover for Juancho, but Juancho said no way, it was both of us. Why does either of them want HER?

Sara - thanks so much for the compliment! I was just getting more vex with Sabrina.

Diana - great to see you hear and thank you for your kind words.

BL - Yes, I loved Doris's faces when EWM kept trying to feign concern. Liz Vega has been a blast in this TN. And Fer's dancing is always good for a laugh.

BL - thanks for the additions. I'm glad Willy just called some chica. I know he hates Horny but my mind went there and I was concerned.

And yes Moncho and Juancho are both brain dead concerning Barf. Clearly both men need to circulate out of their neighborhood and realize there are far better girls than this.

Karen- It's so wonderful having you start off our week of Amorcito! I enjoyed Fer's dance of victory too, but hated his methods for making Isa stay. But I'm glad she didn't accept the money from Jorible to pay Fer back. She stupid, but not THAT stupid.

ITA about why Juancho and Moncho want bratty Babs. *barf*

Willy and Lucia broke my heart during their final (?) breakup argument. I think he was right that she's punishing him and being unforgiving and unfair.

I can't understand what Sabrina's game plan is. What does she gain from going against a group of ladies who have always been nice to her, and aligning herself with Mani and Jorible willingly? At least Doris is being forced to dance to Mani's tune.

I was very happy that this was a Horny free episode.

Gracias, Karen!

I loved Fernando's victory dance. Too bad Isa didn't see it; maybe she would stop crying and being such an idiot. How can she not see what a slimeball Jorrible is? Although, I do still hope she smooches Jorrible and winds up in the hospital with cooties, because that would help with my Bingo game.

Oy, Manuela. I don't think she's even qualified to work in the mail room, yet she thinks she's doing a great job acting as president. I loved Fernando's not-having-it reaction when she expected heaps of praise for fixing the thing she screwed up. She seemed to think her solution (which Sabrina told her to do) was SOOOO brilliant. But, duh. Call the guy and tell him you're holding him to the terms of the contract and won't accept inferior goods? Yes, that is some GENIUS management right there.

Daniel Arenas should be in hot demand for advertising. He's a natural at flirting with inanimate objects.

I caught the tail end of POR ELLA last night, and Dalilah Polanco, who played Katita, has a supporting role as the protagonista's best friend. I will not start watching another telenovela, I will NOT start watching another telenovela...

wrote down a few vocabulary notes:

Someone used a variation on the phrase "quien a buen arbol se arrima, buena sombra le cobija" which means something like "it pays to have influential friends".

Also, there was MUCH use of "mezquino", stingy or miserly.

FFFFFlippy made a pun with casar/cazar...he said something like he got married, or to put it more aptly, he was HUNTED! What a jerk.

Vivi - great to see you and yes Fer's methods don't win him any points.

Julia - thanks so much for the vocabulary.

Julia-I added your vocab. Thank you!

Vivi-I agree Fer was kind of a jerk last night.


--Jorrible took advantage of the games Fer and Isa played. He took Isa to his house and got her drunk. (Elizabeth Alvarez does drunk really well.) When Jorrible took Isa home, they get off the elevator on the wrong floor and Fer sees Jorrible carrying Isa. Jealously and several bouts of "Tell him I don't want to speak to him."

--Sabrina and F5 got drunk and ended up in a hotel.

--Barf whined about Juancho never taking her anywhere.

--Fer told the girls he and Isa broke up. Marilechuga already knows the routine. She had a line about how dad and Isa always break up and get back togehter.

--Beba was the person Willy called at the end of yesterday's episode. She came to the cantina and made sure Willy got home safely. Then she went to Lucia's and told her off. Beba told Lucia that if she would just ask Willy directly, she would find out why Willy is always with Horny.

--Lucia does indeed go to see Willy, but he's so drunk he says horrible things. It's bad. He says he hates her and tells her to get out of his life. Later he talks to his pillow.

--Lucia has a dream that Willy is the Godfather and Daniel Arenas made me laugh at his Marlon Brando imitation. I needed it.


--Zoe is living with Isa again.

--Cecilio tries to convince Zoe not to be so impetuous with the divorce and all.

Thanks, Sara!

Isabel is so much more charming drunk than sober. I think we need to get her one of those hats with a straw in it.


Way too much drunkenness, and only some of it was funny. I had to hover over the barf bag the whole time Isa was with Jorrible, but once she got safely back home and into the "Go away! Why are you leaving me?!" game with Fernando it was a hoot. I loved the way he popped around the corner once the elevator door closed and Jorrid was gone. I also loved when Fernando told Isa she looked pathetic and snapped her compact shut in the restaurant. How long will it take Marilechuga to pound some sense into them? I've missed her and her wisdom.

Willy was so mean, I can hardly even feel bad for him right now. I know he's hurt but it's hardly fair for him to try to make Lucia responsible for his morality or lack thereof henceforth.

At least we didn't have to look at Knuckles.

"At least we didn't have to look at Knuckles."

Amen Julia!

EA does drunk very well, but I can't believe Isa let herself get that drunk with a man she suspects in lusting after her, in the creepy basement of his empty house. Poor judgment all around.

Felipe is now dead to me. I can't believe he hopped into the sack with Sabrina just because he's upset at Zoe, for a bogus reason. He's both pissed because he thinks Zoe took advantage of him and trapped him into marriage (as if he's some sort of great prize), AND upset that she's filed for divorce. He can't have it both ways. What does he want?

As always Cecelio is a rock of support for both of them. He was right when he described Felipe and Zoe as both being tempestuous and needing to think things through before they act. That's why I don't think it will ever work with Zoe and Felipe. She needs someone steady, with common sense, like Cecelio.


Thanks Sara! I'm glad Willy called Beba and that she yelled at Lucia.

I just wish there were more effective ways of keeping the main couple apart (Willy/Lucia not Isa/Fer) w/o people doing or saying things that are really break-up forever worthy. Surely there are other mechanisms to keep people apart aside from them being jerks to one another and most of their friends.

Julia - yes a Knuckles free episode!

Vivi - ITA about F5 though he's been dead to me for a while now.

I don't think I've ever been as disgusted with a male character as I am with Jorrible. Puke.

Well, Felipe's pretty bad, too -- to cheat, then lie about it, then act like a victim when accused of lying...blech.

True. I just get such a slimy vibe from Jorrible. F5 is maybe(?) worth saving?

I think F5 can live, preferably reformed, just not together with any of the ladies we like, but Jorrible needs to go down in flames and take Knuckles with him.

I like the way we wave our little scepters and deem our imaginary subjects worthy or unworthy of survival.

And I liked what Beba said to Jorrible when he said Isabel was different -- something along the lines of, "Sell that to someone who doesn't know you."

Blue Lass,

Oh, how I wish I could wave my scepter most days.

Beba is my favorite character in this TN. I keep waiting for her to say Caray, Caray!

Rosemary Primera


My apologies all. My nap attack turned into nighty night last night. I will get caught up tonight. Really sorry.

Sara, I can take Friday if you want...or is someone else doing it?

Well, I fell asleep while I was watching last night, but let's see...

FFFFFlippy groveled and tried to get Zoe to forgive him. He threw Sabrina out and she's mad at him. Cecilio knows about the Sabrina tryst, although FFFFF denied it, and he's freshly mad at FFFFF too.

Manuela poisoned Fernando some more and Doris took him home and when Isa heard she rushed upstairs and called him "mi amor" but then Manuela accused Isa of trying to kill him or something.

Mayela has moved in with Poncho, since Doris doesn't have money to rent her an apartment what with Fernando having arranged an electronic transfer to pay for her therapy instead of giving her cash. Poncho is not happy about this.

Knuckles and Jaibo showed their ugly mugs.

Lucia is still sick. Padre is going to give a mass of thanks for the recovery of the kidney dudes. Horny is on Willy G's case again. The guys are selling lots of raffle tickets.

I think that's what really happened and not what I dreamed.

Thanks, Julia.

Also Doris didn't show up for her shrink app't and Fer was mad. What do you want to bet she sends Mayela to pretend to be her?

BTW, I love "Padre is going to give a mass of thanks for the recovery of the kidney dudes." That has to be a unique-in-history sequence of words. ;}

Jaibo, Knuckles and Manny? FFFFF being a twit? Almost glad I did miss it last night.

Thanks Julia!

I'm going to attribute this recent bout of Lucia's silliness to her illness but she needs to find out from Willy about Horny Horty.

Wow, if I thought Sabrina went to the dark side on Monday, she's gone to lower rungs in Hades now. I think the show needs to have more good people as the baddies are too numerous.


I hope the show perks up today. I've been home sick all week and this never-ending parade of hangovers, stomachaches, colds, and fevers on our show is doing nothing to take my mind off my troubles. More happiness, please.

Julia sorry to hear you've been under the weather. I hope you feel better soon!

Thank you Julia. Get well soon.

Thanks, y'all. I'm already feeling a lot better. Now I'm mostly just mad to have been stuck at home slowly going crazy during the short summer. I've been cheated! Why couldn't this have happened when it was cold and raining?!

I agree we need more good people to balance out all the nasties who are accumulating. Doris has really grown on me. Isn't it time she turned the corner and confessed to Fernando? I think once he got over the shock he might see that she needs real help and continue to be supportive of her. We need SOMEONE to go to therapy. Therapy scenes can be so funny. Did any of you watch Gancho? Constanza's therapy sessions (with Beto crashing) were a scream.

Lo del jueves
Recapper note: They need to get Doris involved in the Casa Hogar, stat.

--Manny's crazy really started to show. I FF>> through her scenes. Let me know if she said anything worth hearing.

--Isa and Fer are back on again.

--Mayela waited on Poncho. He seemed pleased with this arrangement. Doris seemed a bit jealous.

--Sabrina has been holding a grudge against Isa and Zoe for years it seems (especially Zoe.) She wants revenge. She tells herself she can get anyone she wants and apparently she wants whoever her friends have. She cracks a "joke" about going after Fer, which Zoe doesn't like. Later she calls Jorrible and busts a move. He turns her down, but proposes she seduce Fer.

--Lucia drags her feverish self to the mass for the "kidney dudes" and sees Willy there with Horny. They yell at each other and she goes back to the Casa Hogar.

--The other amigos (Chicho and Moncho2?) sell rifa tickets to Horny, thus revealing Willy's plan to pay his debt to her. She confronts Willy and threatens him.

--Willy goes to see Lucia and tells her why he's in debt to Horny. Lucia is pretty loopy and I'm not sure she got the message. Padre shows up and Willy has to hide in a closet.

Crap. Sorry.

--reIcky and Jaibo broke into Horny's house.

Sara, I don't think Manny said anything worth listening to. You were right to FF through her scenes.

But Horny gets another mother-of-the-year award for telling her daughter not to go and have one of her little psychotic episodes, coz she has plans for the evening. Wow.

Anyway, she left crazy Manuela freaking out with her voodoo dolls in the bedroom, and I think ReIcky & Jaivo are going to get more than they bargained for. They don't seem to know she lives there.

Julia, sorry you are under the weather. It is not fun anytime of the year, just ask Fernando.

I am worried about Fernando, he really looked sick today. I hope the Voodoo Queen doesn't kill him or cause some permanent damage.

LOL about ReIcky and Jaivo breaking into Horny's house and finding the Voodoo Queen. The could be interesting.

The Mayela and Poncho relationship might just work out. They both seem quite content.

Rosemary Primera


Well, Fernando seemed to snap back pretty fast. If only I had some hottie living downstairs to take care of me!

Speaking of, how on earth did Isa get hold of all those rose petals on short notice, late at night, in her jammies? Is there a delivery service you can call for such things? Last-minute flowers, candles, bubbly, your various drugstore and other necessities and delights, delivered in 20 minutes or less? Say, I just had a business idea. What should I call it? Sexpress? Consider that trademarked.

Sabrina hitting on Jorge was about the most cringeworthy thing I've seen in awhile. Ugh.

Is it too much to hope that Jaibo, ReIcky, and Manwily will all go down in blazes in a fiery battle? She should call Jorrible to come help her and he could get caught in the crossfire, too.

Two words I caught tonight:

subsanar - to rectify, make right

monijote - rag doll, fool

Thank you! They've been added :-)

Ja ja, like your new business idea, Julia. Maybe you could furnish the never-before-lit candles, too -- and come and take away the once-lit ones and recycle them.

So, doesn't Zoe live there now? It's like a college dorm, with all that arranging your love life around your roommates. (Not that I would know, of course. I was very studious.)

Horny's facial expressions in the bar were funny. There's another one who's more fun when she's drunk.

I wish the writers would make up their minds about how they want Marifer to feel about Isa. I know she's only 7, but they're making her seem schizophrenic. Even my cats have more stable opinions than that.

I loved the girls' efforts to take care of their dad and to keep Manuela away from him. Marisol and Marilechuga at least are starting to get a good idea of how cracked she is.

So did the mass never happen? It was funny how Tuqueque had to wear his spiffy clothes and get his hair forced down while everyone else was in their grubbies. Juancho didn't even bother with the buttons on his shirt.


--ReIcky and Jaibo continued their looting. Upon discovering Manny, reIcky chloroformed her and proceeded to steal her voodoo dolls, her pictures and most importantly: Sofía's bracelet. Before they can leave, Horny comes home and catches them. Jaime the chofer struggles with reIcky and like the botched office vandalism job reIcky loses his mask and can be identified. Horny makes a deal with him: help me get my revenge on Willy and I'll keep my mouth shut.

--Manny comes to and calls the police. Horny wasn't happy about. Someone called Fer and he shows up, too. Manny takes advantage and kisses him. In front of everyone and no one said a word.

--It's decided Jaibo will fence the stolen goods.

--Lucia doesn't remember Willy's visit.

--Willy returns to Catitia's gym. Moncho sells rifa tickets.

--At Isa and Sabrina's urging, Zoe makes up with FFFFF. Oy vey.

--Idrogo is assigned to investigate the Tres Palacios robbery.

--Poncho wakes up in his inflatable bed and discovers Mayela crawled into bed with him. Doris arrives and sees this. She runs out. Poncho is thrilled because he thinks Doris is jealous. He runs after her, but she denies being jealous. Poncho sings Mayela's praises which elicits a mini-snit from Doris. Poncho is pretty convinced Doris is jealous.

--Doris had her first appointment. She asks if what she says is confidential like confessing to a priest. The psychoanalyst says no. Doris probably won't be telling him much.

--Isa tells Jorge she's back with Fer.

What did I miss?

If you all don't mind I will post some vocab this weekend.

Hello everyone, sorry to be so absent but I have been doing some work out of town and haven't had much time watch or read. However...I just got done with an Amorcito Marathon and am all caught up. Hooray!! Thanks a million for the wonderful recaps and vocabulary, they are a lifesaver.

Is it me or has Fernando's kissing technique improved? He's so darn cute.

Julia, you will be a millionaire if you make good on all your brilliant ideas. Locksmith in the DF and now Sexpress? You might have been ill but it sure didn't affect your brain. (I hope you are feeling better.)

Argh, I'm so furious. The ONE day I actually go to work this week, my DVR decides to freeze up and not record any shows. I guess that should teach me a valuable lesson...

I'm disgusted Zoe would go back to FFFFFlippy again. That relationship is a disaster, baby or no baby. They should split before things get even worse.

Sorry. Forgot something:

--Manny goes to Fer's office and yammers about the kiss and how she needs him. Zoe overhears just enough to think Fer is cheating on Isa.

Thanks for the recap Sara. Take your time with the Vocab as you are juggling a lot now that school has started.

Julia - ITA Zoe & F5 is about bad as her marriage. I guess the writers have to drag out her finally realizing Cecilio is her amor de vida.

Sylvia - nice to see you back.

estar en la olla: to be in trouble

entambar=encarcelar: to be jailed

rimbombante: overblown; grandiose; showy; ostentatious

apachurrar: to squash

insulso(-a): insipid; dull

Thanks for the vocab, Sara! I love that word rimbombante. It sounds like exactly what it means.

It gave me a little moment of "squee", too.

Oh, I forgot to mention, Horty popped out with one of my very favorite TN cliches: TU NO SABES DE LO QUE SOY CAPAZ. Wooty-woot!

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