Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Abismo de pasión #112 8/20/12: As he lay dying ...

[NM subbing for Sara tonight.]

Don Lucio reproaches himself for lying to Elisa.  Dam takes responsibility -- he will make things right with her.

He follows her to Casa Castigo where she and Gael have retreated. Gael snaps and growls at Dam like an irritable rat terrier.  Dam warns him he won't get in a free punch like before.  Elisa puts on her wide-eyed ooh-ooh mouth Shirley Temple face. 

Flor begs Padre Lupe to talk to Dam on her behalf.  She is disappointed that he won't advocate for a loveless marriage just because she is fake pregnant.  What kind of priest is he anyway?  And what kind of mother is she, he counters, who would sacrifice her child's happiness to meet her own needs?

Dolores manages to keep Dam and Gael from coming to blows.  Before Dam leaves, Elisa writes out a check returning all his money to him.

Sabrina tells her mother that Paolo broke up with her -- he never loved her in the first place!  And it's all Begoña's fault.  On the contrary, says Begoña, she has it on the best authority -- it's Elisa's fault.

In the Blue House of Shame, Curls and Gab enjoy a post-canoodle snuggle that ends, as usual, in an argument.  He's sure he has Alfie eating out of his bandanahand; Curls isn't so sure.  He leaves and she hurriedly stuffs some folders in her bag.

Elisa holds out the check and Gael intercepts it and stuffs it in Dam's plaid shirt pocket.  Dam vows he was only acting out of the immense love he feels -- and will always feel -- for her.  Gael prates that he will see to his woman's needs.  Dam can just shut up and get out.

Elisa turns her back to them both.  When Dam finally leaves, she falls into Dolores's arms.

Carmina meets Paolo in the fonda.  It was fun while it lasted, she tells him, but it's over. 

Gabino savors the memory of coupling with the Blood Orange.  "Siempre supe que por algo tenía loco a Rosendo pero me quedé muy corto."  (I always knew there was a reason she drove Rosendo crazy but I didn't know the half of it.)  He chews on a twig and reflects -- he'd go to hell itself to possess her.

[Be careful what you wish for, Gabino Mendoza!]

Gael promises to collect the money that the Santa María ProCe owes Augusto so it can go towards paying off the debt to Alfie.  Their own plans will have to take a back seat.

Don Lucio shows up on the porch of Casa Castigo wearing a beautiful dress suit.  (She thanks Lucio for dressing up to come to see her.  He admits the glad rags are for his date with Maru.  Not everything is about you, Elisa.)  She apologizes to him for being a jerk and then acts like one again by saying she'd rather lose her mother's lands than accept Dam's money.  He reproaches her for being so proud.  But they end up with a love-in, throwing kisses at each other.

Ingrid enters Gweedo's hotel room with her bag full of damning documents.  Gweedo learns not only that Paolo and Gab were accomplices but that, in the past,  Paolo had driven Gweedo's Mexico City businesses into ruin by embezzling funds.

Before Alfie leaves Hacienda Harango for her rendezvous with Gweedo, she tells Toña that Gabs doesn't work for her anymore.  There IS a God, murmurs Toña through tears of joy.

Gweedo demands evidence of the stolen money and the bank documents.  Ingrid pulls out yet another folder and hands it over.  She is getting frantic now.  She wants her money so she can leave.  Now.  But Gweedo is suspicious.  She must have been an accomplice in the fraud, right?  All Curly wants is out.  But Gweedo says not so fast, there is someone who has to hear the story from her mouth -- Alfonsina Arango!

Gabino is lolling near the stables waiting for him when Dam rides his standoffish white horse back home.  Gabs chews his twig and confides what he feels is the secret of La Anita:  since Dam's great grandfather's day, there has only been one descendent each generation so there has never been conflict over management of the ProCe.  Or at least one official heir.  It's just that ... Well ask your mother. Rosendo's infidelity was no secret ... there have always been rumors ... that Rosendo had another son.

Damián is skeptical:  "Si ese hijo existiera, hace mucho que hubiera aparecido, no crees?" (If that son existed, he would have shown up a long time ago, don't you think?)

Maybe, agrees Gabino -- unless the boy doesn't even know who his father is.  And it's funny your ma never told you about his other affairs.  Only Estefanía.

Ingrid has lost whatever cool she possessed.  Alfie is coming and she'll call the police!  Where's the money????  Gweedo picks up the phone.  "I'm calling the police right now!"  Ingrid holds a gun to his head.  "Put down the phone!"

Gweedo's eyes are bright with terror.  Ingrid squeezes the trigger.  And again.  He flinches.  The gun doesn't fire.  She pistol-whips him, incapacitating him with the first blow.  Then she strikes him repeatedly.  He falls to the floor, bloodied and unconscious.  Is he dead?

Alfie walks into the hotel and crosses paths with Begoña who is there to see Edmundo about the Paolo Problem.  Now Edmundo enters and Alfie walks on to Gweedo's room.

Inside that room, Ingrid is leaning over her victim and muttering about an accident.  (Maybe in Ingrish, "accident" and "murder" are synonyms.)  Alfie knocks on the door.  When there is no answer, she asks a maid to let her in.  The maid refuses.

Edmundo is not only unsurprised at Paolo's jilting Sabrina, he is relieved.  Yes she's unhappy now, but a marriage to that infeliz would buy her a lifetime of unhappiness.  He doesn't want a marriage like theirs for their children.

Alfie comes back to the hallway area and tells the Tovars that Gweedo wasn't in.  The doc heads to his room and Begoña heads home vowing not to let Paolo off the hook.

Enrique arrives at the consultorio.  Doc is gone but Paloma is still finishing up.  She refuses his offer to walk her home.  He doesn't understand why she pulls away every time he comes close.  Paloma says:  "Enrique, te me estás declarando?" (Are you declaring yourself? [saying you love me?])

Quique isn't sure what he feels.  He just knows he enjoys being with her, facing up to things with her, being close to her ...

Paloma feels wounded by her experience with Gael and is reluctant to enter into a relationship in which she can't reciprocate the affection being offered.  Then she realizes she is saying roughly what Gael said to her.

Enrique isn't asking her to feel what he feels.  He just wants a chance to be close to her, to go out with her, to be open to the possiblity of something more serious.  Paloma recognizes that Enrique's words sound like what she said to Gael.  The problem is she can't seem to get Gael out of her head.

Ingrid finds the attaché case, and loads up the folders back in her bag.  She tidies up hastily and slips out the door of the hotel room.  And there is Edmundo coming down the hall.  He invites her into his room.

Despite spending the evening talking about Elisa's problems, Lucio has been good company for Maru.  They exchange a sweet goodnight peck on the lips.

Edmundo senses that Ingrid is upset and is sure it has to do with Gabino Mendoza.  She falls weepily into his arms.  At first he pulls away from her.  But she makes a move toward him, they kiss, and she reaches back to loosen her hair in order to conceal her repulsive side curls.

Paolo, shirtless in his darkened bedroom at Hacienda Harango, is loosening his pants when Flor's voice startles him (and the viewer):  "Did you go to see Sabrina?"  He switches on the light.  "Yes" he says, adding meanly:  "And guess what?  The fool (la estúpida) miscarried!"

Dam tells his mother that Elisa returned the money he gave her and that she intends to pay off Alfie's loan as soon as possible.  Alfie says she'll never forgive him for putting Elisa's needs first.  He counters that he will never forgive her for many things -- for sending him away from her when he was a boy; for trying to manage his life; for insisting that Estefanía Bouvier ruined her marriage when it is obvious she and Rosendo never got along.  According to Gabino Mendoza, Rosenda had a complicated love life.  How is it she mentioned only Estefanía as a rival?

"Because she's the one who took him away from me and because of her, he is dead!"

Dam isn't finished.  What about other children fathered by Rosendo?  Does Alfie know if he has a half brother?

Avances:  Dam sends Flor to her room for the next seven and a half months.  


Novela Maven, once again you are the super woman filling in. Thank you!!

Sounds like Carmina's going to have some company in hell. So far both Paolo and Gabino are prepared to go there for her.

"Ingrish", bwahahaha! OMG that's so funny. Even funnier: "she reaches back to loosen her hair in order to conceal her repulsive side curls." You're killing me amiga. I've got to give II props though. If she does the nasty with Doc T no way will he admit he saw her in the hotel. And do they not dust for fingerprints in La E? Because II left hers all over Guido's room.

I'm so bummed that II killed my man Guido. I hope the Ten Plagues of La Ermita are visited upon her scrawny self. Beeyatch!

Ahem, thank you Novela Maven.


Gah. Didn't even comment on the title. So sad. I trust our Guido did NOT descend into Hades.

So, how did she hide the body and how long will it take to find it? I can't wait for someone to find this bitch out.

This series has been losing my attention lately because there are now no likable characters except for Padre Guadalupe. Even Ramona loses me when she lashes out at Paloma who desperately needs her guidance.

OH my stars. What an episode. Thanks NM for giving us this recap. Sorry you had to relay some of this drech for us.

Sylvia, so sorry about your Gweeddooo. At least you had one last weekend togther. Too bad his last thoughts before being pummeled were that his "dear" brother was the one to betray him.Almost hoping he lives another day to at least get those facts out there.

Pure disgust at the Doc/II pairing. What the blazes do these men see in her?

Bored with the whole Elisa/Dam, pay back the check, Gael in his face, Pal moaning her love. Same old same old.

But blessed be--Lucio in that suit. Holy moly! He had my heart a-flutter. Who said that only Dam cleans up nice in a suit?

NovelaMaven: Amiga, you could make the sun appear on the darkest day. This was wonderful! Enjoyed every syllable. Your marvelous humor was evident at every turn.

Sylvia and I were on the same wave length regarding our favorites, but I also loved: "wide-eyed ooh-ooh mouth Shirley Temple face", and "...he'd go to hell itself to possess her.[Be careful what you wish for, Gabino Mendoza!"

Sweetest moment of the night was Maru relishing Lucio's kiss. Ahhh love...

I'm really hoping Guido isn't dead - I would really like to see him vindicated of the theft and put his loathsome, useless (yet somewhat alluring) brother away for good.

"Gael prates that he will see to his woman's needs". Hmmm, I fear - not so much. He and Elisa together just make me uncomfortable. All the love and ardor in the world doesn't matter if it's not reciprocated.

So Flor finally hears the news. What's her plan B???

Thanks again NovelaMaven, this was superb.


“Maybe in Ingrish, "accident" and "murder" are synonyms.”
LOL! I could not stop laughing at this line NovelaMaven. I love your wicked sense of humor. What I don’t appreciate is the wicked humor of these writers who kill off a character as soon as they learn some truths about the bad guys and before they can share it with any of the other good guys—Stefi, Blanca, Kenia, Auguie, and now Guido. Listen up writers, revelations are not satisfactory of only one person learns about it and then DIES!! If our young heroes/heroines (Dam, Elisa, Gael, Paloma) had any intelligence or curiosity, instead of being stuck on navel gazing, then I’d have some hope that the badies would be found out. At this point, it will be up to the bad guys themselves to out themselves and spill all the beans at the very end, just before they go up in flames.


Thanks so much for the great recap NM; I didn't get to watch the whole episode so you filled in some gaps for me. Also, I appreciate your translations - I still have trouble with the verbs.

I can't believe they killed off Guido! Ing earned her spot in hell tonight, right next to Gabs and the rotten Orange. And even tho I can't stand Flor, I really feel for her. She does love her daddy. I'm hoping the writers are messing with our heads and he's not really dead (but his eyes were open). The body must be under the bed. Ing didn't have much time to move it out of the room.

Alfie is starting to look tame compared to the other vipers in this TN. Maybe there is redemption in her future. Remember Jose Miguel's mother in StuD (can't remember her name)? As awful as she was, she was redeemed at the end. Could this happen with Alfie?

And where is Horacio? I want him back in town, making life difficult for the evil-doers!


It was hoppin' at the hotel last night, huh? Beautiful turns of phrase, NM. My faves:

- Gael snaps and growls at Dam like an irritable rat terrier

- Elisa puts on her wide-eyed ooh-ooh mouth Shirley Temple face

- Alfie eating out of [Gabino's] bandanahand

- [Elisa] apologizes for being a jerk and then acts like one again

But best of all:

- Gabino is lolling near the stables waiting for him when Dam rides his standoffish white horse back home

That really captures the mood of that scene. Gabino's lips get looser and looser and Dam's got tighter and tighter...


Thanks for this treat of a recap, NovelaMaven. My favorite line:

"Maybe in Ingrish, "accident" and "murder" are synonyms."

Very clever and very funny.

Well, give him tepid credit, Doc Tovar managed to resist Ingrid's lusty assault for what?, about three seconds?

He has been very critical of Begoña for not learning from her past mistakes, but gee whiz, didn't he learn anything from his tussle with Carmina?

I'm going to agree with Flo, Padre Lupe sounded more like Dear Abby than a parish priest. I guess as long as Damien and Elisa fulfill their destiny, nothing else matters.

Guido certainly looked dead the last time we saw him. He was too trusting and not very bright but he had sort of a Eurotrash elegance about him. Worst of all, we didn't get to see him confront Gabino ar Paolo.

In her conversation with Enrique, Paloma sounded almost as self-centered as Elisa.



NovelaMaven: Just wonderful.

DaisyNJ - Me, too. The whole Dam/Elisa, Paloma/Gael plot is getting tedious. I found Dam's speech to Elisa and Dam - the I did this for love to be questionable. Man, actions speak louder than words.

Father Lupe really gave it to Flor. What a nice surprise.

Speaking of surprises, Ingrid cleaned up the murder scene like a pro, but, it looks as if she left "huellas" on the lamp and a couple of other things. Of course, we know that the keystone cops in La Ermita don't believe in forensics.

Doc Tovar - that weak spot in your character. You were strong enough to put Begonia in her place, but, so weak you fell for Ing's lying line.

Vivi, ITA about the revelations being unsatisfactory because the good guys keep dying. Ugh. Really pithes me off.


What we learned last night:

Desperate Ingrid = cornered rat

Insecure Gael = barking dog

Dumped Sabrina = suicidal goldfish

Vindictive Begoña = braying donkey

Vindictive Gabino = slithering snake

Angry Elisa = sandwich stealing, backpack kicking goat in the cell phone commercial

Lovestruck Paolo = sad dog in the SPCA commercial

Pathetic Paloma = puppy chasing its' own tail

Sad, Mad & Confused Damian = bull seeing red

Annoyed Alfonsina = Red


Doc has Capn Save A Ho syndrome. He's a doctor, his mission is to heal. He has a soft spot for the "weak" and downtrodden:

Carmina passed herself off as the weak, downtrodden, long suffering wife of Augusto and Edmundo fell for it until he found out she was not weak and was using him to suppress Elisa's DNA results.

Ingrid passes herself off to everyone as this weak, mistreated damsel in distress. If Edmundo thinks she's this damsel in distress who needs saving from Gabino (who everyone in town knows is bad), he's going to fall for it.

I would bet anything Begoña presented herself as a delicate flower while they were courting, and that's why he keeps Paloma on the payroll.

Speaking of Begoña, her source of power is her mouth. Look how she's smearing Elisa AGAIN for taking Paolo away from Sabrina, especially since everyone in town knows that Elisa is engaged to Gael.

Also I guarantee that when Guido's body is found, Begoña will claim she saw Alfonsina running away from the scene.

Love the menagerie, Anon207!

Our poor silver fox, caught in a trap...

(Switching from Devil's Handshakes to Angel's Kisses at the Gweedo table...)

Dear Novela Maven:

This was a fine recap, but 'Ingrish' is my favorite of your cleverisms in this recap. Love the title as well.

It is nice to be back in Carayland, after a week's hiatus. I have been a bit under the weather, healthwise. I missed all my Caraymates much more than I missed the tedious plot of our show.

I share Vivi's frustration at the offing of AdP characters as soon as they learn salient plot facts. Cheap device, extends the show, alienates the viewers.

Thanks again, NM, for a fine recap, and for holding down extra Pit recapping duties this past month. You are greatly appreciated, not only for your wonderful translations, but for your intelligence, mini-blogs on grammar, and your marvelous twisted sense of humor.



Ah Novela Maven...great lines bear repeating, starting with the title:
"As he lay dying..."

"snaps and growls at Damian like an irritable rat terrier" and

"PRATES"...Jeez, what a great word. Gael was absolutely insufferable in that scene. He's become so ugh-worthy lately.

"not EVERYTHING is about you Elisa"......" and "apologizes for being a jerk--and then acts like one"

plus "Ingrish"...Lord, how do you come up with these things!?

STILL. My favorite and all-time winner is:

"Dam sends Flor to her room for seven and a half months".

Such a funny recap of such a dreary episode. Agree with Diana that the highlight of the evening was the Don Lucio-Maru peck on the lips (and Maru's hot flash reaction afterwards!). I think Lucio's destiny will be a very warm bed one way or another.


I finally am caught up on this show. I saved a lot of time by FFing through Elisa's crying. Thanks, everyone, for the brilliant recaps.

Why is everyone in La Ermita so completely insufferable? I agree, the only way the baddies will get caught is if they out themselves; everyone else is too self-absorbed to notice what's going on. I'm surprised Padre isn't calling the obispo and demanding to transfer IMMEDIATELY to get away from them all. Why was everyone so surprised that he didn't object to the transfer? They have a severely inflated opinion of their own charms.

I'm still baffled as to how Flor intends to be married and living with Damian without his noticing that she isn't pregnant. I guess she's picked up on the self-absorbed/oblivious plague he's caught.

Thank you, NM for your witty recap and for translating Gabs mutterings in the barn as he "chewed on a twig and reflected!". I knew it was about Agent Horange but couldn't understand.

Great recap!

Carlos, LOL: Padre Lupe more like Dear Abby than a real priest! ITA about Paloma acting like Elisa. And we're supposed to like these girls?!

I fear the writing is on the wall for poor Guido. Remember the avances when Flo was sobbing over a casket? I hope Begonia DOES implicate Alphie in Guidos murder. Alphie gets away with everything and never has any consequences. Did you see how she glared at that poor maid who wouldn't let her in the room? The only person in La Ermita whose ever told her no.

Thanks again, NM! What a treat!


NovelaMaven - Thanks for the recap. I actually got to watch this episode, while eating breakfast. I love your title as well as the "Ingrish" LOL!

I'm upset that Guido is dead. Ingrid has assured her place in hell.

The Gael/Dam/Elisa scene felt like filler+. Gah. I FFWD--> thru that whole mess.

Pad Lupe got an ovation from me when he read Flor the riot act.

Begonia is dead to me. She really, really needs to get a life. Really. I would love to see Granny Clampet (Beverly Hillbillies) get her hands on her and whup her into shape, starting with scrubbing the cement pond. And some floors.

Doc Tovar - we can always count on him to have poor judgement with his choices in women. We know Ing will want to 'do' him.... what a great alibi!

NM thanks for your recap. My favorite lines have been mentioned and add me to the list of those who are completely disinterested in the love square.

Thank you Novela Maven. I love it when you all keep referring to Flo's pregnancy and baby as fake pregnancy and fake baby. I giggle every time.
What will she do now for a baby? It's a mystery to me how this will all play out.

I want to know Carmina's secret with the men. She's got to be so good in bed. She ought to write a book on her technique because all the men just can't let her go and they will do anything for more. Please Carmina, let the viewers know what you're doing.

Unfortunately I called the Guido death accurately. Now those secrets will be safe and silent for a few more weeks. Too bad.

cathyx - Maybe Carmina could write a book about her ... 'secrets' for success, and call it "Fifty Shades of Orange."


That is soooo funny.

I think this is going to be like in El Tal, where Doris knew all the secrets for driving a man wild and getting him to do whatever you want, but we never found out what they were. It was like, step one, blindfold him and kick him over with your stiletto, ... ... ..., bada bing, he is signing a contract. Mystery black box in the middle.

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