Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir, #89, HIGHLIGHTS A photo is worth a thousand words

Yesterday I recapped by mistake Tuesday's episode (that's why you got that butchered version of Monday, but I hope I made it up to you all with that crazy hot video).
Cynderella already posted her snarktastic recap, so I won't go through all the details again; I just want to share some of the highlights, since this is an episode I quite enjoyed.

There is a new kid on the block
Ric and Mariano are in a bar, talking about the same old, same old. Ric is married, Ines is married and sick of men as of late; Ric is afraid Ines will accept the ex (who is actually still the current as far as I know) to make Alina happy; Mariano tries to cheer him up, but it’s obvious he’s just as annoyed as Viewerville is. Berenice shows up and Ric asks her if she ever talks to Alina about her father. Well, here is a bit of information worthy of a 1.01 Psychology class: when asked to draw pictures of her family, Alina either paints herself with Tito, mom and dad, or Tito, mom and Abuela Paloma – never Abuela and dad in the same drawing. How about that for some psycho-analysis? 

Jacqui just happens to be in the same place and she trips and falls in front of the bar where the guys are chatting. They jump to her rescue and offer to take her to a clinic that is not too far away.
From all the bars and all the streets in all of Hermosillo she just happens to injure her ankle in front of the very people she has to stay hidden from. Funny how that always happens in telenovelas. 

After Jacqui's ankle is checked on, she and Ric arrive at Casa Bonita and Ric introduces Jacqui to Lucina. The new guest doesn’t want the available suit, a simple room is enough. After Ric leaves, Lucina shows Jacqui her new room and Felipe, who was in charge with the luggage, gets a $50 tip for carrying it for her. Add to that the fact that Jacqui gives her real name and credit card to Lucina and I believe her plan to go incognito is out the window. (Someone should really teach this girl about fake identities and lying low, so far she’s doing it wrong.)
Raquel sees the luggage and after she finds out about the big tip, she is sure that Jacqui is a wealthy milionaria wanting to hide her true identity. That sounds about right. 

Manolo goes straight to Homero with the information about the new Casa Bonita guest. When he hears the name Joaquina Baragan, Homero immediately makes the connection with his nemesis.
(Really, Jacqui, this has been the worst, shortest undercover in history. Granted, you  had no way of knowing the people you ran into, but that’s what research is for. Geez, girl, I guess you’re not much of a telenovela watcher…)
The next day Mariano goes to see Jacqui to examine her ankle. She wants to visit the town and thinks that maybe Mariano could be her guide. The guy has literally no game, because he says he has a lot of work to do and he goes to school, too. He is almost a doctor, he gave up his studies and became a padre plaid for a while. But then, he decided he wanted a family and gave up the Priesthood (meaning he became horny for his bestie’s girl and gave up the Order of the Plaid for the Order of the Not getting a hint when a girl makes a move.) He hasn’t found the right woman yet, which Jacqui finds unbelievable, since he’s so guapo and tierno (good looking and gentle).
Leo visits Lucina to invite her to the exhibit and when Jacqui and Mariano show up, he invites them, too. As it turns out, Jacqui loves art and paintings – and so does Mariano, as luck will have it, so they’ll be attending together.
And this is the story of how Ex Padre Plaid scored his first date without even trying or being aware of it for the most part.
Jacqui kisses him on the cheek, too, because we only have 10 episodes left and people should really get busy faster than the usual.

Geriatric love (almost)
Paloma and Fidelia chat about Fidelia’s woes concerning Marilooney and how she can’t throw her out like Paloma did with Mady because Marilooney is Ric’s wife. Paloma thinks that Fidelia is weak and should woman up a bit, but Fidelia is more worried about something else. That rascal, Ruben, is on the prowl and is treating her in a very gallant like manner; she is afraid of Mady, though, so she’s resisting the charm. Paloma thinks she should just go for it.
Yes, Fidelia, listen to the old lady and you’ll see how easy it is to go against Marilooney – right now you are both horny and frustrated, if you get some from the man of your desires, you’ll have the upper hand (and then some).

Puppy love
Leo and Fabiola meet and Leo invites her to his exhibit. She feels a little down today, maybe because of the pregnancy. He kind of proposes because he cares about her but can’t bring himself to say that he’s in love. Fabi sees right through his pity filled proposal and rejects it. What she wants is true love, like the kind she sees when she looks at Ric and Ines. (Oh, girl, no, not them!)
Leo is telling Homero about how Fabi rejected his generous proposal, even if she’s sick and pregnant. (Really, Leo? I expected better from you. Go sit at Piero’s Loser table). Homero thinks Fabiola proved to be a very intelligent girl, not agreeing to a marriage without love.  

First comes love... Never mind, this is a mess
Oriana is with her drawing prodigy child, trying to explain for the millionth time that daddy almost killed Tito and left him for dead in a cold park because he was upset. And when people are upset, they make mistakes, but he’s sorry and he loves her werry werry much. Alina, smart girl that she is, doesn’t look very convinced, she says that her father still scares her. Mom reminds her the good old Colombian days – you know, before daddy got in trouble with the police for gold smuggling and they had to run from the country like thieves in the middle of the night.
Oriana’s point – a child should never stay upset with a parent for too long, because growing up with this type of resentment is never healthy (I guess…)

Later on Oriana and Ric are on the phone. He plans to visit Paloma later on because he wants to see her. Oriana can’t spare a moment, though, she has to check on Alina’s school work (from all the lame excuses in the world…) After she hangs up, we see that Oriana is with Paloma, who thinks this whole situation with her and Ric is like children fighting ( that’s not exactly what Viewerville would call it, but let’s leave it at that). Oriana looks worried, she needs some time to think, especially now when she’s a few days late (as in she’s possibly pregnant!!!).

Marilooney is drinking her sorrows away with her friend, Federico. He thinks she should accept the divorce and ask a lot of money in exchange. But Marilooney doesn’t want the money, she wants the Richard; she and Ric used to be so great together, how could he forget that? Three words: Oriana’s tight miniskirts.
Piero sees the whole scene and his brain cells start spinning.

JL joins Oriana and Alina at the restaurant for lunch and brings her a photo camera as a present. He quickly shows her how it works and Alina is overjoyed; she briefly asks her dad if he’ll ever hurt Tito again and then starts snapping pictures, including one where JL is kissing an obviously uncomfortable Oriana.

Ric talks with Paloma on the phone, with his usual worries about Ines not answering his calls. When he hears that she’s having lunch with Alina and JL he is surprised that Alina agreed to this so fast and he starts whining again. (This has become so tiresome, I can’t even complain about it anymore). Paloma urges him to stop being so desconfiado and jeloso (distrustful and jealous).
When Alina and Oriana get back from their lunch, Ric is with Paloma. Alina runs straight to Ric and shows him her camera. And there it is, the photo of Oriana and Jose Luis kissing. 
Ric quickly makes it clear that he's looking at his flame and her husband locking lips. 


How wonderful. Two recaps. Thanks Adriana, and thanks for that great video yesterday.:)

I love that you included photos from the photo debacle. Ricky really needs to chill out and focus on getting himself free from his horrible marriage. Then see if he and Ori can have a functional relationship.

Dear Adriana,

I waited to read this until this morning and it was well worth the wait. You made me laugh several times with your great observations: why would Fabiola base her ideas about love on Ricardo and Oriana. Scarey! And Jacqui is adorable, but spy she ain't.

I did enjoy Antonio giving Matilde the bum's rush.

Tks AN, recaps are the only thing good about this mierda.

Oriana CAN'T be pregnant, she hasn't fainted.

The good news, it only has 10 more days , the bad news, it has 10 more days.

So tiresome, with the same ole, same ole.

I can't get into Ricardo and Oriana, not just for lack of chemistry, but lack of common sense, characterization, motivation. They seem to bob in an endless mess of will they or won't they? and i can't keep up.

Were they ever even together or was it just sex or what? Oriana you can't remember you have a husband only when it convenient.

What a great recap. I'm glad that you decided to give us a double recap treat. I LMAO at all of your side comments.

That's really sad when a novela gets to the point where you'd rather read about it than watch it. It's comforting to see that I'm not the only one happy to see this come to an end.

The only way Ric and Oriana are going to tie the knot is if she is indeed pregnant with Ric's child. Remember the no-condom issue. If she is, then that will force both of them to realize that marriage is the only answer. And JL, if he's not killed, will divorce her because he could not stand to have her give birth to Ric's child. I think JL will have to be killed because that's the only way justice could be serve for his killing of Homero's driver.

Adriana Noel - Thanks for the fun. My favorites:

"Really, Leo? I expected better from you. Go sit at Piero’s Loser table."

" could he forget that? Three words: Oriana’s tight miniskirts."

Thanks for this excellent bonus for us Adriana. What a treat. I especially liked this line:

"Geez, girl, I guess you’re not much of a telenovela watcher…""

I would guess not.

10 episodes left? Yikes. For the most part I've enjoyed this TN, even with the most ridiculous turns it's taken.

I have actually felt sad for JL... he's a criminal and he did nudge Tito with his shoe (but Tito did attack him first), but he was a loving husband and father (remember? he did rescue Alina's teddy bear) and for the most part has been treated unfairly from the time he arrived he arrived in Mexico.


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