Monday, March 23, 2020

Primetime on Univisión (#1): Ringo, Amor Eterno. Sin Miedo a La Verdad - Week of Mar. 23, 2020

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! Ringo is in its last two episodes with the Gran Final on March 24th! Diana and RGVChick are providing recaps for Ringo; and, AnonFri is recapping Amor Eterno with assistance from Clara…and now Nett has joined them!! If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for RLPDSV, AE, or SMALV, I’m sure that it would be appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8PM  - Ringo: La Pelea de Su Vida: Ep. 81-82
9PM – Amor Eterno: Season 2, Ep. 169-171
10PM – Sin Miedo a La Verda NS

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Ringo”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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Mercy, Mercy Me Part 1

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart - Proverbs 3:3

No two days of life are exact mirror images, each is unique. The commonality is that every day, there are a myriad of thoughts swirling in our mind, vying for attention. With our feverish little brains in overdrive, we speak before we hear, we act before we listen. Depending on the day, we experience vastly differing emotions, running the gamut from pure happiness to unbearable sorrow. We heed and process information from others differently. Those whom we trust have our full attention, yet during times of crisis, in wanting to help, a premature promise may be made, needing to be either rescinded or broken. Those whom we consider a threat are viewed with a jaundiced eye with an accompanying hasty rush to judgement. Suspicion and distrust have us hearing the first few words, dismissing the rest, already having made up our minds.

Despite the strong bonds of friendship, our characters are “human” and therefore imperfect. They have made foolish mistakes, some that have narrowly avoided consequences of epic proportions. Guevara’s making a rash, erroneous assumption that Guachin stole could have been catastrophic. Ringo who was nothing but loyal and steadfast to Julia was paid back with doubt and rejection – nearly causing their relationship to irrevocably rupture. Yet these and lesser problems have been rectified by those being unjustly judged reciprocating not in kind, but with mercy and the power of forgiveness.

In turning to those whose deliberate transgressions have been hurtful and harmful, we wonder if there will be mercy for Brenda, for Gloria. And finally, to the irredeemable. Diego had Ivan and Manuel murdered in cold blood and attempted to ensure Brenda suffered a similar fate. Is it sufficient that there will be divine justice for Diego in the next life? Whether it will be meted out by man in this life remains to be seen…

Garfias calls Diego, informing him that Brenda is indeed alive. Diego asks him to find out where she is. Diego loses his smarmy grin momentarily and actually looks a tad concerned.

Diego summons Bruno and tells him Brenda is alive! Bruno is shocked and can hardly believe it. Heated words are exchanged, Diego telling him as Brenda isn’t dead, he won’t get paid. Bruno snarls that he has pulled a lot of jobs for Diego but hasn’t been paid for anything. Diego hisses if Brenda talks they are both goners. When Bruno insists that they have an agreement, Diego asks, “What contract? Did I sign anything?” He then tells Bruno to get out. Bruno retorts that this is not the end.

In an abbreviated monologue, Diego curses Brenda, growling that he will have to get rid of her.



Mercy, Mercy Me Part 2

At the hospital, the concerned trio of Julia, Alejo and Ringo discuss Brenda’s situation. In addition to the coma, she can breathe but there are neurological problems...she may never wake up. And if that news wasn’t dire enough, the damage to her liver and arm was extensive. Julia goes to her sister as Alejo laments why this had to happen to Brenda. Ringo reminds him that Javier (our beloved Pierre Louis, who we never saw again) was also in a coma which he did come out of. Ringo comforts his friend, telling him they cannot lose hope and he should try and stay calm.

Brenda sports relatively minor facial bruises and abrasions considering she was shot, pushed down a ravine and laying bleeding for 24 hours. Julia takes her hand. Please get better she implores. I love you, don’t leave me alone she begs as she kisses Brenda’s hand and strokes her hair. She promises they will find the person responsible.

Commander Padilla shows up and asks Ringo and Alejo if they have any suspicion as to who would do this. He listens intently as Alejo quickly tells him they suspect Diego and Ringo proceeds to fill him in.

Inside, Alejo is with Brenda. He is sure that if she could speak, she would tell them that Diego did this to her...he will pay for all that he has done.

Rosa is in the kitchen and (foolishly) lifts a rack of dishes. Teresa looks shocked but smiles as she (and we) hold our breath. Nothing is dropped. Rosa has started her therapy and confides that she loves Oscar. Teresa congratulates her saying “it’s about time” and Rosa smiles happily.

The commander goes to see Diego and tells him about Brenda. Diego feigns shock and worry. When asked about the meeting he had scheduled with Brenda and the notary, Diego flaps his forked tongue and tells him Brenda never arrived and she didn’t tell him what the meeting would be about. He then gives him the name of the notary.

Gloria and sleazy doll guy discuss her assignment. He’s booked a hotel room for her where the buyers will pick up the dolls and give her $200,000. He will see her the next day when she returns.

The nanny arrives. When Santi complains that he wants to go stay with his father, Gloria explains that if they do that, his father won’t come live with them. She gives Paula instructions and after assuring Santi she will be back the next day, gives him a kiss and a large hug and leaves.

Julia, Alejo and Ringo are in the hospital cafeteria, food untouched. They talk about caring for Brenda. Alejo will stay the night with her. If she dies, I will be all alone Julia sobs. No, you won’t, Ringo reassures her as he envelopes her in a tight embrace.

Diego shows up at the nurse’s station trying to see Julia. At first, Hortensia will not give up any information. But Diego’s forked tongue eventually works its “charm” and he is informed that Brenda’s situation is critical and she is in a coma. She gives him the phone number so he can get updates. He spews that Brenda made a fatal mistake in going against him. She will have to die. Viewerville shake their heads in collective frustration and disgust.



Mercy, Mercy Me Part 3

Diego walks boldly into Brenda’s room and to our dismay, has a needle! We doubt it is a sedative and mercifully, Alejo arrives and not a moment too soon. He asks what Diego is doing there. Diego tells him that he came to see Brenda but Alejo isn’t fooled...he knows Diego has something to do with Brenda’s tragic situation. Diego wonders why they always blame him for everything! Alejo grabs him by the lapels and says that if he finds him there again, Diego will find out what Alejo is capable of. When the nurse walks in, Alejo tells her not to let this reptile in again. After Diego leaves, Alejo calls Commander Padilla and tells him that Diego was there...probably to finish off Brenda. He tells Padilla that they will need 24 hour protection for Brenda.

Ringo arrives home and gives Teresa an update...Brenda may not survive. When Teresa mentions how Julia will feel all alone, Ringo comments that if it weren’t for Gloria, he would already be with Julia. Teresa tries to blame it on Santi but Ringo reminds her how Gloria is threatening him with keeping Santi from him if he goes back to Julia. He then tells her that he will be fighting for custody of Santi.
Ringo tries to call Gloria to wish Santi a good night but she doesn’t answer.

Gloria calls her creepy doll boss saying she got through customs just as a drug sniffing dog intercepts her. The DEA lead her away. Realizing he is in for it, the sleezy boss packs up his dolls and closes shop. The DEA official puts on his gloves and proceeds to go through her luggage. Yup – Chatty Cathy and her friends are packed with drugs. Gloria pleads innocence and looks frightened. Gloria is threatened with a long prison term. She cries that she was given the dolls and had no idea what they had inside. When questioned, she quickly gives up Slimy Boss to the police.

Julia is in her room crying...she doesn’t know what she will do without Brenda.

Daybreak dawns as Julia and Ringo are met by armed guards outside Brenda’s room. Alejo explains that Diego was there. Julia thanks him and then calls Isabel, telling her that she can no longer wait; she needs to press charges on Diego -immediately.

Guachin worries that he has already gotten the subpoena to show up in court for his divorce proceedings but Alejo is not there. Max assures him that he will accompany him as Cachito smiles in the background.

Diego calls Hortencia, the nurse who gives him an update. After he hangs up, he gets a message from Bruno...a video of Ivan’s murder!

Diego is unhappy to say the least and he imperiously demands that Bruno give him the video. When Bruno demands 500 million pesos, Diego scoffs that he must be crazy....that is entirely too much money. Bruno insists that he will have to pay if he wants him to disappear...he then sends the address where they will meet.

Eva goes to see Brenda. Though they have never gotten along, she hates to see her in that condition. She and Alejo discuss the guard and how Brenda was found.

Julia explains to Isabel and the attorney why she needs to press charges on Diego NOW! Isabel explains that this is only the first step.

At the hospital, Eva volunteer to stay with Brenda so that Alejo can go home and freshen up.



Mercy, Mercy Me Part 4

Diego grabs a gun and alights from his car at the agreed upon meeting place. Opening the gate with his elbow sleeve, he finds Bruno who is brandishing a gun. Diego taunts Bruno for failing to get rid of Brenda. If he had, they wouldn’t be here! Diego wants the video. Bruno obliges and shows Ivan’s final moments to Diego. Give me the cell, give me the money they retort. Diego gives him the briefcase and while Bruno greedily looks at the money, Diego pulls out his gun and shoots him in the chest. Not once, but twice. There was no way he would give Bruno that much money. He hisses and slithers away.

Gloria’s boss has packed up his dolls and vamoosed. Her interrogator exhibits steely resolve and zero sympathy. He tells her to get a lawyer. Her pleas fall on deaf ears. She is going to have to go to jail. When she asks to call her family the police refuse, she is out of her country.

Oso errr, Oscar, wants to go for Rosa’s things but she prefers to go by herself. If Doña Gertrudis finds out about them, she will tell her mother and she wants to be the one to tell her mother that they are now living together. Oso wants to call her mother, but Rosa wants to do it her way. I love you Oso tells her as our hearts melt a bit.

Finally, some good news! Max tells Alejo the judge ruled in Guachin’s favor at the divorce hearing and that Luchis gets NOTHING! A beaming Guachin announces he is free!

Gloria, sans make-up and sporting orange prison garb (not quite the pantone color of the year) meets with the public defender. They were unable to find her boss (no surprise as he likely gave Gloria an alias). He explains the gravity of the situation, that she might spend up to 15 years in jail unless they can prove what she is saying is true. Gloria then asks him to call Ringo let him know what is happening.

Diego talks to some random thug and asks for a bomb that is strong enough to destroy a hospital room. But, there is a catch - it has to appear like an accident. The thug explains that it would be better to use oxygen tanks as that it will look more like an accident. Diego hands over the money as though he were giving away a kidney.

Oso and Rosa go to see Brenda. They try to encourage Eva by telling her how they thought Rosa would not come out of her coma...and she did.

Ringo and Julia arrive at the hospital. After Eva leaves, Julia receives the infamous video!!! She gasps as she listens...then collapses into Ringo’s arms upon hearing the fatal shot. She cries that the #%+# killed him. If she had listened to Ringo, her father would not be dead. It breaks Ringo’s heart to see her like that. Julia wonders how she could have been married to her father’s murder. Ringo then tells her that Diego needs to be stopped NOW and offers to take the video to Padilla, but Julia wants to go with him. She will not stop until she sees that coward rot in jail.

Santi is home anxiously wondering what time his mother will be there. Paula tries to call but there is no answer.

In one of the few uplifting scenes, Eva gets an ultrasound as Max nervously watches. We share their contagious excitement. My baby Max whispers. When they hear the baby’s heartbeat, they ask what the gender’s a girl!!

Julia and Ringo play the video for Padilla who tells them that with the video, Diego has no way out. While we fervently hope that is the case, we suspect Diego will elude the snake pit for a while longer. Tomorrow, all will be revealed. For better. For worse.



This is my last recap for Ringo. It's been a wonderful journey with all of you.

I will write the prologue for tomorrow's finale which will be written by our wonderful Rgv Chick.

Rgv Chick was with me every step of the way - my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for her more than generous time. You deserve so much credit.

This was a lovely, supportive patio and I thank you all.

For now, sweet dreams.



Diana, thank you ten times over. You did a great job on this one, convoluted as it was.

Now I suppose the Gran Finale will be a race between the Popo trying to get to Diablo to serve the fraud complaint and his race to blow up Brenda. Ideally he would succeede in placing the bomb and blow himself and Brenda both directly to the hottest spot in Hell. Kinda like the swift justice we saw for Bruno. No trial, no lying lawyers, no taxpayer money, just Bang!

Holy Crap! If Diablo gets Foolia before he gets to Brenda, Dingo might have to look outside his immediate circle of friends for a mating partner, Rosa and Eva are taken, and Teresa is his Mom. And Clouseau already has dibs on the housekeeper.

Hmmm, wonder who the next of kin is if Bren and Foolia are dead? Maybe Eva?

Fun Fun


Kirby, thank you for your kind words. I always enjoy all of your comments and this morning "No trial, no lying lawyers, no taxpayer money, just Bang!" was my favorite.

Yes, Dingo may not have too many options! There is always Gloria though. I suspect finding another romantic patsy may not be part of his bucket list, given his small window of freedom.

You've added so much fun and am glad you are here. Can't wait til tonight...



But Gloria is in a real pickle in THE US. Far, far different from the injustice system in Mexico. She is actually in serious trouble here and has very little chance of returning to Mx before she is a GrandMother. She was caught red handed.


You are right I say (laughingly) Kirby. Logistics would be an issue wouldn't it? :)

While I think Ringo would want to help as Gloria is his son's mother, I agree that the situation is serious.

We will have to see if there are any tender mercies to be had.


Diana, thank you for recapping this one. Your did a great job. I especially enjoyed your titles and prologues. They always added a little extra to the episodes and gave them a wider framework.

As for last night, thanks for an outstanding recap and many catchy descriptions like:

"Brenda sports relatively minor facial bruises and abrasions considering she was shot, pushed down a ravine and laying bleeding for 24 hours." You can say that again.

"Gloria’s boss has packed up his dolls and vamoosed." Loved it!

"we suspect Diego will elude the snake pit for a while longer" But no more than 42 minutes to be exact! Yee! Hee!

I enjoyed Goria's arrest so much and the fact that the only way to contact her family was through he lawyer. I have to give her credit for knowing Ringo's number (just like Julia with Brenda's) because with the presence of cellphones, that seems to be a long lost skill.

Kirby, your "She is actually in serious trouble here and has very little chance of returning to Mx before she is a GrandMother." says it all and I am enjoying that fact.

We have Luchis and Gloria gone and Brenda having seen the light so Diego is the only villain left.

Diana, you and me both "can't wait til tonight". ; )



All throughout this, your titles, quotes and prologues have been exceptional DIANA. I loved Jarifa saying how they gave "a wider framework to the episodes." Indeed they did. You transformed each show, however silly, into a deeper discussion of human nature and its many complexities and perplexities. I treasure the quote from Proverbs--especially "love and faithfulness...write them on the tablet of your heart."

And this:

... our characters are “human” and therefore imperfect. They have made foolish mistakes, some that have narrowly avoided consequences of epic proportions. Guevara’s making a rash, erroneous assumption that Guachin stole could have been catastrophic. Ringo who was nothing but loyal and steadfast to Julia was paid back with doubt and rejection – nearly causing their relationship to irrevocably rupture. Yet these and lesser problems have been rectified by those being unjustly judged reciprocating not in kind, but with mercy and the power of forgiveness.

An excellent meditation on the power and necessity of forgiveness if we are to have any joy in life.

The next is not terribly important but it does show the slips that even an excellent closed captioner can make:

Throughout they kept writing that Brenda was wounded in "el higado and el vaso" But actually the word should have been "el baso" (spleen) Native speakers evidently can't hear the difference between "v" and "b" any better than we can. And I guess without knowing the storyline, the c'c'er wouldn't know that "spleen" [baso] made more sense in this context.

Hope that you are still working from home and staying "safe and sanitized" as Nina advises. Our son goes in to the office every other day and when he comes home, takes off his shoes at the door and heads to the shower. Otherwise he works from home. Very thoughtful.

Blessings and good health vibes(((()))) to everybody. Hit the grocery store early today. One store still cleaned out but got some toilet paper at the second one. And ONE paper towel! Ah the joy of little things...that suddenly seem like big things.


Kirby: How's it going in the Sunshine State ?


Jarifa, I was so glad you joined this journey. You always add so much to every discussion and I love your comments.

I've never seen such camaraderie among the characters, I hope it extended off screen as well as on. And let me just add that the camaraderie here on the patio has been stellar as well.

Thank you for your generous comments. And I smiled at your observation that the characters actually know cell phone numbers! I. Do. Not. :)

"We have Luchis and Gloria gone and Brenda having seen the light so Diego is the only villain left. I'll be watching with great curiosity and a bit of trepidation. But it seems a good future looms for many.



Just saw on Uni the Sebastián Rulli and Angelique Boyer PSA for keeping your distance during the pandemic. They made me smile.

JudyB, it sounds like you have things under control on the pandemic home front. I haven’t been at the grocery since a week ago Sunday so I have no info to add. Maybe next week . . . it all depends on how long the frozen veggies and donuts/cookies last.


Kemal continues to look at the results and relishes that Deniz is his daughter, until he realizes that Nihan has been keeping this a secret from him. He angrily shouts her name, asking where she is. He tries calling her but her phone is turned off. He starts remembering
1. Seeing Deniz for the first time at the Soydere home, when Zeynep was babysitting her.
2. The play date with Nihan, when Deniz was forced to do leg exercises.
3. Nihan telling him that he’d make a good father.
Kemal yells in anger again and calls Leyla, who’s home when she accepts the call. She reports that she’s on her way out, but Kemal tells her to wait for him first. He looks at his reflection in the front of his car, and remembers looking at Denise laying in her crib.

Nihan is writing in her journal to Kemal, unsure if she’ll ever be able to give it to him to read. She writes that it’s been a week since she’s been in contact with him and she can feel that he’s worried, but she must continue hiding for Deniz’ sake.

Kemal arrives at Leyla’s and hands her the DNA results so she can read it herself. She’s shocked and doesn’t understand how she had no idea about this. She thinks if she had pressured Nihan to talk, she would have known the truth sooner. Kemal says Nihan wouldn’t have revealed the truth either way. He’s angry and says he’ll take Deniz away from Emir and Nihan, and that what angers him most is that she kept this a secret from him. Leyla suggests Nihan did it to protect Deniz, but Kemal says that she can’t do that on her own-she can’t protect Deniz without him doing his part. He starts acknowledging that he felt some sort of connection to Deniz that he was unable to understand: he loves Deniz because she’s his daughter. Leyla asks him to calm down. Kemal continues to berate Nihan’s actions and eventually sits down next to Leyla on the couch. He says “Her hands are my hands. Her eyes are mine. She’s my life, she’s my blood. How could Nihan do this to me?” Leyla suggests that Emir must have driven Nihan to keep this a secret. She asks him to please address this with Nihan first, before doing anything else. Kemal stands up and says that he will, but he needs Leyla to figure out where Nihan is, and that he has no plans to leave Deniz with those two.

Deniz awakens and Nihan goes to pick her up. She asks if Deniz spoke with the angels and showed them her smile. There’s a sound at the door and Emir is entering the home as Nihan hides the journal behind a pillow in the couch. Emir announces that he’s come for Deniz, and Nihan rudely tells him that she doesn’t want him missing them at all.



Vildan tells Leyla over the phone that she has no idea where Nihan and Deniz are. Leyla can’t believe that Nihan didn’t tell her anything, and Vildan says that Emir went to bring them back. When the call ends, Leyla says no one knows where Nihan went. Kemal picked up on the detail that Emir is currently with them. Leyla asks him not to go after them right now. Kemal promises he will wait, but heads for the door anyway. Before he leaves, he tells Leyla that the lawyers are taking care of the embezzling situation between her, Ayhan and Kozcouglu Holding. Leyla asks that he forget about that, but Kemal assures her that he will take care of it, and reminds her to avoid Ayhan for the time being.

Nihan tells Emir that the closer he tries to get to Deniz, the further away she will take the baby from him. She claims to be aware that Deniz is just a toy for him. Emir comments that children love toys, so he sees no problem with that. He takes Deniz and says he really doesn’t care what Nihan thinks at all. He sits down on the couch, saying that Deniz is what will hold them together forever. Deniz calmly lays in his arms, and reaches for his face to touch his chin. Emir tells the baby: “The boss has spoken. And I’ve spoken very seriously.” Nihan can’t stand to watch their interaction and takes Deniz away from him.

Zeynep visits her professor at the kindergarten center. She takes a seat and mentions she’s been working on a storytime exercise where each child will share a story with the class. The professor interrupts and hands Zeynep a white slip covering her salary for the rest of the month. She says that Zeynep has missed way too many days of work and the kids don’t miss her because they haven’t been able to build a rapport with her yet. Zeynep says she has been very sick and didn’t want to risk getting the children sick. The professor laments that Zeynep always has an excuse for everything. Zeynep asks for a favor, but the professor lets her know that she can’t make exceptions for her anymore. Zeynep gives up and starts gathering her dignity, declaring that whenever people try to get ahead in life, there will be few people willing to help because most of them look out for their own interests. She exits the room.

Zehir meets Kemal in the basement garage, with no news of Nihan’s whereabouts. Kemal says he doesn’t think that Nihan is in a hotel. Zehir says this will take some time, but Kemal’s brain gets a jumpstart and says that Ayhan will help them find her.

Banu is in her room, speaking on the phone with a representative from one of Emir’s lesser known companies. She’s demanding to know why her monthly allowance hasn’t been placed into her bank account yet. Just then, Fehime enters the home with two grocery bags and starts eavesdropping. At that point, Banu hangs up on the representative and calls Emir to demand that he pay her the monthly deposit by tomorrow. Banu steps out to the hallway and notices Fehime pulling two bags towards the kitchen. She asks how long She’s been in the house and Fehime says she’s just arrived. Banu offers to help but Fehime continues dragging the bags herself when Tariq arrives. Banu is taken aback that he came home early too.

In the kitchen, Fehime greets Tariq. She first peeks in the hallway to make sure Banu isn’t eavesdropping, then closes the door. She chides Tariq for not telling anyone that his wife has a job already. Tariq says that Banu doesn’t have a job yet, and Fehime starts snitching about the money conversation Banu had moments ago. Tariq takes a bite out of a pear and says she must have misunderstood. Fehime swears she still has good ears and suggests that Tariq get to the bottom of this soon. Tariq tries convincing himself that his mother is hearing things because she’s insistent on finding dirt on his wife, but Fehime puts an end to it by making a disproving sound just before saying his name. Tariq now looks concerned.


Banu is in her room and takes out Tariq’s blazer from the closet. When he comes in, she helps him put it on. He coldly asks if he can borrow her phone because he needs to make a phone call. She hands over the phone and he asks her to put in her code first, then asks her to leave. She does as told, looking nervous as she walks out of there. When she’s gone, he starts searching her call list and text messages but finds nothing there. He grows suspicious and loudly drops the phone on the table.

At a car rental place (?) Ayhan asks Serkhan for an illegal favor: he wants to trace the whereabouts of a particular car. Serkhan doesn’t want to do it, but Ayhan uses his roundabout logic to convince him to do it anyway. Kemal takes a look at the gray car next to the desk, and mentions that if all goes well, a security button on the car won’t be pressed, so no police report will be filed (did not understand this part). Serkhan then takes a look at his computer and tells the men that Nihan’s car (or Emir’s?) is in Dongazan. Kemal smiles and tries to hurry out of the store. Ayhan follows him out, asking him to slow down, but Kemal says he needs to protect Nihan and Deniz from Emir. He asks if he can use Ayhan’s car. Ayhan gladly hands over the keys, but reminds him that though he found Nihan, Emir will be at her side like a guard dog. Kemal assures him that Emir will not be there by the time he gets there, because Emir will be back at work.

Zehir goes up to Pelin’s desk to ask for two phone numbers. Tufan watches from a short distance behind him. As Zehir walks away, he calls Kemal to say that now is the right time because Emir is not at the office. Tufan rudely walks past him to ask Pelin what Zehir was doing here. She reports that he simply wanted the phone numbers for two board members. Tufan gets suspicious and Pelin adds that as Zehir was walking away, she overhead him tell someone on the phone that ‘now is the right time.’ Tufan says he will let Emir know about this, despite Emir’s prior indications to be left alone.

Zehir was spying from a corner of the hallway- behind a door- and texts Kemal that Tufan took the bait. Meanwhile, Kemal is driving to Nihan.

Ayhan visits Leyla despite Kemal’s prior indications. When she opens the door she’s very happy to see him and asks that he enter the home. Ayhan says that he’s busy with Kemal today so he only stopped by to see if she was ok. Leyla loudly wonders how this whole ordeal will end. Ayhan says that Kemal now knows about Nihan’s whereabouts so he immediately went to see her and Deniz. Leyla asks how Kemal found that information in the first place, then realizes that Ayhan was the means to the end. Ayhan says she shouldn’t be surprised. Ayhan says that with God’s help they will all get out of this mess soon. Leyla laughs and he asks her to stand still in that pose, get rid of her fear and remain happy. Leyla acknowledges that life is so short, there’s no reason to remain suffering. Ayhan admits that he’s been getting a persistent thought that tells him to kiss her. He leans in and kisses her cheek, but Leyla goes for a hug! She apologizes when it’s over and he asks her not to apologize ever again: “What will happen, will happen, for us and for Kemal and Nihan.” Leyla laughs as Ayhan walks backwards out of her house.



Nihan is reading a book in the living room when Emir tells her that she’s like a lazy Sunday. He imagines her laying in bed and hugging her pillow. Nihan retorts that it seems like he’s on vacation. Alien phone call interrupts and Emir doesn’t want to answer it, but Tufan insists. Emir wants to know what the problem is. Tufan says he has important information. Emir decides to give him a chance and steps out of the living room. Tufan starts by saying that Kemal is up to something. Emir feigns surprise. Tufan continues to report that Kemal called two board members so that they can schedule an important meeting in a restaurant. Emir gets annoyed and says he will take up the fourth slot at that restaurant table. He hangs up.

While Emir is handling the phone call, Nihan rushes to hide her journal in one of the nearby drawers. Emir then comes back to the living room and tells her to get ready because they’re going back to Istanbul. Nihan says she’s not ready and wants a few more days. Emir tells her that they will do as he says, and that he will take her luggage if she wants. He walks out of the living room and Nihan stands there, all stressed and annoyed.

Vildan is at Leyla’s house, in the living room. She asks Leyla if her depression is due to Ayhan. Leyla admits she feels guilty for not having believed him in the first place. Vildan retorts that he’s their enemy, why should she have believed him at all? Leyla is unfazed and asks why that detail should change anything. Vildan suggests that Ayhan may have something in his hands to use against them now. Leyla blurts out that Ayhan was defamed by their father. Vildan gets upset and can’t believe that she’s taking his side. Leyla reveals that their father tried to kill someone, and that Ayhan happened to overhear it, so Mr. Asemcade lies that Ayhan stole the portfolios to incarcerate him since he would have been a key witness to the murder. Vildan paces around and starts to breakdown as Leyla acknowledges that she knew Vildan would be in denial about their father’s shady behavior. From there, she blurts out that Deniz is Kemal’s daughter. Vildan says that she kept that information private because of Nihan’s obstinance, then backtracks when she realizes that Leyla knows the truth. She asks how she found out. Leyla says that Kemal told her. At first Vildan seems relieved that he finally knows the truth, until Leyla reveals that he’s currently on his way to speak to Nihan right now. Vildan panics a bit and she decides to warn Nihan because Emir is with them right now. She texts Nihan (or leaves a voicemail?), asking her to call back as soon as Emir is out of earshot.

Deniz is awake in bed, as Emir asks Nihan to finish up packing. Nihan tells Emir that he’s making Deniz suffer with his rash decisions. He doesn’t seem to understand what she’s talking about- he claims to be making these decisions because he deeply cares about them both. Nihan says that if he really loves Deniz, he would understand that Deniz is not a toy that he can move around at every whim: she needs stability in her life, a specific routine dedicated to her needs. Emir starts to comprehend and suggests that they come home tomorrow then. Deniz pulls out the pacifier and smiles. Emir takes a look and fully declares “You guys will stay here one more day.”




I didn't expect Emir to fall for the trap, since all the characters seem to know perfectly well that they're all keeping tabs on each other. Let's see how far this goes.

Is Nihan forgetting the diary?!

I suppose Banu never loved Tariq? She's been getting very cold with him lately. I thought she actually felt something for him other than sympathy.

I feel sorry for Zeynep, but then I remember that she's full of it and out the window it goes.



Judy, thank you amiga mia. You are so kind and supportive! You are always there to encourage and praise. You uplift our spirits daily.

I am very happy that you enjoyed the quote. I looked at dozens of quotes but as soon as I saw Proverbs, I knew it was the one. Also, Marvin Gaye's Mercy, Mercy me was well ahead of its time wasn't it? Noting the deterioration of mother earth was sage especially as he wrote the song almost 50 years ago.

Yes, we are staying at home. I join you in wishing everyone good health.

I could not have been happier than sharing this adventure with you Judy. Blessings always.


Steve, most of the people I know here in Florida see this as political. Life seems, in my little world, to go on unabated. The sheep continue to clean out WalMarts, but those of us who can actually think for ourselves seemed to have been kinda sorta ready for this since last hurricane season.

There is a lot of room here in the Sunshine State, we are not jammed cheek to jowl as in the big cities. That is a factor. There is not as much traffic on the highways and gas is a bargain, so I'm happy as a clam.



As you can see, I am no longer trying to fight autocorrect on the name. It seems to like the name dingo no matter how many times I type in the correct name. I surrender. It also always changes my friend Dan's name to every , single time.

Diana, thank you so much for all your detailed recaps. I don't know how you did it with working and commuting. I especially enjoyed your thoughtful prologues._Proverbs 3:3. It reminded me of the song "_Write My Name across Your Heart."

Well, the finale is going to wrap this up one way or another. Then, we are off to the next telenovela starring our para siempre galan..Jose Ron...the hardest working guy IN Mexican showbiz. I like him , but I would like to see some galan variety .

OT...The sun is out here following yesterday's rain and gloom , so I will be in and out all day. ....right now the inside and the outside of my house are my only options since my daughters have told me not to go anywhere. I am texting and emailing everyone I know and talking on the good old fashioned phone. Everything is on hold. I feel as though I am in suspended animation. Last night, I looked through my mother in law's old photos and watched Hub's lovely life unfold before my eyes and sent old photos to his friends through texts. scored TT and paper towels!! Victory! My younger daughter has been grocery shopping for me , but I am keeping in touch with several friends and family who have been going to grocery stores and none can find the elusive TT or hand sanitizer. A local whiskey distillery has switched to making hand sanitizer and donating it to local cancer patients .My friend in Naples, FL is having trouble finding distilled water for her nighttime CPAP machine.

Stay safe. Stay well. Stay sane.


Diana, I love Marvin Gaye. And yes, that song was prophetic.


Diana, you certainly are going out with an exceptional bang! Title, prologue and your insightful sides are to be commended. Thank you for this and for all your other outstanding work!

Diego's demise and attempt to finish off Brenda is most certainly the only thing that needs to be resolved as Kirby and Jarifa pointed out. I would rather see Diego rot in prison rather than see him die...crossing my fingers.

Jarifa, "I enjoyed Goria's arrest so much and the fact that the only way to contact her family was through he lawyer." I enjoyed that too! But the cop was wrong in not allowing her the one phone call; that was within Gloria's rights, IMHO.

Judy, I always look forward to you comments...always insightful and full of your knowledge. THank you for clarifying about the "spleen." I kept hearing "brazo" and was puzzled as to why an injury to the arm would be as critical as injury to the liver.

I join you, Judy, in wishing blessings and sending good (((vibes))) to all. Keep safe, keep sanitized and keep sane! THe stores here are pretty much empty, but sometimes I get lucky and find what I need. This chick ain't going hungry :-) and I have enough paper goods to last me a couple of months.

Keep safe, keep sanitized and keep sane!



AnonFri, I recognized your writing right away! Thank you for the recap and I'm glad things are well enough that you can recap again.

Yeah, Emir is sure to figure out what Kemal is up to. Both of them are pretty good at reading each other even when they are at a distance.

I don't think Nihan was forgetting the diary. Emir was being very watchful of her, so she hadn't had a chance to slip the diary into her luggage.

I wanted to jump for joy when Ayhan went to see Leila and they "made up," but seriously, just a kiss on the CHEEK??? C'mon, Ayhan, you can be braver than that! I must say, though, he is quite the gentleman.

I'm not feeling for Zeynep. She was using her "pity me" approach with the director and it didn't work. I say YAY for the director!

It seems to me that Banu has NEVER had any kind of attraction for Tarik. Her only goal is to follow Emir's orders, but is it just to get money or is she hoping that Emir take her back? She was one of Emir's "girls" wasn't she?



Thank you Susanlynn! Enjoyed your "Jose Ron...the hardest working guy IN Mexican showbiz - spot on. Always fun to read your insightful and cheery comments.

Rgv Chick, as our road on this TN comes to an end, a heartfelt thank you. Your comments are generous and very much appreciated.

I'm getting a bit nostalgic already.


OT...just got emails from my high school friend in London. He is worried about his daughter who is an oncologist . Medical supplies are running low. She has advised him to stay home . He is alone , but he feels that he can handle isolation since he was stationed in Antartica in the Seabees. My cousin in Tennessee went to Costco , and they had a sign up of what they didn't have which were the same things most stores don't have. He did get fresh produce.

Is THIS magical realism ?

Amor eterno

I dont know why nihan is still keeping that diary to Kemel. Thats a dangerous thing with emir around. But now that kemel knows the truth...and is angry with her...perhaps she can finally give it to him so he can understand.

So... zenep has gotten outed...its time for banu to get hers. Hope tarik...who deserves an anvil as well... figures out he’s been sleeping with enemy. And how low will he feel when he learns it was all set up by emir. Kemel has never done anything to him but he betrayed him for two snakes in the grass.

Do we know how many more episodes for this tn.



Applause, applause, applause, Diana! I will miss your prologues and recaps, but I'm sure you could use a rest. Thanks a zillion for the terrific storytelling night after night. My faves from last night, including the title:

Guevara’s making a rash, erroneous assumption that Guachin stole could have been catastrophic. Ringo who was nothing but loyal and steadfast to Julia was paid back with doubt and rejection – nearly causing their relationship to irrevocably rupture. Yet these and lesser problems have been rectified by those being unjustly judged reciprocating not in kind, but with mercy and the power of forgiveness.

When asked about the meeting he had scheduled with Brenda and the notary, Diego flaps his forked tongue

The DEA official puts on his gloves and proceeds to go through her luggage. Yup – Chatty Cathy and her friends are packed with drugs. -- lol, you found humor in a dark place, yay!

Gloria, sans make-up and sporting orange prison garb (not quite the pantone color of the year)

In one of the few uplifting scenes, Eva gets an ultrasound as Max nervously watches. We share their contagious excitement.

Gee, I didn't see a caption telling us five months despues, but Eva looks to be about five months along to me.

Looks like tonight's episode will be an ending all right, but not a gran final. I'm ticked that the chances of a wedding or two or three aren't likely. Oh, well I am happy that Gauchin has gotten rid of bloodsucker Luchis.


Niecie, your kind words are very much appreciated!

I always look forward to what you have to say and your razor sharp observations that miss nothing, never failing to make me smile.

I really like these people. Well, almost all. I love their closeness, their fearsomeness and fearless support of each other.

I can't recall the last time there has been a grand wedding. I do miss those too!

Well, we have tonight to look forward to. Thanks again Niecie.




RGV, my eyestrain has definitely improved since monday last week. It doesn't come with headaches anymore. Hopefully with frequent pauses I can manage this new online workload. Completely new thing to adapt to.

I agree about Ayhan! I thought he was going for a full on kiss! I notice we rarely see those, I suppose it's a Turkish thing?

Nett, I've done some research and it looks like we are about 44 one hour episodes away from the finale! About two months and a half from now!

I hope Nihan's diary will clarify that she tried telling Kemal the truth but he didn't receive her that day. Although I do agree that she should have told Kemal the truth as soon as possible, I cannot nor will not forget that he acted like a complete jerk to her for about a third of this season. So yea, he may be mad and has reason to be, but he needs to understand that in part he left her unprotected from Emir.



Ep 82: Part 1 GRAN FINAL: “Sorrow Looks Back, Worry Looks Around, Faith Looks Up” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

In this hour, I do not believe that any darkness will endure - Tolkien

Nowhere is humanity more sorely tested than in how we fight adversity. Fear is disaster’s strongest ally and our fiercest foe. The enemy may be cloaked in invisibility, wielding death and destruction at will. In our tale as in real life, an insidious monster weaves a web of panic and death. Yet, all is not lost. We have God (or whatever higher power one believes in) and we have each other. No pestilence is stronger, no enemy greater than our collective strength and unity. We band together, strengthening our resolve. Physical and emotional scars will remain but minds and hearts will receive the soothing balm of healing. Our faith, hope and trust will prevail. Diego will surely be brought to justice so that our beloved (and not so beloved) characters, can move forward, in life and love. Together.


Ringo wonders who could have sent Julia the video. Padilla assumes it was someone who Diego betrayed…one of his accomplices who wanted revenge. Julia thinks it had to be someone who knows her because they knew her cell phone number. When Padilla asks if the suspect anyone, Ringo mentions Bruno. Padilla thinks that Diego and Bruno must have had a falling out. When Alejo asks if Diego could have known about the video, Padilla has no idea, but it is clear that the video was sent so that it could be used against Diego. Julia calls the brewery and asks for Diego. Sandra tells her that Diego left the office…and Bruno no longer works there. She informs Julia that Bruno and Diego argued the day before but she couldn’t hear what they were saying. When Bruno left, he was very upset. After Julia ends the call, Padilla comments that if Diego doesn’t know about the video, it would be a good opportunity to set a trap for him. Julia suggests that she set up a meeting with Diego. Padilla agrees that he can set up team; he asks Julia to call Diego and set up a meeting in an hour. Julia calls Diego with the excuse that she needs money to pay for Brenda’s hospital bill…she will meet him at a restaurant near the hospital.

One hour later, Julia who is wired, waits at the restaurant. Padilla informs he that Diego has just arrived and advises her to remain calm. When Julia see Diego, she struggles to maintain a straight face, but she forces herself to thank him for coming. Diego tells her that she doesn’t look well; so, Julia responds that she can’t put up with much more…now she has Brenda to worry about. Padilla listens as Julia tells Diego that the cops have determined that Brenda was mugged. She then tells him that she is no longer going to fight for the presidency; she will support him so that he can run the company. After Diego assures her that he will take care of the hospital bill, Julia can’t contain her anger, grits her teeth and states, “One more thing, tell me why you did it.” She shows him the video, and yells, “You killed my father, murderer!!” Padilla orders all his men to take action. When Diego sees them, he grabs Julia and tells them not to come close or he will call her. Padilla runs in and tells Diego to lower his gun, he has nowhere to run! After Diego retorts that he will kill Julia, Padilla and his men drop their guns; so, Diego inches his way out the door dragging Julia with him. Little does he know that Ringo and Alejo are waiting. Ringo grabs the gun and tosses it as Alejo grabs Julia while Ringo throws Diego to the ground and starts pummeling him. (Viewervllle cheers him on!) Padilla runs out and stops Ringo telling him not to get his hands dirty. Ringo releases Diego and goes to hug Julia as Diego is handcuffed.


Ep 82: Part 2 GRAN FINAL: “Sorrow Looks Back, Worry Looks Around, Faith Looks Up” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

At the police station, Ringo and Julia declare their statements regarding the fraud, Ivan’s murder and Brenda’s attempted murder.

At Turco’s house, Paula calls her boss to ask what she should do since Gloria hasn’t shown up. Her boss tells her that she will have to stay there.

At the police station, Ringo and Julia tell Alejo that they have already given their statements regarding all of Diego’s criminal activities. After Alejo comments that Diego will never be leaving prison, Julia wants to go to the hospital so she can tell Brenda that Diego has been captured.

At Turco’s house, Paula gets a call from her mother who frantically tells her that her child was jumping on the bed and fell; she broke her arm. Her mother urges her to come to the hospital since she has no money to pay with. Paula sees Santi asleep so she leaves him thinking that she will be right back.

At the hospital, Ringo tells Oso and Rosa that Diego has been caught. Julia knows Brenda can’t hear her, but she still tells her about Diego getting caught and the video.

At Turco’s house, Santi wakes up and calls out for his mother. Meanwhile, Ringo arrives home. He receives Santi’s call in which Santi tells him that he is all alone and is scared. After Santi tells him that Gloria left on a trip, Ringo quickly beams over, hugs Santi and reassures him that all will be fine.

The Next Morning—

Teresa comes out of her room and is surprised to see Santi; so, Ringo tells her about Gloria being on a trip and the nanny leaving Santi alone. Teresa thinks Gloria is sick in the head; as she continues to rant, Ringo stops her since Santi is listening. Ringo then takes Santi to school.

At the hospital, Julia tells the nurse that there has been no change in Brenda. The nurse will check Brenda while Julia goes for breakfast.

Ringo returns home and gives Teresa more details. Teresa is still upset and tells Ringo that she will not allow Gloria to take Santi...she will take care of it since Ringo is too soft-hearted… he always believes Gloria’s explanations. After Ringo tells Teresa about Diego being captured, Ringo gets a call from Gloria’s attorney who advises him that Gloria has been detained for drug trafficking. Ringo is in disbelief; he thinks there must be a mistake. When he wonders what he should tell Santi when he gets home, Teresa thinks he should tell him the truth so he can know exactly what kind of person his mother is, but Ringo doesn’t like that idea. Ringo then calls Alejo to come meet him at the club. Beam him up, Scottie!

Alejo is beamed over to the club as is Ringo. Ringo explains about the attorney calling him. Alejo knows that drug trafficking is not take lightly in the USA; so, he suggests that they call the attorney.


Ep 82: Part 3 GRAN FINAL: “Sorrow Looks Back, Worry Looks Around, Faith Looks Up” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Julia enters Brenda’s room and wonders what is going on since the doctor is there. The doctor tells her that Brenda just woke up! After the doctor leaves, Brenda asks what happened to her; so, Julia explains how she was found in the ravine with a shot to her back. Brenda quickly responds that it was Bruno and continues to tell Julia how Bruno picked her up to take her to the notary. After she adds that Diego sent him, Julia tells her that Diego has been captured.

Ringo wonders what he should tell Santi. Oso doesn’t think he should tell him the truth; he should make up something. When Santi is older and finds out the truth, Ringo can explain. Alejo approaches and tells them that he has contacted the consulate and they will try to find out where Gloria is so that Ringo can call her. He then explains how serious drug trafficking is…Gloria is sure to spend several years in prison. Ringo feels for Gloria…after all she is his son’s mother (yeah, yeah whatever!) Ringo then gets a call from Julia who tells him that Brenda is awake; so, he and Alejo take off to the hospital. Scottie, get the beamer!)

At the hospital, Julia tells Brenda that Alejo and Ringo are being beamed over; they were the ones who found her in the ravine. Brenda admits that has done so many bad things throughout her life; she needs to make up for it….and she will start with Julia whom she has hurt so much. She asks Julia to forgive her…she had never been so afraid in her life; she felt death so near. When she adds that she needs to change, Julia is very happy to hear her say that. Just then Alejo and Ringo appear. While Alejo stays with Brenda, Ringo and Julia go out into the hall where Ringo tells her about Gloria. Julia also agrees that Ringo shouldn’t tell Santi the truth about Gloria. Since Santi is getting home soon, Ringo needs to beam over to his house.

Ringo quickly arrives home and goes in to see Santi who is working on his homework. When he asks about his mother, Ringo tells him that Gloria will not be returning…she met up with Turco in the States and has decided to stay with him. Santi sigh that Gloria left him alone. After Ringo assures him that he is not alone, Santi cries that his mother promised that she would never leave him. After Ringo tries to tell him that Gloria changed her mind, Santi cries out, “I hate her! I hate her! I never want to see her again!” as he hugs his father with tear-filled eyes.

Time passage—
- Julia takes charge of the company;
- Rosa trains;
- Ringo, Julia and Santi play in the park;
- Max and Eva continue working and await their baby;
- Ringo trains… (Ughh! Shirtless would have been so much better!).

Julia enters Brenda’s room and tells her that everything is paid and they can go home. Brenda tells her that she isn’t going home. She has already talked to Alejo and is going to give him a divorce so that he can start a new life; marrying him was just one of her whims. When Julia asks where she will go, Brenda replies that she is going to check in to the psychiatric clinic…it is what she needs. Though she has been calm while in the hospital, Brenda knows that she is not well…there are things circling in her head which she doesn’t like. She has contacted the doctor and provided them with all her information. Julia cries that their father would be very proud of her. they embrace as Julia tells Brenda that she is very proud of her… it is a good decision.

Ep 82: Part 4 GRAN FINAL: “Sorrow Looks Back, Worry Looks Around, Faith Looks Up” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

At the club, Guachin and Susana watch Rosa train; they commend her on how much she has improved…soon she will be in tiptop shape. Oso approaches and asks for Ringo since they need to get going. Just then, Ringo arrives and tells him that his car is getting serviced. Guachin volunteers to take them in his new car…he has taken driving lessons and has his license!

Santi and Teresa discuss preparing a table for a celebration dinner.

Guachin shows Ringo and Oso his car and they take off to the weigh-in. Not sure where Guachin took lessons since he can get the car going…and he got a license??? As they drive along, the car stalls; so, Ringo and Oso get out to check the engine which looks fine. A man drives by and recognizes Ringo/ Campeón. He stops and offers help…he will take them to the weigh-in. They leave poor Guachin to fend for himself.

Ringo and Oso quickly arrive at the weigh in where Guevara is waiting for them. Ringo’s opponent, El Ciclón, is introduced first, then Ringo. Meanwhile, Julia and Sandra watch the ceremony from Julia’s office. El Ciclón weighs in within the weight limit as does Ringo. Afterwards, Ringo calls and Julia who tells him that he looked very handsome, Ringo tells her that he will pick her up at 8, he has a surprise for her. Julia reminds him that he has his fight the next day and he shouldn’t have distractions, but Ringo insists that this surprise can’t wait.

Diego is in prison and is met by Mancuso and his minions. Mancuso smirks as he tells Diego that he has a debt pending and adds, “Welcome to hell!” He advises Diego that nights are very long there; he’d better not close his eyes because he may get a surprise (oh, just wait for me baby-cakes…teeheehee :-)

At night, Ringo goes to pick up Julia and chats with Elsa who is looking forward to his fight. Julia enters and Ringo salivates as he sees her in her satin red dress.

At Teresa’s house, everyone waits quietly and surprises Julia with their applause when she enters. Ringo tells her that since there is no one he can ask for her hand, he wants his friends, his mother and his son to accompany them so that they can be witnesses to what he wants to tell her. As Julia nervously awaits, Ringo gets down on one knee and presents her with an engagement ring as he asks her to marry him. Julia asks Santi what he think so Santi tells her “Tell him yes!” Julia turns to Ringo and says, “YES! I do want to marry you!” Ringo stands and envelops her in her arms as he kisses her. Later, as they celebrate with friends and family, Julia tells Ringo that she was very surprised...she had even been wondering when he was going to propose. Ringo assures her that she is the love of his life. At the other end of the table, Oso teases that Rosa was the one who declared her love for him first…he will tell that to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren; he will live for many years since Rosa injected him with the potion of youth. Teresa makes a toast to her son who is going to live his life with the woman he loves...Julia, a very good person who deserves to be happy. She also wants to toast for Ivan and Manuel; she is sure that if they were there, they’d be just as happy as they are.


Ep 82: Part 5 GRAN FINAL: “Sorrow Looks Back, Worry Looks Around, Faith Looks Up” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

The night of the fight arrives. The commentators mention that El Ciclón is favored to win, but Ringo may surprise everyone and make history for Mexico if he wins the world championship. The crowd cheers and waves the Mexican flag.

In the dressing room, Ringo prays, then Oso leads them in their club cheer. Teresa arrives at the fight since Renato convinced her. Julia assures her not to worry if Ringo gets hit…he has told her that he doesn’t even feel them. The ring announcer introduces El Ciclón, who has won 39 fights with 27 of them being knockouts. He then introduces Ringo who has had 41 matches and only two losses. All the Oso clan is there cheering him on as he comes to the ring. Instructions are given to the two boxers and the fight starts. They start jabbing and Ringo gets in one strong right jab…KAPOW!! …El Ciclón must have seen birdies! Did Ringo knock him out right then and there?? We won’t know, but Ringo holds up his title as the Oso clan carries him and cheers. Ringo walks to Julia with a bruised face and gives her some powerful, vacuum-sealed lip-locks as we see…

FIN!! ..and Ringo wins the fights of his life!



It has been a wonderful fun ride; and I am so appreciative to all who have joined in and been so supportive and encouraging with generous and insightful comments.

Diana, you have been an exceptional recapping partner. You never cease to amaze with your beautiful and insightful prologues; I will surely miss reading your words of wisdom.

A heartfelt thanks to Jarifa, JudyB, Susanlynn, Niecie, and Kirby. What a wonderful patio to come to each and every day!

May all of you be graced with good health, much peace, and endless hope...and LOTS of TP and paper towels, and sanitizer! :-)


What a mighty recap, and I love the beautiful opening comments!

Because I watched the show a day or two after it came on, I didn’t get to join in the conversation. But every so often I’d check out the recap and comments for the episode I’d just seen. The recaps were just terrific, and what a wonderful wonderful patio. Such thoughtful, insightful comments!

I really enjoyed this show – great story, great characters and fabulous acting. And I liked the title art. It was a little speedy, though. It seems they’re trying to not let the telenovelas lag, and are even doing super brief ones, but I do wish they’d proceed a bit more slowly so that we can settle in for a nice long haul. At least this one had lots of good side characters with their stories.

This last episode was a bit “meh”, not as moving or exciting as most last episodes, but all the loose ends got neatly tied up. Awfully harsh for Gloria to get that big prison sentence, though. She didn’t even know she was transporting drugs, and her sins in the story weren’t that dire that she should end up in prison.

Meantime, Diego hardly had a mark on him. Speaking of marks, Ringo didn’t look beat up at all either at the end of his fight, or even sweaty. If you’ve been punched hard in the face for a few hours, usually you wouldn’t feel like necking with anybody – ha!



Isnt it worse to lie to your son that his mother rejected him again and ran off into the sunset without saying goodbye? Than to say that she got arrested? Ppl are allowed phone calls from prison you know.


It is 4:00 a.m. and the birds started to chirp a while ago. Anyway, since I am up . . .

Thank you, Diana. What a fab Tolkien quote and intro!

RgvChick, thank you for doing the gran final proud as well as recapping this novela. I have so enjoyed your recaps and your running commentary and this is no exception. Yup, they do seem to “beam” all over. “Vacuum-sealed lip-locks” sure said it all. The novela was sealed with a kiss! LOL

Now the novela is over, I do admit there are two sentences I will not miss because I heard them one too many times: ¿Dónde está . . . Santi, Gloria, Julia, Brenda, Iván, Manuel? etc. etc. and “Vamos para allá.” as other characters went searching for the missing.

I really enjoyed the gran final. It was quite satisfying. That being said, it seemed a bit rushed but unless there was going to be a wedding, which they didn’t seem to be interested in, it was just fine. Loved the big red glove and the final punch.

All in all, the cast, acting, production values and writing were top notch. The weakness, IMHO, was the plot. There was way too much repetition. Guess that falls on the producer/director.

The anvils seemed quite appropriate all the way around with Diego being welcomed to hell as well as Gloria ending up in the big house. She opened the door to being set up by transporting cash illegally. An unintended consequence is that Santi will no longer be her pawn to be used against her ex. I was satisfied with Ringo telling Santi that his mother is in USA with El Turco. That seems more palatable at his age than telling him his mother is a drug dealer and in prison. There is time enough to explain what happened as he gets older and if she ever contacts them.

It was great to see Brenda come to her senses and let Alejo off the hook as well as a happy ending for Óscar and Rosa.

82 episodes was a nice length for this tale.

More later.



Pure Platinum Rgv Chick.

Your perfect quote set the stage for a marvelous recap, wise words and outstanding observations. Perfection. All.

Thank you for all of your help lo these many months. It was a true honor and privilege to be your partner on this journey. Your recaps blended beautiful writing, heartfelt emotions and amazing insights seamlessly. Again, I could never have done this without you. Thank you friend.

"he will live for many years since Rosa injected him with the potion of youth" was oh so true. Rosa evoked beaming smiles and that velvety laugh from our beloved Oso. An example of someone who truly found their other half.

"Shirtless would have been so much better!)". Yes, yes! No gratuitous shower or swimming scenes. Rata!

"Not sure where Guachin took lessons since he can get the car going…and he got a license???" I was too! Our dear Guachin wasn't down for long was he? I smiled that he is a frugal lad. Perhaps a slightly newer car might have been more practical? :)

The proposal was nice and I liked the idea of everyone being at Teresa's and celebrating.

Finally, Brenda will undergo the treatment she desperately needed. I loved the sisters genuine bonding (after so many years), reflected by their tears. This was the relationship that came full circle, giving promise and hope for the future.

But now to the really important question. Where on earth is Turco?? That loose thread was bothersome.

I enjoyed Ringo's Rocky moments - running and training. I was happy to see him getting his groove back. I think Ringo was backed into a corner and no choice but to lie to Santi about Gloria's whereabouts. Jarifa, your "An unintended consequence is that Santi will no longer be her pawn to be used against her ex" was insightful and made me feel a bit better.

I so agree Jarifa that the acting was simply superb. The strong camaraderie made one yearn to be part of that group! But of course, being part of this Caray, Caray family (which is real) is far superior.

I was relieved Diego's fate was left somewhat to our imaginations. Luis Gatica sent shivers down my spine with his dire words (as Mancuso) to Diego.

I did not like Rosa's "rehabilitation". The idea of someone with neurological damage even attempting to try and fight is dangerous and irresponsible. OK, rant over.

"May all of you be graced with good health, much peace, and endless hope...and LOTS of TP and paper towels, and sanitizer! :-)" was the perfect sentiment.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Rgv Chick. What a splendid summary of the finale to a show that brought much happiness.



I am so very touched by today's quote and prologue. The very best that one could read in this time of crisis-- not just for our country but for the world. We do need to look UP--wherever it is that we find our strength. But we also need to look around and see who needs us, albeit from a distance, as we all try to find a way to navigate through this time of fear and threat, be it from disease or economic privation. I must say that never have the ads for cosmetics, frippery and glamorous trips seemed more ridiculous and unnecessary.

In this hour, I do not believe that any darkness will endure - Tolkien

I will carry that in my heart in the coming days.

RGV CHICK...You and DIANA made a marvelous recapping team. I loved how you two supported each other through this, each one contributing your special gifts to the other. Needless to say, there are countless ways that you have supported me with your special gifts as well. And so this CarayCaray site is so much more than simply a place to find resumés of telenovela episodes.

And thank you for bringing back Andy's "vacuum-sealed lip-locks". They certainly were! I was afraid he was going to bed her right there and then in the midst of all that cheering throng.

The finale recap was stellar. The finale itself--"meh", just as Jarifa noted. And I have to agree with ANONYMOUS 1:15 AM.....

"Isnt it worse to lie to your son that his mother rejected him again and ran off into the sunset without saying goodbye? Than to say that she got arrested? Ppl are allowed phone calls from prison you know."

Like Anonymous, I was horrified at that "mentira piadosa". Piadosa it was not! To say that his mother cared so little about him, that she ran off without a word! with her old flame was about as dreadful a lie as he could have given. In short, saying that Santi's biological mother, to whom he had grown attached again, really cared nothing about him. Cruel and unnecessary. He could have said she was tricked by a drug-dealing scoundrel, had no idea she was carrying contraband, and was in prison herself, without means of communicating or whatever. No need to add that on the last trip, she was indeed cognizant of what she was carrying. Then...or ever. Good grief! Just a wretched, self-serving lie as far as I'm concerned. Make Santi feel rejected by his own mother so he'll accept and bond to Julie. Just UGH. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know Gloria is no paloma blanca but a child needs to feel loved by his mom. Period. Why destroy that? And to make his child hate his own mother? Just NO NO NO! Ringo needs to read some of DIANA'S prologues and get his head on straight. Or rather the writers of this? A big wallop upside the head to whoever wrote and approved that scene.

Okay. Rant over.

Agree with you,RGV CHICK that our Ringo was waaay too covered up in this last episode. And interesting how muscular and ripped he looked in this one, and how everyday-nothing special he looked in Rubi. He must have been living on carrots and celery and working out like a demon to achieve that look but it sure was easy on the eyes.

Thanks to our Fabulous Team and the Patio for making this a fun and inspirational place to visit. Especially now that we're "sheltering in place", wonderful to know the doors of CarayCaray are always open, and the people there are waiting to laugh, cry, kvetch and laugh some more. Simply the best place ever.

Judy, feeling extra secure as she found some more toilet paper in a closet she had forgotten about! Sometimes it's the "little things" that just make your day. Not much hand sanitizer but lots and lots of soap and water also. Giving thanks...


Wowzers Ringo

Thank you Diana, thank you RGV chick, thank you everyone who was along with us on this bumpy ride.

I found myself much more sentimental at the end of this than I had planned on being. It really did have what it takes to draw you in. Reading the comments and recaps has been much more satisfying than that first cup of coffee these mornings. What a great, great, sweet group of people here.

This last episode tied things up about the best I have seen in a TN in a long time. It is very effective to speed up time the way they did.

Rosa should be in there with Brenda.

Dingo, don't lie to kids.

Julia, show a little leg now and then, you're not Marjorie de S, but they're not bad.

I wanted them to let Dingo go for a while on Diablo, and step in just before he actually killed him. He could have worked him over quite a bit. Think Epigmenio.

And so to everyone, thanks again.
Kirby J

Kirby: Good Morning from the Alamo City. Hoping everything is going ok down there in FL.

Julia scared to show her beautiful body ?


Judy, thank you for your lovely words. I hope that I am not misspeaking when I say that I believe this was a labor of love for both Rgv Chick and I.

I am so grateful for wisdom and support of the patio that carried us through. You never failed to comment so kindly and so generously.

"But we also need to look around and see who needs us, albeit from a distance, as we all try to find a way to navigate through this time of fear and threat, be it from disease or economic privation". So true Judy! For it is now that compassion and empathy is needed the most.

Your thoughtful comments on Santi were thought provoking and sobering.I respect and understand your sentiments. I wonder if the repercussions of abandonment would be as devastating knowing your mother is jailed, alone and afraid. The pain and worry might have been numbing. Both options were hideous but perhaps Santi did deserve the truth. Thank you for explaining your thoughts so passionately.

And I'm delighted you found "treasure" in your closet. You are so right, sometimes the little things are everything.

You are always the wise voice of reason, of staunch support and of kindness. Thank you Judy.



Kirby thank you for your kind remarks.

"Dingo, don't lie to kids" spoke volumes. Thank you.

And as for "Rosa should be in there with Brenda", I concur. Almost unfathomable.

I have to say I was wondering how Julia got into the dresses she's worn the last few episodes. Crisco perhaps? :)

As we move out of the circle of our Ringo friends, we move back onto the Caray, Caray patio, where the sun is shining, our friends are gathering as we wait for the next.

So glad you enjoyed this Kirby.



I might have gone overboard on the Santi question, DIANA, but I know too many adopted children who wonder all their lives "Why did my mother not love me enough to keep me? How could she have given me away? And where is she? And how is she?"

Telling Santi that his mother didn't care enough to stay with him or even tell him good-bye just seems a strange way to "protect him from pain".

If I were going to lie, I would have concocted a bromide like "the women's prisons in the US are very caring places for people who have committed low-level offenses. There are career programs, educational programs and spiritual resources there, and I'm sure your mother is taking full advantage of improving her English, getting a further degree and preparing to re-enter society.

Anything other than...she left to be with a guy you never liked. So whatever...glad you hate her now.

Amor Eterno.
#170 – Part I

We start with Emir leaving Nihan and Deniz on their own at the vacation cabin. Kemel, having been notified by Ayan is now in route to that same location “I’m coming for your Nihan” he says in a menacing tone. Back at the office, Asu is walking in when she’s stopped by the “doting father Galip”. She taunts him a little asking him how he feels…if he has fear. He questions her about her plans against Kemel that he’s sure she has. Finally, he gladly walks Asu to her office and to her surprise…it’s old office. He doesn’t need it anymore. He’s leaving…nowhere in particular. He indicates that perhaps he’ll go see her mother.

Meanwhile, Emir calls Asu to congratulate and taunt her at the same time. She quips that she will soon learn his ways. Emir tells her about the fake lunch meeting with the 2 board members. She wasn’t aware ..but Emir is in route to break up Kemel’s little game. Shortly after the call, Tufan cautiously approaches Asu. He congratulates her on her marriage and asks her how's marriage life “solita” she responds. He tells her to stay strong…likely always.

We see Emir driving smugly back into town when he has car trouble. He spots a sign indicating a nearby gas station. Meanwhile Nihan is caring for Deniz when she gets her moms message to call. She doe and receives the un-nerving news that Kemel is on his way there and he knows Deniz is his daughter. “My god” Nihan states…this can’t be happening. She’s in panic mode and decides she’s got to leave immediately and begins to pack.

Meanwhile, Asu has made it to the fake lunch meeting and greets the board members. She asks about Kemel and learns that he cancelled the meeting at the very last meeting. Asu is suspicious of course.

Nihan in full panic mode is consoling herself more than Deniz as she packs in anticipation of Kemel's wrath. In the meantime, Emir is at the gas station when he receives Asu’s update regarding the meeting. Emir thinks…and assumes Kemel’s plan has something to do with Nihan. The car is fixed so he’s heading back to the cabin. We see that Kemel has made it to the vacation spot and is looking for Nihan. At that moment, she is lugging the suitcase to the car when she spots Kemel. She attempts to run back to the cabin and he easily catches her and fusses at her “I can’t believe you kept me from my daughter”. “How could you” he shouts.

A fretful Niahn looks at the DNA results…. “answer me” he demands. Nihan asks him not to shout. “She’s our child. How could you rob me of a year. Give me a reason not to take her right now”. Nihan pleads for him to listen…give her a minute to explain. He angrily tells her to don’t talk...don’t lie. He eventually looks at Deniz. He holds her… speaks of his immediate love for her. “ Aahh Nihan”… with tears in his eyes …”I don’t know if I can forgive you for this”.


Amor Eterno.
#170 – Part 2

Nihan sees that Emir has returned. She pleads with Kemel but he’s ready for the confrontation. She pleads with him and asks that he do it for his daughter…don’t confront him. Leave and they can talk later. She gives him the diary she’s been prepping for him this past year. He takes the book, stating it doesn’t change anything. Emir knocks at the front door while Kemel leaves out the back. When Nihan asks why he’s back…he indicates it was a false alarm and asks why she’s packed now. She lies that she’s got things to do tomorrow and Emir searches the house for evidence of Kemel.

Meanwhile, Tufan has been following Zehir and calls Emir to report his location assuming Kemel is there, when in fact it’s Ayan waiting inside.

Galip is at Muhan’s side….taunting her regarding Asu’s presence in his life and the family business. As he jabbers on, questioning if she can her him, her eyelids flutter. He’s a bit surprised and a bit scared…it can’t be. He can’t allow her to wake up so he grabs a syringe and is about to inject it in her IV when Eda the nanny arrives. …he has to wait. However, Eda sees Muhan open her eyes and excitedly yells it out and calls the nurse.

Across town, Zenep has come home again to get something. Banu is there to taunt and asks her why she has come back. Fehime intervenes and allows her into her old room to get her license. In the meantime, we see Kemel sitting at an icy shore fondling the diary. Still angry he starts to read it.

Emir gets the call that his mom as awakened. He’s excited and Nihan is happy for him. When he learns Galip is in the house…he commands Eda to not leave his mother alone until he arrives home. He takes off. With him gone, Nihan contemplates how difficult her conversation will be with Kemel.

Leyla is home and receives a letter by carrier (didn’t see the details) while Vildan checks in on Nihan, who eventually texts Kemel that it’s safe to return to the cabin (he’s still at the seaside reading the diary).

Zenep having retrieved the item she needed from her room eventually questions her mom about the hidden item in her room. Banu was snooping at the door and runs to Fehime’s room to find the item and learns that it’s a picture of Deniz. Meanwhile, Asu has found the garage and spots Kemel’s car. There are some kids playing nearby. She pays them to get inside the garage which they do..and we end with one kid asking Ayan to use the bathroom before being kicked out.




Thank you so much everyone for your kind and insightful comments.

Maggie, thank you for your entire comment. I especially liked: "This last episode was a bit “meh”, not as moving or exciting as most last episodes, but all the loose ends got neatly tied up. How true! But as Jarifa noted, I thought it was a bit rushed too.

Jarifa, "All in all, the cast, acting, production values and writing were top notch. The weakness, IMHO, was the plot. There was way too much repetition. Guess that falls on the producer/director." Very well stated! The actors only do what they are told; however in Oso's case, I think his experience spoke volumes and felt that he did some ad libbing...and of course his velvety voice and hearty laugh made up for any weaknesses in his plot lines.

Diana, I enjoyed Ringo's Rocky's moments too; I was somewhat expecting him to chase a chicken and run up some stairs LOL And I re-e-e-ally would have preferred that he train shirtless :-)

JudyB, I love it when you rant, but today's rant was exceptional. ITA with everything you said. I cringed when Rinog made up that story about Gloria meeting up with Turco. What'll happen if Santi bumps into Turco? Turco joined the spiritual community but he is still in the area. Santi may be too young to handle the truth, but why make him hate his mother and go through the pain of thinking that she doesn't love him? Ringo (err...the writers) could have come up with a much more creative and appropriate "lie" and let Santi think that his mother was not allowed to return for "X" reason.

Diana, "I have to say I was wondering how Julia got into the dresses she's worn the last few episodes." I noticed the tight dresses too! Maybe they were sewed on to her? I remember an interview with Olivia Newton John where she told the audience that those skin tight black pants she wore were stitched together ON HER BODY!

Kirby, "I wanted them to let Dingo go for a while on Diablo, and step in just before he actually killed him." I would have like to see that least make him bleed for a while or crack some ribs. But I am satisfied with his getting away from Mancuso!!

Judy< "You and DIANA made a marvelous recapping team. I loved how you two supported each other through this, each one contributing your special gifts to the other." And I just love how this virtual family supports each other and contributes their special gifts to the patio(s). We are like a rainbow, full of bright, beautiful colors that blend together and compliment each other in the most striking manner. Diana, it is truly a labor of love to give back to a community that has given so much to me.

Thank you to all!


Nett, thank you so much for the recap! I haven't watched the episode yet, so I'll comment later.

Chickie, thank you for a great recap of the finale. You and Diana have given your time, talent, and a lot of effort to bring recaps to the patio . Your recaps have been especially wonderful at this odd time in our lives when nothing is normal anymore. It is nice to have a recap and comments to read daily as we all try to adjust to a different norm.

My favorite part of the finale was that never-ending kiss that Dingo ( not fighting autocorrect anymore) planted on Julia at the very end . That was quite a red, satin dress that Julia had on. She looked like a tiny Jessica Rabbit.

I have never met any of you face to face, but I feel like I know the most important part of you sll..your kind , loving , good natured hearts I am sending love and good vibrations to you all ))))))))))))))))))))))

Hang in there. I hope that we get a good tn to focus on next.


Loved the picture and Diana's wise, comforting words at the top . Thanks ! I think we need Kirby's great moon and bird photos ...well, I need them anyway.

Love to you all.


Thanks Nett! Leyla received a subpoena I think. I can't remember if she's going to testify or speak before a judge.

Asu and the kids. Did she show them a picture of Kemal before sending them in there? Emir and Asu act very childish. Just give up already.

I was worried Galip was going to be successful in making Mujan go back into coma.

I still think Kemal shouldn't be so hard on Nihan. He didn't want to hear it from her earlier, so...



Those of you who know me well are surely aware of my 'adopted' daughter who I adore. She adopted me, not the other way around.

Her grandfather bought the house next door to me when she was just barely four. Her mom could never make up her mind about which man she liked, so the daughter decided I would fill the bill. I taught her to ride without training wheels, struggled through the new bean counting math, etc. etc. She is seventeen now and we are still like Daddy and daughter.

Grandpa is in the final stages of colon cancer now and can not get in and out of his regular bed. So I and another buddy went over this morning and moved his old big 'Workbench' bed out and put in a smaller, low bed that will suffice for a while.

We have boated together, built hot rods together, gone to Mia's cheer together for a long time. It will soon be over for him. Count your blessings.


Nett, you did an exceptional write-up of last night's events. Your descriptions convey the feelings and tone extraordinarily well.

The letter Leila got was actually the subpoena (which she commented to the carrier that she was waiting for).

I am amazed at such a grand performance from "Kemal" and "Nihan." Their portrayal of the emotions is exceptional..and those tears look pure as snow.

I never tire of looking at Kemal...those eyelashes...Ay! Ay! Ay! But Fehime's 'do is really distracting; do they ever have her comb her hair?

I'm finally starting to feel a bit sorry for Zeynep...but only because she has stayed away from Emir. i hope that she is truly making a turn for the better.

Still wondering what Banu is getting out of all of this...just money?? Has she ever seen Deniz long enough to recognize her in the picture?

OT..((((kirby)))...bless your heart. Stay well.


How wonderful, Kirby, to have been "adopted as a Dad". I can think of no greater compliment. I do remember you once talking about attending a cheerleading competition or something like that, and I smiled, thinking how that contrasted with your tough-talking, hell for leather persona you sometimes project here. You explained a little bit how you'd gotten to know the family, helping out with issues, whether mechanical or personal, and gradually the father-daughter relationship was born. Thank God that there are still kind-hearted souls, with no hidden agendas, to step in when children are at risk and not getting enough love and wise guidance. Would that every neglected child had a Kirby next door. And may your "daughter's" granddad, be taken home with minimal pain and maximal love and caring. The end of life is often an arduous and painful struggle. Perhaps that is what is takes to lessen our grip on this life we love so much.

Stay safe and sanitized Patio, as our Nina advises.


AnonFri, I was writing while you posted!

I believe Leila's subpoena is so that she can go give her statement regarding the alleged "fraud."

I had a feeling someone would just happen to walk in before Galip did the deed...and in comes Eda! Yay! But poor Muhan, she's going to wake up only to realize that her children take after their father. She may just want to stay in her coma.

IMO, Kemal has every right to be hard on Nihan...right now. Once he reads the diary, then he should be a bit more understanding. If Nihan wrote about that stunt Emir pulled to make her think he had thrown Deniz over the cliff, Kemal will definitely want to take Deniz..and I wouldn't blame him. But who would take care of Deniz and how will he protect her 24/7? He will be placing her life in danger..Emir is sure to strike back.


Kirby, your are the kindest of souls. Your neighbors struck gold...and so did we :-)


Kirby, thank you for the "happy" tears that pooled in my eyes.

I cannot think of a greater compliment than a child "picking" you as a parent. And you proved her decision a wise on, being there throughout the years, staunch and supportive.I am smiling thinking of all the fun you've had over the years.

And from things you've posted over the years, I hope you don't mind me saying that your life was hard as a child. Yet, you survived and let your hard lessons soften rather than harden your heart.

You are the epitome of kindness and generosity. I will pray for her Grandfather.

Thank you for sharing amigo- the day is now a bit sunnier, thanks to you Kirby.


Amor eterno

I think Asu did share something on her phone with the kids...I assumed it was kemels photo as well. If Nihan put all the horrible stunts in that diary...kemel will want to take deniz immediately...Im sure she knows this. Im sure she explained enuf about the blackmail and threats..and expressed her fear so that he will understand and try to get them away from emir for good.

I don’t know that banu has seen deniz but when she reports back to emir that fehime is hiding a baby pic...he will figure its deniz.

Ineptzenep is suffering and humiliated as she should be. No sorrow for her. Tarik and banu are next.


Ringo Finale

Gracias to both of you, Diana and RGV Chick for all your work in recapping this series. You are both stars.

I also questioned the lie Ringo told Santi, but there is another consideration: It's never a kid's fault if his mother doesn't love him and he had questioned that in the past. However, if it became known that Gloria was arrested for drug trafficking he might have issues with other kids in school. In a year or two Ringo could explain this to Santi and he would probably understand. There were numerous times during the series when Gloria put herself and her marriage to Turco before him and he will come to realize that.

Diego got what he deserved: Life without parole and in hell. Love it.

While the ending seemed meh because of no fancy wedding, I think it was appropriate for this story. My gut tells me that the audience may have gotten tired of the wedding cliche.


If Te Doy la Vida is the next one up we not only get Jose Ron, we get Cesar Evora, Eva Cedeno, Erica Buenfil and (drum roll, por favor) Jorge Salinas. I am looking forward to that.


Anon & Nette, this will be a somewhat
Double comment. I don't have my cable
Back yet so I've been watching this on
My phone "yutube".

Iam so glad Kemal knows about his lil girl. Now he needs to listen to what nihan has to say. Still be mad but listen. I remember him remembering her
Coming to him twice for help being so
Desperate but not spilling the beans. He was fresh out of prison,and hating all things "EMIR". And So he just humiliated her the second Time in front of asu. But I didn't expect her to say anything in front of Asu, but I could see her humiliation.
And she just walked out knowing she couldn't tell him cuz she was protect-
ing Deniz. But she had many times when she could have told him and didn't. But its a difficult situation and she
Was pretty much alone. Her parents were no help, dead or alive. She had a selfish brother who only cared about himself, but she loved him still.

This is some of the best acting I have
Ever seen in a long time, you can tell
When kemal's about to cry the bags under his eyes plump up. Love those gorgeous eyelashes. And I'm sure his wife does too.(barrak's wife).

Galip is still a piece of dog poop. He Don't want nobody to know he pushed muhan off that ledge.
Yes poor muhan, she will wake up to see that her two children are as dark
As their no good father,Or worst. What a night mare to wake up to. Im glad eda came in when she did. And emir was
Right in telling her not to leave his mother until he gets there. After all
He knows what daddy did to moma.

Zeynep & banu are in the same boat and
It's sinking, cuz it's a boat emir built. Can't help but sink.

See vildan is just like her daddy. She
Still lookin down her nose at ayhan.
He is quit the gentleman. I like to hear him call Leyla kleopatra. They spell it with a "k" in turkey.

I've notice the kisses on this show.
They are very moderate. And they don't
Look like open mouth kisses either. They're very sweet. Maybe it is a Turkish thing.

44 episodes left. This is the best tn Ive ever seen.
Thank you Anon.
Thank you Nett.
Lovely ladies stay safe.



Hi Urban, and thank you.

The actors really carried the story, didn't they?

And Diego's situation can only be called a true "Living Hell".

Oh and in a quick preview of Te Doy la Vida I'm pretty sure I saw Max as a doctor! I love Erica and Cesar is a given :) - looks promising.



I'll take Mondays.


Wah! It is 7:00 and NOTHING to watch!


Jarifa, I am in withdrawal! :(



Bravo, Rgv Chick! You and Diana have done great work here. Not only writing the best recaps, but helping us stay sane at this crazy time. I love the full display you give Diana's prologue. My favorite Rgv Chickisms from last night:

Ringo feels for Gloria…after all she is his son’s mother (yeah, yeah whatever!)

Scottie, get the beamer!)

Ringo trains… (Ughh! Shirtless would have been so much better!).

I nodded along with everyone's comments. I'm torn on what to tell Santi about Gloria. Too bad no one (not even Doctora Julia) thought to ask for expert advice from a child psychologist. I think the writers were painting Ringo as trying to protect Santi. Yes, having Santi think Gloria deliberately abandoned him again is not good, but I don't think that was Ringo's intent. As Teresa said, Ringo has been soft with Gloria again and again. IMHO, Ringo is acting foolishly, but not cruelly. Anyhoo, maybe Gloria will remember she can write Santi a letter. And it wouldn't hurt Gloria to phone Ringo (who will surely take the collect call) and tell him the story she'd prefer he give Santi.

Too bad they didn't show Turco peaceful at the monastery. He had warned Gloria about the evils of putting material things over all else.

I did love Ringo's surprise proposal, surrounded by friends. Even loved the realistic ring. I could barely see the diamond.

But is it realistic that ex-priest-in-training Max wouldn't have married Eva by now?

Julia definitely got her groove and started dressing much sexier for Ringo than she ever did for Diego.

I'll miss this one. Kudos to all the actors.


Kirby, what a treasure you are to grandfather and daughter at this difficult time.


Diana, you can say that again!



Rgv Chick is amazing, isn't she? I was blown away by what she did with the prologue. Beyond generous.

"Too bad they didn't show Turco peaceful at the monastery". Yes! I can't believe they didn't show him - even a quick scene (which they are famous for) would have been a bone.

"Even loved the realistic ring. I could barely see the diamond". She and Eva should have a "ring off". Who's ring is smaller??

Finally, "But is it realistic that ex-priest-in-training Max wouldn't have married Eva by now?" Absolutely not - your comment is spot on.

I am so happy you were here and I look forward to watching many other TNs with you in the future.



RVG Chick: I might watch this Telenovela. Big question is whether it'll be a typical romance drama or mystery thriller ?


Kemal remains at the seaside, reading the orange journal. He reads the part where Nihan describes the days before Denise was born, and briefly imagines himself being present when Nihan started to feel the contractions. When he finishes reading the passage, he cries, asking why she stole this experience from him. He goes back reading that Nihan wished that he had been there with her in those moments despite her raging anger and resent. She wrote that she imagined him being with her that day, with him arguing that it’s time to go to the hospital but Nihan asks him for chocolate. He laughs it off, eventually going to the kitchen for it. When he comes back he tells her he can’t believe that she’s thinking about chocolate in a moment like this. Nihan is hunched over and claims that she just needs some energy, then complains of the pain. Suddenly Nihan intently stares at him and says “you’re not real, you’re not here, Kemal. You’re not with me in this moment.” Kemal confidently tells her “I’m here, and that’s enough.” Nihan stops her imagination and reels in pain from the reality that he’s not there with her. In the present, Kemal looks up from the journal and remains very affected.

The boys come back to Asu and report that Kemal is not in the warehouse and that there was no phone ringing either. Asu gives them money and thanks them for their work. She gets back into her car, planning her next move but gets interrupted by Emir’s phone call. She answers it and says she is heading to the Kozcouglu mansion.

Nihan has Denise laying on the couch and caresses her cheek. She asks if Denise is mad at her too, claiming she understands Kemal is mad too, but that this will pass soon.

Kemal stares at photos of newborn Denise. He lays his head onto one of the photos, trying to ind some comfort in the journal. He flips the page and when the seagulls sing, he sits back and relishes that Denise is his daughter.

Asu and Emir are listening to Mujan’s doctor indications. Galip sternly stares, unamused. The doctor claims that this is a miracle, which Vildan agrees with. Galip barely smiles and asks the doctor if Mujan will have her memory intact. He notices Emir glare, and adds that he’s worried Mujan might not remember him or Emir.

Mujan is being transferred out of the Kozcouglu mansion and onto an ambulance. Asu follows the paramedics out and says that she will never be separated from her mother again. When the ambulance leaves, Asu takes the opportunity to go into Emir’s car and check his GPS: she finds that Nihan is in Dongazan.

Emir is still talking to the doctor when he’s interrupted by a phone call. When he steps out onto the front patio, Asu asks if he will go see Nihan again. Emir replies that his mother has just awakened, isn’t Asu going to go to the hospital to be with her? Asu claims she will go home instead. Emir marches off.



Kemal finishes reading the rest of the journal and gets up, going back to see Nihan.

Zeynep just finished a job interview and the lady hands her back her credentials. She says they will be contact with her. Zeynep thanks her for the opportunity and heads out.

Asu is driving to Nihan’s location in Dongazan.

Nihan stares at her window, expecting Kemal to come back. Soon she watches him walk up the road to her house, and she goes to open the door. He hands the journal back to her, claiming that his daughter’s essence isn’t in that book. He steps into the living room and Nihan places the journal onto a furniture nearby. She asks if he read the journal in its entirety. Kemal says he read each line but he doesn’t appreciate that she stole his time away from Denise. He says “I thought I was hurt, but it turns out I’m completely broken.” He thinks the book finished killing him. Nihan tears up but Kemal says that her tears are in vain because he’s not moved by them anymore. She asks if he really thinks she’s lied to him. He starts yelling that he doesn’t care- she kept his daughter away from him. Nihan says she had to do it. He decides to go for Denise, realizing Nihan isn’t repentant for what she did to him: “You’ve finished with my daughter, with me, and everyone else.” Nihan looks at him and says that this was only supposed to be temporary. She claims that with everything that’s been going on (her father’s death, Ozan’s suicide and Kemal’s incarceration) she had no other choice. Kemal doesn’t accept any of her excuses and says that he’s still taking Denise with him. Nihan stares at him open mouthed.

Kemal tries going to the bedroom but Nihan immediately blocks him and says that Denise is asleep. Kemal still wants to do it and Nihan continues to stop him by saying it’s not time yet. He bursts out “When is the time? When?” and demands she get out of his way. Nihan reminds him that he’s the one who put her in Emir’s hands: she asked for his help twice, not to mention she tried visiting him at the prison but he rejected the visit. Kemal tells her he doesn’t want to remember, but she continues anyway: she says she put aside her anger and resent to her his help but all he did was humiliate her before Asu. They both remember that moment, and Kemal starts feeling guilty. He says that he didn’t know. Nihan retorts that she did everything to protect Denise, then asks him if he’s never held a secret before out of love. She tells him that he will not take Denise away from her ever. Kemal says he will protect his daughter, but Nihan harshly yells at him that he can’t because he’s not god. She tries calming him down by reaching for his face, telling him she hopes for the day when the three of them can be together. “All I want to do is love! I want to be able to love you...” She says as they kiss. When it ends, their faces are still close to each other and she asks him to keep a promise for her. Kemal backs away at that moment and stares as if she said something blasphemous. He asks what is he supposed to promise her? She replies that he’s to promise to never separate her from Denise. Kemal goes wide eyed and says he needs to go out for air. He exits, and Nihan is left alone in the foyer.



As night falls, Nihan answers a call from Leyla, who asks what’s happened so far. Nihan says that the obvious happened: they fought, he’s upset, he tried to take Denise. Leyla dumbly tells her that she can’t stop Kemal from doing that because he has rights. Nihan worries that he’s so angry he just might do it. Leyla asks her to try convincing him otherwise, then suggests that she go and meet her in Dongazan. Nihan likes the idea and says she can bring Ayhan too. Leyla is up for the trip.

Zeynep is walking the rainy streets of Istanbul when Hakan catches her. He steps out of his car and yells out her name. Zeynep turns around and wants to know what he’s doing there, and he replies that he found out she lost her job. Zeynep says that she’s job searching already. He gives her his scarf because he’s so concerned with her wellbeing, and she wraps it around her neck. He asks if she’s hungry. Zeynep reminds him to stay away from her as if she has rabies. Hakan says he just wants to make sure that she’s ok. Zeynep gets into his car, accepting his invitation for dinner.

Meanwhile, Kemal sits somewhere out there in the snow, frustrated at the situation. He starts remembering the day he went to the Kozcouglu mansion to sign away his company, and being greeted by Emir holding Denise. Next he remembers Emir making her wave bye to him from the window. Kemal builds up his resent.

Kemal goes back into the house and finds Nihan sleeping on the couch, hugging a pillow. He stares at her for a bit, the anger slightly subsiding. He takes off his jacket before covering her up with a blanket. Nihan barely awakens and holds his hand. She asks him not to pull away from her. Kemal sits on the couch and looks away with an annoyed expression on his face. Now she asks him not to punish her with his indifference. Kemal sits still and Nihan moves over to sleepily lay her head on his chest. She asks him to hug her, which he somewhat does despite not being in the mood for it.

Asu arrives at the destination and carefully approaches the home, trying to take a peek at the windows- through the thin white curtains she sees Nihan and Kemal cuddled up on the couch. She tears up and starts building up her anger. She walks down the steps and considers calling Emir, until she remembers him specifically telling her to do what she has to do to keep Kemal away from Nihan. In the short distance, she notices Nihan’s white car and starts walking towards it (?).

At the hospital, Emir and Galip are with the doctor. Emir asks if Mujan will wake up again, and the doctor smiles, saying of course. When he leaves, Emir asks Galip to at least feign happiness, then warns him not to do anything against Mujan’s life, because he’s not a five year old child anymore. Galip asks if this is a threat, which Emir confirms. Galip heads out of there as Emir looks at his mother.

At the Soydere’s, Fehime is picking at her food while Hussein asks her to eat. Fehime says she can’t because Zeynep is out there, possibly starving. Tariq tells her not to worry, but Fehime announces that she’s not hungry and leaves the table. Banu chides Tariq for upsetting Fehime, until her phone rings. Banu notices that it’s Emir so she quickly steps out to take the call, while Tariq remains sitting at the table, likely onto her already.



At the restaurant, Hakan asks if he should help Zeynep with the job search. Zeynep says that’s not the problem- she reveals that not long ago, she used to desire so much to leave the home, but now she’s dying to go back. Her insecurity makes her think that Hakan is dying to ask about Emir, so she tells him to ask her whether or not she’s seen Emir lately. A silence falls and the TV loudly announces that Mujan Kozcouglu has awakened. Zeynep gets up from her seat, and Hakan tells her where Mujan has been hospitalized. Zeynep relies that she doesn’t care.

Emir is about to leave Mujan alone in the hospital so he tells a nurse to keep him informed of everything.

Asu is done manipulating Nihan’s car (?) and she gets back into her own to go back to Istanbul.

Kemal and Nihan are still together in the same pose on the couch. She whispers that what they need is more patience. Kemal pulls away and says his patience is done. Nihan sits up and places her hand on his lap, reminding him that they’re so close now: he owns part of the company, they can get their revenge soon. She kisses his hand and declares that her family is made up of only him and Denise. She asks him to control his anger, then says that she has enough patience to remain at the Kozcouglu mansion for a while longer. Kemal says he doesn’t have the patience anymore: he’s spent six years without her already. Just then, Denise wakes up and yells- Kemal tells Nihan that he’ll go and tend to the baby.

Emir drives back home and thinks back to the last time he saw Zeynep, specifically remembering the moment she told him she doesn’t want to be his lover anymore. As he’s driving home, it appears he changes his mind and is likely going to look for her at the hotel.

Kemal lifts Denise from the bed and calls her princess. He asks if she knows that he’s her father, then happily welcomes her into his life and heart. Nihan watches from the doorway at first, then goes for Denise because Kemal’s phone rings. He notices it’s Asu and steps out to answer the call. Asu asks him about dinner tonight. He coldly says that he can’t go. She asks if he’s busy at work, but he lies that he’s with Zehir. She lets him go.

Asu calls Rushak to ask for help in something.

Kemal goes back into the room to ask if Denise has fallen asleep. Nihan says no, she needs to warm up some milk for her. Kemal approaches the bed and sits next to the baby, asks Nihan if Denise usually wakes up in the night. Nihan reports that she does, but it’s usually solved with a bottle meal. Kemal says he wants to know more about his daughter. Nihan says that Denise enjoys it when someone plays with her fingers, and she likes the room to be completely dark but the blinds pulled back. Kemal plays with Denise’s hand, wondering aloud if she will fall asleep. Nihan tries not to cry as she asks him to forgive her. Kemal ignores her and reminds her that she was going to go for a bottle. Nihan goes to the kitchen and Kemal is finally alone with Denise. He smiles and says “I will make the best decision for my daughter.”




I’ve forgotten the timeline already! Hasn’t it been more than six years? I thought Kemal came back from Zonguldak after five years, then let’s say about another year interacting with Nihan before he gets sent to jail for another year or so? And Denise is now about to turn one? So shouldn’t it be about 7.5 years or so? Not that it matters but still.

I wasn’t sure why Asu bothered to go and see if Kemal was with Nihan if she didn’t even do anything. Sure she’s planning something now, but she didn’t go in to confront them. Not that it matters cause her marriage is fake, but she could have just sent someone to check if he was there. I cant believe Emir doesn’t keep bodyguards for Nihan.

The couch scene: was Kemal bothered by the fact that Nihan was trying to reel him back in? For some reason that scene felt contrived on her part.

How does Kemal plan to take Denise if Nihan will likely win in family court? Kemal was in prison for a year. And Denise was born into Nihan’s hell marriage. She carries Emir’s last name. They can easily take her away from him, and sadly Nihan might have to resort to Emir to get Denise back.




Thanks, Niecie! The full display is a joint creation--Diana's prologue and a picture I took of the sunrise at my ranchito a couple years ago.

"having Santi think Gloria deliberately abandoned him again " may not have been Ringo's intent, but he had a few hours to think of what he would say to Santi and he must have had an idea what Santi's reaction would be. Surely amongst all the people who advised him to lie, someone would have come up with a better excuse for Gloria not returning.

"Too bad they didn't show Turco peaceful at the monastery." I too was disappointed that Turco's future was not completely made clear. But I have my own ending--
Turco , in his white see-thru tunic, meets a nice, pretty young girl in a flowing white dress who has also come to the commune to find peace. With a beautiful sunrise in the foreground they sit and meditate together.

"But is it realistic that ex-priest-in-training Max wouldn't have married Eva by now?" I'm glad you mentioned that because ever since Eva suspected that she was pregnant, I wondered how Max could have permitted himself to give in to temptations of the flesh...being that he was an "ex-priest-in-training."


Steve, "Te Doy La Vida" is similar to "Ringo." Not a murder thriller at all!


Thank you, AnonFri. I truly enjoy reading your recaps because there's always something I miss and your details are impeccable.

Seeing Kemal sit out on the bench with all the snow around made me shiver...with cold! :-) I hadn't noticed how cold it is in Turkey. Last night we even saw snow when the boys went back to report to Asu.

I didn't think the couch scene was contrived on Nihan's part. I think that she is just exhausted by all the arguing and worrying about Emir and Kemal. It seemed to me that she was only seeking refuge in Kemal's arms...the only place where she truly feels safe.

I can't explain Asu's actions either. Maybe she is of the thinking that if she can't have Kemal no one else will?? especially not Nihan! I don't like the way she looked at Nihan's car when she was walking away. I was half-expecting her to go do something to it.

Amor eterno

Kemel kmows nihan is acting to save denise but he doesn't know the extent of emirs demented ways...again dragging out them coming up with a better plan to end this. What did asu do to the car. If she sabotaged it to hurt nihan and deniz...more blood on her hands. And why drive all the way to the cabin when you already know the truth...but i do know women who have done drive bys of an x.

Cant wait for muhan to talk and reveal how horrible galip is. And she will be horrified to learn what her kids have turned into. Emirs horrible ways were nurtured by galip...but asu...she got that way on her own. Cant blame galip or the uncle. Her own selfish obsession for kemel has driven her. Guess obsession runs in the family.

Is emir feeling hornie....cant imagine he truly misses her. He warned hakan that shes nit fornhim so will be interesting to see how he reacts if he sees them together.


Amor eterno

I will have 2 rely on the OnDemand replay 4 tonights epi so i will post recap sometime 2morrow afternoon if comcast post the epi in a timely manner. If we cant wait ...Im not opposed 2 someone else taking 2nites recap.



Thank you Nett. Kemals anger is meltin
Slowly. She said hug me and he did. He
Wouldn't be so mad if he didn't love her still. She's in His heart & soul.
More so now that Denis is born of that love. Now they really got something to fight for.

Galip is a coward, he just worried for
His on butt. Emir would take him out if he Try to kill mujan. She could go and write a book"while I was sleeping
My husband raised a monster and my daughter turned into one". Best seller

Babies have a pretty Stronge grip and
Its more than reflex, it's Love. Yeah.

I think maybe asu did do something to that car, she remembered emir told her
To do what it takes to keep kemal away from nihan. They are the stupidest brother/Sister tag team I've ever sern Nobody Wants them so they try and make the people stay with them. Life is tuff enough in general circumstances why muck it up with stupid stuff. Like tryin to make somebody love U when all
You're doing is Makin them hate you?
It's been seven years, if she don't love you by now It. Ain't. Happening.
Same for asu.

When Kemal finally calms down he can read the Orange book and feel nothing but love♡.

Thank you Nett. Lovin this show.

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