Monday, August 29, 2022

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Infiel: Historia de un engaño, y más: Week of August 29, 2022

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

9 - 11PM - Infiel: Historia de un engaño**

**Please note that Infiel: Historia de un engaño will run 2-hour episodes from 9 to 11 PM all week.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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I'll put up a couple of lines about last night's two-hour episode.

So I've been thinking that Derin arranged her "disappearance" to cause Asya and Volkan to be blamed for...something. We've had those clues for a couple of days. We're pretty sure she trashed her own house. And they had one episode that was a teaser that showed the messed up house and some police finding her "diary". IIRC it was labeled something like 3 months later. You couldn't tell from that if perhaps Volkan might have killed her.

Last night's twist was that...somehow...the weird stalker, former patient guy and his wife (or partner) managed to grab her up and make her disappearance real.

I suppose eventually we'll find out what Derin's original plan was, how long she planned to stay away to incriminate Asya and Volkan, etc. Before she disappeared, she was increasingly unhinged.

Asya is too nice. She let that ghastly Cavidan into her home. And then Volkan shows up to add some fuel to the gossip machine. She has been portrayed as exhausted and lay down on her sofa. But does she get to take a nap? Oh, no. Volkan calls and she picks up.

I am really enjoying "new" Selcuk. He has all those street smarts to help Asya prove her innocence. And he's working well with Volkan.

Did I mind Derin being tied to a chair? Not a bit. She was a conniving b#%^h who slept with Asya's husband for two years. And she was too insecure to behave in a courteous manner to Asya, the mother of her son's child. This was the case way before there was any hint that Volkan wanted Asya back.


This novela has had an interesting turn, hasn't it? I missed most of the first part, through the divorce and Volkan leaving the country. He was really hateful to Asya, scary even.

Derin and her mother are vicious vipers. I'm waiting for their complete humiliation and banishment from that charity cafe, aka gossip central.

The actor who plays Asya is supposedly popular in Turkey, but I don't see it. She hasn't been expressive in the 2 dizis with her I've seen. This was a real problem in Madre.
In Infiel she's fairly stoic now, but I wonder if she is behind Derin's kidnapping.
Is Volkan truly contrite and regretting divorcing Aysa, or a borderline psycho?
Keeps me watching.

Beth S.


Nice to see you here, Beth! Most of the "action" here on Telemundo Central has been about Amor Valiente. Some of our regulars don't like 10PM shows, especially for recapping them. So there hasn't been much to say about this show. I let it back up on my DVR for quite a while and then started catching up about 6 weeks ago. I agree about the Asya actor. Most of the time she has such a wooden expression on her face. Even when they'd shown her with patients, her smile was pretty weak. I do find her love for Ali believable.

I don't think she has anything to do with Derin's kidnapping. They've shown that Farouk with an unhealthy obsession with Asya before. Not a sexual obsession, just some sort of loyal dog devotion. When she was the head of the medical staff, she helped him get some psychological treatment. He was obsessed then and might have been sent to the looney bin for a while. Just recently he showed up living in Asya's neighborhood, dropping by with cookies, and then dropping by insisting on retrieving the dish. This dish retrieval was late at night and sent Volkan, IIRC, into a jealous frenzy.

I think Farouk is trying to repay Asya for her help by getting Derin out of her hair. I can't even guess what their eventual plan is for Derin.


I only pay partial attention to this, so I’m thankful you put these helpful comments up, novelera.

I see that the actress who played “Snoopy Lupe Sehriyar” in Hercai is in this dizi. I think she was giving a statement to the police or DA that implicated Volkan and/or Aysa in Derin’s disappearance.

I’m not sure what to think about Cansu Dere (Asya) either. She’s been in a couple of blockbuster dizis. I’ve seen some of these works at least in part, and I liked her. But she does seem to go “expressionless” a little too often. Sometimes less isn’t more.

I should pay more attention to this show, but these people really irritate me!


Well, here I am . I wandered back to the Telemundo patio out of habit even though I have not been watching Infiel( and I have to accept that Cesar has left the buildibg..patio..?? Que lastima. )

I catch a few minutes as the show starts. I often saw an older woman and a young one having hissyfits on the regular. I read your comments novelera,, so I have a slightly better idea about what's happening , but there are a lot of characters. Did Asya's philandering hub marry a younger woman ? Did they have a child? Is her mother a harpy? Has the hub returned to Asya's home? Does he want to reconcile ? What happened to the handsome doctor ? Psychiatrist? That I saw towards the beginning of the show who seemed to be Asya's friend ? Why does Aysa always look zoned out ? Is she sedating herself?


I'm happy to briefly comment about Infiel. As I said earlier, I don't plan to take up recapping a dizi this far into it. And I definitely did not plan recaps for Infiel when I was doing them for Amor Valiente. But it's nice to have somewhere to put up my thoughts.

Susanlynn, not sure who you mean by the hissyfit females. At the very beginning Asya and Volcan were supposedly happily married. However Viewerville, and then Asya, learn he'd had a two-year affair with a much younger woman, Derin. Derin got pregnant, considered an abortion, and then decided to keep it. Asya found out and threw Volkan out. Volcan was awful to her, can't remember all the details. But, at some point, she goaded him, IIRC, telling him she'd killed their son Ali, a la Medea because of his infidelity. He attacked her and was led away in handcuffs.

Somehow Derin's awful mother, Gonul, managed to set up Volkan and Derin in the U.S. They return, with an 18-month-old girl child, now married. Volkan is represented as a wunderkind business success. We later learn that Gonul...somehow...arranged for this business success so her daughter would be married to someone worthy.

I totally agree with dondi. Most of the people in this dizi are unbearable.

Yep, Gonul is a first-class harpy. Haluk, her husband and Derin's father, is a bullying blowhard.

Somewhere during the plot, Volkan changed from abhorring Asya for her separating him from Ali (their son) for two years to being insanely jealous of the possibility she might have another man in her life. The handsome doctor was Turgay. I think he's been moved to the "friend zone".

Don't think Asya is self-medicating. But the actor fairly often has a bland, expressionless aspect. And lately she's under awful stress. The gossip, 100% caused by Volkan trying to get back into her life, has caused her to lose her job and her place on some sort of benevolent organization. There have been front page headlines in the local newspaper about these "scandals"


When are there supposed to debut the 3rd Season of "REINA 3" ?



"La Reina del Sur 3", "set to premiere on Tuesday, October 18 at 9pm/8c"


Telemundo Reina 3

Thanks, deb! I see it's slotted at 9p and I like that. I watched the trailer. I'm so looking forward to this. I hope I'm not disappointed. Will you be joining us on the patio?

The new dizi is starting on Sept 6 at 9p. It's only 28 Turkish episodes but each Turkish episode is usually at least 2 hrs. long. Seems like a big hack job is coming or they will relegate it to another time slot to finish.


I am totally surprised it will run at 9PM. It's usually pretty "adult". I can't even imagine what they would have on at 10.

I read somewhere that one of the US networks is "considering" stopping its "primetime" lineup at 10PM. I suppose then the news would run at 10. But I haven't read anything about the Latinx networks doing anything like that.


Excellent, and lengthy, scene last night in which Aysa tries over and over to convince bratty Derin that SHE had been the victim from the beginning. She told the younger woman, whose life she had just saved about four times, that her marriage to Volkan was happy, or at least seemed that way to her until the betrayal was discovered. We also learned that Derin fell for Volkan before he owned up to being married. Asya: Why did you come back? Everything was fine for two years. Derin: It was Volkan's idea, probably because he wanted YOU. Asya tells her, over and over, that she has not encouraged him. That Zeynep being at her house was so the poor child, probably missing her mother, could spend time with Ali.

It looked, at the very end of this conversation, that Asya might have convinced Derin that SHE would have been happy to be shut of Volkan and it's not her fault he keeps trying to be in her life. Idiot Derin, however, did say that she was not going to divorce him.

Asya also told Derin she was pregnant. The police had gotten her medical records, and Derya IIRC told Asya about it. This seemed to snap Derin out of her ranting and screaming and try to help save her own life.

The cops discovered one of those "serial killer walls", quite overused lately, in which Farouk had dozens of photos of Asya and Ali. And one big blown-up photo to which he'd added huge angel's wings. Truly a major nut.


I am so, so late to the recap/comments and Finale. Goodness dondi356, thank you so much for filling in all the gaping holes and butchering of this dizi! I was so ticked off watching the final epi and I had so many questions. Luckily, your fill in comments were already posted.

Juanita, novelera you both were amazing keeping the recaps going. I really needed them as work has been beyond busy this summer, plus caring for my Mom has really limited my TN/dizi watching time.

I don’t have too much more to add to everyone’s great comments. Susanlynn, carmella and Fev you are all so clever and funny.

I was very upset that Korhan was killed and was happy Cesur/Suhan/Baby Korhan seemed to have a happy ever after.

I will definitely be all in for La Reina del Sur 3! I need to dust off my tequila bottles and wipe out my shot glasses to prepare.

I hope to “see” you all back soon!



Thanks for starting us off, novelera.

Last night's ep held my interest. Two hours went by quickly for me.

I wouldn't have minded if Faruk blew Derin's head off. I'm sure she will survive this but I think she needs a rest in the manicomio.

Volkan and Derin deserve to torture each other for the rest of their lives. But their poor children will be the ones who suffer.

Ha, Didem spilled the beans to Gonul that Derin set up the kidnapping and we got all those wonderful flashbacks on how Derin did it. She really enjoyed doing it, smiling and laughing all the while. Who's laughing now, bitch.


"reina" does not seem like my cup of tea , but I might surf in at the start.

If I remember , I will try the new dizi.

I'll miss everybody here ...such a fun group of lovely folks.


Thanks for reminding me, dondi, about Didem. I KNEW I recognized that face but I could not remember from where. I am SURE Gonul won't tell anyone about what her prize kid has done, create a fake murder scene to frame Volkan, and probably Asya as well.


Good call on the crazy psycho serial wall. These are great in all "crime dramas"; because it lets the cops and the audience know that we are now dealing with CRAZZzzzy and not just someone taking her annoying ass for something reasonable like $$$ or offing her so Volkan could go back to first wife and and bring along his Polly pocket second kid.

A little kidnapping and smacking around would certainly help Gonul and her Queen Bee attitude.

They have Derin on the fake staged beginning part of this saga; it is just putting the married serial killers part with it.


Thanks very much, deb, for the info about La Reina del Sur 3. Like novelera, I'm very surprised that they're planning to run it at 9 PM. If the first two seasons were any indication, it's really more appropriately placed at 10 PM. And if the first two seasons are NOT an indication of what season 3 will be like, I'm uneasy. I'm also uneasy because Arturo Pérez-Reverte, the author of the novel on which at least season 1 was based, was involved in the creation of seasons 1 and 2 but was not mentioned in the info about season 3. I've always suspected that his involvement is part of what made the novela so extraordinary. Oh well, perhaps he is still involved and that information was just not included in the announcement deb found. We'll see.

telemundo, reina3

Just a quick note that I have created a "label" for discussions about La Reina del Sur 3, since there has been information on this page about it and there may be more in the coming weeks. The label is reina3. That seemed simpler than reina-sur3, which would have followed the pattern of seasons 1 and 2. It's also what novelera, dondi356, and I (following their lead) have used. So if you want to discuss LRDS3, please put the label reina3 at the top of your post.


Thanks for your comment, Fev! ITA about Gonul needing to be kidnapped so the overbearing attitude can be leached away from her.

Dondi, I'm with you. Now I WISH crazy Faruk would have blown Derin's head off. Soooo many problems solved. By the way, I notice you're using the spelling that the Spanish subtitles use: Faruk. I think I was harking back to King Farouk of Egypt and spelled it that way, thinking maybe Telemundo had a misspelling.

I was almost screaming at my television. After Asya saved Derin over and over, she then tried to paint her as part of the kidnapping plot when she spoke to the Chief of Police and Mehi (is that right for Gonul's brother?). There were significant looks exchanged between the two officials. I could not tell if they thought she was a lying sack of you know what or if they are now going after Asya for arranging the whole thing. They did seem to notice that something wasn't adding up about Faruk kidnapping her from her own home.


What I liked most about this episode was Gonul smacking and shouting at Derin after she tearfully and gratefully hugged her upon her return home. I hate them both.

If these cops are worth their salt, they will find the truth about the kidnapping. Melih seems to be a good cop. Hard to believe he’s related to Gonul.

novelera, I used “Faruk” because that’s how I always see the name spelled in Turkish. One can never count on the subtitles to get names right so the names can be confusing.


This series was good for the first 15 episodes, but then it got way too lengthy and complicated. I was not happy waiting 87 episodes to see such stupid ending. At first they moved time 1 week, 1 month, 6 mos, then the last episode moved 20 years in time for literally 5 minutes. Unhappy about the long awaited outcome.

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