Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Wednesday, June 28 Barrera de Amor

Federico figures out that he is most likely the son of Pedro Valladaloid. Mi Padre! He talks to himself of his plans to get his hands on ALL the fortune and how things are continuing as he has planned. He He He.

Federico, Jacinta and Valeria are having a meal together. Jacinta derives pleasure from asking Valeria what is up with her. She notes how yesterday she was so happy ..... Federico interrupts to talk about the toros and the corrida. Federico wants to buy some of the offspring of the winning bulls hoping to mix the blood of their cows with the new ones. Once again Jacinta notices Valeria's silence and she starts to describe in a crude manner how the bulls are killed. Saying that the bullfighters are assassins. Valeria is shocked and leaves the room. Jacinta tells Federico that Valeria needs to give up the torerro by what ever way. Even if she has to be cruel. Valeria later has bad dreams and thoughts replaying what Jacinta said and of what could happen to Andres during the bullfight.

Nuria has been worried about the safety of Andres. Andres finally calls and lets her know he is well he wasnt hurt in the bullfight. Jacaranda and Nicolas are in bed together. Or I should say sitting at the foot of his hotel room bed. Jacaranda accuses Nicolas of not wanting her anymore because she no longer has money. Nicolas denies this and says he wont get a divorce because his wife is ill. Leukemia. Jacaranda buys this load of junk.

Same junk was passed around the house of Nuria and Unibrow. Unibrow believes Nurias tumor has been cured and or is getting better. (Later in the show) He then tells her that Manola wants his help. Nuria warns him that Manola is frivolous (slut) but she believes that Unibrow wont fail her. Right? she queries him.

Federico asks Jacinta when was the affair of Pedro and his mother. Jacinta side steps the subject claiming she never was interested in the details and that the wife is always the last to know. She admits that "Todavia me lastima" that she is still hurt from what happened. Then she talks to her dead father in laws picture saying Federico must be close to knowing who his father is. He cant know yet......

Rodrigo has his ex-girlfriend trapped in an alleyway with his hand over her mouth. He warns her not to talk with Baldomero or he will hurt her. Teodoro comes to tell Valeria that Andres is safe.

Maite (Excuse me Maria Teresa) is having bad flash back to her marriage and Unibrow. Victor tells her to get over it. Unibrow married someone else! Blah Blah Blah GET OVER IT!

The guy who manages the dairy whose name I can never remember is seen talking with his Tia who is drunk on sherry (Jerez), with pink rollers in her hair. She tells him how she cant wait to be presented formally to Jacintas brother. Gross! She compares Sergio to Yul Brenner in the movie the King and I. The cow manager says he thinks that Jacinta is full of secrets. The tia then tells him about how Adolfo raped Maite. She tells him how Maite was pictued in a magazine in a whore house and because of that Jacinta was able to take Valeria away from Maite. The tia hopes that no one finds out what happened especially Valeria. The two talk and both dance around the subject of how Jacinta showed the whole town the photo of Maite in the brothel.

Manola is sitting on Gustavos bed foaming/latheirng up his face for a shave. She tells him how Unibrow always liked her and how Unibrows wife has a brain tumor. Manola then says how she cant wait to have an affair with Unibrow when they are both widows! Then Manola goes on to talk about running into Maite. Gustavos eyes are panicked as he hears all these scary stories. Manola admits that she cant kill him now so not to worry..... (Where was the beeping sound as his heart pressure rose?)

Andres gets to sign autographs and is told he is the new prince of bullfighting. Jacinta comes to Valerias room to talk about Andres. Valeria argues politely with her but Jacinta is convincing. Jacinta goes on to tell her many ways that Andres is no good for Valeria. Valeria needs a man with "position" in order to marry and then there will be the problem with Andres being a bullfighter..... The girls will follow him. Flash to Andres surrounded by women. El Gordo's (Dionisio) girlfriend scares the girls away... but not before their (Andres and Gordo's Girl) photo is snapped by a photographer.

Another meal with the residents of the Hacienda Valladaloid. Breakfast it appears. Valeria asks why is Jacinta not happy with the arrival of Sergio. Jacinta says that she "isn't unhappy that he is there. Sergio wasn't a model of a brother. And if it wasn't important to find me during all those years then I don't see why I have to have an interest in him now." The house maid walks in with a tray of breakfast food for Sergio saying that he wanted it delivered to his room. Jacinta says she will take it. In the hallway outside Sergios door Jacinta pours salt all over the breakfast. Jacinta watches with pleasure when he tries the salt tainted food. Sergio pretends it is delicious. She tells him that it is a welcome and a goodbye. Confused Sergio asks what despedida? Jacinta says that he can only stay here for a few days not for the rest of his life. Sergio decides in his mind that he will have to figure out how to win time.....

Maite is caught knowing too much about Jacinta by Veronica. Unibrow talks to Teodoro about the beautiful woman he met in the hospital. He would like one of his sons to marry a woman like her...... Andres calls to say he made a excellent contract to sell their wine in that town. Valeria and Juanita discuss why Jacinta told Valeria such bad things about bullfighters. Juanita goes into town to look for information about Andres's bullfight. (Photos anyone?) In Dionisio's room Andres and El Gordo look over the picture of Andres that came out in the newspaper. They are gleeful about the future for el torerro Andres.

Manola and Federico fight and then make sex. (It's not love so they can't be making love.) Afterward they fight over whether Manola really loves Federico or not. Federico recounts how Manola had to marry Gustavo while pregnant with Rodrigo. He ends his tirade my saying that he WAS a Don Nadie. ERA! He was! She says the only thing she wants from him is for him to help her kill Gustavo! When Gustavo is dead, she insinuates, she will be able to marry Federico. It looks like he fell for it.


Are you kidding me? Jacinta just salted his food? Has she lost her touch? Why didn't she poison him? Oh, I know, he must be the future bearer of some plot point.

How are they going to wind this mess up quickly? There are so many loose ends.
What did Unibrow say on the phone that made Maite realize she was talking to him. Hymmmm the plot thickens.
Thanks for all your hard work.

Super recap Lynn! It is great to see everyone's pictures, it is nice to finally put a face with the recaps. Where are you, Lynn?

I thought it was such a "dud" the way Federico came to find out who his father was, I at least wanted some cring and yelling between him and his mother...oh well I'm sure that is to come, they need to drag this out some more. *sigh*

I've heard the buzz between my Spanish friends about Heridas, they think it's going to be a good one.
Thanks for all your efforts!

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Do you remember what night Unibrow chatted with Maite? I faintly remember that scene and maybe I have it so I can tell you what was said.

BTW I sent Melinama my photo (finally) so I should be up there pretty soon. Thanks!

did you see the news????---a consortium bought univision for megabucks---televisa is peeved because they did not get it. susanlynn

Im laughing because I just saw the scene with Unibrow and Maite! I thought it had been some other night! I guess I got it confused with the time she talked with Jacinta on the phone. This telenovela is one big run-on sentence in my mind.

Maite calls for Gustavo and hears Unibrow. He asks if it is her and she denies it. She asks who is talking, he answers and he says its you Maite? She denies it again. And thats all so far anyway...

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