Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Who will research "Heridas de Amor" ?

Hey, so there's a replacement coming soon for "Peregrina" - anybody know anything about? Could it, possibly, be better than Barrera?

Could somebody research and report, please?

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Wounds of love can only be cured by that which has caused them.

Funnily enough, we were discussing this subject (a better telenovela) today at work. Heridas was mentioned as a possible good one. One of the stars is Guy Ecker, supposedly excellent. Also in Heridas is the guy who played Andres in Alborada. Heridas is a new novela.

A novela called Amores de Mercado was also mentioned. I know nothing about it, except that is is several years old (2001).

Andres was a real hunk. I feel hopeful - and quite ready to jump ship. Other recappers, what do you think?

There is also a new show starting next Wednesday, June 14, called Amores de Mercado on Telemundo. My wife was telling me she saw a commercial, something about somebody being kidnapped and then a woman works at a market and falls in love with some guy, that's all I could understand. Sounds like a novela to me.

I agree with Melinama.
I think we're ready for a new novela, at this point anything would be better than this dross (barrera de amor).

I have looked around and can't find exactly when Heridas de Amor is scheduled to begin. Does anyone know?

I am absolutely prepared to leave Barrera for a better novela. Even though, as Jean says, we have invested some amount of time in it I think our time might be better spent with a more quality subject. I hope Jean, Lynn and others will will agree to switch if and when the time comes because for me it's fun doing this together. Let's bail!

Yes! Please see my late notes on the part where Melinama turns in her Barrera resignation. I'll gladly jump to Heirdas with you!

Heridas de Amor will start right after Peregrina ends - possibly in that same time slot. Marcelo Cordoba (Marcos) is also in this one as well as Beatriz Moreno (Adalgisa). Back in March, Hoy reported that Arturo Peniche (Antonio) will have a special role in the novela.

J.R. :)

Thanks, J.R.! I will jump. When anybody gets a START DATE for Heridas, let us know. It CANNOT be worse than Barrera. And we know those guys are cute.

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