Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Anybody know what's coming on after "Barrera" ends?

Hi all,

With Nora doing such a smashing job on Heridas/Mondays, and with Julie doing such an excellent job, single-handedly, with "La Fea," maybe it's time to EXPAND into yet another novela! I have to admit that having missed so much of the beginning of Heridas I have not settled into it very happily.
  • Though I hated Barrera, Jacinta the serial-killing Granny had it all over Bertha as a villainess. When I look at Bertha all I can think about is her plastic surgery.

  • Fabricio (once Andres) is SUCH a washout and a disappointment. Alejandro is handsome but dull. The three little lads (you know, the two studious ones and the thief who has been rewarded by getting the girl he robbed, isn't that strange?) are also cute but dull. Squeaky is absolutely impossible, Flor is a nonenity, and Miranda is bland as can be. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH ALL OF THEM?

  • I don't care about what's happening to Gonzo's business. I don't care about the taco business, I don't care about the jewelry business. I don't care about the various tepid love affairs. Lukas the dog is the most vibrant character in this series.

One can always hope the next one will be better.

So - does anybody have advance info on the novela which will follow the ultimos capitulos of "Barrera" ? Maybe Nora should keep Heridas Mondays and I should try the new one at 9 pm? What do you think?

You all are doing SUCH a very excellent job, I'm very proud of you (speaking as the blog mama).


Unfortunately, it might be difficult to get volunteers at this time of year, with the new fall season starting on all the regular networks soon.

I haven't seen any ads yet for Barrera's replacement. I usually FF through the ads, though, so it's possible that I've simply missed them.

In case the new show is a flop, I won't be *heartbroken* if someone wants to split Fea with me. I truly love doing it, but it takes quite a bit of time to do proper justice to the full week.

As usual Melinama you have a way with words! I laughed reading your synopsis of Heridas. You are right on! And yes I kinda miss Jacinta and her self-flagilating evilness!

I'm game for doing Mondays. Doing the recaps has been a lot of fun---although surprisingly my husband has become even more obsessive with watching regularly than I am.

Nora my wife can tell you about that at our house too. She is still the avid watcher, but obviously she isn't the one who went out on the internet and got herself in over her head writing a weekly recap for a show.....

There was a "Muy Pronto" tonight on Heridas that featured a woman with enormous breasts and a Tiger! No title was given and if that is what is going to replace Barrera, it looked bizarre.

right on, melinama---everyone seems very sleepy ---where is carla estrada , and when is she going to start her next historical telenovela??? Susanlynn, missing the good stuff

If I'm spelling it correctly, I believe the new telenovela coming on after Barrera is Mundo de Fieras.

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