Monday, August 14, 2006

Heridas De Amor - Friday August 11

Renata is at the mall shopping with two friends. Friend 1 is putting jewelry in Renata’s purse when she isn’t looking. Renata is being extra bitchy to the clerk while Friend 1 continues to feed jewelry into her purse. Renata gripes to Friend 1 about not having money, F1 suggests asking Bertha for cash. Renata snaps “what part of ‘all San Llorente family funds are frozen’ don’t you understand?” F1 says “dummy, Bertha is De Aragon, not San Llorente.” Renata replies “oh, you’re right” and leaves to try on a dress. Friend 2 starts getting on Friend 1’s case. “I thought we were all friends, why are you being mean to Renata?” “She has considered herself better than us for so long, now she’ll get brought down a little.” Friend 2 doesn’t like this and leaves.

Miranda and Cesar are talking in Gonzalo’s office, Cesar is acting quite obsequious. Miranda is telling him that some transactions look strange. The screen goes green, daydream/flashback time…… Cesar is leaning over Miranda’s shoulder, telling her he loves her, she is smiling back and says she loves him too…… Cesar snaps out of it as Miranda is yelling at him. “huh wha? Oh uh there’s nothing strange about that, those are normal transactions.” Miranda says (I didn’t get this exactly) “they all moved money through the London account RIGHT BEFORE we had trouble there?” Cesar is saved by Vicente the abogado entering. He says that Gonzalo wants to talk to Cesar. The men leave. Pamela arrives at the same time. She tells Miranda she has to go to the hospital for some test, Miranda says she’ll go with her. Pamela stutteringly tells Miranda “uh, well, uh, I can’t go to the hacienda with all of you because of this.” Miranda says the others can go, then Pamela and Miranda will go later when Pamela’s tests are completed.

Back at the mall – Renata is really laying into the clerk, who apparently wasn’t kissing her ass enough or the right way. Friend 1, who was putting the jewelry into Renata’s purse, gets a phone call and bails in a hurry. As Renata stomps off, a security guard stops her and asks to look in her purse. Renata refuses, using the tried and true “don’t you know who I am?” defense. Does that ever work? You only hear that from people who are being carted off by the cops, denied entry to some place, stuff like that. You never hear “oh yeah I do know who you are, sorry.” Anyway, the guard takes her bag from her and opens it, finding all the stolen jewelry. Renata stands there with her mouth open, genuinely shocked.

Florencia enters Fernanda’s office, looking down her nose at her she tells her that she’s only there because someone forced her. “Who?” Fernanda asks. Bertha makes her grand entrance, like she’s Streisand coming on stage. “I did, Florencia didn’t want to see you but I told her she had to.” Bertha makes lying look so easy.

Cesar walks into Gonzalo’s jail cell grinning like a complete idiot. I only see that particular grin on really really drunk guys. What a tool. Gonzalo grabs him by the lapels and says “I will kill you, infeliz!” Cesar snidely asks, “why?” Gonzalo replies “you and Julio planned this! You are going to pay me back every peso!” There is more chest puffing from both of them and many threats issued back and forth – “I’ll get you” “You don’t know anything, I know more than you about this and that” “You will pay” etc. It doesn’t even matter who said what, we get the picture that these two are now mortal enemies. Cesar asks the lawyer to leave. He then tells Gonzalo, “Finally you are getting what you deserve after all the years of yelling at us treating us poorly!” He must say ‘us’ to mean employees at the company.

At the hospital – Florencia is still looking down her nose at Fernanda. Fernanda asks why she doesn’t want her as her doctor. Before Flo can answer, a guy shows up with a wheelchair to cart her off for tests. On her way out she says “when I get back, if Bertha can’t stay in here with me, I’m leaving.” Okay….. Bertha sweeps in and talks down to Fernanda. “you are pitiful trying to get your daughters back. It’s a lost cause.” Fernanda asks “why are you here?” Bertha says that Gonzalo ordered her to bring Florencia here. The two women then have a catty insult fight, like Cesar and Gonz did a few minutes ago. Battle lines are being drawn everywhere.

At the mall again – Renata is pleading with the clerk, now calling her Usted and trying to convince her that she didn’t know the stuff was in her purse. That’s true, but this clerk who she crapped on a few minutes ago isn’t having it. She wants Renata to hang. Miranda and Pamela JUST HAPPEN to wander by. Is the place Pamela needs her tests done at in the mall or what? Anyway, Renata begs Miranda for help, since Miranda is so gullible she defends Renata unconditionally and pays the store for the merchandise. 5000 something pesos, so not horribly expensive. I guess there if you just pay for what you got caught with you don’t go to jail. Renata pointedly does NOT take the jewelry and they storm out.

Mama Amparito is talking to some woman who appears to be her friend, a younger blond woman. There is some jewelry on the table between them, the woman is trying to talk her into selling the jewelry. Amparito thinks she’s too busy already with the tacos. The woman keeps working on her and appears to convince her to give it a try. Is this jewelry based on Alfredo’s designs? That would be another case of it being a small world.

Back to Cesar and Gonzalo’s chest bumping session – time to go to script format.
Cesar – You can accuse all you want, but you signed everything.
Gonzalo – There is no perfect crime, I’ll find a way to prove you did it.
C – By the way, I have an agreement with Miranda. (I think I missed some subtlety here)
G – You are prohibited from entering the company’s premises.
C – You can’t prohibit anything. If you try to, I’ll tell the girls what you did to their mother all these years!
They sneer at each other and some cops come in and cuff Gonz to take him away to prison. Gonz starts yelling “don’t treat me this way! I’m not a killer or anything! Let me go!” He is led out. Alejandro shows up at the same time. Gonz’s lawyer tells Alejandro that he needs money and is going to call Miranda, but Alejandro tells him that he’ll take care of everything. Cesar stomps over and issues my favorite Spanish phrase – “De Ninguna Manera! I will take care of it, that’s why I am here!” I don’t know why I love de ninguna manera so much but I use it as often as I can. I just love the way it sounds. So much better than “No way!”

Fern and Bertha again-
Fernanda says she has much to say to Bertha, who responds with “whatever, I couldn’t care less.” The test results arrive, the baby is fine but Florencia’s heart is dying. Carrying the baby to term would be a miracle.

Renata is back home crying in the phone, later we find out that it was Lasagna on the other end of the line. She hangs up and is comforted by Tomasa, Miranda, and Pamela. Tomasa floats the idea that the clerk set her up. Miranda decides to believe this. Miranda would be a disaster in charge of the business, she has the worst instincts. She believes all the wrong things from all the wrong people. Miranda compares the shoplifting with what is happening to Gonz, they were both set up. Well, that part is true. Miranda and Pamela leave for the hospital. Again. Weren’t they on the way there before they mysteriously got lost in the mall? Tomasa comforts Renata who says something about being a klepto. What?

Bertha and Florencia rehash everything from recent events. Flor asks Bertha why she likes Alejandro, Bertha says just to piss off Miranda. More chatter. Let’s go home and rest. Ok. Bertha says while Flor rests, she’ll prepare her medicine. Yeah right!

The street gang is talking at some bar, they decide everything is ready for their heist or whatever they are planning. Everyone but Sanson leaves and some chick arrives. Sanson mistreats her a bit to show how macho he is. Que macho.

Lasagna gets off the phone and tells Daira the whole story. Did you ever notice how this house is blindingly white while Cesar’s apartment is totally black? Gee I wonder who the good and bad guys are. Alejandro shows up, the three of them rehash recent events. The ladies beg him to help the San Llorentes, especially for Flor. Alejandro says why? She’s not even Gonz’s daughter anyway!

Miranda and Pamela at the doctor – Miranda, as usual, thinks everything is her fault. Pamela tells her to knock it off already, cripes. Fernanda enters and Miranda starts telling HER that Julio’s heart attack is her (Miranda’s) fault, Fern also tells her to knock it off. Julio has a history of heart problems and has had a heart attack before. Pamela says “see? The problems of everyone in the world are not all your fault.” Fern also tells them about Flor’s test results.

Lasagna shows Alejandro info she got for schools. Ok DAD? Will you get off my back now and not treat me like a girl? Alejandro says ok, as soon as you start acting like a woman. Lasagna whines MOM! Daira ignores the exchange and tells Alejandro to be careful of Bertha. Alejandro says how do we know who is lying and who is telling the truth? (Good point, from his perspective anyway) Daira tells him to listen to his heart and that Bertha is a demon!

Cesar and Bertha are at Cesar’s apartment, he pours wine from a decanter. There were zero product placements for wine or alcohol in this show, all drinks are poured from clear glass decanters, never bottles.
Cesar – What did you want to talk about?
Bertha – Your money. And what part of it is mine.
C – Why would I give you a quinto?
B – Because I know EVERYTHING and you don’t want me to talk!
At this point I almost threw up – they attack each other and start making out like drunk college kids at a basement kegger. I can even imagine Cesar the next morning being so ashamed in front of his frat roommates as his ‘date’ Bertha walks out the next day. GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS. If you didn’t see this I can’ explain how nasty it was. Ugh.

Fern’s office with Miranda and Pamela again –
Pamela leaves to take a phone call. Fern asks Miranda about her mother, Miranda goes on a tirade about what an incredible bitch and slut she is. Fernanda says “don’t say that. I….” but she’s interrupted by one of the taco vendor’s kids coming in and saying “Julio is slipping into a coma, he had a cerebral hemorrhage!” Fern rushes out and Pamela returns. Miranda whines and outlines the worst case scenario of everything, what will she do? In the end her decision is to wait and see. Way to take action. Pamela calls Angel’s ex-girlfriend to find out where he is, to tell him about Julio’s condition.

Angel and his brother enter a hotel room with tons of stuff they bought. Angel’s phone rings, it’s Miranda on the other end. I guess they tracked him down. He thinks it is about Gonzalo and tells her to call his lawyer. She tells him about Julio’s health and he says she should be paying the bills for it since it’s her fault. She says no it isn’t! (didn’t she just tell everyone it WAS her fault?) Angel says “please” and hangs up. The boys discuss everything and decide that Miranda is lying, didn’t Cesar tell them to trust only him?

Cesar and Bertha again ulp I just threw up in my mouth. They flirt and argue at the same time while they get undressed and head into the bedroom. Oh I feel sick.

Fab makes an appearance! Flor is jealous again, there is much drama, she demands that he tell her he loves her! He doesn’t, he starts kissing her. Miranda appears in the background and for some reason hangs around to watch. Go rent a porno or something Miranda! Fab breaks the kiss and then tells her, in 100 words, how he loves her, Miranda hears everything. Finally she says “excuse me” and says they will be leaving in the morning. “Flor did you take your medicine?” Flor laughs and says Miranda was the same even when they were kids. There is a green flashback of when they were kids and Miranda bossed Flor around and told her what to do, but nicely. How sweet. Miranda leaves crying at the memory and immediately calls Alejandro. She asks him about Gonz, Alejandro fills her in and then asks why is she crying? “I don’t know.” (perhaps it’s because she is this novela’s designated cryer? Like Hipolita from Alborada?) She says she doesn’t know why she called him, he says he was thinking about her and she must have known. He says he’ll be there to see her right away. She gets all teenager and is nervous and giggly about seeing him. Next they are at a restaurant, they do a shot of tequila and are by all appearances on a date. He tries to comfort her, but she has some whining to do first.
Alejandro – What help do you need? Nothing! You have it all. You are so awesome and strong, etc etc.
Miranda – When you try, you really are enchanting. Now I know why Bertha likes you! How can you like Bertha? If I were a guy she’d be the last woman in the world I’d look at!
A – If I tell you the truth, no more questions?
M – Si.
A – She has something of mine and she is going to return it!!! (dum dum DUMMMM!!)

They dance and giggle and act all romanc-ey for a few minutes. Then the credits rolled.


Great recap, Chris. I can fill in a couple of things and make a few guesses. Friend 1 is Veronica and she is Renata's drug supplier and Bertha's stooge. In last Thursday's captitulo, she met with Bertha who paid her to do something. We didn't find out what it was. Well, it would seem that Veronica was paid to set Renata up for a shoplifting charge. Meanwhile, I think Bertha is also telling Renata that she is a cleptomaniac. All part of her evil and complicated plan to bring down the San Llorente family.

Amparo's friend with the jewelry and Sanson's chick are one and the same - a prostitute named Carola who is a neighbor of Amparo and family. I think she was giving some of her jewelry to Amparo to sell to help the family.

OH! I didn't realize at all that the blonde was the same woman with Amparo and the gangster. As far as friend #1 is concerned, that all makes a lot more sense with your explanation. That was part of what I missed during my standoff with Comcast I guess. Thanks for clearing that up, I wondered why Friend 1 was being SUCH a bitch.

Dear Esteemed Bloggers,
Berrera de Amor is finally heating up and becoming a real pot boiler. I suspect it's near the end.
It would be really neat if any of you would do a little recap maybe once a week to keep us up to date.
We wouldn't need every word, just the overall picture.
Thanks for all your good work.

I'm getting a little confused---how is Alejandro related to lasange and Daira??---Also, I missed this episode [I've been missing many] , so I missed seeing Marcelo [aka the valiant and stoic protector of everyone in Alboradoville , including rameras ...Marcos] AGAIN ...Caray!Caray!---Is he Angel or Daniel???---Is he good or bad? Susanlynn, lost and wounded in this telenovela

Dude, you rock. Another masterpiece.

Alejandro is Lasagna's half-brother, they share the same father, different mothers. Marcelo is Daniel, Angel is his brother. They seem bad so far, or at least very stupid, but they could be good.

Alice, I have been trying to watch Barrera but haven't found the time. This week is crazy but I will try (really really I will) to catch some of it next week. I am so far behind, I hope I understand what's going on.

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