Friday, September 08, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #98 9/7/06 Lots of kissing

I don't know how often I'll be able to do daily mini-recaps, so please don't count on them. However, last night was quite eventful (yet again) and I thought a quickie update would be helpful, since I have the time to do it. I'll have more details in my weekend recap, but here's what you need to know now:

Lety tells Fern that working at Conceptos has been rough on her conscience since the day she started. Fern soothes her anxiety with sweet little kisses that appear to be effortless. He, on the other hand, is a nervous wreck. He sends Lety to Luigi's office to get him an herbal remedy.

Alicia follows Cristina around and tries to impress her with her six semesters of finance, etc. While Alicia is badgering Cristina, Juana answers Alicia's phone. It's Roman and his gang, calling yet again for Alicia to make good on her obligation to go out with them. Juana runs to share this bizarre message with the feas.

Omar and Marcia are in the lobby talking about the trip to Germany (he is trying to smooth things over with her) when Carolina shows up with a man named Ricky. Omar nervously informs Ricky that there might be a problem with the new Bella Life jewelry campaign. Ricky says he needs to speak to Fern right away.

Fern, whose bad mood has been increasing exponentially, has gotten impatient waiting for Lety and comes out into the executive lobby to bellow aimlessly and argue some more with Marcia. He's so mad he doesn't even see the other people. He yells "cancel the wedding, cancel the campaign, cancel my life!!" Marcia says, uh, hey, Ricky's here. Fern looks around the lobby and says sure, Alicia's here, Carolina's here, Ricky Armstrong's here... and does a double-take. "Ricky Armstrong, our favorite client!" Ricky urgently wants to talk, so they all head into the boardroom.

Cristina asks Luigi to show her the first Bella Life commercial. After it's finished, there are a few quick cuts between Luigi's office and the boardroom, as Cristina and Ricky simultaneously tell Luigi and the execs that the Bella Life makeup commercial is a top 3 finalist (out of 5000 entries) at the Cannes film festival! (Holy crap!) Cristina will be a presenter at the festival.

The feas, who have been listening outside Luigi's office, break into cheers. Luigi bursts out of his office and kisses the first person he sees - Lety! He runs over to the boardroom and throws the doors open, jumping up and down. Before he has a chance to say anything, Fern shouts, "CANNES!!" Luigi kisses everyone in the room (except possibly Alicia). In fact, he kisses Omar twice, who doesn't like it. Fern gets up and kisses Ricky. Luigi kisses Omar again. Ricky kisses Luigi. (I realize this all sounds a little odd, but they're all very giddy about the Cannes news, plus I think Luigi either has a little crush on Omar or just likes to harrass him.)

Marcia says Fern had better stay here to take care of Bella Life, and she'll go to Germany without him. (I guess she figures he'll be too busy to cheat on her now.) Carolina mentions that the film festival is around the same time as the Big Meeting (this is the meeting that will mark the end of Fern's probationary period as president of Conceptos), and Omar adds that it's also the time of the wedding.

The meeting adjourns. Ricky, Omar, and Alicia remain in the boardroom. The rest go into the lobby, which seems to be the popular place for sensitive conversations. As Lety approaches with the herbal remedy, she hears Fern asking Marcia about the wedding. He says he just wants to know what kind of news to tell his parents. On the one hand, the great news about Cannes... on the other hand, the unspeakable cancellation of their wedding... Lety hastily retreats and the feas disperse.

Luigi tells Fern how excited he is to be going to France. Fern says forget it, Luigi has too much work to do. Besides, the award is for Conceptos, not Luigi. Luigi cries.

Back in the boardroom, Alicia is telling Ricky that it would be good for Conceptos and Bella Life if she were to accept the award at the festival, because of her great beauty and elegance. (She is probably hoping to pawn the Golden Lion to pay her bills.) Ricky tactfully tells her that Fern will most likely be the one to do that.

As they file out of the boardroom, Omar catches sight of Cristina and practically wets himself with excitement. He and Alicia compete with one another for her attention. They escort Ricky to the elevator to say goodbye. Alicia tries again to impress both Ricky and Cristina. Juana chooses this spectacular moment to tell Alicia that she had a call from some guys who identified themselves as "those nacos from last night" (and something about Jakarta). The look on Alicia's face (not to mention everyone else's) is priceless. Alicia tries to explain herself to Ricky, but Ricky just wants to get away from her. He says goodbye to everyone, and offers a special goodbye to "Lola - Lolita"! (Wonder what all that's about?)

Fern and Omar go back to the boardroom to rehash some old information. Luigi interrupts them - he has someone named Yuri on his cell phone. (I don't quite get what this is about, but I'm sure it will become clear soon enough.) I think Yuri does choreography or something. Fern tells Luigi there's no time for this.

Luigi leaves in a snit. Omar asks Fern if he's finished Lety's card yet. Fern says no, he's not very good at this stuff. Omar says oh well, too bad, he's going to Germany. But he tells Fern not to worry - he's organized everything (I assume he means the cards and little gifts) ahead of time for Fern while Omar's away.

Will this morning go on forever, or will Marcia and Omar eventually go to the airport?
How does Ricky know "Lolita"? (This may not be a big mystery - there's a whole bunch of episodes that didn't get recapped after Chris stopped watching and before I started.)

And who the heck is Yuri?


Thank you, thank you Julie! I'm so glad you had a little extra time to do the recap!
La Fea seems to be getting more and more complicated!
I find Roman and the gang really obnoxious. I hope that part of the story is not played up too much.

Yes, they are obnoxious, but I enjoy the effect they have on Alicia. :)

I don't know anything about Ricky - whatever the connection is there it's new. He wasn't around back when I was watching even after my recaps ran out. The celebrity sightings are realy ramping up on this show! Also, with Cristina on the show, I'm sure we can count on another episode of her show with cast members, like after Alborada ended, in another year or however long this show will be on. That should be fun to watch.

You're right about the celebrities, Chris. According to a Yahoo music site, Yuri is a spanish pop singer and considered "The Mexican Madonna." And I believe that she wants Luigi to choreograph something for her. Talk about a good week for Luigi! Wax statues, awards, celebrities calling left and right...

Luigi has been incredibly lucky lately, hasn't he? I hope that doesn't mean he'll soon be run over by a bus!

Hmmm... so you think maybe Lola's been seeing Ricky on the side? I wonder! He definitely singled her out.

Cristina may have invited the feas to a taping of her show (I couldn't follow all that she was saying, unfortunately).

Excellent update....Loved the whole kissing thing last nite....

Thanks for the fast and thorough recaps!!!

Yuri is married to a Pastor who also used to be in a rock band, and is really cute. With her husband being a pastor you can count on her not doing anything scandulous. But she is a great singer.

I know this must be very time consuming, so every little recap is much appreciated. I've only been watching for about a month and a half, so I'm way behind on exposition, development, etc., but in this short time, I love how the interaction between Lety & Fern has changed. She has moments of confidence and flirtiness with him, and he has become so accustomed to and/or enjoys kissing her so much that he has to catch himself from doing it in inappropriate places, like the office. The acting is generally so broad that I was kind of surprised.

Thanks Julie and all the recappers. I love this show and your recaps help me fill in the blanks. When it first started I didn't think much of Fern, but as I've continued to watch, I now love Fern as a comedic (is that a word? - a funny guy) Actor. Anyway, when he starts that que ...que...que... whatever -- Its hilarious!


I don't really know any of these actors from anywhere else, so all I know about them is what I've seen on this show. I do know that comedy acting is very tricky, especially if the character also has a serious side. Lety, Fern, and Alicia all seem to be very good at this. We've not yet had much opportunity to see Marcia's comic side nor Luigi's serious side, but I'm hoping both will get a chance to shine.

As for Yazmin, well... I don't know if she can do drama, but as a comic actress she's a scream! It's hard enough to be a good actor, but it's even harder to act like a bad actor, the way she did in the perfume ad.

And I happen to enjoy looking at Omar when he's not being a jerk, which is most of the time. Unfortunately this character mostly exists for Fern to have someone to talk to (he reminds me of Larry from 3's Company), and doesn't seem to have much personality of his own. Too bad!

Thanks Julie for the recaps. Love it!
I have a question for the Fea watchers. Ferdi and Lety talked about how he got the last time he took the herbal treatment and he said something like how we got on it. What are they talking about?
When and what happened before?

Thanks again.

I don't know. It must have been before I started watching. Valerian is supposed to help you relax, I think.

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