Friday, September 08, 2006

Heridas de Amor, Thursday, September 7

Squeaky and Flor decide that the way to get themselves out of the poorhouse is for Miranda to marry Al. They agree that she won’t do it willingly. They will have to make her do it.

Miranda asks Al what he meant by insinuating that there was something between Fab and her. Al says he came because Flor called him. ‘Go see her, then,’ says Miranda, ‘and then leave. I don’t want you here.’ Al says that they have to talk [what else do they do on this novela?] Miranda says that she can’t forgive him for not telling her that Fernanda is her mother. Al says that the decision not to tell her was Fernanda’s, not his. Naturally, this makes no difference to Miranda.

Lasagna tell Erika and Veronica that she is sorry that she offended Raul and that they broke up. They think that she is well rid of a low life like Raul. Al comes up behind them and greets Lasagna. She tells him that Raul has gone back to Mexico City. Veronica and Erika think Al is a hottie.

In search of Flor, Al finds Juan and asks how Flor is. He says that she is responding to the treatment but her emotional state is precarious because of problems with Fab. Juan asks Al to calm Flor down and get her back into her exercise routine.

Flor tells Al that he has discovered the plans of Fab and Miranda. She says that Fab and Miranda are going to wait until she dies and then get together. She is sure from the way that they embrace and talk that they are still in love with one another. Fab is going away to live at his ranch so that he can see Miranda without anyone knowing. Al instantly believes the wacko allegations of this neurotic woman. He also seems to be more disturbed about Miranda’s supposed betrayal of him than concerned about Flor.

Gonzo is about to leave the prison and is in a nice suit instead of his coveralls. He wants to know who paid his bail but the judge won’t disclose the identity of the person. At the dramatic moment, in comes Cesar and modestly says that it was he who made bail for Gonzo. Gonzo says, ‘You don’t expect me to thank you, do you? You paid the bail with my money.’ Cesar, in his boot-licking humble employee mode, says that to save the company, he sold his ranch. He tries to embrace Gonzo but Gonzo says, ‘you must think I’m an idiot. We’ll talk about this in my office, not here,’ and leaves.

Luciano comes to collect something from Father Buenaventura (hereafter Santiago since that is easier to type) and runs into Pamela. They exchange admiring looks. She is there about some poor children but when Luciano invites her for a coffee, she forgets about the children and accepts.

Fab takes Juan to his mother’s quinta to smooth things over between them. Juan says that his concern is Flor’s health and that Fab is complicating her treatment. Fab says that isn’t his intention but he and Flor has lost the ability to communicate. He doesn’t know what to do. Juan says that marriage counseling isn’t his job… At that moment Al storms in like a 5 year old and starts beating up Fab.

Back in his office, Gonzo receives a report on the investigation into the company from Vincente, his lawyer. There is no evidence against Cesar. Gonzo can’t believe it. He calls in Nuria and asks her to set up appointments with the head of accounting and all the other departments. An awkward pause ensues and Vincente has to tell Gonzo that other than Nuria, Cesar (and Luis Alberto, I guess) there are no more employee in SLI. Then Gonzo wants to meet with the owner of the reserved stock but Vincente says that the owner refuses to meet. Vincente and Nuria suggest that Gonzo go home, rest and read his email. Gonzo says that he won’t be condescended to and the next time he is at the office, he will throw them out.

Back at the scene of men behaving like kindergartners, Juan tries to keep Al off Fab and then Miranda comes in. Al says that Fab has to account to him for his treatment of Flor. Miranda wants to know what Al has to do with Fab and Flor’s situation. Since he isn’t going to tell her that Flor is his half sister, he has nothing to say.

Just for a change, Fernanda is in her office at the hospital and she is upset. There is a knock on the door and in comes Santiago. He wants to know about Andrea’s mental condition. Fernanda gives some kind of answer and then Santiago gets specific – is Andrea strong enough mentally to withstand being reunited with her husband? Fernanda is confused. Pamela told her that her husband is dead. ‘I thought so, too,’ says Santiago but he is outside and he wants to see her’. Fernanda wants to consult with Andrea’s doctors and get back to Santiago.

Nuria and Luis Alberto feel sorry for Gonzo since he has lost his business. Cesar says that the only thing SLI needs is an infusion of capital. ‘From where?’ asks Luis Alberto. ‘From me,’ says Cesar. He can pretend it is coming from the sale of the quinta. He calls Luciano and agrees to sell him the quinta. Then he asks Luis Alberto if the ‘old guy’s’ [Gonzo’s] plane is available. Luis Alberto and Nuria says that they are all still under investigation and it is too risky to draw attention to himself. Cesar blows smoke rings.

Having bitched at everyone for not telling her about her mother, Miranda now refuses to tell her sisters. ‘It’s not my responsibility,’ she says. Fab argues that Flor ought to have the opportunity to not hate her mother before she dies but Miranda says, ‘how are you going to live with yourself if you tell her and she keels over.’

Juan asks Al about his unusual interest in Flor. As usual when secrets are told in large drafty rooms and halls, someone is listening. It is Veronica. Al leaves and Veronica asks Juan to check out her swollen glands and she says that she has night sweats. Juan is no dummy. He says, ‘have you been tested for HIV?’ Miranda and Fab overhear this and I laughed out loud at Fab’s expression. I bet he didn’t use a condom when he screwed Veronica.

Leonardo gets the green light to tell Andrea about his return from the dead. Apparently, this will happen in the evening. Santiago leaves and Leonardo asks if Fernanda is Gonzo’s wife. ‘How did you know that? ‘I was in prison with Gonzo,’ says Leo. Leo makes a pass at Fernanda but she rejects it politely.

Lasagna, Squeaky, Erika and Flor are chatting about cheating on their partners. Flor is asked if she was going to cheat on Fab, who would she want to do it with. As Al walks up behind her, Flor says that the only man she is attracted to is Al. ‘I believe that I am in love with your brother,’ she says to Lasagna. Al slips away. Lasagna says to Flor, ‘Tell me what you just said is a joke.’ Flor says, ‘she and Fab have lots of problems. In contrast, all is peace and tranquility with Al. Even his voice makes me relaxed and secure.’ ‘A person’s voice doesn’t make you fall in love with them,’ says Erika. ‘A priest can have the same effect and you don’t fall in love with him,’ says Squeaky. ‘Any woman would fall in love with Al,’ says Flor. ‘You don’t know him very well,’ says Lasagna and she leaves in an agitated manner.

Fab goes after Veronica to persuade her to get tested for HIV and Miranda seems to think even before she is tested that she has to tell her sisters about this. Meanwhile Lasagna and Al talk about the knotty problem of having your half sister fall in love with you but not being able to tell her because it might kill her. Lasagna points out that Flor and Fab are having problems and she needs Al’s help. Al says he will talk to Miranda and Fab. ‘You can’t tell Miranda!’ exclaims Lasagna. Al agrees. The only person he can talk to is Fab. ‘You have to leave the hacienda right away,’ says Lasagna. ‘Why are we living in such a nightmare?’ asks Al.

Veronica is in what appears to be a chapel and is talking to herself. She can’t have HIV. She is fine. The whole thing was a plot of Tomasa and Juan. In comes Fab. He accuses her of knowingly trying to have sexual contact with him. Now it appears that he didn’t boink her. He stopped after a little petting but she would have gone all the way without protection. ‘Not so fast,’ says Veronica, ‘unless you give me money I will blab to everyone in the family and tell Flor that she is Al’s sister.’ Fab is surprised at this revelation.

Miranda tells Squeaky, Flor and Erika about Veronica’s possible infection with HIV. Then she drops the real bombshell. Due to their financial problems, the girls are going to have to not only clean their rooms but all of the hacienda, including the kitchen.[Maybe the girls could wear those sexy French maid uniforms for Chris ;-) ] Squeaky says that she doesn’t know how to do those things and Miranda responds that she will have to learn. Erika volunteers to help.

And now it’s “Abuse Rebeca Time.” This time it is Daniel who browbeats Rebeca to help him get control of his inheritence from Julio. For some reason, Rebeca thinks that doing this will kill Julio but Daniel doesn’t care.

That’s where the TiVo stopped.


"Meanwhile Lasagna and Al talk about the knotty problem of having your half sister fall in love with you but not being able to tell her because it might kill her." We have officially entered the American Soap Opera Influence zone. If there were an evil twin involved this wouldn't even feel Mexican any more. And great idea about the uniforms.

Ha, you made me laugh out loud a couple of times! I so want to watch those girls clean house, and if Tomasa gets to boss them around it will be the icing on the cake. Then on to the cacao fields...

...and then the slapping. No reason we can't have that too.

Yeah more fights. I haven't watched this episode yet - does Alejandro really physically beat up Fabricio? He deserves it. If so, I will make sure to watch this one and not just rely on the recap.

Sorry, Chris. Al doesn't really beat up Fab. He just takes a fews swings and pushes Fab around. It only lasts a few seconds. I know what you mean about Fab needing a beating. Actually, I was hoping HE would would get AIDS. He needs a fatal disease. What an asshole!a

I cheered when Al finally tried telling Miranda, the immature, self-centered ice-maiden, that she would eventually realize how wrong she was about both her mother and him..... (Godzooks why do the 35 year old hunky males always go for these 'supposed' 22 year old bitchy ones in these things, anyway?????) Hope he's long gone from the scene by then, enjoying himself with a more well-adjusted mate!

Yes I laughed good reading about this one! Thank you. And good point about Al being in love with someone a little too selfcentered and a litte too young for him. Seems a real AL type would'nt be interested in a Miranda type for longer than a night.

And what joy it was to think Fab has Aids and maybe gave it to Flor too! Too bad that wasn't true.

These people are driving me crazy. Al is attractive and rich and the nicest hombre of the whole lot...why doesn't he jump ship??? . There would be crowds of mujeres who would love to have them obsess over them---Basta!!!!---Move on , Al...and take the dog with you...better luck in your next telenovela. Fab can have all 3 sisters and those 2 nasty, spoiled galpals, too. PS- I think Rebecca's maid was Antonio's maid in ''Alborada.'' Susanlynn, tired of the entire whining cast

I think Alejandro should just pick up Pamela and move back to Italy. She is the most attractive but still normal woman on this show. She actually seems to make good decisions most of the time. And with a rich husband she can spend her time wandering around taking pictures.

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