Thursday, September 21, 2006

Heridas de Amor Sept. 20

Fab and Flor are no where to be seen in this episode. What a welcome relief.

Miranda tries to help Al by telling him to give everything he has to the thieves. She listens to what is happening during the robbery on her cell phone. Then she goes downstairs to where Bertha and Gonzalo are talking to tell them what is happening to Al. (Bertha has poured herself some cognac or some other amber liquid and seems to be enjoying confronting Gonzalo. ) Miranda interrupts them to tell them she is going to find Alejandro. Bertha tries to go to but Miranda won't let her. She quips to Gonzalo as she flounces out of the room "See what type of woman you have by your side?!" Gonzalo then tells Bertha that he realizes how things are with her. Bertha reminds Gonzalo that they are accomplices. They are in this together. It will either unify them or destroy them.

Andrea and her long lost husband Leonardo talk over old times. Pamela joins them and Leo tells them that he will be with them, that they are not alone anymore. Pamela brings out an old box that holds everything that survived the fire. She tells Leonardo that she doesn't remember him. Andrea also remarks that all their old wedding pictures did not survive. Leonardo leaves them for the night saying he wants to give them time to get used to him. But! Before he leaves he pockets something that was in the box. (Having not been that observant I didnt notice his sticky fingers but recapper Jean believes it might have been a checkbook. Hmmm. Thanks Jean!)

Miranda finds Alejandro walking down the street. (Its night.) Gonzalo followed her and they both run to Al scolding him for fighting the thieves. Gonzalo acts concerned. Al says he wants to talk with G tomorrow. G leaves and Miranda stays telling AL how she loves him. Kissy Kissy.

Bertha has gone to her room to freak about whether Alejandro is safe. She's mad that she didn't get to go help him. She starts talking to herself about not wanting to lose him too. Psycho. Later we see Bertha stretched on her bed while Charo unpacks for her. Bertha tells Charo to tell her everything that happened while she was gone. Charo doesn't say anything interesting and is sent out to get Lucas the dog. Tomasa comes in and sees Bertha with a soft leather briefcase and asks if that's the missing Luque portfolio. It is. Bertha wants Tomasa to tell her why Florencia's medicine has been sent to analyzed. Charo comes into the room with Lucas who promptly spooks Tomasa. Bertha lets him get up on her white bed while she coos to him. Later Tomasa brings Bertha and Lucas tea downstairs in the living room. Tomasa tells Bertha that she is a "Diablo en persona!" Bertha slaps her and starts in on her with a verbal attack. They both claim the other will regret whatever is being done. Tomasa raises the stakes by saying she knows it was Bertha who brought Alfredo Luque to the hacienda. Tomasa says Alfredo despised Bertha and Bertha couldn't stand it. Lucas barks and Tomasa gets scared. Bertha tells her that that's not all she did. She then cruelly teases Tomasa that she provoked the deaths of her kids and that Tomasa has known all her life her missing granddaughter. Tomasa has spoken to her a million times and hasn't known it! Its Nuria! Tomasa runs off looking terrified at these revelations and at Lucas, who looked sweet to me. Bertha tells Lucas to attack and away they go. Tomasa screaming no no no with Lucas following her and barking. This had to be the longest most un-frightening scene. Finally when we think we can't hear Tomasa say No again she manages to fall down backwards from the front steps of the house. Bertha looks on happily as we see Tomasa prostrate at the bottom of the stairs. (Sweet Lucas never touched Tomasa and his barks were not menacing. They tried real hard to make this dog look mean but I think he looked like he was worried that Tomasa had fallen.) Charo comes up to Bertha asking her what is going on. Bertha pretends to find Tomasa on the steps with Charo in tow just as Gonzalo is walking up the front path. Gonzalo cradles Tomasas head as she says her last words of "She also shot."(Ella tambien disparo.) Twice she says this and then she dies.

Juan talks to himself about Renata. He thanks Raul for having introduced them. Meanwhile Renata is thinking about Juan. They both have green memories of each other. Back to the present Renata thinks she can't be in love with him but she is! Then she makes fun of what her kids' names would be if she married Juan. She laughs at how ridiculous she thinks their names would sound. Later Juan comes into Renatas room (shirt unbuttoned) and tells Renata that they should marry. (Seems he's guilty about shagging his madrinas daughter.) Renata tells Juan that don't dont need to marry. Juan tells her she made him feel something. Renata argues how her father wont let her marry him and that they barely know each other. Juan tells her she isn't a child and married, they will learn together about each other. (Real mature argument there lover boy.) They end the scene kissing.

Raul tells the police detective that he believes the attack will happen tomorrow. He worries about Carola. Carola walks in and Raul hangs up the phone. As the phone hangs up we see that Miranda and AL are in front of the same detective who just hung up the phone with Raul. They are there to report the car heist. Al has a satellite locator on his car. They should find it soon. Al is sure he recognizes one of the robbers. Al and Miranda then call Fern to have Al checked out. Al remembers where he saw the robbers. In front of Ferns house! Fern knows the thieves! Al and Miranda go to Ferns hospital where Fern promptly declares Al OK. Daira and Lizania arrive to check on Al too. While there Charo phones Miranda to tell her that Tomasa has died.

Sanson yells at his guys about the car theft telling them they should have killed Al (they don't know its Al). They decide the car will be sent to South America in a few days.

Over at Cesar's pool hall, which seems to be quite the happening place, Cesar has gotten one of his girlfriends to call her friend to find out who Luciano was with. Cesar just so casually has his head between the girls breasts while she talks on the phone in her bikini. Looks like Cesar has a pool to go along with his pool table. After some snogging the girl lets Cesar know that Luciano was with Alejandro Luque. Cesar immediately asks Luciano about knowing Alejandro. The girls take off and Cesar gets mad at Luciano. Luciano has a memory of Alejandro telling him to pretend that they are enemies. Luciano wakes from his memory to weave a web of lies about how Alejandro made him loose capital in a business deal. Alejandro ended up with all the money from the project so Luciano dislikes him. Luciano asks to not talk of this anymore but to talk of the LADIES instead. Cesar buys the story and asks Luciano to join him in setting a trap for Al. Luciano wants to know why Cesar wants to do this. Cesar admits Al took his woman. Luciano asks if it is Miranda.

Flash to a doctor pronouncing Tomasa dead from her fall. A detective (is this the same one?) asks Gonzalo and Bertha questions about what happened and who was at home. They claim she was like family. The detective mentions he will wait for the autopsy and he wants to talk with the servant girl. Later in her room Bertha thinks to herself how stupid Gonzalo is for not knowing what Tomasa meant when she said "Ella Tambien Disparo." Bertha knows what she meant... oh no! Tomasa and Naty saw me! Charo goes to Bertha worried about the cops wanting to talk with her. Bertha tells Charo not to worry but to do exactly what she tells her to do. Later we see Charo crying in her room. Bertha comes in to tell her she doesn't want to see anymore tears. Especially not for someone (T) who didn't deserve them. Bertha scares Charo about Tomasas ghost coming to haunt her. She uses that as an excuse to throw all of Tomasa's stuff away. Bertha kindly tells Charo she can keep a few things but the rest goes in the trash!

The next day Alejandro is seen outside the church telling Miranda by phone that he has made arrangements for the funeral. She tells him how she loves him and they hang up as Luciano walks up. Alejandro tells Luciano to continue as planned, he wants to buy the "Mangler" ranch. Al wants Luci to put the ranch in Luci's name for now. He wants the ranch to be a gift to Flor and Faby but wants everything to continue as planned for now.
Renata somehow is back in Mexico at the house. Renata goes to Mirandas room where Miranda is telling Pamela that Tomasa was like a mother to her. Renata cries to Miranda about Tomasa and how sorry she is for Mirandas loss. She asks Miranda what are they going to tell Florencia?


Haaaa Haaaaa I saw the steps scene last nite....The dog was great, he was totally crazy white bitch lady....She's another story..Loved her smirk

Thanks for the recap. I missed most of this episode. I also thought that Lucas looked concerned about Tomasa...Tomasa keeps saying ''Por favor, Lucas!'' and Lucas seems to be thinking ''Que????'' Then, ''Oh my goodness, that lady fell down the stairs. Isn't someone going to help her???'' Cesar is such a player. It's nice having a little break from F&F.Susanlynn

It was about time somebody croaked in this thing. Unfortunately the "attack" scene went on 4 ever.....and I kept wondering why Tomasa didn't just slowly grab the iron gate and shut it since she had all the time in the world to do it!

I was tired of Tomasa not doing anything so her death was a welcome addition. Maybe things will get more interesting.

Bertha did have quite the glow/smirk watching Tomasa fall.

Maniacally malevolant.....Yup. D. Bracho does that rather well. Interesting, too, how as soon as Bertha's character shows up the whole atmosphere in the house and in my living room just changed: "Oh, gawd, not her witchy self again!"

Great recap. I agree that Tomasa's death was very badly staged and not believable at all. If Lucas really is Guy Ecker's dog, he probably isn't trained to act menacingly. He didn't bare his teeth, growl or in any way appear to be a dog that was about to attack someone.
In the scene with Leonardo, Andrea and Pamela, Leonardo palmed something that was in the box of things that survived the fire and took it with him when he left. It looked like a checkbook. He obviously isn't the real Leonardo but what he is doing impersonating Leonardo is not clear yet.

Thanks Lynn! Very funny recap, it prompted me to go watch Tomasa's long NONONONONONONONO death scene. Poor sweet Lucas, he looked like he was trying to warn Tomasa "Look out! Stairs behind you! Stop! Stop!"

Jean, interesting observation about Pamela's "dad." I hadn't noticed that he grabbed something from the box but you're right. Hmmm...

The scene with Cesar's head between the bimbo's bosom was hilarious. Needless to say, he must have had fun doing that one.

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Thanks Jean! I didnt play close attention because the little scene was frankly well boring.

I see I not only screwed up his name (I will go fix it now) but I also never saw his sticky fingers! I only watched this once while it was showing, making notes along the way. So.... lesson learned here is I better pay closer attention next time if Im not going to replay the show before recapping. Thanks for being so observant Jean! Great catch!

I now understand (thanks to you) that they were trying to set the stage that this is not the right Dad/Husband. Maybe Leonardo met the real dad/husband in jail just like he met Gonzalo? Maybe Leonardo is the grand puppet master of all our characters. Big Brother Leonardo. I digress...

Also Yes! I think Lucas was saying exactly the words that Susanlynn wrote. I think he was also saying "Maybe I should go help her." Thats when we saw Lucas go down a few stairs like he was checking on her. What a sweet doggie.

Hi Lynn: I just happened to notice Leonardo palming the whatever it was. Mere chance and the fact that the Leonardo situation is sort of intriguing, well a little bit. At least it's more interesting than Flor whining or Squeaky pouting or Amparo doing anything.

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