Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Heridas de Amor Tuesday Sept. 12

You will recall that Flor told Faby she might be in love with Alejandro Luque. Suddenly he is Mr. Attentive, "You can't be saying this! You can't be in love with Alejandro! We're in love and only having a temporary crisis. I'm suffering too, you know!" She falls into his arms and weeps, "Help me, you're so much stronger than I. Help me cope with this rage and desperation. I can't explain what's happening. I feel an invisible force is squashing us and we're unable to escape." He tells her they must stay united against all tests and hardships. Nothing can separate them, not even death! They make out. Mission accomplished, eh Faby?

Carola offers to let Raul stay at her pad. She asks him if he has seen Juan. He tells her that Juan was at the big hacienda that he went to with Lasagna. Juan was there caring for a girl with a fatal heart condition. He's pretty sure that Juan has fallen for one of the super good-looking rich girls. Carola is bummed.

Juan (baring his glistening rock-hard chest) and Squeaky (with heaving breast) are talking outside. He says someone as beautiful as she must have lots of boyfriends. Oh sure, she says. To her men are like disposable hankies, she uses them then tosses them away. She supposes it's the same for Juan and his girlfriends, right? Mr. Serious says no, he would never use a woman that way. A woman should be protected and cared for like a precious treasure. She's liking this talk and caresses his face. He grabs her and tells her not to play with fire (again!) then lays a passionate kiss on her. Veronica and Erika are spying on them.

Amparito sits in the dark pining for her boys. Francisco comes home and can't believe that Raul left. "What did you expect idiot?" she says, "You kicked him out!" Wrings hands. She accuses him of always messing everything up and she is left to pick up the pieces and put them back together. He tells her he may have made bad decisions but at least he never assaulted a person. She tells him that he kicked Juan out for trying to defend what Francisco is always yacking about, the family unit. Blah blah blah, enough of this, let's move on...

During the commercial Flor and Faby made love. Now they are enjoying the afterglow. Flor says it's been a long time since she's felt this happy. She's hungry and sends him off to make some lunch. Alone, she has a green flashback where Superslut Veronica intimates that Faby and Miranda are still getting it on. Flor says no, her husband doesn't have eyes for any other woman. Veronica tells Flor that she's one of those women who "hacen de la vista gorda" (makes with the fat eye), i.e. turns a blind eye, while Faby "puts horns on her", i.e. cuckolds her. (Remember this phrase from Alborada? They were always "putting horns" on each other.) Flor wonders if Fab thinks of Miranda while making love to her.

Juan tells Squeaky that because he is dedicated to his work he hasn't had time for a girlfriend. She admits she hasn't had many boyfriends either, in fact there is no one she has ever called her boyfriend. He asks her how she will treat him tomorrow morning. She says it's a reality that things can't be as equal as they are right at that moment, correct? He gets mad, "I knew this was too good to be true! Excuse me but please forget everything that I said to you because nothing is true!" He stomps off and Squeaky rolls her eyes and shrugs.

Veronica is lying in wait for Faby. As he stands outside Flor's door holding a tray of sandwiches she demands her blackmail money. She forces him to make out with her then tells him she wants the money first thing in the morning. She slaps and pinches his butt as he takes the tray into Flor's room. (Serves him right if you ask me!) Alone, she massages her sore lymph glands.

Miranda is crying softly in a darkened room. Tomorrow she's going to talk to her dad. She wants an explanation of what Cesar told her. How differently Cesar treats her compared to Alejandro. Cesar doesn't lie to her and has always treated her the way she likes, up front and truthful. (!!!!!) She has been very cruel to him for a long time but that's all changing as of now. (!!!!!) Cesar enters, says he knew she'd have trouble sleeping, just like when she was a child. He uses the old "we've known each other since childhood and nobody understands you like I do" routine, she should rest, she's safe with him. She falls for it, the sucker.

Squeaky is on the phone with her tiita Berta. Things are screwed up around the hacienda because the servants are all gone and they're going to have to do their own work. She tries to get Berta to tell her where she is.

Carola's phone rings. It's a client and Raul has to leave. He reminds her she said she was giving up the biz. "Oh this is different and it's the last time, I promise!" Oh puhleeze! But wait, it gets better..."It's only because this guy's dad has a big company and he's promised me a job." (Guess a resume won't work half as well as whoring yourself out.) "Aguas*, Carola," warns Raul, "He's probably just using you for sex and has no intention of giving you a job." (Ya think?) Raul leaves. The client turns out to be Daniel, one of Don Julio's attractive but odious sons. He tries to kiss her and she struggles away from him.

*Why "Aguas!" (water) as a warning? This is a holdover from the days when the contents of bedpans were tossed out the window onto the street below. Before heaving the watery contents the tosser would yell "Aguas!" as a warning to those passing underneath.

Erika tells squeaky that they saw her kissing Juan. Squeaky says "Don't remind me of Pepe el Toro in times of hunger." Does anybody know what this means??? Erika wants Squeaky to come and check on Veronica who is not well. Squeaky doesn't want to because she says Veronica might look like that girl from The Exorcist but she goes anyway. In the room Veronica is feverish. Erika points out that night sweats and intermittent fever are classic signs of AIDS. Squeaky goes to get the hunky Doctor Juan.

Carola is mad at Daniel. No kissing on the mouth allowed and he knows the rules! A kiss transmits feelings and messages. She will only kiss someone she loves. "And you're not in love with me?" he asks. She says she's known him a long time, knows what he likes and what he doesn't like (heh heh) but she's not in love. He asks if she will promise to kiss him one day. "Yes," she says, "the last time we see each other." (I wonder if he's secretly in love with her, if so then that makes the second time this actor gets to love a whore. Remember Perla in Alborada?)

Alejandro and Luciano are still getting likkered up in the bar. Al calls Miranda's cell phone and Cesar answers. Al goes ballistic and wants to talk to Miranda NOW! He wants to know where they are. "Shhh, we're sleeping," whispers Cesar, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Al totally loses it and creates a scene at the bar.

Meanwhile Miranda is recalling a green memory starring the toxic Berta when Cesar enters the room. He tells her about Al's phone call, reports what was said and predicts he'll call right back which he does. Miranda tells Al, "Cesar told you very clearly that I was sleeping. For God's sake stop pestering me!" Cesar smirks. Miranda cries. Again.

Al blows a fuse because he thinks Miranda and Cesar are "together." He orders Luciano to sell the stocks tomorrow. If Miranda wants to play dirty let her. Luciano reminds him that the board members (including Miranda) are supposed to get first dibs on the stocks. "Screw protocol," fumes Alejandro, "do what I say!" He glares and flexes his jaw in anger.

Juan checks Veronica and tells her she has to go to Mexico City to get checked for HIV before he can prescribe anything for her sore throat. I think he should prescribe decapitation and put her out of our misery.

Lasagna tells Flor that she prepared her breakfast for her. She tells Flor that Alejandro cares for her and thinks of her as a sister so she (Lasagna) will think of her the same way. After she leaves Faby comes out fresh from his shower and hugs Flor who ruins the moment by asking if he made love with Miranda again. He tells her no, never!

After the hunky Doctor Juan leaves the room Veronica, who should be damned scared that she's contracted HIV, is feeling playful. She teases Squeaky, "So you haven't managed to conquer him yet, hmmm?" She bets her car that Squeaky can't get Juan to propose marriage to her. "It's a bet and Erika is the witness," says Squeaky, "but not a word to La Morena (Lasagna)."

Miranda is back at the hacienda. She tells Tomasa she needs to talk to her about something. Apparently Gonzo called while she was at Cesar's and Tomasa covered for her. Berta calls and lies to Miranda, telling her she's in New York taking care of important business for her friend who died. For a reason that completely eludes me Miranda tells Berta to hurry home because Gonzo's out of jail and many things are happening. Also, I don't know why but Miranda is waiting for a locksmith. Anyway, the locksmith can't come until tomorrow.

Update** my pals at work reminded me that Miranda is waiting for the locksmith to get into Berta's room to retrieve the mysterious documents that Alejandro wants.

In a scene of extreme deja vu Cesar is once again looking at very official papers of the transaction of the infamous stocks and asking Luis if is sure there's no proof against him. Luis says it was a completely clean transaction blah blah blah. How many times are these guys going to have this stupid conversation? Nuria enters and tells them Gonzo has arrived and is in his office with Vicente and Alejandro. Cesar and Luis gloat that Don Julio will be ruined.

Gonzo offers Al a partnership in SLI, for an investment of course. Al says it's a good offer but the truth is he doesn't know the business completely and he doesn't like to participate in things in which he does not have control in all senses. Gonzo and Vicente say they will teach him everything. Al says he's got to think about it and consult with Daira and Lasagna because the capital is their money too.

I skipped this next part with Cesar because I'm sick of hearing his voice. But I can tell you with complete confidence that he is either plotting to ruin Don Julio and/or Gonzo, and/or scheming to marry Miranda.

Miranda is visiting Padre Santiago for spiritual guidance. He tells her not to judge her father too harshly. He tells her to talk to Gonzo, then Fernanda, hear what they have to say then draw her own conclusions. She mustn't forget that they are the two who gave her life. She sits and weeps. Again. He tells her to cry until the tears cleanse her spirit; God will help her make the right decisions. She prays to the Virgin, "Don't let go of my hand at this moment. Don't let me walk alone in the dark." Sniff Sniff.


So Fabricio slept with Veronica who has AIDs or the clap or whatever. Does that mean that he could have given it to Flor already? I remember him saying something about protection when he had that heated discussion with Veronica in the stained glass window room (chapel?) That would be kind of a shocking ending to have 3 characters die of AIDS. Or at least two of them and one living with HIV.

No, he actually didn't sleep with her (it was revealed on the Sept. 7 episode), so Veronica is the only one. And she doesn't even have an official diagnosis yet. From her symptoms, it's not clear that she doesn't just have mono or something else

Whoah, Sylvia, good work with "Aguas!" there! I never woulda known that, how cool and historical!

Also, I didn't know that men could put the horns on women!!??

I didn't know that either! I'm not sure if that's "progress," exactly, but it's a nice change from "women can't cheat but men can do whatever they want."

Wow!~!!This episode has raised so many questions in my mind: 1] Why do they yell ''aguas'' instead of the Spanish word for ''pee'' as a warning??? 2] How long does a commercial last? about 3 minutes? That does not say much about Fab's skills as a lover[ but this is not a surprise considering that he is a bad kisser...fernando should be teaching classes for these new young bucks [Kissing and Fondling 101 ... Remedial Necking ... Advanced Making Out... Petting for Beginners]Fernando has a Phd. in romance...learn from the master, guys 3] How do we know Fab and Ver did or didnot sleep together??????? wouldn't have taken more than a few minutes at most. Susanlynn

Excellent recap Syliva with historical references too!

The depressing thought is that this turkey of a novela is *still* going on in Mexico. In fact, they recently brought in the actress Susanna Gonzales to play an ex-girlfriend of Al's. I'm guessing that the writers had used every possible misunderstanding between Al and Miranda and now had to introduce old girlfriends to keep the thing going.

I did some internet checking on Pepe el Toro. Pepe el Toro was a character in a very popular 1947 Mexican movie called, "Nosotros Los Pobres" or "We the Poor." I don't know exactly what Squeaky was referring to but I found this reference to the film and the current political situation in Mexico.
“Peje el toro is innocent,” one could read on the signs the people carried in support of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the impeached head of the Mexico City government.
The phrase references the classic Mexican film Pepe el Toro (“Pepe the Bull”), starring Pedro Infante, in which the protagonist is falsely accused and the people come out in his defense. Obrador gets his nickname El Peje from the pejelagarto, a well-known fish from his home state of Tabasco.

Very interesting Jean. After reading what you wrote I also checked into Pepe el Toro and discovered that it is the third film in a trilogy, "We The Poor", "You The Rich", and "Pepe el Toro." Maybe the reference has something to do with poor and rich/Juan and Renata? Still a bit of a mystery. It's fascinating that Pepe el Toro is still enough of a folk hero to be used as a modern political reference after all these years.

A great read. Thanks....

hey, I was thinking that "Pepe el Toro" (thanks for the backgrounder) would coincide with the snide "Rey del Barrio" remark Renata made the other night. Both refer to his lower social class and standing I would think.

As for Renata? I think of her as "Shrieky" rather than "Squeaky" after all those shrill scenes insulting anybody "not of her class" whenever she takes a mind to.

As for "aguas" is Raul perhaps using a polite version of slang for "p--s on that"? He obviously doesn't think much of her reasoning in this case.

Sylvia said: It's fascinating that Pepe el Toro is still enough of a folk hero to be used as a modern political reference after all these years.

If someone said, "Oh, the humanity!" or "I don't nuthin' 'bout birthin babies" or "Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!" [there are probably some better examples that I can't think of now] you would probably know what they were referring to from movies as old as Pepe el Toro. Some things become part of a country's cultural history and everybody knows what they mean.

I think the aguas that were thrown out the window, weren't necessarily the chamber pots but also dirty water used after cooking, washing up (bedrooms usually had pitches and basins which were filled with clean water by servants in the morning) and bathing. I think "aguas" was the way to refer to them all when they were gotten rid of out the window, into the street, which was pretty much the public sewer.

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