Sunday, September 24, 2006

Heridas, Friday Sep 22

About the scene when Miranda is in her room crying about Tomasa – hello Pamela! Somewhere between last week and now she got 10 times hotter. Wow. On with the story.

Carola is getting the news from Bertha about Tomasa dying, surely the story fits Bertha’s point of view. Julio is all dressed up to go see Gonzalo about dissolving their partnership. She tells him that Gonz surely isn’t in the office, due to Tomasa dying and all. She wants to go to the funeral, Julio doesn’t want to. He sends his regards to Miranda.

Bertha is talking to the dog and Renata enters. They have some small talk about Tomasa and Bertha tells her that she’s “as pretty as me.” ha ha ha. Renata drops the bomb – “are you going to tell me why you were in Germany?” She explains it away by claiming to be looking at properties to give to Renata as a gift! Renata the greedy eats it up and thinks Bertha is so great again.

Juan is talking to Amparito, he tells her that it’s Raul’s own problem to fix what he got into. Francisco shouldn’t have to worry about it. They start talking about Renata, apparently Juan is convinced that they are going to get married and live in the poor house! Amparito of course can’t believe it but Juan thinks it is all decided.

Cesar is totally not paying attention to the funeral service, very disrespectful. Gonz, Miranda, and Al are sitting next to each other, I thought Gonz was mad at both of them. Superslut is sitting with Bertha across the aisle, they whisper about evil plans. Apparently they don’t care if anyone discovers that they know each other. Fern whispers to Rebeca to never tell anyone that Gonz is not Flor’s father. Gaaaahhh Erika and her layered bowl cut are sitting with Renata.

When they all get back to the house, they see Charo and ask why she didn’t come to the service? She says she couldn’t, she REALLY couldn’t. Bertha smirks. What a bitch. The dog comes out the door and barks at them all, Bertha smirks some more. They stand on the stairs discussing Tomasa’s fall down those very stairs. Miranda asks when Bertha is getting rid of the dog. Never! She says, the dog takes care of her and everyone else too. Gonz agrees with her that the dog is helpful. Gee thanks dad. Miranda gets suspicious and says “well then, where was the dog when Tomasa fell?” Bertha remembers what happened but says “he was in the kitchen with me and Charo. Go ahead, just ask her!” Charo has no choice but to agree.

I’m going to leave out any details of people discussing Tomasa’s death, it’s the same thing over and over. If you see people talking and crying in this episode, that’s what they are talking about.

Fern is worried that without Tomasa or Nati, there won’t be any way to find out exactly what happened that fateful night way back when. Fern says Bertha is the evil mastermind, dumbass Alejandro tries to convince her that Bertha doesn’t seem the type and she for some stupid reason decides el tiene razon. Everyone is so stupid.

Renata tells Gonz and Miranda that maybe Tomasa fell and died because she was fat. She thinks she deserved it. Renata doesn’t care about Tomasa because Tomas only cared about Miranda. She’s bitter. Miranda storms out. Gonz tells Renata that he needs to talk to her. He gives her a hug and she thinks he must not feel well. She says don’t act all nice now, you treated me like some thing and now you want to be the caring father. He sticks his jaw out but says nothing.

Charo cries at Bertha about having to lie, Bertha tells her to keep lying if she knows what’s good for her. To the police, to everyone. Bertha says she’ll accuse Charo of being Tomasa’s killer if she doesn’t cooperate. Char sniffles some more.

Miranda is crying, surprise surprise. Pamela comes in. If she keeps up this level of hotness, she’s going to replace Lasagna as my favorite. In fact, I think she did, after seeing Lasagna kiss Cesar she is dead to me. Viva Pamela. Anyway, she and Miranda sit on the bed remembering Tomasa. Miranda now is thinking that something doesn’t add up about how Tomasa died. I imagine we’ll be unraveling this mystery for weeks. Miranda says that it is strange that as soon as Bertha returns from her trip, Tomasa has a strange accident.

Alejandro tells Fern that he thinks the guys that jacked him are the same guys he saw in front of her house before. He even knows he names. They decide to talk to Amparo and Francisco about it. Juan enters. Al leaves. Juan tells Fern that he has something important to tell her urgently! Juan, que paso? Oh my god! What could he possibly be there to tell her! This is the biggest cliffhanger yet! I hate how they have to manufacture tension in these shows. If there is something dramatic, it will take care of itself. For Juan to tell Fern something we already all know isn’t dramatic. Telling your godmother you like some girl doesn’t deserve the dum dum dummm music.

Renata and Gonz hash over his treatment of her over all the years. He’s a crappy father, he loved the others more, yada yada yada. RRRRRRsi RenataRRRRtienes razonRRRRR. He wants to be friends with her. She is beside herself at the idea. More about how she had it so good, he was so distant. Snore. Wait – she gets too sassy and he slaps her. She says something nasty to him and then leaves.

Al discusses the situation with Amparo and Francisco. They are worried about Fern’s safety if the bad guys recognize Al as her friend. Al decides finally to go to the authorities. Francisco then shows off a new green soccer shirt he got along with some story about how he got it free, I didn’t quite understand.

Fern doesn’t know if Juan and Renata together is a good idea, Juan gives a bunch of reasons why it’s ok, he has a good job, etc etc etc.

Bertha comes into Renata’s room where she is crying. So much crying. Always everyone with the crying. Renata is sad about what happened with Gonz, Bertha pretends to be concerned. Bertha blames everthing on “tu madre.” Renata doesn’t know that Fern is her mother. So Bertha does her usual, blame everything on Fern. Bertha gives her a long lesson on how to properly hate someone. Then Bertha tells her that when Flor dies, all her time will be free for her! Great!

Miranda/Columbo is still on the case. Then they decide that soon they have to tell Renata the truth about Fern. Pamela then agrees that what Renata said, that Miranda should marry Alejandro, is the most practical solution to the monetary problems.

Raul and Carola are figuring out their plan I think, for some reason I’m not getting the details. Some talk about coincidences, I think that they need to tell Alejandro everything they are planning, it wasn’t a coincidence that he got involved with those same guys, by getting jacked the other day.

Miranda says that marrying Alejandro with even the slightest hint that it’s only for his money would forever damage their relationship.

Fern tells Juan that he’s like a son so he can count on her help. He says he’s not asking Gonz for permission, Fern tells him he better talk to Renata about that first, he can’t decide that for her. Good call. He says fine. She asks the typical “where will you live?” etc. He says here in the hood, Fern of course doesn’t like that answer.

Bertha continues hate class with Renata. “Do something that will hit him so hard.” Renata says, “like get married to a poor guy?” Bertha loves the idea! Poor Juan. He’s a good guy and he’s about to get royally screwed. And not in the good way. Bertha says where will you find one? Renata says she already has one. And he doesn’t have any suspicion about Renata’s true motives. Bertha asks if she loves him, Renata finally says yes she does, and he loves her. So they love each other, but she’s going to take advantage of him anyway. Bertha has the bright idea for them to get married in secret.

Miranda is packing to return to the hacienda, she says it’s better for everyone if she’s not at the house. Pamela is staying to get her family back together. Pamela asks how Miranda is going to get more money to maintain the hacienda, Miranda says she’s going to take a mortgage on the property.

Charo packs Tomasa’s things into a box and talks to herself. She finds an envelope. She hears Bertha coming and she puts the envelope on the dresser. Dummy. Hide it or something. Damn.

Francisco, Raul, Al, Carola, and Amparo all sit around the table discussing what to do about the crooks. Suddenly Sanson enters, “Raul! Just who I was looking for.”


Noble job! Jeez, again with the talk talk and crying crying. And any guy who's such an idiot as to fall for Squeaky, I can't feel sorry for him.

Renata is SOO obnoxious. She's not as bad as Evita in Peregrina but she's approaching that level fast.

Did anyone catch what she said that led up to the slap? That was some wallop Gonzo gave her, she appeared to fly off screen. Where did she land? a couch? The floor?

Wait, how is Renata and Juan getting married going to piss of Gonzo if they do it in secret??

Did anyone catch what she said that led up to the slap?

At the time, I couldn't figure that out either but I went back and watched it again and here is the exchange:
G: I gave you the life of a princess.
R: Why did you give me the life of a princess if you can't continue to do so? A princess, sure, I don't know a single princess who is the daughter of an 'ex-presidiario'.
G: [Slap]
The problem is what 'presidiario' means. It's not in the dictionary. I suddenly realized that it must come from 'presa' that isn't in the dictionary either but is used on novelas all the time to mean arrested. So I think what Renata said is:

"I don't know a single princess who is the daughter of a jailbird."

ROFLOL--Great job!!!---I can always tell when you are recapping because of the comments about the hot chicks. I must agree that Pamela seems the best of the lot...probably because she is not crying and acting like the world owes her a living. It seems that some action is beginning...some falling down stairs and dying...some slapping. Cesar in church was great...he definitely has ADD..the gun chewing, swinging his feet, sitting on the arm of the church pew....he reminds me of hoods I went to high school with and kids I've had in detention focus but himself!!! He is becoming my fav...Al is a little too perfecto for my tastes,,,Cesar, on the other hand, is so out there!! What a prince of a guy. Susanlynn, longing for the end so I can see Ernesto again

Great job Chris! You had me laughing out loud when you dumped Lasagna for Pamela.

I had to do it, Lasagna's taste for bad boys left me no choice.

Yes Good choice on women to dump and women to watch! I saw the slap and have to say it WAS satisfying.

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