Sunday, September 10, 2006

Heridas Friday Sep 8

Daniel is yelling at Rebeca, as Jean noted at the end of her recap. He is quite adamant that the money is his and Angel’s, inheritance from their mother.

Everyone at the hacienda is gathered around the table discussing Charo and the whole thing about Miranda saying or not saying that she won’t give raises. Alejandro and Lasagna enter. Lasagna is wearing a short skirt, whoever that anonymous poster was that said she had bad hips and legs is full of it. Alejandro’s phone rings, it’s Vicente looking for Miranda. She starts to complain that the bail amount for Gonz is too high, then is told that Cesar paid it! Flor is happy that he is out too. Renata snottily says “so now that he’s out all the problems are over right?” Miranda replies that they are just beginning. Dum dum DUMMMM. Dramatic music.

Fab and Superslut are arguing about what they will do, Fab appears to want out of the whole thing. Superslut says she’ll tell all of Mexico what is going on and that will certainly hurt Flor! Fab caves and says ok, it will be however you want. What a wuss. She comes in for some kissing, when he moves in, she backs off and laughs. No, she says, that part is only when I want. “For now, I think I’d rather have money.” She says he has to pay for her silence, she wants 10,000 pesos! So now she’s not a slut, she’s actually a whore, since she gets paid for it.

Renata comes into Miranda’s room. It is finally dawning on her that money doesn’t grow on trees and she’s worried that they are going to lose everything. Miranda tries to comfort her and says they will sell the hacienda and the house in Mexico to get some money for the company, Renata can’t bear the thought. “It’s our history,” she pleads, like that ever mattered to her before. Maybe the spiteful love of Dr. Juan is changing her.

Alejandro and Fab argue about his behavior. Alejandro doesn’t want to see Flor cry again, he orders Fab to stay away from Miranda, to focus on his wife. Fab spits back that he’s a hypocrite, he criticizes Gonz so much but he is just the same.

Daniel is arguing with Rebeca again, making threats about declaring Julio incapacitated or something like that unless the stock is returned to him and Angel. Rebeca kicks him out. They argue more as he leaves. The servant comes in swearing that she was going to come to Rebeca’s defense if she needed her to. I’m sure some middle aged housekeeper would be a match for young, strong Daniel. Whatever. Big talk, now that he’s gone. “is he gone? Good cause I was gonna kick his ass!”

Fab and Alejandro bump chests and yell at each other some more, make threats, etc. Alejandro admits doubts to himself about what he is doing but won’t admit out loud to Fab of course. They seem to calm down a little bit, but Alejandro reiterates that Fab has to focus his attentions on Flor. Fab tells Alejandro that Miranda thinks that Alejandro and Florencia are in love with each other, or something like that. Just to make things really complicated I guess. Alejandro asks Fab what he’ll do when Flor is gone – Fab says “I’m going to get Miranda back.” Alejandro paces around the room to keep himself from killing Fab. Finally he says “not even in your wildest dreams, you can be sure of that.”

Renata tells Miranda that the worst part is feeling bad for Flor. They can’t buy anything for her baby, the baby will be born into this difficult situation. Miranda says it’s Fab’s problem to buy stuff for the baby, Renata rightly points out that he used his money to pay for security at the hacienda (Slut hush money too of course but the girls don’t know that). Miranda says they’ll come up with some idea if they work together. Renata then drops that bomb that she thinks the best solution is for Miranda to marry Alejandro.

Cesar gives the sleeping Rebeca a kiss, she’s so glad to see him. I must have missed the part where they don’t hate each other any more, last time I checked he was trying to kick her out. He says he needs to speak with Julio urgently, Rebeca gets a suspicious look. He promises to be nice. She tells Cesar about Daniel’s visit. He tells her that Gonz is out of jail. She says she will tell him that Cesar is innocent, then says something about what she did that surprises Cesar. I don’t know what she said, but something about authorizations I think. Whatever it was, Cesar acts thankful and gives her a hug. In his head he swears vengeance on somebody.

Amparito and Francisco come in their house, no doubt from spending the day selling tacos. Francisco’s feet hurt and he grunts and groans about it. They are arguing about Raul and the gang, Francisco wants to tell the police but Amparito is worried about Sanson seeking revenge if they do that. Carola enters with a sad face, they sit her down to tell them what’s wrong. She says she won’t say anything against Sanson. She says Sanson will kill Raul and Juan both.

Alejandro gives Juan a phone to stay in constant contact with him, while Renata and Miranda say goodbye to each other. Juan and Renata leave separately, leaving Alejandro and Miranda together. Alejandro wants her to come with him to travel to Mexico City. She smiles.

Cesar convinces Julio that Gonz is behind all the problems and the two of them vow to start over and be friends. As they hug, Gonzalo enters and sees them! They all sneer at each other. It’s odd to see Gonz in a suit again finally after so much time in his jail uniform. Gonz says they will pay dearly. “Is that a threat?” “no, it’s a direct advertisement.” Cesar says “what do I have to do to convince you that we didn’t do anything?” Gonzalo says he will never be convinced, they should just confess now to save the trouble of finding out the truth. Cesar says fine, I’ll go confess right away. Gonz says “don’t make fun of me!” and gives a horrible stage slap to Cesar right in the face. I think he missed by about a foot, but Cesar dutifully reacted as if he had been hit. Rebeca starts to whine “what are you doing?” Julio kicks Gonz out of the house. Gonz says one day he’ll regret joining with this pig, Cesar. Then he tells Cesar to never set foot in his company again. Cesar whines to Julio “see? See how he is?”

Miranda tells Alejandro “we need to talk.” Uh oh. Alejandro even has the look on his face that men get in that situation. Mouth open, eyes rolling. “oh man what the f***, just great. I was gonna watch the game, I guess THAT’S not going to happen.” She starts in on him. First, why are you here instead of in Mexico? Why such interest in my sister? He says his feelings for Flor are like a sister, don’t be stupid. Oh, Alejandro, you did it now! “oh now I’m stupid, huh? Well get out, you are banned from this hacienda.” She starts to storm out but he stops her. She gives him hell for not telling her that he was friends with and knew the truth about her mother. She then stomps off for real. Alejandro is stunned

Francisco still wants to do something, Amparito wants to do nothing. Carola says that Raul and Sanson need to work it out themselves. Then she tells them about how Raul met Lasagna while robbing her. They are distraught. Francisco wants to send Raul packing, Ampara tries to say no, but he is insistent.

Cesar and Julio get themselves all lathered up to proceed with their campaign of hate against Gonz. Cesar also tells Julio and his mother that he is going to save them from their financial ruin, a wedding present. They agree to try and buy out San Llorente Inversiones.

Raul comes home to a dark house. Francisco comes in, throws a shoe at him and yells at him to leave. They argue about the whole gang thing, the robbing Lasagna thing, etc. Raul begs forgiveness and says he’s innocent of what Sanson accuses him of, something about killing his brother. Francisco continues to yell at him.

We get a commercial for Barrera de Amor Ultimos Capitulos, featuring Unibrow in a suit. I almost didn’t recognize him. The suit still doesn’t help much though. Back to the show.

Miranda, back at the house in Mexico, asks Tomasa to update her on Bertha. Bertha left, so Miranda says she can go look in her room, Tomasa says nope, she locked it up good. “Bertha never locks her room, she must have something in there.” She says she’ll get in that room. Tomasa says she is having a chest pain, a portent of something bad happening.

Daira asks Alejandro what he’s going to do. He says he’ll have to tell Flor the truth eventually, and tell Miranda as well. Alejandro manages to convince himself that Fab and Miranda are in love and plan on getting together after Flor dies. Someow the fact that Flor belives that too makes him more sure. What? He worries about how he’s losing control of everything.

Charo swears it was Bertha that told the workers that Miranda said no raises. Miranda says nobody else will speak up, so who should she believe? Charo says fine, I’ll get my stuff and leave. No no no, Miranda didn’t mean that, go get some sleep and we’ll talk later. Pamela comes in as Tomasa and Charo leave. The catch up on some news but talk about basically nothing, Miranda is upset that Gonz didn’t come straight home. She thinks she might just go away and disappear and not see anybody.

Fab is mumbling to himself about some work stuff while he works on the computer. Renata comes in and wants the “labtop.” That’s what the Univision captions called the laptop. Labtop. Ha. And for being such a horndog, he seems oblivious to the awesome body in tight revealing clothes right in front of him. He lets her use the computer, Renata starts talking about Flor, that he should pay more attention before she falls for someone else. Who, he says, the doctor? No, Alejandro! He gets mad and she seems pleased to have pissed him off. He leaves and Lasagna enters. She is a little upset about the whole Raul thing. Renata asks what would you use for a password? Lasagna says oh, a birthday? It works and Renata squeaks. She’s looking at Bertha’s credit card history on the computer to find out where she went. Germany, but she doesn’t know why.

Pamela and Miranda discuss anything and everything, girl talk. Miranda confesses to having feelings for Fab still, when he kisses her she melts, etc. Bleah. He’s such a loser. Whoa whoa – turns out that she’s not talking about Fab at all, she’s talking about Alejandro! She is crazy for him but says it doesn’t work!

Juan tells Flor that she’s doing better but needs to keep up with her exercises, etc. Fab says he’ll do the exercises with her the next day, she says why? She’s the one that’s dying, why should he bother? Wow what a buzzkill Flor is. Fab leaves, Juan tells her to be easier on him, Flor gripes a lot about how Fab is a butthead. She has a green flashback about overhearing Fab say she’s going to die. Juan says he knows about it too. Flor says she’s paying for what she did to Miranda. Somehow she decides that this is all Miranda’s fault. On his way out of the room, Juan bumps into Renata. They stare at each other with lust and then start making out. Finally. Took long enough.


Hey good one Chris! BTW stupid Rebecca told Cesar that Gonzalo had set up a trap (trampa maldita) for Cesar. That's why he is so grateful to her, thanking her for telling him.

Now that I'm not watching this show any more (but I read all the recaps) it all seems even more convoluted and pointless than usual. You said this, he said that, guess what I saw, blah blah blah. What a bunch of idle babies. The dog is the most fun. There are not enough murders. I would rather watch Amparo make tacos than listen to all these stupid girls yak yak yak. Actually, I would like to watch Amparo try to teach them how to make tacos. Heh heh. Still waiting for them to go out and pick cacao.

Noble job keeping up with it, all!

If money grew on trees, I bet they'd be willing to pick that.

The show is VERY convoluted. That is really the only difficulty I find anymore writing the recaps - in Spanish all the "he she you me them" part of stuff comes BEFORE the verb, so I get so confused. Wait who said what to who about who? Le me hablas a el la ustedes. gah. And that's all they do, talk about each other. I guess it will help my spanish, that's what I keep telling myself. How I wish there was a day when I could describe somebody DOING something instead of conversation after conversation.

Making out in the doorway of the sickroom---that's in very bad taste. I saw the actress who plays Miranda as the host of the Miss Mexico contest this weekend. Wow...they all looked pretty much the same...I thought that the winner and the runnerup were twins. I also contiinue to watch ''Cantada por une sueno'' [?]---The actors who played Antonia [Amor Real], Antonio, and Diego[Alborada] are singing their little souls's kind of a Mexican ''Idol'' type show with celegrities singing with wannabees. ''Heridas'' is moving very s-l-o-w-l-y...I hope ''Mundo'' is better. I loved reading the recap here though...gave me some giggles. Someone needs to give Fab a blanket party. I'm strating to miss Bertha anbd the dog. Susanlynn

Thanks Susanlynn. I had to remind myself that you aren't one of the recappers, I see your name as much as the rest of us! I'm glad to see you here again and again and always love to read your comments.

Oh I forgot - Lynn, thank you for explaining that part with Cesar and Rebeca. More and more I'm recapping solo, my wife loves to watch with me to help me learn, but the one episode I recap each week drives her out of the room, what with all the pausing and typing. I totally understand, luckily between captions and my increased comprehension I'm getting along all right. There is just occasionally some little thing I can't figure out, that was the one from this week.

I finally got around to watching a couple of Barrera episodes last week and it was so much easier to understand than Heridas! My god we are killing ourselves translating these convoluted conversations. You did a great job Chris!

Agreed...blanket party for Fab.

No, I am not a recapper. Although I am surrounded by Spanish speakers at work [I teach ESL], I still can't speak or understand much. However, I know many words in Spanish now, and I do understand more than I did...sometimes even complete sentences!~!!---I keep a bilingual dictionary next to me and look up the words I can spell correctly. When I can't find them due to misspelling, I write them down phonetically, and my friend and former student Oscar translates them for me---he is phenomenal at figuring out what I am saying. However, it's going very slowly , and most of the time I am lost in spacE, so I appreciate these translations. Susanlynn

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