Tuesday, October 24, 2006

HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 10/23/06

In Gonzalo’s office Juan is angrily about to leave with his family but Renata yells for him to stop. Renata had hesitated for just a moment before telling her father that she loved Juan and that she will follow him wherever he goes. She asks her father's forgiveness but wants Gonzalo to understand that she married for love and not just to defy him as he thinks. Gonzalo tells her that she should remember he is her father and this is her house (but he is rudely ignoring Juan in all of this). He then just turns and walks out on the two of them. Renata tells Juan she loves him and her place is with him now and his family.

Daniel has just asked Cesar why he told him and Angel that Julio was faking his heart attack. Cesar is thinking fast and trying to explain his way out of the corner Daniel’s question has trapped him in. (Finally Dannyboy is using his noggin' for something besides collecting dust.) Cesar gives a really lame explanation why he told Julio’s sons that Julio was just faking it and that everyone knew it. Supposedly, he just figured it was all a trick (heh-heh) considering (heh-heh) what had happened with Gonzalo and the jail and the business and all (heh-heh). In the end Angel says what’s past is past and he just doesn’t care. Cesar agrees and then shuts Daniel up by offering to take them into the new business and teach them everything he and Julio know.

Fabricio apologizes to Alejandro for his actions earlier during the wedding reception. Alejandro accepts and explains to him that he had bought the Manglars specifically to keep Cesar from selling it to an outsider and that it was immediately put in Florencia and Fabricio’s name. Fab really feels like a jerk then, and he lets it slip that Cesar had suggested something else entirely. Alejandro realizes then that it was Cesar who’d told Fabricio about his plans for taking vengeance on Gonzalo and other twisted tales. Fabricio admits that it was Cesar. They both wonder who could have told everything in such detail to Cesar though. Alejandro then says that he has no choice but to explain things fully to Miranda but they agree it will be best after they return from the honeymoon.

Alejandro and Miranda leave on their honeymoon for Los Cabos and the parents-in-law are left to chat amongst themselves. Fernanda is about to take advantage of Daira’s presence to have the courage to finally tell Gonzo who the man was that he found her with that night long ago, but just then Bertha swoops in on her broomstick and tells them to call in Alejandro and Miranda as she has something for them all to hear. (Every time Bertha appears in a scene I feel like somebody has let all the air out of my tires.) Fernanda and Daira try to tell her that they aren’t there, and she rudely says that she’ll just wait till they return. Daira replies that she’ll be waiting a rather long time since they just left on their honeymoon. Bertha is stunned (she starts with that brow rubbing and sweating thing) and accuses Daira and Fernanda of joking but Fernanda and Gonzo say they in fact got married earlier in the day and just left a few minutes before. Bertha is choking back her anger and swigging down her whiskey and soda. She threatens Daira about she and her daughter having to live the rest of their lives on the on the street now. (Somebody slap that witch, already!) Daira shoots back not to be so sure of that since there was a special surprise for her: a clause in those documents she took from them that could void any of her false claims. Bertha says “could” is the operative verb here. She then asks if they just got married on purpose then (because of the clause), but Daira says, "NO!". It was because of their deep love for one another. Gonzo has had enough and tells Bertha to just pack it up and leave. She says no and if they try to force her she’ll tell Florencia the truth even if it means Flo dies from the news. Afterward, Bertha lays the blame of all the nasty things that have happened to the family on Fernanda’s shoulders, then snidely taunts Fernanda about finally ‘fessing up about the man she was going to flee with that night, and who Florencia’s father really is. Fernanda backs off and, when Bertha leaves the room, agrees with Gonzo later that Bertha still has the upper hand.

Francisco complains to his sister about how arrogantly Gonzalo acted concerning Juan and Renata’s marriage. He felt the man treated them like servants. He yells that his is a close family and that is something that Gonzalo, who acts like he owns the whole world, does not have. At the same time, Renata is telling Juan her father is who he is and won’t change. She admits also that she had been tempted for a while to return and to try to convince him to go with her because they’d have no worries about food and rent. They could save to buy him some nice things and she could also teach him some useful things that would help him enter into important social circles. He gripes about being a "kept man" but she finally gets him to see things from her point of view.

Fabricio goes to visit his mother and lets her know that Cesar told him by cell what had happened concerning Julio being their real father. Rebeca whines that she was made to feel like a criminal for having kept the secret about Julio all these years. Fabricio says she’s suffered enough and it doesn’t matter anymore. He explains about the Manglars still being theirs and she is thrilled. "Bless Alejandro!" Fab asks her not to tell Cesar what she's learned about the Manglars. She obviously thinks it won't matter telling Cesar, but Fab emphasizes he doesn't want her to mention it at all. He then suggests she and Julio go there for a few days away and he leaves for the hospital. Julio comes out a bit later, angry and with his bag packed. He says he’s leaving her for good and not to come looking for him again. He goes back to his own place.

Daniel visits Carola and Raul. He tells them the news about Fabricio and Cesar being his and Angel’s brothers and that it was Cesar who’d lied about their father’s heart attack and who convinced them that to sue Gonzalo and send him to jail. He has no problem with Fabricio, but he considers Cesar a lying coward. He says he is going to tell Gonzalo everything Cesar had asked them to do against him. (You go, boy!)

Fernanda must return to the hospital to check on Florencia because her blood pressure has gone back up, so she promises to answer all Gonzalo's questions next time they get together. Daira wants to be there then too and explains that even though he might not believe it, she also was a victim of what took place that night, but the one who really owes him an explanation is Bertha.

Fernanda and Florencia are comparing the two weddings when Bertha swoops into the hospital room, even though it is after visiting hours are over. She glides right over to Florencia and kisses her forehead, lying about her coming just as soon as she heard Flo was sick. Then she purposely turns to Fernanda with that evil, self-satisfied smile of hers. Fernanda just glares at her.

Gonzalo later on goes looking for Bertha and is banging on her bedroom door. (Where's Lucas these days?) Charo sees Gonzo and explains Bertha left for the hospital to see Florencia. Gonzalo tells Charo to keep track of everything Bertha does from now on. (It's about time!) He walks off and Charo calls up to Tomasa in heaven to have them send her an army of angels as now the Devil has come back.

When Florencia is again asleep Bertha warns Fernanda to be careful how she speaks to her because she won’t hesitate to kill Florencia. Fernanda answers the same way she didn’t shudder at shooting Alfredo. At first Bertha denies knowing what Fernanda is referring to, and insists she’s just gone crazy, but Fernanda continues that she knows Bertha brought Alfredo there that night, and wasn't it too bad that Bertha wasn’t counting on Gonzalo’s reaction. Bertha then stops lying and smiles evilly again as she answers back that the one she had aimed to shoot that night was really Fernanda.

Miranda and Alejandro check into the resort at Los Cabos and he says he’s giving her a church wedding fit for a queen.

Juan tells his father and aunt that he’s going to let Renata return home if she wants. It is not his decision. Amparo gets frustrated and gets the wad of money that Renata gave her the day the taco sales had been so meager. She explains that this is proof that Renata feels a part of the family and had true concern for their welfare. She explains that Renata isn’t interested in money because she’s had more than enough, but what she’s never had is the love and affection she feels from them. Francisco urges Juan to go to Renata and to not let his wife leave them. (Yeah, Juan, you self-righteous twirp!) Renata hears all this from the bedroom doorway and she runs back into the room and tries to pretend she’s asleep. Juan knows better and they begin to discuss the problem. She asks him to help her keep from losing her nerve and running back home. Juan promises to be there to support her always. (...and please allow her to do the same for you. It's a two-way street, ya know? This guy is such a male chauvinist and it grates on me......)

At the hospital Fernanda asks Bertha how she can be so shameless. (By now you'd think a doctor could have spotted sociopathic and/or psychopathic tendencies and been more proactive about it.) Bertha admits she’s always despised Fernanda and hates her to her very core. She says she came back to make her and Miranda suffer even more. She is going to make the two of them pay for having taken away everyone she has loved (presumably Alfredo and Alejandro?). Fernanda finally gets to rub it in that Miranda is happily married (and it's to Alejandro! Yessss!!!) Bertha threatens to harm her daughters and to make their suffering unbearably painful. Fernanda threatens to stop her but Bertha laughs and says she won’t be able to avoid it. Fernanda says Bertha has no idea what she is capable of if it comes to protecting her 3 daughters. Bertha tells her these aren’t idle threats but promises and Fernanda and her daughters will pay for having crossed her. Then she gives another feigned affectionate kiss to the sleeping Florencia to emphasize no one, especially her daughter, would believe any of Fernanda’s claims against her and glides back out on that broomstick of hers.

Miranda and Alejandro finally consummate their vows and we get to feel like voyeurs with all that glass and not a single shade!


Lately with Heridas I've had to find the most absurd line/action/etc. in order to amuse myself enough to stick with the whole show. Last night it was Juan's line that he knew Renata wasn't really asleep because he's a doctor and he knows that breathing changes blah blah blah. Yeah, oddly--I've never been to medical school but even I could tell Renata was faking it.

I was also wondering if Juan has had too much botox, or has some sort of condition that doesn't allow him to change facial expression. I know some people, like Fab, tend to have the same expression all the time, but Juan looks like his facial muscles don't work. Has he ever smiled?

We (my work pals and I) are still a little confused about Julio's sons...who are the older, Daniel and Angel or Sleazar and Fabricio?

Chris, I know what you mean about Juan. He doesn't demonstrate a huge range, does he? I used to think he was HOT but since he has become such a pig I'm losing interest.

And I LOVED Bertha's face when she heard about the wedding. Jardinera's right, she is a complete bruja. Great visual with her broom and all. Question...why oh why did Fabricio tell Mophead not to tell Sleazar about el Manglar? So far she has blabbed everything, except for that one minor detail about Julio being her sons' father.

Great recap!! Very amusing.

ferro94---I have noticed the same thing about Juan---I never thought of botox--I just thought he was a young hombre trying to appear mature and serious---He was on that singing show on Sunday night [the one where the voting is sooo complicated and the judges talkandtalkandtalk explaining their scores...yawn...where is Simon from American Idol when you need him..''You're awful...Leave.'']---Anyhoo, the guy sang okay and had some moves, but...yes... same facial expression as always. Maybe you're on to something with the botox theory. I NEED Daniel to straighten Cesar out...it would be my dream come true. Go, Daniel, go. Blanket party for Cesar!!!~~~Susanlynn, advocating some violence against that woman hitter/biter Cesar

Sylvia---Well, just eyeballing them...I think that Cesar looks the oldest---then , my man Dan, then, Fab, and Angel looks like the baby. Which means that Julio [that runaround] was going back and forth a lot between his house and Rebecca's. What a busy bee he be. ~~~Susanlynn, trying to keep score

That was clever to put them into the shadows. Usually they just focus on some flowers or candles in the room.

The love scene might have been clever to put them in the shadows but I think we still saw too much! We could see Al briefly struggling to get Mirandas shirt off, we could see the outline of their bodies in an intimate way, and I swear I could tell that Al was wearing briefs - not boxers. I was laughing out loud for that scene. I couldnt believe it was on! Ive seen plenty of these love scenes, its not that, its just that this felt like a home movie. Well that was my take.

I also laughed seeing Fab spill the beans to Mop Head. As Sylvia said she has blabbed everything so far so WHY would he tell her? (Yes I know to move the plot along, but I WANT to believe the story line not feel like Im following a pre-cast form.) To Mop Heads credit after she said yes she wouldnt say anything to Cesar she starts asking Why Not?! Why cant I tell Cesar. He'll just get it out of me anyway.... Blah Blah Blah So at least she is being up front that she has no intentions of keeping quiet.

Sorry folks! I did leave out the part about Fab asking his ditzy, blabbermouth mother not to say anything to Cesar about the Manglars, so I am adjusting it.

The hair in the shirt was funny.

Briefs - boxer briefs - Lucky for him he is in great shape. So is Miranda for that matter... I just felt like the camera caught a lot of them! ;) Glad someone else noticed too!

No worries. You did a great job. I just love being able to share about the scenes I thought were funny. I certainly didnt think you had left anything out. Its like a book, if you just watch the movie you miss things that are in the book. Same with recapping.. if you just read the recaps you might miss something (like a quiver, inflection or maybe a mop head) from the show that was funny. THanks for doing what you do!

Lynn: (My apologies to Chris but...) my husband drew my attention to Guy's silhouette during the disrobing scene because, as he said after, it was quite apparent that the actor was very "happy" to be in that scene with his co-star...... Well, that piqued my interest and I reviewed the tape and lo and behold- Well, suffice it to say we really did see a bit too much!!

Oh my, you girls are right about the silhouette side-view scene. I think I like being a voyeur.

That's what's so great about different people recapping and the comments section that follows. We all see different things and have different takes on what's going on.

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