Sunday, October 22, 2006

Heridas Friday Oct 20

After Cesar and Nuria’s wedding, Cesar tells Sanson to take her to her place. He says to remember that she belongs to Cesar, so hands off. Then he tells Sanson that when he’s bored with her, he’ll leave her to him. What a swell guy. Sanson smiles at the idea. Must be the only way he can get girls.

Cesar tries to make a move towards Miranda when she comes down the stairs, his mophead mother and Julio (so his PARENTS we have found out) stop him, saying, “what are you going to do?” Cesar says she can’t marry this imbecile. And why didn’t they tell him this was happening? Nobody knew, they were just invited for an important reunion with everyone, nobody knew. Alejandro says he thought this moment would never come, Miranda says me neither, they kiss and everyone claps. Cesar tries to push past his parents to get to the happy couple and make a scene, he threatens mophead “let go of me or I’ll forget you’re my mother” and then raises his hand to hit Julio. Gonzalo steps in and says no – he will not allow this Monster to raise a hand against his own father. Mophead screams “Gonz what did you do!” Gonz tells her that she should never let her son raise a hand against his father. Cesar is impactado of course. He demands an explanation from Mophead. Julio yells at her too, “answer him!” She just runs away cying. Cesar and Julio stare at each other, then Julio runs off to find Mophead.

Fab is thinking (I know!) – He is sure that Bertha was involved in the death of Flor’s German doctors. But why, he wonders? Slutty comes in. She asks Fab why he hangs up when she calls him? Fab tries to get her out, she says we can talk and starts talking to Flor to demonstrate that she won’t wake up. Fab finally puts his hand over her mouth to shut her up. Flor wakes up a bit, Fab says “nothing nothing go to sleep.” Slutty tells Fab she tested positive for AIDS, he says he didn’t know and he’s sorry to hear that. She says whatever, she needs money and lots of it. 50,000 pesos. He says he doesn’t have it, what do you want me to do? She says she doesn’t care, sell his soul to the devil, whatever, get the money. She leaves him there looking confused, as usual.

During the wedding ceremony, I notice Renata and Juan in the back looking like they are getting along just fine. Then Pamela and her mother, hello Pamela! Then Lasagna looking bored, then after Al and Miranda both say “I do” the priest does the “anybody here have any reason that these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace” we see Cesar begin to walk to the front. He pulls out a gun and shoots Miranda in the back! “I told you Miranda, if I can’t have you then nobody can.” Then……. Cesar comes out of his fantasy and hears the priest finish up. The ceremony wraps up and everyone is happy and claps. Cesar approaches Miranda and says “I don’t know if should congratulate you or offer my condolences.” What an ass. Ha ha ha oh Cesar you’re so funny. She tells him to just congratulate her. He then goes to give Alejandro a hug. Alejandro looks as if he would prefer to have bamboo shoved under his fingernails than be in close proximity to this guy, but you know Al, he always does the socially acceptable thing. Cesar whispers to him, “I swear to you that you’ll be sorry, you will pay dearly for this.” Al whispers back, “I swear to YOU that if you do anything against me, I’ll kill you.” They stare each other down.

Next we see Cesar dragging Lasagna by her hair down some back steps to a private area. He calls her estupida and gets in her face, “why didn’t you tell me about this?” She says she didn’t know. They argue about it and he slaps her face a couple times. She says she didn’t want to come but her mom made her. Cesar then accuses her “you and your brother are against me aren’t you?” She swears that Al knows nothing about the two of them. He grabs her hair again roughly and says “I don’t want to see one single tear. One tear and I’ll hurt you.” She whimpers for him not to hurt him. Then Cesar starts whining. “I knew she would hurt me, she mocks me, tell my why Lasagna? Why? I want to be dead to end the suffering.” Then Lasagna STUPID STUPID STUPID girl, instead of running away from this basket case as fast as she can, says “no Cesar don’t be that way! I love you more than anything! Please believe me!” He says fine, he believes her, he whines some more and dumbass Lasagna plays to his craziness some more. He tells her to get back to the party, then come to his place later. Of course she agrees. He tells her to not be a bad girl or she will receive her punishment. Then he kisses her roughly and bites her lip again. “Get your shoes and get out of here.” Bah every time I see him acting like this with Lasagna or Nuria it pisses me off. It takes me back to high school and college when the assholes got all the hot girls. Ah well, that was a long time ago, at least one hot girl wised up and married me. I don’t care about the rest.

Al and Miranda are standing by themselves at a table drinking champagne. She tells him that he looks extremely happy, he says it’s because he has a surprise. He tells her about the clause in her father’s will (or wherever that clause is) that will make the documents that Bertha has worthless. He says they have to have a kid before the year is done… then it fades out and we don’t hear any more. Miranda looks somewhere between happy and confused.

Fernanda calls Gonzalo over and says that they need to finish their conversation, but Bertha needs to be there for it. He says she’s in for quite a surprise when she returns! Fernanda says there is something else…. Gonz says not today, I just want to think about my daughter. He is sad because he always thought he would be happier on her wedding day but she is with someone he doesn’t like. Fernanda of course says that Al is a great guy and will make Miranda happy. She goes on to say that a person remembers every detail about the day they fall in love but they don’t remember what day the love goes away. She asks Gonz if he knows when he stopped loving her, and don’t say ‘that night.’ He just looks at her. It is more and more apparent that these two will end up together again before this novela is over.

Flor finally puts two and two together. She tells Fab that the only explanation for her having a genetic condition that nobody else in her family has is that she’s adopted. That’s why she’s so different from her sisters, etc. Fab tells her to quit thinking about that, those are fantasies, then he correctly states that it doesn’t matter, she’s still Florencia San Llorente etc etc. She smiles, he actually said the right thing for once, even if he was lying about not knowing the truth.

El Guapo tells someone on the phone that Gabino has to be alone for the plans. Santiago comes out and El Guapo gives him some food, what a nice guy. He tells the padre that his name is El Guapo, the father laughs. El Guapo gives him a sob story about coming here to look for work but he misses his hometown, Santiago says that when he gets some free time he’ll take him back home. El Guapo says he’s going to love the little town so much he’ll never come back. Some scary music says that El Guapo will kill him, that’s why he’ll never come back.

Renata tells Lasagna that she has to get used to the economic reality of her new life, but she won’t ever leave Juan and she’ll have to figure out how to improve their financial situation. She wants to know all about Lasagna’s new flame but Lasagna won’t tell her anything. Finally she says “someone you introduced me to.” Then she gets a little psycho. “I’m the happiest woman in the world. Let me tell you something – he hits me!” She says this like saying “he buys me diamonds!” or something. She’s a freak. And not in a good way. Lasagna is off her rocker.

The happy couple and the non-crazy people are talking, they ask the couple about their honeymoon, Miranda thinks they are going to the hacienda but Al says he has a surprise. “Tell me!” “No, then it isn’t a surprise!” Ha ha ha. Then someone asks Gonzalo what he thinks about all this. “what can I say? They already signed the papers.” Ha ha ha some more. Fab shows up and announces that Flor is sleeping and the doctor let him go for a while. Then – “oh Miranda? Why do you look so pretty, it looks like you’re getting married!” “uh yeah, I just did.” Fab is impactado. Miranda gets all kissy face with Alejandro while Fab looks confused some more.

Julio demands an explanation from Mophead, before she can answer Cesar walks in. He goes down the list. “same eyes, same skin…” Julio swears he didn’t know either, Cesar believes him. Then he asks his mother, when were you going to tell? She says she was waiting for the right moment. When that would be, who knows. Cesar said “I was about to kill Julio before. Were you going to tell me after, you killed your father?” Julio agrees with him and says that Gonzalo was right to think so badly of her. They are really letting her have it. They want the whole story and they want it now. She says that when her parents made her marry Javier and leave Julio, he never loved her and she never loved him. Then it turned out Javier was sterile. Everyone asked them when they were going to have kids so they finally decided to have someone else father the kids, they decided on Julio. Julio is pissed at hearing this, of course. “You just used me as a donor? You could at least have told me!”

Fab the idiot confronts Alejandro about Miranda. He says he’s not afraid of Al, but Al says he should be. Fab says Al stole her away from him with his money, deep in her heart she still loves him (Fab). Al tells him that he’s a stupid kid and doesn’t know anything. Al says “you know what? I’m going to forget what you just said but if you say it again there will be trouble.” Fernanda comes up and asks if something happened. Al says “yes. Talk to him and see if you can talk some sense into him.” Fab tells Fern, “What do you think Miranda will say when she finds out about Al’s plans to avenge his father and that you knew about it?”

Daniel and Angel wonder why Julio and Rebeca ran off so fast. They discuss the surprises of all the marriages lately. Miranda approaches and says thank you for coming, I hope we can put behind us all the ugliness from when your father was sick. Daniel says “Yes we can, now that we know that he really was sick.” Miranda bristles. “We told you, do you think we were all making a story and only your other source told the truth?” Daniel says “Well, your father was in jail because of us.” Angel said “Yes, and you got Renata’s husband to help support your story.” They are accusing everyone of putting on a big show just to get back at them. Don’t flatter yourselves boys. So basically they still think that the whole thing was a production. Alejandro walks up. Miranda says “Who told you all this, that we just put you on about Julio being sick?” Daniel says “Cesar.” Angel agrees.

Francisco’s family dreams about having a place as big as the San Llorente house when Gonzalo walks up, introductions all around.

Miranda says it can’t be, Cesar isn’t capable of something like that. Daniel says that anything he says about Gonzalo is because Cesar told them. Miranda obviously doesn’t want to believe Cesar could do that, she’s so dumb sometimes. Al says this proves that Gonzalo was right, Cesar is trying to hurt him. Miranda asks the boys if they have any proof that Cesar told them this, they say no, but that’s how it happened. They say they could never invent that themselves. Al says “See? SEE?” but Miranda won’t believe it and they argue. She says another day they’ll get Cesar and she’ll ask them to repeat what they said, they agree and say that Cesar won’t deny it. She storms off. Al asks if Cesar asked them to do anything else, Daniel says they already told Miranda everything and the boys leave.

Gonzalo asks to speak to Francisco alone. Juan says “I’ll go with you.” I guess he doesn’t understand what alone means. Gonz says no, just your father. They walk away to talk.

Miranda and Alejandro argue some more. The details aren’t important, he believes that Cesar is evil and she thinks he’s a saint. Finally they decide that it’s their wedding day, smile, peace and love.

Fern talks Fab down. He’s all worked up about things and she talks and talks until he calms down. He still thinks Alejandro stole Miranda. Fern tells him that Al has decided not to seek vengeance. That calms him down a bit. He says he’ll talk to Al again to smooth things over. Then he tells Fern about Bertha lying about Germany, saying that she really went to New York.

Mophead says Gonzalo will pay for telling Cesar and Julio the truth. Cesar says no, it was only fair, Mophead was the one who told about Flor not being Gonz’s daughter, now they are even. Julio is furious, “Where was your head, doing all this?” He is holding his hand over his heart like he’s about to have another attack. Daniel and Angel are brought in by the servant. Cesar says how nice, if Fab were here, the whole family would be together. Julio says "Not now!" but Cesar says yes, Pandora’s Box has been opened, let’s get it all out. Angel yells at Julio, “What are you talking about?” Cesar says from this moment forward, he will not allow anyone to yell at his father! The boys are confused, obviously. Julio grabs his left arm, he’s having another heart attack I think. His brilliant trio of sons stands there looking at him like pendejos. Help him you idiots!

Gonzalo tells Francisco that he wouldn’t ever have agreed to the wedding of Renata and Juan; Francisco says they are old enough, what can be done about it? Gonz says they’ll never agree on that since Francisco has sons and Gonz has daughters, they’ll never see that the same way. Gonz says that they need to help the couple, Francisco says how? He has nothing more he can give them. Gonz says he wants them to come live at his house. Francisco is stunned. I’m discovering how often I type that someone is stunned or impactado. That’s the code for switching to another scene. “Ok, we’ll switch by having him look stunned, then go to the other location.”

Fab tries to convince Fern that Bertha killed the doctors in Germany. They plan to investigate further. They are now a team.

Francisco’s family wonders what is going on, Al and Miranda come up to them and offer a toast, Juan decides to find his father. He still doesn’t understand what alone means, I guess. Renata goes with him.

Daira tells Lasagna she’s being a bitch. “At least go congratulate him!” If she can’t shape up, she should go home right now. Lasagna whines “Why do you always take his side?” What a complete whiny bitch. She gets younger and more immature each episode. She sasses back at her mother and insinuates that maybe Alejandro isn’t her brother, but instead her father! Daira slaps her. Now I’m confused, she likes when Cesar hits her, does her mother slapping her turn her on too? Does it confuse her? She’s so wacky now I don’t know what to think. They argue some more, Lasagna says something about forgetting that Daira is her mother and leaves.

Turns out Julio is ok. Why is he ok? Because Mophead said “Calm down, you’re ok.” I think with someone who was in a #$%$#%@# coma from a heart attack not too long ago it might be prudent to get him checked out when his left arm goes numb again. Don’t you think? What the hell is wrong with these people? The boys start in on Julio again, “Why didn’t you tell us?” Mophead says he didn’t know, Cesar says yes that’s true. Things have to change now that they know they are brothers. Daniel says forget it, he’ll never see him as a brother. Cesar says fine, but he intends to make them a family. Julio agrees that they need to move forward as a family. Mophead whines about how she didn’t know how to tell them. Daniel says fine, but I can’t promise anything. Cesar acts glad. I’m sure he has an angle. Cesar tells Daniel that as his older brother he’ll show him things and together they’ll go far. Daniel says “Fine. Tell me though, why did you say that Julio wasn’t really sick and that everyone agreed to pretend he was?” Cesar has no answer as they all look at each other.

Francisco says it isn’t their business where the couple lives, they are a couple, just two people, there isn’t room in a couple for three or four people, they should decide for themselves. Juan and Renata come in, Francisco insists that they were just discussing politics and excuses himself, Juan goes with him. Renata says “What did you say to him? They are treating me very well.” Gonz says because they have to, not because they want to. Gonz asks why she married Juan, just to hurt him (Gonz)? She says no, because she loves Juan, that's why she married him. Gonz says that she belongs in this house, she should stay here. Juan comes and says “Let’s go.” She doesn’t answer and he says “I’m talking to you.” She can’t decide what to do.


LOL---made me giggle. Im hoping that my fav Daniel is the one who eventually cleans Cesar's clock. Marcelo has a good right hook as I remember from his days fighting the evil Gasca in ''Alborada.''---I want to slap Cesar myself...but then , lasagna is doormat---she should give him a smack back...or tell Al ...he'd be more than happy to give Cesar a good smack. I wonder how many episodes are left. Thanks for the translation. ~~~~Susanlynn, who is probably the only one not related to Cesar at this point

Thanks for the summary. This whole group of upperclass families is so twisted and selfish and childish that I am now impactada.

As for Fabricio, what part of "you already have a wife" or "you left Miranda and married Florencia" and "Miranda was single but you were not" or "she already has a husband and you already have a wife" doesn't he understand? I was waiting for Fernanda or Alejandro or somebody around there to spell it out for the jerk.

Thanks for such entertaining and educating summaries. I watch with pencil and pad in hand to look up words during the commercial breaks. Still, I miss some of it and am grateful for the help of keeping up with the storyline. Also, I'm impressed that Gloria has so many "famous friends" and how did she get to visit the set?!

I remember when I first saw a novela, those strange scene endings with people just looking blank with their mouths hanging open (reaction shots) seemed very strange to me. If they're just going to stand there with mouths hanging open, why do we have to waste screen time watching them? Now I'm just used to it.

About Lasagna - do you think we're getting set up for public service announcements about "it's a bad idea to be in a sado-masochistic relationship, you may think it's fun to be slapped and whipped but it's actually not so great." ??

GREAT recap as always!

I noticed something when I watched ''Amor Real''...Unlike Luis in ''Alborada,'' who just yelled a lot when he got angry with Hipolita, Manuel was pretty rough with women. He slapped Matilde on their wedding day when he found out she was planning to go away with another man, and when he found out Aldolfo had actually been living with them, he accused her of having an affair with him and that the baby was his. Then , he told her to go to hell and pushed her out of his office and told her to leave. He also manhandled her aunt and his mother for knowing what was happening. I found it strange that he did this because he was the ''hero'' of ''Amor Real.''. Hurting women is not very heroic. I was very surprised that the hero was depicted hurting women.I'm half the size of my hubby, but he knows that if he EVER hit me, it would be all over.~~~~Susanlynn, liking Manuel but not his bad temper and violent nature toward women

Do we know who Sleazar's father is? I'm thinking Darth Vader.

thanks for the recap! i thought the comment about your wife was very sweet.

as far as manuel, i do remember he "forced" her to sleep with him (though we then get told that she actually let him because she liked it); but i think the telenovela story was designed to portray how things really happened during that time. i guess in his case the insecurities and lack of trust in his marriage could sometimes make him a monster (but i think manuel did change a lot towards the end due to his humbleness). that is different than cesar though, who hits the girls only to feel authoritative. sometimes i feel like pulling his hair out :)

...those pictures...i want guy ecker to give me a kiss too!!

Thank you Chris. Funny Funny recap. I loved your comment about your anger with the pretty girls going with the bad guys until one of the smart pretty girls wised up and married you. Very sweet you are to your wifey.

This was a funny episode. The whole stuff with Mop Head and Julio, then Cesar hamming up the bad situation. My my too much!

And Melinama I agree I think we will get a PSA about being hurt in a relationship. Here, during the commercial breaks, there are health PSA's announced. Its just one step away to discuss how spanking is not healthy in a loving relationship. Here are some proposed lines for Lasagna ....Your bruise does not mean love.... If that bruise turns you on now, just wait till your arm is missing.

Also Fab walking in late to the wedding was hilarious. Francisco y familia talking about how they would grow a garden in the big back yard of Gonzalos house also cracked me up. Their parts are written to make them seem so hillbyish. (Is that a word?)

Gloria~~Was Guy born in Mexico? Is Spanish his native language? Somehow, his Spanish sounds a little different to me from the other actors...or is it just my imagination[ which...I pretty active]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Susanlynn, musing and imagining

guy was born in brazil, and his parents are from the USA (i think illinois and wisconsin). He was raised in latin america, speaks english (of course :)) spanish and portuguese fluently. cool huh? :) i don't know about others but i find this about him so sexy!!

i also read that he used to be a dance instructor in salsa, tango, chacha and meregue...

it amazes me that he has fit so well into the latino culture and also appears to have such a passion for it! i also love his little accent when he speaks spanish :) uuuyyy, what a gringo...

Wow, after all this Guy Ecker worship, I better not hear any more about being distracted by the hot chicks on the show! Kidding of course. I'm glad there is something for everyone.

hmmm...i don't know what it is, but i agree with susalynn his spanish sounds a little different to me too... anyone else noticed that? ...i think he has a more articulate pronounciation of the vowels... but to me that's what makes him so special...i just love the way he talks :)

i haven't seen cafe con aroma de mujer :( too bad they didn't show that one where i grew up. i would've most likely watched it cuz i was a big telenovela fan since i was probably around 5. i watched mostly venezuelan TN though... but i heard cafe was excellent and plan to buy the book...

LOL---Lots of lusting in our hearts!!!!!--- Guy is a cutie and seems like a lovely man , but too blonde for me !!! I prefer dark hair , so Fernando is the hombre I find most attractive.To each his own, n'est-ce pas? I would like to hear Guy speaking Portuguese though. That's a very interesting language. Our secretary is Brazilian, and I tutored 2 women from Brazil this summer. ~~~~Susanlynn, offering free English lessons

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