Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Heridas - Tuesday October 24

Alejandro and Miranda are STILL making love and Ricardo Montaner is STILL singing with gusto. Miranda tells Alejandro she has never met a man as romantic and passionate as he. He became a part of her the moment they met and now he is everything to her. He says nice stuff to her too.

The following morning brings us beautiful panoramas of Los Cabos, Baja California. Al's in his cute red shorts when "Dormilona" (sleepyhead) Miranda joins him. She says it's the best day of her life. Everything is a different color and texture. They are Baja's beautiful couple. She says she's dying of hunger and Alejandro says, "Finally, you're mine, all mine." Then he kisses her and tells her it's better than breakfast.

Renata, in her bathrobe, visits Dr. Fernanda and brings her a cup of orange juice. She warns the oranges were a little sour. Fernanda gets all emotional and breathy and says because Renata brought it the juice will be sweeeet, very sweeeet. Renata gets the "HUH?" look and asks Fern if she's feeling ill. After Renata leaves Juan arrives and Fernanda tells him all about the fabulous sour juice that Renata brought, the juice clearly being a metaphor for the intuitive and undeniable love that an abandoned daughter must feel for her mother. Juan's big moment...he tries to smile and tells Fernanda she will recoup her daughter.

Back in Baja we get more great scenery. Miranda wonders if Bertha has returned yet. Honey, you just got married and you should NOT be thinking about your wicked aunt! Al worries about Daira and Lasagna. These two are hopeless. Alejandro tells Miranda he has something to tell her; they need to talk. She refuses, saying they are in paradise and she only wants to think about them. Then she says she's hungry. Al, let that girl eat!!!

Bertha is in her room with a bouquet of treacherous looking thistles. Guess she still has Lucas because she tells Charo that Lucas is arriving soon, no doubt to resume his reign of good-natured terror. When Bertha asks, Charo confirms that Miranda and Alejandro looked for the portfolio. Bertha smirks because the location of the money is still up in the air.

Gonzalo enters and tells Charo to leave. Bertha asks, "Aren't you afraid to be alone with a woman like me?" Gonzo tells her he doesn't fear her, he pities her. She tries to slap him but he pushes her down. They glare at each other with malice.

Lots of sexy love-in-the-sun scenes with Alejandro and the pool, on the beach, on
the rocks, laughing and hugging, splashing and swimming, Al plays shark and chases her. Blessed relief, this is a scene with no talking!!

Gonzolo asks Bertha why she played stupid when she knew Flor's disease was hereditary. He says a Dr. Escalante told him that Flor wasn't responding to her treatment. Why didn't Bertha tell him? She says it was because he ignored his daughters and the task of caring for them went to her. She became a slave to Florencia, but it was Tomasa who was in charge of Flor's meds. Gonza doesn't believe her, but speaking of that, what did Bertha do with the granddaughter that she stole from Tomasa? Bertha says Tomasa got depressed after her sons' deaths and lost her own granddaughter, who knows where? She tells Gonzo he has become an expert at accusing half the world without verifying anything. After Gonzo leaves she calls El Guapo and tells him to burn the cacao fields and don't leave anything standing. She smirks and mutters, "Your wedding gift, my dear Miranda."

More Baja scenery with Al and Miranda taking a tour on a small boat. They are on the bow and are kings of the world. Later that afternoon Miranda is wearing a hot pink halter outfit. She asks Alejandro what he expects in her as a wife. Shouldn't they have had this conversation earlier? Like BEFORE the wedding? Al says he wants a lover, a companion, a friend and above all an accomplice because they're going to do many crazy things. Miranda tells him that she wants a companion, an equal, someone who will put up with her crazy ideas, who will let her be wrong, who will accept her impulses and help her realize her dreams. Good thing she married a millionaire.

Juan is examining a pale and wheezy Florencia. She's sleepy. He tells her no more exercise as it's not good for the baby. She says she knows what's going on, the chances of her baby being born have reduced considerably, right? He admits yes, the chances of coming to term have diminished but she must be stronger than ever.

Daniel comes to Carola's apartment, not to visit Carola but to talk to Raul. He needs Raul's help because he loves Carola and wants to marry her. "Help me Raul, or I'll to go crazy." Raul nods.

Alejandro and Miranda have gone for a swim fully clothed, those crazy kids. Then they roll in the sand. I'll bet the actors loved that scene. Miranda starts the absolute stupidest conversation known to human kind..."Have you had many girlfriends?" Al says yeah, but he doesn't remember any of them. (Good answer! Lie like a rug!!) But Miranda's like a terrier with a rat, "Name one." (Dude, DO NOT go there.) "I had a dear friend called...I don't remember, she was a lawyer from a political family." (Uh Oh.) "But truthfully, I don't remember her name." (Dohhh!) "You just don't want to tell me," Miranda coaxes, "Remember!" "Oh yeah, her name was Carla." "Carla what? Tell me." (No Alejandro, DO NOT TELL HER.) "Carla Aranda, but she was nothing more than Good Friend." "How good? How good? Hey, why are you running away?" Run Alejandro, run!! But she catches him, he swings her around and they kiss. This will, of course, come back to bite him in the butt big time.

Francisco and Amparo are enjoying a cup of coffee when Ramon walks into their apartment. What happened to knocking? Francisco says he told Ramon to stay out of his house. Ramon asks Amparo did she talk to Francisco yet about what they discussed. Amparo gets all tongue-tied and blabbers incoherently. Francisco demands, "Talk about what?" Ramon tells Amparo that if he goes away she will never see him return. She'd better think hard about this. She wrings her hands and whimpers.

Back in Baja Miranda is in yet another outfit, this one very 60's. They plan to go yachting and whale watching. Mirands says when she recuperates financially she's going to invite him to travel north. He says he'll follow her anywhere. She says she has some business ideas pertaining to their chocolate (which is of course burning up as we speak). She wants to get into the candy and export business.

Oh dear, Alejandro's phone rings. It's Gabino calling to say the plantation and all the harvester houses have burned up into cocoa krispies. Alejandro and Miranda must return to Tabasco immediately.

Florencia is having a green, sweaty nightmare of the night her mama left. Her heart moniter speeds up and out of control as she remembers her mama sobbing. Fernanda rushes in, "Hija, hija!!" The flashback little girl Florencia is begging "Mama, don't leave me!" Present grownup Flor opens her eyes, looks at Fernanda and whispers, "I know who you are...mama." Fernanda is impactada and Flor goes into cardiac arrest. They get a faint heartbeat and Fern wants to inject Flor with adrenaline. Juan talks her out of it because it would kill the baby.

Arcadia, with Nati in Villahermosa, is talking to Miranda on the phone. Miranda wants to make sure that nobody was hurt. Arcadia comments to Nati that Miranda is a good boss because she cares more about the people than the crops. Spaced-out Nati says "That's good, because she's the heiress. The heiress of the cocolbosh." (Oh gawd, here we go again.) "I'll tell you a secret, the chocolate will save Miranda. It's true. When she finds the cocolbosh within her it will lead her to happiness." In the meantime Nati will make chocolate for everybody. Maybe chocolate is the word for peyote in her secret language.

Miranda and Alejandro arrive home. Fabricio calls to tell them about Florencia but she's in ICU and can't have visitors. A knock on the door; it's Charo. She tells them that Bertha arrived home just after they left for their honeymoon. For some reason Alejandro and Miranda are impactados.

Daniel tells Raul that he used to go out with other girls but when he met Carola he could only stand to be with her. Raul is Daniel's mini-psychologist..."And those other women you tried, were they prostitutes?" Daniel is insulted, "No, how could you think that? I only went out with women of my own class." Carola was his first prostitue. Suddenly a light bulb goes on over Daniel's head. He was talking to his analyst about this very subject but now all of a sudden he gets it...the crap relationship between his father and mother was always conveyed in terms of money. Love equals money. If he wants to feel good then clearly he has to pay. Raul recommends he get back to his analyst, pronto. But Daniel is on a mission, or maybe he's miraculously cured, "I've just seen Carola in a completely new light. Tell her I'll come back later. I have something to do." Raul is fascinated by Daniel's psychological epiphany. If he wants to be a shrink he's living in the right place.

There is a knock on Raul's door. It's Blender-Head (Erika) and she's brought Raul a piece of cake and wants to invite him out for a coffee. Raul kisses her.

Bertha arrives at the hospital where Fabricio is praying for his wife. Bertha slaps him and calls him stupid. She demands to know how long he's knows Alejandro and Florencia are siblings. He wants to know why she killed Florencia's doctors. She denies knowledge of this but he insists he knows she did it. Bertha says she's glad he thinks she's capable because this is no game. She threatens Florencia, his mother, and all he holds dear. (I think.) She says if he's really known the truth then that makes him an accomplice. Fabricio tells her not to make threats. Bertha tells him he only needs to understand one thing, "I don't threaten, I promise!"

Note to all: I will be out of town next week but Nora is recapping for me.


Thanks for the recap. I only caught the beginning of this episode. I about gagged when I heard Miranda talking to AL after their 1st night together. Saying everything is a different color, texture. Bleh! I guess what the writers were really saying was that after you sleep with your beloved you are instantly changed. "He made he WOMAN." (Verse from another telenovela.) Yuck Gag me!

I wishing this were a Friday episode so I could have had a break from so much dialogue. I was very excited for Juan's big moment, I think his lip twitched when he tried to smile at Fernanda. I also said out loud "is something wrong with her?" about Fernanda and the orange juice, right before Renata said the same thing. One last thing, I think the Baja California travel bureau paid some money for all that scenery, just like they have product placements in La Fea

Gloria you are right it was sweet to see Miranda and AL happy and finally together. Plus I wouldnt be watching if I didnt like this novela. I know it is easier to say bad things rather than good, so Disculpe.

Plus the tourism part with the hotel and water made me wish to be there too! As for Juan, well in Glorias pictures he looks handsome, but I couldnt stand his character in Contra Viento y Marea and with his attitude on this one he is irritating. I liked the Juan who talked back to Renata and had backbone. But was he doing other faces then? I think even then he was just doing the one face!

A couple of things...

Yes, I was the lucky one to get this episode. I loved the shots of Baja and could have stood much more of their honeymoon. I felt cheated when we all had to go back to Tabasco instead of our yacht and dolphin/whale-watching tour. We were cheated! I was hoping that they would go SCUBA diving or snorkeling so we could see some underwater shots, but I suppose the mega-makeup that they wear could not have stood up to it.

Second, I am confused about Florencia's hereditary heart condition linking her to Alfredo Luque. Did HE have a heart condition? I thought he died of his injuries from the shooting. Can anyone clarify this point for me?

I haven't watched this show for a long while, but I believe I remember Daira saying: "As a matter of fact he did not die of gunshot, but of his hereditary heart condition."

wow...i didn't know univision was cutting scenes... i wonder how many love scenes they cut from other telenovelas too (do not DARE cutting a lovescene with fernando colunga!! ;) hehe...).

also, i wonder if maybe the cutting of those scenes by univision is what's causing some to believe that heridas has too many tragic scenes and not enough love scenes among alejandro and miranda. it is clear to me that this telenovela is a little more verbally open and 'exposing' than the standard 'telenovelas blancas' of televisa (white telenovelas, where they don't show very discriptive lovescenes and don't talk too much about sex).

Thanks for the translation---lots of froliking and romping in the sea, sand, and surf---and here I am in the cool, gray dampness of Not-Baja California. Oh well. What is it with Marcelo [Daniel/Marcos] and the rameras???....Perla, Carola??? I especially liked the way he poured his heart out to a teen [Raul...''in love with a prostituta???...bummer, Dude!!!] and then Daniel did his own self analysis...When Dan left abruptly, it was back to the geometry problems for Raul. [from rameras to right moves on...where's my protractor??? ] ~~~~susanlynn, not understanding rameras or right angles

P.S. I want to see that good, nekkid stuff that we missed!!!I feel gipped.~~~Susanlynn, saying down with censorship......and remembering the good old days of everyone taking baths in ''Amor Real'' and Luis undressing in ''Alborada''---now, that's what I call must-see TV

Thanks ya'll for clarifying the Alfredo heart-condition thing.

Also, I had a difficult time with the Daniel/Raul and Bertha/Fabricio conversations so any time anyone wants to add-to or fix anything I wrote which might not be spot-on (or way off base) is OK by me. Please jump in!!

Less Censorship!! More Skin!! Less Talk and More Love!!

aaaah caray! i KNEW amor real could not end like that. though i liked that the ending was original, we were given so much air time of manuel being gone and matilde longing for him to come back, and after he came back we got not even a kissie from him and matilde. yes he was alive, but who knows what could have happened to him after he got back. he could have dropped back down on the floor after getting off that carriage and then what?? :(

i would have loved to see the kids a couple of years later. hmmm...i feel cheated too. should write to univision and request they present the whole capitulos... :( no puede ser!

what channel do you see the telenovelas on gloria? i get other channels too...maybe i should tune in to those :)

tash --

if you want to see the mexican ending to Amor Real, check out the bonus footage "Un Amor Real para la Historia" on the DVD (all the highlights that aired on HOY are included) or you can search "Colunga" on There's bunches of videos there from Amor Real.


thanks!! i found it on youtube yesterday.

i also found the scene where he is saying goodbye to matilde before he's killed for letting adolfo go... my opinion this is the best scene of amor real... i still cry and snot when i see it!! ;)

heridas video would be great :)

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