Wednesday, October 18, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #126 10/17/06 Happiness is Lety

Backstage at the Solo Para Mujeres show, Fernando and Lety run from the security.

Alicia manages to sneak in through a service door of the club. She just misses seeing Fernando and Lety, who sneak out the same door moments later. Alicia still has Marcia on the phone as she searches for Fernando. She tells Marcia what a horrible place this club is, full of lowly women ogling disgusting men.

The cuartel a still watching the show. The dancers have left the stage :( . Irmita wants to leave. The rest of the girls say No Way! The MC comes onstage and works the crowd. He asks for a volunteer to come up onstage. Just then Saimon and Paco (whom as you recall are in La-Fea-Mas-Fea drag) get up to leave, and… the MC picks la señorita Saimon to come up onstage!

At El Cheque’s house, the kids are taking full advantage of Yasmin’s vow to never punish them. The boys kick a soccer ball and break some bottles which are supposed to be antique or something. Yasmin is about to raise hell but El Cheque changes her mind. Instead, she offers to make them dinner in honor of the Mexican soccer team, who has just won a game. The girls walk in wearing Yasmin’s clothes, and with her make-up smeared all over their faces (ala Robert Smith of The Cure). They walk around imitating Yasmin and referring to El Cheque as “Flaquito” (Skinny). Flaquito... I mean El Cheque, is flattered. Yasmin is not.

The dancers are back and they have la señorita Saimon on stage with them. They flex and grind all around “her.” Alicia has found her way into the audience and is drooling over the dancers. The cuartel cheers. La señorita Saimon is motified. La señorita Paco looks on in sympathy, and prays with rosary in hand for his buddy. Martha, who is seated right next to Paco, is annoyed that this señorita is praying when she should be enjoying the show. PM decides she wants a turn onstage. Saimon starts to leave the stage and PM rushes passed him. Saimon realizes that PM is heading for center stage and explodes! He pulls his wig off and tries to punch a big guy with Fabio hair. Fabio pushes Saimon down easily. PM is impactada to see that it’s Saimon. Paco yells “You big dummy, you’re going to get us busted!” Of course, he’s yelling in his deep taxi-driver-in-traffic voice and everyone realizes he’s Paco. Martha proceeds to give her husband a whuppin’.

In the car, Fernando is giving Lety the silent treatment. Lety argues that if he’s not even going to talk to her, he should have left her at the show, where she was having a grand old time with her friends (actually, she was miserable, but who cares -- You tell him, Lety!)

Las señoritas get kicked out of the club and the cuartel follow. Saimon and Paco argue about who’s fault it is. Alicia tears herself from her drooling and goes out to see what happened. She ridicules them for behaving like riff-raff. She asks where Fernando is. They tell her that he left with Lety. She instructs the security guys to send the riff-raff away. For once, somebody agrees with Alicia, and they tell everyone to leave. Sarah and Juana vote to go back inside to the show. Irmita pulls them back and says they are all going home. As the cuartel leaves, Alicia rubs herself all over a big sign with the Solo Para Mujeres cast on it, then she goes back inside for some more eye candy.

Yasmin is livid. She is brusquely paging through a magazine in her room. El Cheque comes in and thanks Yasmin profusely for her patience with the kids. She’s not buying. He asks if it’s time for “cuchi-cuchi” (gag!). She asks whether he actually thinks that the fieras as sleeping yet (I wonder-- is this a clever shout-out to their novela neighbors over at Mundo, or just a random coincidence? I think I’ll choose to believe the former). El Cheque assures her that the kids are sleeping. The kids take this as their queue to run in and take over the room like fieras. Yasmin calls them abusive monsters, angels of hell. They laugh at her.

The Cuartel and Co. are arguing on the street. “You lied to me!” “Well, you lied to me first!” They go back and forth. There is a funny shot of the two guys, sitting on a bench in drag as they argue with the ladies. Paco is sitting with his legs crossed and pouts as he inspects his nails. Saimon is scowling and sitting with his legs wide open. Sarah yells at Saimon to shut up and close his legs. Martha says they look and smell like spoiled codfish. They are still arguing and walking when a couple of guys driving by stop their car and try to pick up some dates. Do they go for PM, the sexy blond in the teeny tiny skirt? No! They go for Saimon and Paco, the big señoritas.

Lety and Fern enter a bar and get a table. Lety wants to know what the heck is gong on. Fernando says that everything is her fault, because she LIED to him. She told him that the DVD she was working on was a behind-the-scenes of the commercial shoot, and he now knows that this is a LIE! Lety wants to know why he is so sure of that. Fernando realizes that he can’t prove she’s lying unless he confesses that he saw the DVDs. He walks away to rethink his strategy.

Back on the street, PM introduces the pick-up artists to “Simona”. Martha introduces Paco as “Francesca”. The cuartel is howling with laughter. They say the 2 señoritas are perfectly good women, except for the mustaches and other areas with embarrassing amount of hair. The pick-up artists say, it’s okay, they like fuzzy women. Paco and Saimon go ballistic and scare their would-be dates away. The women are Rolling On the Floor Laughing! Everyone kisses and makes up.

Fernando is back at the table. Lety worries and Fernando drinks. Lety asks how Fernando is so sure she is lying to him. Fernando knows he’s this-close to being busted and says “I’m asking the questions around here.” He finally says that he knows all about the her plans to marry Tomas. Lety looks confused.

El Cheque is trying desperately to reach Lola to ask for help with the kids, but he can’t reach her. He remembers out loud that the kids are actually supposed to stay all weekend, and Jasmin is impactada. No puede ser! Just then the kids walk in the room. “It’s been fun Dad, but can you take us home now?”

Alicia is back in her car when Marcia calls. Alicia reports that Fernando left the club with Lety. Maria wants Alicia to spy on Fernando the following day. “But Maaarcia! Tomorrow is Saturday.” (Finally, after about 112 back-to-back workdays, we get a weekend!) She hangs up and giddily remembers how much she enjoyed the naked man show.

Fern remembers Omar’s theory that Lety must have read The Letter and is now marrying Tomas as revenge against Fern. Fernando abruptly accuses Lety of plotting to marry Tomas to get revenge on him. Lety asks what on earth would she need to get revenge for. Fernando realizes he has put his foot in his mouth. “Ah, Um, well…”

Back at Lety’s house, there’s another seemingly useless conversation. Robopop chides Tomas for eating too much and tells Tomas to go home. Tomas’ friends, the drunk lawyers, stop by and they want to party. They want to chat about Lety and Filmo Imagen. I guess Mom and Dad are not supposed to know about this, because Tomas has to do some fast talking to change the subject. He explains that they are there to give him legal advise about the Australian tree fiasco. Julieta thanks them for stopping by and opens the door for them, and Tomas agrees it’s time for them to leave, but alas, Robopop invites them to stay for a tequilita.

Lety realizes that Fernando must have seen the unedited DVD of the house hunt. Fernando admits that, yes, he watched it. Lety laughs and explains how she pretended to be Tomas’s fiancé to help him fend off Matilde, the over-affectionate realtor. Now Fernando wants her to explain the other DVD, the one she sent to his parents. Lety is torn. She resists telling him, but finally breaks down and tells him that she is helping his parents find a house for his wedding present. The relief on Fern’s face is palpable.

Fern goes to the potty for some privacy. He calls Omar to explain everything. Omar yells at him for mentioning the “revenge” theory to Lety and is about to give him advise on how to fix it. Fern cuts him off and says he knows exactly what he needs to do and hangs up on Omar.

At the table, Lety has started writing on a napkin in lieu of her diary. “Oh why is life so cruel? I know Ferny loves me, but the only way for us to be happy will cause Marcia so much pain.” Fernando walks back in time to hear Lety crying and writing aloud. He is touched that, even now, Lety is worried about the pain this will cause Marcia. Lety is startled and embarrassed that he heard her. She tells Fern she wants him to be happy. He says that , she, Lety, is his happiness… (sigh!). He brings her chin up and then passes his fingers over the tears on her cheek. He tells her he knows how to fix this; as soon as Marcia gets back from Germany, he's… calling off their engagement!

Will Fernando really call off his engagement?
Will Lety and Fern have a romantic weekend alone?
Will El Cheque and Yas be trapped all weekend in a Mundo De
Let’s hope yes, yes, and yes!


Great recap, Alma! Thanks!

Does anyone else feel badly for the kids? I mean, Flaquito teased them again and again about a big surprise... what kind of surprise is Yazmin?? Who (under the age of 10) wouldn't rather have ice cream?? (It's cheaper, too!)

Great re-cap! I loved the part with Saimon, Paco and the men. I'm definitely looking forward to this weekend away.

Actually, I didn't feel so bad for the kids. After all, making trouble is their mero mole -- it's what they like, and they're good at it! What better way to spend a Friday night than driving Yasmin crazy? There wasn't a bored child in the house.

I admire their ability to make the best of a bad situation. But it's just revenge because the surprise sucked. :) I love how quickly Yazmin regretted her "rules are for neurotic mothers" philosophy.

I wonder if the kids are just natural monsters or are on their worst behavior because of Jasmine? Simon (a kid himself) always seems to handle them pretty well.
I love the sweet Fernando/crying Lety scenes! He is so tender and caring to her. Maybe now on to the good stuff?

The kids always go crazy when they're not supervised adequately (remember how they tore apart the red bag?). Yazmin had the misfortune of being a disappointing "surprise," then made it ten times worse by telling them they could stay up late and do whatever they wanted.

Saimon has better success with them because he helps them play. Paco is good with them because they see him as a parent.

But, unfortunately for El Cheque and Yazmin, kids can smell fear. ;-)

I think those scenes with the children are boring. I have been fast forwarding on my DVR. But I loved the drag costumes. But could someone explain to me the australian "arbolitos"? What is going on with that? Is there some business deal gone bad?

Tomas invested some of Filmo-Imagen's money in an Australian Christmas tree farm. The trees burnt down, so he lost that money. Apparently it wasn't enough of a loss to upset either Lety or Fern when they heard about it, but Tomas is upset because it is the first time he's ever lost money on an investment. (His job is to grow Filmo-Imagen's capital, but he doesn't have any money of his own to invest, else he'd be rich by now.)

As for Lety's parents: they know of FI's existence, but they don't know why it exists - to obtain loans on behalf of Conceptos. If Conceptos were to borrow $$ from a bank and then the bank found out what kind of shape Conceptos was in, they'd seize Conceptos's assets. Filmo-Imagen, the shadow company, protects Conceptos from being seized... as long as Lety remains loyal to Conceptos, that is.

This is why Omar encouraged Fern to romance Lety in the first place. In fact, I think the creation of Filmo-Imagen was Omar's idea as well.

I don't see how RoboPop can be unaware of the loans since he's FI's accountant, but that's the best explanation I can offer.

Thanks, Julie! I totally slept through my only finance class. I think I get it now!

Well, if anybody finds any of this financial stuff confusing, the person to ask is Alicia Ferreira. She's had six semesters of finance at a prestigious (unidentified) university and is very responsible with money.


Truthfully, though, I thought it would be a good idea to rehash some of this material since Omar hasn't been around to do it lately, and newcomers might be confused.

Stacey - this was Alma's first recap! In fact, starting with tonight's episode, we will have four different people recapping La Fea regularly. Melinama, our blogmom, did one last week, and originally, Chris (who now does Heridas on Fridays instead) was the sole La Fea recapper.

As for me, I'm posting like a maniac today out of procrastination. I have "real" work to do, I just don't want to do it. :-(

Yes, and I am so honored to join this talented cast of recappers! Thanks for the encouragement!

Fantastic job Alma! Following you tonight, I have my work cut out for me and really need to tap deep into my funny bone!!

Thanks again!

Thanks, K. You'll do great! And hopefully, there will be a lot of Lety/Fern romance to report on tonight!

Great recap, filled me in on the stuff I FF thru...

I love those kids...they bring the evil when it is needed. Also I am way past 10 & ice cream seems like a much better deal to me

Thanks for the explanation. I didn't start watching the show at the beginning, so I never really understood the various financial machinations that went on to set up the plot. I think ultimately it's like what Hitchcock called a "Mcguffin," a plot device that is not really important--just to have a general idea.

But can someone tell me--does Tomas really know how to do investments? He isn't a dope? And papa is really an accountant? Where does he work?

Anyway, I've been enjoying the blog tremendously. I started reading a few weeks ago to get the things that I missed, but as my Spanish improves I'm finding that I understand more of the show now, and I'm reading this blog more for plain entertainment. (I watch the show with Spanish subtitles from the Closed Captions for the Hearing Impaired.)

Great recap!! I wish I could be as funny as you guys are. I enjoy the recaps, and the comments soooo much, is like sharing a wonderful experience with a good friend, when I'm watching the program I say to myself "I wonder what the girls (and boy, sorry Chris) at Caray, caray would think of this or that". Keep the good job. For tonight I think is going to be a great show with Lety and Fern's "escapada" where are they going? Are they leaving for the weekend? if so how is Lety going to convince Robopop to let her go :-SS. Anyway I have to wait until tonight for the answer. Talk to you tomorrow again. (I just realize I need to get a life) :)

Tomas supposedly has a degree, I think from the same university as Lety. He's having the same problem that she had because he's so ugly that no one will hire him.
Lety's dad doesn't work anymore. I think he was fired or forced to retire. I didn't watch the show back then, so I can't be sure.
I love coming to this page too! It's always great to get feedback and it really does feel like a conversation with the "girlfriends." I don't have very many Spanish speaking friends here and I miss the conversations I used to have about novelas. It's great getting to communicate with you guys and getting everyone's opinions.
By the way K, I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job. Trust me, the humor will come as you watch.

I've been too busy for three days to keep up with Fea. I noticed I am just fast-forwarding through almost everything but the scenes with Lety and Fernando - except, oh my lord, I ADORE those drunk old lawyer dudes. They are absolutely the funniest. I watched every one of their scenes. I was so happy they were back tonight! Lawyer dudes! with little tequilitas! I also love the expression "jarrado" hah hah hah!!

I love to watch Lety dance during the closing credits of the show. ~~~ Susanlynn

The 2010 discussion for Capitulos 125 & 126 is at this link.

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