Monday, December 13, 2010
La Fea Más Bella #125-126 12/13/10 I Don't Want to Suffer.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Efren’s big surprise is to introduce his kids to his girlfriend. The kids are unhappy about who it is, but Jazmín tells them that she’ll let them do whatever they want. Which means they play soccer inside.
2. Lety calls home to tell Pop she’s at the “ballet.” MamaJ reminds him that he decided to give her a bit longer of a leash. The show is sold out, but Paula and her girls convince the doorman to trade a kiss for admission. Saimon and Paco follow in drag.
3. They show plenty of “fan service” as the beefcakes warm up for the show. The cuartel finds the dressing room and the women flirt. Fernando tries to enter the theater to find Lety, but he is barred because he’s a man. Alicia follows him. Sergio joins the rest of the troupe as Sergio, not as Luigi.
4. Fernando begs the doorman because his novia is inside and he thinks she’s betraying him. The doorman refuses, so Fernando mows him down and rushes in. Alicia is stuck outside, but she hears Fernando and later reports what he said to Marcia. The show starts, while the Keystone Kops chase Fernando through the building..
5. Lety remembers her day and wishes she were patching things up with Fernando. Fern ends up on the stage and he calls out for Lety, reminiscent of Lety in Cap 2. He finds her and she’s happy to be whisked away. Irmita tells the cuartel to leave them alone and not follow.
6. It’s a cute scene between Fernando and Lety in the hallway of the theater. He’s mad at her because he made a fool of himself, and Lety giggles at him.
Capitulo 126.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. It’s a test of wills between Lety and Fernando. His method of reconciliation is, “I’m here now, so we can leave.” That works for Doormat Marcia, but he’ll need to do better with Lety. He recognizes that and turns on the sweetness, “Where do you want to go?” She knows she won that round and she grudgingly leaves with him.
2. The kids are brats at Jazmín’s, and she throws a tantrum. ‘Nuff said. Saimon goes on stage with the beefcakes. He protests so Paula eagerly replaces him. Saimon gets mad, pulls off his wig, picks a fight, and gets kicked out. The others leave and argue in the street. Two men cruising for babes try to pick up Saimon and Paco.
3. In the car, Lety asks, “Why’d you take me from the show if you’re still not going to talk to me?” Fernando answers that he’ll talk when they reach their destination, so he can look her in the eye.
4. Lety says the DVD was about the commercial. Fernando says, “Don’t lie to me! Not to ME!” (He taught her everyone else, but not to him.) He tries to take the upper hand but she refuses to answer. He says, “I know you’re going to marry Tomás! Why? For revenge against me, right?” She’s stumped. “Why would I want to take revenge against you? For WHAT?” Now he’s really stuck.
5. The HaHA’s come to Lety’s house to ask why she hasn’t yet completed the embargo. Tomás tries to shut them up. Pop offers them tequila, and the rest is history.
6. Lety realizes Fernando saw the DVD. She says the marriage talk was a farce to defend Tom, but Fern asks about the other DVD. She reluctantly explains her househunting assignment. Lety says, “Do you really think I could work against you? I can’t imagine what it would take for me to turn against you.” (Fernando can!) He says he was jealous, and she answers, “You obviously don’t know me very well.”
7. Fern calls Omar, but as Omar starts his advice, Fernando shuts him down (the third time he’s rejected Omar’s advice). He goes back to the table and overhears Lety. See the transcript for the rest of the scene; I can’t summarize it.
Spanish Lesson
In the bar.
L: (On the napkin) [break up with him].. I feel that that is the correct thing. It’s what I have to do. But Don Fernando has shown that he loves me. And his love has [poisoned? gotten in the veins of?] my soul. (He comes up behind her, unheard.) Because of that, I’ve consented to be la otra. But the saddest thing of all is that I didn’t intend to hurt Doña Marcia.

L: It’s that I can’t be content, knowing that she will be so sad.
F: Do you really prefer that you and I suffer more? I mean, do you want me to suffer, marrying her without love?
L: No! No! The only thing that matters is that you’re happy, Don Fernando. Nothing else.
F: My happiness is you, Lety. Not Marcia. I don’t want to suffer.
L: I don’t want anyone to suffer either. (Note the difference.) I know that for Marcia, it will be very painful. Unbearable that you break up a day before the wedding. I’m in a diliema. Please, forget everything I said. You have to decide what’s best for you, not for me. For me, the only thing I want, is that no matter what happens (anvil alert!), I want you to know that my love for you is eternal. (She falls to crying.)
F: Leh-ty. Lety, look at me. I promise you one thing. As soon as Marcia returns from Germany, I will break the engagement.
Labels: fea-2010
Note, during the show, Lety told Irmita she wished she were straighten things out. Now that Fernando came to get her, why is she giving him the cold shoulder? Because Fernando thinks he can waltz in and Lety will be so grateful that all is forgotten. But Lety deserves an explanation for how he treated her, and she won’t jump into his lap (like Marcia would) until she gets one.
Fernando and Marcia fight all the time, but Fern always manipulates her, Marcia always caves, and they never resolve anything. Despite her hurt, Lety faced Fernando squarely. She didn’t cave, and their argument resulted in clearing things up. In another contrast, when Fernando is mean to Marcia, he blusters, she grovels and crawls back, and he lets her, but all the while he likes her less and less. OTOH, Fernando is mean to Lety, and instead of groveling, she withdraws. In response, he is drawn to her MORE.
Thank you, Pata, for the great photo. Nice to see Fernando so moved.
DON'T MISS TOMORROW! DON'T MISS WEDNESDAY!!! Miss work if you have to. Miss your daughter's wedding. Miss your own funeral. But don't miss tomorrow and Wednesday. If you do, you'll be sorry.
And for Fea veterans, just a reminder, please be careful of spoilers since it's particularly difficult right now.
Way too much of the hens and guys although Simon and the cabbie looked better than some of the cuartel members. As much as I loath the cuartel those scenes when those guys tied to pick up Simon and the other guy were very funnny.
Lets see Jaz and Senor C are going to baby sit the brats and someone thinks this will go well?
I couldn't help wondering if Fern knocking over the glass during the bar scene was an accident or not. I also thought that there is a nice comparison between Jamie and Angelica as actors. Both of them are multi talented but he has extremely expressive eyes and facial expressions which she doesn't have.
Hooray for Fern for busting into the club to retrieve Lety. He really doesn't mind pushing the envelope for her.
Thanks for the heads up for Tues and Wed. I'll be sure not to miss.
Are we headed toward a Fernando-is-a-raging-alcoholic storyline? Because it sure seems that way.
Raul Magaña (Ariel) was also in Solo Para Mujeres. I think it was some time before LFMB though. I've not had much luck finding a good picture, for some reason. I don't know if he was any better a dancer than the rest of them, but he was certainly a looker!
Another popular SPM alum is Tony Vela - the mysterious Coyote in FELS, and the disappointing Toledo in STuD.
Lety explains that the DVD was for a house for Fernando and Marcia for a wedding gift, a subject that has been total agony for Lety. Fernando answers, “Oh, is that all?” He doesn’t notice her pain; he doesn’t think about what the house means to Lety.
But then, when he sees her crying and NOTICES her pain, the Prime Directive kicks in. Lety must not suffer. He takes a huge, radical step: I'll break the engagement. He'll do anything to relieve her from suffering. True to form, he doesn't consider the consequences of his decision.
Lety asks herself, “Why does my love for him have obstacles?” Why? Because he has to learn to love her like she loves him.
Because if it seems that he doesn't consider the consequences, I think it's because until recently, he probably never had to follow through on things. Now he's in a high-stakes position and finding that blurting things out to appease people (like "sure I'll marry you, Marcia" and "yeah, the company's doing great!" and "sure I won't marry Marcia, Lety") is no longer enough to keep him out of hot water.
It just occurred to me that he has never even given her a gift, other than that rag he let her cry into in his car lo those many months ago. All the other "gifts" he's given her have been random cheap junk selected by Omar.
Well okay there are also the cards (Carvajallmarks). Some of those were pretty good. But how about "I saw this barrette at Claire's and it reminded me of you"? Or "I got us this matched set of sparkle pens"? Not even a Moty hat.
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