Thursday, October 19, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #127 10/18/06 LA ESCAPADA – Complete with cows, a cat, some tea and tequila

Don Erasmo offers the lawyers tequila but swears he will only have one. Tomas doesn’t seem convinced that he’ll stop at one and is worried that Lety is going to kill him when she finds out the lawyers are in her house. There’s a joke here I didn’t catch. The lawyers then proclaim that they have to celebrate….because of the Day of Saint Erasmo, which of course is Don Erasmo’s patron saint so he agrees. The lawyers find it a pleasant coincidence that they came to visit on the very same day. Erasmo chastises Julieta and Tomas for never even congratulating him and Julieta retorts that his Saint Day was actually July 2 and has passed and that yes, she in fact wished him a happy one.

The abogados justify their festivities by referencing that the constitution orders that you celebrate and congratulate with a [Yuque? (Anvil?)] Didn’t get this one. Julieta is confused about this…I see from your reaction that your answer must be that you didn’t know of this requirement. Julieta rolls her eyes and she and Tomas agree any early stop to this fiesta is a lost cause.

Back at the bar Fern promises Lety he’ll cancel his wedding with Marcia when she gets back from Germany saying that Marcia will hurt more if he waits until one day before the wedding. That earns a silly smile from Lety as she agrees and of course desperately wants that…but of course ears in Germany are burning and right on cue the phone rings and of course it’s …..Marcia…..he’s not going to answer but Lety begs him to do it because what is she going to think now if he doesn’t? Marcia gives him the standard hassle about where is he and who is he with….. he snaps back at her …the conversation ends with her asking him when he is going to accept that he has no interest in marrying her and he emphatically shouts…NEVER…while a sad faced Lety looks on in the distant background.

Meanwhile back in the world of the movers and shakers, Saimona, PM and Lola arrive home from the show. After some PMS kissy face, Lola notices the car of the big-bellied Cheque and begins to worry about the children. El Cheque comes running up to Saimon who is now only half Saimona and holding his wig which Cheque grabs insultingly and yells at Lola.

Saimon what are you doing in this clothing…Cheque is disgusted.

The children sympathise with Saimon and he says he was on a mission but now he must go home to change and recupe his dignity…bye! Until Monday!!

Ok kids let’s go in tell me how it went…..We played futball in the living room, and put on her clothes, and….. no she didn’t do anything to us, but she was mad. Lola secretly covets hearing all this. The son says he doesn’t like that lady being the girlfriend of my Dad. Like the good parent, Lola says yeah, well that’s his business; let’s not get into it.
The kids did entertain themselves very well though.

Lety lets go THE ESCAPE!!!!!

To make up for feeling bad about Marcia, Don Fernando makes a brilliant suggestion. It’s Friday so let’s go away for the whole weekend….Let thinks that would be great, but asks what about her Dad. Well we can pick him up if you like, he can come…another silly laugh…no you know what he’s like.
L -How can I tell you no, but if I tell you yes….I’m going to regret it, and the last time I was stuck sleeping in the train station in Germany- F -Lety don’t remind me I feel really bad about that, so what do you think if we spend two days together….

Back at home…the men are four sheets to the wind by now!!! They cackle away…out of direct fire, Julieta and Tomas are in the kitchen. Of course Tomas is eating again. Julieta rolls her eyes and is making some linden blossom tea. She offers it to Tomas and he refuses because he needs to stay awake. Julieta says all she wants to do is sleep to get away from his “friends,” she even put in 3 tea bags to make it stronger. Tomas explains no, those aren’t really my friends, but I have to make sure that they don’t give us trouble about the lien business, …(a yell from the drunk barrister querying about the embargo) …and Tomas switches gears… uh…. I mean that nothing happens to the things in your living room, because uh…they are very drunk you know. Julieta says yes, they are very annoying and pigheaded….I really want to sleep but I’m worried about Lety. Tomas assures her to take her triple tea and go to bed that he’ll handle everything.

Back to the cute little Beamer where Lety is having second thoughts fearing repercussions from her decision to throw caution to the wind and go off on the “wild” weekend with Fern: “This is crazy, I’m going to regret it….Fern basically consoles her by saying it’s good to do something crazy and spontaneous every once in a while. She is worrying about what to tell her father and what he will say…even though she really knows how marvelous spending a whole weekend with him will be… Fern advises her to make up something, I don’t want to lie…are you going to tell him the truth? Of course not! OK, so here goes….

Back to the now even drunker three musketeers in the living room we hear the kazoos and the phone. Tomas struggles to reach over the men to answer Lety’s call. Tomas tells Lety that Sanchez and Domingo are there but he didn’t tell them anything about FI and that her Dad gave them tequila!

Lety is about to ask her Dad for permission to romp in bed with Fern for an entire weekend….when WAIT, Erasmo had an ephinany!!!!

Oh my God!!!!! Did she hear him right?

Papa, I want your permission to go…. I grant my permission! …. but I didn’t tell you what for yet! Don’t tell me I don’t need to know, I trust you! You are a prudent, principled, (insert adjectives) young woman and you deserve to be free. Lety, I trust you you are free!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t worry Tequila is the miracle elixir!!!

Lety is beside herself, no problem come back Sunday then….I trust and love you!!!! You didn’t even ask where she was going? We wouldn’t have our fun story though if he stayed in character!!!!

We flash to Mama who is obviously under the Aztec spell of the “Tila,” the linden blossom tea which is an Aztec remedy used as a sedative. Julieta snores away to the tele…Tomas tries to wake her to tell her about Lety being gone, but she doesn’t budge…he gives up.

We are back in the Beamer on our way to Cuernavaca while enjoying some Fernando and Lety happy talk and Fernando is feliz!!!!! (Sung in middle C perhaps?) My dad is drunk….F-what did he tell you….L- the most important thing is freedom and that you enjoy yourself…how wonderful….F-you are not going to tell him the truth though, right? L-Ha, no way.

Back and forth between car and home…..

Erasmo shouts one last time to be free… he points to Lety’s degree….Tomas pushes the abogados out of the house…Erasmo has one last tequilita muttering now Lety is a woman she should be free to do as she wishes.

You know my father was right, it is important to feel free, in the middle of the highway with you going to Cuernavaca is paradise…Fern says you don’t know how long I’ve waited for this and planned this, just pleasure, no business. Lety, you are going to learn a side of me that you never knew before…..Lety says me too….no I know you already… is wonderful…we are so in love….

Interrrupted!!!!!!!!! Four Carays! What’s going on, a tire popped, don’t worry Lety everything is under control, I’m an expert at changing tires! Only five minutes and we’ll be on our way! Super Fernando returns…sort of …no costume though….He tells her to pay attention because she’ll learn this in case she ever has problems with a car. He begins to torque the lug nuts. Lety asks where is the “Gato” and Fern explains that he mostly grew up with dogs, and she says no the Gato (the jack)…. …El Gato the jack…she looks in the trunk…and can’t find it…it’s not here…..Fern says move, this is the work of hombres…I can find it….hmm, no it’s not here…so we are going to call my auto service ..hay senal? No…of course not. I know coverage in Mexico isn’t as pervasive as here, but, it certainly seems to depend on how important the phone call to be made is…. Fern thinks he can work the signal to come…that the phone is like an Aztec spear…something I only have to hold it a certain way to get a signal…nevermind…let’s wait in the car…. ok Lety says, here we can see the stars…..ahhhh the romance is back…..

Uh oh back at Padilla and back to kazoos….Erasmo is face down in the bed snoring and looking dead. Julieta complains how much he smells like alcohol…get rid of this drinking idea…! She goes to greet her beloved hija but yikes Lety is not home…..wake up Erasmo!!!!!!

You guessed it…..he doesn’t remember talking to Lety….. They fight some more and blame each other. How crazy that she never came home….it’s your fault because you were up last and drunk and had to celebrate your Saint!!!!!! I’m irresponsible but so are you for going to sleep…yeah right… we are fighting and we need to look for Lety…I hope nothing happened…

Back to the carretera, Lety and Fern sleep the rest of the night in the convertible and Lety wakes up to say it was divine? OK, Lety is easy to please….I know Fern is divine…but I’m not sure I’d hack a cold night with no blankets sleeping sitting up in a tiny sports car on the side of the carretera. What comes next is pretty darn funny though.

A native American legend says to beware of the spotted COWS!!!!! Here’s one reason why, Vacas surrounding the BMW! Lety worries they are bulls and Fern tells her no they are just cows. He thinks maybe they smell his macho-ness? She worries that they may dent the car. Finally the cowboy comes along and herds them away.…..more silly laughs. Fernando wonders if cow saliva or skin oil or something is corrosive and will ruin the gel coating of the car! Lety doesn’t know and laughs yet again. If you’ve ever encountered this type of biohazard, share your rescue story with us.

OK, after the “divine” night they remember where they were really going and that they need to fix the tire. Lety tries to flag down cars. One goes past….

Lety decides a strategy is in order. She shows some leg ala Alicia (well not all the way up to her privates like A’s attempt to get into the commercial shoot) and the next car starts to pull over but sees her fea-ness and pulls away at the last minute….no, maybe he sees Fernando and discovers she is not alone…let’s give her the benefit of the doubt. Either way she decides her system isn’t going to work anyway….

Here is one of those ‘only in the novelas’ moments. Lo and behold, Fernando screams angel, and what do you know, a tow truck pulls up with a driver named Angel Paz….Angel Peace… but it’s ok because he’s macho and in plaid flannel no less!!!! I love soap operas….

Erasmo calls the police about Lety and is indignant at their suggestion of where she might be, because “she doesn’t have a boyfriend and she is incapable of escaping with him”….what parents never know about their kids….J

Julieta goes to fetch Tomas…no wait he’s here… Erasmo learns L is not in the morgue, or any hospital….Tomas laughs!!!!!! I came over here early because I imagined what would happen…he smirks and tells of Erasmo’s Che Guevara like speech.

We now flash to the luxury paradise that Lety and Fern will romp in…complete with a first class golf cart that you can hop on the back to get to your room or cabana. Lety says she’s in heaven with the angels. Thank you for being so divine Don Fe…if he was wouldn’t he break up with Marcia and profess his love for Lety to the world? Oh right, that’s coming eventually…must…have…patience…..Lety don’t mention it….and another kiss….the romantic golf cart ride…

Back in Mexico Tomas tells of Erasmo’s newfound appreciation for freedom and mocks his drunken tirade, E doesn’t believe it but …again the fake door….principios etc. Julieta is still mad that we have no idea where our daughter is…. I couldn’t stand watching you sauce up with the abogados….so I had to go to sleep… Tomas thinks it’s E’s fault a little, you never let her go anywhere …Erasmo thinks of people to call, he’s not happy not knowing where she is… this is your punishment says Julieta very seriously….each time your drinking is more frequent….and cut. Foreshadowing to a future problem for Erasmo, maybe?

OK…I got through the episode…whew….actually I’m just so thankful to get a break from having Alicia’s chiches in my face. Is anyone else tired of having to look at those things?????


Sorry, that's epiphany. Obviously I had mine after I hit "publish"....

Hey, good work! Congrats on your first recap!

I ADORE the drunken lawyer dudes. They are the funniest actors on La Fea. What a team. I hope they come back again and again for more tequilitas.

I see that for all his handsome-ness and money, Fernando is sort of an idiot, very impetuous and unable to deal with things. Did you notice how, even though he protested "of course I know how to fix a flat" but of course didn't, it was Lety who had to keep suggesting the intelligent way to proceed. He also gets hysterical just as often as she does, but luckily not usually at the exact time. I start to see that he really needs her personally, not just in a business sense.

It's good how they gradually show us that Marcia is getting harsher with him, and has sort of admitted to not really wanting him any more, and he is getting colder and colder to her, and this whole plan of cancelling the wedding is getting a new flavor.

Where were the overnight bags and toothbrushes on this romantic weekend? A man without a "jack" in the trunk and can't change a tire..Hmmmmmm..Maureen

That's why he needs Lety! To tell him how to change a tire!

Fernando's like these NYC guys who can't even make a cup of coffee - they have to buy it at Starbucks - she says, "they don't know how to do anything!"

Lol! I really enjoyed your re-cap. Yeah, I don't think you can ever accuse Fernando of holding back his women. I love how he wanted Lety to get out of the car first in the midst of cows! His silliness makes hers seem a lot more reasonable.

I wonder why Fernando shouted "never" to Marcia's "when will you admit you don't want to marry?". I'm getting really tired of the constant arguing between the two of them. I wish he would just hang up on her.
Yes, I wish I could give Alicia something to throw over herself. I'm tired of it too.
I loved Robo-papa's "be free" to Lety. Now I'll wait for the romance!!

This episode was completely hilarious. So was your recap, K!

As for Alicia's "chiches"... you know, I swear they're getting BIGGER!!

Thanks for the great recap.
When he said NUNCA I thought he was saying he never wanted to TALK about planning the wedding.
I always wonder about silly things like luggage too, altho I have to admit if I was having a romantic weekend with him I wouldnt be thinking about clothes. The flat tire scene was hilarious.

They didn't have any luggage because they didn't plan this trip. They went straight from the bar to Cuernavaca. I'm sure the resort can hook them up with toothbrushes and the like.

Plus, aside from the obvious ruining of artistic flow, and spontanaeity there would be no escape because Lety couldn't have gone home at that time to get anything anyway, as that might have alerted everyone to her secret romp...doubt she'd have easily gotten out of the house again drunk Robocop or not - They both kept saying in the car how crazy this all was. When they arrived at the hotel they acknowledged as much, to the golf cart chauffeur that they had nothing else...those crazy lovebirds....:)

It will be interesting to see, however, if in the coming days she miraculously has a change of clothes...sorry, but I just don't think the resort would carry her style....:)

Great job K! Hopefully, there will be no need for clothes... just crisp white linens!

The 2010 discussion for Capitulos 127 & 128 is at this link.

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