Tuesday, December 14, 2010
La Fea Más Bella #127-128 12/14/10 A Taste of Paradise.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Marcia calls, yelling right out of the blocks. She asks, “When are you going to admit you have no interest in marrying me?” Fernando answers, “Never!” One step forward, two steps back.
2. Fern asks Lety to run away with him for the whole weekend. She worries that her father will never agree, but the thought of spending two entire nights with him, waking up at his side, is too wonderful to imagine.
3. Tom tells MamaJ to go to bed; he’ll stay up with the drunks. Lety doesn’t want to lie to her pop, and she doesn’t want to disappear and leave them to worry. She calls her drunken Pop and he won’t even let her say where she’s going. He says, “Go ahead. I have total confidence in you. Take the whole weekend. Be free!”
4. On the road, Fernando says, “You have no idea how long I’ve planned this weekend and waited for it. I want you to see the part of me you don’t know.” They get a flat, he doesn’t have a jack, and his cell phone has no signal, so they sleep in the car. They wake up in the middle of a herd of cows (Holsteins).
5. Julieta discovers that Lety never came home. Pop tries to blame Mama, but she says he got too drunk to notice. Tom explains what happened. Pop tries to blame Lety – she took advantage of him while he was drunk. He’s not one bit happy, not knowing where she is. MamaJ says that will be his punishment for getting drunk hasta unconsciousness, and he’s doing it more often. For once, José José acts his remorse well; I suspect he’s drawing from his life.
6. At the resort, Lety feels like she’s in a dream, and Fernando enjoys seeing her so happy. He tells her to not even mention Marcia; this is their escape.
Capitulo 128.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

2. They get to breakfast and people stare at the fea. Fernando asks for an out-of-the-way table, and Lety thinks he’s uncomfortable to be seen with her. She feels out of place, and she says, “The happiness doesn’t last long (anvil alert!).” Lety spots Ariel on the grounds.
3. In the Marienplatz, Omar tells Marcia that he juggles lots of women to keep from falling in love and suffering. She says Omar has never been on her side (duh!). She asks if Fernando really wants to marry her. Marcia says Omar misses out on the joy of love, and women want a solid relationship, not just a fling. She tells Omar to stop messing up her relationship.
4. Fernando tells Lety to forget about Marcia and related topics. They’re in paradise, he’s Adam, she’s Eve, and all they’re missing is (something? maybe fig leaves?). Lety reminds him that Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise. Fernando adds, “For eating the forbidden fruit (anvil alert!).”
5. Fernando gets Lety to promise to forget about everything from the outside world. He buys their whites but Lety can’t bear to be seen in a swim suit because she feels so ugly and everyone there is so beautiful.

7. There are several near misses with Ariel and his babe. He spends the whole time ignoring her and attending to business on the phone.
8. Omar admits to Marcia that Fernando proposed because his parents wanted the families united. Marcia asks, “Is our marriage a business arrangement? My brother thinks he proposed to get my vote.” She asks Omar again, “Is Fernando using me so he doesn’t lose the presidency?”
9. Walking the grounds, Fernando tells Lety, “I feel very content. Free. In this place, thanks to you, I feel like I can show what I feel. I don’t feel pressured. I don’t have to hide from anyone. And all that, thanks to you.”
Labels: fea-2010
Lety sings Aqui Estaré (link to lyrics). Fernando claims he can’t dance, sing, or act. Wrong on all counts! Lety guesses Fernando played Peter Pan (never grows up), then Pinocchio (not only the lies, but everyone else pulls his strings), but it was The Steadfast Tin Soldier which is a one-legged character, thus the hopping on one foot.
Marcia tells Omar that her problems with Fernando are because of all the women chasing him, and because Omar helps Fern escape her. She never considers that the one to blame is in her mirror, the one who refuses to cut her losses and leave.
Doesn't Camil move beautifully? We saw it yesterday with the Keystone Kops chase. We saw it today in the Tai Chi class. Here's another example from his Tweet yesterday. I swear, I could watch that man paint a fence. With a bag over his head and the sound turned off.
Lety in the dressing room was too painful to watch. Trying on a swim suit is hard for many of us but for her it was simply unbearable.
Does anyone else think that cell phones are such convenient plot devices? I cannot remember what writers did before cell phones. How did Steve McGarett catch the bad guys on the original Hawaii-Five O without one?
Also, I thought in the sweat lodge scene, not only did the word "mentiras" cause him to hyperventilate, but the lodge leader's face seemed to morph into Papa Erasmo's.
Lety wishes the moment could last forever, and Fern repeats, “Forever.” But is he wistful, hopeless, ironic, or humoring her? I can’t tell. My best guess? That he knows it’s impossible, that he only has this brief time with Lety, and he’s doomed to fulfill his parents’ plans.
In car he said she would see a new side of him. He took off his jacket and undid his tie before entering the cottage, taking off his armor. He insists on helping Lety out of her sweater, and she is reluctant to remove her armor. I think he wants to use the time in Cuernavaca to get Lety to open up more, to get past her fears. Two questions: Does he reveal more of himself – show her a new side of him? And does he get her past her fears?
Fernando says, “Repeat after me, I promise to forget about everything.” Yes, he wants to break through her fears, but he also wants to break her scruples. Forget guilt, forget responsibility, forget Marcia’s pain, forget your morals, forget your love and respect for your father and living up to what he wants for you. Enjoy the moment like me! After all, as always I’ll forget about the promise I made to you, and live in that moment.
You have such great insight into this novela Paula and as I have said before I appriciate all your work, the Spanish lessons, the outlines, the links etc. Thanks
Jenn, you're right, Camil played Captain Hook. I've added a photo. BTW, Jenn, Wednesday you'll get a hint about the question, Pride and Prejudice or Jane Eyre?
Pata, thank you for the great screenshot. I confess I also wanted that one for my own collection.
Pata and Jenn, thank you for the encouragement. I confess, back in '07 I was completely obsessed with Fea (I hope no one here will use the confession of weakness against me). I spent a lot of time thinking about the plot because there was so much depth to plumb. And the more I thought about it, the more revelations I encountered.
You twisted my arm. Here is one more. Fern says that in the sweat lodge, he always feels like he’s suffocating. Conclusion: he tries to purge his darkness by some ceremony, but that can’t reach the deep roots of his character. It will take a more profound cleansing to purify his soul.
He panics at the mention of lies - even though he wants to forget outside world here, his sins are haunting him here.
I wonder if the writers have ever seen "It Happened One Night"? Lety could use a Claudette Colbert lesson in hitchhiking. Oh well, their "angel of peace" arrived as requested. As Kris notes in her recap, "I love soap operas".
At the resort I had a thought, talk about Lety and Alicia being opposites, what about Fernando and Ariel? Could they be any more different? Their only similarity is that they want Conceptos.
Paula, you are right, this episode was fantastic. Huge thanks to all the recappers and contributors.
Nice foreshadowing with the Pinocchio reference.
Imagine in a part of the country where 25 million people live they end up in the same place as the snake. Had I been the girl with Ariel I would have been severely tempted to either shove him into the pool or better yet snatch the phone and heave it in.
Found the Marcia Omar interaction very telling. He is uncomfortable and trying to tell her to stop relying on a dream that will never come true. As with Lety he seems sensitive to her feelings. At the same time he reveals something about himself and his fear that love means suffering (oh so true in Novelaland). Since I missed this part originally it now helps to understand him more as both a loyal friend and someone with his own issues.
Can not wait to see if Lety and Fern will ever use that fabulous bed. LOL
I did think of something after my first post. Why did Marcia seem surprised when Omar mentioned that the Mendireals wanted the dynastic marriage. Surely she must have heard about it growing up and most certainly Teresita would have been pushing her at Fern from the time she hit puberty, if not before. Maybe our nagging girl has a romantic side and is trying to convince herself it is true love rather than expediency which motivated the proposal,
I keep missing those calves probably because i can't take my eyes off JC's face. LOL
I didn't say that very well. What I mean is that it is one thing for Marcia to be raised with the implicit or explicit expectation that she'll marry Fernando, but it is another thing to hear it from someone outside the family.
Marcia probably didn't really think about it until Omar said it out loud. But once he said it, maybe she saw it through his eyes, too. It may have been the very first time that she realized how crass the relationship might look to others.
I'm not surprised you haven't seen Camil' calves. The camera usually avoids them. Fortunately he can do almost all his work with those calves covered. Whereas TBLMOE's ears...
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