Monday, October 09, 2006

Mundo de Fieras summary, October 9

  • Mariangela gets hysterical upon seeing her mother's empty hospital bed. Clemente reassures her: "Your ma has been taken to a special clinic." He asks a bunch of times: "Do you want to know who your father is?" Any half-way sentient daughter would figure it out, but the script requires her to be dense, so she says, "No, he abandoned us, why should I care who he is?" Clemente drives her to the new clinic - Aurora doesn't recognize either of them.

  • The police take Rogelio away after making him admit the dead woman (Raquel) was his lover. Karen hears this and wastes no time spreading the delicious gossip. Joselyn tells Diana, "It's all for the best, it's lucky your rival is dead."

    Gabriel and lawyer visit the police station. Reporters and photographers zoom in for juicy scandal. Rogelio admits Raquel was his lover but denies killing her.

  • JC decides to teach Paulina a lesson. He calls her roommate and says he's got a job for Paulina - when she arrives at the interview location, it's his apartment. He yanks her inside, locks the door, and says she's staying until she listens to him. He's disconnected the phone and locked the windows so she can't shout for help.

    OK, he's cute, and he has a smile on his face, but this would make me far more furious than his original crime.

    She holds out for a while, but he smiles cutely a lot and when she throws a wastebasket at him, breaking it on his face, he puts it over his head and smiles through the holes. Eventually she gives in, kissy kissy, and he asks her again to marry him. They still don't know each other's names.

  • Regina was, of course, impactada to find her husband Demian smooching the secretary, his hand pushing that already tiny skirt further up her thigh.

    She slips out and runs into Gabriel (I don't believe we know what the intent of HIS visit was supposed to be). She gasps: "get me out of here" and they go get coffee.

    They admit to still loving each other and review: "I wrote you every day." "My father never gave me your letters - when I got back you were married to your first wife." "I married Luisa while loving you." "I married Demian thinking he'd be just like you, but I was wrong." Regina says she will stay faithful and married for the sake of JC.

    Meanwhile the secretary bounces back into Demian's office and says: "I saw your wife embracing your brother." Demian throws things and plans vengeance.

    So when Regina, at home, is indulging in bittersweet flashbacks, Demian rushes in and knocks her down. "I know you were with Gabriel." "We were just talking, but YOU were macking with your secretary." "I seek from another what you don't give me." "I should leave you forever." "If you do you'll be sorry, JC will be lost." "He's your son!" "You know I don't think he is!" [That's probably because JC is too nice to be his son.] "If you hurt him," threatens Regina, "I'll kill you."

  • Luisito is by far the worst kid I have ever seen in a novela. [Comment from telenovela-world: "No doubt he'd be Gabe's kid cause Demian would drowned him years ago."] He's whining, sobbing, and squeaking in a most affected way; he's been lying on the floor since yesterday - when, remember, his mother Joselyn pushed him over and knocked him off his crutches when he saw her slashing hubby Gabriel's expensive shirts with a pair of scissors. I can't even write this without giggling, what a hoot.

    Joselyn croons weirdly to Little Creep: "I love you, but he doesn't love you." Little Creep [sobs and sniffles and squeaks]: "No, no, no." Joselyn: "You don't know how I suffer." Blah blah blah, she promises to take him to the garden so he starts smiling a mealy smile through his fake tears, oh lord. I bet she forgets. He will tell all this to his psychiatrist some day if mommy doesn't kill him first.

    First, though, she makes a mighty effort to hide the pile of expensive slashed-up rags as all the Fieras arrive and Rogelio's arrest is announced.

  • Tiberio goes back to Chacal with another of Demian's assignments. When Chacal tries to play hard to get, Tiberio asks rhetorically: "Remember who saved you from the insane asylum?" Chacal's flashbacks - to writhing in a straightjacket and getting electroshock treatments - turn him into a gibbering melted heap in the corner while Tiberio laughs, ha ha ha.

    Mid-flashback we see Demian was a patient in the same asylum at the same time as Chacal. They have, I guess, a special bond.

  • Elsa apologizes to Leonardo for having thrown his recogido status in his face. We don't really have a word for this in English - it's like adopting a stray dog out of the street, except a person. Leonardo says: "It's OK, I care about you as much as I would if we were truly siblings, I want what's best for you, and Chacal is not it, stop riding his motorcycle with him, you'll find somebody better. And by the way, I met somebody, she's just like Viviana, I'm falling in love." This thing about Mariangela being exactly like Vivian is creepy, a shrink would warn against it.

  • Diana, Rogelio's wife, goes to the police to admit she argued with Raquel at Raquel's apartment - but also to insist that Raquel had been alive when she left! Poor cousin Pedro goes along for support.

    As soon as she arrives at the station, however, dead Raquel's maid - to whom Tiberio gave a heap of money - sees her and shouts accusations - "I saw that woman, she visited my employer, then thump, my employer was a bloody pudding on top of a red car, and I looked up and there was that woman on the balcony, I recognize her clothes, she's the assassin!" Diana is impactada when thusly accused.

  • I don't know if this is going to be important, but back at Mariangela's pueblo, Mayeya - a very large blond vision in pink - is about to be married and keeps bugging the padre about flowers etc. because she wants her wedding to be perfect. "People thought I'd never get married but what a wonderful man I have." This better turn out to be significant or I'm going to resent having wasted a paragraph on it.

  • In the limo, Tiberio congratulates Demian on various successfully executed dastardly deeds: "When you plan something, it never fails." "Is your admiration real or are you afraid of me?" "You're the greatest! If I could choose a dad, it would be YOU!" I might add that with the plastic surgery and fake hair, Tiberio looks roughly the same age as Demian. Who cast Tiberio? And who let him get such a ghastly facelift? Although his weird look complements his role as evil sidekick, I suppose.

    Damian uncharacteristically asks Tiberio about his mother! Tiberio: "She's dead, and I wouldn't care about her anyway." We flash to Dolores in prison. She exposits to a nun: "I don't merely want to find out who murdered my brother Edgar - I'm also dying to see my son Tiberio, who was raised by his father and knows nothing about me."

  • In a sort of lame finish, Mariangela timidly enters the room where Gabriel is morose about his son being in jail for murder. She asks: "Are you ok?" "No, no, I'm not ok." In the manner of self-absorbed people Mariangela makes it all about her: "Well, I'm not ok either, my mother doesn't recognize me." He is distracted from his own sorrow and they have a pure, sincere hug. Clemente sees it and is impactado.


Is it just me, or does Clemente look a lot like Dona Jacinta's brother on Barreras?

Will someone please give Marianangelica(or whatever) a bobby pin or snip off that stupid strand of hair that falls over her face. It drives me nuts.
I don't think I'm going to like this telenovela either. I long for the wide open spaces and Luis and company galloping over the countryside. Ah, Alborada, will we ever see your like again? Why not a sequal, or prequal?

Now...I can't show my face at work till I compose myself...tears of laughter. I love LFMB,....but you just can't beat M de F for the sheer audacity to play every cliche and all at once...
Oh and a shout-out to the near cuzzin lovers in Europe STFU

All I can say is Thank God you did a plot synopsis and character analysis before this all started. I am thoroughly confused as to who is who and how they are all related.

I still adore Ernesto Laguardia even though his character is a complete sap.

Wonderful scathing recap!!

I propose that running count of the number of times they use the word "Fiera"...

There are an awful lot of them, aren't there?

I've realized that in novelas like this one - where even the supposedly sympathetic characters are annoyingly rich or smug or complacent or helpless or all of the above - one feels free to enjoy the dastardly deeds with no sense of remorse. I laughed when Jocelyn knocked over her little crippled son. Does that make me a bad person? Don't answer that...

It makes you totalmente FIERAS!

We should also count the number of times someone, particularly Joselyn, snarls.

i want team luis back!

Thanks for the recap, Meli.

Am I the only one who's noticed that the Cuencas church got a new facade for this novela. It took me a few episodes to finally realize why it looked so familiar to me.


I agree with all your comments especially the ones about pining for team Luis and all those other deicious characters that live in Alboradaville. How long have j.c. and that girl [can't remember her name] known each other?...Two days??? and one of those was spent with her not speaking to him. It makes Renata and Juan's courtship seem lengthy and deep, no??? I have experienced love at first sight... but, folks, let's wait a few weeks before we set that wedding date just to make sure it's not just lust at first sight. I agree that Ernesto is adorable no matter what character he plays. I would like him to be my best friend, next door neighbor, brother, cousin, attorney, or doctor. However, any leading man who is not Fernando just does not do it for me. I need those horses, those bared chests, those swords, those pouty, sullen looks, those friendly pats, those angry threats, those tender embraces, and those H.O.T kisses. Susanlynn, not paying much attention to these beasts...retreating to rerun Alborada and Amor Real

Still chuckling about visions in pink and am expecting to see Snidely Whiplash coming in soon, curling the ends of his handlebar mustache and waving his arms around demanding the mortgage be paid "de inmediato."

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