Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Mundo de Fieras--Tuesday, October 17th

We begin in the hospital. JC is crying over his mom.

Gabriel is talking with his colleague. How are things going with your wife. Bad, as always. Yeah, but nevertheless you sure are walking around with a big old smile.

Mari & Paulina are chatting nicely when JC calls Paulina to tell her his mom’s dying. JC is crying with Simona (??) Demian arrives and tries to intimidate the doctor/taxi driver. It doesn’t really work (they must get a lot of that sort of thing—plus in his work as a taxi driver I’m sure Leo deals with his fair share of surly people) and they send him off to talk to JC. JC & Demian have a tit for tat chat that is definitely on the cold and prickly end of the spectrum.

Chacal, in yet another disguise—we’ll call this one the Rainman, plants a bomb but is caught by Gabriel’s colleague (what is this guy’s name?). He buys Rainman’s excuse of it being his first day on the job but warns him to stay away from the cars. Rainman says, no worries, he won’t be around the cars anymore (sneer, sneer).

JC is praying (he can really turn on the waterworks when he needs to) and Paulina walks in. Comforting him, she accidentally touches his hand and then retracts. They whine about their impossible love. They almost kiss, but she breaks away.

Jocelyn & Miriam are kvetching. Jocelyn is all worked up and the wild beast in her is coming out (rooaar). J hates all of Gabe’s kids and she would like to see them dead.

Back in the world’s most colorful parking garage, Gabriel gets in his car. Chacal, now in his “Johnny-Depp-on-the-red-carpet disguise” makes the call to Demian who is on an overpass…waiting for the fireworks show to begin.

At the house, Gabriel’s made it home all safe and sound, Luisito & Mari greet him at the door. Ugh. The suspense builds outside the house as the chauffeur and a maid are flirting by the car of doom.

Jocelyn is at Miriam’s fancy-pants party. Eurotrash boytoy steals a kiss which brings out the beast in Miriam, she slaps him and then kisses him back.

JC asks Leonardo about his mom. She is better and will recover. Hugs all around.

Back on the overpass, Demian spots the approaching car. His accomplice hands him the illuminated remote control and he hits “select” with malevolent gusto. Kaboom.

Delores and the mother superior are discussing D’s many hidden secrets. She has a flashback. While at the same time her sweet baby boy is pulling a Cesar (from Heridas) and stealing kisses from a dopey, naïve girl…Belen.

Demian gives Chacal the payment, puts on a creep-o mask and laughs maniacally.

The maid answers the phone and learns that Gabe’s car has exploded. The family gathers and apparently Gabe’s life has been spared due to a simple misunderstanding…the maid told him to go to Cuernavaca and wait for Gabe, when really he was supposed to wait for Gabe so they could go to Cuernavaca. Poor Domingo.

During all this time the bathing suit show has started, shown several small suits and is now over. Jocelyn has been checking her cell phone intermittently, much to the disdain of Miriam. She’s all grouchy at Gabriel, yada yada yada. Otilia spies Federico comforting Jocelyn and gets the wrong idea…she confronts Miriam with this idea. Miriam cackles and calls her a fool (that was a good line, well-delivered). Federico & Otilia continue this little argument

Paulina & Pedro are in the bar discussing the family tree. Wah wah wah.

JC visits his much-improved mother and breaks the news about the cancelled wedding. Demian, ever the gracious hospital visitor, butts in and turns on the TV which shows the news about Gabriel’s car. They learn that Gabe wasn’t in the car…Regina’s psyched, Demian isn’t.

The news shows simultaneously at the bar and Paulina goes ballistic. JC calls Paulina to comfort her about her dad, she asks about his mom…they both have thought bubbles that say, “Aw man, if only he/she weren’t my cousin.”

Chacal is partying with a bottle of homemade hooch and a brand new chopper. Woo-hoo. Demian calls Chacal and tells him he failed. Aw man…now the party’s ruined. Chacal takes it really, really hard.

Leonardo (my husband calls him George Lopez Jr.) finds out that Mari is back at Gabe’s house and then yells at Elsa.

A tearful homecoming at Gabe’s house…until Jocelyn shows up all bitchy and accusatory. But wait, Gabe has the best excuse in the world to stand up a wife…his car blew up! She forgives him. Gush gush gush.

Paulina has a montage of memories while staring at her engagement ring.

Jocelyn and Miriam debrief. J complains (again) about Mari. She then goes to her dad to complain about her, and questions his motives for keeping her at the house.

Federico & Otilia (she’s kind of like a dimestore Stockard Channing) talk about divorce and she tells him that she’s going to kick him out on the street.

Gabriel confronts Demian at his office. He says that an innocent person was killed and he intends to blame D. They go back and forth with the threats and Gabriel leaves (this scene was totally lacking…I mean don’t they have stand-ins so that these guys know where to look?)

Jocelyn disingenuously “comforts” poor Paulina about falling in love with JC.

Candelaria and Mari are talking about Gabe’s brush with death. Candelaria knows something’s going on and asks Mari who admits that she’s in love with him. Cut to poor lovesick and presumably ill-fated Leonardo (at his taxi-driving day job).

Paulina returns the ring to JC. He tells her to keep it.

Leonardo is looking all hopeful as he walks up to Mari, who is working a jigsaw puzzle…and that is where the Tivo ended.


Last week my wife and I started accidentally watching the show despite not knowing any spanish (at best we both know the spanish words that are similar to english). My spanish parents would be SO ashamed.

Thank GOD for your blog. Now we can watch it and actually UNDERSTAND it! YAY!

Thanks! I love Joselyn, she is SUCH a luscious maniac. I like the way Gabriel rolls his eyes and turns his cheek to her when she wants to lick kiss and bite her. I love the horrendous pasty-faced kid, the worst ever.

At the end, Leo kissed MA who looked puzzled [while doing a puzzle], and Gabriel saw and was impactado!! She's too young for you Gabriel...move on. I want Leo to get the girl!!! When JC hugged Leo , Leo seemed a bit surprised??? disappointed?--Probably because in ''Alborada,'' he always got 3 manly hugs from his lifelong amigos [Luis, Felipe, and Marcos] whenever Team Luis won a big game or duel or mujere or fight or whatever. Just having the studly but whiny , weepy JC to embrace in a manly way was probably a let down.Besides, they just met...let's not rush things, JC...makes you look needy. Also, how do you say ''speedo'' in Spanish??~~~~Susanlynn, saying thank you for the translation

Thank you SO much for these re-caps. I don't get a chance to watch Mundo de Fieras every week...without these summaries and youtube, idk what was going on!

This was a wonderful episode, so many crazy, angry people running around accusing, wailing and threatening. I have to say, the villains in Mundo are really over the top and deeply satisfying to watch. Joselyn is the perfect villainess...scary when she's mean and absolutely bone-chilling when she's "nice."

Sylvia, really craving a bit of this sort of action over in Heridas land.

Great job...I can't watch on Tues/Thurs so the recaps fill me in..
I am totally relieved Gabe made it...I was certain he was gonna be a goner (Not).
Paulina keep the ring...it's a like a family heirloom...well at least it is family

wow! great recap. thanks nora for filling in for me.

J.R. (posting from bone-chilling northland of quirky and quaint Churchill, Canada) :)

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