Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Heridas De Amor, Tuesday Nov. 14

In which there is much sniffing, but very little discovering...

Daira shows up at Cesar's door. He says it's not a good time but she insists. She wants Cesar to put her in contact with His Friends who saw the boyfriend hitting Lasagna. Cesar pretends to be impactada, "Don't tell me that wretch did it again?!?" Daira says Lasagna hasn't been home since she lied about meeting her girlfriends for coffee the night before. Luis Antonio eavesdrops, looking suspicious. Cesar says he doesn't have His Friends' numbers, but he'll contact Daira if he sees them again. After she leaves Cesar is flushed and relieved.

Luis Antonio tells Cesar that he knows the date and flight number of Gonzalo's return.

Julio arrives at Mophead's house and sees her histrionics over Faby's kidnapping. (If one wondered why nobody told Julio about Fab's kidnapping, one might recall that these are the same people are are doing nothing about said kidnapping, so it would make sense.) Mophead tells Julio not to report the kidnapping but he says he can't just wait around, he has to do something. He has a friend in the AFI, they should call in the experts to handle this. Finally!

Dohhhh! Bertha arrives to snoop and express her "concern" for Faby. She sees Julio calling the AFI and without anybody seeing sprays him with stupid gas. We don't actually see her do this but it must have happened because seconds later she talks him out of calling the cops. She tells him Cesar talked to the kidnappers and Julio should talk to Cesar before calling anyone. Julio agrees and hangs up.

Trinidad arrives with food for Faby, the hungry rats are chirping like birdies in the background. She gives him a pill for the pain and fever then tells him she spoke to Rebeca the night before. Even though Rebeca cried Trini could not tell her Faby's location because it would endanger her children. Fab sobs and says he's going to have a child, his wife is pregnant, in the hospital and dying. If he doesn't return right away they will both die.

Miranda promises Santiago that she won't let Bertha's machinations come between her and Alejandro. He asks what else is on her mind. After disclosing the most important news, that she and Alejandro are back together, Miranda adds that Fabricio has been kidnapped and Lizania has been missing since yesterday.

At the hospital Juan sees Veronica and tells her to get out. She asks about Flor and says it's her fault that Flor is doing badly. She vows that she had nothing to do with Fab's kidnapping. Juan says he knows, then he notices that she has a big skeleton head on a stick body. He invites her to lunch and she agrees because a piranha's gotta eat.

Miranda talks to Gonzalo on the phone and says she will try to look into the parallel accounts. Then Alejandro calls and she tells him that Daira is worried because Lizania didn't come home last night. She tells Santiago that she needs to try to find out the account passords for Gonzo and Santiago reccomends she visit Fermin for all her banking needs.

Cesar tells Julio that a violent gang has kidnapped Fabricio. If they call the police before the ransom is demanded then they will become even more violent. Julio, still stunned by the stupid gas, agrees. Bertha reassures Mophead and leaves. Cesar follows her to the door and asks when she plans to release Fabricio. He warns her that he wants Fab alive.

Bertha asks Cesar if he's heard any news of Lizania, did Ulises follow their instructions? Yes, SANSON followed them perfectly. After she leaves he thought bubbles "I'm not even going to tell you that Daira already came looking to me; that pleasure I reserve only for myself."

Close up of squeaking rats, and Fab tells Trini that he heard the bad guys say they are going to kill him, it's just a matter of time. She says when the ransom is paid they'll let him go. He tells her he was kidnapped not for money but to teach him a lesson. Trini tch tches that they are bloodthirsty.

Fabricio faints and dreams that he visits Florencia in the hospital. He looks good in blue and without all that blood. He kisses her and tells her he's fine, don't worry, they will be together forever, united for all eternity. They kiss.

Florencia wakes up with a start. Fabricio visited her in an identical dream. She yells to Fernanda that it wasn't a dream, Fab was there to say goodbye to her. They killed him. Fernanda convinces her to calm down and be strong, not only for herself but for the baby.

Outside the room Fernanda weeps to Juan that Florencia and the baby are weak. They need a miracle. Juan reminds her of some advice she once gave him, #1 we are doctors and we swore to save lives and #2 don't lose faith until after death takes us, not before.

Fabricio moans for Flor; Bertha slithers into the hideout. She tries to wake him. Trinidad tells her he's delirious with fever, the guy outside said he wouldn't live much longer. In front of Trinidad Bertha calls El Guapo and reams him big time for putting a bunch of demons in charge of Fabricio. Dumbass, she wanted him alive and conscious of his pain, not delirious. Fabricio in his current condition does her no good, sheesh! She tells estupido that when she returns she'd better find Fab bathed, fed and recuperated. She gives Trini some money to fix Fabricio up. "Pack of asses," she mutters, "this is no way to inflict pain!" She tries once more to wake Fab then leaves in a huff.

Miranda is in Fermin's office. He calls a bank on the Cayman Islands about the accounts. For some reason, because he swore he wouldn't tell anyone, they provide the passwords to the accounts, including the fraudulent parralel ones. When he logs on he tells Miranda that the fraudulent accounts are in the name of...Gonzalo San Llorente.

Santiago is with Daira who has called the hospitals but to no avail. There is still no sign of Lizania. Just then a policeman arrives with Lizania's purse. Daira is impactada and wants to know where it was found. He says they found it in the Tasqueña area. Daira cries that Lizania has no business in this area, what if she was kidnapped? The policeman isn't interested in helping her find her daughter, he just wants them to sign for the purse so he can meet his buds for bunuelos and cafecitos. Daira finally decides to call Alejandro.

Miranda tells Gonzo that the fraudulent accounts are in his name. There is some silly small talk regarding Juan and Renata, then Miranda gives him the account number. He plans to return to Mexico soon, he says everything will be different when he gets back. Fermin then tells Miranda he will help her get a loan.

Fernanda and Juan are having lunch with Veronica the piranhica. Fern asks how her treatment is going, Veronica is steeped in self-pity and says if her parents find out she has HIV they won't want to be near her and will throw her out. Fernanda tries to comfort her and says she wants to help.

Trinidad arrives with meds for Faby. They have the same conversation for the fifth time with the only addition being that Fab wants Trini to visit Florencia in the hospital to tell her that he's OK. Like that won't be the final nail in Flor's coffin. He begs her again to help him escape. She says no, the elegant woman who was there before will surely return soon. Fab realizes it must have been Bertha.

Miranda calls Gabino; she wants to know what the owners of the neighboring haciendas told him. He said they don't want to meet with her. He tried to convince them but they don't have time to take care of the earth so they plan to sell. They don't want to spend the rainy season there. Miranda says that she, too, is worried about losing the second crop.

Another irritating conversation with the whiny Veronica. She's bitter, they try to get her to join an HIV group, be a member of society, yackety yack. Veronica asks Fern if she'll go with her, Fern says absolutely and calls her "hija." Veronica cries and says it's been a long time since anyone called her that.

After Gabino hangs up Arcario asks him why he didn't mention Nati's premonitions of death and destruction to Miranda. Ummm...maybe because telling Miranda the ravings of an addled glassy-eyed mental patient would seem, well, unprofessional?

El Guapo walks round and round in circles laughing and smiling while Bertha scolds him. She calls him stupid and he smells her hair. She's not happy about that lady feeding Faby but Guapo says he's known her for a long time. She asks what happened with the call to Miranda and Alejandro. He says whenever he calls it's busy or he gets voice mail. She says that when he's with Miranda she's going to give him a signal to speak with her. Then she says something about smelling his fear but I didn't understand what she was saying. They talk about smelling fear a lot.

Fabricio is cleaned up when Guapo arrives to torment him some more. Fabricio wants him to take a photo to prove to his family that he is OK. Guapo shows him his reflection in a broken mirror. So maybe the photo isn't a good idea after all. Guapo tell Faby he has a visitor. "Bertha," mutters Fab. She strolls in grinning, "That's right, your dear auntie Bertha."

Oops, I forgot to add the backside of my last page when I posted last night! Here it is:
Daira sobs in Santiago's arms as Miranda arrives. She's talking to Alejandro on the phone and tells him to hurry home. Daira shows Miranda Lizania's purse and says she's sure Lizania went to see her violent boyfriend but she doesn't know who he is.

"Doesn't Cesar know?" asks Santiago. Miranda asks why would he know and Daira tells her the story (as told to her by Cesar). Miranda says she will ask Cesar herself for the information.

Luis Antonio rushes into Cesar's apartment in a tizzy. They are lost. Gonzalo knows all about their roles in the fraudulent account scheme and has proof that Cesar's name is on the deposits. He says they have to leave Mexico and at any moment they are going to be arrested!


Thank you Sylvia.
I see my ordering the rats to lick Fab has happened. Maybe then Bertha can lick Fab? Anything to liven up this show!

Bleah with the rats. I did watch friday even though I didn't get the recap done, thankfully a very low rat day. ugh. So Bertha has revealed herself as the evil one to at least one person now. This will be the beginning of the end for her.

thank you sylvia! i think your recaps are very funny... i loved the bunuelos and cafecito part :)

"A piranha's gotta eat" --hahaha! Great recap.

When will it all end??? And... Let's see ..''elegant'' is not the first adjective that springs to my mind when I think of Bertha. Someone get a clue. I'm tired of the rats, bleeding, blindfolded Faby, and snorting, twitching Cesar. ~~~Susanlynn,retreating

Oooops! I meant to write that the Rats have not licked Fab.

I think we have at least another month to go.

I didn't understand what was Bertha's plan with Guapo about Miranda. She doesn't answer his calls so he is supposed to do what?

Margaret, I didn't understand that either. Sorry I couldn't do a better job of clarifying. Maybe someone else can enlighten us or the plot line will make itself apparent to us, or it will just disappear like so many other loose ends.

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