Tuesday, November 14, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #144 11/13/06

In her lux-mobile Lety flashes back to the psychic, who told her: "Your love is true and honest, but between the two of you stands a woman who can't put on her wedding dress..." She doesn't want to hear more, so tells the cuartel she doesn't want her fortune told again. "Last time, you were told you would change his life and he would change yours, has that happened yet?"

Omar and Fernando are wasting more time, they never work. Fern is complaining, "My life is bitter, some cosmic plan is in motion." He tells the disbelieving Carvahal about the psychic who said Lety's sweetheart would change her and vice versa - he thinks the psychic was referring to Tomas. Omar thinks it's nonsense, but Fern points out that Lety and Tomas used to be nothing - "Oh sure, they have advanced degrees and are specialists etc., but he was a poor devil, and Lety is of a simple family, and now they blow my dough on fancy restaurants and cars."

"She's getting vengeance," says Omar as Fern sweats and twitches, "maybe she read the letter... anyway, sit down, stop walking in circles, if she'd seen the letter she wouldn't be messing with a car..." "She'd strangle me, instead," whispers Fern. "It's Mora, he's such a bad influence on her, that imbecile, it's his fault." Fern doesn't seem to notice he's the pot calling the kettle black.

[I love the way Fern and Omar squabble, like boys who've known each other since they dropped tadpoles down the girls' dresses. Fern despises Omar's attitude, but is strangely dependent on him. Have you noticed how Fern is getting better and better at his squirmy dances of confusion and distress? What a riot!]

Omar continues with the astute observation, "Lety is acting strangely." Fern gives him a disdainful "duh." Omar puts on his "Freud" cap and asks, "Is Lety still in love with you, or has she transferred her love to Mora? Invite her to go out." "I can't, because of Marcia." He admits to Omar he hasn't had sex with Marcia, or with any other woman, since he made love to Lety. "Nada de nada?" "Nada de nada. I live for (1) this business; (2) pleasing Lety; and (3) [pauses to find a word] calming (he uses tranquilizar) Marcia, my life is nothing more." "Hmm, this is complicated, since you're going to marry Marcia, isn't it a problem that you can't boink her?" "I'm feeling so guilty - I'm in a sea of confusion, a sea." Omar asks if Fern is still doling out the Carvahallmarks on a daily basis. Fern says no. He hates the cards, and anyway he's angry at Lety. Omar sagely proverbializes: "He who is angry loses."

Simon is waiting outside for the girls to get back, he's so jealous. They pull up at the same time that Luigi arrives with two of his usual beauties. Celso is very solicitous and adoring of the new car. Luigi is mean and jealous, speechless that Lety's boyfriend could own such a car. Sara gloats, Paula Maria sashays up to Luigi's elegant bimbos and says, "Oh maybe we'll see y'all later in one of those night spots," Simon protests and she whispers, "I'm just trying to improve the cuartel's image." Luigi asks, "Who is this boyfriend who bought this car? I know all the men who could afford this." "No, he's a different kind of guy than the ones you know." "*I* could have this car," Luigi says. I think he finishes by saying it would take only a little push to make the owner, whoever he is, fall in love with him (Luigi).

Inside, there is a pause in all the car-fetish worshipping when Irmita pontificates: "You girls (the cuartel) are making yourselves ridiculous, getting above yourselves. One is poor not by having little, but by desiring a lot. Let's thank God we have work." What a buzzkill.

Alicia tells Marcia the secretaries are still out at lunch, "and since Lety has so much power around here, who knows when she'll be back?" Marcia gives Alicia some money to buy her lunch and bring it back, Alicia protests that she herself is starving and broke, Marcia gives her more money (to buy two lunches), Alicia says "No, let's go out." While they're driving she reveals that Lety took the cuartel to Le Noir. Marcia is stunned and indignant and determined to find out what's going on with all this money, she'll ask her awful brother Ariel about it.

Fern corners Lety and yells at her, "Are you going to keep playing with me?" As he is growing more spastic with dismay Lety is becoming cooler and more steely. "Are you angry that I was out late at lunch, excuse me." After she leaves, he gets out a Carvahallmark and shoves it under her door. She smiles lovingly, picks it up - and chucks it in the trash. Then she fishes it out again, saying, "Just out of curiosity..." He has written, "You're making me sleepless and anguished." She stuffs it back in the trash.

Alone in his own office, waiting for some response, Fern casually and quietly thought-bubbles, "I want Lety, I'm in love with her."

Omar corrals his secretary Sara and grills her about the red bag - he's still thinking Lety must have read his evil letter. Omar makes Sara swear a very holy oath that nobody ever got in his office or saw the bag. She swears, her fingers crossed behind her back, and this pacifies Omar, but then Sara goes to pieces for having lied. She thinks she'll go to hell and cries for the rest of the episode. Lety thanks her for keeping the secret.

Omar and Fern have agreed Fern must re-conquer Lety. Fern tells her, "We have to talk everything over, I'll come to your place tonight." He's astonished when she says no, she's going out with the girls. "It bothers me that your boyfriend bought this car." "Sorry it bothers you so much." "You're driving me crazy!" "Calm yourself." She reminds Fern that Filmo Imagen is a perfectly legal company.

Luigi comes in and reminds Fern there is a huge presentation to Bella-Life happening right now. Fern, besotted over Lety, had completely forgotten. Leaving, he insists to Lety that he will be at her place that night.

Marcia overheard the end of Omar's conversation with Fern (they were both shouting as always, so I'm not surprised). She tells Alicia "Fern's got a date tonight!" She herself has promised her brother Ariel to attend his business cocktail party. "Alicia, will you come with me?" "Sorry, I have a date." Marcia squeezes it out of her: the date is with Lety's boyfriend. Marcia is impactada.

Lola says a judge has told her she can get 1/2 of El Cheque's salary for child support. Time for celebration! There'll be another girls' outing in the fancy car! Simon is jealous again.

The jewelry commercial is well received. Luigi gets up and praises his own commercial, a success due to the "Impeccable Talent of the director, Luigi." The client asks for a small change, Luigi says no, Fern says, "the client pays the bill, he gets what he wants." And on that strangely unimportant note, we close.


Great recap! "Spastic with dismay" is a perfect description of Fern's behavior. As you know, I'm deeply in lust with Fern, but he is very much like a little boy throwing a tantrum. Of course, if I were about to do the very thing I had worked all my life to avoid - disappoint my parents by losing the company - I might be peevish, too. Loved the moment when Lety twirls around with the Caravahallmark straight to the Bag of Pithy Crap.

The boys...it is like I want the "Odd Couple Music" to play everytime Fer & Omar are on together...Really don't they make the best couple? I just want them to get an apartment together. Then they can just do what they are best at, drive companies into the ground and chase women.

Thanks for the great recap.
I don't know what Luigi has on all these people where everyone is scared to ruffle his feathers, but I think is behavior rivals anything Fern and Omar have done. Does he know where the bodies are buried or what? He is just downright mean with absolutely no purpose. I hope they're going to make him eat HIS just desserts before the show ends. That I will look forward too.

Regarding Luigi. Several people mentioned before in this blog that the reason Luigi is so mean to the "feas" is because he too is an outsider as a gay man. He desparetly needs some other group to be lower them him on the social scene.

When I was in middle school I had a teacher that was alot like Luigi, though not gay. She did everything she could to befriend and play up to the "popular" girls in her class and made sure to ridicule, humilate and ignore two of my friends and myself. The meanest thing she did to me was when in front of the whole class she kept asking me if I knew what grade I was getting. I said yes. We went back and forth on this one until she decided to reveal to the whole class that I was getting a D (big whoop, it was a home economics class). This really happened. I remember how hurt and humiliated I was. I told my mom what had happened and boy did the teacher get in trouble. So, to make this long story short, there are tons of people in this world, like Luigi, who inflict humilation on others out of their own pain.

P.S. Luigi gets away with his terrible behavior at Conceptos because they see his work as being "brillant" and as other members of this blog have noted, he appears to be the only one of the characters that actually works for his paycheck. :)

I doubt if he's had more pain than Lety and she doesnt act like that. I want him to pay.

Thanks for the funny recap. I know this is fiction, but based on the bella life commercial, there's no reason why they can't dump Luigi and just hire Lola's kids to direct the ads... he sucks big time!

Sometimes I think F&O are like Oscar and Felix... other times I think they are like Lucy and Ethel... other times I think they are like Bert and Ernie.

I agree, Fern's twitching is getting better and better. I thought I saw him playing with two pairs of sewing scissors last night, but that doesn't make any sense - what were those orange things he was fiddling with??

I was hoping that the cuartel's ability to slap together a decent commercial in two or three days would weaken Luigi's power within the company, but it doesn't seem to have done so. I sure hope his commercial doesn't win at Cannes (please don't spoil this if you already know!!) or he'll be even more unbearable, which is pretty hard to imagine.

I love this novela!!! Yes you are correct, Fernando was messing with 2 scissors, he also broke a pencil/pen, and was messing with Omars "desk toys"
I loved even more when he was talking with Lety and was messing around with his highlighters He was so angry..Could he get any cuter?!?!? I have that I found this novela on YouTube because Mexico is actually about 3 months ahead and well what can I say, I couldn't help myself!!!

Great recap!
I love it when Fernando calls Omar idiot!
Luigi gets on my nerves too. He is so mean to Lety and the feas.
I give him no excuses for whatever his personal lifestyle is. He seems to really enjoy tearing the others down who he seems to see as lesser beings.
Carrie L.

I have to admit, I really enjoyed the fighting scenes between Lety and Fernando! I found myself laughing outloud at some of them. It's like they're through the lovey dovey stage and now it's onto the bickering. Too bad we know that the fighting is for not so funny reasons.

I think there was also a good pun last night. Since my Spanish is far from perfect I'm not sure. But when Fernando was talking about being in a sea of something ("mar"), then Omar said something like "I'm Omar." Get it? Did anyone hear this?

Pun update:
I just reviewed last night's episode with the help of my DVR and closed captioning. At about minute 22, Fernando says "Es un mar de confusiones." And Omar responds "Omar? Omar soy yo."

The 2010 discussion for Capitulos 143 & 144 is at this link.

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