Monday, December 27, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #143-144 12/27/10 When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but vindictive Lety and cuartel oh so dear.

Capitulo 143.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Every time Fernando tries to talk about the need for the balance, Lety evades him. Omar tells him their life depends on it. Fern should give her anything she wants and more.

2. Lety takes the cuartel to lunch. Omar tries to distract Fernando who is very disturbed by the car. The man from Klaus wonders why Lety isn’t in the lunch meeting. She should be, since it’s about renegotiating terms. Omar says she feels out of place in this kind of setting.

3. Lety and the cuartel arrive at Le Noir. Fernando takes it as an attack. Marta says, “Don’t worry, Lety’s rich novio is paying for it.” Fernando asks what her game is and she acts innocent, but she enjoys the power. She greets the client but she forcefully ignores Omar. He suggests that Lety is changing her lifestyle.

4. Lety and friends run up the bill to torment Fernando, while Lety and Fern trade glances.

5. Ariel asks Marcia about the source of Tom’s money. He’s worried about dirty business because Lety virtually manages their company. He tells her he intends to unload his Conceptos shares. He needs the capital for his latest venture.

6. Lety imagines Fern’s card is rejected for overcharges, so she pays his bill. Clearly a power fantasy.

7. Fernando tells Omar this is not the sweet Lety he knows; she’s changed. It must be Tom’s fault. Fern thinks of Juana’s prediction, and that’s further evidence that Tom has changed Lety. Marta says that based on the predictions, the novio changed Lety’s life, but has she changed his? Lety says that if she hasn’t yet, she suspects she will.

8. Fernando and Omar wonder whether Lety found the letter. Omar laughs at the possibility. He says, “If she did, we’d be without the company and toasting her as president.” Fernando says she’d be furious and she’d ream him out. Ergo she didn’t find the letter. The answer must be Tomás.

Capitulo 144.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando and Omar look for a solution. Omar says his kisses weren’t enough. Fernando should give her a raise and a monthly allowance (like a kept woman?).

2. Fernando says he hasn’t touched Marcia nor anyone else since the first time he made love with Lety. Omar suggests this could be a problem in their marriage, and he asks the cause. Fern doesn’t know, maybe guilt.

3. Marcia is boggled and offended that Lety took the witches to Le Noir.

4. Fernando yells at Lety, “Are you finished playing games with me yet, or are you going to continue?” He slips today’s card under her door. It says, “I don’t know what I did to deserve your indifference, but I can’t sleep, worrying about it.” He tries to sort out his feelings.

5. Omar makes Sara swear that nobody found the red bag. Sara is sure she’s heading straight to Hell. Omar tells Fern that Lety didn’t see the letter, so the problem is Tom. Fern needs to win her back at all costs. The board meeting is almost upon them and they need that balance. Fern tells himself that he needs to win her back, not for the balance, but for himself.

6. Fernando tells Lety, “We need to talk. Maybe you want to remain silent, but I need to know what’s happening between us.” He orders her to let him take her home tonight, despite her refusal.

7. Alicia tells Marcia that she’s going out with Tomás tonight.

8. Lola tells the witches that her lawyer might be able to garnish half of Efren’s salary for nonpayment of child support.

9. Ricky wants a small change to the jewelry commercial and Luigi refuses because his work is perfect. Fernando overrules because Ricky’s the one paying for it.


Thank you, Pata, for another great screenshot.

Lety tells Sara that (something?) to friends is more important than an oath. IOW loyalty to friends is more important than loyalty to God. How far Lety has fallen! And even if she believes that, she indicts herself in her next sentence when she lies to Juana, saying she doesn’t know what was in the red bag.

The cuartel thought the bag held Omar’s lab samples, muestras, from the verb mostrar, to show or demonstrate. In a way they were right. The letter was a sample of Omar’s character; it demonstrates what a degenerate he is.

Fernando and Omar conclude that if Lety found the letter, she’d steal the company or scream at Fernando. Does he consider, even for a moment, “If Lety found the letter it would kill her”?

Paula, fabulous title. You've outdone yourself. Hope you had a happy Christmas.

My word verification is "excesses". Evidently the computer knows about all the brownies I ate over Christmas.

Thanks, Judy. I always enjoy seeing you on this board.

I almost forgot: DON'T MISS TUESDAY!!!
And keep your heart meds handy. It's one of the most intense cap's of the whole series.

Lord but that coven of witches get on my nerves. They are a disgrace to women everywhere with their loud, coarse, naco behavior. Why on earth Lety or for that matter anyone would take these women to a high class restaurant is beyond me. Then again I do remember how Lety acted when she went to lunch with Marcia. One of the things that always bugs me in novelas is how lower class people always act like fools when exposed to more upper class locations/events.

I can't agree with the classification of Omar and for that matter Fern being degenerates. What they are is insensitive to other people's feelings and it is insensitivity rather than the cold deliberate hurting of people which is what Lety is hell bent on doing. None of the three of them are models of virtue and caring which is why all of them have to pay before the end. It's toss up as to which is worse, uncaring or unknowing hurting of someone versus a deliberate campaign to hurt.

Thanks Paula, Julie and Amanda. Deciegirl, I am not a big fan of the cuartel either.

That car drive to "La Noir", is that even legal to have people sit on the back of a car unless it's in a parade?

Stellar screen shot today! Nice job Pata.

I like how Fernando called Tomas "Tommy Boy" when he blamed Tomas Mora for Lety's attitude.

I think I'm in the minority here but I thought the scenes of the cuartel riding on the back of the car and then in the restaurant were pretty funny. Maybe it's my deep-seated desire to thumb my nose at all snobs everywhere. Sure, they were a sight and made me cringe but they were just so darn happy.

Fernando and Omar probably think that Lety hasn't found the red bag because she isn't reacting in the manner in which they would react, namely screaming at them and stealing the company (so far). It's probably impossible for them to imagine that she could be at all calculating since in the past she has just sucked it up and taken all insults that have been handed to her. And, as Paula points out, they pretty much never put themselves in Lety's shoes or consider her feelings. I can't feel much sympathy for those who are surpised as a result of refusing to consider other people's feelings.

You make a good point over which is worse, Fern & Omar unknowingly hurting Lety, or Lety knowingly hurting Fern. Lety has to be worse, she is plotting to "make him pay" and, how she says it, "he's going to cry from the inside out." It seems Fern & Omar are really two dumbells who have lived their lives only for themselves without a thought to anyone else. BUT it looks like Fern is having a twinkling of sensitivity with "something is just not right with Lety" and he swears Lety must have found the bag because HE hasn't done anything KNOWINGLY that would have made Lety act the way she is acting.
Also, I believe it was a major revelation that Fern has not hacer amor with anyone (including Maaarcia) since the FIRST night he was "with" Lety. Something changed with him that night and the Player is gone.

On Thursday's summary, Sylvia said, "this TN seems to follow its own path rather than the usual TN cliches." That's one of the (many) wonderful things about Fea. And every 30 episodes (give or take 10), some significant event (e.g. Lety finding the letter) propels the plot in a whole new direction. That keeps things fresh because in each new etapa the storyline becomes significantly different.

As for avoiding the cliches, I can't say what WILL happen, but I can tell you some things that WON'T happen.
* No swapped babies.
* No amnesia.
* No vicious matriarch (except the part where Julieta gets a Harley and joins the Hell's Angels).
* No irrational villain who torches the hero's barn and laughs maniacally as it burns.
* No knock-out drugs and no poison.
* Other than Alicia's short and comedic subplot we already passed, there is no fake pregnancy, no mis-attributed pregnancy, and no intentional pregnancy to trap a man.
* No pure-hearted orphan who is actually the lost daughter of the zillionaire.
* No bastard sons and the multitude of plot devices that spring from them.

But if there WAS a bastard son storyline, it would be that Fernando is actually the result of Teresita's fling with Humberto's brother, Uncle Federico. That's why Fernando has never been able to please his "father" Humberto, and why Humberto voted for Ariel over Fern for the presidency. Don't forget, even Lety noticed that Fernando looks more like Tio Federico than like Humberto!

I loved the lunch scene just as much the second time around. I guess I no longer think of it as Lety growing a spine, though, so much as just being spiteful.

Well... I it's still true that she was growing a spine. It's just that she was growing it out of spite. (I feel as though there should be a joke in there somewhere.)

I think this episode was also when I started to really dislike Paula Maria. It was when she was talking about using the car to get hot guys and later when she was openly talking about wanting the most expensive thing on the menu. I couldn't help thinking that Saimon's way too good for someone so crassly materialistic!

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