Monday, November 13, 2006

Mundo de Fieras: 11/12/06 Joselyn's "Stairway to Heaven" tribute

Ahhhh Where to begin?
Why not start right off with our favorite crazy gal "Joselyn", it seems Frederico has consulted with Dr. Sigmund and Dr. Freud and they are of the opinion, some observation time is required. The beast "Joselyn" goes BSC and is restrained by two young handsome orderlies. She screams traitor & other hate filled phrases at Frederico, who cries at his daughter's distress. Once again proving no good deed goes unpunished.

Next we see Paulina and JC who are continuing the "We can make it work", "No it is impossible" conversation....Please love just shouldn’t be this much work, at least not in the first twenty minutes, yeah sure like three illegitimate kids, a drug problem and a bankruptcy later, maybe...but there is just way too much annoying angst in this relationship. Please just shut-up.

Over in the big house, Dolores is talkin to Demian about Tiberio and how he will not accept her as his Mother. Demian says he'll fix everything in that special way of his. Then he plants a big one on her and she tries to resist, her lips were saying No, No, No, but her eyes were saying Si, Si, Si or maybe that was just my take on it.
It was kinda one of those rough moments full of demented Demian promises to come.

Over in the Naco neighborhood everyone is hanging out at the Pozale Stand...which is probably a pretty good place to eat, if you are ever in the neighborhood and it only costs about $3.00 American. The taxi drivers are hanging out and the robust taxi lady. Oh No here comes Coyote and his side kick. Trouble starts when the two gangstas want beer and the Pozale stand doesn't sell beer. A speeded-up kind of keystone cop scenerio happens; no one gets the least bit hurt, but the bad boys are served up a healthy portion of humble pie. Ooooooppps pay-backs are hell.

When next we see Coyote & side-kick they are doin some plottin, see I told you about payback...Anyway I now dub them the "Turbos" cause that is what is painted in realistic gang graffitti in front of the place where the boys hang.

Leo shows up at the Pozale Palace and he is told of the earlier rumble, oh them's fightin words, he is all shades of territorial, when a lil dweeb taxi-driver realizes his cab has been stolen. Yeah the pay-back part. All the taxi-drivers including the tubster jump in a taxi and take off. This scene was more clowns in a Shriner Circus car than KeyStone Cops. I believe I missed the point of this entire scene or maybe it is just one of those things that doesn't cross cultural boundaries.

Now the "Turbos" are standin in front of their namesake and holding a huge roll of cash....okay guess they stole the taxi and took it to "Pedro's Quikie Chop Shop".
Well now they can buy some cerveza & other pleasures.

Miriam is at her shop lamenting to Ingrid (who I just gotta say, I am glad once again to see she is still alive...cause this is NO SPOILER...but I am betting two to one she gets whacked, she knows too much, except she doesn't know enough to get a better job with more benefits than running people down and getting smacked...she could work for Demian and probably get health insurance along with getting smacked), Miriam is yammering on and on about Joselyn being committed and Frederico...Yadda Yadda it matters now, I think the intervention twenty years ago would have been a better idea, but hey that's just me.

Demian confronts Tiberto once again about playing nice with Tiberto's Ma, Delores. Tiberto tries to protest, but Demian pimp slaps him like he is a working girl in Demian's stable. I feel bad for Tiberto, he's a grown ass man, and this one eyed crippled-guy is slappin him around with this it's for your own good smacks. Man remember how bad you hated that when you were a kid, well I imagine it is way worse when you’re like forty.

Poor Tiberto, he goes into the kitchen for some coffee. Simona is in there grillin Belen for like the past half hour, with this "What is wrong, you can tell me", yeah like she really wants to know, Belen has been knocking boots with Tiberto..TMI TMI

While Simona is getting the coffee, Tiberto wants to talk to Belen, I guess he thought maybe he'd relieve a little tension, but Belen is all, "you were kissing Karen", so Tiberto stomps upstairs like Frankenstein with a "Bueno Noches", Simona comes back in with the coffee asks Belen where Tiberto is and Belen gives her mother a curt "Bueno Noches"....Simona looks first in the direction Tiberto went, then looks after her daughter, I believe I saw the slight flicker of a light bulb going on in her thought bubble.

Demian is now tellin Delores that all is okay with her hijo. Regina comes in and for a second it is like awkward...Delores and Demian were a little too close but Demian covers and tells his beloved wife that he is almost fully recovered and he would like to keep Delores on as a companion for Regina. Regina just thinks this is a jolly idea. *****Demian Dude, I'm here to tell you, get the threesome idea outta your head, it ain't gonna happen*****

Later when Delores and Demian are alone, he tells her that it wasn't just for his wife, it was for him too. Delores protests that Regina is a swell gal and that is disrespectful, but alas Demian laments that Regina doesn't love him. Oh damn you Demian, now you made me feel sorry for you again, okay you have my blessing to revisit the Delores Days of your youth.

Joselyn awakens in her room at Buena Vista, everything is blurred and kinda out of focus, she is set on breaking out. I don't know if the out of focus is due to her psychosis or if she was medicated, if it was the medication, I say up that dosage to two animal tranquilizers.

Karen is having dinner or snacks or maybe just naughty talk with Rog and fills him in on his sister Paulina having the red hots for Paulina's cousin, JC. Karen don't throw stones cause you been playin nasty school girl with your cuz, Tiberto....

Paulina and JC approaching a table at the hospital carrying two glasses of Kool-
Aide, when JC gets bumped and some spills on Paulina's arm...this leads to him wiping off her arm, kissing and hugging. Oh NO!!!!! the dreaded romantic music signaling the flashback of the happiest 90 seconds (45 each) of their lives. Flashbacks of Spain, making heart shapes with their hands. Excuse me while I vomit.

Meanwhile back at the Crazy Hospital, Joselyn has made it out of her room and climbed like ninety flights of steps...okay really like five...
I just gotta throw this thought out there, what in the hell kind of hospital is this?
I'm no architect, but it seems to me keeping crazies out of harms way, should be job steps to jump from, no big glass windows, locks on the doors, you know, the basics. Doctors and Clemente & Frederico and making up the cast watching Joselyn's big moment, "Mr. Deville, I am ready for my close up.", Joselyn will end it all cause first all her problems are everyone else's fault and Gabe is divorcing her. Frederico yells "Hold that thought" & speed dials Gabe on the ole cell phone.

Back at the other hospital, Paulina & JC are making out in the cafeteria, for the love of everything that is holy, people are trying to eat, "Get a Room", Gabe is watching, yeah I know, the two hornmiesters separate when they hear Gabe answer his phone. Yuck they are like wiping serious saliva off their faces.

Gabe tell them he has to go take care of suicidal Joselyn, but they should go see Lui, that is if they can quit making out for a minute.

Back in Nacoville, Leo is talking to his Mother who is ironing and then he kinda dances with her & gives her lots of hugs and kisses and tells her how great she is and how much he loves her etc..., etc...., etc...., it would almost be endearing if this was the Hallmark Hall of Fame, but it's not nuff said. Leo's slutty sister is currently mounted on the back of Coyotes bike, in her "PussyCat Dolls" outfit and kissing all over Coyote, while a taxi driver (I don't know his name, but the semi good looking one, looks on sadly)...You gotta say this for Elsa, every lil neighborhood has a prima slut and Elsa has proudly taken the trophy, Go Elsa.

Gabe arrives at the hospital everyone is standing below, begging Joselyn not to end it all, it is quite the circus. Joselyn keeps leaning over the railing (which is only waist high....more excellent security), and the growing cast of on-lookers bends forward in turn like should she jump, they could catch her...Nope defies the Laws of Physics, objects in motion. At this point I want people to start yelling JUMP, JUMP...Miriam and Karen now arrive upping the case to thousands. In her best Evita like speech Joselyn is threatening to end her life. Gabe makes it up the steps grabs her and the director....for a brief period taunts us into thinking Joselyn will go over taking Gabe with her, but no everyone is safe. Joselyn looking rather exhausted wants to go home, but Gabe puts the stops to that idea.

Paulina and JC are taking to that kid at the hospital, Lui, who has bright red abrasions all over his lil round cherub face, he is as perky as evah, Lui teases JC about his newspaper declaration of love for Paulina. It was gag-worthy, what a lil trooper. When Paulina mentions MA, Lui says he doesn't want to see her.

Meanwhile, MA is getting her house blessed by the local Padre, she is telling the Padre about Lui and missing him. Oh Please get a hobby.

Gabe arrives back at Lui's hospital,******I have been to Mexico City & driven around, I have no idea how these people get from one spot to the next so quickly, maybe there are special rich folk roads, I am unaware of, cause the Mexico City I know is bumper to bumper to bumper.******
He talks to Paulina about the earlier make-out scene in the cafeteria, she says that she loves JC, but because of family problems it can never work.
Gabe retorts, "Don't worry everything will be just great, these family problems are no real problem."
I swear this guy's head is so far up, that he never sees the light of day.

Lui is telling JC how he doesn't like MA anymore cause she made his Papi, leave his Mami...

Elsa the Slut arrives back at Casa de Charming drunk and shooting off her mouth, about Leo not really being Candlewhatever's real son. After she stumbles off somewhere to probably vomit and pass out, more touchy feely bonding goes on between Leo and Mami....this is the daughter, she always wanted. Leo is only an X chromosome away from being the bestest daughter evah.

Back at Loco Acres, Joselyn is all curled up with her head on her Miriam's lap. Miriam is worried about her and her attempted suicide. "It's okay Mami, I wasn't really gonna do it, I only did it for the attention." Ahhhhhh Miriam smiles and strokes her lil girl's hair.
*********And on that closing Note we hear from big cats************

Does Joselyn need a Cat Whisperer?
Will Paulina and JC be able to find an empty supply cabinet?
Can Demien keep his growing Harem happy?


Just before the closing of last night's episode we hear Miriam suggest to Joselyn that she can arrange for J to leave Loco Acres at night and reap more havoc, at which J smiles her evil smile. Meanwhile Miriam talks Karen into replacing Joselyn at night at Loco Acres. Gee, what a simple plan, right?

Sorry I just zone-out during that fiera bonding scene...I was like in Yadda Yadda Yadda zone, but now I get why Karen got the big check from granny fiera

Loved the recap!! It was better than the actual show. You have a special way with words!!!These folks are fun to hate.~~~Susanlynn, speechless

Totally more entertaining than the show! That was hilarious, her up in that tower with everyone begging for her to come down. It was like an enabler's convention or something. I'm thinking Casa de Locas should spring for a straight jacket but then how would she apply her 4 layers of false eyelashes?
Leonardo needs to get some lovin' soon - his scenes with Candleabra were kind of creepy in a "not really incest, but still...." sort of way.

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