Thursday, November 23, 2006

Mundo de Fieras 11/23 The wedding - and the introduction of yet more characters.

Hello, this is your sleepy after-turkey pinch-hitting recapper. Feel free to correct my errors if you are feeling more awake than I am...

First - I don't know why we care - Joselyn, stroking her own cheek, tells Mother Miriam: "I'm having some rooms painted. This will show I'm queen around here." "Good, that's smart, you're marking your territory like a true fiera (wild animal)."

Wedding time - Regina marches her son JC down the aisle and Gabriel escorts Paulina, who is wearing Regina's wedding dress (it is elegantly shirred like a toilet paper cover). When the priest asks for objections, Demian stands and says he forbids his son to marry the daughter of his worst enemy. All the good guys tell him to leave and so does the padre. Demian stomps out, snarling inwardly about Gabriel: "Your existence is what feeds my hate."

Tiberio rushes after Demian as he stumps off across the parking lot. "Padrino, you council prudence - that wasn't very prudent." "Shut up and get out of here," Demian explains.

The wedding goes on. JC and Pau show off their perfect teeth. Leo takes this soppy moment to whisper in MA's ear: "Here before God, admit that you are suffering for a love that may never succeed. I ask one chance to gain your heart - if it fails, I'll leave you in peace." She agrees.

The wedding concludes. Pau makes a little speech and says, sorry, no reception. Fiera trio: "After this scandal, they have nothing to celebrate." (Miriam) "This idiot wedding of hers! She'll lose in the end." (Karen) "I admire Demian, he always knows how to ruin all the best moments." (Joselyn)

At home, Demian sputters and rages as he tipples. "I hate him more than anybody! You know why? [he asks Regina's photo] Because you love him. You think I don't suffer? I can't forget you, or the fact that you love HIM. I'll make you love me if it's the last thing I do!"

Tiberio, eavesdropping: "Hmm, I didn't know he could love like that." Demian staggers and Tiberio jumps in to - help? "Get out of here," Demian explains yet again. What a look of perplexity on Tiberio's faux, almost amphibious face. He should sue his plastic surgeon.

Mayaya and Cortita engage in happy hijinx as they wash the clothes. She says she'll finish up, he flirts and says how can I pay you back, etc. "Belen and Silvestre went together to the wedding, like a couple.... She rented her dress. Silvestre was interested in Elsa, but Elsa has eyes only for The Coyote."

And speak of the devil, here come Elsa and Coyote, walking with their hands in each others' back pockets. "Come live with me," he leers. Mayaya sings to taunt them.

Leo has, of course, briefed his mom on MA's agreement to give him a trial run. MA reminds them she doesn't have "those feelings" for Leo but will give it her best shot. In response, Leo leans down and - caresses his mother as she sings his praises to MA. Uh.

All three of them go outside and are impactados to see Elsie with Coyote. There is a disagreeable scene. Elsie shouts: Candy always loved Leo best and spent all her money on him ("it was his studies..." Candy feebly rejoinds), it's all MA's fault, she (Elsie) is now leaving forever. Candy asks her forgiveness! Elsie says No! "I'm going to have a better life even if I have to sell myself!" Way to go, fiera! She gets her suitcase and stomps out. Candy has a heart attack. Leo gives her nitroglycerine and yells for a taxi to take her to the hospital.

MA was hovering anxiously and helpfully throughout - nice first date.

OK, I have nothing to say about the Good Guys Gathering after the wedding except that it was packed with pleasant yet ponderous pontifications and platitudes. Luisito's presence made it especially intolerable. At the end, Pau changed into her wedding hotpants and JC took her off to some beach resort.

Meanwhile, at the Bad Guys Gathering: the Fieras plus Diana and Rogelio drink at home, smacking their lips over the scandal. Rogelio is irritated the wedding was so unprestigious. (Also, of course, no reception = no shrimp and bacon canapés and free booze.) Oh, it turns out Diana is pregnant. Perhaps not for long, because immediately after this information is imparted, Diana goes upstairs to take a shower, slips on a malign bar of soap, falls down, and starts to miscarry. The maid finds her, yells for Rogelio. Downstairs, there is no hurry to find out what's wrong or send for the doctor.

In some undisclosed location... Here comes a guy with his shirt all unbuttoned, I've never seen him before, he's moving furtively. A lady follows him. "Don't run, Jorge my son, we must talk! Don't say you don't know me!" "I'm ashamed of you, a cabaratera!" Is a cabaratera a singer in a nightclub? That doesn't sound so bad - in fact, some might deem me, Melinama, a cabaratera, and my kids haven't changed their names! Or is it something worse? Jorge continues to exposit: "I've invented a new life and told lots of lies so that nobody will know I'm your son - now go away and leave me alone." "OK, I just want you to be happy, god bless."

Taking an equal amount of ordure from an equally unfriendly son is Dolores, who tells Tiberio she's worried he hangs with such an evil guy (Demian). "You imitate his cruelty! I'm your mom..." "If you cared, you would have been here all my life." She cries about missing his first lil' baby step etc. "That's baloney! You condemned me to a worse fate... I felt so vulnerable and unvalued as a child, I missed you, I cried every night..." "But now I'm here!" "TOO LATE! I missed you then, but now I don't, instead I'm full of rage." She mentions her own sadness, in her prison cell, but he doesn't acknowledge her trump card. Then she goes on her knees before him! "What must I do to win back your love?"

He looks down his nose at her. "If you want me to consider, just CONSIDER, mind you, the possibility of taking you back as my mother, you must be at my side continuously, help me with absolutely everything, and never judge me." She looks a little scared at signing a blank check like that. She is wearing YELLOW eyeliner, I never saw yellow eyeliner before.

Tiberio follows up thusly: "OK, first thing: WHO IS MY FATHER? NO LIES NO MORE SECRETS!" He screams in her face. Regina comes in just at that moment and answers him: "Demian is your father." Tiberio is impactado.


Great summary. Padrisimo!

Thanks for tearing yourself away from the turkey leftovers for this recap! The teaser commercials were not kidding when they promised not skimp on the action last night! How did the Bad Guys take the news of Diana being preggers? Was it 'oh crap another heir to eliminate' or 'oh yipee another unsuspecting victim to toy with and mentally - and likely physically- scar for life for the sake of our amusement?'

The way you've described the "Bad Guy Gathering" reminded me of the Orks in Lord of the Rings --not the movie, but the actual book. What also comes to mind is the lamb among the wolves.

Thanks for taking time during the holiday to come through for us!

About Diana's possibly brief pregnancy: they all acted like we knew about it already. "Give Diana a drink, no wait, I forgot, she's pregnant." Gabriel had a moment of happiness about his grandchild-to-be - and he was at the Good Guy Meeting, squeezing the detestable Luisito when he monologued about his happiness - so he knew about it already -

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