Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Heridas Tuesday December 26

Since Sylvia is in Hawaii (grrrr jealous) you get an encore performance from me. At the end of Friday's show Juan and Miranda find out that the blood from the two shootings are from different people. The curtain rises -

Fabricio and Julio are sitting on the front steps of the San Llorente house. Does anyone else think it’s strange how they all continue to hang out here even though the house is empty? It’s creepy. Julio says he’ll be there for Fabricio, whatever he needs. Fab says if not for his kid, he’d run far away. Julio says they need to bring Bertha down, Mophead is also very concerned about Bertha and Cesar getting busy. Fab wasn’t aware of this, he tells Julio about Cesar taking money and jewels for his ransom, and here Cesar is with Bertha the whole time. Julio makes a face like he’s having a heart attack, he says fathers close their eyes to what their kids are really like, he suddenly realized what kind of person Cesar really is. They both start to realize just how depraved Bertha and Sleazer are. Julio feels guilty for helping Cesar bring down Gonzalo, even though he didn’t intend to do that. They share a manly hug and Julio leaves.

Fern has the baby again, talking to Renata. Fern is glad that Renata is giving Juan another chance. Juan and Miranda come in with the news that the two blood spots were from different persons. Juan asks who could have attacked her at the hacienda, she says besides El Guapo, she has no idea. She rehashes that night and says that whoever it was didn’t know she had a gun and she surprised him. Juan has a memory of fighting with Cesar over Renata and seeing blood on Cesar’s shirt as he walked away. He tells the women what happened, he only hit Sleazer on the front but he had blood on his back. Juan calls the hospital to see if they could verify that the blood matches Sleazer.

Nuria plays with her rosary and prays/cries. I believe the contract to cry on a daily basis has expired with Miranda so they signed up Nuria. She cries more than anybody on TV, ever. She begs Flor for forgiveness. LA comes back in, he might be regretting running off with her about now. “dang she’s hot and all, but cripes what a head case. What did I get myself into?” As I predicted before, Nuria wants to go back to Mexico to talk to Santiago. I knew something stupid would bring them back to be discovered. LA tells her no way, Jose. Nuria says fine, whatever, like a kid who doesn’t like what she was just told. LA caves in and says he’ll try to find a way to talk to Santiago. Don’t do it! They’ll go back, someone will find them, they’ll get killed or something. I knew it would happen but I’m annoyed anyway.

Back at the hacienda, which still has all of its furnishings, Nati and Mrs. Gabino are lighting a bunch of candles. They are trying to light the way for Gonzalo’s return or something like that. Nati is wrapped up in a white robe like she’s about to go ride a camel through the desert.

Carola comes in to talk to Amparito, who fills her in on Fern’s pain. Carola says she wants to go see her, Amparito says she shouldn’t go in order to avoid Renata. She then has to break the news that Juan and Renata have gotten back together. Carola cries. Miranda is really getting some help with the crying requirement. Amparito says Juan is coming the next day to get his stuff and is going to go live with Renata.

Mrs. Gabino hears a loud noise and Gabino runs in to see what’s going on. Mrs. Fills him in. Nati comes in to say Flor has gone to the light. Then she turns around and says “come Patron, come!” The Gabinos are freaking out and the candles all flicker a lot. The ghost of Gonz is in the room, apparently.

Juan says they’ll call him back later with the blood test results. Miranda announces that she is going to the hacienda. Renata says that Juan is bringing Amparito’s sewing machine so she can make clothes, they’ll stay in the house with Fab and Charo. Fab comes in and says he’s going to go to SLI the next day to work on the oil project, or whatever it is. We’d all get fired for missing this much work so far.

Nati continues to light candles and freak out the Gabinos. Nati says that she knows Miranda is coming the next day. The birds told her. She asks them to help blow out the candles, they are very happy to do that and end the spooky ceremony. Nati, I think, needs to go check on her camel.

Babe Lawyer tells Vicente that she needs Charo to testify. The subject changes to Miranda and Vicente says it’s her fault, not her friend’s, for letting that happen. They talk about the case and think that they can get Al declared innocent. Vicente then drops the bomb that the two blood samples are from different people. Babe Lawyer is pissed that the information leaked, this is an investigation dammit, that was confidential information. She won’t say it but she is jealous that Miranda has that information, thinking that it should be privileged between her and Al. Get a grip woman, what are you, twelve?

Juan goes home to get the sewing machine and Carola is waiting for him. She starts to say something about loving him in silence but Raul and Slutty come in and interrupt.

Bertha and Santiago are out having a drink, Guapo is there too. Guapo asks Santiago if today is a good day to die. They say they have the biggest surprise of his life for him.

Juan says he’s going to get money from the ATM, because when you use an ATM the national banks give money to charity! It’s a public service message. They read details of this program off of a card and pretend like they care.

Santiago says the law is going to get Guapo and Bertha. They laugh. This same exchange happens about ten times in slightly different forms. You’ll get caught, don’t be stupid. The law will get you, ha ha ha. Bertha tells Santiago that the bar they are in is full of cameras, so tell Al that if he stays against them they’ll show the pictures of Santiago there with them and tell all about his bank accounts.

Al meets with Vicente and Roman. Al asks for Babe Lawyer immediately, she’ll be along later he is told. Roman explains that he was Gonzalo’s investigator but when Gonz was in jail, he did some work with Cesar. To the point Senor Luque, do you know the circumstances of your sister Lasagna’s death? Al stands there impactado, then turns around to see Santiago rush in doing his best Julio impression, hand over his heard like he’s going to have an attack. Al rehashes how Lasagna was found. Roman says LA and Nuria know the real story. He also explains that they are hidden far away. Al says he needs to talk to them. Vicente says they can’t come back, they are in the same situation as Charo and need to stay safe. He says he doesn’t know where they are, they only talk by cell phone. Now Santiago is holding his left arm, he’ll collapse any minute. Roman says he’ll tell Al the next time he talks to them so they can get in touch. After Roman leaves, Al spits that Roman knows perfectly well where those two are and wouldn’t say! Santiago raises his arm to say something, it reminds me of the guy on the corpse cart in Monty Python’s Life of Brian who keeps saying “I’m not dead yet.” He starts to say something, then keels over.

Amparito comes in and talks to the virgin on the wall, then Sanson walks in behind her. He says he’s not going to do anything. He’s looking for Juan, who proceeds to walk in with Carola and Slutty. Sanson says he was looking for Carola too, and grabs her. Juan punches him in the face and knocks him down, giving him a bloody lip. Sanson jumps up and pulls a gun on Juan. Everybody yells. He yells at Carola, “you still love this guy, right?” Carola says she will love Juan forever. Techinically she yelled it, everyone is still yelling.

Renata is holding the baby and her phone rings. It’s Fern, Renata fills her in on where everyone is and where they went. She talks about her great clothing designs she’s going to make. She sits down and has a green memory of a conversation with Bertha. She was telling Bertha about how Fern insisted on examining any medication brought for Flor. Back in the present she starts talking to herself, she is starting to realize how Bertha messed with Flor’s medications.

Slutty yells at Sanson, she ends up moving between Juan and the gun. She insults Sanson, calling muy macho when he has a gun, huh? Sanson finally puts the gun down, then hits Slutty with it. Now she’s bleeding. He kisses her on the mouth, remember they are both bleeding, she eagerly kisses him back, she even bites him to get him to bleed some more. He throws her away and curses at her for doing that. Everyone else knows what is going on of course and they stare at him in shock. “what are you looking at me like that for?” Sanson issues some threat about killing her, she says she’s going to die anyway, she has AIDS! Sanson freaks out, saying it isn’t true. He leaves, swearing that he’ll take everyone with him when he goes! Everyone moves to comfort Slutty, she says to get away since she’s bleeding. Juan thanks her for saving him and calms her down.

Renata calls Gabino at the hacienda. She asks him to go to her room there and get a bag with medicine in it and to give it to Miranda as soon as he sees her, then tell Miranda to call her right away. Gabino and his Mrs. talk about how spooky it is that Nati actually knew that Miranda was going to be there that day. They think that Nati knows when they will die, Mrs. wants to ask her, Gabino says don’t be crazy!

Juan and Slutty arrive with the sewing machine, Renata is in shock at Slutty’s face. Slutty and Juan explain what happened. Juan leaves to go to the hospital, he thanks Slutty again for saving his life. Slutty swears to Renata that she never intended to infect anyone but the situation got out of control and it happened. Renata thanks her also for saving Juan. Slutty says she has many things to ask forgiveness for, Renata says whatever it is you’re forgiven, we’re friends! Slutty says no, then confesses to being in cahoots with Bertha for a while because she wanted to hurt Renata. Renata is impactada.

Santiago is awake and drinking some water. Vicente says he has to go, Al says that starting right away, they have to figure out how to get his fortune back. Vicente says he has the passwords and whatever for the accounts in London. Al can’t leave the country, but Vicente will go right away. He leaves. Al says to Santiago that he knows him, his bad feelings aren’t health related, what’s going on? Santiago says he’s quitting the church. Fab walks in at the same time and is impactado.

Slutty tells about how she set her up to get busted stealing jewelry way back when. Renata is angry now, Slutty is begging forgiveness but now Renata is mad. She realizes for sure now how Bertha had her hoodwinked but was really evil all along. They hear gunshots and the baby starts crying. They say the gunshots were from downstairs, Renata grabs the baby and says to go to Gonz’s room. In the hall they hear another gunshot and start really freaking out and run down the hall.

Wow, a really good cliffhanger for once! Unfortunately the preview for tomorrow’s show tells us that El Guapo and Bertha killed Charo, Babe Lawyer announces to somebody else and then later to Al himself that she is in love with him. I’m guessing that since we are in Ultimos Capitulos they are holding nothing back in the previews to get people to watch the ending.


Wow, that's above and beyond, two episodes in a row! Thanks, Chris. Is it more fun now that it's in the ultimos?

Wow! So much is happening! THank you Chris for keeping us updated and with such fun to read detail.

I was sort of bummed that they've continued to show the previews. I thought they stop doing that around 3 wks before the ending to keep the tension up. Maybe that is done when only 2 weeks are left.....

Guess I am just too practical for novelas, but I keep wondering with only one bed left in the place what is everybody sleeping on? I don't remember cots being left in the bodega....... Maybe those are part of what Gabino sent up in the truck.

It's definitely more fun to *watch* now that it's in its ultimos!

thank you chris!

happy holidays to you all and greets from the caribbean!

Thanks, Chris! I would have liked to see the PSA about the ATM... that actually sounds interesting, although I'm sure Juan's delivery was as flat as ever...

Tash, I am shivering in Chicago... hope your tropical paradise is wonderful!

The ATM PSA had Juan standing and lecturing the others on the benefit of using the ATM while the others nodded appreciatively. Just horrible. I wonder why they type-cast people with disabilities as murderers and rapists, then try and preach? I really don't get it.

LOL, Ferro...Thanks for the recap. I haven't been able to see the novelas since last Friday [I could only find English and French stations in Toronto.] Excellent observation about the crying ...perhaps Miranda was all cried out and others had to step in as designated criers...like designated hitters in baseball. If people REALLY want to know what Fab needs , I can tell them...he needs some FURNITURE !!!! I, too, have become preoccupied with the big , empty mansion...very bizarre. Are they all sleeping on the floor like one big sleepover???? Juan seems to have picked a bad time to finally give in and move into the mansion. At least, his home has beds. Well, I am waiting for Cesar and Bertha to get theirs. What do think will happen to them??? I'm still bummed that Antonia [the original Slutty Macslutterson in ''Amor Real''] never got hers...instead, she got to marry Manuel's pal and all round good guy and lawyer/accountant Sixto...That really made me mad. I suppose it was handled that way to redeem the hero who had his way with the young maiden. Pleassssssse...he rejected her twice before she climbed into the tub with him.~~~Susanlynn, who knows how to hold a grudge

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