Friday, December 15, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #167 12/14/06 The Girls Have a Hear-To-Heart

Before she leaves the office, the cuartel convince Lety to attend one more “code red” meeting in the restroom. There, they have a Kleenex festival. Lety explains that she needs to get away from Conceptos, to regain her sanity. They all cry as Lety promises that as soon as she can smile again, she will call them. They want to know what’s in the two big garbage bags. She explains that it’s just stuff from home and junk that piled up in her office. They wonder who will replace Lety. Lety says she doesn’t know. Sarah remembers that her boyfriend has come to pick her up (which is wrong, because Tomas is still at Lety’s place packing up the computer). Lety mulls over the word “boyfriend…” She tells them that her boyfriend is an illusion, then says she’ll tell them all about it some other time.

Alicia is still hoping that Tomas will call her. She talks to her cell phone, willing it to ring, ring damn it! Marcia walks out of the conference room. Alicia runs right over and asks for all the gory details, but Marcia does not have time to talk now.

The cuartel walks out of the restroom with Lety. Marcia asks why Lety hasn’t left. Lety is incredibly composed. She says she was saying goodbye to her friends but is leaving now. Not so fast… Marcia wants to know what’s in the bag. Lety says it’s her personal effects, but Marcia demands to see the contents. She threatens to call security. Irma interjects that Lety does not deserve this kind of treatment. Marcia says oh yes she is and calls Lety a delinquent. Lety calmly tells Mad Marcia that looking in the bags will not be good for either of them, but if she really wants to see, they must do it in private. As Marcia and Lety start to walk towards Marcia’s office, Alicia offers to call security but Marcia shuts her up. After they leave, Alicia gloats over the way Marcia treated Lety. The cuartel shut her up again.

In Marcia’s office, Lety opens the first bag and pulls out a picture of a guardian angel (which she really needs right now). Marcia asks what’s the big deal. Lety sees that this bag has non-incriminating items and says thatthere’s nothing here, just stuff from home. But then Marcia asks for the second bag. Lety hesitates before handing over the bag. She warns Marcia that she will find something in there that Fern is still keeping a secret from her but which was just part of his strategy to save Conceptos. Marcia is puzzled by the stuffed animals in the bag, and finally pulls out the stack of Carvahallmarks. On top of the pile is the last card (I think) from Fern:

[reprinted from earlier episode] "So much disagreement and
misunderstanding, all I've suffered in recent nights, your defiance, your
coldness, your strange kisses, seeing you with him, all have confirmed more than
ever the decision to cancel my wedding. [She stops and looks up at Lety in
disbelief, the continues…] I need to be with you. I can't tolerate your absence,
the absence of your kisses, of your body. [As she reads, she’s pausing in all
the wrong places…very annoying] Life has given me a hard challenge: just days
before my uniting with a woman who was supposed to be my life - the true woman

That’s not quite the end of the card, but she stops there, her jaw hanging open. She is dumbfounded. “Fern wrote this?” Lety -“Supposedly.” Marcia – “To you?” Lety – “Supposedly.” Marcia reaches for the old standby “No, no, no es possible [it is not possible]!” She pick ups another card:
“I’ve spent many nights with many bodies, but only one night with a woman, only
one night with love. [She looks up between lines, reading to Lety] Being
with you was the confirmation I needed. Now we are united in a single
dimension, life [I heard “piel”(skin), but the captions say “life”] and
sentiment. I am left waiting for that marvelous union to happen
again. I hope that night comes soon when we can make love again.”

Marcia is, of course, impactada! “Don’t tell me Fern fell in love with you. You are the woman he worked so hard to hide from me? Don’t tell me you are his lover! You slept with him?” Tears stream down Lety’s face, but she says nothing.

Back in the conference room, everyone is pouring over the reports, but Fern is distracted. He flashes back to making love with Lety, and some sweet words they had for each other, and especially cute was the look on Fern’s face as Lety led him out of the bedroom after making love; Fern had obviously just been struck by cupid’s arrow but he did not understand it yet.

Lety admits that, yes, she fell in love with Fern, though Fern does not love her. He didn’t write the cards, it was Omar. Lety shows Marcia The Letter and explains the plan our two rocket scientists came up with because they were afraid Lety might take over the company. She says that if Marcia reads The Letter, she will understand why Fern has been acting so weird. She feels guilty about betraying Marcia all this time, and deserves this punishment, because she has been naïve and ingenuous. Marcia comments that, yes, love makes us all ingenuous [Yes, Marcia -- MARCIA! -- said this… I just dropped my bowl of Cherry Garcia] Lety says she will take her things and disappear from their lives, just as she promised. She walks out and Marcia reads The Letter.

Lety walks toward the elevator, sort of in a daze, or maybe she was hoping no one would notice her… In any case, the cuartel stare for a moment but then rush up to her looking very concerned.

Marcia reads and cries, cries and reads.

La Oxi interrupts the cuartel and Lety, saying she’s not going anywhere until security and Marcia say it’s okay. Sara threatens Oxi and Lety leaves. Oxi continues ranting but the cuartel dismiss her. Even Irma gives Oxi a piece of her mind.

Lety leaves the building crying. She bids Celso goodbye and get on the minibus.

Marcia returns to the boardroom with some paper work. Humberto says the lawyers will need to review everything before a decision is made. Fern looks up from his daydreaming to say that they should let Conceptos keep running as is, because it’s recuperating. Dad tells him to shut up; he is not qualified to give an opinion. Omar finally-- finally!-- opens his mouth to defend Fern, but Dad shuts him up too and adds that they are waiting for his resignation from the vice-presidency.

Mama Tere says it’s time to move on. Whatever happens next should not affect the happy wedding. Marcia stops her “Just a moment. There isn’t going to be a wedding.” What’s that look on Fern’s face? Is it shock, or relief?

On the bus, Lety is crying. She is tortured with memories of her and Fern and of Marcia.

Humberto urges Marcia not to be hasty. But Marcia says that Fern not only deceived the company, he also deceived her, so there will be no wedding. Ariel jumps in and agrees no way will he let his sister marry Fern. Humberto says he’s had enough and he’s leaving. Tere tells him to go ahead without her. She grabs Marcia and the two leave the room. Ariel brown-noses Humberto, pats him and calls him “dad” before leaving. He stops before exiting and yells to Fern that he better pay Ariel back every cent he stole through his fraudulent scheming. Luigi calls Fern a mercachifle (shark; money grubber) before leaving. Omar says he will turn in his resignation in ten minutes, places his badge in Humberto’s folder, and head out the door. Ana-L is confused , “I didn’t catch who will deposit my check every month from now on?” Dad says they’ll send her all the details later and dismisses her. Lopez pledges allegiance to Humberto and follows the rest out the door.

Finally it’s just Fern and Dad. Fern asks dad for forgiveness. Dad cuts him off and tells Fern never to speak to him again. Fern looks down and tears roll down his face.

On the home front, Tomas talks to his picture of Alicia. Julieta asks if he is okay. Tomas thinks it’s his conscience bothering him. Lety walks in and tells them she has resigned.

Humberto gives Fern a speech about how it took him less than a year to ruin their business and his beautiful relationship with Marcia. Dad doesn’t know what he did to ruin the relationship, but he can imagine. Worst of all is the horror of now having to advise all the guests that there will be no wedding. He asks Fern if he has been able to sleep all this time. Fern replies that no, he cannot sleep, and doesn’t think he ever will.

Humberto leaves and runs into Alicia in the lobby, who tries to make small talk with him. Humberto says he needs to leave and doesn’t want to speak to anyone. Alicia is dejected for half a second before her one-track mind is back on track with more important things ”why hasn’t Tommy called me?”

Carolina calls Lety, tells her to pack and meet her in the VIP lounge at the airport. Lety enlists her mom to help her pack. Just a minute, young lady! Robopop asks where does she think she’s going. Quick struggle but they convince him that it's okay because she is going to Acapulco to work as an assistant for Caro who will be working on a beauty pageant there.

Tomas orders taxi, Rob-pop says she can’t go alone in a taxi; her family will take her to the airport.

Fern goes to Lety’s office, calls Sarah and asks how long ago Lety left.

In Lety’s room, she tells Tomas all about the day’s events. She says Fern behaved like a pig right to the end, and that he and Omar planned to send her far away. But in the end it was terrible; she was fired and now can’t even list Conceptos on her resume. She says those people hate her. Now they (she and Tomas) must work hard to recuperate.

The phone rings. Robopop answers. It’s Fern. Lety doesn’t want to talk to him but Robopo won’t lie for her, so they give Tomas the phone. Tomas tells Fern in his radio announcer voice that Lety isn’t taking any calls at the moment. Fern says, fine, then he will go over to speak to her in person. Tomas tells Fern not to waste his time. Fern says “It’s my own time, not yours,” and hangs up.

Robopop wants to know why she won't talk to her old boss. She says it’s because she has to forget about Conceptos. He doesn't believer her.

Mama Tere reasons with Marcia that the Carvahallmarks were written by Omar, not Fern. Marcia isn’t so sure. Besides, the one written while she was in Germany is in Fern’s handwriting. She explains Fern and Omar’s plan. Mama Tere says that’s monstrous, and her baby Fern would never do that. Marcia says that The Letter is very clear. Lety and Fern slept together. Tere takes this opportunity to act her little heart out “No puede ser (it can’t be)! That’s repugnant! I don’t understand!” Marcia says that’s why she can’t marry him. Tere says, fine, they will call the guests and cancel the wedding. She says that the only thing that consoles her is that, while Fern did some wild and crazy things, he did them to try to reach his goals, and not because he actually loves that woman (Lety). Marcia does not look convinced.


When Marcia was crying, reading those letters, it seemed possible that she was crying for Lety as well as herself. I think her attitude toward Lety softened considerably at that moment, but we'll see. Thanks for the recap!

Thanks for the recap as well. I have no sympathy for Marcia..She's of her own making..Mama & Papa Bear Mendiolla are getting on my nerves as much as Marica.Fern has royally screwed up,but lay off kicking the guy while he's down..His wounds are self inflicted..I think he's begun to see the error of his ways,but is it too late..Yeah...Yeah on the cansular la boda..Maureen

Thanks for the translation of "mercadochifle" (sp?)...there are so many words I can't make out, even with the closed captioning.
I found the scene between Marcia and Lety and between Marcia and Teresita incredibly painful...their certainty that Fernando could not POSSIBLY love Lety made me want to strangle them both!

Thanks, Alma. Marcia did seem to be upset they did this to Lety, I think. It's hard to tell. Does anyone remember Marcia giving money to Alicia to finance her dinner with Tomas? Marcia thought that was Lety's novio but was willing to have him seduced by Alicia. Marcia even commented that she would give her the money for her business deal. I still can't help but feel sorry for her in this situation, but she did bring it on herself by being such a B***h to Lety in the first place. Why did she have to humiliate Lety in front of her friends. She was pitiful enough standing there with her trashbags.

Notice Lety's looking out that cracked bus window. I'm sure her life felt like it just cracked in the same way.

Fernando's parents - yuck. How cold they are. No wonder Fernando fell so hard when he felt such love for the first time from Lety. He's probably been starved for that most of his life. Teresita's attitude stinks. She would rather her son do these things for business goals than to truly love "that woman"? Please.


Thanks Alma! This show is almost getting too sad to watch, but, I'm hooked and can't stop! At least I have cut down from twice to once a day.
Enough already of the "Fern attack" by his so called loving family and fiancee!!!!
The guy is down and out and they still won't stop kicking him.
I wished he would have walked out on all of them instead of sitting there and just taking it.
I sure could use a repeat of the happier Fern and Lety days.
Carrie L.

Mama Bear Mendiolla and Marcia's use the word repugnant in reference to the thought of Fern with Lety made me want reach into my tv and "butt"their heads together.Neither one of them would win a beauty contest on or off the show.Both are lousy actresses.Mo

Well I guess if they made you want to reach into the TV to strangle them, that would make them really great actresses, right?

One more comment. Marcia knew that Fernando was in love with someone else by the way he was acting towards her for a long time. Along with the times she has found Fernando and Lety in each other's arms, these cards in Fernando's handwriting and his change towards her, Marcia knows it's more than just for the business.


Thanks Connie..I couldn't have said it better myself.Mo

Alma..Good point,but it's just the use of that terrible word repugnant.Mo

I think Marcia, has reason to be upset on many levels, she finally has proof of what she always suspected, it is with someone ugly and of a much lower social standing (which in Mx is a really big deal), & he was willing to seduce someone to cover his mistakes, he could so glibly lie to both Lety & Marcia. He had no ethics...
That said...I love you Don Ferni & I know you will make a smashing come back....

i think teresita was refering to fern's behavior when she said that it was repugnant.. not the fact that he slept with her. After all he did do some horrible things and as a mother I would be heartbroken if i found out my son was capable of doing something like that. I was upset by how the parents treated fern though. He looked so sad when dad told him to not talk to him again.

Thanks for the painful recap. I think we all know now why Fern went along with this horrible plot - he knew that his parents love was conditional - that he had to make Conceptos a success or they wouldn't love him anymore. Pobre Fernie.

How a mother could look at that face with tears coming out of his eyes and not have it tug at her heartstrings is amazing to me. All they were concerned about is what they were going to tell the guests. Shame, shame Fern's parents. They must have gotten their parenting skills from Miriam on Mundo. Sandy

I felt so bad for Lety and Fern (even though he was just getting his just desserts). I agree that the parents actions sucked. I can understand that that they are extremely angry and disappointed with him, but it would have been great to hear them say, "We still love you even though you did this."
I also hated them continuing to pressure him to marry Marcia up until her announcement. Hope one day they can see how their pressuring him to marry her help contribute to the fiasco.

BTW, thanks a ton for the translation of this show. Without it I miss so much. For instance I thought that Omar resigned on his own and then after reading this found out Humberto asked him to resign. Just goes to prove what an all-round jerk Omar is. He would have let Fern take all the consequences of what happened if he could have gotten away with it.


Thanks for the great recap Alma. Like Stacey, I did realize Don Hum had requested Omar resignation.

Also do you know if its possible to change the closed captioning from Spanish to English?


I've tried unsuccessfully to change it.

I don't think English subtitles for Univision exist. If they did, this site would be out of business!

Au contraire Melinama! We would still need recaps for people who missed an episode and we would still need to be able to chat about it with our fea friends.

BTW while transferring my tivo'd episodes over to tape, I finally realized who Rafael (Irma's ex) reminds me of. It has been driving me crazy. He looks like an aged Horshack from Welcome Back Kotter. Check it out, I think you will all agree. Sandy.

Alma, superb recap! Do you recappers ever sleep?

Melinama, you are absolutely correct that English captions don't get produced for Spanish language stations. They don't subtitle, either (which is actually open captions, burned into the master copy) for telenovelas as far as I know. Sad, but I chuckled as I read your sidebar that this site wouldn't exist....I'm so glad it does!

I have to get some of this off my chest, folks, so thanks for your indulgence. I tried to be brief but couldn't.

I am optimistic that Fern has just realized how little his so-called family support network really supports him and that Lety was his only genuine supporter, then he hurt her beyond belief by following Omar’s “directions.” Now, he will have to work very hard to convince her of that and that he really has fallen in love with her, if it is even possible. I am optimistic that his body language indicates he has begun to absorb the enormity of what his betrayal meant to her.

I still think Omar and Marcia are made for each other, but I am actually wavering. I still think Omar is sleazy, and Marcia is….oh, heck, I can’t think of a comprehensive enough word. I am hopeful that Marcia realizes how badly Lety was used by Omar and Fern.

Fern's parents are the quintessential elitists. They have no thought beyond how things should play out socially and financially for themselves and their son/adopted family. Teresita really surprised me. She identifies more with Marcia than with her own flesh and blood son. They automatically believed the worst of Fern, with no discussion permitted. Granted, he deserved some of it, but not to humiliate him further in public. Their simple silence would have been enough to let everyone know they felt he disappointed them. No need to elaborate the way they did.

Since I work with deaf kids and their teachers every day, the concepts of “bullying” and “harassment” come to mind now as I watch LFMB (which I adore). I have spent the last week editing student handbooks in which the two topics are discussed in depth, because they are prohibited behaviors at our school. Lety has been harassed and bullied since childhood by a variety of people who consider them above her (as someone noted in a post) and have judged her not on her abilities but her differences—primarily her looks and some quirks like her laugh (which is actually very cute). Only a few people in her life have seen the abilities and lovely personality: the padres, Tomas, Carolina, the Cuartel….and she thought Fernando was one of them. What she believes she has discovered is that he was in the bullying/harassing group. He actually was for a very long time. Now he is not, but the evidence she has says otherwise. The words Omar uses in The Letter to describe her are some of the same ones we use as examples when we present to the children about bullying/harassment. Some individuals go into their workplaces and do violence when they reach the limit; Lety, true saint that she really is, went in and gave the whole story that revealed her as complicit in a cover-up and proceeded to apologize for those SHE had hurt. What a gal!


Muchas gracias for the recaps and all the comments. Love to hear the insights people share. Is it too obvious to say that beyond the comedy, beyond the romance, we respond to Lety and Fern because deep down they're seeking love and acceptance to cover those childhood hurts that so many people have suffered?

I noticed this same thing about the parents behavior. How they are more concerned about how embarrassed they are going to be to have to call the guests and cancel, how mad they are that Fer is not going to marry Marcia. Never mind being concerned about what's going on with him, that maybe he's having a personal crisis that might have caused him to take what seems like extreme measures to them. Nevermind having the foresight to see that if their son isn't happy with Marcia that he shouldn't get himself into a bad marriage for the rest of his life. This is obviously trying to illustrate the point of the pressure that has been put on Fer to be as everyone, including himself, expect him to be, and not let him be who he now is feeling he wants to be. To me it's clear to see his struggle with his feelings for Lety, and while not an excuse per se, definitely an explanation for his reluctance to make the leap to her as he'd be casting away everything that he had been channeled to his whole life. That takes a lot of guts, and it doesn't happen overnight. Nor would you want it to, because it's more solid and less likely to be a capricious whim if he's really worked it out gradually. [And obviously we'd have no telenovela.] But anyway, I'm good with this whole thing. Lety did him a favor, exposing him. I think we are going to see him realizing that his burden on the work front has lifted, and now she has shown him that he too can find the courage to do the same thing in his personal life. The writers/producers have really done well with this I think.

Kris, good points there. The writers have the big picture, and Fern will (we hope) be the better for it. Lety will be a bit less naive, too, we hope.

I want to amend my comments on closed/open captions and subtitles. The newest DVD technology allows for multiple subtitle and audio language tracks to be laid down in the master, as well as closed captions for the hearing impaired. (You can actually get both subtitles and CC if you are not careful, what a mess). So it's possible that if the telenovela is produced on DVD, we can get English subtitles to turn on as we would CC, but from the main DVD menu. That's my hope: they'll put it on DVD and it'll have English subtitles for the DVD that the television broadcast won't have.


I can't hate Marcia - the only beef I've had with her has been the way she always takes her anger towards Fern out on Lety. Obviously, reading The Letter and the Carvajallmarks took some of the wind out of her sails. I found that moment very satisfying. :-)

I was shocked, however, when Teresita said there was no reason they couldn't still enjoy the wedding. This was just a few minutes (story-wise) after Humberto had said that he would never forgive Fernando for what he had done. How incredibly insensitive to both Fern and Marcia!

Another note on closed captioning. This isn't related to Univision, really, but Spanish captions are available for a handful of English language shows (the only one I'm sure of is Boston Legal). Set your TV to show Caption2 instead of Caption1, and if Spanish captions are available, you'll see them. If you are learning Spanish, seeing a Spanish translation of English words is an easy way to give your vocabulary a boost.

Thanks, Julie! Good to point that out.


I find the analysis of Fer's parents actions right on target. I also think it's interesting to compare both sets of parents. Lety and Fer are both only children. Fer's parents are demanding and rigid and it is apparent that they are more concerned with the business and their social appearance then with the emotional well being of their son. It is obvious that Fer has no idea what real love is or at least he didn't until he fell in love with Lety and she with him. Lety's parents on the other hand are supporting of her and even though Robopop is a little, make that a lot overprotective she at least knows that her parents and friends love her and alwys will.

These last couple of days have been really painful to watch and I find myself obsessing over everything. Always the sign of a great novela for me. Marcia really did look stunned at the thought that Lety was the mystery woman, a woman like her- fea and low class. Omar finally opens his mouth and gets fired for his troubles. Ariel slithers and slides around hissing like the snake he is, AL obviously has a brain the same size as her bra size. Talk about being clueless. And mommy dearest thinking her son could never do something so bajo because she knows him so well - laugh of the night. Humb is just a cold pig and in the long run it will be interesting to see how they react when Fer ends up with Lety.

That's no spoiler but in almost 10 years of watching novelas I've only seen the lead actress not end up with the lead actor twice. Both cases were in Odious Juan Osorio productions when he had problems with the leading men Arturo Peniche and Saul Lizazo.

Very interesting! There's more to this telenovela business than I ever guessed! Politics change the story line??? Whodathunkit?


If I am not mistaken, Teresita twice commented that Fern did "the deed" because of the unrealistic goals set for him in La Presidencia
de Conceptos.
Univision was off in our area during the first 20 minutes or so of this chaptewr. I suffered as if I'd had a personal misfortune!
Thanks for the recap!

Thanks for the great recap. "Our two rocket scientists" - hee hee!

I'm glad Irma stood up for Lety. Everyone seems to like and respect her (with the possible exception of Alicia who doesn't seem to genuinely like or respect anyone), and I thought her chiding pulled up Marcia short for just a second.

I agree with Melinama; even though I don't understand the Spanish, her expressions and body language seemed to emcompass Lety as she realized they are both part of the Legion of the Duped. It appeared that she was genuinely horrified (not repulsed) that Fern would stoop so low. For the longest time Marcia has angered me for blaming Fern's infidelity on tempting women and those who enable it (namely Lety, who turns out to be one & the same) and not Fern, but I think she may have had her eyes opened a little.

I've been thinking that even though Fern has had his own fortune told with Psychic Guy, PG's prediction for Lety's future where she "loses everything that has sustained her" and has to rebuild her life, actually applies to Fern, too, as evidenced by the last two eps. He doesn't have his family, his fiancee, his job or his Lety - he's essentially lost his world as he knew it. Now it's time to "man up" and win Lety and his life back.

One other point - I officially want to adopt Carolina as my "sweetest, most fashion forward, fairy godmother, ever". You officially have had the day of Hell and she calls to say "pack your bags, we're flying first class to a idyllic tropical beach" - how cool is that?!? She's just the awesomest!

I watch Telemundo often and on the novela screen there is a message that says English captions are on "Close Caption 3 where available". My television remote does not have that option, nor have I found it on the telly. Our cable company telephone person had never heard of it, and no TV salesperson I have asked knows either. I WANT A TV THAT ALLOWS FOR CC 3!!!! Where can we find out?

I have a new Sony Bravia digital/HD television, and also a DVR box, both of which allow for CC3 captions. I think I'll give it a try.


The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 167 & 168 is at this link.

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