Friday, December 08, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #162 12/7/06 The One With Lots of Teeth-Clenching

Robopop calls Lety, who is still in her cubby working on the fake balance sheets for tomorrow’s meeting. He wants to know if the Señorita Leticia Padilla Solis is planning to go home this evening. Lety tells him she’s almost done and will be home soon. She asks whether he has completed his accounting of Filmo Imagen’s activities. Yes, Robopop is done. She asks about other business documents. No, Robopop doesn’t have them, Tomas did not leave any of that stuff. Lety clenches her teeth as she asks “You mean he didn't leave you the checkbook?!”

Ariel is still at the Cannes event, where his buddy is giving him the low-down on Conceptos' current state of financial disgrace. Ariel clenches his teeth as he remarks “I knew it!” His buddy is quick to add that it’s not first hand information so it could be just bad gossip. He advises Ariel to look into it.

Tomas is enjoying the “Club de Feas” song which is playing on the car radio. Alicia calls him to make sure he has not stood her up. He says he’s on his way. A Chinese delivery guy, dressed in full Chinese garb, delivers food to Alicia and they argue about his tip.

A triumphant Fern arrives at the office. As he steps out of the elevator, he runs into Celso, who is surprised to see Fern there so late. [Speaking of being there late…. don’t they ever let Celso go home for a nap or maybe a shower or something?] Fern asks if Celso has been drinking because he smells like alcohol. Celso points out that it is actually Fern who smells like alcohol.

Fern walks to Lety’s cubby, calling happily to her from the other room. He goes in and shows her the Cannes lion. He shows it off and tells her to feel its power. He is excited not just about the award, but that many VIPs were at the event, some of which expressed interest in working with Conceptos. Soon the company will be out of debt and back on track. Lety looks bittersweet. She congratulates him and says that she is sure Conceptos will do well. No, he says, not Conceptos, but “we” [Lety and Fern] will do well. She gives him the fake documents. He flips through them. Yes, they’re perfect! He pumps his fists in the air in excitement. He thanks Lety, grabs her, hugs her and enthusiastically kisses her neck, her shoulder, her face, and finally her lips. She seems uncomfortable and pushes him away, telling him to stop. He says he knows he should control himself but he just can’t. He kisses her again. Lety again tells him to stop. Fern –“Why. Don’t you want me?” Lety – “Yes, more than you can imagine.” Fern – “So what are we waiting for?” She looks so sad that the actually notices! He asks what’s wrong. She asks him to hug her. He looks concerned and obliges with a big hug, but feeling her strong hold on him, jokes that the hug is so tight, one would think it was a goodbye hug. She agrees trying to sound more light-hearted. As Fern let’s go, he kisses her ear again. He rubs her hand and then kisses it.

Marcia arrives at her apartment, drunk and depressed, wearing a single shoe. She pauses to look at her wedding dress and veil in the living room.

Fern sees tears in Lety’s eyes and asks what’s wrong. “Here, let me hug you again” [I’m still astonished at how aware he is of her sadness; he’s been oblivious so long that I didn’t think he had it in him]. She blames it on the excitement. He hugs her as the phone rings. It’s Celso. He says her taxi has arrived. Fern - “No way, cancel the taxi. I need to be with you tonight.” Lety – “No, you need to go home and study the documents for tomorrow.” Fern – “I can’t do that, you’re the only one that understands them, you need to give the presentation.” I guess she agrees because she says she will get the copies ready for tomorrow. She tells him goodnight and grabs her purse. Fern – “No, you can’t leave until you give me one more kiss.” She objects, saying she doesn’t like to do that at the office. Even as she protests, Fern holds her face and kisses her and tells her that she enchants him. He sort of clenches his teeth, the way you would if something were so great you can barely stand it. He says that today he is a happy man again; “There is finally a light at the end of the tunnel.” Another hug. “After tomorrow, everything will be great. Plus, after tomorrow, Marcia will be out of my life for good, and the road will be wide open for you and me!” More fist pumping. Lety smiles. Though she still has tears in her eyes, she seems pleased to see him so happy.

Marcia gets herself another drink. She picks up her veil and throws it over her head. Interestingly, she has a hard time trying to get it to stay on. She plops down on her couch.

Fern – “Before you go, tell me if you love me. I need to know.” Lety, with more tears – “Yes, Mr. Fern, I’ve never stopped loving you.” Fern – “I love you more than ever, Lety.” He grabs her face again and gives her a few more quick kisses. He even goes “Mmmm Mmmm” with every kiss. [It’s so cute I’m clenching my teeth too!]

As she leaves, Fern sits in her chair and gives himself a good talking to. “Fernando Mendiola, this is serious. You’ve known for some time that you are hopelessly in love with her, but today you must recognize that never in your life have you loved the way you love Leticia Padilla Solis.” He leans back and rubs his eyes “I swear I don’t know how I fell in love with her, but, yes… more than ever….”

Lety walks into the executive lobby and looks around. Celso walks in to remind her that the cab is waiting for her. He leaves and Lety looks around some more. She flashes back to Alicia making fun of her in the rest room. Flashback of Marcia telling Lety off for slapping Fern; Lety thinks that she wishes Marcia happiness. Flashback of Omar the Imbecile doing his and mean-spirited rehashing; she thinks to herself that she forgives him [You may have, Lety, but I haven't!] Flashback of Luigi’s horrified reaction to Lety’s first “makeover”; she thinks how much fun Luigi is ["Fun" is not the word coming to mind here]. Flashback of fun and goofy times with the cuartel; she thinks that she will see them again someday. Then a longer flashback montage with lots of happy times with Fern, and then his gut-wrenching plea outside of the restaurant [End of Nov 15/Beginning of Nov 16, in case anyone wants to relive that]; she smiles and thanks Fern, and thinks how divine it has been.

Marcia is asleep on the couch with her veil and her drink still in her hand. Luigi and obnoxious Ana Leticia come in and wake her up. They want to party. She invites them to have a drink. Ana-L wants a Margarita. Luigi wants a Margarito! At least Ana-L thinks that’s funny.

Tomas arrives at Alicia’s building. Again the routine with the talcum powder and cologne gargling. He starts to get out of the car then remembers the checkbook. He goes back and forth about whether he should take it with him. He calculates the cost of each kiss from Alicia. He decides the cost is well worth it, but then remembers Lety lecturing him about not giving Alicia any money. He decides to leave the checkbook in the car.

Irma arrives at home to find her ex Rafael is still there. He is in their daughter’s room and remarks that in this house, it’s as if time never passed. She goes on to tell him all the things he missed when he abandoned them. He starts to cry and walks out of the room mumbling.

Alicia tells her dad on the phone that, finally, tonight she will get the money for her car. The doorbell rings and she says she has to go, her 500,000 pesos are calling. She opens the door and Tomas walks in like Fonzie from Happy Days. Alicia sits him down and tells him dinner is ready. She “made” her specialty, Chinese.

Irma continues with the guilt trip. She spent 30 years wondering why he left. He cries that he is going to hell. He stumbles toward the front door, but Irma says he can’t leave until he feels better, and offers him something to eat.

Luigi and Obnoxious Ana-L are still jumping around Marcia's couch. She is obviously not in the mood to party. They point out that brides-to-be are usually happy, but here she is with her sour puss. Luigi asks whether she actually thinks she will be happy after she marries. Ana-L is more direct and says that if Fern’s got another girlfriend, then Marcia should simply not marry him. [What do you know, the girl’s got a brain!] She suggests [actually, she screeches] that should they cancel the wedding ceremony, but go on with the reception/party. Luigi and Ana-L decide to take their party elsewhere and leave Marcia alone in her veil feeling sorry for herself.

Rafael says he works as a house painter, but hasn’t had work in a month. He lost his family, his house, etc. Irma points out that he didn’t lose them, he abandoned them. He wants to explain what happened. She says there's no need; she’s sure he left them for another woman.

Tomas makes small talk and Alicia rolls her eyes. She cuts to the chase and asks for the check. He stares back open-mouthed.

Ending Credits: The swimming pool scene is gone... booooo! On the other hand, we do get a replay of the Fern-and-Lety love montage … yey!


Enough already of Alicia and Tomas..What an ordeal in an attempt to pay for a Mercedes and get laid..

Much rather see Irmita dealing with a husband,who abandoned she and her children some 30 years ago than Tomas & Oxi..Let it go..Maureen

I could not pull this website up on my home computer yesterday and I panicked, but this was good for me. I was actually able to concentrate on the real world instead of my "la Fea" world which I think about constantly. At least I know there are others out there like me. Lety's Fern flashbacks last night were excruciating to watch, on top of which they had to play "Agui Estare" over them. I lost it. I realized this is the song she sang to fern when they had that gorious weeked at the resort. It seems so long ago that there were both so happy

I got weepy quite a few times last night. The flashbacks to Cuernavaca... Irma showing Rebeca's First Communion dress to Rafael... Marcia's pathetic evening... the Chinese restaurant guy getting underpaid...

But I really was hoping that Rafael would drop dead. I'm glad Irma has a storyline; I just wish it could have been something happy with a new man, rather than with this desgraciado.

Thanks so much Alma!
Although I like Irmita, I'm not realy interested in her past husband, etc. I hope they don't feature it too long.
Alicia and Tomas are the perfect pair in looks and personality! I wish he would give her the money and get it over with.
Lety's goodbyes were SO sad. I noticed she put the report in the drawer. Isn't that where the famous letter is?
Carrie L.

Yes, I can hardly watch the scenes with Alicia/Tomas the tipper stiffers. He is such a fool and she is such a jerk.

I was so ready for Lety to leave Conceptos but when she did it broke my heart. Those sweet scenes with Lety and Fernando in her office with him being so excited. Fernando couldn't wait to share this big event with Lety. Ironic that just when Fernando finally decides exactly how much he loves Lety is when she is already on her way out the door. At least he came to this conclusion before he is aware that she is leaving, so it isn't just abandonment issues. Why does it take us so long to realize something so obvious.

Lety's flashbacks and goodbyes in the Conceptos lobby also had me in tears. She is such a good person, choosing to look at her experiences in a positive light although the people concerned certainly don't deserve it. When Lety stepped into the elevator it was light around her and as she left it faded to darkness. The light has gone out at Conceptos with Lety's absence. In more ways than one.

I felt like turning the TV off after Lety left. I knew it probably wouldn't show she and Fernando again in this episode, and I wasn't in the mood to watch the other fools. I couldn't even listen during the advertisements this was so sad.


I forgot the most important thing in my previous comment. THANK YOU, ALMA. I was dying to read this post this morning and I realize what it takes for y'all to post it so quickly, especially on a week night. You didn't post until almost one this morning so that is a lot of work. Many thanks.

Also, to the person who bought a VCR just to tape La Fea, I was planning on doing that but thought I was the only crazy one. It was funny when I read that. I am TOTALLY ADDICTED to ARGENTINE TANGO, my previous addiction, but even tango doesn't get in the way of La Fea. I have been missing tango classes for weeks now.



Ohhhhh Damn you LFMB...I have said I will not cry until...the Fat Lady almost had me last nite at Lety's exit..thank god I made it thru...Don't be bringing me that close to the edge again. Although if I have to watch Tomas gargle w/old spice one more time...I may just go over the edge

This episode was powerful, primarily because of Lety's farewell to Conceptos. What a gal! She can forgive things other people would never dream of forgiving. I was so glad that a) the captions finally work (hooray, Cox Cable!), and b) the DVR worked for the first time (well, I finally figured out how the rascal works). I would have missed the power of it if those two things hadn't worked. Couldn't have happened at a better time. I'm not sure I can face the board meeting, though.

Recappers, again, muchas gracias, Vielen Dank, and mahalo nui loa (lots of thanks in all the languages I can think of) for doing this and doing it so swiftly after the episodes. Jeanne

Very nice recap - I don't get to watch this show hardly at all any more, I even can't watch my own show Heridas more than the day I recap, but you all do this so well that I don't feel like I've missed anything. I'm really really glad something of importance is finally happening, even if they take days and days to show it.

Another person here who bought a recording device for La Fea! My VCR broke years ago and I bought a DVD recorder, which has been less than ideal, but mostly workable. I have a bad feeling about last night's episode, though, when I switched over to Univision as the recording finished up, the channel was dark. I am going to try to catch up this weekend--so glad to have the recaps to keep me going.

Also, I for one, am curious to hear Rafael's reason (excuses) for leaving his family. Probably a cliche, but maybe some interesting telenovela twist. Then he can go.

I too was wiping away threatening tears during the flashback scene - especially the cuernavaca part and when he's so distraught outside the restaurant. I'm very happy though, that Irmita is NOT giving her ex a pass! when she drilled him about not being there for their daughters communion, or anything ELSE important I thought - yeah, Irmita's giving it to him good. Don't worry folks, I'm sure she won't let him slither his way back into her affections!

I almost lost it during the final scenes with Letty and Fern last night, so much so I couldn't sleep thinking about what will/might happen next. I'm disappointed that Letty appears to be just planning to not show up at Conceptos in the morning of the big meeting leaving Fern just twisting in the wind. I had hoped she would at least leave him a note saying good bye and telling him why by giving him the damn letter so he would understand how hurt she is. By just disappering she is going to rip his guts out and he is likely to revert to his old skirt chasing ways (typical behavior of twarted protagonists in novelas).

As for Oxi and Tomas ENOUGH already. They are neither funny or interesting as they are total one notes. Irmita and her ex - ditto just more filler to stretch our patience.

One thing did cross my mind after that scene with snaky Ariel and his friend. He may very well challenge the figures in the report and both Fern and Letty could end up in jail for fraud.

Exxxcruiiiating! Seeing the trailing for tonight's show I knowing we have more of tommie boy and oxi to deal with is just painful. Probably more of Irmita's story, too. Sigh. I just want the big meeting.

I was so sad seeing Lety leave. She does take the light with her.

I felt sorry for Marcia last night. She looked so forloan and pitiful. She's a good lesson about how holding on to somebody who doesn't want you can make you wretched. Boy, have I been there. I should save her scene last night to remind me to never do that again. Sniff.

I was so upset when Lety walked out of Conceptos and it was only 1/2 hour into the show. At first I thought we'd get the passing of night into day and finally get to the big meeting. Was I ever disappointed---more of Irmita's ex and more of Thomas gargling aftershave. I would think that he could have invested in some mouthwash by this point.

What I wanted was MORE, MORE, MORE scenes with Fern and Lety. We've had both of them admit their love for each other, now lets give them a little more time together. Their scenes together were wonderful and I repeat I want more!!

Although, the scenes were bittersweet because with Lety leaving Conceptos, I know it is going to be a long time before we see them kiss again. So they should have given us more to hold us over the up coming dry spell (can you tell that I wanted more?).

Thanks Alma.
I'm with you Beckster, can't that idiot afford a box of tic tacs?
This episode ran the gamut of emotions. I cracked up when Tomas was blasting the La Fea theme from the car; I was angry when that cry baby Rafael was trying to play on Irma's sympathies; and I cried like a baby during the goodbye. Bittersweet is a perfect description of Lety's look when the ecstatic Fern came in. Even tho he's hurt her so much, she loves him so much that his happiness becomes her happiness at least for a few minutes. Does anyone else think he's going to find out that she knew about the letter at the meeting or do you think that's way later?

I have to look away when Tomas gargles the cologne. Just thinking about it makes me gag. :(

Well it looks like Tomas is finally going to get lucky. But I really don't want to see that. I want to see more of Lety & Fern.
Does anyone know if Fern & Marcia really do get married? I wish that Fernando would find out that Lety read that letter. Those two belong together. They love each other. Well, I guess we will have to wait until next week for the big meeting. I'm sure that they will drag out Tomas,Alicia & irma & Rafael stories tonight.
Thanks again recappers. Great job.

I was wanting more between Lety and Fernando to hold us over, too. It's going to be a long dry spell. I'm also wondering when Fernando will find out about the letter. It's going to be a sad day when he realizes Lety is not there for the big meeting. Did she clear her office out of her personal belongings? I didn't notice.


I don't think she did and what is going to happen with that big garbage bag where she put all the cards and stuff. That should also break Fern's heart to know she left all the things behind.

Lety has every intention of being at the Big Meeting... then leaving immediately afterwards. This is no secret to us - she's shared this plan with Tomas and Carolina. She said her private goodbyes to the office last night because it'll presumably be very busy there (and full of people) when she leaves for real. (Perhaps she'll yell "so long, suckers!" on her way out.)

She didn't pack up her things yet because she doesn't want Fern to know she's quitting until it's time for her to leave. I'm sure she must be afraid that he'd try to talk her out of it.

Let's hope that she does take a moment to pack up all of her precious Moty collectibles, though. How insulting it would be to Fern if she took home her Moty mug but left all of his cards and gifts behind. ;-)

Loves the flashbacks, and all the L/F scenes last night. F was so excited and couldn't wait to share it with her. Bittersweet agony!

Well, it does seem like Lety left for good last night, I think it was good time for her to say good-bye (closure). But, I think she will be back in the morning, she has to hand over the balences for FI and the car. Unless she sends Tomas...

I've been waiting for the scenes about the letter for weeks and weeks. Since she discovered it. I can't bear it if she leaves without a confrontation first.

Fern almost has me convinced that he's going to break off the wedding. But, when Lety leaves, he'll be devastated...

I wonder what RoboPop will say when Lety takes off with Caro...


Lola, I am not sure I would call Tomas "lucky" if he gets what he wants from Alicia......


Jeanne (opening the LFMB soundtrack CD that arrived today)

True. She could give him a disease. Or a baby. ;-)

ROTFL...and those were two possibilities that hadn't even occurred to me. I was just thinking he might get smothered.


It takes a minute or two to die of suffocation, I think. Tomas might be done by then. ;-)

When Alicia was shoving her boobs at Tomas last night I thought aloud to myself that I wish she would stop "boobifying" him.

"Boobify" ??!

That word is SO going to show up in tonight's recap. Oh yes. Yes it will. Thank you for expanding my vocabulary. :-)

I guess if one acts enough like a booby, he could be boobified easily enough.

Jeanne (long Friday editing a student handbook--recaps are my break)

I coined "boobifying" last night. Honestly, that's what was going on in the scene. Glad you liked it, Julie. You're all so creative and funny, so I appreciate the compliment of it being thought good.

The boobs get a lot of action in this show. I was kind of surprise that Sara was breast-butting Lopez the other night. What gives?


Yes, Sara butting Lopez was creepier than Lopez himself, IMO. (shiver) The writers must have some warped moments. Jeanne

Don't you mean "Sara BOOBING Lopez"?


Hi, Julie. I was thinking that a good definition of boobify would be:

boobify: using breasts as a hynotisizing device when seducing males.


I cried last night at Lety's goodbye scene to Fern & to Conceptos..Tonight may be another tear jerker if the big meeting takes place..Maybe it has to get worse before it gets better..Look for our Lety to rise again and in more command than ever..Gotta believe no wedding for Fern & Marcia,but Marcia seems to be hanging on by her fingernails to this bogus wedding and to an imaginary love that doesn't exist..If she wasn't such a bitch and so mean to Lety at times,I may have a little compassion for her..No,change my mind..

I feel only a little sorry for Marcia, but I honestly think she and Omar are perfect for each other.


Jeanne (I'll never get done with the student handbook edits if I don't FOCUS)

I thought the same thing, especially when they were in Germany. Wonder what she'd think if she knew he picked out the ring...


Genau! (Exactly, in German). She would be shocked (is that impactado, recappers?) and perhaps begin seeing Omar in a different light.


I sometimes wonder whether all Latin actresses get boob jobs unless they already happen to have large boobs? I mean ALL of them wear these super low-cut items showing maximum cleavage on most of the shows. Though there is plenty of this among American actresses, it is not to this extent.

BTW, I think Ana-Leticia looks so similar to Fernando's mother that maybe they are related in real life--I cannot get over the similarity!

A fantastic recap for a fantastically emotional ep. Irregardless of the boobification of Tomas by Alicia (love it, love it!), I'm enjoying the gradual maturing, emotionally, of the show and the core characters. Others have said it more eloquently than I can, so I won't rehash except to say that as much as I have been wanting - desperately, ridiculously wanting - Fern & Lety to have another night together, their mutual realization of how much they love each other - him with awe & joy, her with resignation - and their reactions to it was truly moving. And when she asked him to just hold her...oh, Lordy, someone hand me a kleenex!

Hey Stacey,

Great Definition of Boobify. How would you conjugate that in Spanish?
Boobifo, Boobifon, Boofibomous??

Thanks for the recaps and Laughs,

It seems our favorite telenovela has become about a money grubbing Oxi and Tomas,the nerd with the Staying Alive" hairdo..I had to close my eyes last night when the infamous love scene was taking place between those characters..I believe we call that a one night stand..Goes to show how fast a man can bail when money is mentioned.Oxi has kept the bed warm for every man @ Conceptos, except Fernando..There was the false pregnancy trying to trap Ariel & Omar..There's seems to be no depth Oxi won't stoop to..She's a pathetic character. Because of her kindness, I believe Lety will forgive all the insults in the end..Maureen

The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 161 & 162 is at this link.

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